Quiz-Group 5
Quiz-Group 5
Quiz-Group 5
2. What specific drug is given to build mature RBC during pregnancy and it prevents neural tube
defects to the fetus?
a. Iron c. Vitamin D
b. Folic Acid d. Calcium
3. What type of breastmilk is secreted between the 1st and 2nd week that contains fat and sugar
content that starts to increase?
a. Transitional milk c. Mature Milk
b. Colostrum d. Latent Milk
5. What stages of labor begins with complete cervical dilatation and ends with the delivery of the
a. First Stage c.Third Stage
b. Second Stage d.Fourth Stage
6. What are the laboratory procedures carried our for the patient of G-5 throughout the admission?
a. RAT, CBC, HBsAg,Ua,EFHRM c. RAT, CBC, UA, Blood Typing, EFHRM
b. EFHRM, RAT, CBC, UA d. RAT, CBC, UA, Blood Typing, EFHRM, HBsAg
7. What specific drug is given for pain relief and shortening of labor?
a. Buscopan ( Hyoscine butyl-N-Bromide)
b. Tramadol
c. Ampicillin
d. Ketorolac
8. What signs of pregnacy are objective and can be seen primarily by the health care provider?
A. Probable Signs c. Presumptive Signs
b. Positive Signs d.Both A & C
9. What type of breast milk is secreted in the first week and it’s rich in protein and antibodies?
a. Transitional milk c. Mature Milk
b. Colostrum d. Latent Milk
11. What type of C-section happens when the delivery must occur urgently to make both the baby
and mother are safe?
a. Planned C- section c. Emergency C-section
c. Unscheduled C- section d.Scheduled C-section
14. What type of deceleration wherein there is a gradual decrease I fetal heart rate after uterine
a. Early Deceleration c. Late Deceleration
b. Variable Deceleration d.Active Deceleration