Padmaker-Midi: The Basic Steps To Making A Pad
Padmaker-Midi: The Basic Steps To Making A Pad
Padmaker-Midi: The Basic Steps To Making A Pad
upon the patterns from one or more midi or pad files. PadMaker-Midi supports PSR 450, 550, 740, 1000,
1100, 1500, 2000, 2100, 3000, 9000, S670, S900,
With it you can: S910, S950, S970, S700, S710, S750, S770, Tyros
1, Tyros 2, Tyros 3, Tyros 4 and Tyros 5. For other
♦ Create a pad by selecting an area of a midi or instruments: Select a model that is close to yours
multipad using the mouse and on-screen options. No (e.g. Tyros 2 for CVP-309). See Appendix for
typing is required. instructions on making a file for your instrument.
Click the Data Execution Prevention tab, and then One user has reported that switching from Windows
click Turn on DEP for all programs and services Aero mode to Windows Classic fixes the problem with
except those I select. no other adjustments. Another user reports switching
"Window Color and Appearance" from "Windows
To turn off DEP for an individual program, select the Vista Basis" to "Windows Classic" is all that is
check box next to the program that you want to turn needed.
off DEP for, and then click OK. If the program is not
in the list, click Add. Browse to See also:
the Program Files folder, find the
If you set the DPI higher than 96, and you are running
executable file for the program (it
Windows Aero (the premium visual experience of
will have an .exe file name
Windows Vista), the text and other items on the
extension), and then click Open.
screen might appear blurry in some programs that are
Click OK, click OK in the System
not designed for high–DPI display in this version of
Properties dialog box if it
Windows. You can avoid this issue by using
appears, and then click OK
Windows XP–style DPI scaling for these programs.
again. You might need to restart
your computer for the changes
to take effect.
When I play a song, I do not hear any sound. Some programs display better using Windows XP
style of DPI scaling.
Check that your instrument is turned on.
Make sure you are connected via midi/USB, and Open Personalization by clicking the Start button ,
that the driver is identified in Setup. clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and
Personalization, and then clicking Personalization.
I cannot save files using Windows 7.
In the left pane, click Adjust font size (DPI). If you
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\ Program are prompted for an administrator password or
Files (x86)\PadMaker folder and mark PadMaker.exe confirmation, type the password or provide
file to run as an administrator: confirmation.
1. Right click the program and select
Properties. In the DPI Scaling dialog box, click Custom DPI.
2. Under the compatibility tab, select Run this
program as an administrator. Select the Use Windows XP style DPI scaling check
3. Click Apply and OK. box, and then click OK.
B. Using PadMaker-Midi with Other Instruments
The files are in the install directory with the file name
Instrument.dat (e.g. PSR-1000.dat). Small changes
can be made in Word, Word Pad or Notepad. You do
not have to change the extension to open the files in
these programs. When you save the file, make sure
that it is saved as file type txt, with the name
unchanged, to the install directory.
Joe Hlifka [] has taken a great Auditioning Newly Created Multi Pads in
interest in making pads from midis and other pads. He PadMaker-Midi
has kindly allowed his personal notes to be Connecting your keyboard to the computer as
reproduced here as an aid to other users. described in the PadMaker-Midi manual will enable
you to access all Voices available in your keyboard.
Getting Started
NOTE: Pads may sound slightly different when loaded
into the keyboard and played with a style. Volume and
Things to consider before attempting to edit or create
pan settings may need some final tweaking using
new Multi Pad files:
Multi Pad Creator. Pads will use the effects
Mix and Match Pads on the Keyboard processors assigned to the style currently selected on
the keyboard. When creating or editing a Multi Pad
An undocumented feature of the PSR and Tyros
that will be used with a specific style, load that style in
keyboards is the ability to play individual pads from
the keyboard before editing pads. This should
two or more Multi Pad files at the same time. When
produce the best results and truest rendering of how
loading a new Multi Pad while one is currently playing
the pads will sound when loaded into the keyboard
and then pressing any of the 4 pad buttons, the pad
and played with a specific style.
from the newly loaded Multi Pad will play along with
the previously loaded pad(s). Additional buttons
Categories of Multi Pad Files
pressed will result in a new pad replacing the pad that
You may want to create four pads that are compatible
is currently playing.
and are playable together, or you may want to create
four variations of a bass line, guitar strum, chord
This technique is useful for developing an ear for how
pattern, arpeggio, phrase, drum pattern, etc. Once
various percussion and musical phrases will sound
useable pads are created and saved, you can mix
when played together and can help improve over-all
and match individual pads to create variants or similar
pad-making skills when creating new pads using
Multi Pads to use with different styles of the same
PadMaker-Midi. You can copy and paste individual
genre of music.
pads from one Multi Pad file to another on the
keyboard, but PadMaker-Midi accomplishes this task
It might be worthwhile to establish a method for
much easier and faster and allows editing of many
naming and organizing pads that will make it easy to
parameters at the same in a single operation.
find specific files as your Multi Pad library grows in
Making Pads from a MIDI Song File size.
It is very helpful to play MIDI song files on a
Naming Pads
sequencer before attempting to create new pads.
Pads names are copied to the Pad Name field when a
Make a note of which MIDI channels and which
Clip is copied to a button. If you wish to rename all
measures for each channel will be used to make new
four pads to match the Multi Pad file name, you can
pads. It will be much easier locating the musical
use a short-cut method as follows: Delete all pad
phrases you want to use when the song file is loaded
names. Then type in the new name in the Pad 1
into PadMaker-Midi.
Name field, [Pad Name 1]. Using the Windows
Recording Original Pad Loops Clipboard, right-click to copy and paste to the other
three pad-name fields. Then edit the number “1” in
An alternative method to recording pads using Multi
each field to match pad-button numbers - “2”, “3” and
Pad Creator is to record original pad loops and
phrases played from the keyboard to the on-board
sequencer or to an external sequencer. Once one or
more musical phrases have been recorded, they can
be quantized or edited before saving them as a
Multi Pad File Name Conventions:
Standard MIDI File. The loops/phrases can now be
● Name a Multi Pad file to match a specific style (if it
loaded into PadMaker-Midi and edited in the same
will be used only with a specific preset or custom
manner as any MIDI song file.
NOTE: When making pads from MIDI song files,
● Name a Multi Pad file by genre (IE; Ballad, Dance,
PadMaker-Midi will remove unused note-data when a
Techno, Rock, Pop, Classical, Country, Jazz, etc).
new Multi Pad file is saved to disk. It is a good
practice is to copy Clips to the buttons and save the
● Name a Multi Pad file by musical application (IE;
file right away before further editing. When the file is
Rhythm, Bass, Chord, Pad, Phrase, Arpeggio, etc).
loaded back into PadMaker-Midi, only the chosen Clip
area for each channel will be present. You can now
Individual Pad Name Conventions: increasing the velocity value. Some Panel Voices
● Name a pad to match the instrument sound such as Electric Pianos will sound differently played at
assigned to the pad. lower velocities than when played at higher velocity
values. Careful editing of note velocities may allow
●Name a pad using the default method, (IE; Multi Pad use of Mega Voices for special effects and dynamic
file name 1, Multi Pad file name 2, Multi Pad file name sounding pads. (See Data List for Mega Voice
3, Multi Pad file name 4. velocity settings)
Pad Icons
Preset pads and custom pads with assigned icons will
be copied to the Pad Icon field when a Clip is copied
to a pad button. For new pads or when changing
Voices on a pad, you can assign a new icon from the
list below.
PadMaker-Midi is one of several programs in the
StyleManager Series that is intended to give users the
ability to work around common annoyances,
overcome operating discrepancies between
instruments, or facilitate the management of PSR