Padmaker-Midi: The Basic Steps To Making A Pad

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The basic steps to making a pad:

Overview 1) Open a midi, and then select a pattern defined by a
midi channel, start time and clip length.
PadMaker-Midi is a tool for creating a Multipad based
2) Audition your selection.
3) Edit the voice and effect settings, if desired.
4) Copy the selection to a pad location.
5) Repeat for the other three pads patterns. If desired,
select a different midi to use for each.
6) Save the pad.

First Time Setup

 Select your midi driver
If you have your instrument
connected via Midi or USB to the
PC, you can play your pattern selection from the
program. Turn on your instrument, and select your
midi connection in the Midi Device box.

 Select your instrument

upon the patterns from one or more midi or pad files. PadMaker-Midi supports PSR 450, 550, 740, 1000,
1100, 1500, 2000, 2100, 3000, 9000, S670, S900,
With it you can: S910, S950, S970, S700, S710, S750, S770, Tyros
1, Tyros 2, Tyros 3, Tyros 4 and Tyros 5. For other
♦ Create a pad by selecting an area of a midi or instruments: Select a model that is close to yours
multipad using the mouse and on-screen options. No (e.g. Tyros 2 for CVP-309). See Appendix for
typing is required. instructions on making a file for your instrument.

♦ Edit an existing pad by replacing one or more Creating a Pad

sections from other pads or sections of midis.
 Open a file
♦ Audition the pattern selected on the PC or PSR. Open a midi by clicking the Open Midi toolbar
button and selecting a file. Any midi or multipad
♦ Edit the Voice, Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, may be used. Note that midi loop files differ from
Tempo and Brightness, Chord Follow and Repeat midi song files in that they often have a pattern
parameters for each pad. Editing tools are provided built around one chord. This makes then easier
for transposing each pad based upon the notes used to use when making Chord Follow = Yes multipads.
in the pattern. Remember that Tyros and later instruments often
employ megavoices that do not sound properly in
♦ Access instrument voice support for PSR 450, 550, prior products. Use the program MidiPlayer to convert
740, 1000, 1100, 1500, 2000, 2100, 3000, 9000, such styles to standard voices before using them with
S670, S900, S910, S950, S970, S700, S710, S750, PadMaker-Midi. Tyros 3 and instruments using the
S770, Tyros 1, Tyros 2, Tyros 3, Tyros 4 and Tyros SFF2/ GE StyleFile Format have some guitar pattern
5. playing modes that are not available in earlier
instruments and con not be used.
♦ Include user-editable text into the pad’s copyright
field for acknowledging authorship, providing web
links, etc.  Select a midi channel and loop settings
When a midi is opened, only channels with available
Note: Recent features are described in Appendix note data are displayed.
G. Click a channel to select it. This will create a display
that indicates the position, and duration along with
the default start and length settings.
in the incorrect octave may be corrected by
transposing the all or part of the clip using the
Transpose Notes control.
Raise or lower either All or Selected notes by either
octaves or semi tones and the value entered in the #
box. The Up-Down selector can also be used to
change the value. Click Change to enter your edits.

Note that the display is in measure:beat format. The

Note: Tyros2 and later instruments can use specially
numbers and blue “ticks” represent the start of a
encoded guitar parts. These may be encountered in
measure (e.g., 1:1, 2:1, etc) while smaller ”ticks”
some factory styles and pads. These patterns do not
correspond to the later beats (1:2, 1:3,1:4).
follow the C E G B rule above and must use special
notes and Chord Follow codes to play properly. See
The clip area that will reproduce with Play, and will Appendix F.
be used to make the pad, is defined by the red bars
Fixed patterns (Chord Follow=No) can use any note
and the Clip Start and Clip Length settings. If the
file has many measures, click on the Zoom On
button to expand the display. To modify velocities ( (i.e. how ‘hard’ a note is ‘struck’)
or the length (in beats) of All or Selected notes, use
the Change Velocity or Change length control.
Select either Value or Percent (100= no change, 50=
½ , 200= 2X) and enter the setting in the # box. The
Up-Down selector can be used to change the value.
Click Change to enter the edit.
Selecting the midi clip is an important step in making
Click the Undo to reverse the last editing action.
a pad. Use the Up-Down arrows in Clip Start to select
where the clip will begin, and
Clip Length to select its duration.  Edit the voice settings
Alternatively, click in either box
to enter a value directly. Voice:
The top box displays the voice currently specified in
In the instrument, pads can be any length, but the pattern. If the Voice is supported in your
reproduce in units of one measure. If you select a clip instrument, the name is shown along with the Bank
in 4/4 time that is 2 ½ measures long (e.g. from 1 to Select and Program Change numbers. If the Voice
3:2), when played, there will be two beats of silence at assigned to the preset pad is not supported by your
the end of the pad. PadMaker-Midi selects clips with instrument, only the MSB, LSB & Program Change
full measure lengths to help avoid this effect. will be displayed.
Important: PadMaker follows the midi (zero based)
The "Clip Length" parameter defaults to a value of standard and most PC programs for program
"1" when a pad file or midi file is loaded. Note: It is change numbers. The number displayed will be
important to set the Clip Length to match the loop one less than the value in the Data Manual or
length of a preset pad before copying it to a displayed on the PSR screen.
button, otherwise only the first measure of the loop Click the arrow in the bottom box
will be saved. to select a replacement. The
choices that are presented depend
To see the actual data that is in the pattern, upon the voice type specified by
and has been selected by the clip, click the the button below the replacement
Note Data View button. voice display and include Panel,
XG (includes GM), SART, Mega,
and GM2. If your instrument does not include such a
The current clip is shown and controls at the type, then it will not be displayed.
bottom of the screen provide editing
functions. (Other clip editing is discussed in
Appendix E) The voices displayed are ordered by their midi
program change number. This groups all the guitars
together, etc.
If there are just a few rogue notes, first click
on an event to play it and select it, then
use the Change Note control to select a To locate a voice by name, click the
replacement, or use Del(ete) to remove the Find button.
Patterns that are not in the key of CMaj7 or
The results of the search are automatically placed in  Playing the Clip
the replacement box. Click the Play button at any time
during pattern selection or editing to play the pattern
Volume, Reverb, Chorus, Pan and Brightness: on the selected midi device. To terminate play at any
time, depress the Stop button. To halt the play
temporarily, press Pause. To restart paused play,
depress Pause again. To halt Play, press Stop.
For the best reproduction, it is best to play the pad on
the PSR by selecting your midi device.
Note: Rhythm and Sub Rhythm parts always audition
using drum voices, but will reproduce as the selected
instrument when the pad is loaded. Likewise, patterns
The current pattern’s settings are displayed in the edit employing the special guitar encoding will only sound
controls and may be adjusted to suit. properly when used on the instrument.
Note that these settings are recorded with each pad.
While they can be different, this may not always be
 Edit the pad settings
the effect desired if pads are played together or in
sequence. Tempo
Some users may want to use multiple Pan or The value displayed, before your editing, is
Brightness settings that exist in the source file in first tempo obtained from in the opened midi.
place of a single setting made by the program’s Consider using it as an aid in choosing an
controls. If so, check the Use Existing Pan/Brightness appropriate pattern. Regardless of this setting,
Events in the Properties window. the pattern will only reproduce at the tempo setting of
the instrument.

Volume: Pad volumes range from 30 to 85, with 40-70

being typical. It depends upon the instrument, the Repeat and Chord Follow
velocity used in recording and the complexity of the
pattern. If there is no volume setting in the file, 70 is The Repeat setting determines if the
used as the default patterns plays once and stops (No), or
If several pads are to be used in the same continues until the accompaniment or pad is
performance, it may be desirable to set the volume stopped (Yes).
value to achieve a similar audio volume (best This setting determines if the pattern’s notes
determined by auditioning). change depending upon the root key of the
chord played on the PSR. As indicated
Reverb/Chorus/Brightness: The initial settings are earlier, chord follow should be limited to the
those used in the midi for the instrument selected. If notes of C, D, E, G, A, B to reproduce in a
the instrument is changed to a different type, these predicable manner.
may no longer be appropriate. If enabled in
Properties, all brightness and/or pad events will be Follow Chords=No will play the pattern without
available. translation in the instrument and any notes may be
If there is no Brightness setting in the file, then used.
PadMaker-Midi assumes a value =64. You may want
to verify that this is a reasonable value for this Normally drum and sound effect tracks should be set
instrument. to Follow Off unless you want the drum instruments
to change pitch with different chords.
Pan: The pan setting determines the
position of the voice in the stereo field If a multipad is used as a source for a pad part, the
with 0= hard left, 64= center and 127 = program will initially select the follow and repeat
hard right. settings that were used in the source file.
Note: There are some conventions that
are used by the recording industry and Tyros2 and later instruments can use Yes Code
experienced midi song programmers. values from 1-5 for normal patterns and 6-8 for
These reflect the common positioning of specially encoded guitar parts found in factory styles
band members. and pads (see Appendix F). Earlier instruments only
The Appendix of this manual includes a use the Yes Code 1.
table of these settings.
 Copying to a pad location position or harmonic content and is common in
modern dance music. To enable, check the Use
A pad can be assigned, or reassigned, Existing Pan/Brightness Events in the Properties
to any one of the four pad locations. These window.
correspond to the numbered pad buttons on your
PSR. MultiPad- Midi’s Author Text will be included in
Copyright and text fields of the midi file and contain
The source of the pad and the any information that you might want to communicate
settings used are reproduced in the such as author, instrument, date, copyright, email or
pad display. These are included for web site address.
reference in the pad file in a midi text

Each of the four pads can have a

name and an icon that displays on the
instrument. If the source is a pad and
it has a name, the existing name and
icon are displaced below the settings
box. If there is none, a default is displayed.

You can edit the name to suit yourself. The Icon

assignment should be one of the 1000+ that exist on
the instrument. MidiPlayer’s Icon View can be used to
display the icons and identify the icon’s code.

 Playing the pads together

The PlayAll button at the bottom of the

New Pad box allows playing all the pads together.
This is useful for balancing the volumes or seeing  Saving a pad
how they will sound when all played together on the
instrument. To save a completed pad with 1 to 4 patterns, click
the Save Pad toolbar button, select a filename and
If you want to repeat the Play All, change the Repeat click Save. You do not have to add an extension as
option by depressing the Properties button. PadMaker-Midi does this automatically. Note: It has
been reported on systems using non-ASCII fonts that
 Clearing a New Pad accent characters in a file path will result in a saved
file not being visible after saving. If you encounter
Normally, the New Pad is cleared by saving this, please try saving to a folder with no accents in
the pad. To remove all pads from the New Pad the path, e.g. C:\.
without saving, click the Clear New Pad toolbar

 Properties

Edit Stored Properties

Click on the Properties/Stored Properties menu item

or the Stored Properties toolbar button. These
settings are saved between sessions and are used to
customize the program’s operation and Author’s Text
that will be imbedded in the saved file.

Loop Play Clip – This setting controls the automatic

looping of a Play Clip, and may be convenient for
voice editing.

Use Events form Source File - Some users may

want to use multiple Pan or Brightness settings that
exist in the source file in place of a single setting
made by the program’s controls. These controller
events are used to create a sound that moves in
Vista does not support changing the default midi
Appendix device.
 A. Troubleshooting The solution is to install MidiMap. Click on www.pp- , and it will
A problem caused the program to stop working prompt to install - just save to your desktop. Once on
correctly. Windows will close the program… or the desktop, unzip the file. When you want to select a
any other window warning. midi device, just double click on the unzipped file and
a selection box will appear.
Run the program as Administrator.
There does not seem to be enough room in the
A. In Windows 7, right click on the desktop icon and toolbar for the display.
select Properties/ Shortcut tab. Then depress the
Advanced button and check the Run as Administrator. Your computer may be set to use a larger-than-
normal font.
B. If this is unsuccessful, try: Start/ControlPanel.
For XP: Right click an empty area of the Desktop and
Select System and Security. Select the System Topic.
select Properties/Appearance. Check Font size and
Click Advanced system settings. If you're prompted
change it to Normal.
for an administrator password or confirmation, type
the password or provide confirmation. Under
For Vista: There are two font settings: size and DPI. It
Performance, click Settings.
is not clear which setting(s) cause this problem.

Click the Data Execution Prevention tab, and then One user has reported that switching from Windows
click Turn on DEP for all programs and services Aero mode to Windows Classic fixes the problem with
except those I select. no other adjustments. Another user reports switching
"Window Color and Appearance" from "Windows
To turn off DEP for an individual program, select the Vista Basis" to "Windows Classic" is all that is
check box next to the program that you want to turn needed.
off DEP for, and then click OK. If the program is not
in the list, click Add. Browse to See also:
the Program Files folder, find the
If you set the DPI higher than 96, and you are running
executable file for the program (it
Windows Aero (the premium visual experience of
will have an .exe file name
Windows Vista), the text and other items on the
extension), and then click Open.
screen might appear blurry in some programs that are
Click OK, click OK in the System
not designed for high–DPI display in this version of
Properties dialog box if it
Windows. You can avoid this issue by using
appears, and then click OK
Windows XP–style DPI scaling for these programs.
again. You might need to restart
your computer for the changes
to take effect.

When finished click Apply and Ok.

When I play a song, I do not hear any sound. Some programs display better using Windows XP
style of DPI scaling.
 Check that your instrument is turned on.
 Make sure you are connected via midi/USB, and Open Personalization by clicking the Start button ,
that the driver is identified in Setup. clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and
Personalization, and then clicking Personalization.
 I cannot save files using Windows 7.
In the left pane, click Adjust font size (DPI). If you
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\ Program are prompted for an administrator password or
Files (x86)\PadMaker folder and mark PadMaker.exe confirmation, type the password or provide
file to run as an administrator: confirmation.
1. Right click the program and select
Properties. In the DPI Scaling dialog box, click Custom DPI.
2. Under the compatibility tab, select Run this
program as an administrator. Select the Use Windows XP style DPI scaling check
3. Click Apply and OK. box, and then click OK.
 B. Using PadMaker-Midi with Other Instruments

PadMaker-Midi can be used with other modern PSRs

and CVPs, with some limitations:

Select a Model that is close to yours (e.g. Tyros 2 for

CVP-309). Be aware that the voice listing will not
correspond exactly to your instrument.

If desired, you can customize one of the voices lists

supplied with PadMaker-Midi so it matches your
instrument or your needs (e.g., you could remove the
XG voices if you never use them).

The files are in the install directory with the file name
Instrument.dat (e.g. PSR-1000.dat). Small changes
can be made in Word, Word Pad or Notepad. You do
not have to change the extension to open the files in
these programs. When you save the file, make sure
that it is saved as file type txt, with the name
unchanged, to the install directory.

It is recommended that you start with a file that is

similar to that of your instrument. Once edited, just
use the name of the instrument to access your file
(e.g. if you edit the PSR-740 for the PSR-730, leave
the name as PSR-740.dat and select the 740 in the
Instrument box.

The elements in the file have the format: voice name,

a semicolon (;) followed by the “Msb Lsb Program#”
as a 9-digit text string and a carriage return/line feed.
Note that numbers such as 16 always have leading
“0s” (e.g. 000016002 is Msb=0,Lsb=16,PC=2). Be
sure that there are not any extra line feeds or carriage
returns (no blank lines) and that there are no
duplicate entries. These errors will prevent the file
from loading properly.

The file can be in any order, but most users prefer to

group all the pianos together, etc. The easiest way to
do this is to organize the list by ascending program

 C. Configuring Windows for Files

Periodically users report problems trying to access,

view, rename or save style/midi/voice files. To
eliminate these problems, please go to Windows
Explorer/ Tools/Folder Options/View Tab and confirm
the following settings:

`Hide extensions for known file types' is unchecked.

‘Display the content of system folders’ is checked.
‘Show hidden files and folders’ is checked.
 D. Common Pan Settings Orchestra Hit 64
Trumpet 74
Aco.Grand Piano 64 Trombone 48
Bright Aco.Piano 64 Tuba 72
Elec.Grand Piano 64 Muted Trumpet 64
HonkTonk Piano 75 French Horn 64
Electric Piano 1 80 Brass Section 58
EIectric Piano 2 75 Synth Brass 1 74
Harpsichord 60 Synth Brass 2 74
Clavi 64 Soprano Sax 64
ChromPerc Celesta 64 Alto Sax 64
Glockenspiel 122 Tenor Sax 56
Music Box 64 Baritone Sax 96
Vibraphone 86 Oboe 64
Marimba 64 English Horn 64
Xylophone 64 Bassoon 64
Tubular Bells 25 Clarinet 32
Dulcimer 64 Picoolo 64
Drawbar Organ 92 Flute 96
Percussive Organ 30 Recorder 74
Rock Organ 72 Pan Flute 75
Church Organ 64 Blown Bottle 76
Reed Organ 64 Shakuhachi 77
Accordion 82 Whistle 78
Harmonica 64 Ocarina 79
Tango Accordion 72 Square Lead 64
Nylon Guitar 32 Sawtooth Lead 64
Steel Guitar 96 Calliope Lead 64
Jazz Guitar 31 Chiff Lead 64
Clean Guitar 48 Charang Lead 64
Muted Guitar 96 Voice Lead 64
OverdhvenGuitar 72 Fifths Lead 64
DistortionGuitar 30 Bass & Lead 64
Guitar Harnionics 64 New Age Pad 64
Acoustic bass 64 Warm Pad 64
Finger Bass 64 Poly Synth Pad 64
Pick Bass 64 Choir Pad 64
Fretless Bass 64 Bowed Pad 64
Slap Bass 1 64 Metallic Pad 64
Slap Bass 2 64 Halo Pad 64
Synth Bass1 64 Sweep Pad 64
Synth Bass 2 64 Rain 64
Violin 55 Sound Track 64
Viola 50 Crystal 14
Cello 70 Atmosphere 64
Contrabass 64 Brightness 64
Tremolo Strings 64 Goblins 101
PizzicatoStrinqs 72 Echoes 64
Orchestral Harp 40 Sci-Fi 64
Timpani 20 Sitar 64
StringEnsemblel 64 Banjo 64
StringEnsemble2 64 Shamisen 64
Synth Strings 1 64 Kato 64
Synth Strings 2 64
Choir Aahs 32
Voice Oohs 32
Synth Voice 64
Kalimba 64 can use PadMaker-Midi to open some
Bagpipe 64 existing pads and view their contents).
Fiddle 54
Shanai 64 3. The midi pattern is a guitar fingering track,
not a note pattern.
Tinkle Bell 112
Agogo 64
From the T2 on, some styles and pads use a
Steel Drums 50 new method of reproducing a guitar part.
Woodblock 64 Instead of the notes, the pattern represents
Taiko Drum 64 the guitar strings and special processing
Melodic Tom 64 converts these to a strum or arpeggio. You
Synth Drum 64 can easily tell these tracks by playing them.
Reverse Cymbal 64 They do not sound like a musical pattern at
GuitarFretNoise 64 all!
Breath Noise 64
Seashore 64 The solution is to use special chord follow
Bird Tweet 123 codes that tells the post T2 PSRs how to
play the pattern. See Appendix F below.
Telephone Ring 124
Helicopter 125
Applause 64  F. Guitar Pattern Encoding/Chord Follow Codes
Gunshot 64
Tyros 2 and later arrangers can employ guitar in
 E. Out of Scale Patterns which the notes in the pattern represent the strings of
the guitar. For example:
If Chord Follow is On then the notes must be in C
major seventh scale and limited to (C, D, E, G, A and B -> 1st string (high E)
B). This is because the instrument uses conversion A -> 2nd string (B)
tables to shift the pattern based upon the chord you G -> 3rd string (G)
key. These tables assume that only these notes are F -> 4th string (D)
there. (Note: The easiest way of avoiding scale E -> 5th string (A)
problems is to use Pads as a source.) D -> 6th string (low E)
C# -> a quint* above/below
There are three reasons that the notes are not C, D, C -> root note
E, G, A and B:
It appears that the following Chord Follow codes are
1. The midi pattern is in the key of C but has used for:
extra notes such as F.
Code 1 = bypass (no pattern encoding)
Try changing the offending note to one in the Code 2 = Melody
pattern or deleting altogether. The Play the Code 6 = Guitar All Purpose, ie. A mixture of types.
pattern. If sounds like something you might Code 7 = Guitar Stroke, i.e. strum where some guitar
use as a Pad, then it is ok. notes are muted.
Code 8 = Guitar arpeggio and finger picking
2. The midi pattern is in a different key (e.g. D=
D E F# G A B).
* The quint guitar is tuned five notes above or below.
You can usually tell because the collection of Up = B E A D F# B and down = A D G C E A
notes making a chord indicate chords in this
key (D chord= DF#A sounding at the same  G. Features added since Version 174
time) or the key given in the file and
displayed in PadMaker-Midi (although is not Pan and Brightness events in the source midi can be
reliable). automatically added to enable panning and sonic
Perhaps your best detective is to play the
sequence. Does it sound like something in Velocity editing and Play Note has been added to
C? The general fix for other keys is to NoteView. Other Note View improvements include
transpose the pattern so most of the notes use of Ab vs G# etc , range limits, no negative
are C, D, E, G, A and B. Then delete or velocity values, etc.
replace the out of scale notes. Note that the
important notes are usually C E G B. (You
The volume used in playing or copying a clip is
determined by the current volume setting on the

Errors previously generated with some time

signatures have been eliminated.

Follow codes are always enabled.

The displayed clip range now includes all events not

just note events (to display the range of associated

Automatically uses the pad length when a Pad is


Tyros 5 support added.

The program now searches up to the first note event

for the initial voice.

All voice files have been updated to most recent


Crashes occurring with some computer fonts have

been eliminated.

Property and settings recording have been updated.

Clip length is set to pad length when a Pad file is


Select All Identical note events function added.

Windows mouse scroll now only modifies the selected

make further edits without losing your new pad loops
User Notes and phrases.

Joe Hlifka [] has taken a great Auditioning Newly Created Multi Pads in
interest in making pads from midis and other pads. He PadMaker-Midi
has kindly allowed his personal notes to be Connecting your keyboard to the computer as
reproduced here as an aid to other users. described in the PadMaker-Midi manual will enable
you to access all Voices available in your keyboard.
Getting Started
NOTE: Pads may sound slightly different when loaded
into the keyboard and played with a style. Volume and
Things to consider before attempting to edit or create
pan settings may need some final tweaking using
new Multi Pad files:
Multi Pad Creator. Pads will use the effects
Mix and Match Pads on the Keyboard processors assigned to the style currently selected on
the keyboard. When creating or editing a Multi Pad
An undocumented feature of the PSR and Tyros
that will be used with a specific style, load that style in
keyboards is the ability to play individual pads from
the keyboard before editing pads. This should
two or more Multi Pad files at the same time. When
produce the best results and truest rendering of how
loading a new Multi Pad while one is currently playing
the pads will sound when loaded into the keyboard
and then pressing any of the 4 pad buttons, the pad
and played with a specific style.
from the newly loaded Multi Pad will play along with
the previously loaded pad(s). Additional buttons
Categories of Multi Pad Files
pressed will result in a new pad replacing the pad that
You may want to create four pads that are compatible
is currently playing.
and are playable together, or you may want to create
four variations of a bass line, guitar strum, chord
This technique is useful for developing an ear for how
pattern, arpeggio, phrase, drum pattern, etc. Once
various percussion and musical phrases will sound
useable pads are created and saved, you can mix
when played together and can help improve over-all
and match individual pads to create variants or similar
pad-making skills when creating new pads using
Multi Pads to use with different styles of the same
PadMaker-Midi. You can copy and paste individual
genre of music.
pads from one Multi Pad file to another on the
keyboard, but PadMaker-Midi accomplishes this task
It might be worthwhile to establish a method for
much easier and faster and allows editing of many
naming and organizing pads that will make it easy to
parameters at the same in a single operation.
find specific files as your Multi Pad library grows in
Making Pads from a MIDI Song File size.
It is very helpful to play MIDI song files on a
Naming Pads
sequencer before attempting to create new pads.
Pads names are copied to the Pad Name field when a
Make a note of which MIDI channels and which
Clip is copied to a button. If you wish to rename all
measures for each channel will be used to make new
four pads to match the Multi Pad file name, you can
pads. It will be much easier locating the musical
use a short-cut method as follows: Delete all pad
phrases you want to use when the song file is loaded
names. Then type in the new name in the Pad 1
into PadMaker-Midi.
Name field, [Pad Name 1]. Using the Windows
Recording Original Pad Loops Clipboard, right-click to copy and paste to the other
three pad-name fields. Then edit the number “1” in
An alternative method to recording pads using Multi
each field to match pad-button numbers - “2”, “3” and
Pad Creator is to record original pad loops and
phrases played from the keyboard to the on-board
sequencer or to an external sequencer. Once one or
more musical phrases have been recorded, they can
be quantized or edited before saving them as a
Multi Pad File Name Conventions:
Standard MIDI File. The loops/phrases can now be
● Name a Multi Pad file to match a specific style (if it
loaded into PadMaker-Midi and edited in the same
will be used only with a specific preset or custom
manner as any MIDI song file.
NOTE: When making pads from MIDI song files,
● Name a Multi Pad file by genre (IE; Ballad, Dance,
PadMaker-Midi will remove unused note-data when a
Techno, Rock, Pop, Classical, Country, Jazz, etc).
new Multi Pad file is saved to disk. It is a good
practice is to copy Clips to the buttons and save the
● Name a Multi Pad file by musical application (IE;
file right away before further editing. When the file is
Rhythm, Bass, Chord, Pad, Phrase, Arpeggio, etc).
loaded back into PadMaker-Midi, only the chosen Clip
area for each channel will be present. You can now
Individual Pad Name Conventions: increasing the velocity value. Some Panel Voices
● Name a pad to match the instrument sound such as Electric Pianos will sound differently played at
assigned to the pad. lower velocities than when played at higher velocity
values. Careful editing of note velocities may allow
●Name a pad using the default method, (IE; Multi Pad use of Mega Voices for special effects and dynamic
file name 1, Multi Pad file name 2, Multi Pad file name sounding pads. (See Data List for Mega Voice
3, Multi Pad file name 4. velocity settings)

● Name individual pads by musical application (IE; Editing Long Clips

Rhythm, Bass, Chord, Pad, Phrase, Arpeggio, etc). Note View will only display notes in the selected clip.
To zoom in on a specific group of notes, temporarily
set the clip length to only one measure at a time to
Editing the Pad Parameters tweak a targeted group of notes.

Clip Start Point Tempo

This is an important parameter when working from a It is sometimes useful to temporarily slow the Tempo
midi song file. The Clip Start point is used to get the while editing a pad. While the Tempo value can be
correct timing on the down-beat of a pad-loop or saved for a specific genre of music, pads will
phrase. playback at the tempo set on the keyboard.
Clip Length Follow Chords and Repeat
Set the Clip Length for each channel to the desired PadMaker-Midi will copy Follow Chords (Chord
number of measures. The Clip Length may be a Match) and Repeat settings imbedded in factory
different number of measures for each channel/clip. preset Multi Pad files. When creating pads from midi
song files, refer to the PadMaker-Midi manual for
Editing Note Data proper settings of these parameters.
If using Chord Follow (Chord Match) use only Cmaj7
scale notes: C, D, E, G, A and B as noted in the Pan settings
PadMaker-Midi manual. Playing several pads together will sound better when
there is some spatial separation in the stereo field.
NOTE: Individual notes will sound in Note View by Refer to Appendix D in the PadMaker-Midi manual, or
clicking on them. This is particularly helpful when use the following convention for basic pan positions.
editing drum sounds or modifying drum notes when For synth instrument sounds and special effects a
changing from one drum kit to a different drum kit. good rule of thumb is to set pan positions to
correspond with the pad buttons as they are
Note View Window physically situated on the keyboard.
Be sure the Clip Length is set correctly before editing
note data, only notes in the defined Clip area will be Pad 1 - set at far-left to mid-left
displayed in the Note View window. The “Transpose Pad 2 - set at left-of-center
Notes” and “Velocity” buttons default to All. Pad 3 - set at right-of-center
Pad 4 - set at mid-right to far-right.
Transposing Notes
When the Transpose Notes button is set to Selected, Reverb and Chorus settings
a group of notes can be selected and deselected one- Using modest amounts of reverb and chorus will often
at-a-time while holding-down the Control-Key on the achieve the best results. Over-doing it on the effects
PC keyboard, or by using the method below: can muddy the mix when played-back with a style.
Shortcut for Transposing All Identical Notes Playing Pads on External Instruments
Choose the Transpose Notes - Selected, then click If you want a pad to play on an external sound
the Note Tab located at the top of the note list module, this can be accomplished by adding those
window. This will group all identical notes together. instrument sounds to your instrument Voice list. To do
Hold down the Shift-Key on the PC keyboard and left- this, refer to Appendix B “Using PadMaker-Midi with
click to select the first note in the list, then left-click to Other Instruments” in the PadMaker-Midi manual.
select the last note in the list you want to change; all
notes located between the first and last note selected NOTE: A design feature of the XG compatible PSR
will become highlighted. Now use the Octave or Semi- and Tyros keyboards enables you to use other
Tone button to change the selected group of notes. Yamaha instruments to play one or more pads on an
external sound module along with your keyboard.
Editing Note Velocities
Arpeggio, phrase patterns and chords may sound
more natural when certain notes are emphasized by
Each Yamaha instrument is assigned a unique set of Nylon Guitar S081
Voice banks allowing multiple Yamaha instruments to Organ S043
work together in a MIDI studio setup. When Bank Percussion S361
Select and Program Change messages not used by Piano Chord S915
the PSR or Tyros are assigned to a pad to play an Shaker S448
external sound module (including plug-in boards), and Special Effects S507
the PSR/Tyros also receives these messages, the Steel Guitar S084
PSR/Tyros will go silent on the MIDI channel that is String Ensemble S145
assigned to play a Voice of the external sound String instrument S151
module. Synth Lead S314
Synth Pad S287
IMPORTANT: You may also need to create a MIDI Techno S914
configuration on the PSR/Tyros to disable Trance S319
transmission of MIDI channels you do not want to play
on the external sound module.
Note: Icon list is for the PSR S910 and may not be
Adding DSP 1, Other Controllers and Advanced accurate for other model keyboards.
Editing of Multi Pads
Most MIDI continuous controller messages are
supported and can be used in Multi Pad files to
modify playback of a Voice or to add some spice to
pads. Use Multi Pad Creator to insert controller
messages for Variation Effect (DSP 1), Attack Rate,
Release Rate, Resonance, etc. Use MixMaster to
adjust note MBT, add real-time controller messages
for Pan sweeps, Filter (Brightness) sweeps,
Expression and Modulation, convert controllers
messages from one type to another, thin controller
messages, insert new notes, copy measures, add
blank measures, combined note data from two
different pads into a single pad, etc.

Pad Icons
Preset pads and custom pads with assigned icons will
be copied to the Pad Icon field when a Clip is copied
to a pad button. For new pads or when changing
Voices on a pad, you can assign a new icon from the
list below.

PSR S910 - Pad Icons for Instrument

Type and Music Categories:
Acoustic Bass S123
Acoustic Piano S001
Arpeggio S766
Bells S300
Brass S180
Choir S559
Chromatic instr. S346
Dance S720
Drum Kit S362
Electric Bass S124
Electric Guitar S087
Electric Piano S014
Ethnic instrument S424
Female Voice S261
Flute S249
Guitar Strum/Pick S458
Harp S171
Horn S215
Male Voice S268
The author gratefully acknowledges utilization of HP
User's Agreement Midifile, a Dynamic Link Library (dll) that provides
functions to read, write, edit and play type 1 & 0 midi
By installing this software, the user signifies
files. This powerful XP-friendly library has been freely
agreement with the following:
made available for non commercial use by its
developer Heiko Plate at
The author, Michael P. Bedesem, copyrights this
software with all rights reserved. The author retains all
title and intellectual property rights.
Frank Blecha and Graham Crosby both encouraged
me to add clip editing facilities to the original versions.
No warranty is made regarding the suitability of this
They resulted in Version 1.3.4. Frank was especially
software for any application, that operation will be
instrumental (and patient) in identifying bugs in the
uninterrupted, or error free. The author is not
initial editing routines.
responsible for problems that result from installing or
operating this software, and shall in no case be liable
Joe Hlifka was the first person to report that some
for special, incidental, consequential, indirect or
pads made from Tyros guitar pad files sounded
similar damages arising howsoever.
strange. As a result, versions after156 enable use of
all the new chord follow settings.
The user agrees not to make changes or
modifications to the software and not to decompile,
Joe has also spent many hours in testing and
disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer the
suggesting improvements to the pad name, icon
name, Play All, transpose and other settings such as
The software is provided free for private, non-
the Chord Follow codes identified in Appendix F.
commercial use. The user agrees not to sell this
software or bundle it with other software for
And please see Joe’s User Notes above. Thank you,
commercial enterprise, without the express written
consent of the author.
Version 1.8.4 August 21, 2015
The software may be distributed to other users as
provided above as long as all components, including
this agreement, are included.

The user is responsible for using this software legally

and in accordance with any copyrights that may
pertain to third party style files.

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement

between the author and the user, and may be
modified only by written agreement between the

Communication & Support

Any questions, comments, suggestions for
modifications or improvements, or problem reports
would be most welcome. Please forward these to the
author at or via the Help/Email
the Author menu item.

PadMaker-Midi is one of several programs in the
StyleManager Series that is intended to give users the
ability to work around common annoyances,
overcome operating discrepancies between
instruments, or facilitate the management of PSR

The development of this program was triggered by

repeated requests made in PSR groups and forums.

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