Pop Quiz: Your Assumptions About Change
Pop Quiz: Your Assumptions About Change
Pop Quiz: Your Assumptions About Change
Here’s a little pop-quiz to help you identify your assumptions about change. Take a few minutes
and jot down your answers to the questions below before you go on and look at the answers.
Think back to the most recent time that another individual that came to you for help. You’ll need
to come up with a particular, recent, real situation to evaluate yourself – just using your general
impressions of how you function won’t work. Once you have a situation in mind, jot down an
answer to each of the following questions:
Now, look critically at what you actually did in light of the two sets of understandings about
change listed below:. Which of these assumptions fits how you acted best?
How’d you do? For most leaders, the telling paradigm is what we’ve been taught, and it
is deeply ingrained is us. To coach well, you must believe in the power of listening – that simply
to listen is to give a person something of great value. But there’s an even better reason to listen.
Think for a minute about your own prayer life. What percentage of the time that you spend with
Tony Stoltzfus | Coaching Pastors | 3101 Barberry Lane | Virginia Beach, VA 23453
www.CoachingPastors.com | 757-427-1645 | Tony@CoachingPastors.com
the Lord is he speaking, and what percentage of the time is he listening? What would happen if
you changed your conversational habits so that you were imitating God?
Tony Stoltzfus | Coaching Pastors | 3101 Barberry Lane | Virginia Beach, VA 23453
www.CoachingPastors.com | 757-427-1645 | Tony@CoachingPastors.com