4el46: Digital Control Design CREDITS - 4 (LTP:3,0,1)
4el46: Digital Control Design CREDITS - 4 (LTP:3,0,1)
4el46: Digital Control Design CREDITS - 4 (LTP:3,0,1)
CREDITS -4 (LTP:3,0,1)
Course Objective:
1. To introduce the basics of Z- Transform.
2. To make the student familiar with stability analysis of digital control system.
3. To equip the basic knowledge of digital process control design.
Teaching Scheme
Credits Assessment Scheme
(Hours Per Week)
Theory Marks Practical Marks
L T P C Marks
3 0 2 4 60 40 20 30 150
Unit Teaching
No. Hours
1 Introduction to Discrete Time Control System:
Basic building blocks of Discrete time Control system, Sampling Theorem, Z
transform and Inverse Z transform for applications for solving differential
equations, Mapping between the S-plane and the Z-plane, Impulse sampling and
Data Hold
2 Pulse Transfer Function and Digital PID Controllers:
Signal flow graph, The pulse transfer function, pulse transfer function of Closed
Loop systems, Pulse transfer function of Digital PID controller, Velocity &
Position forms of Digital PID Controller, Realization of Digital Controllers,
Deadbeat response and ringing of poles
3 Design of Discrete Time Control System by conventional methods:
Stability analysis in Z-plane, Jury stability criterion, Bilinear transformations,
Design based on the root locus method, Digital Controller Design using 05
Analytical Design Method.
4 State Space Analysis of Discrete Time Control System:
State space representation of discrete time systems, Solution of discrete time
state space equations, Pulse transfer function matrix, Eigen Values, Eigen 06
Vectors and Matrix Diagonalization, Discretization of continuous time state
space equations, Similarity transformations.
5 Pole Placement and Observer Design:
Concept of Controllability and Observability, Useful transformations in state
space analysis and design, Stability improvement by state feedback, Design via
pole placement, State observers.
Unit Teaching
No. Hours
6 Optimal Control:
Quadratic Optimal Control and Quadratic performance index, Optimal state
regulator through the matrix riccati equations, Steady State Quadratic Optimal
Total 45
List of References:
1. K. Ogata,”Discrete Time Control systems”, Prentice Hall, Second Edition.
2. M. Gopal,”Digital Control and State Variable Methods”, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. B. C. Kuo, “Digital Control Systems”, Oxford University Press, 2/e, Indian Edition
4. G.F.Franklin, J.David Powell, Michael Workman,”Digital control of Dynamic Systems”, 3rd
Edition, Addison Wesley.
5. M. Gopal,”Digital Control Engineering”,Wiley Eastern Ltd.
6. Kannan Moudgalya,”Digital Control”, John Wiley and Sons.
7. Constantine H. Houpis and Gary B. Lamont,”Digital Control Systems”,Second Edition,
McGraw-Hill International.