TESDA Circular No. 052-2021
TESDA Circular No. 052-2021
TESDA Circular No. 052-2021
The Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 25 s., of 2016 or the
Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in the Human Resource
Management (PRIME-HRM) and TESDA Circular No. 119, series of 2019 on the
Establishment of TESDA Merit Selection Plan have required newly-hired employee/s
to undergo a six (6)-month New Employees On-Boarding Program (NEOP) which
shall be implemented in the Central, Regional, Provincial/District Offices and the
TESDA Training Institutions (COROPOTI).
Definition of Terms
For the purpose of this Circular, the following terminologies have been defined
for common understanding:
4. To introduce the new employee to the team and get him/her acquainted to
the culture of the Office; and
5. To guide and monitor the employee's work accomplishments for the
attainment of targets set by the office and the individual employee.
The NEOP shall be given to newly hired employees for all levels of positions
with original appointment except Presidential Appointees.
However, appointees (i.e. transferred from other government agencies,
promotion, etc.) who are not covered with the probationary period as required in the
2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (Revised
July 2018), shall still be required performance monitoring and evaluation as specified
in TESDA Circular No. 28, series of 2015 on the Strategic Performance Management
System (SPMS) Guidelines.
Mechanics of Implementation
The NEOP shall cover the following activities:
1 Conduct of Pre-Orientation;
> Salary and other remunerations;
• Office rules and regulations;
> Documentary requirements for employment and for initial salary; provides the
required membership forms for GSIS, Philhealth, Pag-Ibig membership, if new
employee; (Annex A for checklist of requirements for employment);
> Organizational Structure with emphasis on where the employee concerned
office assignment is situated in the structure;
> Functions/major programs and reporting relationship of Office to be assigned;
> TESDA Facilities; and
> Location of Office to be assigned.
2. Discussion on Performance Commitment;
• Performance Expectations/Job requirements
Reporting Relationships
• Information Networks
3. Monitoring of Performance and Assessment of Accomplishments/Output; and
SUBJECT: Guidelines in the
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Implementation of New
Employees On-Boarding Number 05Z, Series of
Program (NEOP) 2021
The following key players shall be responsible for the implementation of the NEOP:
Immediate Supervisor
1. Welcomes and introduces the employee concerned to the rest of the office team;
2. Conducts the Office Orientation by providing information about the functions,
goals and objectives, culture of the office, information networks and reporting
3. Discusses the job requirements and performance expectations;
4. Prepares a Documentation Report Form (Annex B-2) specifying the Program
Description, Name of Employee/Position/Office/Division, Date of Implementation,
Performance Objective/s, Learning Objective/s, basic information about the office,
including reporting relationship and information networks, job requirements and
performance expectations to be signed by the Immediate Supervisor and the
Head of Office;
SUBJECT: Guidelines in the
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Implementation of New
Employees On-Boarding Number 6 52, Series of
Program (NEOP) 2021
5. Sets target guided by the requirements and provisions stated in the Strategic
Performance Management System (SPMS) guidelines within five (5) working days
upon the employee's assumption to duty, using the following forms:
a. For Director (except Presidential Appointees) Positions: Office Performance
and Commitment Form (OPCR) (Annex C)
b. For Rank and File Positions: Individual Performance Review Commitment
(IPCR) (Annex D)
8. Furnishes the employee concerned with copies of the records of feedback, job-
related critical incidents, and performance evaluation reports (OPCR/IPCR) with
comments on their capability to meet performance targets and work output
standards, and/or recommendation for the continuity of the permanent
appointment as a probationer;
9. Furnishes the HRMD/FASD with the corresponding copies of these reports/feedback
records including the Coaching and Mentoring Form used, if any;
.0. Discusses with the Head of Office, the results of the performance
appraisal/evaluation of the employee concerned and recommends appropriate HR
intervention to improve employee's performance, and/or provides commendation
for good performance in coordination with the HRMD/FASD; and
.1. Recommends the issuance of Notice of Termination of Service for probationary
employees receiving unsatisfactory performance after the performance review of
the six (6)-month probationary period — supported by evidences — to the Head of
Head of Office
1. Recommends appropriate HR intervention to improve employee's performance in
coordination with HRMD/FASD and/or provides commendation for good
performance; and
2. For unsatisfactory performance of the employee concerned after the performance
review of the six (6)-month probationary period, to be supported with documents
or proof, recommends the issuance of Notice of Termination of Service to the
Director General as the Appointing Authority through HRMD/AS.
SUBJECT: Guidelines in the
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Implementation of New
Employees On-Boarding Number 052, Series of
Program (NEOP) 2021
3. The notice of termination of service shall be executory after fifteen (15) days
from receipt of the employee concerned. The same may be appealed to the Civil
Service Commission (CSC) Field Office concerned, within fifteen (15) days from
receipt of notice but shall be executory pending appeal. A copy of Notice of
Termination of Service shall be included in the 201 file of the appointee and
furnished the CSC Field Office concerned for recording in the Service Card. If no
notice of termination of office is given by the Appointing Authority to the
employee before the expiration of the six (6)-month probationary period or
depending on the duration of the probationary period, the probationer becomes
a regular employee of the agency concerned.
Name of Employee
Office/Division/Operating Unit
Date of Implementation
Program Description In compliance with TESDA Circular No. , series of
2021 on the Guidelines in the Implementation of New
Employees On-Boarding Program (NEOP)
Performance Objective/s To earn the commitment of the new employee in the
performance of his/her duties and responsibilities.
Learning Objective/s 1. To provide the new employee with basic orientation
about TESDA and other employment concerns; and
2. To help the employee feel comfortable in the
Briefing Outline • Welcome Statement
• TESDA New Employees On-Boarding Program
(This should be fully • Salary and other Remunerations/Schedule of
documented) Probationary Period
• Checklist of Requirements for Employment/Initial
• Office Rules and Regulations
• TESDA Organizational Structure
• TESDA Facilities
• Location of Office to be Assigned
Position Position
Annex B-2
Name of Employee
Office/Division/Operating Unit
Date of Implementation
Program Description In compliance with TESDA Circular No. , series of 2021
on the Guidelines in the Implementation of New Employees
On-Boarding Program (NEOP)
Performance Objective/s 1. To discuss job requirements and performance
2. To facilitate the new employee's ability to contribute in
the new role; and
3. To earn the commitment of the new employee in the
performance of his/her duties and responsibilities.
Learning Objective/s 1. To provide the new employee with information about the
office functions, major programs, goals and objectives,
culture of the office, information networks and reporting
2. To help the employee feel comfortable in the workplace;
3. To discuss the schedule of target setting and
performance appraisal/evaluation as provided for in
TESDA Circular No. , series of 2021 on the Guidelines
in the Implementation of New Employees On-Boarding
Program (NEOP)
Briefing Outline • Welcome Statement/Introduction of the Office Team
(This should be fully • Office functions/Goals and Objectives/Major
documented) Programs/Office Culture/Information Networks/Reporting
• Job requirements/Performance Expectations
Annex B-2
Position Position
I (NAME), Head of the (Division and/or Operating Unit), commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in
accordance with the indicated measures for the period (Month) to (Month). 20
Division Rating
MFO/PAP /Individuals E2 T3 A4 Remarks
(TARGETS + MEASURES) Budget Accomplishments Q1
I. (NAME). (Position and the Division and/or Operating Unit). commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in
accordance with the indicated measures for the period (Month) to (Month) 20_.
CoachinWMentoring Worksheet
Use this worksheet to prepare for and make notes of your coaching discussion.
Additional Discussion Items (e.g. project updates, progress on priorities, training and
professional development, employee's concerns)
Next Steps in Employee Development (for both the supervisor and employee) ..
Discussed with: