Cyber Security Policy
Cyber Security Policy
Cyber Security Policy
Protecting the ABCs of your business.
C y b e r S e c u r i t y Po l i c y
Ver. 1.0
Document Version History
Table of Contents
f) Secure Configuration................................................................................................................ 13
p) Incident Management..............................................................................................................20
Cyber Security Policy
1.1 Purpose
This document provides the framework for the protection of THE ABC CO-OPERATIVE BANK LTD
(ABCB) information assets, setup controls for for use, access and disclosure of assets from
Cyber Threats, attacks in accordance with appropriate standards, digital laws and RBI
The Cyber Security policy cover Threats, vulnerabilities to the bank operations and suitable
technical, procedural controls to provide assurance that bank operations are secure.
ABCB reserves the rights to change, amend, suspend, withdraw, or terminate any or all of the
policies, in whole or in part, at any time.
The policy applies to Head Office, Administrative Office and Branches of the bank.
The Cyber Security Policy serves the below purpose for the bank-
1.2 Cyber Threat Landscape
Bank IT Architecture should be Cyber security compliant. The IT architecture includes network,
server, database and application, end user systems, etc., that are installed at Bank Head Office
and branches network.
Bank should monitor and ensure security measures are enabled and working at all times. Bank
Board or IT Sub-committee of the Board should review controls on periodic basis or at least
ONCE a year.
For this purpose, ABCB may carry out the following steps:
Put in place suitable Cyber Security System to address Cyber threats to bank operations
Specify and document clearly the responsibility for each of above steps.
Cyber attack means any attack that tries to misuse IT services, create data or financial loss or
cause disruption to the banking operations, customer services through digital means such as
through Internet, email, mobile devices, networks, whether started from Inside the bank or
outside shall be termed as Cyber Attack Risk.
Denial of service attack: A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) generally consists of the
concerted efforts of a person/persons to prevent an internet site or service from
functioning efficiently. A DoS attack is an incident in which a user or organization is
deprived of the services of a resource they would normally expect to have.
Cross Site Scripting - Injecting of malicious code and data in the transactions using
application weakness.
Malware: Malware is the term for maliciously crafted software code. Special computer
programmes now exist that enable intruders to fool an individual into believing that
traditional security is protecting him during online banking transactions. Attacks involving
malware are a factor in online financial crime.
Whaling: The term whaling has been coined for spear phishing attacks directed
specifically at senior executives and other high-profile targets. In these cases, the content
will be crafted to target an upper manager and the person's role in the company. The
content of a whaling attack email may be an executive issue such as a subpoena or
customer complaint.
Vishing: Vishing is the illegal access of data via voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
Vishing is IP telephony’s version of phishing and uses voice messages to steal identities
and financial resources. The term is a combination of ‘voice’ and ‘phishing’.
Drive-by downloads: Drive-by download means two things, each concerning the
unintended download of computer software from the Internet:
o Any download that happens without a person's knowledge, often a computer virus,
spyware, malware or crimeware.
Browser Gateway frauds: The information sent and received from a PC/device is routed
through an undesired path on the network thereby exposing it to unauthorised entity.
The only gateway to outside world for the PC/device being the browser that has been
Ghost administrator exploit: A ghost administrator exploit is a code that takes advantage
of a software vulnerability or security flaw to gain Administrator’s rights/privileges in the
system. This exploit allows the attacker to mask his identity in order to remotely access a
network and gain Administrator rights/privileges, or move deeper into the network. In
some cases, an exploit can be used as part of a multi-component attack. Instead of using
a malicious file, the exploit may instead drop another malware, which can include
backdoor viruses and/or spyware to steal user information from the infected systems.
Internal Attacks (initiated by insiders working in banking network) - Misuse of IT systems,
Misuse of Access authority, Data Thefts, Information Disclosure and technical information
Sensitive Data related to future strategies of bank or any other data which
is for restricted use by senior management only.
b) Inventory Management of Business IT Assets
Technical System documentation will be secured, backup taken and physically protected.
The distribution of confidential system documentation like network or system design will
only be restricted to authorized users.
All system documentation (technical manuals, user manuals, client documentation etc.)
must be stored in a secure environment and protected from unauthorized access.
Protections procedures should restrict both machine and physical access to only
authorized users.
Sensitive documents will be stored in suitable locked cabinets, when not in use,
especially after working hours.
Computer media like backup of CBS, CD drives will be stored in fireproof locked cabinets
/ safes.
Incoming and outgoing mail points, unattended faxes and photocopier machines will be
protected from unauthorized use outside normal working hours.
Any business sensitive document in hard copy, if not required, must be shredded or
securely destroyed.
ABCB shall put in place suitable controls to provide a good working environment to Servers,
Network and other equipment at Data centre and branches.
Physical Security
Environmental Controls
Banks shall install and maintain suitable devices for connectivity between branches and data
o Secure network Links shall be established using - VPN, Leased Lines, SSL
Minimum Access
Wi Fi Services
Setup STRONG password (at least 10 characters)
o Redundant (secondary) links preferably from alternate ISP are established in case
of failure of primary links.
o Setup mechanisms and tools for detection for problem, error and changes
Link bandwidth utilization report shall be prepared / taken from vendor, once a month
for review of utilization, over and under use of bandwidth.
In case speed issues are observed review capacity and quality of service of ISP.
Secure links between HO and branches shall be established using Leased Links, VPN and
SSL and other prescribed methods.
For NEFT / RTGS / ATM and other sensitive operations allocate specific PC which shall be
allowed to be used by authorized personal only.
f) Secure Configuration
Configuration of sensitive devices such as Firewall, Routers, Servers etc shall be maintained as
per below standards.
g) Anti-virus
ABCB will install malware, spam protection mechanisms at critical information system entry and
exit points (e.g., mail servers, web servers and at workstations, servers, or mobile computing
devices on the network).
Anti-malware mechanisms will be used to detect and CLEAN malicious code and/or
SPAM (e.g., viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware) transported by electronic mail,
electronic mail attachments, Internet accesses, removable media (e.g., USB devices,
diskettes or compact disks), or other common means; or by exploiting information
system vulnerabilities.
Users working at ABCB shall be provided Access to PC, CBS, post approval from respective HODs.
Access to user shall be allowed for specific work / roles - Eg: Supervisor, Clerical, Manager,
Other type of Users.
Access to File / Folders (in case of share) shall be allowed as per “Need to Use” basis only.
Users shall change password - As per defined policies of Servers, CBS operations
User access shall be removed, when user leaves / resigns from bank services
The policy is to ensure that all data communication within / outside the bank is performed as
per security best practices.
Banks should use OWN corporate email ID for work purposes (eg / in)
Open email accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo etc shall NOT be used. If required in special
case, it may be allowed to ONE or TWO authorized users only.
Email access should be allowed from within bank office premises.
Web Access to email may be provided to select HOD (users) only.
Creation / Management of email account, shall be done by approval of management
Data Exchange
Public Facing Servers Firewalls (if, installed) - Devices connected using Public IP
VAPT - Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing shall be completed Once a Year
for such servers / Firewall and devices deployed by bank in the Branch, Data Centre or
cloud hosting locations.
j) Removable Media
Only authorized users / access may be allowed for removable media in case used for
backup and official purposes (External HDD/Tapes etc).
Removable media Inventory shall be maintained.
Media shall be labeled and stored in Fire Safe cabinets only.
Access to USB on authorized systems shall be monitored.
Disposal of Media
Media shall be disposed of securely and safely when no longer required.
Staff at ABCB shall be made aware of the Information Security Policies and Procedures. To
facilitate this awareness training programs shall be conducted on periodic basis, to explain the
need for information security and provides the users with adequate learning.
Users will receive training on security awareness and responsibilities as well as training in
the correct use of information processing facilities e.g. logon procedure, software
Security Awareness Orientation Sessions will also be conducted for long-term contractors
also, who will access ABCB Information System infrastructure and resources.
o Password Guidelines
o E-mail system
o Internet Usage
o Virus Controls
o Clear Desk and Clear Screen
o Physical Security
ABCB shall provide training to customer regarding Cyber risks, use of safe banking, online e-
commerce, other areas through regular programs. Awareness should cover Internet Banking,
ATM, CVV, PIN, ID and Password, Hacker tricks, Safe digital use tips etc.
The program shall help build the Brand image of the bank and overall banking experience to
become safe for the customers of the banks.
Banks may educate customers through Mobile SMS, Mobile App or any other method for
safe banking, e-commerce etc.
ABCB shall ensure suitable backup are available of bank data, infrastructure and that bank is
ready to provide secure services to the customers.
CBS Data backup – is maintained on Realtime, DAILY and offsite by CBS Vendor
Bank Files and folders on PC / Notebooks – WEEKLY BACKUP – Alternate Storage
Email data backup – WEEKLY BACKUP – Using Alternate Storage Media (External HDD)
The frequency of backup and retention period of the backup data will be determined and
approved by the management.
Vendor services are critical to run banking operations. Bank may engage software, hardware,
networking and other service vendors to manage smooth IS operations.
Get selected after appropriate evaluation of their background, experience and quality of
services. Bank may validate vendor services from other customers serviced by vendors.
Commence work after proper contractual agreements defining Scope, SLA of services,
Period of contracts, right to audit, Escalation Matrix and penalty clauses as applicable.
Sign suitable Non-disclosure agreements, in respect to on site / off site services for the
Service records, service short coming are recorded and maintained by IT / Other teams
as applicable.
A management process by BANK is in place to protect the Organization, especially its critical
business processes, from the effects of a major failure or disaster, and minimize any damage or
loss caused by such events.
BANK maintains the following –
CBS Vendor shall provide Business Continuity Services of the Primary Data Centre and DR
Power Failure
Fire Situations
Water Flooding during rains / as per location
Hardware and Network Failure(s)
Availability of Bank Operational and IT Staff
Identify the events and environmental surroundings that can adversely affect
the Organization and its facilities with disruptions or disasters, the likelihood
and impact of such occurrences.
Providing awareness and training programs in event of such situations,
including emergency and crisis management procedures.
Assigning responsibilities for the co-ordination, development, implementation,
review and update of the business continuity plans;
Consider and purchase suitable general or Cyber insurance as part of the
Emergency Contact List - Publish Emergency Contact List with phone numbers, emails
of relevant persons. The below list shall be displayed at BRANCH locations, with details
o Hospitals
o Fire Stations
o Police Stations
o Bank CEO
o Key Managers (minimum two) of the Bank
o Head IT
o Account Manager - of
o Any other Vendors
p) Incident Management
Staff should be made aware and informed to note and report any observed or suspected
or unusual activity or security weakness or threats to procedures, policies, systems or
services. They should report these matters to the supervisory authority as quickly as
Any adverse or unusual Incidents which affect bank operations services to multiple
customers / users / Full Branch, shall be termed as Incidents. These incidents cause
service disruption of more than 3-4 hours.
Bank shall maintain Incident record and details of Major Incidents, along with problem
If a security breach or attack is suspected or any other incident is reported, the Bank
Management should be notified immediately. Bank management shall decide, if incident
is causing any impact on bank, for suitable reporting to RBI.
In case the incident impacts data or operations related BULK customer of BANK, Bank
Management shall decide, if it is appropriate to inform Regulatory authority or customers
of such an incident.
Submit Incident Report to RBI every quarter, in case incident is reported. Incident
may be any of above types causing a visible impact on the bank.
Critical or impact causing Incidents may also be reported to appropriate authorities such
as Cert-in (Computer Emergency Response Team, under Ministry of IT and
Communications) as per IT Act2000, Digital law of India.
End of Document