Trends W9 & W10
Trends W9 & W10
Trends W9 & W10
A. Directions: Compare and Contrast: Social and Political Institutions
(Example) (Function) (Example) (Function)
1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3.
B. How important is the government/NGO’s swift response in addressing the needs of the people?
Give specific ways on how we can improve the standards of our current political and social
Saint Anthony Academy
Batuan, Bohol, Philippines
Member: Bohol Association of Catholic Schools ( BACS)
Catholic Education Association of the Philippines (CEAP)
Accomplish the matrix below to integrate the topic on undemocratic practices
Exercise: Observe the current news on television about the best democratic practices the country has made using
the categories below. Through the use of Democratic Challenge Chart, explain what you consider as best practices
for the democratic challenges presented.
Democratic Challenges Best Practices/ Solutions/ Democratic Intervention
Existing Democratic Practices
(Characteristics that produce a
good society)
Needs to be Renewed
(response to people’s
demands and expectations)
Demands of a Globalized
Culture (How countries achieve
a balance between the
conflicting forces of
continuity/tradition and change)