Activity3 Stem23 Holgado
Activity3 Stem23 Holgado
Activity3 Stem23 Holgado
Section: STEM23
Sentence Construction
Directions: Transform the simple sentence into compound or complex sentences. Write
your answer on the space provided. The first one is done for you.
NOTE: Each item is given a corresponding point/points
3. He studied the biological and natural sciences. He learned how to categorize and
draw animals accurately. (1 point)
Answer: He studied the biological and natural sciences. Which he learned how
to categorize and draw animals accurately.
5. My friend likes coffee. She likes tea. She doesn’t like milk.(1 point)
Answer : My friend likes coffee and tea but doesn’t like milk
6. John F. Kennedy was inaugurated into office in January of 1961. He was
assassinated in November of 1963.(2 points)
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Answer: John F. Kennedy was inaugurated into office in January of 1961 and
was assassinated in November of 1963
Answer: Some students become nervous around computers however others seem
to enjoy the new challenges.
8. Jae Hee comes from Korea. Kyung Eun comes from Korea. Jae Hyun comes from
Korea.(1 point)
Answer: Jae hee, Kyung Eun, and Jae Hyun are all came from Korea
9. I am going to buy the skateboard. It is blue.It has red wheels. It has a picture of a
dragon on top.(2 points)
Answer: I am going to buy a blue, red wheeled skateboard and has a picture of a
10. My father is 45 years old. He plays football. He goes jogging. He does not play
tennis anymore. His wrist was broken. This happened two years ago.(3 points)
Answer: My 45-year-old father who plays football and goes jogging used to play
tennis before he broke his wrist two years ago.
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