DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm: Presented by
DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm: Presented by
DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm: Presented by
Presented By:
this data contains noise too, therefore, I have taken noise as a different cluster which is
represented by the purple color.
Sadly, both of them failed to cluster the data points. Also, they were not able to properly detect
the noise present in the dataset.
Why do we need DBSCAN Clustering?
let’s take a look at the results from DBSCAN clustering.
DBSCAN is not just able to cluster the data points correctly, but it also perfectly detects noise
in the dataset.
What Exactly is DBSCAN Clustering?
DBSCAN stands for Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise.
It groups ‘densely grouped’ data points into a single cluster.
It can identify clusters in large spatial datasets by looking at the local density of the data points.
The most exciting feature of DBSCAN clustering is that it is robust to outliers.
It also does not require the number of clusters to be told beforehand, unlike K-Means, where we
have to specify the number of centroids.
DBSCAN requires only two parameters: epsilon and minPoints.
Epsilon is the radius of the circle to be created around each data point to check the density
minPoints is the minimum number of data points required inside that circle for that data point to
be classified as a Core point.
In higher dimensions the circle becomes hypersphere, epsilon becomes the radius of that
hypersphere, and minPoints is the minimum number of data points required inside that
What Exactly is DBSCAN Clustering?
7 Let’s understand it with the help of an example.
Here, we have some data points represented by grey color.
Here, we draw a circle of equal radius epsilon around every data point. These two parameters help in
creating spatial clusters.
All the data points with at least 3 points in the circle including itself are considered as Core points
represented by red color.
All the data points with less than 3 but greater than 1 point in the circle including itself are considered as
Border points. They are represented by yellow color.
Finally, data points with no point other than itself present inside the circle are considered as Noise
represented by the purple color.
Reachability and Connectivity
Reachability states if a data point can be accessed from another data point directly or indirectly
Connectivity states whether two data points belong to the same cluster or not.
In terms of reachability and connectivity, two points in DBSCAN can be referred to as:
Directly Density-Reachable
Let’s understand what they are.
A point X is directly density-reachable from point Y w.r.t epsilon, minPoints if,
1. X belongs to the neighborhood of Y, i.e, dist(X, Y) <= epsilon
2. Y is a core point
Here, X is directly density-reachable from Y,
but vice versa is not valid.
Reachability and Connectivity
A point X is density-reachable from point Y w.r.t epsilon, minPoints if there is a chain of points
p1, p2, p3, …, pn and p1=X and pn=Y such that pi+1 is directly density-reachable from pi.
Here, X is density-reachable from Y with X being directly
density-reachable from P2, P2 from P3, and P3 from Y.
But, the inverse of this is not valid.
A point X is density-connected from point Y w.r.t epsilon and minPoints if there exists a point
O such that both X and Y are density-reachable from O w.r.t to epsilon and minPoints.
Here, both X and Y are density-reachable from O,
therefore, we can say that X is density-connected
from Y.
Parameter Selection in DBSCAN Clustering
11 DBSCAN is very sensitive to the values of epsilon and minPoints.
Therefore, it is very important to understand how to select the values of epsilon and minPoints.
A slight variation in these values can significantly change the results produced by the DBSCAN
The value of minPoints should be at least one greater than the number of dimensions of the
dataset, i.e.,
It does not make sense to take minPoints as 1 because it will result in each point being a separate
cluster. Therefore, it must be at least 3. Generally, it is twice the dimensions. But domain
knowledge also decides its value.
The value of epsilon can be decided from the K-distance graph.
The point of maximum curvature (elbow) in this graph tells us about the value of epsilon.
If the value of epsilon chosen is too small then a higher number of clusters will be created, and
more data points will be taken as noise.
Whereas, if chosen too big then various small clusters will merge into a big cluster, and we will
lose details.
Algorithmic steps for DBSCAN clustering
Now, let’s take a look at how DBSCAN algorithm actually works. Here is
the pseudo code.
Arbitrary select a point p
Retrieve all points density-reachable from p based on Eps and MinPts
If p is a core point, a cluster is formed
If p is a border point, no points are density-reachable from p and DBSCAN
visits the next point of the database
Continue the process until all of the points have been processed
Consider the following 9 two-dimensional data points:
x1(0,0), x2(1,0), x3(1,1), x4(2,2), x5(3,1), x6(3,0), x7(0,1), x8(3,2), x9(6,3)
Use the Euclidean Distance with Eps =1 and MinPts = 3. Find all core points, border points and
noise points, and show the final clusters using DBCSAN algorithm.
Lets show the result step by step
First, Calculate the N(p), Eps-neighborhood of point p
14 N(x1) = {x1, x2, x7}
N(x2) = {x2, x1, x3}
N(x3) = {x3, x2, x7}
N(x4) = {x4, x8}
N(x5) = {x5, x6, x8}
N(x6) = {x6, x5}
N(x7) = {x7, x1, x3}
N(x8) = {x8, x4, x5}
N(x9) = {x9}
If the size of N(p) is at least MinPts, then p is said to be a core point. Here the given MinPts is 3,
thus the size of N(p) is at least 3. Thus core points are:{x1, x2, x3, x5, x7, x8}
Then according to the definition of border points: given a point p, p is said to be a border point if it
is not a core point but N(p) contains at least one core point. N(x4) = {x4, x8}, N(x6) = {x6, x5}.
here x8 and x5 are core points, So both x4 and x6 are border points.
Obviously, the point left, x9 is a noise point.
Now, let’s follow the pseudo code to produce the
Arbitrary select a point p, now we choose x1
Retrieve all points density-reachable from x1: {x2,
x3, x7}
Here x1 is a core point, a cluster is formed. So we
have Cluster_1: {x1, x2, x3, x7}
Next, we choose x5, Retrieve all points density-
reachable from x5: {x4, x6, x8}
Here x5 is a core point, a cluster is formed. So we
have Cluster_2: {x4, x5, x6, x8}
Next, we choose x9, x9 is a noise point, noise
points do NOT belong to any clusters.
Thus the algorithm stops here.
Best Case: If an indexing system is used to store the dataset such that
neighborhood queries are executed in logarithmic time, we
get O(nlogn) average runtime complexity.
Worst Case: Without the use of index structure or on degenerated data (e.g. all
points within a distance less than ε), the worst-case run time complexity
remains O(n²).
Require no. of clusters as input Doesn’t require no. of clusters as input
DBSCAN also produces more reasonable results than k-means across a variety of different
distributions. Below figure illustrates the fact:
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