Milling Formulas and Definitions
Milling Formulas and Definitions
Milling Formulas and Definitions
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2020/10/21 Milling formulas and definitions
Symbol Designation/de nition Metric Imperial
ae Radial depth of cut mm inch
ap Axial depth of cut mm inch
DCap Cutting diameter at cutting depth ap mm inch
Dm Machined diameter (component diameter) mm inch
fz Feed per tooth mm inch
fn Feed per revolution mm/r inch
n Spindle speed rpm rpm
vc Cutting speed m/min ft/min
ve E ective cutting speed mm/min inch/min
vf Table feed mm/min inch/min
zc Number of e ective teeth pcs pcs
hex Maximum chip thickness mm inch
hm Average chip thickness mm inch
kc Speci c cutting force N/mm2 N/inch2
Pc Net power kW HP
Mc Torque Nm lbf ft
Q Metal removal rate cm3/min inch3/min
KAPR Entering angle degree
PSIR Lead angle degree
BD Body diameter mm inch
DC Cutting diameter mm inch
LU Usable length mm inch 2/10
2020/10/21 Milling formulas and definitions
Indicates the surface speed at the e ective diameter (DCap). This value is necessary for determining the true cutting data at the
actual depth of cut (ap). This is a particularly important value when using round insert cutters, ball nose end mills and all cutters
with larger corner radii, as well as cutters with an entering angle smaller than 90 degrees.
Spindle speed, n
The number of revolutions the milling tool makes per minute on the spindle. This is a machine oriented value, which is calculated
from the recommended cutting speed value for an operation.
Circular milling
A circular tool path on a constant z-level (circular interpolation).
Circular ramping
A circular ramping tool path (helical interpolation).
Waterline milling
Milling on a constant z-level.
Point milling
A shallow radial cut with round insert or ball nose cutters in which the cutting zone is moved away from the tool centre.
A con guration with cusps that occurs when producing sculptured surfaces. 4/10
2020/10/21 Milling formulas and definitions
Face milling (centred workpiece), straight edge and side milling (ae > Dcap/2) mm
Side milling (ae < Dcap/2) straight edge mm.
Face milling round insert (ae > Dcap/2) (mm)
Side milling (ae < Dcap/2) and round insert (ap < iC/2) mm. 5/10
2020/10/21 Milling formulas and definitions
Feed per tooth (mm/tooth), cutter centered.
Feed per tooth (mm/tooth), side milling
Calculated version
Peripheral feed (mm/min) Tool centre feed (mm/min) 6/10
2020/10/21 Milling formulas and definitions
Circular ramping in solid workpiece Circular ramping or circular milling to widen a hole.
Calculated version 7/10
2020/10/21 Milling formulas and definitions
The macro geometry is developed for work under light, medium or heavy conditions.
L (Light) geometry has a more positive, but weaker edge (large γ, small β)
H (Heavy) geometry has a stronger, but less positive edge (small γ, large β)
The macro geometry a ects many parameters in the cutting process. An insert with a strong cutting edge can work at higher
loads, but also generates higher cutting forces, consumes more power and generates more heat. Material optimized geometries
are designated with the ISO classi cation letter. For example, geometries for cast iron: -KL, -KM and -KH.
Parameter L M H
Edge strength
Cutting forces
Power consumption Low Medium High
Max. chip thickness
Heat generated 8/10
2020/10/21 Milling formulas and definitions
Cutting depth – ap (mm)
The cutting depth (ap) is the di erence between the uncut and the cut
surface in axial direction. Maximum ap is primarily limited by the insert
size and machine power. 9/10
2020/10/21 Milling formulas and definitions
For determining the table feed (vf) and the productivity. This often has a critical in uence on chip evacuation and operational
Di erential pitch
Indicates an unequal space between the teeth on a cutter. This is a very e ective way to minimize vibration tendencies. 10/10