MAFord - 2020 - Master - Catalog Interactive End Mill Tech Data
MAFord - 2020 - Master - Catalog Interactive End Mill Tech Data
MAFord - 2020 - Master - Catalog Interactive End Mill Tech Data
CERAedge® Non-Ferrous
N Formulas
RPM (n) = SFM (vc) x 3.82/Tool Diam.
Helix Angle IPM (vf) = RPM (n) x IPR (f)
Conversion Inch to Metric
Coolant Maximum
SFM (vc) to m/min (vc) = SFM (vc) x .3048
IPM (vf) to mm/min (vf) = IPM (vf) x 25.4
Ball Nose Max. Coolant Metric
RPM (n) = m/min (vc) x 318.057/Tool Diam.
Coolant Minimal mm/min (vf) = RPM (n) x mm/Revolution (f).
Conversion Metric to Inch
Neck Relief MMS Coolant m/min (vc) to SFM (vc) = (m/min)/.3048
N mm/min (vf) to IPM (vf) = (mm/min)/25.4
Corner Radius
Technical data provided should be considered advisory only as variations may be necessary depending on the particular application.
310 M.A. Ford® Phone: 800-553-8024 or 563-391-6220 • email: •
End Mill Troubleshooting
Technical Information
Use shortest end mill available, hold shank deeper
Lack of rigidity (tool) in holder, investigate for tool slippage. Use short
gage length holder.
Lack of rigidity (workpiece) Tighten workpiece fixture - a common problem.
Feed too high Decrease feed per tooth (fz)
Decrease feed per tooth (fz) on first pass through
Feed to high on first pass workpiece skin or reduce radial width of cut (ae)
first pass.
Reduce FPT on entry - implement radius in or
Part Entry sweeping entrances - avoid 90º (perpendicular)
Ensure you are climb milling unless workpiece
material has hard/abrasive outer skin or high impact
Milling Strategy
Cutting Edge Chipping tool steel like D2, then conventional milling
Icon Glossary / Troubleshooting
technique is preferred for breakthrough (see pg 314).
Ensure you are using shortest OAL possible,
Tool Overhang stub tool in holder. Utilize stronger necked tool
for longer reaches.
Check tool runout in holder/spindle, <.0003"
Technical data provided should be considered advisory only as variations may be necessary depending on the particular application.
For product information, call your local distributor. 311
End Mill Troubleshooting Continued
Technical data provided should be considered advisory only as variations may be necessary depending on the particular application.
312 M.A. Ford® Phone: 800-553-8024 or 563-391-6220 • email: •
End Mill Troubleshooting Continued
Technical Information
= increased strength.
Feed too high Decrease feed per tooth (fz).
Too high width of cut Decrease width of cut, radial depth of cut (ae).
Climb milling can help reduce the amount of
Milling Strategy
deflection in some cases.
Technical data provided should be considered advisory only as variations may be necessary depending on the particular application.
For product information, call your local distributor. 313
Milling Strategy
• Lower Spindle Speed RPM (n) • Higher Spindle Speed RPM (n)
Technical data provided should be considered advisory only as variations may be necessary depending on the particular application.
314 M.A. Ford® Phone: 800-553-8024 or 563-391-6220 • email: •
Milling Strategy Comparison continued
Technical Information
vf - 954mm/min (37.6 in/min) vf - 6,000mm/min (240 in/min)
Technical data provided should be considered advisory only as variations may be necessary depending on the particular application.
For product information, call your local distributor. 315
Radial Chip Thinning
During profile or side milling with a solid carbide end mill at 50% (ae) radial width of cut, the
chip formed is at full programmed thickness. When your radial depth of cut decreases to some-
thing less than 50%, the chip formed is not as thick. This is known as “radial chip thinning".
When less than 50% (ae) radial depths are used, it becomes necessary to increase your feed
to achieve full chip thickness. This means a higher programmed feed rate is needed to achieve
the recommended chip thickness.
Programmers and Machinists have a tendency to lower feed rate due to previous experience.
With the utilization of new programming methods, such as trochoidal and peel milling, manufac-
turers can increase productivity and tool life. These methods take advantage of much deeper
(ap) axial cuts with less (ae) radial width of cut. With these methods, it’s possible to run higher
surface footages (SFM or m/min) along with these higher feed rates (IPM or mm/min) because
less heat is generated at the cutting zone. Plus, you’re utilizing chip thinning.
With the introduction of M.A. Ford®’s variable pitch tools, harmonics have virtually been elimi-
nated, thus easing Programmers and Machinists fears of previous experiences. Advancements
in our hard coatings enable our tools to withstand 900 degrees F, thus eliminating heat concerns.
In addition, machine tools have advanced greatly to take advantage of these new methods.
Use the following chart as a reference to increase feed rates by multiplying recommended
feed rate by the increase feed factor, according to your (ae) radial depth of cut as % of (Dc)
cutter diameter.
Technical data provided should be considered advisory only as variations may be necessary depending on the particular application.
316 M.A. Ford® Phone: 800-553-8024 or 563-391-6220 • email: •
Tool Engagement Angle
Sometimes referred to as “Arc of Engagement", this is the degrees of engagement the end
mill will contact the part during cut depths in the radial direction. Ideally you would like to
engage the end mill at a constant engagement angle of 30-40 degrees. At this degree of
engagement the tool will perform best because of acceptable loading while not exceeding
deflection limits.
As the tool travels around the geometrical shape of the part features, it will encounter areas
where it could exceed the acceptable engagement angle. Software manufacturers have cre-
ated methods to calculate algorithms to avoid these situations. One such case would be the
entry into a pocket corner. At 50% radial depth of cut (ae), the cutter runs along the pocket
side with a tool engagement angle of 90 degrees. As it enters the corner, it can quickly jump
to 180 degrees as shown in the example below.
y z
x y
Technical Information
At this intersection, large engagement would cause tool chatter and even breakage. Using
CAD CAM software to generate the corner avoids an abrupt stop and change of direction.
It also keeps a constant arc of engagement while providing smooth chatter free cutting and
long tool life.
Technical data provided should be considered advisory only as variations may be necessary depending on the particular application.
For product information, call your local distributor. 317
During the machining process, high cutting forces are directed on the end mill causing it
to deflect. How much the end mill deflects depends on cutting parameters, tool diameter,
tool stick out, and the elasticity coefficient (PSI) of the cutting tool material. The cutting tool
strength will vary from different suppliers. At M.A. Ford®, we use only raw material of the
highest quality and strength.
During roughing, deflection can be slightly higher than finishing. Deflection may be tolerable
when roughing because at some point you will come back and finish cut your part. On larger
carbide tools, deflection less than .001" (.025mm) is acceptable. However, on small micro
end mills, deflection of less than .0005" (.0127mm) is acceptable.
Depending whether you are conventional milling or climb milling, deflection will be in different
directions. With climb milling, deflection is in the direct opposite of the cut, but with conven-
tional milling its direction is more parallel with the cut. This difference in direction will impart
a different pattern finish on the wall of the workpiece. In climb milling, the tool engagement
lines are more vertical and distinct. With conventional milling, your chip starts out thin and
then gets thicker as your end mill continues through the cut; tool engagement lines are not
as distinctly vertical.
M.A. Ford® has designed computer software to perform the many calculations required to
determine tool deflection. All M.A. Ford® tools carry a Lot Number which can be traced back
to that tool’s DNA. With this information, we can plug the exact carbide TRS number into our
software. How does this benefit you? We can increase cutting parameters to the point of
maximum deflection, thus optimizing your operation parameters.
Please contact M.A. Ford®’s Tech Line (1-800-553-8024 or with your
tooling application questions.
Technical data provided should be considered advisory only as variations may be necessary depending on the particular application.
318 M.A. Ford® Phone: 800-553-8024 or 563-391-6220 • email: •
Pocket Corners
Inside or pocket corners present a different challenge in two ways. First, if the corner radius
is proportionally smaller than the related pocket size, it is necessary to use a much smaller
diameter end mill to achieve the necessary radius. With a small diameter end mill there are
restrictions from a cut depth standpoint; a small end mill will deflect when axial depth of cut
(ap) exceeds the end mills limits and breakage can occur.
Secondly, to rough the pocket the programmer may use a much larger end mill to remove
large amounts of stock. If you plow into the rough corner with the small end mill, your tool
engagement angle can cause the small end mill to deflect and chip or break. To avoid these
problems, you must use one of two methods: peck milling or rest milling. Software packages
again ease this procedure by maintaining low tool engagement angle.
Peck milling is a series of axial plunge moves to remove much of the stock remaining in the
corner. Plunging directs forces axially on the machine spindle, thus eliminating radial force
and deflection. This is particularly beneficial for light duty machines.
Rest milling is a series of circular moves while traveling in the Z direction, very similar to heli-
cal milling. This removes the remaining stock much like trochoidal milling but with the addi-
tion of Z movements.
Technical Information
Deflection / Pocket Corners
z z
y y
x x
Technical data provided should be considered advisory only as variations may be necessary depending on the particular application.
For product information, call your local distributor. 319
End Mill Terminology