Me 22 Me 261 2018-19
Me 22 Me 261 2018-19
Me 22 Me 261 2018-19
1. (a) Find the root of the following equation using the Newton's method, (15)
8 - 4.5(x - sinx) =0
Use initial guess, xo = 2.0 and Es = 0.1%. From your solution show that Newton's method
converges quadratically.
(b) A simplified model of the suspension of a car consists of a mass, m, a spring WIThstiffness, (15)
k, and a dashpot with damping coefficient, c. A bumpy road can be modeled by a sinusoidal
up-and-down motion of the wheel y = Ysin(wt). From the solution of the equation of motion
for this model, the steady-state up-and.down motion of the car (mass) is given by x =
Xsin(wt - <{». The ratio between amplitude X and amplitude Y is given by:
X mew3
- = 1.,..,.,--':";-:--,-.,-"
Y 2
k(k - mw ) + (we)2
Assuming m = 2000 kg, k = 500 kN/m, and c = 38x103 Ns/m, determine the frequency w
for which XIY = 0.2. Rewrite the equation such that it is in the form of a polynomial in wand
solve using false position method using WI = 2.0 and ~u = 10.0. Show three ITerations.
2. (a) In a linear coiled spring, the relation between spring force (F) and displacement (x) is (18)
described by F = kx, where k is the spring constant. Testing on a certain spring has led to
the data recorded in the following Table (All values are in consistent physical units).
(i) Using least-squares regression, find a straight line that best fits the data.
(ii) Using the linear fit, find the estimated value for the spring constant, and the
displacement corresponding to F = 150.
(b) What modifications are needed to fit the data of problem 2(a) with (12)
(i) weighted linear regression
(ii) quadratic polynomial regression
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3. (a) (i) Solve the following system of equations ([Aj{x} = {b}) by using Gauss elimination method (18)
. with partial pJyoting-'-- ., ._ _ .... . ....__
Xl + X2 -- X3 =2
2xl + 3X2 - 5x3 = -3
3xl + 2X2 - 3X3 =6
(ii) using the results obtained in (i), find the [Lj matrix required for solving the system with
the LU decomposition method.
(iii) using the results obtained in (i), find the determinant of the coefficient matrix [Aj.
(b) Consider the following linear system, (12)
~1],b= 1~7)' = 1::), .
6 13.
Initial vector = 1~1
(i) Solve the above system using the Gauss-Seidel method. Show at least one iteration.
(Ii) Will this system converge to a solution using the Gauss-Seidel method?
4. (a) Discuss how the total error can be minimized for solving a problem numerically. (6)
(b) The mid-point deflection of a transversely loaded rotating shaft can be estimated (15)
experimentally by the following equation,
Y = 48EI
where, W is the weight of the shaft, L is the length of shaft, E is the modulus of elasticity of
the shaft material and I is the moment of inertia. During an experiment following data were
recorded, W = 3100:!: 75 N, L = 2.5:!: 0.1 m, and 1= 0.0003:!: 0.00005 m4.
Considering, E = 2 GPa for the shaft material to be exact, estimate the error in deflection y
for the given data.
(c) Use zero- through third-order Taylor series expansions to predict f(3) for f(x) = 25x' - 6x2 (9)
+ 7x - 88 using a base point at x = 1. Compute the true percent relative error Et for each
approximation. Discuss the meaning of the results.
5. (a) The record of velocity (v) and acceleration (a) of a particle is given below: (20)
a = dv
(m/s2) 0.01 0.02 -0.007 0.02 .. -0.02
(i) Determine the total distance (y) travelled by the particle using Trapezoidal Rule. What
is the order of Truncation Error associated with the result?
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• ,.
(ii) Can the acceleration (a) data be used to obtain a more accurate value of distance (y)?
If yes, determine that more accurate value and the order_o.fJ:r.uJ)c~lion Er[QUI~s.Qci<lt\ld
with it.
(b) For Simpson's 1/3'" Rule, determine the minimum number of divisions required to (10)
guarantee a result within the 0.2% of the exact result of integration of the function-
6. (a) With necessary diagrams, describe Forward Difference, Backward Difference and Central (14)
Difference approach of Numerical Differentiation. Explain their applicability and relative
advantage/disadvantage in context to practical problems.
(b) A Simply Supported Beam (length, L = 6m, Bending Stiffness, EI = 26 x 10' N-m') has (16)
the following deflections under a partial distributed loading-
x (m) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(nIx) = bo + b,(x - xo) + b,(x - xo)(x - X,) ..... +bn(x - xo)(x - X,) ..... (x - Xn-l)
Show that, the coefficients bo, b" b2, ...• , bn actually indicate derivatives by Newton's
Divided Difference Method.
(b) The table below gives the values of ((x) from x = 2.0 to x = 4.0. (16)
(b) The governing equation of a particle under vibration is found to be- (20)
d'x dx
dt' + 0.6 dt + 0.8t = a
Where, x = displacement of the particle, t = time. x (0) = 4, x' (0) = O.
Determine the veloc~y at t = 2 and 4 by 4th order R-K method.
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