Controls, Start-Up, Operation, Service, and Troubleshooting
Controls, Start-Up, Operation, Service, and Troubleshooting
Controls, Start-Up, Operation, Service, and Troubleshooting
Liquid Chillers with Scroll Compressors
and ComfortLink Controls
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 04-53300181-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 30MP-5T Rev. A Pg 1 11-19 Replaces: 30MP-4T
Installing, starting up, and servicing this equipment can be haz- CAUTION
ardous due to system pressures, electrical components, and equip-
ment location (elevated structures, mechanical rooms, etc.). Only DO NOT re-use compressor oil or any oil that has been
trained, qualified installers and service mechanics should install, exposed to the atmosphere. Dispose of oil per local codes and
start up, and service this equipment. regulations. DO NOT leave refrigerant system open to air any
longer than the actual time required to service the equipment.
When working on this equipment, observe precautions in the Seal circuits being serviced and charge with dry nitrogen to
literature, and on tags, stickers, and labels attached to the equip- prevent oil contamination when timely repairs cannot be com-
ment, and any other safety precautions that apply. Follow all safe- pleted. Failure to follow these procedures may result in dam-
ty codes. Wear safety glasses and work gloves. Use care in han- age to equipment.
dling, rigging, and setting this equipment, and in handling all elec-
trical components.
Electrical shock can cause personal injury and death. Shut off This unit uses a microprocessor-based electronic control sys-
all power to this equipment during installation. There may be tem. Do not use jumpers or other tools to short out compo-
more than one disconnect switch. Tag all disconnect locations nents, or to bypass or otherwise depart from recommended
to alert others not to restore power until work is completed. procedures. Any short-to-ground of the control board or
accompanying wiring may destroy the electronic modules or
electrical components.
DO NOT VENT refrigerant relief valves within a building. CAUTION
Outlet from relief valves must be vented outdoors in accor-
dance with the latest edition of ANSI/ASHRAE (American To prevent potential damage to heat exchanger, always run
National Standards Institute/American Society of Heating, fluid through heat exchanger when adding or removing refrig-
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) 15 (Safety erant charge. Use appropriate brine solutions in cooler fluid
Code for Mechanical Refrigeration). The accumulation of loop to prevent the freezing of brazed plate heat exchanger
refrigerant in an enclosed space can displace oxygen and when the equipment is exposed to temperatures below 32°F
cause asphyxiation. Provide adequate ventilation in enclosed (0°C). Proof of flow switch is factory installed on all models.
or low overhead areas. Inhalation of high concentrations of Do NOT remove power from this chiller during winter shut-
vapor is harmful and may cause heart irregularities, uncon- down periods without taking precaution to remove all water
sciousness or death. Misuse can be fatal. Vapor is heavier than from heat exchanger and optional hydronic system. Failure to
air and reduces the amount of oxygen available for breathing. properly protect the system from freezing may constitute abuse
Product causes eye and skin irritation. Decomposition prod- and may result in loss of warranty coverage.
ucts are hazardous.
Compressors require specific rotation. Monitor control alarms
DO NOT USE TORCH to remove any component. System during first compressor start-up for reverse rotation protection.
contains oil and refrigerant under pressure. Damage to unit may result.
To remove a component, wear protective gloves and goggles
and proceed as follows:
a. Shut off electrical power to unit. CAUTION
b. Recover refrigerant to relieve all pressure from system Refrigerant charge must be removed slowly to prevent loss of
using both high-pressure and low pressure ports. compressor oil that could result in compressor failure.
c. Traces of vapor should be displaced with nitrogen and
the work area should be well ventilated. Refrigerant in
contact with an open flame produces toxic gases. CAUTION
d. Cut component connection tubing with tubing cutter and
remove component from unit. Use a pan to catch any oil Puron® refrigerant (R-410A) systems operate at higher pres-
that may come out of the lines and as a gage for how sures than standard R-22 systems. Do not use R-22 service
much oil to add to the system. equipment or components on Puron refrigerant equipment. If
service equipment is not rated for Puron refrigerant, equip-
e. Carefully unsweat remaining tubing stubs when neces- ment damage or personal injury may result.
sary. Oil can ignite when exposed to torch flame.
Failure to follow these procedures may result in personal
injury or death.
GENERAL Pressing the ESCAPE and ENTER keys simultaneously
will scroll an expanded text description of the point name or value
This publication contains Start-Up, Service, Controls, Opera-
tion, and Troubleshooting information for the 30MPW water- across the display. The expanded description is shown in the local
cooled chillers and the 30MPA air-cooled chillers. For unit sizes, display tables but will not be shown with the path names in text.
see Table 1. These liquid chillers are equipped with ComfortLink The CCN (Carrier Comfort Network®) point names are also
controls and conventional thermostatic expansion valves (TXVs, referenced in the local display tables for users configuring the unit
units 30MP016-045) or electronic expansion valves (EXVs, units with CCN software instead of the local display. The CCN tables
30MP050-071). The 30MPA units and the 30MPW units with op- are located in Appendix B of the manual.
tional medium temperature brine are also equipped with liquid
line solenoid valves (LLSVs). Basic Control Usage
SCROLLING MARQUEE DISPLAY — This device is the key-
CAUTION pad interface used for accessing unit information, reading sensor
This unit uses a microprocessor-based electronic control sys- values, and testing the unit. The scrolling marquee display is a 4-
tem. Do not use jumpers or other tools to short out or bypass key, 4-character, 16-segment LED (light-emitting diode) display.
components or otherwise depart from recommended proce- Eleven mode LEDs are located on the display as well as an Alarm
dures. Any short-to-ground of the control board or accompa- Status LED. See Table 2. For further details, see Appendix A—Lo-
nying wiring may destroy the board or electrical component. cal Display Tables on page 85.
Table 1 — Unit Sizes The scrolling marquee display module provides the user inter-
face to the ComfortLink control system. The display has up and
30MPW016 16
down arrow keys, an ENTER key, and an ESCAPE key. These
30MPA,MPW020 20 keys are used to navigate through the different levels of the display
30MPA,MPW030 30 structure. See Appendix A—Local Display Tables on page 85.
30MPW032 32 Press the ESCAPE key until the display is blank to move
30MPA,MPW040 40 through the top 11 mode levels indicated by LEDs on the left side
30MPA,MPW045 45 of the display.
30MPA,MPW050 50 Pressing the ENTER and ESCAPE keys simultaneously
30MPA,MPW055 55 will scroll a clear language text description across the display
30MPA,MPW060 60 indicating the full meaning of each display acronym. Clear lan-
30MPA,MPW065 65 guage descriptions will be displayed in the language of choice.
30MPA,MPW071 71
Pressing the ENTER and ESCAPE keys when the display is
Conventions Used in This Manual blank (Mode LED level) will return the scrolling marquee dis-
The following conventions for discussing configuration points play to its default menu of rotating display items, found under
for the local display (scrolling marquee or Navigator™ accessory) Run StatusVIEW. In addition, the password will be disabled,
will be used in this manual. requiring that it be entered again before changes can be made
Point names will be written with the mode name first, then any to password protected items. After a period of time with no key
sub-modes, then the point name, each separated by an arrow sym- activity, the scrolling marquee will display its default menu of
bol (. Names will also be shown in bold and italics. As an ex-
ample, the Minimum Load Valve Select Point, which is located in rotating display items found under Run StatusVIEW.
the Configuration mode, Option 1 sub-mode, would be written as When a specific item is located, the display will flash showing
ConfigurationOPT1 MLV.S. the operator, the item, the item value and then the item units (if
This path name will show the user how to navigate through the any). Press the ENTER key to stop the display at the item value.
local display to reach the desired configuration. The user would Press the ENTER key again so that the item value flashes. Use
scroll through the modes and sub-modes using the and the arrow keys to change the value or state of an item and press the
keys. The arrow symbol in the path name represents pressing ENTER key to accept it. Press the ESCAPE key and the item,
ENTER to move into the next level of the menu structure. value, or units display will resume. Repeat the process as required
When a value is included as part of the path name, it will be for other items.
shown at the end of the path name after an equals sign. If the NOTE: If a value has been forced, the lower right “.” will be
value represents a configuration setting, an explanation will be flashing.
shown in parenthesis after the value. As an example, Configu-
rationOPT1MLV.S = YES (Minimum Load Valve Select). See Table 3 and Appendix A for further details.
Table 2 — Scrolling Marquee Display Menu Structure*
Service Pressures Cooling General General Display Time of
View of Unit Temperatures Modes Current
Test Mode Circuit A Setpoints Inputs Outputs Configuration Day
Run Status (UNIT) (MODE) (CRNT)
*Throughout this text, the location of items in the menu structure will be
described in the following format:
Item Expansion (Mode NameSub-mode NameITEM)
For example, using the language selection item:
Language Selection (ConfigurationDISPLANG)
Table 3 — Operating Modes
01 CSM CONTROLLING CHILLER Chillervisor System Manager (CSM) is controlling the chiller.
02 WSM CONTROLLING CHILLER Water System Manager (WSM) is controlling the chiller.
03 MASTER/SLAVE CONTROL Dual Chiller control is enabled.
RAMP LOAD LIMITED Ramp load (pull-down) limiting in effect. In this mode, the rate at which leaving fluid temperature
is dropped is limited to a predetermined value to prevent compressor overloading. See Cooling
05 Ramp Loading (ConfigurationSLCTCRMP). The pull-down limit can be modified, if
desired, to any rate from 0.2°F to 2°F (0.1° to 1°C)/minute.
TIMED OVERRIDE IN EFFECT Timed override is in effect. This is a 1 to 4 hour temporary override of the programmed sched-
06 ule, forcing unit to Occupied mode. Override can be implemented with unit under Local
(Enable) or CCN (Carrier Comfort Network®) control. Override expires after each use.
LOW COOLER SUCTION TEMPA Circuit A cooler Freeze Protection mode. At least one compressor must be on, and the Satu-
rated Suction Temperature is not increasing greater than 1.1°F (0.6°C) in 10 seconds. If the
saturated suction temperature is less than the Brine Freeze Point (Set PointsFRZ
BR.FZ) minus 6°F (3.4°C) and less than the leaving fluid temperature minus 14°F (7.8°C)
for 2 minutes, a stage of capacity will be removed from the circuit. Or, If the saturated suction
temperature is less than the Brine Freeze Point minus 14°F (7.8°C), for 90 seconds, a stage of
capacity will be removed from the circuit. The control will continue to decrease capacity as
long as either condition exists.
LOW COOLER SUCTION TEMPB Circuit B cooler Freeze Protection mode. At least one compressor must be on, and the Satu-
rated Suction Temperature is not increasing greater than 1.1°F (0.6°C) in 10 seconds. If the
saturated suction temperature is less than the Brine Freeze Point (Set PointsFRZ
08 BR.FZ) minus 6°F (3.4°C) and less than the leaving fluid temperature minus 14°F (7.8°C)
for 2 minutes, a stage of capacity will be removed from the circuit. Or, If the saturated suction
temperature is less than the Brine Freeze Point minus 14°F (7.8°C), for 90 seconds, a stage of
capacity will be removed from the circuit. The control will continue to decrease capacity as
long as either condition exists.
SLOW CHANGE OVERRIDE Slow change override is in effect. The leaving fluid temperature is close to and moving
09 towards the control point.
10 MINIMUM OFF TIME ACTIVE Chiller is being held off by Minutes Off Time (ConfigurationOPT2DELY).
DUAL SETPOINT Dual Set Point mode is in effect. Chiller controls to Cooling Set Point 1 (Set PointsCOOL
13 CSP.1) during occupied periods and Cooling Set Point 2 (Set PointsCOOLCSP.2)
during unoccupied periods.
TEMPERATURE RESET Temperature reset is in effect. In this mode, chiller is using temperature reset to adjust leaving
14 fluid set point upward and is currently controlling to the modified set point. The set point can
be modified based on return fluid, outdoor-air-temperature, space temperature, or 4 to 20 mA
DEMAND LIMITED Demand limit is in effect. This indicates that the capacity of the chiller is being limited by
15 demand limit control option. Because of this limitation, the chiller may not be able to produce
the desired leaving fluid temperature. Demand limit can be controlled by switch inputs or a 4 to
20 mA signal.
COOLER FREEZE PROTECTION Cooler fluid temperatures are approaching the Freeze point (see Alarms and Alerts section for
16 definition). The chiller will be shut down when either fluid temperature falls below the Freeze
LOW TEMPERATURE COOLING Chiller is in Cooling mode and the rate of change of the leaving fluid is negative and decreas-
17 ing faster than -0.5°F (-0.3°C) per minute. Error between leaving fluid and control point
exceeds fixed amount. Control will automatically unload the chiller if necessary.
HIGH TEMPERATURE COOLING Chiller is in Cooling mode and the rate of change of the leaving fluid is positive and increasing.
18 Error between leaving fluid and control point exceeds fixed amount. Control will automatically
load the chiller if necessary to better match the increasing load.
MAKING ICE Chiller is in an unoccupied mode and is using Cooling Set Point 3 (Set PointsCOOLCSP.3)
to make ice. The ice done input to the Energy Management Module (EMM) is open.
STORING ICE Chiller is in an unoccupied mode and is controlling to Cooling Set Point 2 (Set PointsCOOL
CSP.2). The ice done input to the Energy Management Module (EMM) is closed.
HIGH SCT CIRCUIT A Chiller is in a Cooling mode and the Circuit A Saturated Condensing Temperature (SCT) is
greater than the calculated maximum limit. No additional stages of capacity will be added. Chiller
capacity may be reduced if SCT continues to rise to avoid high-pressure switch trips by reducing
condensing temperature.
HIGH SCT CIRCUIT B Chiller is in a Cooling mode and the Circuit B Saturated Condensing Temperature (SCT) is
greater than the calculated maximum limit. No additional stages of capacity will be added. Chiller
capacity may be reduced if SCT continues to rise to avoid high-pressure switch trips by reducing
condensing temperature.
MINIMUM COMP ON TIME Cooling load may be satisfied, however control continues to operate compressor to ensure proper
23 oil return. May be an indication of oversized application, low fluid flow rate or low loop volume.
PUMP OFF DELAY TIME Cooling load is satisfied, however cooler pump continues to run for the number of minutes set
by the configuration variable Cooler Pump Shutdown Delay (ConfigurationOPT1PM.DY).
CSM — Chillervisor System Manager
SCT — Saturated Condensing Temperature
WSM — Water System Manager
ACCESSORY NAVIGATOR™ DISPLAY MODULE — The the up or down arrows to adjust the contrast. The screen’s
Navigator module provides a mobile user interface to the Com- contrast will change with the adjustment. Press ENTER to
fortLink control system. The display has up and down arrow keys, accept the change. The Navigator module will keep this set-
an ENTER key, and an ESCAPE key. These keys are used to ting as long as it is plugged in to the LEN bus.
navigate through the different levels of the display structure. Press Adjusting the Backlight Brightness — The backlight of the dis-
the ESCAPE key until ‘Select a Menu Item’ is displayed to play can be adjusted to suit ambient conditions. The factory de-
move through the top 11 mode levels indicated by LEDs on the fault is set to the highest level. To adjust the backlight of the Navi-
left side of the display. See Fig. 1. gator module, press the ESCAPE key until the display reads,
Once within a Mode or sub-mode, a “>” indicates the currently “Select a menu item.” Using the arrow keys move to the Configu-
selected item on the display screen. Pressing the ENTER and ration mode. Press ENTER to obtain access to this mode. The
ESCAPE keys simultaneously will put the Navigator module into display will read:
expanded text mode where the full meaning of all sub-modes, > TEST OFF
items and their values can be displayed. Pressing the ENTER and METR OFF
ESCAPE keys when the display says ‘Select Menu Item’ (Mode LANG ENGLISH
LED level) will return the Navigator module to its default menu of PAS.E ENBL
rotating display items (those items in Run StatusVIEW). In ad- Pressing ENTER will cause the “OFF” to flash. Use the up or
dition, the password will be disabled, requiring that it be entered down arrow keys to change “OFF” to “ON.” Pressing ENTER
again before changes can be made to password protected items. will illuminate all LEDs and display all pixels in the view screen.
Press the ESCAPE key to exit out of the expanded text mode. Pressing the up and down arrow keys simultaneously allows the
NOTE: When the Language Selection (Configuration user to adjust the display brightness. Use the up or down arrow
DISPLANG), variable is changed, all appropriate display keys to adjust screen brightness. Press ENTER to accept the
expansions will immediately change to the new language. No change. The Navigator module will keep this setting as long as it
power-off or control reset is required when reconfiguring lan- is plugged in to the LEN bus.
When a specific item is located, the item name appears on the Com
left of the display, the value will appear near the middle of the dis-
play and the units (if any) will appear on the far right of the display.
Press the ENTER key at a changeable item and the value will be-
gin to flash. Use the up and down arrow keys to change the value,
Run Alarm
Status Status
e Tes
same manner. Locate and display the desired item. Press ENTER ENTE
so that the item value flashes. Use the arrow keys to change the
value or state and press the ENTER key to accept it. Press the
ESCAPE key to return to the next higher level of structure. Re-
peat the process as required for other items.
Fig. 1 — Accessory Navigator™ Display Module
Items in the Configuration and Service Test modes are pass- CHANGING THE DISPLAY LANGUAGE — The factory de-
word protected. The words Enter Password will be displayed fault language is English. Several other languages are available,
when required, with 1111 also being displayed. The default pass- including Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
word is 1111. Use the arrow keys to change the number and press Required Configurations — Table 4 shows the required configu-
ENTER to enter the digit. Continue with the remaining digits of rations for Language Selection.
the password. The password can only be changed through CCN Table 4 — LANG (Language Selection)
operator interface software such as ComfortWORKS, Comfort- Required Configurations
VIEW and Service Tool.
Adjusting the Contrast — The contrast of the display can be ad- MODE DESCRIPTION
justed to suit ambient conditions. To adjust the contrast of the DISP LANG X Language Default: 0
Selection Range: 0 to 3
Navigator module, press the ESCAPE key until the display 0=English
reads, “Select a menu item.” Using the arrow keys move to the 1=Espanol
Configuration mode. Press ENTER to obtain access to this 3=Portuguese
mode. The display will read:
NOTE: When the Language Selection (Configura-
> TEST OFF tionDISPLANG) variable is changed, all appropriate display
METR OFF expansions will immediately change to the new language. No
LANG ENGLISH power-off or control reset is required when reconfiguring Lan-
PAS.E ENBL guage Selection.
Pressing ENTER will cause the “OFF” to flash. Use the CHANGING THE UNITS OF MEASURE — The factory de-
up or down arrow to change “OFF” to “ON”. Pressing fault unit of measure is English (for example, °F, ^F, psi). The dis-
play can be changed to metric units (for example, °C, ^C, kPa).
ENTER will illuminate all LEDs and display all pixels in
the view screen. Pressing ENTER and ESCAPE simulta- Required Configurations — Table 5 shows the required configu-
rations for Metric Display.
neously allows the user to adjust the display contrast. Use
Table 5 — METR (Metric Display) the status of all inputs with the MBB, and the MBB adjusts the
Required Configurations control point, capacity limit, and other functions according to the
inputs received.
MODE DESCRIPTION Current Sensor Board (CSB)
DISP METR OFF/ON Metric Display Default: OFF The CSB is used to monitor the status of the compressors by
ON=Metric measuring current and providing an analog input to the main base
board (MBB).
NOTE: When the Metric Display (Configura-
tionDISPMETR) variable is changed, all appropriate display Expansion Valve (EXV) Board (050-071 only)
expansions will immediately change to the new units of measure. The EXV board communicates with the MBB and directly
No power-off or control reset is required when reconfiguring Met- controls the expansion valves to maintain the correct compressor
ric Display. superheat.
CONFIGURATION AND SERVICE PASSWORD — Items in Enable/Off/Remote Control Switch
the Configuration and Service Test modes are password protected.
The words PASS and WORD will flash on the scrolling marquee. The Enable/Off/Remote Control switch is a 3-position switch
Press ENTER for the digits 1111 to be displayed. On the Naviga- used to control the chiller. When switched to the Enable position
tor, press Enter Password and 1111 will be displayed. The the chiller is under its own control. Move the switch to the Off po-
default password is 1111. Use the arrow keys to change each num- sition to shut the chiller down. Move the switch to the Remote
ber if required and press ENTER to accept the digit. Continue Control position and a field-installed dry contact can be used to
with the remaining digits of the password. start the chiller. The contacts must be capable of handling a 24
vac, 50-mA load. In the Enable and Remote Control (dry contacts
Changing Service Password — The password can only be closed) positions, the chiller is allowed to operate and respond to
changed through CCN operator interface software such as Com- the scheduling configuration, CCN configuration and set point da-
fortWORKS™, ComfortVIEW™, and Service Tool. Caution ta. See Fig. 7.
should be exercised when changing the password. Once changed,
the only way to determine the password is through one of these Emergency On/Off Switch
devices. To view or change the password, use the CCN Variable The Emergency On/Off switch should only be used when it is
PASSWORD found in Service Configuration/Display. required to shut the chiller off immediately. Power to the MBB,
EMM, EXV, AUX, and marquee display is interrupted when this
CONTROLS switch is off and all outputs from these modules will be turned off.
See Fig. 7.
The 30MP liquid scroll chillers contain the ComfortLink elec- Board Addresses
tronic control system that controls and monitors all operations of The main base board (MBB) has a 3-position instance jumper
the chiller. that must be set to 1. The EMM and EXV board has 4-position
The control system is composed of several components as list- DIP switches. All switches are set to ON for all boards except the
ed in the sections below. See Fig. 2 for a typical control box draw- AUX board. The AUX board DIP switch settings are shown on
ing. See Fig. 3 and 4 for power and control schematics. See Table the wiring schematic.
6 for drawing designation. Control Module Communication
Main Base Board (MBB) RED LED — Proper operation of the control boards can be visu-
See Fig. 5. The MBB is the heart of the ComfortLink control ally checked by looking at the red status LEDs. During initial
system. It contains the major portion of operating software and power-up the LED will signal a 1/2-second blink 3 times, followed
controls the operation of the machine. The MBB continuously by a pause. This indicates that the processor is booting. If this pat-
monitors input/output channel information received from its in- tern repeats, it is an indication that the control board is in a contin-
puts and from all other modules. The MBB receives inputs from uous reboot loop and the board should be replaced. When operat-
the discharge and suction pressure transducers and thermistors. ing correctly, the red status LEDs should be blinking in unison at a
See Table 7. The MBB also receives the feedback inputs from rate of once every 2 seconds. If the red LEDs are not blinking in
each compressor current sensor board and other status switches. unison, verify that correct power is being supplied to all modules.
See Table 8. The MBB also controls several outputs. Relay out- Be sure that the main control is supplied with the current software.
puts controlled by the MBB are shown in Table 9. Information is If necessary, reload current software. If the problem still persists,
transmitted between modules via a 3-wire communication bus or replace the control board. A red LED that is lit continuously or
LEN (Local Equipment Network). The CCN (Carrier Comfort blinking at a rate of once per second or faster indicates that the
Network) bus is also supported. Connections to both LEN and control board should be replaced.
CCN buses are made at the LVT (low voltage terminal). The In- GREEN LED — The MBB has one green LED. The Local
stance Jumper must be on “1.” Equipment Network (LEN) LED should always be blinking
whenever power is on. All other boards have a LEN LED which
AUX Board (AUX) should be blinking whenever power is on. Check LEN connec-
The AUX board is used with the digital scroll option (016-045 tions for potential communication errors at the board J3 and/or
only). It provides additional inputs and outputs for digital scroll J4 connectors. Communication between modules is accom-
control. See Fig. 6. plished by a 3-wire sensor bus. These 3 wires run in parallel
from module to module. The J4 connector on the MBB provides
Energy Management Module (EMM) both power and communication directly to the marquee display
The EMM module is available as a factory-installed option or only.
as a field-installed accessory. The EMM module receives 4 to 20 YELLOW LED — The MBB has one yellow LED. The Carri-
mA inputs for the leaving fluid temperature reset, cooling set er Comfort Network (CCN) LED will blink during times of
point and demand limit functions. The EMM module also re- network communication.
ceives the switch inputs for the field-installed 2-stage demand
limit and ice done functions. The EMM module communicates
Table 6 — Component, Power, and Control Drawings
Component Arrangement Fig. 2, page 9
016-071 Power Wiring Schematic Fig. 3, page 10
Control Wiring Schematic Fig. 4, page 11
Fig. 2 — Typical Control Box — 30MP016-071 Units
Fig. 3 — Typical Power Wiring Schematic — 30MP016-071 Units
Fig. 4 — Typical Control Wiring Schematic — 30MP016-071 Units
K11 K10 K9
K8 K7 K6 K5
2 1
J3 LEN J10
K4 K3 K2 K1
J7 J8 J9
1 3 4 5 6 7 8
24 VAC
100K 100K
32GB500 442 EE
J4 J5 D12 JP1
J2 J3
CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 CH8 CH9 CH10 CH11 CH12
Carrier Comfort Network® (CCN) Interface plify the installation. It is recommended that red be used for the
The 30MP chiller units can be connected to the CCN if desired. signal positive, black for the signal negative, and white for the sig-
The communication bus wiring is a shielded, 3-conductor cable nal ground. Use a similar scheme for cables containing different
with drain wire and is supplied and installed in the field. See Table colored wires.
10. The system elements are connected to the communication bus At each system element, the shields of its communication bus
in a daisy chain arrangement. The positive pin of each system ele- cables must be tied together. If the communication bus is entirely
ment communication connector must be wired to the positive pins within one building, the resulting continuous shield must be con-
of the system elements on either side of it. This is also required for nected to a ground at one point only. If the communication bus ca-
the negative and signal ground pins of each system element. Wir- ble exits from one building and enters another, the shields must be
ing connections for CCN should be made at LVT See Fig. 8 and connected to grounds at the lightning suppressor in each building
consult the CCN Contractor’s Manual for further information. where the cable enters or exits the building (one point per building
NOTE: Conductors and drain wire must be 20 AWG (American only). To connect the unit to the network:
Wire Gage) minimum stranded, tinned copper. Individual con- 1. Turn off power to the control box.
ductors must be insulated with PVC, PVC/nylon, vinyl, Tef- 2. Cut the CCN wire and strip the ends of the red (+), white
lon1, or polyethylene. An aluminum/polyester 100% foil shield (ground), and black (–) conductors. (Substitute appropriate
and an outer jacket of PVC, PVC/nylon, chrome vinyl, or Tef- colors for different colored cables.)
lon with a minimum operating temperature range of –20°C to
3. Connect the red wire to (+) terminal on LVT of the plug, the
60°C is required. Wire manufactured by Alpha (2413 or 5463), white wire to COM terminal, and the black wire to the (–)
American (A22503), Belden (8772), or Columbia (02525) terminal.
meets the above mentioned requirements.
4. The RJ14 CCN connector on LVT can also be used, but is
It is important when connecting to a CCN communication bus only intended for temporary connection (for example, a lap-
that a color coding scheme be used for the entire network to sim- top computer running Service Tool).
1. Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont.
IMPORTANT: A shorted CCN bus cable will prevent some Table 10 — CCN Communication Bus Wiring
routines from running and may prevent the unit from starting. PART NO.
If abnormal conditions occur, unplug the connector. If condi- MANUFACTURER
Regular Wiring Plenum Wiring
tions return to normal, check the CCN connector and cable.
Run new cable if necessary. A short in one section of the bus Alpha 1895 —
can cause problems with all system elements on the bus. American A21451 A48301
Belden 8205 884421
Table 7 — Thermistor Designations
Columbia D6451 —
SCROLLING Manhattan M13402 M64430
MARQUEE PIN Quabik 6130 —
monitor the status of each compressor by measuring current and
CLWT J8-13,14 (MBB) Cooler Leaving Fluid Temp
providing an analog input to the main base board (MBB) or com-
CEWT J8-11,12 (MBB) Cooler Entering Fluid Temp pressor expansion module (CXB).
J6-1,2 (AUX2) Discharge Temperature Therm- ENABLE/OFF/REMOTE CONTACT SWITCH — The En-
istor (DTT) (Digital Compressor
D.GAS Option Only for unit size 020- able/Off/Remote Control switch is a 3-position switch used to
045) control the unit. When switched to the Enable position, the unit is
J8-9,10 (MBB) Circuit A Return Gas under its own control. Move the switch to the Off position to shut
RGT.A Temperature (accessory, stan- the unit down. Move the switch to the Remote Control position
dard for unit sizes 050-071) and a field-installed dry contact can be used to start the unit. The
J8-6,7 (MBB), Outdoor-Air Temperature contacts must be capable of handling a 24 vac, 50 mA load. In the
OAT/DLWT LVT-21,22 Sensor (accessory) or Dual LWT Enable and Remote Control (dry contacts closed) positions, the
Sensor unit is allowed to operate and respond to the scheduling configura-
J8-5,6 (MBB) Accessory Remote Space tion, CCN configuration and set point data. See Fig. 7.
LVT-22,23 Temperature Sensor, T55
SPT/RGT.B Accessory/Circuit B Return Gas EMERGENCY ON/OFF SWITCH — The Emergency On/Off
Temperature (accessory, stan- switch should only be used when it is required to shut the unit off
dard for unit size 032)
immediately. Power to the MBB, CXB, AUX, EMM, and scroll-
J8-1,2 (MBB) Condenser Entering Fluid Tem- ing marquee display is interrupted when this switch is off and all
CDET perature Sensor
(30MPW Only) outputs from these modules will be turned off. See Fig. 7.
J8-3,4 (MBB) Condenser Leaving Fluid HIGH PRESSURE SWITCH (HPS) — Each unit is protected
CDLT Temperature Sensor with a high pressure switch to prevent excessive condensing pres-
(30MPW Only) sure. See Table 11 for switch details.
Table 11 — High Pressure Switch
LWT — Leaving Water Temperature
MBB — Main Base Board CARRIER PART
Table 8 — Status Inputs 650 ± 10 psig 500 ± 15 psig
HK02ZZ001* (4482 ± 69 kPa) (3447 ± 103 kPa)
HK02ZZ003 558 ± 15 psig 435 ± 29 psig
Condenser Flow Switch LVT-11,17, J7-2, J6-2 (MBB) (384 ± 103 kPa) (2999 ± 200 kPa)
Dual Set Point LVT-12,13, J7-3,4 (MBB) * Available for 30MPA,MPW016-045, 30MPA050-071, 30MPW050-071
Remote On/Off LVT-14,15, J7,8 (MBB) high condensing option.
Cooler Flow Switch Interlock LVT-16,17, J6-2, J7-10 (MBB) PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS — Each refrigerant circuit is
Compressor Fault Signal, A1 J9-11,12 (MBB) equipped with a suction and discharge pressure transducer. The
Compressor Fault Signal, A2/B1 J9-5,6 (MBB)
suction pressure transducers have a yellow body with a pres-
sure range of –6.7 to 420 psig (–46 to 2896 kPa) while the dis-
Compressor Fault Signal, A3 J9-8,9 (MBB) charge transducers have a red body with a pressure range of
Table 9 — Output Relays 14.5 to 667 psig (100 to 4599 kPa). These inputs connect to the
MBB (main base board) and are used to monitor the status of
RELAY NO. DESCRIPTION the unit and to ensure the unit operates within the compressor
K1 Energize Compressor A1 envelope. The transducers are used to protect the compressor
K2 Energize Compressor A2/B1
from operating at too low or too high of a pressure condition.
In some cases, the unit may not be able to run at full capacity.
K3 Energize Compressor A3 The MBB will automatically reduce the capacity of a circuit as
K4 Energize Minimum Load Valve needed to maintain specified maximum/minimum operating
K6 Energize Compressor B1 pressures. Table 12 summarizes pressure transducer
K7 Liquid Line Solenoid Valve characteristics.
K8 Crankcase Heater Relay Table 12 — Pressure Transducer Identification
K9 Chilled Water Pump
K10 Condenser Fan/Pump TRANSDUCER RANGE,
K11 Alarm Relay
Discharge HK05ZZ001 Red 14.5 to 667
(100 to 4599)
–6.7 to 420
Suction HK05SZ003 Yellow
(–46 to 2896)
Sensors and down arrow keys simultaneously. The value will revert to
The electronic control uses 2 to 8 thermistors to sense tem- the actual reading and the flashing “.” or “f” will be removed.
peratures for controlling chiller operation. See Table 7. These DUAL LEAVING WATER TEMPERATURE SENSOR
sensors are outlined below. Thermistors cooler leaving fluid, (DLWT) — This input can be connected to the LVT. See Table 7.
cooler entering fluid, discharge temperature, circuit A return gas For dual chiller applications (parallel only are supported), connect
temperature, outdoor-air temperature sensor or dual LWT sensor, the dual chiller leaving fluid temperature sensor (see Table 13 for
accessory remote space temperature sensor, condenser entering thermistor and well part numbers) to the outside air temperature
fluid temperature sensor, and condenser leaving fluid tempera- input of the Master chiller. If outside-air temperature is required
ture sensor are identical in temperature versus resistance and for reset applications, connect the sensor to the Slave chiller and
voltage drop performance. All thermistors are 5,000 ohms at configure the slave chiller to broadcast the value to the Master
77°F (25°C) except the space temperature thermistor which is chiller. The broadcast must be enabled, (Configura-
10,000 ohms. Space temperature thermistor (SPT) is 10,000 tionBCSTOAT.B=ON). If there are only two units, the mas-
ohms at 77°F (25°C). See Thermistors section on page 55 for ter chiller must be configured to acknowledge the broadcast (Con-
temperature-resistance-voltage drop characteristics. figurationBCSTBC.AK =ON). If there are more than two
COOLER LEAVING FLUID SENSOR (LWT) — The thermistor units, at least one unit must be configured to acknowledge the
is installed in a well in the factory-installed leaving fluid piping broadcast (ConfigurationBCSTBC.AK =ON).
connecting to the bottom of the brazed-plate heat exchanger. DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE THERMISTOR (DTT) —
COOLER ENTERING FLUID SENSOR (EWT) — The thermistor This sensor is only used on units with a digital compressor.
is installed in a well in the factory-installed entering fluid piping The sensor is mounted on the discharge line close to the dis-
connecting to the top of the brazed-plate heat exchanger. charge of the digital compressor. It attaches to the discharge
line using a spring clip and protects the system from high dis-
CONDENSER LEAVING FLUID SENSOR (CDLT) (30MPW charge gas temperature when the digital compressor is used.
Only) — The thermistor is installed in a well in the field-installed This sensor is a connected to the AUX board.
leaving fluid piping connecting to the bottom of the brazed-plate
heat exchanger. The thermistor and well are a field-installed SPACE TEMPERATURE SENSOR — Space temperature sen-
accessory. The thermistor and well are a field- installed accessory. sors are used to measure the interior temperature of a building.
See Table 13 for thermistor and well part numbers. This sensor Space Temperature can be forced to a value at the scrolling
must be enabled, ConfigurationOPT1CDWS= ENBL. marquee or Navigator device. To force the value, access the pa-
CONDENSER ENTERING FLUID SENSOR (CDET) (30MPW rameter TemperaturesUNITSPT. Press ENTER to view the
Only) — The thermistor is installed in a well in the field-installed current value. Press ENTER again and use the up and down ar-
entering fluid piping connecting to the top of the brazed-plate heat row keys to display the desired value; then press ENTER to ac-
exchanger. See Table 13 for thermistor and well part numbers. cept the value. On the scrolling marquee, the “.” in the lower right
corner will flash. On the Navigator device, a flashing “f” will be
Table 13 — Thermistors and Wells displayed next to the value. To clear the forced value, press
ENTER followed by the up and down arrow keys simultaneous-
DESCRIPTION WELL PART NO. ly. The value will revert to the actual reading and the flashing “.”
or “f” will be removed.
3 in., 5,000 ohm
10HB50106801 The following type of SPT sensor is available:
4 in., 5,000 ohm • Space temperature sensor (33ZCT55SPT) with timed over-
HH79NZ029 10HB50106802
Thermistor ride button (see Fig. 9)
1-1/2 in.,5,000 ohm
00PPG0000B105A Thermistor 00PPG00000B000A
sensor is an accessory that is remotely mounted and used for out- TIMED OVERRIDE
door air temperature reset. See Table 7. Use Carrier part number
HH79NZ023. If sensor is attached, it must be enabled, (Configu- BLU (SPT)
All of the above sensors are 10,000 ohms at 77°F (25°C), Type
II thermistors and are connected to the low voltage terminal T-55 SPACE
(LVT). The sensor should be mounted approximately 5 ft (1.5 m)
from the floor in an area representing the average temperature in
the space. Allow at least 4 ft (1.2 m) between the sensor and any 6
corner. Mount the sensor at least 2 ft (0.6 m) from an open door-
CCN+ 5
Space temperature sensor wires are to be connected to termi- TO CCN
nals in the unit main control box. The space temperature sensor in- BUS (PLUG) 3
cludes a terminal block (SEN) and a RJ11 female connector. The AT UNIT
RJ11 connector is used for access into the Carrier Comfort Net- CCN- 2
work® (CCN) at the sensor. 1
To connect the space temperature sensor (Fig. 10):
1. Using a 20 AWG twisted pair conductor cable rated for the
application, connect 1 wire of the twisted pair to one SEN Fig. 11 — CCN Communications Bus Wiring
terminal and connect the other wire to the other SEN termi- to Optional Space Sensor RJ11 Connector
nal located under the cover of the space temperature sensor.
2. Connect the other ends of the wires to terminals 3 and 4 on Energy Management Module
LVT located in the unit control box. See Fig. 13. This factory-installed option (FIOP) or field-installed
accessory is used for the following types of temperature reset,
SPT (T10) PART NO. 33ZCT55SPT demand limit, and/or ice features:
• 4 to 20 mA leaving fluid temperature reset (requires field-
SENSOR supplied 4 to 20 mA generator)
• 4 to 20 mA cooling set point (requires field-supplied 4 to 20
LVT mA generator)
22 • Discrete inputs for 2-step demand limit (requires field-sup-
plied dry contacts capable of handling a 24 vac, 50 mA
23 load)
• 4 to 20 mA demand limit (requires field-supplied 4 to
20 mA generator)
Fig. 10 — Typical Space Temperature • Discrete input for Ice Done switch (requires field-supplied
Sensor Wiring dry contacts capable of handling a 24 vac, 50 mA load)
Units on the CCN can be monitored from the space at the sen- See the Temperature Reset and Demand Limit sections on pag-
sor through the RJ11 connector, if desired. To wire the RJ11 con- es 31 and 34 for further details.
nector into the CCN (Fig. 11):
IMPORTANT: The cable selected for the RJ11 connector CAUTION
wiring MUST be identical to the CCN communication bus
wire used for the entire network. Refer to Table 10 for Care should be taken when interfacing with other manufac-
acceptable wiring. turer’s control systems due to possible power supply differ-
ences, full wave bridge versus half wave rectification. The two
1. Cut the CCN wire and strip ends of the red (+), white different power supplies cannot be mixed. ComfortLink con-
(ground), and black (–) conductors. (If another wire color trols use half wave rectification. A signal isolation device
scheme is used, strip ends of appropriate wires.) should be utilized if a full wave bridge signal generating
device is used.
2. Insert and secure the red (+) wire to terminal 5 of the space
temperature sensor terminal block. Loss-of-Cooler Flow Protection
3. Insert and secure the white (ground) wire to terminal 4 of the A proof-of-cooler flow device is factory installed in all chillers.
space temperature sensor.
Condenser Flow Protection
4. Insert and secure the black (–) wire to terminal 2 of the space
temperature sensor. A proof-of-condenser flow protection accessory can be field in-
stalled in the condenser water piping of all chillers. The unit must
5. Connect the other end of the communication bus cable to the be configured for the input to be enabled, Configura-
remainder of the CCN communication bus. tionOPT1D.FL.S=ENBL.
In lieu of a single sensor providing space temperature, an averag-
ing sensor array of either 4 or 9 sensors may be employed to pro- Thermostatic Expansion Valves (TXV)
vide a space temperature as shown in Fig. 12. With this control All 30MP016-045 units are equipped from the factory with con-
scheme, only T55 space temperature sensors (P/N 33ZCT55SPT) ventional TXVs. Two styles of TXVs are employed. The 30MPA
can be used. Total sensor wiring must not exceed 1,000 ft (305 units utilize a 15% bleed port type valve. The 30MPW units do
m). not require a bleed port type valve. The 30MPA units and
NOTE: The Timed Override feature from a space temperature 30MPW units with medium temperature brine also have factory-
sensor requires a single space temperature sensor connected to the installed liquid line solenoids. The liquid line solenoid valves are
unit. This feature does not function when used with averaging not intended to be a mechanical shut-off.
space temperature sensor arrays. The TXV is set at the factory to maintain approximately 8 to
12°F (4.4 to 6.7°C) suction superheat leaving the cooler by
monitoring the proper amount of refrigerant into the cooler. All
TXVs are adjustable, but should not be adjusted unless abso-
lutely necessary.
Factory Wiring
Electronic Expansion Valves (EXV) This ratio, Capacity Load/Unload Factor (Run Sta-
All 30MP050-071 units are equipped from the factory with tusVIEWLOD.F) value ranges from –100% to +100%
EXVs. times Deadband Multiplier (ConfigurationSLCTZ.GN).
See Deadband Multiplier on this page for more information. If
The 30MPA and 30MPW units with medium brine tem- the next stage of capacity is a compressor, the control starts
perature brine also have the EXV set at the factory to maintain (stops) a compressor when the ratio reaches +100% (–100%)
9°F (5°C) suction superheat leaving the cooler by metering the times Deadband Multiplier (Z.GN). Once a change in capacity
proper amount of refrigerant into the cooler. occurs, a 90-second time delay is initiated and the capacity
The EXV is designed to limit the cooler saturated suction stage is held during this time delay.
temperature to 50°F (12.8°C). This makes it possible for the When the unit is at stage zero (Requested Stage Run Sta-
unit to start at high cooler fluid temperatures without overload- tusVIEWSTGE=0) as part of the capacity control routine,
ing the compressor. the control adds a 1.2 factor on adding the first stage to reduce
Capacity Control cycling.
Capacity control is determined by the difference between If the unit is equipped with a digital compressor, it is nor-
the leaving fluid temperature and the Control Point (Run Sta- mally the first compressor started. If the lead compressor is a
tusVIEWCTPT) and its rate of change. The Control Point digital compressor, and is enabled and available (not in alarm),
(CTPT) is the current set point modified by a temperature reset the compressor will start fully loaded for 90 seconds prior to
command. This can be from the temperature reset function or starting to cycle between loaded and unloaded. Once the digital
the dual chiller routine. The capacity control routine runs every compressor is on, positive changes in LOD.F will cause the
30 seconds. The algorithm attempts to maintain the Control compressor to load. Negative changes to LOD.F will cause the
Point at the desired set point. Additionally, the control calcu- compressor to unload. This process can occur every 30 sec-
lates a rise per stage knowing which compressor is on, its ca- onds. Changes to the digital loading are not subject to the 90-
pacity and the temperature difference across the cooler (enter- second delay. See Digital Scroll Option on page 36 for addi-
ing fluid temperature minus leaving fluid temperature) to deter- tional information.
mine the best time to turn on or off the next compressor, If the unit is equipped with Minimum Load Control, it will
institute Minimum Load Control, or change the digital re- not be active until the unit is on its last stage of capacity. It too
sponse, if equipped. Entering and Leaving fluid temperatures is treated as a stage of compression. As a result, Minimum
can be monitored at the unit's interface device Run Sta- Load Control will be activated when capacity is decreasing,
tusVIEWEWT and Run StatusVIEWLWT. With Requested Stage STGE=1, and Capacity Load/Unload Factor
this information, a capacity ratio is calculated to determine LOD.F= -100% times Deadband Multiplier (Z.GN). See Table
whether to make any changes to the current stage of capacity. 14 for capacity step information.
MINUTES LEFT FOR START — This value is displayed only If Minutes Off Time is active, the control will indicate Operat-
in the network display tables (using Service Tool, Comfort- ing Mode, Minutes Off Time Active (Operating
VIEW™ or ComfortWORKS™ software) and represents the ModesMODEMD10 will indicate YES).
amount of time to elapse before the unit will start its initialization CAPACITY CONTROL OVERRIDES — The following over-
routine. This value can be zero without the machine running in rides will modify the normal operation of the routine.
many situations. These can include being unoccupied, ENABLE/
OFF/REMOTE CONTROL switch in the OFF position, CCN not Deadband Multiplier — The user configurable Deadband Multi-
allowing unit to start, Demand Limit in effect, no call for cooling plier (ConfigurationSLCTZ.GN) has a default value of 1.0.
due to no load, and alarm or alert conditions present. If the ma- The range is from 1.0 to 4.0. When set to other than 1.0, this factor
chine should be running and none of the above are true, a mini- is applied to the capacity Load/Unload Factor. The larger this
mum off time (DELY, see below) may be in effect. The machine value is set, the longer the control will delay between adding or
should start normally once the time limit has expired. removing stages of capacity. Figure 14 shows how compressor
starts can be reduced over time if the leaving water temperature is
MINUTES OFF TIME — The Minutes Off Time feature allowed to drift a larger amount above and below the set point.
(ConfigurationOPT2DELY) is a user-configurable time This value should be set in the range of 3.0 to 4.0 for systems with
period used by the control to determine how long unit opera- small loop volumes.
tion is delayed after the unit has been enabled. This delay is
initiated following the Enable-Off-Remote Switch being First Stage Override — If the current capacity stage is zero, the
placed in “Enable” position or “Remote” with remote contacts control will modify the routine with a 1.2 factor on adding the
closed, or if power is applied/restored to the unit with the En- first stage to reduce cycling. This factor is also applied when
able-Off-Remote Switch in a position that would allow the unit the control is attempting to remove the last stage of capacity.
to operate. Typically, this time period is configured when mul- Slow Change Override — The control prevents the capacity
tiple machines are located on a single site. For example, this stages from being changed when the leaving fluid temperature is
gives the user the ability to prevent all the units from restarting close to the set point (within an adjustable deadband) and moving
at once after a power failure. A value of zero for this variable towards the set point.
does not mean that the unit should be running.
J1 J2
Table 14 — Part Load Data Percent Displacement, Standard Units
30MP UNIT SIZE (Run StatusVIEWSTGE) (% Displacement) (% Displacement)
1 40 40/20*
016 2 60 60
3 100 100
1 50 50/25*
2 100 100
1 50 50/34*
2 100 100
1 50 50/34*
2 100 100
1 33 33/21*
040 2 33 33
3 100 100
1 33 33/22*
045 2 33 33
3 100 100
1 50 50/40*
050 2 50 50
3 100 100
1 44 44/35*
055 2 56 56
3 100 100
1 42 42/33*
060 2 58 58
3 100 100
1 38 38/31*
065 2 62 62
3 100 100
1 44 44/33*
071 2 56 56
3 100 100
*Minimum Load Valve energized. Minimum load valve will only be
energized with decreasing capacity. Minimum load valve cannot be
enabled with digital compressor operation on 30MP016-045 units.
6 43
5 41
0 200 400 600 800 1000
LWT — Leaving Water Temperature
Fig. 14 — Deadband Multiplier
Ramp Loading — Ramp loading (Configuration Low Entering Fluid Temperature Unloading — When the
SLCTCRMP) limits the rate of change of leaving fluid tem- entering fluid temperature is below the control point, the con-
perature. If the unit is in a Cooling mode and configured for trol will attempt to remove 25% of the current stages being
Ramp Loading, the control makes 2 comparisons before decid- used. If exactly 25% cannot be removed, the control removes
ing to change stages of capacity. The control calculates a tem- an amount greater than 25% but no more than necessary. The
perature difference between the control point and leaving fluid lowest stage will not be removed.
temperature. If the difference is greater than 4°F (2.2°C) and Minimum Load Control — If equipped, the minimum load
the rate of change (°F or °C per minute) is more than the con- control is energized only when one compressor is running on
figured Cooling Ramp Loading value (CRMP), the control the circuit and capacity is decreasing.
does not allow any changes to the current stage of capacity.
Cooler Freeze Protection — The control will try to prevent
shutting the chiller down on a Cooler Freeze Protection alarm
by removing stages of capacity. If the cooler fluid selected is Wa- To set the day of the month, Time ClockDATEDOM
ter, the freeze point is 34°F (1.1°C). If the cooler fluid selected is (Day of Month) is the item.
Brine, the freeze point is the Brine Freeze Point (Set To set the day of the week, Time ClockDATEDAY (Day
PointsFRZBR.FZ). This alarm condition (A207) only refer- of Week) is the item. This item uses the following convention:
ences leaving fluid temperature and NOT Brine Freeze point. If 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 3=Wednesday, etc. This setting is import-
the cooler leaving fluid temperature is less than the freeze point ant if using the internal schedule.
plus 2.0°F (1.1°C), the control will immediately remove one stage
of capacity. This can be repeated once every 30 seconds. To set the year, Time ClockDATEYEAR (Year of Cen-
tury) is the item. This item follows the convention of a 4-digit
Low Saturated Suction Protection — The control will try to pre- year, such as 2014.
vent shutting a circuit down due to low saturated suction condi-
tions by removing stages of capacity. The circuit alert condition Table 16 lists the required configurations for these settings.
(T116) compares saturated suction temperature to the configured TIME/DATE BROADCAST — The 30MP unit controls have
Brine Freeze Point (Set PointsFRZBR.FZ). The Brine the ability to broadcast the time and date on the network. If the
Freeze point is a user-configurable value that must be left at 34°F CCN Time/Date Broadcast configuration Configura-
(1.1°C) for fresh water systems. A lower value may be entered for tionBCSTT.D.BC=ON, the control will send the time and
systems with brine solutions, but this value should be set accord- date out onto the CCN bus once a minute. If this device is on a
ing to the freeze protection level of the brine mixture. Failure to CCN network, it is important to make sure that only one device on
properly set this brine freeze point value may permanently dam- the bus has this configuration set to ON. If more than one time
age the brazed plate heat exchanger. The control will initiate Mode broadcaster is present, problems with the time will occur. If the
7 (Circuit A) to indicate a circuit’s capacity is limited and that unit is installed on a network, another unit must be configured to
eventually the circuit may shut down. be Broadcast Acknowledger, ConfigurationBCSTBC.AK.
Only one unit can be the Broadcast Acknowledger. See Table 17
Time, Day, and Date for required configurations.
Many features of the 30MP controls require that the time, day and DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME — The 30MP controls have the
date be properly set. This is especially helpful when troubleshoot- ability to automatically adjust the time for daylight savings time.
ing alarms, as they are reported with a time and date stamp. Com- To utilize this feature, several items must be configured, including
fortLink controls also have the ability to automatically adjust for a start date and time to add as well as an end date. All items are
daylight savings time, when configured. The unit time and date is found in the Daylight Saving Time sub-mode, Time ClockDST
set at the factory based in the Eastern Time Zone. and the Broadcast sub-mode, ConfigurationBCST. See Table
To set the time, Time ClockTIMEHH.MM (Hour and 18 for required configurations.
Minute) is the item. The time clock is programmed in a 24- hour NOTE: Only the time and date broadcaster can perform daylight
format, 00.00 to 23.59. See Table 15. savings time adjustments. Even if the unit is stand-alone, the user
To set the month, Time ClockDATEMNTH (Month) is may want to set ConfigurationBCSTT.D.BC to ON to
the item. This item follows the standard convention, 1=Janu- accomplish the daylight savings function. To disable the daylight
ary, 2=February, etc. savings time feature, set T.D.BC to OFF.
Table 18 — Daylight Savings Required Configurations
Daylight Savings Start Month
Default: 4 (April)
STR.M XX Month
Range: 1 to 12
(1=January, 2=February, etc.)
Daylight Savings Start Week
STR.W X Week Default: 1
Range: 1 to 5
Daylight Savings Start Day
STR.D X Day Default: 7 (Sunday)
Range: 1 to 7
(1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, etc.)
MIN.A XX Minutes to Add Default: 60
Range: 0 to 99
Daylight Savings Stop Month
STP.M XX Month Default: 10 (October)
Range: 1 to 12
(1=January, 2=February, etc.)
Daylight Savings Stop Week
STP.W X Week Default: 5
Range: 1 to 5
Daylight Savings Stop Day
Default: 7 (Sunday)
STP.D X Day Range: 1 to 7
(1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, etc.)
Default: 60
MIN.S XX Minutes to Subtract Range: 0 to 99
Default: Off
BCST T.D.BC ON/OFF CCN Time/Date Broadcast Must be set to ON to enable automatic
Daylight Savings Time correction.
Operation of Machine by Control Method a number greater than 0 for local schedule. For unit opera-
This term refers to how the machine is started and stopped. tion, the Enable/Off/Remote Control switch must be in the
Several control methods are available to enable and disable Enable or Remote Control position with external contacts
the unit. Machine On/Off control is determined by the con- closed.
figuration of the Control Method, ConfigurationOPT2 For this option to function properly, the correct time, day
CTRL. and date must be set. See the section Time, Day, and Date
ENABLE-OFF-REMOTE CONTROL — With the control on page 20. The time clock is programmed in a 24-hour for-
method set to Enable-Off-Remote Contact, CTRL=0 mat, 00.00 to 23.59. If configured, the 30MP controls can
(Switch), simply switching the Enable/Off/Remote Control automatically adjust the time for daylight savings time. See
switch to the Enable or Remote Control position with exter- the section Daylight Savings Time on page 20.
nal contacts closed will place the unit in an occupied state. If holidays are to be used, they must be configured. Thirty
Under normal operation, the Control Mode (Run Status holidays are provided as part of the local schedules, HD.01
VIEWSTAT) will be 1 (Off Local) when the switch is in through HD.30. Each holiday requires a Holiday Month, Time
the Off position or in the Remote Control position with exter- ClockHOL.LHD.xxMON (Holiday Start Month)
nal contacts open, and will be 5 (On Local) when in the En- where “xx” is a number from 01 to 30; the Holiday Start Day
able position or Remote Control position with external con- of Month, Time ClockHOL.LHD.xxDAY (Start Day)
tacts closed. where “xx” is a number from 01 to 30; and the Holiday Dura-
tion, Time ClockHOL.LHD.xxLEN (Duration [Days])
OCCUPANCY SCHEDULE — With the control method where “xx” is a number from 1 to 99. Holidays that do not oc-
set to Occupancy, CTRL=2 (Occupancy), the Main Base cur on fixed dates will require annual programming.
Board will use the operating schedules as defined under the
Time Clock mode in the scrolling marquee display. If Time In the example shown in Table 19, the following holidays
ClockSCH.N (Schedule Number) is set to 0, the unit will are to be programmed: January 1 for one day, July 4 for one
remain in an occupied mode continuously. day, December 24 for two days.
In either case, and whether operating under a Local Sched- Eight separate time periods, Period 1 through 8, are avail-
ule or under a CCN Schedule, under normal operation, Run able as part of the local schedule. Each period has Monday
StatusVIEWSTAT (Control Mode) will be 1 (Off Local) through Sunday and a Holiday day flag, and occupied and un-
when the Enable/Off/Remote Control switch is Off or in Re- occupied times. For example, an occupied time from 6:00 AM
mote Control with the external contacts open. The control to 8:00 PM is desired from Monday through Friday. For Satur-
mode will be 3 (Off Time) when the Enable/Off/Remote Con- day an occupied period from 6:00 AM to 12:00 Noon is de-
trol switch is in Enable or Remote Control with external con- sired. On Sunday and holidays the unit is to remain unoccu-
tacts closed and the time of day is during an unoccupied peri- pied. This schedule is shown graphically in Fig. 15.
od. Similarly, the control mode will be 7 (On Time) when the To program this schedule, Time ClockSCH.N (Schedule
time of day is during an occupied period. Number) must change from 0 to a number between 1 and 64. In
Local Schedule — Local Schedules are defined by schedule this example, the Schedule Number will be 1. Two of the eight
numbers from 1 to 64. All of these schedules are identical. time periods are required to create this schedule. See Table 20.
The schedule number (Time ClockSCH.N) must be set to
Table 19 — Holiday Required Configurations
Default: 0
MON XX Holiday Start Month Range: 0 to 12
(0=Not Used, 1=January, 2=February, etc.)
Example = 1
Default: 0
Range: 0-31
HD.01 DAY XX Start Day (0=Not Used)
Example = 1
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 99
LEN XX Duration (Days)
(0=Not Used)
Example = 1
Default: 0
MON XX Holiday Start Month Range: 0-12
(0=Not Used, 1=January, 2=February, etc.)
Example = 7
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 31
HOL.L HD.02 DAY XX Start Day (0=Not Used)
Example = 4
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 99
LEN XX Duration (Days)
(0=Not Used)
Example = 1
Default: 0
MON XX Holiday Start Month Range: 0 to 12
(0=Not Used, 1=January, 2=February, etc.)
Example = 12
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 31
HD.03 DAY XX Start Day
(0=Not Used)
Example = 24
Default: 0
LEN XX Duration (Days) Range: 0 to 99
(0=Not Used)
Example = 2
Table 20 — Occupancy Schedule Required Configurations
Default: 0
SCH.N XX Schedule Number XX Range: 0 to 99
Example = 1
Default: 00.00
OCC.1 XX.XX Period Occupied Time Range: 00.00 to 23.59
Example = 06.00
Default: 00.00
UNC.1 XX.XX Period Unoccupied Time Range: 00.00 to 23.59
Example = 20.00
Default: NO
MON.1 YES/NO Monday in Period
Example = YES
Default: NO
TUE.1 YES/NO Tuesday in Period Example = YES
WED.1 YES/NO Wednesday in Period Default: NO
PER.1 Example = YES
Default: NO
THU.1 YES/NO Thursday in Period
Example = YES
Default: NO
FRI.1 YES/NO Friday in Period Example = YES
SAT.1 YES/NO Saturday in Period Default: NO
Example = NO
Default: NO
SUN.1 YES/NO Sunday in Period
Example = NO
Default: NO
HOL.1 YES/NO Holiday in Period Example = NO
Default: 00.00
OCC.2 XX.XX Period Occupied Time Range: 00.00 to 23.59
Example = 06.00
Default: 00.00
UNC.2 XX.XX Period Unoccupied Time Range: 00.00 to 23.59
Example = 12.00
Default: NO
MON.2 YES/NO Monday in Period Example = NO
TUE.2 YES/NO Tuesday in Period Default: NO
Example = NO
Default: NO
PER.2 WED.2 YES/NO Wednesday in Period
Example = NO
Default: NO
THU.2 YES/NO Thursday in Period Example = NO
FRI.2 YES/NO Friday in Period Default: NO
Example = NO
Default: NO
SAT.2 YES/NO Saturday in Period
Example = YES
Default: NO
SUN.2 YES/NO Sunday in Period Example = NO
HOL.2 YES/NO Holiday in Period Default: NO
Example = NO
12:00 AM
3:00 AM
6:00 AM
9:00 AM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
9:00 PM
12:00 AM
— Occupied
Fig. 15 — Example Schedule
CCN Global Schedule — Schedule Numbers, Time Clock device, the number of hours requested must be set in Time
SCH.N from 65 to 99 indicate operation under a CCN Global ClockOVROVR.T (Timed Override Hours). See Table 22.
Schedule. For unit operation based on a CCN Global Schedule, Once a non-zero value has been entered, the unit will resume
the Enable/Off/Remote Control switch must be in the Enable or an occupied period for the duration of the time programmed. The
Remote Control position with external contacts closed. number of hours in the override time period will be displayed in
In the example in Table 21, the CCN Global Schedule the unit OVR.T and will count down as the time period progresses. This
is to follow is 65. To set up the unit to follow this schedule, Time value cannot be changed until the override period has expired or is
ClockSCH.N must be modified. canceled. The override time period can be canceled by changing
Any unit can be the Global Schedule Broadcaster. When us- the OVR.T value to 0. This can be done at the unit’s interface de-
ing a Global Broadcast Schedule, the schedule broadcaster must vice or through CCN communications by writing to the point
have the Global Schedule Broadcast, Configuration OVR_EXT.
BCSTG.S.BC=ON and all other devices on the network Table 22 — Timed Override Required Configuration
should have their Global Schedule Broadcast flag set to Config-
urationBCSTG.S.BC=OFF. There can be only one broad- TIME CLOCK MODE
caster of a specific schedule. The unit set to be the schedule ITEM
broadcaster must have a schedule number from 65 to 99, and the DESCRIPTION
Local Schedule must be configured as described above. It will OVR OVR.T X
Timed Override Default: 0
broadcast the internal time schedule once every 2 minutes. Hours Range: 0 to 4
Table 21 — CCN Global Schedule Required Timed Override from Space Temperature Sensor with Override
Configuration Button — A timed override period can be initiated using a space
temperature sensor with an override button from the space.
TIME CLOCK MODE NOTE: This feature requires a single space temperature sensor
SUBMODE ITEM DISPLAY ITEM COMMENT connected to the unit. It does not function when used with averag-
ing space temperature sensor arrays.
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 99 To configure this feature, Time ClockOVROVR.L (Over-
Number XX
Example = 65 ride Time Limit) must be set to a non-zero value. This determines
Timed Override — There are several ways to override the occu- the maximum number of hours the override period can extend an
occupied period when the override button is pushed. This item has
pancy schedule to keep the unit in an occupied period. Schedule
a range of 0 to 4 hours and should be set to the limit desired for the
overrides can be initiated at the unit’s interface with either the override period. See Table 23.
scrolling marquee or Navigator™ device, from a space tempera-
ture sensor equipped with a timed override button (see unit Instal- Pressing the override button on the Space Temperature Sensor
lation Instructions for selection and wiring information), or will initiate an override period. The override button must be
through CCN communications. Initiation of an override period pressed for 2 to 4 seconds for the control to acknowledge the call.
can only be accomplished if the unit is in an unoccupied period. If The control will ignore a momentary press of the override button.
Timed Override is in effect, Operating Modes However, if the override button is held for longer than 4 seconds, a
MODEMD06, Timed Override in Effect will be active. Over- Space Temperature Thermistor Failure alarm will be generated.
ride expires after each initiation. The number of hours in the override time period will be displayed
in Time ClockOVROVR.T (Timed Override Hours) and will
Timed Override from Scrolling Marquee/Navigator Device — A
count down as the time period progresses. See Table 22.
timed override period can be initiated with the unit’s interface
device. To initiate an override period from the unit’s interface
Once a non-zero value has been entered, the unit will resume DUAL CCN OCCUPIED — Unit operation is based on Cooling
an occupied period for the duration of the time programmed. The Set Point 1 (Set PointsCOOLCSP.1) during the Occupied
number of hours in the override time period will be displayed in mode and Cooling Set Point 2 (Set PointsCOOLCSP.2)
OVR.T and will count down as the time period progresses. This during the Unoccupied mode as configured under the local occu-
value cannot be changed until the override period has expired or is pancy schedule accessible only from CCN. Schedule Number in
canceled. The override time period can be canceled by changing Table SCHEDOVR (see Appendix B) must be configured to 1. If
the OVR.T value to 0. This can be done at the unit’s interface de- the Schedule Number is set to 0, the unit will operate in a continu-
vice or through CCN communications by writing to the point ous 24-hr Occupied mode. Control method must be configured to
OVR_EXT. 0 (switch). See Table 24.
Table 23 — Space Temperature Override Required 4 TO 20 mA INPUT — Unit operation is based on an external 4
Configuration to 20 mA signal input to the Energy Management Module
Ice Mode
DESCRIPTION When Ice Mode is enabled, Cooling Setpoint Select must be
Override Time Default: 0 set to Dual Switch, Dual 7 day or Dual CCN Occupied and the en-
Limit Range: 0 to 4 ergy management module (EMM) must be installed. Unit opera-
Timed Override from CCN — A timed override period can be ini- tion is based on Cooling Setpoint 1 (CSP.1) during the Occupied
tiated through CCN communications by writing to the point mode, Ice Setpoint (CSP.3) during the Unoccupied mode with the
OVR_EXT. This point has a range of 0 to 4 hours and should be Ice Done contacts open and Cooling Setpoint 2 (CSP.2) during the
set for the desired amount of time. Unoccupied mode with the Ice Done contacts closed. These 3 set
points can be utilized to develop your specific control
The number of hours in the override time period will be dis- strategy. Ice Mode is not compatible with the Multi-Chiller
played in Time ClockOVROVR.T (Timed Override Hours) Controller Accessory Panel.
and will count down as the time period progresses. See Table 22.
Table 24 illustrates how the control method and cooling set
Once a non-zero value has been entered, the unit will resume point select variables direct the operation of the chiller and the set
an occupied period for the duration of the time programmed. The point to which it controls. The illustration also shows the ON/OFF
number of hours in the override time period will be displayed in state of the machine for the given combinations.
OVR.T and will count down as the time period progresses. This
value cannot be changed until the override period has expired or is Cooler Pump Control
canceled. The override time period can be canceled by changing The AquaSnap® 30MP machines are configured with the Cool-
the OVR.T value to 0. This can be done at the unit’s interface de- er Pump Control (ConfigurationOPT1CPC) = ON.
vice or through CCN communications by writing to the point
OVR_EXT. The maximum load allowed for the Chilled Water Pump Start-
er is 5 VA sealed, 10 VA inrush at 24 volts. The starter coil is pow-
CCN CONTROL — With the control method set to CCN Con- ered from the chiller control system. The starter should be wired
trol, CTRL=3 (CCN), an external CCN device controls the On/ between LVT 24 and TB3-1. If equipped, the field-installed
Off state of the machine. This CCN device forces the point chilled water pump starter auxiliary contacts should be connected
CHIL_S_S between Start/Stop to control the unit. in series with the chilled water flow switch between LVT 16 and
Under normal operation, Run StatusVIEWSTAT (Con- LVT 17.
trol Mode) will be 1 (Off Local) when the Enable/Off/Remote
Control switch is in the Off position or in the Remote Control po- Alarm Routing
sition with the remote external contacts open. With the Enable/ A CCN feature within the 30MP units allows for alarm broadcast-
Off/Remote Control switch in the Enable position or in Remote ing.
Control position with the remote external contacts closed, the ALARM ROUTING CONTROL — Alarms recorded on the
Control Mode will be 2 (Off CCN) when the CHIL_S_S variable 30MP unit can be routed through the CCN. To configure this
is “Stop.” Similarly, the control mode will be 6 (On CCN) when option, the ComfortLink control must be configured to determine
the CHIL_S_S variable is “Start.” which CCN elements will receive and process alarms. Input for
Units controlled via communications by a separate third- party the decision consists of eight digits, each of which can be set to
building automation system through a translator or UPC Open either 0 or 1. Setting a digit to 1 specifies that alarms will be sent
Controller must be set to CCN Control, CTRL=3. If the unit is to to the system element that corresponds to that digit. Setting all
be monitored only via communications, CTRL=3 (CCN Control) digits to 0 disables alarm processing. The factory default is
is not required. 00000000. See Figure 16. The default setting is based on the
Emergency Stop — A controls feature exists to shut down the assumption that the unit will not be connected to a network. If the
machine in the event of an emergency. Writing to the CCN Point network does not contain a ComfortVIEW™, Comfort-
EMSTOP, the command “EMSTOP” will force the machine to WORKS™, TeLink, DataLINK™, or BAClink module, enabling
stop all mechanical cooling immediately and shut down. While this feature will only add unnecessary activity to the CCN com-
this feature is enabled, the Control Mode Run Sta- munication bus.
tusVIEWSTAT=4 (Emergency) will be displayed. For the The CCN Point ALRM_CNT is the variable and can be modi-
machine to operate normally, the EMSTOP point value should be fied with ComfortVIEW software or Network Service Tool only.
“ENABLE.” It cannot be modified with the scrolling marquee or Navigator™
Cooling Set Point Select Typical configuration of the Alarm Routing variable is
SINGLE — Unit operation is based on Cooling Set Point 1 (Set 11010000. This Alarm Routing status will transmit alarms to
PointsCOOLCSP.1). ComfortVIEW software, TeLink, BAClink, and DataLINK.
DUAL SWITCH — Unit operation is based on Cooling Set Point Alarm routing is not supported with the LON Translator.
1 (Set PointsCOOLCSP.1) when the Dual Set Point switch
contacts are open and Cooling Set Point 2 (Set
PointsCOOLCSP.2) when they are closed.
Table 24 — Control Methods and Cooling Set Points
Occupancy Active Set
Control Type CCN Chiller Set Point Select Ice Mode Ice Done Status Dual Set Point
(CTRL) CHIL_S_S (CLSP) (ICE.M)* (ICED)* Switch (DUAL) State Point
0 (Single) — — — — CSP.1
— — OFF — CSP.1
— — ON — CSP.2
1 (Dual Switch)† — OFF — CSP.1
0 (Switch) — — — — YES CSP.1
— — — NO CSP.2
2 (Dual CCN
— — YES CSP.1
3 (4 to 20 mA
Input)* — — — — 4-20 mA
— — — YES CSP.1
0 (Single)
— — — NO Off
— — ON YES CSP.2
— — — NO Off
1 (Dual Switch)†
1 or 2 — OFF YES CSP.1
(Occupancy) ENBL — ON YES CSP.2
— — NO Off
2 (Dual CCN — — — — Illegal
3 (4 to 20 mA — — — YES 4-20 mA
Input)* — — — NO Off
Stop — — — — — Off
0 (Single) — — — — CSP.1
— — OFF — CSP.1
— — ON — CSP.2
1 (Dual Switch)† — OFF — CSP.1
3 (CCN)
Start — — — YES CSP.1
— — — NO CSP.2
2 (Dual CCN
— — YES CSP.1
3 (4 to 20 mA
Input)* — — — — 4-20 mA
ALARM EQUIPMENT PRIORITY — The ComfortVIEW within five (5) minutes of starting, an A200 - Cooler Flow/Inter-
software uses the equipment priority value to determine the order lock failed to close at Start-Up alarm1 will be generated and
in which to sort alarms that have the same level. A priority of 0 is chiller will not be allowed to start.
the highest and would appear first when sorted. A priority of 7 If the chilled water pump interlock or chilled water flow switch
would appear last when sorted. For example, if two units send out opens for at least three (3) seconds after initially being closed, an
identical alarms, the unit with the higher priority would be listed A201 - Cooler Flow 1 Interlock Contacts Opened During Normal
first. The default is 4. The CCN point EQP_TYPE is the variable Operation alarm will be generated and the machine will stop.
and can be changed when using ComfortVIEW software or Net-
work Service Tool only. This variable cannot be changed with the Condenser Pump/Fan Output Control
scrolling marquee or Navigator display. The main base board (MBB) has the capability to control either
COMMUNICATION FAILURE RETRY TIME — This a condenser fan output or a condenser pump output depending on
variable specifies the amount of time that will be allowed to the unit configuration.
elapse between alarm retries. Retries occur when an alarm is If the unit is configured for ConfigurationUNITTYPE =
not acknowledged by a network alarm acknowledger, which 2 (air cooled), then the output will be off as long as capacity is
may be either ComfortVIEW software or TeLink. If acknowl- equal to 0 and will be energized 5 seconds before a compressor is
edgment is not received, the alarm will be re-transmitted after started and remain energized until capacity is 0 again.
the number of minutes specified in this decision. The factory
default for this item is 10 minutes with a range of 1 to 254 If the unit is configured for ConfigurationUNITTYPE =
minutes. The CCN Point RETRY_TM is the variable and can 3 (water cooled), then the output will be used for condenser pump
be changed with ComfortVIEW software or Network Service control and additional configuration is required. To enable the
Tool only. This variable cannot be changed with the scrolling condenser pump control, use ConfigurationOPT1D.PM.E.
marquee or Navigator display. The pump can be configured for no pump control (0), on when
occupied (1), and on when capacity is greater than 0 (2).
RE-ALARM TIME — This variable specifies the amount of
time that will be allowed to elapse between re-alarms. A re-alarm Configuring and Operating Dual Chiller Control
occurs when the conditions that caused the initial alarm continue The dual chiller routine is available for the control of two units
to persist for the number of minutes specified in this decision. Re- supplying chilled fluid on a common loop. This control algorithm
alarming will continue to occur at the specified interval until the is designed for parallel fluid flow arrangement only. One chiller
condition causing the alarm is corrected. To disable this feature, must be configured as the master chiller, the other as the slave. An
set the variable to 255. The factory default is 30 minutes with a additional leaving fluid temperature thermistor (Dual Chiller LWT)
range of 1 to 254. The CCN Point RE-ALARM is the variable must be installed as shown in Fig. 17 and 18 and connected to the
and can be changed with ComfortVIEW software or Network master chiller. Refer to Sensors section, page 15, for wiring. The
Service Tool only. This variable cannot be changed with the CCN communication bus must be connected between the two
scrolling marquee or Navigator display. chillers. Connections can be made to the CCN screw terminals on
ALARM SYSTEM NAME — This variable specifies the sys- LVT. Refer to Carrier Comfort Network® Interface section, page
tem element name that will appear in the alarms generated by the 13, for wiring information. Configuration examples are shown in
unit control. The name can be up to 8 alphanumeric characters Tables 25 and 26.
long and should be unique to the unit. The factory default is Refer to Table 25 for dual chiller configuration. In this example
SPLIT. The CCN point ALRM_NAM is the variable and can be the master chiller will be configured at address 1 and the slave
changed with ComfortVIEW software or Network Service Tool chiller at address 2. The master and slave chillers must reside on
only. This variable cannot be changed with the scrolling marquee the same CCN bus (ConfigurationCCN CCNB) but cannot
or Navigator display. have the same CCN address (ConfigurationCCNCCNA).
Cooler Pump Sequence of Operation Both master and slave chillers must have Lead/Lag Chiller Enable
(ConfigurationRSET LLEN) configured to ENBL. Master/
At anytime the unit is in an ON status, as defined by the one Slave Select (ConfigurationRSETMSSL) must be config-
of the following conditions, the cooler pump relay will be en- ured to MAST for the master chiller and SLVE for the slave. Also
abled. in this example, the master chiller will be configured to use Lead/
1. The Enable-Off-Remote Switch in ENABLE, (CTRL=0). Lag Balance Select (ConfigurationRSETLLBL) and Lead/
2. Enable-Off-Remote Switch in REMOTE with a Start-Stop Lag Balance Delta (ConfigurationRSETLLBD) to even
remote control closure (CTRL=0). out the chiller run-times weekly. The Lag Start Delay (Configu-
3. An Occupied Time Period from an Occupancy Schedule in rationRSETLLDY) feature will be set to 10 minutes. This
combination with items 1 or 2 (CTRL=2). will prevent the lag chiller from starting until the lead chiller has
4. A CCN Start-Stop Command to Start in combination with been at 100% capacity for the length of the delay time. Parallel
items 1 or 2 (CTRL=3). configuration (ConfigurationRSETPARA) can only be
configured to YES. The variables LLBL, LLBD and LLDY are
Certain alarm conditions and Operating Modes will turn the not used by the slave chiller.
cooler pump relay ON. This sequence will describe the normal op-
eration of the pump control algorithm. Dual chiller start/stop control is determined by configuration of
Control Method (ConfigurationOPT2CTRL) of the Master
When the unit cycles from an ON state to an OFF state, the chiller. The Slave chiller should always be configured for
cooler pump output will remain energized for the Cooler Pump CTRL=0 (Switch). If the chillers are to be controlled by Remote
Shutdown Delay (ConfigurationOPT1PM.DY). The delay is Controls, both Master and Slave chillers should be enabled togeth-
configurable from 0 to 10 minutes. The factory default is 1 minute. er. Two separate relays or one relay with two sets of contacts may
If the pump output was deenergized during the transition period, control the chillers. The Enable/Off/Remote Control switch
the pump output will not be energized. should be in the Remote Control position on both the Master and
The Cooler Pump Relay will be energized when the machine is Slave chillers. The Enable/Off/Remote Control switch should be
ON. The chilled water pump interlock circuit consists of a chilled in the Enable position for CTRL=2 (Occupancy) or CTRL=3
water flow switch and a field-installed chilled water pump inter- (CCN Control).
lock. If the chilled water pump interlock circuit does not close
Table 25 — Dual Chiller Configuration (Master Chiller Example)
2 SELECT 2 - Automatic
Table 25 — Dual Chiller Configuration (Master Chiller Example) (cont)
1. Master Control Method (CTRL) can be configured as 0-Switch, 2-Occupancy or 3-CCN.
2. Parallel Configuration (PARA) cannot be changed.
Table 26 — Dual Chiller Configuration (Slave Chiller Example)
1. Slave Control Method (CTRL) must be configured for 0.
2. Slave CCN Address (CCNA) must be different than Master.
3. Slave CCN Bus Number (CCNB) must be the same as Master
4. Slave does not require SLVA, LLBL, LLBD, or LLDY to be configured.
Both chillers will stop if the Master chiller Enable/Off/Re- space temperature (SPT), or from an externally powered 4 to 20
mote Control switch is in the Off position. If the Emergency mA signal. Accessory sensors must be used for SPT reset
Stop switch is turned off or an alarm is generated on the Master (33ZCT55SPT) and for OAT reset (HH79NZ014). The energy
chiller the Slave chiller will operate in a Stand-Alone mode. If management module (EMM) must be used for temperature reset
the Emergency Stop switch is turned off or an alarm is generat- using a 4 to 20 mA signal. See Tables 27 and 28.
ed on the Slave chiller the Master chiller will operate in a
Stand-Alone mode. IMPORTANT: Care should be taken when interfacing with
other control systems due to possible power supply differ-
The master chiller controls the slave chiller by changing its
Control Mode (Run StatusVIEWSTAT) and its operating ences: full wave bridge versus half wave rectification. Con-
nection of control devices with different power supplies
setpoint or Control Point (Run StatusVIEWCT.PT). may result in permanent damage. ComfortLink controls
THERMISTOR incorporate power supplies with half wave rectification. A
WIRING signal isolation device should be utilized if the signal gen-
RETURN MASTER LEAVING erator incorporates a full wave bridge rectifier.
SLAVE To use outdoor air or space temperature reset, four vari-
CHILLER ables must be configured. In the Configuration mode under
the sub-mode RSET, items (ConfigurationRSET
THERMISTOR (T10) HERE* CRST), (ConfigurationRSETRM.NO), (Configura-
*See Fig. 18 for thermistor and well part numbers. tionRSETRM.F), and (ConfigurationRSET
RT.DG) must be properly set. See Table 29 — Configuring
Fig. 17 — Dual Chiller Thermistor Location Outdoor Air and Space Temperature Reset. The outdoor air
reset example provides 0°F (0°C) chilled water set point reset
at 85°F (29.4°C) outdoor-air temperature and 15°F (8.3°C)
reset at 55°F (12.8°C) outdoor-air temperature. The space
B 0.61 temperature reset example provides 0°F (0°C) chilled water
DIA set point reset at 72°F (22.2°C) space temperature and 6°F
(3.3°C) reset at 68°F (20°C) space temperature. The variable
CRST should be configured for the type of reset desired. The
6” MINIMUM variable RM.NO should be set to the temperature that no reset
1/4 N.P.T.
should occur. The variable RM.F should be set to the tem-
REMOVAL perature that maximum reset is to occur. The variable RM.DG
should be set to the maximum amount of reset desired. Fig-
10HB50106801 and 10HB50106802 ures 19 and 20 are examples of outdoor air and space tem-
perature resets.
To use return reset, four variables must be configured. In the
Configuration mode under the sub-mode RSET, items CRST,
Table 27 — Menu Configuration of 4 to 20 mA Cooling Set Point Control
0 Scrolling Stops
0 Flashing ‘0’
3 Select ‘3’
3 Change Accepted
Table 28 — 4 to 20 mA Reset
RSET 0 = no reset
1 = 4 to 20 mA input
COOLING RESET 2 = Outdoor air temp
CRST 1 TYPE 3 = Return Fluid
4 = Space Temperature
MA.DG 5.0 F DEGREES COOL Default: 0°F (0°C) Reset at 20 mA
(2.8 C) RESET Range: –30 to 30 F (–16.7 to 16.7 C)
NOTE: The example above shows how to configure the chiller for 4
to 20 mA reset. No reset will occur at 4.0 mA input, and a 5.0°F reset
will occur at 20.0 mA. An EMM (energy management module) is
Table 29 — Configuring Outdoor Air and Space Temperature Reset
Air Space
CONFIGURATION 2 = Outdoor-Air Temperature
TYPE 4 = Space Temperature
(Connect to LVT-3,4)
Default: 125.0°F (51.7°C)
RM.NO 85 F 72 F RESET TEMP Range: 0° to125°F
(–17.8 to 51.7°C)
Default: 0.0°F (-17.7°C)
RM.F 55 F 68 F REMOTE - FULL Range: 0° to125°F
(–17.8 to 51.7°C)
Table 30 — Configuring Return Temperature Reset
0 = No Reset
CONFIGURATION 1 = 4 to 20 mA Input (EMM required)
(Connect to EMM TB6-2,3)
RSET ENTER CRST 3 COOLING RESET TYPE 2 = Outdoor-Air Temperature
3 = Return Fluid
4 = Space Temperature
(Connect to TB5-5,6)
Default: 10.0 F (5.6 C)
RT.NO 10.0 F RETURN FLUID - NO Range: 0° to 30 F COOLER DT
(0.0 to 16.7°C)
12.2 54
11.1 54
6.7 44
5.6 42
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
LEGEND EWT — Entering Water (Fluid) Temperature
LWT — Leaving Water (Fluid) Temperature LWT — Leaving Water (Fluid) Temperature
Reset Amount (°F or °C)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Demand Limit To disable demand limit, configure DMDC to 0. See
Demand limit is a feature that allows the unit capacity to be lim- Table 31.
ited during periods of peak energy usage. Three types of demand EXTERNALLY POWERED DEMAND LIMIT (4 to 20 mA
limiting can be configured. The first type is through 2-stage switch Controlled) — To configure demand limit for 4 to 20 mA con-
control, which will reduce the maximum capacity to 2 user-config- trol, set the Demand Limit Select (Configura-
urable percentages. The second type is by 4 to 20 mA signal input tionRSETDMDC) to 2. Then configure the Demand Limit
which will reduce the maximum capacity linearly between 100% at 20 mA (ConfigurationRSETDM20) to the maximum
at a 4 mA input signal (no reduction) down to the user-configurable loadshed value desired. Connect the output from an externally
level at a 20 mA input signal. The third type uses the CCN Load- powered 4 to 20 mA signal to terminal block LVT, terminals 7
shed module and has the ability to limit the current operating ca- and 8 (+,–). Refer to the unit wiring diagram for these connec-
pacity to maximum and further reduce the capacity if required. tions to the optional/accessory energy management module and
NOTE: The 2-stage switch control and 4 to 20-mA input signal terminal block. The control will reduce allowable capacity to
types of demand limiting require the energy management module this level for the 20 mA signal. See Table 31 and Fig. 23.
For units with the digital compressor option, digital operation
is ignored when determining capacity limit of the machine. Since Care should be taken when interfacing with other manufac-
Demand Limit controls the number of compressors operating, the turer’s control systems due to possible power supply differ-
requested demand limit must allow for the corresponding capacity ences, full wave bridge versus half wave rectification. The two
of the full digital compressor capacity plus any remaining com- different power supplies cannot be mixed. ComfortLink con-
pressors. For example, a 30MP045 unit with a digital compressor trols use half wave rectification. A signal isolation device
will require a demand limit of at least 33% for the first compressor should be utilized if a full wave bridge signal generating
to be energized. No compressor operation will be allowed prior to device is used.
this demand limit level. Digital operation below 33% will require
a demand limit of at least 33% to allow a compressor to start. Dig- DEMAND LIMIT (CCN Loadshed Controlled) — To config-
ital operation between 33 and 67% will require a demand limit of ure Demand Limit for CCN Loadshed control set the Demand
at least 67% to allow 2 compressors to be operating. Finally, for Limit Select (ConfigurationRSETDMDC) to 3. Then con-
digital operation above 67%, demand limit must be at 100% to al- figure the Loadshed Group Number (Configura-
low for all compressors to be operating. tionRSETSHNM), Loadshed Demand Delta (Configura-
To use demand limit, select the type of demand limiting to tionRSETSHDL), and Maximum Loadshed Time (Config-
use. Then configure the demand limit set points based on the urationRSETSHTM). See Table 31.
type selected. The Loadshed Group number is established by the CCN sys-
DEMAND LIMIT (2-Stage Switch Controlled) — To config- tem designer. The ComfortLink controls will respond to a Redline
ure demand limit for 2-stage switch control, set the Demand command from the Loadshed control. When the Redline com-
Limit Select (ConfigurationRSETDMDC) to 1. Then con- mand is received, the current stage of capacity is set to the maxi-
figure the 2 Demand Limit Switch points (Configura- mum stages available. Should the loadshed control send a Load-
tionRSETDLS1) and (ConfigurationRSETDLS2) to shed command, the ComfortLink controls will reduce the current
the desired capacity limit. See Table 31. Capacity steps are con- stages by the value entered for Loadshed Demand delta. The Max-
trolled by 2 relay switch inputs field wired to LVT as shown in imum Loadshed Time is the maximum length of time that a load-
Fig. 4. shed condition is allowed to exist. The control will disable the
For demand limit by 2-stage switch control, closing the first Redline/Loadshed command if no Cancel command has been re-
stage demand limit contact will put the unit on the first demand ceived within the configured maximum loadshed time limit.
limit level. The unit will not exceed the percentage of capacity en- Cooling Set Point (4 to 20 mA)
tered as Demand Limit Switch 1 set point (DLS1). Closing con-
tacts on the second demand limit switch prevents the unit from ex- A field supplied and generated, externally powered 4 to 20 mA
ceeding the capacity entered as Demand Limit Switch 2 set point. signal can be used to provide the leaving fluid temperature set
The demand limit stage that is set to the lowest demand takes pri- point. Connect the signal to LVT-10,8 (+,–). See Table 31 for in-
ority if both demand limit inputs are closed. If the demand limit structions to enable the function. Figure 24 shows how the 4 to 20
percentage does not match unit staging, the unit will limit capacity mA signal is linearly calculated on an overall 10°F to 80°F range
to the closest capacity stage. for fluid types (ConfigurationOPT1 FLUD) 1 or 2. The set
point will be limited by the fluid (FLUD) type. Be sure that the
chilled water loop is protected at the lowest temperature.
40 100% CAPACITY AT 4 mA
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Fig. 23 — 4 to 20-mA Demand Limiting
Table 31 — Configuring Demand Limit
(21) Maximum Set Point
70 F (21.1 C)
Set Point, F (C)
(4.4) FLUD=1 (Water)
Minimum Set Point
40 F (4.4 C)
0 5 10 15 20 25
mA Signal
EMM — Energy Management Module
Digital Scroll Option If equipped and enabled, the Minimum Load Control valve
The 30MP016-045 units have a factory-installed option for a is active as the last stage of capacity when the unit is unloading.
digital scroll compressor which provides additional stages of un- MAINTENANCE REMINDER — The 30MP ComfortLink
loading for the unit. The digital compressor is always installed in controls have the ability to provide a reminder for service per-
the A1 compressor location. When a digital compressor is in- sonnel that regularly scheduled strainer maintenance is re-
stalled, a digital unloader solenoid (DUS) is used on the digital quired. Maintenance interval is a field-configurable item. The
compressor. Digital Scroll Option not available for units service interval should be adjusted for the job site conditions.
controlled by Multi-Chiller Controller Accessory panel. See Table 33.
DIGITAL SCROLL OPERATION — A digital scroll oper- Table 33 — Configuring Maintenance Reminder
ates in two stages — the “loaded state” when the solenoid
valve is de-energized and the “unloaded state” when the sole- RUN STATUSPMSTRN
noid valve is energized. During the loaded state, the compres- ITEM EXPANSION COMMENTS
sor operates like a standard scroll and delivers full capacity and Range: 0 to 65,500 hrs
mass flow. SI.ST Strainer Srvc Interval Default: 8760 hrs
Setting SI.ST to 0 disables
However, during the unloaded state, there is no capacity the feature
and no mass flow through the compressor. The capacity of the
system is varied by varying the time the compressor operates PRE-START-UP
in an unloaded and loaded state during a 15-second period. If
the DUS is energized for 7 seconds, the compressor will be IMPORTANT: Before beginning Pre-Start-Up or Start-Up,
operating at 47% capacity. If the DUS is energized for 10 sec- complete Start-Up Checklist for 30MP Liquid Chiller at
onds, the compressor will be operating at approximately 33% end of this publication (pages CL-1 to CL-8). The checklist
of its capacity. Capacity is the time averaged summation of assures proper start-up of a unit, and provides a record of
loaded and unloaded states, and its range is continuous from unit condition, application requirements, system informa-
the minimum configured capacity to 100%. Regardless of tion, and operation at initial start-up.
capacity, the compressor always rotates with constant speed.
As the compressor transitions from a loaded to unloaded state, Do not attempt to start the chiller until following checks
the discharge and suction pressures will fluctuate and the com- have been completed.
pressor sound will change.
The ComfortLink controller controls and integrates opera- System Check
tion of the DUS into the compressor staging routine to maintain 1. Check all auxiliary components, such as chilled fluid
temperature control. When a digital compressor is installed, an pumps, air-handling equipment, condenser pump or
additional discharge gas temperature thermistor (DTT) is in- other equipment to which the chiller supplies liquid.
stalled along with the AUX board for control of the DUS. Consult manufacturer’s instructions. Verify that any
DIGITAL COMPRESSOR CONFIGURATION — When a pump interlock contacts have been properly installed.
digital compressor is installed, the configuration parameter If the unit has field-installed accessories, be sure all
(ConfigurationUNITA1.TY) is configured to YES. are properly installed and wired correctly. Refer to unit
There is also a maximum unload time configuration, (Config- wiring diagrams.
urationUNITMAX.T) that is set to 10 seconds (sizes 2. Use the scrolling marquee display to adjust the Cooling
020,030) or 7 seconds (sizes 040,045), which indicates the Set Point.
maximum unloading for the digital compressor is 47%. This is 3. Fill chilled fluid circuit with clean water (with recom-
done to optimize efficiency of the system. mended inhibitor added) or other non-corrosive fluid
MINIMUM LOAD CONTROL — Minimum load control is to be cooled. Bleed all air out of the high points of the
generally not recommended for split systems. If installed, the system. If chilled water is to be maintained at a tem-
feature must be enabled in the controls. Minimum load control perature below 40°F (4.4°C), a brine of sufficient con-
or hot gas bypass cannot be used in conjunction with the digital centration must be used to prevent freeze-up at antici-
scroll option. pated suction temperatures. To ensure sufficient loop
Minimum load control can only be added to standard com- volume, see Tables 34 and 35.
pressor units in the field. This feature will not operate with an 4. Check tightness of all electrical connections.
optional digital compressor and when the digital function is en- 5. Oil should be visible in the compressor sight glass(es).
abled (ConfigurationUnitA1.TY=YES). To enable the See Fig. 25. An acceptable oil level in the compressors
minimum load valve, confirm that the digital compressor op- is from 1/8 to 3/8 of sight glass when the compressors
tion is disabled and set Minimum Load Valve Select to YES, are off. Adjust the oil level as required. See Oil Charge
(ConfigurationOPT1MLV.S=YES). See Table 32. section on page 53 for Carrier approved oils.
NOTE: Minimum Load Control and Digital Compressor oper- 6. Crankcase heaters must be firmly attached to compres-
ation cannot be used together. sors, and must be on for 24 hours prior to start-up
Table 32 — Configuring Minimum Load Control (30MPA020-045, 30MPA,MPW050-071 only).
Range: NO/YES
Default: Depends on prod-
Compressor A1
A1.TY Digital? uct configuration
NO = Not Equipped
Value must be set to NO
Range: NO/YES
MLV.S Minimum Load Vlv Default: NO
Set to YES to activate
Table 34 — Minimum Flow Rates and Minimum Loop Volume — English
Gal./Min Gal./Min Std Unit HGBP Digital Std Unit HGBP Digital
30MP016 22 22 12 2 N/A 12 3.4 N/A
30MP020 28 28 6 4 3 10 10 6
30MP030 43 43 6 4 3 10 10 6
30MP032 43 43 6 4 3 10 10 6
30MP040 55 55 3 3 3 6 6 6
30MP045 64 64 3 3 3 6 6 6
30MP050 70 70 6 4 N/A 10 6 N/A
30MP055 77 77 6 4 N/A 10 6 N/A
30MP060 84 84 6 4 N/A 10 6 N/A
30MP065 91 91 6 4 N/A 10 6 N/A
30MP071 104 104 6 4 N/A 10 6 N/A
HGBP — Hot Gas Bypass
HGBP — Hot Gas Bypass
7. Electrical power source must agree with unit nameplate. START-UP AND OPERATION
8. Check rotation of scroll compressors. Monitor control
alarms during first compressor start-up for reverse rota- IMPORTANT: Before beginning Pre-Start-Up or Start-Up,
tion protection alarm. review Start-Up Checklist at the back of this publication.
The checklist assures proper start-up of a unit and provides
a record of unit condition, application requirements, system
information, and operation at initial start-up.
Crankcase heaters are wired into the control circuit, so they
are always operable as long as the main power supply dis-
connect is on (closed), even if any safety device is open.
Compressor heaters must be on for 24 hours prior to the
start-up of any compressor. Equipment damage could result
if heaters are not energized for at least 24 hours prior to
compressor start-up.
Compressor crankcase heaters must be on for 24 hours be-
fore start-up. To energize the crankcase heaters, close the field
disconnect. Leave the compressor circuit breakers off/open.
The crankcase heaters are now energized.
OIL SIGHTGLASS NOTE: Refer to Start-Up Checklist on pages CL-1 to CL-8.
Fig. 25 — Sight Glass Location PRELIMINARY CHARGE (30MPA) — Refer to GTAC II
(General Training Air Conditioning), Module 5, Charging, Re-
covery, Recycling and Reclamation for charging procedures.
The 30MPA units (condenserless) are shipped with a nitrogen 1. Be sure all service valves are open (30MPA units only).
holding charge only. Leak check the 30MPA unit, discharge and 2. Using the scrolling marquee display, set leaving-fluid set
liquid lines, and the condenser. Be sure the liquid line service point (Set PointsCOOLCSP.1). No cooling range ad-
valve is open. After leak check is completed, system must be justment is necessary.
evacuated and dehydrated. Following the evacuation, the system
must be fully charged. 3. Start chilled fluid pump (if not configured for cooler pump
The liquid charging method is recommended for complete
charging or when additional charge is required. 4. Start condenser fluid pump (if not configured for condenser
pump control (30MPW only).
Using the liquid charging method and charging by weight pro-
cedure, charge the circuit with the amount of Puron refrigerant (R- 5. Turn ENABLE/OFF/REMOTE CONTROL switch to EN-
410A) with the sum of the operating charge listed in Table 36 for ABLE position.
the base unit, the liquid line charge and the operating charge of the 6. Allow unit to operate and confirm that everything is func-
condenser as the preliminary charge. tioning properly. Check to see that leaving fluid temperature
agrees with leaving set point (Set PointsCOOL CSP.1)
Table 36 — Preliminary Puron Refrigerant (R-410A) or (Set PointsCOOLCSP.2), or if reset is used, with
Charge, lb (kg) the control point (Run StatusVIEW CTPT).
OPERATING CHARGE AMOUNT 7. Check the cooler leaving chilled water temperature to see
LB (kg) that it remains well above 32°F (0°C), or the brine freezing
30MPA020 12.0 (5.4) point if the unit is a medium temperature brine unit.
30MPA030 12.5 (5.6) 8. Recheck compressor oil level (see Oil Charge section on
30MPA040 14.7 (6.6) page 53).
30MPA045 18.9 (8.5)
30MPA050 29.7 (13.4)
Check Refrigerant Charge
30MPA055 30.7 (13.8) All 30MPW units are shipped with a complete operating
30MPA060 33.1 (14.9)
charge of R-410A and should be under sufficient pressure to con-
duct a leak test after installation. If there is no system pressure, ad-
30MPA065 34.0 (15.3)
mit nitrogen until a pressure is observed and then proceed to test
30MPA071 39.0 (17.6)
for leaks. After leaks are repaired, the system must be dehydrated.
NOTE: For liquid line piping, use the following information: All refrigerant charging should be done through the ¼-in.
• ½ in. (12.7 mm) liquid line - 0.6 lb per 10 linear feet Schrader connection on the liquid line. Do NOT add refrigerant
(0.27 kg per 3 m) charge through the low-pressure side of the system. If complete
• 5/8 in. (15.9 mm) liquid line - 1.0 lb per 10 linear feet charging is required, weigh in the appropriate charge for the circuit
(0.45 kg per 3 m) as shown on the unit nameplate. If partial charging is required, op-
• 7/8 in. (22.2 mm) liquid line - 2.0 lb per 10 linear feet erate circuit at full load and add charge to reach 9 to 12°F (–12.8 to
(0.91 kg per 3 m) –11.1°C) subcooling entering the expansion valve. See Step 6b on
• 1 1/8 in. (28.6 mm) liquid line - 3.5 lb per 10 linear feet page 39.
(1.59 kg per 3 m) The liquid charging method is recommended for complete
• 1 3/8 in. (34.9 mm) liquid line - 5.1 lb per 10 linear feet charging or when additional charge is required.
(2.32 kg per 3 m)
NOTE: On units with digital scroll option do not check refriger-
CAUTION ant; charge if compressor is operating at less than 100% capacity;
digital operation can be disabled by configuring A1.TY = NO
Never charge liquid into the low pressure side of the system. (ConfigurationUnitA1.TY).
Do not overcharge. Overcharging results in higher discharge
pressure, possible compressor damage, and higher power con- CAUTION
sumption. During charging or removal of refrigerant, be sure
cooler water is continuously circulating through the cooler to Never charge liquid into low-pressure side of system. Do not
prevent freezing. overcharge. Overcharging results in higher discharge pressure,
While the unit is running at full capacity, add refrigerant until possible compressor damage, and higher power consumption.
the sight glass is clear. The required refrigerant is R-410A. During charging or removal of refrigerant, be sure water is
continuously circulating through the cooler and condenser
With the unit operating at full load, check liquid line sight glass (30MPW) to prevent freezing.
to be sure the unit is fully charged (bubbles in the sight glass indi-
cate the unit is not fully charged).
IMPORTANT: For proper charging, units equipped with a
digital compressor must have the digital compressor operation Be careful not to overcharge the system. Overcharging results
disabled to maintain stable operation. To disable digital com- in higher discharge pressure, possible compressor damage,
pressor operation, set ConfigurationUNITA1.TY (Com- and higher power consumption.
pressor A1 Digital?) to NO. Be sure to re-enable the digital
operation after charging operation is complete. EVACUATION AND DEHYDRATION — The 30MP016-045
systems use polyol ester (POE) oil, and 30MP050-071 systems
Follow approved evacuation procedures when removing refrig- use polyvinyl ester (PVE) oil. Because either type of oil can ab-
eration. Release remaining pressure to an approved evacuated cyl- sorb moisture, it is important to minimize the amount of time that
the system interior is left exposed to the atmosphere. Minimizing
the exposure time of the oil to the atmosphere will minimize the
Actual Start-Up amount of moisture that needs to be removed during evacuation.
Actual start-up should be done only under supervision of a Once all of the piping connections are complete, leak test the
qualified refrigeration mechanic. unit and then pull a deep dehydration vacuum. Connect the vacu-
um pump to the high flow Schrader valve in the suction line and
liquid line. For best results, it is recommended that a vacuum of at 5. a. The 30MPA condenserless units are shipped with a
least 500 microns (0.5 mm Hg) be obtained. Afterwards, to ensure nitrogen holding charge. After installation with the
that no moisture is present in the system, perform a standing vacu- field-supplied system high side, the complete sys-
um-rise test. tem should be evacuated and charged per the con-
With the unit in deep vacuum (500 microns or less), isolate denser manufacturer’s charging procedure or charged
the vacuum pump from the system. Observe the rate-of-rise of until the sight glass is clear (with the unit running at
the vacuum in the system. If the vacuum rises by more than 50 full capacity). To achieve maximum system capacity,
microns in a 30-minute time period, then continue the dehydra- add additional charge equal to the difference
tion process. Maintain a vacuum on the system until the stand- between the condenser optimal charge and the con-
ing vacuum requirement is met. This will ensure a dry system. denser minimum charge, which can be obtained from
the charge data provided in the condenser installation
By following these evacuation and dehydration procedures, instructions.
the amount of moisture present in the system will be
minimized. It is required that liquid line filter driers be in- b. To ensure maximum performance of 30MPW units,
stalled between the condenser(s) and the expansion devices to raise the compressor saturated discharge temperature
capture any foreign debris and provide additional moisture re- (SDT) to approximately 100°F (37.8°C) by throttling
moval capacity. the condenser water intake. Add charge until there is
approximately 9 to 12°F (5.0 to 6.6°C) of system
LIQUID CHARGING METHOD subcooling (SDT minus actual temperature entering
For 30MP016-045: Add charge to the unit through the liquid line the expansion valve).
service valve. Never charge liquid into the low-pressure side of
the system. Check Compressor Oil Level
For 30MP050-071: Add the charge to the unit through the high After adjusting the refrigerant charge, allow each circuit to run
flow Schrader valve on the filter drier. fully loaded for 20 minutes. Stop the compressors and check the
oil level. Oil level should be 1/8 to 3/8 up on the sight glass.
1. Close liquid line ball valve (30MPA only).
2. Connect a refrigerant cylinder loosely to the high flow IMPORTANT: Oil level should only be checked when the
Schrader valve connection on the liquid line. Purge the compressors are off.
charging hose and tighten the connections.
3. Open the refrigerant cylinder valve. Add oil only if necessary to bring the oil into view in the sight
4. If the system has been dehydrated and is under vacuum, glass. If oil is added, run the circuit for an additional 10 minutes,
break the vacuum with refrigerant gas. For R-410A, build up then stop and check oil level. If the level remains low, check the
system pressure to 101 psig and 32°F (697 kPa and 0°C). In- piping system for proper design for oil return; also, check the sys-
vert the refrigerant cylinder so that the liquid refrigerant will tem for leaks. If checking the oil level with unit running in part
be charged. load, let unit run one hour, then run at full load for 10 minutes. If
a. For complete charge of 30MPW units, follow oil does not return to acceptable sight glass levels, check for cor-
charging by weight procedure. When charge is nearly rect suction piping and line sizing.
full, complete the process by observing the sight glass Adjust Oil Charge
for clear liquid flow while the unit is operating. The
use of sight glass charging is valid only when unit is Although the compressors are factory charged with oil, additional
oil is likely required to maintain the oil level in the compressor.
operating at full capacity.
Tables 37 and 38 indicate the likely amount required based on the
b. For complete charge of 30MPA units or where refrig- liquid line size and system piping length. Additional lubricant
erant cylinder cannot be weighed, follow the con- estimate is based on using recommended pipe sizes. Values listed
denser manufacturer’s charging procedure or follow are estimates only. See Add Oil section on page 54 for Carrier-
charging by sight glass procedure. The use of sight approved oils. After operating the compressor for a period of time,
glass charging is valid only when unit is operating at the oil level should be between 1/8 and 3/8 of the oil sight glass.
full capacity. The compressor oil level should be checked with the compressor
off to avoid the sump turbulence when the compressor is running.
Oil must be added if the oil level does not meet the requirements.
Table 37 — 60 Hz Additional Lubricant (English)
09DP Up to 25 ft 25 to 50 ft 50 to 75 ft 75 to 100 ft 100 to 125 ft 125 to 150 ft 150 to 175 ft 175 to 200 ft
30MPA020 S020 11 12 13 14 21 23 26 28
30MPA030 S030 13 15 17 20 22 24 27 29
30MPA040 M040 27 30 33 36 51 57 63 68
30MPA045 M050 27 30 33 37 52 57 63 69
30MPA050 M050 27 30 34 38 53 59 65 71
30MPA055 M055 27 31 35 39 53 59 65 71
30MPA060 M060 28 32 36 40 54 60 66 72
30MPA065 M065 33 37 41 45 59 65 71 77
30MPA071 M075 39 43 47 51 65 71 77 83
VOLTAGE — ALL UNITS Installation and Operation section below for actuator installa-
Main Power Supply — Minimum and maximum acceptable sup- tion and operation details. See Fig. 26 for evaporator isolation
ply voltages are listed in the Installation Instructions. relay power and actuator wiring and Fig. 27 for evaporator iso-
lation relay control wiring.
Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply Voltage — Never operate a motor
where a phase imbalance between phases is greater than 2%. To
determine percent voltage imbalance:
max voltage deviation
from avg voltage
% Voltage Imbalance = 100 x
average voltage
The maximum voltage deviation is the largest difference between
a voltage measurement across 2 legs and the average across all 3
Example: Supply voltage is 240-3-60. LEGEND
AB = 243 v EISOR — Evaporator Isolation Relay
FB — Fuse Block
BC = 236 v FU — Fuse
AC = 238 v MTR — Actuator Motor
for condenser water valve head pressure control, Configura- reverse acting, spring return, normally open. The red and black
tionC.VLVHPCT=ENBL. wires are used to power the actuator. The signal connection is
made at the actuator white wire. The orange and pink wires are
Actuator Installation and Operation not used. The default settings on the actuator are normally open
and fail open. The actuator must be installed with CCW facing
up; see Fig. 30. This will ensure that if the actuator were to fail,
WARNING the water valve would open fully. The dial setting Y=0 should be
set to counterclockwise to ensure the normal position of the actu-
Before performing service or maintenance operations on ator and valve is fully open. Ensure the water valve is in the fully
unit, turn off main power switch to unit. Electrical shock open position prior to tightening.
could cause personal injury.
30MP016-045 EVAPORATOR ISOLATION — The actuator is
See Table 40 and Fig. 28 for actuator details. Refer to the a two-wire actuator with On/Off control, reverse acting, spring re-
following sections for the specific settings of each actuator pri- turn. When no power is applied to the actuator the water valve will
or to installation. The fail position of the actuator is defined as be open. When 24V is applied to the actuator, the water valve will
the position when there is no power to the actuator. The normal close. The actuator must be installed with CCW facing up; see
position of the actuator is defined as the position when the ac- Fig. 30. The dial setting Y=0 should be set to counterclockwise to
tuator is powered and no signal applied. All actuators use 24V ensure the actuator is reverse acting.
power. The signal for all head pressure control actuators is 2- 30MP050-071 HEAD PRESSURE CONTROL AND EVAPO-
10V. Every actuator mounting bracket has a 10-32 bolt in- RATOR ISOLATION — All actuators are 5-wire, 2-10VDC
stalled. The actuator must attach to this bolt to operate correct- control, reverse acting, electronic fail-safe. The actuator is pre-
ly. See Fig. 28. programmed for the unit and should not require field program-
Actuator Removal, 30MP016-030, 040-071 ming. The red and black wires are used to power the actuator. The
signal connection is made at the actuator white wire. The orange
Each actuator is positioned horizontally. Find the wire splice and pink wires are not used. The default settings on the actuator
which connects the actuator wires to the control box wires. For are normally open and fail open. The normal position dial should
head pressure control, the splice is located 24 in. of wire length be set to 0 (Fig. 31), which will ensure the actuator will move to
from the control box. For evaporator isolation, the splice is located the full counterclockwise position. The fail-safe position dial
in the terminal box mounted on the chassis next to the compressor should be set to counterclockwise. The actuator should be in the
sled. Select a location to cut the wires, ensuring there is at least ½ fully counterclockwise position prior to installation. If necessary,
in. of length to strip back the wires to connect to the new actuator. press and hold the manual override button while turning the actua-
Remove the actuator by loosening the 10 mm nuts on the actuator tor to the full counterclockwise position prior to installing the ac-
stem clamp. Lift the actuator off the stem and the bracket. tuator on the water valve.
Actuator Removal, 30MP032 Manual Override
Find the wire splice which connects the actuator wires to the Each actuator can be manually positioned as necessary for ac-
control box wires. For head pressure control, the splice is located tuator installation, troubleshooting, or unit service.
24 in. of wire length from the control box. For evaporator isola-
tion, the splice is located in the terminal box mounted on the chas- The manual override will only operate if no power is ap-
sis next to the compressor sled. Select a location to cut the wires, plied to the actuator.
ensuring there is at least ½ in. of length to strip back the wires to 30MP016-045 — Each actuator is shipped with a manual crank
connect to the new actuator. Loosen the 10 mm nuts on the actua- from the factory. The manual crank is installed on the actuator. In-
tor stem clamp. Next, using a 1/8 in. hex tool, loosen the valve sert the manual crank in the hexagon hole located on the actuator
stem set screw. The valve stem does not need to be removed. With (Fig. 30). With CCW facing up on the actuator, turn the crank in
the valve stem loose, move the actuator away from the 10-32 the counterclockwise direction. This will open the water valve. To
bracket bolt and lift it off the valve stem. To avoid interference lock the actuator in the required position, flip the lock switch (lo-
with the chassis or piping, the actuator must be lifted off the valve cated to the right of the crank) to the locked position. The manual
stem at approximately 45 degrees. override can be disengaged in two ways: Flip the lock switch to
the unlocked position, or apply 24V power for greater than 3 sec-
Actuator Installation onds to the red and black wires. In either case, the actuator will go
Prior to installing the new actuator, refer to the following sec- to the fully open position (fully counterclockwise).
tions for specific actuator settings for each 30MP unit. The fail po- 30MP050-071 — For isolation during heat exchanger service,
sition and normal position of the actuator must be set to fully open turn the fail-safe position dial fully clockwise (CW, see Fig. 31)
for correct operation. and remove power to the actuator. This will hold the water valve
Replacement actuators are shipped with multiple size uni- in the fully closed position. Do not return power to the actuator un-
versal clamps. The universal clamp is the small V-shaped insert til service is complete. Each actuator includes a manual override
which clamps to the actuator stem. For all 30MP units, the ¾ button. Pressing this button will release the actuator drive gear.
in. size universal clamp should be installed on the actuator. The With the manual override button held down, the water valve shaft
metal bracket installed on the water valve has a 10-32 bolt can be rotated manually. Upon releasing the manual override but-
which is used to hold the actuator in place during operation ton, the actuator will return to the fail-safe position. The manual
Slide the actuator down over the water valve stem. The actua- override is not recommended for heat exchanger isolation, as the
tor should locate on the 10-32 bolt, attached to the bracket. En- manual override does not lock in the actuator in position.
sure the actuator is level with the mounting bracket and per-
pendicular to the shaft. Tighten the 10 mm actuator clamp nuts Actuator Troubleshooting
to 7.5 ft-lbs. Tighten the water valve stem set screw to 60 in.- 30MP050-071 — Each actuator contains a front LED panel to
lb. See Fig. 29. indicate the actuator status. The green light (Power Adaptation)
is on the right, the yellow light (Status) is on the left. See Ta-
Actuator Settings bles 41 and 42.
30MPW016-045 HEAD PRESSURE CONTROL — The actua-
tor is a 5-wire actuator with 2-10VDC control. The actuator is
Table 40 — 30MP Valve and Actuator Part Numbers
UNIT Head Pressure Control
Head Pressure Control Evaporator Isolation Head Pressure Control Evaporator Isolation
or Evaporator Isolation
EF04ZZ422 EF04ZZ421 EC28ZZ421
HF680034 HF680035
EF04ZZ482 EF04ZZ481 EC28ZZ481
060 EF04ZZ541 HF680036 EC28ZZ541
Install actuator with
CCW facing up.
Normal position
dial set to For normal operation,
counterclockwise set to unlock (left).
(left). For manual override: set
to lock (right) to hold
For manual override: Insert actuator at current
manual crank here. Rotate position. Power cannot
counterclockwise to desired be applied during
actuator position. Power cannot manual override.
be applied during manual
Fig. 30 — Actuator Settings, 30MP016-045 Head Pressure Control and Evaporator Isolation
Normal position.
Set to 0.
Fail-safe position.
Manual override
Set to CCW.
Status lights.
Left - yellow
Right - green
Fig. 31 — Actuator Settings, 30MP050-071 Head Pressure Control and Evaporator Isolation
Table 41 — 30MP Indicator Lights*
Off On Operation ok, no faults
Off Blinking Fail-safe mechanism is active
On Off Fault is detected
Off Off Not in operation/capacitors charging
On On Adaptation running
Blinking On Communication with programming tool
*See Fig. 31 for location of indicator lights.
Table 42 —Troubleshooting
Signal applied to actuator, no Blown actuator Fuse 9 or Fuse Replace fuse, inspect wiring for short or overloaded circuit.
response 10 in control panel
Low supply voltage Minimum actuator voltage 21.6 VDC
Input voltage out of range Check input voltage with a digital volt meter. Input signal must be above 2 VDC to
have the actuator move.
The torque load has exceeded Inspect actuator and water valve for debris or interference:
the actuator’s torque. An
object or circumstance is pre- • fluid flow outside unit limits
venting the motion of the actu- • improper actuator installation
ator or water valve. • actuator damage
• dirt and debris build-up
Actuator operation is reversed Incorrect actuator switch Turn normal position switch to correct setting; see Fig. 30 and 31.
settings Switch must be turned all the way to the proper setting.
Actuator does not drive toward Actuator input voltage polarity Actuator Control Box Actuator Wire Polarity
target position incorrect Terminal Color
Head Pressure Fuse 10 Red (+)
AUX J4-2 Blk (-)
AUX J4-1 Wht (+)
Evap Isolation Evap Iso Relay, 2 Wht (+)
Evap Iso Relay, 1 Red (050-071 only) (+)
TB3-2 Blk (-)
Head Pressure Control Configuration and Oper- condensing temperature which the unit control algorithm will
ation use to modulate the condenser leaving water valve. The default
value for H.DP is 75°F (23.9°C). See Table 44.
The Head Pressure Control option must be enabled in the
unit software, ConfigurationC.VLVHPCT=ENBL. With ADJUSTING PI ROUTINES — The 30MPW head pressure
this option enabled, an AUX board and condenser fluid control routines use PI (proportional integral) loops to maintain
thermistors are installed and enabled from the factory. The a user-configurable head pressure set point. Gain default values
30MPW control loop utilizes three sets of gains depending on can be adjusted through the scrolling marquee, Configura-
the stage of capacity and the condenser entering water tem- tionC.VLV (items H.PGM, H.TCM, H.PGH, H.TCH,
perature. The entering condenser gain schedule temperature H.PGL, H.TCL). The default gain values, shown below,
(H.CWL) is the minimum temperature at which gain schedul- should provide steady operation under most operating condi-
ing will be used. If the condenser entering water temperature tions. However, in some instances, these values may need to be
is above this value, the control loop will use the high gains adjusted. If the control routine is not responding fast enough to
(H.PGH, H.TCH) regardless of capacity. Condenser water large changes (circuit starting, for example), increase the pro-
thermistors are required when Head Pressure Control is en- portional term.
abled (ConfigurationC.VLVHPCT=ENBL) and will be When the routine is making too great a change to valve po-
installed from the factory. For optimum control, the condens- sition, decrease the proportional term. To minimize hunting,
er fluid thermistors should be installed and enabled in the keep the integral time constant as high as possible.
software (ConfigurationOPT1CDWS). If the condenser For operating conditions where the saturated condensing
water thermistors are not installed, the unit will use the de- temperature setpoint (HSP) is configured above 85°F it is rec-
fault gains under all conditions. See Table 43. ommended to change the control gains.
POINT — The target saturated condensing temperature is ad-
justable, SetpointsHEADH.DP. This is the target saturated
Table 43 — Items Available in the COND VALVE CONFIGURATION Sub-mode
Condenser Water Isolation When condenser isolation is enabled, the valve will go to
Any unit configured for Head Pressure Control is also ca- the CDCL position when the unit is enabled and at zero capaci-
pable of Condenser Water Isolation. By default, this option is ty. Under certain start-up conditions, such as high condenser
disabled; however, it can be enabled at Configuration entering water temperature or high evaporator entering water
C.VLVCNIS=ENBL. When this option is enabled, the unit temperature, the CDCL position may need to be raised to avoid
is allowed to operate (see Operation of Machine Based on A126 and A127 (high condensing temperature) alarms.
Control Method section on page 21) and at zero capacity, the Under some operating conditions, the scroll compressors
condenser water valve will position itself to the configurable may become noisy. Generally this condition will exist when
CDCL point, ConfigurationC.VLVCDCL. The default there is a low pressure differential across the scroll compressor.
configuration for CNIS is disabled. When CNIS is disabled The noise may be noticeable during start-up, before the con-
the condenser water valve will fully open anytime the unit is denser water valve has reached its target condition and the satu-
at zero capacity. Condenser water isolation will operate when rated condensing temperature has increased. This temporary
enabled, independent of the Head Pressure Control configura- noisy condition is normal and does not indicate a problem with
tion (enabled or disabled). the compressor.
Important Notes about Head Pressure Control For troubleshooting, the condenser water valve position can
be set in Service Test mode through the scrolling marquee. See
Because this option restricts condenser water flow, it is not Table 45.
recommended to install a condenser flow switch on any unit
The head pressure control water valve position can also be
with head pressure control. forced in Service Test mode.
OPERATION SEQUENCE Electronic Components
The unit is started by putting the ENABLE/OFF/REMOTE CONTROL COMPONENTS — Unit uses an advanced elec-
CONTROL switch in the ENABLE or REMOTE CONTROL po- tronic control system that normally does not require service. For
sition. When the unit receives a call for cooling (either from the in- details on controls refer to Controls section on page 7.
ternal control or CCN network command or remote control clo- Access to the controls is through a hinged panel. Inner panels
sure), the unit stages up in capacity to maintain the leaving fluid are secured in place and should not be removed unless all power to
set point. The first compressor starts 11/2 to 3 minutes after the call the chiller is off.
for cooling.
Electronic Expansion Valve (EXV) (30MP050-071
For all units, if temperature reset is being used, the unit controls Only)
to a higher leaving-fluid temperature as the building load reduces.
If demand limit is used, the unit may temporarily be unable to See Fig. 32 for a cutaway view of the EXV. High-pressure liq-
maintain the desired leaving-fluid temperature because of im- uid refrigerant enters valve through the top. As refrigerant passes
posed power limitations. through the orifice, pressure drops and refrigerant changes to a 2-
phase condition (liquid and vapor). The electronic expansion
SERVICE valve operates through an electronically controlled activation of a
stepper motor. The stepper motor stays in position, unless power
pulses initiate the two discrete sets of motor stator windings for ro-
WARNING tation in either direction. The direction depends on the phase rela-
tionship of the power pulses.
Electrical shock can cause personal injury and death. Shut off
all power to this equipment during service. There may be As the stepper motor rotates, its motion is transferred to linear
more than one disconnect switch. Tag all disconnect locations movement by a lead screw. Refrigerant flow is modulated by ei-
to alert others not to restore power until work is completed. ther opening or closing the port. The valve includes a positive
shut-off when closed.
Service Test
Both main power and control circuit power must be on.
The Service Test function should be used to verify proper opera-
tion of condenser output, compressors, minimum load valve sole-
noid (if installed), cooler pump, EXV, and remote alarm relay. To
use the Service Test mode, the Enable/Off/Remote Control switch
must be in the OFF position. Use the display keys to enter the mode
and display TEST. Press ENTER twice so that OFF flashes. Enter
the password if required. Use either arrow key to change the TEST
value to the ON position and press ENTER . Move the Enable/Off/
Remote Control switch to enable. Press ESCAPE and the
button to enter the OUTS or COMP sub-mode. ENABLE/OFF/
REMOTE switchmust be set to ENABLE to operate test.
NOTE: Cooler and condenser (30MPW) water flow must be
established in order to operate compressor in service test. 1.
Glass Seal
Test the condenser output, cooler pump, liquid line solenoid 3.
Motor Housing
Stepper Motor
valve (30MPA only), crankcase heater, water valve (accessory), 5. Bearing
and alarm relay by changing the item values from OFF to ON. 6. Lead Screw
These discrete outputs are then turned off if there is no keypad ac- 7.
Valve Piston
tivity for 10 minutes. All compressor outputs can be turned on, but 9. Valve Seat
the control will limit the rate by staging one compressor per min- 10. Valve Port
ute. Minimum load valve can be tested with the compressors on or
off. The relays under the COMP mode will stay on for 10 minutes Fig. 32 — Cutaway View of the Electronic
if there is no keypad activity. Compressors will stay on until they Expansion Valve (Sizes 050-071)
are turned off by the operator. The Service Test mode will remain
enabled for as long as there is one or more compressors running.
All safeties are monitored during this test and will turn a compres- Table 46 shows the number of steps for the EXV. The EXV
sor, circuit or the machine off if required. Any other mode or sub- motor moves at 150 steps per second. Commanding the valve to
mode can be accessed, viewed, or changed during the TEST either 0% or 100% will add extra steps to the move, to ensure the
mode. The STAT item (Run StatusVIEW) will display “0” as value is open or closed completely.
long as the Service mode is enabled. The TEST sub-mode value Table 46 — EXV Steps
must be changed back to OFF before the chiller can be switched to
Enable or Remote control for normal operation. UNIT SIZE 30MP EXV STEPS
050-071 3690
For 30MPW units, when service is required, recover the refriger- The EXV board controls the valve. Each circuit has a therm-
ant from the system. istor located in a well in the suction manifold before the com-
pressor. Suction pressure as measured by the suction pressure
For 30MPA units when service is required, the compressor
transducer is converted to a saturated suction temperature. The
and evaporator can be serviced by closing the factory-in- thermistor measures the temperature of the superheated gas en-
stalled liquid line service valve and field-installed discharge tering the compressor and the pressure transducer determines
line service valve. After the valves are closed, recover refrig-
the saturated temperature of suction gas. The difference be-
erant from the system. tween the temperature of the superheated gas and the saturated
suction temperature is the superheat. The EXV board controls
the position of the electronic expansion valve stepper motor to
maintain superheat set point.
The MBB controls the superheat leaving cooler to approxi-
mately 9°F (5°C). Because EXV status is communicated to the
main base board (MBB) and is controlled by the EXV boards, it is
possible to track the valve position. The unit is then protected
against loss of charge and a faulty valve. Just prior to compressor
start, the EXV will open. At low ambient temperatures the EXV is
closed at start up. After initialization period, valve position is
tracked by the EXV board by constantly monitoring the amount of
valve movement.
The EXV is also used to limit cooler saturated suction tempera-
ture to 50°F (10°C). This makes it possible for the chiller to start at
higher cooler fluid temperatures without overloading the compres- Fig. 33 — 30MP050-071 EXV Cable Connections
sor. This is commonly referred to as MOP (maximum operating to EXV Module
If it appears that the EXV module is not properly controlling CAUTION
circuit operation to maintain correct superheat, there are a number
of checks that can be made using test functions and initialization Do not disconnect EXV connector with power applied to the
features built into the microprocessor control. See the EXV Trou- board. Damage to the board may result if disconnected while
bleshooting Procedure section to test EXVs. under power. DO NOT short meter leads together or connect
EXV Troubleshooting Procedure pin 3 to any other pin as board damage will occur.
Follow steps below to diagnose and correct EXV problems. During the next several seconds, carefully connect the negative
Check EXV motor operation first. Switch the Enable/Off/Re- test lead to pins 1,2,4 and 5 in succession (plug J6). Digital volt-
meters will average this signal and display approximately 6 vdc. If
mote Control (EOR) switch to the Off position. Press ENTER on the it remains constant at a voltage other than 6 vdc or shows 0 volts,
scrolling marquee until the display is blank or on Navigator™ dis- remove the connector to the valve and recheck.
play until ‘Select a menu item’ appears on the display. Use the ar- Press ENTER and select 0% to close the valve. Check the 4-posi-
row keys to select the Service Test mode. Press ENTER . The display tion DIP switch on the board (all switches should be set to On). If
will be: a problem still exists, replace the EXV board. If the reading is cor-
> TEST OFF rect, the expansion valve and EXV wiring should be checked.
OUTS 1. Check color coding and wire connections. Make sure they
are connected to the correct terminals at the EXV board and
COMP EXV plug and that the cables are not crossed.
Press ENTER (password entry may be required) and use to 2. Check for continuity and tight connection at all pin
change OFF to ON. Switch the EOR switch to Enable. The Ser- terminals.
vice Test mode is now enabled. Move the pointer down to the 3. If the motor fails to operate properly, check the resistance of
OUTS sub-mode and press ENTER . Move the pointer to item each motor phase. Remove the EXV Board J6 connector.
EXV.A. Press ENTER and the valve position will flash. Use to Check the resistance of the two windings. Resistance be-
tween pins 1 and 2 for one winding or between pins 4 and 5
select 100% valve position (hold for quick movement) and for the other winding should be approximately 52 ± 5.2
press ENTER . ohms. Differences of more than 10% between windings indi-
The technician should be able to feel the actuator moving by cate a defective motor. Resistance between any lead and
ground should be infinite or “open.” Any resistance reading
placing a hand on the EXV. A sight glass is located on the valve will indicate a shorted winding and the valve will need to be
body to verify that the actuator is moving. A hard knocking should replaced.
be felt from the actuator when it reaches the top of its stroke (can
be heard if surroundings are relatively quiet). Press ENTER again cutaway view of the EXV. Motor kits for the EXV valve are avail-
twice if necessary to confirm this. To close the valve, press ENTER , able as replacement parts.
select 0% with and press ENTER . The actuator should knock EXV VALVE REPLACEMENT — To replace the valve, per-
when it reaches the bottom of its stroke. If it is believed that the form the following procedure:
valve is not working properly, continue with the checkout proce- 1. Be sure the refrigerant has been recovered from the circuit.
dure below. 2. Disconnect the EXV cable from the EXV.
Check the EXV output signals at appropriate terminals on the 3. The valve may be replaced by cutting the piping. A tubing
EXV Board (see Fig. 33). Do not disconnect EXV connector with cutter must be used to prevent creating contaminants in the
power applied to the board. Damage to the board may result if dis- piping.
connected while under power. Connect positive test lead to EXV- 4. The EXVs have copper connections and any brazing alloy
J6 terminal 3. Set meter to approximately 20 vdc. Using the Ser- can be used to install the valve. During installation the torch
vice Test procedure above, move the valve output under test to flame should be directed away from the valve body and ca-
100%. DO NOT short meter leads together or connect pin 3 to any ble. The valve body should be wrapped with a wet cloth
other pin as board damage will occur. during the brazing operation. Be sure to use a nitrogen purge
while brazing the valve in place.
5. Check for refrigerant leaks.
6. Once the valve body has cooled, reconnect the EXV cable.
Care should be taken to ensure engagement of the alignment
7. Check the operation of the valve using the EXV Trouble- 5. To install the motor, be sure to use a new gasket.
shooting Procedure on this page. 6. Manually depress the valve piston before installing the
VALVE MOTOR REPLACEMENT motor assembly. This will allow for the lead screw to en-
gage the piston as the motor is installed.
IMPORTANT: Obtain replacement gasket before opening
EXV. Do not re-use gaskets. 7. Lightly oil the threads and gasket on the new motor. Care-
fully seat the motor on the valve body. Using a wrench
and back-up wrench as described above, tighten the motor
Perform the following procedure to replace the EXV motor:
assembly as follows: Tighten the motor to 36 ft-lb (50 N-
1. Be sure the refrigerant has been recovered from the circuit. m) and then tighten an additional 30 degrees as indicated
2. Use Service Test to open the EXV to 100%. This will retract in Fig. 34.
the piston fully. 8. After the motor is tightened, the cable should be replaced on
3. Remove power from the EXV board and then disconnect the the valve. Care should be taken to ensure engagement of the
EXV Cable from the EXV. alignment key. Pressurize the system and check for leaks.
4. Using a wrench and back-up wrench, remove the motor 9. Reapply control power and test the operation using Service
assembly from the EXV body. Be sure to place the back- Test operation listed above.
up wrench on the adapter to remove the motor as shown
in Fig. 34.
27mm / 11/16''
50Nm (36 ft-lb)+ 30° 27mm / 11/16''
EF05BD331 NV 36mm
1. Push down on valve piston to close valve before assembling.
2. After valve is assembled close valve in Quick Test sub-mode or cycle power before opening service valve.
Compressor Replacement the side of the unit or above, depending on where clearance
All models contain scroll compressors and have two or space was allowed during unit installation. See Fig. 35.
three compressors. A compressor is most easily removed from
Electrical shock can cause personal injury and death. Shut off
all power to this equipment during installation and service.
There may be more than one disconnect switch. Tag all dis-
connect locations to alert others not to restore power until
work is completed.
1. Open and tag all disconnects following proper lock-out tag-
out procedures. Use proper personal protective equipment.
2. Remove the junction box cover and disconnect the com-
pressor power and ground connections. See Fig. 36-38.
3. Disconnect and remove the crankcase heater from the com-
pressor. Save the ground screw for re-installation later.
4. If the compressor is equipped with a motor protection mod-
ule, disconnect the wiring to the device. See Fig. 37 or 38.
NOTE: 30MP016 units
NOTE: See wire color have internal motor
codes in Crankcase protection.
Heater Wiring section, a38-7317
page 53.
12. Carefully remove the compressor from the unit. All com- 18. Replace the liquid line filter drier.
pressors must be lifted by the lifting rings. Use care and ex- 19. If the compressor failure was as a result of a motor burn, in-
treme caution when lifting and moving compressors. stall a suction line filter drier. This device must be removed
after 72 hours.
WARNING 20. Leak check all braze connections and repair if necessary.
21. Evacuate the circuit using proper service techniques.
All compressors must be lifted by the lifting rings. Use care 22. Knock the same holes out of the new compressor junction
and extreme caution when lifting and moving compressors to box, if required, and install the cable connectors from the old
avoid personal injury and equipment damage. compressor.
13. The replacement compressor will come with an oil charge. If 23. Install the crankcase heater on the compressor as described
the compressor will be mounted in a tandem or trio compres- in the section Crankcase Heater Mounting on page 53 and
sor circuit, the oil must be drained below the connection wire the crankcase heater as described in the same section.
point. Be sure to measure the amount of oil removed and re- Crankcase heater position is critical to proper operation.
place it with new oil once the assembly is complete. In tan- 24. For compressors with the motor protection module, wire
dem compressor applications, while connecting the oil the power wiring and control wiring as shown in Fig. 37
equalizer line, it is recommended that the compressor be and 38. Be sure the correct motor protection module is
tipped back approximately 12 degrees from the horizontal to installed. Copeland replacement compressors can be
move the oil away from the fitting so any remaining oil shipped with one of two motor protection modules, Kri-
moves away from the oil equalizer connection point. wan or CoreSense communication module. Replacement
14. Before moving the compressor into its final location, install compressors shipped with Kriwan motor protection
the mounting grommets on the compressor. modules are shipped with two solid-state motor protec-
15. Carefully move the compressor into place on the unit. All tion modules. A 120/240-volt module is installed and a
compressors must be lifted by the lifting rings. Use care 24-volt module is shipped with the compressor. Re-
and extreme caution when lifting and moving compressors. placement 30MP020-045 compressors with CoreSense
modules are shipped with a voltage specific solid-state
16. Secure the compressor using the mounting hardware re- motor protection module. These units require the 24-volt
moved in Step 10. Tighten mounting hardware to torque val- module be field installed. Failure to install the 24-volt
ues listed in Tables 47 and 48. module will result in a compressor failure alarm. For
17. Using new fittings and tubing, reconnect the suction and dis- compressors without a motor protection module, install
charge lines. In tandem compressor circuits, the oil equalizer the motor plug by hand only. See Fig. 36.
line for the new compressor should be as close to the original
as possible. Make the connections using proper service tech-
niques. In trio compressor circuits, reconnect the oil equaliz- CAUTION
er line. Be sure to use a new O ring to make the connection.
Proper torque values are listed in Tables 47 and 48. The molded electrical plug should be installed by hand to
properly seat the plug on the electrical terminals. To avoid
Table 47 — Unit Torque Specification, damage, the plug should not be struck with a hammer or any
30MP016-045 other device.
FASTENER RECOMMENDED TORQUE 25. If the compressor is a digital compressor, connect the digital
Compressor Sled 7 to 10 ft-lb (9.5 to 13.5 N-m) unloader solenoid as shown in Fig. 39.
Mounting Bolts
Compressor Mounting 7 to 10 ft-lb (9.5 to 13.5 N-m)
Compressor Power 24 to 28 in.-lb (2.7 to 3.2 N-m)
Connections Do not start the compressor while the system is in a deep vac-
Compressor Ground 14 to 18 in.-lb (1.6 to 2.0 N-m) uum. Compressor failure may occur.
Terminal Connection
Trio Compressor 74 to 81 ft-lb (100 to 110 N-m)
26. Recharge the compressors with new oil as described in the
Assembly Oil Equalizer section Add Oil on page 54.
Connection 27. Charge the circuit as described in the Charging section on
Table 48 — Unit Torque Specification, page 47.
30MP050-071 28. Check the operation of the compressor.
Compressor Mounting 7 to 10 ft-lb (9.5 to 13.5 N-m)
Compressor Power 3.33 to 3.75 ft-lb (4.5 to 5.1 N-m)
Compressor Ground 3.33 to 3.75 ft-lb (4.5 to 5.1 N-m)
Terminal Connections
CRANKCASE HEATER MOUNTING — All 30MPA units 5. Install the replacement heat exchanger in the unit and at-
and 30MPW 030-071 units have crankcase heaters as standard tach to the bracket using the four nuts removed in Step 4.
equipment. It is important that the crankcase heater be tight to the For sizes 016 and 020, torque is 7 to 10 ft-lb. For sizes
compressor shell and in proper location. See Fig. 40-42 for proper 030-045, torque is 35 to 50 ft-lb. For sizes 050-071,
locations. torque is 7 to 8 ft-lb.
6. Carefully braze the refrigerant lines to the connections on
0.55-0.95 in. the heat exchanger. Lines should be soldered using silver as
[14-24 mm]
the soldering material with a minimum of 45% silver. Keep
the temperature below 1472°F (800°C) under normal sol-
dering conditions (no vacuum) to prevent the copper solder
of the brazed plate heat exchanger from changing its struc-
Tighten band to 20-25 in.-lb (2.26-2.82 nm) ture. Failure to do so can result in internal or external leak-
age at the connections which cannot be repaired.
Fig. 40 — 30MPA 020 7. For coolers, ensure that the original size tubing is used (1/
Crankcase Heater Location
2 in. for sizes 016 and 020, /8 in. for sizes 030-045, and
13/8 in. for sizes 050-071) between the TXV/EXV or ex-
0.51-0.71 in.
[13-18 mm]
pansion device and the cooler. The TXV/EXV or expan-
sion device must be located within 1 ft of the heat ex-
changer, with no bends between the TXV/EXV or expan-
sion device outlet and the cooler inlet.
8. Reconnect the water/brine lines.
Tighten band to 20-25 in.-lb (2.26-2.82 nm)
9. Dehydrate and recharge the unit. Check for leaks.
Crankcase Heater Location EXCHANGER CLEANING — Brazed-plate heat exchangers
must be cleaned chemically. A professional cleaning service
skilled in chemical cleaning should be used. Use a weak acid (5%
phosphoric acid, or if the heat exchanger is cleaned frequently, 5%
3.23 in.
oxalic acid). Pump the cleaning solution through the exchanger,
[82 mm] preferably in a backflush mode. After cleaning, rinse with large
amounts of fresh water to dispose of all the acid. Cleaning materi-
als must be disposed of properly.
The strainers in front of the water/brine inlets of the heat ex-
changers should be cleaned periodically, depending on condition
Tighten band to 25-30 in.-lb (2.8-3.4 nm)
of the chiller water/brine.
Fig. 42 — 30MPA,W050-071
Crankcase Heater Location Water Treatment
Untreated or improperly treated water may result in corro-
CRANKCASE HEATER WIRING — Crankcase heaters are sion, scaling, erosion, or algae. The services of a qualified wa-
specific to unit voltage. Each crankcase heater has a color-coded ter treatment specialist should be obtained to develop and mon-
tag to indicate voltage. Table 49 identifies tag color code for each itor a treatment program. See Water System Cleaning section
voltage. See Fig. 36 and 37 for compressor junction box connec- for water quality characteristics and limitations in the unit in-
tion information. stallation instructions.
Table 49 — Crankcase Heater Color-Coded Tags
380-3-60 Yellow Water must be within design flow limits, clean and treated to
380/415-3-50 ensure proper machine performance and reduce the potential
460-3-60 Red of tubing damage due to corrosion, scaling, erosion, and algae.
575-3-60 Blue Carrier assumes no responsibility for chiller or condenser
damage resulting from untreated or improperly treated water.
30MP Cooler and 30MPW Condenser
EXCHANGER REPLACEMENT — Brazed-plate heat ex-
changers cannot be repaired if they develop a leak. If a leak CAUTION
(refrigerant or water) develops, the heat exchanger must be
replaced. To replace a brazed plate heat exchanger: The compressor in a Puron® refrigerant (R-410A) system uses
1. Disconnect the liquid-in and liquid-out connections at the a polyol ester (POE) oil or poly-vinyl ester (PVE) oil. This is
heat exchanger. extremely hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs water readily. Take
2. Check that the replacement heat exchanger is the same as the all necessary precautions to avoid exposure of the oil to the
original heat exchanger. For the condensers, compare part atmosphere. Failure to do so could result in possible equip-
numbers on the heat exchangers. For the coolers, insulation ment damage.
covers the manufacturer’s part number. Make sure the depths
of the replacement and original cooler heat exchangers are Puron refrigerant systems use a polyol ester (POE) oil for
the same. 30MP016-045 units. The 30MP050-071 units use polyvinyl es-
ter (PVE) oil. See Table 50.
3. Recover the refrigerant from the system, and unsolder the re-
frigerant-in and refrigerant-out connections.
4. Remove the four nuts holding the heat exchanger to the
brackets. Save the nuts.
Table 50 — Compressor Oils
016-045 POE 3MAF
050-071 PVE FVC32D
Check Refrigerant Feed Components Check Unit Safeties
FILTER DRIER — The function of the filter drier is to maintain HIGH-PRESSURE SWITCH — A high-pressure switch is pro-
a clean, dry system. The moisture indicator (described below) vided to protect the circuit and refrigeration system from unsafe
indicates any need to change the filter drier. The filter drier is a high pressure conditions. For 30MP050-071, two different high
sealed-type drier for 30MP016-045 and removable core for pressure switches are used, depending on unit configuration. See
30MP050-071. When the drier needs to be changed, the entire fil- Table 51 for high-pressure switch settings.
ter drier must be replaced for 30MP016-045 units. The high-pressure switch is mounted in the discharge line of
MOISTURE-LIQUID INDICATOR — The indicator is located the circuit. If an unsafe, high-pressure condition should exist, the
immediately ahead of the TXV to provide an indication of the switch opens and shuts off the unit. The MBB senses the HPS
refrigerant moisture content. It also provides a sight glass for feedback signal and generates an appropriate alarm. The MBB
refrigerant liquid. Clear flow of liquid refrigerant (at full unit prevents the circuit from restarting until the alert condition is reset.
loading) indicates sufficient charge in the system. Bubbles in The switch should open at the pressure corresponding to the ap-
the sight glass (at full unit loading) indicate an undercharged propriate switch setting as shown in Table 51.
system or the presence of noncondensables. Moisture in the sys-
tem, measured in parts per million (ppm), changes the color of Table 51 — Factory Settings, High-Pressure Switch
the indicator as follows: (Fixed)
Green (safe) —Moisture is below 75 ppm CUTOUT CUT-IN PART
Yellow-Green (caution) — 75 to 150 ppm UNIT
Psig kPa Psig kPa NUMBER
Yellow (wet) — above 150 ppm All 30MP016-045;
The unit must be in operation at least 12 hours before the mois- 30MPA050-071, 650 4482 500 3447 HK02ZZ001
ture indicator gives an accurate reading, and must be in contact 30MPW050-071
High Condensing
with liquid refrigerant. At the first sign of moisture in the system,
change the corresponding filter drier. 30MPW050-071 558 3848 435 3000 HK02ZZ003
THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE (TXV) (30MP016- Clear the alarm using the scrolling marquee display. The unit
045 ONLY) — The TXV controls the flow of liquid refrigerant should restart after the compressor anti-short-cycle delay, built
to the cooler by maintaining constant superheat of vapor leaving into the unit control module, expires.
the cooler. The valve is activated by a temperature-sensing bulb PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS — Each unit is equipped with a
strapped to the suction line. suction and discharge pressure transducer. These inputs to the
The valve(s) is factory-set to maintain between 8 and 10°F MBB are not only used to monitor the status of the unit, but also to
(4.4 and 5.6°C) of superheat leaving the cooler. Check the su- maintain operation of the chiller within the compressor manufac-
perheat during operation after conditions have stabilized. If turer’s specified limits. The input to the MBB from the suction
necessary, adjust the superheat to prevent refrigerant floodback pressure transducer is also used to protect the compressor from op-
to the compressor. erating at low pressure conditions. If suction return gas thermistors
are installed, then additional low superheat conditions are detect-
MINIMUM LOAD VALVE — On units equipped with the
factory-installed hot gas bypass option, a solenoid valve and ed. In some cases, the unit may not be able to run at full capacity.
discharge bypass valve (minimum load valve) are located The control module will automatically reduce the capacity of a cir-
cuit as needed to maintain specified maximum/minimum operat-
between the discharge line and the cooler entering-refrigerant
line. The MBB cycles the solenoid to perform minimum load ing pressures.
valve function and the discharge bypass valve modulates to the COOLER FREEZE-UP PROTECTION
suction pressure set point of the valve. The bypass valve has an
adjustable opening setting between 95 to 115 psig (655 to 793 WARNING
kPa). The factory setting is 105 psig (724 kPa).
The amount of capacity reduction achieved by the minimum On medium temperature brine units, the anti-freeze solution
load valve is not adjustable. The total unit capacity with the mini- must be properly mixed to prevent freezing at a temperature of
mum load valve is shown in Table 14. at least 15°F (8.3°C) below the leaving-fluid temperature set
PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICES — All units have one pressure point. Failure to provide the proper anti-freeze solution mix-
ture is considered abuse and may impair or otherwise nega-
relief device per circuit located in the liquid line which relieves at
210°F (100°C). tively impact the Carrier warranty.
The 30MPW unit does not have a condenser pressure re- The main base board (MBB) monitors cooler leaving fluid
lief valve because the brazed-plate condenser is not consid- temperature at all times. The MBB will rapidly remove stages of
ered a pressure vessel, as defined in ANSI/ASHRAE 15 capacity as necessary to prevent freezing conditions due to the
(American National Standards Institute/American Society of rapid loss of load or low cooler fluid flow.
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers)
safety code requirements. When the cooler is exposed to lower temperatures (40°F
[4.4°C] or below), freeze-up protection is required using inhibited
For 30MPA condenserless units, pressure relief devices de- ethylene or propylene glycol.
signed to relieve at the pressure determined in local codes, must be
field-supplied and installed in the discharge line piping in accor- Thermistors
dance with ANSI/ASHRAE 15 safety code requirements. Addi- Electronic control uses up to five 5,000 ohm thermistors to
tional pressure relief valves, properly selected, must be field-sup- sense temperatures used to control operation of the chiller. Therm-
plied and installed to protect high side equipment and may be re- istors EWT, LWT, RGT.A, CNDE, CNDL, and OAT are identical
quired by applicable codes. in their temperature and voltage drop performance. The SPT space
Most codes require that a relief valve be vented directly to the temperature thermistor has a 10,000 ohm input channel and it has
outdoors. The vent line must not be smaller than the relief valve a different set of temperature vs. resistance and voltage drop per-
outlet. Consult ANSI/ASHRAE 15 for detailed information con- formance. Resistance values at various temperatures are listed in
cerning layout and sizing of relief vent lines. Tables 52-56. For dual chiller operation, a dual chiller sensor is re-
quired which is a 5,000 ohm thermistor.
CNDL) — Add a small amount of thermal conductive grease
to the thermistor well and end of probe. For all probes, tighten
the retaining nut ¼ turn past finger tight. See Fig. 45.
1/4-18 NPT
Fig. 45 — Thermistor Well
high quality digital volt-ohmmeter is required to perform this
1. Connect the digital voltmeter across the appropriate the-
mistor terminals at the J8 terminal strip on the main base
board (see Fig. 46).
2. Using the voltage reading obtained, read the sensor tem- LEGEND
perature from Tables 52-56. ACCSY — Accessory
DPT — Discharge Pressure Transducer
3. To check thermistor accuracy, measure temperature at EFT — Entering Fluid Temperature
probe location with an accurate thermocouple-type tem- LFT — Leaving Fluid Temperature
perature measuring instrument. Insulate thermocouple to LWT — Leaving Water Temperature Sensor
LVT — Low Voltage Terminal
avoid ambient temperatures from influencing reading. OAT — Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor
Temperature measured by thermocouple and temperature RGT — Return Gas Temperature Sensor
determined from thermistor voltage reading should be SEN — Sensor Terminal Block
close, ± 5°F (3°C) if care was taken in applying thermo- SPT — Space Temperature Sensor
couple and taking readings.
Fig. 46 — Thermistor Connections to
If a more accurate check is required, unit must be shut down Main Base Board, J8 Connector
and thermistor removed and checked at a known temperature
(freezing point or boiling point of water) using either voltage Chilled Water Flow Switch
drop measured across thermistor at the J8 terminal, by deter-
mining the resistance with chiller shut down and thermistor A factory-installed flow switch is installed in the leaving
disconnected from J8. Compare the values determined with the fluid piping for all units. This is a thermal-dispersion flow
value read by the control in the Temperatures mode using the switch with no field adjustments. The switch is set for approxi-
scrolling marquee display. mately 0.5 ft/sec of flow. The sensor tip houses two thermistors
and a heater element. One thermistor is located in the sensor
Pressure Transducers tip, closest to the flowing fluid. See Fig. 47. This thermistor is
The suction and discharge transducers are different part used to detect changes in the flow velocity of the liquid. The
numbers and can be distinguished by the color of the transduc- second thermistor is bonded to the cylindrical wall and is af-
er body, suction (yellow) and discharge (red). No pressure fected only by changes in the temperature of the liquid. The
transducer calibration is required. The transducers operate on a thermistors are positioned to be in close contact with the wall
5 vdc supply, which is generated by the main base board of the sensor probe and, at the same time, to be kept separated
(MBB). See Fig. 46 for transducer connections to the J8 con- from each other within the confines of the probe.
nector on the MBB.
TROUBLESHOOTING — If a transducer is suspected of
being faulty, first check supply voltage to the transducer.
Supply voltage should be 5 vdc ± 0.2 v. If supply voltage is
correct, compare pressure reading displayed on the scrolling
marquee display module against pressure shown on a cali-
brated pressure gage. Pressure readings should be within
± 15 psig. If the two readings are not reasonably close, re-
place the pressure transducer. a30-499
NOTE: Dimensions are in millimeters.
probe is heated. As the fluid starts to flow, heat will be carried The flow sensor cable is provided with (3) LEDs that indicate
away from the sensor tip. Cooling of the first thermistor is a if 24 vac power is present and also status of the switch contacts.
function of how fast heat is conducted away by the flowing liq- The LEDs are as follows:
uid. • Green LED ON – 24 vac present
The difference in temperature between the two thermistors pro- • One Yellow LED ON – Flow sensor switch OPEN
vides a measurement of fluid velocity past the sensor probe. When • Two Yellow LED ON – Flow sensor switch CLOSED
fluid velocity is high, more heat will be carried away from the If nuisance trips of the sensor are occurring, follow the steps
heated thermistor and the temperature differential will be small. below to correct the situation:
As fluid velocity decreases, less heat will be taken from the heated
thermistor and there will be an increase in temperature differential. 1. Check to confirm that the field-installed strainer is clean.
Use the blow-down valve provided or remove the screen and
When unit flow rate is above the minimum flow rate, then the clean it. For the case of VFD controlled pumps, ensure that
output is switched on, sending 24 vac to the MBB to prove flow the minimum speed setting has not been changed.
has been established. 2. Measure the pressure drop across the cooler and compare this
For recommended maintenance, check the flow switch opera- to the system requirements.
tion. If operation is erratic check the sensor tip for build-up every 3. Verify that cable connections at the switch and at the termi-
6 months. Clean the tip with a soft cloth. If necessary, build-up nal block are secure.
(e.g., lime) can be removed with a common vinegar cleansing
agent. 4. Check for proper pump motor rotation.
Table 52 — 5K Thermistor Temperatures (°F) vs. Resistance/Voltage Drop
(Voltage Drop for EWT, LWT, RGT, CNDE, CNDL, Dual Chiller, and OAT
Table 52 — 5K Thermistor Temperatures (°F) vs. Resistance/Voltage Drop
(Voltage Drop for EWT, LWT, RGT, CNDE, CNDL, Dual Chiller, and OAT) (cont)
Table 53 — 5K Thermistor Temperatures (°C) vs. Resistance/Voltage Drop
(Voltage Drop for EWT, LWT, RGT, CNDE, CNDL, Dual Chiller, and OAT)
Table 54 — 10K Thermistor Temperature (°F) vs. Resistance/Voltage Drop
(For SPT)
Table 54 — 10K Thermistor Temperature (°F) vs. Resistance/Voltage Drop
(For SPT) (cont)
Table 55 — 10K Thermistor Temperature (°C) vs. Resistance/Voltage Drop
(For SPT)
Table 56 — 86K Thermistor vs Resistance (DTT)
ing load has been satisfied. Unit restarts when required to satisfy
Recommended Maintenance Schedule leaving fluid temperature set point.
The following are only recommended guidelines. Jobsite condi- THERMISTOR FAILURE — If a thermistor fails in either an
tions may dictate that maintenance tasks are performed more open or shorted condition, the unit will be shut down. Replace
often than recommended. EWT, or LWT as required. Unit restarts automatically, but
Every month: must be reset manually by resetting the alarm with the scrolling
• Check water quality. Inspection interval to be determined by marquee.
site conditions and water quality specialist.
• Check moisture indicating sight glass for possible refriger- CAUTION
ant loss and presence of moisture.
Every 3 months (for all machines): If unit stoppage occurs more than once as a result of any of the
• Check refrigerant charge. safety devices listed, determine and correct cause before
attempting another restart.
• Check all refrigerant joints and valves for refrigerant leaks,
• Check chilled water flow switch operation. pressors in the 30MP units can be enabled or disabled in the con-
• Check compressor oil level. trols. To enable or disable a compressor, toggle the value in the
Every 6 months (for all machines): ConfigurationSERV menu for each individual compressor.
• Clean chilled water/condenser water flow switch sensor tip. COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE CHECK VALVE — A disk-
Every 12 months (for all machines): type check valve in the discharge of the compressor prevents high
• Check all electrical connections, tighten as necessary. pressure discharge gas from flowing rapidly back through the
• Inspect all contactors and relays, replace as necessary. compressor at shutdown. This same check valve prevents a high
• Check accuracy of thermistors, replace if greater than ± 2°F to low side bypass in multiple compressor circuits.
(1.2°C) variance from calibrated thermometer. LOW SATURATED SUCTION — Several conditions can lead
• Check to be sure that the proper concentration of antifreeze to low saturated suction alarms and the chiller controls have sever-
is present in the chilled water loop, if applicable. al override modes built in which will attempt to keep the chiller
• Verify that the chilled water loop is properly treated. from shutting down. Low fluid flow, low refrigerant charge and
• Check refrigerant filter driers for excessive pressure drop, plugged filter driers are the main causes for this condition. To
replace as necessary. The 30MP016-045 units contain a avoid permanent damage and potential freezing of the system, do
hermetic filter drier. The 30MP050-071 units contain a NOT repeatedly reset these alert and/or alarm conditions without
replaceable core type filter drier. identifying and correcting the cause(s).
• Check chilled water and condenser strainers, clean as nec-
COMPRESSOR SAFETIES — The 30MP units with Com-
• Perform Service Test to confirm the operation of all compo- fortLink controls include a compressor protection board that pro-
nents. tects the operation of each of the compressors. Each board senses
the presence or absence of current to each compressor.
• Check for excessive cooler approach (Leaving Chilled Water
Temperature – Saturated Suction Temperature) which may If there is a command for a compressor to run and there is no
indicate fouling. Clean evaporator if necessary. current, then one of the following safeties or conditions have
• Check for excessive condenser approach (Saturated Discharge turned the compressor off:
Pressure – Leaving Condenser Water Temperature) which may Compressor Overcurrent — All compressors have internal line
indicate fouling. Clean condenser if necessary (30MPW only). breaks or a motor protection device located in the compressor
electrical box.
TROUBLESHOOTING Compressor Short Circuit — There will not be current if the
compressor circuit breaker that provides short circuit protection
Complete Unit Stoppage and Restart has tripped.
Possible causes for unit stoppage and reset methods are shown Compressor Motor Over Temperature — The internal line-break
below and in Table 58. Refer to Fig. 2-6 for component arrange- or over temperature switch has opened.
ment and control wiring diagrams.
High-Pressure Switch Trip — The high-pressure switch has
GENERAL POWER FAILURE — After power is restored, re- opened. See Table 51 for the factory settings for the fixed high-
start is automatic through normal MBB start-up. pressure switch.
UNIT ENABLE-OFF-REMOTE CONTROL SWITCH IS ASTP Protection Trip (30MP016-045 Only) — All non-digi-
OFF — When the switch is OFF, the unit will stop immediately. tal Copeland compressors are equipped with an advanced
Place the switch in the ENABLE position for local switch control scroll temperature protection (ASTP). A label located above
or in the REMOTE CONTROL position for control through re- the terminal box identifies models that contain this technolo-
mote control closure. gy. See Fig. 48.
CHILLED FLUID PROOF-OF-FLOW SWITCH OPEN — Advanced scroll temperature protection is a form of internal
After the problem causing the loss of flow has been corrected, re- discharge temperature protection that unloads the scroll compres-
set is manual by resetting the alarm with the scrolling marquee. sor when the internal temperature reaches approximately 300°F
OPEN 24-V CONTROL CIRCUIT BREAKER(S) — Deter- (149°C). At this temperature, an internal bi-metal disk valve opens
mine the cause of the failure and correct. Reset circuit breaker(s). and causes the scroll elements to separate, which stops compres-
Restart is automatic after MBB start-up cycle is complete. sion. Suction and discharge pressures balance while the motor
continues to run. The longer the compressor runs unloaded, the
longer it must cool before the bi-metal disk resets. See Fig. 49 for
approximate reset times.
Table 58 — Troubleshooting
Compressor Cycles Loss of charge control. Acting erratically. Repair leak and recharge.
Off on Loss of Charge
Replace control.
Low refrigerant charge Add refrigerant.
Low suction temperature Raise cooler leaving fluid temperature set point.
Compressor Cycles Off on Out Thermistor failure Replace thermistor.
of Range Condition
System load was reduced faster than controller could Unit will restart after fluid temperature rises back into the
remove stages control band. Avoid rapidly removing system load or
increase loop volume.
Temperature controller deadband setting is too low Raise deadband setting.
Compressor Shuts Down on High-pressure control acting erratically Replace control.
High-Pressure Control
Non-condensables in system Purge system.
Condenser scaled/dirty (30MPW) Clean condenser.
Fans in remote condensing unit (30MPA only) not operating Repair or replace if defective.
System overcharged with refrigerant Reduce charge.
Unit Operates Too Long Low refrigerant charge Add refrigerant.
or Continuously
Control contacts fused Replace control.
Air in system Purge system.
Partially plugged or plugged expansion valve or filter drier Clean or replace as needed.
Defective insulation Replace or repair as needed.
Service load Keep doors and windows closed.
Damaged compressor Check compressor and replace if necessary.
Unusual or Loud System Piping vibration Support piping as required.
Check for loose pipe connections or damaged compressor
Expansion valve hissing Check refrigerant charge.
Check for plugged liquid line filter drier.
Compressor noisy Replace compressor (worn bearings).
Check for loose compressor holddown bolts.
Operation outside of compressor operating envelope. Con-
sider head pressure control, clean condenser. Check water
flow (cooler and condenser).
Compressor not pumping Advanced scroll temperature protection is active. Determine
high discharge temperature reason.
Compressor Loses Oil Leak in system Repair leak.
Mechanical damage (Failed seals or broken scrolls) Replace compressor.
Oil trapped in line Check piping for oil traps.
Hot Liquid Line Shortage of refrigerant due to leak Repair leak and recharge.
Frosted Liquid Line Restricted filter drier Replace filter drier.
Frosted Suction Line Expansion valve admitting excess refrigerant (note: this is a Replace valve if defective.
normal condition for brine applications)
Stuck TXV (thermostatic expansion valve) Replace valve if defective.
Freeze-Up Improper Charging Make sure a full quantity of fluid is flowing through the cooler
while charging. Charge with vapor until saturated suction
temperature is above 32°F (0°C), then charge with liquid.
Low Water Flow Verify proper flow through evaporator. Check for restrictions
in chilled water piping, clean strainer, vent air from system.
System not properly winterized Recommended that system be filled with an appropriate gly-
col mixture to prevent freezing of heat exchanger.
Plugged Heat Exchanger 40 mesh strainer installed within 10 ft. of unit. Strainer main-
tenance performed as recommended.
Sensor accuracy Verify thermistors are fully inserted into wells. Verify accu-
racy of thermistors and transducers as recommended.
be allowed for the motor to cool down before the overload will re-
set. If current monitoring to the compressor is available, the sys-
tem controller can take advantage of the compressor internal over-
load operation. The controller can lock out the compressor if cur-
rent draw is not coincident with contactor energizing, implying
that the compressor has shut off on its internal overload. This will
prevent unnecessary compressor cycling on a fault condition until
corrective action can be taken.
Fig. 48 — Advanced Scroll Temperature The electronic motor protection module is a safety device that
Protection Label must not be bypassed or compressor damage may result.
Models with a “TW” or “TE” in the electrical code (i.e.,
ZP182KCE-TWD or ZP182KCE-TED) have a motor overload
Recommended Cooling Time
60 reached. It may take as long as two hours for the motor to cool
50 down before the overload will reset.
40 NOTE: Turning off power to the module will reset it immediately.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Restoring the compressor sooner may cause a destructive tem-
Compressor Unloaded Run Time (Minutes) perature build up in the scrolls.
*Times are approximate.
NOTE: Various factors, including high humidity, high ambient temperature, For this reason, module power must never be switched with the
and the presence of a sound blanket will increase cool-down times. control circuit voltage.
Fig. 49 — Recommended Minimum Cool Down Current sensing boards monitor to the compressor current. The
Time After Compressor is Stopped* ComfortLink control system takes advantage of the compressor
To manually reset ASTP, the compressor should be stopped overload operation by locking out the compressor if current draw
and allowed to cool. If the compressor is not stopped, the motor is not detected. This will prevent unnecessary compressor cycling
will run until the motor protector trips, which occurs up to 90 min- on a fault condition until corrective action can be taken.
utes later. Advanced scroll temperature protection will reset auto- Kriwan Motor Protection Module Troubleshooting — Cope-
matically before the motor protector resets, which may take up to land models with a “TW” in the electrical code (i.e., ZP182KCE-
2 hours. TWD), have a motor overload system that consists of an external
High Discharge Gas Temperature Protection — Units Kriwan2 electronic control module. These have been replaced by
equipped with optional digital compressors have an addi- the CoreSense3 communication module for motor protection. This
tional thermistor located on the discharge line. If discharge section is included for reference, and contains instructions for re-
temperature exceeds 265°F (129.4°C), the digital compres- placing the Kriwan module with the CoreSense module in the
sor will be shut off. field.
Alarms will also occur if the current sensor board malfunctions Follow the steps listed below to troubleshoot the Kriwan mod-
or is not properly connected to its assigned digital input. If the ule in the field. See wiring diagram on terminal box cover, or Fig.
compressor is commanded OFF and the current sensor reads ON, 50.
an alert is generated. This will indicate that a compressor contactor
has failed closed. In this case, a special mode, Compressor Stuck
on Control, will be enabled and all other compressors will be WARNING
turned off. An alarm will then be enabled to indicate that service is
required. Outdoor fans will continue to operate. The condenser Do not supply power to unit with compressor cover removed.
output is turned on immediately. Failure to follow this warning can cause a fire, resulting in
personal injury or death.
Motor Overload Protection
CAL CODE TF — Models with a “TF” in the electrical code
(i.e., ZP182KCE-TFE) have an internal line break motor overload
located in the center of the Y of the motor windings. This overload
disconnects all three legs of the motor from power in case of an
over-current or over-temperature condition. The overload reacts to
a combination of motor current and motor winding temperature.
The internal overload protects against single phasing. Time must
Exercise extreme caution when reading compressor currents Use an ohmmeter with a maximum of 9 volts to check the sen-
when high-voltage power is on. Correct any of the problems sor chain. The sensor chain is sensitive and easily damaged;
described below before installing and running a replacement no attempt should be made to check continuity through it with
compressor. Wear safety glasses and gloves when handling anything other than an ohmmeter. The application of any
refrigerants. Failure to follow this warning can cause fire, external voltage to the sensor chain may cause damage requir-
resulting in personal injury or death. ing the replacement of the compressor.
d. The diagnosis of this resistance reading is as follows:
CAUTION • 200 to 2250 ohms: Normal operating range
• 2750 ohms or greater: Compressor overheated. Allow
Do not manually operate contactors. Serious damage to the time to cool.
machine may result. • Zero resistance: Shorted sensor circuit. Replace the
• Infinite resistance: Open sensor circuit. Replace the
4. If the resistance reading is abnormal, remove the sensor con-
nector plug from the compressor and measure the resistance
at the sensor fusite pins. This will determine if the abnormal
reading was due to a faulty connector.
5. On initial start-up, and after any module trip, the resistance
of the sensor chain must be below the module reset point be-
fore the module circuit will close. Reset values are 2250 to
3000 ohms.
6. If the sensor chain has a resistance that is below 2250 ohms,
and the compressor will run with the control circuit by-
1 2 3 passed, but will not run when connected properly, the solid-
state module is defective and should be replaced. The re-
placement module must have the same supply voltage rating
1 — Kriwan Motor Protection Module Power as the original module.
2 — Kriwan Control Circuit Connections
3 — Motor Thermal Sensor CoreSense Replacement of Kriwan Motor Protection Mod-
ule — The Kriwan module has been replaced by the Core-
Fig. 50 — Kriwan Motor Protection Wiring Sense communication module for motor protection. Minor
wiring changes are required as described below.
1. De-energize control circuit and module power. Remove the
control circuit wires from the module (terminals M1 and WARNING
M2). Connect a jumper across these control circuit wires.
This will bypass the control contact of the module. Electrical shock can cause personal injury and death. Shut off
all power to this equipment during installation and service.
CAUTION There may be more than one disconnect switch. Tag all dis-
connect locations to alert others not to restore power until
The motor protection system within the compressor is now work is completed.
bypassed. Use this configuration to temporarily test module
2. Re-energize the control circuit and module power. If the WARNING
compressor will not operate with the jumper installed, then
the problem is external to the solid-state protection system. If Do not supply power to unit with compressor cover removed.
the compressor operates with the module bypassed but will Failure to follow this warning can cause a fire, resulting in
not operate when the module is reconnected, then the control personal injury or death.
circuit relay in the module is open. Remove the temporary Removing the Kriwan motor protection module:
jumper installed in Step 1.
1. Disconnect and lock out the high voltage and control voltage
3. The thermistor protection chain now needs to be tested to de- supply to the unit.
termine if the module’s control circuit relay is open due to
excessive internal temperatures or a faulty component. 2. Using a straight blade screwdriver, carefully depress the tabs
Check the thermistor protection chain located in the holding the terminal cover to the terminal box to remove the
compressor as follows: terminal cover. Before proceeding, use a volt meter to verify
that the power has been disconnected from the unit.
a. De-energize control circuit and module power.
3. Using wire markers, label the M1, M2, T1, and T2 wires that
b. Remove the sensor leads from the module (S1 and are connected to the Kriwan module. Using needle nose pli-
S2). ers, remove the M1, M2, T1, T2, S1 and S2 wires from the
c. Measure the resistance of the thermistor protection Kriwan motor protector module.
chain through these sensor leads with an ohm meter. 4. Gently bend the holding tabs holding the Kriwan module in
the terminal box and remove the Kriwan module from the
terminal box. See Fig. 51.
5. Take note of the S1-S2 plug orientation on the compressor
thermistor fusite. Remove the S1-S2 wire harness and plug
from the compressor.
place. Route the thermistor wire harness as shown and plug
the harness into the 2x2 socket on the CoreSense module.
4. Connect the previously labeled M1, M2, T1, and T2 wires to
the appropriate terminals on the CoreSense module.
TAB 5. Connect the L1, L2, and L3 phase sensing wires to the L1,
L2, and L3 compressor terminal block connections. See the
compressor terminal cover diagram for identification of the
L1, L2, and L3 terminal block connections.
6. Double-check the installation and make sure all connections
are secure. Install the compressor terminal cover.
The CoreSense retrofit is complete and the system can be put
back into service.
Fig. 51 — Kriwan Motor Protection Module
Removal BLACK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
T2 T1 L1 L2 L3
entation shown in Fig. 52 for proper operation.
Alert will reset after 30 minutes and the M2-M1 contacts
will close if the resistance of the motor PTC circuit is back
DIP SWITCHES MOTOR THERMAL in the normal range. The module will lock out the compres-
SENSORS sor if the trip condition exists for longer than 6 hours. Once
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
the module has locked out the compressor, a power cycle
will be required to clear the lockout.
• Code 3 – Short Cycling: The module will flash the red Alert
PORT LED 3 times indicating the compressor is locked out due to
short cycling. A Code 3 Alert will open the M2-M1 con-
tacts. Code 3 will be enabled when the Short Cycling DIP
M2 M1 switch (no. 10) is ON (in the up position) and the compres-
T2 T1 L1 L2 L3 sor has exceeded the number of short cycles configured by
the user in a 24-hour period. Once the module has locked
out the compressor, a power cycle will be required to clear
the lockout.
• Code 4 – Scroll High Temperature: The module will flash
COMPRESSOR PHASE the red Alert LED 4 times indicating the scroll NTC circuit
SENSING A38-7314
is less than 2400 . A Code 4 Alert will open the M2-M1
contacts. The Alert will reset after 30 minutes and the M2-
Fig. 56 — CoreSense Communication Motor M1 contacts will close if the resistance of the scroll NTC
Protection Wiring circuit is higher than 5100 . The module will lock out the
compressor if the number of Code 4 Alerts exceeds the user
Warning Codes (Green LED Flash Code): configurable number of Code 4 events within a 24-hour
• Code 1 – Loss of Communication: The module will flash period. Once the module has locked out the compressor, a
the green Warning LED one time indicating the module has power cycle will be required to clear the lockout.
not communicated with the master controller for longer than • Code 5 – Not used.
5 minutes. Once communication is re-initiated, the Warning • Code 6 – Missing Phase: The module will flash the red
will be cleared. The 30MP units do not support the commu- Alert LED 6 times indicating a missing phase in one of the
nication capability of this module. three leads to the compressor. A Code 6 Alert will open the
• Code 2 – Reserved For Future Use M2-M1 contacts. The Alert will reset after 5 minutes and
• Code 3 – Short Cycling: The module will flash the green the M2-M1 contacts will close if the missing phase condi-
Warning LED three times indicating the compressor has tion is not present. The module will lock out the compressor
short cycled more than 48 times in 24 hours. A short cycle is after 10 consecutive Code 6 Alerts. Once the module has
defined as compressor runtime of less than 1 minute. The locked out the compressor, a power cycle will be required to
Warning will be activated when the “Short Cycling” DIP clear the lockout.
Switch (no. 10) is OFF (in the down position). When fewer • Code 7 – Reverse Phase: The module will flash the red
than 48 short cycles are accumulated in 24 hours the Warn- Alert LED 7 times indicating a reverse phase in two of the
ing code will be cleared. three leads to the compressor. A Code 7 Alert will open the
• Code 4 – Open/Shorted Scroll Thermistor: The module will M2-M1 contacts. The module will lock out the compressor
flash the green Warning LED four times, indicating that the after one Code 7 Alert. A power cycle will be required to
scroll NTC thermistor has a resistance value that indicates clear the lockout.
an open/shorted thermistor. The Warning will be cleared • Code 8 – Not used.
when the resistance value is in the normal range. The 30MP • Code 9 – Module Low Voltage: The module will flash the
units do not utilize a scroll thermistor. red Alert LED 9 times indicating low module voltage, less
• Code 5 – Not used than 18 vac on the T2-T1 terminals for more than 5 seconds.
Alert/Lockout Codes (Red LED Flash Code): A Code 9 Alert will open the M2-M1 contacts. The Alert
• Code 1 – Motor High Temperature: The module will flash will reset after 5 minutes and the M2-M1 contacts will close
the red Alert LED one time indicating the motor PTC circuit if the T2-T1 voltage is above the reset value in 18 to 30 vac.
has exceeded 4500 . A Code 1 Alert will open the M2-M1 Resetting Alert codes can be accomplished manually by cy-
contacts. The Alert will reset after 30 minutes and the M2- cling power to the module (disconnect T2 or T1 for 5 seconds). If
M1 contacts will close if the resistance of the motor PTC the fault that initiated the Alert code is absent after the reset is per-
circuit is below 2750 . Five consecutive Code 1 Alerts will formed, the Alert code will be cleared and CoreSense module will
lock out the compressor. Once the module has locked out allow normal operation. If the fault is still present after the reset is
the compressor, a power cycle will be required for the lock- performed, the fault code will continue to be displayed via the
out to be cleared. green or red flashing LED.
• Code 2 – Open/Shorted Motor Thermistor: The module will
flash the red Alert LED 2 times indicating the motor PTC Troubleshooting procedures described for the Kriwan module
thermistor circuit has a resistance value greater than 220 section (page 66) are applicable to the CoreSense communication
or less than 100 . that indicates an open/shorted thermistor module.
chain. A Code 2 Alert will open the M2-M1 contacts. The
Table 59 — CoreSense Communication Module DIP Switch Settings
CODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
*Settings for Kriwan retrofit. See “CoreSense Replacement of Kriwan
Motor Protection Module” on page 67.
Table 60 — CoreSense Communication Module LED Flash Codes
None, normal operation Module is powered and Not applicable None
SOLID GREEN under normal operation
Module malfunction Module has an internal fault Not applicable 1. Reset module by removing
SOLID RED power from T1-T2.
2. Replace module.
Loss of communication Module and Master Control- Automatic when communi- Not Supported. Check DIP
ler have lost communica- cations are re-established Switch settings.
tions with each other for
more than 5 minutes
GREEN FLASH CODE 2 Not used Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Short cycling Run time of less than 1 min- Fewer than 48 short cycles 30MP controls do not allow
ute. Number of short cycles in 24 hours this operation normally. Con-
GREEN FLASH CODE 3 exceeds 48 in a 24-hour firm proper wiring and DIP
period. switch settings.
Open/Shorted Scroll Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
GREEN FLASH CODE 5 Not used Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
High motor temperature Thermistor resistance Thermistor resistance less 1. Check power supply.
greater than 4500 . Lock- than 2750 and 30 min- 2. Check system charge and
RED FLASH CODE 1 out occurs after 5 alerts. utes have elapsed superheat.
3. Check compressor
Open/shorted motor Thermistor resistance Thermistor resistance is 1. Check for poor connec-
thermistor greater than 4500 , or less between 100 and 2750 tions at module and therm-
than 100 . Lockout occurs and 30 minutes have istor fusite.
RED FLASH CODE 2 after 6 hours. elapsed 2. Check continuity of therm-
istor wiring harness.
3. Check for an open thermis-
tor circuit.
Short cycling Run time of less than 1 min- Interrupt power to T2-T1 30MP controls do not allow
ute. Lockout if the number this operation normally. Con-
RED FLASH CODE 3 of alerts exceeds the num- firm proper wiring.
ber configured by the user
in 24 hours.
RED FLASH CODE 4 Scroll high temperature Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
RED FLASH CODE 5 Not used Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Missing phase Missing phase detected. After 5 minutes and miss- 1. Check incoming power.
Lockout after 10 consecu- ing phase condition is not 2. Check fuses or circuit
RED FLASH CODE 6 tive alerts. present breakers.
3. Check compressor contac-
Reverse phase Reverse phase detected. Interrupt power to T2-T1 1. Check incoming power
Lockout after 1 alert. phase sequence.
2. Check compressor contac-
3. Check module phase wir-
ing A-B-C.
RED FLASH CODE 8 Not used Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Module low voltage Less than 18 vac supplied After 5 minutes and voltage This alert does not result in a
to module is between 18 and 30 vac lockout fault.
RED FLASH CODE 9 1. Verify correct 24 vac mod-
ule is installed.
2. Check for a wiring error.
BITZER1 PROTECTION MODULE — The 30MP unit sizes 2. Check the thermistor protection chain located in the com-
050-071 use Bitzer compressors, which are equipped with 24V pressor as follows:
Lodam motor protection modules. See Fig. 38. The module opens a. De-energize control circuit and module power.
the relay contact in the control circuit and locks out immediately if
the motor temperature exceeds the preset limit. If a lockout occurs b. Remove the sensor leads from the module (S1 and S2
the compressor must cool to ambient temperature and the unit or 11 and 14). Measure the resistance of the thermis-
alarm must be cleared manually before the compressor will restart. tor protection chain through these sensor leads with
an ohmmeter.
CAUTION IMPORTANT: Use an ohmmeter with a maximum of 9
Do not apply external voltage to orange instrument leads, even volts to check the sensor chain. The sensor chain is sensi-
for test purposes. Damage to the Lodam protection device tive and easily damaged; no attempt should be made to
may result. check continuity through it with anything other than an
ohmmeter. The application of any external voltage to the
sensor chain may cause damage requiring the replacement
of the compressor.
The diagnosis of this resistance reading is as follows:
• 200 to 2250 ohms - Normal operating range
• 2750 ohms or greater - Compressor overheated -
Allow time to cool
• Zero resistance - Shorted sensor circuit - Replace the
• Infinite resistance - Open sensor circuit - Replace the
Motor Protector PTC Key Values
Normal PTC resistance: 250 to 2250 Ohms
Trip resistance: >4500 Ohm ± 20%
Reset resistance: <2750 Ohm ± 20%
If the resistance reading is abnormal, remove the sensor con-
nector plug from the compressor and measure the resistance
at the sensor fusite pins. This will determine if the abnormal
reading was due to a faulty connector. On initial start-up, and
Fig. 57 — External Motor Protection Module, after any module trip, the resistance of the sensor chain must
30MP050-071 Units be below the module reset point before the module circuit
will close. Reset values are 2250 to 3000 ohms.
FIELD TROUBLESHOOTING SOLID-STATE MOTOR 3. If the sensor chain has a resistance that is below 2250 ohms,
PROTECTION MODULE — Follow the steps listed below to and the compressor will run with the control circuit by-
troubleshoot the module in the field. See wiring diagram in Fig. 3 passed, but will not run when connected properly, the solid-
and Fig. 4 or in terminal box cover. state module is defective and should be replaced. The re-
1. De-energize control circuit and module power. Remove the placement module must have the same supply voltage rating
control circuit wires from the module (Terminals M1 and as the original module.
M2 or 11 and 14). Connect a jumper across these “control Alarms and Alerts
circuit” wires. This will bypass the “control contact” of the
module. These are warnings of abnormal or fault conditions, and may
cause either one circuit or the whole unit to shut down. They are
Re-energize the control circuit and module power. If the assigned code numbers as described in Table 61.
compressor will not operate with the jumper installed, then
the problem is external to the solid-state protection system. Automatic alarms will reset without operator intervention if the
condition corrects itself. The following method must be used to re-
If the compressor operates with the module bypassed but set manual alarms:
will not operate when the module is reconnected, then the
control circuit relay in the module is open. The thermistor Before resetting any alarm, first determine the cause of the
protection chain now needs to be tested to determine if the alarm and correct it. Enter the Alarms mode indicated by the LED
module’s control circuit relay is open due to excessive inter- on the side of the scrolling marquee display. Press ENTER and
nal temperatures or a faulty component. until the sub-menu item RCRN “RESET ALL CURRENT
ALARMS” is displayed. Press ENTER . The control will prompt
CAUTION the user for a password, by displaying PASS and WORD. Press
The motor protection system within the compressor is now ENTER to display the default password, 1111. Press ENTER for
bypassed. Use this configuration to temporarily test module each character. If the password has been changed, use the arrow
only. Failure to do this may result in unit damage. keys to change each individual character. Toggle the display to
“YES” and press ENTER . The alarms will be reset.
1. Bitzer is a registered trademark of Bitzer Kuhlmaschinebrau GmbH.
Table 61 — Alarm and Alert Codes
Circuit A Compressor Two compressors on circuit See applicable compressor
A048 Alarm Circuit shut down Manual
Availability Alarm failed alarm.
High-pressure switch open,
faulty CSB, loss of condenser
Circuit A, Compressor 1 Compressor feedback signal Compressor A1 shut flow, filter drier plugged, non-
T051 Alert Manual
Failure does not match relay state down condensables, operation
beyond capability, motor pro-
tection module open.
Respective current sensor All compressor outputs
Welded contactor, welded
Circuit A, Compressor 1 board (CSB) feedback signal de-energized. 30MPA
A051 Alarm Manual control relay on MBB, wiring
Stuck on Failure is ON when the compressor head pressure routine
should be off remains active error, faulty CSB.
Table 61 — Alarm and Alert Codes (cont)
Circuit A Suction Transducer failure, poor
Outside of range (0 to 420
A092 Alarm Pressure Transducer Fail- psig) Circuit A shut down Automatic connection to MBB, or wiring
ure damage/error.
Circuit B Suction Transducer failure, poor
Outside of range (0 to 420
A093 Alarm Pressure Transducer Fail- Circuit B shut down Automatic connection to MBB, or wiring
ure damage/error.
Discharge thermistor (DTT)
Discharge Gas is either open or shorted out- Digital compressor shut Thermistor failure, damaged
T094 Alert Automatic
Thermistor Failure side of range –39.9 to 356°F down cable/wire or wiring error.
(–39.9 to 180°C)
If the compressors are off
and discharge pressure Circuit not allowed to Refrigerant leak or trans-
A110 Alarm Circuit A Loss of Charge Manual
reading is < 26 psig for start ducer failure.
30 sec.
If the compressors are off
A111 Alarm Circuit B Loss of Charge and discharge pressure Circuit not allowed to Manual Refrigerant leak or
reading is < 26 psig for start transducer failure.
30 sec.
Circuit saturated suction Faulty expansion valve,
Circuit A High Saturated temperature pressure faulty suction pressure
A112 Alarm Suction Temperature transducer > 70°F (21.1°C) Circuit shut down Manual transducer or high entering
for 5 minutes fluid temperature.
Circuit saturated suction Faulty Expansion valve,
Circuit B High Saturated
temperature pressure faulty suction pressure trans-
A113 Alarm Suction Temperature Circuit shut down Manual
transducer > 70°F (21.1°C) ducer or high entering fluid
for 5 minutes temperature.
Automatic restart Faulty expansion valve,
Suction superheat is after first daily faulty suction pressure
Circuit A Low Suction
A114 Alarm Superheat less than 5°F (2.8°C) for 5 Circuit A shut down occurrence. transducer, faulty suction gas
minutes. (if RGT installed) Manual restart thermistor, circuit
thereafter. overcharged.
Automatic restart Faulty expansion valve,
Suction superheat is after first daily faulty suction pressure
Circuit B Low Suction
A115 Alarm less than 5°F (2.8°C) for 5 Circuit B shut down occurrence. transducer, faulty suction gas
Superheat minutes. (if RGT installed) Manual restart thermistor, circuit
thereafter. overcharged.
Mode 7 caused the com- Faulty expansion valve, low
pressor to unload 3 consecu- refrigerant charge, plugged
Circuit A Low Cooler
A116 Alarm tive times with less than a Circuit shut down Manual filter drier, faulty suction
Suction Temperature 30-minute interval between pressure transducer, low
each circuit shutdown. cooler fluid flow.
Mode 7 caused the com- Faulty expansion valve, low
Circuit B Low Cooler pressor to unload 3 consecu- refrigerant charge, plugged
A117 Alarm Suction Temperature tive times with less than a Circuit shut down Manual filter drier, faulty suction
30-minute interval between pressure transducer, low
each circuit shutdown. cooler fluid flow.
Digital compressor enabled This is a non-broadcast Automatic, when
discharge tempera- Circuit
High Discharge Gas Tem- (A1.TY) and discharge gas overcharged, faulty
P118 Pre-Alert alarm
discharge temperature
perature temperature greater than Compressor A1 is shut ture is less than
268°F (131.1°C) down thermistor.
250°F (121.1°C).
Digital compressor enabled
Circuit overcharged, faulty
High Discharge Gas Tem- (A1.TY) and discharge gas Compressor A1 is shut
T118 Alert Manual discharge temperature
perature temperature greater than down
268°F (131.1°C)
High Pressure Switch High Pressure A Switch Faulty transducer/high
A122 Alarm Circuit shut down Manual
Trip Circuit A Input open to MBB pressure switch.
High Pressure Switch High Pressure B Switch Faulty transducer/high
A123 Alarm Circuit shut down Manual
Trip Circuit B Input open to MBB pressure switch.
Plugged filter drier unit oper-
Automatic, only ating outside of range. Faulty
after first 3 daily
SCT >Maximum condensing occurrences.
transducer/high pressure
temperature from operating switch overcharged, low/
A126 Alarm Circuit A High envelope Circuit shut down Manual reset restricted condenser
Head Pressure thereafter. SCT
Operation outside compres- airflow (30MPA) low or loss of
must drop 5°F
sor operating envelope condenser flow (30MPW),
(2.8°C) before fouled condenser (30MPW),
faulty EXV.
Plugged filter drier unit oper-
Automatic, only
ating outside of range. Faulty
after first 3 daily
SCT >Maximum condensing transducer/high pressure
temperature from operating switch overcharged, low/
Circuit B High Manual reset
A127 Alarm envelope Circuit shut down restricted condenser
Head Pressure Operation outside compres-
thereafter. SCT airflow (30MPA) low or loss of
must drop 5°F
sor operating envelope (2.8°C) before
condenser flow (30MPW),
fouled condenser (30MPW),
restart faulty EXV.
Faulty or plugged TXV or
Automatic EXV, low refrigerant charge,
Suction pressure below restart after first
Circuit A Low Suction TXV out of adjustment, liquid
A133 Alarm 34 psig for 8 seconds or Circuit shut down daily occurrence.
Pressure line valve partially closed.
below 23 psig Manual restart Plugged filter drier. Low
thereafter cooler flow.
Table 61 — Alarm and Alert Codes (cont)
Circuit B Low Suction Suction pressure below restart after first Faulty or sticking EXV,
A134 Alarm 34 psig for 8 seconds or Circuit shut down daily occurrence. low refrigerant charge,
below 23 psig Manual restart plugged filter drier.
Manual once
A151 Alarm Illegal Configuration One or more illegal Chiller is not allowed to configuration errors Configuration error.
configurations exists. start Check unit settings.
are corrected
Automatic once
alarms/alerts are Alarm notifies user
Unit Down Due to Both circuits are down due Chiller is unable
A152 Alarm cleared that prevent that chiller is 100%
Failure to alarms/alerts. to run
the chiller from down.
Occupancy schedule
Automatic when Time/Date/Month/
Real Time Clock will not be used. Chiller
T153 Alert Hardware Failure Internal clock on MBB fails defaults to Local On correct clock control Day/Year not
restarts properly set.
Serial EEPROM Chiller is unable Main Base Board
A154 Alarm Hardware failure with MBB Manual
Hardware Failure to run failure.
Potential failure of
MBB. Download
T155 Alert Serial EEPROM Configuration/storage No Action Manual current operating
Storage Failure failure with MBB software. Replace
MBB if error occurs
A156 Alarm Critical Serial EEPROM Configuration/storage Chiller is not allowed Main Base Board
Storage Failure failure with MBB to run failure.
Hardware failure with Chiller is not allowed Main Base Board
A157 Alarm A/D Hardware Failure Manual
peripheral device to run failure.
Loss of Communication MBB loses communication Chiller is not allowed Wiring error, faulty
A172 Alarm with EXV board with EXV board to run Automatic wiring or failed
EXV board.
4 to 20 mA
temperature reset Wiring error, faulty
Loss of Communication MBB loses communication disabled. Demand wiring or failed
T173 Alert Automatic
with EMM with EMM Limit set to 100%. 4 to Energy Management
20 mA set point Module (EMM).
If configured with EMM and Set point function Faulty signal
4 to 20 mA Cooling Set
T174 Alert input less than 2 mA or disabled. Chiller Automatic generator, wiring
Point Input Failure
greater than 22 mA controls to CSP1 error, or faulty EMM.
Wiring error, faulty wir-
Loss of Communication MBB loses communication Chiller is not allowed to ing or failed
T175 Alert Automatic
with the AUX Board with AUX Board. run AUX board, incorrect
Reset function
4 to 20 mA If configured with EMM Faulty signal
T176 Alert Temperature Reset and input less than 2 mA or disabled. Chiller
Automatic generator, wiring
Input Failure greater than 22 mA returns to normal set
point control error, or faulty EMM.
Table 61 — Alarm and Alert Codes (cont)
Wiring error, faulty
Dual chiller control wiring, failed Slave
Master chiller MBB
Loss of Communication disabled. Chiller runs chiller MBB module,
T203 Alert loses communication Automatic
with slave chiller as a stand-alone power loss at slave
with slave chiller MBB
machine chiller, wrong slave
Wiring error, faulty
Dual chiller control
Slave chiller MBB loses wiring, failed master
Loss of Communication disabled. Chiller runs
T204 Alert communication with Automatic chiller MBB module,
with master chiller as a stand-alone
master chiller MBB machine
power loss at Master
CCN Address for
both chillers is the
Dual chiller routine same. Must be
Master and slave chiller
Master and slave chiller disabled. Master/slave different. Check
T205 Alert have the same CCN Automatic
with same address run as stand-alone CCN.A under the
address (CCN.A)
chillers OPT2 sub-mode in
Configuration at both
Automatic once
alarms/alerts are Alarm notifies user
A152 Alarm Unit Down Due to Both circuits are down due Chiller is unable cleared that prevent the
Failure to alarms/alerts to run that chiller is 100%
chiller from down.
Occupancy schedule
Automatic when Time/Date/Month/
Real Time Clock will not be used. Chiller
T153 Alert Internal clock on MBB fails correct clock control Day/Year not
Hardware Failure defaults to Local On restarts properly set.
A154 Alarm Serial EEPROM Hardware failure with MBB Chiller is unable Manual Main Base Board
Hardware Failure to run failure.
Table 61 — Alarm and Alert Codes (cont)
Potential failure of
MBB. Download
Serial EEPROM Configuration/storage current operating
T155 Alert No Action Manual
Storage Failure failure with MBB software. Replace
MBB if error occurs
Critical Serial EEPROM Configuration/storage Chiller is not allowed Main Base Board
A156 Alarm Manual
Storage Failure failure with MBB to run failure.
Hardware failure with Chiller is not allowed Main Base Board
A157 Alarm A/D Hardware Failure Manual
peripheral device to run failure.
Loss of Communication MBB loses communication Chiller is not allowed Wiring error, faulty wir-
A172 Alarm Automatic
with EXV Board with EXV board to run ing or failed EXV board.
4 to 20 mA
temperature reset Wiring error, faulty
Loss of Communication MBB loses communication disabled. Demand wiring or failed
T173 Alert Automatic
with EMM with EMM Limit set to 100%. 4 to Energy Management
20 mA set point Module (EMM).
If configured with EMM and Set point function Faulty signal
4 to 20 mA Cooling Set
T174 Alert input less than 2 mA or disabled. Chiller Automatic generator, wiring
Point Input Failure
greater than 22 mA controls to CSP1 error, or faulty EMM.
Wiring error, faulty wir-
Loss of Communication MBB losses communication ing, failed AUX board,
A175 Alarm Digital control is disabled. Automatic ditital option enabled,
with AUX Board with AUX board
Reset function
4 to 20 mA If configured with EMM Faulty signal
disabled. Chiller
T176 Alert Temperature Reset and input less than 2 mA or Automatic generator, wiring
Input Failure greater than 22 mA returns to normal set error, or faulty EMM.
point control
A221 Alarm Condenser Pump If configured for con- Condenser and cooler Manual Failure of condenser
Interlock Opened During denser pump interlock pumps shut off. Chiller pump or controls.
Normal Operation and the flow switch shut down Wiring error.
opens for 15 seconds
during normal
operation (or when
the condenser pump
relay is on when con-
denser pump control
is configured)
A222 Alarm Condenser Pump If configured for con- Chiller is not allowed to Manual Failure of condenser
Interlock Closed When denser pump interlock start pump relays or inter-
Pump is Off condenser pump con- locks, welded
trol, and the flow contacts.
switch is closed
when pump relay is off
Strainer Service
Countdown (S.T.DN)
Strainer Blowdown Routine strainer
T302 Alert Scheduled expired. Complete strainer
None Automatic maintenance
Maintenance Due blowdown and enter 'YES' for
Strainer Maintenance Done required.
(S.T.MN) item
Current Sensor Board Alert occurs when CSB output Compressor A1 shut CSB failure.
T500 Alert Automatic
A1 Failure is a constant high value down
T501 Alert Current Sensor Board Alert occurs when CSB output Compressor A2 shut Automatic CSB failure.
A2 Failure is a constant high value down
Current Sensor Board Alert occurs when CSB output Compressor A3 shut CSB failure.
T502 Alert Automatic
A3 Failure is a constant high value down
Current Sensor Board Alert occurs when CSB output Compressor B1 shut CSB failure.
T505 Alert Automatic
B1 Failure is a constant high value down
T950 Alert Loss of Communication No communications have WSM forces removed. Automatic Failed module, wiring
with Water System been received by the MBB Chiller runs under own error, failed
Manager within 5 minutes of last control transformer, loose
transmission connection plug,
wrong address.
A951 Alarm Loss of Communication No communications have CSM forces removed. Automatic Failed module, wiring
with Chillervisor System been received by the MBB Chiller runs under own error, failed
Manager within 5 minutes of last control transformer, loose
transmission connection plug,
wrong address.
CCN — Carrier Comfort Network
CSB — Current Sensor Board
CSM — Chiller System Manager
EEPROM — Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EMM — Energy Management Module
EWT — Entering Fluid Temperature
EXV — Electronic Expansion Valve
LCW — Leaving Chilled Water
LWT — Leaving Fluid Temperature
MBB — Main Base Board
RGT — Return Gas Temperature
SCT — Saturated Condenser Temperature
TXV — Thermostatic Expansion Valve
WSM — Water System Manager
COMPRESSOR FAILURE ALERTS To check out alerts T051-T053:
A048 (Circuit A Compressor Availability Alarm) — This alarm 1. Turn on the compressor in question using Service Test mode.
occurs when two compressors are unavailable to run on a 3-com- If the compressor does not start, then most likely the problem
pressor circuit. The control ensures proper oil return by ensuring a is one of the following: HPS open, open internal protection,
circuit does not operate with one compressor for longer than one circuit breaker trip, incorrect safety wiring, incorrect com-
hour of cumulative run time. pressor wiring or incorrect Copeland CoreSense internal
Circuit B Alarms Reset — Table 62 shows circuit B compressor phase monitor wiring.
Alarms, the associated display text, and the reset type to preform 2. If the compressor does start, verify it is rotating in the correct
to reset the alarm. direction.
thermistor, a shorted or open thermistor caused by a wiring error, A110, A111 (Circuit A, B Loss of Charge) — This alarm occurs
or a loose connection. Failure of this thermistor will shut down the when the compressor is OFF and the discharge pressure is less
entire unit. than 26 psig (179.2 kPa).
T062 (Condenser Leaving Fluid Thermistor Failure) — If the A112, A113 (Circuit A, B High Saturated Suction Tempera-
sensor reading is outside the range of –40 to 240°F (–40 to 116°C) ture) — Alarm code 112 occurs when compressors in a circuit
then the alert will occur. The cause of the alert is usually a faulty have been running for at least 5 minutes and the circuit saturated
thermistor, a shorted or open thermistor caused by a wiring error, suction temperature is greater than 70°F (21.1°C). The high satu-
or a loose connection. Failure of this thermistor will send out an rated suction alarm is generated and the circuit is shut down.
alert only. A114, A115 (Circuit A, B Low Superheat) — Alarm code 114
T063 (Condenser Entering Thermistor Failure) — If the sensor occurs when the superheat of a circuit is less than 5°F (2.8°C) for
reading is outside the range of –40 to 240°F (–40 to 116°C) then 5 continuous minutes. The low superheat alarm is generated and
the alert will occur. The cause of the alert is usually a faulty therm- the circuit is shut down. The RGT sensor must be installed.
istor, a shorted or open thermistor caused by a wiring error, or a A116, A117 (Circuit A, B Low Cooler Suction Temperature)
loose connection. Failure of this thermistor will send out an alert — Alarm code 116 occurs when mode 7 causes the compressor to
only. unload 3 consecutive times in less than 30-minute intervals be-
T068, T069 (Circuit A, B Compressor Return Gas Temperature tween each circuit shutdown. The low cooler suction temperature
Thermistor Failure) — This alert occurs if the RGT is configured alarm is generated and the circuit is shut down. If this condition is
and the compressor return gas temperature sensor is outside the encountered, check the following items:
range of –40 to 240°F (–40 to 116°C). Failure of this thermistor • Check for a faulty expansion valve.
will shut down the appropriate circuit. • Check for a plugged filter drier.
T073 (Outside Air Temperature Thermistor Failure) — This • Check for a low refrigerant charge condition.
alert occurs when the outside air temperature sensor is outside the • Check the suction pressure transducer for accuracy.
range of –40 to 240°F (–40 to 116°C). Failure of this thermistor • Check the cooler flow rate.
will disable any elements of the control which requires its use. The • Check the chilled water strainer for a restriction.
OAT must be configured. • Consider a fouled cooler.
T074 (Space Temperature Thermistor Failure) — This alert oc- • Check the glycol concentration in the loop; high glycol con-
curs when the space temperature sensor is outside the range of –40 centrations can cause the same effect as a fouled cooler.
to 240°F (–40 to 116°C). Failure of this thermistor will disable any • Check that the water flow is in the proper direction.
elements of the control which requires its use. The cause of the P118 — High Discharge Gas Temperature
alert is usually a faulty thermistor in the T55 or T58 device, a T118 — High Discharge Gas Temperature
shorted or open thermistor caused by a wiring error, or a loose
connection. The SPT must be configured. Criteria for Trip: This alert is part of the compressor protection
algorithm for digital compressor units. The following conditions
A077, A078 (Circuit Saturated Suction Temperature Exceeds must be true:
Cooler Leaving Water Temperature) — This alarm occurs when
the saturated suction temperature (SST) is greater than leaving wa- 1. This alert will be triggered if the unit has a digital compres-
ter for 5 minutes. This alarm will occur if either the suction pres- sor and it is enabled (ConfigurationUNIT
sure transducer reading, which is used to calculate SST, or cooler A1.TY=YES).
leaving water is incorrect. Potential causes for this alarm are loose 2. The discharge gas temperature (Temperatures CIR.A/
wiring connection, sensor not located in well, or bad Schrader fit- CIRC.BD.GAS) is greater than 268°F (131.1°C).
ting. Reset is manual. Action To Be Taken: Compressor A1 is shut down. If this is the
T079 (Dual Chiller Thermistor Failure) — This alert occurs first or second occurrence within a 32-minute window, the pre-
when the dual chiller temperature sensor is outside the range of – alert P118 will be generated. This is a non-broadcast alert. If this
40 to 240°F (–40 to 116°C). Failure of this thermistor will disable is the third occurrence within the 32-minute window, the alert
dual chiller operation and return to stand-alone operation. The unit T118 is generated.
must be configured for dual chiller operation for this alert to occur. Reset Method: The first two times compressor A1 is shut down
The cause of the alert is usually a faulty thermistor, a shorted or due to the pre-alert P118, the pre-alert will automatically reset
open thermistor caused by a wiring error, or a loose connection. after the discharge temperature is less than 250°F (121.1°C) and
Reset is automatic. the compressor will restart. The third occurrence will result in the
A090, A091 (Circuit A, B Discharge Pressure Transducer Fail- alert T118 and will require a manual reset.
ure) — This alarm occurs when the pressure is outside the range Multiple P118 pre-alerts may be stored in the alarm history. If
of 0.0 to 667.0 psig (0.0 to 4599 kPag). A circuit cannot run when there are 1 or 2 strikes on the circuit and the circuit recovers for a
this alarm is active. Use the scrolling marquee to reset the alarm. period of time, it is possible to clear out the strikes, thereby reset-
The cause of the alarm is usually a faulty transducer, faulty 5-v ting the strike counter automatically.
power supply, or a loose connection. Possible Causes: If this condition is encountered, check the fol-
A092, A093 (Circuit A, B Suction Pressure Transducer Fail- lowing items:
ure) — This alarm occurs when the pressure is outside the range • Check to be sure that the circuit is properly charged. If a
of 0.0 to 420.0 psig (0.0 to 2896 kPag). A circuit cannot run when leak is found, repair the leak and recharge the circuit.
this alarm is active. Use the scrolling marquee to reset the alarm. • Check the discharge temperature thermistor (DTT) for
The cause of the alarm is usually a faulty transducer, faulty 5-v accuracy.
power supply, or a loose connection. • Check the DTT connections.
T094 (Discharge Gas Thermistor Failure) — This alert occurs • Check unit configuration. A1.TY = NO if no digital com-
for units which have the digital compressor installed on circuit pressor is installed.
A. If discharge gas temperature is open or shorted, the circuit A122, A123 (Circuit A, B High Pressure Switch Failure) —
will be shut off. The valid range for this thermistor is –39.9 to The high-pressure switch is wired in series with the compres-
356°F (–39.9 to 180°C). The alert will reset itself when dis- sor contactor coils of each compressor on the circuit to dis-
charge temperature is less than 250°F (121.1°C). The cause of able compressor operation immediately upon a high dis-
the alert is usually low refrigerant charge or a faulty thermistor. charge pressure condition.
For all 30MP016-045, 30MPA050-071, and 30MP050-071 This alarm is also generated when the saturated suction tem-
high condensing units: The normally closed contacts in the perature is below the low limit for compressors (outside of com-
switches are calibrated to open at 650 ± 10 psig (448.2 ± 68.9 pressor envelope).
kPag) which corresponds to a saturated condensing temperature of If this condition is encountered, check the following items:
155.6 ± 1.3°F (68.7 ± 0.7°C). The pressure switches will automat- • Check to be sure that the circuit is properly charged. If a
ically reset when the discharge pressure is reduced to 500 ± 15 leak is found, repair the leak and recharge the circuit.
psig (3448 ± 103.4 kPag) which corresponds to a saturated con- • Check for proper water flow for the cooler.
densing temperature of 134.1 ± 2.4°F (56.7 ± 1.3°C). • For 30MPA units, if the alarms are occurring during cold
For all 30MPW050-071 standard units: The normally closed ambient conditions, consider installing head pressure con-
contacts in the switches are calibrated to open at 558 ± 10 psig trol on remote condenser.
(3847 ± 68.9 kPag) which corresponds to a saturated condensing • If wind baffles are required, check to see if they are
temperature of 140.3 ± 2.3°F (60.16 ± 16.5°C). The pressure installed.
switches will automatically reset when the discharge pressure is • Check the suction pressure transducer accuracy.
reduced to 435 ± 29 psig (2999 ± 199.9 kPag) which corresponds • Check for a low load condition. Check the control system to
to a saturated condensing temperature of 120.35 ± 5.3°F (49.08 ± see if the unit should be operating.
14.83°C). • Check for restrictions in the liquid line. Be sure all service
The output of the high-pressure switch is wired to inputs on the valves are open.
MBB to provide the control with an indication of a high pressure • Check the filter drier. Change the core(s) if necessary.
switch trip. This alert could occur when compressors are off if the • Check glycol concentration and make sure brine freeze (Set
wiring to the switch is broken or the switch has failed open. PointsFRZBR.FZ) is properly set for the concentra-
When the trip occurs, all mechanical cooling on the circuit is • Check the operation of the liquid line solenoid valves, if
shut down for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the circuit is allowed equipped. Be sure that the correct valve operates for the cir-
to restart. cuit.
A126, A127 (Circuit A, B High Head Pressure) — This alarm • Be sure that the liquid line solenoid valve is installed cor-
occurs when the appropriate saturated condensing temperature rectly (flow), if equipped.
is greater than the operating envelope shown in Fig. 58-60. Pri- • For the circuit TXV(s):
or to the alarm, the control will shut down one compressor on a - Check the superheat setting of the TXV. A very high setting
circuit if that circuit’s saturated condensing temperature is will cause low saturated suction condition.
greater than the maximum SCT minus 5°F (2.7°C). If SCT
continues to rise to greater than the maximum SCT, the alarm - Check to be sure the proper TXV is installed.
will occur and the circuit’s remaining compressor will shut - Check the operation of the TXV.
down. The cause of the alarm is usually an overcharged sys- - Check the location of the TXV bulb and that it is properly
tem, high outdoor ambient temperature coupled with dirty out- installed on the suction line.
door coil (30MPA only), plugged filter drier, a faulty high-
pressure switch, faulty expansion valve, or loss of condenser - Check the TXV equalizer line to be sure that it is properly
water flow. Figures 58-60 shows the operating envelope for the connected to the suction line and open to suction pressure.
FOR 30MPW016,
90 032
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
SCT — Saturated Condensing Temperature
SST — Saturated Suction Temperature
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
SST (F) a30-5978
SCT — Saturated Condensing Temperature
SST — Saturated Suction Temperature
Fig. 59 — Operating Envelope for R410-A Compressor, 30MPA,MPW050-071 High Condensing Units
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
SST (F) a30-5979
SCT — Saturated Condensing Temperature
SST — Saturated Suction Temperature
A133, A134 (Circuit A Low Suction Pressure) — This alarm in- 205
dicates that after the compressor has been running for 1 minute
one of the following has occurred: suction pressure is below 34
psig (234 kPa), saturated suction temperature is less than 12°F (– 200
24.4°C) for 8 seconds, the suction pressure falls below 23 psig
(158 kPa), or saturated temperature is less than –18°F (–27.8°C).
The Circuit A low suction pressure alert occurs and the circuit is 195
shut down. The reset function will occur automatically for the first
psig (kPa)
°F (°C)
t=–5 (5 seconds before
200.4 (1382) 70 (21.1)
compressor start)
t=0 (compressor start) 197.1 (1359) 69 (20.6)
t=5 (5 seconds after
169.6 (1169) 60 (15.6)
compressor start)
Using the rate of change of the suction from the example, five
(5) seconds after t=0, the suction pressure should be 193.8 psig
(1336 kPa), if the compressor did not start. Subtracting the 1.25 1200
psig (8.62 kPa) from extrapolated suction pressure, 192.55 psig
(1328 kPa) determines the upper limit that if the suction pressure
is above this level the unit will fault on reverse rotation. This point
is denoted by a black dot in Fig. 61 and 62. In the example, the 1150
suction pressure is lower than the upper limit, and therefore is al- -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
lowed to continue operation. Time (sec)
Action To Be Taken: The unit shuts down immediately. LEGEND
Reset Method: Manual. Suction Pressure (psig)
Extrapolated Suction Pressure (psig)
Possible Causes: If this condition is encountered, check the fol- Upper Limit for Proof of Proper Rotation (psig)
lowing items:
• Check the wiring of the incoming power for proper phasing. Fig. 62 — Reverse Rotation Detection (kPa)
This alarm may be disabled once the reverse rotation check A150 (Unit is in Emergency Stop) — If the CCN emergency
has been verified by setting Reverse Rotation Enable Con- stop command is received, the alarm is generated and the unit will
figurationSERVREV.R=DSBL. be immediately stopped.
• Check for an inoperative compressor
If the CCN point name EMSTOP in the system table is set to
emergency stop, the unit will shut down immediately and broad-
cast an alarm back to the CCN, indicating that the unit is down.
This alarm will clear when the variable is set back to “enable.”
A151 — Illegal Configuration Alarm A172 (Loss of Communication with the EXV Board) — This
Criteria for Trip: This alarm is indicated when an illegal configu- alarm indicates that there are communication problems with the
ration has been entered. There are several different configuration EXV board. The alarm will automatically reset.
alarms. When expanding the alarm, the control will indicate T173 (Energy Management Module Communication Failure)
which configuration is incorrect. For example, if the wrong size is — This alert indicates that there are communication problems
configured, the A151 expansion will indicate “ILLEGAL CON- with the energy management module. All functions performed by
FIG - INVALID UNIT SIZE.” the EMM will stop, which can include demand limit, reset and ca-
Action To Be Taken: The unit is not allowed to start. pacity input. The alert will automatically reset.
Reset Method: Automatic, once the illegal configuration is cor- T174 (4 to 20 mA Cooling Set point Input Failure) — This
rected. alert indicates a problem has been detected with cooling set point
• Possible Causes: If this condition is encountered, check the 4 to 20 mA input. The input value is either less than 2 mA or
items shown in Table 63 based on the illegal configuration. greater than 22 mA.
A152 (Unit Down Due to Failure) — Reset is automatic when A175 (Loss of Communication with the AUX Board) — This
all alarms are cleared. This alarm indicates the unit is at 0% capac- alarm will be generated when the Main Base Board (MBB) loses
ity. communication with the AUX Board. The digital control option
will be disabled while this alert is active. The chiller continues to
T153 (Real Time Clock Hardware Failure) — A problem has run without Digital Compressor Control. The alert will reset auto-
been detected with MBB real time clock hardware. Try resetting matically if communication is re-established or the unit configura-
the power and check the indicator lights. If the alert continues, the tion for digital control, A1.TY Compressor A1 Digital? (Configu-
board should be replaced. ration Mode→UNIT) = NO.
A154 (Serial EEPROM Hardware Failure) — A problem has If this condition is encountered, check the following items:
been detected with the EEPROM on the MBB. Try resetting the
power and check the indicator lights. If the alarm continues, the • Check for a wiring error.
board should be replaced. • Check for a faulty communication bus, or no connection to
the AUX Board.
T155 (Serial EEPROM Storage Failure Error) — A problem • Check the AUX Board.
has been detected with the EEPROM storage on the MBB. Try re- • If the unit is configured for digital control, A1.TY Compres-
setting the power and check the indicator lights. If the alert contin- sor A1 Digital? (Configuration Mode→UNIT) is YES, but
ues, the board should be replaced. the unit is not a Digital Capacity machine, (no digital com-
A156 (Critical Serial EEPROM Storage Failure Error) — A pressor or AUX Board), this alarm will be generated.
problem has been detected with the EEPROM storage on the T176 (4 to 20 mA Reset Input Failure) — This alert indicates a
MBB. Try resetting the power and check the indicator lights. If the problem has been detected with reset 4 to 20 mA input. The input
alarm continues, the board should be replaced. value is either less than 2 mA or greater than 22 mA. The reset
A157 (A/D Hardware Failure) — A problem has been detected function will be disabled when this occurs.
with A/D conversion on the boards. Try resetting the power and T177 (4 to 20 mA Demand Limit Input Failure) — This alert
check the indicator lights. If the alarm continues, the board should indicates a problem has been detected with demand limit 4 to
be replaced. 20 mA input. The input value is either less than 2 mA or
greater than 22 mA. The reset function will be disabled when
this occurs.
Table 63 — Illegal Configurations (Alarm A151)
Check to see if the AUX Board is an older revision not compatible with the current software.
Check the red LED on the AUX Board to be sure that it is blinking in unison with the other
boards in the unit. If it is not, it is not communicating:
AUX BOARD INCORRECT REVISION - Check the LEN Communication wiring for continuity to the Main Base Board.
- Check the AUX Board DIP Switch settings for the address.
For 208 volt systems, check the control transformer to be sure that it is tapped correctly.
Consider cycling power to the AUX Board.
AUX BOARD SOFTWARE REV Check to see if the AUX Board is an older revision not compatible with the current software. The
AUX Board software revision can be found in the vendor part number, CEPL130567-03. The -
MUST BE 3 OR HIGHER 03 indicates Revision 03.
Check the part number of the AUX Board. It should have the Carrier Part Number
32GB500442EE (UTEC Part Number CEPL130567-03). This board is required for the digital
AUX BOARD SHOULD BE AUX1, NOT AUX2 compressor output as well as the Motormaster drive signal. An AUX2 Board, Carrier Part
Number 332GB500432EE (UTEC Part Number CEPL130568-02) does not have the capability
to supply these outputs.
INVALID UNIT SIZE HAS BEEN ENTERED Check to be sure that a valid unit size ConfigurationUNITSIZE has been entered.
UNIT CONFIGURATION SET TO Digital compressor, ConfigurationUNITA1.TY=YES, and hot gas Configuration
INVALID TYPE OPT1MLV=YES are both enabled. Only one can be enabled.
Ice mode is enabled, ConfigurationOPT2ICE.M=ENBL, but fluid type Configura-
tionOPT1FLUD= 1 (water).
P200 (Coder Flow/Interlock Contacts Failed to Close at Start- If this condition is encountered, check the following items:
Up Pre-Alarm) • Check for a wiring error for the chilled water flow switch,
T200 (Cooler Flow Interlock Contacts Failed to Close at Start- the chilled water flow switch’s connection to the MBB, or a
Up Alert) — If Cooler Pump Control is enabled, (Configura- wiring error to the chilled water pump.
tion→OPT1→CPC=ON) and the Cooler Flow Switch/Cooler • Check to see if the chilled water pump control has been
Pump Interlock Contacts failed to close within 1 minute of a start manually bypassed.
command, a P200 alarm will be declared. This is a non-broadcast- • Check for a faulty or grounded chilled water flow switch.
ing alarm. The control will wait for flow to be established before • Check chilled water pump contactor for welded contacts.
starting any compressors. If after 5 minutes, the Cooler Flow
Switch/Cooler Pump Interlock Contacts have not closed, the T200
alarm is declared. T203 (Loss of Communication with the Slave Chiller Alert) —
This alert will be generated if Dual Chiller Control is enabled,
Cooler Pump Interlock Contacts failed to close within 1 minute LLEN=ENBL Lead/Lag Chiller Enable (Configuration→RSET),
of a start command, a P200 alarm will be declared. This is a non- the chiller has been configured to be the Master Chiller MS-
broadcasting alarm. The control will wait for flow to be estab- SL=MAST Master/Slave Select (Configuration→RSET) and it
lished before starting any compressors. If after 5 minutes, the has not established or lost communication with the Slave Chiller.
Cooler Flow Switch/Cooler Pump Interlock Contacts have not When this alert is generated the dual chiller control will be dis-
closed, the T200 alarm is declared. abled and the unit will operate in stand-alone mode.
If Cooler Pump Control is not enabled, (Configura- If this condition is encountered, check the following items:
tion→OPT1→CPC=OFF) and the Cooler Flow Switch/Cooler
Pump Interlock Contacts failed to close within 5 minutes of a start • Check that the communication wiring between the two
command, a T200 alarm will be declared. chillers is proper and is not grounded.
• Check to be sure that both the Master and Slave Chillers are
If this condition is encountered, check the following items: on the same bus, CCNB CCN Bus Number (Configura-
• Check the chilled water flow switch for proper operation. tion→CCN).
• Check the flow switch cable for power and control. • Check to be sure that the slave chiller address CCNA CCN
• Check the chilled water loop to be sure that it is completely Address (Configuration→CCN) matches what is pro-
filled with water, and all air has been purged. grammed in the master chiller’s configuration for slave
• Check the chilled water pump interlock circuit for proper address, SLVA Slave Address (Configuration→RSET).
operation. • Check for power at the slave chiller. If power is not present,
• Check the pump electrical circuit for power. this alarm will be generated.
• Check the pump circuit breaker. • Check for a faulty master or slave MBB. If CCN communi-
• Check the pump contactor for proper operation. cations is not working, this alarm will be generated.
• Check the chilled water pump for proper operation. Look T204 (Loss of Communication with the Master Chiller Alert)
for overload trips. — This alert will be generated if Dual Chiller Control is enabled,
• Check the chilled water strainer for a restriction. LLEN=ENBL Lead/Lag Chiller Enable (Configuration→RSET),
• Check to be sure that all isolation valves are completely open. the chiller has been configured to be the Slave Chiller MS-
P201 (Cooler Flow/Interlock Contacts Opened During Normal SL=SLVE Master/Slave Select (Configuration→RSET) and it
Operation Pre-alarm) has not established or lost communication with the Master Chiller.
A201 (Cooler Flow/Interlock Contacts Opened During Normal When this alert is generated the dual chiller control will be dis-
Operation Alarm) — This alarm will be generated if the chilled abled and the unit will operate in stand-alone mode.
water flow switch opens for at least three (3) seconds after initially If this condition is encountered, check the following items:
being closed, and a P201 - Cooler Flow/Interlock Contacts • Check that the communication wiring between the two
Opened During Normal Operation Alarm will be generated and chillers is proper and is not grounded.
the machine will stop. If flow is proven, the machine will be al- • Check to be sure that both the master and slave chillers are
lowed to restart. If after 5 minutes, the cooler flow switch/inter- on the same bus, CCNB CCN Bus Number (Configura-
lock contacts do not close, the alarm will change to a A201 - Cool- tion→CCN).
er Flow/Interlock Contacts Opened During Normal Operation • Check to be sure that the slave chiller address CCNA CCN
Alarm. When this alarm is generated the chiller is shut down. Address (Configuration→CCN) matches what is pro-
If this condition is encountered, check the following items: grammed in the master chiller's configuration for slave
• Check the chilled water flow switch for proper operation. address, SLVA Slave Address (Configuration→RSET).
• Check the flow switch cable for power and control. • Check for power at the master chiller. If power is not pres-
• Check the chilled water loop to be sure that it is completely ent, this alarm will be generated.
filled with water, and all air has been purged. • Check for a faulty master or slave MBB. If CCN communi-
• Check the chilled water pump interlock circuit for proper cations is not working, this alarm will be generated.
operation. T205 (Master and Slave Chiller with Same Address Alert) —
• Check the pump electrical circuit for power. This alert will be generated if Dual Chiller Control is enabled,
• Check the pump circuit breaker. LLEN=ENBL Lead/Lag Chiller Enable (Configuration→RSET),
• Check the pump contactor for proper operation. the chiller has been configured to be the Master Chiller MS-
• Check the chilled water pump for proper operation. Look SL=MAST Master/Slave Select (Configuration→RSET) and
for overload trips. both the master chiller and slave chiller have the same address,
• Check the chilled water strainer for a restriction. CCNA CCN Address (Configuration→CCN). When this alert is
• Check to be sure that all isolation valves are completely generated the dual chiller control will be disabled and both units,
open. master and slave, will operate in stand-alone mode.
A202 (Cooler Pump Interlock Closed When Pump Is Off If this condition is encountered, check to be sure that the Slave
Alarm) — This alarm will be generated if the unit is configured Chiller address CCNA CCN Address (Configuration→CCN)
for CPC=ON Cooler Pump Control, (Configuration→OPT1) matches what is programmed in the Master Chiller's configuration
without a call for the Chilled Water Pump, C.LWP=OFF (Out- for slave address. SLVA Slave Address (Configuration→RSET).
puts→GEN.O) and the chilled water switch is closed, FLOW=ON T206 (High Leaving Chilled Water Temperature Alert) — The
Cooler Flow Switch (Inputs→GEN.I) for 5 minutes. When this criterion for this alert is checked when the unit is ON and the total
alarm is generated the chiller is not allowed to start.
available capacity is 100%. The alert is generated when the leav- P221 (Condenser Pump Interlock Opened During Normal
ing chilled water temperature is greater than the LCWT, High Operation Pre-alarm)
LCW Alert Limit (Configuration→OPT2) plus the control point A221 (Condenser Pump Interlock Opened During Normal
and the leaving chilled water temperature is higher than it was 1 Operation Alarm) — If the unit is configured for D.FL.S= ENBL
minute before the current reading. The LCWT is a delta tempera- Enable Cond Flow Switch (Configuration→OPT1) and condenser
ture, not an absolute value. The alert will automatically reset when flow interlock (if used) circuit was established and opens for 15
the leaving water temperature is less than the control point, or is seconds. When this alarm is generated the chiller is prevented
less than the control point plus LCWT minus 5°F (2.8°C). from starting or will be shut down; condenser and chilled water
If this condition is encountered: pumps are shut down.
• Check building load. If this condition is encountered, check the following items:
• Check the LCWT, High LCW Alert Limit (Configura- • Check for a condenser pump failure.
tion→OPT2) value. • Check for power at the condenser pump.
• Check compressor operation. • Check condenser pump control wiring.
• Check water flow. • Check condenser strainer for a restriction. Flush or replace
A207 (Cooler Freeze Protection Alarm) — This alarm will be as necessary.
generated when the leaving water temperature is below BR.FZ, • Check the condenser water flow switch operation.
Brine Freeze Point (Set Point Mode→FRZ). When this condition • Check condenser water flow switch wiring.
is encountered, the machine will enter Mode 16, and the Chilled • If the unit utilizes a flow regulating valve for head pressure
Water Pump relay will be energized, even if the CPC Cooler control, consider disabling this feature.
Pump Control (Configuration Mode→OPT1) is OFF. If the ma- A222 (Condenser Pump Interlock Closed When Pump is Off
chine is equipped with a pump, the pump will run for a minimum Alarm) — If the unit is configured for Condenser Pump Control,
of 5 minutes. The unit will be shut down or prevented from start- D.PM.E Enable Condenser Pump (Configuration→OPT1) is 1
ing. (On when Occupied) or 2 (On with Compressor), the Condenser
The control will allow the machine to reset automatically if the Flow Switch is enabled, D.FL.S=ENBL Enable Cond Flow
leaving chilled water temperature rises above the BR.FZ Brine Switch (Configuration→OPT1) and condenser flow interlock (if
Freeze Point (Set Point Mode→FRZ) plus 6°F (3.3°C). If the used) circuit is closed while the pump is commanded off, this
alarm is generated again during the same day, it shall be a manual alarm will be generated. When this alarm is generated the chiller is
reset. prevented from starting.
If this condition is encountered, check the following items: If this condition is encountered, check the following items:
• Check the entering or leaving water thermistor for accuracy. • Check for a welded condenser pump contactor.
• Check water flow rate. • Check for a faulty condenser pump relay
• Check for freezing conditions. • Check for a wiring error.
• Check the heat tape and other freeze protection means for T302 (Strainer Blowdown Scheduled Maintenance Due) —
proper operation. This alert is generated when the S.T.DN Strainer Service Count-
• Check glycol concentration and adjust BR.FZ accordingly. down (Run Status→PM) has expired. Be sure date is correctly set:
A208 (EWT or LWT Thermistor Failure Alarm) — This alarm MNTH Month of Year, DAY Day of Month, and YEAR Year of
will be generated if the entering water temperature, EWT Entering Century (Time Clock→DATE). Complete the strainer blowdown.
Fluid Temp (Run Status→VIEW) is less than the leaving water Set S.T.MN Strainer Maintenance Done (Run Status→PM) to
temperature, LWT Leaving Fluid Temp (Run Status→VIEW) by YES. Then reset the alert.
3°F (1.7°C) or more for 1 minute after the circuit has started. If this condition is encountered, check the following item:
When this alarm is generated the chiller is shut down and prevent-
ed from starting. Chilled water pump is also shut down. • Strainer maintenance is required.
If this condition is encountered, check the following items: T500, T501, T502, T505 (Current Sensor Board Failure —
Circuit Ax — Alert codes 500, 501, 502, 505 are for compressors
• Check for a correct chilled water flow. A1, A2/B1, and A3 respectively. These alerts occur when the out-
• Check the entering and leaving water thermistors for accu- put of the CSB is a constant high value. These alerts reset auto-
racy. matically. If the problem cannot be resolved, the CSB must be re-
• Check to be sure the entering and leaving water thermistors placed.
are correctly wired and installed in the proper location.
T950 (Loss of Communication with Water System Manager)
A220 (Condenser Pump Interlock Failure to Close At Start-Up — This alert will be generated if no communications have been
Alarm) — This alarm will be generated if the unit is configured received by the Main Base Board for five (5) minutes. When this
for D.FL.S=ENBL Enable Cond Flow Switch (Configura- occurs the Water System Manager (WSM) forces are removed.
tion→OPT1) and condenser flow interlock (if used) circuit fails to The chiller runs in stand-alone mode.
close within 5 minutes of the condenser pump start. When this
alarm is generated the chiller is prevented from starting or will be If this condition is encountered, check the following items:
shut down; condenser and chilled water pumps are shut down. • Check CCN wiring.
If this condition is encountered, check the following items: • Check for power at the water system manager.
• Check Main Base Board for a communication failure.
• Check for a condenser pump failure.
• Check for power at the condenser pump. A951 (Loss of Communication with Chillervisor System Man-
• Check condenser pump control wiring ager) — This alarm will be generated if no communications have
• Check condenser strainer for a restriction. Flush or replace been received by the Main Base Board for five (5) minutes. When
as necessary. this alert is generated the Chillervisor System Manager (CSM)
• Check the condenser water flow switch operation. forces are removed, and chiller runs in stand-alone mode.
• Check condenser water flow switch wiring. If this condition is encountered, check the following items:
• If the unit utilizes a flow regulating valve for head pressure • Check CCN wiring.
control, consider disabling condenser flow switch feature. • Check for power at the Chillervisor System Manager.
• Check Main Base Board for a communication failure.
Run Status Mode and Sub-Mode Directory
Run Status Mode and Sub-Mode Directory (cont)
Temperature Mode and Sub-Mode Directory
Inputs Mode and Sub-Mode Directory
Configuration Mode and Sub-Mode Directory
Configuration Mode and Sub-Mode Directory (cont)
Configuration Mode and Sub-Mode Directory (cont)
Time Clock Mode and Sub-Mode Directory
Time Clock Mode and Sub-Mode Directory (cont)
Time Clock Mode and Sub-Mode Directory (cont)
Time Clock Mode and Sub-Mode Directory (cont)
Time Clock Mode and Sub-Mode Directory (cont)
Alarms Mode and Sub-Mode Directory
Active Alarm #1 4-char ASCII ALARM01C
Active Alarm #2 4-char ASCII ALARM02C
Active Alarm #3 4-char ASCII ALARM03C
Active Alarm #4 4-char ASCII ALARM04C
Active Alarm #5 4-char ASCII ALARM05C
Active Alarm #6 4-char ASCII ALARM06C
Active Alarm #7 4-char ASCII ALARM07C
Active Alarm #8 4-char ASCII ALARM08C
Active Alarm #9 4-char ASCII ALARM09C
Active Alarm #10 4-char ASCII ALARM10C
Active Alarm #11 4-char ASCII ALARM11C
Active Alarm #12 4-char ASCII ALARM12C
Active Alarm #13 4-char ASCII ALARM13C
Active Alarm #14 4-char ASCII ALARM14C
Active Alarm #15 4-char ASCII ALARM15C
Active Alarm #16 4-char ASCII ALARM16C
Active Alarm #17 4-char ASCII ALARM17C
Active Alarm #18 4-char ASCII ALARM18C
Active Alarm #19 4-char ASCII ALARM19C
Active Alarm #20 4-char ASCII ALARM20C
Active Alarm #21 4-char ASCII ALARM21C
Active Alarm #22 4-char ASCII ALARM22C
Active Alarm #23 4-char ASCII ALARM23C
Active Alarm #24 4-char ASCII ALARM24C
Active Alarm #25 4-char ASCII ALARM25C
CESR131172- 5-char ASCII EXV
CESR131333- 5-char ASCII AUX
CESR131482- 5-char ASCII MBB
CESR131174- 5-char ASCII EMM
CESR131171- 5-char ASCII MARQUEE
Load/Unload Factor NNN SMZ
Control Point NNN.n °F CTRL_PNT
Entering Fluid Temp NNN.n °F EWT
Leaving Fluid Temp NNN.n °F LWT
Ramp Load Limited Off/On MODE_5
Slow Change Override Off/On MODE_9
Cooler Freeze Protection Off/On MODE_16
Low Temperature Cooling Off/On MODE_17
High Temperature Cooling Off/On MODE_18
Minimum Comp. On Time Off/On MODE_23
SCT Delta for Comp A1 0 to 50 deltaF A1SCTDT
SCT Delta for Comp A2 0 to 50 deltaF A2SCTDT
SCT Delta for Comp A3 0 to 50 deltaF A3SCTDT
SCT Delta for Comp B1 0 to 50 deltaF B1SCTDT
Strainer Srvc Interval NNNNN hours SI_STRNR
Strainer Srvc Countdown NNNNN hours ST_CDOWN
Strainer Maint. Done No/Yes ST_MAINT
Strainer Maint. Date 15-char ASCII STRN_PM0
Strainer Maint. Date 15-char ASCII STRN_PM1
The following section is used to configure the UPC Open control-
ler which is used when the BACnet1 communication option is 9 0
selected. The UPC Open controller is mounted in the main control
7 8
2 34
box per unit components arrangement diagrams.
must give the UPC Open controller an address that is unique on 9 0
the BACnet network. Perform the following procedure to assign
7 8
2 34
an address:
1. BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE (American Society of 2. BACView is a registered trademark of Automated Logic
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers). Corporation.
67 9
EIA-485 10
67 9
Use the same baud rate and communication settings for all
controllers on the network segment. The UPC Open controller
is fixed at 8 data bits, No Parity, and 1 Stop bit for this proto-
col's communications.
If the UPC Open controller has been wired for power, pull the
screw terminal connector from the controller's power terminals la-
beled Gnd and HOT. The controller reads the DIP Switches and
jumpers each time power is applied to it.
Set the BAS Port DIP switch DS3 to “enable.” Set the BAS
Port DIP switch DS4 to “E1-485.” Set the BMS Protocol DIP
switches DS8 through DS5 to “MSTP.” See Table A. Fig. C — DIP Switches
Table A — SW3 Protocol Switch Settings
for MS/TP Wire the controllers on an MS/TP network segment in a daisy-
chain configuration. Wire specifications for the cable are 22 AWG
DS8 DS7 DS6 DS5 DS4 DS3 (American Wire Gage) or 24 AWG, low-capacitance, twisted,
Off Off Off Off On Off stranded, shielded copper wire. The maximum length is 2000 ft.
Verify that the EIA-485 jumpers below the CCN Port are set to Install a BT485 terminator on the first and last Multi-Chiller
EIA-485 and 2W. Controller on a network segment to add bias and prevent signal
distortions due to echoing. See Fig. A, D, and E. For Multi-
The example in Fig. C shows the BAS Port DIP Switches set Chiller Controller only need BT485 on the end.
for 76.8k (Carrier default) and MS/TP.
To wire the UPC Open controller to the BAS network:
Set the BAS Port DIP Switches DS2 and DS1 for the appropri-
ate communications speed of the MS/TP network (9600, 19.2k, 1. Pull the screw terminal connector from the controller's BAS
38.4k, or 76.8k bps). See Fig. C and Table B. Port.
2. Check the communications wiring for shorts and grounds.
Table B — Baud Selection Table
3. Connect the communications wiring to the BAS port’s screw
BAUD RATE DS2 DS1 terminals labeled Net +, Net -, and Shield.
9,600 Off Off NOTE: Use the same polarity throughout the network segment.
19,200 On Off 4. Insert the power screw terminal connector into the UPC
38,400 Off On Open controller's power terminals if they are not currently
76,800 On On connected.
5. Verify communication with the network by viewing a mod-
WIRING THE UPC OPEN CONTROLLER TO THE MS/TP ule status report. To perform a module status report using the
NETWORK — The UPC Open controller communicates using BACview keypad/display unit, press and hold the “FN” key
BACnet on an MS/TP network segment communications at 9600 then press the “.” key.
bps, 19.2 kbps, 38.4 kbps, or 76.8 kbps.
To install a BT485 terminator, push the BT485 terminator on to outer jacket than the SmokeGard2 specification, and it is appropri-
the BT485 connector located near the BACnet connector. ate for use in applications where the user is concerned about abra-
NOTE: The BT485 terminator has no polarity associated with it. sion. The Halar jacket is also less likely to crack in extremely low
To order a BT485 terminator, consult Commercial Products
i-Vu® Open Control System Master Prices. NOTE: Use the specified type of wire and cable for maximum
signal integrity.
tions are shown in Tables C and D. The wire jacket and UL tem-
perature rating specifications list two acceptable alternatives. The 1. Halar is a registered trademark of Solvay Plastics.
Halar1 specification has a higher temperature rating and a tougher 2. SmokeGard is a registered trademark of AlphaGary-Mexichem Corp.
Table D — Open System Wiring Specifications and Recommended Vendors
LOCAL ACCESS TO THE UPC OPEN CONTROLLER — CCN Bus number. The factory default settings for CCN Element
The user can use a BACview6 handheld keypad display unit or and CCN Bus number are 1 and 0 respectively.
the Virtual BACview software as a local user interface to an If modifications to the default Element and Bus number are re-
Open controller. These items let the user access the controller quired, both the ComfortLink and UPC Open configurations must
network information. These are accessory items and do not be changed.
come with the UPC Open controller.
The following configurations are used to set the CCN Address
The BACview6 unit connects to the local access port on the and Bus number in the ComfortLink controller. These configura-
UPC Open controller. See Fig. F. The BACview software must be tions can be changed using the scrolling marquee display or acces-
running on a laptop computer that is connected to the local access sory Navigator handheld device.
port on the UPC Open controller. The laptop will require an addi-
tional USB link cable for connection. Configuration→CCN→CCN.A (CCN Address)
See the BACview Installation and User Guide for instructions Configuration→CCN→CCN.B (CCN Bus Number)
on connecting and using the BACview6 device. The following configurations are used to set the CCN Address
To order a BACview6 Handheld (BV6H), consult Commercial and Bus Number in the UPC Open controller. These configura-
Products i-Vu Open Control System Master Prices. tions can be changed using the accessory BACview6 display.
ERTIES — The UPC Open device and ComfortLink controller Home: Element Comm Stat
must be set to the same CCN Address (Element) number and Element: 1
Bus: 0
If the UPC Open controller is used with the chiller application COMMUNICATION LEDS — The LEDs indicate if the con-
of Lead/Lag/Standby (Lead/Lag/Standby applications are not used troller is communicating with the devices on the network. See Ta-
with the Multi-Chiller Controller), all chillers and UPC Open con- bles E and F. The LEDs should reflect communication traffic
troller's CCN element numbers must be changed to a unique num- based on the baud rate set. The higher the baud rate the more solid
ber in order to follow CCN specifications. In this application, the LEDs become. See Fig. A for location of LEDs on UPC Open
there can only be a maximum of 3 UPC Open controllers on a module.
For the CCN Alarm Acknowledger configuration, the UPC controller’s 10-year lithium CR2032 battery provides a mini-
Open defaults to CCN Acknowledger. If a Chiller Lead/Lag/ mum of 10,000 hours of data retention during power outages.
Standby application is being used, then the Carrier technician must
change the configuration to only one CCN Acknowledger on the IMPORTANT: Power must be ON to the UPC Open controller
CCN bus. when replacing the battery, or the date, time, and trend data
For the CCN Time Broadcaster configuration, the UPC Open will be lost.
defaults to CCN Time Broadcaster. If the Chiller Lead/Lag/Stand-
Remove the battery from the controller, making note of the
by application is used, then the Carrier technician must change the
configuration to only one CCN Time Broadcaster on the CCN battery's polarity. Insert the new battery, matching the battery's
bus. polarity with the polarity indicated on the UPC Open controller.
NETWORK POINTS LIST — The points list for the controller
TROUBLESHOOTING — If there are problems wiring or ad-
dressing the UPC Open controller, contact Carrier Technical is shown in Table G.
Support. Refer to Appendix B for additional information on CCN point
Table E — LED Status Indicators
Lights when power is being supplied to the controller. The UPC Open controller is protected by internal solid-state polyswitches on
Power the incoming power and network connections. These polyswitches are not replaceable and will reset themselves if the condition
that caused the fault returns to normal.
Rx Lights when the controller receives data from the network segment; there is an Rx LED for Ports 1 and 2.
Tx Lights when the controller transmits data to the network segment; there is a Tx LED for Ports 1 and 2.
Run Lights based on controller status. See Table F.
Error Lights based on controller status. See Table F.
Table F — Run and Error LEDs Controller and Network Status Indication
2 flashes per second Off Normal
2 flashes per second 2 flashes, alternating with Run LED Five minute auto-restart delay after system error
2 flashes per second 3 flashes, then off Controller has just been formatted
2 flashes per second 1 flash per second Controller is alone on the network
2 flashes per second On Exec halted after frequent system errors or control programs halted
5 flashes per second On Exec start-up aborted, Boot is running
5 flashes per second Off Firmware transfer in progress, Boot is running
7 flashes per second 7 flashes per second, alternating with Run LED Ten second recovery period after brownout
14 flashes per second 14 flashes per second, alternating with Run LED Brownout
Table G — Network Points List
Point Name CCN Variable Name Read / Write Point Range Units BACnet BACnet
Object Name Object ID
4-20 ma Demand Signal LMT_MA R 0-20 mA lmt_ma_1 AV:36
4-20 ma Reset Signal RST_MA R 0-20 mA rst_ma_1 AV:33
Active Demand Limit DEM_LIM R/W 0-100 % dem_lim_1 AV:2
Active Setpoint SP R -20-70 °F sp_1 AV:4
Alarm State ALM R NORMAL_ALARM alm_1 BV:59
CCN Chiller CHIL_S_S R/W START_STOP chil_s_s_1 BV:4
CCN Loadshed Signal DL_STAT R 0-2 dl_stat_1 AV:37
Circuit A Trio Oil Mgmt MD_A_OIL R ON_OFF md_a_oil_1 BV:51
Comp A1 Unload Time A1UNLTME R 1-15 sec a1unltme_1 AV:78
Compressor A1 Feedback K_A1_FBK R ON_OFF k_a1_fbk_1 BV:16
Compressor A1 Relay K_A1_RLY R ON_OFF k_a1_rly_1 BV:13
Compressor A1 Run Hours HR_A1 R 0-9999 hr hr_a1_1 AV:60
Compressor A1 Starts CY_A1 R 0-9999 cy_a1_1 AV:68
Compressor A2 Feedback K_A2_FBK R ON_OFF k_a2_fbk_1 BV:17
Compressor A2 Relay K_A2_RLY R ON_OFF k_a2_rly_1 BV:14
Compressor A2 Run Hours HR_A2 R 0-9999 hr hr_a2_1 AV:61
Compressor A2 Starts CY_A2 R 0-9999 cy_a2_1 AV:69
Compressor A3 Feedback K_A3_FBK R ON_OFF k_a3_fbk_1 BV:18
Compressor A3 Relay K_A3_RLY R ON_OFF k_a3_rly_1 BV:15
Compressor A3 Run Hours HR_A3 R 0-9999 hr hr_a3_1 AV:62
Compressor A3 Starts CY_A3 R 0-9999 cy_a3_1 AV:70
Compressor B1 Feedback K_B1_FBK R ON_OFF k_b1_fbk_1 BV:66
Compressor B1 Relay K_B1_RLY R ON_OFF k_b1_rly_1 BV:67
Compressor B1 Run Hours HR_B1 R 0-9999 hr hr_b1_1 AV:29
Compressor B1 Starts CY_B1 R 0-9999 cy_b1_1 AV:34
Compr Return Gas Temp TMP_RGTA R -40-245 °F tmp_rgta_1 AV:20
Compr Return Gas Temp TMP_RGTB R -40-245 °F tmp_rgtb_1 AV:35
Condenser Entering Fluid COND_EWT R -40-245 °F cond_ewt_1 AV:10
Condenser Leaving Fluid COND_LWT R -40-245 °F cond_lwt_1 AV:18
Condenser Pump Relay CONDPUMP R ON_OFF condpump_1 BV:2
Condenser Pump Run Hours HR_DPUMP R 0-9999 hr hr_dpump_1 AV:72
Cond Water Valve % Open CNDV R/W 0-100 % cndv_1 AV:86
Control Method CONTROL R 1 = Switch
2 = Occupancy
3 = Occupancy
4 = CCN control_msv_1 MSV:5
Control Mode STAT R 0-9 stat_1 AV:8
Control Point CTRL_PNT R/W -20-70 °F ctrl_pnt_1 AV:5
Cooler Entering Fluid COOL_EWT R -40-245 °F cool_ewt_1 AV:30
Cooler Flow Switch COOLFLOW R OPEN_CLOSE coolflow_1 BV:11
Cooler Fluid FLUIDTYP R 1 = Water
2 = Medium Brine fluidtyp_msv_1 MSV:4
Cooler Freeze Protection MODE_16 R ON_OFF mode_16_1 BV:42
Cooler Leaving Fluid COOL_LWT R -40-245 °F cool_lwt_1 AV:31
Cooler LWT Setpoint LWT_SP R -20-70 °F lwt_sp_1 AV:38
Cooler Pump Relay COOLPUMP R ON_OFF coolpump_1 BV:7
Cooler Pump Run Hours HR_CPUMP R 0-9999 hr hr_cpump_1 AV:71
Cooler Pump Shutdown Dly PUMP_DLY R/W 0-10 min pump_dly_1 AV:41
Cooling Ramp Loading CRAMP R/W 0.2-2.0 °F cramp_1 AV:56
Cooling Reset Type CRST_TYP R 1 = No Reset
2 = 4-20mA Input
3 = External Temp - Oat
4 = Return Fluid
5 = External Temp - Spt crst_typ1_msv_1 MSV:7
Cooling Setpoint 1 CSP1 R/W -20-70 °F csp1_1 AV:53
Cooling Setpoint 2 CSP2 R/W -20-70 °F csp2_1 AV:54
CSM Controlling Chiller MODE_1 R ON_OFF mode_1_1 BV:30
Demand Level 1 R/W 0-100 dmv_lvl_1_perct_1 AV:80
Demand Level 2 R/W 0-100 dmv_lvl_2_perct_1 AV:81
Demand Level 3 R/W 0-100 dmv_lvl_3_perct_1 AV:82
Table G — Network Points List (cont)
BACnet BACnet
Point Name CCN Variable Name Read / Write Point Range Units Object Name Object ID
Demand Limit Select DMD_CTRL R 1 = None
2 = External Sw. Input
3 = 4-20mA Input
4 = Loadshed dmd_ctrl_msv_1 MSV:8
Demand Limit Switch 1 DMD_SW1 R ON_OFF dmd_sw1_1 BV:25
Demand Limit Switch 2 DMD_SW2 R ON_OFF dmd_sw2_1 BV:26
Demand/Sound Limited MODE_15 R ON_OFF mode_15_1 BV:41
Discharge Gas Temp DISGAS R -40-245 °F disgas_1 AV:15
Discharge Pressure DP_A R 0-999 psig dp_a_1 AV:13
Discharge Pressure DP_B R 0-999 psig dp_b_1 AV:40
Dual Setpoint MODE_13 R ON_OFF mode_13_1 BV:39
Dual Setpoint Switch DUAL_IN R ON_OFF dual_in_1 BV:29
Element Comm Status R No Comm_Normal element_stat_1 BV:2999
Emergency Stop EMSTOP R/W ENA_EMS emstop_1 BV:6
Entering Fluid Temp EWT R -40-245 °F ewt_1 AV:6
Head Setpoint HSP R/W 55-120 °F hsp_1 AV:85
High SCT Circuit A MODE_21 R ON_OFF mode_21_1 BV:47
High SCT Circuit B MODE_22 R ON_OFF mode_22_1 BV:68
High Temperature Cooling MODE_18 R ON_OFF mode_18_1 BV:44
Ice Done ICE_DONE R ON_OFF ice_done_1 BV:27
ICE Setpoint CSP3 R/W -20-32 °F csp3_1 AV:55
Lead/Lag Circuit Select LEAD_TYP R/W 1-3 lead_typ_1 AV:43
Lead/Lag Leaving Fluid DUAL_LWT R -40-245 °F dual_lwt_1 AV:32
Leaving Fluid Temp LWT R -40-245 °F lwt_1 AV:7
Loading Sequence Select SEQ_TYPE R/W 1-2 seq_type_1 AV:77
Low Cooler Suction Temp A MODE_7 R ON_OFF mode_7_1 BV:35
Low Cooler Suction Temp B MODE_8 R ON_OFF mode_8_1 BV:69
Low Temperature Cooling MODE_17 R ON_OFF mode_17_1 BV:43
Machine Operating Hours HR_MACH R 0-9999 hr mr_mach_1 AV:57
Machine Starts CY_MACH R 0-9999 cy_mach_1 AV:58
Making ICE MODE_19 R ON_OFF mode_19_1 BV:45
Master/Slave Control MODE_3 R ON_OFF mode_3_1 BV:32
Minimum Comp. On Time MODE_23 R ON_OFF mode_23_1 BV:49
Minimum Load Valve Relay MLV_RLY R ON_OFF mlv_rly_1 BV:79
Minimum OFF Time Active MODE_10 R ON_OFF mode_10_1 BV:38
Minutes Left for Start MIN_LEFT R 00:00-15:00 min min_left_1 AV:39
Minutes Off Time DELAY R/W 0-15 min delay_1 AV:42
Occupancy Status OCC R YES_NO occ_status_1 BV:2008
Outdoor Air Temperature OAT R/W -40-245 °F oa_temp_1 AV:1003
Override Modes in Effect MODE R YES_NO mode_1 BV:5
Percent Available Cap. CAPA_A R 0-100 % capa_a_1 AV:12
Percent Available Cap. CAPB_A R 0-100 % capb_a_1 AV:45
Percent Total Capacity CAP_T R 0-100 % cap_t_1 AV:3
Percent Total Capacity CAPA_T R 0-100 % capa_t_1 AV:11
Percent Total Capacity CAPB_T R 0-100 % capb_t_1 AV:46
Pump Off Delay Time MODE_24 R ON_OFF mode_24_1 BV:50
Ramp Load Limited MODE_5 R ON_OFF mode_5_1 BV:33
Requested Stage STAGE R 0-99 stage_1 AV:9
Saturated Condensing Tmp TMP_SCTA R -40-245 °F tmp_scta_1 AV:16
Saturated Condensing Tmp TMP_SCTB R -40-245 °F tmp_sctb_1 AV:47
Saturated Suction Temp TMP_SSTA R -40-245 °F tmp_ssta_1 AV:17
Saturated Suction Temp TMP_SSTB R -40-245 °F tmp_sstb_1 AV:48
Slow Change Override MODE_9 R ON_OFF mode_9_1 BV:37
Space Temperature SPT R/W -40-245 °F space_temp_1 AV:2007
Storing ICE MODE_20 R ON_OFF mode_20_1 BV:46
Strainer Maint. Done ST_MAINT R/W YES_NO st_maint_1 BV:55
Strainer Srvc Countdown ST_CDOWN R 0-9999 hr st_cdown_1 AV:52
Strainer Srvc Interval SI_STRNR R/W 0-9999 hr si_strnr_1 AV:51
Suction Pressure SP_A R 0-999 psig sp_a_1 AV:14
Suction Pressure SP_B R 0-999 psig sp_b_1 AV:49
Table G — Network Points List (cont)
BACnet BACnet
Point Name CCN Variable Name Read / Write Point Range Units Object Name Object ID
Suction Superheat Temp SH_A R -40-245 °^F sh_a_1 AV:44
Suction Superheat Temp SH_B R -40-245 °^F sh_b_1 AV:50
System Cooling Demand Level R 1-3 cool_demand_level_1 AV:9006
System Demand Limiting R ACTIVE_INACTIVE dem_lmt_act_1 BV:83
Temperature Reset MODE_14 R ON_OFF mode_14_1 BV:40
Timed Override in Effect MODE_6 R ON_OFF mode_6_1 BV:34
User Defined Analog 1 R/W user_analog_1_1 AV:2901
User Defined Analog 2 R/W user_analog_2_1 AV:2902
User Defined Analog 3 R/W user_analog_3_1 AV:2903
User Defined Analog 4 R/W user_analog_4_1 AV:2904
User Defined Analog 5 R/W user_analog_5_1 AV:2905
User Defined Binary 1 R/W user_binary_1_1 BV:2911
User Defined Binary 2 R/W user_binary_2_1 BV:2912
User Defined Binary 3 R/W user_binary_3_1 BV:2913
User Defined Binary 4 R/W user_binary_4_1 BV:2914
User Defined Binary 5 R/W user_binary_5_1 BV:2915
WSM Controlling Chiller MODE_2 R ON_OFF mode_2_1 BV:31
R — Read
W — Write
30MP Weekly Maintenance Log
Plant ___________________________ Unit ID ______________________
Machine Model No. ________________
30MP Monthly Maintenance Log
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Date / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Check Oil Level yes/no
Leak Test yes/no
Inspect and Clean Cooler yes/no Every 3 - 5 Years
Inspect Cooler Heater amps
Cooler Leak Test yes/no
Record Water Pressure Differential (PSI) PSI
Inspect Water Pumps yes/no
Leak Test yes/no
Inspect and Clean Condenser Coil yes/no
General Cleaning and Tightening Connections yes/no Annually
Controls Check Pressure Transducers yes/no
Confirm Accuracy of Thermistors yes/no
General Tightening and Cleaning Connections yes/no Annually
Inspect All Contactors yes/no
Check Refrigerant Charge yes/no
System Verify Operation of EXVs and Record Position 0-100%
Record System Superheat deg. F
NOTE: Equipment failures caused by lack of adherence to the Maintenance Interval Requirements are not covered under warranty.
Actuator CCN loadshed, 34 Ramp loading, 19
Installation, 42 Discharge temperature thermistor Refrigerant
Manual override, 42 (DTT), 15 Adjusting charge, 39
30MP016-045, 42 Dual leaving water temperature sensor Preliminary charge, 37
30MP050-071, 42 (DLWT), 15 Refrigeration circuit
Operation, 42 Electronic expansion valves, 47 Charging, 47
Part Numbers, 43 Emergency On/Off switch, 7 Safety, 2,3
Removal, 42 Enable/Off/Remote Control switch, 7 Scrolling marquee display
30MP016-030, 42 Energy management module Described, 3
30MP040-071, 42 (EMM), 16,18 Menu structure, 4
30MP032, 42 Described, 7 Service, 47
Settings, 42 Evacuation and dehydration, 38 Service test, 47
30MPW016-045 head pressure Evaporator isolation, 41 Sizes, unit, 3
control, 42 Expansion Valve Board (EXV) Space temperature sensor, 15
30MP016-045 evaporator Described, 7 Start-up, 37
isolation, 42 Filter drier service, 55 Checklist, CL-1 to CL-8
30MP050-071 head pressure control Head pressure control System check (pre-start-up), 36
and evaporator isolation, 42 30MPW only, 41 Temperature reset, 31
Troubleshooting, 42 Adjusting PI routines, 45 4 to 20 mA temperature reset, 32
Alarms and alerts, 71 Condenser water isolation, 46 Menu configuration, 32
Codes, 72 Configuration and operation, 45 Outside air temperature reset, 32
Details, 72 Saturated condensing temperature set Space temperature reset, 32
History, 97 point, 45 Return temperature reset, 33
Resetting, 97 Service test mode, 47 Thermostatic expansion valves, 20
Alarm routing, 25 High pressure switch (HPS) Thermistors
Auxiliary board (AUX) Described, 14 Described, 55
Described, 7 Usage, 55 Designations (MBB), 14
Schematic, 12 Language, changing display, 6 Performance Check, 56
BACnet communication option, 107 LEDs, 7 Replacing, 56,
BAS port, configuring, 108 Main base board (MBB) Temperature vs. resistance/voltage
Device instance address, 107 Described, 7 drop (5K), 57, 59
Points list, 112-117 Schematic, 12 Temperature vs. resistance/voltage
Capacity control, 17 Maintenance, 64 drop (10K), 60, 62
Overrides, 18 Schedule, 64 Temperature vs. resistance (86K), 63
Carrier Comfort Network (CCN), 13 Measure of units, changing display, 6 Time, day, date
Tables, 98-106 Minimum load control, 36 Broadcast, 20
Wiring, 16 Minutes left for start, 18 Daylight savings time, 20
Chilled water flow switch, 56 Minutes off time, 18 Troubleshooting, 64
Compressors Motor overload protection, Alarms and alerts, 71
Adjusting oil charge, 39 compressor, 66 Alarm and alert codes, 72-75
Checking oil level, 39 Copeland with TF code, 66 Alarm and alert details, 72-84
Digital, 36 Copeland with TW or TE, 66 Resetting alarms, 72-75
Discharge Check Valve, 64 CoreSense module mounting, 68 UPC Open controller
Enabling and disabling, 64 Kriwan, 67 Addressing, 107
Failure Alerts, 77 Navigator display Battery, testing and replacing, 111
Locations, 49 Backlight brightness, 6 Configuring, 110
Motor overload protection, 66 Contrast adjustment, 6 LEDs, 111
Motor protection, 71 Display tables, 85-106 Local access, 110
Operating envelope, 79,67 Occupancy schedule Wiring, 108
Replacement, 49 CCN global, 24 Water treatment, 53
Safeties, 64 Holidays, 21 Wiring, Carrier Comfort Network
Stuck on failure alarms, 77 Local schedule, 21 (CCN), 16
Compressor return gas temp sensor Setting, 21 Wiring schematics, control
(RGT.A), 15 Timed override, 24 30MP016-071, 11
Condenser entering fluid sensor Oil Wiring schematics, power
(CDET), 15 Adjusting charge (start-up), 39 30MP016-071, 10
Condenser fan output, 27 Checking level (start-up), 39
Condenser leaving fluid sensor (CDLT), 15 Charging (service), 53
Condenser pump control, 27 Quantity per compressor, 40
Control methods (start/stop) Operating limitations, 40
CCN control, 25 Operating modes
Enable-Off-Remote, 21 Defined, 5
Occupancy schedule, 21 MD06, 24
Setting, 26 MD10, 18
Control module communication Outdoor-air temperature sensor
Green LED (main base board), 7 (OAT), 15
Red LED (main base board), 7 Passwords
Yellow LED (main base board), 7 Changing, 7
Control wiring schematics Configuration and service, 7
30MP016-071, 11 Entering, 7
Cooling entering fluid sensor (EWT), 18 Power wiring schematics
Cooling leaving fluid sensor (LWT), 15 30MP016-071, 10
Current sensing board (CSB) Pre-start-up, 36
Described, 7 Pressure transducers
Deadband multiplier, 19 Color, 14
Demand limit, 34 Described, 14
2-stage switch controlled, 34 Safeties, 55
4 to 20 mA controlled, 34 Troubleshooting, 56
© 2019 Carrier Corporation
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 04-53300181-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 30MP-5T Rev. A Pg 118 11-19 Replaces: 30MP-4T
(Remove and use for job file.)
ADDRESS _____________________________
Has the circuit protection been sized and installed properly? YES NO
Are the power wires to the unit sized and installed properly? YES NO
In-line minimum 40-mesh strainer installed within 10 ft of the cooler/condenser water inlet?
Cooler: YES NO
Condenser: YES NO
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 04-53300181-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 30MP-5T Rev. A Pg CL-1 11-19 Replaces: 30MP-4T
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C. Cooler Loop Freeze Protection (if required)
Gallons (liters) added:________________
Piping includes electric tape heaters if piping is exposed to temperatures below freezing? YES NO
On brine units, has the cooler fluid been properly protected from freezing to at least 15°F
(8.3°C) below the lowest anticipated leaving fluid temperature set point? YES NO
Have the main base board, energy management module (option) and control relay
connections been checked for tightness? YES NO
Has the refrigerant piping been done per the installation guide? YES NO
Installing/Mechanical Contractor_______________________________________Date____________
A1 A2/B1 A3
Chiller has been properly interlocked with the auxiliary contacts of the condenser water pump starter
(30MPW units only). YES NO
Liquid line service valve is back seated (30MPA units only). YES NO
Set point should be adjusted to the desired cooler leaving fluid temperature.
Leak check thoroughly: check all compressors, condenser manifolds and headers, TXVs, solenoid valves, filter
driers, fusible plugs, thermistors, and cooler connections using electronic leak detector. Locate, repair, and report
any refrigerant leaks.
D. Unit Start-Up (cont)
Voltage imbalance = (max. Deviation) x 100 = % voltage imbalance
average voltage
If over 2% voltage imbalance, do not attempt to start chiller! Call local power company for assistance.
Incoming power voltage to chiller modules is within rated unit voltage range? YES NO
Plot cooler pressure drop on performance data chart (located in Installation Instructions literature) to determine
total gpm (l/s) for fresh water systems. For glycol, contact your Carrier representative.
Total gpm (l/s) =______________ Unit's rated min gpm (l/s) =___________________
NOTE: If unit has low fluid flow, find source of problem: check fluid piping, in-line fluid strainer, shut-off valves,
chilled water pump rotation, etc.
Inspect all thermistors and transducers for possible crossed wires. Check to be sure all well-type thermistors are
fully inserted into their respective wells.
If equipped with the optional scrolling marquee, leave the enable/off/remote control switch (SW1) in the off
Use arrow/escape keys to illuminate run status led. Press ENTER key until 'VERS' is displayed. Press ENTER key.
Record information.
MBB CESR131482-xx-xx
EXV CESR131172-xx-xx
EMM CESR131174-xx-xx
AUX1 CESR131333-xx-xx
MARQ CESR131171-xx-xx
NAVI CESR130227-xx-xx
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D. Unit Start-Up (cont)
Use arrow/escape keys to illuminate configuration LED. Press ENTER key. Record information below.
Press ESCAPE key to display ‘OPT1’. Press down arrow key to display ‘OPT2’.
Press ENTER key.
Record configuration information below.
D. Unit Start-Up (cont)
Press ESCAPE key to display ‘OPT2’. Press down arrow key to display ‘EXV.A’.
Press ENTER key.
Record configuration information below.
EXV.A (Circuit A EXV Configuration)
Press ESCAPE key to display ‘EXV.A’. Press down arrow key to display ‘CCN’.
Press ENTER key.
Record configuration information below.
CCN (CCN Network Configuration)
Press ESCAPE key several times to get to the mode level (blank display). Use the arrow keys to scroll to the set
point LED. Press ENTER to display setpoints.
Record configuration information below:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D. Unit Start-Up (cont)
Use escape/arrow keys to illuminate configuration LED. Press enter to display 'DISP'. press enter again to display
'TEST' followed by 'OFF'. Press enter to stop display at 'OFF' and enter again so 'OFF' display flashes. 'PASS' and
'WORD' will flash if password needs to be entered. Press enter to display 'PASSWORD' field and use the enter key
for each of the four password digits. Use arrow keys if password is other than standard. At flashing 'OFF' display,
press the up arrow key to display 'ON' and press enter. All LED segments and mode LEDs will light up. Press
escape to stop the test. Press escape to return to the 'DISP' display. Press the escape key again and use the
arrow keys to illuminate the Service Test LED. Press enter to display 'TEST'. Press enter to stop display at 'OFF'
and enter again so 'OFF' flashes. Press the up arrow key and enter to enable the manual mode. Press escape and
display now says 'TEST' 'ON'. Turn switch (SW1) to the enable position.
Press the down arrow to display 'OUTS'. Press the enter key to display 'LL.SV'. Press the enter key to stop display
at 'OFF' and enter again so 'OFF' flashes. Press the up arrow key and enter to turn the output on. Press enter so
the 'ON' display flashes, press the down arrow key, and then enter to turn the output off. Outputs will also be
turned off or sent to 0% when another output is turned on. Check off the items in the service test table on the next
page that apply after being tested.
Use escape key to return to ‘OUTS’ display. press down arrow to display ‘CMPA’. Press enter key to display
‘CC.A1’. note that unloaders and hot gas bypass solenoids can be tested both with and without compressor(s)
D. Unit Start-Up (cont)
Measure the following (measure while machine is in a stable operating condition): Check and adjust superheat as
(032 ONLY)
© 2019 Carrier Corporation
Catalog No. 04-53300181-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 30MP-5T Rev. A CL-8 11-19
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Replaces: 30MP-4T
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -