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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model


The objectives are:

• Explain the parameters for product configuration.

• Review components that are later associated to constraint-based
configuration products.
• Examine the different variety of attribute types that can be used
when you create attributes.
• Explain the concept of a product configuration model.
• Describe subcomponents for a component.
• Define attributes for a component.
• Discuss constraints for a component.
• Examine user requirements for a component.
• Review BOM lines for a component.
• Describe route operations for a component.
• Provide an overview of the product configuration API.

You can use the product configuration feature to create product configuration
models and you can use the constraints to make sure that only valid
configurations are created when the order lines are configured. You can manage
constraints without customizing code in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012.

The constraints are flexible for multilevel product structures with many options
to meet your configuration needs. By actively managing the configuration of
your products, you can reduce errors from items that are configured incorrectly.

At the same time, costs are reduced for rework and too much prebuilt inventory.
By building a product configuration model, errors can be reduced by providing
order entry personnel with only valid answers for each segment of the
configuration based on previous selections.

Most of the process that is required to use the product configuration feature will
be discussed in this chapter. This training will cover many topics that involve
building a product configuration model.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Components and attribute types must be set up before you build the product
configuration model. When the product configuration model is created, the tree
structure begins to form when subcomponents are added. Attributes, constraints,
and user requirements will be added to define the features and the limitations for
their use/inclusion. Near the end of this process, Bill of Material (BOM) lines
and route operations are defined.

As an additional option, the product configuration API can be used to extend the
functionality of the product configuration model.

Product Configuration Setup

Product information management parameters must be set up before you create a
product configuration model in the Product information management >
Setup > Product information management parameters form.

Product Configuration Parameters

Several parameters are available for product configuration as shown in the
Product Information Management Parameters Form figure.


The following parameters are for a product configuration:

• Item lookup method: There are two item lookup methods that you
can select:
o Default: Select the default method to display product
configuration items together with the other items.
o Configurable: Select the configurable method to display product
configuration items on a separate tab.

• Configuration documentation type: Select the document type.

Determine whether you want to add a note to the order line that
shows you the results of the configuration that you just added.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

• Default configuration ID: Type a value to display in the

Configuration field on a new sales order line. For example, you can
type "Default".
• Number Sequence for Constraint-Based product configuration
name: A number sequence must be defined to uniquely identify the
product variants that you create. For example, when Susan the Order
Processor configures an item on a sales order, a number is pulled
from this number sequence. The number is stored in the
Configuration dimension field for the product on the order line. To
access the field, click the Number sequences tab on the Product
information management parameters form. After you define the
Number sequence code, you will have a unique ID that can be
picked up on the inventory transaction, and it will identify your item
in the inventory system. If the Number sequence code is not
specified, the system will display a warning message when you try to
complete a test of the product configuration model. The warning
message will also display when you try to open the Configure line
form on an order line.

A component is a generic element that can be assigned to a product configuration
model. After you assign a component to a product configuration model, you can
add information to the component so that it suits that particular product
configuration model. This can include information about user requirements,
attributes, constraints BOM lines, and route operations. A component can also
include other components as subcomponents.

You can use a component multiple times in a product configuration model, and
the component can be reused in multiple product configuration models.

NOTE: Cycles are not allowed. For example, if A has B as a subcomponent, then
A cannot be a subcomponent of B, or C cannot use C as a subcomponent.

For example, when you are creating a product configuration model for a home
theater system, you can create components such as a video system and audio
system. The audio system can also consist of two components such as receiver
and speakers. The receiver and speakers are known as subcomponents of the
audio system.

Only items that have constraint-based configuration as the Configuration

technology in the Released product details form can be used as components to
build a product configuration model. Otherwise, the item cannot be selected on
the Subcomponents FastTab in the Constraint-based product configuration
model details form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Product Types
When you create a new product definition, the type and subtype are the key fields
to define. The two fields determine the additional functions and required setup.

The product type classifies whether a product is tangible (item) or intangible

(service), and the sub-type is a sub-classification of the product.

Two core types of products can be manually defined in Microsoft Dynamics AX


• Products: These are uniquely identifiable products that do not have

variations associated with them. No product dimensions can be
associated with the definition. You can think of them as standard or
base products.
• Product masters: These serve as templates for models for variants.
The variants of a product master can be predefined or created in sales
scenarios by using product configuration. A product master is
associated with one or more product dimensions, or for some
configurations, one or more product attributes.

Configuration Technology Types

The following table explains the four configuration types that are supported in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Configuration Definition
Constraint-based When the constraint-based configuration is selected
configuration the product can be used in a product configuration
Dimension-based A configuration technology that is used to create
configuration product variants by selecting values for product
dimensions. Any combination of the product
dimensions is permitted. The advantage of this
configuration is that only one product is required for
a BOM.
Predefined variant The product can be modeled based on the product's
dimensions, color, configuration, and size. This is the
only option that can be set up directly with product
variants. Any combination of the product dimensions
is allowed.
Rule-based Variants are configured by using the Product builder
configuration feature when the variants are added to transaction

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Components Form
A component is created by using the Components form. You can access the
Components form from the following locations:

• Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models list page. Click Components in the Setup
group of the Action Pane.
• Product information management > Common > Product
configuration models list page. Select the product configuration
model. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open
the Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
Click Components in the Setup group of the Action Pane.
• Product information management > Common > Product
configuration models list page. Select the product configuration
model. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open
the Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
Click the Subcomponents FastTab. Click Maintain components in
the Subcomponents FastTab to open the Components form.
• Product information management > Common > Product
configuration models list page. Select the product configuration
model. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open
the Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
Click the User requirements FastTab. Click Maintain components
in the User requirements FastTab to open the Components form.
• Product information management > Common > Product
configuration models list page. Click Product configuration
model in the New group of the Action Pane. Type a Name and
Description. Select the New component option button and add a
name. Click OK to create the new component.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

When you add subcomponents to a component, each subcomponent should be

associated with a constraint-based configurable product by using a BOM line.
Only items that have constraint-based configuration as the Configuration
technology in the Released product details form can be selected. Otherwise,
the item cannot be selected on the Subcomponents FastTab in the Constraint-
based product configuration model details form. Components for product
configuration models are created by using the Components form as shown in the
Components Form figure.


For each component, you will specify the following:

• Name: Name of the component.

TIP: You can establish the association between a component and a product
configuration model on the Subcomponents FastTab in the Constraint-based
product configuration model details form. When you enter a name for the
subcomponent on this FastTab, the name of the selected component is displayed
in the Component field. You can also establish the association by selecting a
component as the root component when you create a new product configuration

• Description: Description of the component.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Where-used Form
You can access the Where-used form by clicking Where-used on the
Components form.


The Where-used form shows the list of product configuration models that use
the selected component.

Procedure: Add a New Component

To create a component for a product configuration model, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Click Components in the Set up group of the Action Pane.
3. Click New to create a new component.
4. In the Name field, type the name of the component.
5. Type a description in the Description field.
6. Click Close on the Components form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Lab 2.1 - Add New Components

Contoso Entertainment Systems - Company CEU


Emil is the Product Designer for Contoso Entertainment Systems. Your task it to
help Emil design a new home entertainment system. New and existing
components are used to create the home entertainment system. Four new
components must be created. You must create a component for the home
entertainment system root component. A second component must be added to
represent the light video system. The light video system will also include two
other components as subcomponents, a DVD player recorder, and an LCD TV.

Use the information in this table to create the four components.

Component Name Description

HomeEntertainmentSystem Home entertainment system
LightVideoSystem Light video system
DVDPlayerRecorder DVD player recorder

Challenge Yourself!
Use the information that is provided to create the four components.

Need a Little Help?

• Open the Components form from the Action Pane on the Product
configuration models list page.
• Create the four components.

Step by Step

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Click Components in the Set up group in the Action Pane to open
the Components form.
3. Click New to add a new component.
4. In the Name field, type "HomeEntertainmentSystem".
5. In the Description field, type "Home Entertainment System".
6. Click New to add the second component.
7. In the Name field, type "LightVideoSystem".
8. In the Description field, type "Light Video System".
9. Click New to add the third component.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

10. In the Name field, type "DVDPlayerRecorder".

11. In the Description field, type "DVD Player Recorder".
12. Click New to add the fourth component.
13. In the Name field, type "LCDTV".
14. In the Description, field type "LCD TV".
15. Click Close to close the Components form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Attribute Types
Attribute types define the values that can be assigned to the attribute. They
specify the set of data types for all attributes that are used in a product
configuration model. Attributes types are defined one time and can be reused for
any attribute in all product configuration models. You can use the following data
types in a product configuration model:

• Text: Select this type when you want to create a fixed list of values.
• Boolean: Select this type when you want to use true or false values.
• Integer: Select this type when you want to create a valid range of
fixed numeric values for the attribute type.
• Decimal: Select this type to include decimal values. Use this type to
specify a decimal number for an attribute assigned to the product
configuration model.

NOTE: You can use decimal values, text without a fixed list, and integers without
ranges in a product configuration model. However, you cannot use these data
types when you write a constraint.

NOTE: Microsoft Solver Foundation (MSF) constraint solver only supports text
with a fixed list, boolean values, and integers with ranges. Currency and
DateTime data types are displayed in the list in the Type field. However, they
cannot be used in a product configuration model.

Attribute Types Form

Use the Attribute types form to define the attribute types and default values that
you can select when you define attributes for products and categories. You must
define attribute types before you define an attribute. You can use attributes to add
more details about products, such as the TV type, video format type, speaker
model, and so on.

You can access the Attribute types form from the following locations:

• Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models list page. Click Attribute types in the Setup
group of the Action Pane.
• Product information management > Common > Product
configuration models list page. Select the product configuration
model. Click Attribute types in the Setup group of the Action Pane.

Attribute types determine the values that can be sent to the solver.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

IMPORTANT: Do not use the Attribute types form from Product information
management > Setup > attributes > Attribute types to create attribute types for
the product configuration models. The Solver column does not display in the
Values FastTab for an attribute type of the type Text and with the Fixed list
check box selected. In the original version, the Attribute types form that is in the
Setup menu was located in a different module.

Example: Text Attribute Type

If you create an Attribute type to represent the colors of the televisions (TV) that
you sell, select text for the type. Select the Fixed list field check box and enter
the different colors for the TV as shown in the Attribute Types Form figure.


The following list includes examples of values that might be used for the
different attribute types.

• Text: Add the list of colors that are available to select for a set of
stereo speakers.
• Boolean: Add a true or false attribute type that can apply the same
color to all stereo components, without having to select the color for
each component.
• Integer: Add a valid range of values from zero to one for the number
of televisions to include in a home entertainment system.
• Decimal: The length of the power cable for a home entertainment
system is available in meters.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Scenario: Add a Text Attribute Type

Emil, the Product Designer for Contoso Entertainment Systems must create a
new attribute type to list the different DVD player recorder models that are
available to select as part of the home entertainment system. The company offers
customers three models to select from.

Emil creates a new attribute type named DVDModel, and selects Text for the
type. He adds the three models that are included for the DVDModel attribute

Demonstration: Add a Text Attribute Type

To create a text attribute type, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Click Attribute types in the Set up group in the Action Pane.
3. Click New on the Attribute types form to add a new record.
4. On the Attribute types form, if the General FastTab is not open,
click the General FastTab.
5. Type "DVDModel" in the Name field.
6. Select Text from the Type field drop-down list box to add a text
attribute type.
7. Select the check box for the Fixed list field.
8. If the Values FastTab is not open, click the Values FastTab.
9. Click Add in the Values FastTab to add a new record.
10. In the Value field, type "Model 01" to describe the attribute.
11. In the Solver value field, type "M01" to follow MSF syntax without
a space or special characters. Later, you can select this value in the
Default value field when you add attributes to the product
configuration model.
12. Click Add in the Values FastTab to add the second record.
13. In the Value field, type "Model 02".
14. In the Solver value field, type "M02".
15. Click Add in the Values FastTab to add the third record.
16. In the Value field, type "Model 04".
17. In the Solver value field, type "M04".
18. Click Close to close the Attribute types form.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Scenario: Add a Boolean Attribute Type

Emil must create a new attribute type that determines whether the same color is
applied to all the components in a home entertainment system. Emil selects true
to include the attribute type, or false to not include the attribute type inside the
product configuration model. He creates a new attribute type to represent the two
choices, and selects boolean in the Type field drop-down list box.

Demonstration: Add a Boolean Attribute Type

To create a Boolean attribute type, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Click Attribute types in the Set up Action Pane to open the
Attribute types form.
3. Click New to add a new attribute type.
4. On the Attribute types form, if the General FastTab is not open,
click the General FastTab.
5. Type "SameColor" in the Name field.
6. Select Boolean from the Type field drop-down list box to add a true
false attribute type.
7. Click Close to close the Attribute types form.

Demonstration: Add an Integer Attribute Type

To create an integer attribute type, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Click Attribute types in the Set up Action Pane to open the
Attribute types form.
3. Click New to add a new attribute type.
4. Type "SpeakerNumber" in the Name field.
5. Select Integer from the Type field drop-down list box.
6. Select the check box for the Value range field.
7. In the Unit of measure field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
8. If the Range FastTab is not open, click the Range FastTab.
9. In the From field, type "2" to represent the starting value for the
10. In the To field, type "4" to represent the ending value for the range.
11. Click Close to close the Attribute types form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Procedure: Add a Decimal Attribute Type

To create a decimal attribute type, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Click Attribute types in the Set up Action Pane.
3. On the Attribute types form, click the General FastTab.
4. Type the name of the attribute type in the Name field.
5. Select Decimal from the Type field drop-down list box.
6. Select the check box for the Value range field.
7. Click the Range FastTab.
8. Type a decimal value in the From field that uses the starting value
for the range.
9. Type a decimal value in the To field that uses the ending value for
the range.
10. Click Close to close the Attribute types form.

Product Configuration Model

Product configuration models are created to represent a generic product structure.
A product configuration model consists of one or more components tied together
through subcomponent relationships. When you configure a sales order line, you
can create a distinct product variant that has a unique BOM and a unique route.

There are two perspectives on the product configuration model - the logical side
that consists of subcomponents, user requirements, attributes, and constraints,
and the physical side that consists of BOM lines and route operations.

New Product Configuration Model Form

You can create a product configuration model by using the Product
configuration models list page. Open Product information management >
Common > Product configuration models to open the list page. Click Product
configuration model in the New group of the Action Pane to open the New
product configuration model form.

You can create a new product configuration model by adding a new component
for the root component, or by selecting an existing component for the root
component. The root component is the top level node in the product
configuration model tree structure, and it represents the item that you will
configure on an order line. If you decide to add a new product configuration
model and select an existing root component, any modifications that you make to
the elements within the model, will be made globally. All other product
configuration models that contain the same elements are also affected.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

For each product configuration model, you will specify the following values:

• Name: Add a name for the product configuration model.

• Description: Enter a description.
• Root component: The root component of the product configuration
model. To change the root component, you can select one of the
following options.
o New component: The new product configuration model is based
on a new component.
o Select existing component: The new product configuration
model is based on a component that already exists.

• Name: When you select New component in the Root component

field, enter the name of the new component. When you use Select
existing component in the Root component field, you can select an
existing component in the list.

Constraint-Based Product Configuration Model Details

You can also use the Constraint-based product configuration model details
form to create a product configuration model. Access the form through the
Product information management > Common > Product configuration
models list page. Select the product configuration model and then click Edit in
the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the Constraint-based product
configuration model details form. Click Product configuration model in the
New group of the Action Pane to open the New product configuration model

After you add the product configuration model, you will use the Constraint-
based product configuration model details form to build it.

The Constraint-based product configuration model details form includes the

complete definition of the product configuration model. This includes the
following elements as shown in the Constraint-Based Product Configuration
Model Details Form figure:

• Attributes
• Constraints
• Subcomponents

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

• User requirements
• BOM lines
• Route operations



The tree structure for the product configuration model displays in the left pane on
the Constraint-based product configuration model details form. The root
component, components, and subcomponents display in the tree structure.

Example: Using an Existing Component to Create a

Product Configuration Model
The component HomeTheaterSystem represents the Home Theater System
product configuration model. It consists of an audio system component, with two
subcomponents, and a video system component, with four subcomponents. Each
component and subcomponent contains various elements such as attributes,
constraints, BOM lines, and so on.

If you create a new product configuration model and select the component
HomeTheaterSystem for the root component, the same components and
corresponding subcomponents are included in the new product configuration
model. The same attributes, constraints, BOM lines, and so on, will also be

If you change any of the components, subcomponents, attributes, or anything else

that the new product configuration model includes, those changes will also occur
in the Home Theater System product configuration model.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Scenario: Constraint-Based Configuration

The Contoso Entertainment Systems Company builds customized home
entertainment systems. The home entertainment systems consist of many
configurations, such as the color of the system components, the size of the
television, the type of sound system, and the number of speakers.

Emil, the Product Designer, is setting up the home entertainment system in

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. He will have several different configurations
based on the room size, and he wants to reuse the configuration setup from one
room size to the next.

Because of the number of options available for building the home entertainment
system and the reusability of attributes, components, and table constraints, Emil
decides to build a new product configuration model.

Procedure: Add a Product Configuration Model with an

Existing Root Component
To create a product configuration model by using an existing root component,
follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Click Product configuration model in the New group of the Action
3. Type a name for the product configuration model in the Name field
on the New product configuration model form.
4. Type a description for the product configuration model in the
Description field.
5. Select the Select existing component option button.
6. Select the name of an existing component from the drop-down list
7. Click OK. The system will display the corresponding components
and subcomponents for the root component on the Constraint-based
product configuration model details form.

Procedure: Create a Product Master Item

To create a product master to use as the root component in a product
configuration model, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Released

2. Click Product in the New group of the Action Pane to open the New
released product form.
3. In the Product type field, select Item from the drop-down list box.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

4. In the Product subtype field, select Product master from the drop-
down list box.
5. In the Product number field, type the product number
6. In the Product name field, type the product name.
7. In the Search name field, type the search name.
8. In the Product dimension group field, select a product dimension
group from the drop-down list box that has only the configuration
dimension selected.

NOTE: The Product dimension group that you select can only have the
configuration dimension activated.

9. In the Configuration technology field, select the Constraint-based

configuration from the drop-down list box.
10. In the Item model group field, select the item model group for the
11. In the Item group field, select the item group for the product.
12. In the Storage dimension group field, select a storage dimension
group from the drop-down list box.
13. In the Tracking dimension group field, select a tracking dimension
group from the drop-down list box.
14. In the Inventory unit field, select a unit of measure from the drop-
down list box.
15. In the Purchase unit field, select a unit of measure from the drop-
down list box.
16. In the Sales unit field, select a unit of measure from the drop-down
list box.
17. Click OK.
18. On the Released products list page, select the newly created product
master in the grid. (This should be the first item number in the grid.)
19. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the
Release product details form.
20. If the Engineer FastTab is not open, click the Engineer FastTab. In
the Calculation group field, select the calculation group from the
drop-down list box.
21. Click the Manage costs FastTab. In the Cost group field, select the
cost group from the drop-down list box.
22. Select the Use cost price by variant check box.
23. Click the OK button on the warning text box.
24. Click the Manage inventory tab in the Action Pane.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

25. Click Default order settings in the Order settings group of the
Action Pane to open the Default order settings form.
26. In the Default order type field in the Order type group, select
Production from the drop-down list box.
27. Click Close to close the Default order settings form.
28. Click Close to close the Released product details form.

Procedure: Add a Product Configuration Model with a

New Root Component
To create a product configuration model by using a new root component, follow
these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Click Product configuration model in the Action Pane located in
the New group.
3. Type a name in the Name field on the New product configuration
model form.
4. Type a description in the Description field.
5. Select the New component option button.
6. Type a name in the Name field for the new root component.
7. Click OK. The system will display the root component on the
Constraint-based product configuration model details form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Lab 2.2 - Add a Product Configuration Model with an Existing

Root Component
Contoso Entertainment Systems - Company CEU


Emil, the Product Designer, is designing a new home entertainment system. The
system consists of several components and subcomponents. Your task is to help
Emil set up the product master with the constraint-based configuration that
represents the home entertainment system item at the root component level.

When the product master is created, you must also create the product
configuration model that will eventually contain all the remaining elements.

IMPORTANT: To complete this lab, you must first complete Lab 2.1: Add New

Challenge Yourself! - Add a Product Master

Use the information in this table to add the product master item.

Field/Check box Value

Product type Item
Product subtype Product master
Product number 20011
Product name, Search name Home Entertainment
Product dimension group, Storage dimension Con-Dim
group, Tracking dimension group
Configuration technology Constraint-based
Item model group FIFO
Item group HTS
Inventory unit, Purchase unit, Sales unit ea
Calculation group HTSMC1
Cost group HTSMAT
Use cost price by variant Select
Default order type Production

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Need a Little Help? - Add a Product Master

• Open the Released Products form from Product information

management > Common > Released products.
• Create a new product master item.

Step by Step: Add a Product Master

To create a product master to use as the root component in a product
configuration model, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Released

2. Click Product in the New group of the Action Pane to open the New
released product form.
3. In the Product subtype field, select Product master from the drop-
down list box.
4. In the Product number field, type "20011".
5. In the Product name field, type "Home Entertainment System".
6. In the Search name field, type "HomeEntertainmentSys".
7. In the Product dimension group field, select Con-Dim from the
drop-down list box.
8. In the Configuration technology field, select Constraint-based
configuration from the drop-down list box.
9. Optionally, click the Show more fields button to display additional
fields on the New Released product form.
10. In the Item model group field, select FIFO from the drop-down list
11. In the Item group field, select HTS from the drop-down list box.
12. In the Storage dimension group field, select Con-Dim from the
drop-down list box.
13. In the Tracking dimension group field, select Con-Dim from the
drop-down list box.
14. In the Inventory unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
15. In the Purchase unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
16. In the Sales unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
17. In the BOM unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
18. Click OK to create the item.
19. On the Released products list page, the system automatically selects
the new item 20011.
20. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the
Release product details form.
21. If the Engineer FastTab is not open, click the Engineer FastTab. In
the Calculation group field, select HTSMC1 from the drop-down
list box.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

22. If the Manage costs FastTab is not open, click the Manage costs
FastTab. In the Cost group field, select HTSMat from the drop-
down list box.
23. Select the Use cost price by variant check box.
24. Click OK on the Warning text box.
25. Click the Manage inventory tab in the Action Pane.
26. Click Default order settings in the Order settings group of the
Action Pane to open the Default order settings form.
27. In the Default order type field in the Order type group, select
Production from the drop-down list box.
28. Click Close to close the Default order settings form.
29. Click Close to close the Released product details form.

Challenge Yourself! - Add a Product Configuration Model

Use the information in this table to add the product configuration model.

Field Value
Name 20011
Description The model of the home entertainment system
Root component Name HomeEntertainmentSystem

Need a Little Help? - Add a Product Configuration Model

• Open the New product configuration model form from the Action
Pane on the Product configuration models list page.
• Add a new product configuration model by using an existing root

Step by Step: Add a Product Configuration Model with an

Existing Root Component
To create a product configuration model by using an existing root component,
follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Click Product configuration model in the New group of the Action
3. In the Name field, type "20011".
4. In the Description field, type "The model of the home entertainment
5. Select the Select existing component option button for the root

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

6. In the Name field, select HomeEntertainmentSystem from the drop-

down list box.
7. Click OK to create the product configuration model and open the
Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
8. Click the Close button to close the Constraint-based product
configuration model details form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

A subcomponent is used to create a parent/child relationship between two
components. You can use subcomponents to build the structure of the product
configuration model. Because subcomponents reference existing components,
they encourage the reuse of components in multiple product configuration

In the BOM line details form for a subcomponent, you can select a distinct value
for the subcomponent. Or, you can select an attribute, and the value will be
selected when the product configuration model is configured.

NOTE: You cannot select the Attribute option on the BOM line details form for
a subcomponent item number when you click BOM line details on the
Subcomponents FastTab. However, you can select the Attribute option for a
BOM line item number on the BOM line details form when you click BOM line
details on the BOM lines FastTab.

NOTE: When you add a subcomponent to a product configuration model, you

can only select items that have the constraint-based configuration as the
configuration technology in the Released product details form. Otherwise, the
item cannot be selected on the Subcomponents FastTab in the Constraint-based
product configuration model details form.

Subcomponents FastTab
You can add subcomponents to a product configuration model by using the
Subcomponents FastTab on the Constraint-based product configuration
model details form. To access the Subcomponents FastTab, open Product
information management > Common > Product configuration models. Select
the product configuration model and then click Edit in the Maintain group of the
Action Pane to open the Constraint-based product configuration model
details form. Click the Subcomponents FastTab.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Before you can add a subcomponent to a product configuration model, you must
first add a record for the component on the Components form. When this is
complete, you can add the subcomponent to the product configuration model in
the Subcomponents FastTab as shown in the Subcomponents FastTab figure.


For each subcomponent you specify the following values:

• Name: Name of the subcomponent.

• Solver name: Name of the subcomponent that respects the solver
naming conventions. For example, there can be no use of spaces or
special characters.
• Description: Description of the subcomponent.
• Component: Select the component that the subcomponent is related
• Item number: The item number that is associated with the
subcomponent. You must first add a new subcomponent record in the
Subcomponents FastTab and save it. Next, select the BOM line
details button on the Subcomponents FastTab to open the BOM
line details form, and select the item that represents this component.
The item number of the selected item on the BOM line details form
will then display in the Item number field in the Subcomponents
FastTab. When the component is referenced by a subcomponent, it
represents an item master.
• BOM line details: Click BOM line details to open the BOM line
details form, where you can create or update the BOM or BOM line.
The reference from the Subcomponents FastTab is always to an
item master. The one or more BOM lines that are included for the
subcomponent on the BOM lines FastTab, will constitute its BOM.
• Maintain components: Click Maintain components to open the
Components form. The main purpose of the form is to create new
components. You can also update the component name and

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Adding a subcomponent to a product configuration model represents a named

link to tie together a parent component and child component. The
Subcomponents FastTab has a Name field and a Solver name field. The value
from the Name field displays on the Configure line form when testing a product
configuration model or configuring an order line. The Solver name is used for
referencing attributes in constraints.

Scenario: Add Product Masters for Three Subcomponents

Earlier Emil, the Product Designer, added the four new components that will be
used in the new product configuration model for the home entertainment system.
Before the components can be added as subcomponents to the product
configuration model, the corresponding product master records must be added.
The product master for the root component of the product configuration model is
already added. Emil now adds the three remaining product master records for the
components and subcomponents. He adds the Light Video System, DVD Player
Recorder, and the LCD TV.

Procedure: Add the Product Masters for Three

To create a product master item to use as a component or subcomponent in a
product configuration model, refer to the Procedure: Create a Product Master
Item in the Product Configuration Model topic.

Scenario: Add and Reuse a Component from Another

Product Model
The home entertainment system that Emil, the Product Designer, is creating
contains several subcomponents. Some subcomponents that must be included in
the home entertainment system already exist on different product configuration
models. Emil will reuse and add one of the subcomponents to his product
configuration model. Emil adds the audio system component to the home
entertainment system.

Demonstration: Add and Reuse a Component from

Another Product Model
To add a component that already exists on another product configuration model,
follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Click Product configuration model in the New group of the Action
Pane to open the New product configuration model form.
3. In the Name field, type "20031".
4. In the Description field, type "Entertainment System".
5. If the New component option button is not selected, select New

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

6. In the Name field, type "EntertainmentSystem".

7. Click OK to open the Constraint-based product configuration
model details form.
8. If the Subcomponents FastTab is not open, click the
Subcomponents FastTab.
9. Click Add in the Subcomponents FastTab to add a new line.
10. In the Name field, type "Audio System".
11. In the Solver name field, type "audioSystem".
12. In the Description field, type "Audio System".
13. In the Component field, select AudioSystem from the drop-down
list box.
14. Click File > Save. This is located at the upper left area of the form.
15. Click OK on the Information form to turn on the BOM line details
button in the Subcomponents FastTab.
16. Click BOM line details in the Subcomponents FastTab to open the
BOM line details form.
17. In the Item number field on the BOM line details form, select
20003 from the drop-down list box.
18. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
19. In the Line type field, select Pegged supply from the drop-down list
box, located in the BOM group of the Details FastTab.
20. Select the Set check box that is left of the Calculation check box.
21. Select the Calculation check box.
22. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab on the
BOM line details form.
23. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity field.
24. In the Quantity field type "1.0000", located in the Consumption
calculation group.
25. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.
26. In the left pane tree structure, Audio System displays under
27. Click the + button that is left of the Audio System node in the left
pane tree structure. The Receiver node and the Speakers node display
under the Audio System node.
28. Click Close to close the Constraint-based product configuration
model details form.

Scenario: Add a New Subcomponent to a Product

Configuration Model
The home entertainment system that Emil is creating contains several
subcomponents. Some subcomponents that are included in the home
entertainment system are new. Emil will add a new subcomponent to his product
configuration model.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Procedure: Add a New Subcomponent to a Product

Configuration Model
To add a new subcomponent to a product configuration model, follow these

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Select the product configuration model name.
3. Click Edit in the Action Pane in the Maintain group.
4. Click the root component node in the left pane.
5. Click the Subcomponents FastTab.
6. Click Add on the strip.
7. In the Name field, type the subcomponent name.
8. In the Solver name field, type the subcomponent solver name.
9. In the Description field, type the subcomponent description.
10. In the Component field, select the corresponding component from
the drop-down list box.
11. Click File > Save. Click OK on the Information form to turn on the
BOM line details button.
12. Click BOM line details in the Subcomponents FastTab.
13. In the Item number field on the BOM line details form, select the
item number from the drop-down list box.
14. In the Line type field located in the BOM group of the Details
FastTab, select a value from the drop-down list box.
15. Select the Set field check box and the Calculation field check box.
16. Click the Setup FastTab on the BOM line details form.
17. Select the Set field check box in the Consumption calculation
18. In the Quantity field in the Consumption calculation group, type a
19. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.
20. In the left pane, the new component now displays in the tree

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Lab 2.3 - Add Product Masters and Add Subcomponents to a

Product Configuration Model
Contoso Entertainment Systems - Company CEU


Emil, the Product Designer, is designing a new home entertainment system. The
system will consist of several components and subcomponents. Before the
subcomponents can be added to the product configuration model, the
corresponding product master items must be created. The product master items
will represent the subcomponents in the home entertainment system.

Your task is to help Emil set up the product master records with the constraint-
based configuration. After you add the product master items, help Emil to add the
subcomponents to the product configuration model with the name 20011.

IMPORTANT: To complete this lab, you must first complete Lab 2.2: Add a
Product Configuration Model with an Existing Root Component.

Challenge Yourself! - Add Product Masters

Create three constraint-based product master items for the Home Entertainment
System. For each product master item, the following values are the same.

• Set Product dimension group, Storage dimension group, and

Tracking dimension group to con-dim.
• Set Calculation group to HTSMC1.
• Set Cost group to HTSMat.
• Select the Use cost price by variant check box.
• Set Default order type to production.

Use the information in this table to add the three product master items.

Field 1 2 3
Product number 20022 20024 20026
Product name, Search name Light LCD TV DVD Player
Video Recorder
Item model group FIFO FIFO FIFO
Item group HTS Televisio DVR
Inventory unit, Purchase unit, ea ea ea
Sales unit, BOM unit

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Need a Little Help? - Add Product Masters

• Open the Released products form.

• Add product master records for the following items: Light Video
System, DVD Player Recorder, and LCD TV.

Step by Step: Add the Product Master Light Video System

To add the Light Video System product master, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Released

2. Click Product in the New group in the Action Pane to open the New
released product form.
3. In the Product type field, select Item from the drop-down list box.
4. In the Product subtype field, select Product master from the drop-
down list box.
5. In the Product number field, type "20022".
6. In the Product name field, type "Light Video System".
7. In the Search name field, type "LightVideoSystem".
8. In the Product dimension group field, select Con-Dim from the
drop-down list box.
9. In the Configuration technology field, select Constraint-based
configuration from the drop-down list box.
10. Optionally, click the Show more fields button to display additional
fields on the New Released product form.
11. In the Item model group field, select FIFO from the drop-down list
12. In the Item group field, select HTS from the drop-down list box.
13. In the Storage dimension group field, select Con-Dim from the
drop-down list box.
14. In the Tracking dimension group field, select Con-Dim from the
drop-down list box.
15. In the Inventory unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
16. In the Purchase unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
17. In the Sales unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
18. In the BOM unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
19. Click OK to create the item.
20. On the Released products list page, the system automatically selects
the new item 20022.
21. Click Edit in the Maintain group in the Action Pane to open the
Release product details form.
22. If the Engineer FastTab is not open, click the Engineer FastTab. In
the Calculation group field, select HTSMC1 from the drop-down
list box.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

23. If the Manage costs FastTab is not open, click the Manage costs
FastTab. In the Cost group field, select HTSMat from the drop-
down list box.
24. Select the Use cost price by variant check box.
25. Click the OK button on the Warning text box.
26. Click the Manage inventory tab in the Action Pane.
27. Click Default order settings in the Order settings group in the
Action Pane to open the Default order settings form.
28. In the Default order type field in the Order type group, select
Production from the drop-down list box.
29. Click Close to close the Default order settings form.
30. Click Close to close the Released product details form.

Step by Step: Add the Product Master LCD TV

To add the LCD TV product master, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Released

2. Click Product in the New group in the Action Pane to open the New
released product form.
3. In the Product type field, select Item from the drop-down list box.
4. In the Product subtype field, select Product master from the drop-
down list box.
5. In the Product number field, type "20024".
6. In the Product name field, type "LCD TV".
7. In the Search name field, type "LCDTV".
8. In the Product dimension group field, select Con-Dim from the
drop-down list box.
9. In the Configuration technology field, select Constraint-based
configuration from the drop-down list box.
10. Optionally, click the Show more fields button to display additional
fields on the New Released product form.
11. In the Item model group field, select FIFO from the drop-down list
12. In the Item group field, select Television from the drop-down list
13. In the Storage dimension group field, select Con-Dim from the
drop-down list box.
14. In the Tracking dimension group field, select Con-Dim from the
drop-down list box.
15. In the Inventory unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
16. In the Purchase unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
17. In the Sales unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
18. In the BOM unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

19. Click OK to create the item.

20. On the Released products list page, the system automatically selects
the new item 20024.
21. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the
Release product details form.
22. If the Engineer FastTab is not open, click the Engineer FastTab. In
the Calculation group field, select HTSMC1 from the drop-down
list box.
23. If the Manage costs FastTab is not open, click the Manage costs
FastTab. In the Cost group field, select HTSMat from the drop-
down list box.
24. Select the Use cost price by variant check box.
25. Click the OK button on the Warning text box.
26. Click the Manage inventory FastTab in the Action Pane.
27. Click Default order settings in the Order settings group in the
Action Pane to open the Default order settings form.
28. In the Default order type field in the Order type group, select
Production from the drop-down list box.
29. Click Close to close the Default order settings form.
30. Click Close to close the Released product details form.

Step by Step: Add the Product Master DVD Player

To add the DVD Player Recorder product master, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Released

2. Click Product in the New group in the Action Pane to open the New
released product form.
3. In the Product type field, select Item from the drop-down list box.
4. In the Product subtype field, select Product master from the drop-
down list box.
5. In the Product number field, type "20026".
6. In the Product name field, type "DVD Player Recorder".
7. In the Search name field, type "DVDPlayerRecorder".
8. In the Product dimension group field, select Con-Dim from the
drop-down list box.
9. In the Configuration technology field, select Constraint-based
configuration from the drop-down list box.
10. Optionally, click the Show more fields button to display additional
fields on the New Released product form.
11. In the Item model group field, select FIFO from the drop-down list
12. In the Item group field, select DVR from the drop-down list box.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

13. In the Storage dimension group field, select Con-Dim from the
drop-down list box.
14. In the Tracking dimension group field, select Con-Dim from the
drop-down list box.
15. In the Inventory unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
16. In the Purchase unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
17. In the Sales unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
18. In the BOM unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
19. Click OK to create the new item.
20. On the Released products list page, the system automatically selects
the new item 20026.
21. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the
Release product details form.
22. If the Engineer FastTab is not open, click the Engineer FastTab. In
the Calculation group field, select HTSMC1 from the drop-down
list box.
23. If the Manage costs FastTab is not open, click the Manage costs
FastTab. In the Cost group field, select HTSMat from the drop-
down list box.
24. Select the Use cost price by variant check box.
25. Click OK on the Warning text box.
26. Click the Manage inventory FastTab in the Action Pane.
27. Click Default order settings in the Order settings group in the
Action Pane to open the Default order settings form.
28. In the Default order type field in the Order type group, select
Production from the drop-down list box.
29. Click Close to close the Default order settings form.
30. Click Close to close the Released product details form.

Challenge Yourself! - Add Subcomponents

Create four subcomponents for the Audio System, Light Video System, DVD
Player Recorder, and the LCD TV. The Name, Solver name, Description, and
Component fields should match. Make sure that the Solver name does not
include spaces and remember that it is case-sensitive. For consistency, use Camel
case when typing the Solver name. For example, the Solver name for the Light
Video System should be lightVideoSystem. Select the Component from the list.

Use the information in this table to add the four subcomponents.

Name Item number Calculation Quantity

Audio System 20003 Select 1
Light Video System 20022 Select 1
DVD Player Recorder 20026 Select Clear

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Name Item number Calculation Quantity

LCD TV 20024 Select Clear

Need a Little Help? - Add Subcomponents

• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model.
• Select the root component node.
• Add the Audio System subcomponent.
o Set the Name and Description to Audio System.
o Set the Solver name to audioSystem.
o Select the Component from the list.

• Add the Light Video System subcomponent.

o Set the Name and Description to Light Video System.
o Set the Solver name to lightVideoSystem.
o Select the Component from the list.

• Select the Light Video System node.

• Add the DVD Player Recorder subcomponent.
o Set the Name and Description to DVD Player Recorder.
o Set the Solver name to dvdPlayerRecorder
o Select the Component from the list.

• Add the LCD TV subcomponent.

o Set the Name and Description to LCD TV.
o Set the Solver name to lcdTV.
o Select the Component from the list.

Step by Step: Add the Audio System Subcomponent

To add the Audio System subcomponent, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Select the product configuration model Name 20011.
3. Click Edit in the Action Pane in the Maintain group.
4. Click the HomeEntertainmentSystem node in the left pane.
5. If the Subcomponents FastTab is not open, click the
Subcomponents FastTab and then click Add.
6. In the Name field, type "Audio System".
7. In the Solver name field, type "audioSystem".
8. In the Description field, type "Audio System".

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

9. In the Component field, select AudioSystem from the drop-down

list box.
10. Click File > Save. This is located at the upper left area of the form.
11. Click OK on the Information form to turn on the BOM line details
12. Click BOM line details in the Subcomponents FastTab to open the
BOM line details form.
13. In the Item number field on the BOM line details form, select
20003 from the drop-down list box.
14. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
15. In the Line type field, select Pegged supply from the drop-down list
box, located in the BOM group of the Details FastTab.
16. Select the Set check box that is left of the Calculation check box.
17. Select the Calculation check box.
18. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab on the
BOM line details form.
19. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity field.
20. In the Quantity field type "1.0000", located in the Consumption
calculation group.
21. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.
22. Verify in the left pane tree structure, the Audio System node
displays under the HomeEntertainmentSystem node.
23. Click the + button that is left of the Audio System node in the left
pane tree structure. The Receiver node and the Speakers node
display under the Audio System node.

Step by Step: Add the Light Video System Subcomponent

To add the Light Video System subcomponent, follow these steps.

1. Click the HomeEntertainmentSystem node in the left pane.

2. If the Subcomponents FastTab is not open, click the
Subcomponents FastTab.
3. Click Add on the Subcomponents FastTab.
4. In the Name field type "Light Video System".
5. In the Solver name field type "lightVideoSystem".
6. In the Description field type "Light Video System".
7. In the Component field select "LightVideoSystem" from the drop-
down list box.
8. Click File > Save. This is located at the upper left area of the form.
9. Click OK on the Information form to turn on the BOM line details
10. Click BOM line details in the Subcomponents FastTab to open the
BOM line details form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

11. In the Item number field on the BOM line details form, select
20022 from the drop-down list box.
12. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
13. In the Line type field, select Pegged supply from the drop-down list
box, located in the BOM group of the Details FastTab.
14. Select the Set check box that is left of the Calculation check box.
15. Select the Calculation check box.
16. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab on the
BOM line details form.
17. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity field.
18. In the Quantity field type "1.0000", located in the Consumption
calculation group.
19. In the Unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
20. Click OK to close the BOM line details form. In the left pane tree
structure, the Light Video System node now displays under the
HomeEntertainmentSystem node.

Step by Step: Add the DVD Player Subcomponent

To add the DVD Player Recorder subcomponent, follow these steps.

1. Click the LightVideoSystem node in the left pane.

2. If the Subcomponents FastTab is not open, click the
Subcomponents FastTab.
3. Click Add on the Subcomponents FastTab.
4. In the Name field type "DVD Player Recorder".
5. In the Solver name field type "dvdPlayerRecorder".
6. In the Description field, type "DVD Player Recorder".
7. In the Component field, select DVDPlayerRecorder from the drop-
down list box.
8. Click File > Save. This is located at the upper left area of the form.
9. Click OK on the Information form to turn the BOM line details
10. Click BOM line details in the Subcomponents FastTab to open the
BOM line details form.
11. In the Item number field on the BOM line details form, select
20026 from the drop-down list box.
12. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
13. In the Line type field, select Pegged supply from the drop-down list
box, located in the BOM group of the Details FastTab.
14. Select the Set check box that is left of the Calculation check box.
15. Select the Calculation check box.
16. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Step by Step: Add the LCD TV Subcomponent

To add the LCD TV subcomponent, follow these steps.

1. Click the LightVideoSystem node in the left pane.

2. If the Subcomponents FastTab is not open, click the
Subcomponents FastTab.
3. Click the Add button on the Subcomponents FastTab.
4. In the Name field, type "LCD TV".
5. In the Solver name field, type "lcdTV".
6. In the Description field, type "LCD TV".
7. In the Component field, select LCDTV from the drop-down list box.
8. Click File > Save. This is located at the upper left area of the form.
9. Click OK on the Information form to turn on the BOM line details
10. Click BOM line details in the Subcomponents FastTab to open the
BOM line details form.
11. In the Item number field on the BOM line details form, select
20024 from the drop-down list box.
12. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
13. In the Line type field, select Pegged supply from the drop-down list
box, located in the BOM group of the Details FastTab.
14. Select the Set check box that is left of the Calculation check box.
15. Select the Calculation field check box.
16. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.
17. Click Close to close the Constraint-based product configuration
model details form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Attributes describe the properties of the components. You can use attributes to
specify the features that can be selected when a distinct product variant is
configured. Each component has one or more attributes that identify its
properties. The attributes are what you will select from during the configuration
process. Examples of attributes for a home entertainment system could include
the video format for the DVR player, the size of the TV, the length of the power
cable, or the color of the speakers.

Attributes FastTab
You can add subcomponents to a product configuration model by using the
Attributes FastTab on the Constraint-based product configuration model
details form. To access the Attributes FastTab, open Product information
management > Common > Product configuration models. Select the product
configuration model and then click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action
Pane to open the Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
Click the Attributes FastTab.

You can use attributes can be used in constraints and conditions. When you
create and add attributes to a product configuration model, the attribute's attribute
types are referenced as shown in the Attributes FastTab figure.


For each attribute, you specify the following:

• Name: Name of the attribute.

• Solver name: Name for the attribute that respects the solver naming
conventions. For example, there can be no use of spaces or special
• Description: Description of the attribute.
• Attribute type: Select the attribute type to define the possible values
that can be assigned to the attribute.
• Set default: Select this check box to set a default value for the
• Default value: If the Set default check box is selected, set the
default value to use in the Default value field.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

• Mandatory: Select this check box if this attribute must have a value
when you configure a product.
• Condition: You can insert a condition in the form of an expression
constraint. If the Mandatory check box is selected, then you can
create a condition for the mandatory setting. Clicking the drop-down
list box opens the Expression constraint editor form, where you can
create the condition that must be fulfilled for the mandatory setting
to be enforced.

A default value can be set for an attribute. The default value is used in the
configuration user interface when the product configuration model is configured.
Attributes can be mandatory. If an attribute is mandatory, a value must be set
when the product is configured. You can also set a condition for a mandatory
attribute. If the condition is met, a value must be entered for the mandatory

NOTE: Any attribute that is referenced in a condition becomes mandatory. We

recommend that you mark the attribute as mandatory in the Attributes FastTab.

NOTE: All attributes referenced in conditions are mandatory and must have a
value in the product configuration model. You cannot save the product
configuration model if a mandatory attribute value is missing.

Conditions and Expression Constraint Editor Form

Use the Expression constraint editor form to create an expression constraint or
a condition that will be handled by MSF during the product configuration model
process as shown in the Expression Constraint Editor Form figure.


Expression constraints are discussed in more detail in the Constraints topic of this

IMPORTANT: Only attributes of the type boolean, text with a fixed list, and
integers with a range are used by the MSF constraint solver.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Expression constraints and conditions use arithmetic, boolean operators, and

functions to create the constraint or condition.

Example 1 - Expression Constraint

The following expression uses a simple equal operation (==) to show the
relationship between the left speaker and the right speaker. Consider a stereo
system that must have the same size speakers for the left speaker and the right

Expression: leftSpeaker[size] == rightSpeaker[size]

In the expression, leftSpeaker and rightSpeaker are the solver names of the two
subcomponents, and size is an attribute of the integer type with a fixed range.

Example 2 - Expression Constraint

The following expression uses the Or operator (Or) to determine when to use a
route operation named inspection for a home entertainment system product
configuration model.

Expression: Or[includedlcdTV,includedvdPlayer]

In the expression, includelcdTV and includedvdPlayer are the solver names of

the two attributes Include LCD TV and Include DVD Player. Both attributes
have a boolean attribute type of true or false. The route operation for inspection
is used only when the LCD TV or the DVD player is selected to be in the home
entertainment system. Otherwise, if you do not select the LCD TV or the DVD
player, there is nothing to inspect.

Scenario: Add a Mandatory Attribute

The home entertainment system that Emil is designing consists of many
attributes, such as the color of the system components, the size of the television,
the type of sound system, and the number of speakers.

Emil wants to have a mandatory option to apply the same color to all components
in the product configuration model, instead of having to select the color
individually for each component when the product is configured. Emil adds an
attribute to the product configuration model that will apply the same color, by
using a boolean attribute type.

Procedure: Add a Mandatory Attribute

To add a mandatory attribute to a product configuration model, follow these

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Select the Product configuration model name.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

3. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the
Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
4. Click the root component node in the left pane.
5. Click the Attributes FastTab.
6. Click Add in the Attributes FastTab.
7. Type the name of the attribute in the Name field.
8. Type the solver name of the attribute in the Solver name field.
9. Type the description of the attribute in the Description field.
10. Select an attribute type from the drop-down list box in the Attribute
type field.
11. Do not select the Set default field check box to set a default value
for the attribute.
12. A default value does not have to be specified in the Default value
13. Select the Mandatory field check box to designate the attribute that
must have a value when you configure a product.
14. A condition does not have to be specified in the Condition field.

Scenario: Mandatory Attribute with a Condition

Emil, the Product Designer, must add an attribute that represents the colors that
are available to select for the home entertainment system components. Emil
specifies a default color for the attribute that can be changed.

The attribute is mandatory. Therefore, a value must be specified when the item is
configured. Emil adds a condition to the attribute so that the same color can be
applied to all components in the system.

Procedure: Add a Mandatory Attribute with a Condition

To add an attribute to a product configuration model that specifies a default
value, is mandatory, and contains a condition that must be fulfilled for the
mandatory setting to be enforced, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Select the product configuration model name.
3. Click Edit in the Action Pane in the Maintain group.
4. Click the root component node in the left pane.
5. Click the Attributes FastTab and then click Add.
6. Type the name of the attribute in the Name field.
7. Type the solver name of the attribute in the Solver name field.
8. Type the description of the attribute in the Description field.
9. Select an attribute type from the Attribute type field drop-down list

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

10. Select the Set default field check box to set a default value for the
11. Select a default value from the Default value field drop-down list
12. Select the Mandatory field check box to designate the attribute must
have a value when you configure a product.
13. In the Condition field, click the drop-down list box to display the
Expression constraint editor form.
14. In the Expression constraint editor form, type a condition.
15. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
16. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
17. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Lab 2.4 - Add Attributes to Components

Contoso Entertainment Systems - Company CEU


Emil, the Product Designer, must add attributes to describe the features that are
available on the components and subcomponents of the home entertainment
system. Help Emil to add the attributes to the home entertainment system product
configuration model with the name 20011.

You can use the information in the following tables to add attributes to the home
entertainment system, light video system, DVD player recorder, and LCD TV.

IMPORTANT: To complete this lab, you must first complete Lab 2.3: Add
Product Masters and Add Subcomponents to a Product Configuration Model.

Challenge Yourself! - Home Entertainment System

Create three attributes for the Home Entertainment System. The attributes will be
used for following:

• TrueFalseDomain: Letting the user apply the same color

configuration to all subcomponents.
• ColorTextDomain: Selecting a color.
• DecimalDomain: Specifying the length of the power cable.

The Name, Solver name, and Description fields should match. Make sure that
the Solver name does not include spaces and remember that it is case-sensitive.
For consistency, use
Camel case when typing the Solver name. For example, the Solver name for
applying the same color configuration should be applySameColor.

Use the information in this table to add the attributes.

Name Set default Default value Mandatory Condition

Apply same Clear Clear Select Clear
Color Select MetallicBlack Select applySame
Length of Clear Clear Select Clear
power cable

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Need a Little Help? - Home Entertainment System


• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model.
• Select the Home Entertainment System node.
• Add the apply same color configuration attribute.
o Set the Solver name to applySameColor.
o Set the Description to Apply same color configuration to all
o Set the Attribute type to TrueFalseDomain.

• Add the color attribute.

o Set the Solver name to color.
o Set the Description to Home Entertainment System color.
o Set the Attribute type to ColorTextDomain.

• Add the length of power cable attribute.

o Set the Solver name to powerCableLength.
o Set the Description to Length of power cable (in meters).
o Set the Attribute type to DecimalDomain.

Step by Step: Home Entertainment System Attributes

To add the Home Entertainment System component attributes, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Select the product configuration model name 20011 on the Product
configuration models list page.
3. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the
Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
4. Click the HomeEntertainmentSystem node in the left pane.
5. If the Attributes FastTab is not open, click the Attributes FastTab.
6. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the first attribute.
7. In the Name field, type "Apply same color configuration".
8. In the Solver name field, type "applySameColor".
9. In the Description field, type "Apply same color configuration to all
10. In the Attribute type field, select TrueFalseDomain from the drop-
down list box list box.
11. Select the Mandatory check box.
12. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the second attribute.
13. In the Name field, type "Color".

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

14. In the Solver name field, type "color".

15. In the Description field, type "Home entertainment system color".
16. In the Attribute type field, select ColorTextDomain from the drop-
down list box list box.
17. Select the Set default check box.
18. In the Default value field, select MetallicBlack from the drop-down
list box.
19. Select the Mandatory check box.
20. In the Condition field, click the drop-down list box to display the
Expression constraint editor form.
21. In the Expression constraint editor form, type the following:
22. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
23. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the third attribute.
24. In the Name field, type "Length of power cable".
25. In the Solver name field, type "powerCableLength".
26. In the Description field, type "Length of power cable (in meters)".
27. In the Attribute type field, select DecimalDomain from the drop-
down list box.
28. If the Set default check box is selected, clear the check box.
29. Select the Mandatory field check box.

Challenge Yourself! - Light Video System Attributes

Create seven attributes for the Light Video System. The attributes will be used
for the following:

• ColorTextDomain: Selecting a color.

• TrueFalseDomain: Letting the user apply the same color
configuration to all subcomponents.
• HTSQuantity: Television quantity.
• HTSQuantity: Video recorder quantity.
• TrueFalseDomain: Including the LCD TV.
• TrueFalseDomain: Including the DVD Player Recorder.
• DigitialVideoFormat: Including the video format.

The Name, Solver name, and Description fields should match. Make sure that
the Solver name does not include spaces and remember that it is case-sensitive.
For consistency, use Camel case when typing the Solver name. For example, the
Solver name for television quantity should be televisionQuantity.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Use the information in this table to add the attributes.

Name Set Default value Mandatory Condition

Color Select MetallicBlack Clear Clear
Apply same Select False Select Clear
Television Clear Clear Select Clear
Video recorder Clear Clear Select Clear
Include lcd tv Clear Clear Select Clear
Include dvd Clear Clear Select Clear
player recorder
Include video Select HighDefinition Clear Clear

Need a Little Help? - Light Video System Attributes

• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model.
• Select the Light Video System node.
• Add the color attribute.
o Set the Solver name to color.
o Set the Description to Video System Color.
o Set the Attribute type to ColorTextDomain.

• Add the apply same color configuration attribute.

o Set the Solver name to applySameColor.
o Set the Description to Apply same color configuration to all
o Set the Attribute type to TrueFalseDomain.

• Add the television quantity attribute.

o Set the Solver name to televisionQuantity.
o Set the Description to Hidden attribute (controls quantity value
of BOM line for Television).
o Set the Attribute type to HTSQuantity.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

• Add the video recorder quantity attribute.

o Set the Solver name to videoRecorderQuantity.
o Set the Description to Hidden attribute (controls quantity of
BOM line for Video player recorder).
o Set the Attribute type to HTSQuantity.

• Add the include LCD TV attribute.

o Set the Solver name to includelcdTV.
o Set the Description to Include LCD TV.
o Set the Attribute type to TrueFalseDomain.

• Add the include DVD player recorder attribute.

o Set the Solver name to includedvdPlayerRecorder.
o Set the Description to Include DVD Player Recorder.
o Set the Attribute type to TrueFalseDomain.

• Add the include video format attribute.

o Set the Solver name to includevideoFormat.
o Set the Description to Include Video Format.
o Set the Attribute type to DigitalVideoFormat.

Step by Step: Light Video System Attributes

To add the Light Video System component attributes, follow these steps.

1. Click the Light Video System node in the left pane.

2. If the Attributes FastTab is not open, click the Attributes FastTab.
3. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the first attribute.
4. In the Name field, type "Color".
5. In the Solver name field, type "color".
6. In the Description field, type "Video system color".
7. In the Attribute type field, select ColorTextDomain from the drop-
down list box.
8. Select the Set default check box.
9. In the Default value field, select MetallicBlack from the drop-down
list box.
10. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the second attribute.
11. In the Name field, type "Apply same color configuration".
12. In the Solver name field, type "applySameColor".
13. In the Description field, type "Apply same color configuration to all
14. In the Attribute type field, select TrueFalseDomain from the drop-
down list box.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

15. If the Set default check box is not selected, select the Set default
check box.
16. In the Default value field, select False from the drop-down list box.
17. Select the Mandatory check box.
18. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the third attribute.
19. In the Name field, type "Television quantity".
20. In the Solver name field, type "televisionQuantity".
21. In the Description field, type "Hidden attribute (Controls quantity
value of BOM line for Television)"
22. In the Attribute type field, select HTSQuantity from the drop-down
list box.
23. If the Set default check box is selected, click to clear the check box.
24. Select the Mandatory check box.
25. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the fourth attribute.
26. In the Name field, type "Video recorder quantity".
27. In the Solver name field, type "videoRecorderQuantity".
28. In the Description field, type "Hidden attribute (Controls quantity
value of BOM line for Video Recorder)"
29. In the Attribute type field, select HTSQuantity from the drop-down
list box.
30. Select the Mandatory check box.
31. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the fifth attribute.
32. In the Name field, type "Include lcd tv".
33. In the Solver name field, type "includelcdTV".
34. In the Description field, type "Include LCD TV".
35. In the Attribute type field, select TrueFalseDomain from the drop-
down list box.
36. Select the Mandatory check box.
37. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the sixth attribute.
38. In the Name field, type "Include dvd player recorder".
39. In the Solver name field, type "includedvdPlayerRecorder".
40. In the Description field, type "Include DVD Player Recorder"
41. In the Attribute type field, select TrueFalseDomain from the drop-
down list box.
42. Select the Mandatory check box.
43. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the seventh attribute.
44. In the Name field, type "Include video format".
45. In the Solver name field, type "includevideoFormat".
46. In the Description field, type "Include Video Format".

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

47. In the Attribute type field, select DigitalVideoFormat from the

drop-down list box.
48. Select the Set default check box.
49. In the Default value field, select HighDefinition from the drop-down
list box.

Challenge Yourself! - DVD Player Recorder Attributes

Create five attributes for the DVD Player Recorder. The attributes will be used
for the following:

• DigitalVideoFormat: Selecting a DVR video format.

• ColorTextDomain: Selecting a color.
• DVRModel: Selecting a DVR model.
• DigitalVideoFormat: Letting the user select a digital video format.
• TrueFalseDomain: Including the DVD Player Recorder.

The Name, Solver name, and Description fields should match. Make sure that
the Solver name does not include spaces and remember that it is case-sensitive.
For consistency, use Camel case when typing the Solver name. For example, the
Solver name for including the DVD player recorder should be

Use the information in this table to add the attributes.

Name Set default Default value Mandatory Condition

Video format Select HighDefinition Select Clear
Color Select MetallicBlack Clear Clear
Model Select M01 Clear Clear
Include video Select HighDefinition Clear Clear
Include dvd Select True Select Clear
player recorder

Need a Little Help? - DVD Player Recorder Attributes

• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model.
• Select the DVD Player Recorder node.
• Add the video format attribute.
o Set the Solver name to videoFormat.
o Set the Description to DVR video format.
o Set the Attribute type to DigitalVideoFormat.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

• Add the color attribute.

o Set the Solver name to color.
o Set the Description to DVR video color.
o Set the Attribute type to ColorTextDomain.

• Add the model attribute.

o Set the Solver name to model.
o Set the Description to DVR model
o Set the Attribute type to DVRModel.

• Add the include video format attribute.

o Set the Solver name to includevideoFormat.
o Set the Description to Hidden attribute.
o Set the Attribute type to DigitalVideoFormat.

• Add the include DVD player recorder attribute.

o Set the Solver name to includedvdPlayerRecorder.
o Set the Description to Hidden attribute (Controls inclusion of
BOM line from parent component).
o Set the Attribute type to TrueFalseDomain.

Step by Step: DVD Player Recorder Attributes

To add the DVD Player Recorder component attributes, follow these steps.

1. If the DVD Player Recorder node does not display in the left pane
tree structure, click the + button that is left of the Light Video
System node to display the DVD Player Recorder node.
2. Click the DVD Player Recorder node in the left pane.
3. If the Attributes FastTab is not open, click the Attributes FastTab.
4. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the first attribute.
5. In the Name field, type "Video format".
6. In the Solver name field, type "videoFormat".
7. In the Description field, type "DVR video format".
8. In the Attribute type field, select DigtialVideoFormat from the
drop-down list box.
9. If the Set default check box is not selected, select the Set default
check box.
10. In the Default value field, select HighDefinition from the drop-down
list box.
11. Select the Mandatory check box.
12. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the second attribute.
13. In the Name field, type "Color".
14. In the Solver name field, type "color".

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

15. In the Description field, type "DVR video color".

16. In the Attribute type field, select ColorTextDomain from the drop-
down list box.
17. If the Set default check box is clear, select it.
18. In the Default value field, select MetallicBlack from the drop-down
list box.
19. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the third attribute.
20. In the Name field, type "Model".
21. In the Solver name field, type "model".
22. In the Description field, type "DVR model".
23. In the Attribute type field, select DVRModel from the drop-down
list box.
24. If the Set default check box is not selected, select the Set default
check box.
25. In the Default value field, select M01 from the drop-down list box.
26. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the fourth attribute.
27. In the Name field, type "Include dvd player recorder".
28. In the Solver name field, type "includedvdPlayerRecorder".
29. In the Description field, type "Hidden attribute (Controls inclusion
of BOM line from parent component)".
30. In the Attribute type field, select TrueFalseDomain from the drop-
down list box.
31. If the Set default check box is not selected, select the Set default
check box.
32. In the Default value field, select True from the drop-down list box.
33. Select the Mandatory check box.
34. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the fifth attribute.
35. In the Name field, type "Include video format".
36. In the Solver name field, type "includevideoFormat".
37. In the Description field, type "Hidden attribute".
38. In the Attribute type field, select DigitalVideoFormat from the
drop-down list box.
39. If the Set default check box is not selected, select the Set default
check box.
40. In the Default value field, select HighDefinition from the drop-down
list box.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Challenge Yourself! - LCD TV Attributes

Create seven attributes for the LCD TV. The attributes will be used for the

• TelevisionColorIDMap: Holding the value for the TV color.

• ColorTextDomain: Selecting a color.
• TelevisionModel: Selecting a TV model.
• TelevisionSize: Selecting a television size.
• TelevisionType: Selecting the television type.
• TrueFalseDomain: Including the LCD TV.
• TelevisionConfiguration: Selecting a television configuration.

The Name, Solver name, and Description fields should match. Make sure that
the Solver name does not include spaces and remember that it is case-sensitive.
For consistency, use Camel case when typing the Solver name. For example, the
Solver name that holds the value for the TV color should be colorIDMap.

Use the information in this table to add the attributes.

Name Set default Default Mandatory Condition

Color ID Select 01 Clear Clear
Color Clear Clear Clear Clear
Model Select M01 Clear Clear
Size Clear Clear Select includelcdTV
Type Select LCD Select Clear
Include LCD Select True Select Clear
Configuratio Clear Clear Clear Clear

Need a Little Help? - LCD TV Attributes

• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model.
• Select the LCD TV node.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

• Add the color ID map attribute.

o Set the Solver name to colorIDMap.
o Set the Description to Hidden attribute (holds value for TV
o Set the Attribute type to TelevisionColorIDMap.

• Add the color attribute.

o Set the Solver name to color.
o Set the Description to TV color.
o Set the Attribute type to ColorTextDomain.

• Add the model attribute.

o Set the Solver name to model.
o Set the Description to TV model
o Set the Attribute type to TelevisionModel.

• Add the size attribute.

o Set the Solver name to size.
o Set the Description to TV size.
o Set the Attribute type to TelevisionSize.

• Add the type attribute.

o Set the Solver name to type.
o Set the Description to TV type
o Set the Attribute type to TelevisionType.

• Add the include LCD TV attribute.

o Set the Solver name to includelcdTV.
o Set the Description to Hidden attribute (Controls inclusion of
BOM line from parent component).
o Set the Attribute type to TrueFalseDomain.

• Add the configuration attribute.

o Set the Solver name to configuration.
o Set the Description to TV configuration.
o Set the Attribute type to TelevisionConfiguration.

Step by Step: LCD TV Attributes

To add the LCD TV component attributes, follow these steps.

1. If the LCD TV node does not display in the left pane tree structure,
click the + button that is left of the Light Video System node to
display the LCD TV node.
2. Click the LCD TV node in the left pane.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

3. If the Attributes FastTab is not open, click the Attributes FastTab.

4. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the first attribute.
5. In the Name field, type "Color ID map".
6. In the Solver name field, type "colorIDMap".
7. In the Description field, type "Hidden attribute (holds value for TV
8. In the Attribute type field, select TelevisionColorIDMap from the
drop-down list box.
9. If the Set default check box is not selected, select the Set default
check box.
10. In the Default value field, select 01 from the drop-down list box.
11. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the second attribute.
12. In the Name field, type "Color".
13. In the Solver name field, type "color".
14. In the Description field, type "TV color".
15. In the Attribute type field, select ColorTextDomain from the drop-
down list box.
16. If the Set default checkbox is selected, click to clear the Set default
check box.
17. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the third attribute.
18. In the Name field, type "Model".
19. In the Solver name field, type "model".
20. In the Description field, type "TV model".
21. In the Attribute type field, select TelevisionModel from the drop-
down list box.
22. If the Set default check box is not selected, select the Set default
check box.
23. In the Default value field, select M01 from the drop-down list box.
24. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the fourth attribute.
25. In the Name field, type "Type".
26. In the Solver name field, type "type".
27. In the Description field, type "TV type".
28. In the Attribute type field, select TelevisionType from the drop-
down list box.
29. Select the Set default check box.
30. In the Default value field, select LCD from the drop-down list box.
31. Select the Mandatory check box.
32. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the fifth attribute.
33. In the Name field, type "Include lcd tv".
34. In the Solver name field, type "includelcdTV".
35. In the Description field, type "Hidden attribute (controls inclusion of
BOM line from parent component)".

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

36. In the Attribute type field, select TrueFalseDomain from the drop-
down list box.
37. If the Set default check box is not selected, select the Set default
check box.
38. In the Default value field, select True from the drop-down list box.
39. Select the Mandatory check box.
40. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the sixth attribute.
41. In the Name field, type "Configuration".
42. In the Solver name field, type "configuration".
43. In the Description field, type "TV configuration".
44. In the Attribute type field, select TelevisionConfiguration from the
drop-down list box.
45. If the Set default check box is selected, click to clear the Set default
check box.
46. Click Add on the Attributes FastTab to add the seventh attribute.
47. In the Name field, type "Size".
48. In the Solver name field, type "size".
49. In the Description field, type "TV size".
50. In the Attribute type field, select TelevisionSize from the drop-
down list box.
51. Select the Mandatory check box.
52. In the Condition field, click the drop-down list box to display the
Expression constraint editor form.
53. In the Expression constraint editor form, type the following:
54. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: "No errors were found".
55. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
56. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
57. Click Validate in the Run group of the Action Pane to validate the
product configuration model. The system displays the Infolog form
with the message: No errors found.
58. Click Close to close the Infolog form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Challenge Yourself! - Select Attributes for the DVD Player

Recorder and the LCD TV
Now that you have added attributes to the product configuration model, you can
select the attribute values to use on the BOM lines. Use the information in the
table to select attribute values for the DVD Recorder Player and LCD TV

Subcomponent Field Value

DVD Player Recorder Quantity Video recorder quantity
LCD TV Quantity Television quantity

Need a Little Help? - Select Attributes for the DVD Player

Recorder and the LCD TV

• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model.
• Select the Light Video System node.
• Click the Subcomponents FastTab.
• Add the attribute values for the DVD Player Recorder on the BOM
line details form.
o Set the Quantity field to Video recorder quantity on the Setup

• Add the attribute values for LCD TV on the BOM line details form.
o Set the Quantity field to Television quantity on the Setup

Step by Step: Select Attributes for the DVD Player

Recorder and the LCD TV
To select attribute values on the BOM line details form for the DVD Player
Recorder and the LCD TV components, follow these steps.

1. Click the Light Video System node in the left pane tree structure.
2. If the Subcomponents FastTab is not open, click the
Subcomponents FastTab.
3. Select the record in the Subcomponents FastTab for Name DVD
Player Recorder.
4. Click BOM line details in the Subcomponents FastTab to open the
BOM line details form.
5. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab on the
BOM line details form.
6. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity field.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

7. Select the Attribute option button for the Quantity field, located in
the Consumption calculation group.
8. In the Quantity field, select Video recorder quantity from the drop-
down list box, located in the Consumption calculation group.
9. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.
10. Select the record in the Subcomponents FastTab for Name LCD
11. Click BOM line details in the Subcomponents FastTab to open the
BOM line details form.
12. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab on the
BOM line details form.
13. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity field.
14. Select the Attribute option button that is right of the Quantity field,
located in the Consumption calculation group.
15. In the Quantity field, select Television quantity from the drop-down
list box, located in the Consumption calculation group.
16. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.
17. Click the Close button to close the Constraint-based product
configuration model details form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

A constraint is a restriction that a product configuration model must satisfy.
Constraints describe the restrictions of the product configuration model, and they
are used to make sure that only valid values are selected when the product
configuration model is configured. Constraints are processed by using MSF.

Constraints can be either expression constraints or table constraints.

• Expression constraints: Use expression constraints to express

relations between attributes to make sure that compatible values are
selected when you configure a product. A constraint can be written
in the form of an expression. For example, you can create a condition
that the same color must be used for all components in a home
entertainment system.
• Table constraints: A constraint type that specifies allowed attribute
combinations. Each row in the table displays a legal combination of
values. Table constraints are defined one time and they can be used
across different components. You can select a table constraint for the
product configuration model and associate the columns in the
constraint with the attributes in the product configuration model.
There are two types of table constraints:
o User-defined: A user-defined table constraint is static and
consists of columns that represent attribute types. Each row is a
legal combination of attribute values taken from the attribute
o System defined: A system defined table constraint represents a
view on an existing table or table view that is present in the
Application Object Tree (AOT). It is constructed by first
selecting a particular table, then the number of fields from that
table, and finally by applying a filter to reduce the number of
rows. It can be more dynamic compared to a user-defined table
constraint because a change made to the data in the table at run
time can affect the constraint.

Example: Expression Constraint

A projection television must have a screen size that is greater than or equal to 50
inches, either two or four USB ports, a black frame, and an optional stand. The
following attribute types are created in the product configuration model.

Name Solver name Type

Screen Type screenType Integer with a range
USB Ports usbPorts Text with a fixed list
Frame Color frameColor Text with a fixed list
Stand Stand Boolean

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

The expression constraint uses the implication operator -:. The implication
operator -: contains two parts:

• The left side is the screenType attribute of the feature's user

requirement, and evaluates to "true" if the screen type will accept the
"Projection" value.
• The right side is a conjunction of boolean expressions that makes
sure of the following:
o The screenSize attribute is greater than or equal to 50 inches.
o The number of USB ports is either two or four.
o The color is equal to black.
o A stand is available for the television.

The conjunction evaluates to true if all the inner expressions are satisfied. If the
whole expression is considered, an implication such as "A -: B" is satisfied if:

• A evaluates to "true" and then B must be "true."

• A evaluates to "false." Then B can evaluate to "true" or false."

Because this is a constraint, and not a rule, the Solver Engine does not wait for a
change on the left side expression before it evaluates it. Instead, the Solver
Engine makes sure that it is always satisfied. In this example, if the television
attributes do not satisfy the boolean expression, then it cannot be a projection

The expression is displayed as follows:

(features[screenType] =="projection" -: (size[screenSize] > = 50

& ports[usbPorts] =="two" | ports[usbPorts] =="four"
& frame[frameColor] =="black"
& stand != 'None")

Constraints FastTab
You can add constraints to a product configuration model by using the
Constraints FastTab on the Constraint-based product configuration model
details form. To access the Constraints FastTab, open Product information
management > Common > Product configuration models. Select the product
configuration model and then click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action
Pane to open the Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
Click the Constraints FastTab.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Expression constraints are characterized by an expression that uses arithmetic

and boolean operators and functions as shown in the Constraints FastTab figure.
An expression constraint is written for a specific component in a product
configuration model. It cannot be reused or shared with another component.
However, the expression constraints for a component can reference attributes of
the component's subcomponents.


For each constraint, you will specify the following:

• Name: Name of the constraint.

• Description: Description of the constraint.
• Constraint type: The type of constraint. Select either expression
constraint or table constraint.
• Expression: If the Constraint type field is an Expression constraint,
then you must write the expression. Clicking the drop-down list box
opens the Expression constraint editor form, where you can write
your expression by using MSF syntax. Expression constraints are
discussed in the next several sections of this chapter. If, the
Constraint type field is a Table constraint, then you must select a
table constraint definition. Clicking the drop-down list box in the
Table constraint definition field opens the Table constraint
attachment form. Here you can select a table constraint for the
product configuration model and associate the columns in the
constraint with the attributes in the product configuration model.

Expression Constraint Operators

You can write an expression constraint either by using the available operators, or
by using infix notation. The following table lists the operators and the infix
notation that you can use when you write an expression constraint for a
component in a product configuration model.

NOTE: Additional operators are available for MSF. However, we recommend

that you use only the operators that are included in the following table when you
create a product configuration model.

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Operator Description Syntax Remarks Examples

Implies This is true if the Implies [a,b], Operator: Implies[x !=
first condition is infix a -: b 0, y >= 0]
false, the second Infix notation: x != 0 -
condition is true, or : >=0
And This is true only if And[args], If the number of Operator: And[x == 2,
all conditions are infix: a & b & conditions is zero, it y <= 2
true. ... & z produces True. Infix notation: x == 2
& y <= 2
Or This is true if any Or[args], infix: If the number of Operator: Or[x == 2, y
condition is true. a | b | ... | z conditions is zero, it <=2]
produces False. Infix notation: x == 2 |
y <= 2
Plus This sums its Plus[args], If the number of Operator: Plus[x, y, 2]
conditions. infix: a + b + ... conditions is zero, it == z
+z produces zero. Infix notation: x + y +
2 == z
Minus Negates its Minus[expr], This must have Operator: Minus[x] ==
argument. infix: -expr exactly one y
condition. Infix notation: -x == y
Abs This takes the Abs[expr] This must have Operator: times[x, y,
absolute value of exactly one 2] == z
its conditions. condition. Infix notation: x * y *
2 == z
Times This takes the Times[args], If the number of Operator: Times[x, y,
product of its infix: a * b * ... conditions is zero, it 2] == z
conditions. *z produces one. Infix notation: x * y *
2 == z
Power This takes an Power[args], This applies Operator: Power[x, 2]
exponential. infix: a ^ b ^ ... exponentiation from == y
^z right to left. That is, Infix notation: x ^ 2
it is right - == y
associative so that,
Power [a, b, c] is
equal to Power[a,
Power[b, c]]. Power
can only be used
with a positive
constant as the
Max This produces the Max[args] If the number of Operator: Max[x, y, 2]
largest condition. conditions is zero, it == z
produces Infinity.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Operator Description Syntax Remarks Examples

Min This produces the Min[args] If the numbers of Operator: Min[x, y, 2]
smallest condition. conditions is zero, it == z
produces Infinity.
Not This produces the Not[expr], This must have Operator: Not[x]Not[y
logical inverse of infix: !expr exactly one == 3]
its condition. condition. Infix notation: !x!(y

Expression Constraint Operators

The following infix notations are valid to use:

Infix notation Description

x+y+z Addition
x*y*z Multiplication
x-y Binary subtraction is translated the same as
binary addition with a negated second.
x^y^z Exponentiation with right associability.
!x Boolean not
x -: y Boolean implication
x|y|z Boolean or
x&y&z Boolean and
x == y == z Equality (Equal)
x != y != z Distinct
x<y<z Less than
x>y>z Greater than
x <= y >= z Less than or equal to
x >= y >= z Greater than or equal to
(x) Parentheses override default precedence.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Reserved Keywords
You cannot use reserved keywords as solver names for attributes, components, or
subcomponents in a product configuration model. This table lists the reserved
keywords that you cannot use.

Reserved keywords
Ceiling Less Max Times
Element Greater Min Slot
Equal Implies Minus Model
Floor Less Plus Decision
If Log Power Goal

Expression Constraints
Expression constraints are written as declarative constraints, and use MSF
constraint solver to solve the constraints. You must use Optimization Modeling
Language (OML) syntax when you write the constraints as shown in the
Expression Constraint Editor Form figure.

For more information about how to use OML, refer to Optimization Modeling
Language on the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) site.


Scenario: Expression Constraint

The Contoso Entertainment Systems Company builds customized home
entertainment systems. The home entertainment system consists of several
components. One of these is a DVD player recorder.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Emil, the Product Designer, is setting up the home entertainment system in

Microsoft Dynamics AX. Emil must add a constraint that states when a DVD
player recorder is selected as part of the home entertainment system, a quantity of
one will be included for the DVD player recorder. Emil also adds a constraint to
state when a DVD player recorder is not selected as part of the home
entertainment system, that a quantity of zero will be included for the DVD player

Procedure: Add an Expression Constraint

To add an expression constraint to a product configuration model, follow these

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Select the product configuration model.
3. Click Edit in the Action Pane of the Maintain group to open the
Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
4. Select the component node in the left pane tree structure.
5. If the Constraints FastTab is not open, click the Constraints
6. Click Add in the Constraints FastTab.
7. Select Expression constraint in the Constraint field drop-down list
box for the record type.
8. Click Create to add a new line in the Constraints FastTab.
9. Type the name for the constraint in the Name field.
10. Type the description for the constraint in the Description field.
11. Click the drop-down list box in the Expression field to display the
Expression constraint editor form.
12. Type the expression constraint that follows MSF syntax in the
Constraint field on the Expression constraint editor form.
13. Click Validate to verify the syntax is correct for the expression
14. Click Close to close the Infolog form with the message: No errors
were found.
15. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
16. Click the Close button to close the Constraint-based product
configuration model details form.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Table Constraints
Table constraints are defined globally and can be associated with any component
in a product configuration model on the Constraints FastTab.

You can create two types of table constraints for components in a product
configuration model.

• User-defined table constraint: User-defined table constraints are

defined by static table input that functions exactly like an expression
constraint. The advantage when you use a user-defined table
constraint is that tables are frequently easier to create, understand,
and maintain, compared to long expression constraints.
• System-defined table constraint: A system-defined table constraint
creates a dynamic mapping between an attribute in a product
configuration model and a field in a Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
table. The product configuration model uses the mapping and then
reflects the data in the table.

User-Defined Table Constraints

User-defined table constraints are created by using the Table constraints form.
You can access the Table constraints form from the following locations:

• Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models list page. Click Table constraints in the
Setup group of the Action Pane.
• Product information management > Common > Product
configuration models list page. Select the product configuration
model. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open
the Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
Click Table constraints in the Setup group of the Action Pane.

A user-defined table constraint is a type of matrix that can be used to describe the
set of combinations for the attribute values that are defined by attribute types. For
example, if televisions are produced, the matrix for the user-defined table
constraint might have columns for the TV type and TV size.

TV Type TV Size
LCD 42 inches
LCD 50 inches
Plasma 50 inches
Plasma 60 inches
Projection 50 inches
Projection 60 inches

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

TVs of the LCD type are available only in a size of 42 inches or 50 inches.

TVs of the Plasma type are available only in a size of 50 inches or 60 inches.

TVs of the Projection type are available only in a size of 50 inches or 60 inches.

The Edit Table Constraint Form figure shows the relationships on the Allowed
combinations FastTab in the Edit Table Constraint form.


Scenario: User-Defined Table Constraint

One of the components in the home entertainment system that Emil is designing
is a digital player recorder. Emil must offer customers different types of digital
video format to select from, and different colors for each digital player recorder
to select from. Emil adds a user-defined table constraint to show the different
digital video formats and the corresponding colors that are available to select.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Demonstration: Add a User-Defined Table Constraint

To add a user-defined table constraint to a product configuration model, follow
these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Click Table constraints in the Set up group of the Action Pane to
open the Table constraints form.
3. Click New on the Table constraints form to open the wizard.
4. Click Next on the New table constraint form to specify a name and
5. In the Name field type, "ConDVRColor".
6. In the Description field, type "Constraint DVR Color Table".
7. If the User defined option button is not selected, select User
8. Click Next to define columns.
9. Click the New button to add a new line.
10. In the Name field, type "DVRVideoFormat".
11. In the Attribute type field, select DigitalVideoFormat from the
drop-down list box.
12. Click the New button to add a second line.
13. In the Name field, type "DVRColor".
14. In the Attribute type field, select ColorTextDomain from the drop-
down list box.
15. Click Next to define table constraint content.
16. Click New to add a new line.
17. In the DVRVideoFormat field, type "Standard".
18. In the DVRColor field, type "Black".
19. Click New to define content for the next row.
20. In the DVRVideoFormat field, type "HighDefinition".
21. In the DVRColor field, type "Red".
22. Click New to define content for the next row.
23. In the DVRVideoFormat field, type "HighDefinition".
24. In the DVRColor field, type "Blue".
25. Click the next row in the grid to save the records.
26. Click Validate to verify the constraint. The system displays the
Infolog form with the message: Table constraint content was
successfully validated.
27. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
28. Click Next to go to the finish step.
29. Click Finish on the New table constraint form to exit the wizard.
30. In the Table constraints form, select ConDVRColor in the grid.
31. Click Edit to display the Edit table constraint form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

32. If the Allowed combinations FastTab is not open, click the Allowed
combinations FastTab to open the FastTab.
33. If the Allowed combinations FastTab grid does not display in the
FastTab, use the mouse to drag the ellipsis down in the center of the
FastTab to display the grid.
34. Verify the system displays the valid combinations in the grid.
35. Click Close to close the Edit table constraint form.
36. Click Close to close the Table constraints form.

System-Defined Table Constraints

System-defined table constraints bind columns of a table to attributes for
components in a product configuration model as shown in the New Table
Constraint Form figure.

The result is a dynamic constraint, because the table can be changed by other
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 modules.


When you create a system-defined table constraint, you can select a table, define
the query to use as an option, and associate attribute types to the fields on the
selected table. The types of fields must match the types of attribute types.
However, it is not required to match such values as enumeration values and
integer ranges. The attribute type values are replaced by the values in the field
from the selected table. After you create a system-defined table constraint, you
can add the constraint to a component, and then map the attribute to the column
names in the table constraint.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Procedure: System-Defined Table Constraint

To add a system-defined table constraint to a product configuration model,
follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Select the product configuration model name.
3. Click Edit in the Action Pane in the Maintain group.
4. Select the component node in the left pane tree structure.
5. If the Constraints FastTab is not open, click the Constraints
6. Click Maintain table constraints in the Constraints FastTab to
display the Table constraints form.
7. Click New on the Table constraints form to display the New table
constraint form.
8. Click Next.
9. Type the name of the table constraint in the Name field.
10. Type the description name in the Description field.
11. Select the System defined option button.
12. Click the drop-down list box in the Select table field to display the
Tables form.
13. Select a table name from the list to populate the Select table field.
14. Click Next.
15. Click Add to define the fields to include in the constraint.
16. Type a name in the Name field.
17. Click the Field name drop-down list box on the Field form to
display the fields available to select.
18. Select a field name and double-click the record to return the value
selected to the Field name field.
19. Select a value from the Attribute type field drop-down list box.
20. Optionally, click Select query to filter the table.
21. Click Add on the Inquiry form.
22. Select a value from the Field drop-down list box.
23. Select a value from the Criteria drop-down list box.
24. Click OK to close the Inquiry form.
25. Click Next.
26. Click Finish to exit the New table constraint form.
27. Click Close to exit the Table constraints form.
28. Click Add in the Constraints FastTab.
29. Select Table constraint from the Constraint drop-down list box.
30. Click Create to create the new record line.
31. Type a name in the Name field.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

32. Type a description in the Description field.

33. Click the drop-down in the Table constraint definition field to
display the Table constraint attachment form.
34. Click the drop-down in the Table constraint name field.
35. Select the table constraint name from the drop-down list box on the
Table constraint attachment form to populate the Column name
36. Click the drop-down in the Attribute name field and select a value
from the drop-down list box.
37. Click Close to exit the Table constraint attachment form.
38. Click Validate in the Constraints Action Pane to validate the
constraint. The system displays the Infolog form with the following
message: No errors were found.
39. Click Close to exit the Infolog form.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Lab 2.5: Add Constraints to the Home Entertainment System

Contoso Entertainment Systems - Company CEU


The home entertainment system that Emil is designing consists of several

subcomponents. Emil must add constraints to each subcomponent to make sure
that only valid combinations of features are selected when you configure the
home entertainment system with the name 20011.

Help Emil to add constraints to the home entertainment system, light video
system, DVD player recorder, and LCD TV.

IMPORTANT: To complete this lab, you must first complete Lab 2.4: Add
Attributes to Components.

Challenge Yourself! - Constraints for the Home

Entertainment System
Create two constraints for the Home Entertainment System. The constraints will
be used for following:

• Expression constraint: Applying the same color to all components.

The first constraint states that when you select the attribute to apply the
same color to the home entertainment system, the same color will apply
to the audio system and light video system.

• Expression constraint: Setting the apply same color flag on the

Light Video System.

The second constraint states that you want to have the option to apply the
same color to the light video system.

Make sure that the Name does not include spaces and remember that it is case-
sensitive. For consistency, use Title case when typing the Name. For example,
the Name for setting the apply same color flag on the light video system should
be ConSetApplySameColor. The Table constraint definition field should be
clear for each contraint.

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Need a Little Help? - Constraints for the Home

Entertainment System

• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model name 20011.
• Click Edit in the Action Pane in the Maintain group.
• Click the HomeEntertainmentSystem node in the left pane.
• Click the Constraints FastTab.
• Click Add on the Constraints FastTab.
• Use the following expression samples to guide you.

This is the expression for applying the same color to all




This is the expression for setting the apply same color

flag on the Light Video System.



Step by Step: Constraints for the Home Entertainment

To add the Home Entertainment System constraints, follow these steps.

1. Open Product information management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Select the product configuration model name 20011.
3. Click Edit in the Action Pane in the Maintain group.
4. Click the HomeEntertainmentSystem node in the left pane.
5. If the Constraints FastTab is not open, click the Constraints
FastTab and then click the Add button.
6. In the Constraint field, select Expression constraint from the drop-
down list box.
7. Click Create to add a new record in the Constraints FastTab.
8. In the Name field, type "ConApplySameColor".
9. In the Description field, type "Apply same color to all components".

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

10. Click the Expression field and then click the drop-down to display
the Expression constraint editor form.
11. In the Constraint text area, type the following:
12. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
following message: No errors were found.
13. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
14. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
15. Click Add on the Constraints FastTab.
16. In the Constraint field, select Expression constraint from the drop-
down list box.
17. Click Create to add a new record in the Constraints FastTab.
18. In the Name field, type "ConSetApplySameColor".
19. In the Description field, type "Apply same color flag on the light
video system".
20. Click the Expression field.
21. Click the Expression field drop-down to display the Expression
constraint editor form.
22. In the Constraint text area, type the following:
23. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
24. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
25. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.

Challenge Yourself! - Constraints for the Light Video

Create three constraints for the Light Video System. The constraints will be used
for following:

• Expression constraint: Applying the same color to all components.

The first constraint states that if you select the attribute to apply the same
color to the home entertainment system, the same color will apply to the
LCD TV and the DVD player recorder.

• Expression constraint: Including the DVD Player Recorder.

The second constraint states that when you select to include the DVD
player recorder in the configured product, one DVD player recorder is
included. When you select not to include the DVD player recorder in the
configured product, no DVD player recorder is included.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

• Expression constraint: Including the LCD TV.

The third constraint states that when you select to include the LCD TV in
the configured product, one LCD TV is included. When you select not to
include the LCD TV in the configured product, no LCD TV is included.

Make sure that the Name does not include spaces and remember that it is case-
sensitive. For consistency, use Title case when typing the Name. For example,
the Name for applying the same color configuration should be
ConApplySameColor. The Table constraint definition field should be clear for
each constraint.

Need a Little Help? - Constraints for the Light Video


• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model name 20011.
• Click Edit in the Action Pane in the Maintain group.
• Click the LightVideoSystem node in the left pane.
• Click the Constraints FastTab.
• Click Add on the Constraints FastTab.
• Use the following expression samples to guide you.

This is the expression for applying the same color to all


color ==lcdTV[color]==


This is the expression for including the DVD Player


dvdPlayerRecorder[includedvdPlayerRecorder] &
Implies [includedvdPlayerRecorder==
True, videoRecorderQuantity ==1] &
Implies [includedvdPlayerRecorder ==
False, videoRecorderQuantity==0]


This is the expression for including the LCD TV.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

includelcdTV==lcdTV[includelcdTV] &
Implies [includelcdTV==True,
televisionQuantity==1] &

Step by Step: Constraints for the Light Video System

To add the Light Video System constraints, follow these steps.

1. If the Light Video System node does not display in the left pane tree
structure, click the + button that is left of the
HomeEntertainmentSystem node to display the Light Video
System node.
2. Click the Light Video System node in the left pane.
3. If the Constraints FastTab is not open, click the Constraints
FastTab and then click Add.
4. In the Constraint field, select Expression constraint from the drop-
down list box.
5. Click Create to add a new record in the Constraints FastTab.
6. In the Name field, type "ConapplySameColor".
7. In the Description field, type "Constraint apply same color to all
8. Click the Expression field and then click the drop-down list box to
display the Expression constraint editor form.
9. In the Constraint text area, type the following:
10. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
11. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
12. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
13. Click Add on the Constraints FastTab to add the second constraint.
14. In the Constraint field, select Expression constraint from the drop-
down list box.
15. Click Create to add a new record in the Constraints FastTab.
16. In the Name field, type "ConIncludedvdPlayerRecorder".
17. In the Description field, type "Constraint include DVD Player
18. Click the Expression field and then click the drop-down to display
the Expression constraint editor form.
19. In the Constraint text area, type the following:
ecorder] & Implies [includedvdPlayerRecorder ==True,
videoRecorderQuantity ==1] & Implies [includedvdPlayerRecorder
==False, videoRecorderQuantity ==0]

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

20. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
21. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
22. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
23. Click Add on the Constraints FastTab to add the third constraint.
24. In the Constraint field, select Expression constraint from the drop-
down list box.
25. Click Create to add a new record in the Constraints FastTab.
26. In the Name field, type "ConIncludelcdTV".
27. In the Description field type "Constraint inclusion of lcdtv".
28. Click the Expression field and then click the drop-down to display
the Expression constraint editor form.
29. In the Constraint text area, type the following:
includelcdTV==lcdTV[includelcdTV] & Implies
[includelcdTV==True, televisionQuantity==1] & Implies
[includelcdTV==False, televisionQuantity==0]
30. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
31. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
32. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.

Challenge Yourself! - Constraints for the DVD Player

Create three constraints for the DVD Player Recorder. The constraints will be
used for the following:

• Expression constraint: The high definition model (ID map).

The first constraint states that when you select the high definition video
format, model 04 cannot be selected. (Model 04 is not high definition).

• Expression constraint: The standard model (ID map).

The second constraint states that when you select the standard definition
video format, model 02 cannot be selected. (Model 02 is not standard

• Expression constraint: The digital video format (ID map).

The third constraint states that the digital video format

"wHDUpconversion" can never be selected.

Make sure that the Name does not include spaces and remember that it is case-
sensitive. For consistency, use Title case when typing the Name. For example,
the Name for the high definition model (ID map) should be
ConHighDefinitionModel. The Table constraint definition field should be clear
for each constraint.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Need a Little Help? - Constraints for the DVD Player


• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model name 20011.
• Click Edit in the Action Pane in the Maintain group.
• Click the DVD Player Recorder node in the left pane.
• Click the Constraints FastTab.
• Click Add on the Constraints FastTab.
• Use the following expression samples to guide you.

This is the expression for the high definition model (ID



This is the expression for the standard model (ID map).



This is the expression for the digital video format (ID



Step by Step: Constraints for the DVD Player Recorder

To add the DVD Player Recorder constraints, follow these steps.

1. If the DVD Player Recorder node does not display in the left pane
tree structure, click the + button that is left of the Light Video
System node.
2. Click the DVD Player Recorder node in the left pane.
3. If the Constraints FastTab is not open, click the Constraints
FastTab and then click Add.
4. In the Constraint field, select Expression constraint from the drop-
down list box.
5. Click Create to add a new record in the Constraints FastTab.
6. In the Name field, type "ConHighDefinitionModel".
7. In the Description field, type "Constraint high definition model (ID
8. Click the Expression field and then click the drop-down to display
the Expression constraint editor form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

9. In the Constraint text area, type the following:

Implies[videoFormat=="HighDefinition", model!="M04"]
10. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
11. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
12. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
13. Click Add on the Constraints FastTab to add the second constraint.
14. In the Constraint field, select Expression constraint from the drop-
down list box.
15. Click Create to add a new record in the Constraints FastTab.
16. In the Name field, type "ConStandardModel".
17. In the Description field, type "Constraint standard model (ID map)".
18. Click the Expression field.
19. Click the Expression field drop-down to display the Expression
constraint editor form.
20. In the Constraint text area, type the following:
21. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
22. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
23. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
24. Click Add on the Constraints FastTab to add the third constraint.
25. In the Constraint field, select Expression constraint from the drop-
down list box.
26. Click Create to add a new record in the Constraints FastTab.
27. In the Name field, type "ConVideoFormat".
28. In the Description field, type "Constraint digital video format (ID
29. Click the Expression field and then click the drop-down to display
the Expression constraint editor form.
30. In the Constraint text area, type the following:
31. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
32. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
33. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Challenge Yourself! - Constraints for the LCD TV

Create two constraints for the LCD TV. The constraints will be used for the

• Expression constraint: The color ID map for the LCD TV.

The first constraint states that when you select an LCD TV in the color
black, color 01 is selected from the color ID map. When you select an
LCD TV in the color silver, color 02 is selected from the color ID map.

• Table constraint: The LCD TV size.

The second constraint is a user-defined table constraint for the LCD TV


The LCD TV is available in a 42 inch size and a 50 inch size.

Make sure that the Name does not include spaces and remember that it is case-
sensitive. For consistency, use Title case when typing the Name. For example,
the Name for the color constraint on the LCD TV should be ConColor (IDMap).
The Table constraint definition field should be TVSize for the second

Need a Little Help? - Constraints for the LCD TV

• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model name 20011.
• Click Edit in the Action Pane in the Maintain group.
• Click the LCD TV node in the left pane.
• Click the Constraints FastTab.
• Click Add on the Constraints FastTab.
• Use the following expression samples to guide you.

This is the expression for the color ID map.





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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Step by Step: Constraints for the LCD TV

To add the LCD TV constraints, follow these steps.

1. If the LCD TV node does not display in the left pane tree structure,
click the + button that is left of the Light Video System node.
2. Click the LCD TV node in the left pane.
3. If the Constraints FastTab is not open, click the Constraints
4. Click Add on the Constraints FastTab.
5. In the Constraint field, select Expression constraint from the drop-
down list box.
6. Click Create to add a new record in the Constraints FastTab.
7. In the Name field, type "ConColor (ID map)".
8. In the Description field, type "Constraint color (ID map)".
9. Click the Expression field and then click the drop-down to display
the Expression constraint editor form.
10. In the Constraint text area, type the following: Implies[color ==
"Black",colorIDMap == "01"] & Implies[color ==
"Silver",colorIDMap == "02"]
11. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
12. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
13. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
14. Click Add on the Constraints FastTab to add the second constraint.
15. In the Constraint field, select Table constraint from the drop-down
list box.
16. Click Create to add a new record in the Constraints FastTab.
17. In the Name field, type "ConSize".
18. In the Description field, type "Constraint sizing table".
19. Click the Table constraint definition field.
20. In the Table constraint definition field, click the drop-down to
display the Table constraint attachment form.
21. In the Table constraint name field, select TVSize from the drop-
down list box.
22. Select the record for TVSize in the grid.
23. Click the Attribute name field.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

24. In the Attribute name field, select Size from the drop-down list box.
25. Select the record for TVType in the grid.
26. Click the Attribute name field.
27. In the Attribute name field, select Type from the drop-down list
28. Click Close to close the Table constraint attachment form. TVSize
now displays in the Table constraint definition field.
29. Click Close to close the Constraint-based product configuration
model details form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

User Requirements
User requirements can also include soft requirements for a product, especially
where you are more familiar with the product than the customer.


Contoso Entertainment Systems offers services to customers. These services

include how to set up a product with several components, maintenance and repair
of products, and how to refine or increase the overall performance of a product.

These types of services can be added as a user requirement to the product

configuration model.

User Requirements FastTab

You can add user requirements to a product configuration model by using the
User requirements FastTab on the Constraint-based product configuration
model details form. To access the User requirements FastTab, open Product
information management > Common > Product configuration models. Select
the product configuration model and then click Edit in the Maintain group of the
Action Pane to open the Constraint-based product configuration model
details form. Click the User requirements FastTab.

User requirements do not have their own level in the generated BOM. They are
mapped to components. However, you cannot associate them with a product
master item. Other than that, they resemble subcomponents as shown in the User
Requirements FastTab figure.


For each user requirement, you will specify the following:

• Name: Friendly name of the user requirement.

• Solver name: Name for the requirement that respects the solver
naming conventions, for example, no use of spaces or special
• Description: Description of the user requirement.
• Component name: Component that the user requirement is related

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

When you add a user requirement to a product configuration model, you must
add attributes and BOM lines to the corresponding component to represent the
user requirement.

You might have constraints that you want to use in multiple configuration
models, or have BOMs or operations that you want to use across several models.
The BOM and route operations of user requirements are pulled up into the parent
item in a phantom BOM way. A phantom BOM is a BOM structure that is not an
item. It represents the recipe of something that you do not intend to store as a

Scenario: User Requirements

Emil, the Product Designer at Contoso Entertainment Systems must add a user
requirement to the home entertainment system. This requirement will represent
potential services the company offers to increase customer satisfaction. Contoso
Entertainment Systems offers installation services, maintenance and repair
services, and other professional services.

After Emil adds the user requirement to the product configuration model, he adds
attributes for each of the three types of services so that you can select the services
when you configure the product.

Finally, Emil adds BOM lines for each of the three types of services.

When any of the services are selected during product configuration, the cost of
the services will be included in the sales price of the home entertainment system.

Procedure: Add User Requirements

To add a user requirement to a product configuration model, follow these steps.

1. Open the Product configuration management > Common >

Product configuration models list page.
2. Select the product configuration model.
3. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the
Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
4. Select the component node in the left pane tree structure.
5. Click the User requirements FastTab to open it.
6. Click Add in the User requirements FastTab to add a new line.
7. In the Name field, type the name of the user requirement.
8. In the Solver name field, type the solver name for the user
requirement. The solver name cannot have spaces or special

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

9. In the Description field, type a description for the user requirement.

10. Click the Component field to display the drop-down list box.
11. In the Component field, click the drop-down list box to display the
list of components.
12. Select a component from the drop-down list box that represents the
user requirement.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Lab 2.6 - Add User Requirements

Contoso Entertainment Systems - Company CEU


Emil, the Product Designer, knows that sound quality is important to customers
when they buy a home entertainment system. There are many variables to
consider when you select the speaker type and number of speakers that will be
needed to provide high quality sound. Some variables include the following:

• Size of the room.

• Height of the ceiling.
• Number of walls with windows.
• Does the room have carpeting?

To address this need, Emil adds a user requirement to the product configuration
model to make sure these variables are known to provide high customer

IMPORTANT: To complete this lab, you must first complete Lab 2.5: Add
Constraints to the Home Entertainment System.

Challenge Yourself!
Use the information in this table to add the user requirement to the product
configuration model.

Field Value
Name Services
Solver name services
Description Services
Component Services

Need a Little Help?

• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model name 20011
• Add the user requirement at the root component level of the Home
Entertainment System.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Step by Step

1. Open the Product configuration management > Common >

Product configuration models list page.
2. Select the product configuration model name 20011.
3. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the
Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
4. Select the Home Entertainment System node in the left pane tree
5. If the User requirements FastTab is not open, click the User
requirements FastTab.
6. Click Add in the User requirements FastTab to add a new line.
7. In the Name field, type "Services".
8. In the Solver name field, type "services".
9. In the Description field, type "Services".
10. Click the Component field to display the drop-down list box.
11. Click the drop-down list box in the Component field and select
12. Click the Close button to close the Constraint-based product
configuration model details form.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

BOM Lines
BOM lines are included in the product configuration model to identify the
manufacturing BOM for each component. A BOM line can reference an item or a
service, and all item properties can be set to a fixed value or mapped to an

BOM lines are held together in a BOM structure that is created for the
subcomponent and the item that is represented.

Conditions for BOM lines can be used in a product configuration model to

include or exclude a specific BOM line when you configure a product. When the
condition is true, the designated BOM line and corresponding item number is
included in the configured product.


Two types of digital video recorders (DVR) are available for a home
entertainment system - standard definition DVRs that typically have smaller
storage available and do not include high definition programming, and high
definition DVRs.

In the product configuration model, an attribute is defined for the DVR that
specifies the types of digital video format that you can select.

Three types are available:

• Standard definition
• Standard definition with high definition conversion
• High definition

You can write a condition for one BOM line that represents the DVR stating that
when the high definition video format is selected it will include the high
definition DVR. The DVR that the system selects item number 1606.

You can also write a similar condition for a second BOM line stating that when
the standard definition video format is selected, it will include the standard
definition DVR. The DVR that the system selects is item number1604.

BOM Lines FastTab

You can add BOM lines to a product configuration model by using the BOM
lines FastTab on the Constraint-based product configuration model details
form. To access the BOM lines FastTab, open Product information
management > Common > Product configuration models. Select the product
configuration model and then click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action
Pane to open the Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
Click the BOM lines FastTab.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

BOM lines in product configuration represent a part required to build the

product. BOM lines are added to a product configuration model by using the
BOM lines FastTab as shown in the BOM Lines FastTab figure.


For each BOM line, you will specify the following:

• Name: Name of the BOM line.

• Description: Description of the BOM line.
• Condition: Adding a condition to the BOM line is optional. The
field contains a drop-down list box to access the Expression
constraint editor form. You can sue the form to write a condition
for the selected BOM line. The expression entered must follow MSF
syntax. To validate the expression syntax that you enter is correct
click Validate. Performing this action passes the condition to MSF.
• Item number: Reference to the item number that represents the
BOM line.

BOM Line Details Form

You can access the BOM line details form through the Product information
management > Common > Product configuration models list page. Select the
product configuration model. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action
Pane to open the Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
Click the BOM lines FastTab and select the existing BOM line. Click the BOM
line details button in the BOM lines FastTab to open the BOM line details

You can use the BOM line details form to select the item that will represent the
BOM line.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

You can also use this form to set up value assignments for BOM line fields. The
Item number field at the top of the form is used to indicate whether the value of
the selected line is determined by an item number or by an attribute as shown in
the BOM Line Details Form figure.


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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

The BOM line details form contains three FastTabs:

• Details FastTab: You can set the values for the Subcontractor,
BOM, Project, Valid, Operation, and Consumption group fields
based on a value or an attribute. If an attribute is selected, then you
can select the value for the attribute when you configure the product.
A value can also be selected, depending on a constraint. This
behavior is the same for all fields.
o Item number: Select the Value field option on the top of the
BOM line details form to filter by item number in the Item
number field. If you select the Attribute field option on the top
of the form, then select the attribute in the Item number field.

• Setup FastTab: You can set the values for the Consumption
calculation, Rounding-up, and Measurement group fields based on
a value or an attribute.
• Dimension FastTab: You can set the values for the Inventory
dimensions group fields based on a value or an attribute.

NOTE: The value in the Quantity field on the Setup FastTab must be greater
than zero for the BOM line to be included in the BOM during the product model
configuration process.

Also, if the Quantity field is set to zero on the Setup FastTab for a component,
the BOM and route related to the subcomponent will not be created during the
product model configuration process.

Expression Constraint Editor Form

Optionally, to specify that the BOM line is included only under a certain
condition, in the Condition field, click the arrow to open the Expression
constraint editor form. In the Constraint field, enter the expression constraint
that defines the condition that must be met. After you enter the expression
constraint, click Validate. If there is an error with the syntax of the expression
constraint, the system will display an Infolog message. When the syntax of the
expression constraint is correct, the system will display the Infolog message: No
errors were found.

Example: BOM Line Condition

Two BOM lines are added for an LCD TV subcomponent in the product
configuration model.

One BOM line represents a high definition LCD TV - model 02 with item 1000,
and the other BOM line is for a standard LCD TV - model 01 with item 1001.

The BOM line created to represent the high definition LCD TV - model 02, also
contains the following condition: includeTelevision & type =="LCD" &
model=="M02" as shown in the Expression Constraint Editor Form figure.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

When the product is configured during the sales order entry and the customer
selects a high definition LCD TV instead of the standard LCD TV, item number
1000 will be used to build the product.


Scenario: BOM Lines

The product configuration model that Emil is creating offers many ways for the
product to be configured, depending on the features that are selected. Earlier,
Emil added an attribute for the power cable for the home entertainment system
that can be purchased in meters for the length.

Emil must add a BOM line to the product configuration model for the power
cable so that it will be included with the home entertainment system when the
power cable length is selected.

Procedure: Add a BOM Line

To add a BOM line to a component, follow these steps.

1. Open the Product configuration management > Common >

Product configuration models.
2. Select the product configuration model name.
3. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the
Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
4. Click the component node in the left pane tree structure.
5. If the BOM lines FastTab is not open, click the BOM lines FastTab.
6. Click Add in the BOM lines FastTab to add a new line.
7. In the Name field, type the name for the BOM line.
8. In the Description field, type a description for the BOM line.
9. Optionally, click the Condition field to add a condition.
10. Click the Condition field drop-down list box to open the Expression
constraint editor form.
11. Type an expression constraint in the Constraint field that follows
MSF syntax.
12. Click Validate to verify the expression constraint syntax.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

13. Click Close to close the Infolog form message: No errors were
14. Click OK on the Expression constraint editor form to close the
15. Click File > Save. This is located at the upper left area of the form.
16. Click OK on the Information form to turn on the BOM line details
button in the BOM lines FastTab.
17. Click the BOM line details button to open the BOM line details
18. Click the Item number field drop-down list box to display the
available items.
19. Select an item number from the drop-down list box.
20. Optionally, set and select values or attributes on the Details FastTab
on the BOM line details form.
21. Optionally, set and select values or attributes on the Setup FastTab
on the BOM line details form.
22. Optionally, set and select values or attributes on the Dimension
FastTab on the BOM line details form.
23. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.
24. Repeat steps 6 through 23 to add more BOM lines.
25. Click Close to close the Constraint-based product configuration
model details form.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Lab 2.7: Add BOM Lines

Contoso Entertainment Systems - Company CEU


To build the configured product from the product configuration model, Emil, the
Product Designer, must add BOM lines to the subcomponents.

Use the information in the tables to help Emil add BOM lines to the home
entertainment system, DVD player recorder, and LCD TV.

IMPORTANT: To complete this lab, you must first complete Lab 2.6: Add User

Challenge Yourself! - BOM Lines for the Home

Entertainment System
Create one BOM line for the Home Entertainment System node. The BOM line
will be used to include the power cable.

The BOM line to include the power cable does not have a condition.

Make sure that you specify a Name, Description, and Item number for the
BOM line.

Use the information in this table to add the BOM line.

Field/Check box BOM Line 1

Name Power Cable
Description Power cable
Condition Clear
Item number 5020
Line type Item, Value
Calculation Select, Value
Quantity Length of power cable, Attribute
Unit Mtr, Value

Need a Little Help? - BOM Line for the Home

Entertainment System

• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model name 20011.
• Click Edit in the Action Pane in the Maintain group.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

• Click the Home Entertainment System node in the left pane.

• Click the BOM lines FastTab and then click Add.
• Add the BOM line for the power cable and use item number 5020.

Step by Step: BOM Line for the Home Entertainment

To add a BOM line to the Home Entertainment System subcomponent, follow
these steps.

1. Open the Product configuration management > Common >

Product configuration models list page.
2. Select the product configuration model name 20011.
3. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the
Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
4. Click the Home Entertainment System node in the left pane.
5. If the BOM lines FastTab is not open, click the BOM lines FastTab
and then click Add to add a new line.
6. In the Name field, type "Power Cable".
7. In the Description field, type "Power cable".
8. Click File > Save. This is located at the upper left area of the form.
9. Click OK on the Information form to have the BOM line details
button become active in the BOM lines FastTab.
10. Click BOM line details to open the BOM line details form.
11. In the Item number field, select 5020 (PowerCable) from the drop-
down list box.
12. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
13. Select the Set check box that is left of the Calculation field check
box in the BOM group of the Details FastTab.
14. Select the Calculation check box.
15. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab on the
BOM line details form.
16. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity field in the
Consumption calculation group of the Setup FastTab.
17. Next to the Quantity field, select the Attribute option button.
18. In the Quantity field, select Length of power cable from the drop-
down list box.
19. In the Unit field, select Mtr from the drop-down list box.
20. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Challenge Yourself! - BOM Lines for the DVD Player

Create four BOM lines for the DVD Player Recorder node. The BOM lines will
be used for following:

• Condition: Include item number 1601.

The first condition states to include the standard video format and model

• Condition: Include item number 1606.

The second condition states to include the high definition video format
and model 02.

• Condition: Include item number 1604.

The third condition states to include the standard video format and model

• Condition: Include item number 1605.

The fourth condition states to include the high definition video format
and model 01.

Make sure that you specify a Name, Description, and Item number for each
BOM line. Make sure that you write each condition following MSF syntax. For
example, the condition to include item 1601 should be:

includevideoFormat=="Standard" & model=="M01"

Use the information in this table to add the BOM lines.

Field/Check BOM Line BOM Line 2 BOM Line BOM Line 4

box 1 3
Item number 1601 1606 1604 1605
Line type Item, Item, Value Item, Item, Value
Value Value
Calculation Select, Select, Value Select, Select, Value
Value Value
Quantity 1.0000, 1.0000, Value 1.0000, 1.0000, Value
Value Value
Unit ea, Value ea, Value ea, Value ea, Value

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Need a Little Help? - BOM Lines for the DVD Player


• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model name 20011.
• Click Edit in the Action Pane in the Maintain group.
• Click the DVD Player Recorder node in the left pane.
• Click the BOM lines FastTab and then click Add.
• Use the following condition samples to guide you.

This is the condition to include standard video format and

model 01.

includevideoFormat=="Standard" & model=="M01"


This is the condition to include high definition video

format and model 02.

includevideoFormat=="HighDefinition" & model=="M02"


This is the condition to include standard video format and

model 04.

includevideoFormat=="Standard" & model=="M04"


This is the condition to include high definition video

format and model 01.

includevideoFormat=="HighDefinition" & model=="M01"

Step by Step: BOM Lines for the DVD Player Recorder

To add BOM lines to the DVD Player Recorder subcomponent, follow these

1. If the DVD Player Recorder node does not display in the left pane
tree structure, click the + button that is left of the Light Video
System node.
2. Click the DVD Player Recorder node in the left pane.
3. If the BOM lines FastTab is not open, click the BOM lines FastTab
and then click Add to add the first line.
4. In the Name field, type "DVRM01".
5. In the Description field, type "Standard Digital Video Recorder
Model 01".

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

6. Click the Condition field and then click the drop-down to display
the Expression constraint editor form.
7. In the Constraint field, type the following:
includevideoFormat=="Standard" & model=="M01"
8. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
9. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
10. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
11. Click the BOM line details button to open the BOM line details
12. In the Item number field, select 1601 from the drop-down list box.
13. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
14. Select the Set check box that is left of the Calculation check box in
the BOM group of the Details FastTab.
15. Select the Calculation check box.
16. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab.
17. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity field in the
Consumption calculation group of the Setup FastTab.
18. In the Quantity field, type "1.0000".
19. In the Unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
20. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.
21. Click Add in the BOM lines FastTab to add the second line.
22. In the Name field, type "DVRM02".
23. In the Description field, type "High-Definition Digital Video
Recorder Model 02".
24. Click the Condition field and then click the drop-down to display
the Expression constraint editor form.
25. In the Constraint field, type the following:
includevideoFormat=="HighDefinition" & model=="M02"
26. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
27. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
28. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
29. Click BOM line details to open the BOM line details form.
30. In the Item number field, select 1606 from the drop-down list box.
31. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
32. Select the Set check box that is left of the Calculation check box.
33. Select the Calculation check box.
34. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab.
35. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity field in the
Consumption calculation group on the Setup FastTab.
36. In the Quantity field, type "1.0000".
37. In the Unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

38. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.

39. Click Add in the BOM lines FastTab to add the third line.
40. In the Name field, type "DVRM04".
41. In the Description field, type "Standard Digital Video Recorder
Model 04".
42. Click the Condition field and then click the drop-down to display
the Expression constraint editor form.
43. In the Constraint field, type the following:
includevideoFormat=="Standard" & model=="M04"
44. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
45. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
46. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
47. Click BOM lines details to open the BOM line details form.
48. In the Item number field, select 1604 from the drop-down list box.
49. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
50. Select the Set check box that is left of the Calculation check box.
51. Select the Calculation check box.
52. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab to open the
53. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity field in the
Consumption calculation group of the Setup FastTab.
54. In the Quantity field, type "1.0000".
55. In the Unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
56. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.
57. Click Add in the BOM lines FastTab to add the fourth line.
58. In the Name field, type "DVRM05".
59. In the Description field, type "High-Definition Digital Video
Recorder Model 01".
60. Click the Condition field and then click the drop-down to open the
Expression constraint editor form.
61. In the Constraint field, type the following:
includevideoFormat=="HighDefinition" & model=="M01"
62. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
63. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
64. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
65. Click BOM line details to open the BOM line details form.
66. In the Item number field, select 1605 from the drop-down list box.
67. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
68. Select the Set check box next to the Calculation check box.
69. Select the Calculation check box.
70. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

71. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity field in the
Consumption calculation group on the Setup FastTab.
72. In the Quantity field, type "1.0000".
73. In the Unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
74. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.

Challenge Yourself! - BOM Lines for the LCD TV

Create two BOM lines for the LCD TV node. The BOM lines will be used for the

• Condition: Include item number 1000.

The first condition states to include the standard video format and model

• Condition: Include item number 1001.

The second condition states to include the high definition video format
and model 01.

Make sure that you specify a Name, Description, and Item number for each
BOM line. Make sure that you write each condition following MSF syntax. For
example, the condition to include item 1000 should be

includelcdTV & model=="M02"

Use the information in this table to add the BOM lines.

Field/Check box BOM Line 1 BOM Line 2

Name LCD-HD Black-M02 LCD-M01
Item number 1000 1001
Line type Item, Value Item, Value
Calculation Select, Value Select, Value
Quantity 1.0000, Value 1.0000, Value
Unit ea, Value ea, Value
Configuration Clear Configuration, Attribute
Size Clear Size, Attribute
Color Clear Color ID map, Attribute

Need a Little Help? - BOM Lines for the LCD TV

• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model name 20011.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

• Click Edit in the Action Pane in the Maintain group.

• Click the LCD TV node in the left pane.
• Click the BOM lines FastTab and then click Add.
• Use the following condition samples to guide you.

This is the condition to include the LCD TV and model 02.

includelcdTV & model=="M02"


This is the condition to include the LCD TV and model 01.

includelcdTV & model=="M01"

Step by Step: BOM Lines for the LCD TV

To add BOM lines to the LCD TV subcomponent, follow these steps.

1. If the LCD TV node does not display in the left pane tree structure,
click the + button that is left of the Light Video System node.
2. Click the LCD TV node in the left pane.
3. If the BOM lines FastTab is not open, click the BOM lines FastTab
and then click Add to add the first line.
4. In the Name field, type "LCD-HD Black M02".
5. In the Description field, type "LCD Television HD black model 02".
6. Click the Condition field and then click the drop-down to display
the Expression constraint editor form.
7. In the Constraint field, type the following: includelcdTV &
8. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
9. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
10. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
11. Click BOM line details to open the BOM line details form.
12. In the Item number field, select 1000 from the drop-down list box.
13. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
14. Select the Set check box that is left of the Calculation field.
15. Select the Calculation check box.
16. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab on the
BOM line details form.
17. Select the Set check box next to the Quantity field in the
Consumption calculation group of the Setup FastTab.
18. In the Quantity field, type "1.0000".

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

19. In the Unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
20. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.
21. Click Add in the BOM lines FastTab to add the second line.
22. In the Name field, type "LCD-M01".
23. In the Description field, type "LCD Television Model 1".
24. Click the Condition field and then click the drop-down to open the
Expression constraint editor form.
25. In the Constraint field, type the following: includelcdTV &
26. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
27. Click Close the close the Infolog form.
28. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
29. Click BOM line details to open the BOM line details form.
30. In the Item number field, select 1001 from the drop-down list box.
31. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
32. Select the Set check box that is left of the Calculation field.
33. Select the Calculation check box.
34. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab.
35. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity field in the
Consumption calculation group.
36. In the Quantity field, type "1.0000".
37. In the Unit field, select ea from the drop-down list box.
38. If the Dimension FastTab is not open, click the Dimension FastTab.
39. Next to the Configuration field, select the Attribute option button.
40. In the Configuration field, select Configuration from the drop-down
list box.
41. Next to the Size field, select the Attribute option button.
42. In the Size field, select Size from the drop-down list box.
43. Next to the Color field, select the Attribute option button.
44. In the Color field, select Color ID map from the drop-down list box.
45. Click OK to close the BOM line details form.
46. Click Validate in the Run group of the Action Pane to validate the
product configuration model. The system displays the Infolog form
with the message: No errors found.
47. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
48. Click the Close button to close the Constraint-based product
configuration model details form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Route Operations
Route operations are included in product configuration models to identify the
manufacturing routes for the subcomponents. A production route in Microsoft
Dynamics AX brings is composed of a sequence of steps or operations which
defines a manufacturing process. Similar to a production BOM, a route must be
approved before it can be used, and it must also be marked as active. The
approval and activation is completed by the system, and the user does not have to
perform these manual steps.

An operation in a route is attached to a specific resource or the capabilities that

the resource must own. This defines a person, machine, tool, or vendor who will
perform the work.

A route can be defined and attached to more than one item exactly like an
operation can be defined and attached to more than one route. A company can
build up a library of operations that can be reused on many routes.

A route only contains operations and does not depend on BOM components. For
example, if a stereo receiver and a DVD player use the same route for inspection,
then the operations to process the BOMs are the same. However, they can
consume different times.

Route Operations FastTab

To add route operations to a product configuration model, use the Route
operations FastTab on the Constraint-based product configuration model
details form. To access the Route operations FastTab, open Product
information management > Common > Product configuration models. Select
the product configuration model that you want and then click Edit in the
Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the Constraint-based product
configuration model details form. Click the Route operations FastTab.

The definition of route operations resembles how BOM lines are defined for a
product configuration model. However, route operations are not mapped to an
item number as shown in the Route Operations FastTab figure. Instead they are
mapped to an operation.


For each route operation, you will specify the following:

• Name: The name of the route operation.

• Description: The description of the route operation.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

• Condition: Adding a condition to the route operation is optional.

The field contains a drop-down list box to access the Expression
constraint editor form. You can use this form to write a condition
for the selected route operation. The expression entered must follow
MSF syntax. To validate the expression syntax that you enter is
correct, click Validate. Performing this action passes the condition
to MSF.
• Operation: Displays the related route operation.

Route Operation Details Form

You can access the Route operation details form through the Product
information management > Common > Product configuration models list
page. Select the product configuration model. Click Edit in the Maintain group
of the Action Pane to open the Constraint-based product configuration model
details form. Click the Route operations FastTab and select the existing route
operation. Click the Route operation details button in the Route operations
FastTab to open the Route operation details form.

You can use the Route operations details form to select and maintain the route
operation as shown in the Route Operation Details Form figure.


You can use this form to set up value assignments for route operation fields. The
Operation field at the top of the form can be used to indicate whether the value
of the selected line is determined by a selected operation or by an attribute.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

The Route operation details form contains four FastTabs:

• Details FastTab: You can set the values for the Operation group
and Route group fields based on a value or an attribute. If an
attribute is selected, then you can select the value for the attribute
during the product model configuration process. This behavior is the
same for all fields except for fields on the Resource requirements
• Setup FastTab: You can set the values for the Consumption
calculation group fields and Cost categories group fields based on a
value or an attribute.
• Times FastTab: You can set the values for the Times group fields
and Overlap group fields based on a value or an attribute.
• Resource requirements FastTab: Enter the resource requirements
for the operation. These requirements can include the resource type,
resource group, or the individual resource that is needed. You can
also define requirements according to the capabilities the resource
must have to perform the operation.

Expression Constraint Editor Form

Optionally, to specify that the route operation is included only under a certain
condition, in the Condition field, click the arrow to open the Expression
constraint editor form. In the Constraint field, enter the expression constraint
that defines the condition that must be met. After you enter the expression
constraint, click Validate. If there is an error with the syntax of the expression
constraint, the system will display an Infolog message. When the syntax of the
expression constraint is correct, the system displays the Infolog message: No
errors were found.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Example: Route Operation Condition

A route operation line is added for an LCD TV subcomponent in the product
configuration model. The route operation added represents the step to pack the
LCD TV subcomponent when it is selected as part of the product configuration
model. The route operation line also contains the following condition:
includelcdTV. When the product is configured during the sales order entry
process, the packing operation will only be included if the LCD TV is selected as
part of the configured product. If a different type of TV is selected by the
customer, the operation will not be included as shown by the Route Operation
With Condition figure.


Scenario: Add Route Operations

The product configuration model that Emil, the Product Designer, is creating
contains several subcomponents. After the subcomponents are manufactured and
assembled, they must be inspected to confirm the company's high quality
standards are met. Emil will add an inspection operation to the individual

Procedure: Add a Route Operation

To add a route operation to a component, follow these steps.

1. Open Product configuration management > Common > Product

configuration models.
2. Select the product configuration model name.
3. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the
Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
4. Select the component node in the left pane tree structure.
5. If the Route operations FastTab is not open, click the Route
operations FastTab.
6. Click Add in the Route operations FastTab to add a new line.
7. In the Name field, type the name for the route operation.
8. In the Description field, type a description for the route operation.
9. Optionally, click in the Condition field to add a condition for the
route operation.
10. Click the Condition field drop-down list box to open to open the
Expression constraint editor form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

11. Type an expression constraint in the Constraint field that follows

MSF syntax.
12. Click Validate to verify the expression constraint syntax.
13. Click Close to close the Infolog form with the message: No errors
were found.
14. Click OK on the Expression constraint editor form to close the
15. Click the Route operation details button to open the Route
operation details form.
16. Click the Operation field drop-down list box to display the available
17. Select an operation from the drop-down list box.
18. Optionally, set and select values or attributes on the Details FastTab
of the Route operation details form.
19. Optionally, set and select values or attributes on the Setup FastTab
of the Route operation details form.
20. Optionally, set and select values or attributes on the Times FastTab
of the Route operation details form.
21. Optionally, specify values on the Resource requirements FastTab
of the Route operation details form.
22. Click OK to close the Route operation details form.
23. Repeat steps 6 through 22 to add more route operations.
24. Click Close to close the Constraint-based product configuration
model details form.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Lab 2.8: Add Route Operations

Contoso Entertainment Systems - Company CEU


To be able to build the subcomponents in the product configuration model, Emil

must add route operations to the subcomponents.

Use the information in the tables to help Emil add the route operations to the
Home Entertainment System, Light Video System, DVD Player Recorder, and
the LCD TV.

IMPORTANT: To complete this lab, you must first complete Lab 2.7: Add BOM

Challenge Yourself! - Route Operations for the Home

Entertainment System
Create two route operations for the Home Entertainment System node.

• The first route operation is to assemble the audio and video systems.
The second operation is to inspect the audio and video systems.
• The assembly and inspection operations do not have conditions.

For the following fields, the assembly and inspection route operations use the
same values on the Route operation details form, except for two fields. For the
inspection route operation, set Oper. No. = 20 and Next = 0. All fields use the
value option.

• Oper. No. = 10
• Next = 20
• Route group = 10
• Setup category = HTSSetup
• Run time category = HTSProc
• Quantity category = HTSQty
• Run time = 1.00
• Process qty. = 1.00
• Hours/time = 1.0000

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Use the information in the table to add the route operations.

Field/Check box Route operation 1 Route operation 2

Name Assembly Inspection
Description Video and audio system Video and audio system
assembly inspection
Operation Assem_HTS Insp_HTS
Quantity 1 1
Load 100.00 100.00
Requirement type Resource group Resource group
Requirement 009 010
Operations Select Select
Job scheduling Select Select

Need a Little Help? - Route Operations for the Home

Entertainment System

• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model.
• Select the Home Entertainment System node.
• Select the Route Operations FastTab.
• Add the assembly route operation.
o Set the Name to Assembly
o Set the Description to Video and audio system assembly
o Set the Operation to Assem_HTS

• Add the inspection route operation.

o Set the Name to Inspection.
o Set the Description to Video and audio system inspection.
o Set the Operation to Insp_HTS.

Step by Step: Route Operations for the Home

Entertainment System
To add route operations to the Home Entertainment System subcomponent,
follow these steps.

1. Open the Product configuration management > Common >

Product configuration models list page.
2. Select the product configuration model name 20011.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

3. Click Edit in the Maintain group of the Action Pane to open the
Constraint-based product configuration model details form.
4. Click the HomeEntertainmentSystem node in the left pane.
5. If the Route operations FastTab is not open, click the Route
operations FastTab and then click Add to add the first line.
6. In the Name field, type "Assembly".
7. In the Description field, type "Video and audio system assembly".
8. Click File > Save. (This is located at the upper left area of the form.)
9. Click OK on the Information form to have the Route operation
details button become active in the Route operations FastTab.
10. Click Route operation details to open the Route operation details
11. In the Operation field, select Assem_HTS from the drop-down list
12. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
13. In the Oper. No. field, type "10".
14. In the Next field, type "20".
15. In the Route group field, select 10 from the drop-down list box.
16. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab.
17. Select the Set check box that is left of the Setup category field in
the Cost categories group.
18. In the Setup category field, select HTSSetup from the drop-down
list box.
19. Select the Set check box that is left of the Run time category field.
20. In the Run time category field, select HTSProc from the drop-down
list box.
21. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity category field.
22. In the Quantity category field, select HTSQty from the drop-down
list box.
23. If the Times FastTab is not open, click the Times FastTab.
24. Select the Set check box that is left of the Run time field in the
Times group.
25. In the Run time field, type "1.00".
26. In the Process qty. field, type "1.00".
27. In the Hours/time field, type "1.0000".
28. If the Resource requirement FastTab is not open, click the
Resource requirements FastTab to open the FastTab.
29. In the Resource requirements grid, click Add.
30. In the Requirement type field, select Resource group from the drop-
down list box.
31. In the Requirement field, select 009 from the drop-down list box.
32. Click OK to close the Route operation details form.
33. Click Add in the Route operations FastTab to add the second line.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

34. In the Name field, type "Inspection".

35. In the Description field, type "Video and audio system inspection".
36. Click File > Save. (This is located at the upper left area of the form.)
37. Click OK on the Information form to have the Route operation
details button become active in the Route operations FastTab.
38. Click Route operation details to open the Route operation details
39. In the Operation field, select Insp_HTS from the drop-down.
40. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
41. In the Oper. No. field, type "20".
42. In the Route group field, select 10 from the drop-down list box.
43. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab to open the
44. Set the Set check box that is left of the Setup category field in the
Cost categories group on the Setup FastTab.
45. In the Setup category field, select HTSSetup from the drop-down
list box.
46. Select the Set check box that is left of the Run time category field.
47. In the Run time category field, select HTSProc from the drop-down
list box.
48. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity category field.
49. In the Quantity category field, select HTSQty from the drop-down
list box.
50. If the Times FastTab is not open, click the Times FastTab.
51. Select the Set check box that is left of the Run time field in the
Times group.
52. In the Run time field, type "1.00".
53. In the Process qty. field, type "1.00".
54. In the Hours/time field, type "1.0000".
55. If the Resource requirements FastTab is not open, click the
Resource requirements FastTab.
56. In the Resource requirements grid, click Add.
57. In the Requirement type field, select Resource group from the drop-
down list box.
58. In the Requirement field, select 010 from the drop-down list box.
59. Click OK to close the Route operation details form.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Challenge Yourself! - Route Operations for the Light

Video System
Create one route operation for the Light Video System node.

Add a condition to the route operation to include the DVD Player Recorder and
the LCD TV in the Home Entertainment System. When the condition is met, the
DVD Player Recorder and the LCD TV will go through the inspection operation.

The following fields on the Route operation details form all use the value

• Oper. No. = 10
• Next = 0
• Route group = 10
• Setup category = HTSSetup
• Run time category = HTSProc
• Quantity category = HTSQty
• Run time = 1.00
• Process qty. = 1.00
• Hours/time = 1.0000

Make sure that you write the condition following MSF syntax. For example, the
condition to include the DVD Player Recorder and the LCD TV should be:


Use the information in the table to add the route operation.

Field/Check box Route Operation 1

Name Inspection
Description Inspection
Operation Insp_HTS
Quantity 1
Load 100.00
Requirement type Resource group
Requirement 010
Operations scheduling Select
Job scheduling Select

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Need a Little Help? - Route Operations for the Light Video


• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model.
• Select the Light Video System node.
• Add the packing route operation.
o Set the Name to Inspection.
o Set the Description to Inspection.
o Set the Operation to Insp_HTS.

• Use the following expression sample to guide you.

When the condition to include the DVD Player Recorder and

the LCD TV with the Home Entertainment System is met, the
inspection operation is used.

This is the expression for the condition.


Step by Step: Route Operations for the Light Video

To add route operations to the Light Video System subcomponent, follow these

1. If the Light Video System node does not display in the left pane tree
structure, click the + button that is left of the
HomeEntertainmentSystem node.
2. Click the Light Video System node in the left pane.
3. If the Route operations FastTab is not open, click the Route
operations FastTab.
4. Click Add in the Route operations FastTab to add a new line.
5. In the Name field, type "Inspection".
6. In the Description field, type "Inspection".
7. Click the Condition field and then click the drop-down to display
the Expression constraint editor form.
8. In the Constraint field, type the following:
9. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
10. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
11. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
12. Click Route operation details in the Route operations FastTab to
open the Route operation details form.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

13. In the Operation field, select Insp_HTS from the drop-down list
14. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
15. In the Oper. No. field, type "10".
16. In the Route group field, select 10 from the drop-down list box.
17. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab.
18. Select the Set check box that is left of the Setup category field in
the Cost categories group.
19. In the Setup category field, select HTSSetup from the drop-down
list box.
20. Select the Set check box that is left of the Run time category field.
21. In the Run time category field, select HTSProc from the drop-down
list box.
22. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity category field.
23. In the Quantity category field, select HTSQty from the drop-down
list box.
24. If the Times FastTab is not open, click the Times FastTab.
25. Select the Set check box next to the Run time field in the Times
26. In the Run time field, type "1.00".
27. In the Process qty. field, type "1.00".
28. In the Hours/time field, type "1.0000".
29. If the Resource requirements FastTab is not open, click the
Resource requirements FastTab.
30. In the Resource requirements grid, click Add.
31. In the Requirement type field, select Resource group from the drop-
down list box.
32. In the Requirement field, select 010 from the drop-down list box.
33. Click OK to close the Route operation details form.

Challenge Yourself! - Route Operations for the DVD

Player Recorder
Create one route operation for the DVD Player Recorder node.

Add a condition to the route operation to include the DVD Player Recorder in the
Home Entertainment System. When the condition is met, the DVD Player
Recorder will go through the packing operation.

The following fields on the Route operation details form all use the value

• Oper. No. = 10
• Next = 0
• Route group = 10

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

• Setup category = HTSSetup

• Run time category = HTSProc
• Quantity category = HTSQty
• Run time = 1.00
• Process qty. = 1.00
• Hours/time = 1.0000

Make sure that you write each condition following MSF syntax. For example, the
condition to include the DVD Player Recorder should be:


Use the information in the table to add the route operation.

Field/Check box Route Operation 1

Name Packing
Description Packing
Operation KtInPk_HTS
Quantity 1
Load 100.00
Requirement type Resource group
Requirement 011
Operations scheduling Select
Job scheduling Select

Need a Little Help? - Route Operations for the DVD Player


• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model.
• Select the DVD Player Recorder node.
• Add the packing route operation.
o Set the Name to Packing.
o Set the Description to Packing.
o Set the Operation to KtInPk_HTS.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

• Use the following expression sample to guide you.

When the condition to include the DVD Player Recorder with

the Home Entertainment System is met, the packing operation
is used.

This is the expression for the condition.


Step by Step: Route Operations for DVD Player Recorder

To add route operations to the DVD Player Recorder subcomponent, follow these

1. If the DVD Player Recorder node not does not display under the
Light Video System node in the left pane, then click the + button
that is left of the Light Video System node to display the DVD
Player Recorder node.
2. Click the DVD Player Recorder node in the left pane.
3. If the Route operations FastTab is not open, click the Route
operations FastTab.
4. Click Add to add a new line.
5. In the Name field, type "Packing".
6. In the Description field, type "Packing".
7. Click the Condition field and then click the drop-down list box to
display the Expression constraint editor form.
8. In the Constraint field, type the following:
9. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message No errors were found.
10. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
11. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
12. Click the Route operation details button in the Route operations
FastTab to open the Route operation details form.
13. In the Operation field, select KtInPk_HTS from the drop-down list
14. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
15. In the Oper. No. field, type "10".
16. In the Route group field, select 10 from the drop-down list box.
17. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab.
18. Select the Set check box that is left of the Setup category field in
the Cost categories group.
19. In the Setup category field, select HTSSetup from the drop-down
list box.
20. Select the Set check box that is left of the Run time category field.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

21. In the Run time category field, select HTSProc from the drop-down
list box.
22. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity category field.
23. In the Quantity category field, select HTSQty from the drop-down
list box.
24. If the Times FastTab is not open, click the Times FastTab.
25. Select the Set check box next to the Run time field in the Times
26. In the Run time field, type "1.00".
27. In the Process qty. field, type "1.00".
28. In the Hours/time field, type "1.0000".
29. If the Resource requirements FastTab is not open, click the
Resource requirements FastTab.
30. In the Resource requirements grid, click Add.
31. In the Requirement type field, select Resource group from the drop-
down list box.
32. In the Requirement field, select 011 from the drop-down list box.
33. Click OK to close the Route operation details form.

Challenge Yourself! - Route Operations for the LCD TV

Create one route operation for the LCD TV node.

Add a condition to the route operation to include the LCD TV in the Home
Entertainment System. When the condition is met, the LCD TV will go through
the packing operation.

The following fields on the Route operation details form all use the value

• Oper. No. = 10
• Next = 0
• Route group = 10
• Setup category = HTSSetup
• Run time category = HTSProc
• Quantity category = HTSQty
• Run time = 1.00
• Process qty. = 1.00
• Hours/time = 1.0000

Make sure that you write each condition following MSF syntax. For example, the
condition to include the LCD TV should be:


Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement
Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Use the information in the table to add the route operation.

Field/Check box Route Operation 1

Name Packing
Description Packing
Operation KtInPk_HTS
Quantity 1
Load 100.00
Requirement type Resource group
Requirement 011
Operations scheduling Select
Job scheduling Select

Need a Little Help? - Route Operations for the LCD TV

• Open the Product configuration models list page.

• Select the product configuration model.
• Select the LCD TV node.
• Add the packing route operation.
o Set the Name to Packing.
o Set the Description to Packing.
o Set the Operation to KtInPk_HTS.

• Use the following expression sample to guide you.

When the condition to include the LCD TV with the Home

Entertainment System is met, the packing operation is used.

This is the expression for the condition.


Step by Step: Route Operations for the LCD TV

To add route operations to the LCD TV subcomponent, follow these steps.

1. If the LCD TV node not does not display under the Light Video
System node in the left pane, then click the + button that is left of the
Light Video System node to display the LCD TV node.
2. Click the LCD TV node in the left pane.
3. If the Route operations FastTab is not open, click the Route
operations FastTab.
4. Click Add in the Route operations FastTab to add a new line.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

5. In the Name field, type "Packing".

6. In the Description field, type "Packing".
7. Click the Condition field and then click the drop-down list box to
display the Expression constraint editor form.
8. In the Constraint field, type: includelcdTV
9. Click Validate. The system displays the Infolog form with the
message: No errors were found.
10. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
11. Click OK to close the Expression constraint editor form.
12. Click the Route operation details button in the Route operations
FastTab to open the Route operation details form.
13. In the Operation field, select KtInPk_HTS from the drop-down list
14. If the Details FastTab is not open, click the Details FastTab.
15. In the Oper. No. field, type "10".
16. In the Route group field, select 10 from the drop-down list box.
17. If the Setup FastTab is not open, click the Setup FastTab to open the
18. Select the Set check box that is left of the Setup category field in
the Cost categories group on the Setup FastTab.
19. In the Setup category field, select HTSSetup from the drop-down
list box.
20. Select the Set check box that is left of the Run time category field.
21. In the Run time category field, select HTSProc from the drop-down
list box.
22. Select the Set check box that is left of the Quantity category field.
23. In the Quantity category field, select HTSQty from the drop-down
list box.
24. If the Times FastTab is not open, click the Times FastTab.
25. Select the Set check box that is left of the Run time field in the
Times group.
26. In the Run time field, type "1.00".
27. In the Process qty. field, type "1.00".
28. In the Hours/time field, type "1.0000".
29. If the Resource requirements FastTab is not open, click the
Resource requirements FastTab.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

30. In the Resource requirements grid, click Add.

31. In the Requirement type field, select Resource group from the drop-
down list box.
32. In the Requirement field, select 011 from the drop-down list box.
33. Click OK to close the Route operation details form.
34. Click Validate in the Run group of the Action Pane to validate the
product configuration model. The system displays the Infolog form
with the message: No errors found.
35. Click Close to close the Infolog form.
36. Click the Close button to close the Constraint-based product
configuration model details form.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Product Configuration APIs

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 includes product configuration APIs.

Developers can use the APIs to extend the capabilities of a product configuration

The API is implemented by using a set of PCAdaptor classes that expose the data
structure of the product configuration models. An instance of the PCAdaptor
class must be created for each product configuration model that will be extended.
When you complete a configuration session by clicking the OK button, the
system will check for an instance of the API and execute it.

The key areas of the product configuration API include the following:

• The main purpose is to modify the configured BOM structure, the

route, or to writeback to the order line.
• The API provides support for all data types.
• The API is executed when you complete a configuration session,
after you configure a product as shown in the Extending The Product
Configuration API figure.


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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Benefits to users for providing the product configuration API include the

• Makes it easier for users to extend the product configuration model.

However, the API can only be accessed by partners or customers
who have a developer license, and it cannot be accessed from the
user interface.
• MSF recognizes only the following attribute types: boolean, texts
that have a fixed list, and integers that have a range. Only these
attribute types can be used in expression constraints and conditions
in a product configuration model. The API provides additional
flexibility to users by supporting configuration logic for the
following attribute data types that are not supported by the constraint
o Reals: Specifies real valued variables.
o Unbounded integers: Specifies integer valued variables without
an upper or lower bound.
o Free text: Text values that are assigned to an attribute type.

An example is the attribute "Length of power cable", that is mapped to

the Quantity field on the power cable BOM line (item 5020). The API
provides the opportunity to create expressions (X++ code) that use these
attributes as input.

The API is used for interaction with many elements in the product
configuration model. This includes attributes, subcomponents, user
requirements, BOM lines, and route operations.

PCAdaptor Class

The AOT Form figure shows the key classes of the API that include the
• PCAdaptor
• PCAdaptorProductConfigurationModel
• PCAdaptorComponent
• PCAdaptorSubComponent
• PCAdaptorSourceDocumentLine

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

• PCAdaptorAttribute
• PCAdaptorBOMLine
• PCAdaptorRouteOperation


The PCAdaptor class provides the following:

• Entry point to extend and overwrite the run method.

• Access to the data structure that matches the elements within the
product configuration model.
• Ability to extend from the PCAdaptor class and use the
PCAdaptorExtensionAttribute to create the relation between an
adaptor class and a product configuration model.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

The PCAdaptorAttribute class is used mainly for reading values.

The PCAdaptorBOMLine and PCAdaptorRouteOperation class parm methods

are used to modify inclusion and field values.

For more information about the PCAdaptor classes and methods, refer to the
following site: Search for
PCAdaptor Class.

Emil, the Product Designer, wants to generate an Infolog message that shows to
the user all the attribute values that are selected from the product configuration
model when the user configures an order line.

Emil will add a new class that extends from the PCAdaptor class in the Microsoft
Dynamics AX Application Object Tree (AOT). He will have the class print a list
of the attribute values that are selected during a configuration session to an
Infolog form message.

Procedure: Extend the PCAdaptor Class

To customize, or extend the PCAdaptor class, and display the product
configuration model attribute values in an Infolog message, follow these steps.

1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+W on the keyboard to open the Application

Object Tree (AOT) in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. You can also
access the AOT by clicking the Windows button that is located in
the upper-right corner of the Microsoft Dynamics AX form. Select
New Development Workspace to open the AOT.
2. Click the classes node in the tree structure.
3. Create a new class that extends from the PCAdaptor class.
4. Add a code attribute to the class declaration with the name of the
product configuration model.
5. Overwrite the Run method of the class to print the attributes and
display the current values that are selected when you configure the
product configuration model. You can use an Infolog message to
print the attributes and display the values.
6. Compile the class and clear the cache of the SysExtension
7. Open Product information management > Common > Product
configuration models.

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

8. Select the product configuration model.

9. Click Edit to open the Constraint-based product configuration
model details form.
10. Click Test in the Run group of the Action Pane to open the
Configure line form.
11. Configure the product.
12. Click OK to close the Configure line form. The system will display
an Infolog message that shows all the attribute values selected in the
product configuration model.

You can use Product configuration to create many product variants that meet
individual customer requirements. You can achieve this by reusing a small set of
components that you can define and use in many combinations. You create a
product configuration model to represent a generic product structure. After you
have a complete product configuration model, you can create distinct product
variants that have their own unique BOMs and routes.

Some key areas discussed in this chapter included the following:

• Product configuration parameters: Errors will occur if the

parameters are not defined when you try to test a configuration or
configure a line.
• Components: Must be created or existing components must be used
to add subcomponents to a product configuration model.
• Attribute types: Define the possible values that can be assigned to
an attribute. They can be used for any attribute in all product
configuration models.
• Subcomponents: Represent the tree structure of a product
configuration model.
• Attributes: Describe the features of the product.
• Constraints: Represent conditions that a product configuration must
• User requirements: They resemble subcomponents, except they do
not have the item master mapping, and behave like a phantom BOM.
• BOM lines: They identify a manufacturing BOM for each
component and can reference an item or a service.
• Route operations: Include route operations to identify the
manufacturing routes for the subcomponents.
• Product configuration API: The API is optional. You can
implement it using a set of PCAdaptor classes that expose the data
structure of the product configuration model.

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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Test Your Knowledge

Test your knowledge with the following questions.

1. Product configuration parameters do not control which of the following?

( ) Product configuration model node structure
( ) Configuration documentation type
( ) Default configuration ID
( ) Number sequence for constraint-based product configuration

2. Which of the following statements is false?

( ) To add a component, a corresponding product master item must exist.
( ) To add a subcomponent, a corresponding product master must exist.
( ) Components must use constraint-based configuration for the
configuration technology for the product master item.
( ) A component is a generic element that can be assigned to any product
configuration model.

3. What are the four attribute types that can be used in a product configuration

4. What are the main elements that help build a product configuration model?

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

5. Which of the following statements is true?

( ) Subcomponents can be reused on different product configuration
( ) Subcomponents do not have to be added to the Components form.
( ) In the BOM line details form for a subcomponent, you cannot select a
distinct value for the subcomponent.
( ) Subcomponents do not display in the product configuration model tree

6. Which statement is false? (Select all that apply)

( ) Attributes can be used in constraints and conditions.
( ) Attributes describe the properties of the components.
( ) Attributes can contain conditions.
( ) A default value cannot be set for an attribute.

7. What are the two main types of constraints typically used in a product
configuration model?

8. Which of the following describe user requirements? (Select all that apply)
( ) User requirements resemble subcomponents.
( ) User requirements do not have their own level in the generated BOM.
( ) You do not have to associate a user requirement with an item number.
( ) User requirements can represent the soft requirements for a product
where you know more about the product than the customer.

9. BOM lines include the following: (Select all that apply)

( ) Name
( ) Condition
( ) Item number
( ) Solver name

Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
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Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

10. Which sections on the Route operation details form can you specify values or
attributes for a route operation? (Select all that apply)
( ) Details
( ) Setup
( ) Times
( ) Resource requirements

11. The product configuration API can be implemented by using which class

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned

Take a moment and write down three key points you have learned from this




Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics®
Your use of this content is subject to your current services agreement
Chapter 2: Build a Product Configuration Model

Test Your Knowledge
1. Product configuration parameters do not control which of the following?
(•) Product configuration model node structure
( ) Configuration documentation type
( ) Default configuration ID
( ) Number sequence for constraint-based product configuration

2. Which of the following statements is false?

(•) To add a component, a corresponding product master item must exist.
( ) To add a subcomponent, a corresponding product master must exist.
( ) Components must use constraint-based configuration for the
configuration technology for the product master item.
( ) A component is a generic element that can be assigned to any product
configuration model.

3. What are the four attribute types that can be used in a product configuration


Text, boolean, integer, and decimal

4. What are the main elements that help build a product configuration model?


Attributes, constraints, subcomponents, user requirements, BOM lines, and

route operations

5. Which of the following statements is true?

(•) Subcomponents can be reused on different product configuration
( ) Subcomponents do not have to be added to the Components form.
( ) In the BOM line details form for a subcomponent, you cannot select a
distinct value for the subcomponent.
( ) Subcomponents do not display in the product configuration model tree

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Product Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

6. Which statement is false? (Select all that apply)

( ) Attributes can be used in constraints and conditions.
( ) Attributes describe the properties of the components.
( ) Attributes can contain conditions.
(√) A default value cannot be set for an attribute.

7. What are the two main types of constraints typically used in a product
configuration model?


Expression constraints and table constraints

8. Which of the following describe user requirements? (Select all that apply)
(√) User requirements resemble subcomponents.
(√) User requirements do not have their own level in the generated BOM.
(√) You do not have to associate a user requirement with an item
(√) User requirements can represent the soft requirements for a product
where you know more about the product than the customer.

9. BOM lines include the following: (Select all that apply)

(√) Name
(√) Condition
(√) Item number
( ) Solver name

10. Which sections on the Route operation details form can you specify values or
attributes for a route operation? (Select all that apply)
(√) Details
(√) Setup
(√) Times
( ) Resource requirements

11. The product configuration API can be implemented by using which class



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