Service PO in SAP
Service PO in SAP
Service PO in SAP
1) Planned
2) Unplanned
Planned Service----- Here we know the exact nature of service and can provide service
specification in PO with its price. This we know in well in advance. Hence it can be planned.
Unplanned service---- Here we don't have exact service specification. Hence we provide
assumed unplanned amount for the same. By fixing the limits it will not cross the services
about the limit.
Unplanned services are services where before we create a Purchase Order, we do not
know what are the services that will be performed, the quantity or the price. But here,
you will still be using Item Category D for services but instead, in the service tab, you will
be using Limits tab.
Step 1 :-
(SAP MM Consultant)
Create Standard Service Purchase Order for Planned Service as above shown example. Here
we Maintained Planned Services in Service Tab.
Now as we don’t know the nature of Service which will come during Planned Services so we
can provide assumed unplanned amount for the same. By fixing the limits it will not cross the
services about the limit.
As shown below we can put the Limits for Unplanned Services while creating Purchase Order.
(SAP MM Consultant)
Under the Limit Tab we can Put Overall Limit for Unplanned Services. Within that limit we
can perform Unplanned services.
Step 2 :-
(SAP MM Consultant)
While Creating Service Entry Sheet we can Adopt all Planned Services which we maintained
while creating Purchase Order.
But while performing Planned Service we found during Servicing of Desktop we found some
Motherboard Damaged after Opening it so its Consider as Unplanned Service which is not
mentioned in Purchase Order.
So now we need to Manage this as Unplanned Service as we put Limit for it while creating
Purchase Order.
(SAP MM Consultant)
If we Put More Amount than Set Limit it shows error as below.
As we maintained Limit 10000 se we can’t perform Unplanned Services More than set Limit.
Click on Green Flag & Accept the Service Both (Planned & Unplanned) & Save Service Entry
(SAP MM Consultant)
Now Check the Purchase Order History by using T-Code:- ME23N
So here as per Planned & Unplanned Service GR Automatically Posted in Backend as above
Step 3 :-
(SAP MM Consultant)
Step 4 :-
Check Service Report for Actual Planned & Unplanned Service by using T-Code :- ME2S
(SAP MM Consultant)
(SAP MM Consultant)