The Cretaceous Limestone Producing Areas of The Mara and Maracaibo Districts, Venezuela Reservoir A N D Production Engineering
The Cretaceous Limestone Producing Areas of The Mara and Maracaibo Districts, Venezuela Reservoir A N D Production Engineering
The Cretaceous Limestone Producing Areas of The Mara and Maracaibo Districts, Venezuela Reservoir A N D Production Engineering
M. S T E P H E N S O N **
Synopsis Introduction
An outline is given of the reservoir characteristics The four Cretaceous Limestone fields which arc
and produckion engineering of the important new situated short distances to the west and north of the
Cretaceous Limestone fields of the Mara and Mara- city of Maracaibo now contribute very largely to
caibo Districts in Western Venezuela. Venezuela’s total output of oil. Production was only
These fields are characterised by large reservoir discovered here in the Cretaceous in 1944 but
rock volumes and thick oil columns, but extremely development in the post-war years has been rapid.
IOW matrix porosities. Their productivity is due to At the end of September, 1950, just over six years
the presence of widely distributed fissure systems, after the initial discovery, in La Paz, a total of about
and many of the wells have high Potentials. Develop- 260 million barrels had been produced, and the out-
i i i m t has been rapid and considerable care has been put had reached approximately 260,000 barrels per
taltcn to produce the reservoirs soundly, conserving day. 83 wells had been drilled to depths between
their natural energy and avoiding waste. 4,500’and 13,500’, and 58 of these were producing.
TWOof the fields, La Paz and Mara, had been ap-
Résumé praised by 31 and 50 wells up to 12,000’ deep,
respectively, and one well had been completed in each
L’exposé donne un aperçu des caractéristiques de of the more recently discovered La Concepcion and
réservoir et de la mise et production des gisements Sibucara accumulations.
importants de calcaire crétacé dans les districts cle L a Paz and Mara, although separated by non-pro-
Mara et de Maracaïbo à l’ouest du Venezuela. ductive limestone, form a geological unit, a sharply
Ces champs sont caractérisés par de grandes masses folded anticline with an overall length of some 50
de roches-réservoirs et d’épaisses colonnes d‘huile, kilometers (30 miles) and a breadth of up to 8 kilo-
mais aussi par des porosités de très faible indice. meters ( 5 miles). L a Concepcion and Sibucara are
Leur productivité est due à la présence de réseaux different structures *. Smith has described how the
de fissures très étendus et un grand nombre des productivity of the Cretaceous Limestone “is essen-
pui ts présentent une production potentielle impor- tially due to fracturing and jointing, which is a
tante. result of the tectonical deformation of the area”. The
Le développement en a été rapide et on a pris reservoir rock has a normal thickness of about ~,h’,
grand soin d’exploiter les “réservoirs” de façon adé- although its vertical thickness may be very much
quate, en conservant leur énergie naturelle et en évi- greater due to steep dips and fault repetitions. At the
tant les pertes. tops of the structures it is about 4,000’ deep in La
J. E. Smith a décrit, dans un exposé joint à celui-ci, Paz, 5,000’ in Mara, 10,000’in La Concepcion and
la géologie des champs, les caractéristiques du calcaire 12,000’ in Sibucara. The very marked subsurface
et les méthodes de carottage (voir section I). relief is hardly reflected a t all in the relatively flat
surface topography, and the highest well is less than
* The geology of the fields, the characteristics of the 400’ above sza level.
limestone, and logging methods, have been described by J. E. I n a general way these fields are very similar to
Smith in a companion paper (see section I).
** Reservoir Engineer, Shell Caribbean Petroleum Com-
pany, Maracaibo, Venezuela, * See of the area appended to this paper.
the betterknown Persian Asmari Limestone fields. advantages of unit operation. I n Mara, however, the
The main basic differences are that here the lime- Creole Petroleum Corp., Mene Grande Oil Co., and
stone matrix has a very much lower average porosity Texas Company, as well as Shell Caribbean, have
-and permeability-than in Persia, water en- concessions, and an interesting form of unit develop-
croachment appears to be far less important, the ment has been evolved. I n view of the probable
tempo of development has been relatively more rapid, character of the reservoirs, working arrangements
and in certain aspects operating practices have been were made in order to attain fair and efficient re-
different. As regards reservoir control, conservation covery and to minimise capital investments, and the
of energy, and care to attain maxiinum-efficient re- progress of development is regularly reviewed by
covery, the differences lie mainly in matters of detail. joint engineering committees. The arrangements
The La Paz, La Concepcion and Sibucara con- cover spacing, rate of drilling, and production oper-
cessions are held by the Venezuelan Oil Concessions ating practices. Shell acts as production operator for
Ltd. (Shell), so that these fields already had the the partners.
Characteristics of reservoir crudes and tank oils
a t 5 0 ° C .....
Distillation I.B.P. (typical ap-
1.5" 1.3" I 1.4"
at 40°C
and Eocene shales and sands of about 18O F per dient of about 7O F per 1000' would result in a uni-
1000', and 3) in the Cretaceous limestone markedly form subsurface density.
reduced gradients, of the order of IO to 1 6 O F~IOOO'. The details of the present temperature distribution
The mean temperature gradient in the limestone are complicated, as a consequence of production from
appears to be least where the overall permeability is various depths and fissure systems.
greatest, possibly due to freer circulation of the
reservoir fluid. It may be calculated as an example Reservoir rock and distribution of oil
from the properties of the reservoir fluid in La Paz Although on the whole these fields show good pres-
that, if its composition is uniform, a temperature gra- sure communication over coqsiderable parts of each
S i BUC I , RA
250.F -
Ø /O
o 1
structure, and the limestone as a whole is considered permeability and of 'the amount of oil in place, have
to form (from the pr oduction point of view) one been difficult, particularly because of the irregular
Icontinuous oil bearing zone-as is usual in fissured distribution of the important secondary voids-which
. . . important . . Permeability gradations and are largely of a fissure nature- and the very low
barriers, both vertical and horizontal, have also been overall porosity and permeability of the matrix. The
found to exist. In Mara 3 main reservoirs are problems are being tackled both by detailed
recognised (see map), each separated by intervening examination of cores, particularly diamond cores, ancl
areas of almost completely tight formation. These by studies of reservoir behaviour. One outstanding
main reservoirs can be still further subdivided. In- Plroblem, to which only very approx imate answers
deed, a few wells have tapped permeable zones which h ave been given, is the determinatic)n of the pro-
appear so limited as to have inappreciable connection P ortion of the oil in place that is loca ted in voids of
with any other well. In La Paz no clear barriers have .___
low L:l:L-.
..1. - .. _ _
... .-
gas segregation
is negligible,
1leen recognised, and the overall permeability change' S and from which the oil could only be recovered at a
ippear to be more graduai, though the effects of thes e practical rate by solution gasdrive depletion.
Iiermeability gradations are important. The geological report, by J. E. Smith (see section
Thc first 5 wells drilled to appraise the CretaL- I ) has already described the fissure systems in some
LLUUJ l:--ctn*- :* T D,, :,,,,,t:,,t-A
I I I I I L J L U I I L 111 La I aL i i i v L a L i 5 a L L - U
t L n nnFF:h:l:t
LIIL detail, and indicated their distribution.
that there might have been distinctive productive As regards the core investigations, somewhat over
horizons. These wells were completed over relatively 5000 feet of diamond cores of the limestone, and
Iiarrow intervals at various stratigraphic depth:Y . several hundreds of feet of ordinary cores, have been
1Each found the same crude, and the original reser taken and analysed. Visual analysis shows that only
7ioir pressures, when reduced to a datum level, wer e very limited volumes of the matrix are obviously oil
1 ,'
iaenricai. 1 - 7 . -,
i n i s eviaence nas Deen DacKea up ,DY all
4 , , 1 1
stained, and the stained portions are generally only
:jubsequent data in La Paz, and also independently i n associated with fractures. On the other hand, labora-
iMara. tory results point to the presence of considerable
The problems of determining the net permeabilitY amounts of oil in the matrix samples, though analysis
1,, eIrecrive
ana rile cc > ' . porosity 01r me
oil-Dearing 1 ' > ,, reservoir is hampered by the practical dif ficulties of measuring
rocks, and investigating the distribution of the small quantities, and by the occurrence of solid
Analyses o f matrix samples from cores and ditch cuttings
I- Cores
La Paz Colon 3.4 (24) 1
La Luna 3.3 (99) ~
Upper Cogollo 2.1 (48) 6.0 (15)
Middle Cogollo 3.6 (69) 4.3 (18)
Lower Cogollo
N.R. (I) PERMEABILITY - almost all samples show less (2) ( ) = number of sample; analysed.
thail 0.1 mD. (3) - = not measured.
Fig. 2. Limestone staining tests. Above: original samples of limestone matrix from Mara with no visible oilstain,
showing sawed and broken faces. Below: similar samples, but after having been evacuated, covered with crude oil
and subjected to reservoir pressures for a few hours, then sawed and broken, showing heavily oilstained interiors.
hydrocarbons, which occupy up to 35 % of the gross Attempts have been made to estimate the fissure
volume of some samples. An interesting experiment porosity by direct measurement of the sizes of the
was carried out on the staining of the matrix. Mara openings found in cores. The results are subject to
core samples of the limestone, as obtained and with- a large personal factor, but total figures of say % %
out visual oil stain, were placed in a cell which was to I % have been quoted for all fissures, including
evacuated for 2 hours. Crude oil was then admitted, haircracks.
and compressed to reservoir pressures for a few The reservoir behaviour studies have given
hours. The samples were removed, partly sawed, and estimates of the effective oilbearing porosities from
then broken. The oil had penetrated them com- material balance calculations, and of effective
pletely, and stained them throughout. Fig. 2 shows permeabilities from studies of well behaviour-espec-
photographs of original samples, and of samples ially from the rates of pressure build-up after wells
treated as described. are shut in. The material balances, equating sub-
The average gross porosity of the matrix, as shown surface expansions etc. to the production, are
in Table II, is of the general order of z % in Mara modified from the standard forms to take account of
and 3 "/o in L a Paz, but the water content may aver- the thick oil columns, the widely differing degrees to
. age over 5 0 %. The average permeability of the which gas liberation has progressed, and the gas
samples is very small. Indeed, only exceptional pieces segregation. Reasonably consistent results may be
of the matrix show permeabilities over 0.1mD. Direct obtained a ) from studies of the initial productions
laboratory measurements on representative long per psi pressure drop, b) from the inanner in which
cores, including fissures, have been planned for the the production per psi changes with cumulative pro-
'future. duction, and c) from the total productions obtained
between various pressure stages. These results range gascap in the limestone, have been considered rather
from say 5 % to 2 % net oil porosity, in the Mara anomalous.
reservoirs and in La Paz. The original oillwater contact in L a Paz and Mara
The rates of build-up of bottom-hole pressure, is considered to have been about 11,000’ subsea. I t
after shutting in producing wells, vary widely from is difficult to establish its position exactly in either
well to well, and these build-ups may be analysed on field, largely owing to the heterogeneity of the lime-
analagous lines to those used in studies of flow be- stone and the very low porosity and permeability of
haviour in homogeneous reservoirs. T h e results the matrix. T o date it has only been possible to
permit the calculation of overall quasi-permeabilities, complete one satisfactory oiljwater observation well
and also the appraisal of the efficiencies of well with good connection both to oil and water zones.
completion methods. Figure 3 shows typical build-up This well is at the southern end of La Paz.
curves, and indicates the methods of analysis. The
quasi-permeabilities cover an extremely wide range, Development summary
from prac?ically impermeable up to permeabilities too The numbers, depths and productions of the lime-
high to be measured. stone wells in these fields, at the end of September,
I t is now considered that the greater part of the 1950, are summarized as given in the table below.
oil originally in place was contained in the finer void The first three La Paz Cretaceous wells were
spaces rather than in the very coarse fissures. The drilled some 400 to 600 metres apart, on the top
effective matrix porosity may all be closely associated
with the fissures and the finer cracks.
of the structure. Outsteps were then located at much
wider intervals, the steps normally being of the order
I t is of importance in this connection to note that of I to 2 kilometers. When the character of the
the apparently impermeable saddle between La Paz reservoir was more clear, it was decided to drill the
and Mara, though extending far above the water wells which were primarily intended as producers to
table, forms a barrier between crudes of markedly meet the top of the limestone about 9000’ subsea,
different qualities. locating them with a view to maximum productive life
and adequate drainage of the oil in place. Other wells
are still being drilled to investigate the downflank
Original gascaps and edgewater
conditions, and the edgewater, in more detail. The
I n La Paz there appears to have been a small present overall spacing in the proven area per com-
origina’l ‘gascap, which was tapped by one of the pleted well is roughly 800 acres, or 1200 acres per
early appraisal wells, P-73. However, due to the producer.
thickness of the oil column, which was at least 7000’, In Mara, the spacing is rather closer.
the bulk of the oil was undersaturated. I n Sibucara
also the upper part of the limestone was gasbearing. Weil production performances
There was no original gascap in Mara, and it is un- The production performances of the wells differ
likely that there could have been one in La Concep- very widely, but they may be grouped as follows:
cion. The presence in L a Paz of active oil seeps along Firstly, there are the completely tight and unpro-
the cresta1 fault (though probably connected with ductive wells, to which reference has already been
the shallower Eocene and Guasare reservoirs) and a made. Secondly, there are the poor producers, having
Field La Paz
'8 2000
2 1500
io000 i5000
5 100000
$ 50000
0 S.&W.CU
Fig. 6. La Paz reservoir performance curve in outline,
he oil-water contact ob- an interval of 130 feet, and no significant trend is
edgewater has been yet apparent. The variations are apparently due to
local rearrangements. However, other outstep wells
: prolific wells, with the .are now drilling to help clarify the picture.
South sector, follow a I t is apparent that production to date has been ob-
,bows somewhat higher tained by liquid expansion, and solution gas drive,
)wing to imperfect com- with gravity segregation of the liberated gas, and the
)ment. Pressures in the formation of secondary gascaps. If there has been
erred to as categories I any net rrdvance of edgewater it is clear that its effect
g. The general trend in on pressures has to date been very limited.
e by far the most im-
standpoint) has been a Reservoir control
essure decline. The problem of determining the optimum pro-
e most permeable zones duction rate for each well, or indeed of criteria by
has been dropping a t a which to judge the optimum, had to be tackled at an
i relatively regular, al- early date. There was little doubt that in the early
s much heavier. Slightly stages h e r e should be reasonable conservation of
rded in the tighter wells. reservoir energy, and consequently that the overall
shut down the field to gas oil ratios should be kept to a practical minimum.
Id for 7 days. As was to The first criterion which suggested itself, as in the
in the major fissure Middle East, was to produce with bottom hole
shut down, this being a flowing pressures above the saturation pressures. It
fluids from the tighter was soon apparent that this would limit offtake to
lagged. In the gasloil an unworkable extent, and trials were carried out to
8, which had been shut find the effect of producing with heavier drawdowns.
oil pressures increased The results were gratifying-most of the wells could
,i over IO days, reaching be flowed with bottom hole pressures far below the
ifter production recom- bubble points without causing any increase in the
was hardly affected. gas-oil ratios. Indeed, rather the converse happened,
ming production, at an f o r many of the prolific wells showed decreases in
in before, the pressures GOR‘S,with time, corresponding a t least to the losses
ue almost exactly their of gas from the reservoir fluid to the gas caps. In
e first direct indication due course, as the gas caps have grown, some of these
ow of oil and gas from trends have reversed. Some of the other wells . _
Producing conditions Acidizing
J. E. Smith has discussed drilling and completion Acidisation with hydrochloric acid is usual, soon
practice briefly in his report in section I. The after drilling. The quantities of acid which are used
sizes of the final casing strings, set to the top of the vary from about 1,000 to 20,000 gallons per job, at
limestone, are usually 7” or 9%”. All wells are tubed, concentrations between 8 % and 20 %. Commercial
to facilitate killing, swabbing and acidising, and in inhibitors are used, though it is found that if the
order to be able to produce from low down in the tubing etc. is already oil-wet the corrosion is much
open section if this should be required. The success- reduced. The problem of inhibition is difficult at
ful completions all produce by natural flow, either the higher temperatures, approaching 300’ F. De-
through the tubing or annulus-usually both, depend- pending on the circumstances, the acid treatments
ing on the capacity of the well and its position with may be of an overall nature, or selective, using
respect to a gas cap or edgewater. Standard Xmas packers or the “acid pilot” technique. The general
trees are used, sometimes modified by the addition of practice is, first to wash with say 1000 gallons, then
an extra casing spool to provide additional outlets for 0 give a squeeze treatment of about 5000 gallons,
the production and so minimize friction losses. As a followed later if needed by larger jobs. Surface
safety measure, and in case of need, most wells are tension reducers, and also retarders have been used,
hooked up by high pressure lines to central mud but their effect has not been very clear. Spectacular
plants. Some need for gaslift is foreseen, at least to production increases of up to some hundreds of
boost some wells, but of the ultimate cumulative pro- percent are frequently obtained, usually from the
duction, the bulk is expected to flow naturally. first treatment. Follow-up treatments are normally
Optimum flowstring sizes are estimated both from much less successful, although there are exceptions.
empirical pressure-rate-depth-data obtained in the One well in Mara gave a remarkable increase in
field, and from the analysis of the available energy potential, from 60 b/d to 8800 b/d, as a result of a
of lift in the reservoir crudes and of the various treatment with 10,000gallons after an unsuccessful
sources of energy loss. However, owing to the widely initial treatment with 3,000 gallons.
varying capacities of the wells, and the difficulty Shooting, and formation-f racturing by pressure,
of foreseeing these capacities, these studies can only have been tried but without success to date.
be applied in a general way.
Fig. 7. Self recording subsurface flowmeter, as constructed for prolific wells. L e f t : assenibled instrument,
but without centralisers; top part is modified recording section of Amerada IIPG3 gauge ; overall length 55”.
Centre: instrument without housing of recording section ; 3-hour clock removed. Right: disassembled impeller
section, showing itator, impeller, impeller shaft, magnets for coupling through stainless steel wall, reduction
gearing I : 3600, and stylus shaft.
well flowlines. They are welded, laid nominal capacity of 230-240,000 barrels per day. In
he surface, and are straight, as there addition to the Lake crossing, 5 miles long, there will
expansion bends. be a 14 mile crossing of the shallow Gulf of Coro.
g of crude from the fields is done by Pumping facilities will be located at the Palmarejo
pumps, with capacities of the order Terminal and will consist of three centrifugal pumps,
/day each at operating pressures, viz. each driven by a dual fuel gas engine through a speed
Il the pumps are driven by independent increaser. The pumps will be in series, two being in
xtrification being planned for the near continuous operation, the third acting as a spare and
available for use to boost as and when required. Each
I and gasoline from the gas plants in pump will have a capacity of 12,000barrels per hour,
iped separately through buried 3”/4” at about 300 psi head, and its prime mover is rated
o Palmarejo. The Mara products will at 1700 B.H.P.
the same way. In all, forty-seven thousand tons of 20 inch and
ejo lake-shore terminal now handles a 30 inch pipe will be used. For the Lake crossing,
1260,000 bblslday. It has twelve crude special 3/4” walled pipe is being used, primarily to
with a capacity of 1% million barrels, give added weight to prevent floating, and to provide
. hortonspheres for butanes, and two additional protection against corrosion. This pipe will
:s for gasolines. be laid in a dredged ditch, laying operations following
ingle shipping jetty, 1200 meters long, just behind the dredge. The 30” pipe has a wall
iormally used by shallow-draft tankers thickness of %”, and the greater length of it will
10tons. The gross loading capacity is be laid on the ground. The line will be straight and
ur. The butanes are shipped under without expansion bends.
e arrangements
zted oi! line to Paragaana The author wishes to thank the management of the
e capacities of these light-oil fields are Shell Caribbean Petroleum Company for permission
)praised, work has been commenced on to publish this paper and is glad to acknowledge the
ie project, in order to take the bulk assistance freely given him in its preparation by other
oil from Palmarejo directly to the members of the staff of this Company. I n particular
ry and deepwater shipping points on he would like to mention the advice of the Manage-
. peninsula. This will bypass the bar ment and the help received in the Exploitation Engi-
,aibo, and Considerably reduce the need neering Department in Maracaibo.
aft Lake tankers. T h e information and experience which have been
distance between Palmarejo and Car- briefly summarised have been accumulated by the
;ulf of Venezuela, is slightly more than work of many, too numerous to name individually, in
. the line will be approximately 150 the Fields, the Laboratories, and the Maracaibo
is designed as a 30 inch welded con- Office of the Shell Caribbean, as well as in the head
uith two 20 inch submarine lines in office of the Bataafsche Petroleum Mij. in The
ig Lake Maracaibo, and it will have a Hague.
B. KEIMERING,rapporteur (N.V. De be interesting to learn what estimate has been made
2troleum Maatschappij, The Hague, of the minimum bottom hole working pressure neces-
remarked that as regards the fluid sary to keep the w e h flowing naturally.
:ores mentioned in Table II it would Mr. L. C. STEVENS (Petroleum Engineer, The
to know what drilling fluid was used Hague, Netherl’ands) remarkcd that the problem of
he cares and to what extent the per- the determination of the proportion of the total oil in
fluenced thereby. place present in the primary and the secondary poro-
oximate figure be given on the relative sity is most important but very difficult t3 solve, par-
the oil in place contained in the finer ticularly the ultimate recovery of oil from the primary
that in the very coarse fissures? porosity. No reliable statistical analysis of the fluid
d that most of the ultimate cumulative content of the matrix is considered possible due !.:
1 be obtained by natural flow. I t may the low core recovery by conventional coring methods,
Recently diamond coring has been more successful, problems are being faced in other limestone areas
but only applied on a limited scale. The oil saturation and any new approach would be very helpful.
value being determined as a difference of two labor- Mr. J. T. WARDE (N.V. De Bataafsche Petroleum
atory determinations, namely porosity and water Maatschappij, The Hague, Netherlands) replied in
saturation, is very liable to error. Moreover, part of writing as follows: W e have used a great variety of
the primary porosity is occupied by solid hydro- drilling fluids from weighted drilling emulsion to
carbons. water and more recently oil. Comparisons in a small
The method of estimation of fissure porosity by way made between the fluid contents of cores taken
direct measurement, apart from the large personal in water and cores taken in oil show that there is very
factor, is not considered representative of average little difference between them. This applied only to the
conditions. as it has only been applied in one or two matrix. Flushing along cracks certainly takes place.
diamond cored wells on the flank in Mara. Visual I am afraid I cannot give even an approximation as
examination of the diamond cores would seem to to the proportion of oil in piace in the coarse fissures
indicate that the oil has migrated into the structure to that in place in the finer void space. Future pro-
along the major fissure planes and thence into the duction policy has to take into account that there is
finer cracks and has also saturated a band of the a strong possibility that the major part of the oil is
matrix formation on either side of the fissures ex- contained in the very fine cracks.
tending backwards to a depth of only 1-2cms with It has been estimated that when the oil has all been
a visible, rapid reduction of oil content away from recovered the reservoir pressure will be about 1000
the crack. Hence production of oil from any ap- psi and with a pressure of this order most of the
preciable distance from a fissure system would seem wells will flow.
unlikely. Nevertheless, so-called dry holes whicli Mr. Stevens summarizes the difficulties involved
showed no water loss when tested considerably above in evaluating a reservoir of this type and I can fully
hydrostatic pressure, showed some small production agree with his remarks. As regards the question of
of oil after the well had been standing under a the future production policy to obtain the greatest
water head. recovery I would repeat that not only the matrix is
The solution of this problem is very important involved in this problem but also all the low per-
from the point of view of estimating ultimate re- meability cracks which exist in great numbers and
covery and of future production policy, i.e. whether which might contribute considerably to the volume
to drop the reservoir pressure rapidly or not in order of oil in place in the reservoir.
to achieve maximum recovery. Presumably similar