Dhib2013 Multiplex PCR

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mycoses Diagnosis,Therapy and Prophylaxis of Fungal Diseases

Original article

Multiplex PCR assay for the detection of common dermatophyte

nail infections

I. Dhib,1 A. Fathallah,1 A.Yaacoub,1 F. Hadj Slama,2 M. B. Said1 and R. Zemni2

Parasitology-Mycology Laboratory, Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia and 2Medicine Faculty, Immunology and Genetic Laboratory, Sousse, Tunisia

Summary Onychomycosis is one of the most prevalent dermatophytic diseases. Mycological

methods used in the conventional diagnosis may not be optimal. Multiplex (MX)
PCR was reported as a reliable alternative. Dermatophyte gene sequence records
were used to design a MX PCR for detection and identification of dermatophytes in
nail specimens. A MX PCR method based on the amplification of the chitin synthase
1 and internal transcribed spacer genes was developed. The study included 93
strains of dermatophytes and non-dermatophytic fungi, six dermatophytic reference
strains and 201 nail specimens from patients with dermatophytic onyxis. DNA
extraction directly from nail samples was carried out by using the QIAamp DNA
extraction kit (Quiagen). A set of primers was designed and their specificity was
assessed. MX PCR detected the causal agent in specimens from which Trichophyton
rubrum and T. interdigitale grew in culture and also identified a dermatophyte species
in an additional 32 specimens that were negative in microscopy and culture. None
of the investigated non-dermatophytic strains was positive. Sensitivity of MX PCR
was higher as compared to mycological examination (97% vs. 81.1%). MX PCR for
direct detection of dermatophytes from nail samples yielded mixed flora in 32.8% of
samples. MX PCR proved sensitive and adequate for the diagnosis of dermatophytic
onychomycosis. It is much adapted to cases where culture is negative or contami-
nated by overgrowing moulds, which makes the identification of the causal agent

Key words: Multiplex PCR, chitine synthase 1 gene, ITS gene, onychomycosis, dermatophytes.

particularly in terms of whether or not it is a dermato-

phyte.1 Onychomycosis is routinely diagnosed by
Onychomycosis is the most common nail disease. It is mycological examination, which includes direct exami-
mainly caused by dermatophytes of the genus Tricho- nation and culture.2
phyton. However, various non-dermatophyte filamen- Direct microscopic examination of infected nail
tous fungi are often isolated from nails and usually material may give false positive results as it is usually
considered as transient contaminants and are not the enable to differentiate between dermatophyte and non-
actual aetiological agent. Treatment of onychomycosis dermatophyte filamentous fungi. Conventionally the
is closely linked to the identity of the causative agent, definitive diagnosis is based on culture isolation, but
culture of toenails is often associated with contami-
nants. Furthermore, morphological and physiological
Correspondence: I. Dhib, Faculty of Medicine, Parasitology-Mycology Lab- characteristics may vary; the phenotypic features can
oratory, Mohamed El Karoui Street, 4002 Sousse, Tunisie. be influenced by factors such as temperature variation
Tel: +216 73 222 600. Fax: +216 73 224 899.
and medium.3
E-mail: dhib.imen@yahoo.fr
Routine identification by microscopy and culture
Submitted for publication 5 April 2013 requires considerable training of personnel and consid-
Accepted for publication 7 May 2013 erable supervisory expertise. Molecular approaches

© 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH doi:10.1111/myc.12096

I. Dhib et al.

have been developed to provide more rapid and accu- of macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the
rate alternatives for dermatophyte identification. These colonies.
methods include restriction fragment length polymor-
phism analysis RFLP,1,4,5 PCR-ELISA,6 double-round Fungal strains
PCR,7 nested PCR,8,9 real-time PCR,10,11 PCR using To optimise the PCR protocol and the specificity of the
(GACA)4 primer,12 sequencing.13,14 The main targets primers, 70 strains mycologically identified as derma-
have been the following genes or DNA fragments: the tophytes including 23 T. rubrum (TR), 35 T. mentagro-
ribosomal DNA region,1,3,10,13,15,16 DNA topoisomer- phytes (TM) and five other species obtained from nail
ase II genes,6 actin gene7 and the chitin synthase scrapings, skin and hair fragments from patients with
gene.8,14,17,18 dermatophytosis were included. In addition, six refer-
In recent years, the multiplex (MX) PCR assay has ence strains, 30 non-dermatophyte fungal strains
been used to identify a great variety of fungi including (moulds and yeast) and 2 human DNA specimens
dermatophytes.15–21 However, Trichophyton mentagro- were tested (Table 1). Reference strains were pur-
phytes complex was not included in these studies chased from the Central Bureau voor Schimmelcul-
despite its high frequency in nail infection.14,22,23 The tures (CBS, Utrecht, the Netherlands).
primary aim of this study was to design and develop a
MX PCR assay to identify dermatophytes on one hand
DNA extraction
and T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes complex on the
other hand directly from nails samples. The second DNA was extracted from nail material by using the
aim was to evaluate the MX PCR in comparison with QiaAmp DNA extraction Kit (Qiagen, Venlo (Pays Bas),
current standard diagnostic methods in patients with Germany). Prior to the extraction, whole nails or
suspected onychomycosis. relatively large nail fragments weighing between 3 and

Materials and methods Table 1 Micro-organisms from cultures used in the study.

Reference strains N of clinical

Samples investigated Microorganisms (N of strains tested) isolates

The study was conducted in the Parasitology–Mycol- Dermatophytes

ogy laboratory of Farhat Hached hospital (Sousse, Epidermophyton floccosum CBS 358.93(1) –
Tunisia). The investigated patients were addressed to Microsporum canis CBS 132.88(1) –
Trichophyton interdigitale CBS 165.66(1) 35
the laboratory by the service of Dermatology of the
Trichophyton mentagrophytes CBS 106.67(1) –
same hospital and to a lesser extent by private Trichophyton rubrum CBS 494.62(1) 23
practitioners. Trichophyton violaceum CBS 374.92(1) –
Two sample collections were investigated in this Trichophyton schoenleinii – 1
study: Trichophyton tonsurans – 1
Trichophyton verrucosum – 1
Microsporum ferrugineum – 1
Clinical nail samples Microsporum gypseum – 1
Two hundred and eighty-one nail specimens were Other fungi
investigated. They include the following: (i) 201 Alternaria sp. 2
samples collected from patients with suspected ony- Aspergillus sp. 4
Acremonium sp. 2
chomycosis and (ii) 80 nail specimens obtained from
Chrysosporium sp. 2
healthy individuals with no clinical nor mycological Cladosporium sp. 1
evidence of onychomycosis and considered as negative Fusarium sp. 1
controls. Paecilomyces sp. 1
All collected samples were divided into three Penicillium sp. 2
Scopulariopsis sp. 1
portions. The first portion was examined microscopi-
Scytalidium sp. 1
cally in 30% KOH for the presence of fungal elements. Candida albicans 4
The second was cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar C. tropicalis 2
supplemented with chloramphenicol and/or cyclohexe- C. parapsilosis 4
mide at 27 °C for up to 4 weeks. The third portion of C. krusei 2
Trichosporon sp. 1
the nail specimen was used for PCR analysis. Clinical
Human DNA 2
isolates were identified at the species level on the basis

2 © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

Multiplex PCR for detection of dermatophytes

5 mg, were cut into small pieces with a surgical blade. mentagrophytes strains were tested in a species-specific
Subsequently, nucleic acid extraction was performed PCR by using separately the TR and TM primers
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. At the amplifying 214 and 132 bp fragments respectively.
end of the procedure, the DNA pellet was dissolved in After verification of the specificity of each set, we per-
50–70 ll hydration solution, depending on the amount formed a MX PCR using the three primers in the same
of the nail material used at the beginning. A quantity of reaction.
2 µl of DNA was added to the PCR mixture.
To extract DNA from fungal cultures, we used the
MX PCR amplification
rapid mini preparation method described by Liu et al.
[24] In brief, a small lump of mycelia (1 cm2 of diame- Multiplex PCR was performed on DNA extracts from all
ter) was added to 500 ll of lysis buffer (Tris–HCl, fungal isolates under the following conditions: the ampli-
EDTA, NaCl, SDS) and 150 ll of potassium acetate. The fication reaction was performed in a total volume of
tube was vortexed and an equal volume of isopropyl 50 ll; the PCR mixture contained 10 ll of 59 reaction
alcohol was added to the supernatant. Then, the mix- buffer (GoTaq DNA buffer; Promega, Madison, WI,
ture was centrifuged and the resultant DNA pellet was USA), 0.5 ll of 25 mmol l 1 desoxynucleoside triphos-
washed in 70% ethanol and dissolved in 50 ll Tris– phates containing an equimolar mixture of dATP, dCTP,
EDTA. Extracted DNA was kept at 20 °C until use. A dGTP and dTTP (Promega), 1 ll (30 lmol l 1) of each
quantity of 2 µl of DNA was added in PCR mixture. primer, 1.25 unit of GoTaq DNA polymerase (Promega)
and 50 ng of template DNA.
Samples were amplified through 30 cycles in a ther-
Primers design and specificity
mocycler (Thermolyne Amplitron II Series 1091, Barn-
The nucleotide sequences of the different dermatophytes stead Thermolyne Corporation, Dubuque, IA, USA) as
were selected from the NCBI nucleotide database. A set follows: initial denaturation for 5 min at 95 °C, dena-
of primers detecting a DNA fragment encoding chitin turation for 30 s at 94 °C, annealing for 30 s at
synthase 1 gene was designed. The primers amplify a 60 °C and extension for 30 s at 72 °C. This was fol-
432 bp DNA fragment. To specifically amplify T. rubrum lowed by a final extension step for 10 min at 72 °C.
and T. mentagrophytes, we aligned the two reference PCR products were separated on 2% agarose gel,
sequences (T. rubrum: Z97993, T. mentagrophytes: stained with ethidium bromide and visualised under
Z98000) of the internal transcribed spacer ITS and we an UV illumination. Appropriate positive and negative
chose two sets of specific primers in the site where the controls were included in every amplification.
sequences were divergent.
The selected primers and their PCR product size are
Sensitivity of the single-primer-set PCR and MX PCR
shown in Table 2. The primers consisted of the follow-
ing: Derm primers that amplify all dermatophyte spe-
cies, TR primer and TM primer that specifically Analytical sensitivity was determined using serial dilu-
amplify T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes respectively. tions (starting from 5 pg up to 50 pg per reaction) of
Before the MX assays were set up and to optimise the purified DNA extracted from the two reference targets:
specificity of the primers, 23 T. rubrum and 35 T. T. rubrum CBS 494.62 and T. interdigitale CBS 165.66.

Table 2 Primer sequences, priming regions, annealing temperatures and target amplicon size for multiplex PCR.

Primer Nucleotide sequence Annealing T Gene PCR product Results of single- primer-set
name 5′? 3′ Ta° region (bp) PCR from fungal cultures N (%)

Derm F GAA GCC TGG AAG AAG ATT GTC G 60° Chitine 432 58/58 (100)
gene 1
TRF CCC CCC ACG ATA GGG ACCG 62° ITS gene 214 23/23 (100)
TMF GCC CCC CAC GAT AGG GCC AA 64° ITS gene 132 35/35 (100)

TR, Trichophyton rubrum; TM, Trichophyton mentagrophytes; ITS, internal transcribed spacer.
Derm F and Derm R amplify all dermatophyte species.

© 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 3

I. Dhib et al.

DNA was extracted from pure cultures as described by nails, non-dermatophytic species or human DNA with
Liu et al. [15]. the three sets of oligonucleotides (Derm, TR and TM).
However, the designed TR primers also detected the
closely related T. violaceum species (from reference
Specificity of the MX PCR assay
strain and culture). When primer pairs for TM were
Common dermatophytes, reference strains, non-der- used, a cross-amplification occurred with T. schoenlei-
matophytic moulds, yeast and human DNA were used nii, T. verrucosum and T. tonsurans DNA known to
to determine the specificity of the MX PCR (Table 1). include highly similar ITS sequences and related
Data from mycological test and MX PCR were com- taxonomic features (Fig. 2).
pared using analysis of chi-squared test as appropriate. For Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum canis, M.
The level of statistical significance was set at gypseum, M. ferrugineum the MX PCR yielded amplifi-
P < 0.05. cation with only Derm primers (Fig. 2).

Results Evaluation of single-primer-set PCR and MX PCR from

fungal cultures
Sensitivity and specificity of the single-primer-set PCR
Extracted DNA from 58 clinical dermatophyte isolates
and MX PCR
including 23 TR and 35 TM strains was used for the
Figure 1 shows PCR results with Derm, TR and TM evaluation of Derm, TR and TM primers separately
primers by using serial dilution of extracted DNA; and then in a MX PCR assay (Fig. 3).
starting from 5 pg up to 50 pg per reaction. The low- When tested separately in the TR specific PCR, all T.
est concentration of DNA that gave a positive MX PCR rubrum DNA samples (100%) yielded the expected
result for all the investigated dermatophyte species 214 bp product. No PCR product was detected when
was 50 pg in a PCR volume of 50 ll. Regarding speci- the 23 T. rubrum samples were tested in the TM spe-
ficity, no amplification was obtained from healthy cific PCR.

M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 1 Results of single-set-primer PCR
with serial dilutions of the DNA extracted
from Trichophyton rubrum TR CBS 494.62
and T. interdigitale TI CBS165.66. M, size
markers (50 bp DNA ladder); lanes 1–3,
Derm PCR with TR; 1, 50 pg; 2, 30 pg;
3, 10 pg; lanes 4–7, TR PCR; 4, 50 pg;
5, 30 pg; 6, 10 pg; 7, 5 pg; lanes 8–12,
TM PCR; 8, 50 pg; 9, 30 pg; 10, 10 pg;
11, 5 pg; 12, 1 pg.

(a) (b)
M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 2 Multiplex PCR results for differ-

ent species of dermatophytes (reference
400pb strains and clinical isolates). (a) M,
100 pb; line 1, Trichophyton rubrum RS;
line 2, T. mentagrophytes; line 3, T. viola-
100pb ceum RS; line 4, Microsporum gypseum;
line 5, Candida albicans; line 6, Microspo-
rum ferrugineum; line 7, Microsporum
canis RS; line 8, T. verrucosum. (b) M,
100 pb; line 1, T. interdigitale RS; line 2,
T. schoenleinii; line 3, T. tonsurans; line 4,
Arthroderma benhamiae RS.

4 © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

Multiplex PCR for detection of dermatophytes

M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C–

Figure 3 Results of multiplex (MX) PCR

and Derm PCR, species specific PCR
applied to Trichophyton rubrum (TR) and
T. interdigitale (TI) clinical isolates. M, size
markers (100 bp DNA ladder); lanes 1,
2, 3, 4, MX PCR results (TR1, TR2, TM1,
TM2); lanes 5, 6, 7, 8, Derm PCR (TR1,
TR2, TM1, TM2); lanes 9, 10, TR PCR
(TR1, TR2); lanes 11, 12, TM PCR (TM1,
TM2); C , negative control.

When tested separately in the TM specific PCR, all in six cases and T. violaceum in four cases. Culture was
T. mentagrophytes strains (100%) showed the specific negative or contaminated for 69 specimens including
132 bp product. No PCR product was detected when the 31 samples found positive on direct examination.
the 35 T. mentagrophytes samples were tested in the All specimens taken from non-infected (healthy)
TR specific PCR. nails were negative on both direct examination and
Hence, all of the 23 T. rubrum and 35 T. mentagro- culture. No mixed dermatophyte infections were
phytes samples were positive in both Derm PCR and detected in culture.
Analysis of nail samples by MX PCR
Conventional identification of fungi from toenail
The MX PCR was positive in 195 (97%) specimens out
of the 201 investigated nail samples. It identified T. ru-
The results of the mycological examination of the 201 brum in 109 (54.2%) samples, T. mentagrophytes in 12
toenail samples are shown in Table 3. Direct examina- (5.9%) samples and another dermatophyte species in 8
tion was positive in 151 (71.1%) and culture in 132 (3.9%) samples (Fig. 4). Sixty-six samples yielded three
(65.6%) of them respectively. Out of the 151 samples bands (32.8%) and six specimens were negative. Fur-
found positive on direct examination, 112 were identi- thermore, 63 of 69 (91.3%) of culture negative or
fied by culture as T. rubrum, four as T. mentagrophytes contaminated specimens gave positive MX PCR results.
and four as T. violaceum. For the 31 remaining sam- Thirty-one of them were positive on direct examina-
ples, culture was either negative or contaminated. tion. Out of the 63 specimens, 8 yielded positive PCR
For the 132 culture positive specimens, the causal results with only Derm primers; 20 were positive with
agent was T. rubrum in 122 cases, T. mentagrophytes both Derm and TR primers; 10 were positive with

Table 3 Summary of microscopy test, fungal culture and multiplex PCR in suspected nail cases with onychomycosis.

examination Culture MX PCR

Specimens in culture + + /c Derm1 TR2 TM3 3B Total

TR 112 10 122 0 0 0 84 0 38 122

TM 4 2 6 0 0 0 1 2 3 6
TV 4 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 4
Cont 15 0 – 15 0 3 4 3 5 15
Neg 16 38 – 54 6 5 16 7 20 54
Total 151 50 132 69 6 8 109 12 66 201

TR, Trichophyton rubrum; TM, T. mentagrophytes; TV, T. verrucosum; MX, multiplex; 3B, Derm+TR+TM specific bands; Con,
Dermatophyte band.
Derm +TR specific bands.
Derm +TM specific bands.

© 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 5

I. Dhib et al.

M 1 2 3 4 5 MX PCR Culture

200 80

100 60


Figure 4 Results of multiplex PCR for DNA extracted directly
from nail specimen. M, size markers (50 bp DNA ladder); lane 1 0
and 2, specimen from Trichophyton rubrum onychomycosis; lanes TR(89.34%) TM(33.33%) Cul-/C(8.69%) Mixed(0%)
3 and 4, specimen from T. interdigitale onychomycosis; lane 5,
negative control. Figure 6 Comparison of multiplex PCR and culture results.

M 1 2 3
for TR isolates (Fig. 6). MX PCR positivity was found
to be significantly higher than that found by direct
microscopy (P < 0.001) and culture (P  0.001).
PCR detected fungal material in all 163 specimens
shown to be positive in microscopy and culture. Of the
66 mixed infections detected by MX PCR, the culture
was negative in 20 and contaminated in 5 of them.
The culture yield T. rubrum in 38 cases and T. mentag-
rophytes in 3 cases.

Figure 5 Results of multiplex (MX) PCR from nail specimen with Discussion
mixed infection. M, size markers (100 bp DNA ladder); lane 1,
Correct diagnosis of dermatophytic onychomycosis and
amplification with all primer pairs: Derm, TR and TM; lanes 2
and 3, specimen from Trichophyton rubrum onychomycosis. identification of the causal agent are of a major impor-
tance as they allow appropriate antifungal treatment
both Derm and TM primers. The 25 remaining sam- to be promptly instituted.
ples yielded three bands in MX PCR (Table 3). Diagnosis of onychomycosis is currently performed by
In 66 (32.8%) of 201 specimens, MX PCR showed direct mycological examination and culture on Sabou-
mixed infections as revealed by the production of three raud dextrose agar medium. The precise identification
bands (Fig. 5). To check this result, these 66 samples of the dermatophyte in cause is based on the macro-
were tested in species-specific PCR. Fifty-nine of the 66 scopic and microscopic characters of the grown colo-
(89.4%) specimens were positive in both PCR assays, nies. However, false negative results of direct
six were confirmed as T. mentagrophytes and one as T. examination occur in 5–15% of cases, depending on the
rubrum. skill of the observer and the quality of sampling.6
From the 59 cases, we randomly sequenced 10 PCR Furthermore, dermatophyte hyphae are very difficult to
products obtained with TR and TM specific primers distinguish from those of non-dermatophytic fungi-like
(ABI PRISM 310 genetic analyser, Applied Biosystems, moulds, which often only occur as transient contami-
Foster City, CA, USA). All the TR products were identi- nants and are not as the actual aetiological agent of the
cal to the Z97993 reference sequence of T. rubrum. disease.17 On the other hand, culture is time-consuming
Similarly, TM sequences were identical to the and overgrowing of moulds in the culture medium can
FM986758 reference sequence of T. interdigitale. prevent the development of the pathogen. Last, the sen-
sitivity of culture is often suboptimal or low.6,7,25
Molecular techniques are much beneficial for derma-
Conventional vs. molecular identification
tophyte identification as they are rapid and sensitive.
The concordance between culture isolation and MX Moreover, these methods rely on genetic characters,
PCR ranged from 0% for mixed infections to 89.34% which are more constant than phenotypic ones and

6 © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

Multiplex PCR for detection of dermatophytes

they can characterise atypical dermatophytes that are studies.5,7,9,13,19,20,25 In contrast, in some reports,
difficult to identify by mycological examination results of PCR and mycological examination were
techniques.12 nearly similar in terms of sensitivity.3,12,15
For many years, efforts have been made to establish The threshold of DNA detection in MX PCR was
fast, highly sensitive and specific molecular-based tech- 50 pg of DNA per reaction. This value is similar to
niques for species or even strain identification of der- that reported in Candida and Aspergillus systemic infec-
matophytes, to use them as possible alternatives for tions.15,16 In contrast, it is much higher than the
routine identification of fungi.8,21,25 All these tech- threshold reported in MX PCR for the detection of
niques are still based on the time-consuming primary other non-dermatophyte fungi.19
culture and many of them have a poor reproducibility. The limited existing genomic data on dermatophytes
In particular, RFLP analysis is quite complex and labo- and the close ITS gene sequence similarity between
rious and, therefore, is not easily employed for routine related dermatophyte species (e.g. T. rubrum and T. vio-
diagnostic purposes.1,4,5 Sequencing of PCR products laceum on one hand, and T. mentagrophytes, T. schoen-
is a very powerful method for the correct typing of leinii and T. tonsurans on the other hand) impede
dermatophytes but, unfortunately, it is not convenient designing specific primers for all known dermatophyte
for the processing large numbers of samples.13,14 Real- species. Indeed, ITS region primer pair TR was found
time PCR proved valuable in the identification of der- to cross-react with T. violaceum, and TM with T. tonsu-
matophytes because of its high sensitivity and rapidity, rans, T. equinum and T. schoenleinii. This is not unex-
but it is costly.10,11 pected since there is a high degree of genetic similarity
This study aimed at evaluating a MX PCR technique in the ITS region between T. rubrum and T. violace-
based on the amplification of the CHSI gene and the um7,11,12 and between T. mentagrophytes complex, T.
ITS region which are the most widely used targets in tonsurans and T. equinum.6,11 However, a PCR assay
the molecular diagnosis of dermatophytic onychomy- based on the amplification of the T1 microsatellite
cosis in humans.8,17,21,23 On the other hand, MX PCR marker that distinguishes between T. rubrum and T. vi-
was shown to be a powerful tool for the characterisa- olaceum when a high-resolving acrylamid gel is used
tion of dermatophytes when DNA extracted from clini- was recently reported.1
cal specimens is used.1,6,7,9,17 The primers described by Beifuss B et al. [6] and
We were only interested in T. rubrum and T. mentag- Brillowska-Dabrowska A et al. [17] supposed to be spe-
rophytes complex because they are the most frequent cific for TR-ITS gene were shown to also amplify the
among the species isolated in our region.14,23 In addi- TM Z98000 sequence, after alignment of both primers
tion, previous reports on PCR assays that allow distin- through BLAST in the GenBank sequences database.
guishing TR and TM are very few.9 When MX PCR was applied to non-dermatophyte
In this study, MX PCR was applied to a collection of fungi including Candida, Aspergillus and other moulds,
culture samples (standards and controls) of dermato- no cross reactivity was detected between DNA of the
phytes and non-dermatophytes fungi, and to nail spec- investigated species making the MX PCR easier to
imens obtained from patients with dermatophytic interpret as compared to MX PCR applied to
onychomycosis previously confirmed by mycological dermatophytes.15,16,19
examination. In our 69 patients with a negative or contaminated
The analysis of our results showed that the specific- culture including the 31 positive cases on direct exam-
ity of the technique was excellent as none of the ination, MX PCR was positive in 63 (91.3%) of them.
non-dermatophytic fungal specimens and none of the The failure of mycological techniques may be
uninfected nails yielded positive results in MX PCR. Our explained by the presence of undetected hyphae on
results are in agreement with most previously stud- microscopic examination and/or the treatment of the
ies.4,6,7,11,16,17,25 As far as sensitivity is considered, MX patients prior to the examination. In addition, we can-
PCR may be considered very satisfactory as 100% of not rule out the presence of moulds, which are known
controls and 97% of nail specimens yielded positive to inhibit dermatophyte growth in culture.
results. Sensitivity values reported in previous studies Hence, when the identity of the causal agent cannot
using different PCR methods and primers ranged be ascertained by culture, PCR is very useful and
between 51% and 94.8%.1,4,6,7,11,17,19,21 On the other appropriate. This finding is in agreement with previous
hand, our results showed the PCR to be more sensitive reports where it has been shown that the rate of posi-
than mycological examination (97% vs. 81.1%). This tivity of PCR in culture negative specimens ranged
finding is in accordance with most previously reported between 55.8% and 78.3%.1,8,17

© 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 7

I. Dhib et al.

Our MX PCR results revealed the high frequency of dermatophyte and non dermatophyte identificationin onychomyco-
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techniques. Similar results were, however, previously tive 24-h PCR-ELISA technique open to protocol transfer. Mycoses
reported in some studies using various PCR meth- 2011; 54: 137–45.
7 Gupta AK, Zaman M, Singh J. Fast and sensitive detection of Tricho-
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8 © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

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