Polytechnic University of The Philippines

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Language is used as a medium of communication where people used it as a tool to

express their ideas and wishes. According to Ramelan (1991), “language can help man to

express his thoughts and wishes to another such as when people need some help, so that

close relationship among member of the group can be carried out”. In our daily lives, people

constantly interact socially and communicate with one another, as communication is a means

of interaction.

"Communication is a social activity that needs the cooperation of two or more

people. Communication is a concept that describes social activities that involve more than

one individual. It usually occurs between the hearer (receiver) and the speaker”, Gumperz in

Wardhaugh (1992). On the other hand, individuals must engage in conversation in order to

share information with one another.

In some ways, conversations are the optimal mode of communication, as they enable

people with divergent perspectives on a subject to learn from one another. As a cited

Fairclough (2001), a speech is an oral presentation by one person directed at a group. For a

successful conversation, it must include mutually interesting connections between the

speakers or knowledge shared by the speakers. Conversation is a critical political medium.

As contentious the idea of conversation as the “soul of democracy” may be (Shudson 1997),

politics is partly created and articulated, made public and disputable, in a variety of more or

less institutionalized forms of public talk and interaction. To analyze the interaction of two

or more people in conversation, the appropriate theory was dubbed Conversation Analysis

(CA). According to Schiffrin (1994) “CA is similar to interactional sociolinguistics in that it

is concerned with social order and the ways in which language both creates and is created by

social context."

Conversation analysis is a method for studying social interaction and talk-in-

interaction that has gained widespread acceptance across the social sciences and humanities,

including linguistics, despite its origins in the sociological study of everyday life. By

examining both individual instances of naturalistic interaction (unscripted, non-elicited, etc.)

and patterns exhibited across collections of cases, conversation analysts attempt to describe

the stable practices and underlying normative organizations of interaction. In contrast to

narrative analysts, conversation analysts have little interest in individuals, let alone in the

subconscious meanings of narrators or the reflexive intro-sections of researchers. Instead,

conversation analysts understand individuals to be members of a community that shares

interactional competencies. A common understanding among members is that unscripted

conversation is a technical marvel, a way in which they manage, turn by turn, to maintain

their assumed possibility of a shared intersubjectivity.

Along with the decline of traditional values and increased exposure to political

information via the media, particularly television, in Asia in particular (e.g., Thomas, 2005;

Zhang, 2011), citizens are able to make sense of politics through broadcast interview

programs. Interview programs enable citizens to keep track of public policy developments,

to identify emerging candidates and distinguish between them and their political

orientations, and to evaluate the various political alternatives.


In the broadcasting media, the interview has risen to become the predominant mode

of conveying information. Much of our news and current events report not on what occurred,

but on what people say about what occurred (or might have occurred, or will occur), thereby

putting us in the position of eye- (and ear-) witnesses. to events that would have occurred

regardless of the presence of microphones and cameras, such as press conferences and

interviews. These events always take the form of question-and-answer exchanges.

Politicians now prefer being interviewed to giving speeches, because they believe that the

public sees interview’s as more truthful and reliable than other modes of address — in

interview’s they can be seen to speak ‘intimately’ and 'spontaneously’ = to the public, and

the 'spontaneous' is generally seen as more truthful than the premeditated and the posed

(Bell, P., & van Leeuwen, T. (1994).

It is critical to analyze broadcast political interviews for a variety of reasons. First, it

teaches us how political interviews are conducted and the conventions that govern

interactions between journalists (interviewers) and public officials or experts (interviewees).

Specifically, it provides us with the details to such questions as: What is the nature of the

functions, roles, rights, and responsibilities of the interviewers and the interviewees; what

shapes their discourse’s basic structure and rules; How biased are the interviewers; What is

the nature of the questions, their tone, and structure; To what extent are interviewees'

responses evasive; and how do interviewees use their responses to construct a particular

image of themselves and others? Second, analyzing political interviews enables recognition

of how political interviews differ from 'ordinary' conversation, and more specifically how

political interviews are constrained by their particular setting, which includes culture and

political culture, as well as social issues and problems, such as hierarchy, unequal power,

race, and gender in a particular society. Additionally, it enables us to dig deeper into the

interviewees' underlying beliefs and examine issues such as power, social truth, and the

participants' motivations for conveying particular ideologies.

Background of the study

Sandova (2010) claims political interviews as a subgenre of political discourse in

which politicians achieve the specific communicative goal of affecting and convincing the

audience through the use of conventional methods. a subgenre of political discourse in which

politicians achieve the specific communicative goal of affecting and convincing the audience

through the use of conventional methods. According to Bhatia (2006), a political interview is

a form of close contact social interaction in which the interviewer is expected to inquire

about political issues and the politician is expected to respond. Similarly, (Johansson, 2007)

political interview has been defined as a genre in which the fusion of two culturally

generated institutional discourses (media and political discourses) results in the creation of


Within the past years, many researchers have devoted their focus to investigating

political interviews from a variety of linguistic perspectives. As an example, Chilton (2004)

conducted research on the role of linguistic structures in political discourse. His analysis

demonstrated how nominalization, agentless passives, and ambiguous antecedent pronouns

are used to implicitly state political propositions without expressing them explicitly.

Bramley (2001) examined how pronouns are used in political interviews to construct "self"

and "other." He concludes that politicians use pronouns in political interviews to construct

the self and other. Fetzer (2007) examined the linguistic manifestations of challenges in

British and German political interviews conducted in the run-up to the country’s general

elections in the United Kingdom and Germany. She revealed that there are language and

culture-specific dispositions for explicating, negotiating, and contextualizing challenges.

Sandova (2010), Political interviews are regarded as a genre whose primary

communicative goal is to persuade and convince the audience. Similarly, it has been stated

that a political interview is a dialogical genre in which institutional actors contribute

comments on a particular subject and their conversation is moderated by media experts

(Lauerbach & Fetzer, 2007). MacNair (2011) believes there is now “… Between the

politician and the media professional, a relationship of mutual convenience and

interdependence develops as each seeks to satisfy the other's hunger for news while

maximizing his or her favorable public exposure".

Having taken a pragmatic approach, the findings from studies on political interviews

indicate that the interview is a highly structured, rule-governed speech event. Both

interviewer and interviewee adhere to a set of genre-specific rules, and the interviewer and

interviewee have a continual discussion on how to achieve these standards. (Blum-Kulka,

1983; as cited in Bramley, 2001).

Kibrik (2013), according to her, each interview entails three distinct roles: 1)the

interviewer's role is to address audience-related questions, 2) the respondent's role in

providing an answer to the questions, and 3) the presupposed audience's role, which is to

direct the interviewer's questions toward the issues that concern them. Additionally, there are

some characteristics that are consistent across all types of political interviews. They are

structured in an argumentative manner. They take the form of question-and-answer. In all

interviews, the interviewer serves as the people's spokesperson. They present challenging

questions and represent the audience's viewpoint. On the other hand, the interviewee's role

is to express and support their arguments (Lauerbach, 2007). As de Beus (2011) claims, the

two parties are inextricably linked in that journalists rely on politicians for government and

political information, while politicians rely on news writers to fulfill their desire to be

exposed and seen publicly.

Bell and van Leeuwen (1994) examined political interviews through the lens of

communication and media studies. They made a point of emphasizing the social context in

which political interviews occur. They defined a political interview as a communicative

event during which politicians "can be seen speaking 'intimately' and 'spontaneously' to the

public" (as cited in Bramley, 2001, p. 8). Other studies examined political interviews from a

pragmatic standpoint. . For instance, in the study by Blum-Kulka (1983), It was discovered

that the interviewer regarded the interviewee's responses as supportive or unsupportive. The

third method examines political discourse from an interactional perspective. This approach is

demonstrated in Greatbatch's (1986) study, in which he examined the agenda shifting

procedure used during an interview and concluded that interviewees engaged in overt or

covert agenda shifting in order to alter the interviewer's proposed agenda.

In this paper, the researchers aim to show the importance of detailing televised

political interviews in the Philippines and to do so, in a highly selected manner, the

paradigm that will be used is the one proposed by Ofer Feldman. The paradigm is based on a

series of studies he conducted in Japan during 2000, 2010~2011, and 2012~13 (Feldman,

2004, p. 76-110, 2015; Feldman et al., n.d., 2015). This paradigm introduces what the core

aspects and questions that should be addressed when detailing political interviews in a

particular society. The researchers will be able to gather information about the nature of the

interaction between interviewers and interviewees, their communicative style when

addressing or replying to questions, and the strategies used by the participants to achieve

their objectives through the application of the coding system proposed by the paradigm.

Theoretical Framework

Conversation Analysis is used to analyze questions and responses in televised

political interviews, which is the paradigm under consideration for examining televised

political interviews. Conversation Analysis is a method of analyzing talk as a social

phenomenon; it is used to analyze talk-in-interaction, which considers language primarily as

a form of social interaction, as opposed to other methods of analyzing talk. Conversation

Analysis is concerned with determining how social practices take place within language and

between participants, and thus how social order is formed in a society (Hutchby & Wooffitt,

1998). It examines how participants mutually understand each other during turns, assuming

that “ordinary talk is a highly organized, ordered phenomenon” (Hutchby & Wooffitt, 1998,

p. 13). For the purpose of analysis, Conversation Analysis studies naturally-occurring data

which has been recorded rather than data that is generated in laboratories. This recorded data

is then transcribed and examined without any pre-conceived idea about what one wants to

find, or what is in the data. Researchers let the data speak for itself monitoring what is done

by the participants through their conversation.

The paradigm to examine televised political interviews consists of four distinct

elements at the core of the interaction between interviewers and interviewees. Each of these

elements includes specific aspects and questions that should be included in a coding sheet

designed to decode the information by trained coders.

The four elements are:

1. (1) The Interviewers’ questions;

2. (2) The interviewees’ replies;

3. (3) The questions/replies sequences; and

4. (4) The setting or background to the interviews’ sessions.

Identifying Questions: At the base of this paradigm is the need to identify questions

and distinguish them from other utterances:

“Questions” are regarded as utterances made by interviewers in order to elicit

information or opinions from interviewees. Questions may or may not utilize interrogative


In televised political interviews, some questions, usually asked at the beginning of an

interview, are merely “small talk” to make interviewees “comfortable” upfront. These

include “softball” questions, i.e., non-challenging questions that function as greetings before

the actual interview begins, and often invite interviewees to brag about themselves or their

work. Such questions should be excluded from analysis.

Hereupon are the four segments that should be coded:


1. The Questions

The goal of this section is to detail the attributes (e.g., the type, style, mode) of

questions asked during televised political interviews.

There are six ways to classify or identify these questions:

1. Classifying Questions Based on Syntactic Expression

Interview questions are classified into two large groups according to their syntactic

expression. The first consists of prefaced questions and the second of non -prefaced


Prefaced questions are in most cases prefaced by a main clause in which the main

prepositional content of the question appears in indirect form in a subordinate clause (in non-

prefaced questions there is no such preceding main clause). This group includes questions

such as “What do you think?” “What do you feel?” “Are you saying …?” “Are you

suggesting …?” “Will you explain …?” “Could you say what …?” And, “Can I ask you


Non-prefaced questions may be further subdivided according to whether or not they

take interrogative syntax:

(1) Interrogative syntax appears in three basic question forms:

(a) Yes/no questions that request a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response in relation to a certain


Responding with “Yes,” “No,” or any other clearly affirmative or negative reply

(using words or expressions such as “certainly,” “of course,” “not at all”) is seen as

constituting a reply.

(b) Interrogative-word questions, or the WH-questions, i.e. questions that start with

what, why, who, when, where, or how; and,

(c) Disjunctive or alternative questions that present interviewees a choice between

two or more alternatives. If the interviewee chooses one of the alternatives, then this can be

seen as constituting a reply. It is also possible to present an additional alternative, which can

be regarded as a reply. If the interviewee does not choose between the alternatives offered by

the interviewer, nor offers another alternative, then response is regarded as a non-reply.

(2) Non-interrogative syntax questions include (d) declaratives, imperatives, or

questions lacking a finite verb (i.e., moodless questions). They are identical in form to

declarative statements in writing, but are generally spoken with a final rising, questioning

intonation. Some declarative questions may not be accompanied by rising intonation, but the

expression still clearly functions to elicit information.

Coders decode each question first as either (1) prefaced question, or (2) non -

prefaced question. If (2) non-prefaced questions is selected, the coders further decode the

sub-category of the question as either (a) yes/no questions; (b) interrogative-word questions,

or the WH-questions; (c) disjunctive or alternative questions; or (d) declaratives,

imperatives, or moodless question.

2. Distinguishing the Syntactic Structure of Questions

During interviews, interviewers assess the responses given by interviewees to

determine whether they have answered the question or hedged it. If interviewers consider the

response to be an answer, they can either expand on the same topic or shift to a new topic,

called “topic extension” and “topical shift,” respectively. An interviewer who views the

response as a non-answer can follow up with a “reformulation” or a “challenge.”

(1) Topic extension: the interviewer raises a minor implication of a prior statement in

order to encourage an interviewee to reconfirm and/or expand on prior remarks.

(2) Topical shift: when shifting the topic, the interviewer doesn’t relate back to the

preceding answer but rather brings up a new aspect of the general topic under discussion.

(3) Reformulation: the interviewer “reformulates” when he or she accurately restates

an interviewee’s declared position, with the implication that the preceding answer was not

adequate and needs clarification or expansion.

(4) Challenge: the interviewers directly challenges an answer by making explicit the

possible implications or presumptions of the answer, with the goal of testing some aspect of

the interviewee’s intentions, actions, or attitudes.

Coders decode here either (1) Topic extension; (2) Topical shift; (3) Reformulation;

or, (4) Challenge.

3. Examining the Pragmatic Means of Weight Reduction

There are two ways in which interviewers could challenge an interviewee’s point of

view without appearing to violate the required perception of neutrality: quotation of critics

and questions accompanied by accounts.

(1) Quotation of critics: When interviewers base their questions on actual or

hypothetical critiques by an interviewee’s opponents (political or other), or cite other actual

or potential challengers (e.g., news media). Drawing on the words of others allows

interviewers to openly disagree without appearing to do so personally.


(2) Questions accompanied by accounts: the interviewer provides his or her own

logic or opinions as the basis for challenging questions.

Coders decode either (1) Quotation of critics; or (2) Questions accompanied by


4. Identifying Grammatically Complete and Incomplete Questions

Questions can be differentiated between

1. (1) Grammatically complete questions, and

2. (2) Grammatically incomplete questions.

Questions categorized as grammatically complete follow the syntactic rule that a

question particle (such as ka in Japanese) must be attached to the end of the sentence

accompanied by rising intonation. Grammatically incomplete questions, considered less

formal and less direct utterances, lack the question particle but project turn -yielding despite

their incomplete structure.

Coders decode either (1) Grammatically Complete Questions; or (2) Grammatically

Incomplete Questions.

5. Identifying Questions that Seek Personal Opinions versus Prevalent Views

within a Group

Here we distinguish between questions that explicitly seek from interviewees

1. (1) Personal, private information such as their own opinions, thoughts, beliefs, and

feelings; as opposed to

2. (2) Information, ideas, or views of a group that the interviewee belongs to, e.g.,

political parties and government ministries.


In other words, there is a differentiation between questions posed to interviewees

according to the required perspective–personal perspective or that of a social or political

group. The general assumption is that politicians would be asked to share the viewpoints of

their groups, while non-politicians would be asked for their private, personal views; but this

is not always the case.

Coders mark either (1) personal, private information; or (2) information, ideas, or

views of a group that the interviewee belongs to.

6. Assessing the Questions’ Level of Threat

Interviewers’ questions vary in terms of their toughness and neutrality. Questions

may be formulated in such a way that interviewees constantly run the risk of making face -

damaging responses, i.e., responses which make themselves and/or their political allies look

bad, and/or constrain their future freedom of action (P. Bull, 2008). Questions are

distinguished between those that entail “no necessary threat” (least face-threatening) and

those with a “high level of toughness.” Politicians tend to find the latter problematic,

especially when they are potentially face-damaging to themselves, their political party, and

to significant others (Feldman, n.d.). A high proportion of the latter questions would

therefore constitute a tough style of interviewing.

The coding sheet in this part includes two related questions:

(1) A six-point scale, according to which each question is rated in terms of toughness

(from (1) “no threat at all” through (6) “very tough” (“neutral” is not included in these six

possible responses in order to force coders to make a selection on the relative degree of

equivocation); and,

If the answer was not (1), then coders respond to another question:

(2) Indicate at whom the threat was aimed: (a) the interviewee’s face; (b) the party’s

face; (c) a group to which the interviewee belongs; (d) the government (the administration,

the cabinet); (e) others (specify).

2. The Replies

The aim of this section is to examine the manner that interviewees handle the

questions posed at them.

Responses are analyzed in a series of four questions. The questions reflect a

modification of the four Bavelas et al. (1990) dimensions of sender, receiver, content, and

context in the Theory of Equivocation. Equivocation is regarded as a form of indirect

communication characterized as ambiguous, contradictory, and tangential, which may also

be incongruent, obscure, or even evasive (Bavelas et al., 1990, p. 28).

Each of the four dimensions is measured on a six-point Likert-type scale.

1. Sender

Assessed by the question “To what extent is the response the speaker’s own opinion

(intention, observation, ideas)?”

The scale consisted of six options, ranging from (1) “It is obviously his/her personal

opinion/ideas, not someone else’s,” to (6) “It is obviously someone else’s opinion/ideas.”

If the answer was not (1), then coders respond to another question:

(2) “Whose opinion does the speaker seem to express?”

Coders select from the following list: (a) Political parties; (b) The general

public/public opinion; (c) The Government (the administration); (d) Mass media; (e)

Economic and industrial circles (public and private sectors) and the third sections

(organizations that are not for-profit and non-governmental); (f ) Refers to facts/historical

flow of events/common sense.

2. Receiver

In broadcast news interviews, there are multiple receivers. Thus, when an

interviewee responds to a question, it is not always clear whether the intended receiver is the

interviewer or some other party, such as the general public, a particular segment of the

public, or another politician or group of politicians. These other parties can be referred to as

the “overhearing audience.”

To address this issue the following questions are posed:

(1) “To what extent is the message addressed to the person(s) who asked the

question?” (i.e. the interviewer(s)). Possible recipients are assessed on a six -point scale,

ranging from (1) “Obviously addressed to the interviewer(s)” to (6) “Addressed to other


If the answer is not (1), coders respond to another question:

(2) “To whom does the message seem to be addressed?”

Coders indicate whom they think is the intended target of the message by selecting

from the following list: (a) Another interviewee politician(s) that appear(s) on the show in

the studio; (b) Decision-makers (at the center of politics or Government officials); (c) Voters

in general (d) Specific prefecture/prefecture residents; (e) The public in general (f )

Economic and industrial circles (public and private sectors) and the third sections (not for-

profit and non-governmental organizations); (g) Other (specify).


3. Content

Assessed by the question “How clear is the message in terms of what is being said?”

The six options evaluate the various degrees of equivocation, ranging from (1)

“Straightforward, easy to understand, only one interpretation is possible,” to (6) “Totally

vague, impossible to understand, no meaning at all.”

If the answer is not (1), then coders should specify what made the reply unclear or

difficult to comprehend by selecting from at least one of the following four options:

(a) It consists of long /complex sentences that are difficult to follow; (b) There is run-

around, double talk (circuitous talk); (c) It includes difficult terms, or professional jargon;

(d) It consists of multiple arguments (sometimes inconsistent).

4. Context

Assessed by the question “To what extent is this a direct answer to the question?”

The six options range from: (1) “This is a direct answer to the question asked,” to (6)

“Totally unrelated to the question.”

If the answer is not (1), i.e., the interviewee fails to reply to the question, then the

response is to be coded in terms of the following 12 Categories of Non-Reply (based on

Peter Bull & Mayer, 1993):

(a) Intentionally ignores the question (typically while launching into another

discussion); (b) Acknowledges the question without answering it; (c) Questions the question

(reflecting a question back to the interviewer(s); (d) Attacks the question; (e) Attacks the

interviewer; (f ) Declines to answer a question; (g) Makes a political point; (h) Incomplete

answer; (i) Repeats answer to previous question; (j) States or implies that the question has

already been answered; (k) Apologizes; (l) Other (specify).

These 12 Categories are not mutually exclusive as more than one category can be

used at a time.

A message can be equivocal on any of the four above dimensions. So the content

may be perfectly clear (unequivocal in terms of content), but not a direct answer to the

question (equivocal on the context dimension).

3. Subjects of Enquiry/Response

The aim of this section is to identify the key topics at the center of interviewer

enquiry and interviewee response, and to distinguish the issues at stake in each question -


Two questions are posed:

1. “What is the main content of the question about?”

2. “What is the main content of the response about?”

Each of these two questions is sub-divided (and coded) in respect to six criteria

detailed below, all mutually exclusive, on the content of the questions and answers:

(1) Knowledge, or lack of knowledge, of a certain topic or a fact.

(2) Human affairs/Significant others (i.e., others’ performance at work, impressions

on their activities, evaluation of their ability, characteristics, personality, attitudes, and

thoughts, and human relationships).


(3) Political and social institutions (e.g., impressions, opinion, and judgments on the

activities, attitudes, views, thoughts, and ideas within political parties, party factions, and the


(4) Political process (i.e., involving procedures of decision -making and course of

action in the government, the bureaucracy, and within or between political parties).

(5) Political commitment (promises regarding courses of action, pledges, and public


(6) Issues (opinions, stances, and views on policy issues, on social, economic,

political and other problems, and topics on the public agenda).

If category “(6) Issues” is selected, coders answer an open-ended question:

(7) “What is the issue (problem or topic) at the core of the question/response


Coders identify the issues at the focus of the discussion between the interviewers and

the interviewees and list them one by one. It is later clustered in related categories.

4. The Setting of the Interview

The aim of this section is to detail selected factors of the setting or the background of

the interview that may influence the nature of the interaction between interviewers and

interviewees, and the content of the questions and the replies. These factors influence thus

the scope of the information disseminated to the public. They include, but are not limited to,

the following aspects:

(1) The nature of the television program in which the interview takes place:

(a) Nationwide program or local level program


(b) Regular news program;

1. Regular daily/weekly/monthly interview program; or

2. Special interview programs (e.g., during election campaign)

(c) What is the viewing rate (How popular is the program?)

(2) The interview’s format:

(a) One-on-one interview (a single interviewer vs. a single interviewee)

(b) One interviewer vs. multiple interviewees

(c) Two interviewers vs. a single interviewee

(d) Two interviewers vs. multiple interviewees

(e) In small groups

(f ) Questions asked by the interviewers and other “commentators” who are invited to

present questions and participate in the discussion

(g) Questions asked by the interviewers and other interviewees who are invited to

present questions and participate in the discussion.

(h) Other (specify)

(3) The broadcast time and the length of the interview:

(a) Morning/afternoon/evening/night

(b) The interview session duration: Minutes & Seconds

(4) Who asks the interview’s questions? (What are their social and political


(a) Journalists

(b) Scholars

(c) Experts (in such areas as public policy, social affairs, and economics)

(d) Other (specify)

(5) Who are the interviewees? (What are their ranks, in government, for example?)

(a) National level politicians (e.g., presidents, prime ministers, ministers, leaders of


(b) Local level politicians (e.g., prefectural governors, city mayors)

(c) Government officials (e.g., administrative vice-ministers, heads of sections)

(d) Military, Army officers and personnel

(e) Decision-makers from various social and economic sectors of society

(f) Nonpoliticians (e.g., university professors, experts in economy, social critics).

(e) Other (specify)

(6) The Political Culture and Media Organization

(a) Does the interview take place in a democratic, free society?

(b) How is the media system organized? Who owns/controls the media?

Conceptual Framework

The main focus of the study is to analyze the political interviews of the four (2022)

presidential candidates with the paradigm proposed by Ofer Feldman As a result of using

this paradigm, researchers can collect detailed accounts of the interaction between

interviewers and interviewees, the structure and tone of questions posed to interviewees as

well as the participants' communicative style when responding to such questions, and the

strategies employed by participants to achieve their objectives.

Figure 1 below is the conceptual framework that shows the utilization of the paradigm.

interviewe The setting or
rs' background The
question to the output

The The
interviewee questions/re
s' replies plies

Research Paradigm

Figure 1

Statement of the problem

This study aims to create an in-depth conversational analysis of televised political

interviews that feature the 2022 Philippine presidential candidates. Specifically, it desires to

shed light on the following questions:

1. How are the attributes of the interviewers’ questions detailed in terms of the


a. classification based on syntactic expression

b. syntactic structure

c. pragmatic means of weight reduction

d. grammatical completeness

e. types that seek opinions or prevalent views

f. level of threat

2. How are the interviewees’ replies examined in terms of the four dimensions such


a. Sender

b. Receiver

c. Content

d. context

3. How are the questions/replies sequences analyzed in terms of the following:

a. key topics that are at the center of the interviewer enquiry and interviewee


b. issues at stake in each question-response


4. What factors influence the setting or the background of the interviews and impact

the nature of the interaction between interviewers and interviewees, and the

content of the questions and the replies?

Significance of the Study

Specifically, the researchers hope that this study will help in showing the importance

of discerning politicians’ knowledge on certain issues in the political field and help the

Filipino people in their decision making this year’s coming election.

The following areas will benefit from this research:

Political Analyst, it will help them in studying the current language in politics, the

politicians’ strategies in pursuing their goals. How politicians operate during this time of

election period. The language of politicians on convincing the public specifically, on

persuading them with their proposed political platforms.

The public, the televised political interviews will help the public and voters become

more discerning in which political candidate they should vote for the upcoming election.

Because language is powerful tool in pursuing someone.

English majors, this study may help the students to develop their interest in utilizing

the linguistic devices that they learn inside the four corners of their class. It will expand their

knowledge in the field of linguistics.

PUP College of Arts and Letters Reading Center, it will serve as an additional resource

which will provide a highly selected manner of analyzing conversational interviews in the

Philippine politics.

Future researchers as well as thesis makers, the result of this study could serve as

reference and act as basis for further studies or could supplement their respective studies in

the related field.

Lastly, the full benefit of this study is for the researchers themselves. This study gave

the researchers the chance to scrutinize the 2022 presidential candidates to help them choose

the best amongst the rest to serve them in the next six (6) years of their lives. As an end, the

researchers are hopeful that this study that analyses the conversation of political interviews

would help the citizens of the Philippines to become more discerning in choosing their next

chief architect.

Scope and Limitation

The study focuses on analyzing the conversation in the three (3) sets of televised

political interviews of the four (4) selected presidential candidates; Mayor Isko Moreno

Dumagoso, Senator Panfilo "Ping" Lacson, Senator Manny Pacman Pacquiao, and Vice

President Leni Robredo. The researchers have chosen three (3) different sets of televised

political interviews in which they will be analyzing for the purpose of their study. The

researchers chose three (3) different channels on Youtube which conducted the political

interviews, specifically, The Boy Abunda Talk Channel, ANC 24/7, and GMA Public


The four (4) political aspirants were asked same questions regarding their stands and

beliefs on various issues and problems that our country is currently dealing with, and they

were also given respective questions that they need to answer regarding their personal issues.

This research will not cover and extend to the other televised political interviews as

well as on the other political candidates in the 2022 presidential election;

Former Presidential Spokesperson Ernesto Abella, Leody de Guzman (chairman of

the Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino), Former secretary of National Defense Norberto

Gonzales, and Former Senator Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr. The researchers will

primarily focus on analyzing the three (3) channels which conducted the political interviews

as well as on the four (4) political candidates who completed the participation in the three (3)

selected presidential interviews.




The researchers have found different relevant literatures that would support the

systematically theorized study related on political interviews featuring candidates for public

office. This chapter focuses on landscaping the linguistic phenomenon with regards to its

significance in linguistic, the importance of detailing televised political interviews: having a

good understanding about how interviews are conducted, their communicative style when

conversing with them, and the nature of the interaction between interviewers and

interviewees responding to questions, and the strategies used by the participants to achieve

their objectives


Conversations are, in some ways, the ideal mode of communication because they

allow people with varying points of view on a subject to learn from one another. A speech,

on the other hand, is a process of oral presenting made by a single person to a group of

listeners.  Successful conversation requires that participants must reach an agreeable balance

of contributions. A successful conversation includes connections between the speakers that

are mutually interesting as well as things that the speakers are familiar with. It is necessary

for this to occur for the people involved in a conversation to find a topic on which they can

both relate in some way. Those participating in conversation have a natural tendency to draw

parallels between the other speaker's statements and their own. Their responses may contain

elements of their personal lives that allow them to relate to the opinions or points of

conversation of the other person.


According to Ciccourel as cited in Sciffrin (1994);

Conversation is a source of much of our sense of social order, e.g. it produces

many typifications underlying our notions of social role. Conversation also
exhibits its own order and manifests its own order and manifest.

Fairclough (2001:9) states “conversation is systematically structured, and that there

is evidence of the orientation of participants to these structures in the way in which they

design their own conversational turns and react to those of others.” Conversation consists of

two or more participants taking turns and only one participant speaking at any time.

Conversation is often divided into two categories: formal conversation and casual

conversation. Eggins and Slade (1997:19-20) classify conversation based on:

1. Pragmatic purpose: whether a conversation has a clear pragmatic or not

2. Number of Interactants Involved: whether multilogue or dialogue.

3. Degree of Formality: whether a conversation employs colloquial expression and humor or

conducted in serious tone involving various expression of politeness. The approach to the

analysis of spoken interactions known as Conversation Analysis (CA).

Conversation Analysis

Conversation is mainly about exchanging ideas. Conversation analysis is a linguistic

discipline that is concerned mainly with the coherence and sequential organization of

discourse, among other things. for example the opening and closing sequences (Levinson,

1983). The openings and closings of conversations were examined by its findings.

Observations were made in empirical studies about how they are created and understood.

Recurring patterns were searched for and theory developed from them.

Conversations have two levels of organization: a local management system and an

overall organization. The overall organization contains the organization of topic talk other

parts of conversations. In overall organization than the topic talk are the opening section and

the closing section. Mean while, the local management system is the one that makes

conversation works. According to Levinson, (1983):

“A conversation can be defined as a string of at least two turns

produced by different speakers. The mechanism that assures this is the one of
turn-taking. At the end of turn-constructional units - these units are syntactic
units like sentences the speaker can change. Such a point is called transition
relevance place”.
This is can mean that the turn-taking becomes an important part in a conversation. If

a conversation is dominated by only one person that means the conversation doesn‟t refers

to transition relevance place.

Political Interview

It is the goal of broadcast political interviews to put public officials and subject-matter

specialists to the test on policy matters and issues that are of interest to the general public.

Considering citizens have a right to be fully informed about political issues and the political

agenda, public officials, including politicians, are obligated to provide explanations for their

acts and intentions.  Keeping this idea in mind, political interviews allow the interviewers–

whether they be journalists, social critics, or scientists and researchers from other fields

operating on behalf of the general public–to ask questions and critique answers. Interviewers

may disagree with, dispute with, criticize, or otherwise challenge interviewees within the

course of their efforts to uncover the truth about policies and political situations in which

public officials or their organizations have a stake.


The journalistic or news interview is among the more thoroughly researched forms of

broadcast talk, and the field is showing signs of diversification. While most studies have

focused on general features of news interview interaction – the organization of turn taking

(e.g., Greatbatch 1988, Heritage and Roth 1995), elementary forms of questioning and

answering (e.g., Clayman and Heritage 2002, Ekström 2009, Harris 1991), and the

sensitivity of interview talk to journalistic norms and the broadcasting context (e.g. Clayman

2010, Heritage 1985,) – cecent research has begun to look into more specialized

interviewing practices that are tailored to specific types of interviewees. Studies have shown

that interviews are conducted in different ways depending on whether the subject of the

interview is a primary actor, an expert commentator, or an ordinary member of the public

(Montgomery 2007, 2010, Roth 2002, Thornborrow 2010), and Roth (2005) has identified a

controversial form of “pop quiz” questioning indigenous to interviews with political

candidates. As a result, the news interview can be thought of as encompassing a number of

distinct subgenres that are comprised of specialized tasks and the practices that are used to

carry out those tasks, although these practices retain characteristics that are common to the

general run of interviews conducted by professional journalists with newsworthy


This type of interview is a variant of what Montgomery (2007, 2008) calls the

accountability interview, although it involves political candidates rather than current office

holders. Interviews of this sort are a prominent fixture of the campaign season in the U.S.,

the U.K., and elsewhere. For instance, in the months leading up to the 2008 U.S. presidential

election, most of the plausible contenders from both major parties were interviewed on

national television. Such interviews appeared on a range of news and current affairs

programs on the broadcast networks and cable news channels, including morning, evening,

and late-night news shows, weekly news magazines (e.g., 60 Minutes), and the prominent

Sunday morning programs organized around live interviews (e.g., Meet the Press, Face the

Nation, This Week).

A series of studies on the linguistic aspects of political discourse have been

conducted from a variety of viewpoints. Simon‐ Vandenbergen (2000) examined the use of

the phrase "I believe" as a parenthetical verb in political discourse and informal

conversations is discussed. Simon Vandenbergen (2001) cited Urmson's (1952) article, in

which the author proposes that parenthetical verbs are a class of verbs that include

expressions such as "believe, guess, suppose", whose function is to indicate how much

trustworthiness is attached to the statements (as cited in Simon Vandenbergen, 2000).

According to the findings of her investigation, the phrase "I think" is used in a variety of

contexts in both political discourse and casual conversation, with different functions. She

stated that in political interviews, politicians prefer to use the phrase "I think" rather than to

express their uncertainty. Furthermore, she came to the conclusion that politicians use the

phrase "I think" in their speeches to express their personal attitudes.

In another study, Bramley (2001) examined the use of pronouns in the construction

of “self” and “other” in political interviews. He concluded that in political interviews,

pronouns are being exploited by politicians, so as to construct the self and other. For

example, the function of using “I” and “We” in political interviews is to create an acceptable

image of self and the party. Politicians tend to use the pronoun “I” as they want to share their

individual perspective and construct a good picture of themselves. Using “We”, on the other

hand, implies the “collective and institutional identity.” It shows the politicians’ group or

membership affiliation.

Sandova (2010) studied the speaker’s involvement in political interviews. She

examined into the linguistic techniques that used to increase the level of participation in

political interviews. She explains although the genre of political interview as a formal

discourse is considered to have a low involved, detached style, politicians make use of

linguistic means in order to show involvement with their propositions for the aim of

convincing and persuading the audience. Her study revealed that politicians tend to use

phrases like “I think” and “I mean” which indicate the subjectivity of the politicians and

increase the degree of their involvement in the interview.

Furthermore, Sandova compared the discourse of female politicians with that of male

politicians and concluded that female politicians are vague in presenting their viewpoints,

while male politicians are to-thepoint and precise in their expressions.

Becker (2007) conducted a mixed-method study to have a cross-cultural analysis of

British, German and U.S. American interviewers’ questioning practices. The opening phases

of nine national and international election night broadcasts were analyzed. She examined

and cross-culturally compared the form and function of question-answer routines in political

and expert interviews. According to the findings of the study, the selection of linguistic

strategies was closely related to the function of an interview within the overall context of a

media event's overall context.


Conversation Analysis

Conversation analysis is one of the most appropriate analytical approaches to the study

of verbal interaction, and this is one of the reasons why it has received so much attention in

the academic community. Conversation analysis (CA) is a method of investigating how

social interactions are organized structurally. CA performs a thorough analysis of video

recordings' transcripts, paying particular attention to actions such as turn-taking, the length

of pauses, inflections, and any other significant utterances (Hancock, Ockleford &

Windridge, 2007). CA observes silences, and exclamations such as ums, errs, and

overlapping speech when participants speak simultaneously (Moriarty, 2011:18). Apart from

the “words-as-spoken, Using CA, the researcher can draw attention to a variety of

production details, such as timing, intonation, and pace, that have been shown to be critical

for the organization of the interaction” (Ten Have, 2008:130). In CA transcripts, every single

utterance, pause, overlap, change in volume, laughter, and non-verbal action is included

(Niemi, 2016:33; Ten Have, 1999:79). The sequential organization of conversations in CA is

through turn-taking, response preferences, and repair actions. (Flick, 2014; Ten Have, 1999;

Van der Westhuizen, 2012). Turn-taking is the process of entering and exiting a

conversation. It can be accomplished through turn allocation or self-selection, among other

methods (Koole, 2013; Ten Have, 1999). This means that utterances are produced in a

sequential manner, allowing each speaker the opportunity to participate. According to Wu

(2013), participants in conversation give some feedback to a speaker to show that they are

interested in what the speaker is talking about. This observation concurs with Melander

(2007, cited in Van der Westhuizen, 2015a:14) who claims that during conversation,

participants contribute towards keeping the conversation going.


A key strand of linguistic research developed from the writings of Noam Chomsky

(Chomsky, 1965). He argued that there were two features to language. First, there is

linguistic competence, a term he used to refer to the innate rules which inform the

production of grammatically correct sentences. Second, there is linguistic performance: the

actual use of our linguistic competencies. He argued that the goal of linguistics should be to

study underlying linguistic competencies: the rules which inform the production of

grammatical sentences. And the best way to do this was to rely on our own expert

knowledge and intuition about language. This is because, first, we intuitively know that

certain relationships between nouns, clauses, verbs, etc., are ‘right’, and others are ‘wrong’

or nonsensical; second, and more important, he argued that the performance of language –

everyday speech – was chaotic and disorganised, and offered no insight to the underlying

rules of language.

Linguistic theory is concerned with an ideal speaker-hearer in a completely

homogeneous speech-community, who knows its language perfectly and is
unaffected by such grammatically irrelevant conditions as memory limitations,
distractions, shifts of attention and interest, and errors (random or characteristic) in
applying his knowledge of the language in actual performance. (Chomsky, 1965: 3)
For Chomsky, then, the focus was on the underlying structure of language; actual

speech was viewed as disorderly, and therefore not worthy of serious study. Sacks’ key

insight – and a clear finding from his studies and subsequent work in CA – is that ordinary

mundane speech exhibits an extraordinary level of orderliness. Moreover, this orderliness is


not determined by innate cognitive structures of language (although formal grammatical

considerations clearly inform the design of utterances) but reflects a socially organised order

of interpersonal action. Indeed, knowledge of underlying linguistic competence seems ill-

equipped to allow us to understand the observable orderliness of everyday interaction. Our

linguistic competence clearly tells us that certain sequences of words do not belong to the

English language.



This chapter presents and discusses the steps and procedures in gathering data. It

includes the research design, tradition of inquiry and data generation method, sources of

data, data reliability and validity and ethical considerations used in the study.

Research Design

The study utilized a descriptive qualitative method since it was suitable to describe

the analysis of data. A descriptive qualitative study aims to investigate detailed rendering of

people, places, or events in a setting (Creswell, 2008). This study was conducted in selected

political interviews in the Philippines. Qualitative research emphasizes the qualities of

entities, processes, and meanings that are not made experimentally or quantified in terms of

quantity, amount, intensity, or frequency. Creswell (2008) stated that qualitative research is a

site that could help the researcher to understand a specific phenomenon. 

Tradition of Inquiry and Data Generation Method

Conversation Analysis is used to analyze questions and responses in televised

political interviews, which is the paradigm under consideration for examining televised

political interviews. Conversation Analysis is a method of analyzing talk as a social

phenomenon; it is used to analyze talk-in-interaction, which considers language primarily as

a form of social interaction, as opposed to other methods of analyzing talk. Conversation

Analysis is concerned with determining how social practices take place within language and

between participants, and thus how social order is formed in a society (Hutchby & Wooffitt,

1998). It examines how participants mutually understand each other during turns, assuming

that “ordinary talk is a highly organized, ordered phenomenon” (Hutchby & Wooffitt, 1998,

p. 13). For the purpose of analysis, Conversation Analysis studies naturally-occurring data

which has been recorded rather than data that is generated in laboratories. This recorded data

is then transcribed and examined without any pre-conceived idea about what one wants to

find, or what is in the data. Researchers let the data speak for itself monitoring what is done

by the participants through their conversation.

Thus, methodologically speaking, in the case of broadcast political interviews,

questions and replies of selected interview sessions are recorded, transcribed, and examined

without any detailed assumptions on their form, content, tone, and interrelationship, as the

analysis focuses on the utterances of the interviewer(s) and interviewee(s) as they verbally

interact with each other.

The paradigm to examine televised political interviews consists of four distinct

elements at the core of the interaction between interviewers and interviewees. Each of these

elements includes specific aspects and questions that should be included in a coding sheet

designed to decode the information by trained coders.

The four elements are:

1. (1) The Interviewers’ questions;

2. (2) The interviewees’ replies;

3. (3) The questions/replies sequences; and

4. (4) The setting or background to the interviews’ sessions.

Sources of Data

The researchers used the first three broadcast interviews of the 2022 Presidential

candidates from three different channels wherein these candidates were all present in the

three interviews. The first interview was with the anchor, journalist of the GMA network

Ms. Maria Jessica Aspiras Soho, the second interview was with Eugenio “Boy” Romerica

Abunda Jr. a Filipino professor, television host, publicist and talent manager, and lastly the

third interview was organized by the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas moderated

by Karen Davila and Rico Hizon. The chosen candidates are the candidates who did not fail

to attend the three said interviews.

Data Reliability and Validity

Ethical Considerations

Chapter 4



1. How are the attributes of the interviewers’ questions detailed in terms of the
1. classification based on syntactic expression
1. Prefaced questions
Table 1. Summary of Prefaced Questions Drawn from the Interviews

Interviews Sample Prefaced Questions Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

Manny Pacquiao Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo Lacson


The 2022 “Senator Manny, “Can you give “Mayor Isko, “Categorically, 14

Presidential bumabalik-balik yourself a paliwanag lang are you trying

one-on-one ka dun sa deadline?” ano yung to say Senator

interview korupsyon. Can endemic versus uh that uh the

with Boy you tell us more “Would you do pandemic?” Covid handling

Abunda about what you something like of this

know about ginagawa na 20% “Nagbubuntis ng government is

corruption in this of the national isang bata na a failure?”

country?” budget actually unwanted (uhm)

goes to, ah, debt does that still fall “Ang

“Sa iyong management? in your reasoning leadership style

palagay, ang na yan ay that you

Pilipinas ba ay bawal?” subscribe to

narco-country? is…”

Katulad nang

sabi ni President


The Jessica “At this point po ba impossible nang magkaroon pa ng unification among 2

Soho all the other candidates?”

“Kung ikaw ang papalaring maging Pangulo, magbigay ng tatlong
mahahalagang prayoridad sa iyong administrasyon.”

“Kung ikaw ang “At this point po “Kung ikaw ang “So, you’re 5

papalaring ba impossible papalaring saying, you just

maging Pangulo, nang magkaroon maging Pangulo, might pull a

magbigay ng pa ng unification magbigay ng surprise a

tatlong among all the tatlong Senator, ganun

mahahalagang other mahahalagang ho ba?"

prayoridad sa candidates?” prayoridad sa

iyong iyong

administrasyon.” administrasyon.”

The KBP “Will you continue the Mindanao Railway Project and the other big ticket projects 2

Presidential under the Build Build Build Program, such as the Samal Davao Bridge and the

Candidates Iloilo Guimaras Bridge?”


“If you become President, will you sign this bill to become law? If so, why and

why not?”

“Yun pong “Satisfied ho ba “may pumasok …”ibinalik 15

pagbibigay niyo kayo that justice ho ba sa isip niyo niyo po ang

po ng pera has been served na parang mali pera, maganda

habang eleksyon, sa PDAF? Ready to, baka naman yan di niyo po

hindi po ba yan na po ba kayo mas– mas may tinanggap,

dumadagdag sa mag-move on sa magandang maganda yan,

kultura ng PDAF?” sistema o may pero bat di niyo

korupsyon?” kusa akong po inaresto

“pagka po pwedeng gawin yung tao?”

pinaimbestigahan dito sa pera para

niyo yan kasama hindi lang sa akin

po ba ang mga malikom?”

kaalyado dati ni

Pangulong “Anong klaseng

Aquino?” proteksyon ang

ibibigay ninyo?”

2. Non-prefaced questions
Table 2. Summary of Non-Prefaced Questions Drawn from the Interviews

Interviews Sample Non-prefaced Questions Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo Lacson

Pacquiao Domagoso

The 2022 Presidential one-on-one interview with Boy Abunda


“If elected, pagtitibayin mo ba ang desisyong ito o ipapawalang-bisa?” 4


question “Is it time to enact a law on abortion that would allow pregnant rape victims the

choice of legal and safe abortion?”

“Sa iyong “Do you do this “Are you aware “Ang aking 37

palagay handa even when there is Mayor that there is katanungan,

tayo?” no surge?” a thing, therapeutic Senator Lacson,

abortion dito sa in hindsight, do

“Sa inyong “So meron ka ba Pilipinas?” you regret

palagay po ba doon sa iyong having

napapanahon programa na may “Mayor Isko, withdrawn your

na ba para short term at long would you support from

amiyendahan term solution?” continue the war on then President

ang provision drugs?” Joseph Estrada

na ito ng in 2001?”
“But you also
Saligang realize the cost?” “Having grown up
Batas?” in the streets and I

know your story,

nakatikim ka na ng


"Given the unpredictability and the viciousness of this virus, kunikaw halimbawa 5

ang nakaupong presidente, ano ang programa mo sa COVID-19?”



question “With these urgent problems of joblessness and hunger, ano po ang inyong


“Paano natin “How much do “Ano yung “What happened 75

mapapahinto you know about pananaw na to our

sila na, stop drugs?” tinatawag nating educational

encroaching silang bagong aspirations?”

into the “Paano mo bayani?”

territory of the babayaran ang “You’ve been

Philippines?” utang?” “How will you do talking about

that in the being proactive.

“What will you “What countries Philippines. Yung Yung mindset

have to say?” are you talking (uhm) makipag na yan, uh sa

about?” usap, makipag iyong palagay

“Paano mo harapan sa iyo?” uh b-bakit tayo

eksakto uh nag-aantay
“So what
pinaghandaan lang, bakit tayo
ito?” nag-aantay na

dumating bago

tayo umaksyon?

Disjunctive 1

or “Are we or are we not a narco country?”



The Jessica Soho Presidential Interview


YES/NO …”Ipagpapatuloy mo ba ang war on drugs?...” 23


“Susuportahan mo ba ang panukalang nagbabawal sa substitution by withdrawal sa

paghain ng kandidatura ng mga tumatakbo?”

“ Dapat bang isulong ang mandatory drug testing sa lahat ng tatakbo?”

“Pabor ka ba sa same-sex marriage?”

“Pabor ka ba sa divorce?”

"May Pinaninindigan mo "Sapat na ba iyong "Can you look 28

pagkakaiba ba pa rin ba ang karanasan? Hinog people in the

ang pamimigay nauna mong ka na ba para sa eye, at masasabi

ninyo ng pera pahayag na pinakamataas na niyo ho bang

sa pinupuna tanggapin ang pera pwesto  sa wala kayong

ninyong at iboto ang nasa gobyerno o baka nilabag na batas

ginagawa ng konsensya?" naman daw. hinog at karapatang

inyong lang sa pilit?" pantao?"


WH- “Ano po sa palagay nyo ang magandang ginawa ng adminsitrasyon sa pandemyang 13

question ito na gusto mong ipagpatuloy at ano naman ang gusto mong itama o ituwid?”

“Ano ang kongkretong hakbang na iyong gagawin para tugunan ang nagpapatuloy pa

ring katiwalian sa ating gobyerno?”


…”Papano mo ito babaguhin kung gayunman sa gitna ng mga natuklasang

iregularidad ng DOJ?”

“Ano ang stand "Paano niyo “Pero bakit "The same law 33

ninyo sa same- sinisigurong recurring problem that you have

sex marriage?" lehitimo ang po ito, hindi ho na vowed to defend

inyong mga reresolve?” and uphold. You

donor?" also made a

“Nasaan na ho mockery of.

"How do you yung pera?” Anong masasabi

make sure that niyo ho doon?"

those donations do

not come with

strings attached or

donations in


Disjunctive “Two-party o Multi-party system?” 2

“Parliamentary o Presidential?”


The KBP Presidential Candidates Forum

YES/NO “This could happen in many communities in our country. With that, are you in favor 1

question of granting franchise to online sabong operators nationwide? Yes or no, and why?”

WH- “What is your position on this issue?” 5


“If you become President, how will you address the problem of drugs and the

congestion in jail facilities?”

“Kung ikaw po ang magiging Pangulo, paano po ninyo maso-solusyunan ang

problemang ito?”

“How will you “How can you “So paano niyo …”what about 25

stop corruption push transparency, popondohan kung you iba-ban niyo

and how will Full Disclosure, baon na tayo sa ba yung mga

you get the FOI, all these bills utang? (ahhh)  cabinet

money at the that are close to President Isko members at

same time?” your heart, (ahhh) kung kayo ending the

pero...di naman maging presidente senate

“So, what nat–di naman na.” investigation if

makes it napapasa sa ever kayo

different from kongreso, what “ano po ang pwede maging

vote buying na could make it nating gawin  para presidente?”

illegal?” different now?” sila  – para …”At sa

makahabol at para susunod na anim

“Eh, anong “Ano po ang hindi mabansot ang na taon, ano po

posisyon niyo inyong gagawin na kanilang ang ating

rito? O sa praktikal at pagkakataon?” pwedeng gawin

diskarte ng konkreto para para maibalik ng

ating DA uh, matulungan ang maayos at may


Senator ating mga integridad at

Manny?” magsasaka?” kredibilidad ang

Checks and

“Sa susunod po balances sa

na 6 na taon, gobyerno?”

ano po ang

maaari ninyong

gawin para

mapalakas ang


Disjunctive N/A




Table 1 and 2 summarizes the occurrences of prefaced and non-prefaced

questions drawn from the three sets of interviews Table 1 shows that The Jessica Soho

Presidential Interview has the least number of prefaced questions. Table 2 illustrates the

occurrences of non-prefaced questions; It employs interrogative syntax: the three

interviews have most of their questions asked in an Interrogative-word questions or WH-

questions form. It also shows in the table that the The Jessica Soho Presidential

Interview has Yes/No questions form, a total of 23 occurrences in which were asked in

all the candidates with a simply Yes/No answer. Every candidates were also asked with

the same form of  syntactic expression with a total occurrences of 28. The The 2022

Presidential one-on-one interview with Boy Abunda has a total no. of 37 occurrences of

Yes/No questions and; one (1) from the The KBP Presidential Candidates Forum in

which were asked to all the candidates. According to the results of the data, the The

KBP Presidential Candidates Forum significantly shows how they asked questions in an

Interrogative-word questions or WH-questions form. 

2. Distinguishing the syntactic structure of questions

Table 3. Summary of distinguished syntactic structure Questions Drawn from the Interviews

Interviews Sample of distinguished syntactic structure Questions Per Candidate and Total Total


The 2022 Presidential one-on-one interview with Boy Abunda

Topic Extension 10

“Nalaman mo at na-confirm mo na, iyong menor de edad na anak ay addicted to cyber

pornagraphy bilang magulang, ano ang gagawin mo? At bilang presidente kung ika’y

papalarin ng Pilipinas. Paano mo ito itatawid sa iyong polisiya on the welfare and the

welfare of children.”

“You are applying to be, you know, the President of the country. Ito gusto ko

malaman: how much do you know about illegal drugs in this country at gaano kalala

ito? Uulitin ko yung tanong ni Presidente: Are we or are we not a narco country?

Depende sa iyong kaalaman tungkol sa problema ng illegal drugs, ano ang programa

mo laban dito?”
The Jessica Soho Presidential Interview

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Domagoso Panfilo

Topic Pacquiao Lacson

Extension "What is wrong with us?” “Ano ang inyong diagnosis o sa tingin niyo ay sakit nating 28

mga Pilipino o ng ating bansa at ano naman po sa inyong palagay ang gamot dito o

prognosis for recovery?”

"“Ano po sa palagay nyo ang magandang ginawa ng adminsitrasyon sa pandemyang

ito na gusto mong ipagpatuloy at ano naman ang gusto mong itama o ituwid?”

“Nagbago na "Noong 2017, "Katulad ng ilang "Sinabi niyo

ba ang inyong sinabi po ninyo na bahagi ng Divisoria, sa twitter na

pananaw maaaring Quiapo at iba pang mga “Unification

tungkol sa nakakapanlulumo lugar Maynila at meron could have

LGBT at ang ang sitwasyon ng pong nakakapuslit na succeeded if

sinasabi ng inyong partido ang illegal sidewalk it was the

bibliya tungkol Liberal Party and vendors doon aah, ang ultimate

dito?” "It's time to work, ibig sabihin ho ba nito objective. It

It's time to rebuild eh, nagkakabaran po failed

the party", pero ulit? Alam niyo ho ba because it

ngayon hindi po ito?" was a

ba para hong scheme.”

inabandona ninyo Quote po yun

ang Liberal Party sa inyo,

when you declared sinabi niyo

yourself as an rin na walang


independent meeting of

candidate sa minds.

pagtakbo sa Mayor?” Pakilinaw niyo

nga ho ito kung

bakit sa inyong

palagay ay

hindi nagkaisa
The KBP Presidential Candidates Forum
sina VP

Topic extension Topical shift Reformulation Challenge

Manny “Oh Sir eto po, N/A “Uh, Senator Manny, “Senator Manny,

Pacquiao ika-kambiyo ko may oras pa po tayo. magandang araw po sa

lang ng kaunti. Ibabalik ko po dun sa inyo. May mga

Nung tanong ni Ed Lingao nagsasabing kulang po

nakaraang taon, para masagot niyo. ang kakayahan at

namimigay May kultura po, hindi karanasan ninyo sa

kayo ng oera at sistema pero kultura ng pamamahala, at hindi

uh sabi nga korupsyon. Yun pong sapat ang kagandahang

ninyo, ayuda pagbibigay niyo po ng loob lamang para sa

yan hindi pa pera habang eleksyon, pamumuno. Ano po


yan illegal hindi po ba yan ang inyong mga

dahil hindi pa dumadagdag sa kultura pamamaraan na

naman ng korupsyon?” panghahawakan para

campaign maitaguyod ninyo ang

period. Pero inyong mga plano at

hindi ho ba sunguin ang mga

itong mga suliranin ng bayan sa

binibigay susunod na 6 na ton?

niyong ayuda

ay hindi naman

yan dumadaan

sa programa

yan po ay


lamang. So,

what makes it

different from

vote buying na


“Uh, Senator


Pacquiao. Ano

yung bayan

niyo po ay

Tuna Capital of

the Philippines

ang Gensan,

kumusta po ang

supply diyan?

Ah, balita ko ay

mahal din ang

tuna diyan?

Oversupply ba

tayo ng tuna

diyan, Senator


Leni “VP Leni, “Hindi po pa “VP Leni ang, ah,

Robredo magandang gawain yung local inyong plataporma ay

araw po. Isa sa government para kasama ang people's

inyong magkaroon ng council, paano niyo

isinusulong na, consultation at pong babalansehin ang,

na plataporma dalin pataas?” ah, bilis ng, ah,

ay gisingin ang pagtugon ng

industriyang pamahalaan at yung,

Pilipino at isa ah, pagko-konsulta sa

dito ay mga mamamayan?”

agrikultura, dati

po tayo ay, ah,


ngayon tayo ay


ng imported

bigas at, ah,

hindi po tayo


ng maayos.

Ano po ang


gagawin na

praktikal at

konkreto para


ang ating mga


Francisco N/A “Dumaan ang “Tina– tinanong po “So paano niyo

Domagoso super typhoon kayo ang sinabi niyo popondohan kung baon

Yolanda, we never po; una, legal yung. na tayo sa utang?  

learned (ano), Pangalawa,  idineklara President Isko kung

dumaan itong ko yan. Pangatlo, kayo maging presidente

super typhoon binayaran ko yan ng na.”

Odette. Grabi ha, buwis dahil yun ang

yung ilang araw requirement  pero “may pumasok ho ba sa

yung na-isolate, feeling po ko nalihis isip niyo na parang
walang po– nawala po yung mali to, baka naman
communications. punto. So gusto ko lang mas– mas may
So, papaano po pong ulitin yung

ang plano niyo tanong ni Jessica dahil magandang sistema o

po?” napaka simple lang po, may kusa akong

tama po ba yun?” pwedeng gawin dito sa

pera para hindi lang sa

akin malikom?”

Panfilo “Meron po …” as a President, …”So how do you …”what about you iba-

Lacson bang solusyon ano ang dapat reconcile you're going ban niyo ba yung mga

sa sistema ng piliin ano, ng into hiding with you're cabinet members at

mga isang Presidente, being a Senator and a ending the senate

appointment ah tatlong former Law Enforcer. investigation if ever

sa mga, sa mga COMELEC Isang taon po halos kayo maging

korte sa mga commissioners yun?” presidente?”

independent, and one

supposedly chairman?”



bodies, pinag-

uusapan natin

ngayon ang






pero dahil po

lahat ito

nauuwi sa, sa


ay  kasama rin

po yan sa gulo.

May solusyon

po ba diyan?”

Total 15 3 4 15

Table 3 summarizes that the findings of the study regarding the major questions

consist only of ‘topic extension’ both the The 2022 Presidential one-on-one interview

with Boy Abunda and The Jessica Soho Presidential Interview: the interviewer raises a

minor implication of a prior statement in order to encourage an interviewee to

reconfirm and/or expand on prior remarks. On the other hand, the The KBP

Presidential Candidates Forum, interviewers ‘challenges’ the interviewees’ responses by

expliciting possible implications or presumptions of the answer, with the goal of testing

some aspect of the interviewees’ actions, intentions, or attitudes.  It is illustrated in the

table that only the The KBP Presidential Candidates Forum has the four (4) elements of

distinguishing the synactic structure of questions: the interviewers of the said interview

were expanded their questions to obtain further information on the topic asked if the

interviewees’ responses answers the questions. However, if the interviewers views the

answers of the interviewees, they either reformuate the questions or challenge their


3. Examining pragmatic means of weight reduction

1. Quotation of Critics
Table 4. Summary of Questions’ Quotation of Critics Drawn from the Interviews

Interviews Sample Quotation of Critics Questions Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo

Pacquiao Domagoso Lacson

The 2022 …” mahigit 3 million cases sa bansa sabi ng DOH, mahigit 50 thousands 10

Presidential deaths sa Pilipinas. Sabi naman ng John Hopkins, COVID-19, dashboard

one-on-one more than 300 million cases around the world at mahigit 5 million

interview deaths globally.”…

with Boy

…” according to Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) ang mga walang

trabaho, para lamang maalala natin, Senador. October of 2001 3.27

million, October 2010 2.79 million, October 2016 2 million, October

2021 3.5 million. Ayon naman sa SWS (Social Weather Station) ang ibig

pong sabihin dito ay perception ng mga kababayan nating nagugutom in

percentages taken into consideration population fluctuation po sa third

quarter ng 2001 9.3%, third quarter of 2010 15.9% ang nagugutom,

third quarter of 2016 10.6%, September ng 2021 10% or 2.5 million


filipinos ang nagugutom.”…

…” Sa 2021 year in review report ng Pornhub, isang online adult video

streaming site, sabi dito ang mga pinoy spends 11 minutes 30 seconds

watching porn, making the Philippines top 1 over Japan and France.”…

…”Senator …”Sa Isang a a 4

Manny, ngayon talumpati before the

naman punta Philippine Military

tayo doon sa Academy alumni in

mga personal Malacañang —

issue-based October 2018 po

question. ito. President

Ngayon pa Duterte said, and I

lamang tayo quote, “Sa totoo

nagkita after lang, even her–

that controversy referring to you–

noong 2016. In even her public

that interview, statements, I don’t

you were mean to offend the

quoted to have lady. She’s very

said and I good, she’s gentle;

quote, pero mahina talaga

“Common si Leni. Mali-mali

sense lang. ang- medyo mahina

Makakita ka ba ang… hindi mahina

ng any animals ang utak. Pumasa


na lalaki sa ng Bar, eh.

lalaki o babae Mahina…”

sa babae? Mas

mabuti pa yung



kumilala kung

lalaki ang lalaki

o babae kung

babae. Ngayon

kung lalaki sa

lakaki o babae

sa babae eh mas

masahol pa sa

hayop ang tao.”

And then, you

posted an

apology post

noong February

16, 2016. At

ang sabi mo,

“I’m sorry for

hurting people

by comparing

homosexuals to

animals. Please

forgive me for

those I’ve hurt.

I still stand to

my belied that

I’m against



because of what

the bible says,

but I’m not


LGBT. I love

you all with the

love of the

Lord. God bless

you all and I’m

praying for

you.” Ito ang

katanungan ko

uh, Senator

Manny. At wala

ako ditong

follow-up sa


kasagutan. Ako

po at maraming

tao ay

naniniwala that

gay love is

equal to all

forms of human

love. Ano po

ang iyong


"Sa mismong tala ng PNP, 29,000 ang tinatawag po nilang DUI or death under 11

The Jessica inquiry sa war on drugs. Kabilang na yung mga diumanoy nanlaban. Kamakailan

Soho nakita nga po ng Department of Justice ang ilang iregularidad katulad ng labis na

Presidential paggamit ng pwersa at hindi pagsunod ng mga pulis sa SOP or standard operating

Interview procedure. Ipagpapatuloy mo ba ang war on drugs? Papano mo ito babaguhin

kung gayunman sa gitna ng mga natuklasang iregularidad ng DOJ?"

"Ayon sa pagtataya ng Deputy Ombudsman, nasa 670 billion pesos ang nawalang

pera ng bayan noong 2017 dahil sa korapsyon, at 752 billion pesos naman noong

2018. Sumatotal, 1.4 trillion pesos sa loob lang ng dalawang taon. Lumalabas po

na 20 percent ng annual budget ng pamahalaan ay nawawala dahil sa katiwalian.

Ano ang kongkretong hakbang na iyong gagawin para tugunan ang nagpapatuloy

pa ring katiwalian sa ating gobyerno?"

-N/A “Noong 2017, "Sinabi niyo raw “Sa librong 8

sinabi po ninyo na dati na ‘Dark

maaaring hinahangaan ninyo legacy:


nakakapanlulumo si dating Human

ang sitwasyon ng pangulong rights under

inyong partido ang Ferdinand Marcos the Marcos

Liberal Party and because of his regime’ na

"It's time to work, infrastructure and isinulat ng

It's time to rebuild his vision pero American

the party", pero infairness po sa writer at

ngayon hindi po ba inyo. Sinabi niyo historian na

para hong rin na ‘we don't si Alfred

inabandona ninyo forget what Mccoy

ang Liberal Party happened  in the noong 1999,

when you declared past but what I binanggit ho

yourself as an want for us is to ang inyong

independent move forward’, pangalan

candidate sa tuloy ang puna sa bilang

pagtakbo sa inyo wala kang miyembro

Mayo?” paninindigan ng MISG na

tungkol sa sinabi

nangyaring niyang “elite

karahasan sa torture

martial law at sa group” daw

nakaw na yaman nung

ng pamilya panahon ng

Marcos." martial law.

Ano pong


niyo dun,

kasama ho

ba kayo dun

sa mga


nang torture

o di umano

ng abuso


panahon ng

martial law?

Malinis ho

ba ang

inyong mga


The KBP “And this is my question. Gambling has cost harm to many people in our 4

Presidential community, causing them to fall into death and suffering mentally and

Candidates emotionally. This could happen in many communities in our country, with that,

Forum are you in favor of granting franchise to online sabong operators nationwide? Yes

or no, and why?”

“If elected President, will you continue the Mindanao Railway Project and the

other big ticket projects under the Build Build Build Program, such as the Samal

Davao Bridge and the Iloilo Guimaras Bridge?”

“Uh, Senator “Ma’am ano po, “So paano niyo …”So how 16

Manny, may dun po ako sa popondohan kung do you

oras pa po tayo. pulitika, reklamo ng baon na tayo sa reconcile

Ibabalik ko po Pilipino parati utang? (ahhh)  you're going

dun sa tanong "Grabe mga President Isko into hiding

ni Ed Lingao politiko" "Grabe (ahhh) kung kayo with you're

para masagot mga Political maging presidente being a

niyo. May parties" "Walang na.” Senator and

kultura po, pinagkaiba yang a former

hindi sistema mga yan" "Walang “may pumasok ho Law

pero kultura ng kwenta yang mga ba sa isip niyo na Enforcer.

korupsyon. Yun yan". Ito po tanong parang mali to, Isang taon

pong ko sa inyo, ah, baka naman mas– po halos

pagbibigay niyo anong posisyon mas may yun?”

po ng pera niyo sa Anti- magandang sistema

habang turncoatism Bill sa o may kusa akong
eleksyon, hindi pagre-reporma ng pwedeng gawin
po ba yan political parties, ah, dito sa pera para
dumadagdag sa at lahat po yan na hindi lang sa akin
kultura ng gustong gawin, na malikom? “
korupsyon?” matagal na, pero di

napaandar kahit

nung panahon ng

liberal party?”

2. Questions accompanied by accounts

Table 5. Summary of Questions Accompanied by Accounts Drawn from the Interviews

Interviews Sample Questions accompanied by accounts Questions Per Candidate and Total Total


Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo Lacson

Pacquiao Domagoso

The 2022 “Pero sa iyong “Okay. VP Leni, “Mayor Isko, “Categorically, 102

Presidential pananaw, is this tantamount paliwanag lang are you trying

one-on-one Senator Manny to saying na ika’y ano yung endemic to say Senator

interview ay payag ka, ah para sa total versus uh that uh the

with Boy pabor ka sa mining ban? Or pandemic?” Covid handling

Abunda Ethical or ang ika’y naniniwala of this

tawag nila diyan ba sa sustainable “Nagbubuntis ng government is

ay Sustainable mining?” isang bata na a failure?”

Mining as unwanted (uhm)

opposed to “How do you do does that still fall “Itong opinion
Total Ban ban that? ‘Yung tunay in your reasoning na ito Senador,
Mining?” na konsultasyon na yan ay bawal?” uh may

na iyong kinalaman ba

“So, ire-regulate sinasabi?” ito sa iyong

ika nga? Yung relihiyon? Sa

mga bagong ating

Mining Permits relihiyon?”

kasi yung

monatorium na

yun ang ni-lift


ng Presidente,

pero yung Open

Pit Mining, uh



Senador Manny,

hindi ba yan uh


nakakasira sa


The Jessica “nagsisisi ho ba “kaya lang kayo "Ikaw lang ang “Nung 2004, 58

Soho kayo na nasabi tumakbo ay para wala sa posisyong tumakbo kayo

Presidential niyo yun? At labanan si Marcos nasyonal kundi as president

Interview nagbago na ba na para bang ‘yun lokal na posisyon pero hindi po

inyong pananaw ang inyong ang iyong hawak kayo nanalo at

tungkol sa primary at nasabi mong pumangatlo

LGBT? Ano po motivation for kaya ka lang. nung

ba ang sabi ng running.” tumatakbo sa 2019, sinabi

bibliya tungkol pagkapangulo  ay niyo naman na

dito?” "Sa kasaysayan gusto mong ulitin tatakbo lang

wala pa pong yung ginawa mo kayo kung

“Sinabi niyong independent sa Maynila– sa meron kayong

hindi balakid candidate na buong Pilipinas clear chance of

ang pagiging nanalo for pero sa totoo lang, winning. Sa

absent para President. Sa yorme? Sapat na latest Pulse

ba iyong Asia survey


magampanan tingin po ninyo karanasan? Hinog panglima po

ang tungkulin. mababago po ka na ba para sa kayo sa mga

Uubra kaya ito ninyo ito?" pinakamataas na tumatakbo. Sa

kapag nanako pwesto  sa tingin niyo ho,

kayong gobyerno o baka meron pa

Pangulo?” naman daw. hinog kayong

lang sa pilit?" tsansang

“May Manalo?”

pagkakaiba ba "Hindi ba dapat …”The same

ang pamimigay ang law that you
ninyo ng pera sa ikinakampanyan have vowed to
pinupuna ninyo  ay defend and
ninyong pagkakaisa o uphold. You
ginagawa ng unity sa ating also made a
inyong lipunan?" mockery of.
kalaban?” Anong

masasabi niyo

“Handa na ho ho doon?”

ba kayong

maging lider ng

ating bansa?”

The KBP “Anong gagawin mo para sa bayan sa susunod na six years in office kung ikaw 4

Presidential ang magiging pangulo.”



Forum “Many local governments in the Visayas including Cebu have considered

reclamation as a way to progress. However, many people here are also against

such plans because of environmental concerns. What is your position on this


“Saan po “Pero Vice “Let me put it this …”what about 22

pupulutin ng President hindi way, gaano po ba you iba-ban

inyong lang po yung mga kahalaga sa inyo niyo ba yung

gobyerno ang pormal na ang political mga cabinet

pera para ma- inakusahan, party? Does this members at

pondohan ang because ang isang not smack off ending the

lahat ng plano batikos sa political senate

niyo?” paghandle ni opportunism to investigation if

dating Justice you? Hindi ho ba ever kayo

“Ano po ang secretary Leila de — gaano maging

inyong mga Lima ay may kahalaga sa inyo presidente?”

pamamaraan na double standards ang pagiging

panghahawakan daw, may bahagi ng …”At sa

para selective justice ideolohiya?” susunod na

maitaguyod dahil may mga anim na taon,

ninyo ang listahan na ano po ang

inyong mga lumabas na ating pwedeng

plano at sunguin kasama ang mga gawin para

ang mga ka-alyado ni maibalik ng

suliranin ng President Aquino, maayos at may


bayan sa pagka po integridad at

susunod na 6 na pinaimbestigahan kredibilidad

taon?” niyo yan kasama ang Checks and

po ba ang mga balances sa

kaalyado dati ni gobyerno?”



Table 4 and 5 summarizes the results of Examining pragmatic means of weight

reduction that were perceived in the interviews. It is illustrated in the tables that the

interviewers’ questions were mostly Questionss accompanied by accounts illustrated in

table 5: the interviewers provided their own logic or opinions as the basis for

challenging questions. However, the major questions which were the main topic of the

interviews fall under the Quotation of Critics: The 2022 Presidential one-on-one

interview with Boy Abunda and The Jessica Soho Presidential Interview’s. On the

contrary, the The KBP Presidential Candidates Forum’s major questions which has a

total no. of eight (8) questions correspondingly have four (4) Questionss accompanied by

accounts and four (4) Quotation of Critics: the interviewers based their questions on

actual or hypothetical critiques, and cited the media. The Questionss accompanied by

accounts were mostly the follow-up questions in which the interviewers tries to expand

the topic and obtain more detailed information.

4. Identifying grammatically complete and incomplete questions


1. Grammatically complete and incomplete question

Table 6. Summary of Grammatically complete and incomplete questions drawn from the Interviews

Interviews Sample Grammatically complete and incomplete questions Per Total

Candidate and Total Occurrences


Presidential one- Leni Robredo -

on-one interview
…”  Sa Isang talumpati before the Philippine Military Academy alumni in
with Boy Abunda
Malacañang — October 2018 po ito. President Duterte said, and I quote, “Sa

totoo lang, even her–referring to you–even her public statements, I don’t

mean to offend the lady. She’s very good, she’s gentle; pero mahina talaga

si Leni. Mali-mali ang- medyo mahina ang… hindi mahina ang utak.

Pumasa ng Bar, eh. Mahina…”

The Jessica Soho Presidential Interview All questions are grammatically complete.

The KBP Presidential Candidates Forum All questions are grammatically complete.

Table 6 summarizes the findings of the grammatical structure of questions that

were asked. Mostly, all the questions that were asked by the interviewers consisted of

grammatically complete questions with the exception of one question that was asked

by Boy Abunda on his show in which Leni Robredo interrupted him and answered the

question without letting the interviewer finish the sentence of its question. Questions

categorized  grammatically complete follow the syntactic role that a question particle

that must be attached to the end of the sentence accompanied by rising intonation.

Grammatically incomplete question, considered less formal and less direct utterances,

lack the question particle but project turn-yielding despite their incomplete structure. 

5. Identifying questions that seek personal opinions versus prevalent views within a group

1. Personal, private information

Table 7. Summary of questions that seek personal opinions drawn from the Interviews

Interviews Sample questions that seek Personal Opinions Per Candidate and Total Total


Manny Pacquiao Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo Lacson


The 2022 “Pero sa iyong “Okay. VP Leni, “Mayor Isko, “Itong opinion 95

Presidential pananaw, is this tantamount paliwanag lang na ito Senador,

one-on-one Senator Manny to saying na ika’y ano yung uh may

interview ay payag ka, ah para sa total endemic versus kinalaman ba

with Boy pabor ka sa mining ban? Or pandemic?” ito sa iyong


Abunda Ethical or ang ika’y naniniwala relihiyon? Sa

tawag nila diyan ba sa sustainable “Nagbubuntis ng ating

ay Sustainable mining?” isang bata na relihiyon?”

Mining as unwanted (uhm)

opposed to Total “Doesn’t that does that still fall “Election
Ban ban infringe into the in your reasoning campaign uh
Mining?” freedom of na yan ay kasalukuyan

speech?” bawal?” uh Sen. Ping,

“So, Senator would you

Manny pag ikaw “How do you do “Are you aware accept

ang naging that? ‘Yung tunay Mayor that there donations from

Presidente ay uh na konsultasyon is a thing, miners?”

itutuloy mo yung na iyong therapeutic

ginawa ni sinasabi?” abortion dito sa “As president,
President Pilipinas?” ano yung una,
Duterte na wala ano yung una
nang Ban ang mong gagawin
New Permits on pagpasok na
Mining, okay pagpasok
sayo yun?” bilang


The Jessica “Isa sa mga “Noong 2017, “Katulad ng ilang "Ano pong 34

Soho pinaka- sinabi po ninyo na bahagi ng masasabi niyo

Presidential controbersyal maaaring Divisoria, dun, kasama


Interview niyong pahayag nakakapanlulumo Quiapo at iba ho ba kayo dun

nung sinabi niyo ang sitwasyon ng pang mga lugar sa mga

na ‘mas masahol inyong partido ang Maynila at meron sinasabing

pa sa hayop ang Liberal Party and pong nang torture o

nakikipag- "It's time to work, nakakapuslit na di umano ng

relasyon sa It's time to rebuild illegal sidewalk abuso nung

kapwa nila the party", pero vendors doon ah, panahon ng

kasarian’. Nag- ngayon hindi po ang ibig sabihin martial law?

sorry na ho kayo ba para hong ho ba nito eh, Malinis ho ba

pero nauungkat inabandona ninyo nagkakabayaran ang inyong

pa rin ito, ang Liberal Party po ulit? Alam mga kamay?"

nagsisisi ho ba when you declared niyo ho ba ito?”

kayo na nasabi yourself as an

niyo yun? At independent

nagbago na ba candidate sa

inyong pananaw pagtakbo sa

tungkol sa Mayo?”

LGBT? Ano po

ba ang sabi ng

bibliya tungkol


The KBP “Gambling has cost harm to many people in our community, causing them to fall 4

Presidential into death and suffering mentally and emotionally. This could happen in many

Candidates communities in our country, with that, are you in favor of granting franchise to

Forum online sabong operators nationwide? Yes or no, and why?”


“Many local governments in the Visayas including Cebu have considered

reclamation as a way to progress. However, many people here are also against

such plans because of environmental concerns. What is your position on this


“Saan po “How can you “So paano niyo …”what about 34

pupulutin ng push transparency, popondohan you iba-ban

inyong gobyerno Full Disclosure, kung baon na niyo ba yung

ang pera para FOI, all these bills tayo sa utang? mga cabinet

ma-pondohan that are close to (ahhh)  President members at

ang lahat ng your heart, Isko (ahhh) kung ending the

plano niyo?” pero...di naman kayo maging senate

nat–di naman presidente na.” investigation if

“Ano po ang napapasa sa ever kayo

inyong mga kongreso, what “ano po ang maging

pamamaraan na could make it pwede nating presidente?”

panghahawakan different now?” gawin  para sila 

para maitaguyod – para makahabol …”At sa

ninyo ang “Ano po ang at para hindi susunod na

inyong mga inyong gagawin mabansot ang anim na taon,

plano at sunguin na praktikal at kanilang ano po ang

ang mga konkreto para pagkakataon?” ating pwedeng

suliranin ng matulungan ang gawin para

bayan sa ating mga “may pumasok maibalik ng


susunod na 6 na magsasaka?” ho ba sa isip niyo maayos at may

taon?” na parang mali integridad at

“Anong posisyon to, baka naman kredibilidad

“At uh ang inyo niyo sa Anti- mas– mas may ang Checks

pong kakayahan, turncoatism Bill sa magandang and balances

paano niyo po pagre-reporma ng sistema o may sa gobyerno?”

yung political parties, kusa akong

maitataguyod? ah, at lahat po yan pwedeng gawin …”Paano

Alam po natin na gustong gawin, dito sa pera para ninyo po

ang importansya na matagal na, hindi lang sa akin bubuwagin ang

ng mga sinasabi pero di napaandar malikom?” structural

niyo po pero kahit nung corruption na

kayo po ano panahon ng liberal nakapulupot sa

pong pamumuno party?” sistema ng

ang inyong mga sangay ng

gagawin?” “What's your take pamahalaan,

on that Madam?” ano ang

“Ano po ang konkretong

magiging hakbangin

kabutihan nito at ninyo at saan

paano niyo kayo

ipapatupad ang magsisimula?”

aspetong ito

lalong lalo na sa



2. Information, ideas, or views of a group that the interviewee belongs to

Table 8. Summary of questions that seek prevalent views within a group drawn from the Interviews

Interviews Sample of questions that seek Prevalent Views Within a Group Per Candidate Total

and Total Occurrences

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Domagoso Panfilo

Pacquiao Lacson

The 2022




with Boy


The Jessica “Paano niyo sinisigurong lehitimo ang inyong mga donor?” 3

Soho “Sa inyong palagay, hinog na ba kayo o handa para sa pinaka

Presidential mataas na posisyon sa gobyerno?”

Interview “Kung ikaw ang papalaring maging Pangulo, magbigay ng tatlong

mahahalagang prayoridad ng iyong administrasyon.”

The KBP “Anong gagawin mo para sa bayan sa susunod na six years in office kung ikaw 4

Presidential ang magiging pangulo.”



Forum “If elected President, will you continue the Mindanao Railway Project and the

other big ticket projects under the Build Build Build Program, such as the Samal

Davao Bridge and the Iloilo Guimaras Bridge?”

“Uh, Senator “VP Leni ang, “tinanong po kayo ang …Yung day 5

Manny, may ah, inyong sinabi niyo po; una, 1 niyo sa

oras pa po plataporma ay legal yung. Pangalawa,  office, ano

tayo. Ibabalik kasama ang idineklara ko yan. ang first

ko po dun sa people's Pangatlo, binayaran ko Act. niyo po

tanong ni Ed council, paano yan ng buwis dahil yun as the

Lingao para niyo pong ang requirement  pero President of

masagot niyo. babalansehin feeling po ko nalihis po– the Republic

May kultura ang, ah, bilis ng, nawala po yung punto. of the

po, hindi ah, pagtugon ng So gusto ko lang pong Philippines

sistema pero pamahalaan at ulitin yung tanong ni to sate the

kultura ng yung, ah, Jessica dahil napaka ton of your

korupsyon. pagko-konsulta simple lang po, tama po presidency

Yun pong sa mga ba yun?” and hit the

pagbibigay mamamayan?” ground

niyo po ng running,

pera habang Senator

eleksyon, Ping?“

hindi po ba



sa kultura ng


Table 7 and 8  summarizes the findings of the Identified  questions that seek

personal opinions versus prevalent views within a group that were asked. Mostly, all the

questions that were asked by the interviewers seek Personal, private information.

Questions that fall within the category of  Personal, private information apprehend their

personal opinion, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings; as oppose to Information ideas or

views of a group that the interviewee belongs to seek the interviewees’ political parties

or government ministries’. This conveys that the interviews seek the personal

knowledge or opinions of the interviewees rather than the political party they belong

to or the government in general. Interviewers seek to depict the knowledge of the

interviewees on a certain topic especially the current issues the President would be

facing as he/she sits. 

6. Assessing the questions’ level of threat

Table 9 Summary of questions Substantially Threatening drawn from the interviews

Interviews Sample of questions that Substantially Threatening Per Candidate and Total Total


Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo

Pacquiao Domagoso Lacson


The 2022 “Senator “Doesn’t that “Mayor, paano “Itong 31

Presidential Manny, infringe into the naman yung opinion na

one-on-one bumabalik- freedom of karapatan noong ito Senador,

interview balik ka dun sa speech?” mayroon malay na uh may

with Boy korupsyon. Can ina na ayaw niyang kinalaman ba

Abunda you tell us “Have you had magka-anak?” ito sa iyong

more about discussions with relihiyon? Sa

what you know priests, with your ating

about council?” relihiyon?”

corruption in

this country?” “Anong

“So ang

kapangyarihan ay gagawin mo

“Eh bakit mo manggagaling doon to address

itutuloy yung sa People’s Council corruption?”

war on drugs in na iyon?”

the right way if “Kung hindi
it didn’t masama ang
“Do you do this
work?” pork barrel,
even when there is

no surge?” uh bakit

hindi mo


The Jessica “Isa sa mga "Noong 2017, “Ikaw lang ang "Ano pong 13

Soho pinaka- sinabi po ninyo na wala sa posisyong masasabi

Presidential controbersyal maaaring nasyonal kundi niyo dun,


Interview niyong pahayag nakakapanlulumo lokal na posisyon kasama ho ba

nung sinabi ang sitwasyon ng ang iyong hawak at kayo dun sa

niyo na ‘mas inyong partido ang nasabi mong kaya mga

masahol pa sa Liberal Party and ka tumatakbo sa sinasabing

hayop ang "It's time to work, pagkapangulo  ay nang torture

nakikipag- It's time to rebuild gusto mong ulitin o di umano

relasyon sa the party", pero yung ginawa mo sa ng abuso

kapwa nila ngayon hindi po ba Maynila– sa buong nung

kasarian’. Nag- para hong Pilipinas pero sa panahon ng

sorry na ho inabandona ninyo totoo lang, yorme? martial law?

kayo pero ang Liberal Party Sapat na ba iyong Malinis ho ba

nauungkat pa when you declared karanasan? Hinog ang inyong

rin ito, nagsisisi yourself as an ka na ba para sa mga kamay?"

ho ba kayo na independent pinakamataas na

nasabi niyo candidate sa pwesto  sa

yun? At pagtakbo sa gobyerno o baka

nagbago na ba Mayo?” naman daw hinog

inyong lang sa pilit?”


tungkol sa

LGBT? Ano po

ba ang sabi ng

bibliya tungkol


no necessary level of threat



Table 9 outlines the result of the study in Assessing the level of threat from the

questions that were asked. The table illustrates that both The 2022 Presidential one-on-

one interview with Boy Abunda and The Jessica Soho Presidential Interview have

substantially threatening questions that would meant a self-sabotage to themselves or

their allies.  On the contrary, the The KBP Presidential Candidates Forum shows no

significant threat to the interviewee. There was “no necessary level of threat” found in

eight (8) major questions as well as in the minor questions which meant there was no

potentially face-damaging to themselves, their political party, and to significant


2. How are the interviewees’ replies examined in terms of the four dimensions :

1. Sender - whose opinion does the speaker seem to address?


1. The speakers’ own  personal  opinion or ideas

Table 10  Summary of the speakers’ replies own opinion or ideas drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

Manny Pacquiao Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo Lacson


The 2022 Gusto ko lang po Ako naniniwala Now, let’s full ba dapat ipasara 147

Presidential i-explain sa inyo ako, Boy, sa them back to kaagad, ano. Of

one-on-one na yung mining sustainable the country and course, due

interview kasi ah hindi mining. Pero para invest on it and process should be

with Boy naman po sa’kin kasi ‘yung I think it's high uh followed. Ang

Abunda ipinagbabawal sustainability ma- time for us to problema nga

talaga yan sa mata aattain lang natin discover our ang naging

ng ating ‘yun pag meron own vaccine, kalakaran sa

Panginoon. tayong maayos na discover our ating pamahalaan

mekanismo para own medicine sa ating bansa,

Hindi ako uhm ‘yung mga because kaya ano. Parang yung

pabor diyan sa nakatira doon, natin. palakasan system

Total Ban ‘yung mga taong lagi.

Mining. mangangalaga ay I mean paanong

binibigyan natin bagong bayani Of course it
ng boses. pag dumating should be
Iba kasi ako uh,

Boy. Ako ay kawawang- evidence based

nagma-marriage Kaya nga ang kawawa, six hindi

counseling ako, sinasabi ko ang thousand pesos pupuwedeng say-


siyempre sa pinakamahalaga nagbabayad– so, mag-aakto

experience ko sa ‘yung mekanismo, that’s why we yung uh

buhay you know. hindi pwede na offer Manila gobyerno.

basta ka lang Covid  Field Kailangan talaga

nagpa-meeting ay Hospital for free uh sabi ko nga

‘yun na. for OFW and kanina lagi

Sisiguraduhin the very least tayong dapat

natin na ‘yung that we can do babalik sa data-

tunay na boses ng driven.

mga mamamayan, I’ll teach them a

pinapakinggan. very good That’s exactly

lesson, this my point. Kasi

social media kailangan isang

company. I’ll standard lamang

make them kasi pag nag-

responsible double standard

because tayo

nagiging outlet

yoong kanilang

mga site- i’ll

make them

responsible but

all those

account must be

real, alam mo

may plano

talaga akong

ganyan na


natin yung mga



lamang ng mga

social media

companies na


The Jessica “Unang-una ang “Ako, there is “I’ve been “Ang isang 81

Soho problema natin ay always the first working in the kamalian nating

Presidential minsan matigas time. Yung- yung government for mga Pilipino—

Interview rin ang ulo natin sa akin tingin ko twenty-three tumigil tayo sa…

at hindi tayo uh nga baka- baka years, half of na mangarap ano.

sumusunod sa fresh start ito para my life is We have become

batas.” sa bansa natin. Na dedicated to dreamless,

yung- yung uupo public service hopeless and

“Marami pong na presidente ay atsaka binuno helpless… “

salamat at sa presidente hindi ko yun. In fact

ngayon ay nagka- lang nanggaling sa (ah) (uhm)
intindihan na po isang partido pero ma’am nung
pag-usapan yung
kaming lahat. At presidenteng araw nga hindi
konsepto, yung
bukas sa kahit ako nakapag

uh iyong anong partido. “ aral, totoo theory.ako kasi

paniniwala ko po naman dala ng iba yung aking

ay nananatili po “Ako aaminin ko kahirapan pero pananaw dito.

yun, ang aking sayo Jessica pinunan ko pa Gusto ko merong

paniniwala sa frustrated ako rin “yung kongreto, merong

Panginoon. At nung hindi kakulangan ko closure sapag-

yung uh nangyari. and I’ve been– uusapan…”

pagkalinga sa Frustrated ako kasi I’ve worked

“Meron, kasi—
kanila, iniisip ko ito sana with the
dapat hindi tayo
pagtutulungan sa yung best chance national
mawalan ng pag-
kanila nandiyan for us to unite government as a
asa. Ako I’m
pa rin po para sa under one being
always inspired
mga LGBTQ at candidate. Gusto undersecretary
by my
mas marami pong ko sabihin kahit of DSWD.”
supporters. Lalo
LGBTQ na hindi ko siguro na yung mga
sumusuporta sa yun na unite yung “Katulad ng under own ano,
atin at mga presidential nabanggit ko sa walang pag-
naniniwala…” contenders, ang tanong mo iimbot, at
naging successful kanina (ah) kasi talagang
“..Yun pong uh tayo in u- uniting baka gumagastos sa
na-misquote lang so many different nakakalimutan sariling pero…”
po talaga ako. Uh groups na non- natin na for the

mali lang po yung politicians at ito ay past forty years,

pagka-intindi sa nagbibigay sa atin ang magkaaway

akin, mahabo po ng inspirasyon lang ay


yung explanation kahit yung mga dalawang

ko dun sa politicians na pamilya sa

paliwanag ko na kabahagi natin sa pulitika. Yung

yun. kampanya ngayon mga partido

iba-ibang partido lang nila– and

din yung where are we

pinanggalingan.” now as a

country? Where

are we– naasan

na tayo bilang

mga tao, ganon

pa rin, same


“Hindi– pagka-

fake ang

pagkatao hindi

naman siya ang

tinatawag ko eh.

Basta fake ang

pagkatao, fake

na tao. Kahit na

anong gawin

mo pa, fake ka

pa rin. Mag

Palit-palit ka pa

ng kulay, fake

ka pa rin. Kasi



yan ng tao eh.

Ako as a citizen

I can see it, not

only as mayor.”

The KBP “Ang maayos na “Ako, ang “ (Ah)  basta “On my–on the 59

Presidential tahanan, pinakauna uhm, i- ako ginawa ko first day of my

Candidates kumakalam na require yung yung bilang office no, waiver

Forum sikmura, at Disclosure ah, sa isang of my rights

pangangailangan lahat ng masunuring under the Bank

ng trabaho, at government mamamayan Secrecy Act at

kabuhayan ng offices and ayon sa ini-encourage ko

milyon-milyong instrumentalities. alituntunin ng lahat ng ah

pilipino. Ito ang Kahit wala pa batas at in fact deploys ng

laban ko, laban ng batas. Kasi kahit nag tanong pa gobyerno,

bawat pilipino, wala pang batas, nga ako noon sa officials and

handa na po ako. pwede akong BIR (eh). employees to do

Ito ang aking mga gumawa ng Anong dapat the same. I

plataporma, stop executive order, gawin ko sa cannot mandate it

corruption, para meron nang pera na yun? but I will

employment, ganun na demand Ang sabi encourage


healthcare, from all magbayad ng because these are

internet signal government buwis, individual rights

improvement, at offices –ang nagbayad tayo but I'm going to

renewable energy pinapasok ng buwis and set the tone of

development.” kailangan that is most my presidency to

isapubliko natin– important establish a clean

“Unang-una po
even with the out thing.” government.
diyan is housing,
lead of request.” Leadership by
kasi naranasan ko “ I would rather
example ang
po ang matulog sa “Ako dapat talaga put them in a
tawag namin
kalye, naranasan ginagawa yan, legal manner  or
dun. Maraming
ko po na walang dapat talaga under the
tahanan, at kaya ginagawa yung authority or

naman po yang background check. under “Ah magsisimula

pagbibigay natin Hindi lang sa mga supervision of ako sa Internal
ng pabahay mula aspirants pero the state.” Cleansing,
pa po nung 2002.” lahat na public nagawa ko na ito
“ Ito’y epekto
officials kasi yung, nung Chief PNP
“Kailangan po na lamang ng
ang public office ako, tinanong din
magkaroon ng problema kaya I
sa public trust.” ako kung anong
sariling tahanan would rather go

kasi ako po ay “Ako unang-una to the roots of pangunahing

naniniwala na sa hindi kasi ako the problem problema ng

malinis at maayos yung magg-grant which is the PNP, eh, agad na

na tahanan ng franchise kundi supply chain, sagot ko yung

nagsisimula ang yung congress. no? If there is PNP at ang sagot

uh magandang Uhm, yung sakin, no supply and PNP rin. So


pangarap ng isang yung sakin lang there are no nireporma ko

tao.” kailangan pag- available drugs yung PNP

usapan ng maayos in our country.” nawala yung

ito sa kongreso kotong culture at,

pakinggan yung ah, mula baba

lahat ng hanggang taas

apektado.” nawala din yung


Ganun din ang i-

apply, scale up

lang natin na





2. Other’s opinion or ideas

1.  Political Parties
Table 11. Summary of the speakers’ replies based on others’ opinion or ideas drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the Political Parties Opinions Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo


Pacquiao Domagoso Lacson

The 2022 Francisco Domagoso - 7

Presidential “ako, I am one of the founding father of Asenso Manileno, I never left Asenso
one-on-one Manileno. The parties that you are mentioning is alliances from the local party 
interview which I belong and founded with Dani Lacuna, as president and chairman.”
with Boy

Panfilo Lacson -

“Imagine kung yun nagamit mo sa productive uh endeavors. Livelihood,

infrastructure, bakit hindi nagagamit? Ibang usapin ito, Boy ano. Kasama sa pro-

plataporma namin, yung budget reform.”

“Kasama sa plataporma naming yan, Boy. digitalization of all government

processes, wala ng human uh intervention. “

The Jessica “...Pero ako “Unang-una, hindi ako “Sa taong “…Kaya yung 18

Soho pinipihilan ko kabahagi noon. bayan, kapag aming aaah

Presidential po na hindi Pangalawa, uhm noong wala silang plataporma

Interview mabuwag dahil ginagawa na nila ‘yun, ginagawang yung aming

ang PDP po uh talagang sinabi katinuan butterfly dapat

ang adbokasiya namin sa kanila ‘yung katulad nitong ayusin yung

ng PDP ay para mga bawal. And in fact, nakikita kong gobyerno para

sa kapakanan tiningnan namin ‘yung kandidato at mapabuti ang

ng parang ano ‘to, parang sila-sila na buhay ng

sambayanang social media account naman– sila-sila bawat


pilipino. Gusto kung saan ginagawa na naman– sila- Pilipino.”

ko pong ‘yung uh fundraising. sila na naman.”

“ Kasi nahinto
magkaisa at Meron doong mga–
kami sa
wag po nating meron doong mga ano
gamitin para sa ‘to, mga disclosure, ano

ating best ‘yung inyong

“...Alam niyo
interest citizenship. Uh
bang apat na
kailangan sa nakalagay doon na ‘pag
buwan kaming
interes ng mga hindi ka Pilipino hindi
walang sweldo
pilipino.” ka puwedeng mag-
ng aking mga
staff, nagtiis
“Yan po ang
kami, dahil
kadahilanan “Ako tuloy-tuloy–
alam niyo
kung bakit tayo tuloy-tuloy yung aming
naman yung
tumakbo bilang mga ginagawa, Jessica.
Pangulo ng Marami ngayon na wala
Pilipinas dahil na nandoon sa amin
Pero hindi
ang dami pong noong 2016. Uh noong
kami umalis,
nangangako sa 2016 meron kaming
tuwing political machinery,
eleksyon. At ngayon wala na yun. Uh
dumadami po yung ating katunggali
ang naghihirap napakalakas ng political
tahimik at
na pilipino machinery, uh
ginawa namin
kaya ang napakaraming
yung aking

sinasabi ko sa resources, ah yung aming

kanila ay political might magagawa.  “

ipapakulong ko napakalakas.”

ang lahat ng ”Yan n ang

mga kawayan no. 1 advocacy
at magbibigay ko,no. 1 sa
ng trabaho at plataporma
libreng pabahay talagang itama
sa ating yung
milyon- gobyerno…”

pilipino. At

aayusin po

natin yung


natin, palakasin

po natin yung

ekonomiya po


The KBP “Ito pong 22 “Angat Buhay sa “Noong N/A 13

Presidential rounds na Hanapbuhay.” Ibabalik pumasok ako sa

Candidates nabuo ko po ay natin ang ibabalik natin Maynila,

Forum talagang ito po ang tiwala sa gobyerno. walang kapera-

ang magpap- Kapag may kumpiyansa pera halos, zero

unlad sa ating sa sistema ang tao, literally pero


bansa. Dito po papasok ang puhunan, through good

sa loob ng 22 lalago ang negosyo, at governance,

rounds priority dadami ang trabaho.” through

agenda na effective,
“Angat Buhay sa
nagawa po efficiency
natin, bumuo governance
natin pansin ang first
po tayo ng nakaahon kami
1000 days ng bawat
health of the tapos may
bata para pigilan ang
nation. Which pandemaya,
stunting. Ang goal nito,
is housing, lahat ng
abot kaya ang
education, pinangako
masustansyang pagkain
agriculture, naming
para matugunan ang
livelihood, imposible sa
transportation mga taga-

utilities and Maynila

health. Yun po nangyari– yung

ang priority sampung taong

natin palagi at pangako–

uh hindi nangyari sa

lamang po yan dalawang taon

yung uh, na sa loob pa ng

sustainable pandemya. So,

livelihood rin hindi siya

po, importante imposible

yan. Dahil sa bombo Elmar


bawat pamilya atsaka ang

kailangan ito pangungutang

para may kailangan

makain sila sa binabayaran.

araw-araw.” Importanteng


tayo ng utang.”

2. The General Public/Public Opinion

Table 12. Summary of the speakers’ replies based on others’ opinion or ideas drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

Manny Pacquiao Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo

Domagoso Lacson

The 2022 Yes po, karapatan Yes. Pero it’s short Magandang Alam mo 18

Presidential po nila yan na wag term. Ang tao mas pamantayan, publiko,

one-on-one natin silang pilitin maa-appreciate niya yun justice susunod lang

interview dahil sarili po nila kung maliban sa ayuda system natin . sa gobyerno.

with Boy yan eh, natatakot bigyan mo siya ng bago ka

Abunda sila o sa pagkakataon maging judge

paniniwala nila, oh makapagtrabaho kasi may X number

kung ano man ang mas long-term ‘yun of years ka na


belief nila. para sa kanya. nagtrabaho…

The Jessica “..Yun pong “Alam mo, Jessica, N/A “...nag- 30

Soho ginagawa kong nung ako ay apologize

Presidential pamimigay ng congresswoman eto siya publicly.

Interview ayuda, pamimigay yung aking pinaka- Maski yung

ng pera sa taong- flagship program. si Cesar

bayan mula noong Yung-yung aming Mangkaw na

2002 pa po.” probinsya isa sa madiin, at

pinakamahirap na sinabi niya

“At pinagpatuloy probinsya and ang– talagang

ko lang po yung ang dahilan talaga ginamit lang

ginagawa ko mula nito, hindi lang yung siya pinilit

noon hanggang mga calamities na siya ni dating

ngayon, yung laging pumapalo sa pangulong

pamimigay ko ng amin pero bad Arroyo para

pabahay, governance. Eto rin idiin ako

pagbibigay ng ang dahilan kung bakit ano…”

trabaho at at one point, pinag-

hanapbuhay sa iisipan kong tumakbo– “Wala! Kasi

bawat pamilya.” pinag-iisipan kong talagang

tumakbo sa isang local ganyan ang
na executive position.” buhay…”
“Alam niyo po sa

mahigit isang

dekado kong

pagse-serbisyo sa

ating gobyerno.

Nakita ko ang

problema kaya po

ako talaga uh

lumaban dahil ang

laban ko na ito ay

laban ng bawat

pilipino dahil

nakita ko ang

problema at ang

mga pang-aapi sa

ating mga

kababayan, kaya

ipaglalaban ko at

panahon na para

ang mahihirap

naman ang manalo

sa labang ito.”

The KBP Manny Pacquiao - 2

Presidential “Kawawa ang ating mga kababayan, walang magandang kinabukasan na hinaharap
Candidates kung nandiyan palagi ang korupsyon. Kaya nga in my time, pagdating ng panahon,

in God-willing lahat ng mga kawatan sa gobyerno ay magsasama-sana sa kulungan.

Hindi ako nagsasalita in a politician way, nagsasalita ako in a filipino citizen, a

simple citizen katulad ng mga mahihirap na tao.”

“Yan pong Online Sabong, yung sabong po sa bansa natin ay kulturang pilipino po

yan. “

3. The Government
Table 13  Summary of the speakers’ replies based on others’ opinion or ideas drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Domagoso Panfilo Lacson


The 2022 Kasama kahat Saka ito kasi, What we have done in Alam mo, 49

Presidential yan sa yung Tito Boy, na… Manila is to really magkano lang

one-on-one mga sakuna naaabuso. Alam confront CoVid-19 national budget

interview na dumarating mo merong and prepare for any natin? 800

with Boy sa ating bansa, requirement sa worst scenario. billion pesos.

Abunda kasama sa batas na Naging 1 trillion,

plano yung konsultasyon. Confront– means lived naging 1.4,

pag-develop Pero ‘yung with it… lived with it, naging 1.9, abot

ng ating konsultasyon as long as we build na ng 5 trillion.

infrastructure, kadalasan na more hospital, the way

yung mga ginagawa– ito we build bagong

economic reklamo ‘to ng ospital ng Maynila, we Alam mo tayo

development mga tao on the build like for example; budget ceiling

natin, yung ground na lagi Manila CoVid-19 field eh, sabi ng

economiya nating hospital in Luneta para DBM. Eto yung

natin na nakakausap. yung  may mga sakit budget ceiling ng

palakasin para na walang kakayahang DPWH,

makapag- Na gusto mag isolate meron hanggang 600

bigay nang sabihin nito silang pag lalagakan, billion kayo, so,

trabaho sa sa hindi lang basta mapanatag ang ayan yung i-

milyong magpapa- pamilya nila,  at ang submit niyo.

milyong meeting, pero pamilya tuloy sa Anong gagawin

pilipino. ‘yung paghanap buhay. ng DPWH, and

representation the other

Nakita ko ang sa People’s agencies, well

korupsyon sa Councils taasan pa natin

ating represented ng konti kasi

gobyerno, ‘yung mga tatawad pa yan.

kung wala at mahahalagang

hindi yun stakeholders

mabago ang and meron

korupsyon silang voting

diyan, hindi rights. Kabahagi

masuglo yan sila mula sa step

walang one, mula sa

mangyayari sa planning

bansa natin hanggang sa


hanggang sa


hanggang sa


The Jessica “At ang N/A “Nag focus kami on “... inuuna 25

Soho solusyon dito how to save lives as pa,halimbawa, sa

Presidential ay sumunod many as possible, as ayuda, ano.

Interview tayo sa soon as possible kaya Dapat nga, di ba

kinauukulan, kung bakit– kung dapat, i-ramp up

sa ating makikita ninyo ang ng gobyerno

gobyerno at Maynila ang takbuhan yung paggastos.

magtulungan ng mga gamot, bakuna Ang problema,

tayo at atsaka mga testing kits anong inuna?

magkaisa.” or swab testing hindi ba yung

because we’ve been Bureaucracy.

“Ang preparing for this. pagkatapos hindi

kailangan dito Gusto namin laging nakakarating, tas

ay uh nag- ahead of  whatever may corruption

uusap, (ah) yung mga hindi pa…”

nagkakaisa natin inaasahan na “...Natutok ang

para paglago ng CoVid administration na

resolbahin ang nineteen which so far ito sa law


anumanh sa awa ng Diyos enforcement.

problema ng nagagamit kami Nakalimutan

ating bansa.” ngayon ng ating mga yung prevention

kababayan sa Metro at tsaka yung

Manila sa ibang rehabilitation…”

bahagi ng probinsya “... There’s a lot

sa– sa– sa central of fixing to do

Luzon, sa southern dun sa

Luzon.” government

natin, why?


lahat ng


ng problema…”

The KBP “Ngayon, “True “ Roy. we will N/A 9

Presidential panahon na ng leadership is continue whatever

Candidates magka- stepping up and they have started

Forum campaign showing up, already in regard of 

period na ay may eleksyon Build,Build,Build.

tigil na po man o wala Itutuloy natin ang

yung kandidato man lahat ng 

pamimigay o hindi. Bilang Build,Build,Build.

natin. At Vice President Tapos ang atin naman,

susunod po ipinakita ko dito itutuloy ko naman ang


tayo sa sa tapat, sapat at true– build more

kautusan ng consistent na hospitals, more school,

COMELEC at serbisyo. Hindi more housing to create

ng uh ating lang sa pangako more jobs at the same

gobyerno. kundi sa gawa. manner: itong

Hindi po ako Madalas akong problema natin sa

uh lumalabag sinasabihan kuryente, tubig,

sa batas.” “Mahina ka kasi transportasyon dyan sa

babae ka” pero Mindanao. In fact even

ni minsan wala in the northern Luzon,

akong hamon na no? We need this type

inatrasan. of infrastructure or

Mapa-Marawi type of 

siege man, Build,Build,Build also

laban kontra sa pero palalakasin

droga, mga naman natin ang

volcanic private sector, PPP ay

eruptions, mga ire-revive natin. Ito

lindol, lahat na ang type ng 

bagyong Build,Build,Build na

dumaan at gagawin in the next sis

COVID. years.”

Tuwing tayo ay





lumalaban. Ang

inaalok kong uri

ng pamamahala



tapat, mahusay,

masipag, at



hindi ka

lolokohin, hindi

ka nanakawan,

hinding-hindi ka

iiwan o



akong harapin

ang hamon ng


pangulo at

ngayong 2022

the last man

standing will

still be a


4. Mass Media
Table 14 Summary of the speakers’ replies based on others’ opinion or ideas drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

Manny Pacquiao Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo

Domagoso Lacson

The 2022 Manny Pacquiao - 9

Presidential Halimbawa, uhm school day ngayon. So, may ilang oras lang na pwede kang
one-on-one gumamit ng Social Media, ganyan pero hindi doon sa mga uh ibang website na
interview with yan. Ano lang yung mga makatulong lang sa inyo.
Boy Abunda

High-tech na kasi ngayon ang kwan ang technology. So, mako-confirm yan by

confirming that ID, kung totoo yan o hindi.

Leni Robredo -

Ako number one bilang Nanay, pinaka priority ko gumaling yung anak ko kasi

sakit siya eh. Gumaling ‘yung anak ko, sisiguraduhin ko na tatanda siya na

hindi dala-dala ‘yung trauma galing doon sa pinagdaanan niya. So para sa akin,

kailangan magkaroon tayo ng batas na kini-criminalize natin, pini-penalize


natin ‘yung mga social media sites for them to be accountable and to be

responsible. Na hindi–hindi dapat ito accessible sa mga tao na wala pa siyang

kahandaan mag-process.

Panfilo Lacson -

kasi tinanong din ako ng media nun sa krame e, nung nag-assume ako. General,

anong nakita niyong pinakamalaking problema ng PNP? Ang bilis ng sagot ko,


The Jessica Manny Pacquiao - 5

Soho “..Uh nagbibigay na po ako niyan, in fact marami pong video ang GMA at saka
Presidential ABS-CBN nung araw na namimigay na po talaga ako bago pa ako pumasok sa
Interview pulitika.“

“Wala pong katotohanan yan, nagba-base lang po sila sa socila media po pero

kumpleto naman po tayo ng mga papeles diyan.”

The KBP Presidential Candidates N/A

Forum -

5. Economic and Industrial Circles 

Table 15. Summary of the speakers’ replies based on others’ opinion or ideas drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

Manny Pacquiao Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo Lacson


The 2022 Kaya nga po na we will be much we need to Nag-offer sila, 46

Presidential kailangan nating better off after 6 generate more kami na ang

one-on-one nang Responsible years. Ako…ako ang FDIs– bibili para sa

interview Mining, may drug problem grabe. Foreign aming mga

with Boy mayroong mga Uhm, kailangan Direct empleyado.

Abunda tinatawag na ah natin mga Investments. Anong ginawa

Small Scale legislation. Hindi More ng gobyerno?

Mining. Kaya ang nga natin mahiwalay investments, Over

sabi ko ay uh hindi yung user saka more jobs, regulation, sa

natin pusher. Eh iba yung more source halip na

ipinagbabawal yan intervention dun. of income, maging

pero, kailangan Dapat, dapat ma- friendly, sa

responsible na institutionalize natin Indigenous halip na i-

hindi naman yung community people– ihire encourage.

makaka uh sira based na natin, sila Pinapahiran,

nang kalikasan at rehabilitation. pagtanimin

uh hindi makaka uh natin they Ang sabi nila,
sira nang tao at hindi natin kailangan know better walang
nang uh dumating sa puntong than anybody mangyayari
maapektuhan yung ‘yun. Unang-una, else on how to kasi gusto
mga tao. meron tayong plant trees. naming buoin

arbitral ruling na na yung


Naku yan po ang pabor sa atin. Ang national

pinka-importante pinaka…pinaka- broadband

talaga sa bansa buod noong arbitral yung mismong

natin dahil kung ruling na ‘yun, atin highway. At

wala pong pondo ang West Philippine mag-iimprove

ang gobyerno, Sea. Dahil atin 'yun, yung internet

mangutang na ipaglalaban natin speed.

mangutang. 'yun.

Gumagastos ang

ating gobyerno

taon-taon, ngayon 5

trillion something

ang approved

budget pero ang

income ng ating

gobyerno ay nasa 2.

7 thrillion lang.

The Jessica Manny Pacquiao - 9

Soho “...So, yun po ang ating kailangan tutukan. Palakasin ang ekonomiya natin nang sa
Presidential ganoon ay ang trabaho na ang maghanap sa tao, hindi ang tao ang maghanap sa
Interview trabaho. Kaya po ang gagawin natin ay palakasin ang ekonomiya natin para

makapagbigay ng trabaho.”

“Unang-una po ay sugpuin natin yang korupsyon, yang korupsyon ay talagang

cancer sa ating bansa…”


Francisco Domagoso -

“Ay unang-una makikipag ugnayan ako sa mga bansa na yun, yung host na bansa

bakit wala silang ginagawa doon sa mga citizen nila na nang aabuso ng mga

Pilipino because the sauce for the gunder, the sauce for the goose. Kung sila’y

inaalagaan natin dito bilang mga banyaga, alagaan din nila yung mga kapwa natin

Pilipino na nagtatrabaho at nagsisilbi sa kanila. Second,  we will make sure that we

will put good people in our POLO.”

Panfilo Lacson -

“…Record time yun buong mundo, United nations ang nagsabi niyan. Yung united

nations development program at maraming mga international organizations…”

“Well, unang-una ang Pilipinas napakaliit na bansa para makag-ah lagay ng dent

ano, dun sa tinatawag na sa climate change yung problema. But then, we’re still

part of an international ah community of-of nations and we can do our share, ano..”

The KBP Manny Pacquiao - 11

Presidential Mayron po tayong tinatawag na Non-tax Revenue Income dapat yung non-tax
Candidates revenue income ay palakasin natin para hindi lamang din sa tax revenue income
Forum magre-rely ang ating bansa.”

"Ang pagbaba po ng corporate tax ay hindi po yan biglaan, gradual po yan dahil uh

magsa-suffer rin po ang revenue income ng ating gobyerno.”

Francisco Domagoso -

“(Ahh) unang-una pagka sila pumasok dito may mga bagay na pwede tayong

kopyahin nakapag nag invest ang foreigner dito, bibigyan natin sila ng particular

(uhm) prescribed time to sustain their investment but what matter most to me; pag

nag invest ang mga banyaga dito sa ating bansa may maibigay tayong trabaho kasi

ang importante ngayon–  pandemya.”

6. Facts or Historical flow

Table 16. Summary of the speakers’ replies based on others’ opinion or ideas drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

Manny Pacquiao Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo

Domagoso Lacson

The 2022 Leni Robredo - 1

Presidential “actually it’s a very contentious provision, marami tayong mga kilala na
one-on-one nagsasabi bakit naman ganyan ka-minimum ‘yung requirements ng pagpa-
interview with Pangulo? Pero ako kasi binasa ko, binasa ko ‘yung mga diskusyon, ‘yung mga
Boy Abunda debate noong, uhm framers ng 1987 Constitution. And ‘yung pinakadahilan

kung bakit ganito ka-minimal ‘yung mga qualifications na binibigay kasi

gustong bigyan ng pagkakataon kahit ‘yung hindi– alam mo dito kasi sa

Pilipinas, ang iba hindi natatapos sa pag-aral dahil walang opportunity.”

The Jessica Leni Robredo - 5


Soho “Unang-una, meron tayong mga batas na…uhm nagci-criminalize ng maraming

Presidential mga kasamaan na ginagawa online pero ‘yung pag-implement ng batas ay

Interview hindi–hindi maayos.”

Francisco Domagoso -

“Sana matigil na talaga  yung pasa-pasa ng politika sa mga kanilang mga

kamag-anak para magkaroon naman ng opportunity yung ibang tao na

makapamili (no) sa mga lider ng ating kanya-kanyang komunidad and

particularly sa bansa kasi  yung mangyayari for the past forty years, ang nag

aaway dalawang pamilya lang isang parang (uhm) (ah) tungkol lagi sa kanilang

buhay-buhay at buhay lamang nila at higantihan lang ang nangyayari.”

Panfilo Lacson -

“…Meron hong jurisprudence na pinapayagang magfile ng pleadings ang isang

nasasakdal maski meron ng warrant of arrest…”

The KBP Presidential Candidates N/A

Forum -

Table 10 - 16 summarizes the questions on how the Sender or the interviewee

handle the questions posed at them: “To what extent is the response the speaker’s own

opinion (intention, observation, ideas)?”. The aim of this section is to examine the

manner that interviewees handle the questions posed at them. The table illustrates that

the Sender or the interviewees’ responses are “obviously his/her personal opinion/ideas,

not someone else’s”. 

In the context of a political interview, politicians might seek to support the face

of political colleagues and allies; at the same time, they would not wish to support the

face of negatively valued others, such as their political opponents.  Goffman (1955)

observed that in many relationships, the members come to share a face, so that in the

presence of third parties an improper act on the part of one member becomes a source

of acute embarrassment to other members: politician appears on television as the

representative of that party to defend and promote its collective face. Consequently, on

the basis of Goffman's observations, it can be argued that politicians must concern

themselves with three faces: their own individual face, the face of significant others and

the face of the party which they represent.

In fact, face may be of even greater importance in political interviews than

extrapolations from Goffman and from Brown and Levinson would suggest.  For these

three authors, face seems to be not so much an objective of interaction, but rather a

kind of ritual constraint or even a condition for interaction to take place.  However,

Pearson (1988) made the point that face maintenance can be seen more positively as a

strategy which speakers skilfully manipulate in order to achieve their goals in social


In these table the interviewees’ responses manner of answering the questions

were predominantly their own personal opinion and their own individual face and not

someone else’s. The government or the administrations idea’s comes next in The 2022

Presidential one-on-one interview with Boy Abunda, while it comes third and fourth to

the other interviews. The public or the general public is second in the The Jessica Soho

Presidential Interview, while it only occurred 18 times in The 2022 Presidential one-on-

one interview with Boy Abunda and twice (2) in the The KBP Presidential Candidates

Forum. Their political parties comes second in the The KBP Presidential Candidates

Forum, whie it took 18 times in The Jessica Soho Presidential Interview and seven (7) in

The 2022 Presidential one-on-one interview with Boy Abunda.

2. Receiver - To what extent is the message addressed to the person(s) who asked the

1. The reply is obviously addressed to the interviewee(s)

Table 17. Summary of the speakers’ replies Obviously addressed to the interviewer(s) drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample replies that Obviously addressed to the interviewer(s) Per Candidate and Total

Total Occurrences

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo

Pacquiao Domagoso Lacson

The 2022 Uh alam mo Ah–Actually, Boy, Oo! Most likely Well, tama 141

Presidential Boy, marami naglabas na kami ng happening, we lang na ilift

one-on-one akong mga uhm Kabuhayan saw it eh. May ang ban

interview strategy na wala Para sa Lahat nakukulong– may kasimatagal na

with Boy silang lusot. Program. Ang mga ring uh kung

Abunda Pero hindi ko pinakauna, ang sistensyadong merong mga

lang ibubulgar aming paniniwala, hindi na new permits


sa kanila kasi kailangan talagang nakukulong eh na i-

mga kawatan maibalik ang tiwala issue,basta’t

yan eh, uh ano sa pamahalaan, ‘yun Tito Boy, sa aking ang

yan eh kung ‘yung number one masaklap yun bottom line is,

baga sa ano may naaawa ako sa kailangan

uh strategy na Sa amin, Boy, anong sitwasyon responsible

gagawin para nagbibigay kami ng pero hindi ako mining at

mapakulong ko mga ayuda pero diyos para kung merong

silang lahat. dapat kasi mas kumuha ng buhay mga violations

Wala silang mekanismo again eh, ng tao. Diyos ang along the way,

kawala, I will mas mekanismo. nagbigay ng walang

not compromise buhay, diyos patumangga

anybody. lamang ang na dapat

pwedeng kumuha ipatupad.

Alam mo, Boy neto.

kaya ako balik That’s exactly

nang balik sa my point. Kasi

korupsyon kasi kailangan

gusto ko isang standard

malaman ng lamang kasi

taong bayan na pag nag-

kaya nagkaka- double

ganuto ang standard tayo,

ating bansa,

kaya nagkaka-

ganuto ang

sitwasyon ng


sitwasyon ng

ating bansa

because of


The Jessica “Ako aaminin ko “Hindi– pagka- “Meron, kasi 45

“...Yun pong uh
Soho sayo Jessica fake ang pagkatao —dapat hindi
Presidential frustrated ako nung hindi naman siya tayo mawalan
lang po talaga
Interview hindi nangyari. ang tinatawag ko ng pag-asa.
ako. Uh mali
Frustrated ako kasi eh. Basta fake ang Ako I’m
lang po yung
iniisip ko ito sana pagkatao, fake na always
pagka-intindi sa
yung best chance for tao. Kahit na inspired by
akin, mahabo po
us to unite under one anong gawin mo my supporters.
candidate. Pero nung pa, fake ka pa rin. Lalo na yung
explanation ko
hindi sya nangyari at Mag Palit-palit ka mga under
dun sa
ultimately pa ng kulay, fake own ano,
paliwanag ko na
kumandidato ako, ka pa rin. Kasi walang pag-
ang daming nangyari nakikita, iimbot, at

after that na nararamdaman talagang

maraming mga yan ng tao eh. gumagastos sa

sumali sa aming Ako as a citizen I sariling

grupo na hindi can see it, not pera…”

naman kasali sa

aming partido.” only as mayor.” “I dared him.

Sinabi ko sa
“Ako, unang-una, “Yesss, because I
knaya nun,
Jessica, I think ito have to pay taxes,
ilabas niya
nga ‘yung kapag may natira
kung mayron.
pinakamabisang kampanya dahil
At ako I’m
paraan, ah na iba yan naman ay
honest ano,
‘yung nagso-solicit, pooled account,
alam ko yung
iba ‘yung nagka- pooled money–
sarili ko…”
crowd fund– ah, iba’t-ibang tao we

nagka-crowdsource, have to declare “Yes! Alam

iba din ‘yung tapos pag yan ay mo maraming

gumagastos ng uhm na sayo na ay mali dun sa

funds na nalikom. kailangan mong sinulat ni

magbayad ng Alfred Mccoy.

buwis, which is Nilahat niya

yun ang ginawa yung aming

ko.” buong klase

ano, yung

class 71. Ako



ng 1971, so,


nagdeklara ng

martial law…”

The KBP “Salamat po sa “Ako Ed, ang “In the first two “  So, I would 34

Presidential oportunidad na talagang gagawin ko, years we will rather put

Candidates makaharap ko ito yung mga ic- build seventeen them in a legal

Forum kayo at ang certified kong world class manner  or

publiko, ang urgent. Ako, ang regional hospitals under the

sambayanang pinakauna uhm, i- similar to what we authority or

pilipino na nais require yung did for Bagong under

nating Disclosure ah, sa Ospital ng supervision of

pagsilbihan. lahat ng government Maynila and the state.”

offices and PhilHealth will be

instrumentalities. better managed by

Kahit wala pa batas financial experts.

Barangay health
“Ako talaga sa'kin
centers will be
Ed, meron akong
updated, salary as
ilang points para ma-
well as security
improve yung ating–
tenure of medical
ma-strengethen yung
political parties, ma-
ensured. Mental
improve yung
health issues will
political dito sa atin,
be adequately
uhm, kwinento ko
naman to several

times, author ako ng “Three, we must


anti-dynasty law, acquire

tingin ko panahon na technology

para ipasa yun, uhm, through data

kailangan meron na analytics para we

rin tayong batas ok should be ahead

premature of  anything na

campaigning kasi mangyayari sa

naa-abuso 'yon, ah, kalamidad no?”

kontra tayo sa
“ I would rather
substitution kasi
put them in a
naaabuso rin ito, ah,
legal manner  or
yung electoral
under the
authority or under

supervision of the


2. The reply is addressed to the other people

1. Another interviewee politician(s)that appear(s) on the show in the studio

2. Decision-makers
Table 18. Summary of the speakers’ replies  that AREaddressed to the Decision Makers drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies  that is addressed to the Decision Makers Per Tota

Candidate and Total Occurrences l

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Domagoso Panfilo Lacson


The 2022 Delikado po Kasi 2020, ano Philippine Skills 64

Presidentia talaga yan ‘yung natutunan government  to invest matching,

l one-on- kaya natin? ‘Yung in our human Philhealth,

one kailangan natutunan natin resources, scientist, bakit NBI

interview talaga nang noong 2020, ‘yung doctors  to create our director ang

with Boy pag-supervise mayroon talagang own agency to find nadiyan, bakit

Abunda ng ating mga pillars para cure  and medicine of retired military?

gobyerno na sugpuin mo ‘yon. our own.

uh tignan Ano ‘yung mga I don’t mind, I

mabuti, ito pillars? ‘Yung I dunno– I don’t don’t care kung
ba’y dapat testing, tracing, ‘di know yong (ah) maiwanan sa
may Open Pit ba? Saka…saka intricacy– yong (ah)  gobyerno 500
Mining dito? ‘yung management OWWA, POEA and thousand but
Kasi kung ng disease. Doon pa so and so forth but yung 500
crowded area lang nagkulang na the thing is ito. Ang thousand hindi
na yan tayo. pinaka mabisang yung mga
parang… tulong natin sa nagmamanicure

Dapat sinasabayan OFW(ha) yung polo, , hindi yung

Nakita ko ang niya ‘yung demands we should put hindi nag-

korupsyon sa of the time pero ang professional people aatend sa mga


ating klaro dapat sa isip in our embassy dumudulog sa

gobyerno, ng mga legislators abroad– oo, mga complaint

kung wala at na ang pinaka- nila. Ito dapat

hindi yun primary purpose is yung uh panuto

mabago ang the protection of the natin yung mga

korupsyon people especially honest at saka

diyan, hindi children. yung talagang

masuglo yan nagtratrabaho.



sa bansa natin

The Jessica “Ay talagang “Ako number one “ Ang PhilHealth ay “ Ako, I’ve 13

Soho parusahan po kasi, leadership. Uh isang financial always been

Presidentia yung mga kaya nagkaganito institution, I will put consistent ano,

l Interview manufacturers ‘yung Philhealth financial person ang tama ay

ng illegal dahil sa leadership hindi yan para sa ipaglaban: ang

drugs. na hindi na-manage mga doktor o kung mali ay labanan

Talagang ng maayos ‘yung sino-sino lang ia- ano…”

yung mga opisina. Ako para appoint. We will

illegal drugs sa akin, kailangan appoint the right
na ginagawa ‘yung mamuno ng person in that
nila lalo na Philhealth ay isang particular agency or
dito sa bansa health economist na GEOCC. Para
sa ayuda, ano.
natin naiintindihan– saka lumago ulit yung
Dapat nga, di
kailangan actuarial scientist salapi ng PhilHealth

maparusahan na naiintindihan na pera naman ng ba dapat, i-

talaga sila kung papaano tao.” ramp up ng

kasi kung papa… gobyerno yung

hindi sila papagulungin ‘yung paggastos. Ang

maparusahan pondo ng problema,

ay kawawa Philhealth.” anong inuna?

yung mga hindi ba yung

maliliit na tao Bureaucracy.

kapag sila ang pagkatapos

naparusahan hindi

at yung mga nakakarating,

manufacturer, tas may

yung mga corruption

mayayaman pa…”

na yan ay
“...Natutok ang
hindi sila
na ito sa law
n kaya
magpakita ng
prevention at
pangil ang
tsaka yung
Dapat holistic

at tsaka (pro)


ang approach,


The KBP “Hindi po. “Ang approach “we will continue “Trabaho po ng 17

Presidentia Ah, wala pa talaga natin i- whatever they have NBI at saka ng

l pong modernized at started already in Law

Candidates eleksyon, suportahan ang regard of  Enforcement ng

Forum hindi pa po agricultural sector Build,Build,Build. PNP na

ako uh under para bumaba ang Itutuloy natin ang maghanap ng

sa batas at uh gastusin nila sa lahat ng  may mga

kaya po pagsasaka. Kaya Build,Build,Build. warrant of

sinasamantala hindi tayo Tapos ang atin arrest. Ako

ko habang nakakapag-compete naman, itutuloy ko wala akong

wala pa. kasi napakataas ng naman ang true– viniolate kasi

Ngayon, ating cost of prod— build more hospitals, nga merong

panahon na kapag nagawa natin more school, more juries prudence,

ng magka- ito tataas ang kita housing to create yung Tulyaw

campaign nila, mae-enganyo more jobs at the case. Kung

period na ay sila magsaka at same manner: itong nabasa niyo na

tigil na po magiging sapat ang problema natin sa po yun, eh tama

yung pagkain na po- kuryente, tubig, yung sinasabi

pamimigay produce sa transportasyon dyan doon na

natin. At Pilipinas.” sa Mindanao. In fact primary sa

susunod po even in the northern rights ng


tayo sa Luzon, no?? individual na,

kautusan ng yung ah, ka-

COMELEC at excercise niya

ng uh ating dahil sinasabi

gobyerno. sa juries

Hindi po ako prudence maski

uh lumalabag hindi ka

sa batas.” magpasa-ilalim

sa legal, ah,
“alakasin po
natin yung
custody eh
PCGG. At uh
pwedeng pa
kailangan ang
ring umandar
para sa
yung kaso.
gobyerno ay

sa gobyerno,

at uh kung

yan ang

desisyon ng


Court. May

desisyon na

may ninakaw

ka, ibalik mo.

Eh kasi kaya


ang bansa

natin dahil sa



diyan sa





sugpuin yan.”

3. Voters in general
Table 19 Summary of the speakers’ replies  that are addressed to the Voters in General drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies  that are addressed to the Voters in General Per Total

Candidate and Total Occurrences

Manny Pacquiao Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo Lacson


The 2022 Manny Pacquiao - 2

Presidential Inalam ko kung ano yung uh dapat nating gawin sa ating bansa. Yung problema ng
one-on-one ating bansa at kung paano resolbahin yung problema sa ating bansa. Kaya nag-
interview desisyon ako na tumakbo.
with Boy


Panfilo Lacson -

Eto na nga yun, Boy ang aking sasabihin siguro panahon na para maging mas

discerning ang ating mga botante

The Jessica “...Yun nga po uh “Sa a–sa akin, may “Kung anong “Kasi alam ko, 12

Soho na-highlight lang tatlong ginawa namin base sa aking

Presidential po yung mahahalagang sa Maynila, na experience,

Interview pamimigay ko ng bagay para pairalin mga bata may executive at

pera, ayuda sa ‘yan. ‘Yung tablet, ang legislative, ano…

mga kababayan number one, mga bata may ah marami na

natin dahil sa transparency. bandwidth o akong nagawa at

pulitiko ako at Sisiguraduhin ko internet every ito na yung huling

kumakandidato na lahat na month. Ang hura, sinasabi ko

ako. Pero kung government mga teacher sa aking ah

babalikan po natin processes and merong laptop serbisyo sa aking

since 2002 and transactions, may buhay, ano. ah

2005 ay talagang transparent. ‘Yung bandwidth will Ayoko na sana

ginagawa ko na po pangalawa, do the same sa magpatuloy, ano,

yan, mina- accountability, entire country. pero nakita ko

maximize ko lang ‘yung pagsiguro Isu-survived yung

po ngayon bago na lahat ng public natin ang pag napakalalaking

mag-start ang officials aaral– problema ng ating

campaign period accountable sa ayokong isang bansa. Sa akin

which is on ginagawa nila. henerasyon tinitignan ko


February 8, hindi Pero ‘yung nagkaroon ng ‘tong presidency

na po tayo pangatlo na as bakante sa as a sacrifice…”

mamimigay diyan important is edukasyon.”

dahil susunod po people

tayo sa patakaran empowerment.”


patakaran ng


The KBP “Ito ang aking ““Angat Buhay sa N/A “Sa aking mga 15

Presidential mga plataporma, Hanapbuhay.” kapwa Pilipino,

Candidates stop corruption, Ibabalik natin ang isa sa mga

Forum employment, ibabalik natin ang natutunan ko sa

healthcare, tiwala sa loob ng

internet signal gobyerno. Kapag kalahating siglo

improvement, at may kumpiyansa ng serbisyong

renewable energy sa sistema ang tao, publiko bilang

development. Ang papasok ang sundalo, pulis, at

limang priyoridad puhunan, lalago mambabatas ay

ko 22 rounds ang negosyo, at ang kasabihang

agenda, mula sa dadami ang “Huwag sasabak

22 agenda na ito trabaho.” sa giyera ng hindi

ay nabuo po ang handa.” Bilang

““Angat Buhay sa
“Health of the kandidato niyo sa
Pabahay.” Ire-
Nation”.” pagka-pangulo,
relocate natin ang

mga nakatira sa maliwanag sa

danger zones para aking isipan ang

hindi na ulit sila ating mga

malalagay sa kalaban.

panganib sa Pandemya,

tuwing may kahirapan,

sakuna.” kawalan ng



utang, gutom,

hamon, sa

edukasyon at ang


ang talamak na

pagnanakaw o

pag-aksaya ng

pera ng bayan…”

4. Specific prefecture - N/A

5. The public in general

Table 20. Summary of the speakers’ replies  that are addressed to the The Public in General drawn from the


Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies  that are addressed to the The Public in GeneralPer Total

Candidate and Total Occurrences

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo Lacson

Pacquiao Domagoso

The 2022 Gusto ko lang Saka i- “...who will Bakit hindi pa rin natin 84

Presidentia po i-explain empower violate, no matter nasawata, uh ano.

l one-on- sa inyo na talaga sila. how big they are, Nagkakasya tayo dun

one yung mining Pag sinabi they need to be sa nagrereact na lang

interview kasi ah hindi kong i- shutdown and tayo kung ano ang

with Boy naman po empower sila, those who comply mangyayari. So,

Abunda ipinagbabawa kailangan (ah) (eh) sinasabi na, walang

l talaga yan sa bago sila tutulungan ng kaso sa Pilipinas, good

mata ng ating nagdedesisyo pamahalaan para walang kaso. Pero may

Panginoon. n lalo silang ginawa ba tayo para

Even before sisiguraduhin yumabong.” talagang hindi

sabi nga ng natin na magkaroon ng kaso  o

Panginoon ay naiintindihan hindi makapasok?...  
people– ihire
I give you uh nila. Marami tayong
natin, sila
I brought you pagkakamali, hindi na
‘Yung sa’kin, pagtanimin natin
to the land tayo natuto sa ating
hindi control they know better
that you can mga pagkakamali.”
pero ginagawa than anybody else
uh dig copper
mo silang on how to plant
up of it, so it “Kasi nagkaroon tayo
accountable trees.
means there is
na dapat sila

responsible, ay sinisiguro ng doll-out mentality.”

kailangan wag nila na yung

mo sirain ang mga lalabas sa

kalikasan kanilang

because ang social media

kalikasan platform ay

bahaging ng ang makaka-

ating buhay. access noon

‘yung mga tao

Ang issue po na tama na

na yan ay yung mga

matagal na po mental saka

at uhm psychological.

humingi po

ako ng sorry

sa kanila,

kung naka-

offend ako sa

kanila eh uh

hindi naman

tayo perpekto

dito sa

mundo, lahat



And ahm at

higit sa lahat,

mataas pa rin

ang respeto

ko sa mga uh

LGBTQ at uh


ngayon uh

marami po

akong mga uh

supporters na

mga LGBTQ.

The Jessica “Unang-una “Ako number “Well, O respect “Ang isang kamalian 35

Soho ang problema one, hindi everybody's nating mga Pilipino—

Presidentia natin ay tayo natuto sa opinyon their tumigil tayo sa…na

l Interview minsan mistakes in entitled to that but mangarap ano. We

matigas rin the past. And what matter most have become

ang ulo natin ‘yung to is the result (no) dreamless, hopeless

at hindi tayo prognosis nito basta tayo- at the and helpless… helpless

uh sumusunod kailangan end of the day noh. Ang…ang dapat

sa batas. At talagang ma- there  is a goal and dito baguhin yung

ang solusyon embed na siya there must be a attitude ng ating mga

dito ay sa ating result and results kababayan sa ating

sumunod tayo educational matter.  Yun ang gobyerno…”

sa system para importante,


kinauukulan, bata pa lang kapakinabangan

sa ating naiintindihan ba ng tao. “…First six months,

gobyerno at niya na kung Napapakinabanga napadisiplinado ng mga
magtulungan ano ‘yung n ba ng tao? tao. Alam mo Jessica,
tayo at mali at ano Nararamdaman ba nagkawala maski
magkaisa. ‘yung tama, ng tao? Yoong stambay. Ang
Ang para hindi mga pagbabago o dumarating sa aming
kailangan dito natin paulit- mga programa, mga complaints noon,
ay uh nag- ulit na tumatama ba sa away kapitbahay, yun
uusap, nagagawa ulit kapakinabangan ang pinakamalala, but
nagkakaisa ‘yung mga ng tao. Yun ang over time after six
para maling mahalaga sakin months pumasok na
resolbahin nangyari in more than naming yung abuso, pumasok
ang anumanh the past. things what a na yung greed…”
problema ng ‘Yung number person is doing.

ating two, uhm, It’s about the

bansa…” ‘yung values result, the result

system.” matters.”

pong salamat “Ako, there is “Lahat ng may

at sa ngayon always the kasalanan,

ay nagka- first time. papapanagutin. So

intindihan na Yung- yung kung may

po kaming sa akin tingin nabubuhay pa jan

lahat. At uh ko nga baka- na nagkakasala

iyong baka fresh dapat pinapanagot


paniniwala ko start ito para na nila sa panahon

po ay sa bansa natin. nila.”

nananatili po Na yung-

yun, ang yung uupo na

aking presidente ay

paniniwala sa presidente

Panginoon. At hindi lang

yung uh nanggaling sa

pagkalinga sa isang partido

kanila, pero

pagtutulungan presidenteng

sa kanila bukas sa kahit

nandiyan pa anong

rin po para sa partido.”


at mas

marami pong



sa atin at


The KBP “Unang-una “Hindi na “fiber optics at the “Naging kultura na 19

Presidentia po diyan is talaga tayo same time from yung kultura ng


l housing, kasi pwedeng time-to-time we palakasan, yun ang

Candidates naranasan ko magbulag- can access satellite ating ihihinto. Kaya

Forum po ang bulagan sa but the thing is in nga kailangan iba

matulog sa salot ng fake the likes of Elon lamang ang standard na

kalye, news at trolly Musk creating susundin, at magagawa

naranasan ko na laganap sa (uhm) this low mo lamang yun kung

po na walang social media, orbiter meron kang leadership

tahanan, at kailangan tayo communication by example kasi pagka

kaya naman magkaisa at through internet, iba yung trato mo sa

po yang tumindig no? pag ito naging kaalyado, kaibigan,

pagbibigay laban sa matagumpay we kamag-anak, at iba ang

natin ng organisado at as Philippines as a trato mo sa hindi

pabahay mula malawakang– country must kaalyado at kalaban sa

pa po nung ” acquire this pulitika  hindi tayo

2002. services for magtatagumpay. So isa

Inumpisahan purpose of lamang hindi pwedeng

natin yan communication double standard.

nung 2005, because during Kailangan isa lamang

nagbigay na disaster time’ ang standard sa

po tayo ng uh communication is pamamalakad.”

libong a key’.”
“To Filipino people,
pabahay sa
when the dust settled in
ating mga
the war zone and all
kababayan, sa
programs and platforms
abot ng aking
are heard, I sincerely

makakaya hope that I was able to

gamit po ang present myself as the

aking leader we need:

pinaghirapan competent, qualified,

na pera. and with wealth of

Kailangan po experience. “

na magkaroon

ng sariling

tahanan kasi

ako po ay

naniniwala na

sa malinis at

maayos na



ang uh


pangarap ng

isang tao.”

6. Economic and industrial circles

Table 21. Summary of the speakers’ replies that are addressed to the Economic and Industrial Circles

 drawn from the Interviews


Interview Sample oof the speakers’ replies that are addressed to the Economic and Industrial Total

Circles Per Candidate and Total Occurrences

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo Lacson

Pacquiao Domagoso

The 2022 So, ang deficit Unang-una, “we need to Kulang ang ayuda 33

Presidential nun ay utangin kailangan generate more talaga ng

one-on-one natin, managing pinapalakas FDIs– Foreign gobyerno, para sa-

interview a country para natin 'yung Direct Investments. para mapromote

with Boy kang nagma- ating defense. More investments, yung ating uh

Abunda manage nang by Pinapalakas more jobs, more local na mga

simplify ko na natin 'yung source of income,” indutriya,

lang para kang ating defense, manufacturing

“Well kung yung
nagma-manage naglalaan tayo MSMEs, ano.99.5
mina na
nang isanf ng pera para ng uh kabuoan ng
pinanggalingan ay
bahay na kung siguraduhin na mga industries
hindi iligal [...] at
gumagastos ang 'yung natin.
legal at
bahay ng kinakailangan
makatwiran yung
ganitong halaga natin para
dapat hindi ka depensahan
nila– responsable
gagastos nang 'yung sarili
mas mataas pa natin ay kaya
dun. natin.
why not? “

The Jessica Leni Robredo - 4



“Ang pinaka kailangan talaga, trabaho. Makaka-create lang tayo, Jessica, ng trabaho
dito uh pag inayos natin ‘yung ating governance at pag inayos natin ‘yung ating

ekonomiya. Noong nakaraang buwan, naglatag na ako ng aking Hanapbuhay Para

sa Lahat na platform.”

Francisco Domagoso -

“Nakatanggap na ako kasi ang ginawa natin yung  mga dating tindahan doon sa

Ilaya, Santo Cristo, Carmen Planas (ahhh) Asuncion, yun nakakapag tinda pa rin

sila. Simple because itong mga kalyeng nilinis ko ay daanan ng mga tao na

sumasakay ng pampasaherong sasakyan na nape perwisyo.”

The KBP “Alam niyo po N/A “Second alam, “I will. Kasi 14

Presidential dapat napapanahon importante yung,

Candidates maunawaan ng naman na dapat ah, isang essence

Forum taong-bayan na gumawa tayo ng ng tourism

ang ating imprastraktura industry bigyan

gobyerno ay whether pabahay o natin ng

hindi lamang po mga gusaling– wag pagkakataon yung

sa Tax Revenue naman maging talagang, talagang

Income magre- basang sisiw yung yung tourism area,

rely bilang ating mga magkaroon tayo

source of kababayan, lalo na ng parang, ah,

income. taon-taon namang tourism estate, ah,

Mayron po may bagyo alam mentality na kung


tayong naman natin sila saan makapag-

tinatawag na mapeperwisyo attract at ah ma-

Non-tax dapat yung develop talaga

Revenue gobyerno nakatuon yung tourism. Ah

Income dapat na don sa particular especially, yung

yung non-tax heograpiya ng Boracay ano

revenue income ating bansa na kinikilala sa buong

ay palakasin laging sinasalanta mundo at dahil

natin para hindi ng mga may pandemya

lamang din sa kalamidad.” pwedeng ring ah

tax revenue mag-shift sa

“Three, we must
income magre- domestic tourism
acquire technology
rely ang ating kasi pinupuntahan
through data
bansa. Kaya rin ng ating mga
analytics para we
lamang po ang kababayan ang
should be ahead of 
nangyayari eh Boracay, so
anything na
yung nai-ambag pipirmahan ko
mangyayari sa
na ng non-tax yung, ah yung
kalamidad no?”
revenue income batas na tungkol

dito sa ating uh sa Boracay.”

gobyerno ay

nasa mga 6%

lamang po

annually ang

nai-ambag sa

source of

income ng non-

tax revenue.

Kailangan po

baliktad dapat

ang ating

gobyerno ay

mag-rely doon

sa non-tax


income, para

hindi po tayo

magtaas nang

magtaas ng

taxes na

resulting to


masyado yung

mga bilihin.”

7. Others
Table 22. Summary of the speakers’ replies that are addressed to Others drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that are addressed to Others Per Total

Candidate and Total Occurrences

The 2022 Presidential one- Leni Robredo - 5

on-one interview with Boy Number one, sinungaling. Pangalawa, in the difficult moments,
Abunda hindi siya nagpapakita.

Ito malungkot ito, Boy, pero ‘yung kabutihan ng loob kasi sa atin

hindi sapat.

Panfilo Lacson-

Yes, basta’t hindi illegal at saka yung nagva-violate ng batas at

meron kang issue dun sa mag-uh… ginawa natin-namin to, Boy

uh. Hindi lahat ng donations tinatanggap namin.

The Jessica Soho Presidential Interview N/A

The KBP Presidential Candidates Forum N/A

Table 17 - 22 summarizes the Receiver to whom the interviewees’ responses

seem to be addressed. In broadcast news interviews, there are multiple receivers. Thus,

when an interviewee responds to a question, it is not always clear whether the intended

receiver is the interviewer or some other party, such as the general public, a particular

segment of the public, or another politician or group of politicians. These other parties

can be referred to as the “overhearing audience”. 

The tables represents the speakers’ replies in to whom they are being addressed.

Eliciting relevant information for the overhearing audience. It conveys that the three

interviews indistinguishably addressed mainly directly the interviewers and

succeedingly, the public in general. 

3. Content - how clear is the message in terms of what is being said?

1. Straightforward, easy to understand, only one interpretation is possible

Table 23. Summary of the speakers’ replies that are Straightforward, easy to understand, only one

interpretation is possible drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that are Straightforward, easy to understand, only Total

one interpretation is possible Per Candidate and Total Occurrences

Manny Pacquiao Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo Lacson


The 2022 Eh di nga, Boy Ako naniniwala “What we have “unang-una ang 102

Presidential ang sinasabi ko ako, Boy, sa done in Manila bottom line is

one-on-one na kailangan sustainable is to really responsible mining,

interview talaga ng mining. Pero confront CoVid- ano. Bastat’t uh

with Boy Responsible para sa’kin kasi 19 and prepare tumutugon dun sa

Abunda Mining. Kung ‘yung for any worst uh mga issues mga

nakakasira yan, sustainability scenario.” challenges sa

bakit mo ma-aattain lang environment. Uh

papayagan? natin ‘yun pag “you always talk ang mining industry

Kung meron tayong to your children hindi naman

nakakaapekto sa maayos na and be pwedeng patayin

community na mekanismo para reasonable to kasi major industry

nasasakupan, ‘yung mga them and try to ito ng Plipinas.”

doon nakatira doon, explain to them Of course it should

makakaapekto sa ‘yung mga the gravity of the be evidence based
kanila. Bat mo taong situation… hindi pupuwedeng
papayagan? mangangalaga (uhm) especially say-so, mag-aakto
ay binibigyan kung menor de yung uh gobyerno.
natin ng boses. edad no, that is Kailangan talaga uh
the job of being sabi ko nga kanina
a parent to your lagi tayong dapat
children.? babalik sa data-


The Jessica “...Yun nga po “Ako number “Hindi– pagka- “Ang isang 48

Soho uh na-highlight one, hindi tayo fake ang kamalian nating

Presidential lang po yung natuto sa pagkatao hindi mga Pilipino—

Interview pamimigay ko ng mistakes in the naman siya ang tumigil tayo sa…na

pera, ayuda sa past. And ‘yung tinatawag ko eh. mangarap ano. We

mga kababayan prognosis nito Basta fake ang have become


natin dahil sa kailangan pagkatao, fake dreamless, hopeless

pulitiko ako at talagang ma- na tao. Kahit na and helpless…”

kumakandidato embed na siya anong gawin mo

“Kasi nahinto kami
ako. Pero kung sa ating pa, fake ka pa
sa konsepto. Ang
babalikan po educational rin. Mag Palit-
natin since 2002 system para palit ka pa ng
pag-usapan yung
and 2005 ay bata pa lang kulay, fake ka pa
konsepto, yung
talagang naiintindihan rin. Kasi
theory.ako kasi iba
ginagawa ko na niya na kung nakikita,
yung aking
po yan, mina- ano ‘yung mali nararamdaman
pananaw dito.
maximize ko at ano ‘yung yan ng tao eh.
Gusto ko merong
lang po ngayon tama, para hindi Ako as a citizen
kongreto, merong
bago mag-start natin paulit-ulit I can see it, not
closure sapag-
ang campaign na nagagawa only as mayor.”
uusapan. Kaya ako
period which is ulit ‘yung mga
“ Lahat ng may nag propose ng
on February 8, maling nangyari
kasalanan, isang kongkretong
hindi na po tayo in the past.
papapanagutin. solusyon o
mamimigay ‘Yung number
So kung may approach para
diyan dahil two, uhm, ‘yung
nabubuhay pa magkaisa ang
susunod po tayo values system.”
jan na opposition or non-
sa patakaran ng
nagkakasala administration…”
patakaran ng
pinapanagot na
nila sa panahon


The KBP “Ito ang laban “Kasama, hindi “In the first two “I will. Kasi 47

Presidential ko, laban ng kasama, years we will importante yung,

Candidates bawat pilipino, kalaban, build seventeen ah, isang essence ng

Forum handa na po ako. kakampi wala world class tourism industry

Ito ang aking tayong regional bigyan natin ng

mga plataporma, kikilingan. Kasi hospitals similar pagkakataon yung

stop corruption, oras na may to what we did talagang, talagang

employment, kinilingan tayo for Bagong yung tourism area,

healthcare, magiging failure Ospital ng magkaroon tayo ng

internet signal na lahat. Pag Maynila and parang, ah, tourism

improvement, at may pinaburan PhilHealth will estate, ah, mentality

renewable energy tayong isang be better na kung saan

development. grupo, magiging managed by makapag-attract at

Ang limang failure na rin financial experts. ah ma-develop

priyoridad ko 22 lahat ng Barangay health talaga yung

rounds agenda, gagawin natin. centers will be tourism. Ah

mula sa 22 Dito updated, salary especially, yung

agenda na ito ay nakasalalay as well as Boracay ano

nabuo po ang yung tiwala ng security tenure kinikilala sa buong

“Health of the taumbayan, oras of medical mundo at dahil may

Nation”.” na makita ng personnel pandemya pwedeng

taumbayan na ensured. Mental ring ah mag-shift sa

health issues will domestic tourism


iba yung–” be adequately kasi pinupuntahan

addressed.” rin ng ating mga

kababayan ang
“Then smart
Boracay, so
governance, we
pipirmahan ko
must– we must
yung, ah yung batas
make public data
na tungkol sa
open. Freely
available and

downloadable in

user-friendly and



2. Totally vague, impossible to understand, no meaning at all

1. Consists of long complex sentences that are difficult to follow

Table 24  Summary of the speakers’ replies that Consists of long complex sentences that are difficult to follow

drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that Consists of long complex sentences that are Total

difficult to follow Per Candidate and Total Occurrences


Manny Pacquiao Leni Robredo Francisco Domagoso Panfilo


The 2022 Alam mo, Boy Yes. Kaya nga abused You have to generate N/A 42

Presidential kaya ako balik siya kasi dapat sana, more FDIs, if you

one-on-one nang balik sa di ba dapat sana yung create more foreign

interview korupsyon kasi social media uhm, direct investment then

with Boy gusto ko malaman maganda ‘yung it will generate more 

Abunda ng taong bayan na naidulot niya sa atin opportunities I think

kaya nagkaka- kasi bigla na lang that we are going four

ganuto ang ating the world has become billion dollars, yung

bansa, kaya so small na mga neighboring

nagkaka-ganuto everything is, is ah, in countries natin na

ang sitwasyon ng our grasp pero dapat thirteen billion dollars,

pilipino, kasi inaayos natin thirty billion dollars,

sitwasyon ng ‘yung accountability, why? napakamahal ng

ating bansa accountability ng mga gasalina natin,

because of tao, saka mga napakamahal ng

corruption. Kung organisasyon, saka kuryente natin. So

wala yang mga negosyo na hindi nagpupuntahan

korupsyon na yan, merong control sa satin yung mga

ang layo na nang content na nilalabas pabrika, yung mga

narating ng bansa nila. industriya— doon

natin. Hindi tayo lahat sila nag i-invest

kulelat at tayo pa ang rules natin hindi

siguro ang

number 1 sa certain.

buong Asia,

totoong-totoo that's why I made a

yang sinasabi ko commitment to the
diyan ko na- general  public, I’ll cut
diskunre sa isang it into fifty percent
dekada o mahigit yung taxes. So that we
kong pagse- can be more
serbisyo sa competitive, there's so
gobyerno. Wala many things then
akong uh interes perceptions is very
dito na pang-sarili important.
ko, kundi ang best

interest ko dito ay

para ang tao

matulungan mo

yung mga kasama

ko sa kung saan

ako nanggaling.

Isang kahig, isang

tuka hindi pa

makakain, gusto

ko naman

guminhawa ang

bubay nila. Gusto


ko yung mga

susunod na

henerasyon, hindi

nila maranasan

yung naranasan


The Jessica “Na-correct ko na “Actually, Jessica, “first things first, food N/A 11

Soho po yung mga mas symbolic sya. security, yung mga

Presidential bagay na yan. Yung–yung lugaw mangingisda natin

Interview Nung araw po mas symbolic sya in sisiguraduhin kong

absent po ako the sense na kaya lang nakaka pangisda kayo

palagi nung naman yun na jan yan ang katiyakan.

congressman pa parang.. nadikit sa Second, hindi na

po ako dahil uh akin, kasi nung 2016 lalawak pa kung ano

busy po ako sa na kumakandidato man yung mga nakuha

pagpapagawa ng ako wala rin ako nila. Habang binabawi

mga bahay, yung resources. Yung mga natin (ah) yuong mga

housing ko sa volunteers namin, ito nakuha na nila, hindi

Sarangani kaya yung ginawang na sila makalalawak at

palagi po ako dun fundraising activities. third, I will make sure

sa Sarangani, sa And yung mga there is presence of our

distrito ko. Ito volunteers ngayon na armed forces in that

pong senador na 2022, yun din yung archipelagic area.”

ako, hindi po uh ang na-associate nila

kailangan mag- sa akin. So yun yung


absent dahil paraan nila para

importante uh ipakita yung

ginagampanan mo pakikiisa. Yun yung

yung trabaho mo paraan nila para

at talagang ipakita sa tao na kaisa

tutulungan mo nyo kami sa laban na

yung mga tao. ito.”

Kaya pinakita ko

sa taong-bayan na

disiplinado akong

tao kaya nakita

niyo po na perfect

yung attendance


The KBP “Ang pagbaba po “Ako kailangan kasi “Kaya kailangan N/A 7

Presidential ng corporate tax Dan may, may natin– kung talagang

Candidates ay hindi po yan mechanism–gustong naghahanap tayo ng

Forum biglaan, gradual sabihin ng mechanism pambayad ng utang,

po yan dahil uh kailangan yung kita at trabaho

magsa-suffer rin pagpili pa lang ng kailangan natin itong

po ang revenue representatives ng ipush through because

income ng ating people's council this is a new source of

gobyerno. maayos na natin. Ah, income without giving

Palakasin nga po yung proseso sa pag- burden s ating mga


natin yung non- discussion hindi taxpayers. New source

tax revenue naman pwedeng of possible income for

income para open-ended, pero everyone  but at the

maibaba natin yung other end nito, same manner  we must

yung uh corporate halimabawa ngayon, obey follow all

tax income sa meron nang mga regulation with regards

bansa natin dahil requirements for to protecting our

ang concern po national projects na  environment and

talaga ng ating kailangan may free environmental effect

bansa ay yung informed bio–pa of this reclamation in

revenue income minsan yung mga their irrespective

annually. Kaya po consultation geography”

ang kagandahan ginagawa lang na

lang po diyan na parang stamping pan,

ibaba natin yung magkonsuktang one

corporate tax time, hindi na. So

income, marami kai–ang simbaka nito

pong papasok na napakaimportante,

mga foreign napakaimportante

investment dito sa nito kasi yung

Pilipinas dahil uh pagdesisyon talaga

bibigyan po sila galing sa baba. Hindi

ng incentives. siya trickle down.

Yun po ang Lagi tayong bottom-

gagawin natin up kasi palagay natin


para ma- yung mga best

engganyo sila at policies, ang kasama,

uh mag-invest at kabahagi sa pag-

makapagbigay ng discuss nito yung mga

trabaho sa stake holders mismo.

milyon-milyong So while mahalaga

pilipino. Hindi ang boses nila yung

lamang po yan, proseso yung

hindi lang po yan magsasabi kung

ang pokus natin hanggang saan yung

kundi yung mga konsultasyon para

micro-small hindi naman

medium mabinbin yung mga

enterprises eh programa ng

palalakasin po pamahalaan.”

natin para


talaga sa uh ating

mga kababayan

ng trabaho. Ang

magiging resulta

po nun ay ang

trabaho ang

maghanap sa tao

hindi ang tao ang


maghanap sa

trabaho. So, yun

po ang importante

sa ngayon dahil

hanapbuhay ang

kailangan ng


2. There is run-around, double talk 

Table 25. Summary of the speakers’ replies that is run-around, double talk drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that is run-around, double talk  Per Candidate and Total

Total Occurrences

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo Lacson

Pacquiao Domagoso

The 2022 Dialogue. Ang Saka ito kasi, Tito Well kung yung Now, yung 91

Presidential problema kasi Boy, na… mina na pantawid

one-on-one hindi ma-resolba naaabuso. Alam pinanggalingan ay balikan ko,

interview yan sa isang mo merong hindi iligal [...] at gawin nating

with Boy dialogue o requirement sa legal at pang-ahon.

Abunda dalawang batas na makatwiran yung Meaning,

dialogue lang. konsultasyon. Pero pagnenegosyo bigyan mo sila

Sa ganitong ‘yung konsultasyon nila– responsable ng tulong para


usapin, kadalasan na yung sila’y umangat

maraming ginagawa– ito pagnenegosyo, sa buhay,

dialogue at least reklamo ‘to ng mga why not? bigyan mo sila

minimun of 10 tao on the ground ng mga i-

or 8 dialogues. na lagi nating We always think of capacitate,

nakakausap. Ang– worst scenario and ano. Kasama

Importante yan ang kanilang am fortunate, yun dapat sa

dahil importante reklamo ay parang thanks to  British programa,

na alam mo masyadong government I was hindi lamang

kung pano i- superficial ‘yung sent to (uhm) yung doll-out

manage ang consultation na December (uhm) na pang-kain,

bansa. Alam mo ginagawa at hindi no, february  of kung hindi

kung ano yung natin ‘to ipapayag. two-thousand pang-uh pang-

gagawin mo at twenty I spoke harness ng

uh yun po ang Ah, actually ang with cobra, I got  kanilang skills.

sinasabi ko na ayuda, Boy, is dole the plan of British

wag tahakin ang out. Pero ito kasi government, Boy, nagawa

isang landas na crisis situation ito. kinopy ko, ko na, noong

hindi mo alam Parang halimbawa, implement ko chief PNP ako

yung gagawin binagyo ‘yung except for the talagang yung

mo. lugar na ‘to. weather  because kotong ineli-

Walang kuryente, we don’t have niliminate ko.

Kahit rape. May walang tubig… winter. Ngayong

part ka rin diyan, senador ako,

‘Yun na nga. I
may part ka rin naga-ginagawa
mean dahil hindi

diyan sa uh bata mo pwede i- ko pa rin

na nabuo. Hindi delineate, hindi mo

naman mabubuo pwedeng alisan ng Well,

yan kung sa pagkakataon ‘yung kailangan wala
lalaki lang eh, mgagtapos dahil ring uh
mayroon ka rin walang-wala. hindi attendant na
diyan. nakapa corruption,

kasi talagang

sa, ako babalik

at babalik tayo

sa usaping

corruption kasi

yan talaga

yung mula’t sa


The Jessica “Marami pong “Hindi ako umalis “Sana matigil na N/A 36

Soho salamat at sa ng Liberal Party talaga  yung pasa-

Presidential ngayon ay Jessica, Hindi ako pasa ng politika sa

Interview nagka-intindihan umalis ng Liberal mga kanilang mga

na po kaming party pero- kaya kamag-anak para

lahat. At uh ako nagkandidato magkaroon naman

iyong as independent kasi ng opportunity

paniniwala ko gusto namin hindi yung ibang tao na

po ay nananatili ilimita sa partido makapamili (no) sa


po yun, ang namin yung mga lider ng ating

aking makakasama sa kanya-kanyang

paniniwala sa labang ito.” komunidad and

Panginoon. At particularly sa
“Ako aaminin ko
yung uh bansa kasi  yung
sayo Jessica
pagkalinga sa mangyayari for the
frustrated ako nung
kanila, past forty years,
hindi nangyari.
pagtutulungan sa ang nag aaway
Frustrated ako kasi
kanila nandiyan dalawang pamilya
iniisip ko ito sana
pa rin po para sa lang isang parang
yung best chance
mga LGBTQ at (uhm) (ah) tungkol
for us to unite
mas marami lagi sa kanilang
under one
pong LGBTQ na buhay-buhay at
candidate. Pero
sumusuporta sa buhay lamang nila
nung hindi sya
atin at at higantihan lang
nangyari at
naniniwala…” ang nangyayari.”

“...Yun pong uh kumandidato ako,

na-misquote ang daming

lang po talaga nangyari after that

ako. Uh mali na maraming mga

lang po yung sumali sa aming

pagka-intindi sa grupo na hindi

akin, mahabo po naman kasali sa

yung aming partido.”

explanation ko

dun sa

paliwanag ko na


The KBP “Ito pong 22 “Ako Ed, ang N/A “Trabaho po 22

Presidential rounds na nabuo talagang gagawin ng NBI at saka

Candidates ko po ay ko, ito yung mga ng Law

Forum talagang ito po ic-certified kong Enforcement

ang magpap- urgent. Ako, ang ng PNP na

unlad sa ating pinakauna uhm, i- maghanap ng

bansa. Dito po require yung may mga

sa loob ng 22 Disclosure ah, sa warrant of

rounds priority lahat ng arrest. Ako

agenda na government offices wala akong

nagawa po natin, and viniolate kasi

bumuo po tayo instrumentalities. nga merong

ng health of the Kahit wala pa juries

nation. Which is batas. Kasi kahit prudence, yung

housing, wala pang batas, Tulyaw case.

education, pwede akong Kung nabasa

agriculture, gumawa ng niyo na po

livelihood, executive order, yun, eh tama

transportation para meron nang yung sinasabi

utilities and ganun na demand doon na

health. Yun po from all primary sa


ang priority government offices rights ng

natin palagi at –ang pinapasok individual na,

uh hindi lamang kailangan yung ah, ka-

po yan yung uh, isapubliko natin– excercise niya

sustainable even with the out dahil sinasabi

livelihood rin lead of request. sa juries

po, importante Ayun talaga yung prudence

yan. Dahil sa pinaka-essence sa maski hindi ka

bawat pamilya Full Disclosure. magpasa-ilalim

kailangan ito Mas maganda Ed, sa legal, ah,

para may kung may batas physical

makain sila sa dahil kahit hindi na custody eh

araw-araw.” ako pangulo, tuloy- pwedeng pa

tuloy, ring umandar

“Hindi po. Ah,
institutionalize yung kaso.
wala pa pong
yung requirement Yun po yung
eleksyon, hindi
na yun. Pero aking ginawa
pa po ako uh
habang wala pang kasi yung
under sa batas at
batas ay mag- abogado ko na-
uh kaya po
gagawa na tayo ng tiyempong
executive order, the alam niya yung
ko habang wala
same with FOI. “ batas so wala
pa. Ngayon,
po akong
panahon na ng “Hindi na talaga
viniolate na
magka- tayo pwedeng
bat–na batas
campaign period magbulag-bulagan

na ay tigil na po sa salot ng fake doon. Malinaw

yung pamimigay news at trolly na po sa juries

natin. At laganap sa social prudence na

susunod po tayo media, kailangan andiyan po.

sa kautusan ng tayo magkaisa at Kung

COMELEC at tumindig laban sa babasahin po

ng uh ating organisado at natin ng

gobyerno. Hindi malawakang– “ masinsinan at

po ako uh maayos yung

lumalabag sa batas,

batas.” malalaman

niyo wala



“ Well yun

talagang may

provity tapos


hindi, hindi

dapat yun ah,

nanggaling sa

political rin


3. Includes difficult terms, or professional jargon

Table 26. Summary of the speakers’ replies that Includes difficult terms, or professional jargon

 drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that Includes difficult terms, or Total

professional jargon Per Candidate and Total Occurrences

OTHER Panfilo Lacson


The 2022 N/A Kulang ang ayuda talaga ng gobyerno, para sa-para 1

Presidential one-on- mapromote yung ating uh local na mga indutriya,

one interview with manufacturing MSMEs, ano.99.5 ng uh kabuoan ng

Boy Abunda mga industries natin.

The Jessica Soho N/A “Nakasigurado na po yun, nakagarantya na dun sa 1

Presidential batas mismo. Katakot takot po ang safeguards niyan

Interview sa anti-terror law. Nilamon lang kami, nilunod lang

kami ng black propaganda nung mga kontra dito…”



Candidates Forum

4. Consists of multiple arguments

Table 27. Summary of the speakers’ replies that are Consists of multiple arguments drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample f the speakers’ replies that are Consists of multiple arguments Per Candidate Tota

and Total Occurrences l

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo

Pacquiao Domagoso Lacson

The 2022 Tama po yan, Ipapawalang-bisa ko. Confront– means Ang problema 38

Presidenti kasama yan sa Para sa’kin, Boy, lived with it… rinkasi, yung

al one-on- ating napakahalaga pagdating lived with it, as bureaucracy,

one programa. sa usapin ng long as we build ano.nandiyan

interview Yung environment na more hospital, the na yung issue

with Boy pagbibigay ng binibigyan at way we build ng corruption.

Abunda housing, ineempower ‘yung mga bagong ospital ng Kapag

libreng maapektuhan.  Maynila, we naglagay o

pabahay at Pangalawa, doon sa mga build like for kaya 

saka libreng lugar na ipapayag ‘yung example; Manila nakiusap, at

hanapbuhay, mining dahil uhm, CoVid-19 field malapit yun

bibigyan natin nakasaad sa Land Use hospital in Luneta ang

ng hanapbuhay uhm, Act na pwede para yung  may napagbibigyan

para may ‘yung gawin mga mga sakit na in spite of so

pangkabuhaya mineral sites, walang many

n, araw-araw sisiguraduhin natin na kakayahang mag violations. So,

may pambili ‘yung mga isolate meron dapat isa lang

sila ng pagkain makikinabang ‘yung silang pag yung standard,

nang mabuhay locality. Ah hindi lalagakan, noh. Uh pa


sila kasi negosyante, hindi… mapanatag ang maning man

naranasan ko hindi uhm…hindi pamilya nila,  at mapa-ibang…

ang walang Pilipino, ah pero ‘yung ang pamilya tuloy

pagkain sa makikinabang lalo na sa paghanap

isang araw, ‘yung mga indigenous buhay.

naranasan ko peoples, dapat sila ‘yung

na walang makinabang, dapat pag leadership is all

matulugan, papayagan ito, Tito Boy, about protecting
naranasan ko sisiguraduhin natin na your people.
na magutom, ‘yung boses noong mga Proteksyunan mo
tubig lang maaapektuhan ay mamamayan mo,
nang tubig, pinapakinggan unahin mo tao,
Boy ang yung
nakapag- nasasakupan mo.
survive sa That’s how you
amin. Hindi ko define  yourself,
maalis sa uh there are things
sarili ko na what you called
hindi ako na mandalas mo
maging- kong marinig dito
emosyonal ‘maasim man ang
masyado dahil suka kailangan
pagdating sa mong inumin’.
mga mahirap

kasi dumanas

kami ng hirap,

nagutom kami,

tubig lang

inumin namin

para maka-

survive kami

sa isang araw.

Yan yung

desire ko uh

puso ko gusto

kong tulungan

ang mga

mahihirap na

tao dahil

dumanas ako

na walang

pagkain sa

isang araw.

The “Unang-una “Ako depende sa kung “Well, O respect “Yun ang 30

Jessica ang problema papaano mo dine-define everybody's aking

Soho natin ay ang kamay na bakal. Uh opinyon their pananaw.

Presidenti minsan unang-una noong ako ay entitled to that Color blind sa

al matigas rin uhm tinanggal bilang– but what matter politics—

Interview ang ulo natin bilang HUDCC most to is the hindi dapat

at hindi tayo chairman, pinagpatuloy result (no) basta kung dilaw ka


uh sumusunod ko yung adbokasiya. tayo- at the end kailangan

sa batas. At Kung katapangan lang of the day there  lahat ng

ang solusyon naman yung pag- is a goal and sasabihin mo

dito ay uusapan, Jessica, in there must be a makadilaw at

sumunod tayo many stages of my life, result and results kung ikaw

sa pinakita ko ito. Nawalan matter.  Yun ang makaDDS

kinauukulan, ako ng asawa, lumaban importante, lahat ng

sa ating ako. Ah noong kapakinabangan sasabihin mo

gobyerno at kumandidato ako bilang ba ng tao. makaDDS.

magtulungan congresswoman, kalaban Napapakinabanga Hindi ako

tayo at ko isa sa n ba ng tao? ganun. Ako

magkaisa. Ang pinakamatinding Nararamdaman lagi ang

kailangan dito political dynasties sa ba ng tao? Yoong tinitgnan ko,

ay uh nag- lugar namin pero mga pagbabago o ano yung

uusap, lumaban ako. Ah noong mga programa, tama, ano

nagkakaisa lumaban ako bilang Vice tumatama ba sa yung na-

para resolbahin President, baguhan ako, kapakinabangan makakabuti sa

ang anumanh kalaban ko lahat uhm ng tao. Yun ang ating mga

problema ng senador na nakaupo, mahalaga sakin kababayan.

ating bansa…” lahat lalaki, ako lang more than I’ve always

yung babae pero naming things been

nagtagumpay ako.” what a person is consistent

doing. It’s about aaah

the result, the Jessica…”


result matters.”

The KBP “Ay, yan po “Lahat ng mga “ fiber optics at “Unang-una 16

Presidenti ang programang nakapasa the same time po meron na

al palalakasin na, itutuloy natin basta from time-to-time tayong, ah,

Candidate natin yung wala itong problema. we can access National ID

s Forum non-tax Pero pagdating satellite but the System Act. 

revenue infrastructure malinaw thing is in the May batas na,

income natin na layunin at likes of Elon pag ito'y pina-

because po estratehiyang tutugon sa Musk creating fully

bukod sa mga hamon ng panahon. (uhm) this low implement.

corruption, Yung pagtutok sa Rural orbiter Kasi sa

nawawala po development, number communication ngayon, nasa

yung revenue one yun sa atin, pagtutok through internet, mga 50 plus

income ng sa water resources no? pag ito Million pa

ating gobyerno management, pagtutok naging lamang ang

kaya po nagsa- sa public transport, matagumpay we naco-cover. I

suffer po pagtutok sa mga as Philippines as hope–ako po

talaga ang reconstruction housing a country must yung author,

ating bansa. project para sa mga acquire this may akda at

Mas malaki lugar na tinamaan ng services for saka yung

yung kalamidad, yun yung purpose of sponsor nito,

ginagastos ng ating mga  priority sa communication kaya

bansa natin Build Build Build. Ipa- because during napakamabisa


taon-taon prioritize din natin yung disaster time’ po ito hindi

kaysa kinikita connectivity at shift sa communication is lamang dun sa

ng bansa natin. teknolo-technology- a key’.” pagtugon ng

So, ang based resources. Ah, mga, ah,

concern natin pagsasabatas ng open tutulungan ng,

yung revenue access in data ah, ng ating

income ng transmission para national

ating bansa. maging suporta nito. government sa

Dalawa kasi Pero yung satin klaro, ayuda, pero

ang source of talagang may priority ito rin yung

income ng yung pagdala ng rural magbibigay sa

ating bansa, development dahil yung atin ng ah ng

yung tax progress ng ating bansa ngipin, ng

revenue ay nakasalalay sa kung lakas sa ating

income at non- maayos ang ekonomiya law

tax revenue sa mga kalayunan.” enforcement

income. Ang para yung, ah,

problema po ating

dahil sa seguridad ano

corruption, ang at pati yung ah

ating gobyerno nahahagip ng

ay nagre-rely ah cyber ah

lamang po tax crimes ay

revenue madaling

income. Ang mahuhuli.


nai-ambag Kasi nga lahat

lamang po ng tayo pag-aari

non-tax ng ah

revenue National–

income ay 6% Philsys, ano,

lamang po sa number na

income ng tinatawag. Ah

ating gobyerno sana madaliin

taon-taon. ng ah PSA ng

Kaya Philippine

kailangan Statistics

mag-focus Authority ang

tayo doon para pag-

ang tap hindi implement

mahirapan at nito para

kahit dito sa maisakatupara

ating bansa ay n na yung, ah,

magkaroon sila batas. Sayang

ng ginhawa, yung batas

pagdaring sa naipasa, kung

pagbu- hindi ma-

business.” implement ng


Table 23 - 27 summarizes the speakers’ replies that were assessed whether the

message were clear (straightforward, easy to understand, only one interpretation is

possible) as answers by implication (in that the interviewee makes his/her views clear

without explicitly stating what those views are), or as vague, impossible to understand

or no meaning at all. 

Thus, the summary presented in Table 23 show specifically the messages  of the

interviewees that were coded  and evaluated in the first degree of equivocation with the

highest frequency in all the three interviews. 

Bavelas et al. (1988, 1990) are highly critical of the notion that politicians are

intrinsically evasive; instead, they propose that it is the nature of the political interview

itself that creates intent pressures for equivocation. An alternative point of view is that

such pressures are an inherent part of the political process: For example, electorates

are frequently divided on controversial issues, hence interviewers who challenge

politicians on such topics are simply doing their job. But whatever the reasons for

equivocation, it is widely believed to be a prime characteristic of politicians in news


In situations where politicians have to respond to conflictual questions they also

have additional techniques like being vague and ambiguous or certain and confident

(Holly 1994; Simon-Vandenbergen 1996; Becker 2005; Johansson 2006). Table 25

shows the frequency of which the interviewees’ responses have run-around, double talk

(circutious talk). Needless to say, there were also reponses that consists of multiple


4. Context - what extent is this direct answer to the question?

1. Direct answer to the question asked

Table 28. Summary of the speakers’ replies that are Direct answer to the questions asked drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that are Direct answer to the questions asked Per Total

Candidate and Total Occurrences

Manny Leni Robredo Francisco Panfilo Lacson

Pacquiao Domagoso

The 2022 Talagang uh Saka ito kasi, Tito So, those who Well, tama lang 123

Presidential amiyendahan ng Boy, na…naaabuso. will violate, no na ilift ang ban

one-on-one uh saligang Alam mo merong matter how big kasimatagal na

interview batas natin dahil requirement sa they are, they ring uh kung

with Boy hindi na uh batas na need to be merong mga

Abunda naaayon doon sa konsultasyon. Pero shutdown and new permits na

bagong ‘yung konsultasyon those who i-issue,basta’t sa

henerasyon kadalasan na comply (ah) (eh) aking ang

ngayon. Yung ginagawa– ito tutulungan ng bottom line is,

mga eh reklamo ‘to ng mga pamahalaan para kailangan

especially yung tao on the ground lalo silang responsible

technology eh na lagi nating yumabong. mining at kung

high-tech na uh nakakausap. Ang– merong mga

yung batas na ang kanilang What we have violations along

ginawa natin reklamo ay parang done in Manila is the way, walang

wala pang masyadong patumangga na


technology nung superficial ‘yung to really confront dapat ipatupad.

araw. consultation na CoVid-19 and

ginagawa at hindi prepare for any Yes! Kita

Importante yan natin ‘to ipapayag. worst scenario. naman natin

dahil importante Kaya nga ang resulta eh. Ako,

na alam mo sinasabi ko ang So– yesss it’s laging output

kung pano i- pinakamahalaga true– kapag ang tinitignan

manage ang ‘yung mekanismo, talagang may ko. I’m always

bansa. Alam mo hindi pwede na magnanakaw output driven,

kung ano yung basta ka lang gobyerno,

gagawin mo at nagpa-meeting ay makakati ang Unang-una ang

uh yun po ang ‘yun na. kamay, kawawa bottom line dito,
sinasabi ko na Sisiguraduhin natin ang tao. ang problema,
wag tahakin ang na ‘yung tunay na
isang landas na boses ng mga

hindi mo alam mamamayan,

yung gagawin pinapakinggan.


Saka i-empower

 Doable po. talaga sila. Pag

Nagagawa po sa sinabi kong i-

ibang bansa yan, empower sila,

bakit sa atin kailangan bago sila

Hindi? nagdedesisyon

sisiguraduhin natin

na naiintindihan

May tome lang nila.

kami na pwede

kayong gumamit

ng Social Media.

The Jessica “Opo, at “Ako number one, N/A “Ang isang 29

Soho kailangan po na hindi tayo natuto sa kamalian nating

Presidential sumunod tayo sa mistakes in the mga Pilipino—

Interview batas trapiko, past. And ‘yung tumigil tayo

batas ng ating prognosis nito sa…na

gobyerno dahil kailangan talagang mangarap ano.

kung hindi po ma-embed na siya We have

tayo susunod ay sa ating educational become

ganito po ang system para bata pa dreamless,

mangyayari sa lang naiintindihan hopeless and

atin. Maghihirap niya na kung ano helpless…”

po tayo…” ‘yung mali at ano

“Meron, kasi—
‘yung tama, para
“Hindi ko dapat hindi tayo
hindi natin paulit-
naman masabi mawalan ng
ulit na nagagawa
na ni minsan, pag-asa. Ako
ulit ‘yung mga
minsan po ay I’m always
maling nangyari in
nagvi-violate inspired by my
the past. ‘Yung
ako dahil bilang supporters. Lalo
number two, uhm,
uh tawag ng na yung mga

aking trabaho ay ‘yung values under own ano,

importante kaya system.” walang pag-

minsan nagvi- iimbot, at

“Hindi ako umalis
violate ako pero talagang
ng Liberal Party
ito po ay may gumagastos sa
Jessica, Hindi ako
dahilan…” sariling
umalis ng Liberal
party pero- kaya

ako nagkandidato

as independent kasi

gusto namin hindi

ilimita sa partido

namin yung

makakasama sa

labang ito.”

The KBP “Ito ang laban “Ako dapat talaga “In the first two “On my–on the 47

Presidential ko, laban ng ginagawa yan, years we will first day of my

Candidates bawat pilipino, dapat talaga build seventeen office no,

Forum handa na po ako. ginagawa yung world class waiver of my

Ito ang aking background check. regional rights under the

mga plataporma, Hindi lang sa mga hospitals similar Bank Secrecy

stop corruption, aspirants pero lahat to what we did Act at ini-

employment, na public officials for Bagong encourage ko

healthcare, kasi yung, ang Ospital ng lahat ng ah


internet signal public office sa Maynila and deploys ng

improvement, at public trust.” PhilHealth will gobyerno,

renewable be better officials and

“Hindi pa. Hindi pa
energy managed by employees to do
tayo ready mag-
development. financial experts. the same. I
move on kasi
Ang limang Barangay health cannot mandate
marami pang mga
priyoridad ko 22 centers will be it but I will
kaso ang wala pang
rounds agenda, updated, salary encourage
resolusyon. Ah, in
mula sa 22 as well as because these
fact, meron nga
agenda na ito ay security tenure of are individual
yung mga
nabuo po ang medical rights but I'm
kumakandidato, ah,
“Health of the personnel going to set the
not just sa national
Nation”.” ensured. Mental tone of my
pero pati na rin sa
health issues will presidency to
local na na-involve
be adequately establish a clean
dito sa issue ng
addressed.” government.
PDAF, and, and sa
Leadership by
akin talaga “Six,
example ang
kailangan we get to infrastructure,
tawag namin
the bottom of this.” Build, Build,
dun. Maraming
Build will
continue but PPP

being revived

especially in the

height of

expected higher

loan interest rate

and higher debt.”

2. Totally unrelated to the question

1. Intentionally ignores the question

Table 29. Summary of the speakers’ replies that Intentionally ignores the questions drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

The 2022 Manny Pacquiao - 2

Presidential one-on- Hindi yung uh hindi naman ako sarado sa sa Open Pit Mining kasi hindi
one interview with naman talaga yan delikado, alalahanin lang natin na ang kalikasan ay bahagi
Boy Abunda ng ating buhay, dyan tayo galing. Hindi tayo ginawa ng Panginoon by uh


Francisco Domagoso -

ang logic ko jan is– is like (uhm) mayroon kang trangkaso , meron tayong

ubo kung baga as long as nababawasan mo yung mortality rate because you

have medicine, you have vaccine, you have medicine, you have oxygen,

you have  (uhm) (ah) antiviral (uhm) (ah) drugs and of course (uhm)

machineries in our public hospitals. The way we did to…


The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao - 4

Presidential “...Yun pong uh na-misquote lang po talaga ako. Uh mali lang po yung
Interview pagka-intindi sa akin, mahabo po yung explanation ko dun sa paliwanag ko

na yun.”

Leni Robredo -

“Ako aaminin ko sayo Jessica frustrated ako nung hindi nangyari.

Frustrated ako kasi iniisip ko ito sana yung best chance for us to unite under

one candidate. Pero nung hindi sya nangyari at ultimately kumandidato ako,

ang daming nangyari after that na maraming mga sumali sa aming grupo na

hindi naman kasali sa aming partido.”

Francisco Domagoso -

“Ang unang-una kong binalik sa mga taga-Maynila ay dignidad, nagkaroon

sila ng masisilungan, panatag ang buhay nila, kapagka ang tao binigay– ang

mahirap binigyan mo ng pabahay tumataas agad ang kalidad ng buhay ng

pamumuhay. Binigyan mo ng maayos na hospital pag nagkasakit ang mga

magulang may matatakbuhan silang maayos at disenteng ospital.  Pinag

aaral mo ng maayos yung mga anak, may pasilidad na maganda. I think

basically this basic services– basic needs- addressing basic needs will

alleviate yung katatayuan ng buhay ng isang mahirap na pamilya.”



Candidates Forum

2. Acknowledges the question without answering it

Table 30. Summary of the speakers’ replies that Acknowledges the question without answering it drawn from

the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that Acknowledges the question without answering Total

it  Per Candidate and Total Occurrences

Manny Pacquiao Leni Robredo Francisco Domagoso Panfilo


The 2022 Alam mo Boy, isa Ang gusto ko It's not good, that’s unang-una ang 40

Presidential yan sa mga sabihin, it is by excessive. So tignan bottom line is

one-on-one isinusulong choice, and not mo ngayon yung responsible

interview namin ang pagka- by necessity. efficiency, ito na mining, ano.

with Boy sugpo nang Ang problema yung pumasok yung Bastat’t uh

Abunda ganyang kasi ngayon, administrative tumutugon

pornograpiya. kahit ayaw management ng isang dun sa uh mga

Dapat kontrolin naman nilang tao, on what is issues mga

ng ating gobyerno iwan ‘yung efficient and what is challenges sa

yung signal natin, mga pamilya productive and how environment.

yung internet nila, wala to define this things– Uh ang mining

signal natin. silang choice well siguro sa industry hindi

Yung kung lahat kasi walang experience ng isang– naman


ng technology available na isang administrador… pwedeng

baga control ng trabaho dito. So patayin kasi

gobyerno para papaano ‘yan major industry

hindi maabuso, mangyayari? ito ng

ngayon naaabuso Kailangan Plipinas.

uh pati yung mga ayusin natin

bata ‘yung economy

nakakapanood, natin para yung

dapat hindi mga kababayan

makapanood ang natin na umalis,

mga bata. nalulungkot na

sa mga pamilya

Eh ah pinilit ka. nila, gustong

Pero ang ibig bumalik, may

kong sabihin babalikan. Kasi

pwede pang mag- minsan gusto

hilom, pag naman nilang

masugaran tayo bumalik, hindi

diba maghihilom naman sila

naman, makabalik kasi

gumagaling. wala silang


The Jessica “Ako po kasi “Hindi ‘yun “Well, O respect N/A 24

Soho gusto kong ‘yung primary everybody's opinyon

Presidential pagkaisahin ang motivation pero their entitled to that


Interview sambayanang that is one of but what matter most

pilipino kasi sa the factors that to is the result (no)

pamamagitan ng helped me basta tayo- at the end

pakikipaglaban decide ,uhm, to of the day there  is a

ko sa ring ay run, pero ito goal and there must

nagkakaisa ang kasi naaalala be a result and results

bawat pilipino. naman natin matter.  Yun ang

Ang ayaw ko lang merong importante,

po ay yung 1Sambayan, kapakinabangan ba

masama lalo na merong isang ng tao.

yung korupsyon multi-sectoral Napapakinabangan ba

na nagpapahirap na pagkakaisa ng tao?

sa ating mga ng mga iba’t Nararamdaman ba ng

kababayan, yung ibang grupo na tao? Yoong mga

mga masasamang ito sumailalim pagbabago o mga

gawain, tino- tayo sa proseso programa, tumatama

tolerate yung and ‘yung ba sa kapakinabangan

batas eh dapat commitment ko ng tao. Yun ang

pairalin yung doon na kung mahalaga sakin more

batas. Mayaman ako ‘yung than naming things

ka man o napili ay what a person is

mahirap…” kakandidato doing. It’s about the

ako.” result, the result

“Ako sa ’kin,

Jessica, ‘yung

abi– sa’kin kasi

‘yung solusyon

ng lahat na

problema ng

ating bansa,

hindi siya

nakasalalay sa

isang tao, pero


siya sa lahat na

Pilipino. At ang

tingin ko ‘yung

dapat na


susunod na

Pangulo, ‘yung

Pangulo na


capacity and

ability to

inspire. To

inspire other

Filipinos to

own the


The KBP Francisco Domagoso - 7

Presidential “unang-una pagka sila pumasok dito may mga bagay na pwede tayong kopyahin
Candidates nakapag nag invest ang foreigner dito, bibigyan natin sila ng particular (uhm)
Forum prescribed time to sustain their investment but what matter most to me; pag nag

invest ang mga banyaga dito sa ating bansa may maibigay tayong trabaho kasi ang

importante ngayon–  pandemya.

Panfilo Lacson -

“Unang-una po meron na tayong, ah, National ID System Act.  May batas na, pag

ito'y pina-fully implement. Kasi sa ngayon, nasa mga 50 plus Million pa lamang ang

naco-cover. I hope–ako po yung author, may akda at saka yung sponsor nito, kaya

napakamabisa po ito hindi lamang dun sa pagtugon ng mga, ah, tutulungan ng, ah,

ng ating national government sa ayuda, pero ito rin yung magbibigay sa atin ng ah

ng ngipin, ng lakas sa ating law enforcement para yung, ah, ating seguridad ano at

pati yung ah nahahagip ng ah cyber ah crimes ay madaling mahuhuli. Kasi nga lahat

tayo pag-aari ng ah National–Philsys, ano, number na tinatawag. Ah sana madaliin

ng ah PSA ng Philippine Statistics Authority ang pag-implement nito para

maisakatuparan na yung, ah, batas. Sayang yung batas naipasa, kung hindi ma-

implement ng maayos.”

3. Questions the question

Table 31. Summary of the speakers’ replies that Questions the question drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that Questions the question  Per Total

Candidate and Total Occurrences

The 2022 Presidential Manny Pacquiao - 4

one-on-one interview Paano ako makatulong sa mga magulang ko? Pano ako makatulong sa
with Boy Abunda pamilya ko? Anong kinabukasan ko?

Yung maging abortion ay?

Francisco Domagoso -

If there is therapeutic abortion that are exisiting  thenlet’s have a

therapeutic way of dealing and helping the mother with an unwanted

children.  Diba?

Panfilo Lacson -

Bakit hindi pa rin natin nasawata, uh ano. Nagkakasya tayo dun sa

nagrereact na lang tayo kung ano ang mangyayari. So, sinasabi na,

walang kaso sa Pilipinas, good walang kaso. Pero may ginawa ba tayo

para talagang hindi magkaroon ng kaso  o hindi makapasok?

The Jessica Soho

Presidential Interview N/A


The KBP Presidential

Candidates Forum N/A

4. Attacks the question

Table 32. Summary of the speakers’replies  that Attacks the question drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that Attacks the question Per Candidate and Total

Total Occurrences

The 2022 Manny Pacquiao - 6

Presidential one- Unang-una uh papayagan natin. Pero, unang-una gusto nating uh respetuhin
on-one interview din yung desisyon ng Pangulo kasi that’s his prerogative as uh executive, as
with Boy Abunda a leader. At uh papayagan natin sila dito na mag uh investigate dito sa atin,

at uh ahm basta hindi lang maabuso yung sovereignty natin na meron

tayong sovereignty. Na hindi maapakan yung uh ating mga kababayang

pilipino na uh maipaglaban natin yung ma-depensahan ang ating mga


Francisco Domagoso -

Well kung yung mina na pinanggalingan ay hindi iligal [...] at legal at

makatwiran yung pagnenegosyo nila– responsable yung pagnenegosyo, why


Well, you keep claiming its yours but as far as we’re concern, historically

it’s ours and technically speaking under the existing number of rules and

laws and agreement, it’s ours. Favorably binigyan tayo ng pabor doon sa


The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao - 5

Presidential “...Yun nga po uh na-highlight lang po yung pamimigay ko ng pera, ayuda

Interview sa mga kababayan natin dahil sa pulitiko ako at kumakandidato ako. Pero

kung babalikan po natin since 2002 and 2005 ay talagang ginagawa ko na

po yan, mina-maximize ko lang po ngayon bago mag-start ang campaign

period which is on February 8, hindi na po tayo mamimigay diyan dahil

susunod po tayo sa patakaran ng COMELEC at patakaran ng gobyerno.”

Panfilo Lacson -

“Well, let’s put it this way ano, three months pa para mag-a talagng

selection. If yung a election will held today at saka kung accurate lahat yung

Pulse survey na ginagawa malinaw na merong isang klarong mananalo.

Pero, it’s so happens na, hindi pa naman ngayon ang election, hindi pa sa

araw na ito, tatlong buwan pa at pwedeng marami pang mangyari…”

The KBP Panfilo Lacson - 1

Presidential “Trabaho po ng NBI at saka ng Law Enforcement ng PNP na maghanap ng

Candidates Forum may mga warrant of arrest. Ako wala akong viniolate kasi nga merong

juries prudence, yung Tulyaw case. Kung nabasa niyo na po yun, eh tama

yung sinasabi doon na primary sa rights ng individual na, yung ah, ka-

excercise niya dahil sinasabi sa juries prudence maski hindi ka magpasa-

ilalim sa legal, ah, physical custody eh pwedeng pa ring umandar yung

kaso. Yun po yung aking ginawa kasi yung abogado ko na-tiyempong alam

niya yung batas so wala po akong viniolate na bat–na batas doon. Malinaw

po sa juries prudence na andiyan po. Kung babasahin po natin ng

masinsinan at maayos yung batas, malalaman niyo wala akong viniolate.”

5. Attacks the interviewer

Table 33. Summary of the speakers’ replies that Attacks the interviewer drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that Attacks the interviewer  Per Total

Candidate and Total Occurrences

The 2022 Manny Pacquiao - 2

Presidential one-on- Eh di nga, Boy ang sinasabi ko na kailangan talaga ng Responsible

one interview with Mining.
Boy Abunda

Francisco Domagoso -

Tama naman yun pero diba? Yun yung buhay natin. Hindi ko gustong

maging basurero, hindi ko gustong kumain ng tira ng tao but iyon ang

ipinagkaloob sa akin ng tadhana. Ipinilit kong masigasig, ipinilit kong

ibangon ang sarili ko , pinilit kong pagbutihin ang  sarili ko   ng makilala

ako ng lipunan ng maayos na tao.

The Jessica Soho Panfilo Lacson - 1



Interview “Hindi po ako nag break ng law. Meron hong jurisprudence na

pinapayagang magfile ng pleadings ang isang nasasakdal maski meron ng

warrant of arrest. Noon po ako’y umalis, wala pa akong warrant of arrest

wala akong vinaloate, kasi wala akong hold departure order…”


Presidential N/A
Candidates Forum

6. Declines to answer a question

Table 34. Summary of the speakers’ replies that Declines to answer a question drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that Declines to answer a question Per Total

Candidate and Total Occurrences

The 2022 N/A

Presidential one-on-

one interview with

Boy Abunda

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao - 1

Presidential “Magandang tanong po yan, at uh talagang may mga tao po na gustong

Interview buwahin ang partidong PDP. Pero ako pinipihilan ko po na hindi mabuwag

dahil ang PDP po ang adbokasiya ng PDP ay para sa kapakanan ng

sambayanang pilipino. Gusto ko pong magkaisa at wag po nating gamitin

para sa ating best interest kailangan sa interes ng mga pilipino…”



Candidates Forum

7. Makes a political point

Table 35. Summary of the speakers’ replies that Makes a political points drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that Makes a political point Per Candidate and Total

Total Occurrences

Manny Pacquiao -

The 2022 From the beginning, Boy,  ito yung announcement ko sabi ko okay mag-focus tayo 53

Presidential dun sa procurement ng vaccines. Pagdating nang ano uh habang wala pa yung

one-on-one vaccines, lockdown na mu na tayo. Tapos habang lockdown, mag-vaccinate tayo

interview lahat tapos pag marami na ang vaccinated na tao at saka tayo mag-open, hindi na

with Boy kailangan na mag-lockdown na ulit. Vaccinated na yung mga tao lalo na yung mga

Abunda nagta-trabaho.

May mga programa nga na nakaabang diyan kung baga sa ano sinasabi ko talaga

dito sa ating bansa, Boy na mag-karoon tayo nang long-term concrete plan. Kasama

kahat yan sa yung mga sakuna na dumarating sa ating bansa, kasama sa plano yung

pag-develop ng ating infrastructure, yung mga economic development natin, yung

economiya natin na palakasin para makapag-bigay nang trabaho sa sa milyong

milyong pilipino.

Leni Robredo -

I was given the opportunity to be ICAD Co-Chair. Uhm, yung ICAD yung inter-

agency task force, for 18 days. Pero those 18 days gave me a enough, enough

opportunity to assess what was wrong with the Anti-Drug Program. Yung number 2,

‘pag tinignan mo talaga ‘yung ating datos, hindi siya kumpleto. In fact, when I was in

ICAD ongoing palang yung survey kung ilan ba talaga yung mga drug users.

Alam mo marami nang panukalang batas na finile sa Congress over the years, kahit

noong nasa 16th Congress ako, na iba-iba ‘yung mga pananaw kung paano siya

aayusin. Pero ako it’s high time that we assemble, uhm all those who are proposing.

Francisco Domagoso -

“we need to generate more FDIs– Foreign Direct Investments. More investments,

more jobs, more source of income, we cannot keep on taxing our people based  –  para

mapatakbo natin ang ating gobyerno.”

“I mean paanong bagong bayani pag dumating kawawang-kawawa, six thousand

pesos nagbabayad– that’s why we offer Manila Covid  Field Hospital for free for

OFW and the very least that we can do. So, iba yung kyaw-kyaw, iba yung lip


Panfilo Lacson -

“Alam ng DOH, alam ng authorities ito na silang dalawa uh afflicted ano, uh ng

Covid. Tinanong naming sa aming Senate hearing, nagawa niyo na ba yung contact

tracing, kilala naman niyo yung mga pasahero, kung kayang kontakin. Alam mo sagot

sa’min, 17% lamang yung kanilang nacontact. Doon nagsimulang kumalat yung Covid
The Jessica Manny Pacquiao - 24

Soho “Na-correct ko na po yung mga bagay na yan. Nung araw po absent po ako palagi
Presidential nung congressman pa po ako dahil uh busy po ako sa pagpapagawa ng mga bahay,
Interview yung housing ko sa Sarangani kaya palagi po ako dun sa Sarangani, sa distrito ko.

Ito pong senador na ako, hindi po uh kailangan mag-absent dahil importante uh

ginagampanan mo yung trabaho mo at talagang tutulungan mo yung mga tao. Kaya

pinakita ko sa taong-bayan na disiplinado akong tao kaya nakita niyo po na perfect

yung attendance ko…”

“Alam niyo po sa mahigit isang dekado kong pagse-serbisyo sa ating gobyerno.

Nakita ko ang problema kaya po ako talaga uh lumaban dahil ang laban ko na ito ay

laban ng bawat pilipino dahil nakita ko ang problema at ang mga pang-aapi sa ating

mga kababayan, kaya ipaglalaban ko at panahon na para ang mahihirap naman ang

manalo sa labang ito…”

Francisco Domagoso -

“Nag focus kami on how to save lives as many as possible, as soon as possible kaya

kung bakit– kung makikita ninyo ang Maynila ang takbuhan ng mga gamot, bakuna

atsaka mga testing kits or swab testing because we’ve been preparing for this. Gusto

namin laging ahead of  whatever (ah) yung mga hindi natin inaasahan na paglago ng

CoVid nineteen which so far sa awa ng Diyos nagagamit kami ngayon ng ating mga

kababayan sa Metro Manila sa ibang bahagi ng probinsya sa– sa– sa central Luzon,

sa southern Luzon.”

Panfilo Lacson -

”Kasi nahinto kami sa konsepto. Ang pinakamadaling pag-usapan yung konsepto,

yung theory.ako kasi iba yung aking pananaw dito. Gusto ko merong kongreto,

merong closure sapag-uusapan. Kaya ako nag propose ng isang kongkretong

solusyon o approach para magkaisa ang opposition or non-administration…”

“At karapatan ng tao na yun na maging scars kasi hindi naman siya lumalabag kasi

merong existing na jurisprudence in that regard. So, kasi kung ah yung dating ah

jurisprudence ang susundin…”

The KBP “Ito pong 22 rounds “Ako, ang “akin para “Ah 33

Presidential na nabuo ko po ay pinakauna uhm, i- hindi na tayo magsisimula

Candidates talagang ito po ang require yung mag dagdag ng ako sa Internal

Forum magpap-unlad sa Disclosure ah, sa gastusin  wag Cleansing,

ating bansa. Dito po lahat ng na tayong nagawa ko na

sa loob ng 22 rounds government magdagdag ng ito nung Chief

priority agenda na offices and Bureau na PNP ako,

nagawa po natin, instrumentalities. meron namang tinanong din


bumuo po tayo ng Kahit wala pa nag eexist ako kung

health of the nation. batas. Kasi kahit ngayon na anong

Which is housing, wala pang batas, sapat, epektibo pangunahing

education, pwede akong at mga lokal na problema ng

agriculture, gumawa ng pamahalaang PNP, eh, agad

livelihood, executive order, nakikinabang na sagot ko

transportation utilities para meron nang sa ekonomiya, yung PNP at

and health. Yun po ganun na demand trabaho, ang sagot PNP

ang priority natin from all hanapbuhay at rin. So

palagi at uh hindi government negosyo sa nireporma ko

lamang po yan yung offices –ang lugar na yun. yung PNP

uh, sustainable pinapasok Kung baga, nawala yung

livelihood rin po, kailangan wag na nating kotong culture

importante yan. Dahil isapubliko natin– let’s not fix at, ah, mula

sa bawat pamilya even with the out what is not baba

kailangan ito para lead of request.” destroyed. hanggang taas

may makain sila sa Hindi naman nawala din

“Ang approach
araw-araw.” sira kailangan yung
talaga natin i-
pa ba nating corruption.
“Alam niyo po, modernized at
ayusin.In Fact, Ganun din ang
strikto po ako suportahan ang
it’s other way i-apply, scale
pagdating sa agricultural sector
around, up lang natin
pamumuno. para bumaba ang
national na national
Maglagay po tayo ng gastusin nila sa
government government,
tao sa bawat ahensiya pagsasaka. Kaya
should support internal
ng ating gobyerno na hindi tayo

uh nakakapag- local cleansing…”

mapagkakatiwalaan, compete kasi government in

honest at tapat sa napakataas ng that area”

pagse-serbisyo at may ating cost of prod

“That is why
kakayahan.” —kapag nagawa
kung maalala
natin ito tataas ang
kita nila, mae-
palalakasin ko
enganyo sila
yung navy
magsaka at
(ohhh) naalala
magiging sapat
niyo yun para
ang pagkain na
sa WPS o (ah)
po-produce sa
para sa ating
(ah) mga


same thing

para sa mga

smuggler at

nagpapasok ng

droga kasi it

seems na

nawawala nga

production ng

dorga dito pero



dito. So there

must be a

problem in our

entry or port of


8. Incomplete answer
Table 36. Summary of the speakers’ replies that are Incomplete answer drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that are Incomplete answer Per Candidate Total

and Total Occurrences

The 2022 Presidential Manny Pacquiao - 11

one-on-one interview “Delikado po talaga yan kaya kailangan talaga nang pag-supervise ng
with Boy Abunda ating gobyerno na uh tignan mabuti, ito ba’y dapat may Open Pit Mining

dito? Kasi kung crowded area na yan parang…”

Leni Robredo -

Yes. Actually ‘yung trabaho both short and long term. Pero ‘yung ngayon,

‘yung mga hindi nakakapasok, hindi nakakapasok kasi nagkasakit. Hindi

nakakapasok kasi ah nagsara yung opisina…

Francisco Domagoso -

What we have done in Manila is to really confront CoVid-19 and prepare


for any worst scenario.

That is inequality, that is grave injustice lalo na sa mahirap.

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao - 3

Presidential “Unang-una ang problema natin ay minsan matigas rin ang ulo natin at
Interview hindi tayo uh sumusunod sa batas. At ang solusyon dito ay sumunod tayo

sa kinauukulan, sa ating gobyerno at magtulungan tayo at magkaisa. Ang

kailangan dito ay uh nag-uusap, nagkakaisa para resolbahin ang anumanh

problema ng ating bansa…”

Panfilo Lacson -

“Pag nawala o nabawasan ng malaki ang katiwalian sa gobyerno, aasenso

yung ating mga mahihirap, ano. Alam mo yung equitable distribution ng

ah-ng …wealth, ng resources ng country…”

The KBP Leni Robredo - 2

Presidential “Hindi na talaga tayo pwedeng magbulag-bulagan sa salot ng fake news at

Candidates Forum trolly na laganap sa social media, kailangan tayo magkaisa at tumindig

laban sa organisado at malawakang– “

9. Repeats answer to previous question

Table 37. Summary of the speakers’ replies that Repeats answer to previous question drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that Repeats answer to previous question  Total

Per Candidate and Total Occurrences

The 2022 Manny Pacquiao - 28

Presidential one- “Yung counseling kasi uh Boy, hindi lamang sa word of God. Yung isha-
on-one interview share mo at ipapakita mo na ito pa yung kinabukasan mo na haharapin, ito
with Boy Abunda yung kinabukasan nitong uhm bata baka iyang bata pa nga na ipapanganak

mo ay yan pa nga ang isa sa mga magiging inspirasyon sa lahat ng mga tao

pagdating ng panahon.”

Leni Robredo -

‘Yung sa’kin, hindi control pero ginagawa mo silang accountable na dapat

sila ay sinisiguro nila na yung mga lalabas sa kanilang social media

platform ay ang makaka-access noon ‘yung mga tao na tama na yung mga

mental saka psychological.”

Francisco Domagoso -

“Yung normal na tayo, yung ganyan ganyan na lang na kahit (uhm) pag

ubo, nilalagnat ka gusto mo  mag isolate, mag isolate ka, gusto mong

magtrabaho , magtrabaho ka yun….  “

“Hindi na kayo aalis. Now, yun ang option– the value of income abroad, the

value of income in the country plus with your family these without your

family and that’s (ha) how you address the social cause of going abroad.”

Panfilo Lacson -

“Again, babalik ako dun sa sinabi ko nung una. Kailangan isang lang ang

standard. Hindi pupwedeng pagmalapit sa administration, medyo malambot.

“Yes, ginawa ko sa PNP yan, Boy. ganyan ang ginawa ko eh, ilan yung

napadismiss ko? 4 months lang nacorrect ko yung PNP”

The Jessica Soho N/A

Presidential -


The KBP Panfilo Lacson - 1

Presidential “Babalik ako dun sa pinakabasic na guidelines ko na sinusunod ano,

Candidates Forum paggawa ng policy desisyon o maski anong desisyon. Dapat science-based

at data-driven. Itong pinaka-importante kasi hindi lahat–hindi ito, ah, parang

pwede mong i-apply sa isang kapuluan. May mga areas na baka kailangan

talaga nilang mag-reclaim. Pero again, dapat naka-base ito sa siyensya at

saka sa mga datos, kailangan ba talaga, at ito ba’y makakasama sa

environment. Sa ibang lugar naman talaga hindi po pwede so napaka-basic

ang aking panuntunan. Science-based and data-driven, yun lang po. At

consultation pati, kasama sa data-driven yung makipag-konsulto ka sa mga

maaapektuhan na mga taga-roon sa lugar ng mga, ah, magkakaron ng

reclamation projects. Salamat.”


10.  States or implies that the question has already been answered 
Table 38. Summary of the speakers’ replies that States or implies that the question has already been answered  

drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the speakers’ replies that States or implies that the question has Total

already been answered Per Candidate and Total Occurrences

The 2022 Leni Robredo - 4

Presidential one- Ito nga, Boy, ito ‘yung first part ng sagot, di ba, kasi ito yung mas long term
on-one interview eh, gagawan mo talaga ng programa. Pero ‘yung retraining, skills training,
with Boy Abunda pwede na natin ‘yun gawin ngayon. Pero ‘yung pangatlo, sa Naga meron na

kaming sinimulan na migrant resource office. Ito, ang attempt nito ay

mabawasan ‘yung social cost. Ahm, meaning to say, ahm, merong, merong

pagkakataon na binibigay sa mga families na naiiwan, na pinapaintindi sa

kanila anong klase ng trabaho, ‘yung anytime na gusto nilang ma-contact

‘yung kanilang mga pamilya, ‘yung perang ipapadala sa kanila merong mga

financial literacy uhm, program. So, ano siya, buong programa.

Francisco Domagoso -

And that’s why yung mga kaninang sagot ko sayo, we need to encourage

foreign direct investments  and for us to be competitive we have to cut some

corners in term of laws to generate and attract– kailangan natin talaga eh–

kailangan nating ibalik yung– yung sigla ng pagpupuhunan sa bansa ng


Panfilo Lacson -

And that’s why yung mga kaninang sagot ko sayo, we need to encourage

foreign direct investments  and for us to be competitive we have to cut some

corners in term of laws to generate and attract– kailangan natin talaga eh–

kailangan nating ibalik yung– yung sigla ng pagpupuhunan sa bansa ng


The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao - 5

Presidential “Wala pong katotohanan yan, nagba-base lang po sila sa socila media po
Interview pero kumpleto naman po tayo ng mga papeles diyan. At uh hintayin na lang

po natin yung uh magiging resulta ng desisyon ng ating gobyerno, ng ating

korte at mga abogado ko na po ang nag-aasikaso niyan. Yan po ay tapos na,

nung araw pa, nagkaroon naman ng favor sa akin at dahil kumpleto naman

ako sa lahat ng mga papeles…”

Leni Robredo -

“Ako sinabi ko na kanina, Jessica, na ‘yung sa’kin ‘yung transparency

‘yung number one. Transparency, accountability, and people empowerment.

Pero ‘yung transparency, ‘yung una kong gagawin ay ‘yung Full Disclosure


Francisco Domagoso -

“Katulad ng nabanggit ko sa tanong mo kanina (ah) kasi baka

nakakalimutan natin na for the past forty years, ang magkaaway lang ay

dalawang pamilya sa pulitika. Yung mga partido lang nila– and where are

we now as a country? Where are we– naasan na tayo bilang mga tao, ganon

pa rin, same kwento.”

The KBP Leni Robredo - 1

Presidential “ Ito tama yung sinasabi niyo kaya nga sinasabi ko kanina na dapat talaga
Candidates Forum meron na tayong mga tertiary hospitals atleast, ah, per region and per

province. Para yung mga nagkakasakit na kailangan talaga ng health care na

maayos hindi na sila kailangan pumunta sa Manila. Ito yung may

kakayahang pumunta sa Maynila, pero ito, ah, pag walang kakayahan

pumunta sa Manila ito yung nangyayari, namamatay na lang.”

11. Apologies - N/A

Generally, interviewees are not able to shift from one topic to another. However,

there are instances where interviewees can challenge the normative question-and-

answer format of the interview in order to control the discourse. One way to

accomplish this is to talk about something else prior to answering an interviewer's

question. Greatbatch (1986:443) calls this practice "pre-answer agenda shifting"

Another practice, called "post-answer agenda shifts" (Greatbatch 1986:443), allows

interviewees to change the topic after answering an interviewer’s question.

In Table 28 which summarizes the direct answer to the questions that were posed

to the interviewees: from the three interviews that were coded and analyzed, it clearly

shows that most of the questions that were asked were directly answered by the

politicians. This result of the study provides an empirical evidence in oppose of the

popular view that politicians do not reply to a large proportion of questions in political

interviews. This study shows that politicians in the 20th century in the Philippines have

mastered the art of capturing the hearts of the Filipino voters or the general public in

all-out, by boldly answering each and if possibly all the questions throw at them

without damaging their self-face or the party they are representing. 

Moreover, interviewees can also control the topic of their talk by ignoring the


that has been established by a previous question, meaning they do not produce an

answer büt talk about something else (Greatbatch 1986). Generally, instances where

interviewees take a turn that is not a response to interviewers' questions represent a

violation of the normative question-and-answer sequence of interviews (Haworth


Table 35 shows the summary of the assessed responses in which the interviewees

answers were totally unrelated to the questions asked, rather they make a political

point to avoid answering the question. In certain circumstances it may be perfectly

reasonable for a politician not to reply to a question (for example, if the question is ill-

informed, unreasonable, or based on a false or highly contentious presupposition), Bull

and Mayer called this as “non-replies” (either only a part or none of the information is

given). The coding system consists of 12 categories of non-reply. Making a political

point (table 35) is the way the interviewees indirectly answered the questions followed

by acknowledging the questions without actually answering them (table 30). Declining

an answer occurred only once in the The Jessica Soho Presidential Interview by

Presidential candidate Manny Pacquioa. 

Greatbatch (1986b) has also studied how, in the event of a prior question not

having been answered, interviewers may use supplementary questions to pursue

information that an interviewee has declined to produce. In addition, supplementary

questions may be used to probe or counter the statements made by an interviewee.

There has also been considerable debate on the reasons for equivocation.

Bavelas, Black, Bryson, and Mullett (1988) and Bavelas, Black, Chovil, and Mullett

(1990) argue that politicians are frequently placed in what they call avoidance-

avoidance conflicts, where all of the possible replies to a question may have negative

consequences, but nevertheless a reply is still expected. For example, these researchers

point out that there are many controversial issues on which there is a divided

electorate: Hence politicians often seek to avoid direct replies supporting or criticising

either position, which would offend a substantial number of voters. 

The 2022 Presidential one-on-one interview with Boy Abunda and The KBP

Presidential Candidates Forum are unequivocal in terms of content and a direct answer

to the questions on the context dimension. However, the The Jessica Soho Presidential

Interview is unequivocal in terms of content but equivocal in terms of answering the

questions on the context dimension.


3. Subject of Enquiry/Response

1. What is the main content of the question?

1. Knowledge, or lack of knowledge of a certain topic or a fact

Table 39. Summary of the main content asked by the interviewer/s drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the main content asked by the interviewer/s  Per Candidate and Total

Total Occurrences

The 2022 No data

Presidential one-

on-one interview

with Boy Abunda

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao - 4

Presidential “Anong tingin ninyo sa mga drug addict?...”

Interview “Ano kaya ang solusyon sa illegal drugs?...”

Francisco Domagoso -

“Binggit niyo na may kumikita ng one hundred fifty million a month sa

pagpapatakbo ng mga illegal sidewalk vendors sa Maynila   at sinabi niyo


pa na may nagtangkang suhulan kayo. Sa ngayon may mga lugar na

pinayagan ng muli ng city hall ang mga sidewalk vendor; katulad ng ilang

bahagi ng Divisoria, Quiapo at iba pang mga lugar Maynila at meron pong

nakakapuslit na illegal sidewalk vendors doon aah, ang ibig sabihin ho ba

nito eh, nagkakabaran po ulit? Alam niyo ho ba ito?”

Panfilo Lacson -

“Are you honest? Kung magsabi ka ng ‘yes’ sasagutin kita next program.

May ipakita ako. “ yun ho ang sabi ni Pres. Duterte. Alam niyo ho ba kung

ano ang pinatutungkulan ng Pangulo at ano ang sagot niyo dun sa kanyang

tanong na, Are you honest?” / KNOWLEDGE OF A CERTAIN TOPIC

The KBP Manny Pacquiao - 4

Presidential “Oh Sir eto po, ika-kambiyo ko lang ng kaunti. Nung nakaraang taon,
Candidates Forum namimigay kayo ng pera at uh sabi nga ninyo, ayuda yan hindi pa yan

illegal dahil hindi pa naman campaign period. Pero hindi ho ba itong mga

binibigay niyong ayuda ay hindi naman yan dumadaan sa programa yan po

ay nakapila lamang. So, what makes it different from vote buying na


2. Human affairs/significant others

Table 40 Summary of the main content asked by the interviewer/s drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample Summary of the main content asked by the interviewer/s Per Total

Candidate and Total Occurrences

The 2022 No data

Presidential one-

on-one interview

with Boy Abunda

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao - 18

Presidential “May pagkakaiba ba ang pamimigay ninyo ng pera sa pinupuna ninyong

Interview ginagawa ng inyong kalaban?...”

“Ano ang sagot ninyo sa mga paratang na kulang ang binayad ninyong


“Ano ang reaksyon ninyo sa mga nagsasabing baka kulang pa kayo sa

karunungan, karanasan at kakayahan para sa pinakamataas na posisyon sa


Leni Robredo -

“At this point po ba impossible nang magkaroon pa ng unification among all

the other candidates?”/HUMAN RELATIONSHIP

Francisco Domagoso -

“From the numbers or the ratings sa survey, makikita na kapag nagsama-

sama  kayong ibang presidential aspirant, mas may laban kontra sa

nangunguna. Sa inyo pong palagay sa puntong ito, posible pa ang unification

among Lacson, Pacquiao, Robredo and yourself?” / HUMAN



Panfilo Lacson -

“Sinabi niyo sa twitter na “Unification could have succeeded if it was the

ultimate objective. It failed because it was a scheme.” Quote po yun sa inyo,

sinabi niyo rin na walang meeting of minds. Pakilinaw niyo nga ho ito kung

bakit sa inyong palagay ay hindi nagkaisa sina VP Robredo, Sen. Pacquiao,

Mayor Isko Moreno at kayo po.” / HUMAN AFFAIRS RELATIONSHIP

The KBP Panfilo Lacson - 6

“...What about you iba-ban niyo ba yung mga cabinet members
Candidates Forum
at ending the senate investigation if ever kayo maging


“...So how do you reconcile you're going into hiding with you're

being a Senator and a former Law Enforcer. Isang taon po halos


3. Political and social institutions

Table 41  Summary of the main content asked by the interviewer/s drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample Summary of the main content asked by the interviewer/s Per Total

Candidate and Total Occurrences

The 2022 No data

Presidential one-

on-one interview

with Boy Abunda

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao - 13

Presidential “Ano ang masasabi ninyo sa pahayag ng COMELEC na mali ang

Interview pamimigay ng pera?...”

“Question number 1: Panghuli ang Pilipinas sa 53 o limampu’t tatlong mga

bansa sa COVID-19 resilience ranking ng Bloomberg News Agency mula

September to November 2021 dahil daw po ito sa mabagal na COVID

response at vaccination. Sabi naman ng Malacañang, kulang sa context ang

pag-aaral ng Bloomberg at kamakailan ay umakyat na ang Pilipinas sa 50th

place. Ano po sa palagay nyo ang magandang ginawa ng adminsitrasyon sa

pandemyang ito na gusto mong ipagpatuloy at ano naman ang gusto mong

itama o ituwid?...”

Leni Robredo -

“pero ngayon hindi po ba para hong inabandona ninyo ang Liberal Party

when you declared yourself as an independent candidate sa pagtakbo sa


“Paano niyo sinisigurong lehitimo ang inyong mga donor?”/OPINION


Francisco Domagoso -

“ibat-ibang panig ng ating bansa, ang tanong sainyo, paano naman ang mga

taga-Maynila lalo’t ngayon meron pa rin ho tayong pandemya, hindi niyo ho

ba sila napapabayan?” /HUMAN RELATIONSHIP.

Panfilo Lacson -

“ano ba ang inyong paninindigan tungkol kay Pangulong Duterte at sa

kanyang administrasyon. Maituturing po ba kayong parte ng opposition?” /


The KBP Leni Robredo - 3

Presidential "Anong posisyon niyo sa Anti-turncoatism Bill sa pagre-reporma ng

Candidates Forum political parties, ah, at lahat po yan na gustong gawin, na matagal na, pero di

napaandar kahit nung panahon ng liberal party?"

"Hindi po pa gawain yung local government para magkaroon ng

consultation at dalin pataas?"

4. Political Process
Table 42. Summary of the main content asked by the interviewer/s drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the main content asked by the interviewer/s Per Candidate and Total

Total Occurrences

The 2022 No data

Presidential one-

on-one interview

with Boy Abunda

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao - 13

Presidential “Ano ang inyong diagnosis o sa tingin ninyo ay sakit nating nga pilipino at
Interview ng ating bansa at ano naman po sa inyong palagay ang gamot dito o

prognosis for recovery?...”

Leni Robredo -

“Napaka-polarized ng ating lipunan. Hati-hati, hindi magkaisa, noon

hanggang ngayon. Paano ho kaya ‘yun pag kayo ang nanalong Pangulo.

Paano niyo pagiisahin ang Pilipinas? Paano niyo pagbubuklurin ang mga

Pilipino kahit pa ‘yung mga hindi sumuporta sa inyo? ‘Yung mga pro-


Francisco Domagoso -

“Noong twenty-thirteen iniwan niyo po si Mayor Lim, ang kinampihan niyo

naman si (ah) Mayor Erap Estrada at nanalo rin po kayong vice mayor niya

pero noong twenty-nineteen, iniwan niyo si Erap at kinalaban niyo si Erap at

kayo ang naging mayor. So kung ang pagbabasehan daw po ay ito– itong

track record niyo na ito, nasaan daw po ang inyong loyalty?” /




Panfilo Lacson -

“ The same law that you have vowed to defend and uphold. You also made a

mockery of. Anong masasabi niyo ho doon?” / BUREAUCRACY

The KBP Manny Pacquiao - 16

Presidential “Dahil nga po sa pandemiya, lumubo na po sa 11 trillion pesos ang utang

Candidates Forum natin sa loob at sa labas ng bansa. Milyon-milyon na rin po ang walang

trabaho, mahirap na pong mangutang parang kalulitan namang magtaas ng

buwis. Maganda po ang mga plano niyo pero kung hindi po pwedeng

mangutang, hindi pwedeng magtaas nang buwis.aan po pupulutin ng inyong

gobyerno. Saan po pupulutin ang pera para ma-pondohan ang lahat ng plano


Leni Robredo -

“Ah, so it was the time ah, that the LP had more than half of congress in its

ano, in its ranks, so what could make it different now? How can you push

transparency, Full Disclosure, FOI, all these bills that are close to your heart,

pero...di naman nat–di naman napapasa sa kongreso, what could make it

different now?”

5. Political commitment

Table 43. Summary of the main content asked by the interviewer/s drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the main content asked by the interviewer/s Per Candidate and Total

Total Occurrences

The 2022 No data

Presidential one-

on-one interview

with Boy Abunda

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao - 7

Presidential “Handa na ho ba kayong maging lider ng ating bansa? …”

Interview “Ano ang mga pangakong tinitiyak mong 100% na hindi mapapako?...”

Panfilo Lacson -

“Nasangkot po kayo sa ibat-ibang mga kaso katulad ng Dacer-Corbito

double murder case at Kuratong-Baleleng. Pero in-fairness po sa inyo yung

mga nag-accuse sa inyo nag-recant at nabusara ang mga kaso kalaunan.

Deretsahang tanong lang po, can you look people in the eye, at masasabi

niyo ho bang wala kayong nilabag na batas at karapatang pantao?” /


The KBP Manny Pacquiao - 3

Presidential “Senator Manny, balikan po yung isang interview nung 2021. Ang sabi po
Candidates Forum ninyo, “housing for 1.9 million informal settlers”. Wala po kayong specifics

pero sinabi niyo po last year. Ang tanong ko po sa inyo, san niyo po

kukunin yung pera? Kasi po madali pong ipangako ang paggastos pero

mahirap hanapin ang panggastos.”

6. Issues 
Table 44. Summary of the main content asked by the interviewer/s drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample of the main content asked by the interviewer/s Per Candidate and Total

Total Occurrences

The 2022 No data

Presidential one-

on-one interview

with Boy Abunda

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao - 21

Presidential “Isa sa mga pinaka-controbersyal niyong pahayag nung sinabi niyo na ‘mas
Interview masahol pa sa hayop ang nakikipag-relasyon sa kapwa nila kasarian’. Nag-

sorry na ho kayo pero nauungkat pa rin ito, nagsisisi ho ba kayo na nasabi

niyo yun? At nagbago na ba inyong pananaw tungkol sa LGBT? Ano po ba

ang sabi ng bibliya tungkol dito?...” LGBTQ

Leni Robredo -

“Sa kasaysayan wala pa pong independent candidate na nanalo for President.

Sa tingin po ninyo mababago po ninyo ito?”/INDEPENDENT


Francisco Domagoso -

“Ikaw lang ang wala sa posisyong nasyonal kundi lokal na posisyon ang

iyong hawak at nasabi mong kaya ka tumatakbo sa pagkapangulo  ay gusto

mong ulitin yung ginawa mo sa Maynila– sa buong Pilipinas pero sa totoo

lang, yorme? Sapat na ba iyong karanasan? Hinog ka na ba para sa

pinakamataas na pwesto  sa gobyerno o baka naman daw. hinog lang sa


Panfilo Lacson -

“Sa isang tweet nung September 2019, sinabi niyo na “Martial law declared

for many good reasons. I saw it firsthand during the first 6 months, at least

from the peace and order perspective. Everything that followed was wrong.

Greed and abuse took over. Ang tanong ho sa inyo ngayon, may ginawa ho

ba kayo para mapigilan ang mga mali at  pang-aabuso?” / MARTIAL LAW

The KBP Leni Robredo - 4

Presidential "Ah, ang sabi ng Pangulong Duterte, in due time, ay ah devulb niya yung
Candidates Forum mga Presidential Candidates na sangkot sa corruption, no less than the PNP

Chief, General Carlos says, declared na they are investigating itong mga

Presidential Aspirants ano, background check. What's your take on that


"Satisfied ho ba kayo that justice has been served sa PDAF? Ready na po ba

kayo mag-move on sa PDAF?" /PDAF


Table 39- 44 

2. What is the main content of the response about?

1. Knowledge, or lack of knowledge of a certain topic or a fact

Table 45. Summary of the main content of interviewees responses  drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

The 2022

Presidential one-

on-one interview

with Boy Abunda

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao -

Presidential “Pagdating po ng panahon ay kailangan kontrolin natin ang lahat ng mga
Interview iyan. Malaya ang mga tao na gumamit ng social media, facebook, like that.

Pero kailangan huwag naman abusuhin na gagamitin para gumawa ng trolls,

and everything. And then also, yung palakasin din natin yung internet signal

dito sa ating bansa at mayroon na rin tayong kinakausap na makakatulong sa

pagpapalakas ng koneksyob ng internet signal dito sa ating bansa at

magpapalawak pa…” / LACK OF KNOWLEDGE

Panfilo Lacson -

“ I dared him. Sinabi ko sa knaya nun, ilabas niya kung mayron. At ako I’m

honest ano, alam ko yung sarili ko. Dapat-napakatagal ng panahon nag-a

nag-a silbi ako sa gobyerno. I know myself ano, “

The KBP Manny Pacquiao -

Presidential “Ano po yung pamimigay ko ng pera mula pa po yan noong 2002 pa. At uh
Candidates Forum hanggang ngayon.”

“Hindi po. Ah, wala pa pong eleksyon, hindi pa po ako uh under sa batas at

uh kaya po sinasamantala ko habang wala pa. Ngayon, panahon na ng

magka-campaign period na ay tigil na po yung pamimigay natin. At susunod

po tayo sa kautusan ng COMELEC at ng uh ating gobyerno. Hindi po ako

uh lumalabag sa batas.”

Francisco Domagoso -

“Four, health– is a dismal state– is in a dismal state as it is shown by

problems we encounter by the pandemic, even if we move forward and treat

CoVid as an endemic.:”

2. Human affairs/significant others

Table 46. Summary of the main content of interviewees responses  drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

The 2022

Presidential one-

on-one interview

with Boy Abunda

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao -

Presidential “Unang-una po ay ipaglaban natin yung karapatan natin, hindi naman tayo
Interview pwede na magpa-bully kailangan din pag-usapan kung ano yung mga

problema kasi hindi po nare-resolba ang problem sa isa o dalawang pag-

uusap lalong lalo na pagdating sa usaping ito ng West Philippine Sea. At

kailangan maraming dialogues, maraming pag-uusap para magkaintindihan

kasi matagal na yang problema na yan eh at hindi natib mareso-resolba kasi

wala pong pag-uusap…” / HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS

Leni Robredo -

“Kung katapangan lang naman yung pag-uusapan, Jessica, in many stages of

my life, pinakita ko ito. Nawalan ako ng asawa, lumaban ako. Ah noong

kumandidato ako bilang congresswoman, kalaban ko isa sa pinakamatinding

political dynasties sa lugar namin pero lumaban ako. Ah noong lumaban ako

bilang Vice President, baguhan ako, kalaban ko lahat uhm senador na

nakaupo, lahat lalaki, ako lang yung babae pero nagtagumpay ako.” /


Francisco Domagoso -

“I’ve been working in the government for twenty-three years, half of my life

is dedicated to public service atsaka binuno ko yun. In fact (ah) (uhm)

ma’am nung araw nga hindi ako nakapag aral, totoo naman dala ng

kahirapan pero pinunan ko pa rin yung kakulangan ko and I’ve been– I’ve

worked with the national government as a being undersecretary of


Panfilo Lacson -

“Ako, I’ve always been consistent ano, ang tama ay ipaglaban: ang mali ay

labanan ano. Krinicriticize ko si Pangulong Duterte maski nung una pa,

nung nag-chair ako ng committee on public order and illegal drugs

nagkricritisize ako.in fact I called him out several times…” / HUMAN


The KBP Leni Robredo -

Presidential “So kai–ang simbaka nito napakaimportante, napakaimportante nito kasi
Candidates Forum yung pagdesisyon talaga galing sa baba. Hindi siya trickle down. Lagi

tayong bottom-up kasi palagay natin yung mga best policies, ang kasama,

kabahagi sa pag-discuss nito yung mga stake holders mismo. So while

mahalaga ang boses nila yung proseso yung magsasabi kung hanggang saan

yung konsultasyon para hindi naman mabinbin yung mga programa ng


Francisco Domagoso -

“Noong pumasok ako sa Maynila, walang kapera-pera halos, zero literally


pero through good governance, through effective, efficiency governance

nakaahon kami tapos may pandemaya, lahat ng pinangako naming imposible

sa mga taga-Maynila nangyari– yung sampung taong pangako– nangyari sa

dalawang taon na sa loob pa ng pandemya. So, hindi siya imposible bombo

Elmar atsaka ang pangungutang kailangan binabayaran. Importanteng

nagbabayad tayo ng utang.”

3. Political and social institutions

Table 47. Summary of the main content of interviewees responses  drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

The 2022

Presidential one-

on-one interview

with Boy Abunda

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao -

Presidential “Alam niyo po ito ang pinaka-unang batas na naipasa natin ito ay iyong
Interview ‘Handbook for OFW’ dahil importante po sila na protektahan natin at

pangalagaan natin dahil malaki po ang naiambag nila sa ating bayan. At

higit sa lahat yung handbook po na iyan ay kailangan lang na ma-implement

dahil magkakaroon po sila ng tinatawag natin na pwedeng kontakin kapag

magkaroon sila ng problema hindi lamang isa o dalawa kung hindi



Leni Robredo -

“Hindi ako umalis ng Liberal Party Jessica, Hindi ako umalis ng Liberal

party pero- kaya ako nagkandidato as independent kasi gusto namin hindi

ilimita sa partido namin yung makakasama sa labang ito.”/WITHIN OR


Francisco Domagoso -

“Pinupuri natin yung mabuti. Yung maganda ginagaya, dinadala sa

kasalukuyan para sa kinabukasan. Yung mali hindi natin kakalimutan, so we

will not do the same mistake in the future. That’s why I want to move on,

we will make those people liable, who committed corruption, crimes or

even violation of human rights. Ang may kasalanan papanagutin pero we

must move forward, we must work together, build together for a better


The KBP Manny Pacquiao -

Presidential “Uhm, hindi po ako tutol diyan sa Reclamation. Per case lang po, kailangan
Candidates Forum magkaroon ng assessments, tanungin natin yung LGU, kung gusto nila o

hindi at kailangan hindi naman masira ang ating kalikasan dahil ang

kalikasan bahagi po ng ating buhay. At magkakaroon po tayo ng

consultation sa ating local para sila po ang nakakaalam sa kanilang lugar

kaya yun po ang magiging bases natin bago mag-reclaim. Sa isang lugar,

ang tao ang tatanungin kung gusto nila o kung makatulong sa kanila o hindi.

Meron naman po tayong agency diyan, to assess para suriing mabuti kung

ang lugar ay dapat ba i-reclaim o hindi.”

Leni Robredo -

“Hindi na talaga tayo pwedeng magbulag-bulagan sa salot ng fake news at

trolly na laganap sa social media, kailangan tayo magkaisa at tumindig

laban sa organisado at malawakang– “

Francisco Domagoso -

“ (Ahh) unang-una pagka sila pumasok dito may mga bagay na pwede

tayong kopyahin nakapag nag invest ang foreigner dito, bibigyan natin sila

ng particular (uhm) prescribed time to sustain their investment but what

matter most to me; pag nag invest ang mga banyaga dito sa ating bansa may

maibigay tayong trabaho kasi ang importante ngayon–  pandemya.”

4. Political Process
Table 48. Summary of the main content of interviewees responses  drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

The 2022

Presidential one-

on-one interview

with Boy Abunda

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao -

Presidential “Alam niyo po pag-start nitong virus na to na lumaganap dito sa ating bansa
Interview ang sinasabi ko na po noon ay mass vaccination para hindi po tayo mag-

lockdown nang mag-lockdown. At dahil po sa lockdown maraming

businesses ang nagsarado at maraming nawalan ng trabaho, pero from the

beginning kung ang focus natin ay to vaccinate the filipino people hindi tayo

magkakaroon ng lockdown nang lockdown at mag-resulta na magsara ang

businesses at mawalan ng trabaho ang mga kababayan natin. Ngayon

marami ang nagugutom at masasabi ko na talagang uh yun po ang

pagkakamali nila na dapat ang pondo nila ay inalot ng pag-procure sa


Leni Robredo -

“Mas mahirap ngayon na nakapag-file na kami kasi invested na ‘yung lahat.

Marami nang supporters na invested pero hindi imposible.”/WITHIN OR


“Hindi ‘yun ‘yung primary motivation pero that is one of the factors that

helped me decide ,uhm, to run, pero ito kasi naaalala naman natin merong

1Sambayan, merong isang multi-sectoral na pagkakaisa ng mga iba’t ibang

grupo na ito sumailalim tayo sa proseso and ‘yung commitment ko doon na

kung ako ‘yung napili ay kakandidato ako.”/DECISION MAKING


Panfilo Lacson -

“Nakasigurado na po yun, nakagarantya na dun sa batas mismo. Katakot

takot po ang safeguards niyan sa anti-terror law. Nilamon lang kami, nilunod

lang kami ng black propaganda nung mga kontra dito.” /DECISION


The KBP Manny Pacquiao -

Presidential “Ito ang aking mga plataporma, stop corruption, employment, healthcare,
Candidates Forum internet signal improvement, at renewable energy development. Ang limang

priyoridad ko 22 rounds agenda, mula sa 22 agenda na ito ay nabuo po ang

“Health of the Nation”. Unang-una po diyan is housing, kasi naranasan ko

po ang matulog sa kalye, naranasan ko po na walang tahanan, at kaya naman

po yang pagbibigay natin ng pabahay mula pa po nung 2002. Pangalawa po

ay yung uh tinatawag po natin na uh education, kailangan po na uh

palakasain natin yung education, suportahan natin ang mga kabataan at yung

uh ALS. ngalawa po yung agriculture, palakasin po natin yung agrikultura,

yung mga farmers po natin kailangan po natin suportahan at uh hindi po tayo

kailangan mag-import nang mag-import ng bigas at pinapatay po natin ang

ating mga farmers. Kailangan po nang transportation ng ating bansa

especially sa Metro Manila, improve po natin pati yung mga utilities,

technology, yung uh internet signal natin mahinang-mahina kaya po

kailangan na lumakas ang internet signal dito sa ating bansa.”

Leni Robredo -

“Ako, ang pinakauna uhm, i-require yung Disclosure ah, sa lahat ng

government offices and instrumentalities. Kahit wala pa batas. Kasi kahit

wala pang batas, pwede akong gumawa ng executive order, para meron nang

ganun na demand from all government offices –ang pinapasok kailangan

isapubliko natin–even with the out lead of request.”

Francisco Domagoso -

“Kahit na kapartido mo pa yan, kapag talipandas yan, kapag yan ay walang

hiya o kaya iyan ay nag aabuso o kaya wala na sa direksyon ang pag

serbisyo sa tao yung partidong kinabibilangan– (eh) bakit ka naman

magiging tapat don, bat ka naman mananatili don. What matter most to me is

taong bayan, mamamayan. At the end of the day this is public office, we do

public office at ang tao ang dapat makikinabang– mamamayan ang dapat

makikinabang sa mga polisiya at programa na iyong gagawin”

5. Political commitment
Table 49. Summary of the main content of interviewees responses  drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

The 2022

Presidential one-

on-one interview

with Boy Abunda


The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao -

Presidential “...Yan po ang kadahilanan kung bakit tayo tumakbo bilang Pangulo ng
Interview Pilipinas dahil ang dami pong nangangako sa tuwing eleksyon. At

dumadami po ang naghihirap na pilipino kaya ang sinasabi ko sa kanila ay

ipapakulong ko ang lahat ng mga kawayan at magbibigay ng trabaho at

libreng pabahay sa ating milyon-milyong pilipino. At aayusin po natin yung

ekonomiya natin, palakasin po natin yung ekonomiya po natin.”

Francisco Domagoso -

“Nag focus kami on how to save lives as many as possible, as soon as

possible kaya kung bakit– kung makikita ninyo ang Maynila ang takbuhan

ng mga gamot, bakuna atsaka mga testing kits or swab testing because we’ve

been preparing for this. Gusto namin laging ahead of  whatever (ah) yung

mga hindi natin inaasahan na paglago ng CoVid nineteen which so far sa

awa ng Diyos nagagamit kami ngayon ng ating mga kababayan sa Metro

Manila sa ibang bahagi ng probinsya sa– sa– sa central Luzon, sa southern


Panfilo Lacson -

“Hindi! Tapos na yung trabaho ko, Jessica. Ang mandate ko mag-craft ng

comprehensive rehabilitation and recovery plan. Ginawa namin yun in a

record time of six ah six months ano.” / PUBLIC OBLIGATION

The KBP Manny Pacquiao -

Presidential “Palakasin po natin yung PCGG. At uh kailangan ang para sa gobyerno ay sa
Candidates Forum gobyerno, at uh kung yan ang desisyon ng Supreme Court. May desisyon na

may ninakaw ka, ibalik mo. Eh kasi kaya naghihirap ang bansa natin dahil sa

mga magnanakaw diyan sa gobyerno kaya kailangan talaga sugpuin yan. The

only way na magkaroon tayo ng magandang kinabukasan ay kung sugpuin

natin yang korupsyon. Kawawa ang ating mga kababayan, walang

magandang kinabukasan na hinaharap kung nandiyan palagi ang korupsyon.

Kaya nga in my time, pagdating ng panahon, in God-willing lahat ng mga

kawatan sa gobyerno ay magsasama-sana sa kulungan. Hindi ako nagsasalita

in a politician way, nagsasalita ako in a filipino citizen, a simple citizen

katulad ng mga mahihirap na tao.”

Leni Robredo -

““Angat Buhay sa Hanapbuhay.” Ibabalik natin ang ibabalik natin ang tiwala

sa gobyerno. Kapag may kumpiyansa sa sistema ang tao, papasok ang

puhunan, lalago ang negosyo, at dadami ang trabaho.”

““Angat Buhay sa Pagkain.”Pagtutuunan natin pansin ang first 1000 days ng

bawat bata para pigilan ang stunting. Ang goal nito, abot kaya ang

masustansyang pagkain para matugunan ang malnutrisyon.”

Francisco Domagoso -

“ In the first two years we will build seventeen world class regional hospitals

similar to what we did for Bagong Ospital ng Maynila and PhilHealth will

be better managed by financial experts. Barangay health centers will be

updated, salary as well as security tenure of medical personnel ensured.


Mental health issues will be adequately addressed. Tourism and creative

industry, hardest hit by the pandemic, our solution we have to revived

tourism and our target visitor’s arrival around eight point two million in two-

thousand-nineteen (~) in two-thousand-twenty-one should be sixteen million

tourist by two-thousand-twenty. We also need to focus for creative industry.

Filipinos are talented and creative people and this should be promoted all

over the world”

6. Issues 
Table 50. Summary of the main content of interviewees responses  drawn from the Interviews

Interview Sample own personal opinion replies Per Candidate and Total Occurrences Total

The 2022

Presidential one-

on-one interview

with Boy Abunda

The Jessica Soho Manny Pacquiao -

Presidential “Marami pong salamat at sa ngayon ay nagka-intindihan na po kaming lahat.
Interview At uh iyong paniniwala ko po ay nananatili po yun, ang aking paniniwala sa

Panginoon. At yung uh pagkalinga sa kanila, pagtutulungan sa kanila

nandiyan pa rin po para sa mga LGBTQ at mas marami pong LGBTQ na


sumusuporta sa atin at naniniwala…” / LGBTQ

“Wala pong katotohanan yan, nagba-base lang po sila sa socila media po

pero kumpleto naman po tayo ng mga papeles diyan. At uh hintayin na lang

po natin yung uh magiging resulta ng desisyon ng ating gobyerno, ng ating

korte at mga abogado ko na po ang nag-aasikaso niyan. Yan po ay tapos na,

nung araw pa, nagkaroon naman ng favor sa akin at dahil kumpleto naman

ako sa lahat ng mga papeles…” / TAX ISSUES

Leni Robredo -

“Unang-una, hindi ako kabahagi noon. Pangalawa, uhm noong ginagawa na

nila ‘yun, uh talagang sinabi namin sa kanila ‘yung mga bawal. And in fact,

tiningnan namin ‘yung parang ano ‘to, parang social media account kung

saan ginagawa ‘yung uh fundraising.” /FUNDRAISING

“‘Yung sa’kin, tayong mga hindi naniniwala sa pagbibili ng boto, ano ‘yung

gagawin natin? Sasabihin natin na kahit– kahit kayo tumanggap ay dapat

gamitin niyo pa din ‘yung konsensiya niyo. Pero sa’kin, Jessica, ‘yung

realities on the ground, nangyayari siya eh.”/ VOTE BUYING

Francisco Domagoso -

“Well, O respect everybody's opinyon their entitled to that but what matter

most to is the result (no) basta tayo- at the end of the day there   is a goal and

there must be a result and results matter.  Yun ang importante,

kapakinabangan ba ng tao. Napapakinabangan ba ng tao? Nararamdaman ba

ng tao? Yoong mga pagbabago o mga programa, tumatama ba sa

kapakinabangan ng tao. Yun ang mahalaga sakin more than naming things

what a person is doing. It’s about the result, the result matters.” / STANCE


Panfilo Lacson -

“Meron, kasi—dapat hindi tayo mawalan ng pag-asa. Ako I’m always

inspired by my supporters. Lalo na yung mga under own ano, walang pag-

iimbot, at talagang gumagastos sa sariling pera…” / CAMPAIGN

The KBP Leni Robredo -

Presidential “Yung, yung ekonomiko, should never, should never come at the cause of ,
Candidates Forum of uhm, yung, yung environment saka yung mga social cause. Ah, parating

kino-consider ano ba yung epekto nito sa mga taong kumokontra? ano ba

yung epekto nito sa environment? So para sa'kin, mahalaga talaga yung

mekanismo, yung mekanismo na pinapakinggan yung experts, yung people's

council na from day one, meron nang platform para yung boses nila

napapakinggan.” -RECLAMATION

Francisco Domagoso -

“Kaya kailangan natin– kung talagang naghahanap tayo ng pambayad ng

utang, kita at trabaho kailangan natin itong ipush through because this is a

new source of income without giving burden s ating mga taxpayers. New

source of possible income for everyone  but at the same manner  we must

obey follow all regulation with regards to protecting our environment and

environmental effect of this reclamation in their irrespective geography “


Table 45 - 50

4. The Setting of the Interview

1. The nature of the television program in which the interview takes place:

a.  The nature of the interview is a nationwide program which was aired on


b. The program is a special interview program which is during the national 

election campaign period.

c. The viewing rate of the three (3) programs varies: The Boy Abunda Talk

Channel which where the The 2022 Presidential one-on-one Interviews

with Boy Abunda has 1.49 million subscribers; GMA Public Affairs which

where the  The Jessica Soho  Presidential Interview aired has 18.3 million

subscribers; and the ANC 24/7 which where the Panata sa Bayan: The KBP

Presidential Forum aired  has 900 thousand subscribers.

2. The interview’s format:

Out of the three (3) interviews two out of the three have one-on-one interviews

which have a single interviewer and interviewee setting. On the other hand, the

KBP Presidential Forum has questions asked by the interviewers and other

interviewees who are invited to present questions and participate in the


3. The broadcast time and the length of the interview:

a. The interviews were broadcasted in the night hours in the country.

b. The 2022 Presidential one-on-one Interviews with Boy Abunda

lasted differently depending on the speaker:

The duration of the interview of Manny Pacquioa and Leni Robredo ran on for

about one hour thirteen minutes and twenty four seconds (1:24:13).

The duration of the interview of Francisco Domagoso ran on for about one

hour twelve minutes and ten seconds (1:12:10).

The duration of the interview of Panfilo Lacson ran on for about one hour nine

minutes and forty five seconds (1:09:45).

The Jessica Soho  Presidential Interview lasted for two hours, twenty

five minutes and twenty seconds (2:25:20).

Panata sa Bayan: The KBP Presidential Forum lasted for two hours

forty minutes and seventeen seconds (2:40:17).

4. Who asks the interview’s questions? (What are their social and political


5. Who are the interviewees? (What are their ranks, in government, for example?)

The interviewees or the presidential candidates are all politicians. Out of the

four (4) candidates/interviewees, three of them are national politicians: Vice

President Leni Robredo, Senator Manny Pacquioa, Senator Panfilo Lacson. On

the other hand, the only local politician candidate/interviewee is Mayor Francisco


6. The Political Culture and Media Organization

a. The interviews were taken in a free democratic society since the Philippines is

a democratic and republican State. Sovereignty resides in the people and all

government authority emanates from them.

b. The media system was organized through televised broadcasting and online

platforms. The media is owned and controlled by private sectors. These major

broadcasting companies have also adapted into online portals. This strategy

was strongly considered due to the growing number of Filipinos who use social

media instead of television in watching the news through snippets or short

video clips.

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