Long Essay On Life 300 Word in English: Happiness
Long Essay On Life 300 Word in English: Happiness
Long Essay On Life 300 Word in English: Happiness
Importance of life: One can enjoy life in one’s way. Life is a combination
of various moments. happiness and sadness come round in our life. We
have to face many obstacles in our way of life. Solving those problems and
stepping forward is the lesson of life.
Conclusion: Our life is beautiful and worthy of adventure in every step.
But it is too short to seize all dreams. It’s hope which gives us the driving
force of living. We have to build our character ethical utilize our time
Long Essay On Life 300 Word In English
Introduction: Life is a journey that starts with our birth. It is very short to
waste and we should enjoy it fully. In this short life, we meet many people.
Some of them are erased with the flow of time and some stay till death.
the regular incidents, special moments, happiness and sadness,
achievements and failures. We have to keep moving on and cope up with
everything whatever the situation going on.
Meaning of life: Life is a place of adventure and you have to participate in
it. You have to be pessimistic to enjoy a real meaningful life. We live in a
family and we like to stay with them. The human being is a social person
and we can’t live alone. Again, we have to choose a hobby, a passion, and
an aim to carry on. If you can adjust to all your routine work you will be
How to lead a successful life: Human life is full of struggle. It’s said that
life is not a bed of roses. In a short period, we have to deal with varieties
of incidents. Sometimes we have to go through a continuous trial in every
step. To obtain success we need to keep patience and study passionately.
Building the virtue in life: As life is short, we have to practice good virtue
in life. A person with strong and bold characteristics is respected by all. So,
we should cultivate the ideal virtues like kindness, humanity, honesty,
punctuality, and truthfulness. To develop inner peace of mind meditation
will help you.
Conclusion: Life is unpredictable and it never follows our plan. So we
need to learn from everything. A person should not become depressed
after failure and mistakes rather he can use the lesson of failure to
proceed further towards success.
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