Research Article Compatibility Assessment of Recharge Water With Native Groundwater Using Reactive Hydrogeochemical Modeling in Pinggu, Beijing

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Ying Lu 1,2
Xinqiang Du 1
Research Article
Yuesuo Yang 1,2
Wei Fan 3 Compatibility Assessment of Recharge Water
Baoming Chi 4
Zijia Wang 1
with Native Groundwater Using Reactive
Xueyan Ye 1 Hydrogeochemical Modeling in Pinggu, Beijing
Key Laboratory of Groundwater A hydrochemical assessment of the local harvested water and groundwater based on
Resources and Environment, Ministry
field data, lab experiments, and modeling was carried out for a groundwater artificial
of Education, Jilin University,
Changchun, P. R. China recharge (GAR) proposal in the Pinggu Basin aquifer. Harvested water chemically
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, regulated by recharge water standard was chosen as an available recharge source in the
Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK basin. The sediments at the potential recharge site were characterized to determine the
Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecology impact of GAR on subsurface hydrochemistry. To model the dynamic hydrochemical
and Environment, Northeast Institute changes during GAR, transport process coupled with the geochemical equilibrium was
of Geography and Agroecology, CAS,
Changchun, P. R. China resolved using PHREEQC and a reverse computing process. These were to simulate
Institute of Disaster-Prevention chemical reactions, soil soluble species dispersion, mineral dissolution and precipita-
Science and Technology, Sanhe, tion, and cation exchange in the recharge vadose zone in the Pinggu Basin. The model
P. R. China was validated by a column leaching experiment and applied for field conditions. The
prediction results showed NO3, SO42, Cl, and total dissolved solid had peak
breakthroughs during the first period of recharge indicating a “washout” phenomenon
and then settled down, whilst changes in HCO3, Ca2þ, Mg2þ, and pH resulted from
carbonate buffering and cation exchange. In the long run, recharge by the harvested
water was unlikely to have a negative impact on groundwater quality. Rather caution
should be taken for potential chemical clogging induced by dolomite precipitation for a
sustainable GAR management.
Keywords: Clogging; Geochemical modeling; Groundwater artificial recharge; Hydrochemistry;
Received: September 5, 2012; revised: January 3, 2013; accepted: March 2, 2013
DOI: 10.1002/clen.201200482

1 Introduction municipal “gray” water as the recharge source [5–7]. Potential

environmental effects of GAR with relative “clean” water have rarely
In an era of global climate change, securing the needed supply of been considered [8]. However, there may be still a chemical risk of
freshwater is crucial for sustainable development of every country clean water recharge for following considerations. Firstly, the nature
and community [1, 2]. Groundwater artificial recharge (GAR) has been and processes of water–rock interaction during recharge could be
considered worldwide as an effective water resources management of different with natural recharge and affect the water quality [9, 10]. In
increased water storage in aquifers to save water in periods of water the Florida aquifer system, uranium at >25 ppm was detected, which
surplus for use in periods of shortage. Hence, it is becoming was confirmed by studies to be induced by an oxidizing environment
increasingly important in some arid or semiarid regions, where over- formed after GAR [11]. Secondly, many soils contain naturally
pumping of groundwater has led to underground resources
occurring, easily leachable contaminants of relevance to drinking
becoming depleted. Many types of water, such as river water, storm
water quality [12–14]. Extensive recharge water will essentially
water, rainfall, roof water, and even municipal wastewater, can be
dissolve all of the highly soluble salts during infiltration, thus to
important water resources but their use must be carefully planned
increase in salinity in reaching water table [15, 16]. The so called
and regulated to prevent adverse effects.
“clean” water from rain or storm waters harvesting may not be clean
Water quality issue is therefore one of the forefront considerations
at all subject to the land uses and harvesting processes [17].
in planning a GAR Scheme [3, 4]. Many studies on impacts of recharge
Groundwater quality might be deteriorated by such secondary saline
water quality have been reported, but most focused on reclaimed
water. Thirdly, disequilibrium between the recharge water and the
native groundwater can lead to mineral dissolution and/or
precipitation in aquifer [18]. Chemical clogging could be induced
Correspondence: Professor X. Q. Du, Key Laboratory of Groundwater
Resources and Environment, Ministry of Education, Jilin University, 2519 during GAR in arid or semiarid regions, which pose an engineering
Jiefang Road, Changchun 130021, P. R. China risk for a successful GAR [19, 20]. More detailed investigation
E-mail: therefore on chemical evolution of the GAR leaching process using
Abbreviations: CODCr, chemical oxygen demand; GAR, groundwater harvesting water is needed to understand the interactions between
artificial recharge; SI, saturation index; TDS, total dissolved solid the “clean” recharge water and subsurface environment.

© 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Clean – Soil, Air, Water 2014, 42 (6), 722–730
Compatibility Assessment of Recharge Water with Native Groundwater 723

The chemical processes during GAR are usually complex and it is evaporative loss and construction cost for sustainable water
difficult to forecast the outcome of the complex reactions by management. Surface water system in this region includes the river
traditional approaches [16]. The environmental effects of GAR Ju and its tributaries, the rivers Cuo, Jinji, and four seasonal sub-
are usually observed and studied through long-term field tributaries in the western region. Since Ju and Cuo are dammed by
monitoring [21], but this is not suitable at pilot stage because of Huansuoyu, Haizi, and Xiyu reservoirs, respectively, river flows have
data scarcity. Hydro-geochemical processes can, however, be assessed been drastically decreased and even dried out in recent years.
by numerical modeling tools coupling thermodynamic mechanism, The quaternary deposits in the basin thicken from the margin to
such as MINTEQA2, EQ3/6, WATEQ4F, Netpath, PHREEQC. Among basin center, and the biggest thickness is 557 m. In the northern part,
these modeling tools, PHREEQC possesses the advantage of including the piedmont alluvial aquifer is formed of highly permeable coarse-
full geochemical transport phenomena in simulating percolation or grained gravels and sands, and then gradually changes to gravels,
diffusion in some simple systems [16, 22, 23], and is known as a coarse and fine sands inter-bedded towards southwest. Pore
successful model for water–rock interactions [24, 25]. An interesting groundwater in the basin is the most important groundwater
attempt using PHREEQC in GAR was made for water mixing resource for this region and Beijing with main recharge from
process [8]. precipitation, and some leakages of surface water and irrigation. Due
Nowadays, Beijing, as a semiarid region and the political and to excessive groundwater abstraction over the past 10 years, two
cultural centre of China, is facing much severe threat to water depression cones have developed in the concentrated exploitation
supply [26]. Little precipitation and high evaporation leave burgeon- areas of the basin center, with total emptied vadose space of over
ing populations dependent on groundwater for domestic, agricul- 0.4 billion m3, which provides a huge potential storage for GAR. The
tural, and industrial water needs as a major supply source. Beijing surface of depression areas is covered by very permeable gravels and
consumes about two thirds of its water from groundwater every year, coarse sands that water soaked quickly into deep subsurface.
resulting in regional drawdown of ground water level and land Therefore, GAR is proposed to be carried out in the depression cones
subsidence in some area [27, 28]. To mitigate the aggravating through surface infiltration as a preferred GAR method using sand
groundwater stress on the capital city, Ministry of Water Resources pits along the river. One recharge site in the upstream of the river Ju
started a GAR program using rain/storm water harvesting in 2007. in the basin was focused in this study. According to previous field
The Pinggu Basin, one of the four emergency water supplies for investigations, infiltration rate around this site is 13.8 m/day on
Beijing, is taken as a pilot site in the GAR program. Serial researches average, and the water level there is 35–45 m below ground
have been undertaken for rapid and safe technology of GAR and surface [29].
some of these were reported.
Further on these studies, this paper focuses on chemical evolution
2.2 Sampling and laboratory analyses
of the relative “clean” water from the harvested rainfall/storm water
during GAR and its interactions with local receiving groundwater in Available recharge water sources within the catchment of our
the Pinggu Basin aquifer. Research followed an overall logic of interested site are reservoir water, runoff originating from the
framework from field survey, to lab experiment, then to numerical surrounding mountain area, and the river Ju water during storm
modeling. Field investigations were required for geologic, hydro- seasons. Thus, samples were collected in Aug. 2008 before and after
geological, and hydrochemical background at the proposed recharge rainfalls from the above sources, including eight reservoir water
site. Lab experiment was conducted to better understand the samples, one mountainous runoff sample and two river water
geochemical transformation as the recharge water transport though samples. In order to assess the interactions with local groundwater,
the vadose zone. PHREEQC was applied to model the dynamic one groundwater sample was also collected from a pumping well just
transport and reactive hydrochemical processes. The hydrochemical at the recharge site. These water samples were taken to laboratory for
changes in groundwater during GAR were predicted therefore and subsequent chemical analysis for major ions (Ca2þ, Mg2þ, Naþ, Kþ,
the chemical clogging potential induced by mineral precipitates, HCO3, Cl, SO42, and NO3) and other related chemical
such as calcium and magnesium carbonates was effectively assessed. parameters. The sediments at the recharge site were collected for
X-ray diffraction analysis and mobile solutes testing of the clay size
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Site description and recharge water resources 2.3 Conceptual model of GAR
Pinggu is located in the north-east of Beijing (Fig. 1), covering about Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of the GAR processes by surface
1075 km2 with 35.5  30.5 km2 in NS and WE dimensions. The region infiltration method and the major physiochemical mechanisms
is surrounded by mountains to the north, east and southeast; involved. When the recharge water infiltrates into subsurface, it is
whereas the middle and southwest areas are parts of a pluvial– first in contact with the soil particles, containing minerals and salts
alluvial fan. The landform declines gradually from northeast to with variable compositions, solubility, and behavior. These phases in
southwest, ranging from 12 to 1062 m in elevation (above the sea). the soil normally react as if fixed in composition (as a metastable
The climate is temperate and continental with an average annual state), but when contacting with water of different composition,
temperature of 11.5°C and an annual rainfall of 633.8 mm. However, the soil can quickly release most soluble phases and minerals will
because rains mostly occur in the wet season (June–September) and recrystallize and adjust their composition in relation to the changing
are frequently torrential, much of them are quickly discharged composition of the contacting water [30]. Thus, the effluent though
downstream, then to the sea. Thus, it would be very important to vadose zone is influenced by the salt and mineral composition of
retain this part of storm water in the area for later use; underground the soils, the involving chemical reactions, and the interactions on
aquifer space presents a priority to store this water with low the surface of soil particles, e.g. cation exchange [31]. Thereafter, the

© 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Clean – Soil, Air, Water 2014, 42 (6), 722–730
724 Y. Lu et al.

Figure 1. Location and hydrogeological condition of the study area.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the GAR system and the major physiochemical mechanisms involved.

© 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Clean – Soil, Air, Water 2014, 42 (6), 722–730
Compatibility Assessment of Recharge Water with Native Groundwater 725

effluent reaches and mixes with local groundwater near the water Therefore, for both lab experiment and proposed field GAR
table, where the dissolution/precipitation processes may also occur to conditions, the transport column was divided into several cells, in
reach a geochemical equilibrium with the subsurface environment. which the water stayed for a residence time in each cell. The
Due to the vast quantity, groundwater in the Pinggu aquifer reacts as transport process was coupled with the chemical reactions to meet
a recipient with an assumed constant chemistry. Overall, these whole the charge balance and equilibrium laws in calculating the species
processes take place in a 1D vertical profile, so that GAR here was distribution. For the whole GAR system the core blocks using
conceptualized as 1D transport and reactive model. in PHREEQC included TRANSPORT, SOLUTION, EQUILIUBRIUM_-

2.4 Column leaching experiment

A leaching experiment under controlled laboratory conditions was
3 Results and discussion
undertaken to identify geochemical processes during GAR before 3.1 Characterization of recharge water and local
modeling recharge water transport for field conditions. The column groundwater
leaching simulating the vadose processes was performed to calibrate
the geochemical model using pH and solutes in the outflow. The Results of chemical analyses of water samples from reservoir,
natural sediments collected from the Pinggu recharge site was mountainous runoff, river, and groundwater around the proposed
packed in a 100 cm long and 14 cm diameter PVC column with a final GAR site are presented in Tab. 1. The errors in charge balance of all
bulk density of about 1.56 g/mL and effective leaching length of samples were between 5 and þ5%. The TDS of surface water ranged
94 cm. The leaching experiment was undertaken by pumping water from 132 to 423 mg/L, with less salinity than groundwater for most
similar in ionic composition to the recharge water from the bottom samples. The pH of surface water ranged from 7.36 to 8.59 as weak
through the column at a constant flow rate of 3.5 mL/min. The alkaline, which was a little higher in reservoir water whilst lower in
residence time of the water within the column was about 70 h, which the river water than groundwater. The most abundant cations were
was designed in line with the general vertical and temporal scales in Ca2þ and Mg2þ in all water samples, and those in surface water were
the field. The discharge was collected at periodic intervals of 12 h at less than groundwater. HCO3 dominated in both groundwater and
first and then 24 h. The electric conductivity was measured surface water, but its proportion in surface water around Huang-
immediately. After a stable electric conductivity of the discharge songyu was variable due to rainfalls. Thus, the major ions defined the
was reached in 132 h in this instance, the experiment stopped and all water types as Ca–HCO3 for groundwater and Ca–HCO3 or Ca–HCO3–
collected samples were analyzed simultaneously for the major ions SO4 for the recharge waters. Both the recharge water and ambient
(Ca2þ, Mg2þ, Naþ, Kþ, HCO3, Cl, SO42, and NO3). groundwater had low concentrations of several inorganic species at
or below ppb level, i.e. fluoride, cadmium, chromium, copper,
manganese, arsenic, mercury, nickel, lead, and zinc. The impact of
2.5 Reactive geochemical modeling recharge on these inorganic elements was not investigated in this
To determine the element speciation through the vadose zone and study. Overall, although increases of TDS and chemical oxygen
saturation degree of mixing water with mineral phases, the reactive demand (CODCr) in reservoir waters were observed after rainfalls, all
recharge modeling was performed using PHREEQC-2 [32]. Based on these surface water resources were considered to be clean for surface
the equilibrium chemistry of aqueous solutions interacting with infiltration regarding water quality parameters of related water
minerals, gases, solid solutions, and exchangers, the explicit standards.
mathematical transport and chemical-reactive model was imple-
mented in PHREEQC. The chemical speciation at equilibrium is 3.2 Sediments characteristics
defined by thermodynamic activities and mass action equations for
each species, which is resolved by the Newton–Raphson method. To To understand the potential changes in water quality during the GAR
calculate both transport process and chemical equilibrium during processes through the vadose zone, it was also necessary to
GAR, the models are run for the advection and dispersion step as an characterize the sediments at the GAR basin. Some chemical
interactive manner. Based on the conceptual model (Fig. 2) a vertical properties of the sediments are shown in Tab. 2. The X-ray diffraction
transport process in the vadose column in the GAR basin was analysis showed that the primary minerals included several feldspars
modeled. Conservation of mass for a chemical passing through this (plagioclase and orthoclase), quartz and very little amphibole.
column yields the 1D advection–reaction–dispersion equation [32]: Predominant clays in the study soils were illite, kaolinite, and
smectite. For soil chemical extracts, the concentrations (mg/L) of
major ions sample decrease as an order of sodium > calcium >
@c @c @2 c
¼ v þ DL 2 þ S ð1Þ potassium > magnesium and bicarbonate > nitrate > sulfate > chloride.
@t @x @x
Sodium is the most abundant in salt affected soils, whilst calcium
where t is the time, x is the distance, DL is the dispersion coefficient, generally comes from both carbonate dissolution and cation
and S is a source/sink term for all dissolved solid species and exchanges. High nitrate may indicate fertilizer use in this area.
dissolution/precipitation reactions implying all interest elements. The pH of 7.61 is quite consistent with local groundwater.
The upper and lower boundary conditions are both assumed as
constant: c ¼ c0 of recharge water at the upper face, and c ¼ cg of 3.3 Geochemical transformations of recharge
groundwater in the aquifer.
water through the vadose zone
Modeling 1D advection and dispersion is achievable using the
keyword data block TRANSPORT in PHREEQC. Data were introduced Chemical changes of the recharge water after percolation in the
in TRANSPORT according to the principle of convective cells. leaching column were compared to elucidate possible chemical

© 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Clean – Soil, Air, Water 2014, 42 (6), 722–730
726 Y. Lu et al.

Table 2. Physicochemical properties of the investigated sediments

Mineral compositions (%)





Quartz 48
Feldspars 33

Amphibole 2.3
Illite 9
Kaolinite 6



Smectite 4

Chemical composition in clay size (mg/100 g)

pH 7.61

Naþ 12.8



Kþ 1.5
Ca2þ 4.4



HCO3 15.7
Cl 3.3
SO42 10.5




SiO2 2.9





reactions in soils (Fig. 3). The experiment results showed that the
geochemical evolution of the recharge water could be divided into

two stages. In the first stage, a “washout” phenomenon occurred for

NO3, SO42, Ca2þ, and Mg2þ during a start-up period of the first 36 h.

TDS increased from 0.19 to 1.03 g/L at the initial discharge through
the soil columns. Mobile solutes testing showed that the sediments of





the GAR site contained high concentration of NO3 (Tab. 2), which is
highly mobile and can contribute to dissolution of the soil base




cations (Ca2þ, Mg2þ) [33]. On the other hand, as a source of

acidification, dissolution of nitrate, and sulfate is often companied
with reduction of alkalinity and/or pH over time in shallow


groundwater in non-calcareous sandy aquifers [34]. That is a

reasonable explanation that pH and HCO3 slumped at the beginning
and recovered with decrease of NO3 and SO42 dissolved from the


contacted sediments. After the washout period, water evolution

entered the second stage, in which the net gain in HCO3 and SO42
was balanced by increases in Ca2þ and Mg2þ indicating the mineral
dissolution dominated. However, Cl, Naþ, and Kþ changed little as

water passed through the columns over the entire duration.

Conservative Cl was due to its low content in soil, whilst Naþ

and Kþ were most probably controlled by well-balanced mineral

Table 1. Basic physiochemical data for waters around recharge site

equilibriums as showed in previous studies [35]. In summary, it is

clearly evident that the effluents throughout the soil column are
Huangsongyu_3 (after rain)
Huangsongyu_4 (after rain)

highly dependent on the soil transmission characteristics. Chemical

Huangsuoyu Mountain

changes of the recharge water through vadose zone would bring

Haizi_3 (after rain)
Haizi_4 (after rain)

impact on groundwater.


3.4 Transport calculation for leaching experiment


The column experiment was simulated using the phase-equilibrium

and cation exchange in combination with transport in PHREEQC. The

transport column was divided into 29 cells with water residence time

of 2.4 h each. In the real leaching scenarios, there is a process that the
recharge water enters into the column with soluble species dissolved

from soil and other chemical reactions, for which no dedicated

n.d., not detectable.

module simulates in PHREEQC. To calculate such an initial solution

distribution just after the saturation process in the column, we
Sample no.

developed a reverse process to quantify these composite interactions

during the initial soil saturation. It was assumed that the column was
initially occupied with GAR water and a solution containing the

equivalent amount of the soluble elements from the soil column was

© 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Clean – Soil, Air, Water 2014, 42 (6), 722–730
Compatibility Assessment of Recharge Water with Native Groundwater 727

Figure 3. Breakthrough of the major ions and pH: results of experiment (observed), modeling (modeled) and initial recharge water (RW).

in the ending cell of the column to be reversely interacted hydro- underestimated due to the low assumed SI of K-feldspar, which was
chemically with the overlying cells in an iterative manner. The the only master mineral of potassium in the model, although it had
solutions in the transport cells were therefore determined by such a been defined over 0 according to local groundwater. The underesti-
reverse transport process till the very top recharging cell, i.e. top of mation of Naþ suggested the governing chemical reactions were
the column. Then, TRANSPORT block was restarted with the defined complex to be accurately described by this simple model since Naþ
recharge water entering into the column. Throughout the column, was involved in many reactions such as solid solution, cation
solutions in column were assumed to be in equilibrium with CO2 and exchanges and equilibrium with albite. The overall matching
related minerals implying the interest elements. The amount of the between measured and modeled effluent composition showed that
reactive minerals contacted with per unit (L) water was estimated the modeling uncertainty existed in setting key mineralogical
from data of sediments properties (Tab. 2) and column settings in properties of the soil, which might be further studied. Also, neglect of
Section 2.4. The ion diffusion and physical dispersivity were defined REDOX and kinetics in the modeling might cause a certain disparity
as 4  107 m/s and 0.38 m, respectively, according to the leaching in simulation results of some relevant ions. NO3 and SO42 are the
breakthrough curves. The initial cation exchange was determined by most possible affected components by REDOX, but their modeled
equilibrium with the local groundwater. For the parameterization of breakthrough lines were quite consistent with experimental data,
the geochemical model, saturation indexes (SIs) of the detected indicating weak biogeochemical reactions within the experimental
minerals were estimated in accordance with those of local period. In contrast, the little overestimations in Ca and Mg more
groundwater as we found concentrations of elements were largely likely resulted from dissolution/precipitation kinetics. Despite these,
underestimated due to their SIs > 0 in groundwater. The lower the geochemical model is suitable for estimating the geochemical
boundary of this leaching model was defined as flux boundary. evolution of the recharge water for field conditions in capability of
The model calibration using pH and key elements in the column reproducing the major geochemical features and concentrations of
outflow are showed in Fig. 3. The pH simulated with the suggested most ions such as Ca2þ, Mg2þ, HCO3, and NO3.
mineral assembly was slightly overestimated with observations,
which can be attributed to a NO3- dissoluting process through the 3.5 GAR impacts on hydrochemistry under field
soil [34]. That cannot be simulated in this model unfortunately. An
unwell matching for SO42 at the beginning period can be attributed
to the assumed equilibrium of gypsum SI ¼ 0 which was higher than The calibrated leaching model for the vadose zone was applied for the
that in the local groundwater. Concentrations of Kþ were largely GAR at the study site by adding one more cell at the end to predict the

© 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Clean – Soil, Air, Water 2014, 42 (6), 722–730
728 Y. Lu et al.

saturated zone during GAR. The bottom boundary was also set to or decrease of elements in groundwater, the overall quality in the
constant with the local groundwater according to the conceptual steady stage remained consistent with present status, indicating that
model. Since the available recharge waters mentioned above would GAR with the harvested water in Pingu would induce little impact on
be converged to the GAR site under field conditions, an average of all hydrochemistry. However, the major concern would remain due to
the recharge waters was used to predict a general trend of the disturbances in the first turbulence period, especially for nitrate
hydrochemistry after GAR. contamination. Thus, longer residence time of recharge water in
The modeled results in Fig. 4 show that hydrochemistry varied aquifer is suggested as a safety precaution before water is reused for
severely at the initial period and then became steady. Similar to the supply as some deteriorating components can be naturally degraded
column leaching experiment, this early transient turbulence could in the subsurface environment.
be impacted by “washout” of the soluble species in the soil zones,
mainly reflected in components of Cl, SO42, and NO3. In the later
3.6 Chemical clogging risk during recharge
steady stage, pH and Mg2þ, SO42, Cl, and NO3 increased, whilst
Ca2þ, hardness and calculated TDS decreased due to GAR compared Dissolution and precipitation processes during hydrochemical
with initial groundwater chemistry. Most parameters levelled at a changes after GAR may also change hydraulic conductivity of aquifer
concentration closer to groundwater rather than the recharge water. media [19]. Carbonate and calcium minerals are most susceptible to
It can be inferred that the mixing, interactions and equilibrium with dissolution or precipitation during GAR [18, 31]. Thus calcite,
the assembled minerals govern the evolution of hydrochemistry in dolomite, and gypsum were taken as suspected precipitations in this
the long term. study to understand the potential clogging risk.
To quantify the impact of GAR on groundwater quality, an Since the above model is dependent on SI to assess whether
evaluation of hydrochemistry was undertaken according to the China groundwater is in equilibrium with respect to a certain mineral, SIs
Groundwater Quality Standard (GB/T14848-93) [36]. Despite increase of calcite, dolomite, and gypsum were calculated for groundwater

Figure 4. Modeled breakthroughs of the selected aqueous components and chemical parameters under field condition.

© 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Clean – Soil, Air, Water 2014, 42 (6), 722–730
Compatibility Assessment of Recharge Water with Native Groundwater 729

Accumulated precipates SI_Calcite Acknowledgements

SI_Dolomite SI_Gypsum
Accumulated Precipates

0.3 -2.1 This research was financially supported by National Key Technology
SI (Calcite/Dolomite)

R&D Program in the 11th Five Year Plan of China (2006BAB14B04),

(mol/L water)

National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant nos. 40902068,

SI (Gypsum)
0.2 -2.3 41002077 and 41272255), the China Ministry of Science and
Technology 863 Project (2007AA06Z343), and the Science Frontiers
and Interdisciplinary Innovation Project of Jilin University (grant no.
0.1 -2.5 201103112).

0 -2.7 The authors have declared no conflict of interest.

0 48 96 144 192
Time (hours)

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