Swipe PDF Version
Swipe PDF Version
Swipe PDF Version
The Airtable version may contain more examples for some of the items
that have them.
How to use Swipe Conversions Database:
2. Scan the list and see if there any items you are currently not
3. Make a list of 3-5 easy items in a Trello board and start tackling
them (or assign to your team if you have a team).
5. Scan the list to see which of the items applies and you are not
currently implementing. Assess which items are technically feasible
for you or your team.
6. Make a list of 1-3 high impact items and add them to your Trello
board or any task management system you have in place. Start
tackling these items.
By sorting items with the least required effort and highest impact, you
can quickly take care of some low hanging fruit and tackle some of the
more promising tasks.
Rinse and repeat, or sort by the type of page you'd like to tackle first.
If for some reason you feel you cannot find any items that might apply to
you, reach out to me on Twitter or email and I'll take a look at your
website. I've never seen any website or onboarding flow that could not
benefit from Swipe.
If you have any questions, feedback, or want to share how Swipe has
helped you, I'd be happy to hear from you! Email cogentgene@gmail.com
or reach me on Twitter @cogentgene
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Focus on "y ou" vs. "me / us / w e". Avoid ego. Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
It is natural to wa nt to talk about your compa ny - after all, it is you wh o is
providing a service. However, wh en using t he "me, we, us" langu age , this can
alienate readers and m ake them feel as though you only seek to satisfy your
sales targe ts.
When you shift your copy to "you" langu age , the pr oduct becomes about
them. W hat can you do for them? This is wh at anyone really cares about.
Example of a us-centric m essaging:
"DigitalRiver is the best hosting t ool around. Our servers are optimized for
pe rformance. Our engineers are available around the clock to keep t hings
running s moothly and reliably."
Example of you-centric m essaging:
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Anchor y our ideal packa ge t o a higher price Anticipated Impact: Very High
tier . Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Pricing
This is referred to as pr ice anchoring. The idea is that wh en a pe rson sees a
high er figu re, the next number feels m ore acceptable wh en it's lower than the
How t o use this: Create pr oduct tiers, even if you only have one tier (for
example, you could add expe dited suppo rt for a pr emium tier).
List the pr emium option first, OR high ligh t it. W hen the eye go es to the first
visible pr ice tier, the next best option seems m uch m ore reasonable.
This also works in nego tiation. Start your nego tiations wi th a m uch high er
number than you wh at you're wi lling t o settle on.
It even works just by casually m entioning s ome large number pr ior to
discussing pr icing. Even if that number has nothing t o do wi th pr icing!
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Repeat y our call t o action if y ou ha ve long Anticipated Impact: Medium
pages. P eople should no t ha ve t o look f or t he Requires Budget? No
butt on. Page Type: Landing Page
Home Page
A/B tests have continuously shown that adding a call to action through out
the pa ge (espe cially long pa ge s) increases conversions.
An alternative is to have a sticky or fixed button or call to action area that
scrolls wi th the view.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Add lead captur es t o y our videos. Use a t ool Anticipated Impact: Medium
like Wistia t o collect email addr esses right Requires Budget? Yes
from y our video. Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Use r eal t eam member phot os. Ne ver Anticipated Impact: Medium
substitut e wit h a st ock image. If y ou don't ha ve Requires Budget? No
a phot o, just don't include one. Page Type: Any
It's really easy to reverse go ogle search image s and see if a compa ny is
faking i t. Your team is your asset. Be creative and include real, pe rsonable
image s of your team m embers. People relate to pe ople and having a gr eat
looking t eam wi th ge nuine care for their work can pu sh a pr ospe ct to act.
You can take it up a notch by telling your compa ny's story and
communicating y our values. Just as we resonate wi th pe ople's stories in
pe rson, a po tential customer can resonate wi th your compa ny's story or your
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Sho w a checklist of it ems t he user needs t o Anticipated Impact: High
complet e t o see t he aw esome benefit s of y our Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
product Page Type: Onboarding
If your pr oduct requ ires several setup s teps , gu ide the user visually until they
are all set. This can be in a form of a checklist and or a pr ogress circle / bar.
In the attached example, SproutSocial includes a section in their app
dashboard called "Your Progress".
In this section, it tells users wh at they should do next to ge t the m ost out of
their pl atform. This is gu iding t he user to see the full value.
It's impo rtant to note that SproutSocial is using a pr ogress bar wi th 20%
already completed. W hen creating c hecklist, m ake sure the user has already
completed some of the pr ogress so that it doesn't feel like they are starting
at zero (even if they technically are).
The pr ogress bar visual is a po werful wa y to m otivate pe ople to ge t to 100%.
Whenever we see anything t hat is not 100% c omplete, our attention wi ll be
diverted to that area to see wh y we are not at 100%
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Break up y our long f orms int o multiple st eps. Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Many different A/B tests have confirmed that often breaking u p c omplex
forms into m ultiple steps has a huge impa ct on improving c onversions.
This is likely due to pe rceived difficulty of filling o ut a form and or the time it
takes to do it.
Try starting wi th 1 field (pe rhaps the email field so you can capture and
market to them early on).
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Write succinct sent ences. Sa y no t o long Anticipated Impact: Medium
paragraphs. Use bullet s and list s, mak e it Requires Budget? No
scannable Page Type: Any
Shorter sentences are easier to read.
Write like a pe rson, not like a business.
Watch your conversions go up.
Bonus: Format to m ake pa ge s easy to scan.
People don't read the wa y we wa nt them to. T hey scan.
If they don't find the information they are after, they leave. (Not alwa ys true in
Tip: Replace commas wi th pe riods.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Consider t esting y our de signs bef ore Anticipated Impact: Medium
launching t hem Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
Page Type: Any
Consider running y our design through a tool like VisualEyes to see wh ere
pe ople m igh t ge t hung u p o r wh ich parts of the pa ge they'll pa y m ost
attention to.
They even have a free Figm a pl ugin that lets you test some design s for free!
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Creat e separat e pages f or each unique Anticipated Impact: Very High
audience segment or use case. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
For example, if you have a scheduling pr oduct that appe als to dentists, hair
salons, m echanics etc... you would m ake an individual landing pa ge that
focuses solely on that audience.
You can do the same for different use cases.
Focus the new pa ge around that spe cific audience and include:
1. How y our pr oduct solves their pr oblem
2. Examples of your pr oduct being u sed by pe ople in that segm ent gr oup.
3. Testimonials from pe ople in that segm ent gr oup
4. Image s of pe ople wh o represent that audience segm ent
By creating a new pa ge just for that audience, you are m aking t he offer m uch
more relevant. Do ing s o answers the qu estion: "wh o is this for?" and takes
care of the objection "will it work for me?"
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Try adding implied ur gency t o y our butt ons Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
This is a bit of a sensitive issue and some pe ople outrigh t reject it, but it has
been shown to work. If you are wi lling t o test it, try adding u rge ncy to your
Use words like "now", and "today" to ge t pe ople to take action.
This is m ost likely to work wi th audiences wh o are not as savvy as say... B2B
marketing s oftwa re shoppe rs.
Get Started > Start Now
Book Your Li ve De mo > Book Your Li ve De mo Today
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Keep f orm hierar chical a nd visually simple. T ry Anticipated Impact: Medium
to stick t o one column. 2 or 3 columns can Requires Budget? No
work if y ou can pr e-popu lat e some of t he Page Type: Onboarding
While this is a tip h ere, I would still recommend trying m ulti-step f orms as
those have been shown to have m uch high er conversions.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Bold or highlight t he most impor tant point s. Anticipated Impact: Medium
Don't o verdo bolding e verything. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Call attention to your m ost impo rtant po ints. You can do this by:
Bolding t he text
Using a different color text
High ligh ting i t
By directing a ttention, you can communicate the bigge st takeawa ys qu ickly.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Repurpose case studies for diff erent stages of Anticipated Impact: High
the funnel Requires Budget? Yes
Page Type: Ads
Landing Page
Home Page
Repu rpo se your case studies into short, m edium, and longe r assets to serve
your audiences at different po ints in the funnel.
1. Just the facts for top o f funnel (with suppo rting s ocial pr oof),
2. De ep d ives for the consideration and pu rchase ph ases.
One gr eat story can and should be used m any wa ys!
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Provide clone-able t emp lat es Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
If your app/ tool or service can benefit from templates, let pe ople clone them
easily and gu ide them through the pr ocess to eliminate a bunch of m anual
This is pa rticularly helpful for freemium and free trial set ups . You wa nt
pe ople to start seeing t he value of your pr oduct righ t awa y and wh at better
wa y than gi ving t hem a qu ick starting po int like a clone-able template or
Caard, Canva, Pory.io - all excellent examples wh ere the user does not start
with a blank slate.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Use r eal, pr ecise numbers in y our social pr oof . Anticipated Impact: High
Ex ample: "T rust ed b y 65 of t he F or tune 500 Requires Budget? No
companies" . Page Type: Copywriting
Social pr oof wi th fake or rounded numbers m igh t be worse than having n o
social pr oof at all. People can sense fake numbers if they look like they were
pu lled out of thin air - wh ich m ay actually cause them to be m ore skeptical of
the rest of your pa ge , and therefor your pr oduct.
NO: "Trusted by thousands of businesses."
YES: Trusted by 5,242 businesses
NO: Join over 10,000 s ubscribers
YES: Join 10,983 subscribers
"But, Gene, your own landing pa ge says '10 m illion', sounds pr etty vagu e!"
It's true, there are times wh ere this m ay be okay. In my case, I did not know
the actual number, just the vicinity and I didn't wa nt to lie and m ake it up.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
If y our pr oduct is priced annually , tr y Anticipated Impact: Medium
rephrasing it as a lo wer mont hly number (billed Requires Budget? No
annually) Page Type: Pricing
Even though the pr ices are the same, seeing a lower m onthly pr ice m ay m ake
the pr oduct easier to buy.
Example: Instead of $60/year try $5/mo (billed annually).
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Doing cold outr each? Combine v alue add wit h Anticipated Impact: High
a personaliz ed gr eeting and discount code f or Requires Budget? No
higher con versions. Page Type: Email
If you are enga ge d in cold emails, consider this strategy :
1. Provide value in your initial outreach. Do something f or the pe rson you
are contacting ( hope fully it involves using y our pr oduct) For example, if
your softwa re creates social m edia videos and you are reaching o ut to a
po dcast host, you could create one or two videos for free and offer them
to your contact.
2. Link to a pa ge or a document (in our example it m ay be a pa ge on our
website) wh ich contains this free asset.
3. Create a custom gr eeting t hat uses the contact's name (ph oto optional -
- some m ay find this creepy).
4. Offer a discount code for the full pr oduct (maybe 2 m onths free if they
pay annually, or if you already offer 2 m onths off, offer 3 -- you ge t the
That's it. The idea is that by pr oviding v alue, customizing t he pa ge just for
them and offering a spe cial discount wi ll incentivize them to take action.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Creat e a publicly-accessible FREE v ersion of Anticipated Impact: Very High
your pr oduct Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
This is an edge case scenario, but if appl icable, consider m aking a free
version that is pu blicly accessible to all.
Spo tify web pl ayer is a pe rfect example as it enables pe ople to share their
creations pu blicly and the recipient in turn ge ts expo sed to your pr oduct but
in a high ly targe ted fashion.
More examples: De script, Notion pu blic documents, Fimga .
Psst! This is also a KILLE R gr owt h strategy.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Rewar d y our users wit h fr eebies, but k eep (t he Anticipated Impact: High
freebies) t hem lock ed Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Product
As the free user continues using y our app, consider ga mifying t heir pr emium
upgr ade by creating a spe ndable or redeemable item that can only be spe nt
if you upgr ade to pr emium.
This could be a m ade up t oken / currency, or some pr emium version of the
free asset they acqu ire by using y our app.
Du olingo does this well by rewa rding u sers wi th "lingo ts" that are only
spe ndable as the user creates a new pr ofile. The app a llows pe ople to use it
for free wi thout an account, but this creates an incentive to sign up a nd fill
out your pr ofile (wh ich eventually leads to additional app u sage and a high er
chance of upgr ading t o pa id).
Another idea / example: Le t's say you run a community. You can rewa rd free
users for enga ge ment by gi ving t hem a virtual token or item that can be
redeemed for some pr emium feature of your pa id community (but they have
to upgr ade to be able to redeem it righ t awa y).
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Prime users wit h social pr oof bef ore difficult Anticipated Impact: High
ask st eps Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
In Psychology, priming is defined as expo sure to one stimulus influencing
another. We can use this to our advantage to pr ime our visitors wi th a
po sitive feeling b efore asking t hem to answer something d ifficult or sensitive.
This can also be accomplished wi th go od copy, humor, and m icro-
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Include social pr oof ne xt t o y our call t o actions Anticipated Impact: High
(logos, "trust ed b y", "x nu mber of users") Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
Home Page
Social pr oof (testimonials, ratings , cumulative ratings , # of customers, # of
installs, etc...) next to buttons amplifies the po sitive feeling a nd trust a
prospe ct m ay have wh ile brows ing t he pa ge .
Sure, they could see it elsewh ere on the pa ge but seeing i t righ t next to
wh ere you're clicking s ets the tone for the rest of the pr oduct expe rience
(and if your next step i s a series of other onboarding s teps , this is espe cially
impo rtant as it keeps pe ople m otivated to finish through the flow) .
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
If possible, off er social lo gin & signup options. Anticipated Impact: Very High
This sa ves people time a nd helps pr e-populat e Requires Budget? No
fields. (F acebook, T witt er, Google, Link edIn - Page Type: Onboarding
depending on y our audie nce). Forms
Blue research conducted a study to see how m any pe ople gi ve up i f they
forge t the username and pa ssword. That number? 92%! Offering s ocial logins
and sign up o ptions is pr actically a no-brainer.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Write lar ge captions on y our pr evie w images Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Anecdotal evidence sugge sts that pr eview i mage s and captions have a lot to
do wi th conversions and app i nstalls.
Try to add creative layouts to your m obile app pr eviews , and include large
captions that can be seen on small screens.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Try a lead magnet slide out widget Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
Page Type: Any
I've had several clients wh o repo rted go od results wi th the slide-out wi dget.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Creat e a sho wcase of t hings t hat ar e possible Anticipated Impact: Medium
to cr eat e wit h y our pr odu ct or cust omers using Requires Budget? No
your pr oduct. Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
Words are gr eat, but showing wh at your pr oduct can do is even better.
Remember - show, don't tell.
If your pr oduct is used to create things - apps , files, design s, etc.. try
creating a showcase of everything t hat's po ssible (or at least a go od sample
of the things you can do wi th it).
Sometimes pe ople are looking t o accomplish a very spe cific thing - and if
your pr oduct m akes it supe r obvious that it can do that (with a go od
example), no other words wi ll be necessary for pe ople to sign up.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Use y our onboar ding flo w to segment y our Anticipated Impact: High
visit ors and learn mor e about t hem. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
This is a huge m issed oppo rtunity that m ost compa nies never implement.
Some add a few f ields into the sign up f orm, wh ich is not alwa ys the best wa y
to do it - as this often lowers conversions.
Instead of asking f or all of the information up f ront on the same form, add the
segm entation qu estions like "wh ich best describes you..." and "wh at are you
looking t o solve wi th x" into the follow- up s teps .
For this to work, you'll need to have a m ulti-step s ign up f low.
It's a lot of technical work, but the information you learn about your pr ospe cts
can help y ou hone your copy and better serve your visitors.
While this won't lead to a direct increase in conversions (unless you didn't
have m ulti-step i n pl ace), in the long run you'll ga ther valuable data wh ich
you can then use to create tone-pe rfect landing pa ge s for each type of your
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Use int eractiv e t ools f or pr ospect s t o calculat e Anticipated Impact: High
cost s / sa vings Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Talking a bout savings is cool, but having s omething t o pl ay wi th and visualize
them is even better.
Interactive tools are awesome for conversions. I've seen them do really well
in m any pr evious A/B tests. Part of the reason wh y is because the user sees
outpu t that is relevant to them and not some pi e in the sky number a
copywr iter or m arketing t eam pu t toge ther. Once it's pe rsonal and tangible,
it's easier to take the next step.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Try fewer w ords Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
An industry benchmark repo rt from Unbounce showed that landing pa ge s
with fewer words tended to convert the high est.
How f ew? Well, the best converting p age s had under 200 w ords!
Give it a try and see if you can m ake your copy shorter and to the po int.
Check out the attached example from M onday.com's landing pa ge . You can
practically count the words on that page on both hands. (not really, but you
can tell the pa ge is very concise.)
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Use y our w elcome email to pit ch y our paid Anticipated Impact: High
off er Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Email
Welcome emails are said to have an average of 50% o pe n rate. The smartest
of compa nies use this oppo rtunity to ups ell a pr emium offer (usually wi th a
I would test adding y our pr emium offer in m ultiple pl aces in your welcome
email (if long), or at least once if short, and pe rhaps combine wi th a time-
sensitive discount, for example:
30% o ff for the next 4 hours
We'll throw i n X m ore of Y if you sign up i n the next 2 hours
I am pu rpo sely avoiding 2 4 hours, or 48 hours, as is typical in discounts --
mostly because they do not create as big o f a sense of urge ncy as 2 and 4
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Sho w y our gr eat busines s revie ws fr om r evie w Anticipated Impact: High
sit es on y ours Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
Everyone knows social pr oof can be a po werful conversion driver. But, unless
you are a TrustPilot user, you m ay be leaving pr ecious reviews on 3rd pa rty
websites instead of pu tting t hem to work for you.
This is very easy to change :
1. Go to po pu lar review s ites like G2, or search your business in Google "my
business name + reviews ".
2. Embed po sitive reviews on your website / landing pa ge s. You can also
do this m anually just by adding y our own HTML ( lame, but works).
A couple of tips :
1. Some websites pr ohibit embedding " their" reviews . If it's a m ajor website
like Google, you m ay wa nt to check that this is allowed.
2. Cherry-picking e verything i s not always the best option. Consider
leaving s ome neutral or less than stellar reviews -- as long a s you
respo nded to them appr opriately and show y our respo nse.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
If y ou ha ve t hem, include a r ele vant t estimonial Anticipated Impact: High
ne xt t o pr oduct f eatur e d escriptions. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
This is social pr oof taken a step f orwa rd. If you have pl enty of comments
from your customers, you can try to add a short snippe t of testimonial righ t
next to the feature they are raving a bout.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Use r eal phot os and a void st ock phot ograph y. Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? Yes
Page Type: Any
Stock ph otography is really hard to pull off and ge nerally adds no value to
your website.
Consider using r eal ph otos of real customers. This shows that your
customers are having s uccess wi th your pr oduct. It also m akes the website
feel authentic and real.
Check out attached example from Gusto, using a n image of their actual
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Deliv er lo wer quality out put / r esult s t o fr ee Anticipated Impact: Very High
users Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Product
If your app' s outpu t is visual, you could consider delivering l ower qu ality to
free users, forcing t hem to upgr ade to ge t the full qu ality expe rience.
Type s of content that m igh t work:
Image s - logo s, screenshots, sharable gr aph ics (think Canva)
Video - sharable videos, compa ny video, social m edia videos
Audio - lower bitrate audio (Tidal).
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Watermark output cont ent Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Product
If your app o utpu ts sharable content (video, audio, image s, repo rts, etc...), try
wa termarking i t to encourage pe ople to sign up f or a pr emium account.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
If y our f orm is multi-st ep, sho w ho w man y Anticipated Impact: High
steps t her e ar e. Ex ception: If y ou ha ve a v ery Requires Budget? No
long quiz-style f orm t hat gat hers a lot of Page Type: Onboarding
information, tr y not sho wing t he actual st eps Forms
(as t his ma y o verwhelm t he user). Inst ead, opt
for a pr ogr ess bar .
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Use t he her o ar ea t o sho w ho w y our pr oduct Anticipated Impact: Very High
works via a shor t video or a gr eat pr oduct Requires Budget? No
scr eenshot. Page Type: Landing Page
Home Page
Some compa nies / startups like to use illustrations or header image s (and in
some cases nothing) in the hero spo t. This is not only a wa ste of spa ce, but
also m isses a huge oppo rtunity to demo your pr oduct qu ickly, so pe ople
understand its value.
Use the hero area to demonstrate your pr oduct wi th a short autoplay video (if
without sound) or a high qu ality pr oduct screenshot.
In some cases you can use illustrations if they m imic your pr oduct UI /
functions - but this can be hard to achieve.
Check out how H eadlime.io does their pr oduct demo!
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Place tar get pricing tiers in t he cent er Anticipated Impact: High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Pricing
People tend to zero in on wh at's in front of them. Simply by being o n the
"end" of an option set m akes that option sligh tly inferior.
Once a pe rson has zeroed into the center, they'll scan from left to righ t. This
is wh y it's also impo rtant to anchor the pr ice to a large r number on the left.
Try pl acing y our pr emium tiers on the left to act as an anchor to the "less
expe nsive" option in the m iddle.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
If possible, allo w people t o t est out y our Anticipated Impact: High
technical pr oduct wit hout e xtensiv e sign ups Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Sometimes words can't communicate the same m eaning a s expe riencing t he
thing f or yourself. G iving u sers access to a demo account can help t hem see
the value and awesomeness of your product wi thout having t o lose pe ople on
the sign up f orm.
Headlime.io does a gr eat job and lets users ge nerate some sample headlines
before unlocking a ll of them.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Add pr emium upsell spec ific social pr oof t o t he Anticipated Impact: Very High
onboar ding flo w Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Similar to a pr evious tip wh ere I recommend you add social pr oof to every
step o f your onboarding f low, if you have it, add social pr oof that is spe cific to
your pr emium / pa id ups ell offer.
This m ostly appl ies to setups wh ere you have a freemium m odel - pe ople can
still access a free (limited) version and a lot of emph asis is on the pr emium
version of the pr oduct. For example, how i t pa ys itself in value, or spe lls out
exact value received by the buyer.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Prompt t he user t o upgrade bef ore t heir fr ee Anticipated Impact: High
trial e xpir es. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Many compa nies have little notices that count down the free trial pe riod.
You can take it a step f urther and encourage the pe rson to sign up f or
premium BEFORE the trial expires.
De script does this by po ppi ng u p t he upgr ade box during t he free trial every
time a user ope ns up t he softwa re.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Pre-populat e f orms or m ulti-st ep flo ws as Anticipated Impact: Very High
much as possible. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
If po ssible, select commonly chosen options to pr e-po pu late your forms. Try
to m inimize the number of clicks a pe rson has to m ake to ge t through a form.
See included example from Translated.com. They po pu late their form as seen
and have go od UX for searching l ong l ists of langu age s wi th a search bar.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Check t he contrast ratio of y our cop y wit h Anticipated Impact: Medium
tools lik e (https://contrast -ratio.com/) Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Basic usability issue wh ere pe ople m ay not be able to see wh at your buttons
or text say if the contrast is too low.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Add a call t o action t o y our videos. T ools lik e Anticipated Impact: Medium
Wistia allo w y ou t o add l inks t o t he end of y our Requires Budget? Yes
video. Page Type: Any
For m ost compa nies, having h igh -pe rforming v ideos is an afterthough t.
Not for you. Because you know e very pi ece of asset on your website should
work for you day and nigh t.
Instead of using Y ouTube clips wi th recommended videos at the end (wh ere
your visitor wi ll pr obably click and leave your site), you'll add a call to action
into each and every video wi th services like W isita.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
If y our pr oduct contains featur es f or diff erent Anticipated Impact: Very High
types of cust omers, segment y our cust omers Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
and off er cust om onboar ding e xperiences. Page Type: Onboarding
Imagine you run a pl atform that allows pe ople to sell courses, digital pr oducts
and m emberships .
A customer sign s up, ge ts droppe d into the dashboard but is qu ickly
overwh elmed and decides to come back to it later. Except, they never do.
This is how s ome SaaS pr oducts set up t heir onboarding. From zero to
everything, wi th nothing i n between.
Now i magine a pr ocess wh ere you are asked wh at you'd like to create, and
are gu ided to m ake that first pr oduct, righ t in the onboarding.
Wouldn't it be m ore likely that a pe rson wh o wa nts to sell their digital book is
go ing t o test out your pl atform if they've already invested the time in adding
their pr oduct?
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Int errupt aut omat ed beha viors or tak e Anticipated Impact: Very High
adv antage of t hem Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
This is a bit of a gr eyhat strategy - some m ay find it unethical so use at your
own discretion (works pa rticularly well in m obile apps ):
UX pr actices condition us to certain respo nses in certain situations. For
example, the close button is usually on the uppe r righ t pa rt of the screen. We
also tend to click continue on the right hand button if there are two to choose
from (the first being t he back button).
You can use this information to your advantage by interrupting t hese pa tterns
and pl acing pr eferable actions wh ere pe ople tend to click, or to pr event them
from taking t hose actions.
For example, shift the close button the left side of the screen in m obile apps .
Instead of continuing f or free, try "continue trial" as the m ain CTA or the righ t
hand button.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Passw ords input s: giv e users hint s and check Anticipated Impact: Medium
off t he r equir ement s as t he user input s a Requires Budget? No
passw ord. Also, allo w users t o pr evie w t he Page Type: Any
passw ord bef ore submit ting f orm.
"This field requ ires an alph anumeric character".
"Password requ ires a spe cial symbol"
"Sorry, your pa ssword should be at least 8 characters long".
I've seen all 3 errors after submitting a form. This is NOT an expe rience you
wa nt your would-be customers to have wh en sign ing u p.
If for some reason you requ ire these things wh en creating a pa ssword for
your users, consider showing h ints that are validated in real time. See
attached example.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Use activ e t one, a void passiv e t one or sales Anticipated Impact: Medium
speak. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Active tone enga ge s and adds clarity to your m essage .
Passive tone can be boring t o read and can contain words that m ay or m ay
not m ake the pr ospe ct qu estion your ability to deliver a solution.
See wh at I did? Read the last sentence aga in.
State your m essage clearly in an engaging t one.
"Just do it"
"De ploy and scale seamlessly"
"Bring y our team toge ther"
vs. Passive tone:
"Make sure it ge ts done"
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Reveal f orm fields 1 b y 1 if not br eaking up int o Anticipated Impact: Very High
a multi-st ep f orm. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Forms can overwh elm wh en showing all the fields at once. In your onboarding
and or pa yment areas, try revealing t he form fields one by one as the user
completes it (leaving t he pr evious field visible).
For example, let's say I see one field for N ame, I click it and type in my name,
then see the email field below i t, then credit card etc...
Another added benefit of this setup is that you can ask m ore qu estions in
your onboarding. By asking f or basic info up f ront, you are conditioning t he
user to fill out the next screen. This allows you to easily fit a couple of
screening qu estions to help i dentify your audience interests, pr oblems and
po tential shortcuts to solve them.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Mention an y high number Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Pricing
If you offer a service, m erely m entioning a ny high number in the copy or your
conversation BEFORE discussing y our rates can be high ly effective.
When it comes to assign ing m oney to value, our brains are really terrible at it.
Even though some high number casually droppe d in a conversation m ay have
nothing t o do wi th pr icing, our brain is go ing t o try to compa re them anywa y.
It's Jedi-level stuff!
Example: on my landing pa ge swipe .pa ge I include the average pr ice for an
audit fee I typically charge my clients.
If a pe rson has no idea wh at conversion optimization services m igh t be
worth, reading a bout the $3K audit fee m igh t gi ve them an idea of just how
costly CRO can be. Compa re the swipe file at $87, it starts looking v ery
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
If y ou ha ve a membership-type pr oduct, tr y Anticipated Impact: High
rephrasing y our pricing f rom mont hly t o 3 Requires Budget? No
mont hs and 12 mont hs "membership" or Page Type: Pricing
"access" .
Before Ramy Khuffash went on his w ay to m aking $ 5k in recurring r evenue,
he almost ga ve up. He pr iced Product Flows as a m onthly m embership a nd
nobody sign ed up. After he reworked pr icing t o a flat fee, pe ople started
buying. Now h is website is selling a 3 m onths and a 12 m onths m embership
and the last repo rted revenue wa s at just over 5k.
If you have a m embership pr oduct and see low s ales from m onthly access,
try pa ckaging i t as a qu arterly or yearly m embership.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Creat e a ne w landing page f or each ad set Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget?
Page Type: Ads
Landing Page
If you don't use dynamic keywords on landing pa ge s, create m atching pa ge s
for each ad set wi th uniqu e titles.
When the pa ge m atches in m essaging t o the ad, the pr ospe ct knows they are
in the righ t pl ace and can explore further.
There are cases wh ere the compa ny can ge t awa y wi thout having a spe cific
landing pa ge for each ad set, but if you have the time / budge t and wa nt
better results -- I recommend trying high ly targe ted m essaging o n sepa rate
landing pa ge s.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Manually onboar d y our c ust omers Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
This is pr obably the m ost overlooked strategy by m any wh o are just ge tting
started. You can convert at a m uch high er rate if you just ge t to know t he
pe rson you are looking t o help. After you've established an initial contact and
interest, ask them if you can set them up o ne-on-one.
This strategy is high touch, but it also gi ves you a ton of insigh ts into the
mind of your customers so you can better tailor your m essage .
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
If y ou ha ve t hem, displa y pr ominent cust omer Anticipated Impact: High
logos ne xt t o y our butt on s. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
Big n ame logo s do a gr eat job of inspiring t rust -- unless you are fairly
unheard of and the pr ospe ct is familiar wi th all of your compe titors, in wh ich
case big n ame logo s can actually create doubt.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Sho w prices in local curr encies Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Pricing
If you sell in m ultiple regions, localize pr icing t o show t he local currency
conversion equ ivalent.
A ProfitWell study found that just showing t he correct currency symbol
increases revenue pe r user by 30%.
Adjusting pr ices based on the region increases revenue pe r customer further.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
in B2B use pop ups (y es you r ead t hat right), t o Anticipated Impact: High
funnel people int o liv e or recor ded demos. Requires Budget? Yes
Page Type: Any
Contrary to wh at some pe ople wi ll tell you, in B2B po p u ps work really well to
capture pe ople's attention and funnel them into the next step. M any
businesses use po p u ps for email capture, but you can use them just as
easily for the webinar m odel (live demo).
This is a very touchy subject for m any CRO expe rts because they wi ll argue
that the abandonment rate wi ll offset any captured audiences, but they also
tend to forge t that email converts at a high er rate than website traffic. Also,
in B2B visitors are m ore pa tient as they are there to find a solution for their
business (often for a very impo rtant pr oblem wi th few pe rfectly m atching
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Text app do wnload links fr om deskt op Anticipated Impact: High
Requires Budget? Yes
Page Type: Landing Page
Tools like Li nkTexting s end your app links to their ph one number if they
discover you on desktop. This reduces friction and increases conversions.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Use int eractiv e t ours ins tead of guided t ours Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Instead of a gu ided tour wh ere you show v arious features of your pr oduct, try
an interactive tour wh ere the user is actively pa rticipa ting a nd clicking t hings
that actually m ove them forwa rd to their (yours too!) go al.
For example, instead of saying " This is wh ere you impo rt your file" m ake them
actually click and impo rt a file and then m ove them to the next step.
Interactive tours are m ore enga ging, go by qu ickly as you m ake it very clear
wh at the user has to do, and ge ts them that m uch closer to seeing y our
product's full po tential. (and m uch m ore likely to convert to a pa id user).
This works on both desktop a nd m obile, but does requ ire a sign ificant effort
to develop ( unless you are a ge nius, go od for you!)
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Mak e y our int ernal pages load f ast er wit h Anticipated Impact: Medium
instant.page Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Instant.pa ge is a 3rd pa rty scripts that helps pr e-load links before they are
Imagine a pe rson finds you via an orga nic search and click on one of your
blog po sts. They read through for a bit, now t hey wa nt to explore further.
While hovering a link, that pa ge loads before the user even clicks it. They
don't notice anything d ifferent, but the pa ge linked now l oads seemingly
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Validat e f orms inline wit hout waiting f or Anticipated Impact: Medium
people t o hit submit. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
If your onboarding pr ocess asks for a lot of information (many fields),
removing a s m uch frustration as po ssible can help wi th conversions.
Not only that, but it also sets up f or a po sitive pr oduct expe rience.
If you are not familiar wi th wh at "inline validation" m eans -- it's basically the
process of returning f ield errors to the user "inline" wi thout wa iting f or them
to submit the form. M ost forms wa it for you to click the button and only then
tell you if something wa s not filled out correctly. Inline validation checks for
errors as soon as the user has m oved on to the next field and pr ompts them
to fix it.
Inline errors a friendlier as long a s they are descriptive enough in wh at went
wrong. They also help e nsure the user fills out all of the requ ired fields
instead of skippi ng t hem and only realizing t hat they have m ore work to do
after they hit the submit button.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Use in-cont ent lead magnet s Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
Page Type: Blog
Banner blindness and po pu p b lockers can sometimes m ake pe ople ign ore or
just not see your opt-in forms in pl aces like your blog.
You can bypa ss this by adding y our lead m agn et links (assets pe ople can
down load to opt into your m ailing l ist) directly into your content / blog po sts.
Here, you can emph asize the links so they stand out but do not cause banner
This doesn't m ean you should completely ge t rid of banners, forms or
callouts. Just use the in-content links as suppl emental backups .
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
On mobile, sho w impor tant element s if hidden Anticipated Impact: High
in menus or filt ers. Bring t hem int o y our Requires Budget? No
design. Page Type: Any Mobile
If you use a sticky m enu bar on m obile, consider adding a call to action (by
brining i t out of the m enu).
While this is a small tweak and m ay not m ean as m uch in m ulti-touch funnels,
just having t he convenience of taking a ction can m ake a difference between
taking t he first step a nd leaving t he site "for later".
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Sho w pr oduct f eatur es in stead of illustrations. Anticipated Impact: Very High
Scr eenshot s, gif s, videos w ork bett er t han Requires Budget? No
illustrations (wit h e xceptions) Page Type: Any
There are cases wh ere illustrations do a gr eat job explaining a pr oduct as
long a s the illustration m akes clear w hat value pr opo sition you're ge tting.
For the m ost pa rt, compa nies (espe cially startups ), tend to m isuse
illustrations because they are easy to come by. Too often, the illustrations
they use do not pr ope rly communicate their offer's value pr opo sition.
To pl ay it safe, start off by showcasing y our pr oduct features in a form of a
gif or a screenshot. If you cannot nail it wi th a gi f or a small video, then it's
worth a try wi th an illustration.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Sell t he "wh y" Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
"People don't buy W HAT you do, they buy W HY you do it" - Simon Sinek (in
his TED t alk in 201 0).
Simon go es on to gi ve an example how pe ople buy (bough t) M P3 pl ayers
from Appl e and not from De ll, even though both compa nies m ade them.
He explains that the m ission is m ore impo rtant than the pr oduct.
As an early startup o r a founder, this is a critical insigh t and something t o
think about. It's a huge advantage over compe titors.
The idea is that pe ople connect stronge r wi th the reason wh y compa nies do
wh at they do and not necessarily the pr oducts they m ake. The pr oduct (the
WHAT), exists to satisfy the core belief (the W HY). If you can ge t pe ople to
think as you do and feel pa ssionately about the same issue that m akes you
pa ssionate, you'll have a m uch easier time selling.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Try a basic, t o t he point design. What's t he Anticipated Impact: High
most simple wa y t o e xplain y our off er? Go wit h Requires Budget? No
that. Page Type: Any
There have been cases wh ere a founder change d their design from a full
feature-blown pa ge to something r eally basic and saw a huge increase in
Sometimes we overthink things and design for design 's sake, wh en the end
user just wa nts to understand the pr oduct as qu ickly as po ssible.
Try a variation of your landing pa ge or home pa ge that strips out a lot of the
detail and explains the pr oduct as easily as po ssible.
Hey.com at launch did this really well - they just had a letter on the home
pa ge that explained wh at wa s wr ong wi th email and how t hey fixed it - wi th
barely any screenshots (the one you see in the attached example wa s added
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Use simple language, under 6t h grade. Use Anticipated Impact: Medium
tools lik e Hemmingwa yApp t o help wit h t his. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
A Harvard study showed that simplicity of a pr oduct had a high correlation
with the likelihood of it being r ecommended by pe ople.
Fun fact: the average American's reading c omprehension level is that of a
7th-8th gr ader (12-14 year olds). To keep pe ople's attention, wr ite simple
copy and aim for average reading c omprehension. Lu ckily, tools like
Hemmingwa y App m ake it easy to wr ite for everyone.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
If y our pr oduct int egrat es wit h popular Anticipated Impact: Very High
ser vices or t ools, cr eat e int egration pages as Requires Budget? No
use cases. Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
Some pr oducts allow i ntegrations wi th po pu lar pl atforms and services like
Slack or Dr opb ox.
If your pr oduct integrates wi th anything ( espe cially industry-spe cific), create
a standalone pa ge (like a use-case page ) that is all about that integration.
Not only wi ll it rank orga nically (or can be used for ads traffic), you can also
high ligh t the awesomeness of that integration.
BONUS: include a one click integration wi th that service. "Add to Slack" as
an example.
Even if the one click doesn't accomplish the entire pr ocess, this wi ll m ake it
feel seamless to ge t started.
Integrations are a gr eat gr owt h strategy but they are equ ally as effective at
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Give awa y a par t of y our pr oduct / pr oduced Anticipated Impact: Very High
result s and let users unlock t he r est b y pa ying Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
If appl icable, try letting pe ople have a pa rt of your pr oduct or results that it
produces for free (so they can see the value it pr ovides), then m ake them
sign up a nd pa y to unlock the rest.
Headlime.io does a gr eat job of this!
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Design y our w ebsit es an d pages t o Anticipated Impact: High
communicat e a f eeling o f trust via pr ofessional Requires Budget? No
design. In some cases, wher e t he v alue Page Type: Any
proposition is v ery str on g, t he design it self
won't matt er, but t his is an e xception t o t he
This is espe cially impo rtant if your compe titors are all in a catego ry of their
own in terms of design and you are a newcomer.
A design impa ct study by ProfitWell showed that pe ople wh o pe rceived a
compa ny's design as po sitive, had 22.6% h igh er wi llingn ess to pa y for the
The big qu estion is then, if pe ople pe rceive design differently, wh at m akes a
website trustworthy?
Here are some key features of trustworthy websites:
1. A unifying s tyle/brand gu ide.
2. A pr ofessional looking l ogo
3. Well-balanced and align ed elements
4. High qu ality image s, pr oduct screenshots and or well pr oduced videos.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Design page t o be scannable. Plenty of whit e Anticipated Impact: Very High
space, pr oper f ormatting , bolding, list s, shor t Requires Budget? No
sent ences. Page Type: Any
Nielsen Norman gr oup f ound that only 16% o f pe ople read websites word for
word. This wa s back in 1997. Today attention spa ns are even shorter so the
number is likely even lower.
Most pe ople don't read websites, they scan them qu ickly. If the website
answers their search qu ery - gr eat. If not -- they're go ne.
Format your web pa ge s to be easily scannable. That m eans:
Short sentences. Few s entences pe r gr oup.
Avoid long paragraphs. (You can m ake an exception for pr ospe cts
further down the conversion funnel)
Le ave pl enty of white space between sections. You don't wa nt things to
look so busy that pe ople are overwh elmed.
Use numbered and bullet lists
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Place trust symbols (r eviews, guarant ees, Anticipated Impact: High
badges, "X number of people trust") closer t o Requires Budget? No
call t o actions. Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
Some compa nies wi ll burry this somewh ere on the website. Social pr oof
builds confidence and lets pe ople know o thers trust your offer. Even if they
don't end up b uying, they'll feel m ore confident to try.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Try forced onboar ding Anticipated Impact: High
Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
Page Type: Onboarding
If your pr oduct is m arketed at a lay user but requ ires a certain level of
technical familiarity, try forcing t he onboarding pr ocess by having t he user
click "next step" next to wh ere the step i s explained.
Most onboarding f lows have the next/ pr evious buttons at the bottom or top
of the screen and pe ople ign ore them and just click through to the end.
Moving t he buttons into the actual steps wi ll help u sers familiarize and
actually be able to use your pr oduct.
I think the key here is to keep t he explainers supe r simple and use short gi fs
to accompa ny the headlines / po ints.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Save t he har d questions for last. Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Imagine you were on the ph one for 20 m inutes trying t o ge t suppo rt, and the
pe rson comes back and says I'll be wi th you in 5 m inutes - you're pr obably
go ing t o stick around because you've already wa ited 20 m inutes.
This is because you have invested your time and it's harder to qu it wh en
you've already pu t so m uch effort into something.
You can use this concept in your favor by asking t he tough est qu estions last
- like inpu t forms for ph one numbers, credit card scores or any pe rsonal
qu estions.
If the user has spe nt considerable time or effort filling o ut a form wi th easier
qu estions first, they are m ore likely to fill out that last pi ece of information
that they would otherwise hesitate to add if you asked it first.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Bring impor tant inf ormat ion out of F AQs int o Anticipated Impact: High
your designs wher e it's e asy t o see. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
This is straigh t forwa rd - sometimes critical information is buried in FAQs. If
you find that pr ospe cts are often asking t he same qu estions via live chat,
either before or after the sale - consider taking t hat element out of FAQ and
implementing i t into the design .
This wa y they have their qu estions answered for them wi thout having t o go
to one central pl ace to f
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Include links t o y our pr od uct or a v alue add in Anticipated Impact: Medium
your email signatur es Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Email
Improve your chances of conversions from email conversations by including a
link to your pr oduct or something t hat adds value to your pr ospe ct.
Some pe rcent of pe ople wi ll click your email sign atures wh ich could lead to
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Save time wit h dynamic keyw ord landing Anticipated Impact: High
pages Requires Budget? Yes
Page Type: Landing Page
If you have m any ads or keywords and you would rather not m ake a new
landing pa ge for each keywords, you can use dynamic keyword features to
po pu late your pa ge s. This saves time and resources to create new pa ge s.
What can you customize wi th dynamic keywords?
1. Page titles and m eta tags .
2. Text - for example, locations, keywords, names, text based on your
searcher's location.
This works well because the m ore closer the landing pa ge m atches to your
searcher's intent, the m ore likely they are to pr oceed.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Mak e y our w ebsit e load 3rd par ty script s Anticipated Impact: Medium
fast er wit h DNS pr efetch Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Every time your site looks at external scripts, their domain m ust resolve to an
IP address. This is called DN S resolution. This stuff takes time and slows
down sites that have a bunch of third pa rty script requ ests. You can m ask
this resolution latency (delay) by adding a dns pr efetch tag t o your scripts.
Visit this URL f or details on how t o do this (fairly simple):
https ://develope r.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Performance/dns-prefetch
Any time saved loading s ites is time well spe nt (even if just to m ake users a
bit happi er).
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Try dir ectional images (arr ows, person looking Anticipated Impact: Medium
at CT As) t o guide visit or's att ention. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
Home Page
Arrows are excellent at directing a ttention. If your pa ge is espe cially busy
with all sorts of visual elements, arrows can do a gr eat job of helping pe ople
start filling o ut a form or take the first step i n a m ulti-step f orm.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Try aut opla y video in y ou r her o section (but Anticipated Impact: Very High
mut e it and caption it). Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
!!! This tactic is a bit of a gr ey line and some
would consider it a dark patt ern t o aut opla y
videos. Use at y our o wn discr etion.
You could also show a clip f rom the video (autoplay, m uted), wi th an overlay
to "Watch the Video".
This would act as a background video but m ake it very clear that there is
something t o wa tch.
Some pe ople choose to leave out the caption to add m ore intrigu e and m ake
the video m ore clickable. It's up t o you, I'd test both!
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Sho w t he output of y our pr oduct on t he home Anticipated Impact: High
page / landing page Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
Home Page
If appl icable, show t he outpu t / pr oduct created by your offer. For example,
on Swipe .Page I include a pr eview o f the full swipe file but lock everything
below 2 5 rows .
Another example: If your pr oduct outpu ts slides or videos, consider
embedding t hat into your home pa ge or landing pa ge so pe ople can see the
actual outpu t.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Alwa ys send ad traffic t o landing pages, not Anticipated Impact: Very High
compan y home page. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
The pu rpo se of a landing pa ge is to ge t the pe rson to the next step ( either
pu t information into their hands, or ge t them to sign up f or your pr oduct).
Eliminate distractions by sending pe ople to landing pa ge s wi thout any exit
po ints except for your desired action.
This wi ll help y ou keep y our ad spe nd under control and gu arantee that
pe ople wi ll not wa nder off via a different link.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Consider t esting y our co py on an actual Anticipated Impact: Very High
audience Requires Budget? Yes
Page Type: Copywriting
If you have the budge t, you can use a service like CopyTesting.com to test
your copy to see how y our targe t users understand it.
Since copy is a critical compo nent for conversions, it could m ean sign ificant
benefits for those wh o are already brining i n customers but wa nt to continue
testing wi th actual insigh ts instead of self-ge nerated hypo theses.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Try a usage-based trial Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Most softwa re compa nies use a time-based trial appr oach. Users are gi ven 7
or 14 days to try the pr oduct. This has the ups ides of urge ncy but down sides
of not being a ble to actually test the pr oduct (pe ople forge t, too busy, leave,
come back and the trial is over).
Giving u sers the ability to test the pr oduct on their own terms m ay increase
the free to pa id conversion rate and ge t you m ore customers. Instead of a
time frame, users can explore the pr oduct up t o a certain po int wh ere they
realize the value of it and see that they need to pa y to unlock m ore.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Use t he same language used b y y our tar get Anticipated Impact: Medium
audience Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Sales is easier wh en your pr ospe ct understands wh at you're selling.
Le ading m arketing a dvisor M icahel Fishman ga ve a gr eat example: "optimal
wellness". Regu lar pe ople don't talk this wa y - this is a term used by doctors.
We don't buy "optimal wellness" pr oducts to ge t into "optimal" ph ysical
shape . We buy pr oducts to lose weigh t, to ga in m uscle etc...
If you wa nt your pr ospe cts to understand your offer, spe ak like they do. Talk
to them and note the langu age they use. You can also ge t feedback on a
thank-you follow- up e mail by asking wh at your visitors are struggl ing wi th
Ultimately, you can forge a stronge r connection wi th your customers by using
the langu age that shows you understand them.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Reverse t he flo w. Let peo ple get int o y our Anticipated Impact: Very High
platf orm first, cr eat e som ething, t hen ask Requires Budget? No
them t o pa y when sa ving pr ogr ess. Page Type: Onboarding
This is a gr eat compe titive advantage and a gr eat wa y to increase sign ups
and conversions.
Most websites m ake you register an account first.
By reversing t he flow, you let pe ople see the value of your pr oduct righ t awa y
(bypa ssing a ll the drop-offs on sign ups ).
When pe ople see the value of your pr oduct, they are m uch m ore likely to sign
up f or the wh ole thing ( more determined).
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Take pa yment inf o up fr ont, but off er a visual Anticipated Impact: Medium
cancel-b y dat e guarant ee. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
If your pr oduct's value is easy to understand, it m ay be worth a try taking
credit card details upfront. Of course, you wi ll lose some pe ople on the front
end wh o simply wa nt to try the pr oduct, but on the ups ide m ore wi ll convert
to pa id after the trial is over.
Totango , a customer research pl atform did a study on cc up f ront or no cc,
and found that compa nies wh o accepted credit cards up f ront saw a n
average conversion rate of 50%, vs only 15% wi thout cards up f ront.
Of course, this needs to be considered wi th the findings of a lead-to-trial
ratio of 2% f or flows requ iring C C, vs. 10% f or those wi thout.
Interestingly, retention rates were high er for sign ups wi thout credit cards as
those compa nies tended to have higher levels of enga ge ment wi th their
A Charbee article concluded that it's best to try wi thout requ iring a credit
card, but I feel that the situation is too nuanced to recommend one wa y or
the other. You should try this for yourself to see wh at works for you.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Add r efer a friend function aft er t he sign up Anticipated Impact: High
(on w ebsit e and f ollo w-u p email) Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
Page Type: Any
Your new u sers are m ost enga ge d after just sign ing u p wi th your service. You
can capitalize on this focused attention by asking t hem to refer you to their
friends (with an incentive in pl ace).
Incentives can include:
Discounts for their friend and for them (maybe 20% o ff for friend and
15% o ff for the pe rson on their next purchase or m onthly invoice).
Points (that eventually tally up t o some rewa rd).
Famous examples of compa nies that did really well wi th this:
Paypa l
Dropb ox
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Write bott om of t he funnel cont ent f or y our Anticipated Impact: Very High
blog. Ev en if it has lo wer sear ch v olume, t he Requires Budget? No
rele vance is much higher wit h t he right int ent. Page Type: Blog
Why wa ste time trying t o rank for irrelevant top o f the funnel terms wh en you
have m uch less compe tition at the bottom of the funnel? If you have limited
resources for bloggi ng, targe t spe cific searches wi th intent on deepe r
compa rison or pu rchase.
Compa rison Posts "compe titor vs our tool"
Catego ry Tool po sts (discover a set of tools wi thin a catego ry)
How- to po sts (teach pe ople how t o solve a pr oblem wi th a m anual,
complicated wa y, then po inting t o ease of use wi th our tool)
Alternatives to po sts ("alternatives to X")
Product use cases (show u p wh en someone searched for a
problem/solution that our tool solved)
Stories about wh y the pr oduct or compa ny wa s built and how w e
appr oached building a pr oduct to solve the pr oblem.
Case studies about how s omeone solved a common pa in po int using t he
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Use legible f ont s (lar ger font t hat's easy t o Anticipated Impact: Medium
read). Mak e sur e t ext is r eadable on images if Requires Budget? No
you choose t o place t ext over images. Page Type: Any
This is likely a low i mpa ct area unless you have some serious technical issue
with your fonts.
Check all of your display resolutions as it is common for fonts to look tiny on
large r screens.
For the m ost pa rt, the font size m atters for bringing a ttention to various
headlines / elements.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Adjust sent ence lengt hs to appr opriat e widt h. Anticipated Impact: Medium
Long widt h sent ences ar e har d t o r ead. Use a Requires Budget? No
tool lik e https://gr tcalculat or.com/ t o help y ou Page Type: Any
det ermine cop y lengt h.
Very low pr iority unless you have a serious usability issue. Not likely to lead
to any improvements in conversion by itself, but combined wi th other UX
improvements could m ake a difference.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Sho w y our w ebsit e t o us ers in t heir nativ e Anticipated Impact: Very High
language b y translating y our sit e (when Requires Budget? Yes
applicable). Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Creat e a "blank stat e" back ground in y our Anticipated Impact: Medium
onboar ding t o giv e t he f eeling of quick access Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
One of Appl e's design gu idelines for app d esign ers is to create a blank state
for every app t o act as a loading s creen.
The idea is that wh en a user sees the app " load" -- wh ich really m eans
showing a blank app U I vs. showing nothing, users wi ll be m ore pa tient in
allowing i t to load. They feel as though the app i s loading f ast (even if it isn't).
This pr ocess is very useful for compa nies wh o have m ultiple sign up s teps in
their onboarding f low.
You can replicate this pr ocess in your onboarding b y showing a blurred
background that resembles your dashboard.
Combined wi th "almost done" langu age , users wi ll feel as though they are
about to enter the app, even if there are m ultiple steps left wi th m ultiple
qu estions in each.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Ensur e t hat y our ad cop y mat ches t he heading Anticipated Impact: Very High
on t he landing page. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
Imagine ordering a pi zza, but ge tting a hot dog. Di sappo inting, righ t? W hen
ad copy does not align wi th the headline you clicked on, it kinda feels the
People leave landing pa ge s wh en they don't see wh at they expe ct to see
(matching h eadline copy, or at the very least pa rtial m atching).
Reduce your bounce and exit rate by ensuring t hat your ad copy is reflected
in the landing pa ge copy (primarily headlines).
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Creat e a "wh y y ou should buy" section Anticipated Impact: Very High
explaining ho w y our pr od uct solv es t he user's Requires Budget? No
problem. Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
If your pa ge does not already spe ll out wh y someone should buy your
product, you can add an actual section titled "X reasons wh y you should buy
Y". Use this section to:
1. Explain the value pr opo sition and how i t's go ing t o solve the customer's
2. High ligh t the value of your pr oduct and show t hat the cost is well worth
it (compa re to a m ore expe nsive solution)
3. Agitate the pa in - lost time, lost m oney, headaches of dealing wi th
incompe tence etc...
4. Show s ocial pr oof "because it's trusted by x,xxx number of {audience}.
5. Communicate the ease of use and how i t m ay alleviate these other
problems the pr ospe ct is not thinking a bout yet.
Headlime.io does an excellent job of this - see screenshot example.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Freemium onboar ding? A dd an in-betw een Anticipated Impact: Very High
scr een wit h y our pr emiu m upsell. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
The concept is simple: show peo ple your pr emium offer in your freemium
onboarding. M ake it appe aling, something t he pe rson doesn't wa nt to m iss
out on.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Design y our funnel wit ho ut unnecessar y e xit Anticipated Impact: Medium
point s lik e na vigation or e xternal links. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
If you send traffic to landing pa ge s, remove any naviga tion features from that
pa ge .
Anything t hat distracts your pr ospe ct from wh at you wa nt them to
accomplish is go ing t o hurt your conversion rates. This is a well-known rule in
design ing f or conversions because it has been pr oven over and over to work.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Place impor tant cont ent so it's clearly visible Anticipated Impact: Medium
and easy t o find (pr efera bly at t he t op ) Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
People drop o ff the further they have to scroll. It is not unusual for 75% o f
your visitors to leave before they ge t half wa y through the pa ge (depe nding
on the length of the pa ge ).
Moving i mpo rtant content to the top o f the pa ge wh ere pe ople wi ll clearly
see it m ay help i mprove conversions. Type s of content you should m ove up:
Cumulative review c ounts
Trust symbols like compa ny logo s
White pa pe r down loads if B2B
Your pr imary offer benefits
Your pr imary offer features
If you know wh ich of your content m igh t be impo rtant to your visitors, install
tools like M icrosoft Clarity to ge nerate heatmaps and see if those elements
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Use t estimonials t hat r einf orce solving of t he Anticipated Impact: Medium
main pain point s Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
You can follow Der ek Halpe rn's "Perfect Testimonial Framework" for kickass
Your testimonial should:
1. Identify belief or pr oblem your ideal customers currently has or suffers
2. De tail how y our offer solves your ideal customer's pr oblem or amends their
3. Provide accomplishments or results
Here is an example he gi ves that I think pe rfectly illustrates the framework:
“Before I took Blog t hat Converts, I though t you had to upd ate your blog
several times pe r week. However, after taking i t, I learned you only need to
upd ate a few t imes pe r m onth, and then all you have to do is use the
promotional strategies to ge t your blog po sts in pe ople’s hands. I did this and
I started to wa tch my traffic go up from 100 visitors pe r week to more than
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Agitat e t he pain point s a nd off er a clear Anticipated Impact: High
resolution via y our off er Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
Home Page
There are several copywr iting m odels like AIDA or PAS. Agitate is the "A" in
PAS (Problem - Agitate - Solve). In short, it works like this:
Problem - state the big pr oblem pe ople are coming t o solve - or ask them to
recollect it: "tired of being f at?" (wh o isn't? ;)
Agitating t he pr oblem stirs up s trong emotions that wi ll ultimately m ake it
easier to pi tch a solution: "go ing t o the gy m regu larly is time consuming a nd
impo ssible wi th kids. Getting o ut the door m eans having t o ge t dressed, drive
down to the gy m and sweat for an hour".
Solution: Now t hat you've go t them emotionally enga ge d and feeling the pa in
of go ing t o the gy m, you can pi tch your solution: "Lu ckily, working o ut from
home is as easy as doing t he Ab Extreme Pro exercise for 5 m inutes."
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Anticipat e objections and ha ve good answ ers Anticipated Impact: High
prepar ed Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Copywriting
A first time visitor wi ll have a skeptical m indset. Their subconscious go al is to
invalidate your offer as qu ickly as po ssible so they can m ove on to finding t he
righ t solution.
"But, does it do this?"
"What about this?"
"But wi ll it work wi th ___"?
Do n't gi ve them an out. Answer their objections.
How d o you do this? Li sten to your customers to see wh at they ask. No
customers? Lo ok up c ompe titor's pr oducts to see wh at pe ople m ention about
For example, search for "best news letter reading a pp" . Check wh at pe ople
say are their favorite features or concerns and address them in your copy.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Emphasiz e benefit s o ver f eatur es. P eople don't Anticipated Impact: Very High
buy t he "what" , they buy the "wh y". Sell t o t heir Requires Budget? No
emotions. What does y our pr oduct do FOR Page Type: Any
According t o Seth Godin, humans are gu ided pr imarily by 6 emotions: Fear,
ange r, disgu st, happi ness, sadness and surprise.
If you can appe al to one of those emotions, you'll have an easier time selling.
People buy pr oducts to solve an underlying n eed to satisfy one of these
You can use this to your advantage by using l angu age that sells the "wh y"
instead of the "wh at".
Bad: "Da ta analytics dashboard"
Better: "Understanding d ata is hard, we m ake it simple".
We're not pa ying f or a dashboard, we are pa ying f or wh at the dashboard
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Use t he 3 act setup t o t ell a st ory Anticipated Impact: High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Copywriting
Stories enga ge pe ople m ore effectively than stating f acts. M any Novels and
Hollywood pr oductions use the 3-act structure and you should too! Here it is:
1. Setup
2. Confrontation/Conflict
3. Resolution
Get to conflict in 3 sentences:
1. Context (wh o, wh at wh ere)
2. Inciting I ncident (wh at happe ned?)
3. Conflict (wh at pr oblem did the incident lead to?)
Example setup with 3 sentences to conflict:
1. Context: I wa s setting u p m y new ph one the other day
2. Inciting Incident: Everything wa s go ing w ell until I realized I'm DO OMED...
3 Conflict: The backup did not restore my Google Authenticator app so I had
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Personality and aut henti city goes a long wa y. Anticipated Impact: Medium
Write as y ou w ould talk i n person. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Mak e y our point f ast. Pr etend t he person is Anticipated Impact: High
lat e t o t heir flight and y ou ha ve seconds t o Requires Budget? No
captur e t heir att ention. Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Use mor e periods. Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Shorter sentences are easier to read. People scan a lot faster. Just use m ore
pe riods.
It's common for compa nies to wa nt to stuff everything t hey wa nt to say into a
pa ragraph of text. The truth it, first time visitors hardly read those things .
Instead, they scan.
Use pe riods to m ake your copy scannable. Combine wi th formatting t hat
makes it easy to scan - lists, bullet points, high ligh ts, shorter line length,
wh ite spa ce etc...
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Mat ch t he design style t o t he v alue pr oposition Anticipated Impact: Medium
and y our audience's e xp ectations. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
There is a reason so m any websites look the same.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Spot check y our designs on diff erent Anticipated Impact: Medium
browsers. Or use Br owserstack. Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
Page Type: Any
Very straigh t forwa rd - check that your design s work pr ope rly on all devices
and resolutions. Sometimes a broken design breaks the UX and pr events
pe ople from completing t he onboarding / pu rchase.
Things tend to break on m obile resolutions if not tested pr ope rly. I'd start
here, or use a service that tests everything f or you.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Go easy on colors. Stick t o a color palett e of up Anticipated Impact: Medium
to 4 main colors. Let y ou r call t o action butt ons Requires Budget? No
stand out wit h a unique color . Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Write t he headline t o clearly communicat e Anticipated Impact: Very High
your v alue pr oposition. It should pass "so Requires Budget? No
what?" Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Avoid cle ver headlines. O pt out of slogans, Anticipated Impact: High
buzzw ords and jar gon. Just k eep it simple. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Copywriting
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Write t he headline t o emphasiz e a v ery Anticipated Impact: Very High
specific benefit. What's in it f or me? Ho w do I Requires Budget? No
benefit? Page Type: Copywriting
Most pe ople buy things for these reasons:
Make m oney
Save m oney or time
Health benefits
Try to m ake sure your headlines communicate the exact value pr ovided by
your pr oduct.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Test multiple headlines as t hey oft en ha ve a Anticipated Impact: Very High
large impact on con versi ons. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Copywriting
Unless you are a large , recogn izable brand, one of the bigge st impa cts you
can have on first time visitors is to gr ab their attention wi th a go od headline.
It's not a silver bullet, but I've seen a simple swa p o f headlines outpe rform
extensive on-pa ge tests m ultiple times.
Of course, you still need to identify w hat m akes a go od headline and I've
provided tips in this document to help y ou craft one. Simply swa ppi ng o ne
bad headline for another is not go ing t o do it. Still, if you are looking f or easy
wins, start testing y our headlines to ge t the new v isitors enga ge d and
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Choose "Call t o v alue" o ver "call t o action" . Anticipated Impact: High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Copywriting
This basically m eans that your buttons should create an anticipa tion of
benefits received from taking t hat action.
For example, instead of "Stay upd ated" say "Get Growt h Insigh ts"
(anticipa ted benefit is insigh ts).
Instead of "Subscribe to ge t job notifications" say "Get a job"
Instead of "unlock the database" I say "boost my conversion rate" (note, I
could have said sales, but this feels ge neric as everyone is overdoing i t).
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Mak e t he call t o action stand out visually fr om Anticipated Impact: Medium
everything else, making it v ery easy t o find. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Generally spe aking, you wa nt your buttons to stand out as m uch as po ssible
(using a different color if po ssible). This is only ever an issue if the website is
excessive in color and the buttons are faded, or hard to notice. If you follow
go od design pr actices, this shouldn't be an issue.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Ensur e t hat y our page st ands firmly wit hout a Anticipated Impact: Medium
video. Videos should be supplemental t o Requires Budget? No
con version and not abso lut ely critical. Page Type: Landing Page
Home Page
Tip: ask yourself this: "does this pa ge communicate clearly wi thout the
video?" If the answer is "no", then the copy needs work.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Try adding a star rating t o r evie ws if possible. Anticipated Impact: Medium
If y ou ha ve a choice, sho w r evie ws wit h star Requires Budget? No
ratings. F or some r eason stars seem t o do Page Type: Any
bett er in A/B t est s.
! I do not r ecommend doing t his if y our r evie w
is a v erbal t estimonial an d did not originally
have an ything t o rat e.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
If applicable, displa y "seen in" logos Anticipated Impact: Medium
prominent ly and close t o y our action sections Requires Budget? No
(towar ds t he t op of y our page). Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
If you have strong s ocial pr oof from prominent compa ny logo s, it m ay help t o
move them up t op. In m any cases pe ople rarely scroll to the bottom of a pa ge
--in wh ich case they'd never see these logo s.
Moving t hem to the top c an gi ve you a little extra nudge in pe rceived trust,
and combined wi th other change s could help y our conversions.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Place y our most impor tant cont ent at t he t op Anticipated Impact: Very High
of t he page. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Heat m ap a fter heat m ap h as shown that in m any cases half of all visitors
don't scroll all the wa y down . If you have impo rtant information at the top o f
the pa ge (or info that's critical to m aking t he pu rchase), just m oving i t to the
top c an m ake a difference.
You can check to see how m any pe ople are scrolling t o the bottom of your
pa ge s wi th free tools like M icrosoft Clarity.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Open priv acy policy , term s & conditions, F AQ Anticipated Impact: Medium
or cop yright notices in m odal windo ws in t he Requires Budget? No
check out flo w. Page Type: Pricing
While there is no exact evidence for this, ge nerally spe aking i t's go od
practice to keep pe ople from leaving your funnel if the pr oduct is direct to
consumer / low t ouch / lower pr iced.
This pr obably won't m atter as m uch if you are selling a high touch pr oduct
that requ ires inpu t from other pe ople, or is not a qu ick decision for your
prospe ct (think pr oducts over $100 o r tools that pl ay a sign ificant role in the
ope ration of the pr ospe ct's business).
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Only sho w media count ers (lik es, shar es et c) if Anticipated Impact: Medium
they ar e somet hing t o br ag about. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Minimiz e t he number of f orm fields t o t he Anticipated Impact: High
absolut ely necessar y ones. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Unless you are in B2B (in wh ich case it m ay be acceptable to have m any
fields in your form), it's usually better to have fewer fields.
There have been studies that showed each additional form field added strain
to sign ups . This is wh y m ulti-step f orms are seeing a rise in po pu larity.
In B2B, it is often acceptable to have m any fields, as the pe rson filling i t out
has invested m uch m ore time in research, compa rison and involvement of
other stakeholders. People also tend to use m ore autofill forms in B2B,
making f orms easier to complete.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Test t o mak e sur e y our f orm does not r eset all Anticipated Impact: High
the fields if it f ails v alida tion and r eturns an Requires Budget? No
err or. Page Type: Onboarding
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Explain what happens aft er a person clicks t he Anticipated Impact: Medium
butt on ( eit her t hrough butt on cop y, or t hrough Requires Budget? No
progr ession st eps, or bot h). Page Type: Any
If you have an onboarding f low o r a screening pr ocess wh ere you ask some
qu estions, instead of saying " Next", try "Next: {step n ame}" to explain wh at
the next step wi ll be.
It's a m inor detail but can keep pe ople enga ge d longe r.
On contact pa ge s, explain how l ong s omeone should expe ct to wa it before
they hear from you. For example: "We usually respo nd wi thin 4 hours".
Of course, if you use a chat wi dge t, it's easy to set this notice (and the user
can leave their email wi th you) for easy back and forth.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Put people at ease wit h cop y t o e xplain t he Anticipated Impact: Medium
simplicity of t he pr ocess. F or e xample "Easy 2 Requires Budget? No
min. application" or "W e typically r espond Page Type: Onboarding
wit hin 30 minut es". Forms
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Test y our f orms periodically . Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Forms
I've had clients wh o complained about no conversions / po or conversions.
I tested their forms, and in some brows ers they didn't work.
Keep y our forms tested in m ultiple brows ers pe riodically. Just go through the
process yourself and m ake sure everything w orks.
There are pr obably services that do all of this for you, I just never used one.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Build up f orm pr ogr essio n fr om easiest Anticipated Impact: Very High
questions t o most sensitiv e. Y ou can captur e Requires Budget? No
email as t he first or 2nd st ep so y ou can f ollo w Page Type: Onboarding
up if t hey dr op off . Forms
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Keep y our pr oduct o verview videos under a Anticipated Impact: Medium
minut e long. A good video is brief and clear Requires Budget? No
and has a mix of t estimonials fr om r eal Page Type: Any
cust omers, agitat es pain point s and off ers a
I've run countless tests to find out that m ost pe ople never wa tch a video all
the wa y through . In m any cases, a video doesn't ge t pl ayed pa st the one
minute m arker.
This m eans you have just seconds to m ake your case and keep pe ople
enga ge d. I alwa ys recommend my clients to keep t heir videos under a m inute
to a m inute 30 m ax.
Try to sell your best benefits, features wi th a m ix of testimonials in under 40
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Avoid animat ed e xplaine r videos, inst ead, Anticipated Impact: High
sho w pr oduct o vervie ws. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Animated explainer videos wh ere a guy uses a m arker to illustrate a concept
or the pr oduct were a fad a few y ears ago , but they add very little value to
your website and pa ge s.
While they m ay do an OK job of explaining y our pr oduct, an actual demo,
combined wi th a po werful in-video testimonial or use case wi ll likely
outpe rform the illustrated version.
That, and some pe ople cannot stand animated video style.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Use heatmap softwar e lik e Micr osoft Clarity or Anticipated Impact: Medium
Hotjar t o see if people ar e spending time on Requires Budget? Yes
your videos. If y ou see a lot of activity (ma ybe Page Type: Any
you ha ve a t echnical pr oduct wit h multiple
videos), place t hose videos closer t o t he t op
wher e t hey ar e easily ac cessed.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Optimiz e t he page t o load under 3 seconds Anticipated Impact: High
(ideally 1- 2 seconds). Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Use a CDN t o deliv er y our cont ent. Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? Yes
Page Type: Any
CDN s (Content De livery Networks) consist of servers around the country /
world (depe nding wh at you need and wh at you choose), wh ich help pe ople
load up y our website's content faster due to the sheer ph ysical pr oximity to
wh ere the content resides. W ithout a CDN , users have to connect to
wh erever your website is hosted (wh ich could be across the country or
across the gl obe), thus expe riencing s lower loading t imes. This is pa rticularly
pronounced on m obile devices on non-wifi connections.
Example: If your website is hosted in Lo s Ange les and someone is trying t o
connect from New Y ork -- they'll have to wa it sligh tly longe r to load up y our
image s. Even longe r for those connecting f rom Asia or elsewh ere. CDN
distributes the load times by having s ervers in New Y ork or various locations
around Asia. Now a visitor from those locations just needs to connect to the
nearby server (thus expe riencing f aster brows ing t imes).
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Ser ve static pages. Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? Yes
Page Type: Any
Anything y ou can do to m ake your website load faster. Static pa ge s load
faster than CMS.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Minify Ja vascript, CSS a nd HTML. Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Reduce ser ver r equest s. Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Ever wonder wh y so m any WordPress websites that are not static are so
Run them through a resource loader or dev tools and you'll see wh y -- they
typically load hundreds of resources and m ake just as m any server requ ests.
Each requ ests adds a small amount of load latency to your website -- wh ich
delays the next requ est (thus m aking your site slower).
If you wa nt your websites to load fast and pe ople to use them effortlessly
and qu ickly, try m inimizing t he number of requ ests.
This m eans ge tting r id of unnecessary scripts (and only serving t hem wh ere
they are needed), unnecessary images, pl ugins, fonts... you ge t the idea.
Here is a resource to ge t you started:
https ://develope rs.go ogle.com/web/fundamentals/pe rformance/ge t-
started/httprequ ests-5
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Ser ve diff erent image v ersions (siz e) Anticipated Impact: Medium
depending on scr een siz e. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
This falls under "make your website faster" concept.
You can reduce the image size by serving a different version based on wh ich
device is accessing t he website. So for m obile you can serve m uch smaller,
optimized image s.
Generally, try to use few i mage s and keep t hem as small and compressed as
po ssible.
Use this gu ide to serve respo nsive image s: https ://web.dev/serve-
respo nsive-image s/
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Compr ess images Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
This falls under "make your website faster" concept.
I once did an audit for a compa ny that complained of very low c onversions
and found that they were serving a 50M B image on their landing pa ge (I kid
you not!). W hen we replaced it wi th a tiny compressed version, conversions
went up t o "normal".
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Use GZIP Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Gzip i s a file compression m ethod wh ich results up t o 70% s maller files being
sent from your server to the user's brows er. This spe eds up y our website
rendering a nd improves the overall user expe rience. You wi ll need access to
your server or contact the server administrator to m ake sure it's enabled.
Here is an easy apa che how t o:
https ://gtmetrix.com/enable-gz ip-compression.html
You can also check to see if Gzip i s already enabled on your server:
https ://www .giftofspe ed.com/gz ip-test/
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Set Expir es Headers Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
You can spe ed up y our website by caching c ertain assets and retrieving t hem
without having t o check wi th the server aga in. This is pa rticularly beneficial
to websites that do not change a lot over time. Perhaps you have image s that
rarely change . Enabling e xpires headers wi ll server assets m ore qu ickly.
Warning: You should avoid this if your website is upd ated frequ ently and
serves new i mage s all the time.
More info: https ://gtmetrix.com/leverage -brows er-caching.html
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Load Ja vascript asynchr onously Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
By default, javascript loads one requ est after another. If you have a website
with m any scripts (wh ich m ost websites do), this wi ll create delay and render
the website slower.
Adding " async" pr ope rty to your scripts wi ll m ake them load simultaneously,
thus reducing t he time needed to wa it for another script to load.
You can find m ore information on how t o load javascript asynchronously here:
https ://develope rs.go ogle.com/spe ed/docs/insigh ts/BlockingJ S#deferJS
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Lazyload y our cont ent Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
La zy load is a name for a pr ocess that defers image loading u ntil the user
scrolls into the viewpo rt. In simple words - wh en you visit a website wi th a
ton of image s, your brows er tries to load them all, thus delaying pa ge
rendering s pe ed, increasing s erver resources and adding t o the pa ge weigh t.
This is bad news ;(
Setting y our content to lazy load m eans image s wi ll only load wh en user
scroll to see them. Result? Faster loading w ebsites, less strain on server
resources and your wa llet.
Here is m ore information on how t o set up l azy loading a nd wh y:
https ://develope rs.go ogle.com/web/fundamentals/pe rformance/lazy-loading-
gu idance/image s-and-video
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Ensur e t hat y our paid off er is not seen as fr ee Anticipated Impact: Very High
in y our ad cop y (if not using a lead magnet) Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Localiz e y our ads (ie. Bo ston landing page f or Anticipated Impact: Very High
"Bost on" k eyw ord). Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Link t o y our t op ar ticles i n t he na vigation Anticipated Impact: High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Home Page
Give pe ople your best content so they can m ove themselves down the
conversion funnel faster.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Pre-qualify clicks b y sett ing clear e xpectations Anticipated Impact: Very High
(for e xample, sho w pricin g up fr ont, speak t o a Requires Budget? No
very specific subset of p eople b y occupation, Page Type: Landing Page
age et c...). This will help wit h con versions. Ads
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Displa y prices in a smaller f ont Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
La rge r pr ices are pe rceived to be pr icier. De -emph asize pr ice by reducing t he
font size and pl acing l arge r elements around it.
Go a step f urther and show o ld pr icing ( large r number) in a large r font, and
show t he discounted pr ice in a smaller font to really contrast the two.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Remo ve commas fr om pr ices Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Removing c ommas m akes pr ices ph onetically easier to pr onounce and thus
seem less large .
Which sounds m ore expe nsive to you?
"twelve ninety nine" or
"One thousand two hundred and ninety nine"?
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Don't hide impor tant inf ormation in t ooltips. Anticipated Impact: Medium
Sho w it visibly on t he page (man y people don't Requires Budget? No
click t ooltips). Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Incr ease t he f ont siz e of your discount s Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Just as you would decrease the font size of your pr ice, the oppo site is true
for discounts. M ake them seem large r by emph asizing s avings .
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Recommend an option o r a price tier Anticipated Impact: High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Pricing
Emph asize a po pu lar pl an to m ake the choice easier and to increase
conversions to a pa rticular pl an.
While there does not seem to be any evidence that adding m ore pl ans leads
to high er conversions, you can use anchoring a nd high ligh t recommended
tiers to increase conversions to your pr eferred pl an.
A ProfitWell study also found that having 4 -5 pl ans increases ARPU by 40-
50% a s oppo sed to having 2 or 3 pl ans. This is unrelated to the m ain po int,
but m ay help wh en it comes to trying out wh ich pl ans should be high ligh ted.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Off er a comparison table Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
If your pr oduct has various tiers, compa re them to one another so pe ople can
make an easier choice wi thout having t o wonder wh at's m issing.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Add social pr oof t o y our onboar ding flo w Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Some compa nies go to gr eat lengths to have social pr oof on the landing
pa ge , but then leave the onboarding pa ge s dry and sad.
People droppi ng o ff on a spe cific step o f your flow? Plaster some social proof
on that step!
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Try beha vior -based onbo arding email Anticipated Impact: Medium
sequences t o onboar d t he user t hrough email Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
and send out messages based on t heir Page Type: Email
int eractions wit h y our em ails and apps.
In the old days, email sequ ences were ge neric and m anual. You had to go
into your drip m arketing s oftwa re and create an email drip a fter a user is
Now y ou can use softwa re like UserList to set up a utomated, behavior-driven
email and app n otifications that enga ge and re-enga ge users for high er
conversions and retention.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Try no fr ee trial Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
This could cost you faster gr owt h, but if your go al is to start small and you
are not in a rush, cutting o ut free trial entirely (given your pr oduct stands on
its own feet), m igh t be worth a shot.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Use loss a version t o y our adv antage wit h Anticipated Impact: Medium
language t hat speaks t o missing out Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Fear of m issing o ut is a po werful feature of the pr incipa l of loss aversion. You
can use copy that spe aks to losing o ut to your advantage . Just don't overdo
it or the effect wi ll be diluted.
Lo ss aversion examples:
countdown timers
only x remain
"not included in basic m embership"
"last chance"
"ends tomorrow a t m idnigh t"
"registration closes in 16 hours"
"limited seating"
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Mak e sur e y our f orm fields use t he corr ect Anticipated Impact: Medium
input types Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
If y ou ask f or passw ord, only ask once ( do not Anticipated Impact: Medium
ask user t o v erify) Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
I would only recommend this if your audience is fairly savvy (e.g. not the
ge neral po pu lation). The idea is the fewer fields you add to a form, the lesser
the barrier to entry. This works at times, and at other times m akes no impact
so it's something t hat should be tested.
To ensure pe ople are entering a correct pa ssword the first time around,
provide a show/ hide pa ssword function.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Mak e quot e pages mor e human b y adding a Anticipated Impact: Medium
face and a name. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
"Get a qu ote" pa ge s can have long f orms. If someone is busy or they just
don't have the energy to fill out a qu ote form wi th a bunch of fields, it m ay
help t o m otivate them by letting t hem know t hey wi ll deal wi th a spe cific
pe rson. Preferably, this pe rson is of the background requ ired to pr ovide
sufficient suppo rt.
For example, if I need a qu ote from an engineering c ompa ny, show t he
engineer's ph oto, name, and title -- the pe rson wh o wi ll respo nd to my qu ote.
This lets pr ospe cts know t hat they are dealing wi th an expe rt and are likely to
ge t an accurate / reasonable respo nse.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Use numeric k eypads f or bir thda ys. Also, Anticipated Impact: Medium
format t he fields f or user so all t hey ha ve t o Requires Budget? No
type in is a number . Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Use descriptiv e v alidation messages so people Anticipated Impact: High
can actually understand what t hey did wr ong. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Try using a full name field inst ead of First + Anticipated Impact: Medium
Last (t o minimiz e t he number of fields) Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
27% o f all pe ople leave checkouts because the forms are pe rceived as too
lengthy (Baymard). Try combining t he first and last names into "name" or "full
name" field.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Add t he aut ocomplet e at tribut e t o y our f orm Anticipated Impact: High
fields so t he f orm w orks wit h aut ocomplet e. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Forms ge t filled out faster wh en pe ople can autocomplete them. Google
estimates that users complete forms 30% f aster wi th autofill. This m eans
increase in conversions!
Check this list of autocomplete attributes to attach to your form inpu ts.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Use placeholder attribut es in y our f orm fields Anticipated Impact: Medium
to giv e user an idea of t he type of data Requires Budget? No
expect ed (r educes friction) Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Don't mak e users confirm f orm inf ormation, Anticipated Impact: High
one field is enough. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
The exception to the rule is wh en you've gr own really large and notice that
many pe ople are m istyping t heir information (email or pa sswords), in wh ich
case it's pr obably okay to m ake them confirm those fields as your brand is
more established now.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Add a v alue pr op and or social pr oof t o e very Anticipated Impact: Medium
step of y our funnel. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
If y ou off er r eal time phone suppor t, add t he Anticipated Impact: Medium
number t o y our f orm pages so people can call Requires Budget? No
if t hey ar e stuck. Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
If y ou use f orm pagination (hint: y ou should), Anticipated Impact: Medium
verify t hat user's inf ormation is sa ved when Requires Budget? No
they na vigat e back and f or th betw een st eps. Page Type: Onboarding
Most flows won't have this pr oblem, but I've seen some that do. You hit next,
then go back and your info is go ne ;( UX-wise this is really frustrating a nd
pe ople can leave. Just m ake sure you pa ginated forms don't do this.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Label y our f orm pagination st eps. If t oo man y Anticipated Impact: Medium
steps, use pr ogr ess bar inst ead. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Use descriptiv e CT As t hat main it clear what's Anticipated Impact: Medium
ne xt. A t all cost s, a void " learn mor e". If "Ne xt", Requires Budget? No
mak e it mor e descriptiv e, what's ne xt? Page Type: Any
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Add trust symbols t o f orms / funnel. Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
These should be tested as they have variable effectiveness. There have been
studies that showed SSL b adge s in some cases had no impa ct wh atsoever.
Test for yourself!
Money back gu arantees
SSL b adge s
Customer suppo rt reassurance
Number of total reviews
Number of years in business
Number of users
Lo go s of pr ominent compa nies
Faces of well known pe ople (celebrities, influencers, recogn ized expe rts,
or if not recogn ized then labeled).
Featured in (pu blication, pr ominent po dcast etc...)
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Do awa y wit h r otating banners on home page Anticipated Impact: Medium
or landing pages. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
Banner disrupt focus and have consistently resulted in po orer conversions. If
your site features rotating b anners, try ge tting r id of them.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Swap out y our phot os. Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
If image s are worth 1000 w ords, then changing a n image is like changing o ut
1000 w ords...
If you have no conversion test ideas, try swa ppi ng o ut the image to
something m ore authentic and relatable.
Humans are ge nerally drawn to other humans and authenticity. We wa nt to
belong a nd to relate to one another. Try using a n image of a pe rson, or
wh atever it is that your pr oduct po rtrays in the context of a human being
being a round it.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Swap out y our headlines . Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
After working a t 2 CRO age ncies for years, the bigge st A/B wi nners have
been simple headline change s.
If you have enough traffic for one test, it should be your headline!
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Answ er questions wit h video Anticipated Impact: High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Le t's say your user is in the free po rtion of their freemium trial and they email
you wi th a qu estion about your pr oduct. You could type out an answer or use
gifs, OR, you could answer it wi th a short recording.
Pros of this appr oach:
Easier for would be customer to understand the solution
Human-to-human appr oach wh ere people can ge t to know t he compa ny
on a m ore pe rsonal level (do business wi th pe ople than entities).
Faster wh en they can visualize the solution.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Translat e y our w ebsit e Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? Yes
Page Type: Any
If you have a website that benefits from an international audience, translate
them for high er conversions and rankings in search engines.
Also, if you have no time to translate the entire site, just showing t he pr oduct
prices in the user's local currency has been shown to increase revenue pe r
user by 30% ( according t o a ProfitWell study).
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Try adding a timer t o email opt -ins f or ugency Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Email
This is basically doubling d own on email opt-ins and gi ving t hem an extra
boost wi th a need for urge ncy.
Even if you have nothing t hat's actually urge nt, adding a timer can help.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Use a liv e chat widget or a bot t o answ er Anticipated Impact: Medium
questions. Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
Page Type: Any
People have qu estions and if you can answer them qu ickly, you m ay be able
to capture a new c ustomer. There are a ton of live chat options available for
any budge t. If you are B2B I would consider Dr ift as their bot is qu ite smart
and can steer conversations back on topic.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Use phot os wit h human f aces in y our designs Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
People connect wi th pe ople better than they do wi th objects. A/B test after
A/B test has shown that human faces on average convert high er than
objects. Just don't kill the vibe wi th stock ph otos (unless they are really go od
professional ph otograph s not sold on stock sites). If at all po ssible, take real
ph otos of real pe ople on your team.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Try a liv e sales notificati on Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
Page Type: Any
These are po pu lar in ecommerce and they m ay or m ay not help.
Generally spe aking, social pr oof helps calm uncertainty and m otivates pe ople
to take action
Some pe ople repo rt seeing h uge improvements wh ile others don't see as
much ga in. I would test it out just to see wh at happe ns. Search for "live sales
notifications" as there are m any options.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Use mor e positiv e w ords Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
An annual industry benchmark repo rt from Unbounce showed that landing
pa ge s wi th po sitive words tended to convert better than those wi thout.
The oppo site wa s also observed: pa ges wi th nega tive words tended to have
lower conversion.
What are some examples of po sitive words?
money (as in making more)
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Use ads t o con ver t peop le wit h help fr om case Anticipated Impact: High
studies (t op of t he funnel) Requires Budget? Yes
Page Type: Ads
Landing Page
Do n't shy awa y from using c ase studies at the top o f the funnel as ads. M ake
sure the headline zeroes in on a pr ominent pa in or desired outcome, then use
the add to tease at the content of the study.
This works best wh en your studies have a "how- to," pr escriptive compo nent.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Use case studies in y our nur tur e sequence Anticipated Impact: High
Requires Budget? Yes
Page Type: Email
De ploy case studies as pa rt of your nurture sequ ence. You can use them to:
1. High ligh t the benefits of certain features
2. De monstrate to a lead that someone like them go t the result they wa nt
by doing wh at they're debating
3. Or even encourage an ups ell by showing h ow s omeone wh o upgr aded to
a high er tier go t a supe rior result.
A study by ProfitWell found that B2B and DTC willingn ess to buy went up by
10- 15% wh en pr ospe cts were pr esented wi th case studies.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Creat e an insane guarnat ee Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Strong gu arantees show y our confidence in your pr oduct and gi ve pe ople a
chance to buy safely knowing t hey have recourse if things don't turn out well.
100% m oney back gu arantees are gr eat. If you have a digital pr oduct, you
could offer it for a lifetime. M ost pe ople won't take you up o n it unless your
product really sucks, but the ups ide is m uch high er -- even if it m eans
returning a few peo ple's full pu rchase.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
If y ou ar e an independen t mak er, add Anticipated Impact: High
personality wit h y our ima ge, name and a bio. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
People connect wi th pe ople m ore so than they do wi th compa nies. W hen
you're an indepe ndent m aker, you have the advantage of using y our
pe rsonality in your favor. Show t he human side of your pr oduct by including
your ph oto, name, and a go od About pa ge .
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Creat e a pr oduct demo video of just y ou Anticipated Impact: Very High
talking about ho w y our p roduct solv es X Requires Budget? No
problem, and sho wing it in t he pr ocess. Page Type: Landing Page
Home Page
If you are an indepe ndent m aker, you have a secret supe rpo wer that m ost
others don't have - you are selling y our story as an underdog a nd pe ople like
to ge t behind pe ople wh o try.
This is best expressed through video. It also helps wi th explaining t he
product in wa ys that text just cannot accomplish wi thout sign ificant
copywr iting, testing a nd iteration.
Try this:
Record yourself showing y our pr oduct. Talk about the reason wh y you m ade
it, express your pa ssion for the pr oduct and wh y it's go ing t o solve the
problems your visitors came to solve. Show t he pr oduct in action.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Keep in mind t he buy er's int ent, awar eness Anticipated Impact: Very High
and ability t o mak e a pur chase decision on t he Requires Budget? No
spot when crafting y our landing pages. Page Type: Landing Page
Home Page
When design ing y our landing pa ge s, pa y attention to keyword intent. Do es
the keyword / qu ery sign al that the buyer is awa re of the pr oblem and is
seeking a solution? De pe nding o n the answer, the pa ge design and copy wi ll
vary drastically.
Five stages of problem awareness:
1. Unaware of the pr oblem they have. Your landing pa ge wi ll focus heavily
on explaining t he pr oblem a buyer m ay have that they are not even
awa re of.
2. Problem-aware - just as it sounds, the pe rson is awa re there is a
problem but don't know t here is a solution. Your landing pa ge wi ll qu ickly
summarize the pr oblem but focus m ainly on solution pr esentation.
3. Solution-aware - they know t hey have a pr oblem and know t here is a
solution, but need help d eciding wh ich one is the righ t solution for them.
There is no need to talk extensively about the pr oblem or stress the fact
that solutions exist, the visitor already knows . You just have to sell them
on wh y you are the best option.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Send a time-limit ed discount t o y our email list Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Email
If you already have an audience, consider creating a time-limited discount to
create a sense of urge ncy. You can also created a limited time pr ice.
Eg. Only 100 a t this pr ice.
Use "EARLY" for a 30% d iscount, valid only until M onday at m idnigh t.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Off er 2 or 3 mont hs off f or annual pr epa y Anticipated Impact: High
buy ers t o lock in t he disc ount. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
Home Page
If you are launching a SaaS, or even if you already launched, consider
creating a nnual pr e-pay pl ans. For the launch stage , m ake a spe cial deal -
maybe 30% O FF if they pa y for the full year.
After the launch, you can lower it to 20% i f pa id annually (fairly standard in
the SaaS spa ce).
Many pe ople are tired of subscriptions, but don't m ind lifetime deals. A bit
short of a lifetime deal, a spe cial offer on an annual basis is a go od wa y to
capture pe ople wh o would rather ge t a discount and have pl enty of time to
test your pr oduct.
Of course, you run into the po ssibility of attracting t he wr ong t ype of
customer, but on the brigh t side, you'll have 9 m onths of extra cash flow u p
front. You can alwa ys m ake up t he difference by raising pr ices on one of your
other tiers. (and yes, you should have m ultiple pr ice tiers!)
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
If y ou sell a mont hly pr od uct wit h high churn, Anticipated Impact: Very High
try turning it int o a lif etim e deal. Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
Recurring r evenue is sweet, but sometimes pe ople are tired of subscriptions.
If you expe ct fairly high churn from your pr oduct, try turning t hat into a
lifetime deal instead. You're m ore likely to capture a user wh o is unwilling t o
pay m onthly, but also ge nerate m ore up f ront that can be reinvested into
expa nding a cqu isition or investing i nto something e lse.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Choose solid color icons o ver icon on a whit e Anticipated Impact: Medium
back ground Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Mobile App
Several anecdotal repo rts sugge st that conversions / clickthrough s improve
wh en your icon stands out from the w hite background in the app a nd android
Consider creating a "bold" (bulky and strong) icon that sits on a solid colored
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Try getting rid of t he fr ee trial Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Pricing
There have been cases wh ere pe ople removed free trials entirely and saw a
sign ificant increase in sales.
Is this due to high er pe rceived value? Or something e lse? It's po ssible your
customer base doesn't care if they need to spe nd m oney up f ront (I think it all
depe nds on the pr oduct), but it could be worth a try.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Try remo ving t he w ord fr ee Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
In some A/B tests, call to actions buttons wi th the word FREE actually
decreased conversions. This is likely due to a nega tive association wi th
something b eing pe rceived as less valuable.
I would save this test for down the road once you've already tried m any of
the other things on this list.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Ha ve a call t o action on y our demo pages Anticipated Impact: Medium
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
If you have a pr oduct that has a demo pa ge , or a pr eview o f some sort (like a
website that sells HTML t hemes for example), m ake sure it has a call to
action to buy or sign up o n the same pa ge .
It's a simple thing b ut often overlooked because the demo pa ge s look exactly
as a pr oduct would and lack the button to actually m ake the pu rchase.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Avoid generic butt on t ext Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Any
Generic button text does a po or job of communicating wh at happe ns next.
It's boring, falls flat and pe ople just don't care.
Replace ge neric text wi th "call to value" text -- some benefit derived from
your pr oduct, for example:
Stop s weating
Start losing w eigh t this week
No m ore backup w orries, ge t X today.
Avoid a litiga tion nigh tmare, order Y"
See X on your site
There are exceptions, wh ere a simple "try X for free" works just as go od.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Star t monit oring engagement metrics and look Anticipated Impact: Very High
for fle x ar eas wher e peop le mak e t he jump Requires Budget? No
from a fr ee user t o a paid one. Page Type: Onboarding
Monitor your m etrics to see wh ich actions are requ ired to be taken before a
user converts to a pa id customer.
You can also hypo thesize as to wh at m otivates the user to keep e nga ge d
with your pr oduct, and use that data to design a custom onboarding f low.
Le t's say you run a vloggi ng c ommunity (softwa re) and discover that m ost
pe ople sign up b ut don't enga ge . In this situation, you would take a look at
your m etrics to see wh at describes a successfully enga ge d user.
If for an enga ge d repe at user the average action is to po st 1 video, then you
may wa nt to consider creating a custom onboarding f low t hat emph asizes
creating o ne video.
Perhaps you learn or simply suspe ct that pe ople are shy to record their first
video In this case you may wa nt to consider how to alleviate the anxiety of
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 4
Off er multiple pr emium u psells in t he Anticipated Impact: Very High
onboar ding flo w Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
It's rare for startups to offer a pr emium pr oduct ups ell offer in their
onboarding. Even m ore rare is to see m ore than 1 pr emium ups ell offer.
This is a huge m issed oppo rtunity even though it m ay feel aggr essive. Some
pe ople wi ll outrigh t say NO to this, and that's fine. Some wi ll consider that
being pe rsistent can gr ow y our revenue sign ificantly.
Try including m ultiple wa ys to opt in to a pr emium offer if the user denies it
the first time, or chooses to pr oceed wi th the free version.
Check out my breakdown of Productive M obile App ( note, this works on
De sktop t oo!) to see exactly wh at I m ean:
https ://www .growt hinsider.co/productive
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Upgrade y our cust omers for fr ee during t he Anticipated Impact: Very High
trial phase Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
If you offer a trial ph ase of your pr oduct, and the customer has to choose a
tier between limited options and the unlimited one, upgr ade them to the
unlimited tier automatically.
This wi ll earn you some po sitive kudos and let the customer test your pr oduct
without limitations.
Not only is it easier to sign up h aving tested the full functions of your
product, it's also harder to down grade once you've expe rienced the full
"pleasure" of using t he unlimited version.
When the tier runs out, pr ompt them wi th a screen of all the features they'll
be m issing o ut on since they are being d own graded to the tier they first
Of course, you'll also wa nt to pr ovide a one click solution to keep t he current
unlimited tier!
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Keep users logged in longer Anticipated Impact: High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Product
When wa s the last time you logge d into Netflix, Hulu, Facebook, Twitter,
Youtube, Gmail?
Practically never. These apps go above and beyond to m ake sure you stay
logge d in as long a s po ssible. M ore enga ge ment = m ore likely to result in
revenue for the compa ny.
If not a sensitive niche (like banking), consider keeping t he user sessions
alive for as long a s po ssible.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Lock t he bulk of y our pr emium cont ent behind Anticipated Impact: Very High
a pa ywall Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Limit your app' s usage to a handful of compo nents / items, and m ake pe ople
upgr ade to unlock the best pa rts of your app.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Shift fr om commitment taking headlines t o Anticipated Impact: Medium
explorat ory Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Landing Page
Home Page
Google increase form enga ge ment by 17% b y changing t he heading f rom
"Book a room" to "Check availability".
This is likely because "Book a room" indicates commitment - something y ou
have to do and ge t locked into. It's a hard ask. W hereas "Check availability" is
more friendly and ope n - it invites you to look to see wh at's available, and
only then if you find something y ou like you are welcome to book.
You can use this on your SaaS pa ge s and onboarding.
Think of actions you ask of your users that feel like they wi ll commit users to
doing s omething c oncrete. Then try to explore copy that is m ore friendly and
inviting t o explore.
"Create an account" to "Give it a try".
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Preselect common options and let users coast Anticipated Impact: High
through t he flo w b y click ing "ne xt". Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
If you have an onboarding f low t hat asks users to select some options, and
you notice the same frequ ent set of options being s elected, pr eselect those
options for all users so they can click through wi thout thinking m uch.
The few t hat need to change their answers can easily do this, and the
majority wi ll breeze righ t through your onboarding a nd be that m uch closer to
seeing t he value in your pr oduct.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Write cont ent t hat f ocus es on deliv ering a Anticipated Impact: Very High
solution t o a v ery specifi c pr oblem f aced b y Requires Budget? No
your audience Page Type: Blog
If you are a small startup o r a solo founder, finding t ime for SEO content is
tough . One search for high volume keywords and you see the big d ogs
ranking wa y up t op. There's no wa y you can compe te, righ t?
Lu ckily, you don't have to. Ign ore the large volume keywords!
Instead, focus on pr oblem-solution SEO.
What do I m ean by this?
Your audience is having a very spe cific pr oblem that they are looking t o have
solved, but m ay not know a solution (like yours) exists.
These issues are typically less obvious and m ake up l onge r (long-tail) search
qu eries .
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 3
Test t o mak e sur e y our o nboar ding is not Anticipated Impact: Medium
hinder ed b y ad block ers Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
There have been m any times wh ere I pe rsonally run into weird website issues
that pr event m e from sign ing u p. Of course, by now I figu red out that my
Adblock and uBlock were the culprit.
Others m ay not ge t to the bottom of the issue as easily.
Install the m ost po pu lar ad blockers and test your onboarding f low. If
anything i s disabled by adblockers, you m ay need to rename your elements
to pr event from ge tting f lagge d.
It's a m inor detail but could cost a few s ales.
Popu lar Ad Blockers
uBlock Origin
Adblock Plus (ABP)
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 5
Add int egrations int o y our onboar ding flo w Anticipated Impact: Very High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
Integrations are a gr eat wa y to increase retention, but m ost compa nies m iss
the oppo rtunity of offering t hem in the onboarding f low i tself.
Instead, user has to sign up, then hunt down the area wi th integrations and
click add.
Imagine if instead of doing t hat, you sign ed up, and were pr ompted to add
po pu lar integrations righ t awa y wi thout go ing t o the dashboard. You could
alwa ys say "skip f or now".
Offering h elpful integrations up f ront adds value to your pr oduct and to the
customer. W in wi n.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 1
Try t his eff ectiv e f ormula for writing y our main Anticipated Impact: High
headline: Social Pr oof + What + Who + Wh y I Requires Budget? No
should car e Page Type: Home Page
Landing Page
The following s trategy is m ostly for people wh o are coming i n contact wi th
your website for the first time (pe rhaps through an orga nic search), and are
sensitive to finding t he righ t pr oduct qu ickly.
There are a thousand and one wa ys to wr ite a headline. Some choose to
wr ite mysterious headlines to pu ll pe ople in (wh ich can work just fine).
But I've found over time that there is one headline formula that works well
Social Proof + W hat + W ho + W hy I should care.
Le t's look at an example to help u s break it down :
“234 SaaS companies have saved $11.4 million with SiteAlert by getting
instant phone notifications when their websites are down”.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Try $7 f or 7 da ys trial ins tead of a fr ee trial. Anticipated Impact: High
Requires Budget? No
Page Type: Onboarding
@Nicholas_Du ncan recently shared that their $7 for 7 days trial has been
working qu ite well. Consider trying t his strategy to filter out pe ople wh o
aren't serious about your pr oduct, or m ay have the trial interrupted wi th
invalid pa yment m ethods.
I would try this if your pr oduct is not converting v ery well from free to pa id.
TIP/TACTIC: Estimated Effort: 2
Use pop-ups on y our blo g t o captur e people's Anticipated Impact: Medium
emails. Requires Budget? Yes (Optio
Page Type: Blog
Someone reading t his wi ll shake their head and say "wh at terrible advice!". I
hear you my friend, but po p-ups work. In some cases, I've seen po p-ups
outpe rform the entirety of all other opt-ins combined.
Now, some pe ople wi ll have concerns about wh ether it'll harm their SEO. The
short answer: if you don't do anything w eird, shady, or m anipu lative, you'll be
Keep i t useful, unintrusive (don't load them righ t awa y), deliver value, let
pe ople close them easily, don't m ake them too large that it overtakes the
brows ing e xpe rience.