Course Overview and Syllabus

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The Copywriter Blueprint

Course Overview

Persuasion begins with the words, ‘I understand.’

Persuasion is a form of connection. An expression of empathy. An extension

of two of the most basic of human needs: ​the need for hope and the need
for connection.

I could stop there. Those four sentences could take up the next eight week
of The Copywriter Blueprint. If you were to fully grasp the understanding
and power of those four sentences, you’d be a $100M copywriter.

The rest is show and dazzle. It’s important but it’s not as important as what
I just told you. Almost anyone can learn formulas and be taught to spot
patterns. It takes a person with ​decent E.Q. ​to absorb and apply what I just
shared. Good copywriters all have higher than average EQ, or ​emotional
quotient. ​Great copywriters often score off the charts.

Rest easy, we’ll boost your EQ levels over the next 8 weeks.

Along with a solid mastery of practical NLP. Hypnotic language. Desire

commands. My rule of “10% You”. The extremely powerful Persuasion
Quadrant. What, when and how to edit. Writing in-voice, and as you’ll learn
over the course of these 8 weeks, to flow​ in character.

That’s the stuff you paid for. The “blueprint” behind the Blueprint if you will.
But I’m here to tell you the truth:

Master the art of ​just that​ ​first sentence​ and you’ll change your life. Not
just your copywriting life…​your personal life. ​These are techniques that will
help you become a better partner, parent, and friend. You’re getting far
more than you signed up for, believe me.

Fair warning: today’s class will go over the allotted hour. There’s simply a lot
of housekeeping. We want to briefly introduce everyone to everyone - only

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30 seconds each please so we can keep the pace. And I need to cover what
to expect over the next 8 weeks. So I hope you can stick around past the

Here’s what’s in store for you over the next 8 weeks (subject to minor
changes due to time and life… : )

We’ll begin this process of understanding and persuasion today by covering

two concepts and one technique. We start with my​ Empathy Formula ​and
why it’s more important to know the customer than the product—as in it’s
not even close. We’ll also cover why most copy research is done in the
wrong direction.

We’ll conclude session 1 with the concept of ​Love Letter Marketing.​ This is
an approach that can separate you from the pack faster than anything else I

Your assignment will be to read my short essay on Love Letter Marketing,

along with the introduction I ghost wrote for Paula Abdul’s biography. Then
you will rewrite ONE EMAIL you’ve written recently using those principles. I’ll
hand out the essay and the short intro chapter at the end of class today,
along with a surprise that can ​double ​your Facebook ad effectiveness.

We start a bit “soft”...or so it sounds. Actually Empathy Marketing can be

used for sinister purposes. I hope you don’t choose to do that. You can use
this stuff to ​relate or manipulate.

Think of these as high-level persuasion concepts that set the tone for the
remaining 15 sessions together.

The Persuasion Quadrant, ​which we’ll cover in session 2, is probably the

most important copy “cheat sheet” I’ve ever created or come across. We’ll
do an on-screen look at two sales scripts; one written by a fellow classmate
and kickass marketer, and the same script rewritten by me using The
Persuasion Quadrant.

Once you see how the Quadrant lays over any piece of copy, you’ll never
write anything without it.

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Then we’ll dive into a bit of ​word alchemy: ​transforming ordinary words
into words and phrases that stick to the sides of your brain...itching those
nerve endings right next to your YES button until you push the damn thing.
This is borderline mental blackmail...well, it’s ​ethical​ blackmail. ( Is that
even a term? Is now...)

From there we venture into six weeks of what I call…

The Hex
6 Sides To Every Offer Ever Made

“​Hex” is short for ​hexagon, ​because there are six sides to this persuasion
foundation. But it’s also a play on words. If you want to ​cast a spell​ with
your copy… not literally, so relax. This isn’t witchcraft. : )

Like most incantations, the 6 Sides of The Hex look rather harmless on their
own. Formulaic for sure. In fact, we’ll be learning them inside CopyPro’s
Niche Creator, as they are foundational for every piece of copy that machine
generates, and every piece of copy you’ll ever write.

However, do this right and your copy ​oozes rapport and demands action.

The Hex covers…

➔ The power of ​self-identification avatars...

➔ The difference between your customer’s ​problem ​and their ​complaint.

People bitch easier than they contemplate. I’ll just tease you with

➔ Building ​rock-solid rapport ​(while still coming across like a badass...)

➔ Dismantling but relating to ​mistaken beliefs...

➔ Creating ​the enemy...

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➔ The ​cold traffic b
​ randing power of ​a Primary Cause ​(two words help
make Budweiser Beer $2B...)

➔ How to relate to and communicate with understanding ​primary and

secondary goals...

➔ Debunking bad ideas while reframing them into rapport and

understanding tools and ​branded hooks...

➔ The ​warm traffic ​branding power of a ​Primary Solution ​— and the

idea of the ​unique mechanism ​applied to ANY product or service...

➔ Creating a kickass ​USP ​that sells your client’s offer in 30 words or


➔ The ultimate ​Sales Bullet Formula ​(yes, there is ‘one’ : )...

➔ A ​testimonial trick​ that works every time -- and how to get more
social proof than you’ll ever need...

➔ Creating a ​triple money-back guarantee ​without giving 3x the

purchase price back (100% ethical; just clever copy...)

➔ My ​Samurai Q&A ​— I save the most “black hat” stuff this segment.
Use this at your own risk, but it’s increased conversions for me and my
students by 35% BY ITSELF…

➔ Creating ​tsunami-warning ​calls to action, plus the art of the ​action

tie-down technique...

That’s the gist of the ​6 Weeks of Hex.

Here’s another way to think about The Hex:

This is the homework your client needs to do, but answers that you need to
foresee​. (We’re back into the realm of magical copy here.)

You could give The Hex to any client and say, “Fill this out so I can write that
letter for you,” and they would think you were a rockstar. That’s awesome,

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and essential. But even more essential is ​foreseeing it; doing most of the
work for them, at least mentally, then suggesting superior

You’ll see when we dive into a simple Avatar exercise next week. Your client
thinks it’s obvious; you’re here to show them ​what’s hidden. ​This will help
separate you from the copywriter pack. You’ll sound and ​be different. Y
​ ou’re
going to present to them a brand new way of looking at their customers ​in
every way possible.

In week four I’ll cover ​Speedwriting. ​My clients call it a “superhuman

trick”, but there’s a process behind how I write sales letters in less than a
day. One of my longest-lasting VSL, “Truth About Abs”, was written without
edits in a tad over four hours.

I’m not superhuman...not that I know of. But there is a trick to it. We’ll
cover this combination of flow state and ​actor’s role ​in the writing process.

At the end of our 8-week journey it will be all Q&A, with each participant
asking questions and showing their work.

That said, each week, starting next week, we will pull in three class
members to share the specific assignments given. This will give each of you
one-on-one hot seat time.

The curriculum is teaching-heaving during this first week, with 45-55

minutes of classwork. Assignments and interaction will begin in Week 2.
Weeks 2-7 will be 40 minutes of instruction followed by 20 minutes of live
hotseats. We’ll pick two participants from the session before, give the
assignment, and then you’ll each have 10 minutes. You’ll share and I’ll

The final two sessions are dedicated to live Q&A with the entire group and
anyone still left to hotseat. I’ll answer any questions you have. Plan on these
sessions going ​much longer ​than most, as I want to over deliver and
ensure you have everything you need covered.

As a bonus, and there will be several more unannounced today, you’ll be

receiving ​transcripts of each session, ​along with the slides used. It takes

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about a week per transcript, so these will be delivered on or about a week
after each session.

Now, here’s what we will ​not ​be covering during this course:

How to get clients.​ There are several reasons for this….

1. First, ​I have no idea. ​I am a unicorn when it comes to clients as I

created a $50B industry, quite by accident might I add. Creating the
VSL opened doors to clients before I was even considered a
copywriter. For years I’d talk in front of copywriting legends saying,
“Okay, I’m not a copywriter, just a fitness marketer, but…” That was
until John Carlton. (Tell that story.)
2. I may not be qualified, but we may bring on a guest here and there to
speak on that topic. If so, this will be after-hours and extra credit.
3. When I share what CopyPro, my AI-copywriting software project has in
store for it’s second version, you’ll see why ​this may not even be an
issue for you anymore. ​We’re creating the world’s first
Customer-Contributor Ecosystem. ​This isn’t pie in the sky; we’ve
already built 70% of CopyPro 2.0. It will allow copywriters who get
certified to input ​syndicated and premium copy and content i​ nto the
CopyPro machine. The moment a customer buys it, you’re paid. And if
it’s syndicated, you can get paid ​dozens, even hundreds of times, for
the same piece of copy. ​I know that sounds crazy, but I’ll show you
toward the end of the Copywriter Blueprint.

Newest Trends
Sure, I get that bots are cool. I get that X, Y, and Z are awesome. Who
cares. It’s all persuasion at the end of the day.

Specific Mediums
Facebook ads, advertorials, VSLs, webinars… they are all subtly different,
and there’s no way to cover them all in 8 weeks while giving you everything
I just covered.

The only thing I care about, and the only thing you should expect, is
to walk away from this experience with a black belt in persuasion.

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I want to hear a “YES” from everyone to that before we dive in and spend
just 30 seconds per person introducing yourself to the group.

Lastly, as a nice superbonus: each of you gets a free ticket to the 1st
Annual CopyCon in September.

I’ll fill you in on speakers and location when we get closer to the event.
Tentative dates are September 10-12th, but those dates may change as we
move closer to D-day.

Note: this overview will be read during the opening of class tomorrow, as I
get few people read their homework. After that we’ll dive into the course.

©2019 Jon Benson |

The Copywriter Blueprint

Course Syllabus

Classes are Mondays and Fridays at 9:00AM PST.

On certain days I will open the class at ​8:30AM PST​ for those who want to
come in and chat, ask questions, or just hang.

** Times and specifics may alter slightly, as we are dealing with humans,
technology and reality.

Bonus Delivery

We will deliver the three primary bonuses to you at Week 2, Week 4, and
Week 6. This is to keep you focused. However, there will be unadvertised
bonuses handed out during sessions throughout the course.

Session 1: Monday, March 25

Introductions: 9:00-9:15
30 seconds to download the group on who you are and what you’re wanting
to accomplish over the next 8 weeks. This is a super-short and timed
introduction as to keep the course on track.

Course Introduction and Overview: 9:15-9:30

I’ll cover what the 8 weeks will entail in a short overview, as well as lay out
the foundational principles of the course.

The Empathy Exercise: 9:30-9:50

One of the most valuable exercises for writing ​into the mind ​of your avatar,
and ​out of your own mind. ​You are ​not​ the author of the copy you create.
You are the medium. I don’t mean that in a mystical way. What I mean is
your avatar doesn’t see or hear ​you, ​at least all of you. And if you write for

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clients, they see and hear ​none of you. ​This will make sense after the
exercise is over.

Love Letter Marketing: 9:50-10:15

This is a concept I’ve played with for years, but only recently put into a
teachable platform.

Your assignment will center around combining empathy and love letter
marketing. You’ll take an email you’ve written recently and create a “love
letter” version of it that used empathetic language.

Q&A: 10:15-10:30ish
I want to conclude the class with a bit of extra Q&A time. Again, the intent is
to over deliver whenever possible.

Session 2: Friday, March 29

Hot Seats 1 & 2: 9:00-9:20

The first two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

The Persuasion Quadrant: 9:20-9:50

There are four aspects of persuasion that ​virtually every ​piece of copy you
write should contain. Even something as sterile as a dentist follow-up email
can consume all four of these quadrants. This covers the four most
important areas of human psychology and how they ​must ​be spoken to in
order to achieve maximum rapport and persuasion.

Word Alchemy: 9:50-10:00

We’ll look at a sales letter (the one that sold you) and see what
Samurai-level stuff I pulled off. It’s about ​transforming words. ​Taking
ordinary words and making them outrageously delicious (see what I did
there?) – without turning your letter into a cornball ransom note.

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Map the first 500 words of any copy you have (or write new copy) using the
four quadrants. ( Brownie points for the use of NLP commands, which we’ll
cover in the coming weeks in more detail… : )

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

Session 3: Monday, April 1

No Class Today
( April Fools : )

Hot Seats 3 & 4: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

The HEX (Session 1 of 6): 9:20-10:00

Headfirst into self-identifying avatars, the difference between problems and
complaints, and creating solid rapport. We’ll dive into CopyPro’s Niche
Creator to walk through this training.

Create the Overview section of your CopyPro niche. Even if you’re a CopyPro
client, you have to create a ​new niche ​for these homework assignments.
Make it a business you know a lot about if you want, or up the ante and take
on a new niche and do some research. ​You’ll be graded on the quality of
your self-identifying avatars and rapport stories.

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

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Session 4: Friday, April 5

Hot Seats 5 & 6: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

The HEX Applied (Side 1): 9:20-9:50

Case studies involving killer copy using The Hex techniques from Monday’s
session. Includes wordsmithing tips, NLP tactics, and more.

Supertip – My Speedwriting Technique: 9:50-10:00

This is the combination of flow state and ​actor’s role ​in the writing process
that allows me to create sales letters in less than a day and brand products
in minutes.

Set a goal to write the first 1,000 words of a sales letter or VSL using the
actor’s role and Speedwriting. Time your results.

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

Session 5: Monday, April 8

Hot Seats 7 & 8: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

The HEX (Session 2 of 6): 9:20-10:00

Identifying and dismantling mistaken beliefs, creating or establishing the
enemy, and the ​massive ​selling power of a ​primary cause, ​and how to create
one for just about any product or service (and when not to.)

Create the Causes section of your CopyPro niche. Even if you’re a CopyPro
client, you have to create a ​new niche ​for these homework assignments.
Make it a business you know a lot about if you want, or up the ante and take

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on a new niche and do some research. ​You’ll be graded on the quality of
your Primary Cause and how well it ties into your product or service.

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

Session 6: Friday, April 12

Hot Seats 9 & 10: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

The HEX Applied (Side 2): 9:20-10:00

Case studies involving killer copy using The Hex techniques from Monday’s
session. Includes wordsmithing tips, NLP tactics, and more.

If any, it will be assigned during class.

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

Session 7: Monday, April 15

Hot Seats 11 & 12: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

The HEX (Session 3 of 6): 9:20-10:00

All about ​goals.​ ​Your prospect will live or die by the goals they set for
themselves. Your job is to ​mindread your prospect ​and word their goals in a
way that speaks to each of the Persuasion Quadrants. It all comes back to
that. : )

Create the Goals section of your CopyPro niche. Even if you’re a CopyPro

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client, you have to create a ​new niche ​for these homework assignments.
Make it a business you know a lot about if you want, or up the ante and take
on a new niche and do some research. ​You’ll be graded on the level of
precision and how concise and powerfully phrased your primary and
secondary goals end up being.

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

Session 8: Friday, April 19

Hot Seats 13 & 14: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

The HEX Applied (Side 3): 9:20-10:00

Case studies involving killer copy using The Hex techniques from Monday’s
session. Includes wordsmithing tips, NLP tactics, and more.

If any, it will be assigned during class.

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

Session 9: Monday, April 22

Hot Seats 15 & 16: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

The HEX (Session 4 of 6): 9:20-10:00

Debunking bad ideas and turning them into ​branded hooks, ​plus the
branding power of a ​Primary Solution, ​and creating ideas for ​unique
mechanisms ​that apply to any product or service.

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Create the Solutions section of your CopyPro niche. Even if you’re a CopyPro
client, you have to create a ​new niche ​for these homework assignments.
Make it a business you know a lot about if you want, or up the ante and take
on a new niche and do some research. ​You’ll be graded on how clever and
brand-worthy your Primary Solution is, as well as your branded false

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

Session 10: Friday, April 26

Hot Seats 17 & 18: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

The HEX Applied (Side 4): 9:20-10:00

Case studies involving killer copy using The Hex techniques from Monday’s
session. Includes wordsmithing tips, NLP tactics, and more.

If any, it will be assigned during class.

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

Session 11: Monday, April 29

Hot Seats 19 & 20: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

The HEX (Session 5 of 6): 9:20-10:00

All about ​offers: ​killing it with USPs, sales bullets, testimonials (and a tip for
getting them fast), and my Triple Guarantee tip. Today will run a bit longer.

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Create the Offers section of your CopyPro niche. Even if you’re a CopyPro
client, you have to create a ​new niche ​for these homework assignments.
Make it a business you know a lot about if you want, or up the ante and take
on a new niche and do some research. ​You’ll be graded on how concise and
well-crafted your USP is. Also, I want at least 2 new testimonials using my
testimonial tip from previous clients and/or avatars.

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

Session 12: Friday, May 3

Hot Seats 21 & 22: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

The HEX Applied (Side 5): 9:20-10:00

Case studies involving killer copy using The Hex techniques from Monday’s
session. Includes wordsmithing tips, NLP tactics, and more.

If any, it will be assigned during class.

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

Session 13: Monday, May 6

Hot Seats 23 & 24: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

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The HEX (Session 6 of 6): 9:20-10:00
All about ​actions: ​creating ​tsunami-warning ​calls to action, plus the art of
the ​action tie-down technique...

Create the Actions section of your CopyPro niche. Even if you’re a CopyPro
client, you have to create a ​new niche ​for these homework assignments.
Make it a business you know a lot about if you want, or up the ante and take
on a new niche and do some research. ​You’ll be graded on your sales page
action and your webinar actions.

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

Session 14: Friday, May 10

Hot Seats 25 & 26: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

The HEX Applied (Side 6): 9:20-10:00

Case studies involving killer copy using The Hex techniques from Monday’s
session. Includes wordsmithing tips, NLP tactics, and more.

If any, it will be assigned during class.

Q&A: If Time Permits, 20 minutes

Session 15: Monday, May 13

Hot Seats 27 & 28: 9:00-9:20

The next two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

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Invitation to CopyPro Academy: 9:20-9:30
I’ll invite the class to apply. I will only choose 5 students.

Class Q&A: 9:30-?

We’ll go as long as time permits with your questions, copy examples,
showing off your results, and of course, praise and glory to yours truly if
deemed worthy.

Session 16: Friday, May 17

Hot Seats 29 & 30: 9:00-9:20

The final two students will share their homework from the previous week.
Hot seated by me and the class.

Announcements (Winners of CopyPro Academy slots): 9:20-9:30

The 5 chosen will be announced and mucho praise heaped on their heads. If
you’re not one of them, fret not. CPA will be ongoing and expanding rapidly.

Class Q&A: 9:30-?

We’ll go as long as time permits with your questions, copy examples,
showing off your results, and of course, praise and glory to yours truly if
deemed worthy.

Class Ends Today And Certificates Awarded!

©2019 Jon Benson |

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