End use letter from the Resident Indian customer
Door Si,
‘Sub: Application for Leon
lad by rno/us 10
te. _ _____ rotor to the Application No. doled ___ submitted by moh
Ax’: Bank Ud. for avaling of @ Loan trom Axis Bok,
he sold Facts for he purpose of (Hick on}
D Evcaton
D Business
Di Acicutse & Aiea Activity
1D tomo Repo
1 omer personaineed, seciiy:
ithe tacit ito be used for Busines Purpose, hen ploase Fick one ol he fotowing
trvestmentin Prat & Machinary (oly fr Menutactxing incu)
‘Dies than or equal to Rs 25 tokh
Dabove Rs 25!0kh and upto Rs 5 Crore
Drbove 855 Coxe ond uptoks 10Cr010
Investment in Olfce Equipment (only for Service industry)
Ditess than or equal fo s 10 fath
Davove Rs 10 lakh and upto Rs 2 Crore.
Obove Rs 2 Crore and upto Rs $ Crore
We heteby represent, worrant and confim ihat the aloresaid purpose Isa Voll purpose and also agree and underlake
'o ullize the loon only for the above mentioned purpose and that the locn shall not be used for any llegol and/or
‘ontisociol and/or speculative purposes incivding but not limited to porticipation instock markots/IPOs.
We further agree, contim and undertake that the purpose of use of funds under Ihe faciily shall not be changed in
‘ony manner during the tenor of the facily or that such change in purpose shall take placo only with the prior wailton
penrission of AXIS Bank. I/We agree tha! ony breach oF dofaull in complying wilh oll or ony of the aforesaid
Undertaking|s) wil constitute an event of defaut und the Facility Agreement execuled with the bank and accordingly
the bank wil have the righ! 10 initiate appropriate recovory proceedings for recovering the oulstanding dues in tne loan
We are aware tha! itis on the faith representation, declaration and confirmation that you have ogteed to consider my
Joan application for nancial assistance under the category of atly Advances defined in various ckcvass/quidelines ot «
Reserve Bonk of Ingio,
Thanking you.
Yous Sincerely,
‘Applicant Co-oppiicant|Go
Customer Name
Subject: Home Loan / Loan against Property. Leen Application/Account No. [--|- intimationfor additional
sonction terms and conaitions}
Reference: I. Sanction Letter doled
2. Loan Agreement dated
Please reter your above referred to loon applications [account no. [Wills us
‘Axis Bonk has sanctioned (Nome of Produc! ____of Rs. ____basis the terms ond concitions
stipulated in the Sanction Leiter [and agrees ia thé Loan Agreement], os referred above,
In view of the cbove, we hereby inform you the following additional terms and conditions wil become
‘@ppilicoble in respect of your [Product] from te date of receipt of this letter by you.
* All amounis in default for payment, due to delay or non-payment of EMi/Instaliment or interest thereon
including ony cosls, charges onc expunss or due 10 occurtence of ony other Even! of Detoult os per
sec 2.6 (Arficle =I (Terms of Loon! of static part of loan agreement}shall be debited to the loan/drawal
Gecount ond in such case Bank shail aso levy the penal interest and other charges os applicable ond
Prescribed in the as per sec 7.1(Article-Vll [Events of Default & Consequences}ot static port of loon
‘agreementlin the sold loan/drawai account for the petiod of default without there being any need 10
‘assign @ reason fer the same, which sho! be paid by the Borrower,
+ However. if Borrower fails to moke the payment of above soid cmounts in defaull for payment or the
Penoi interes! and other charges lever! by the Bank within 90 days from the due date of such
Poyments. in that case soid loan/skowcl account shall be classlied as Nor-Perfoming Asset ("NPA")
In order to regulatize the soid loan/crawal account, the Borrower shall
mentioned emounis in Gefault and/or penal interest and other chor
immediate basis]
be liable to pay all he above
"sax the case may be, [on
Please note the additional terms and conail
Sanction Letter and same shall be re.33 in
these additional terms and condifions have:
ons 05 specified above shall form an integral port of the
nyurction with the Loan Agreement executed with you, os
‘en specilicaly incorporated therein,
'n cose of any further clarifcation/quity please coniact our below mentioned Asse! Soles Center [ASC):
Pleose provide us an acknowledged copy of Ihis letter for having accepled the above facts.
Yours truly,
For Axis Bank Ltd,
New Delhi
Authorized Signatory
Ye have read the terms & conditions menlicned in this etter & accept the same.
Signature of Customer/Borrower.