IAS Exam Latest Updates: Types of Solid Waste - Environment Notes
IAS Exam Latest Updates: Types of Solid Waste - Environment Notes
IAS Exam Latest Updates: Types of Solid Waste - Environment Notes
Table of Contents
1. Solid Waste
2. Types of Solid Waste
3. Solid Waste Management
4. Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016
5. Conclusion
6. FAQs
7. MCQs
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8/29/22, 3:49 PM Types of Solid Waste - Environment Notes
Any garbage, refuse, sludge from a wastewater treatment plant or an air pollution control facility, and other
discarded materials, including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material, resulting from industrial,
commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, as well as community activities, are considered solid waste.
Solid or dissolved materials in domestic sewage, as well as solid or dissolved pollutants in irrigation return
flows or industrial discharges, are not included.
*For detailed notes of this topic, check Exams
this link Municipal Solid Waste
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Hazardous wastes are toxic, extremely flammable, or explosive, and can be very harmful to humans, animals,
and plants.
Every year, India produces around 7 million tonnes of hazardous waste, with the majority of it concentrated in
four states: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu.
Old batteries, shoe polish, paint tins, old pharmaceuticals, and medicine bottles are examples of household
waste that might be classified as hazardous waste.
Metal, chemical, paper, pesticide, dye, refining, and rubber goods sectors are important sources of hazardous
waste in the industrial sector.
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Direct contact with hazardous waste compounds such as mercury and cyanide can be lethal.
*For detailed notes of this topic, check this link Hazardous Waste
*For detailed notes of this topic, check this link Hospital Waste
The process of collecting and treating solid waste is referred to as solid waste management.
It also provides recycling options for items that do not belong in garbage or trash.
Garbage or solid waste has been a problem for as long as people have lived in settlements and residential
areas. Waste management is concerned with the transformation of solid waste into a valuable resource.
Every household, including business owners, should embrace solid waste management around the world.
Solid waste management is a critical component of urban area management.
Improper municipal solid waste disposal can lead to unsanitary conditions, which can lead to pollution and the
spread of vector-borne disease.
The task of solid waste management is fraught with technical difficulties. They also present a number of
economic, administrative, and social issues that require immediate attention.
The collected waste piles up and creates a problem for both the environment and the population as a result of poor
solid waste disposal, notably by waste management agencies. According to surveys conducted by several
organizations, India's healthcare facilities are not paying enough attention to waste management. Following the
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publication of the Bio-medical Waste (Handling and Management) Rules, 1998, these facilities are gradually
streamlining the waste segregation, collection, treatment, and disposal processes.
Question: What is solid waste management? ➕
Question: Consider the following statements on the types of solid wastes:
1. Solid waste includes all non-liquid wastes, including solid and semi-solid wastes.
2. It also includes human and animal excreta.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official
website of the exam.
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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 7(4), 160-164
Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/8802
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/8802
before any solid waste management system can be adapted. It is a multidisciplinary activity involving engineering
principles, economics, and urban and regional planning.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 7(4), 160-164
Material Recycling
The thrust of much state and local legislative action in mid-1980s was to encourage recycling of various components
of municipal solid waste. Many have been made in the area of recycling, but not have been very successful. There
are several reasons such as recycled material may contain increased levels of foreign materials that could interfere
with product quality, uncertainty of supply and price variation of secondary material, methods of quality control of
recycled material are not developed as for virgin materials. Many components of MSW are currently recycled.
Among these are paper and paper products. These products are recycled in manufacturing building materials such as
roofing felt, insulation and wallboard, and are also used to manufacture cartons and containers. Plastic is recycled to
produce insulating material, sheets, bags, and structural material. Energy is recovered from combustion of organic
wastes. Other components of MSW (1990) estimate that approximately 13% of MSW is currently recycled, and a 14
percent fraction is incinerated.
Separation Methods
The separation of material is performed by the users at the source, or separated from mixed refuse at a central
processing facility. Material separation at the source involves users separating the material into different
components, followed by transporting from the point of generation to a secondary material dealer. Unfortunately,
active household response for separation at the source has been very poor. As a result, effort has been directed
toward separation of MSW at a central facility. Handpicking is a long-used form of separation of a few components
of solid wastes. In this operation, a conveyor moves the solid waste pass by a group of workers who pick up the
designated components by hand. This method of separation is costly, and only a few bulky components, such as
bundled newspapers and cardboard, can be separated. A mechanized material recovery method provided by utilizes
shearers that break open the bags and liberate cans and bottles. Trammel screens separate cans, glass and other
inorganic material. The organic material is shredded and passed through air classifiers, which separate the
components desired for recovery of fibers for paper making or for producing refuse derived fuel. Magnetic and
electromechanical systems separate ferrous and nonferrous metals.
Bioconversion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste into a number of products including sugar, ethanol,
and protein compost, has been reported in the literature.
The recovery of fibers from paper has cellulose as major constituent. The cellulose is hydrolyzed into sugars. The
hydrolysis of cellulose produces glucose and mixtures of other sugars. Hydrolysis of paper fibers is achieved under
low pH, or by enzymes.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 7(4), 160-164
Many researchers have investigated the production of commercial quantities of these products using paper fibers
recovered from municipal solid wastes. However, the cost of production and recovery of these products in a
relatively pure state from MSW is much greater than the cost of producing the raw materials.
Earlier research conducted by the Denver Research Institute suggested that fibers produced from waste paper can be
converted to protein using a fast-growing-hydrocarbon-cellulose digesting organism. The organism is Candia utilis
culture, commonly called Torula yeast. The protein thus produced is usable by livestock. This process is called
annelidic recycling. The organic component is converted into a rich fertilizer in the form of worm of worm castings,
the excess worms are dried into high-protein food supplement in animal food. Another similar concept is to breed
flies and recover larvae as a protein source for animal feed supplement.
Disposal By Landfilling
The volume of municipal solid waste is greatly reduced by incineration, conversion processes or resource recovery.
In all cases, there is a residue that must be disposed of so that it no longer creates a nuisance or hazard to the society.
Engineering principles must be followed for site selection and design of ultimate-land disposal methods. An
acceptable land disposal method of MSW and residues utilizes sanitary landfills. Sanitary landfilling is the most
common method of solid waste disposal in the United States. It is economical, and applies to all components of
MSW. Proper site selection is perhaps the most difficult part of disposal by landfilling. The operation involves
compaction of solid wastes in layers, then covering with a layer of compacted soil at the end of each day’s
operation. In recent years, special care has been required in site selection, refuse compaction, cover application,
leachate collection and treatment, and site monitoring.
The quantity of MSW generated is increasing rapidly due to increasing population and change in lifestyle. The
current MSW crisis should be approached holistically; while planning for long term solutions, focus on the solving
the present problems should be maintained. The Government and local authorities should work with their partners to
promote source separation, achieve higher percentages of recycling and produce high quality compost from
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 7(4), 160-164
organics. While this is being achieved and recycling is increased, provisions should be made to handle the non-
recyclable wastes that are being generated and will continue to be generated in the future. Policy to include waste-
pickers in the private sector must be introduced to utilize their low cost public and environmental service and to
provide better working conditions to these marginalized populations.
1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Characterization of municipal solid waste in
the United States,” Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Washington D.C., 1990.
2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Characterization of municipal solid waste in
the United States,” Final Report Prepared by Franklin Associates, Inc, 1988.
3. P. A. Vesilind, J. J. Pierce, and R. F. Weiner, Environmental Engineering, 2nd ed. Boston, MA:
Butterworth's, 1988.
4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Decision-Makers guide in solid waste management,” SW-500,
Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976.
5. U.S. Congress, “Facing America's trash: What next for municipal solid waste,” OTA-0-424, Office of
Technology Assessment, Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989.
6. R. Woods, “Refuse vehicles of the „90s,” Waste Age, vol. 23, no. 5, 38-44, 1992.
7. K. A. Shuster and D. A. Schur, “Heuristic routing for solid waste collection vehicles,” SW-11, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1974.
8. Matrecon, “Lining of waste impoundment and disposal facilities,” SW-870, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, 1980.
9. M. L. Davis and D. A. Cornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, 2nd ed. New York:
MacGraw-Hills, Inc, 1991.
10. G. Tchobanoglous, H. Theisen, and S. Vigil, “Integrated solid waste management,” Engineering
Principles and Management Issues, New York: McGraw Hill, 1993.
11. [11] D. C. Wilson, Waste Management: Planning, Evaluation Technologies, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981.
12. N. L. Drobny, H. E. Hull, and R. F. Testin, “Recovery and utilization of municipal solid waste,” EPA-
SW-10C-71, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste Management Program,
Washington D.C. (NTIS No. PB-204 922), 1971.
13. P. A. Vesilind and A. E. Rimer, Unit Operations in Response Recovery Engineering, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc, 1981.
14. J. V. L. Kiser, “Municipal waste combustion in North America,” Waste Age, vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 26-34,
8/29/22, 4:14 PM Scanning electron microscope - Wikipedia
Principles and capacities
Sample preparation
Biological samples
Scanning process and image formation
Magnification M. von Ardenne's first SEM
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Due to the very narrow electron beam, SEM micrographs have a large depth of field yielding a
characteristic three-dimensional appearance useful for understanding the surface structure of a
sample.[14] This is exemplified by the micrograph of pollen shown above. A wide range of
magnifications is possible, from about 10 times (about equivalent to that of a powerful hand-lens) to
more than 500,000 times, about 250 times the magnification limit of the best light microscopes.
Sample preparation
SEM samples have to be small enough to fit on the specimen
stage, and may need special preparation to increase their electrical
conductivity and to stabilize them, so that they can withstand the
high vacuum conditions and the high energy beam of electrons.
Samples are generally mounted rigidly on a specimen holder or
stub using a conductive adhesive. SEM is used extensively for
defect analysis of semiconductor wafers, and manufacturers make
instruments that can examine any part of a 300 mm
semiconductor wafer. Many instruments have chambers that can
tilt an object of that size to 45° and provide continuous 360° A spider sputter-coated in gold,
rotation. having been prepared for viewing
with an SEM
Nonconductive specimens collect charge when scanned by the
electron beam, and especially in secondary electron imaging
mode, this causes scanning faults and other image artifacts. For conventional imaging in the SEM,
specimens must be electrically conductive, at least at the surface, and electrically grounded to prevent
the accumulation of electrostatic charge. Metal objects require little special preparation for SEM
except for cleaning and conductively mounting to a specimen stub. Non-conducting materials are
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Embedding in a resin with further polishing to a mirror-like finish can be used for both biological and
materials specimens when imaging in backscattered electrons or when doing quantitative X-ray
The main preparation techniques are not required in the environmental SEM outlined below, but
some biological specimens can benefit from fixation.
Biological samples
For SEM, a specimen is normally required to be completely dry, since the specimen chamber is at
high vacuum. Hard, dry materials such as wood, bone, feathers, dried insects, or shells (including egg
shells[17]) can be examined with little further treatment, but living cells and tissues and whole, soft-
bodied organisms require chemical fixation to preserve and stabilize their structure.
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The dry specimen is usually mounted on a specimen stub using an adhesive such as epoxy resin or
electrically conductive double-sided adhesive tape, and sputter-coated with gold or gold/palladium
alloy before examination in the microscope. Samples may be sectioned (with a microtome) if
information about the organism's internal ultrastructure is to be exposed for imaging.
If the SEM is equipped with a cold stage for cryo microscopy, cryofixation may be used and low-
temperature scanning electron microscopy performed on the cryogenically fixed specimens.[18] Cryo-
fixed specimens may be cryo-fractured under vacuum in a special apparatus to reveal internal
structure, sputter-coated and transferred onto the SEM cryo-stage while still frozen.[23] Low-
temperature scanning electron microscopy (LT-SEM) is also applicable to the imaging of
temperature-sensitive materials such as ice[24][25] and fats.[26]
Back-scattered electron imaging, quantitative X-ray analysis, and X-ray mapping of specimens often
requires grinding and polishing the surfaces to an ultra-smooth surface. Specimens that undergo
WDS or EDS analysis are often carbon-coated. In general, metals are not coated prior to imaging in
the SEM because they are conductive and provide their own pathway to ground.
Fractography is the study of fractured surfaces that can be done on a light microscope or, commonly,
on an SEM. The fractured surface is cut to a suitable size, cleaned of any organic residues, and
mounted on a specimen holder for viewing in the SEM.
Integrated circuits may be cut with a focused ion beam (FIB) or other ion beam milling instrument for
viewing in the SEM. The SEM in the first case may be incorporated into the FIB, enabling high-
resolution imaging of the result of the process.
Metals, geological specimens, and integrated circuits all may also be chemically polished for viewing
in the SEM.
Special high-resolution coating techniques are required for high-magnification imaging of inorganic
thin films.
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Magnification in an SEM can be controlled over a range of about 6 orders of magnitude from about 10
to 3,000,000 times.[27] Unlike optical and transmission electron microscopes, image magnification in
an SEM is not a function of the power of the objective lens. SEMs may have condenser and objective
lenses, but their function is to focus the beam to a spot, and not to image the specimen. Provided the
electron gun can generate a beam with sufficiently small diameter, a SEM could in principle work
entirely without condenser or objective lenses, although it might not be very versatile or achieve very
high resolution. In an SEM, as in scanning probe microscopy, magnification results from the ratio of
the raster on the display device and dimensions of the raster on the specimen. Assuming that the
display screen has a fixed size, higher magnification results from reducing the size of the raster on the
specimen, and vice versa. Magnification is therefore controlled by the current supplied to the x, y
scanning coils, or the voltage supplied to the x, y deflector plates, and not by objective lens power.
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platinum at cryogenic
number), and thus appear brighter in
the image, BSEs are used to detect Bottom: secondary electron
temperatures for imaging.
contrast between areas with different analysis – topography
chemical compositions.[14] The
Everhart–Thornley detector, which is normally positioned to one
side of the specimen, is inefficient for the detection of backscattered electrons because few such
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electrons are emitted in the solid angle subtended by the detector, and because the positively biased
detection grid has little ability to attract the higher energy BSE. Dedicated backscattered electron
detectors are positioned above the sample in a "doughnut" type arrangement, concentric with the
electron beam, maximizing the solid angle of collection. BSE detectors are usually either of scintillator
or of semiconductor types. When all parts of the detector are used to collect electrons symmetrically
about the beam, atomic number contrast is produced. However, strong topographic contrast is
produced by collecting back-scattered electrons from one side above the specimen using an
asymmetrical, directional BSE detector; the resulting contrast appears as illumination of the
topography from that side. Semiconductor detectors can be made in radial segments that can be
switched in or out to control the type of contrast produced and its directionality.
Backscattered electrons can also be used to form an electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) image
that can be used to determine the crystallographic structure of the specimen.
Cathodoluminescence, the emission of light when atoms excited
by high-energy electrons return to their ground state, is analogous
to UV-induced fluorescence, and some materials such as zinc
sulfide and some fluorescent dyes, exhibit both phenomena. Over
the last decades, cathodoluminescence was most commonly
experienced as the light emission from the inner surface of the
cathode-ray tube in television sets and computer CRT monitors.
In the SEM, CL detectors either collect all light emitted by the
specimen or can analyse the wavelengths emitted by the specimen Color cathodoluminescence overlay
and display an emission spectrum or an image of the distribution on SEM image of an InGaN
of cathodoluminescence emitted by the specimen in real color. polycrystal. The blue and green
channels represent real colors, the
X-ray microanalysis red channel corresponds to UV
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Environmental SEM
Conventional SEM requires samples to be imaged under vacuum, because a gas atmosphere rapidly
spreads and attenuates electron beams. As a consequence, samples that produce a significant amount
of vapour, e.g. wet biological samples or oil-bearing rock, must be either dried or cryogenically frozen.
Processes involving phase transitions, such as the drying of adhesives or melting of alloys, liquid
transport, chemical reactions, and solid-air-gas systems, in general cannot be observed with
conventional high-vacuum SEM. In environmental SEM (ESEM), the chamber is evacuated of air, but
water vapor is retained near its saturation pressure, and the residual pressure remains relatively high.
This allows the analysis of samples containing water or other volatile substances. With ESEM,
observations of living insects have been possible.[30]
The first commercial development of the ESEM in the late 1980s[31][32] allowed samples to be
observed in low-pressure gaseous environments (e.g. 1–50 Torr or 0.1–6.7 kPa) and high relative
humidity (up to 100%). This was made possible by the development of a secondary-electron
detector[33][34] capable of operating in the presence of water vapour and by the use of pressure-
limiting apertures with differential pumping in the path of the electron beam to separate the vacuum
region (around the gun and lenses) from the sample chamber. The first commercial ESEMs were
produced by the ElectroScan Corporation in USA in 1988. ElectroScan was taken over by Philips (who
later sold their electron-optics division to FEI Company) in 1996.[35]
ESEM is especially useful for non-metallic and biological materials because coating with carbon or
gold is unnecessary. Uncoated plastics and elastomers can be routinely examined, as can uncoated
biological samples. This is useful because coating can be difficult to reverse, may conceal small
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features on the surface of the sample and may reduce the value of the results obtained. X-ray analysis
is difficult with a coating of a heavy metal, so carbon coatings are routinely used in conventional
SEMs, but ESEM makes it possible to perform X-ray microanalysis on uncoated non-conductive
specimens; however some specific for ESEM artifacts are introduced in X-ray analysis. ESEM may be
the preferred for electron microscopy of unique samples from criminal or civil actions, where forensic
analysis may need to be repeated by several different experts. It is possible to study specimens in
liquid with ESEM or with other liquid-phase electron microscopy methods.[36]
Transmission SEM
The SEM can also be used in transmission mode by simply incorporating an appropriate detector
below a thin specimen section.[37] Detectors are available for bright field, dark field, as well as
segmented detectors for mid-field to high angle annular dark-field. Despite the difference in
instrumentation, this technique is still commonly referred to as scanning transmission electron
microscopy (STEM).
Color in SEM
Electron microscopes do not naturally produce color images, as an SEM produces a single value per
pixel; this value corresponds to the number of electrons received by the detector during a small period
of time of the scanning when the beam is targeted to the (x, y) pixel position.
This single number is usually represented, for each pixel, by a grey level, forming a monochrome
image.[38] However, several ways have been used to get color electron microscopy images.[39]
The easiest way to get color is to associate to this single number an arbitrary color, using a color look-
up table (i.e. each grey level is replaced by a chosen color). This method is known as false color. On a
BSE image, false color may be performed to better distinguish the various phases of the sample.[40]
On textured-surface images:
As an alternative to simply replacing each grey level by a color, a sample observed by an oblique beam
allows researchers to create an approximative topography image (see further section "Photometric 3D
rendering from a single SEM image"). Such topography can then be processed by 3D-rendering
algorithms for a more natural rendering of the surface texture
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Very often, published SEM images are artificially colored.[40] This may be done for aesthetic effect, to
clarify structure or to add a realistic appearance to the sample and generally does not add information
about the specimen.[41]
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In some configurations more information is gathered per pixel, often by the use of multiple
As a common example, secondary electron and backscattered electron detectors are superimposed
and a color is assigned to each of the images captured by each detector,[44][45] with an end result of a
combined color image where colors are related to the density of the components. This method is
known as density-dependent color SEM (DDC-SEM). Micrographs produced by DDC-SEM retain
topographical information, which is better captured by the secondary electrons detector and combine
it to the information about density, obtained by the backscattered electron detector.[46][47]
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Colorized image obtained from the Same work with a larger view, part
two previous. Density-dependent of a study on human
color scanning electron cardiovascular tissue calcification
micrograph SEM (DDC-SEM) of
cardiovascular calcification,
showing in orange a calcium
phosphate spherical particle
(denser material) and, in green,
the extracellular matrix (less
dense material)
Measurement of the energy of photons emitted from the specimen is a common method to get
analytical capabilities. Examples are the energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) detectors used
in elemental analysis and cathodoluminescence microscope (CL) systems that analyse the intensity
and spectrum of electron-induced luminescence in (for example) geological specimens. In SEM
systems using these detectors it is common to color code these extra signals and superimpose them in
a single color image, so that differences in the distribution of the various components of the specimen
can be seen clearly and compared. Optionally, the standard secondary electron image can be merged
with the one or more compositional channels, so that the specimen's structure and composition can
be compared. Such images can be made while maintaining the full integrity of the original signal data,
which is not modified in any way.
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3D in SEM
SEMs do not naturally provide 3D images contrary to SPMs. However 3D data can be obtained using
an SEM with different methods as follows.
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This method typically uses a four-quadrant BSE detector (alternatively for one manufacturer, a 3-
segment detector). The microscope produces four images of the same specimen at the same time, so
no tilt of the sample is required. The method gives metrological 3D dimensions as far as the slope of
the specimen remains reasonable.[40] Most SEM manufacturers now (2018) offer such a built-in or
optional four-quadrant BSE detector, together with proprietary software to calculate a 3D image in
real time.[49]
Other approaches use more sophisticated (and sometimes GPU-intensive) methods like the optimal
estimation algorithm and offer much better results[50] at the cost of high demands on computing
In all instances, this approach works by integration of the slope, so vertical slopes and overhangs are
ignored; for instance, if an entire sphere lies on a flat, little more than the upper hemisphere is seen
emerging above the flat, resulting in wrong altitude of the sphere apex. The prominence of this effect
depends on the angle of the BSE detectors with respect to the sample, but these detectors are usually
situated around (and close to) the electron beam, so this effect is very common.
This method requires an SEM image obtained in oblique low angle lighting. The grey-level is then
interpreted as the slope, and the slope integrated to restore the specimen topography. This method is
interesting for visual enhancement and the detection of the shape and position of objects ; however
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the vertical heights cannot usually be calibrated, contrary to other methods such as
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Applications of 3D SEM
One possible application is measuring the roughness of ice crystals. This method can combine
variable-pressure environmental SEM and the 3D capabilities of the SEM to measure roughness on
individual ice crystal facets, convert it into a computer model and run further statistical analysis on
the model.[58] Other measurements include fractal dimension, examining fracture surface of metals,
characterization of materials, corrosion measurement, and dimensional measurements at the nano
scale (step height, volume, angle, flatness, bearing ratio, coplanarity, etc.).
SEM is also used by art conservationists to discern threats to paintings' surface stability due to aging,
such as the formations of complexes of zinc ions with fatty acids.[59] Forensic scientists use SEM to
detect art forgeries.
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Two images of the same Epidermal cells from the SEM image of stomata on
depth hoar snow crystal, inner surface of an onion the lower surface of a
viewed through a light flake. Beneath the leaf.
microscope (left) and as shagreen-like cell walls
an SEM image (right). one can see nuclei and
Note how the SEM image small organelles floating
allows for clear perception in the cytoplasm. This
of the fine structure BSE-image of a
details which are hard to lanthanoid-stained sample
fully make out in the light was taken without prior
microscope image. fixation, nor dehydration,
nor sputtering.
See also
Applications for electron microscopy
Electron microscopy
Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
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Cathodoluminescence microscope
Forensic engineering
Forensic science
List of surface analysis methods
Teeny Ted from Turnip Town (World's smallest book requires a scanning electron microscope to
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
1. Stokes, Debbie J. (2008). Principles and Practice of Variable Pressure Environmental Scanning
Electron Microscopy (VP-ESEM). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0470758748.
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The term Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy originates from the fact that a Fourier transform
(a mathematical process) is required to convert the raw data into the actual spectrum.
Conceptual introduction
Michelson interferometer
Measuring and processing the interferogram
An example of an FTIR
spectrometer with an attenuated
Motivation total reflectance (ATR) attachment
IR sources
Beam splitter
Attenuated total reflectance
Fourier transform
Spectral range
Nano and biological materials
Microscopy and imaging
Nanoscale and spectroscopy below the diffraction limit
FTIR as detector in chromatography
TG-IR (thermogravimetric analysis-infrared spectrometry)
Water content determination in plastics and composites
See also
External links
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Conceptual introduction
The goal of absorption spectroscopy techniques (FTIR, ultraviolet-
visible ("UV-vis") spectroscopy, etc.) is to measure how much light
a sample absorbs at each wavelength. The most straightforward
way to do this, the "dispersive spectroscopy" technique, is to shine
a monochromatic light beam at a sample, measure how much of
the light is absorbed, and repeat for each different wavelength.
(This is how some UV–vis spectrometers work, for example.)
The beam described above is generated by starting with a broadband light source—one containing the
full spectrum of wavelengths to be measured. The light shines into a Michelson interferometer—a
certain configuration of mirrors, one of which is moved by a motor. As this mirror moves, each
wavelength of light in the beam is periodically blocked, transmitted, blocked, transmitted, by the
interferometer, due to wave interference. Different wavelengths are modulated at different rates, so
that at each moment or mirror position the beam coming out of the interferometer has a different
As mentioned, computer processing is required to turn the raw data (light absorption for each mirror
position) into the desired result (light absorption for each wavelength). The processing required turns
out to be a common algorithm called the Fourier transform. The Fourier transform converts one
domain (in this case displacement of the mirror in cm) into its inverse domain (wavenumbers in
cm−1). The raw data is called an "interferogram".
The first low-cost spectrophotometer capable of recording an infrared spectrum was the Perkin-Elmer
Infracord produced in 1957.[2] This instrument covered the wavelength range from 2.5 μm to 15 μm
(wavenumber range 4,000 cm−1 to 660 cm−1). The lower wavelength limit was chosen to encompass
the highest known vibration frequency due to a fundamental molecular vibration. The upper limit was
imposed by the fact that the dispersing element was a prism made from a single crystal of rock-salt
(sodium chloride), which becomes opaque at wavelengths longer than about 15 μm; this spectral
region became known as the rock-salt region. Later instruments used potassium bromide prisms to
extend the range to 25 μm (400 cm−1) and caesium iodide 50 μm (200 cm−1). The region beyond 50
μm (200 cm−1) became known as the far-infrared region; at very long wavelengths it merges into the
microwave region. Measurements in the far infrared needed the development of accurately ruled
diffraction gratings to replace the prisms as dispersing elements, since salt crystals are opaque in this
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region. More sensitive detectors than the bolometer were required because of the low energy of the
radiation. One such was the Golay detector. An additional issue is the need to exclude atmospheric
water vapour because water vapour has an intense pure rotational spectrum in this region. Far-
infrared spectrophotometers were cumbersome, slow and expensive. The advantages of the Michelson
interferometer were well-known, but considerable technical difficulties had to be overcome before a
commercial instrument could be built. Also an electronic computer was needed to perform the
required Fourier transform, and this only became practicable with the advent of minicomputers, such
as the PDP-8, which became available in 1965. Digilab pioneered the world's first commercial FTIR
spectrometer (Model FTS-14) in 1969[1] (Digilab FTIRs are now a part of Agilent technologies's
molecular product line after it acquired spectroscopy business from Varian).[3][4]
Michelson interferometer
In a Michelson interferometer adapted for FTIR, light
from the polychromatic infrared source, approximately a
black-body radiator, is collimated and directed to a beam
splitter. Ideally 50% of the light is refracted towards the
fixed mirror and 50% is transmitted towards the moving
mirror. Light is reflected from the two mirrors back to the
beam splitter and some fraction of the original light
passes into the sample compartment. There, the light is
focused on the sample. On leaving the sample
compartment the light is refocused on to the detector.
The difference in optical path length between the two
arms to the interferometer is known as the retardation or
optical path difference (OPD). An interferogram is
obtained by varying the retardation and recording the
signal from the detector for various values of the Schematic diagram of a Michelson
retardation. The form of the interferogram when no interferometer, configured for FTIR
sample is present depends on factors such as the variation
of source intensity and splitter efficiency with wavelength.
This results in a maximum at zero retardation, when there is constructive interference at all
wavelengths, followed by series of "wiggles". The position of zero retardation is determined accurately
by finding the point of maximum intensity in the interferogram. When a sample is present the
background interferogram is modulated by the presence of absorption bands in the sample.
Systems where the path difference is generated by a rotary movement have proved very successful.
One common system incorporates a pair of parallel mirrors in one beam that can be rotated to vary
the path without displacing the returning beam. Another is the double pendulum design where the
path in one arm of the interferometer increases as the path in the other decreases.
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For a maximum path difference d adjacent wavelengths λ1 and λ2 will have n and (n+1) cycles,
respectively, in the interferogram. The corresponding frequencies are ν1 and ν2:
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The separation is the inverse of the maximum OPD. For example, a maximum OPD of 2 cm results in
a separation of 0.5 cm−1. This is the spectral resolution in the sense that the value at one point is
independent of the values at adjacent points. Most instruments can be operated at different
resolutions by choosing different OPD's. Instruments for routine analyses typically have a best
resolution of around 0.5 cm−1, while spectrometers have been built with resolutions as high as
0.001 cm−1, corresponding to a maximum OPD of 10 m. The point in the interferogram corresponding
to zero path difference has to be identified, commonly by assuming it is where the maximum signal
occurs. This so-called centerburst is not always symmetrical in real world spectrometers so a phase
correction may have to be calculated. The interferogram signal decays as the path difference
increases, the rate of decay being inversely related to the width of features in the spectrum. If the OPD
is not large enough to allow the interferogram signal to decay to a negligible level there will be
unwanted oscillations or sidelobes associated with the features in the resulting spectrum. To reduce
these sidelobes the interferogram is usually multiplied by a function that approaches zero at the
maximum OPD. This so-called apodization reduces the amplitude of any sidelobes and also the noise
level at the expense some reduction in resolution.
For rapid calculation the number of points in the interferogram has to equal a power of two. A string
of zeroes may be added to the measured interferogram to achieve this. More zeroes may be added in a
process called zero filling to improve the appearance of the final spectrum although there is no
improvement in resolution. Alternatively, interpolation after the Fourier transform gives a similar
There are three principal advantages for an FT spectrometer compared to a scanning (dispersive)
1. The multiplex or Fellgett's advantage. This arises from the fact that information from all
wavelengths is collected simultaneously. It results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio for a given
scan-time for observations limited by a fixed detector noise contribution (typically in the thermal
infrared spectral region where a photodetector is limited by generation-recombination noise). For
a spectrum with m resolution elements, this increase is equal to the square root of m.
Alternatively, it allows a shorter scan-time for a given resolution. In practice multiple scans are
often averaged, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio by the square root of the number of scans.
2. The throughput or Jacquinot's advantage. This results from the fact that in a dispersive
instrument, the monochromator has entrance and exit slits which restrict the amount of light that
passes through it. The interferometer throughput is determined only by the diameter of the
collimated beam coming from the source. Although no slits are needed, FTIR spectrometers do
require an aperture to restrict the convergence of the collimated beam in the interferometer. This
is because convergent rays are modulated at different frequencies as the path difference is
varied. Such an aperture is called a Jacquinot stop.[1] For a given resolution and wavelength this
circular aperture allows more light through than a slit, resulting in a higher signal-to-noise ratio.
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3. The wavelength accuracy or Connes' advantage. The wavelength scale is calibrated by a laser
beam of known wavelength that passes through the interferometer. This is much more stable and
accurate than in dispersive instruments where the scale depends on the mechanical movement of
diffraction gratings. In practice, the accuracy is limited by the divergence of the beam in the
interferometer which depends on the resolution.
Another minor advantage is less sensitivity to stray light, that is radiation of one wavelength
appearing at another wavelength in the spectrum. In dispersive instruments, this is the result of
imperfections in the diffraction gratings and accidental reflections. In FT instruments there is no
direct equivalent as the apparent wavelength is determined by the modulation frequency in the
The interferogram belongs in the length dimension. Fourier transform (FT) inverts the dimension, so
the FT of the interferogram belongs in the reciprocal length dimension([L−1]), that is the dimension
of wavenumber. The spectral resolution in cm−1 is equal to the reciprocal of the maximal retardation
in cm. Thus a 4 cm−1 resolution will be obtained if the maximal retardation is 0.25 cm; this is typical
of the cheaper FTIR instruments. Much higher resolution can be obtained by increasing the maximal
retardation. This is not easy, as the moving mirror must travel in a near-perfect straight line. The use
of corner-cube mirrors in place of the flat mirrors is helpful, as an outgoing ray from a corner-cube
mirror is parallel to the incoming ray, regardless of the orientation of the mirror about axes
perpendicular to the axis of the light beam. In 1966 Connes measured the temperature of the
atmosphere of Venus by recording the vibration-rotation spectrum of Venusian CO2 at 0.1 cm−1
resolution.[6] Michelson himself attempted to resolve the hydrogen Hα emission band in the spectrum
of a hydrogen atom into its two components by using his interferometer.[1] p25 A spectrometer with
0.001 cm−1 resolution is now available commercially. The throughput advantage is important for
high-resolution FTIR, as the monochromator in a dispersive instrument with the same resolution
would have very narrow entrance and exit slits.
FTIR is a method of measuring infrared absorption and emission spectra. For a discussion of why
people measure infrared absorption and emission spectra, i.e. why and how substances absorb and
emit infrared light, see the article: Infrared spectroscopy.
IR sources
FTIR spectrometers are mostly used for measurements in the mid and near IR regions. For the mid-
IR region, 2−25 μm (5,000–400 cm−1), the most common source is a silicon carbide (SiC) element
heated to about 1,200 K (930 °C; 1,700 °F) (Globar). The output is similar to a blackbody. Shorter
wavelengths of the near-IR, 1−2.5 μm (10,000–4,000 cm−1), require a higher temperature source,
typically a tungsten-halogen lamp. The long wavelength output of these is limited to about 5 μm
(2,000 cm−1) by the absorption of the quartz envelope. For the far-IR, especially at wavelengths
beyond 50 μm (200 cm−1) a mercury discharge lamp gives higher output than a thermal source.[7]
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Beam splitter
Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) is one accessory of FTIR spectrophotometer to measure surface
properties of solid or thin film samples rather than their bulk properties. Generally, ATR has a
penetration depth of around 1 or 2 micrometers depending on sample conditions.
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Fourier transform
The interferogram in practice consists of a set of intensities measured for discrete values of
retardation. The difference between successive retardation values is constant. Thus, a discrete Fourier
transform is needed. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm is used.
Spectral range
The first FTIR spectrometers were developed for far-infrared range. The reason for this has to do with
the mechanical tolerance needed for good optical performance, which is related to the wavelength of
the light being used. For the relatively long wavelengths of the far infrared, ~10 μm tolerances are
adequate, whereas for the rock-salt region tolerances have to be better than 1 μm. A typical
instrument was the cube interferometer developed at the NPL[9] and marketed by Grubb Parsons. It
used a stepper motor to drive the moving mirror, recording the detector response after each step was
With the advent of cheap microcomputers it became possible to have a computer dedicated to
controlling the spectrometer, collecting the data, doing the Fourier transform and presenting the
spectrum. This provided the impetus for the development of FTIR spectrometers for the rock-salt
region. The problems of manufacturing ultra-high precision optical and mechanical components had
to be solved. A wide range of instruments are now available commercially. Although instrument
design has become more sophisticated, the basic principles remain the same. Nowadays, the moving
mirror of the interferometer moves at a constant velocity, and sampling of the interferogram is
triggered by finding zero-crossings in the fringes of a secondary interferometer lit by a helium–neon
laser. In modern FTIR systems the constant mirror velocity is not strictly required, as long as the laser
fringes and the original interferogram are recorded simultaneously with higher sampling rate and
then re-interpolated on a constant grid, as pioneered by James W. Brault. This confers very high
wavenumber accuracy on the resulting infrared spectrum and avoids wavenumber calibration errors.
The near-infrared region spans the wavelength range between the rock-salt region and the start of the
visible region at about 750 nm. Overtones of fundamental vibrations can be observed in this region. It
is used mainly in industrial applications such as process control and chemical imaging.
FTIR can be used in all applications where a dispersive spectrometer was used in the past (see
external links). In addition, the improved sensitivity and speed have opened up new areas of
application. Spectra can be measured in situations where very little energy reaches the detector and
scan rates can exceed 50 spectra a second. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy is used in geology,
chemistry, materials and biology research fields.
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FTIR is also used to investigate various nanomaterials and proteins in hydrophobic membrane
environments. Studies show the ability of FTIR to directly determine the polarity at a given site along
the backbone of a transmembrane protein.[10][11] The bond features involved with various organic and
inorganic nanomaterials and their quantitative analysis can be done with the help of FTIR.[12][13]
An infrared microscope allows samples to be observed and spectra measured from regions as small as
5 microns across. Images can be generated by combining a microscope with linear or 2-D array
detectors. The spatial resolution can approach 5 microns with tens of thousands of pixels. The images
contain a spectrum for each pixel and can be viewed as maps showing the intensity at any wavelength
or combination of wavelengths. This allows the distribution of different chemical species within the
sample to be seen. Typical studies include analysing tissue sections as an alternative to conventional
histopathology and examining the homogeneity of pharmaceutical tablets.
The spatial resolution of FTIR can be further improved below the micrometer scale by integrating it
into scanning near-field optical microscopy platform. The corresponding technique is called nano-
FTIR and allows for performing broadband spectroscopy on materials in ultra-small quantities (single
viruses and protein complexes) and with 10 to 20 nm spatial resolution.[14]
The speed of FTIR allows spectra to be obtained from compounds as they are separated by a gas
chromatograph. However this technique is little used compared to GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry) which is more sensitive. The GC-IR method is particularly useful for identifying
isomers, which by their nature have identical masses. Liquid chromatography fractions are more
difficult because of the solvent present. One notable exception is to measure chain branching as a
function of molecular size in polyethylene using gel permeation chromatography, which is possible
using chlorinated solvents that have no absorption in the area in question.
Measuring the gas evolved as a material is heated allows qualitative identification of the species to
complement the purely quantitative information provided by measuring the weight loss.
FTIR analysis is used to determine water content in fairly thin plastic and composite parts, more
commonly in the laboratory setting. Such FTIR methods have long been used for plastics, and became
extended for composite materials in 2018, when the method was introduced by Krauklis, Gagani and
Echtermeyer.[15] FTIR method uses the maxima of the absorbance band at about 5,200 cm−1 which
correlates with the true water content in the material.
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See also
Discrete Fourier transform – Type of Fourier transform in discrete mathematics − for computing
periodicity in evenly spaced data
Fourier transform – Mathematical transform that expresses a function of time as a function of
Fourier transform spectroscopy
Least-squares spectral analysis – Frequency-domain analysis method − for computing periodicity
in unevenly spaced data
1. Griffiths, P.; de Hasseth, J. A. (18 May 2007). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (https://bo
oks.google.com/books?id=C_c0GVe8MX0C) (2nd ed.). Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-471-19404-
2. "The Infracord double-beam spectrophotometer". Clinical Science. 16 (2). 1957.
3. "Archived copy" (https://web.archive.org/web/20200414155545/https://www.agilent.com/about/ne
wsroom/presrel/varian/2004/15sep-v04044.htm). Archived from the original (http://www.agilent.co
m/about/newsroom/presrel/varian/2004/15sep-v04044.htm) on 2020-04-14. Retrieved
4. "Agilent Technologies to Acquire Varian, Inc. for $1.5 Billion" (http://www.agilent.co.in/about/newsr
oom/presrel/2009/27jul-gp09016.html). Agilent. July 27, 2009.
5. Brault, James W. (1996). "New Approach to high-precision Fourier transform spectrometer
design". Applied Optics. 35 (16): 2891–2896. Bibcode:1996ApOpt..35.2891B (https://ui.adsabs.ha
rvard.edu/abs/1996ApOpt..35.2891B). doi:10.1364/AO.35.002891 (https://doi.org/10.1364%2FA
O.35.002891). PMID 21085438 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21085438).
6. Connes, J.; Connes, P. (1966). "Near-Infrared Planetary Spectra by Fourier Spectroscopy. I.
Instruments and Results". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 56 (7): 896–910.
doi:10.1364/JOSA.56.000896 (https://doi.org/10.1364%2FJOSA.56.000896).
7. Smith, D.R.; Morgan, R.L.; Loewenstein, E.V. (1968). "Comparison of the Radiance of Far-Infrared
Sources". J. Opt. Soc. Am. 58 (3): 433–434. doi:10.1364/JOSA.58.000433 (https://doi.org/10.136
8. Griffiths, P.R.; Holmes, C (2002). Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy, Vol 1. Chichester: John
Wiley and Sons.
9. Chamberain, J.; Gibbs, J.E.; Gebbie, H.E. (1969). "The determination of refractive index spectra
by fourier spectrometry". Infrared Physics. 9 (4): 189–209. Bibcode:1969InfPh...9..185C (https://ui.
adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1969InfPh...9..185C). doi:10.1016/0020-0891(69)90023-2 (https://doi.or
10. Manor, Joshua; Feldblum, Esther S.; Arkin, Isaiah T. (2012). "Environment Polarity in Proteins
Mapped Noninvasively by FTIR Spectroscopy" (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC33
41589). The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 3 (7): 939–944. doi:10.1021/jz300150v (http
s://doi.org/10.1021%2Fjz300150v). PMC 3341589 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PM
C3341589). PMID 22563521 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22563521).
11. Brielle, Esther S.; Arkin, Isaiah T. (2018). "Site-Specific Hydrogen Exchange in a Membrane
Environment Analyzed by Infrared Spectroscopy". The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 9
(14): 4059–4065. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b01675 (https://doi.org/10.1021%2Facs.jpclett.8b0167
5). PMID 29957958 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29957958). S2CID 49621115 (https://api.se
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12. "Structural, functional and magnetic ordering modifications in graphene oxide and graphite by 100
MeV gold ion irradiation". Vacuum. 182: 109700. 2020-12-01. doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109700
13. Deepty, M., Ch Srinivas, E. Ranjith Kumar, N. Krisha Mohan, C. L. Prajapat, TV Chandrasekhar
Rao, Sher Singh Meena, Amit Kumar Verma, and D. L. Sastry. "XRD, EDX, FTIR and ESR
spectroscopic studies of co-precipitated Mn–substituted Zn–ferrite nanoparticles." Ceramics
International 45, no. 6 (2019): 8037-8044.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.01.029
14. Amenabar, Iban; Poly, Simon; Nuansing, Wiwat; Hubrich, Elmar H.; Govyadinov, Alexander A.;
Huth, Florian; Krutokhvostov, Roman; Zhang, Lianbing; Knez, Mato (2013-12-04). "Structural
analysis and mapping of individual protein complexes by infrared nanospectroscopy" (https://www.
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3863900). Nature Communications. 4: 2890.
Bibcode:2013NatCo...4.2890A (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013NatCo...4.2890A).
doi:10.1038/ncomms3890 (https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fncomms3890). ISSN 2041-1723 (https://w
ww.worldcat.org/issn/2041-1723). PMC 3863900 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC
3863900). PMID 24301518 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24301518).
15. Krauklis, A. E.; Gagani, A. I.; Echtermeyer, A. T. (2018). "Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Method for
Monitoring Water Content in Epoxy Resins and Fiber-Reinforced Composites" (https://www.ncbi.nl
m.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5951470). Materials. 11 (4): 586–599. Bibcode:2018Mate...11..586. (h
ttps://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018Mate...11..586.). doi:10.3390/ma11040586 (https://doi.org/1
0.3390%2Fma11040586). PMC 5951470 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC595147
0). PMID 29641451 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29641451).
External links
Infracord spectrometer (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC441765/pdf/jcinvest00449-
0191.pdf) photograph
The Grubb-Parsons-NPL cube interferometer Spectroscopy, part 2 by Dudley Williams, page 81
infrared materials (https://web.archive.org/web/20101114040356/http://infrared.als.lbl.gov/content/
web-links/58-irwindows) Properties of many salt crystals and useful links.
University FTIR lab example (http://www.bristol.ac.uk/earthsciences/research/petrology/facilities/fti
r-lab/) from University of Bristol
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Powder diffraction
Powder diffraction is a scientific technique using X-
ray, neutron, or electron diffraction on powder or
microcrystalline samples for structural
characterization of materials. [2] An instrument
dedicated to performing such powder measurements is
called a powder diffractometer.
Uses Electron powder pattern (red) of an Al film with an
Phase identification fcc spiral overlay (green) and a line of
Crystallinity intersections (blue) that determines lattice
Lattice parameters
Expansion tensors, bulk modulus
Phase transitions
Crystal structure refinement and determination
Size and strain broadening
Comparison of X-ray and neutron scattering
Aperiodically arranged clusters
Semi-quantitative analysis
Neutron diffraction
X-ray tubes
Other sources
Advantages and disadvantages
See also
X-ray powder diffraction of Y2Cu2O5 and Rietveld refinement with
two phases, showing 1% of yttrium oxide impurity (red tickers).
Further reading
External links
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A diffractometer produces electromagnetic radiation (waves) with known wavelength and frequency,
which is determined by their source. The source is often x-rays, because they are the only kind of
energy with the optimal wavelength for inter-atomic-scale diffraction. However, electrons and
neutrons are also common sources, with their frequency determined by their de Broglie wavelength.
When these waves reach the sample, the incoming beam is either reflected off the surface, or can
enter the lattice and be diffracted by the atoms present in the sample. If the atoms are arranged
symmetrically with a separation distance d, these waves will interfere constructively only where the
path-length difference 2d sin θ is equal to an integer multiple of the wavelength, producing a
diffraction maximum in accordance with Bragg's law. These waves interfere destructively at points
between the intersections where the waves are out of phase, and do not lead to bright spots in the
diffraction pattern.[3] Because the sample itself is acting as the diffraction grating, this spacing is the
[atomic spacing].
The distinction between powder and single crystal diffraction is the degree of texturing in the sample.
Single crystals have maximal texturing, and are said to be anisotropic. In contrast, in powder
diffraction, every possible crystalline orientation is represented equally in a powdered sample, the
isotropic case. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) operates under the assumption that the sample is
randomly arranged. Therefore, a statistically significant number of each plane of the crystal structure
will be in the proper orientation to diffract the X-rays. Therefore, each plane will be represented in the
signal. In practice, it is sometimes necessary to rotate the sample orientation to eliminate the effects
of texturing and achieve true randomness.
Mathematically, crystals can be described by a Bravais lattice with some regularity in the spacing
between atoms. Because of this regularity, we can describe this structure in a different way using the
reciprocal lattice, which is related to the original structure by a Fourier transform. This three-
dimensional space can be described with reciprocal axes x*, y*, and z* or alternatively in spherical
coordinates q, φ*, and χ*. In powder diffraction, intensity is homogeneous over φ* and χ*, and only q
remains as an important measurable quantity. This is because orientational averaging causes the
three-dimensional reciprocal space that is studied in single crystal diffraction to be projected onto a
single dimension.
In this equation, G is the reciprocal lattice vector, q is the length of the reciprocal lattice vector, k is
the momentum transfer vector, θ is half of the scattering angle, and λ is the wavelength of the source.
Powder diffraction data are usually presented as a diffractogram in which the diffracted intensity, I, is
shown as a function either of the scattering angle 2θ or as a function of the scattering vector length q.
The latter variable has the advantage that the diffractogram no longer depends on the value of the
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wavelength λ. The advent of synchrotron sources has widened the choice of wavelength considerably.
To facilitate comparability of data obtained with different wavelengths the use of q is therefore
recommended and gaining acceptability.
Relative to other methods of analysis, powder diffraction allows for rapid, non-destructive analysis of
multi-component mixtures without the need for extensive sample preparation.[5] This gives
laboratories around the world the ability to quickly analyze unknown materials and perform materials
characterization in such fields as metallurgy, mineralogy, chemistry, forensic science, archeology,
condensed matter physics, and the biological and pharmaceutical sciences. Identification is
performed by comparison of the diffraction pattern to a known standard or to a database such as the
International Centre for Diffraction Data's Powder Diffraction File (PDF) or the Cambridge Structural
Database (CSD). Advances in hardware and software, particularly improved optics and fast detectors,
have dramatically improved the analytical capability of the technique, especially relative to the speed
of the analysis. The fundamental physics upon which the technique is based provides high precision
and accuracy in the measurement of interplanar spacings, sometimes to fractions of an Ångström,
resulting in authoritative identification frequently used in patents, criminal cases and other areas of
law enforcement. The ability to analyze multiphase materials also allows analysis of how materials
interact in a particular matrix such as a pharmaceutical tablet, a circuit board, a mechanical weld, a
geologic core sampling, cement and concrete, or a pigment found in an historic painting. The method
has been historically used for the identification and classification of minerals, but it can be used for
nearly any material, even amorphous ones, so long as a suitable reference pattern is known or can be
Phase identification
The most widespread use of powder diffraction is in the identification and characterization of
crystalline solids, each of which produces a distinctive diffraction pattern. Both the positions
(corresponding to lattice spacings) and the relative intensity of the lines in a diffraction pattern are
indicative of a particular phase and material, providing a "fingerprint" for comparison. A multi-phase
mixture, e.g. a soil sample, will show more than one pattern superposed, allowing for determination
of the relative concentrations of phases in the mixture.
J.D. Hanawalt, an analytical chemist who worked for Dow Chemical in the 1930s, was the first to
realize the analytical potential of creating a database. Today it is represented by the Powder
Diffraction File (PDF) of the International Centre for Diffraction Data (formerly Joint Committee for
Powder Diffraction Studies). This has been made searchable by computer through the work of global
software developers and equipment manufacturers. There are now over 1,047,661 reference materials
in the 2021 Powder Diffraction File Databases, and these databases are interfaced to a wide variety of
diffraction analysis software and distributed globally. The Powder Diffraction File contains many
subfiles, such as minerals, metals and alloys, pharmaceuticals, forensics, excipients, superconductors,
semiconductors, etc., with large collections of organic, organometallic and inorganic reference
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In contrast to a crystalline pattern consisting of a series of sharp peaks, amorphous materials (liquids,
glasses etc.) produce a broad background signal. Many polymers show semicrystalline behavior, i.e.
part of the material forms an ordered crystallite by folding of the molecule. A single polymer molecule
may well be folded into two different, adjacent crystallites and thus form a tie between the two. The
tie part is prevented from crystallizing. The result is that the crystallinity will never reach 100%.
Powder XRD can be used to determine the crystallinity by comparing the integrated intensity of the
background pattern to that of the sharp peaks. Values obtained from powder XRD are typically
comparable but not quite identical to those obtained from other methods such as DSC.
Lattice parameters
The position of a diffraction peak is independent of the atomic positions within the cell and entirely
determined by the size and shape of the unit cell of the crystalline phase. Each peak represents a
certain lattice plane and can therefore be characterized by a Miller index. If the symmetry is high, e.g.:
cubic or hexagonal it is usually not too hard to identify the index of each peak, even for an unknown
phase. This is particularly important in solid-state chemistry, where one is interested in finding and
identifying new materials. Once a pattern has been indexed, this characterizes the reaction product
and identifies it as a new solid phase. Indexing programs exist to deal with the harder cases, but if the
unit cell is very large and the symmetry low (triclinic) success is not always guaranteed.
Phase transitions
At some critical set of conditions, for example 0 °C for water at 1 atm, a new arrangement of atoms or
molecules may become stable, leading to a phase transition. At this point new diffraction peaks will
appear or old ones disappear according to the symmetry of the new phase. If the material melts to an
isotropic liquid, all sharp lines will disappear and be replaced by a broad amorphous pattern. If the
transition produces another crystalline phase, one set of lines will suddenly be replaced by another
set. In some cases however lines will split or coalesce, e.g. if the material undergoes a continuous,
second order phase transition. In such cases the symmetry may change because the existing structure
is distorted rather than replaced by a completely different one. For example, the diffraction peaks for
the lattice planes (100) and (001) can be found at two different values of q for a tetragonal phase, but
if the symmetry becomes cubic the two peaks will come to coincide.
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Crystal structure determination from powder diffraction data is extremely challenging due to the
overlap of reflections in a powder experiment. A number of different methods exist for structural
determination, such as simulated annealing and charge flipping. The crystal structures of known
materials can be refined, i.e. as a function of temperature or pressure, using the Rietveld method. The
Rietveld method is a so-called full pattern analysis technique. A crystal structure, together with
instrumental and microstructural information, is used to generate a theoretical diffraction pattern
that can be compared to the observed data. A least squares procedure is then used to minimize the
difference between the calculated pattern and each point of the observed pattern by adjusting model
parameters. Techniques to determine unknown structures from powder data do exist, but are
somewhat specialized.[6] A number of programs that can be used in structure determination are
TOPAS, Fox, DASH, GSAS-II, EXPO2004, and a few others.
There are many factors that determine the width B of a diffraction peak. These include:
1. instrumental factors
2. the presence of defects to the perfect lattice
3. differences in strain in different grains
4. the size of the crystallites
It is often possible to separate the effects of size and strain. When size broadening is independent of q
(K=1/d), strain broadening increases with increasing q-values. In most cases there will be both size
and strain broadening. It is possible to separate these by combining the two equations in what is
known as the Hall–Williamson method:
Thus, when we plot vs. we get a straight line with slope and intercept .
The expression is a combination of the Scherrer equation for size broadening and the Stokes and
Wilson expression for strain broadening. The value of η is the strain in the crystallites, the value of D
represents the size of the crystallites. The constant k is typically close to unity and ranges from 0.8
to 1.39.
X-ray photons scatter by interaction with the electron cloud of the material, neutrons are scattered by
the nuclei. This means that, in the presence of heavy atoms with many electrons, it may be difficult to
detect light atoms by X-ray diffraction. In contrast, the neutron scattering lengths of most atoms are
approximately equal in magnitude. Neutron diffraction techniques may therefore be used to detect
light elements such as oxygen or hydrogen in combination with heavy atoms. The neutron diffraction
technique therefore has obvious applications to problems such as determining oxygen displacements
in materials like high temperature superconductors and ferroelectrics, or to hydrogen bonding in
biological systems.
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A further complication in the case of neutron scattering from hydrogenous materials is the strong
incoherent scattering of hydrogen (80.27(6) barn). This leads to a very high background in neutron
diffraction experiments, and may make structural investigations impossible. A common solution is
deuteration, i.e., replacing the 1-H atoms in the sample with deuterium (2-H). The incoherent
scattering length of deuterium is much smaller (2.05(3) barn) making structural investigations
significantly easier. However, in some systems, replacing hydrogen with deuterium may alter the
structural and dynamic properties of interest.
As neutrons also have a magnetic moment, they are additionally scattered by any magnetic moments
in a sample. In the case of long range magnetic order, this leads to the appearance of new Bragg
reflections. In most simple cases, powder diffraction may be used to determine the size of the
moments and their spatial orientation.
Predicting the scattered intensity in powder diffraction patterns from gases, liquids, and randomly
distributed nano-clusters in the solid state[7] is (to first order) done rather elegantly with the Debye
scattering equation:[8]
where the magnitude of the scattering vector q is in reciprocal lattice distance units, N is the number
of atoms, fi(q) is the atomic scattering factor for atom i and scattering vector q, while rij is the distance
between atom i and atom j. One can also use this to predict the effect of nano-crystallite shape on
detected diffraction peaks, even if in some directions the cluster is only one atom thick.
Semi-quantitative analysis
The simplest cameras for X-ray powder diffraction consist of a small capillary and either a flat plate
detector (originally a piece of X-ray film, now more and more a flat-plate detector or a CCD-camera)
or a cylindrical one (originally a piece of film in a cookie-jar, but increasingly bent position sensitive
detectors are used). The two types of cameras are known as the Laue and the Debye–Scherrer camera.
In order to ensure complete powder averaging, the capillary is usually spun around its axis.
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For neutron diffraction vanadium cylinders are used as sample holders. Vanadium has a negligible
absorption and coherent scattering cross section for neutrons and is hence nearly invisible in a
powder diffraction experiment. Vanadium does however have a considerable incoherent scattering
cross section which may cause problems for more sensitive techniques such as neutron inelastic
A later development in X-ray cameras is the Guinier camera. It is built around a focusing bent crystal
monochromator. The sample is usually placed in the focusing beam, e.g. as a dusting on a piece of
sticky tape. A cylindrical piece of film (or electronic multichannel detector) is put on the focusing
circle, but the incident beam prevented from reaching the detector to prevent damage from its high
Cameras based on hybrid photon counting technology, such as the PILATUS detector, are widely used
in applications where high data acquisition speeds and increased data quality are required.[11]
Position-sensitive detectors (PSD) and area detectors, which allow collection from multiple angles at
once, are becoming more popular on currently supplied instrumentation.
Neutron diffraction
Sources that produce a neutron beam of suitable intensity and speed for diffraction are only available
at a small number of research reactors and spallation sources in the world. Angle dispersive (fixed
wavelength) instruments typically have a battery of individual detectors arranged in a cylindrical
fashion around the sample holder, and can therefore collect scattered intensity simultaneously on a
large 2θ range. Time of flight instruments normally have a small range of banks at different scattering
angles which collect data at varying resolutions.
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X-ray tubes
Laboratory X-ray diffraction equipment relies on the use of an X-ray tube, which is used to produce
the X-rays. The most commonly used laboratory X-ray tube uses a copper anode, but cobalt and
molybdenum are also popular. The wavelength in nm varies for each source. The table below shows
these wavelengths, determined by Bearden[13] and quoted in the International Tables for X-ray
Crystallography (all values in nm):
(weight average) (strong) (very strong) (weak)
Cr 0.229100 0.229361 0.228970 0.208487
Fe 0.193736 0.193998 0.193604 0.175661
Co 0.179026 0.179285 0.178897 0.162079
Cu 0.154184 0.154439 0.154056 0.139222
Mo 0.071073 0.071359 0.070930 0.063229
According to the last re-examination of Hölzer et al. (1997),[14] these values are respectively:
Other sources
In-house applications of X-ray diffraction has always been limited to the relatively few wavelengths
shown in the table above. The available choice was much needed because the combination of certain
wavelengths and certain elements present in a sample can lead to strong fluorescence which increases
the background in the diffraction pattern. A notorious example is the presence of iron in a sample
when using copper radiation. In general elements just below the anode element in the period system
need to be avoided.
Another limitation is that the intensity of traditional generators is relatively low, requiring lengthy
exposure times and precluding any time dependent measurement. The advent of synchrotron sources
has drastically changed this picture and caused powder diffraction methods to enter a whole new
phase of development. Not only is there a much wider choice of wavelengths available, the high
brilliance of the synchrotron radiation makes it possible to observe changes in the pattern during
chemical reactions, temperature ramps, changes in pressure and the like.
The tunability of the wavelength also makes it possible to observe anomalous scattering effects when
the wavelength is chosen close to the absorption edge of one of the elements of the sample.
Neutron diffraction has never been an in house technique because it requires the availability of an
intense neutron beam only available at a nuclear reactor or spallation source. Typically the available
neutron flux, and the weak interaction between neutrons and matter, require relative large samples.
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By contrast growth and mounting of large single crystals is notoriously difficult. In fact there are
many materials for which, despite many attempts, it has not proven possible to obtain single crystals.
Many materials are readily available with sufficient microcrystallinity for powder diffraction, or
samples may be easily ground from larger crystals. In the field of solid-state chemistry that often aims
at synthesizing new materials, single crystals thereof are typically not immediately available. Powder
diffraction is therefore one of the most powerful methods to identify and characterize new materials
in this field.
Particularly for neutron diffraction, which requires larger samples than X-ray diffraction due to a
relatively weak scattering cross section, the ability to use large samples can be critical, although newer
and more brilliant neutron sources are being built that may change this picture.
Since all possible crystal orientations are measured simultaneously, collection times can be quite
short even for small and weakly scattering samples. This is not merely convenient, but can be
essential for samples which are unstable either inherently or under X-ray or neutron bombardment,
or for time-resolved studies. For the latter it is desirable to have a strong radiation source. The advent
of synchrotron radiation and modern neutron sources has therefore done much to revitalize the
powder diffraction field because it is now possible to study temperature dependent changes, reaction
kinetics and so forth by means of time-resolved powder diffraction.
See also
Bragg diffraction Metallurgy
Condensed matter physics Neutron diffraction
Crystallographic database Pair distribution function
Crystallography Solid state chemistry
Diffractometer Texture (crystalline)
Electron crystallography Ultrafast x-ray
Electron diffraction X-ray crystallography
Materials science X-ray scattering techniques
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Further reading
Gilmore, C.J.; Kaduk, J.A.; Schenk, H., eds. (2019). International Tables for Crystallography -
Volume H: Powder Diffraction (https://it.iucr.org/H/). Wiley. ISBN 978-1-118-41628-0.
External links
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8/29/22, 4:18 PM Solid Waste Volume Reduction | Encyclopedia.com
Learn More Solid waste volume reduction can take place at several
points in the waste management process. Solid waste
8- volume reduction can take the form of precycling or reuse
Sponsored By Greater Than
behavior on the part of consumers. This behavior reduces
west.linkedin.com%2Flax%2Fclk%3Ftrk%3DC solid waste (/science-and-technology/biology-and-
cVdZOyGF4VYWI0wrwqYngzPOzm-qjS5n- at the source and prevents materials from ever
entering the waste stream . Precycling on the part of consumers is the best initial activity to
reduce the volume of solid waste (/science-and-technology/biology-and-
K_Uo4SU5wnV8jh_f0qx9jQIcZi2HLXuI0IVmlA Reuse is also a measure that prevents or delays
the migration of materials to the landfill . Once the decision is made that a product is no
longer useful and needs to be discarded, there are several management techniques that can
Recycling diverts large volumes of materials from the waste stream to a manufacturing
process. Glass, plastic, paper, cardboard, and other clean, source-separated materials are
tCB6rX4iX- for use in the manufacture of new products. As markets become more readily
available, the volume of materials that end up in landfills will be reduced even more. Such
troublesome wastes as tires, appliances and construction debris are targets of serious
lQ- efforts because they are large-volume items, take up a lot of space in landfills, and
not provide good fuel for waste-to-energy facilities in their discarded state. Once
recyclables have been separated from the waste stream, solid waste can be further reduced
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be understood that the compaction of waste should only be done after all recyclables have
been removed since this process contaminates post-consumer materials and makes it almost
impossible to recover them for a manufacturing process.
Incineration has long been accepted as a waste volume reduction technique. The burning of
solid waste can reduce the volume by 95%. In the early 1920s, incineration was used to
reduce waste materials to what was thought of as a harmless ash. We now know that
wasn't until the mid-1970s that waste-to-energy facilities using incineration were considered a
viable option, as a consequence of the added benefit of energy supply. Most states now
require that the residual ash from burning municipal solid waste be landfilled in a monofill. A
monofill is a landfill compartment that can only be used for incinerator ash.
Composting is another volume reduction technique that can divert large volumes of waste
material from the waste stream. Leaves, grass clippings and tree prunings can be reduced in
volume through an active composting process both in the backyard and in municipal
composting yards. Individual homeowners can compost in their back yards by using simple
rounds of wire fencing placed in a shady, cool corner. The composting materials need to be
managed through the addition of moisture, temperature monitoring, and frequent turning, until
they become a rich soil for the garden. Municipal yards perform the same process on a much
larger scale and then use the resulting soil in city parks or give it back to the homeowners for
personal use. These solid waste volume reduction techniques for organics in the waste stream
are simple and low cost and can be very effective.
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Methods for encouraging solid waste volume reduction at the individual household level
consist of various incentive programs. The most common technique is a system of volume-
based user fees. With this method, homeowners are given free bags into which they can put
anything that is designated by the city as a recyclable material. Distinctly different bags are
sold at the local grocery store or city hall. These bags usually sell for somewhere between $2
and $5 a package and must be used for all materials destined for disposal. Homeowners who
want to reduce their garbage disposal costs would try to reduce the number of purchased
bags they need to use. They can do this through a concerted effort of solid waste volume
reduction. Careful decisions at the supermarket to reduce packaging and single-use items,
reuse of packaging and containers, careful source separation of recyclables, and composting
of all organically based materials can reduce the volume of solid waste considerably and
reduce the cost of garbage service. An even greater effort can be launched by dedicated
individuals by taking used clothing to consignment shops or donating it to organizations for
distribution to needy populations, taking clothes hangers back to cleaning establishments, and
requesting that junk mail no longer be sent to their households. Of course, there is also the
ongoing debate on using disposable diapers , which greatly add to the volume of the waste
Businesses that contribute to the reduction of solid waste are those that have been set up to
take back, repair, and reuse products and materials that would otherwise end up in the waste
stream. Small appliance repair shops can recondition appliances and resell them. Businesses
that repair wood pallets make a relatively new contribution to the effort to reduce the waste
volume. Tires are being chipped for fuel in waste-to-energy incinerators, and are also being
pulverized for use in soils for playing fields. All of these volume reduction techniques have a
significant effect on how we live and how we do business. The goal of solid waste volume
reduction is to view the waste stream as a resource to be "mined," leaving only those items
behind that have truly outlived their usefulness.
[Cynthia Fridgen ]
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Blumberg, L., and R. Gottlieb. War on Waste: Can America Win Its Battle With Garbage?
Covelo, CA: Island Press, 1989.
Noyes, R., ed. Pollution Prevention Technology Handbook. Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Press,
Porter, J. W., and J. Z. Cannon. "Waste Minimization: Challenge for American Industry."
Business Horizons 35 (March-April 1992): 46–9.
Environmental Encyclopedia
(https://www.encyclopedia.com/science-and- (https://www.encyclopedia.com/science-and-
technology/mathematics/mathematics/volume) technology/chemistry/chemistry-general/molar-
Molar Volume
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technology/mathematics/mathematics/formulas- and-conditions/pathology/dilatation)
Formulas For The Volumes Of Some Common Solids ×
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Pipette Compost
biology/pipette) general/compost)
Volum. (Https://Www.Encyclopedia.Com/Humanities/Dictionaries-Thesauruses-Pictures-And-Press-Releases/Volum)
Diameter) ×
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