A Case Study of Two Teacher Learning Communities in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
A Case Study of Two Teacher Learning Communities in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
A Case Study of Two Teacher Learning Communities in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
In the Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development, a South African policy, the
Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the Department of Higher Education (DHET) call for the formation of
professional learning communities and envisage support for teachers and access to enhanced professional development
opportunities at the local level. However, the formation and operation of professional learning communities in a South
African context is still unclear. In this article we use the concept of professional learning communities to examine the extent
to which 2 teacher learning communities operate as professional learning communities. We used interviews, observations,
survey questionnaires and document analysis to generate data. The findings of the study reveal that the 2 teacher learning
communities were initiated by the DBE and not by teachers. However, the size of 1 teacher learning community and the
nature of its functioning seemed to adhere to the characteristics of a professional learning community while the other did not.
The findings indicate that professional learning communities that operate in developing contexts might be functional when
all the stakeholders play a meaningful role in supporting professional learning communities.
Keywords: basic education; professional learning communities; teacher learning communities; teacher professional learning
teacher learning communities operate as Brodie’s (2016) work, where different groups of
professional learning communities? From the South African researchers have studied PLCs
findings of this study, teachers, the DBE, the within schools. Aligned with international literature
DHET, NGOs and all the stakeholders may gain (Stoll, Bolam, McMahon, Wallace & Thomas,
insight into how these PLCs could be further 2006) the ISPFTED identifies several features of
supported and developed to transform them into PLCs: shared values and vision, collective
effective PLCs, thereby enhancing teacher responsibility, reflective professional inquiry,
professional learning. collaboration, regular meetings and workshops,
leadership, group and individual learning (see
Literature Review and Conceptual Framework: Table 1).
Features of a Professional Learning Community
(PLC) Table 1 Characteristics of professional learning
International literature on PLCs (Hargreaves, communities (adapted from the DBE &
Berry, Lai, Leung, Scott & Stobart, 2013; Pirtle & the DHET, 2011; Stoll et al., 2006)
Tobia, 2014; William, 2007/2008) has established Characteristics Description
that empirical research on PLCs faces a problem in Shared vision and All members concur on:
that there is a conceptual and empirical fog values • ensuring learning of
surrounding the PLC, and that the term is used pupils,
interchangeably with TLC. When Hargreaves et al. • quality teaching and
(2013) argue that the term “PLC” has become over- learning,
used and that its meaning is often lost, they • taking ownership of the
highlight that PLC is the name given to teachers’ values which provide a
collaborative professional learning that focuses framework for shared
collective ethical decision
specifically on practice rather than on teaching and
learning, while TLC embodies characteristics Size of a PLC The size of a PLC is small.
closely associated with sustained improvement in Collective responsibility Members come together to
school teaching and learning. William (2007/2008) • build collective
contends that TLCs are only those small groups of understanding of how to
teachers who learn from and attempt to make improve learners’
changes in their classroom practice. He further learning,
states that TLCs do not include administrators and • determine their learning
other professionals, although these people can content.
provide TLCs with support and advocacy. Only Reflective professional Members engage in
inquiry professional inquiry
when teachers reflect on their instructional practice,
• about problems on
consider the effect that instruction has on students,
application of new
and implement insights gained from the meeting or knowledge
workshop to improve their teaching performance, • teachers’ practices.
can such collaboration be called a PLC (Pirtle & Collaboration Members open up to
Tobia, 2014:1). Interestingly, in China, PLCs for • exchange help,
teachers are specifically called teacher professional • support,
learning communities (TPLCs) and are defined as • peer learning,
“environments in which teachers interact and • team teaching and
collaborate regularly around issues of teaching and • observing one another.
learning and engage in the production and Regularity of Members meet formally or
consumption of knowledge about improved meetings/workshops informally on a regular basis.
practices for student learning” (Sargent & Hannum, Shared leadership Leadership exercises
2009:258). One may thus conclude that reflection • power with and through
and collaboration are central aspects of an effective
• autonomous decision-
PLC. making with members.
In the South African context, “PLCs are Learning PLC focuses on professional
communities that provide the setting and necessary • individual learning
support for groups of classroom teachers, school • group learning.
managers and subject advisors to participate
collectively in determining their own The essence of PLCs lies in a collaborative
developmental trajectories, and to set up activities work culture and reflection. These two
that will drive their development” (DBE & DHET, characteristics of PLCs make them different from
2011:14). This definition of PLCs seems to imply traditional models of professional development
that they operate within schools. Studies in the such as once-off workshops at a central venue.
South African context have overwhelmingly Stoll et al. (2006) suggest that in order to enable
focused on PLCs within schools. This is evident in PLCs to grow into collaborative learning and
South African Journal of Education, Volume 41, Number 3, August 2021 3
knowledge sharing communities, there should be approach because the survey questionnaires were
adequate infrastructure for team learning not undertaken in order to cross check or confirm
opportunities. These are possibilities for members findings of the qualitative data, but mainly to reach
to play new roles, for example in curriculum many participants with open-ended questions
leadership, and in creating and sharing stories of seeking qualitative data. The questionnaire was
individual and community success (Chow, 2016; also intended to generate participants’ biographical
Hargreaves et al., 2013; Stoll et al., 2006). data through closed-ended questions. In the
Yet, based on the available literature and the Commerce Teachers’ Association, the
ISPFTED it appears as if PLCs are poorly questionnaires were administered during a meeting
understood in terms of how they should be formed which was held on 16 October 2014. We targeted at
and how they should operate. Little seems to be least 200 commerce teachers from 87 high schools
known about PLCs outside of schools. In the South in the Zethembe district. However, only 58
African context, the number of teachers in small questionnaires were returned – a response rate of
rural schools is generally lower. In some instances, 30%. For the Mathematics Group we targeted 25
one finds that one teacher teaches one subject to all mathematics teachers from 20 high schools in a
the grades, for example, one teacher teaching circuit. The questionnaires were administered in the
mathematics from Grade 8 to Grade 12. This last moderation meeting held on 22 October 2014.
situation implies that PLCs within one school Twenty-five questionnaires were issued and 19
might limit collaborative learning between teachers questionnaires were returned – a response rate of
from different schools. Considering that PLCs and 75%.
TLCs are distinct from one another, we use the Thematic analysis was adopted to analyse the
term “TLC” because teachers’ groups may not transcribed qualitative data from semi-structured
reflect all the features of a PLC. The aim of this interviews and observations from audio and
article is to investigate the extent to which the two videotapes. Data from document analyses were also
identified cases reflect the characteristics of a PLC. thematically analysed. The open-ended responses
The PLC’s characteristics in Table 1 were used as from the questionnaires were thematically
the conceptual framework for this research. analysed, while the closed-ended responses were
analysed statistically. Additionally, the PLC
Methodology features (Table 1) were used as an analytical tool to
An interpretive case study research design was explore the extent to which the two TLCs operate
used with the aim of exploring a general issue as PLCs.
within a limited and focused setting (Rule & John, Permission to conduct this research was
2011). Purposive sampling was used to select two obtained from the KwaZulu-Natal Department of
cases and eight participants. In the Commerce Basic Education. Ethical clearance was granted by
Teachers’ Association, the sample consisted of four the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal Ethics
participants; three teachers and the subject advisor Committee (College of Humanities). All the
for economics. In the Mathematics Group, the participants signed consent and we acknowledged
sample consisted of the four participants who were their rights to withdraw or terminate participation.
interviewed (see Appendix A for the interview
schedule), three teachers and the NGO mathematics Findings
facilitator. All the participants were given This section is presented in two sections: the extent
pseudonyms. to which the Commerce Teachers’ Association
Data generation included three unstructured reflects the features of a PLC and the extent to
observations which were held in each TLC. The six which the Mathematics Group reflects the features
observations were aimed at gauging the behaviour of a PLC.
patterns of participants during their meetings and
workshops (Nieuwenhuis, 2007). Detailed notes The Extent to which Commerce Teachers’
were taken during the meetings and workshops for Association Reflects the Characteristics of a PLC
each TLC and one workshop for the Mathematics Formation and size of Commerce Teachers’
Group was video-taped. Documents such as Association
attendance registers, annual reports, and documents The Commerce Teachers’ Association which was
distributed at the workshops were analysed. In established in 2010, consisted of 287 commerce
2014, a survey questionnaire (see Appendix B) was teachers (96 accounting, 106 business studies and
used to gain perspectives of how teachers learnt in 85 economics) and four subject advisors. In relation
each group, the kind of knowledge learnt, and the to the size of a PLC, William (2007/2008)
nature of collaborative relationship in each of the highlights that when the group is too large the
two TLCs. According to Creswell (2014) the meeting time may run out before all members can
combination of quantitative and qualitative data talk about what they have learnt. The findings of
generation suggests mixed methods. We argue that our study indicate different views by the
this study remained firmly in the qualitative participants about who initiated the Commerce
4 Zulu, Mukeredzi
Teachers’ Association. The chairperson Celokuhle Table 2 Nature and the extent of collaboration in
and the general secretary Sebenzile stated that the the Commerce Teachers’ Association
association was initiated by the teachers Kinds of
themselves. However, 28 of the 58 teachers collaborative Types of
surveyed stated that the Commerce Teachers’ tasks during support outside Extent of
Association was arranged by commerce teachers workshops of the workshop collaboration
Solve problems Share teaching 6.9%
and DBE officials. Eight teachers stated that the
related to subject resources, tests collaborated
subject advisors arranged the Commerce Teachers’ content. and examination once a week.
Association. The economics subject advisor Share ideas about papers. 53.4%
concurred with what Sibusisiwe said: how to teach Plan different collaborated
Mostly it is our subject advisors and we have got particular topics. ways in which once a month.
commerce educators, those are the members. The Share resources. to teach 34.5% met at
subject advisors invited us to join the group and Go through past particular the workshops.
they made us aware of the Commerce Teachers’ examination topics.
Association and invited us to attend a workshop for papers. Design tests and
the Commerce Teachers’ Association. (interview examinations.
held on 27/08/2013) Moderate
While international literature (Hargreaves et al., learners’ tests
2013) claims that PLCs are initiated by teachers and
themselves, the formation of the Commerce assignments.
Teachers’ Association seemed to have been in line
with managerial orders from the DBE authorities as In addition to the commerce teachers’
reflected in the above interview extract. In this responses, the economics subject advisor’s
case, the Commerce Teachers’ Association was response on the question on frequency of meetings
likely to last only as long as the instruction lasted. was: “We are supposed to meet once per term. We
have not met this year due to other programmes
Shared vision …” (interview held on 20/07/2014).
As for the shared vision, the four participants who This situation is in contrast with the PLC
were interviewed highlighted that the Commerce feature of regular meetings. The attendance
Teachers’ Association was formed to improve registers of workshops were called Matric
learner performance in accounting, business studies Intervention Programmes (MIPs) because the focus
and economics. The economics subject advisor of these meetings was on Grade 12 content. MIPs
illustrated the purpose: “The main idea is to are normally used by the DBE to refer to its Grade
improve results. We network with other subject 12 intervention programmes. These workshops
advisors from other districts who already had this were held at a central venue.
association” (interview held on 20/07/2014).
Contrary to the PLC feature on the shared Collective responsibility
vision, this interview extract suggests that the The findings from the interviews show that the
Commerce Teachers’ Association shared the DBE- Commerce Teachers’ Association was led by the
mandated vision to improve learners’ performance. executive committee elected by the teachers, and
Generally, the poor performance of learners in the the subject advisors were ex-officio members.
National Senior Certificate (NSC) was a major Collective decision-making was evident during the
concern in the Zethembe district. According to the election of a new executive committee where
District Analysis Report of the 2009 National teachers nominated the new executive committee.
Senior Certificate Results, the overall pass rate in The meeting was held on 16 October 2014.
Grade 12 was 45.13%, which placed the district However, the DBE made the decisions. This was
11th out of 12 districts in KwaZulu-Natal. evident from the circular that was read by the
Deputy Chief Education Specialist: “As Commerce
Regularity of meeting Teachers’ Association is a non-profit organization,
The findings from the questionnaires show that the affiliation fee per school is R200 per year,
commerce teachers were not meeting regularly. payable on the day of the elective meeting”
The findings seem to suggest that approximately (Election meeting observation: 16/10/2014).
40% of commerce teachers were not collaborating While Priestley, Miller, Barrett and Wallace
outside of the workshops of Commerce Teachers’ (2011) highlight the importance of teachers’
Association, which might be because it is seen as political participation in the decision-making
only a DBE initiative. This is depicted in Table 2. process, this circular extract suggests that decisions
were delegated by the DBE.
South African Journal of Education, Volume 41, Number 3, August 2021 5
Table 3b Teachers’ views about the type of support outside of workshops of the Commerce Teachers’
Number (No.) of Percentage of
Type of support outside of the workshops respondents respondents
Share teaching resources like textbooks, worksheets and activities 21 36.2
Share tests and examination papers 16 27.6
Work together to plan different ways in which to teach particular 25 43.1
Work together to design tests and examination 13 22.4
Observe one another teaching in order to develop practice 13 22.4
Moderate each other’s learners’ test and assignments 22 37.9
Other 1 1.7
However, these findings from the The extract shows the interaction with questions
questionnaires seem to be contrary to the events of between the facilitator and the teachers. In line with
the economics workshop observed on 27 August the cognitive perspective the teachers were learning
2013. During the workshop only the facilitator how to introduce the topic using a question and this
interacted with the teachers through questions. In knowledge was then expected to be transferred to
the following observation extract the facilitator their classroom situations.
used questions to show teachers how to introduce a
topic: Leadership
Mr Khambule: What is price elasticity? Yes, price The findings indicate that the DBE authorities
elasticity is Grade 11 work, so start by exposing seemed to be leading the Commerce Teachers’
learners to responsiveness of price to demand Association by calling meetings, choosing
before introducing the markets. What type of the facilitators and co-ordinating workshops. This
market does the graph represent? situation is evident from the following observation
All the teachers: Perfect market.
Mr Khambule: Yes, perfect market. Teachers,
extract where the economics subject advisor co-
learners need to know how to identify and they ordinated the economics revision workshop:
cannot identify if they do not know the graphs of “Teachers must sign the attendance register,
different market structures. Let us move to the next participate fully, cell phones must be on silent
question. mode, [and they are expected to] behave as
Teacher: The price is determined by the interaction responsible adults” (observation: 23/09/2013).
of demand and supply. This extract indicates how the DBE official
Mr Khambule: Thank you. It is very important to played a leading role during the workshop. The
explain to the learners the difference.…
6 Zulu, Mukeredzi
workshop was facilitated by the external facilitator The Extent to which the Mathematics Group
chosen by the economics subject advisor. Reflects the Characteristics of a PLC
Formation and the size of the mathematics group
Learning The Mathematics Group is part of the DBE cluster
Although the data from the questionnaires show which is assisted by an NGO. The NGO became
that the Commerce Teachers’ Association seemed involved with the group in 2007 to help
to collaborate during and outside of the workshops, mathematics teachers to master content and to
findings from the observations suggest that make them competent in the teaching of
individual learning, which is underpinned by a mathematics, especially in rural schools faced with
cognitive perspective, was promoted. This was a shortage of resources. The cluster consisted of
evident from the external facilitator’s introductory approximately 25 teachers. However, only 14
remarks: “How do we make learners pass, teachers were active in the Mathematics Group
Colleagues? The language that we are going to use workshops. The 14 teachers were from 10 high
today will be graphical representations, cartoons, schools; eight high schools represented by one
data and sets of questions that a learner must teacher each and three high schools represented by
know” (facilitator: 23/09/2013). two teachers each.
This observation extract shows the focus of
learning in the Commerce Teachers’ Association Shared vision
facilitated by the external facilitator. Teachers The Mathematics Group is a teachers’ cluster
learnt strategies of how to do revision with Grade functioning as “an administrative organ of the DBE
12 learners and were expected to transfer the that helps to simplify the management of schools”
revision skills and revision questions to their Grade (Jita & Ndlalane, 2009:58). However, the 14
12 classes. The findings from the interviews mathematics teachers active in the workshops
indicate that the Commerce Teachers’ Association shared a vision that seemed to focus on learning
was constrained by the unavailability of resources more than the DBE mandates: “One of the
and funding to support the association. In the challenges that they are trying to address in our
following extract the general secretary refers to the Maths Group is to help maths teachers to master
issue of membership fees: “The funding of this the maths concepts as well as how to use
organisation is from its members, which are us technology to teach mathematics” (Jabulani:
teachers, so colleagues, let us pay our membership 1/10/2013).
fee. Money is needed for petrol, accommodation This excerpt suggests that the 14 mathematics
and the gift for the facilitator” (Sebenzile: 23 teachers’ shared vision was based on the
/09/2013). construction of new knowledge in order to improve
From this quote it is clear that the association the teaching and learning of mathematics.
depends on the membership fees from each teacher
to cover the expenses of the external facilitators. Regularity of meeting
However, it does not mean that the shortage of The findings suggest that the Mathematics Group’s
collaborative learning is due to the shortage of met in different places on a regular basis. The
funding, because collaboration can be informal. mathematics teachers attended content-based
workshops which were facilitated by the subject
advisor (Table 4 shows attendance figures), the
NGO facilitator and the teachers themselves.
Table 4 Attendance figures of the Mathematics Group, showing the total number of workshops attended by the
14 members (adapted from NGO’s Evaluation Report, 2013)
Teacher (T) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Total workshops offered 13 12 4 9 4 4
*T1 (lead educator) 8 11 4 7 4 4
*T2 (lead educator) 4 2 8 3 3
*T3 (lead educator) 12 4 7 4 4
T4 (lead educator) 11 4 9 4 4
T5 (lead educator) 4 2 4 0 3
T6 13 11 4 7 3 4
T7 4 3 2
T8 6 4 0 3 3 3
T9 3 3
T10 5 4 9 3 2
T11 13 10 4 6 3 3
T12 3 4 3 1
T13 1 3 5 0 3
T14 1 1
Note. *Represents those participants who were interviewed. The rest only attended the workshop.
South African Journal of Education, Volume 41, Number 3, August 2021 7
The above extract appears as a collective the Commerce Teachers’ Association showed
comprehension task in which teachers solve a limited activities that would lend themselves to
problem as a whole group (Patchen & Smithenry, standardisation such as assessment, reporting
2014:608). This kind of teacher learning is practices, interventions protocols and pedagogical
consistent with collective responsibility. The best practices (Servage, 2009). The Mathematics
findings suggest that another form of learning was Group was initiated by the DBE as a subject
achieved through leadership development (Chow, cluster, and so one could have expected more
2016) which may be referred to as “train-the- contrived collegiality and mandated collaboration,
trainer.” This is evident from another NGO yet the learning situation in the Mathematics Group
programme known as the Laptop project, which is seemed to be in contrast with international
facilitated by five lead teachers within the group literature which states that in mandated
who were first trained to teach mathematics using collaboration, teachers are expected to further the
the technology supplied by the NGO facilitator. science of teaching (Servage, 2009).
The lead teachers were then required to train other Learning in the Commerce Teachers’
mathematics teachers. Jabulani commented about Association was once off, whereas learning in the
the Laptop Project during the interview: “There is Mathematics Group was continuous and seemed to
Mathematics software called a Geometal Sketch be sustained by the involvement of the NGO
Pad. I have learnt how to use the Geometal Sketch facilitator in terms of the funding, resource
Pad in the classroom” (Jabulani, 1/10/2013). provision and regularity of workshops. Chow
According to Chow (2016), this shared (2016) highlights that in order to enable the PLCs
leadership in the Mathematics Group creates to grow into collaborative learning and knowledge
growth and empowerment. The findings suggest sharing communities, there should be adequate
that learning for the 14 teachers in the Mathematics infrastructure. The findings indicate that the NGO
Group focused on the construction of knowledge facilitator was demonstrating how to teach certain
individually and collaboratively and the NGO topics such as how to use the sine rule, to master
facilitator provided opportunities for negotiation the topics in order to improve teaching and learning
between teachers. Individual learning and group of mathematics, created collaborative learning
learning in PLCs benefits teachers to gain different during the workshops. This leadership role of the
types of teacher knowledge (Zulu, 2017). NGO facilitator seemed to be a “powerful lever”
(Priestley et al., 2011:269) in developing
Reflective inquiry innovation in the Mathematics Group because she
The findings from the observation of the content assumes a collegial figure rather than an
workshop indicate mathematics teachers’ authoritarian one. The findings of the study further
reflections on the examination paper. One of the suggest that learning in the Mathematics Group
teachers commented during the workshop: “Though was also achieved through leadership development
the memorandum came out, the memorandum was (Chow, 2016). This is evident from another NGO
showing the steps” (Teacher 2). programme known as the Laptop project
In this quote, the teacher was reflecting about programme. Furthermore, the Mathematics Group’s
one of the challenges that she encountered when relational dimensions appeared to be based on
she was marking the mathematics examination – sharing their ideas, experiences and challenges in
that they did not understand the content in the order to support each other. This situation is in line
marking memorandum. In line with Stoll and Louis with reflective professional inquiry, which includes
(2007), reflective inquiry means that teachers have “dialogue of serious education issues” (Stoll &
a thorough conversation about their teaching and Louis, 2007:2).
learning. The 14 mathematics teachers seemed to Contrary to the literature which states that
have had a thorough conversation about what their PLCs have facilitators who are servant leaders who
learners found difficult, such as: “The mixture B is highlight the value of members’ contributions, and
a problem for the learners” (Teacher 2). guide teachers into a state of interdependency and
Clearly, the findings from this section reveal reciprocity (Calhoun & Green, 2015:60), the role of
that the Mathematics Group reflected many of the the DBE officials seemed to suggest that the DBE
characteristics of a PLC in terms of size (14) while took charge of the Commerce Teachers’
the Commerce Teachers’ Association (241) did not. Association rather than being steered by the
teachers themselves. International studies on PLCs
Discussion established that collective responsibility helps to
Surprisingly, the Commerce Teachers’ Association sustain commitment, create accountability for those
was purposefully selected as the group that was members who do not do their fair share, and ease
reportedly initiated by commerce teachers isolation (Stoll et al., 2006; William, 2007/2008).
themselves, but the learning activities that were In contrast to this statement, the findings suggest
observed in the Commerce Teachers’ Association that the lack of collective responsibility may have
seemed to have been managerially driven. Thus, resulted in the low levels of collaboration among
South African Journal of Education, Volume 41, Number 3, August 2021 9
teachers during workshops. Some teachers did not how their learning influences the teachers’
see the need to contribute during the workshops practices.
because the subject advisors were regarded as the
“experts.” The findings suggest that leadership in Authors’ Contribution
the Commerce Teachers’ Association appeared as a This article was taken from the first author’s
paternalistic leadership underpinned by a high level Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) research study. The
of accountability about Grade 12 learners’ second author was one of the supervisors. The first
performance. This kind of leadership is a barrier to author wrote the manuscript and it was reviewed by
autonomy in PLCs’ decision-making (Chow, the second author.
Conclusion i. Published under a Creative Commons Attribution
In this study we found that subject clusters can ii. DATES: Received: 1 May 2019; Revised: 8 April 2020;
operate as PLCs where teachers can share their Accepted: 19 May 2020; Published: 31 August 2021.
personal professional practices other than meeting
for moderation and curriculum reforms, and the References
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or impede the PLCs. Subject advisors can nurture Directions for Student Services, 2015(149):55–66.
PLCs by promoting shared values and encouraging https://doi.org/10.1002/ss.20117
teachers to take ownership of their groups. Cereseto A 2015. What and how do teachers learn in
In this study we explored the nature of the professional learning communities? A South
functioning of the two TLCs in order to provide African case study. PhD thesis. Johannesburg,
South Africa: University of the Witwatersrand.
insight into what teacher PLCs really are in Available at
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help to transform existing subject groups into Accessed 19 August 2021.
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The research could then be extended to investigate South Africa: Authors. Available at
10 Zulu, Mukeredzi
Thank you so much for being available for an interview. You have signed a consent form, so you are aware that
this project is part of my studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). Everything that you say will be
kept confidential. The interview should take 60 minutes.
1) How old are you?
2) How long have you been teaching?
3) What subject(s) and grades are you teaching and how long have you been teaching this/these subject(s)?
4) Were you trained to teach these subjects?
Thank you
12 Zulu, Mukeredzi
6–10 years
11–20 years
20–30 years
9. How many workshops initiated by the NGO have you attended since you joined the cluster? ____________________
South African Journal of Education, Volume 41, Number 3, August 2021 13
11) What kind of collaborative activities took Working with other teachers to solve problems related to the
place during the workshops? subject content
Sharing ideas with other teachers about how to teach
particular topics
Sharing teaching resources with other teachers
Working with other teachers to go through past exam papers
and tests, and memoranda
Other (please specify)
13) How do Mathematics colleagues support one We share teaching resources like textbooks, worksheets and
another outside of the workshops? activities.
We share tests and exam papers
We work together to plan different ways in which to teach
particular topics
We work together to design tests and exams
We observe one another teaching in order to develop our
We moderate each other’s learners’ tests and assignments
Other (please specify)
14) Do you think Mathematics workshops are run Subject advisors in the DBE
by the NGO facilitators, DBE or by Maths NGO facilitator
teachers? Both DBE and NGO
Maths teachers, NGO and the DBE
15) What is the most valuable learning
opportunity that Maths Cluster offers you as
a Maths teacher?
16) What other learning opportunities do NGO
Mathematics project offers to you?
Research Project: Teacher Learning - A Case Study of Two Teacher Learning Communities in KwaZulu-Natal
Collaboration and networking activities in Commerce Teachers’ Association
Please tick next to the closest answer:
Questions Tick here
1) What gender are you? Female
2) In which age range are you? 20–30 years
31–40 years
41–50 years
Above 50 years
3) Which subject are you currently teaching? Accounting
Business Studies
4) Did you study this subject in your teaching Yes
diploma or undergraduate degree?
9) How many workshops initiated by the Commerce Teachers’ Association have you attended since you
joined the association? ____________________
10) In the table below, please provide details of those workshops.
Date and facilitator What was the objective or purpose of the
Subject of the workshop workshop? What did you learn?
11) What kind of collaborative activities took Working with other teachers to solve problems related to the
place during the workshops? subject content
Sharing ideas with other teachers about how to teach
particular topics
Sharing teaching resources with other teachers
Working with other teachers to go through past exam papers
and tests, and memoranda
Other (please specify)
13) How do commerce colleagues support one We share teaching resources like textbooks, worksheets and
another outside of the workshops? activities.
We share tests and exam papers
We work together to plan different ways in which to teach
particular topics
We work together to design tests and exams
We observe one another teaching in order to develop our
We moderate each other’s learners’ tests and assignments
Other (please specify)