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Tender Notice No.NWCMC (ELECT) E-Tender D aIUZOZZ
date.2g 8 t2022
argm, ri<-c amar q6{ qannwft{fi, qiis t urei s{ifquqre eTrd'€r oretskdr q- I q{qrd frfufl
qrqi{d 3{rtd.qr frf+sr $-ft q-o+nqfuA;q iicrfC'e }s-qniTr q-en nqtffi'qr +q{Tiz
(http://mahatenders.gov.in) ew et{ o'rar t{a.ftfdiqr erA q {rfie{'rr+iT.fifwr s-ff
gsqfu {5r ffi q
*'fif *fra vat}a ew trrar t"#o,mi dqresRhr Digital Signature {fiiE{r{ 6{q i
qfrqd s{rf.
tfriqET q-$rftrd sd - |rcis 2ht{nozz i5.00 pm
i irfusrs|6r-d)g6.{ui - ircis 2t( t {/2022 15.00 pm
frkqTq-di- kris 2\/Kt2022 16.00 pm
t fris-<r r{oqrqr siftrq t<+i* q +a - tfirfm go t{ t2022 15.00 pm
ifris<t Bqs"i - Rqis L_!q /2022 5.00 pm
*s{ qTqr* rrs siErqq{-diq F{nfi FFFIT qi-qt t6,rcFit
9t, ltFFIt'T, d. ftF{qT 5q-d
l"/o ftFdF.
0l q+qr aale 3adq qrRd-s'd {tt'r{r s Yllqr rrR F.9832181/- 98322t- 500+ s-q s6Tci6i
st{{ i frTfl{-+ ltrar q{id {s {wffi q tiql cf,{
decorative pole evrc+ rretker q+en Q;wi

wn efiriat ,

.[qnr enq-.qTikdrd fc+o>V t K nozz q
twra(-x | 3[ririvdrn qfu{s'5{dq qft
qtq +{s- q 3iqrqr 4r qfr €T({ s{rd.
z ) Egderqfterfi, qits qqal vra{ q6nrRqfusr, qiEs
: ) tcq drsr erftr*rt, qi€ qrqrdr {rfl q6nrr$nfu6r qi{€
4 ) dd'id dqr qfuffi, qii-s qre|aT {r{r rr6raq-{qrfudl, qiis
5) +A€+s, qiis qtqraT yr6{ Fdrirnqrfu*T, ciqs
6) i ffiTfrErr, qi{s eTqrdr vr6r {dr+Rqrfu'sr, qiq-s

ql{.e qiqraT Yl6( qdfrrRqr|?|sr,llqg
Frffi r&avrfi
. qrq[+{ra:- qqqrcfrf, oTriqqq{qlq'AvfiqTq{iqTqrR*i+riftq'E{t-r}vnarvfc5ce
I ) dqra<mi qr*a qqtri q.rrrqqi €rq-t q-rd aitr+qnm s+rt.
I ) ii'Tr-qRT'+ t frkqT qtiddr ks ?f '*. grqrta-t ftkqt Erq-d 6rg sifr I e'fua
iqri-s ?--/ 7 / 2022 ffigqfi 3.00 EMq+dvt6{ eftrzidT,rrrqrqi#qrq{
*.4 qfr'qT{ oTIf.
I ) q-6-11E qm+i qfffi;ffi qiqdfl q furrFT /
fuqd t{fr H-fi IH
{EI fi
m-+d' fu qd
tlrrdd qrqdt'q er eriql e5rd rqruTqani Treq'd qrEr o{o} eTr+$m eTrt.
3) .r{ sri{ q qrid fu{ qqii en+*r sr{un'iiqd qqtolqr {rE{ s{d qr*q*. oG
4) GSTqM qqrurri
5 ) qrrfli4 qTq qqld iq q-rqr-qr ffi
1gn 3 0% ffi+
t*qr{ \1s' qm 6.rq stqri irqri
6) EPF &951 ffiqqTo.rrq
7) Shop 4s1 ffiqqFrqq
8)qr.qr.fuqrqTqr{Tf€-{frofqiirffi 20l8lvxl27l<qr2fr.28l11/2018qqtovJs*Tr-s
iif,rcilTi F. 100/- qr< iqr+r qrrrqq-d {Ki Ad srad d e-fr, et}'fl q S'I
srTiddTqd qnrddT$,g+r qrdd Ef{ vrq'qrd €rqT 6-{oi eirqg+s'3Trd.
e) ot6uv-r*1u q{rqwr mqi qtrqr fr k{ .r5sru qr.qr.fuirrnqr vrsc fi Toiq iit ffi
2017/*i;8/Ern2 R.2910912018 ctlT-d{qiqr6iEcifi 26 iB{r 2018 1qRfusTsr
* | a 2 s{g€tidr qqq qa6q f*.R {rE{ q'run=qr L- I frkqt qrcsd Additional
Performance Security Deposit e{la kdqrqr orra rttlftra wt efti?idr qi# qqr
2 ) frfuqT qr*'d sifr i{fuq-* f+'rd (Tender fee ) e ssRT {ffiq (EMD) * twq
ONLINE Payment Gateway flt rrruflEtrS.
3 ) +M
qT.{unfrrflq frfirqT qr*rwqFi eftr*R orTffi, qi.qt.cr.q.c.cr. ciis vi* rrq{
dqc1c|l ----)-

a ) s< q-rfr lqcr *.raol data<T{q attrqorc* srdm.

5) qr qrc.rs'd d'TeqnrS mrq lpi gleT+t qe. Esi-fi d'i$ ad erita q d-c8 e.ran fr :qJffi

qrswr {16r qErirTr qliTsr,ilrc
qi+s Ersrdr u-€T F6rrT{ rTrfudrt irts
t-*a.rirt :- info@,nwcmcnanded.org -
i ffi*cr Vq-{r qni.ciarsrq{qT,f{qt/ f fi fuqtr) o f t'fzozz l<. z}t ot t zozz
arqp , aiis qrqral wcr qtrqrnqrk*r, qi*s t €Td E{ih'qTfr qr*€T srqisfudl s-l {Tqrd-d
t{frsT t t{fuEr eqFllart (ffi) iqfuET c.Frfua 3rTld.ftfu"qT sIrRq-I {*a-erot-qr
(http://mahatenders.gov.in) dt1r srflds s{uqrd qd.dQ-q fifuqT fr--oroqqr erqqr {sRUqrqI 3dftrsn
qiis qmar vta{ F6nrrqrfu6r, aik qt* nrg3 i+or e{rt.erc
g{rq-fi',,q|{sqrq|al{r{{ 'J{C
gffiffi frfosr fu+ntft qum arfi .
sG6 o'rcr+ qra sr<rqqsrs'F {6q rt
0l qrqr *a qr;iq irR qt+' a vnqt s rtiqr qrn 6r-fu ?i fu{q{id vrat qiia 5q F.9832181^
{@r+t decorative pole gqrw qqie+ a-+el o-tq er+o
3q-d-qsrmTeql:-k.?-uv I 9' /2022a b t {{
'b /2022ftidqT3qsq -k. 2-l tl1 12022

rrar srfri.iar ,

qfrft{fr 6r+4rfrR-d
QtA( t'4etto',t
Fi+<r{snr 3nqiqltFr*rd t{ris 2\ I
I 12022 qr ilisrd gn 2*.nCtvr,faufutq6scqh qft
ft4 ({s' q si.FFdrtT EFI IrdT €K{ 6rrq

Yt6{ 3IFI{dI ,
q|(g qTq]ET Yrfl Fdl-{rRqt|-frzFl,rl{g
nAme Of WOnX :- Supply & Installation of Decorative street lightining pole at Anand nagar chowk to Shobha
nagar & Shobha nagar corner to Priyasarshani school road atea under NWCMC area Nanded
(As Per PWD DSR 2021-22)

Sr.No Discription Item No. Unit QtV. Rate Amount

1 Supplying and erecting PVC insulated PVC round 1.3.27 Mtr. 160 57 9120.00
sheathed 1.5 sq.mm (30 no. x 0.25 mm dia.) 3
:ore flexible multi stranded copper lndustrial
:able for voltaoe qrade uo to 1.1 kV
Supplying, erecting & marking SPMCB 0.5A to 5.3.1 Each 88 233 20504.00
5A in provided distribution board as per
snecificalion no SW-SWR/MCB
5.2.18 Each 3 ?1581 64743.00
Supplying & erecting street light control panel in
powder coated CRCA 14116 SWG sheet, outdoor
type, three phase, 415 V consisted of suitable
rating contactor, 24 hrs digital / astronomical
time switch with minimum 5 years battery
backup, TPN MCB 40 A auto/manual selector
switch. ON/OFF push buttons, indicator lamps'
control wiring, metering device, etc for automatic
operation & overcurrent, short circuit, earth fault
protection of street lights upto the max load of 6
kW on provided iron frame / CC foundation
Supplying, erecting & terminating 7 .1 .28 Mtr. 50 163 8150.00
armoured cable 4 core 10 sq. mm. aluminium
conductor with continuous 5.48 sq. mm. (12
SWG) G.l. earth wire complete erected with
glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/pole or laid in
provided trench/ pipe as per specification no CB-
5 Supplying, erecting & terminating XLPE 7 .1 .27 lMtr. 1;10 234270.00
armoured cable 4 core 6 sq. mm. aluminium
conductor with continuous 5.48 sq' mm. (12
SWG) G.l. earth wire complete erected with
glands & lugs, on wall/ trussesipole or laid in
provided trench/ pipe as per specification no. cB-

o 7.6.?_ lMtr. 27360.00

pipe 'A' class 40 mm
Supplying & erecting G.l.
dia. erected for enclosing XLPE armoured
cable on wall/pole as per specification no. CB-CE
7 |.0.Y Mtr. 1603 200 320600.00
Supplying and laying (including excavation of
suitable width & depth up to 90 cm) 50 mm
outside dia. double wall corrugated pipes
(DWC) of HDPE for enclosing cable below
ground/road surface, to required depth complete,
6 16.1.2 l\iltr. 1603 193 309379.00
Making trench of suitable width and depth in
hard murum / tar road for laying provided LT
cable up to and including 16 sq. mm complete as
per specification no. CW-EXN-CTR

Providing earthing with galvanized iron earth 9.'1 .1 Each -''38 16952.00
plate size 60 x 60 x 0.6 cm complete with all
materials, testing & recording the results as per
soecification no. EA-EP
10 9.1.4 :ach 1 19240.00
Providing pipe type earthing with 40mm. dia
G.l. pipe or 20 mm dia. G.l. Rod complete with al
materials as per specification no. EA-EP
Making M- 20 grade reinforced cement concrete
16.3 I Erch I o) 2:129 257752.00
toundation by considering the safe soil bearing
capacity as 10 T/sq.m at 1.5 m depth including
supply of steel, concrete, excavation, fixing
provided nut bolts with the help of template, duly
plastered as per design complete (for 3 to 5m
octagonal / conical Gl pole).
't2 Non 4900368.00
Supplying and erecting cast iron pole of nearly
4000 mm length, The pole has ornamental base of
overall dimension height 1000 mm, boftom dia 370
mm should have inbuilt iunction box for fixing MCB
with detachable window cover. The part above
oramental base design consist of decorative
sections of circular shapeas & rings in different
dimensions is made of cast iron fine finish, Bracket
the ornamental custom made tubular design
combo brackets of 610 mm width, 1000 mm height
and other bracket of nearly 600 mm width, 810
mm hight both of which are made in combination
of heavy duty mild steel hollow pipe section nearly
of Dia 48 mm aesthetically bent armed with cast
iron elements. A decorative element provided on
top of circular shape of asthetics.
13 Supplying and erecting ornamental aluminiurl Non Each 1;i 13708 2412608.00
casted decorative light fitting of total height nearl CSR I

601 mm& width of 302mm. The fixture havin, I

suitable connector for fixtures having suitable l

connector for fixing on required post. The fixture

have casted parts which are well assembled
design for better look.it shall have designed tc
illuminate larges areas with its wide Dispersiof
without affecting the envirment. it shall have glas
fixture to cover light and stainless steel fastenin
elements for assembling lights. The fixture havin.
provision to flx complete with required power
supply. The fixture having provision to fix complet'
with required power supply. The luminaries mus
have rated with IES LM-79-089 As per lf
1EC62262.2002) & lP-66 rated, The mai
structural components of fixture have UV resist.'
& shock resistance lK 08(As per
1EC62262:2002 with tilting frame for access to th
electric & optical auxillaries for LED module of ?
w with lP protectedpolycarbonate lens & inr'
frequency of 50 HZ THD<10 % with inbuilt sur!'
protection of 5kv AC & Highgrade he
sinkextruded aluminiumwith silicon compoLr,
used for PCB heat transfer. Each LED !r'
specificlens for uniform photome"
distribution.The LED drivershould be water pr
with aluminium casting convering with sili(
potting with efficiency < 85% .The LED efficier -
of 15-20 Lumens/watt.it has aopro ft
Add I2% GST 1044125.52
\-; 9832181.98

i ..,.!,r-i:lpal
S"^rl\* f c^MY y'lrS=-^^o"a
li ar' d rd

Date of Receving Tende
Ar ls>n PM/

1. Amount out to Tender

q894gtl -
TendercdAmount SNtG\l-
J. Date of Commencernent

4. Stipulated Date of completion

5. lssue to lws.

Vide M. Receipt No. of
I Order of Opening Opened by me

i Agreement No. &1/ ol20



(Agreement Bond B/1 : of

Name of work

n"Q.^r- /tnal '.o-y. d*ta- h SLabk t'{o"'-

c,r^-. l- f))i\alisbr S.-GL'"4, c1=.
\l&r NOCI({ ^r-c4 No.{ -O.ol

1. Amount put to Tender Rs.-_ 3R34lG.tl -._

Accepted TenderAmount Rs. gTt)tq--
3. Oate of work order

4. Dab of Commencement ofwork

Stipulated period of Completion

wofi as p€r the contract

6. $ipulated date of completion of work

lssue to M/s. / Shri

8. Vide R. No. Date :

Oponed by me

Date :

Name of work

Sr No. ParticulalE FmrYr b
1 2 J 4

1 . Manner of submiseioin of tendeaed and :

Its accompaniment

2. TenderNotice :

3. Notice to contrac{or
4. General condition of Contract
5. lnstruc{ion to persons Tendering :

6. List of Machinary condition for :

hidng the Machinery

7 List or Machinery available with & in :

PGs€ssion of th€ contactor

8. $atementofwo*s executed bY :
the tender in the interior backwad
and hilly areas.

9. Fom B-1 / &2

I 0. S€fEdulo 'A :

ll. Condition for Schsudl€ 'A

12. Schedub B & Specitic-tions



f{anner of submission of Tsnder & it! accopanimenta

Tonder to be lubmltGd In three sepatate sealod Envelope
documents in THREE
The tender while submitting the tender shall submit the

A) Envelope No.l
contain the following
The first envelope clearly marked as Envelope No'l shall
documents :
i) Earnest money deposit receipt from Municipal Corporation
i0 Ce ificate as a registered contractor with the Govemment of Maharashtra
income tax.offlcer ot the
ii0 lncome Tax Clearance certificate in original from the
LGpi ofi"no"t unr"ss speciflcally exempted in this respected by the Government
tender:r f91u:: gl-this
rv) List of Machinery and plans immediately available with.the
roila f-i"i of t'""ninery proposed to be utitised lor this work' but not
proposed be procured. Ately available and
tt.,"nnerin which it is to
the manner"nain which it is proposed to be procured

v) Details of technical personal on the rolls of the lenderet

the contractor'
vi) Oetails of work ot similarly and mogniture canied out by
ot work unfinished on the
vii) details other of work tendered for and in hand with-value
ofthe officer under
L-"1J"t" oi"rU.i""ion of tender. The certificates from the heads
whom the works are in progress should be enclosed with'

B) Envelopo No.2
shall contain
The second envelope clearly marked as Envelope No 2
i) Covering letter for the ofter
ii) Soecialfeature contractor teels worth mentioning his offer'
from the provisions in the deparimental Tender
This envelop shallnot
iv) Contrac'tors own design, where so allowed bythe Department
conlain the cost otfered by the tender'
C) Envelope No. 3
only the main
The Third envelope cleady marked as Envelope No 3 shall contain
tender documents, mentioning the cost of tender'
on this Envelop
uasioofier on schedule "B" otthe tender documents to be submitted
gnvelooe No.t or No.i The contractor shall quote for the work as per Department
design unless he is authorised quote on his own altemative design
put together in one
The three Sealed envelops as menlioned above shall again be
common cover and 3galed. This sealed cover shall be marked on the left hand top
comer t€nder for construclion
if submitted by
The fullname and address of th€ tenderer and the name sealed cover
post. The sealed cover containing the three envelops as above and also worl(ed as
and shall be
lpecineO auove stratt ue enclosei in another cover properly addressed
slniuy ttre r.gistereo post with acknowledgment due Thetime forlimitthe rec€ipt ot
tende; shall sirictly apply in all case. The tenderers' Nanded before the expiry
time limit.

City Engineer / Ex. Engr


No delay on account of any cause will b entertained for the date receipt
of tender
Tenders offered or received affer the time limit is cover with eighter not
and if any advertenfly. Will excepted not be opened. Right is;served to
marginal case which in no way will or can affect the san;ty or tenders.
On the date specified in the Tender notice, fo owing procedure will adopted
opening oftheTender
Envelope No.l
First all,Envelope No.1 all the tender wlll be opened to verity is contents as per
equipments. lf the various documents contained in this enveloie do not meet rne
reqlirements for the Dept. a note will be recorded accordingly bi the tender openrng
authority and the said tendered enverope No.2 and 3 wi not-5e consiaeieo tor turtrer
action but the same will b recorded.
Envelope No. 2
The Envetope shallbe opened immediately after opening of Envelope
. No.1 onty rf the
content of Envelope No.1 are tound to be,acceptable io the-corporation.
letter of the tende( his assumptions conditions etc. shall then be ,""Jout. - -
The forwarcrng

Subsequently, the various assumptions, conditions and additional

stipulataons in
corporate by the competing tenderers will be scrutinised by the
corpor;tion and a
common set of divisions from the original conditions incorporaied in
the tender and the
aoqflonar sttputattons as may be considered as acceptable. To the
corporation, will be
rormutared and a there compleling t€nderwillbe informed accordingly.
The effect ot this
cnarges In terms of money shal be submiiled by the tenderers in ierms
of marked as
Envelope No. 3'4,, on or before a specified date.
Envelope No. 3 and 3-A

. Both the Envelope No.3 and 3-A will be opened simultaneousness

date in the presence of tenders whose offer are under consjderation
on the specifaed
to nn"f
figure ofthe offer ofthe varjous tenderers withoul any individual "o "" "iau" "ttno""
included in the common set ofconditions issued byihe Deparlment "r""pt form a
wtrlctr straiiUe
part of the conlract documents. The tenderers are free
io lake cognirance 1,|1 of tne
additional facilities offered to them in a common set and reduce
theiriias otor il; of meir
conditions rejecled and increase their bids or in the fgrm of percentage
below'ar aoove
their originalbids in Envelope No.3 and enclosed it in Envelope No.S-e-wittroul
any f urther conditjons.

Conlractor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr.



work with the name

Separate sealed tender in B-1 form tor the undermentioned I
,no-*oik superscribed on the envelope are invited a rewill be opened
"r ""iiiJo, Uil;-ciiv ingineer Itlunicipal corporation' Nanded and will be
on the day if Possible

Thetenderformswi||beissuedbythecityEngineer,Municipa|corporation,Nanded in
P;;;;;i;i"p."med cost of the form ana on pioauaion or negistration
post al
"" *iJ6".vlooitionalRs. 10.00 (add of lhe tender for as required but the
contractor's risk.
earnest mone'y,ln the form of
The tender should be accompanied by (1)as specified
(2) untodate in-
o"oo"li"'t on any schedule bani</ireasury receipted challan
ffi4il;;;;;rtiR".i" (g) t-i"t ot totks execution in the interior back work ofiice of
the unde6igned on an working day.

Theoffersha|lremainva|idforaperiodofgo(Ninty)daysfromthedateofopeningthe or
tenoers. ine acceptance of tender may be intimated to the contraclor telegraphically
the tender by highest authorities
aii"*i"" l,ghi"ity the officer compitent to accept tender
]r"r, iniitation shall be deemed to be as intimation of acceptance of
given ""
by "nJ'e""tr
the authority competent to accept the tender'
any reason there of are reserved'
Right to reject an or all tenders without assigning

Sr No.

Name of work

Amount Put to tender

Rs. 9842-t%l -
Earnest MoneY It R" c(abl -
Security Deposit

Period allowed for completion of work

31st-xt1 -
Class of registration of contraclor 'h,clwp f
l- o r.Lr'^--=-P
eligible fortender

Cost of the tender

Rs. >i}c tct x -
Period of issued of tenderfrom ,t\lq+ ls 9"18,--
Date ot receiPt ot tender 4o\44'vt"/
Upto Hour5.
t $).



Sealed tenders in B-1 form addressed to the Engineer / Ex. Engr. Municipal
Corpo.ation, Nanded with the name of work written at the of Envelope tor the fo owing
workwillbe received bythe City Engineer/Ex. Engr. MunicipalCorporation Nanded in his
office up to houron and will be opened on the same day
if possible in the presence ofsuch intending tenderers who may present at the time.

Sr.No. Name ofwork Amount Class of Earnest Securily Period

put to comractor Money deposit allowed for
tender eligibleto completion
tender of work

\ lkeLtst\'\ rur* - lt ;tN(tr

2',, The tender should accompany an eamesl money which should be paid in cash, at
Municipal Corporation, Nanded and fumish the receipt of paymentwith the tender.

The eamest money in any form on in the form of cheque will not be accepted. This
amount willbefortified in case lhe successful tender does not complete the contracl
document in B-1 form and pay the amount of security deposit within the time
specified as stipulated by the Dy. Commissioner in all other the earnest monev will
be refundable.

3) The Successfully tender shall have to pay 2% of tender amount as an or bank cash

4) Tender form conditions and specifications of contract and

drawing can be purchased on cash payment of Rs. Only (Sales
tax and generaltax) per set f.om he office ot the City Engineer Municipal Corpora(on
Nanded on any working day during offlce hours upto if requireo oy
post an additional postage charges of Rs. only will have
to be paid in advance. Department is not responsible for delay or loss of the tender
documents sent by the post.

Manner or submission of tender and its accompaniment shall be as perAnnexure

attached on page no.l

6) Acceptance of a Tender will rest with the competent authoritv who does not btno
himself to accepted the lowest and reservea the right to rgect any or all tenders
without assigning any reasons what ao ever. The tendererwhose tender is acceDted
will have to enter into a regular B-1/2 form and abide by a rules and regulation em-
bodied therein.

7',, The Contractor should quote rates in rupees and paise both words and figures. The
amount alao be worked out by him and requisite totalgive. No alteration in the forms

stipulations willbe permitted No. pages on thetender should be re orreplaced,

Contractol ngr.
or are incomplete in
tenders which do not willfu|fill all or any ofthe above conditions
any respect are liable t0 summarily relection
are based in case the
8) Contractor should particularly not the units on which the rates
differs from the
amount shown in the last columns as worked out by the contractor
amountwo*ea out from quantity andthe rate. The amount based on the
trom that in figures tee tormerwill
iafen as conea. ln case ihe ratls in words ditfers
be taken as correcl. No change on the units shall be allowed
in the tender
All the columns in the schedule should be filled in ink and correction
shall be initiated bythe contractor'
in a slngle
10) The rates Inword in schedule'8" ofthe tenderfo'ms should beexpressed
tine oniy. ftne rates ln word are omitted adverinily or otherwise
the tender is liable for
|.+Jio'n. fttu,norf< "ONLY' should also be added again each rate mentioned words'
11) Contractor will have to attach to his tender statement turnishing ot the following
of the
a) Details of work on hand already tendered for that the time of submission
b) Details of work of similartype and magnitude carried out by the tenderer
c) Details ofthe plants and machineries radially availablewith the tendered
use of work
d Detaib oftechnical persons with the tenders'
e) Copy of Registration Cerlificate.
f) ptodate income tax Clearance from the Income Tax Offlce concerned in case of
ihetirm have more than one partnersuch certiticate is required for each
g) lf the tendering conlrator are a lirm or a company they shallin forwarding
mentioned thJ names or all the parnter of the firm or a company they shall
forwardin letter name ofthe parnterwho hold the power ofAttomey' Authoris'ng
partnership dead
him to conducted transaction on behalf of the body along with
h)A list of documents attached with the tender duly attested'
will pay the
121 The contrac{orwhgse tender is accepted or his authorised su-contracor
labour engaged on the work and wages as per minimum wages act applicable to
zones in which the work lines.
13) The contractorwill have to sign the orgionalcopy ot the tender papers and the draivvng
give declaration
accoding towhich thework isto be carried out. He shallalso have to
tot he eiffect that he has fully studied the plans' specifications, local conditions
availability of labour and materials and that he has quoted his rates which
consideration to all these factors.
14' The right is reserved to revise or amend the contract document prior to the date
notifie; forthe receipt oftender or to exted the date' such deviations, amendments or
extentions, if any, shall be communicated in the form otAmendment corngendum or
by Notice in the press as may be condidered suitable
'15) The offerwillremain valid fora period go (ninty)days from the aclualdate ofopening
16) No altemative design from the contractor shallbe entertained and the tender received
on teh basis alternatie design in contravention of this condition shall be summenly
17) The aceptanc€ of the tender may be intimated to the contractor telegraph'cally or
otherwise by the olficer compentent to recepit the tender and suqh intimation of
acceptance oftender shall be deemed to be an intimation of acReptance'
18) The payment for incomplete items will be made at suitable c rate proisionaly
and full rates will be realesed only after entire work is saisf pleted by the

Contractor $iry En

1. Contracl Drawing Specifications and location of works :

a) One set contracl conditions and drawing will be supplied to the contractor free ot
b) The drawing which from part of spocifications shall show the work to be down in as
many details as possible at the present stage. They may be supplimented of
superseded by such as additional details drawings as may necessary as the
work programme. The contrac{or shall perform the work on these features and in
accordanc€ with the additional or revised dr.awing as the case may be and the the
applicable case as per the contracit as stipulated in Clause No. of the agreement
Statement as the conditions under the which the work is to be performed inctuding
plana survey measu.ements diemenEions calculations estimates drawing etc. are
made solely to turnish a basis of comparision of tenders.
The contractor shall check all the drawing and estimate carefulty and also
satisfy himself by his own investigations regarding all conditions effeciing the work
to be done and labour and materials needed and mode his bid in sole reliable there
o) The contractor shall advice the Engineer-in-charge immediately the errors or
commission discovered. The contrac,tor shall not take advantagE of any kind of
error8 or commission in the drawings and specifications supplied.
e) The Engineer-in-charge will sutably modify or change the pari of the drawing plane
elc as per requirement.
The size of R.C.C. Member shown on drawing and adopted in the elimate are rough
and will very based on lhe actual R.C.C. design whcih will be supplied during the
9) Thefoundation adopted in estimates for the work may be changed if neovssjted due
to actual site conditions excution.
2. ErroB Commisaions and d€crepancios :

i) Between actual scale wratten dimentions or description on a drawings the latter

shall be adopted.
ii) Between the written orshown description or demension in the drawings and the
conesponding one in the specificaions the lalter shall apply.
iii) Beiween the quantities shown in the schedule ofquantities and lhese anived at
from the lattershall be Drefened.
iv) Between the written description of the items in the schedule of quantities and the
details descriptions in the specifications at same items the latter shall be
b) In allcases ofcommissions and erors or doubls ordescriotions in the diemension or
description of any item or refelence shall be made to city Engineer/Ex. Engr. Whose
includation alteration or decision shall be considered as authentic, to contractor shouto
be held responsible for the error that may occure in the work through lack of such
reference end precautions.
l/We undertake to approved to engage on the work the r€quircd number of
apprentices as per rule and conditions to Director ofTechnical education and stare/
apprenticeship Advisior Maharashtra State Bombay principal of lndustrial Training
Institute / Employment Exchange to.

Contraclor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr

3. Programme and fiethods for Carying out the work ;
The Contractor shallfumish wherever necessary a shedules for the approval
En!ineer-in-charge.the schedule giving the programme ofthe work an details ofthe
be carried out by any
reihod of ete"riion proposed to be adopted No work shall
othermethoC except tiat approved by the Engineer-in-charge any modificatioin

programme and method proposed by the contractor adoption of any such changes
will;ot entitled the contractor tor claiming extra rates or extra payments for the same
4. Sub-Leting or work :

As stipulted under clause No. 26 of the tender form' the contractor shall not
permiited to sublet any ofthe work without permission ofthe Municipal Corporation
Ltuniiipat corporation give permission the main contracotr must submit the name
subcontractori proposad for the approvalofthe Municipal corporation and shallafter
WarOs senO to irue copies of the sub-contract to approval it must be staled
actual manufactures or maker not the name of the makers
tfr" fira" propo""d if
must also be 6ubmit."t"The sub-let order shall contain all necessary information
the specification unable the sub contractor to supply the work in accordance
The sub-let order shallalso contain the item in which the suFcontrac{or undertakes
the delivery ofihe materialorthe completion ofth work- However the contractorwill
be held responsible for noon completion ot the whole contract'
5. Treasury Troveg :

In the event ofthe discovery by the contractor or his employees during the progress
of an treasury fossils minerais as olher articles or things ol value of interest the
contractor sh;ll give immenale notifications three of ot the Engineer-in-charge such
treasurer or the things which shallbe the property ofthe Municipal Corporation
6. Infomation regarding Labour :

The contractor shallsubmit daily report tothe Engineer-in-charge regarding strength

of labour employeed by him on the were both skilled and unskilled in the
proforms as iuiptied by the Engineer-in-charge from time to time The contractor of
direcled bythe inginee;-in-charge shallincrease the strength otthe labour both skilled
and unskilled.
7. The cantractor shall idemnity Municipal Corporation Nanded against allactions
Corporation Nanded bad
claimsand demand broght to or made againstthe Municipal
inrespect ot any materials or things do;e or omitted to be done by the contractor
there ex€cution or in connectioin with the work orthis contract and against any
or damage to the Municipal Corporation Nanded in consequence of any actions or
suit bein; brought to against the contractor for any things done or ommited to be
done in the execution of the work ofthis cotnract.
8. Employe4 or Resident Engineer :

a) The conkactor must employ qualified skilled and fully authorised Engineer tor
carying out the work. This resident Engineerwill be considered at-any time to be
actingior the contraclor with full responsibility in every respect lf must be seen
thattith previous experience in the type f construciion prefered'
b) The coniraclor shallin time at the name of his agentofthe Municipal Corporatron
Nanded duly authorised in order to carry out the contractor also be shall
communicate the name of the person appointed by him tor supervising the
work on his behalf sufficiently in advance to the Engineer-in-charge The
Engineer-in-charge is empowered fully to disallowthe above mentioned person
or person on the work without any reason there of
9. Temporary QuarteB :

The Contractorwill be required to make his own arrangements for lhe housing of all
his staff and othe rpeople during the work the contractor maintain at his own
expenses as etficient saving staff as may be required by the Engineer-incharge

Contractor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr


10. WaterSupply to wort :

The Deparlment will assists for taking bore and giving water connerition from
Muniqipal manner ihe Corporation. In case there is no suffiaient water supply from
Municipal Corporation. The contrac'tor shall anange from his orn wate. supply for
work and his labourfor which no claim and/or extension in time limit will be entertain


1) The persons tendering are informed that no enor or altemations by them in the rest of
documents sent herewith will be allowed and any such eror or alteratilns will be
desregarded if there is any enor writing or over-writing done but wrong words or
figures should be struck out and the correct on written above or hear and jn an
unambigous way such coneqtions should be intiated.
2) The contractor shallquote his rates for completed items ofwork inclusive of all leads
lifts, clarifications.
3) The contraclor should may his own arrangsments for quarries of rubble stone and
murum itme etc. over burden in quarries with have to removed by the contractor at
his own cost. No enbanc€d raves willbe paid if the quaries are required to be changed
for one reason orthe other.
il. Setting Cut:
The contraclor shall be responsible forthe ture and proper setting out of the works
and for the corrections of the positions level dimentions and arrangements of the
parts of the work and for provisiona of all necessary instruments appliances and
labour in connection therewith at his or/n cost officers ofthe corporation may assist
' the contractor in proper setting our Coroporaiion instruments may be allowed to be
used for setting out of work for which no cost shall be recovered form lhe conrrador
if at any time during hte progress ofthe work any enorshallaries in rrgad of tevels
or dementions of alignment of any pan of the contractor on being required to so by
the Engineer shall at his own expese. Reclify such enor to the satisfaclioin of the
Engineer Unless such enor arE based on conec{ date supplied in witing by the
Engineer or his representalive in which case the expenses of rectifying the same
shallbe bome by the corporation.
5. Work Order Book :
A wgrk order book shallbe maintain on the work site atthe cost ofcorDoration. lt shall
bethe property of the corporation. The cotnractor shall sign the order given there by
the Engineer-incharge or his superiors and shall carry them out promp y and report
compliance of the same Engineer-in-charge.
6. Testing of lllaterial :

a) All material ot be used on work such as time, sand cement, crushed metals
agregates, bricks or steel and mind steel and mind etc. Shall employ with the
test and or anaylysis as perthe detailed specitications for the item con@rned.
b) The contractor shall at his risk and cost make all arrangement and shall
provides allsuch facilities as the Engineermay required forcollecting. preparing
and forwarding required number of samples fortests as may be directed Ly the
c) The contractor shall if and when required submit samples of materials to be
analysed and if so, directed shall not make non of or incorporation in the work
and any materials lo be represented by the samples until the required test or
any'ysis have been made and the materials accepted bythe Engineer-in-Charge.
d) Tests of materials will be made regularly and also whenever specifically called
upon by corporation, the contraclor in all case shall fumish reuqired samoles
without changes.

Contractor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr

payable forthe work done as
7) lncome tax will be deducted formt he paymenb of bill
oer rules presctibed form time to time.
Contractor with In
8) All unused materials and paints implement not removed by the
granted there of
ffiVO UONTHS of tn" completion date of the work ol an extension
by the Engineer, Shall become the properly ot the Municipal
Corporation and the
contraaor-shall nol be entitiled or any payment for compensation whatsoever
respecl there of.
of work and at its
e) The rates includeds clearnace ot site prior to commencement
ifo"e in t""ptct hold goods for the works under all conditions moisture elc'
"nJ "ffin"fuOing remo-ving of all uses wood and trees upto 3 diameter at the
"i""Lna" "it"free ot u-igger oia witt be removed by M Cor' upto ground levels the
orounc ievet.
i.iii tn""" witt oe iJmoveo by the contractor including filling pits which no
"i willbe made by the corporation.
10) For Road Works OnlY :
and if any reason there is
Consotrdation ofsolling metalshallbe done by corporation
any delay in makeing a roller available forthese operatlon
on account of his
The contraclor shall not be entltled for any claim of compensation
r"o""i"iittslo;, only extension of contract period will be considered on merits
"i". that contractor applied for such extension in time
in each cas; provided
11) Supply of rate analysis when the question of extra item rate lists arises
rate analys's
case ofthe extra items rale list the contractor shallinvariable supply
-' Ini.".c
alongwith quotation ot suppliers
on a"tu"f fabour involved and materials used
in support of the rate for materials

'-' The owrk include

13) in the contract shall be carried out in accordance with the
ip"1ii*ii""" gi""n in the PINK BOOK of standard specificalions l9fgEififton as
per reference given against each item in the schedule B'
will be paid
14) Measurements shall be based on the basis of serve analysis size metal
at full rate if stands to the abrasion and water absorption
tests under size metal will
L ,"j"J"O ou"oize metalwill be paid at suitable reduced rates as approved by
the City Engineer'
15) The testing charges shall be born by the contractor

Contractor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr.



That can be spa]td for the above work by City EngineorrEx. Engr,
Nanded Waghal. Clty ilunicipal Corporetion, Nanded E aveilabl€ with him

Name of work i

Sr No. Oescription of Machinery No. Hire charges per Ramarks

Day or part of

Note :

1) Hire charges will not be devide on Bazsr day and on such days when the machinery
is sick or idle ever handling wash out or for rEpair.
2) The machlnery will be supplied at the Municiple Corporation Slores Nanded and
the hire charges will be devide from three days il is handed over to lhe contraclor
roll the stores till it retumed to the siores except fo the days mentioned in not (1)
3) The contractor shall returned the machinery toth€ corporation at the placewhere it is
handed overto him.
4) The hire charge ioncluded the salari$ of the Driver and Firemen or Cleaner The
running charges inclusive of periodical overhanding wash out and cost offuetetc.
5) The machinery as abow will be spared to the contractor for use on the works in
question subiect lo lhe rules and conditions laid down in appendixof M.pW. Mannual
with the modmcation given above.
6) The Machinery as above will be sparod if available with the corporation. In cash,
however for any reason the required number under any category cannot be made
available thg contrastorwill not be entitled for any claim, whatsoever.

Contractor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr.



6'iine C6niircron wHlcH rHE PRoPdIED ro usE FoR


Name ot vvork :

Whetlrer Whether
How Rcmarks
s.Ho. [i[!"{ canacw ffid Many
in working
by him

1) Slone

2) Cement

3) Irlotor

4) Asphalt

q Asphelt

6) Vbratar

7) Pumping

We will use on teh works tendet€d for

Contracl CitY Engineer

Namo :

Addre$ :

Cit Engineer/ Ex. Engr.


Claure No. 19A:

The contraclor shallbe liable to paythe expenses ofproviding medical
aid to any workmen wio may suffer any injury as a accjdenl or near lo
the work site whether on duty or off duty orand whethersuch accident
lakes place on a holiday on a working day. lt shall be opened to
corporataon to incur the requisite expenses for providing such
medic€l aid and to recover the same from the Conlracior Cerlilicate of
lhe City Engineer as to amount of expenses actually incurred on
providing such medical aid shall a inal and conclusive against the
material contractor.
. Clause No. 5l :
Contrac{or should not ihat recovery of a penat rate of twice the issue
rate will be affected if the contractors do nol retum the surDlus and the
S.T.GI will also be recovered from them.
Clau3o No. 52 :
The Contractor are bound to pay the Labourers accodiong to the
Minimum wages. Act 1948 applicable to zone in accordance wilh the
orders in Government in public. Works Department Circular No.NWA
10 dated 5-12-1958, Any diferauclation in the type ofzones should not
entitle contractor for any claims.
Claus3 No. 5a
Where the workers are rcquired to work near machinery and are likely
to meen such accident should not be allowed towearloose clotheg like
Dhoti, Zabba etc.
Clause No. 55 A A Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the
aprentic Acl rules and 1961 orders issued are remindss from time to
time. lf hefails todo so his failure willbe breach ot contracl and the Citv
Engineer may in his discreption to cancel the contrac{. The contrado;
shall also be liable to any penalty liability existing on account of the
violation by him of the provisions of theAct.
Clause No. 55 B :

Contraclor should not that recovery at penal rate of twice the issue rate
willbe at effected ifthe contractordo as not retum the surDlus malerial
and the S.l or GR. will also be recovered from him.
Addition to Ctause 30 as Sub Clause (1), (2) & (3)
Mde Government in public works Department Circutar No. CAT-10 Ul(S)tptdg 2.
Dated 3G'10-85 and Govemment in pubtic works Departments
Circular No. CAT - 1086/CR110/81 dg. 2 dated 7-5-i 986
Clau36 NO. 30 {l) :

Except where otherwise specified in the contrac{ and subjec{ lo the

powers delegated to him by Gove.nmenl under the code Rules Then in
force the decision ofthe City Engineer of hte Municipal Corporation or
that time being shall be final, consensive and binding on all particulars
to the contract upon all question relating to the meaning of the
specilications design, drawing and instructions here in bedore
mentained and as to the quality of work of workmanship or materials
used on the work or as to and other question claim, right, mafter or

Contraclor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr


things whatsoever it any way anbing outorot relating to the contracts'

or mese
desi;g drawing, specification extimates instructions orders
or oiherwise concern in the works or the execution
to execute the same whether arising'

Clsuse No. 30 (2) :

him of any order
The cotractor may wtthin thirty days of receipt by
passed by the city Engineer of the lvlunicipal Corporatron Naroeo as
project provided
aforesaid, apear agal;st is to the Commissioner or
a) The accePted value fo the contract exceeds Rs 10lacs
the lacs.)
(Rupee one lacs)
b) Amount ol claim is not less than rs 1 lacs

Clause No. 30 (3) :

passed by lhe City
if the contractor is not satisfied with the order
within thirtytays-of receipt
entneer as atoresaio, the contractor may'
cjtyEngineer is
byhim ol any such order' appealagainst it to conemed
n;t previous and that there some substance in the claim ot contractor
as would merit a details examination and decision by
the standlng
and corporation level
committee shall put up the standing committee
for suitable decision'
Addition to Clause 37 (c)
(Vide Government in public work Department Circular)
No. CAT - 6076/3336/(400) Bidg 2 dated 16-8-85

The contractor shall duly comply with the provisions

of'the appretice Act 196'1"
and the orders that may be issud from time to
fM f" f'S61i, ihe tle" made there unier to do so he shall be
iir" na and the said rules and on his failure or neglect
""iJ and penalties provided by the said Act and said
"rliJio "ir Addition to Clau3e 53
Vide Government in public works Departments

No. CAT-1284/(12o)/Bidg 2 dated 14-8-85

provision ol contract labourlRegulation
The contrac{or shallduly complywith allthe
contract Labour (Rules 1971
niJiiionlilr gzo (37 ;f 197bi and the Maharashtrastatues and statutory provrsrons
"na t t time to time and all other relavant
ffi;;; il;;;i
"" "rt""noai ;iwages particulaav to workmen.emploved bv-l:.::ll"oo' "nd
pay.wages to eacn
;ffi; ; i# site of ttre-wori in particular, the contractor shall
underthe Maharashtra
*r*"titpfoy"O lV ttim on the site of work at the rates orescribed
197'l lfthe contractors fails orreglect to
6""itJ lio,i"t fnigulation andAboition) Rulespavment '
and the corporationrakes such
il;;;;;ath; s;-Jrate" o, t"ke" inort
of *"ge" in rull or part there of less paid by the contractor.as
the case may be
i"i."it shall be deeed to be are3s of
the amount also paad by the corpora(on or such workers
such from the
il;d r;;;;;;ith; corporation snall be entitled to recover the same as
corporation to the contractor'
l-oniraaor ot oeauct the iame from amount payable by the
trereunoer ortrom anlother amounts/payable to him by

Crty Engrneer/ Ex. Engr''


Name of work :

SrNo. Material Quantity Place ofdelivery

't) Cement M.T. Per

2) Mild Steel M.T Per
Tor Steel t\r.r Per
4) Asphatt M-T Per

Clly Engineer / Ex. Engr.


1) The conlrolled matedalwillbe supplied according to the test mentioned in schedule'A
The steelwillbe supplied in lenght as available. The crop does not take the responsF
bility for any delay caused in ananging the supply. No compensation will be paid to
the conlraclor o this account.
2) All the materials shall be made available for delivery on working days only during
office hours io be ananged matualty by the contractors himself and the solre keeper
orthe SuFDivisionalofficer concemed whosoever shall issue materials which shall
be made available al Municipal Corporation store maintained above
3) The contractor shall maintain a register ofallaccount of material issued to him from
time to time and keep it open tor inspection and security etc by the City Engineer
4) The qantities as noted is schedule A are only approximate and shallvery accordig to
ac,tual bonafied use.
5) All malerials mentioned in schedule'A required for the woR shall be taken from the
MunicipatCorporation only the materials from olher sources in lieu of the materials in
schedule A shall nlo be allowed exept under wrilten permmission form the City
Engineer in such certiticates for the quality shall be fumished by lhe contrac'tors
samples of such materials shall be tested from any of the corporation approved
aborationrieg at contractors cost. The materials not cintirming to the require
standard shall be removed from the site of work immediately.
6) The contraclor will ave lo construct a shed tor storing controled and valuable matenal
issued to him under schedule A above at site having double loaking arrangement
The matetials will be taken for use in the presence of the Departmenl person only No.
materials will be allowed to be removed from the site of work
D The issue rates or inclusive of the taxes (Such as S.l and GT octroi etc.)
8) Inthe case of mild steel bas will be taken back bythe Departmenttrom the contractor
on completion of work provided the same ae in full lenght as originally issued and
also il tehy are not less than 25mm. In length the conlracctorwill be paid torthe same
on the rate fixed under provisions of para 20.38 of M.PW Accounts Code P13)
9) Contrac{or shall fumish account of all materials before placing indent for further
materials and shoulfumish account of all materials on completion of work and should
return all surplus materials to the Department. Recovery al panel rate ot twice the
i8sue rate as mentioned in Schedule A and charge thereon etc. wjll be effected for
nonretuming the surplus materials.
10) 90 percent of the total number of empty cement bas as issued to him should be
made available by the contraclor to he authorised bags collecting agent ot the
cement bags to the authorised agent. If the numbe of serviceable bags returned by
the contractor tails short of 90 percent ofthe total cement bags compnsation at the
rate of Rs. 1-00 per bags retum ot 92 percent. Shall be allowed to depose ofthe bags
rejec't€dd by teh authorised bags collecting agency. The empity cement gags be the
property of the contractor.
11) The steel shall be issued to the contrac{or on aclual weightment. The payment shall
be made on the basis of the weight of steel use o the work which is calculated on
the basis oflhe running lenglh and siandard weight per meter lenght. No claims on
account of deffence in actual weight and weight calculated on the basis of length
shallbe entertained. The table showing the unit weight of mild steel bars of different
categories (in metric tonne or produced below should be followed strictly.)
Diameter ot bars in Mm Weight in Kg. mild steel Weight in Kg. tor steel
6 o-22
10 0€0 0s17

Contraclor City Engineer / Ex. Engr.


12 G90 G888
16 146 t57a
20 2-fi 2406
3-00 2-980
3-88 3-545
28 4-80 4-800
8€0 7-990
40 $90 $364
12) The charges for conveying above matetials trom the place of dlivery to the site ot
work should borne by the contraclor.
13) Cement will be supplied to th€ contraclor in standard packing bags. Twenty pages as
equal to one metric tonngs as r€ceived from the supplier of Cement and will be
delivered at Govemment stores at the rates mentioned in scheduleA
'14) Government shallnot be responsible forthe loss of cement during lrasit, conections
willhave to be donE by weight batctr while mixing if cement in lound short in bag if will
have to be made good byth6 contrac-ior for which additionalcement willbo suppli€d
by the Departmenl al issue rate in schedule 'A
15) The contraclor shallwith in the pEriod stipulated bythe Engineer-in-charge submitas
estimates of his tolal requiremenb ol cement & Shall place tender of his monthly
requirement at least one month in advance of planned use otherwise as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
16) The contractor shall indent his roquirement of cement as to assure utilisation of
cement not last the 60 days after the receipt of cement older than a period of one side
or store through any parl ol monsoon shall not be used on the work except with the
writlen permission ofthe Engineer-in-charge and only after the satisfactory passing
test that may certify. The testing charges will have to be borne by the contraslor
17) The Deparlmentdoes not acceptthe r€sponsibility for any delay caused an ananging

the supplied no compercation shall be paid the contractor on this accounl

18) The contractor should maintain an acoount of stock of cement and steel consump-
tion of the wo* very day in the prescribed proforma
19) The contraclor or his authorised representative should sign in taken of his
acceptance daily consumption account of steel & cement & olher controlled articles
supplied by the Municipalin the r€gisters maintained bylhe officer in charge.
20) In case any slore materials supplied corporation is wasted or damagd due to
rcgligence mishandling or for lvore of proper anangements by the contractor or hrs
ag;ni or labour recover of th8 same shall be effected from the contractor a panel
rates as will be delated by the Clty Engineer wastages of steel be bome entirly by
contraclor 5% wastages of sleel b a misible.
21) The materials shown in schedul€ A the contractor will be issued as included in
schedule B tor which his rates hav€ been accepted in case lf any extra rate i3
allowed to the conlraclor for any ilem included in sciredule B or extra items the rate
forissuing materialswillbedecid€dbythe Engineer-in-chargeseperatelyandwill be
binding on the contraclor.
22) No cement will be issued for manufaclurng of cement, tiles R.C.C Jali etc for which
contractor will have to maks his own anangements.
Note - Appllcable, Not Applicable
lAccomoaniment to the Governmenl in public works Department Resolution)
No. BDG 1079/64188(385^ D. sk 2 dated 4-2-1981)
lf during the operative period of the contract as defined in conditions (i) below there

Contractor City Engineer/ Ex. Eng..


tor industrial workers

shall be any variation in the consumer pice index (New-Series)
ior-."trtr" p"i tt'" rabour Gazene published bv the commissio*l :j,919-"j-9-"];
in wholesale pric; indexfor allcommodities
em frlltrar""trtta
by the Advisor Minislry of Industty Govemment oflndia as.com-
ot Economy"nOlor
pared to s io ttre cotting specifieO in condition (iv) belowand to other conditions
mentioned , palse adjGtmention account of
(l) Labout component and. (ll) ma-
tenal comp which respectively are
oh and % of the total cost of
ot"rt"t"d p"t itt" tormula hete that afte appeaing shall be ade
work put to
(Total of both "" will be 100)
A) Formula tor Labo r Component I

( ) (
(085p - Cost of x (K lXCr - co)
(Material used) (100 C
Where :
Vl= Amount of price variation rupees to be allowed.
P= Cost ofwork done during t oeriod under to the allowed.
Kl = Percentage of labour ent as indicated above
CO = BAsic Consumer Price i Cenire
as entertained as above on the last prescribed for receipt of tender
Cl = Basic consumer Pric€ index fol
as entertained as above during the under consideration.

Al Formula Material Component :'

( )
Vl= (0.85p - Cost ) x ( K 2X11- 10)
(Schedule 'A Material used) (100 co)
Conditions above refered to :

The operative period orthe contractshall nthe the period commencing from the
date of the work order issued to the and ending on the date whiqh the time
allowed for the work specified in the memo m under for work expites. Tacking
ion to concideration the extension of time if a for completion of the work,
underthe relant clause of the conditions of co ion cases otherthan those wrere
extension as necesited on account of default of contractor. The decision of the
Engneer-in-Charge as regards the opeative the contract shall be final and
binding on the contrac'tor
The price variation Clause shallbe applicable only in a where the estimated cosl
ofthework putto tender is morethan Rs S Lacs and o period ofthe contract
is more than twelve months.
iiD Price varialion as per the above mentioned formula shall calculated seperately f or
labour comDonent and materials component.
Price variation shallnot be payable forthe exta itmes require to be executed during
excution ofthe work and aslo no the excess quantities payabl the provisions of
clause 37/38 there of.
v) Aggregate amount ot price variation payable on the m rials and labour
components both purt together and calculated as stated above
a) Shall not exceed 17 perent of the estimated cost put to tender I ses where the
said cost dos not exc€ed Rs. 100 lacs (hundred lacs) and
b) Shall not exceed 75 percent ot the amount as certained on basis of the
above formula in case where the egtimated cost put to tender ex Rs. '100 Lacs
(hundered Lacs)

v) Price variation shall not be payable for the quantity of work done in first twelve
months from the operative dates or on that portion ofthe work which

Contractor City Engineer/ Ex. ngt


ha8 to cr€cute proparionaly in lhc tirna €brllnt of iia fd mtt nonths from the
ooeratiooalivB dai€.
7) In orderto facil compulalion of the Drice variation to br made under the clause.
The contrac{or keep such books of account and other documents as are
necessary The r shall allow inspection of tho seme by a duly authorises
reDresentative of th corporation and shall all the request ot th6 Engineer-in-charge
may be require for
8) The clause is ooeratie ways i.e. if the price variation inthe saidsfiole sale on the
pluse said the pdce shall be allowed to tie conlracto and if is on the negative
side the allowed to cont and in is on the negative sid€ the corporation shallthe
contrac{or's bill for the Deriod in which drere ar€ ilutuation.
9) Payments towards price ya n will be mad Etidly according to price variation
clause in incorporated in ten r paper. Tenders are not pemitted to suggesl and
condition and variation or modi \€tion o the said clau8e if lender 'lendar3 suggest
any modificationtot he said cl his/their tender is likely to be summarily rejected.
Additlon to Varlatlon Chure
Fomulr for petrol Oil Lubd€nt contponant3.
Mde Govemment in public Departmenk Resolution
N. cAT - 3783 / 5047 (47) .2 dated 19-2-1986)
Formula :

V3 = 0.85p - (Cost of Schedule A material

100 Pc
Where :

V3 =Amount of price variation in rupes to be allowed.

P = Cost of work done during the pedod under consi
K = Percentae of petrol oil and lubricant component (this wi worked out eeparately)
for each work)
Ol =Aerao pric€ of H.S.D. ofr Bombay during the peiod under
PO = Average price of H.S.D. of Bombay on the last date prescri for receipt of iender.
3) Sum ot three component viz. Labour component (K-1) Materi and
p€trol, oil and lubricant mmponeni shall be | 0O and these shall be worked
out for each work.
4) For application of the escalation clause (petrol, oil and I component) the
price for high speed dieselwill be used.

Contraclor City Erlliineer/ Ex. Engr


Ileclaraticin of the Contactor

l, hersby dsolare that I have mada my Eelf Throughly. conv:T:lt].:itlt on
.onoiiion. ,"i"roing matsrials luch a8 sione, murum and €tc and labour
;#';;; ;;t-ti"" for thb rend€r. The sp€cificdions oJ this rork'have baen carefullv
only the
u"o""f"od by me before sumiiiing the Tender' I undertake io. u^se
"trai"J""a lv ttre citv ensineerindrarse Ensineer MYld.qal.9g3oration
work to abide by hrs dec|sron'
NenAeO or tris titity auttro;s€d Assitant before strarting the

City Egineer/ Ex. Engr,


;;;i;;;t'.ft. supplied/issuod hereunder bt the corporetion to the conkac{or
gi!€non hire bylorpora-
irre arargE ion rospeci of heavy plant machinery and €quipme-rt
iionio tn-e for €x€cution by him of ihe work and/or on which advances
"onrradro, to tho cortraclor shall be atrears ot land revenue and ihe Corpo-
Gn litftaCotpontion recover
i*ion rirav wnrtdut pr"iudics to any olher rights and remedies of the corporalion
the semeirom tho coniraclor as afl€aIs of land rewnue'

City Egineet/ Ex. Engr


City Engineer/ Ex. Engr.

(20 \


lssued otShri
and rec€ived Rs. \s{,^,\l - Vide Receipt No
Dale of receiveing tender 'v!- I j?.o
LEity E neer I
Perc€nt ge Rate Tender and Cont act fot Wo
Genoral Rulea and Direction for the Guidenqe of Contracto6,
1) All work proposed to be executed by contracl shall be notified in a form of invitation
to tender pasted on a board hung up in the office of the City Engineer / Ex. Engr
Municipal Corporation and signed bythe City Engineer/ Ex. Engr
This form will state the work to be canied out as well as the date for submitting and
opening tenders, and the time allowed for canied out the work also the amount, ear-
nest moneyto be deposited with the tende( and the amount of security deposit to be
deposited by the succesful tender and the perc€ntage, if any to be deducted from
bills it will also state whether a retund of quary tees, royalties and ground rents will be
granted, copies ofthe specification with the works shall also be open for inspection
by contractoE at the officer ofthe City Engineer/ Ex. Engr. during office hours.
Where the works are proposed to b€ executed according to the specifications rec-
ommended to a contractor and approved by a component authority on behlal of the
Municipal Corporation Nanded such specification with designs and drawings shall
form oart olthe acceDted tender
2) In the eventofthe tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed by each partner
of and in the event ofthe absence of nay partne( it shall be signed on his behlaf by a
power of attorney authorising him to do so.
2 Ai, The Conlractor shall pay alongwith the tender the sum of Rs._Rs._
as and by way of earnest money. The contractor may pay this said amount by
forwarding alongwith the tender call deposit receipt for the said amount drawn
on any shedule Bank forthe like amount shallnot carry any interest whatsoever.
ii) In the event ofhis tender being accepted, subject to the provisions of sub-
clause (iii) below, the said amountofeamest money shallbe appropriated towrads
the amount of security deposit payable by him underconditions ofentralcondi-
tions of contract.
iii) lf after submitting the tender the contractor withdraws officer of modifieds the
same, of if after the acceplance of his tenderthe contraclor fails or negalats to
furnish the balance of security deposit without projudice to any other rights and
powers of the Municipal Coroporation Nanded her unde( or in law, Municipal
Corporation Nanded shall be entiled to forfeit the full amount ofthe eamesl money
deposited by him.
iv) lf the ent of his tender not being accepted the amount of earnest money
deposited by the contractor shall unless it is prior there to for fited under the
provision of sub clause (iii) above be refunded to him on his passing receipt
there for
3) Receipt for payments made on account of any works when executed by a firm also
be signed by allthe partners ecept where the contraclorare described in theirtendgr
tenderas flrm in which case the receipt shallbe signed in the name ot firm by one of
the partners, or by some other person having authority to give effectual receipts for
the firms.
4) Any person who submit a tender shall be till up the usual printed form starting at what
percentage above or belowthe rates specned in schedule B (memorandum showing
item of work to be canied out) he is willing to undertake the work only one tate or such

Contraclor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr.


percentage on all ihe eslimated rate schedule rates shall be named tenders, which
propose ;ny altemation in the works specified in the said form of invitation to tender
or in lhe time allowed torcarrying out the work, or which contain any other condition
of any sor will be able to rejectors no printgd torm of tenders for two or more they
shatl include a tenderfor more than one work, but contractors who with to tenders for
two or more they shallsubmit a separate tender for each Tender shall have the name
and number ot lhe work lo which they refor written outside the envelope.
5) The City Engineer / Ex. Engr. Municipal Corporation Nanded to his duty authorised
Assista;t shall open tenders in the present of contractors who have submitted
tenders ortheir representatives who may be present atthe time and he willenter the
amount of lhe several tender in a comparative glatemenl in a suitable forming the
event ofa tenders being accePted the contractor shallfor the purpose ofidenfication
sign copies otthe specifications and other documents mentioned in rule in the event
oitender being rejected adminitration/commissioner shall Authorise 10 account
officer conc€med to refund rejected amount of the earnesl money deposited to the
contractor making the tender on his given a receipt for the return of the money'
6) The officer competent, to deposit ofihe tender shallhave the right of reiecting ofthe
7) No. receipt for any payment alleged to have been made by a aontractor in regard
to any material relating to this tender or the conlract shall be valid and binding
on Municipal Corporation Nanded unless it is digned by the City-Engineer Municipal
CorDoration Nanded.
8) The memorandum of works to be lendered for and the schedule of materials to be
supplied by the Municipal Corporation Nanded and their rates shall be filled in and
co;pleted by the office of the City Engneer before the tender from is issued' if a form
issued to an inrendins tender has been sofilled in and completed he shallrequest the
said ofiice to have this done before he complele and delivers his tender.
9) Allwork shall be measured not be standard measure and according to their rules and
customs ofthe Municipal Corporaiion Nanded and their shall be to an localcustom
1O) Under no circumstanc€s shall any contractor be entitled to claim enhanced rates for
items in this contract.
11) Municipal coryoration contractor shall (unless exempted in writing by the City
Engineer) Ex. Engr. concerned producis alongwith his tenders solvency certilicate
thtcollector of teh district within which he residence or a bankers certiflcate of his
cinancial liability. lf he fails to produce such a cerlilicate such a certificate his tenders
will not be considered.
Every registered contractor should produce alongwith his tender' certificate or
registration as approved contraclor in the appropriate class and renewal of such
registration with date ofexpiry
12) Allconections and additions or pasted slips should to initiated.
13) The measurements of work will be taken according tothe usual methods in use in
the departments and no proposals to adopt allemative method will be accepted City
Engineer/Ex. Engr decision municipal corporation willbe final.
'14) The tendering contractor shall furnish a declaration alcng with this tender showing all
work for which he has allready enterd in the contract and the value of the work that
remain to be executed in each case on the date of submitting the tender'
15) Every tender shall fumi8h alogwith the tender, information regarding the income
tax circle or ward of the disctrict in which he is assessed to income tax clarance
16) In view ofthe difficult position regarding the available offoreing exchange no fofeing
excgabge would be released by the department for the purchase of plant and
machlnery required ior the execution of the work contracted for'
l The contractor will have to conslruct shed for storing controlled and valuable

Conlraclor City Engineer / Ex. Engr

(22 \
material issued to him under scheudle 'A' of the agreement at work side, having
double locking anangement. The materiab iwil be taken for use in the presence of
the departmental person. No materialwillb€ allo.€d to be removed ftom the site ofwork.
18) The Contractor shallalso give a list of machinery in their possession and which they
propose to use on the work.
'19) Every registered contractor should fumish along with tender a stalemenl showing
previous experience and technical staff employed by him.
20) Successful tender will have to prduce to ihe satisfadion of the accepting authority a valid
and cunent licence issued in his favour under the provision of conlract labour (regulation
and abolition)Acl 1970 before starting uork falling which acceptace of the tenderwill be
liable for with draw wall and eamest money will be for effec'ted to corporation.
21) The contractor shallcomply with the provisions ot the apperenticesAct. 196'l and the
rules and orders issued there under trom time to time if he fails to do so, his failure
will be a breach ofthe contract and the City Engineer may in his disqretion cancelthe
contracl. The contract shall also be liable for any precautionery liability arising on
account of any violation by him of the provisions of the Act.
l/We hereby tender for the execution, for the Municipal Corporation (herein before
and herinafter refered to as corporation) of the work specified in the under written
memorandum within thetime soecified insuch memorandum at percent
belodabove the estimated rates enlered in schedule B ( memorandum showing
items of work to be carried out and in accordance in all resDect with the soecifica-
tions designs, drawings and instruclions in writing) refered to in rule I here of and in
clause 12 of the annexed conditions of conlracl and agree that when materials for the
work are provided by the Government such materials and the rates to be paid for
them shall be as p.ovided in scheudle here to.
a) lf Severa sub work are a) General decriotion Rs.
included they should be
detailed in a separate lbt.
b) The amout of earnest b) Estimated cost (Amount put Rs. g&gztar) ,-
money to be deposited to tender)
accordance with the provisions
of paras 204 and 205 ofthe

l n" Tr<z'{ ,--

M.PW Manual
c) Earnest Money r'
d) This deoosil shall be in d) Securitv Deoosit Rs.
accordance with paras 211
212 ofthe M.PW iranual.
and i) cash (Not t;ss rhe sam.L-l Rs.
accounl oI eamesl monevt ,
h ( 6U l- $
iD To be deducted from cunent Rs.
\q 66v>-$
Total Rs.)191-87[.-
e) This percentage where on e) percentage, if any to be
security deposit is taken will deducled from bill so as to make
very from 5 percent to 10 (T€n) uo the tolalamounl reouired as
percent according to the security deposit by the time half,
reouirement of the case. Where the work as measured by the
security deposit is taken, see not cost is done 4016 percent
to clause I ot conditions of contac't Percent
Give shedule where necessary D Time allowed for the
sho{irE date by whl*r t}|e varbus comoletion fo work from date fixed
items are to be comDlete in written order to commerce.
(30) Thirty calender months

Contractor Engr

2) l/we agree that this offer shall remain open for acceptance for a minimum period of
90 days trom the date fixed for opening the same and thereafter untilit withdrawn by
me/us by notice in writting duly addressed to the authority opening the tenders and
sent by registered post A.D. or otherwise delivered at the office of such authority
"Treasury Bank Challan No. and date or Deposit at call receipt No and date inrespect
^frh6.,,d F|c InWOrdS.

representing lhe eamest money is herewith for added The amount earnes money
shall not bear interest and shall be liable to be forefeited to the Government should
l/We fails to (i) abide by the stipulationto keep the ofter open for the period mentioned
above or (2) sign and complete the contractor documenls as required by the Ex
Engineerand fu;nish the security depositas specified in item (d) ofthe Memorandum
contained in paragrahph (i) above within the time limit laid down in clause (i) of the
Annexed General condition of contract. Th€ amount of earnest money may be
adjusted towards the sequrity deposit or refund to me/us if so desired by me/us in
writting unless the same or neany part thereof has been forfeites as aforesaid'
3) l/We secured exemption from payment of eamest money after excuting the neces-
sary bond in favour of the corporation a True copy of which is enclosed herewith
should any occassion for foreiture of eamesl money for this work arise due to failure
on my/ourpart to (i) abide by the stiplation to keep the after open for the period men-
tioned above or to sign and complete the contract documents and furnish no security
deposit as specified in item (d) ofthe memorandum contained in paragraph 1 above
within the time limit laid down in clause (1) of the annexed General conditions of the
contract. The amount payable by me/us may at the option of Engineer be recovered
out of the amount deposited in lump sum for se@ring exemption in so far as the
same may extend in terms ofthe said bond & in the event of the deficiency out of any
other money which are due or payable by me/us the corporation under any other
contract or transaclion of any nature whatsoever or otheMlse'
4) Should thistenderbe accepted l/We hereby agreeto abide by and fulfill ant the terms'
& in
and provisions of the conditions of contract annex here to so far as applicable
detault lhereof to toretailure & pay to corporation the sums of money mentioned
in the
said conditions.
Contractors Signature Signature of contractor before
submassion of tender

Dated the day of 20

Signaiure of Witness Signature of the witness to

Contractor Signature

The above tender is hereby accepted by me for and on behalf of Municipal Corporation

lf Signature of otfice by whom accepted

Commissioner/Administrator/Dy. comm,sstoner
Date day of 20 Municipal Corporation Nanded

Contractor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr

124 \


S.curiv It potit Clauae No. The person/persons whose may be accepted here
inafrercalled the contraclor whjch expression shallunless excluded
by the repayment to the contract included his heirs, cutors
adminiskations an assigns shallA) (Wrthin one day for acontractor
of Rs. 1000 or less or two days for conlrat of more than Rs 1000
but less than 2,000 and so on upto a limit of ten days, which may
extended by City Engineer/ Ex, Engr. Concerned uptotifteen day, if
the City Engineer/Ex. Engr thinks is lit to do so tor a contract of
ove|10,000 ofthe receipt by him ofthe notification ofthe acc€ptane
of his tender deposit with the Executive Engineer [if deposited for
mare than 12 monthsl of sum sufficient which will made up the
secunty deposit specified ion the tender or [b] permit Government
at the time if making any payments to him for work one under the
contrac{ to deducl such as will amount to.
Percent of all money so payable such deductions to be
head by Govemmenlby way of security deposit provided always
that in the event ofthe contracto. deposiling a lump sum byway of
security deposit as contempleled at (A) above than and in such
case int he sum sq deposited as shall not amount to percent ifthe
totalestimate cost of the work it shall be law tor Government at the
time of making any payment to the full amount percent by
deducting a sufficient sum from every such payments as last
aforesaid until the full amount orthe security deposit is made up. A
compensation sum of money payable by the contractor to
Govemment the terms of his contractor may deducted from or
paid by teh sale of suflicient part of his security deposit or from
the inteBst arising there from or trom any sums which may be due
or may become due by Gove.nemtn of the contractor under any
other contractor transaction of nay nature on any account
whatgoever and in the evenl ot his security deposit or any pai
of there ot. The security deposit refered to rvhen paid in cash
may, at the cost of the depositor be covered interest bearing a
secunties provided that the depositors expressly desired in
if the amount of the security deposit to be paid in a lump
within the penod specmed at (A) above is not paid the tender
contract already accepted shall be considered as cancelled and
legalsteps taken against the contraclor lor recovery o the amounls
the security deposit lodged by a contractor shall be rcfunded afrer
the expiry of three months from the date on which the tinal bill is
paid or after expiry of the date uptc which contractor has agreed to
maantain the owkr in gogd order, whicheve. ts ta.
Compenlatlon Clause - 2 The time allowed for carrying out the work as
entered in the tender shalt be striclly boserved by the contractor
and shall be reckened formt eh date on which the order to
commence work is given to the contractor. The work shall through
shall through the siipulated period ot the contract be proceeded
wilh, all due deligence (time being demeed to be the essence of

Contractor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr


the contract on the part ot the contractor) and the contrato

percent or sucn
shall pay as compensation an amount equal to
(Whose decision
amount as the city Engineer/Ex Engr'
in triting att"tt be final) may decided of the amount
of the
by the tender or
sestimatiO post of the whole work as shown
;;il th;i t'he work remains uncommence or unfinished after
progress dunng
the oroper date and further the ensure good
In ail cases in
exeJuting of tne work contractor shall be bound
on emnth to
wfricrr tfri time allowed for any work exceeds
of the work In of the time
do do
oo do
within a particular
Nota :- lThe quantity ot the work to be done
inserted in the blank space
time to be specmed above shall be fixed
;;; l;; i;" purpose bv the officer competent to accept
th€ contracts aft6r takin in to consideration the
of each ca8el
progress laid down by the
and side by the programm€ ot detailed
Executive Engineer
found suitable :
ottim6 ThE following proportion willusually be

of th8 total value of in 1/1 112 314

R€asonable progress of earth work 1/5 112 3t4

Work to be don€ do do of machinery Work 1l1O 1l1O 8l1O

ln the event of the contractor tailing

to comply with these
Do Do an amount
conditions he shall be liable to pay as compensatioin
may decrded of the
iigi.'i'ntto"" a".cion in writting shall be frnal)
Lii estimated cost of the while r'vork
for every day that due
qi"",,V *t"ins incomplete provided atways that the total
l["tu'art* not exceed 10 Percent of total estimated cost of

work as 3hown in ths tender'

thls contracl
Clrure - 3 : In any case in which under clause of
liable to pay
tn-!-"ontt""to|. shalt nave tendeed himslef deposit
lolroensation amounting to the whole of hrs secunty
or in.the
ffi5iiit i" one "u,i o'aeo'a"a bv installments)
i""" J "J ttte work owing to serious rllness or
death of the

ili.iit "l""J"i "i

"i*a """ther
oause lhey citv Engineer' on behalf.of
shall power to adopt anv of the
ii"'niii"i"iot"acotmi$ioner or
il;;;;;r;;",;; he mav deem best issueted to the interest
Aurangabad Municipal Corporation
al To recind the contract for wnich recission
notice in writtlng
iJ tn" rnaer the hand of Executive Engine shall be
;;;.i; "ontlJt
t"'d""* in that case the security deposit of.the-
i'"i'liiii .i"rr "nd and be absolutelv at the deposit of
bl To canv oul the work orany part of the
work departmental'y
lluitlng itt" contractor with the cost of the work expenditure
iluir"i onioor. plant add charges on additional
.ost of work charges establishment employed

City Engineer,/ Ex Engr


for getting unexecuted part of the work completed and crediting

him with lhevalue of thg work done departmentally jn hall respecls
in the same manner and at the same rates as if sit had
been carried out by the contractor under the terms of his
contraclor The certilicate ofthe Execute Engineer as to the work
so done deparlmentally shall be final and conclusive against the
c) To order that lhe work of contractor be measured uD and
to take such part there of as shal be unexecuted out of his hands
and to give it to another aont.actor to complete in which case
ll expgnses incurred on advertisement for fixing a new contraciing
agency of additional supervisorys staft including lhe
contracling ag€ncy additional supervisory staff including the cost
of work chrges sstablishment and the cost of the work executed
by th3 n€w contracl agsncy will be debited to the contractor and
8t the valu6 of the work done or execut€d through the n6w
contractor shall bs cr€dit€d to the contractor in all rsspeqt and in
th€ samo mannor and at ths Eeme rat€s as if it had his contrecl.
The certificate of the Executivg Engineer as to all the cost ot the
work and oth€r allied oxpense incurred as aforesaid aid fo[ or in
getting th€ unexecuted work done by the new contractor and as to
the value of the work done shall by final and conctusive against
in case the contractor shall be reseinded under clause (a)
above the contractor shall not entitled to recover for be naid
any sum for any works thers tor actually pe.formed by him
under the contract unless and untit the Executive Engineer shall
have certificated in writing the performance or such wo.k and the
amount payable to him in respect there of and he shall onlv be
entitle to be paid the amount so certified in the event of eith;r of
course refen€d to ion clause (b) or (c) being adopted and the
cost of the work executed departmentally of through a new
contr.aclor the cost of the work exceeding the value of such
t,ork credited to the contractor by Governmenl under the
contractor or otherwise however orfrom security deposited or the
sale proceeds there of provided however that the conlractor shall
have no claim agains Govemment even il the certified value of
thgwork done departmentally orthrough a new contractor exceed
tho cartified cost of such work and allied expenses Drovided
slways that whichever of the there course mentioned in clause
(8), (b) or (c) iE adopted by the Execulive Engineer the contractor
Ehall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by
him be.reason of his having purchased for pocured any
materials, or entered inlo any engagements or made any
advance on account of orwith a with a view ot the execution lo the
work or the performance to the work or the performance of the
Arffon l|tao 0|. Clauls 4 : if the progress of any particular position ofthe work
Prgr- of rny par. unsatifac,tory The excutive Engineer shall nol wilh standing that
tqrtrr podq| ottr thg gancral progress of the work is accordance wjth conditionE
wo* b u|r|.0llsctory mention€d in cleus€ .2 b6 €ntirsd to tak€ action under clauss 3(b)
after giving the contractor or ,lO
days notice in waiting tite
contEctor will have do claim for compensalion for any loss
sustained by him owiging to suqh action.

Contraclor . City Engineer/ Ex. Engr

(27 \

Conractot tomain Clause 5: In any case ion whcih any of the

powers con{erred
gt."utiu" Lngineer by clause 3 and 4 here of shall have
liable to PaY "*nih"
ol""t" the same stred not have been exercised
comPensation if
ioi "*r"""ur"tt"re"ridof shall not consitute a waiting of at the
aciion not taken in-"
"t"r"i"" such powers shall notie with sanding be
under claule
"i ""0
"""Jiti"i" in"*t * fuiure case ol default by teh contractorfor
iuii"i *o"t "ny
any clausses here of he is declared liable to pay
;;;;;;il;"""ting to the whole ol hrs secuntv deposit and
Power is take
;; ffii;;il" for post & ruture compensalion shall
possession or rcquiG
,"r"i"i'l*nla"a ";"traior
i" the event of the executive Egnin€er taking
removal of the see if he so
contraslor plant unOt, clause (a) or (c) of clause 2 he mav
;;;i;,;k" "ro
possession oi att or anv tools' paints' materials and
si*ein ot op"n tt'e torks or the site there fo'" 9"19"s.:" same lon
allowing for the
iitt""o*ot"nv p"a there of paying notcase of contract rates not
ttt" rates or in the
i.ino el cunent market rates to be c€rtified by the
certifiate there so shallbe finaled the
"ooticaute in
;;;il;i;;";"."hose wnting to
;t"iaiie tte Ltecurie Engineermay attergivrng notice inauthorised
;;;;1;;;il the work' forman or other
"brliof plant materials stores from
r;q rr; nit i".move such tools
"g""inr.miseswithin atim€ to be specified in such notice and in the
fialing to comply with any such reguisition
iie iicecutive gngineer may remov€ them atthe contractor an aI
iit ti.ii" itp"nses of any such removed and the amount
pt"*"lJ ot anv such sale shall be final and
"iiii" ""d;xpence
conclusive against the contrador'
extension ol the time tor
Extenllon ot tlmo Clauso 6 : lf tho contraclor shalldesire as
;;;;;;;;;; tho sround or his havins baen unavoidablv
iiiJlJ in i" "t or on any other ground bo shall apply rn
gt""utiv€ Engineer before the expiry of the penod
*rtt,onn ,o ,ft""t""ution3
of 30 days from the
.tiou-r"i"J in $t" t"no"r or belore the expiration the case
i"i" fi t" hindered as aforesaid or and whrch
i. "ni"n "".
iii occured which ever is earlier and
"-""".ion grounds
ii"luiiu"'gngin"", it in his opinion there were r€asonable
""iJ ;t grant such extension as he thanks
ror gr"i,i; in
n"J".""riot p.p"t"nsion The decision of the Executive Engineer
this matter shall be linat
shall be
Final Certlficate Clau3e ? : On the completion ol the work contractor
(here in after
i"tiJtt"o *Ln *nmcate by the Executive Engineer but no such
;ffi;Jil;;";;n-ctraise or such completion
considered to be
[iii"it" Jai il:siven noistratt the work be from the premises
#;i;;il th;;trac'tor shall have removed surplus
in rJrrcirrtne wo* snallhave been executed allscaffolding
off the idrt frc m all
t"i"iJi.'"io'i"uli"rt, and shall have claned or other parts of any
,"ooJ *oti, doors windows, walis floor
;il;";; ,;;" ;hich the work has been executed or or
ofexecuting the
JiiJ n-e mav";havc trad poss€sion forthe purpoee
il;';;i ;;tiiifu work shall havo been measured bv the
betng binding
iigin."i-in-ctt.tg. the said measurement
lf the contractor shall fail to
and-conclusive against the contracor'
clause as to the remoal
l"ii-r"i"lv-"ii"i requirement of this dirt no
ii turprr. meteriaF and rubish and cleaning of

City Engineer / Ex. Engr'


and before lhe date fixed for the completion of the work the
Engineer-in-Charge may at the expense of the contractor remove
such scaffolding surplus materials and rubish, and dispose of the
same as he thinks fit and clean of such dirt as aforesaid and th
contrac'tor shall pay the amount of all expences so incuned but
shall have no claim in respect of any such scatfolding or surlus
materials as aforesaid except or any sum actually realised by the
Paymsnt ot Inter. sale there of.
medi.te coatifiGato ClautcS: No payment shall be made for any work
to bo Fgrrdad a! estimated to cost lesslhan rupees one thousand aftertha whole ot
advancca work shall been completed and certaficate of completion given but
in the cse of works estimate to cost more then ruDecs one
thousand the colnractor shall one submitting monthly bill there ol
be entitled to received payment proporionaly to the part ol the
work then approved and passed of Engineer-in-Charge. Whose
cerfific€te of such approval and passing of the sum so payable
shall be final and conclusive against the contractor. At such
intermadiate payments only and not as payments for work actully
done and completed and bad dunsoured imperfect unskillfullwork
to be removed or taken away and reconstructed or reconstruc{ed
not shall any such payment be considered as an admission of the
due performance of the contractor or any part there of in any
respecl ot the \accuring of any other way the power of Engincer-ln-
Charge as to the final seitlement and adjustmenl of the accounts
or otherwise, or in any other way very or affect the contract.
The final bill shall be submitted by the contractor within one
month of the date tixed for the completion ot the work otherwise
the Engineer-in-Charge certificate of the measurement and the
total amount payable for the work shall be final and binding on
the pariies.
Paynsrt at taduced Clause 9 ; The rates fro several items of work estimated to cost
rlt€t on Nccounl ot more than Rs. 100 agreed to within shall be valid only whens the
hsm! of woat nd ac. atem concerned dis accepted as having been completed
tully in
cept€d as completed accordance wlth the sanclioned specitication. In casewhether items
to bG !t lhe Enelneor, of the wofk are not acceled as so complete the Engineer-in-Charge
In.Chrrge blll to be may make payment on account of such items at such reduced
rubmlttsd monthly. rates as he consider reasonable in the preparation of final or forr
account bill
Clauro 10A : Bill be submitted by the contractor each month on
or before th6 date fixed by the Engineer-in-charge shalltakc or case
to be taken the requisit measurement for the purposcd ol having
the same verifled and clai, so far as it is admissible shall .diusted
if possible. within ten days from the presentation of the biliif the
contractor does not submit the bi within the item fixcd as
aforesaid, the Engineer-in-Charge may depute a subordiante to
measure up the said work in the presence ofthe contractor or his
duly authorised agent whose concern signaturc to the
measurement list shall be sufllcient warrant and the Engieer_in-
Charge may prepare a bill from such list which shall be bi;ding on
the contrac'tror in resoec{.
Billr to bo on Claulo ll : The contracto shall all bills on the printed forms to
prlnt d form b€ had on allication at the office of Engineer-in-Charge. The aharges

Contraolor City Engine€r / Ex. Engr.


to be read in the bills shall always be entered at rates specifled ion

tender on in the case of any extra work ordered in pursuance of the
conditions and not mentioned or provided for in tender, at lhe rates
h€re in after provided tor such work.

Sto.! suppll€d by Clauss 12 i lf the specificatiooin or estimate of the work

Corpor.tlon provides for the use any special description ot materials to be
supplied from the stores of the Dept. Store if is required that
the contracior shall use cerlian stores to be provided by the
verilied Engineer-in-Charge lsuch malerialat sotres and the prices
to be charged therefore as here in after mention beiong so far aas
in any way to contrrol the measuring on etfeci ot this contract
sDscified in the schedule or memorandum have to annexedl the
contractor shall be supplied with such materials and store as may
be reouired from time to time to be used by him forthe purpose of
the contract only, and the vlaue ofthe full quantity ofthe materials
and stores supplied shall be set off or deducted from any sums
them due or her€ after to become due to the contractor underlhe
contractor otherwise or from the security due to it or the proceeds
of sale lhere of. lfthe security deposit is held ion Government se-
curities, lhe same or a sufficient portion lhere for shall in that case
be soldforthe Durpose All materials supplied to the contraclorshall
remain the absolute property of Government and shall at all times
to be open to ionspeciion by the Engineer-in-Charge. Any such
materials unused and in p€rfectly good condition at the time of
comoletion or determination of contact shall be returned to the
Oepartment store if the Engineer-in-Charge so requires by notice
in wriling gven under his hand, but the contraclor shall not be
Sntitled to return any such materials except with consent or
lhe Eng ineer-in-Ch arge and he shall have no claim for
compesation on account ot any such material supplied to him as
aforesaid but remaining unused by him or for wastage in or
damage to and such materials.
Clau3el2A: All the stores controlled materials such as
cement steel etc. supplied to the contractor by corporation
should be kept by the contractor under lock and key and will be
accessible forinspection bythe Executive Engineeror his agent all
the time.

Whlroevcr rxecuted Clause'13 : The contractor shall execute the whole and every
ln rccordrncs with oart of the work ion the most substantial and work in the mos
!pcclflcrllon! substantial and workman like manner, and bolhe as regards
drawlngr odor etc. materials and every other respect in strict accordance with
specifications. The contractor shall also confirm exaclly, fully and
faithfully to the designs, drawing and instructions in writing re'rting
to the work signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and lodgsd in his
offica end to which the conlrac'tor shall be entitilEd to have access
tor the purpose of inspection at such office or on the site of the
work during offica hours. The contractor will be entitled to receive
three sgts of contrat drawing and working drawings as tYell order
fee of cost. Fourth copies of the contractor drawings and working
drawing it required by him shall be supplied a the rate of 20 preset
of contract draiwng and Rs. per working except where otherwise

Contrastor City Engineer / Ex. Engr.


Alterrllon ln Claure 14: The Engineer-in-Charge shall have power to

lpeclflcltlon rnd make any alteralion or addition to the origional specification
d6lgn nol to Invite drawing desgins and instructions that may appear to him to
date contract! necessary o. advisable during lhe progress of the work and the
contractor shall be bound to carry out the work in accordance with
any instructions in this conneclion which may be given to him in
wTiting signed by th€ Engineer-in-charge and suchd alteration shall
Ril€t for wort not not invalidate the contraclo and any additional work which lhe
cntcrld In ortlmie contractormays be dierected to do in the mannerabove specefied
of lc|llduh ot rdo same condtions in all respec{ on which be agreed to do the main
of tho dlstrclt work. And if the addtiional and altered work ioncludes any class ot
work for which on raie is speqified in this contrast than such class
of work shall canied out at the rat€s entered in the schedules of
rates entered ln teh schedules ot rates of divisions at the rates
manually agreed upon between the Engineer-in-charge and the
contractor, whichever are lower. lfthe additionalor altered work for
whcih no tate is entered in the schedule of rates ot the Division is
ordered to be carried out before rates are agreed upon the
contractor shallwithin seven days ofthe ddate of receipt by him of
lhe order to carry out wor, in shall be notice in writing be a liability
top cancel his order to carry out such class ofwork and arrange to
carry out in such manner as he may consider advicable.
Provided always that if the contractor shall had been determined
as lastify herein before mentioned than in such case he shall only
be entitiled to be paid in respect of the work carried out or
expenditure incuned by him prfior to the date of the determination
ofthe rate al aforesaid according to such rate for rates as shallbe
fixed by the Engineer-in-cahrge in the event of a disput, the
decision ot the city Engineer/Ex. Engr. will be final. Whsre
howeve( the work is to be executed according to the designs
drawings and specifications recommended by the contractor
and accepted by the competent authority the alterations above
referred to shall be with in the scope of such design, drawangs and
specificalions eppended to the tender
Extondon3 ot tlme The time limit for the comptetion of the work shall be extended in
tin contequcnce of the proporation lhat the increase in its cost occasioned by the
additlon or altenation or additaon borne io the cost of the origional contract
altsrnatlo!. work and the certificate ot the Engineerin-charge as to such
Proportaon shall be conclusive.

l{o chln to y Clause d-15 : lf at any time after the exection of the contract
pryment of document the Engineer shall for any reason what so ever (Other
compemation for than degault on the part ofthe contractor for which the corporation
.ltsm|tlon ln or is entiiiled to the recall the Contract) that the whole or any part of
r€flc{on ot work. the work spscified in the tender should be suspended for any
period or that the whole part ofthe work specified ion lender should
be suspended for any period or that the whole or part of the work
should be carried out and all he sahllgive the contractor a notice jn
wriging of such d€Bire and upon the receipt of such notice the
contrac,tor shall torewith suspended or stop ihe work wholly or in
part required after having due regsrd to the appropriate stage at
Mrich the work should be stopped or suspended so as not to caus

Contraclor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr

(31 )

damage or injury to the work already done or in danger the satety

there of provide that the decision ofthe Engineer as to see sate at
which the work or any part of it could be could have against the
contractor. The contractor shall have no claim to any payment
compensation r^/hat eer by reason otor in persurance ofany notice
as atoresaid, or accoul ofany suspension stoppage orcurtailment
excegt of the extent specified here in after.
(2\ where the total suspension of work ordered as aforesaid
continued fora continuous period exeeding 90 days the contractor
shall be liberty to with draw from the contractor obilgalions under
lhe conlracl so far as it pertain lo the unexecuted part ot the work
by giving a 10 days of the expiry of the said period of 90 days ot
such intention and required the Engineer yo record the flnal mea-
surement ofthe work already bond and to pay final bill upon givang
such notice the contractor shall be damedto have been discharged
from his obligation to complete the remaining unexecuted work
under his contracl. On receipt of such notice the Engineer shall
proceed to complete the measuremenl and make such payment
as may be finally due to the conlractor within a period of 90 days
from the recaipt ofsuch notice in respect ot the work already done
by the contraclor to any further compensalion underthe remainang
orovisions of this clause.
(3) Where Engineer required contractor to suspend the
word for a period in excess of 35 days at any time for 60 days in
the aggregate the contractor shall be entitled to apply such
suspension for payment of compensation to the extent of
pecuniary loss suffered by him in respect of working
machinery rendered already or wages of labour engaged by
him during the said period of suspension proided always that
the contractor shall not be entitled to pay any claim in respect of
any such working machinery salary or wages for the first 30
days whenever consecutive or in the aggregates gf such
suspension or in respected of any suspension whatsoever
occasioned by unsatisfactory work or any other dafault on this
part. The decision of the Engineer in this regard shall be final and
conclusive against the contrac:tor.

' llo cldn b (4) In the event of

conprnutlon on
rccount of lo|3 due
i) Any total stoppage do work on notice from the Engineer
undersub clause 11 that behlaf.
to del.y In lupply
d m!Hd. by
ii) With drawl by the contrator form the contractual obligation
to complete the remaining unexecuted work under sub clause [2]
on account ofcontinued suspension of work for a period exceeding
20 days.
iii) Curtaliment in the quanitty of items originally tendered
eccount of any alteration, commission or substitutions in the
spocifications, drawings designs, or instructions under clause 14

Contractor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr


[1] where such curtaliment exceeds 25016 in quantity and the value
of the quantity curtailed beyond 25 percent at the rates for the itme
specitied in the tender is more than Rs. 5,000.
It shall be open to the contyractor, within 20 days from the
of (i) the notice of stoppage of or the notice of withdrawl from
{ii} the
conlractual obligatioins under the contract on account of lhe
contanued suspension of work or.
iii) notice under clause 14 (1) resulting in such curtailment to
produce to the engineer satisfaciory documentry evidence
thal the
had purchaeed of agrced to purchase material for use in the
contrasted work before receipt by him of the notice of stoppage
suspension or cutailment and requie the corporation to take ov;r
on payment such materialat the rates determined bythe Engineer,
provided however Such ates shall in lo case exce;d
the rat€ (ai
which the same was acquired so offered provided he quantity
offered are not in the accepted tender and a.e of qualitv an;
specification approved by the Engieer
" ilo ddn to ClauselsA; The contractor shall not be entite to claim anv
copmpnrallon on compensation form corporation for lhe loss suffered bv him o;
mcount of loer duo account of delay by corporation in the supply of materiat; entered
to &hy In &pply ot in schedule.Awhere such detay is caused by (i) Difficulties relation
nNt!tula by Gort to th€ supply of ahrays waggons. (ii) Force major (iij)Act ofgo (jv)
Atofanimals of the state of anyother reasonable cause beyond the
conrol of corporation.
In the case delay in the supply ofmaterials, corporation shall
grantsuch extension oftimeforthe completjon ofthe work as
appeaE to the Executive Engineer as to the extension of tiome
thall be accepted as final by the contrador
Tlme llmlt fot Clauso 16: Under no cicumstances what ever shall the con-
unioraaaon Cldnr lractor the entitled to any compesation from Government on anv
ac@unt unless, lhe contraqor shall have submitted a claim i;
wrirting to the Engieer-in-charge within one month ofthe cause of
such claim occouring.
Action lnd
Clause {7 : lf as any time before ihe security deposit is refunded
to lhe contraclor is shall appear to the Engineer-in-charge or his
pry.bb in c|rc ot
subordinate incharge ofthe workthat anywork has been extended
bd Ytork
with unsound imperfect or unskill if workmanship or with materials
or ionterior quality, orthat any malrrjals orarcicles provided bv him
for the execution of the work are unsound or of a qualitv infeior to
ihe conlractor of lhe or are otherwise not in accordnce with the
contract it shall be lawful to the Engineer-in-charge to intimate the
fat in writting to the conlractor and than not with standing the fact
the work materials or articles comptained of may have been in
ad€tently passed certified and paid for the contractor shall be bo! ,nd
fodhwith to rectify or remove and reccnstructthe work so specified
in whole or in part as the case ma require, or it so r€quired shall
remove th6 materials articles so specified and provide otherproper
and euitabls materialE or articles at his wn charge and cost an in
lho event ofhis fai ing todo sowithin a period to b; specified bythe
Engtneer{n-charge may rectify, or remove and recruit the work or
remove and repalce the materials or arlicle complained of as the
case may be at the risk and expense in all respects of the
contrac{or should the Engineer-in-charge constder that any such
Intenorwork or materials as de

Contrac'tor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr


scribed above may be accepted such reduced rates as he may fix

there of.
Wo.t to be opcn In Cleuse 18 :
All works under are ion course of execution or
inspecllon executed in oresence on the cont.actor or shall sl nil tims be open
to the inspection and superviion of the Engineer-in-charge and his
subordinaies and the contractor shall at all times during the usual
working hours, and all ohter times at which reasonable notice of
the intention ofthe Engineer-in-charge and his subordinate to visit
the work shall has been given to the contractor either himself by
pEsent to r€ceive orders and instruclion orhave a responsible agent
duly credit€d in writting percant for that purpose. Others given to
ih6 contraclor either hims€lf be pres€nt to receive orders and
imtrudion or have a responsible agent duly credited in within present
for that purpose, others given to the contrators self authorised agent
shall be condidered to have lhe same forece and effesl as if they
had been given to the contractor hm self.

Contrtctor Clsus 19 : The contractor shall give not less than five days
.elponrlble ,ganl notice in writtin tot he Engineer-in-charge or hsi usbordinate
to be pre8ent in charge of the work before covering up or otherwise planning
beyond the reach of measurement any wor in order that the same
Notics to be glvm my be moasured and conect dimensions there of taken before
befors rvorl covgrld th6 same is so converted up to place beyond the reach of
up. measurement any work without the consent in writing ot the
Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate in charge of the work and if
any work shall be corered up r€placed beyond the reach
of measurement without such be uncovered at the contractors
exDense wor or for the materials with which the same was
Contrrctor ll$1. to. Chu.e 20 : lf during the p6riod Two years from the date of
Dtm{a donc rnd tor compl€tion a c€rtifi€d by ths Enginesr-in'charge perc€nt ot clause
Two yo!r'! rttat 7 of the contrac,tor or monthly ysar aftor commissioning lhe work
csrllllclta whlchevor cart€r in th€ opinion ot ht6 Executiv€ Engineerthe said
work is defsc'tlv€ in any mann€r whatsoev€r the contrac{or shall
lorlhwith no ruc€ipt of notios in that b€ behslf from the Execuitve
Englneer duly commsnc€ oxocution 8nd complotely carry out at
hl! cost In rvery rcSpect at 9ll the work that be nece8sary for
rcotlfying & ssttlng rlght the dst3 3pecifisd there in strictly in
ecoordanco wlth 8n In th6 manner prescrib6d and under the
supcrvblon of th6 Exocutive Enginoer in th6 evgnt olthe contractror
tsilling n6glscling to commencs execution reciification work within
th€ period plescrib€d notice and/or to complete the same as
aforssaid notice the Executiv€ Engineergetthe cut departmentally
or by any other agency oflhs and at the cost ofthe contractor' The
contraqtor demand pay to corporation. The amounl of such cost'
exgns€ sustained or incurred by the Government certificate of the
Executive Engineer shall be contraclor such cases charges and
exoenses shSllarears of land revenue and in the event of ngelecting
to pay the same on demand as aforesaid any other right and
remedies ofthe recoeve.ed from the contractors as arears of land
revenue. The Government entitled to deduct the same from any
amount which payable by the corporation to contractor said work
or any otherwork whatsoever or from said work or any other work
whatsoever or from security deposit.

Contractor City Engineer / Ex. Engr


Contndof ro artlt C'!,t'[zl ? The contEctor shall Eupply at hir own cost all
phnt ldd.ra matarial lexcrpt such 6pecial malerials, if any as may in
tcitoldln! .ic. accodance lih the contract be supplied from lhe Sloresl plants'
tools, appiiance€ imptemerfs laddets cordage tock'e scaffolding
and temporary wotks requisite or proper execution or the work
ufiethsr in O€ original altered or substituted f.om and whether
Ar|d b lhblr b indud€d in the EDecification are other doc-uments forming papers
dm{3| rltlng of th6 contrac'tor or refErred lo in these conditions ornot and which
from norlrovblon ot may b€ nece$ary for the purpose ot satisfying or employing with
llehlr, hnd||e .ia th€ rgquiremsnt of the Engineer-in-charge as to any matter as to
which underthese conditions he is entitled to be satisfied which he
E antitled to require together with the caniage thereofto and from
the work. The contraclor shall also supply without charge the
requisite number of persons with the means and materials
nec€saary for the purpose of setting out works and counting
reighting and assisting in the measurement orexamination at any
tim€ and from timeto time of the work so the materials failing which
th€ same may be provided by the Engineer-in-charge at the
exDense of the contraclor and lhe expenses may be deducted from
any month due to ths contraclor under the contrac:t or from his
security dep$it or the proceed ol sale there of or of a sufiicient
porlion there of. The contractor shall provide all nec€ssary facility
8nd lights required to protecl lhe public trom accident and shall
also be bound to bear the expenses of defence of every suit, action
or order legal proceeding that may be awarded in any which may
b€ awarded in any such suit, action or proceeding to any such per-
ron or with the consent or the conlractor be paid compromising
any clalm or any such person.
Claule 2l A : The Contracior shall provided suitable scaffolds and
worling ptatforms gangway and stairways and sha comply with
the following regulation in contraclor lhere with.
WoIk suitable scaffolds thall be provided for allworks that can not
be safsly done from a ladder or by other means.
b) A scafiold thall noi be contEc'ted taken down or substangilay
altered exceDt.
i) Under the supervision of a compelent and responsible
person and.
ii) as far aas possible by competent works p.ossesing edauqte
experience in this kind ofwork.
c) A scafiold, arid applicance connected there with and
ledders shall.
i) r be of sound material.
ii) be ol adquate strengh having tegard to the laods .nd strains
to which theywillbe sujbected and
iii) be maintained in proper condition.
d) Scaftold shall be construcled that no port there of can be
displaced in consequence ot normal use.
e) Scaffolds shallnot be overloaded and so for as practicable
the load shall evently distributed.

Contraclor C y Engineer / Ex Engr


0 83fore installing gear on scaffolds special precuation shall

dc bkan to ensure the strength and shallcity ot the scaffold
g) Scattolds shall be periodically iNpected by a competent
h) Before follo ring a scaffold to be used by the workmen the
contractor shall where the scatfolds has been created by his
u,orkEmen or not take a stap to ensure that it complies fully
the Bgulations have in Epecifiod.
i) Wofiing plattorm, stan rays sha',
i) be so consfuc'ted thal no parlthere ofcan equally or unequally

ii) be so conslrcted and mentioned having regard to the

prafalling conditions as to reduce as fot
as Draclicable risks of persons tripping or slipping and
iii) be kept free from any uncessary obstruction'
i in the case of working platform, gangway working
end slairways at a height exceedings . .
Cfo be specified)
i) Very working platform and every gangway shall be
closely beared unless other adequte
measures are taken to ensure safey
ii) every wo*ing platlom gangway shall have adequate
width and.
iii) every working platform, gangway working
placed and
slairway shall be suitable fenced.
k) Everv opening in the floor of a building or in a working
oiafior- excepi for ttre time and to the extent required to
materiai be
!il*" in" et"""" of person ofthe transpon of shifting of persons
;rovided w h suitible means to prevent the fall of
l) When DeGon are employed on a or of where there is a
ianoer'ot iaitiing form a height exceeding 10 meter suitable
plciutions sftaff-ue takento pr;vent the tallol persons or material
Cfo be prescribe)
m) Suitable precaution shsllis be taken to preventpersons
#r* Uv arfLfe's
might tall from scaffolds or other working
nl Safe means of across shall be provided to all working
olatroms and other working places.
o) The contraclor (s)willhave to make paymentstothe labour
es 99r Minimum Wages Act
Chur! 2l B : The contractor shall comply with the following
by hrm
regutation as regards the housing appliances to be used
s) Hoisting machines and take, including thcir attachments
arange and supporls shall
i) Be ot good mechanical construction sound material and
idequate strength and free from
oetent defecl
ii) be kept in good repair and in good working order and
b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering matenal or as a

City Engineer / Ex. Engr.


msans of suspension shall be ot suitable quantity and adequate

strsngth and free patent defecl.
c) Hoisting machines and table shall be examined and
adequalely tested atter execution on the site and before use and
her€ examined posilion at intervals to be prescribed by the
d) Every chain right hookshackle swived and pulley block used
in hoisting or lowring materials or as a means of suspension shall
b€ periodically examined.
e) Every crane driver or hoisling apliance operator shall be
properly qualified.

0 No person who is belowthe age ot Eighteen years shallbe

in control of any hoisting machine, including a scaffolds which, or
give signals lo the operator.
g) In the case of every hoisting machine and of every chain
ring hook shackle swived and pulley block used in hoisting or
low€dng or as meang of suspension, the safe working load shall
be a8 c€rlaisned by adequate me as.
h) Every hoisling machine and all gear refered to in
proc€oding regulation shall be plainly marked with the safe working
i) In th€ case of hoising machine having a varning safe
vtotking load aech safe working load and the conditiom under rvhich
it i8 aplicebl€ shell bs clearly indicated.
j) No part of any hoisting machine or any gear refered to in
r8guletion abov6 be loeded beyond the safe working load except
for the purposs oft€sting.
k) Motors gering transmission, electric wiring and other
dangerous part of hobting appliance shallbe provided with efficient
safe guards.
l) Hoisting appliance shall be provided with such means as
willt€duce to a minimum the dsk ofthe accidental decent of load.
m) Adequale appliance shallbe taken to reduce in minimum
the risk ofany parlofa suspended load becoming accidentalofth
Iterrur$ fol Clsure - 22 : The contractor shall not taken sat fire ro anv stand-
Dntrcntlon of fir! ingjungle trees, brushwood or grass without a writend permission
from a City Enginser/Ex. Engr
When such permit is given, and also in all cases when
distroying cut or due up trees brush wood grass etc by fire, the
conlractor shall take necessary measyres to prevent such fire
spreading to or othenivise demaging surounding property.
The contractor shall made his own arrangements for
drinking water for lhe labour emploued by him.
Lhbilty ot contnctor Chure - 23 i Compensation for all damages dome intentiona u
bt any &mgr donc or uninlentionally be contractors labour whether in o. beyong the
In or out rldc worl. limits of property including any damages caused by rhe apreading
Nrc, of fire mentioned in claused 22 shall be estimated bv the
Engineer- in-charge or 6uch other otticer as he amy appoini and
estimates ot Engineer-in-charge subject to the decion of the
Administrator commissioner on appeal shall be final and
contractors shall be bound to pay the amount of the accessed

Contraclor City Engrneer / Ex Engr.


comDensation on demand falling which the same will be
in clause
from the contraclor as damages in the tender prescribed
ordeducted bythe Engineer-in-charge from anysums that may
due or become due irom the contractor under this contract
The contract of shall bear the expenses of defending any
astion or other legal proceedings that may be brought by
person for iniury sustained by him owning to neglect of precautions
io oervent the spread of fire and the shall pay damages aby cost
that may be awarded by the court in consequence'

Employenent of male Clauge 24 : The employement of femal labours on words |on

far as
hbour, neighbour hood of soldier banack should be avoided as

Wo not to bs Clause 25 : No work shall bdone on a sunday without the

!ubJect sanction in writing of the Engineer-in-charge
Claus€ 26 The contract shall not be assingned or subject
' Contnct may be without the written approval of the Engineer-in-charge if the
rssclnded rnd 3o too do
contractor shell a$ign or Eubject his contract ot attempt
slcutrlty dapollt fro or become insolvent or commence any proceedings
to get himself
tlsted tor sublstlng lt creditors'
adiusted and insolvent or make any compositionwith his
wlihout lPProval or reward or
or attempt so to do or if bribe gratuity gift loan, requisite
for blndlng a Publlc or indirectly
advantage pecuniatry orothsrwise shall either directly
offlcor ot lf contnctor
be given promised or offered by the contractor or any or
bocomg! In3olvsnt employ of
serv:ants or agents to any public officer or person in the
corporation in any public office or employment or if any such
Son psylblo bY wlY indirectly in
ol comp€n!allon to officer or person shall become in any way directly or
bo conlldored a! reiected in the contract the Engineer-in-charge may thereupon
Uy notice in writing receind the contract and
the security deposit ol
r!!aonsble at
compsn!ltlon t;e contractor shallthereupon standsforfieted and to absolutely
wlthoui r€felence to the disposal of corporation and the same consequences
under clause 2
lctull lou ChlrgeE ensures as if the contract had been resended
ln tho a conrtructlon there of and in addition the contractor shall not be entitled
performed under
of fltm to iecover or ue paia torany work therefore actuslly
bo notlflsd the contract.
Clause2T: All sus payable by a contractor by way ol
considerd as
comoensation under any olthese conditions shallbe
a reasonable compensation to e applied to the use
of Government
without reference to the actual loss or damage sustained
damage has or has not be sustained'
Clauss 28 :
In the case of tender by partnera any charge
in the

constitution of a firm shall be forthwith notified by the contractorto

the Engineerin-charge of hsi information'

' Wo.k! io bo under Cl.ulo 29 : All r^rorks to be executed under the constract shall
in all
dkrctlon ot CltY be executed under the direction and subjet to the approval
for the time
EnglnoerlEr. repects of the City Engineer/Ex Engineer of the circle
Ex, Englneer b;ing who shalle;titled to direcl atwhat point orpoints and in what
manner they are to commence and trom time to time carned

Dsclrlon of
Clause 30 :
Except where otherwise specified in the contract
and subject to the powers delegated to him by corporation
City Engr / Ex.
the code rules than inforce the decision of the City Engineer/Ex
Engr. ofthe corporation lor thetime being shallbefinal Conclusive
to be linal

Contractor city Engineer / Ex. Engr


and binding on allparlies ofthe contract upon allquestions relating

to the meaning ofthe.
"Slo.es of European Specification design, drawing and instructions here in before
or Anerican mentioned as ti abt itegr quality workmanship of materioals used
manuf8clure to be on the work or as to any other question claim, right matter or thing
obtained from what oever in anyway arising outof relating to the contract designs
colporao0n drawings, specification, estimates, instruction s order, or these
conditions, or otherwise concerning the works of the on the
execution of failure to execute the same. Wether arrising during
the progress of the work, of after the completion of abandonment

Lum susm ln Clauge 3l : The contractor shall obtain from the cgrporation store
estlmales allstores and articles of European of American manufacture which
may be required there for of in connection there with unless he
has obtaned permission in writing form the Engineer-in-charge to
obtain such sotres and article else where. The value of such
stores and articles as mays be supplied to the cotnractor the
Engineer-in-charge willbe debited tolhe contraclorin his acountant
the rates shown in the schedule in form. A attached to the contract
and iflhey are notentered in said schedule they shallbe debited to
him at cost price which otthe purpose ofthis contract shallinclude
the cost ofcarriago and ell other expences whatsoeve( which shall
have been incurred in obtaining delivery of the sam€ at the stores

Ac-tlon Y{hg|€ Clauro 32: Wh6n the estimate on which a tender is made
!p3clflcrtlon! includes lump in resp€cl of parts of the works thg cotnractor for
shall be enlitled to payment in respecl ofthe items of work inovolved
or the part of the work in quick action at the same rates as are
payable unde this contract of for each items, or if the Dart of the
work in question is not in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge
capable of measurment the Engineer-in-charge at his discreation
pay the lump sum amount eslimate, and the certificated in writing
on the Engineer-in-charge shall be finaland conclusive againstthe
contraclorwith regard to any sum or sumss payable to him under
the provisons of this clause.

Dolination of Clause 33 r In the case of andy class work torwhich there is no

work, such specification as is mentioned in rule 1 such work shall be
carried out in accordance with the Divisional specification then such
case the work shall be carried out in all respect in accordance wilh
all instructions and requirements of the Engineer-in-charge.
Contractorg Clauee 34 : The expression work or work where usbd in these
percentage whsthor conditions shall unless there be cometisng in the subjet or contract
spplied to not tor repugnant to such constructions , be contruc{ed lo main the work
orott smount of blll. of work contraq'tsd to b6 executed under or in virtue of the contract,
wh€ther temporary or permanent and where origional altered,
substituted or addlionel,

R.fund of qurry Clause 35 : Th6 porcontage refered to ion th€ tender shall
toer any .oyrltlor deducted from added tot he gross amount of the bill before
dedlcting the value ot any stock is used
Clause36: Allquarryfees royaltytax, and ground rer forstiacking
materials, if any should be paid bythe contractorwho wi however

Cgntractor City Engineer/ Ex. Engr.


be entitled to refund ot such ot the carges as are permissible

entitled underthe rules, on obtaining a cer{ificate from the refund of
such that materials were quired tor use on corporation work.
Conpgnrrtlon Clauso 36 ; The contactor shall be responsible forand shallpay
under worldng's any compensation to his workmen payable underthe owrk-men's
compantdion Aci. compensation Acl l223 (A) llof 1223 hereinafrer called the saidAd
for injuries caused to the workmen. lf such compensation is
payable paid by corporation as principal under sub-section (1) of
section '12 of the said act on behlaf of the contractor under
subscription (2) of the said seclion such compensation shall be
recover€d in the manner down in clause 1 above.
CluNso 37 A ; Ths contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay
they expenses of providing medical ald to any workman who may
suffer a body iniury as a result of an accident if such expense are
incurred by corporation the same shall recoverable form the
contrctor forht with and be deducted without prejuice to any other
rem€dy of corporation from any amount due of the may be come
due to the contractor.
Cl.uso B : The contraclor shall provided all necessary personal
safety equipment and lirst aid appears as available for the see ot
the persons employed on the site and shall maintian the same in
condition suitable for immediate use at any shall comply with the
following regulations in connection there with.

[a] The worke shall be required to use the eqipments so

provided byteh contractorand the contractor shall take sadequate
stops to ensure proper use of lhe equipments bythese concerned.

tbl When work is carried on in peaimity to any place where

there is a risk or drawing all necessary equipment shall be
prcvided and kept readyforuse end all nece$4ry step be taken for
lhe prompt rescue ot any person in danger
[c] Ad€quate pr€vious shall be made for prompt tirst aid
ireatmsnt of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of

Gllrm tol qu.nll0.r Chu3e 38 : Ouantities shown in the lender are approximate and
anLrad ln tha no claim shall be nolelineds tor quantities ot work executed bsing
to|ldgr ot ..0mdat. ther€ more less than these entered ion the t€nder or estimate.
Quantities in respecl of the soveral items shown in the tender are
approximate and no revision in the lender are approxamate and no
revision in the tendered are shall be permittedin respect of any of
the items to long as subject to any special provisjons contained in
the specifications precribing a different percentage of permissible
variation ofquantity ot the item does not exceed the tendcr quantity
be more than 25 perc€nt and so long as the alue of thc cxccss
quantily beyong his limit at the rate of the item specitied in the
tender is not more than Rs. 5,000.
The contreclor shall if order in writing bythe Engineer soto do also
carry out any quantities in excess of the limit mentioned in sub
clause I here of on the same conditions and in accordance with
specification in the tender and the retes lil derived from the rates
iontened in the current schedule of rates and in the absence of
such rates [ii] at the rate prevaling in the market the said rates
being increased or decreased as the case may be by the
percentage which the total tendefed amount based to the

Contractor City Engineer / Ex. Engr.


$timated cosl of the work a3 put to tender based upon the

schodule of rates applicable io the year in which tenders were
invitcd for leh purpos€ of operation of this cost shall be taken to
be Rs....................................-inwords
claim arising out ot
reduciion in the lendered quantity of any item beyond 25 percent
will bo coveted by the provision of clausc 15 only when the amount
of such reduction beyond 25 perccnt at the ot the item specifled in
Employnrnl ot the tender is more than 5,000.
hnlnc labour rE, Ct.uro 39 : The contraclor shall Gmploy eny famione convictor
other labour of particular kind ofclass il ordered in writing to do so
Cldm for by the Engineer-in-charge.
compcmdlon tot
delay In arcq oln ot
clause 4l :
No compensation shall allowed for any delay in the
execution ofthe woR on account of water, standing in borrow pits
or compartments. The rates are inclusive for hard or cracked soil,
excaation in mud, sub oilwater sianding in borrow pits and no cliam
tor an extra rates shall be chirloned unle$ otherwise espicially
lpon or
conmon In
y Clauso,l2 : The contractor shall not enter uDon or commence
podon ot uo||C any portion of work except with the written authority and
instrudions oflhe Engineer-in-Charge or ot his subordinate in charge
ofthswork, failing such authoritythe contractor shall have so claim
to ask for measurement of payment of work.
Minimum ag€ of p€rsons employed thc employed the employment
ofdonkeys and or other animal and the paymenl ot fair wages.
Clause43: lil No contractor shall employ any pe6on who is
under lhe age of 1 2 years

liil No contractor shall employ donkeys or other animals with

br€aching otstring orthin rope, the dbreachinsding most ofthe est
three inchest wide and should be tape Nawar.
[iii] No animalsuffering from stores, limenes or emaciatonor which
i8 immature 8hall be employed on the work.

livl The Engin€er-in-Charge or his agenl is authorised to remove

trom the work any psrEon or animalfound working which does not
8eliEfy the8e conditions end no rcsponsibility shall be accepted by
corporation for any delay caused in the completion the work by
auch removal.

[v] The conlractor shall pay fair and responsible wages to the
workmen employed by him the contract underlaken by him. In the
event of any dispute arising between the contractor and his
lvorkman on the grounds that the w.grs paid are not fair and
responsible the dispute shall be referred without delay to the
Executive Engineer who shall decided the same. The decision of
tho Exe. Engineer shall be conclusive and binding on the
contractor bus such decision shall not in any way effect the
condition inthe contract regarding the Fyment to be made by Govt.
at the sanctioned tender rates.

lvil Conkaclor shall provide drinking wster facilities to the works

similar amenities shall be provided to workors engagcd on large
work in lrban arcars.
Clau9e44: Payment ot contractor shall be made by cheque
drawn on any treasury within the division convenient to them
provided the amount exceeds Rs. l0 will be paid cash.

Contracior City Engineer / Ex. Engr.

(41 )

Acceptlnca of Clause45: Any contraclor who does not acceptthees condjtons

condlfion shall not be allowed.
conpul$ty bgfora Chuse 46 : lf Govt. declares a state of security or famine to axis
tenderlng in any village sistanied within 10 mils of the w6rk the con(racror
smploymont of shall employ upon such parts of the work as are suitable for
seclrity lrbou,. unskilled labourany person certified to him bythe Exe. Engrneeror
by any person to whom the Exe. Engineer may delegated this duty
in writing tobe I need of relief and shall be found tb pay to such
person wage. (not below teh mionimum which Ggvt may have fixed
in this behalt Any dissputes which may anse In connection with the
implementaion be final binding on the contractor.
Clause 47 : The price quantd by the contractors not in any case
exceed the control price if any fixed by corporation of reaonaDte
price whcih it is permissible fro him to charge a private purchaser
lor the same ctass and descnption lhe controled pnce or the price
permissible under Hoarding and profitering prevention ordiance
1948 as amended from time to time ifthe price quoted exceeds the
conlrolled price ol the price permissible under Hoarding and
profitering prevention ordiance the contractor will speciiica y
mention thisfact in his tenderalongwilh the reason forquoting such
higher price. The purchaser at his discreation will in such case
exercise the right or revising the priced at any stage so as to
conform wih lhe controlled priced on the permissible under the
Hoarding and profitofing prevention Ordiance. Thas discreation will
be exercised without prejudice to any otherac,tion that may be taken
a9ainst the contractor
Claura48 i The rates to be quoted by th€ contractor must be
inclusive of sales Tax No. exta payment on this account will be
made to the contractor.
Caulo 50 : The contractor shall employ at least 80 percent of
the total numberof unskilled labours to be employed by him on the
said work from out of teh perbosodjnary reviding in the district in
which site of the side work is location.
Provided however that if the required number of unskilled labour
from thal district not available. The contractor shall in the first
instynac€ employ such numberofpersons as is avialable and there
after may with the previous permission in writing of the City
Engineer/Ex. Engineer in cha.ge ofthe said work obtain the rate of
lhe requirement of unskilled labourtrom outside district.
Clause 5l : Wages to be paid to the skilled and unskilled labours
engaged by the contractor
The contractor shall pay the labours skilled according to the wages
prescribed by the minimum wages Act. applicable to the area in
which lhe work oi the contractor is progress.
Clause 52: All amounts whatsoever which the contractor is
liable to pay to the Corporation in connection with the execution of
the work including the amount payable in respect of (1) material
€nd or stores supplied / issued he reunder by the Corporation to
th€ contractor (2) hire charge in respect of leave plant, Machinery
& Equipment given on which advance have been given by the
Corporation lo the contractor shall be deemed to be arrears of Land
Revenue and the Corpo.ation m8y without prejudice to any orner
right and remedies ollhe Corporation the same from the contracto
a3 arears of reene-.
Clause 53 : The sucessful tender will be reouired to Droduce to
the satisfaction of the soecified concerned authoritv a valid and
concerned authoritv a v;lid consequent licence issued tn favour
under the provisons ol the contracl, labour (Regulation and
Abolition Act 1970 before standing the wor on failure to do so the
acceptance ofthe tender should be liable to be wjth drawn and atso
earnest money.

Conlrac'tor City Engineer / Ex. Engr.



Scheduls showing (approximalely) tha materlalto be suppli.d from the

StorB for works contracled to sxcqlled and prelimincry .nd encilary
work end the raias at whidr lhey aro to be cherged for

Rat6 at which th6 materiels will bs

cherge to the contractor
Particulars Place of Deliv6ry
In figursg
Rs. Ps.
ln wordS


Nota : The peEon or firm submitting the tender should, see that in the above Schedule
ate fill€d up by Exe. Enginesr-in-charge on lhe issue of the form prior to the
Eubmi$ion of the tender.



Memorandum 3hovring itsms of vrork ot be caniod out

Quantilies Totalamount
Estimated Rates
Item estimated but accoding lo
It€m of work Unit
No. may b6 more estimated
in figures in words
t6aa Quantitie3



(Schedule Attached Separatoly)

Noia: 1) All works shall be canied out a8 per Hand bookend oth€r
spocificalion! of the Divbion or a8 diroc{ed.
2l Ratos quot€d Include cbano€ of site (prior commenc€m€nl of work and at
dost) in all r€specls and hold good for work under all sit€ wtsalhet
Not€ : To bo oontinued on edditional sheats if found nsces8ary

( 441

1. In case the contracior quote3 more than% bellow the percentage rate than the
estimated rates in specilied space at page No.22 th contractor will have to pay
Additional security deposit equaito the amount ot difference bettrcen % quoted by
him and the amount of 10% above additional security deposit which will have to be
produced in shape of C.D.R. before the letter of acceptance of lender is issued by
this office. The additional security will be released along with the final bill in case the
additional security. Deposit is not paid lhe amount of E.M.D. will be forteited to
It iscompulsory for conractor to Eubmit paid certillcate issued be the collector, Nanded
for royaities quarry fees before completion ofthe work oras and when demanded by
city engineer
Contractor shall take out neceasary insurance policy/policies (viz. contractor
insurance policy Ereclion all risks insurance policy etc as decided by the directorate
to insurance) so as to provide adequate insurance cover forexecution of the awarded
contracl work tor total @ntrac't value and complete contract period compulsory from
the'Directorate of insurance, Maharashlra state Mumbai" only.
Allworkmem appointed to complete the contract work are required to bs insured
underworkmem's @mpensation insurance policy. Insuranc€ lf any contractor have
eftecled insurance with any oth€r insurance companylhe same willnot b€ eccapted
andth€ amount ofpromium calculaled by th€ Direclor of insuranc€ willbe recovered
Direclor of insuranc€ 3 will b6 rocovered directly form the amount payable to the
contrac,tor tor ths executod conlra work.

Executive Engineer,
Contractor (PWD) N.W.C.l\r.C., Nanded.
ilsq ffq Fqi-or fr\,-a/?ogo/q F o c/g!-?

8.8 $qrf,rfrtq wlql qo awrim 31ff6 T{Ii ofr srsd@r ftfl+Er nq

srerl-rT siql fuFft rtEqfd E$fr qFffi€ q.qqT
8.E.e. frfu{r sffi'qd qlq ftqerq f{fdiqr tf,rq frfuqntr{ a.rqrqr fiffi{qn qET
u+(nn teTI sTf}o. q{fi o-fr 3i-dd il{ dEifff, ,inl-c-flRTcnqq T{6qr o-ft q-{ra zF-H
o{uqrA Frq}cnrqt-{d {{Fdw{ dr{n-o frfffir ffi4un-qr eiftror-qd qrq cF-s=T
qtil. .ffi ftdaqr oq{ndtar oTlqrt {{fl o-l-q frqf,q t-fi-f{r4r fttq-ftd {UT
o.rcTTtfr erw ersoilmrqr*olFT tuqld qrfr.

8.E.?. qrw frqf,q frfu*q *f,R ftfdEr*{ o-rrTrarT ffiteil 1o o/o Tdd o-fr
wiqr eT+d crq ehEgifr ftfi+Enftq ffiqr e% \r{aqr ffi*'tr}=fr effi aft Z
A-f,dl {fiq"T Demand prs11 q-qsTfq{ Rrqfr-e €W f{F{|qr f,dw-mT m-.? qet
rTrE{ zn-{rfr. ilA-q (Scan o-d;I {-frftffi{d qreR o-{rft.) Fqr. q% d qo% znfr qq -
e% r4F-q.

8.E.tr. qlw frErilq ftfufqr tf,R f,{fu{reft{ o'rqrql ffiEHT qo% teil \fll-Kl
ilri qrfr erSo nq-
(sl1 tfl-{ qo% tm fddqr \drRT q{fi
erd A-ddqr rotqT q artd qrq-8.q.? eqTq
qd qrrq{ zF{rft. fsEI. e8% o-ft
'filffi qRrTff afr loo f,{Fdi ri-{f, fusrwl mqifr ?
qt - gozo o66 m-tr+r - 9%q gv% - qo%) -tYo ci-$ Vfq \%o). fr qmq prfi qooo/-
tsr oS enfernr ffrqrq pq{ eooo/- (q-+' E-qrg fr {-ft-fr qW
efr oo qrE{ o.-{q
(-q) +qil{ ieil o-fr qqrqr ci-rrc'qm{ s-dRf, q_*-qrrrdi +{ q-&i TfiDq DD <It qtrE{

o-{q qM {r$-dl. sil.qq% o-fr qq- (eq-qq- B% x?: c/o)

8.8.8 d-o- qfrTft afr oo fr tdd-6 emrft. d-ti-q trfl TtrF-q qtal qfl o-Ruqra
tqrq vo-W3l-srfr.
8.8.q {-o. qfrTfr sftu oo srfder F-{q ttz ih-* qfuTfr aft.rro o-{t q {fl{
qrdtqrqd sr#d qqrq tnrffi o-rrfr :-
d-o. qfrTfl eft z DD frF{fl ffiq-r-qr E-rffi erfurinr q-qr fl-A 3rsrfr.

$ io sfrTS sft u oo wcor0ufqre ilA-q wlffi{6 qffid '+hd

;o) fro qfrTfr sfifrzoo fr gco orrrrarT dq Erfuf, ororqrfuin-q vfi qtr{r
ororqeftqd-{ cr-$rfr.
19 i-o- qhTfr 6fi-fr oo fr s-d scan or;T {-nmqr r{f,FTr tbelqi-fr
f$ i-o qfcrTil afr z DD fuodE fuwrrqmqq ?ffift fth{r
fu{io-t-d o-rdoFft GTftr{if,r qi-qt orqioqrd rrqr znrTcrr. fuwrrqrqq o-mri fl-q
e ftfuert1qq1mqi-o- fuftuun ur+r.

YEd ?q ffi qq

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