Social sciences help in explaining how society works, exploring everything from the
triggers of economic growth and causes of unemployment to what makes people happy.
This information is vital and can be used for many purposes. Among other things, it helps in
shaping the world.
Three of its branches will help you understand man and society in terms of origin,
choices and location.
Let us see how ANTHROPOLOGY, ECONOMICS AND GEOGRAPHY help in shaping the
society we live in.
Differentiate the nature and functions of Social Science
disciplines with the natural sciences and humanities
Define Anthropology, Economics and Geography.
Explore the nature and functions of Anthropology, Economics and Geography
SOCIAL SCIENCES are group of academic disciplines dedicated to examine the society. This
branch of science studies how people interact with each other, behave, develop as a culture, and
influence the world.
You will be able to explore three disciplines of Social Science in this lesson. The nature and
functions of Anthropology, Economics and Geography.
As a review of the previous lesson, complete the table below with the necessary
Social Science
Natural Science
Write your own definition of Anthropology,
Economics, and Geography using the key
points presented in the diagram.
Study the major branches of each discipline.
Answer the activities that follow.
Explore the functions of each discipline and answer the activities that follow.
According to CSI (2018), Anthropologists study man as a member of animal kingdom and his
behavior as a member of society. Different branches of anthropology focus on different aspects
of human experience. One branch focuses on how our species evolved from earlier species.
Other branches concentrate on the learned traditions of human thought and behavior, how
ancient cultures evolved and diversified, and how and why modern cultures change or stay the
same. In its attempt to study the various dimensions of man's existence and behavior, it tends to
generate many specialized branches.
According to J.T. MMetts (2016), The function of anthropology is essentially to understand as
many aspects of human life as can possibly be studied, to record its findings, and contribute to
both historical understanding as well as to ascertain current states of the human condition in an
attempt to better understand and/or act upon those findings.
According to Pradeep Jeganathan (2015), “the science of humanity,” which studies human
beings in aspects ranging from the biology and evolutionary history of Homo sapiens to the
features of society and culture that decisively distinguish humans from other animal species.
According to T. Pettinger (2017), Economics is concerned with helping individuals and society
decide on the optimal allocation of our limited resources. Economics is important for many
areas of society. It can help improve living standards and make society a better place.
Economics is like science in that it can be used to improve living standards and also to make
things worse. It partly depends on the priorities of society and what we consider most important.
According to A. Pandey (2019), Economics looks at how governments, businesses, societies,
households and individual people make decisions about how, when and where to best use their
natural resources. Economics involves many theoretical and conceptual methods to study behavior
and predict how entitles will respond to given changes in market conditions and fiscal policies,
among other factors. Economists engage in statistical analysis to study these changes and build
predictive and useful economic behavioral models.
According to Jacranda (2016)
1. Geography helps us understand basic physical systems that affect everyday life: How water cycles
and ocean currents work are all explained with Geography. These are important systems to
monitor and predict in order to help lessen the impact of disasters. At the same time, these systems
can be monitored for important resources to tap in to.
2. To learn the location of places and the physical and cultural characteristics of those places in
order to function more effectively in our increasingly interdependent world: Given how global our
modern marketplace is, it’s important to have an understanding of where countries and cultures
are located relative to one another.
3. To understand the geography of past times and how geography has played important roles in the
evolution of people, their ideas, places and environments: Geographical knowledge intersects
with other subjects such as Biology and History and can help to gain a better understanding of the
‘big picture’ in these topics.
4. To understand the spatial organization of society and see order in what often appears to be
random scattering of people and places: Why do we live in the cities and places that we do?
Studying Geography gives us a good idea of why towns and cities were established in certain
locations and why some have flourished more than others.
5. To be able to make sensible judgements about matters involving relationships between the
physical environment and society: Similarly, to the last point, why don’t we live in certain
locations? An understanding of Geography lets us know which locations aren’t ideal for
development as well as how best to develop or expand cities and towns.
6. To appreciate Earth as the homeland of humankind and provide insight for wise management
decisions about how the planet’s resources should be used: Earth’s resources are finite and need
to be managed in a responsible way. Geography informs us of how to sustainably utilize the
resources that are available as well as help to improve the status of those that are in danger of
running out.
7. To understand global interdependence and to become a better global citizen: Lastly, Geography
can help us to be more conscious-minded about the world around us. Being a better global
citizen means understanding others better and knowing the limitations of the Earth, both of which
work toward making our planet a more livable one.
Answer the
following questions.
1. What are the branches of Anthropology, Economics and Geography? Define each branch.
2. Differentiate Macroeconomics and Microeconomics.
3. Why Geography needs to be divided into Physical and Human Geography? Explain.
ACTIVITY 7: PHOTO ESSAY. Each picture implies how the tackled discipline help shape the
world. Explain in at least 2-3 sentences the significance of each picture.
ACTIVITY 8: Using the internet or any available
reference material, look for other branches of
discipline aligned to these three categories of Social
Science. Write a short definition of each branch.
Name the terminologies being
referred by the following
1. This refers to the branch of Social Science which deals with the ways in which men and societies
seek to satisfy their material needs and desires
2. A branch of Social Science that deals with the study of the integration of different aspects of
the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Human Biology
3. A branch of Social Science that deals with the study of the Earth and its lands, features,
inhabitants, and phenomena
4. The Greek where the word Anthropology is derived from
5. The Greek origin of the term Economics
6. He is considered as the Father Economics
7. It is known as "the world discipline" and "the bridge between the human and the physical
8. It is also known as Social Anthropology
9. This refers to the branch of economics where the unit of analysis is the individual agent, such as
a household or firm
10. A branch of Geography which examines phenomena related to the natural environment:
climate, oceans, soils, and the measurement of earthman experience is processed and
1. Economics
2. Geography
3. Anthropology
9) a. Physical and Cultural
4. Economics
b. Macro and Micro
5. Geography
c. Physical and Human
6. Anthropology
10)small while the other is whole
7. Economics
Activity 4 and 5: 11)Answers may vary for each student.
Activity 6:
Answers may vary for each
1. Anthropology
2. Anthropology
Activity 9 and 10: Answers 3. Economics
may vary for each
student. ASSESSMENT 4. Geography
1. Economics 6. Anthropology
2. Anthropology 7. Anthropology
3. Geography 8. Economics
4. anthropos 9. Economics
6. Adam Smith
7. Geography
8. Cultural Anthropology
9. Macroeconomics
10. Human Geography