Typical 33kV GTP
Typical 33kV GTP
Typical 33kV GTP
(c )Rat ed kilom et ric fault level Shall be furnished during det ailed Engineering
17. Rat ed rest riking volt age at 100% and 50% rat ed capacit y
(a) Amplit ude fact or 1.4
(b) Phase fact or 1.5
(c) Nat ural frequency 50
(d) R.R.R.V. (Volt s/ M icro Sec.) 0.57 at 100%
18. Dry 1 minut e power frequency wit hst and t est volt age
(a) Bet ween line t erminal and Eart h KV rms 70 kV
(b) Bet ween t erminals wit h breaker cont act s open 70 kV
19. 1.2/ 50 full wave impulse wit hst and t est volt age
(a) Bet w een line t erminal and Eart h KV p 170 kVp
(b) Bet ween t erminals wit h breaker cont act s open KVp 170 kVp
33 Whet her all t he int erlocks provided Yes, all mandat ory int erlocks as per IEC provided
01. M anufact urer’s Name and Count ry of origin ABB India Limit ed
02. M anufact urer’s design Ref / Type REF 615
03. Applicable St andards IEC 60255
04 Current set t ing range for
O/ C:
Low set : 0.05...5.00 × In , St ep : 0.01 , Timing : 40...200000 ms in st eps of 10 mS
High Set : 0.10...40.00 × In , St eps 0.01 , Tim ing : 40...200000 ms in st eps of 10 mS
(a)Over current relay IDM TL Inst ant aneous
Inst ant aneous st age : 1….40.00 x In , St eps of 0.01 , Tim ing : 20...200000 ms in st eps of
10 mS
06. Whet her High Set is Transient free Second harmonics blocking feat ure available.
09. Accuracy for different set t ings and limit s of errors Please refer at t ached cat alogs. Each prot ecit on accuracy ment ioned.
10. Whet her set t ings sit e select able and HM I provided Yes
11 Whet her Alpha Numeric LED display Yes
12. Whet her Compat ible for 110/ 30 V DC 100, 110, 120, 220, 240 V AC, 50 and 60 Hz, 48, 60, 110, 125, 220, 250 V DC
20. Reset t ime Please refer at t ached cat alog. Generally for prot ecit on it is t ypically 40 ms
23. Whet her t echnical lit erat ure pamphlet s offered. for t he
Relay (M ust be enclosed)
Guaranteed Technical Particulars for 33kV Current Transformers
01. M anufact urer’s Name and count ry of origin
Shall be furnished during det ailed
02. M anufact urer’s design Ref / M odel
03. Applicable St andards IS 2705
04. Type Cast Resin Type
CTR:900-1800/ 1-1-1A
CORE 1: 15VA CL 0.2S
CORE 2: 15VA CL 5P15
CORE 3: CL PS VK>=377 V Rct <=8.5 ohms
05. Rat ed Primary current
Ie <30mA @VK/ 2 FOR 900A t ap
CL PS VK>=346 V Rct <=17 ohms
Ie <30mA @VK/ 2 FOR 1800A t ap
STC:31.5kA/ 3Sec
CTR:900-1800/ 1-1A
05A. Rat ed Primary current
CORE 1: 15VA CL 0.2S
CORE 2: 15VA 5P15
STC:31.5kA/ 3Sec
CTR1:600-900-1800/ 1-1A
05B. Rat ed Primary current CORE 1: 15VA CL 0.2S
CORE 2: 15VA 5P15
STC:31.5kA/ 3Sec
9 Control Terminals
9.1 Term inal Block M aterial
M ake Elm exi Type of Term inal STUD TYPE
ii Current Transform er Cir cuit KLDTM 4- Stud type TB Disconnecting Type TB
iii Potential Tr ansform er Circuit KLDTM 4- Stud type TB Disconnecting Type TB
iv Control Circuit KATM 3- Stud type TB Non-Disconnecting Type TB
10 Termination Arrangement
10.1 Bus Duct
i Incom er/ TIE Feeder NA
a Entry NA
ii Outgoing Feeder NA
a Entry NA
10.2 Pow er Cables
i Incom er Feeder BOTTOM
a Entry BOTTOM
ii Outgoing Feeder BOTTOM
a Entry BOTTOM
10.3 Gland Plate
i For Single Core Cable 4mm Alum inium
ii For Three Core Cable 3mm GI
11 Switchboard Accessories
i Panel Key for opening LV com partm ent
ii Breaker Rackin & Rack out handle (For each Five panel quantity -1) 3 Nos 3 Nos for total 13 Panels
iii Earthing Sw it ch handle if applicable NO
11.1 Eart hing Trucks
i Cable Side (Each Breaker Rating quantity t o be Sepcified) NO
ii Bus Side (Only 1250A ) NO
11.2 Eart hing CB
i Cable Side (Each Breaker Rating quantity t o be Sepcified) NO
ii Bus Side (Only 1250A ) NO
11.3 Foundation fram e t o be supplied NO
12 Details of Isolation Transformer
M odular m anaged Industrial Sw it ch, fanless design, 19" rack mount, according to IEEE 802.3
Total FO Port Provided- 22 Nos (1000M bps) & 6 Cu Port (10/ 100/ 1000 M bps)
W ith Single m ode FO Port
Pow er Supply Input: 60 - 250 VDC and 110 - 240 VAC