MasterThesisKoustubh Version6 3 TEsis Ejemplo
MasterThesisKoustubh Version6 3 TEsis Ejemplo
MasterThesisKoustubh Version6 3 TEsis Ejemplo
Koustubh Sharma
I would like to give my sincerest gratitude to all the people at EIT and
Ericsson who supported me throughout the thesis. Special thanks to Maria
Kihl for her constant guidance and feedback. Also, to Swedish Institute for
providing me scholarship to study at LTH and connecting me to ‘Network
for Future Global Leaders’, which helped me to grow as a person on a global
platform. Last but not the least to my parents and my brother for their
constant support and motivation.
Koustubh Sharma
Popular Science Summary
What if I told you that your usage of mobile phone networks is directly
connected to the homeless polar bears. Yes, ICT industry in total is re-
sponsible for as much carbon emissions as aviation industry. And, cellular
networks are among the main energy consumers in the ICT industry. Last
year in Germany alone mobile network operators spent more than 200
million Euros on electricity bills and 80% of that cost was from cellular
networks. And, as per the EU regulations the cost of electricity is likely to
increase more in coming years.
In the new era of internet of things and connected cars these cellular networks
are likely to densify furthermore so, there is a pressing need to focus on
energy consumption by these networks. There are various approaches for
densifying the present networks; in this project we have made a comparison
between macro cells centric deployment versus micro cells centric
deployment with respect to their energy consumption. Macro cells are big
base stations which consumes a lot of energy from 100W to 450W, but they
do provide a larger coverage up to tens of kilometers whereas, micro cells
consume lesser energy; up to 150W, but provide limited coverage of a few
hundred meters.
We had set up a real like dense urban city scenario with buildings, streets,
pavements etc. in our simulator and compared energy efficiencies between
these two approaches. We made use of energy saving schemes like micro TX
sleep, lean carrier and MBSFN to reduce the power consumed in the network.
These schemes basically shut down the cell when there is no traffic load on
the base station thereby, saving the energy.
With results presented in this thesis, we will contribute to the understanding
of how these cells behave in a realistic traffic scenario and how much energy
saving can we achieve by implementing the above-mentioned schemes. To
keep the results more generic and not specific to any particular set of radio
base stations, we implemented the EARTH power model to calculate power
consumption. The EARTH power model gives the generic equations for
calculating power consumption in different types of cells.
The energy saving schemes proved out to save a lot of energy in the
operations of both macro and micro cells. The amount of savings depends
upon the utilization and sleep time of these cells. Using the energy saving
schemes in macro cells deployment can give savings as much as 17% and in
micro cells deployment it was around 33%. A micro cell with lean carrier
energy saving scheme was 55% more energy efficient than a macro cell
without energy saving scheme. So, from an energy consumption point of
view, it would be much better to densify a heterogeneous network with more
micro cells with energy saving features than just macro cells.
Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Acknowledgments 4
Popular Science Summary 5
Table of Contents 7
Introduction 9
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 9
1.2 Background and Motivation............................................................... 9
1.3 Previous Work................................................................................... 11
1.4 Purpose of the Project ....................................................................... 12
1.5 Outline of the thesis .......................................................................... 13
Theory 15
2.1 Heterogeneous Networks ............................................................... 15
2.1.1 Macro Cells ........................................................................... 17
2.1.2 Micro Cells ............................................................................ 17
2.1.3 Pico Cells .............................................................................. 17
2.1.4 Femto cell .............................................................................. 17
2.2 LTE Basics .................................................................................. 18
2.2.1 OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex) ............ 18
2.2.2 MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output).............................. 18
Power Model 21
3.1 Power distribution in base station ............................................... 21
3.2 Power consumed at maximal load .............................................. 22
3.3 Variable load power consumption of BS .................................... 25
3.3.1 Energy consumption references ............................................ 26
3.3.2 Energy per bit ........................................................................ 26
3.3.3 Power per unit area ............................................................... 27
3.4 Average power consumption ...................................................... 27
3.5 Average power consumption over a day ..................................... 28
3.6 Energy Saving schemes .............................................................. 28
3.6.1 Micro TX sleep ..................................................................... 29
3.6.2 MBSFN sub-frames .............................................................. 30
3.6.3 Lean carrier ........................................................................... 30
Methodology 33
4.1 The Simulator .............................................................................. 33
4.2 Setup............................................................................................ 33
4.3 Deployment ................................................................................. 34
4.4 Traffic.......................................................................................... 36
Results and Discussions 39
5.1 Comparison between macro and micro without energy saving
schemes ....................................................................................... 39
5.2 Comparison of macro with and without energy saving schemes 45
5.3 Comparison of micro with and without energy saving schemes 48
5.4 Comparison between macro and micro with energy saving
schemes ....................................................................................... 51
5.5 Daily power consumption ........................................................... 55
Conclusions 57
Future Work 59
References 60
List of Tables 62
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Energy plays an important role in our lives, almost every industry depends
heavily on energy. In recent times with the rising global temperature and
climate change, it is very important to save the energy. With the rapid
development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry
the demand for power has also increased. ICT tends to play a significant role
in global greenhouse gas emissions. It was responsible for 10% of world’s
total energy consumption in 2010 and is doubling in every 10 years [1].
Cellular networks are among the main energy consumers in the ICT field.
With increased need for broadband speed, the demand for energy and density
of the networks is likely to increase. High energy efficiency is becoming a
mainstream concern for the design of future wireless communication
The global mobile data traffic grew by 63 percent in 2016 [2]. It stood at 7.2
billion Giga bytes per month during the ending of 2016. And by 2021 it will
be 49 billion Giga bytes.
In 2016 almost half a billion new mobile devices got added. According to the
Ericsson’s forecast there will be 50 billion connected devices by 2020.
Since the mobile networks got introduced; the focus has often been on
optimizing the network to fulfil the coverage, capacity and quality
requirements. On these key requirements; products got developed and
network were deployments. But the focus has shifted a bit during recent
years, operators have started to investigate how energy gets consumed in
mobile networks. The understanding has increased on how to cut the energy
consumption and environmental awareness has gained importance in the
mobile telecom industry. The challenge with designing an energy-efficient
network is to avoid reducing the quality or coverage.
Around 0.5% of the world energy consumption is from mobile radio
networks [3]. In mobile networks; base stations (BSs) are the ones which
consume the most amount of energy. Comparing the life cycle of a mobile
and base station, a mobile would contribute to green-house gases the most at
the time of its manufacturing while for the base station, it is during its life
time as a serving node. A lot of research has been done to make mobile more
efficient with consuming battery power, but base stations stay behind their
counterparts. Radio access network consumes around 80% of the total energy
in mobile networks and majorly in base stations which comes around to be
60% of all [3], which stresses on the call for reducing energy consumption at
the base station (BS) side.
Embodied and operational emmisions (kg CO2 )
Base Mobile
Figure 2. The operational and the embodied CO2 emissions by base stations and
mobile phones per subscribers per year [4].
There had been various studies related to improvement of the base stations
energy consumption. In 2010-2012 a study was conducted under Energy
Aware Radio and neTwork tecHnologies (EARTH) project [5] in which
researchers from around the world tried to achieve deliverables which proved
to become standardized principles for working on energy efficiency concepts
for base stations.
The EARTH project gave the mathematical power model for calculating the
energy consumption in the base stations in various scenarios of rural, sub-
urban and dense urban. The project developed a linear power model which
could be used in generic simulations. It also gives the internal breakdown of
energy consumed within different sizes of nodes such as macro, micro, pico
and femto.
In [5], the study was conducted to break up the energy consumed by different
components of the BS in macro, pico and other cells that support the 3GPP
LTE standard. It was based on the Earth Project’s state of the art (SoTA)
power model.
In [6], a “Manhattan-type city grid” is analyzed for energy performance in
which macro cells were off-loaded with indoor cells. It was proven that
indoor cells are more energy-efficient.
The dense urban scenario was studied in [7], wherein it was discovered that
the indoor nodes were worse than the macro BS grid.
A dense network was studied in [8]. In which; it was found out that the
deployment of smaller cells reduces the transmit power of large base stations
(BSs). The idle time and the backhaul were the energy wasters.
A heterogeneous network scenario was studied in [9]. In this study the user
performance was improved by reducing the transmission time for the sent
packets which lead to a longer idle time in nodes. Pico node sleep mode was
implemented in the study to reduce the energy consumption.
We will make use of energy-saving schemes like micro TX, lean carrier and
MBSFN in the nodes. We will use Ericsson’s static network simulator which
will present us a realistic three-dimensional model of a city; with buildings,
pavements and open spaces. The simulator uses ray-tracing propagation
models like BEZT.
With the outset of 5G, many cities will be deployed with small cells. The
networks density will increase at a very fast pace. The Internet of Things
(IoT) would need denser networks with lower latency and higher throughput
for self-driving cars, buses etc. New technologies like augmented reality and
virtual reality are bound to demand higher data rates. These advancements
will call for strengthened mobile broadband networks.
To have an environment friendly transit into the era of Internet of Things, it
is important to focus on energy consumption by these networks. There are
various approaches to increase the present network density; we will compare
the approaches to cater to the traffic demands with macro cells versus micro
cells deployments.
We will setup a dense urban real like scenario in our simulator and compare
the energy efficiencies between macro cells centric deployment versus a
micro cells centric deployment, and we will make use of energy-saving
schemes like micro TX, lean carrier and MBSFN to cut the power consumed
in the network. We will compare between the deployments with the units like
energy per bit, power per unit area and power consumed over a day.
With results presented in this thesis, we will contribute to the understanding
of how these cells behave in a realistic traffic scenario and how much gains
can we achieve by implementing the above-mentioned energy-saving
schemes. To keep the results more generic and not specific to any particular
set of radio base stations we will make use of the EARTH power model.
2 Theory
2.1 Heterogeneous Networks
With the onset of 5G, there will be a lot of deployment of densified networks
to satisfy the demand for increased traffic. Most of the mobile traffic around
70% will be concentrated around high traffic centers like downtown of an
urban city [10] [11]. There will be small cells which would be deployable as
‘plug and play’ which is going to save a lot of CAPEX (capital expenditure)
for the operators and as these smaller cells will have a small coverage area
which will make frequency reuse possible being close to each other; which
will provide large capacity improvement [6]. For the incoming 5G spectrum
allocation; speculations are that frequency spectrum for 5G will lie in a very
high frequency of the order 30 GHZ, according to studies the coverage and
penetration of these waves in indoor environment will be very problematic.
“Achieving indoor coverage at 30 GHz is highly problematic for all cases,
and it is concluded that smaller base stations are necessary if frequencies of
10 GHz and above are to be used in future mobile networks.” [12]. Here are
some details about the cells which will constitute a densified heterogeneous
Specification Femtocell Picocell Microcell Macrocell
Coverage Less than 30m Less than Less than Several kms
distance 100 m 500m
2.1.1 Macro Cells
These cells are the base stations that provide coverage to a large area with
Inter Site Distance (ISD) from hundreds of meters to several kilometers.
depending upon the density. They fulfill the baseline coverage for any LTE
network, providing connectivity and up all the time. The power consumption
varies from 100W to 450W; they have sectored antennas normally covering
120 degrees per sector.
Micro cells have lower transmit power than macro BSs, they are smaller base
stations with full features that are used to cover both indoor and outdoor
crowded areas. It can typically cover a range of few meters to one or two
kilometers. The power consumption ranges from 50W to 150W. They are
generally used for indoor purposes as well as outdoor such as hot-spots. [11]
Pico cells have lower transmit power than macro BSs, they have
omnidirectional antennas unlike macro BSs which are sectored. The transmit
power ranges from 250mW to 2W. They are generally used for indoor
purposes around hot-spots like offices, railway stations etc. Pico cells are
connected over X2 interface [11].
Femto cells are also known as HeNBs are deployment for small rooms and
home requirements generally for a very small range coverage less than 30m.
They have omnidirectional antennas, transmit power is around 100mW. They
could be plugged in using a DSL line or modem cable [11].
2.2 LTE Basics
2.2.1 OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division
A key radio access feature for LTE is MIMO. The data streams going in and
out of antenna in radio channel forms beam and transmit diversity. The
diversity will result in low correlation of fading and this could be used for
receive and transmit diversity. Better reception could be generated by
sending simultaneously the copies of the same data through the channel and
receiving using multiple antennas. MIMO provides spatial multiplexing i.e.
sending different data streams transmitted in parallel over separate antennas.
MIMO could be used to increase the throughput. As per the need 2 x 2, 4 x
2, or 4 x 4 antennas could be used in LTE deployment.
3 Power Model
3.1 Power distribution in base station
Figure6 shows how the block diagram of a typical BS, it could be macro,
micro, pico or femto. There could be multiple transceivers in a BS. Each
transceiver contains the baseband (BB) module, radio frequency module (RF
module), power amplifier (PA), DC to DC power converter, cooling system
and a power supply connected to the mains. For macro BS the sector antenna
is at large distance from the PA which leads to high feeder losses, which
needs to be compensated by PA [13].
The PA connects to the antennas of the base station after providing the
required power gain The PA has poor power efficiency as it is made to work
in non-saturated region which is to avoid nonlinear distortion from channel
interference. In macro BS digital pre-distortion is used to improve the PA
efficiency [7].
Radio Frequency module is used to convert analog signals to digital signals.
Base Band module serves as digital signal processor for digital up and down
conversion of signals, it also does OFDM modulation of the signal. Typical
functionalities for BB are filtering, FFT for OFDM modulation and IFFT for
OFDM demodulation, signal detection, channel estimation, it acts as the
brain of transceiver [13].
The active cooling is only applicable to macro base station and not for
smaller base station versions. The power model takes into account the power
consumed in active cooling of the macro base station while for smaller base
stations such as micro, pico and femto the active cooling is not required. So,
the power consumed within a BS can be defined as;
𝑃𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝑃𝐵𝐵 + 𝑃𝑅𝐹 + 𝑃𝑃𝐴 + 𝑃𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 (3.1)
Macro Remote Radio Micro Pico Femto/Home
Max Transmit
[dBm] 46.0 43.0 38.0 21.0 17.0
rms power
Max Transmit
[W] 39.8 20.0 6.3 0.1 0.1
rms power
PAPR [dB] 8.0 8.0 8.0 12.0 12.0
Peak Output [dBm] 54.0 51.0 46.0 33.0 29.0
Pdc [W] 102.6 51.5 22.1 1.6 1.0
Power-Added Efficiency [%] 38.8 38.8 28.5 8.0 5.2
Max Transmit
[dBm] -8.0 -11.0 -13.0 -13.0 -17.0
rms power
TRX TX Pdc [W] 5.7 5.7 2.9 0.4 0.2
RX Pdc [W] 5.1 5.1 2.6 0.4 0.2
Total Pdc [W] 10.9 10.9 5.4 0.7 0.4
6% PA
DC-DC 57%
Main Supply
38% 38%
Main Supply
14% 8%
Main Supply
RF 8%
As we have seen earlier that power amplifier amounts to the most part of
energy consumption in macro and micro base stations. It is because power
amplifier’s energy consumption scale linearly with traffic load; higher the
traffic load higher the power consumption will be. The pico and femto cells
have very little load-dependency as for these low power base stations, the
effect of power amplifier is very little [15].
The relation between the RF output power and the power consumed by base
stations are roughly linear in nature [14]. The mathematical equation of this
relation could be represented as:
This represents the linear approximation of the power model. Here Pin would
represent the power consumed in the BS and Pout is the RF output power, at
maximum load the output power would be Pmax. Power consumption at zero
load is given by P0, Δp represents the slope of the curve. Psleep represents the
constant sleep mode power consumption in the BS and NTRX is the number of
transceiver chains. Table 3 provides parameters of power model for different
base stations [15].
Power per unit area and Energy per bit are the standard units for comparison
of energy performance; thus, we will use these units to compare the energy
consumption in different scenarios.
ECI E / B (3.4)
The simulator used in the project is a static simulator which runs from 0 – T
and takes the average of the power consumed during that time period. This
falls in confirmation of our model as power consumption is a function, u(t)
which depends upon the traffic generated at a time instant t. The average
power consumed over the time interval is:
PT Pin (t )dt (3.6)
T 0
So, by applying eq. 3.3 in 3.6 we get
T 0
PT NTRX ( P0 p Pmax u (t ))dt (3.7)
PT NTRX P0 p Pmax u (t )dt (3.8)
T 0
PT NTRX P0 p PmaxuT (3.9)
3.5 Average power consumption over a day
Traffic demand [Mbps/km2]
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Figure 8. The figure shows the variation of peak throughput percentage over the
whole day.
3.6.1 Micro TX sleep
The Radio Unit (RU) component of a base station does not transmit all the
time. There are time slots when the radio can be put to sleep mode depending
upon the traffic handled and the scheduled transmissions. At this point the
biasing of the final stage amplifiers is turned off, which can be achieved by
sending a strobe signal based on the information of the data that DU needs to
send. This information is sent in a message that gives the symbols which will
be sent over the radio during the transmission time interval [17].
The LTE RU transmits 140 OFDM symbols per radio frame consisting of
cell-specific radio signal (CSRS) and physical downlink control channel
(PDCCH). Assuming a no-load situation when there are no scheduled users;
out of 140 OFDM symbols, power amplifier could be put in sleep mode for
73 of them with 37 wake up events. This equals to 4.1ms of sleep time during
each radio frame or 41% of time.
Figure 9. LTE radio frame representation, where PA could be put to sleep when no
symbol is being transmitted.
3.6.2 MBSFN sub-frames
In a LTE radio frame six out of ten sub-frames can be Multicast and
Broadcast Single-Frequency Network (MBSFN) for FDD system [18]. The
MBSFN sub-frames are used to predict the future traffic load for a base
station. Using MBSFN sub-frames a base station could calculate the load it
needs to handle in subsequent frames and the resources required to cater to
the traffic. This load prediction is made based upon the previously served
load information exchanged between the base stations over X2 interface.
Load prediction is used to turn off the idle resources and setup the switch off
intervals. Moreover, the MBSFN sub-frames have less number of reference
signals than normal sub-frames, which gives an opportunity to turn off these
sub-frames when there is no data available. [19]
In lean carrier the cell is switched off when there is no transmission of data.
It makes use of different features like transmitting the signal only when
required, transmitting faster with higher modulation scheme, effectively
utilizing the carrier aggregation to have large spectrum and making use of
beam forming antennas. These features reduce extraneous signaling and
Minimizing the overhead cell specific reference signaling and using the
spectrum flexibility, it reduces energy consumption. For synchronization it
only makes use of extended synchronization signal (eSS) after every 5 sub-
frames making it possible to achieve fraction of sleep at no load condition to
100%. More details about lean carrier can be found in [16].
4 Methodology
In this chapter we will explain about the simulator and the deployment
strategy used in running the simulations for this project.
4.2 Setup
We setup a “real like” dense city scenario, in which we are deploying the city
with streets, buildings, base stations and users. The deployment is made
keeping in mind of a typical dense urban network with high-rise buildings in
the center and lesser dense and low height buildings outer wards. This sort
of setup is very close to a realistic scenario than just being a statistical
propagation analysis.
We are simulating with ray-tracing propagation model called BEZT. It makes
use of multipath propagation model that calculates the path gain between the
user and the base station. The channel gains over these paths are stored in a
huge gain matrix which are used to estimate the throughput for every user, in
the central part of the map
Figure 61. The figure shows the 3D model of the city with buildings and streets, the
city center has high rise buildings.
4.3 Deployment
We are deploying a real like city scenario in which the outer layer of macro
grid will provide baseline coverage, we will refer to it as surrounding macro
layer. In first scenario, we deploy macro cells in the city center
complemented by the surrounding macro grid and in second scenario we
deploy small micro cells in the city center complemented by the surrounding
macro grid.
In the first scenario setup, we have taken 21 macro cells deployed in the
central grid of the city with inter-site distance of 200m surrounded by a base
layer of macro cells with inter-site distance of 400m.
In the second scenario setup, we have taken 28 micro cells deployed in the
central grid of the city with a base layer of macro cells inter-site distance of
The system under consideration is a LTE network with carrier frequency of
2 GHz, highest modulation scheme is 64 QAM, each site has three-sectors.
The central grid area is 1000x1000m.
For macro cells; the max Output Power out per antenna in DL is 40 W, P0 =
130W, Δp = 4.7 and Psleep = 75.0.
For micro cells; the max Output Power out per antenna in DL from the micros
is 10 W, P0 = 56W, Δp = 2.6 and Psleep = 39.0.
Figure 12. The figure shows macro cells deployed in the center of the city.
Figure 13. The figure shows deployment of micro cells in the center of the city with
macro cells in the surrounding area.
4.4 Traffic
We deploy buildings, streets, base stations and users in the simulator. The
simulator calculates the SINR between each user and node deployed on
macro or micro layer. Using the propagation model, the interference, gain or
the propagation loss is calculated for each link. To simulate the dynamic
network where the download sessions by users happens at random; equal
buffer traffic model is utilized. Each session is of fixed file size where the
request comes as per the Poisson distribution. The users fully utilize the link
bit rate during the file download. The total air traffic could be given by
offered traffic per m2. Because of the capacity limitations the served traffic
is lower than offered traffic. In the simulations, we sweep through varying
loads of offered traffic and make use of the served traffic to compare
Parameter Value
Bandwidth 20 MHz
Micro TX Power 10 W
Macro cells in
central grid 21
Micro cells in
central grid 28
Feeder loss 10 dB
5 Results and Discussions
In this chapter, we discuss about the results which we got after running the
simulations for the deployed scenarios.
Here we will compare the energy performance and the network performance
of deploying the large cells of macro grid in the city center versus small cells
of micro grid without any energy saving schemes.
Figure 14. Comparison of Power per area unit versus System throughput
for central deployment of macro cells and micro cells.
The Power per unit area is measured for power per 1 km2 around the
central area of the map. We calculate the utilization of each node which is
taken as a factor for calculating the total power consumed by that node in the
network. As we can see in Figure 14 the power per unit area for micro cells
is lesser than the macro cells. Here we are sweeping the simulation for
various loads to test the system for varying units of system throughput. We
can see that the Power per area unit increases as the throughput increases as
we predicted by the earth power model. Power per unit area difference
between macro and micro at 100 Mbps/km2 is 31%.
Figure 15. Comparison of Energy per bit versus System throughput for central
deployment of macro cells and micro cells.
per bit tells us that how much energy is needed in the system to deliver a
single bit. As we can observe that the deployment of micro cells proves out
to take lesser energy per bit as the power amplifier in the micro cells do not
ramp up the energy consumption with the load as much in macro units. The
energy per bit is higher for lower load because the system throughput
increases faster than the power consumption in the serving nodes.
Figure 76. Comparison of Energy per bit versus 10th percentile DL user throughput
for central deployment of macro cells and micro cells.
Figure 87. Comparison of bits per unit energy versus system throughput for central
deployment of macro cells and micro cells.
Bits per unit energy is the inverse of energy per bit, to calculate this, we
divide the total traffic by total power consumption. In Figure 87 we can see
that the micro cells can transfer more bits per unit energy than the macro cells
and as the power consumption in micro cells increases less with served traffic
load, the number of bits transferred in unit energy (Mbit/kJ) is higher for
smaller cells than the large macro cells.
Figure 18. Comparison of DL user throughput for 50th and 95th percentile versus
system throughput.
The DL user throughput is calculated for 10th, 50th and 95th percentile. The
10th percentile refers to the edge cell users, the 50th percentile is the median
user data rate for the served traffic, the 95th percentile users are the best-case
users with top 5% data rates. In figure 16 the 95th percentile users have
similar data rates in macros and micros. The 50th percentile users experience
difference in data rates because the data rates at the user side increases with
transmit power.
We can also observe that the DL data rate decreases with the increasing
traffic load, this is because at lower load there are enough of resources
available for the cells to serve the users with high data rates, but as the traffic
load increases the bandwidth and the available resources reduces and hence
it leads to lowered data rates.
Figure 19. Comparison of DL user throughput for 10th percentile versus system
The 10th percentile users represents the edge cell users; the figure 19
compares the data rates for the cell edge users between the micro grid and
the macro grid. When the data throughput drops to zero then it represents that
the total traffic in the area is so high that the cell edge user could not be
served. The data rates for these users decreases rapidly for micro case which
proves that it is not the best choice for coverage purpose. This clearly shows
that the coverage of macro cells is more than micro cells.
5.2 Comparison of macro with and without energy
saving schemes
Here we will compare the energy performance and the network performance
of deploying the large cells of macro grid in the city center with and without
energy saving schemes.
Figure 20. Comparison of power per area unit versus system throughput for central
deployment of macro cells.
As we can see in figure 20 the power per unit area for macro cells with energy
saving schemes is lesser than macro cells without energy saving schemes.
Here we can see that as the traffic load increases the power required to serve
that traffic also increases. At 100 Mbps/km2 the energy saving from micro
TX, MBSFN and lean carrier are 7%, 10% and 17%. The Lean energy saving
scheme seems to be more energy efficient than MBSFN and micro TX sleep
because the sleep time for cells is more in this scheme.
Figure 21. Comparison of energy per bit unit versus system throughput for central
deployment of macro cells.
From figure 21 we can derive that there is some difference in energy needed
to transmit a bit for lower traffic load in different schemes, but as we
gradually move towards higher loads this difference comes close together
because at higher traffic loads there will be less idle time for the cells to save
Figure 22. Comparison of bits per unit energy versus system throughput for central
deployment of macro cells.
In continuation to previous figure 21 we plot the bits per unit energy versus
traffic demand in figure 22 we encounter that there are more number of bits
which could be transferred per unit energy when we make use of energy
saving schemes.
5.3 Comparison of micro with and without energy
saving schemes
Here we will compare the energy performance and the network performance
of deploying small cells of micro grid with and without energy saving
Figure 23. Comparison of Power per area unit versus System throughput for central
deployment of micro cells.
As we can see in figure 23 the Power per area unit variation for micro cells
also follows the similar pattern as in the power per unit area for macro cells.
The energy saving schemes can save up to 2 kW/km2 than micro cells without
energy saving schemes. Here we can see that as the traffic load increases, the
power required to serve that traffic also goes up. At 100 Mbps/km2 the energy
saving from micro TX, MBSFN and lean carrier are 10%, 16% and 27%.
Figure 24. Comparison of energy per bit unit versus system throughput for central
deployment of micro cells.
Figure 24 follows the same pattern as the one we saw in central macro
deployment case however the energy per bit needed in micro is lesser than
that of macros. The energy saving schemes can save upto 25% on energy per
bit for micro deployment.
Figure 25. Comparison of bits per unit energy versus system throughput for central
deployment of micro cells.
In figure 25 we see the behavior as expected, deployment with enegy saving
schemes have potential to fit in upto 30% more bits per unit energy than
deployments without energy saving schemes.
5.4 Comparison between macro and micro with
energy saving schemes
Here we will compare the energy performance and the network performance
of deploying the large cells of macro grid in the city center versus small cells
of micro grid without any energy saving schemes.
Figure 26. Comparison of Power per area unit versus System throughput for central
deployment of macro cells versus micro cells.
Figure 27. Comparison of energy per bit unit versus system throughput for central
deployment of micro cells versus macro cells.
Now let’s consider the energy per bit, we can see in figure 27 the energy per
bit requirement for micro cells with energy saving scheme is much less than
that of macro counterpart. The energy per bit is high for low traffic load
because the total served traffic is low for less load.
Figure 28. Comparison of bits per unit energy versus system throughput for central
deployment of micro cells versus macro cells.
The bits per unit energy for micro cells with lean carrier energy saving
scheme is almost double than that of the macro cells without energy saving
schemes as seen in figure 28.
Figure 29. Comparison of energy per bit unit versus system throughput for central
deployment of micro cells versus macro cells.
When it comes to reaching the last mile of user throughput, the micros could
not provide as good user throughput as macros do. That’s why in figure 29
the energy per bit needed for providing high throughput for the edge cell
users is high in case of micro cells. So, the macro cells are needed to provide
a good coverage area and decent throughput to the bottom 10th percentile
5.5 Daily power consumption
At peak load for macro deployment, there is a possibility of 17% saving
using the lean carrier energy saving scheme and 20% energy saving could be
achieved at low load.
In case of micro deployment, at peak load we can see 29% saving using the
lean carrier energy saving scheme and a good 33% energy saving at low load.
This is because lower utilization of nodes at lower loads gives more scope
for energy saving schemes to be implemented.
Also from these patterns we can verify that the traffic demand is low during
early morning hours and is high during the evening hours.
6 Conclusions
For macro cells; as the number of resources are limited so, as the traffic load
goes up the resources are needed to be shared among the UEs. This leads to
reduced data rates for UE and longer time to receive a file. Therefore, it is
advantageous to complement macro cells in the network with micro cells for
increased quality of service and improved data rates. The results on the
energy savings were much better by using the micro only base stations as
they saved almost half of the energy required to run the network when
implemented with energy saving schemes. The energy saving features does
not affect the resultant data rates to the users. The data rates remain the same
regardless of using the energy saving schemes
The energy saving schemes proved out to save a lot of energy in the operation
of both macro and micro cells. The amount of savings from the energy saving
schemes depend upon the utilization and sleep time of the nodes.
So, we can see that using energy saving schemes in macro cell deployment
can give savings as much as 17% and 33% in micro cells over a year.
And comparing the macro without energy saving scheme to micro with lean
carrier energy saving scheme results in 55% of energy saving. Therefore,
from an energy saving point of view, it would be much better to implement
a heterogeneous network with more micro cells and small cells with energy
saving schemes than with more number of macro cells.
Here we can also see that macro grid performs much better when it comes to
coverage, as the performance of the big macro cells is better than micro cells
for the 10th percentile users, for this reason we need to deploy the small cell
networks complemented by the macro cells to provide sufficient coverage to
the edge cell users.
7 Future Work
As the simulations were carried out for a realistic dense urban scenario, there
is scope for finding out the energy efficiency gains in other scenarios as well
such as sub-urban and rural. These scenarios are equally important for
instance, a huge amount of diesel energy is consumed for fueling up the cells
in rural environment.
As the results are dependent over the deployment of the cells, one could
might as well deploy the cells on other buildings to analyze the energy and
throughput efficiencies.
The propagation model used in this study was BEZT however, there are
various other propagation models like WINNER II etc. that could be used to
calculate propagation losses in a real city like environment.
As the simulator which was used is a static, one can also make use of dynamic
simulators to analyze the traffic and latency in each of the energy saving
List of Tables
Table 1. Comparison between different types of nodes in a heterogeneous
network....................................................................................................... 16
Table 2 SoTA estimation of power consumption in different LTE BSs. ... 23
Table 3 This table provides parameters of power model for different BSs26
Table 4. Simulation parameters ................................................................. 37