Character Generation Anima RPG
Character Generation Anima RPG
Character Generation Anima RPG
Translated from french by Swordwraith and made by Ysalaine - Original document from Edge
1 . Gen era te Cha ra cteristics a n d ca lcula te their bon uses. 2. Choose y our Ra ce. 3. Choose y our Cla ss. 4 . Select Adva n ta g es a n d Disa dva n ta g es. 5 . In vest DP in Prima ry Abilities 5 .1 Cha ra cters & Comba t 5 .2 Cha ra cters with Ki Abilities 5 .3 Ma g ic Users (Cha ra cters with The Gift) 5 .4 Summon ers 5 .5 Psy chic Cha ra cters 6.In vest DP in Secon da ry Abilities. 7 .Add y our Cla ss & Cha ra cteristic Bon uses 8. Assig n y our Na tura l Bon us 9 . Ca lcula te y our LP & In itia tive 1 0. Ca lcula te y our Resista n ces
- Attack & Defense : No matter what the characters limit in their Combat Ability, they cannot spend more than half their total DP in attack and defense. For example, a 1 st level character (600 DP) that may spend 360 DP on Combat Abilities is limited spending a maximum of 300 DP on their Attack and Defense. - Defense : There exist two types of defense: Block and Dodge. Although there is nothing preventing a character from investing DP, it is highly recommended that a Character specialize only in one or the other. - Weapon Knowledge : A person who develops their Attack and Defense ability initially knows how to use a simple weapon. To learn to use other weapons, they must DP or face a penalty for using a weapon they are not familiar with. - Combat Modules and Martial Arts : Combat Modules are used to increase the effectiveness of certain combat maneuvers, while Martial Arts grant the character certain advantages in hand to hand combat. Both have a fixed DP cost: If a character wishes to specialize in a combat style or learn Martial Arts, they should invest DP here. - Wear Armor : This ability allows the character to wear protective armor. If you wish the character to wear complex and heavy armor, you should invest additional DP here. 5.2 Characters with Ki Abilities Characters who wish to develop Ki abilities are advised to purchase additional Ki Accumulation Multiples and Ki points. Ki abilities belong to the Combat Primary Ability, and their DP cost counts toward the DP limit a character can spend in that category. - Ki Accumulation Multiples : Ki Accumulation allows the character to use their Ki points faster, and thereby, their abilities. Your characteristics determine the base Ki Accumulation. Each time you purchase a new Ki Accumulation Multiple (by spending the DP determined by your Class); you may raise the Accumulation value of one characteristic by one. - Ki Points : Ki is used to power Techniques and Ki Dominion abilities. They are purchasing individually using DP. - Martial Knowledge (MK) : Martial Knowledge is used to learn Ki abilities and Techniques. A characters MK is directly determined by their Class, but may be increased by acquiring certain Martial Arts or purchasing the Martial Mastery Advantage. 5.3 Magic Users (Characters with the Gift) The use of Magic is based on three distant abilities: Magic Accumulation (MA), Zeon and Magic Projection. It is advisable to look to establish a balance between them: One good start is to invest half of your Magic DP into Magic Projection and the rest into MA and Zeon, but that is merely a recommendation, as it ultimately depends on the style and preference of each individual player. Additionally, the level of your Magic Paths determines what spells you know. These are not developed with DP, but are instead indicated by your Intelligence. - MA : MA represents how many points of Zeon your character acquires and may spend on casting spells each turn. The base value of MA is calculated using the Characters Power characteristic, and is increased by purchasing additional Magic Accumulation multiples. Each multiple you purchase allows you to add the base value of your MA to its current value to create the new total. For example, a person with base MA who purchases two multiples has a final MA of 30.
- Zeon : Zeon is the characters total magic points. The more Zeon a character has the more spells they cast. A characters base Zeon is determined by the Power Characteristic and is increased by spending DP. Zeon is purchased in groups of 5 points. Therefore, if a character whose class states that each 5 point group of Zeon costs 2 DP spends 10 DP, they receive 50 Zeon. - Magic Projection : Magic Projection represents the characters ability to aim and target spells at an object or individual. It is used to calculate the range of their sorcery, as well as their Attack and Defense when using various spells (such as fireballs or magic shields). It is purchased and developed in the same manner of any other ability: Attack, Defense, Wear Armor, etc. You may only spend half your total Magic DP on Magic Projection. 5.4 Summoners A person who wishes to use Summons should develop the Summon, Control, Bind and Banish abilities. They should also increase both their MA and Zeon: Increasing MA boosts their Zeon regeneration rate and allows them to Bind more creatures, while Zeon allows them to access more powerful Invocations. - Summon, Control, Banish, and Bind : All of these abilities are developed normally. For example, if the cost of the Control ability is 2 and 100 DP is spent, the base skill is 50. A summoner may invest in some or all of these abilities, depending on their style and taste. - MA and Zeon : The functions of both these abilities are described in the previous section, 5.3. 5.5 Psychics If a character wishes to develop psychic abilities, they should first calculate their Psychic Potential and afterwards invest DP in purchasing Psychic Projection and PP. - Psychic Potential : Psychic potential indicates the power level of the characters mental abilities. It is calculated using the Willpower characteristic, and is increased by using PP. - PP : PP represents how and what the character invests their mental energies in. PP can be used to learn new powers, increase Psychic Potential, and acquire Innate Slots. Each PP costs a fixed DP value determined by the characters class.