Is India Ready For Electric Vehicles

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Is India Ready for Electric Vehicles?

Vaibhav Kumar Srivastava, Uday S. Yallatti, Divya Vijay
MBA student, Universal Business School, Karjat, Raigad, Maharashtra, 410201

Abstract:- The automobile industry is changing globally. vehicles (EVs) are one of the many possibilities for
All businesses are considering a as it is essential for sustainable transportation, and they are gaining credibility as
sustainable development, a better substitute for fuel- an alternative form of transportation (CVs). measurement and
based vehicles. Which is when electric cars (EV) as an others are deliberate, using specifications that anticipate your
alternative are considered. electric automobiles can lessen paper as one part of the entire proceedings, and not as an
the harmful pollutants that fuel-based cars generate that independent document. Please do not revise any of the current
can seriously harm the environment to the surroundings. designations.
However, these vehicles have unique difficulties. In this
paper, we'll address numerous infrastructural issues or Based on the energy source EVs can be classified int
obstacles for electric cars. Paper furthermore offers three types1 BEVs (powered by only battery) 2 HEVs (hybrid
India's current state and whether it is ready for electric small battery and conventional engine) 3 PHEVs (plug in with
automobiles. What will happen Before electric vehicles a large battery and a small engine).
became a common alternative, a few conditions had to be
met. The study also covers the government policies that BEVs are regarded as the purest type of electric mobility
must be implemented in order to achieve sustainable since they are powered exclusively by batteries and lack a
development. Users encounter a variety of issues with traditional engine, but HEVs are seen as the most useful form
charging stations. As a result, the document also offers of mobility because they have both battery and an engine.
information on the specs of the batteries and the Electric vehicles are more environmentally friendly and less
availability of charging stations, which shortens the harmful to the environment than their traditional counterparts.
procedure a little. The report also discusses technical
developments in the automotive sector with reference to II. LITERATURE REVIEW
electric cars. The article also discusses the government's
policy regarding electric automobiles. The main goal of this paper is to determine whether India
is prepared for electric vehicles or not. This will be determined
Keywords:- Electric Vehicles; Charging Stations; using a variety of criteria, including the infrastructure for
Sustainable Development; Government Initiative; Smart electric vehicles, government initiatives, social influence, the
Charging; Charging Infrastructure. steps the Indian automotive industry has taken, and others.

I. INTRODUCTION A. Shakya and Dixit (2021)

An overview of the work in the field of electrical
Rapid URBANIZATION and the growth of the automotive vehicles is provided by Shakya and Dixit. It analyses the
industry have had a major influence on people and the various types of electric vehicles and provides a development
environment recently. The bulk of the cities in the nation report for the EV industry. The problems and issues covered
experience urban air pollution at quite high levels, primarily in this study are numerous. Finally, it outlines the potential
in the form of CO, SO2, NO2, and PM (Particulates). The for electric cars in India in the future. Some significant
transportation sector is a significant contributor to benefits of electric vehicles have the potential to revolutionize
environmental pollution. about 70%). The largest pollutant the car industry. India is the fifth most polluted country in the
released by the transportation sector is CO. 90 percent of the world, and automobiles that run on petrol are a major
total emissions. Hydrocarbons follow CO in the order. One of contributor to this problem. By 2030, India aspires to be a
these 90 % of all carbon dioxide emissions are produced by nation that only uses electric vehicles.
the transportation industry, which uses either ither gasoline or
diesel. B. Khurana et al. (2019)
Structured Equation Modeling (SEM) and Structured
The automobile industry will account for half of all Dynamics Modeling were used to examine the data (SDM).
greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, according to the IEA. The Few people are familiar with these vehicles' qualities. A
evaluation strongly implies that the present transportation standardized questionnaire that asked about demographic,
paradigm is unsustainable and requires a significant revamp. sociodemographic, and model variables was used to collect
India is the third-largest emitter of CO2 in the world, and in the data. A model has been suggested by the study to analyze
2018 its emissions rose by 4.8 percent to 2.9 billion tones, variables that may affect the uptake of electric cars (EVs). It
with the transport sector accounting for 87 percent of all was discovered that the PEB and the BI's adoption of EVs are
emissions. The aforementioned facts and figures serve as a unrelated. Instead, it significantly improves ATT and the SoC.
stark reminder that India requires a more environmentally I support the widespread use of EVs.
friendly and energy-efficient transportation system. Electric

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
C. Kambli (2022) respondents as they distributed the questionnaire in order to
Vehicle electrification is a game-changer for the determine the precise number of responses.
transportation industry because it has significant energy and
environmental benefits, including zero tailpipe emissions, a H. Patel et al., (2021)
reduction in petroleum dependence, and high vehicle In this study, a survey of Indian individuals is conducted
efficiency (EVs are roughly 3–4 times more efficient than to see what they truly believe about electric vehicles
comparable internal combustion engines, or ICEVs). With the compared to traditional I.C. engine vehicles. In a Google
aid of secondary research, the goal of this magazine was to form, the following parameters are turned into questions with
comprehend the prospects and trends for electric cars in the five response possibilities, ranging from 1 to 5, where 1
future. According to the author, vehicle electrification indicates a strong disagreement and 5 indicates a strong
integrates synergetic ally with changes in mobility, such as agreement. This paper's major goal is to comprehend the
urban micro mobility, automation, and mobility-as-a-service impact of performance expectations, effort expectations,
options. It also aligns with larger electrification and perceived danger, social influence, perceived safety,
decarbonization trends. behavioral intents, financial rewards, and perceived
environment on Indian consumers' decisions to buy electric
D. Mishra et al. (2021) cars (EVs).
The purpose of this paper by Mishra is to discuss the
important factors that must be taken into consideration while I. Kesari et al., (2019)
developing the infrastructure for electric vehicle charging Over the past ten years, the global market for electric
stations. The report discusses the technical advancements that cars has experienced tremendous growth. In this essay,
are being made to improve charging station infrastructure Keshari analyses the potential for electric vehicles in India.
design and management practices. Discuss the many frameworks and policies the Indian
government has put in place to encourage the use of electric
E. Digalwar et al. (2021) vehicles. Finish by describing how India may profit from
With the potential to be original equipment these tactics both locally and nationally.
manufacturers and service providers in the electric vehicle
sector, Digalwar seeks to develop and evaluate the elements J. Gujarathi et al., (2018)
impacting the sustainable production of electric vehicles in To comprehend the actual situation, Gujrati, Shah, and
India. A thorough literature search was needed to Lokhande provided a case study from the viewpoint of the
comprehend the expansion and development of the electric consumer. The needed rules, promotions, and obstacles to the
car market. From internet databases including Emerald expansion of the Indian market are reviewed. The present
Insight, Google Scholar, Inderscience, ScienceDirect, Taylor state of Indian road transportation is examined along with
and Francis, etc., 79 research publications from the years government policies and initiatives. Additionally, the study
2009 to 2019 were gathered and rigorously examined. discusses the two- and four-wheeler industry participants as
Technological, social, cultural, economic, political, well as the existing Indian EV market.
geographical, and environmental issues were noted.
K. M et al., (2018)
F. Mathew & Varaprasad (2022) Petroleum-based cars are being replaced by electric
The research of Mathew and Varaprashad is important ones. Electric engines will be cost-effective for customers and
for determining the elements that influence the uptake of significantly cut pollution when internal combustion engines
electric cars in India. For the case analysis, both qualitative are replaced. The authors have observed the possibilities and
and quantitative tools may be employed. The goal of Mathew difficulties associated with the introduction of electric cars in
and Varaprashad is to identify the elements that affect EV India. They discovered that the main goals of EV adoption in
adoption in India. Many of these elements play a significant India are to lower greenhouse gas emissions and lower oil
part in why the country is still falling behind in the adoption costs. Additionally, they recommended that the government
of cutting-edge technology like EVs. Various statistical make the most of the potential offered and develop effective
methods are accessible for the in-depth analysis. solutions to the problems that would arise from the adoption
of EVs in 2030.
G. Shalender & Sharma (2020)
India faces significant pressure to lower its energy needs III. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
and greenhouse gas emissions because it is a major energy
consumer. Shalender and Sharma anticipate the adoption  To identify different sections where India is lacking in
intention of 326 customers toward the purchase of EVs using infrastructure development for Electric Vehicles (EV).
an enhanced TPB model. According to the study's empirical  To understand different initiatives taken by government to
research, purchasers' adoption intentions are positively adapt electric vehicles in India.
correlated with attitude, subjective norm, perceived  To understand market scenario of electric vehicles after
behavioral control, moral norm, and environmental concern. covid situation and different aspects that will be challenges
The study tested for non-response bias in accordance with the to the EV’s in India.
recommendations of Armstrong and Overton and Hill et al.
They gathered demographic and socioeconomic data from

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. RESEACRCH METHODOLOGY lithium-ion battery packs has been hampered by the COVID-
19 pandemic. Additionally, the Indian government has
Thorough literature study was needed to comprehend the stopped receiving battery shipments from China due to
general viewpoint, existing situation, and potential impact of internal issues, pushing it to focus on battery production.
electric vehicles on India. Through a variety of internet India is giving electric cars a lot of attention in order to open
resources, including Google Scholar, Inderscience, up economic opportunities. The government has put in place
ScienceDirect, ScienceHub, and others, we have retrieved 12 a variety of regulations regarding electric vehicles that
research papers for secondary data covering the years up to promote business development and customer education.
2022 and methodically examined them. The majority of those
research were centered on why EVs are vital for the planet, C. Government Initiatives
particularly in India, and what are the problems connected The Indian government developed NEMMP 2020
with them, as well as what actions have been made by the (National Electric Mobility Mission Plan) in 2013 and set the
Indian government and the country's auto sector. We aspirational aim of having 30% of Indian cars be electric by
discovered that the main limiting issues were a dearth of 2030 after seeing the potential benefits of EVs (DHI 2017).
infrastructure for charging, a shortage of competent labour, a Additionally, the Indian government revived the NEMMP
dearth of items created in India, etc. 2020's FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid
and Electric Vehicles) project, spending a total of Rs. 264
This paper is purely based on secondary research data crores (PIB, 2018).
and proper citations have been done at the end of the paper.
Despite the government's concerted efforts, the market
V. ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET SCENARIO share of electric cars in India's automotive industry is still
quite small. There were 25,000 EVs purchased in 2016-2017,
India has one of the major automotive industries in the 92 percent of which were two-wheelers and the remaining 8%
world; it is now the fifth-largest vehicle sector globally but is were four-wheelers, making up even less than 2% of the 25
predicted to rise to the third position by 2030. If India switches million-strong country's transportation industry (SIAM
to electric cars, it might benefit in the automotive sector in a 2017). The percentage fell even lower in 2018, with electric
number of ways due to the relative abundance of sustainable motors making up only 0.06 percent of all vehicles sold in
energy sources and the significant amount of manpower India (PIB 2019). Each of these elements suggests that
present in this market in India. government support is necessary for electric vehicles to
become popular.
A. Market Review
The Indian Electric Automobiles Market was estimated D. Charging infrastructure
to be worth USD 5.1 billion in 2020, and it is anticipated to Batteries that power electric cars must be fully charged
grow to USD 47.3 billion by 2026, with an average annual in order for them to run. What transpires, though, if the cars
growth rate of 44%+ throughout the anticipated time frame lose their charge? In this situation, it has to be charged at a
(2021-2026). India's automobile industry has suffered as a charging station. There are now just 300 operational charging
result of the countrywide shutdown and travel restrictions stations in India, which highlights a lack of adequate charging
brought on by the COVID-19 virus. The nation's market for infrastructure. The government is thus concentrating on this
electric vehicles is continuing expanding despite the period and formulating a plan for taxing infrastructure
suspension and disruption of the logistic production and development.
supply units.
While the Indian government is working hard in this area
and electric car adoption is happening quickly in India, it is A. High Cost
currently rather challenging for Indian consumers to embrace Customers cannot bear to spend so much money on
electric vehicles on a large scale. EVs are still a threat to the something new. When compared to a car with a fuel-based
two-wheeler sector, but much more work needs to be done combustion system, which costs up to 9 lakh Indian rupees
because they are not comparable to fuel-based vehicles. Two- with the same facilities, the new Tesla Model 3's price of
wheelers powered by fuel get better mileage and are more roughly 60 lakh Indian rupees cannot be justified by those
cost-effective. The utilization of electric vehicles for delivery who want to purchase one. As a result, the pricing should be
purposes is a new endeavor being launched by e-commerce kept affordable for Indians in order to entice individuals to
behemoths like Amazon. This innovative programme will participate in electric vehicles. To make it feasible, we must
help India become pollution-free. The Indian government is first cease importing supplies from other nations, as doing so
also aiming to make electric vehicles, such E-buses, one of the drives up the cost of materials, then offer some form of
main public transportation options. incentives to EV producers in order to motivate them to
produce more EVs.
B. Current scenario of electric vehicles in India
The COVID-19 pandemic had a tremendous impact on B. Lack of Technology
the automobile industry, but demand for electric cars is still The worldwide development of electric cars is more
rising in part because of new models like the Tata Nexon EV, reliable than Indian electric vehicle technology. Electric cars
Tata Tigor EV, and Mercedes-Benz EQC. The supply of in India fall short in terms of efficiency, dependability, and

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
velocity. It affects the development of electric cars. cars won't produce noise or smog; thus, they'll help India
Additionally, India's imports are growing as the value of its reduce its environmental issues as well as noise pollution.
currency declines since India depends on other nations, such
as China, for the equipment for electric vehicles. India is After much discussion, it has become clear that electric
currently manufacturing its own EV parts thanks to proactive vehicles are the way of the future. However, there are now a
efforts as imports of items and parts from China have been number of challenges in the EV market that may be resolved
stopped due to the COVID19 infection. by government efforts, research, and policies. By 2030, India
wants to have only electric cars on the road. Therefore, all of
C. Lack of skilled Workers these initiatives will succeed in improving India's
Any industry needs a skilled worker, but the electric car infrastructure for electric vehicles and flexibility.
industry needs it more than others because most individuals
don't have any prior knowledge of the vehicles. Working in REFERENCES
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