Is India Ready For Electric Vehicles
Is India Ready For Electric Vehicles
Is India Ready For Electric Vehicles
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The automobile industry is changing globally. vehicles (EVs) are one of the many possibilities for
All businesses are considering a as it is essential for sustainable transportation, and they are gaining credibility as
sustainable development, a better substitute for fuel- an alternative form of transportation (CVs). measurement and
based vehicles. Which is when electric cars (EV) as an others are deliberate, using specifications that anticipate your
alternative are considered. electric automobiles can lessen paper as one part of the entire proceedings, and not as an
the harmful pollutants that fuel-based cars generate that independent document. Please do not revise any of the current
can seriously harm the environment to the surroundings. designations.
However, these vehicles have unique difficulties. In this
paper, we'll address numerous infrastructural issues or Based on the energy source EVs can be classified int
obstacles for electric cars. Paper furthermore offers three types1 BEVs (powered by only battery) 2 HEVs (hybrid
India's current state and whether it is ready for electric small battery and conventional engine) 3 PHEVs (plug in with
automobiles. What will happen Before electric vehicles a large battery and a small engine).
became a common alternative, a few conditions had to be
met. The study also covers the government policies that BEVs are regarded as the purest type of electric mobility
must be implemented in order to achieve sustainable since they are powered exclusively by batteries and lack a
development. Users encounter a variety of issues with traditional engine, but HEVs are seen as the most useful form
charging stations. As a result, the document also offers of mobility because they have both battery and an engine.
information on the specs of the batteries and the Electric vehicles are more environmentally friendly and less
availability of charging stations, which shortens the harmful to the environment than their traditional counterparts.
procedure a little. The report also discusses technical
developments in the automotive sector with reference to II. LITERATURE REVIEW
electric cars. The article also discusses the government's
policy regarding electric automobiles. The main goal of this paper is to determine whether India
is prepared for electric vehicles or not. This will be determined
Keywords:- Electric Vehicles; Charging Stations; using a variety of criteria, including the infrastructure for
Sustainable Development; Government Initiative; Smart electric vehicles, government initiatives, social influence, the
Charging; Charging Infrastructure. steps the Indian automotive industry has taken, and others.