Consumerperceptionofelectricvehiclesinindia PDF
Consumerperceptionofelectricvehiclesinindia PDF
Consumerperceptionofelectricvehiclesinindia PDF
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3 authors, including:
Shweta Kishore
Vishwakarma Institute of Management
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Abstract - With the current depletion of fossil fuels and its price hike, there is a need for another energy
resource to run the vehicle. The automobile sector is considering Electric Vehicle as a solution to the
industry and environment in India. However, the current market penetration of EV is relatively low in
spite of governments implementing EV policies. Through this paper potential scope of Electric vehicle
in India will be studied and Consumer perception for same will be analysed.
Keywords: Electric vehicles, Consumer perception, Choice of vehicle, Environment, Conventional
vehicle, Government policies
India is a country with the third-largest road network in the world. Road travel seemed to be a preferred
choice in India with over 60 % of the population used personal or shared vehicles to commute. ( Statista ,
Conventional vehicles are a major cause of global warming and environmental air pollution. All types of
vehicles produce dust from brakes, tires, and road wear. The average diesel vehicle has worse effect on air
quality than the average gasoline vehicle. But both gasoline and diesel vehicle pollutes more than the
electric vehicle. (EEA , 2018)
Governments started using fiscal policies, such as road tax, to discourage the purchase and use of more
polluting cars. Green tax is imposed while re-registering the vehicle after 15 years of use to make people
discontinue the use of polluting vehicles and encourage them for fuel-efficient and less polluting vehicles.
Fuel taxes may act as an incentive for the production of more efficient, less polluting, vehicle and the
development of alternative fuels. High fuel taxes or cultural change may provide a powerful incentive for
consumers to buy lighter, smaller, fuel-efficient cars, or to not drive. (transportpolicy)
The FAME India Scheme is an incentive scheme for promotion of electric and hybrid vehicles. It aims to
promote electric mobility and gives financial incentives for enhancing EV production and the creation of
electric transportation infrastructure. In 2015 the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises
launched FAME to incentivize the production and promotion of eco-friendly vehicles including EV and
hybrid vehicles. The scheme is proposed for establishing charging infrastructure (Jose, 2018)
The National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020, a National Mission document providing the
vision and therefore the roadmap for the faster adoption of EVs and its manufacturing. This plan has been
designed to boost national fuel security, to supply affordable and environmentally friendly transportation,
and to enable the Indian automotive industry to attain global manufacturing leadership. (Gulati, 2013)
Electric Vehicles: A Synthesis of the Current Literature with a Focus on Economic and
Environmental Viability: Marcello Contestabile, Dr Gregory Offer, Dr Robin North, A
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 8, 2020
research concludes that the longer term uptake of EVs will depend heavily on progress in battery
technology, to bring down costs and increase energy density, and on the provision of a suitable recharging
infrastructure. (Marcello Contestabile, 2012)
Potential Need for Electric Vehicles, Charging Station Infrastructure and its Challenges for the
Indian Market: by Praveen Kumar and Kalyan Dash, India should invest in small scale
reinforcements to manage the load issues locally rather than going for an enormous change. Home
charging should be encouraged. Proper planning of place, population, traffic density and safety should be
considered before implementing the massive scale charging infrastructure. The integration of activities
within the energy and transport fields is important. Development goals through different innovative
policies and programs, for instance, drivers of electrical cars are offered a financial consumer incentive,
like tax credits, purchase subsidies, discounted tolls, free parking, and access to restricted highway lanes
will help the market to grow. (Dash P. K., 2013)
Conventional, Hybrid, or Electric Vehicles: Which Technology for an Urban Distribution Centre?:
by Philippe Lebeau, Cedric De Cauwer, Joeri Van Mierlo, Cathy Macharis, Freight transport has a
major impact on urban movement. Researcher explored the possible integration of electric vehicles in
urban logistics operations. A fleet with different technologies has the opportunity of reducing the costs of
the last mile. Researcher presented a fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with time windows for
EVs. The main contribution of the authors was considering the variability of the range of EVs. In the
segments of small vans, EVs are often the most competitive technology. In the segment of large vans,
diesel has seen the most interesting solution from a financial point of view as electric vehicles would need
to cover a longer distance to be cost-competitive. Hybrid vehicles are chosen in the segment of trucks as
its running costs and fixed costs are lower than the diesel truck. (Philippe Lebeau, 2015)
Consumer preferences for electric vehicles: by Fanchao Liao, Eric Molin & Bert van Wee,
Widespread adoption of EVs may contribute to lessening of problems like environmental pollution, global
warming and oil dependency. However, this penetration of EV is comparatively low in spite of
governments implementing strong promotion policies. They presented a comprehensive review of studies
on consumer preferences for EV aiming to convey policy-makers and give direction to further research.
They compared the economic and psychological approach towards consumer preference for Electric
vehicle. The impact of financial and technical attributes of EV on its utility is generally found to be
significant, including its purchase and operating cost, driving range, charging duration, vehicle
performance and brand diversity on the market. The density of charging stations also positively affects the
utility and promotion of EV. The impact of incentive policies, tax reduction is quite effective. (Fanchao
Liao, 2017)
International Council on Clean Transportation: Lingzhi Jin, Peter Slowik, The early market growth
for electric vehicles continues, but a number of barriers prevent their widespread uptake. These barriers
include the additional cost of the new technology, relative inconvenience of technology considering range
and charge times, and consumer understanding about the availability and viability of the technology. This
last point, typically referred to as “consumer awareness,” is crucial. (Lingzhi Jin, 2017)
Study on Electric Vehicles in India Opportunities and Challenges: by Mohamed M, G Tamil
Arasan, and G Sivakumar, The replacement of ICE with electric engines will reduce pollution to a great
extent and be profitable to consumers. Many countries have implemented this technology and are
contributing to the improvement of the environment. The researcher saw the opportunities and challenges
faced in India over implementing EVs. Opportunities like Government Initiatives, Batteries, Industries,
and Environment have been considered. With these challenges like cost of EVs, efficiency of EVs in India
and demand for EVs were taken into consideration. The implementation of EVs in India aims primarily to
scale back greenhouse emissions and cut oil expenses. The govt. should make the foremost out of the
opportunities available and find suitable ways to tackle the challenges. (Mohamed M, 2018)
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 8, 2020
Electric Vehicles in India: Market Analysis with Consumer Perspective, Policies and Issues: Pritam
K. Gujarathi, Varsha A. Shah, Makarand M. Lokhande, Indian Scenario is different because the
current market share of EV/PHEV is around 0.1%. Presently almost all vehicles consider fossil fuel-based
transportation. These pollute the atmosphere by the emission of greenhouse gases & causes global
warming. The gap between domestic petroleum production and consumption is widening. India imports
around 70% of oil required per annum. Hence there's an urgent need to investigate factors and challenges
for sustainable and cleaner alternatives. (Pritam K. Gujarathi, 2018)
Perception and Awareness Level of Potential Customers towards Electric Cars: Masurali.A, Surya
P, India contributes around 18% in transport sector alone in terms of carbon emission. The Electric
Vehicle (EV) is one of the foremost feasible alternative solutions to beat the crises. Several automotive
companies are introducing EVs and are expanding their portfolio. Promoting EVs can help reduce fuel
dependence and pollution and beneficial for both consumers and the nation. The education of people has
significantly higher influence over their awareness level on EVs. Apart from manufacturers, Government
should strive hard to spread awareness and influence positive perception among potential customers.
(Masurali.A, 2018)
A Study of Consumer Perception and Purchase Intention of Electric Vehicles: Pretty Bhalla, Inass
Salamah Ali, Afroze Nazneen, Choice of cars depends upon environmental concern, cost, comfort, trust,
technology, social acceptance, infrastructure availability. These arguments have been tested for both
conventional cars and EVs. They assume that these factors have direct influence on individual choice of
vehicle. They found that EV manufacturers and Government have to invest more in social acceptance of
the vehicle by creating more infrastructural facilities, putting more thrust on technology to create trust.
The analysis depicts that the population is well aware of the environmental benefits. The responsibility
lies on the shoulders of the Government and manufacturers to investing in the manufacturing of vehicles.
(Pretty Bhalla, 2018)
Electric Vehicles for India: Overview and Challenges: by Mr. A. Rakesh Kumar, Dr.
Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Global pollution is on the rise and each effort made, is to cut back the
CO2 emissions and save the earth. One such effort is the introduction of EVs. The transport sector is one
in all the largest emitter of CO2 and hence it's important to reduce it. The government has come up with
ambitious plans of introducing EVs to the Indian market and confine pace with the event of EVs globally.
The National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020 has included an in-depth report on the EVs. India
encompasses a huge challenge in shifting the transportation sector from ICE engines to EVs. This needs
lots of planning along with R&D. Charging infrastructure must be adequately build to deal with range
anxiety. It’s vital to form demand generation by making all government buses electric and offering tax
exemptions for personal EV owners. (Mr. A. Rakesh Kumar, 2019)
Opportunities and Scope for Electric Vehicles in India: by Janardan Prasad Kesari, Yash Sharma,
Chahat Goel, Developing an aggressive strategy for the adoption of EVs in India and ensuring a well-
executed implementation is a challenge but vital for government. The geography and diversity of India
will present problems that require thoughtful solutions. Public procurement is expected to be an important
driver of growth of EVs, with the purchase of four-wheeled vehicles for government offices, three-
wheeled vehicles and buses for public transport. Investments by fleet operators such as Ola and Uber, and
operators of food distribution services, are also expected to boost the initial growth of two- and four-
wheeled electric vehicles. However, the private EVs may take 5-6 years to gain popularity and acceptance.
(Janardan Prasad Kesari, 2019)
Indian Electric Vehicles Storm in a teacup: Yogesh Aggarwal, Vivek Gedda and Kushan Parikh,
Users of scooters, who need only to travel short distances, may consider an EV, but those, who need to
travel longer distances and already own bikes like a Hero Splendor, may find it difficult to move to an e-
2W. For cars, it is relatively simple to improve the range with increased battery size. For electric 2Ws
though, every increase in kWh may provide an extra 30km in range, but the increase in weight is around
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 8, 2020
10kg, approximately a 10% increase in the total weight of the bike. This weight issue is even more
pronounced in smaller bikes (less than 150cc). (Yogesh Aggarwal, 2019)
The objective of this paper is to understand consumer perception and the factors important for the
purchase of EVs in India.
Descriptive research methodology is used. Primary data of a sample population of 212 is collected using
online questionnaire. Chi square test is used to test the hypothesis.
The sample size is 212 out of which 60.4% are male and 39.6% are female. 7.5% of respondents fall
under age group of 18-23 yrs, 55.7% in 24-40 yrs, 27.8% in 41-55 yrs and 9% are 56 yrs & above.
90.1% were in favour of eco-friendly vehicles and 9.9% favoured conventional vehicle. Respondents are
aware of climate conditions and ready to change their preference to eco-friendly cars.
When asked regarding choice of vehicle, respondents majorly selected hybrid vehicles.
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 8, 2020
Cost being an important factor, customer expects EVs in 5-10 lakhs range.
To find the consumer perception it’s important to find out the factors for selecting EV. Respondents
considers less carbon emissions, less dependency on fossil fuels, inexpensive to run as important factors.
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 8, 2020
Respondents considers recharging time, limited charging stations, difficulty in charging as major
drawback/limitation to consider EVs in current situation.
Considering the current infrastructure and development of electric vehicle in india, majority of
respondents considers that it is early for EVs to launch.
Respondents were being asked about the various factors which influences the purchase decision of a
vehicle. Majority of respondents consider performance, fuel efficiency, price, technical features and
environment friendly as very influential, whereas they consider style, size and brand as moderately
influential factors.
Hypothesis Testing
Test 1: Relationship between Choice of vehicle and Gender
H0: There is no difference of gender on the choice of vehicle.
H1: There is significant difference of gender on the choice of vehicle.
Count of vehicle Column Labels
Row Labels Conventional LPG/CNG Hybrid Electric Grand Total
Male 19 18 73 18 128
Female 4 32 38 10 84
Grand Total 23 50 111 28 212
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 8, 2020
Count of vehicle Column Labels
Row Labels Conventional LPG/CNG Hybrid Electric Grand Total
Male 13.88679245 30.18867925 67.01886792 16.9056603 128
Female 9.113207547 19.81132075 43.98113208 11.0943396 84
Grand Total 23 50 111 28 212
P Value 0.000315703
P value is smaller than 0.05 thus we reject H0 & accept H1 i.e. there is significant difference of
gender on the choice of vehicle.
Test 2: Relationship between choice of vehicle and Income
H0: There is no significant difference in income group of people and their choice of vehicle.
H1: There is significant difference in income group of people and their choice of vehicle.
Count of vehicle Column Labels
Row Labels Conventional LPG/CNG Hybrid Electric Grand Total
up to 5 Lakhs 7 16 33 12 68
5 to 10 Lakhs 6 21 36 6 69
10 to 20 Lakhs 7 7 22 7 43
20 Lakhs & above 3 6 20 3 32
Grand Total 23 50 111 28 212
Row Labels Conventional LPG/CNG Hybrid Electric Grand Total
up to 5 Lakhs 7.377358491 16.03773585 35.60377358 8.98113207 68
5 to 10 Lakhs 7.485849057 16.27358491 36.12735849 9.11320754 69
10 to 20 Lakhs 4.66509434 10.14150943 22.51415094 5.67924528 43
20 Lakhs & above 3.471698113 7.547169811 16.75471698 4.22641509 32
Grand Total 23 50 111 28 212
P value 0.556199434
P value is greater than 0.05, we do not reject H0, but this does not necessarily imply that we should accept
H0. We can conclude that H0 is true or false but our experiment and statistical test were not “strong”
enough to lead to a p-value lower than 0.05.
With the depletion of fossil fuels and constant hike in fuel prices, there is a need for energy transition in
vehicles in India. Govt has taken initiative to fight pollution levels by promoting EVs and giving subsidies
on purchase. To boost its production, Govt has eased the FDI norms. Various emerging brands are
launching EVs in India. The Government and manufacturers should join their hands to build the
infrastructure and create positive environment for EVs.
The respondents are aware of global climate conditions and are ready to change their preference from
conventional to eco-friendly vehicles. Cost is an important factor while considering the purchase of EV.
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 8, 2020
Respondents are willing to consider EVs as their future purchase option, if proper infrastructure is
available. Initial cost of purchase, less number of charging stations and the time required to recharge the
battery is creating limitation in boosting consumer confidence.
This study has focused on both primary and secondary data of electric vehicles in India. Though the
research found a potential scope of Electric vehicles in India, still there is a scope for in-depth study with
greater number of samples and more factors.
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European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 7, Issue 8, 2020