Yogender Singh received a payslip from Balajji Securiety Services Pvt Ltd for the month of May 2021. The payslip details Yogender Singh's employee information, gross salary of Rs. 120000, and earnings including basic salary, house rent allowance, and special allowances. Deductions included Rs. 1800 for EPF. The net pay amounted to Rs. 118200 as stated in words. The payslip was computer generated and did not require a signature.
Yogender Singh received a payslip from Balajji Securiety Services Pvt Ltd for the month of May 2021. The payslip details Yogender Singh's employee information, gross salary of Rs. 120000, and earnings including basic salary, house rent allowance, and special allowances. Deductions included Rs. 1800 for EPF. The net pay amounted to Rs. 118200 as stated in words. The payslip was computer generated and did not require a signature.
Yogender Singh received a payslip from Balajji Securiety Services Pvt Ltd for the month of May 2021. The payslip details Yogender Singh's employee information, gross salary of Rs. 120000, and earnings including basic salary, house rent allowance, and special allowances. Deductions included Rs. 1800 for EPF. The net pay amounted to Rs. 118200 as stated in words. The payslip was computer generated and did not require a signature.
Yogender Singh received a payslip from Balajji Securiety Services Pvt Ltd for the month of May 2021. The payslip details Yogender Singh's employee information, gross salary of Rs. 120000, and earnings including basic salary, house rent allowance, and special allowances. Deductions included Rs. 1800 for EPF. The net pay amounted to Rs. 118200 as stated in words. The payslip was computer generated and did not require a signature.
Employee ID 12875 LOP Days Designation SENIOR MANAGER Paid Days Department, MANAGEMENT Bank Name Date of Joining 2/7/2015 Bank A/c No Gross Salary 120000 UAN 10115410116426 Earnings Deductio Basic Salary ₹54000 EPF House Rent Allowances ₹21600 Health Insurance/ESI Conveyance Allowances ₹1600 Professional Tax Medical Allowances ₹1250 Special Allowances ₹41550 Gross Salary ₹120000 Total Deductions Net Pay
This is computer generated Payslip and doesn't require any signatur