Internship Report Bank
Internship Report Bank
Internship Report Bank
S.C. Thanthirige
I hereby declare that the internship report is based on my learning experience and
does not incorporate any material previously submitted for a Degree in any University
or Institution to the best of my knowledge and it does not contain any material
previously published or written by any other person except where due references are
made in the text.
This is to certify that Mr. S.C. Thanthirige (2015/BS/82) submitted the internship
report on 10th July 2021 to the Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of
Business Studies, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna in partial fulfilment
of the Bachelor of Business Management Honours in Marketing Management.
…………………………………………… Date…………………….
Acting Head
Department of Marketing
I am glad to take this opportunity to pay my gratitude to all those who have helped
and guided me in various ways in completing the six-months inter training program as
well as this report.
I would like to express my special thanks my parents, relations, brothers and friends
who gave their fullest co-operation, moral strength for the successful accomplishment
of this study. At last but not least I would like to thanks all my colleagues who had
helped me to complete the dissertation successfully.
S.C. Thanthirige
TABLE OF CONTENT..............................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................vii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................viii
1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................1
1.2 Introduction..........................................................................................................1
1.3 Expectations.........................................................................................................5
3.2 Vison.....................................................................................................................7
3.3 Mission.................................................................................................................7
5.0 Lessons Learned.................................................................................................10
6.1 Strengths.............................................................................................................11
5.2 Weakness............................................................................................................13
5.3 Opportunities......................................................................................................13
5.4 Barriers...............................................................................................................13
7.0 Conclusion..........................................................................................................14
7.1 Recommendations..............................................................................................14
Table 1. 1 Services offered by the bank.........................................................................3
Table 1. 2 Internship Schedule.......................................................................................4
Figure 3. 1 Organization Structure of the People’s Bank Senkadagala Branch.............8
Most of the university students are highly competent with their academic
performances. and most of the students have good grades with a sound theoretical
knowledge. But they do not get any practical implication of that theoretical
knowledge unless they enter to an internship training program.
The internship program is a great opportunity which is included in our four years’
degree program provided by Vavuniya campus. And it is a partial fulfillment of my
Bachelor of Business Management Honours in Marketing Management, so through
internship programs like this we can overcome the problems to a certain level and can
help the students to be very strong and confident to find their suitable career path,
while developing their interpersonal skills, analytical skills and by learning how to
use theoretical aspects of learning in practical cases.
I started my internship training program in the 2nd semester of the fourth year. I have
started my training from 5th of January to 30th of June 2021 at the People’s Bank
Senkadagaka Branch. Most importantly, the knowledge about school level and
university level private which I have learned as a subject in the school and university
was immensely useful throughout my internship.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Name of the Organization
People’s Bank Senkadagala Branch
1.2 Introduction
Banking sector of Sri Lanka is playing significant role in the financial system of the
country while retains highest share of the total assets in the entire financial system.
There are 25 Licensed Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka under the control of Central
Bank (, 2021). People’s Bank is the second largest state-owned commercial
bank in Sri Lanka.
Company loss of more than Rs. 2 billion on 2019 due to mismanagement and
Government corruption, former chairman said.
Asian Development Bank has give a "Trade Deal of the Year" award in 2020. On
November 2020 company reported company total assets rise to Rs. 2.1 trillion.
Company serving 200 island wide Self Banking Units. Most urban areas branches
converted to digital banking protocol.
A+(lka) Fitch Rated People’s Leasing & Finance PLC is a wholly owned subsidiary
of the People's Bank. (which holds >75%) It's leading finance and leasing company in
Sri Lanka. People's Leasing company started in 1996. It's highest rated non-bank
financial company in Sri Lanka.
Bank launches loan program to local industries. It's called "Made in Sri Lanka". It's
aims to supported small and medium business enterprise.
The bank offer both retail and corporate banking services, with a network of 739 local
branches, service centers and has an asset base of LKR 1.873 trillion (2019) with over
14 million customers. (70% local customers) People's Bank received a high national
long-Term Rating of AA+ by Fitch Rating. People's bank most awarded state-owned
company such as "Green Plus" "Carbon Conscious Award". People's Bank became Sri
Lanka's best performing bank. Bank mainly target small and medium enterprise.
Our bank from humble beginnings has become the pulse of every Sri Lankan by
enhancing their living standard whilst supporting State endeavors and socio economic
development considering the aspirations of the nation.
We provide customized solutions to satisfy our customers always placing them at the
centre of decision-making and striving to enhance value in our services. We are
responsive and flexible to meet the unique needs of our customers by redefining
ourselves to embrace change.
As a financial institute, Honesty and Righteousness have been our strengths, which
have been preserved in our culture from our very establishment, and we pride being
who we are. As a responsible and a dependable bank, we are liable to our key
stakeholders for our conduct.
We believe in our people for our success and everyone working together for a
common goal with team spirit.
We empower our people and enable their creativity through innovative products,
services & processes. We value our customers’ differences, understanding that
diversity makes us even stronger.
month training period the following activities are been executed at People’s Bank
Senkadagala branch.
Months Activities
January Join the organization
Got basic idea about working environment of the
Training introduction
February Identified account opening activities
Application of green banking concept.
Advertising Sisu Udana and Isuru Udana accounts for the
school children.
March Application of customer relationship management by call
operation & communication.
Engaged digital marketing promotion and credit card
Checking and engaging Crib report activities.
April Prepared awurudu gift activities.
Advertising for app promotion.
Decorating branch for the awurudu season.
May Training cheques collecting activities Record keeping &
systematized activities related to cheques.
Identified process of cheques clearing.
June Engaged products promotion activities.
Application of E-commerce concept.
Monitor the targets and achievements of branch.
1.3 Expectations
At the time I was looking for internships I wanted to join an organization which
functions smoothly and I’m glad that I found one my major expectation was to
maximum utilize the theoretical knowledge I gained from my university education. I
was expecting to improve my computer skills, analytical skills, interpersonal skills
and problem-solving skills and I wanted to know how to work in the government
sector and work under pressure while learning the basic essence of the private sector
working environment as a newly entered person to this sector.
My objectives were,
To gain insight into the working environment and understanding the culture of
the organization.
To apply theoretical knowledge practically.
Develop time management skills and the ability to be responsible for more
than one job.
To identify my inner strengths and weaknesses.
Improve my interpersonal skills.
Learn to work with different types of people.
Identify the factors that cause inefficiency of work.
Recognize the problems, challenges and get ideas about how to face and find a
better solution for such situations with the help of immediate supervisors’
3.0 Organization Profile
Name of the organization: People’s Bank Senkadagala branch
Phone: 081-4953748
Industry: Finance
Headquarters: No. 75, Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Ranjith Kodituwakku(CEO)
Subsidiaries: People's Leasing Group, People's Travels (Pvt) Ltd, People's Merchant
Bank PLC
Website :
3.2 Vison
To be recognized as Sri Lanka’s undisputed market leader for financial services.
3.3 Mission
We are in the business of providing financial services that contribute to the quality
of life, and enterprise development, via affordable, accessible, and efficiently
delivered solutions
We empower and develop our human resources, so that they will care for and
protect our customers
We contribute to national economic development, while being competitively
We believe in ‘giving back’ to the society we operate in, while being sustainable in
our business practices
3.4 Organization Structure of the People’s bank Senkadagala Branch
Branch Manager
Cash Officer
Current Teller
Pawning Saving Recovery Loan Business
A/C and
Officer Officer Officer Officer Promotion
Officer ATM
4.0Activities Performed of the People’s bank Senkadagala Branch
4.1 Personal Banking Units
Inquires & Accounts Opening Section
o Account opening activities.
o Account Transferring, Closing & related activities.
o Customer requirements/orders fulfillment activities.
o Resolving customer issues.
o Documentation activities.
o Assist legal status & Methodology.
o Call Operation & Communication.
Saving Section
o Prepared early warning letters.
o Prepared month end reports.
o Transaction activities in the BTS.
o Cash Handling.
o Issuing gifts for minor accounts.
o Inventory & stock management.
o ATM card activities.
o Book keeping & filling activities.
Current Accounts Section
o Cheques collecting.
o Assist the process of Cheques clearing.
o Record keeping & systematized activities related to cheques.
Customer visits
Debtors account holding activities
How to face challenges and make decisions immediately even for
unforeseeable situations.
I was able to understand the attitudes of the office staff and how to move on
with them.
I improved my computer skills and English knowledge.
I learned how to work as a group.
I learned about delegation of authority.
Developed interpersonal skill and real time action.
I improved inter personnel skills, communication skills, planning and
organizing skills and most importantly problem-solving skills.
The most important thing I learned is how to accept the mistakes and take
necessary actions for the mistakes that I have done during my work and how
to make solutions to those with the help of my immediate supervisors.
6.1 Strengths
Strong brand and reputation
The people's bank firmed the brand positioning as the largest. And also, awarded for
being the most popular financial institution with the People’s Award for the second
consecutive year at the SLIM-Nielsen People’s Awards. Furthermore, recognized as
one of Asia’s most promising brands by ibrands 3600.
Corporate culture
The People’s Bank builds on corporate stability and brings out the performance-based
culture underscored by business ethics and CSR. People’s bank strengthened the
governance and adopted the updated Corporate Governance Code jointly issued by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka and the Securities and Exchange
Commission of Sri Lanka, recognized branches and marketers for outstanding
performance – operational and volunteerism for CSR activities at the 14th PLC
Premier Awards and increased the integration of CSR activities including community
development initiatives and efforts to reduce the corporate’s carbon footprint into the
Market Leadership
Consider the best practices in HR to attract the top talent to bank and retain trained
staff and enhance team spirit and employee productivity.
Consolidate the distribution network with the merged entity and allocate resources to
bring in greater efficiency through streamlined processes.
Product Portfolio
Group synergies
Leverage and optimize on Group synergies. Bank collaborated effectively with and
between the subsidiaries to cross-sell and product bundle to offer value addition to the
Reinforce the niche of servicing the SMEs and the informal sector to bolster market
Delegate authority to the branch level for effective and speedy daily operations
People’s bank is the first bank launch digital branches in Sri Lanka.
5.2 Weakness
Lacks personalized video interaction at SBU
5.3 Opportunities
Favorable market Condition
Position the operations to best fit and maximize the opportunities present in the
emerging economy.
Consolidate the niche in Islamic Finance to cover the growing demand in the North
and East.
5.4 Barriers
Intense Industry Competition
People’s bank should have to offer the best service to customers, strengthen Group
synergies, branding, and carry out strategic marketing promotions.
Maintain astute operational practices with sound fundamentals and strategically match
the rates and operational targets in line with the changing trends. Bank enhanced
marketing efforts to attract customers for lending products to minimize the excess
liquidity situation.
Initiate best HR practices to retain the staff within the organization. People’s bank
increased the remuneration package and gave due recognition and awards based on an
effective performance evaluation scheme. And also bank conducted training as per a
strutted training calendar across the company and subsidiary network.
7.0 Conclusion
It was an excellent opportunity for me to attend in this internship period for six
months where I was able to grab almost everything as I expected before starting the
internship. In addition, I am so proud to say that I got lot of experiences through
working at People’s bank Senkadagala Branch.
As this was my first experience in working, I was able to learn various types of
working strategies during my internship and especially I got more knowledge
regarding government sector (service) systems how things happening in service
organization. My organization is a clearing and forwarding Organization. As this
company is considered as an essential service. Smooth running workflow of day to
day activities is more important.
From this internship, I was able to understand different attitudes of office staff and
how to move on with them in a friendly manner. I learned how to adjust to an
unknown environment and how deal with people in a professional way. In addition,
the staff in the People’s bank Senkadagala Branch was friendly and they taught all the
procedures and gave me enough explanations when necessary.
Finally, I would like to say that, Internship training plays a very crucial role in a
student’s life because it is like an inspiration for the future career. During this time, I
have to know how a business or a corporate actually works and how it operates. In
addition, it develops my work habits, which will ultimately lead me to
7.1 Recommendations
My recommendation towards the staff of the organizations is to put their
maximum effort to work that they are doing so the office work can be done at
maximum efficiency.
Director and all the other senior level staff should pay their attention while
they are distributing work to the permanent staff because there is disparity in
work arrangements and the work load some time causes stress to the
I suggest that the interrelationship between the branches should be stronger
than the exist.