Design Criteria For Film Cooling For Small Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines
Design Criteria For Film Cooling For Small Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines
Design Criteria For Film Cooling For Small Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines
Results of a study to determine the applicability of film cooling to rocket engines in the 10-
to 1000-lb-thrust range using earth-storable, space-storable, and cryogenic propellant combi-
nations are presented. The accuracy of the analytical model was verified with test data using
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DECOMPOSED Film cooling, using N204 and hydrazine fuels, has been used
in the reaction control rocket engines of the Lunar Orbiter,
Apollo Service Module, and the Apollo Lunar Module. This
technology has been extended to new chamber concepts ap-
plied to the higher-energy, fluorinated space-storable propel-
lant combinations.
The radiation-cooled refractory chamber concept is pre-
sently used in most of today's long-life space engines. The
use of fuel film cooling in these chambers, in conjunction with
mixture ratio stratification by the main injector elements, has
lowered the heat transfer to the combustor to such a degree
that the wall temperatures encountered are well below the
2800° to 3000°F structural and oxidation limit of the ma-
STRATIFIED FUEL RICH COMBUSTION GAS terials. For instance, in the advanced version of the Mar-
quardt 100-lb-thrust R-4 engine, which has a molybdenum
Fig. 1 Film-cooled rocket engine. combustion chamber, the maximum wall temperature using
N2O4/MMH is only 2600°F, whereas the engine is delivering a
vacuum specific impulse (7sp) in excess of 300 Ibf-sec/lbm.
engines is not readily adaptable to the smaller engine systems. When fluorine-type oxidizers are used, molybdenum and
The high combustion temperatures characteristic of these columbium alloys cannot be used, because they are reactive
propellants require that an active cooling method be in- with the combustion products. Pyrolytic graphite, in either
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corporated into the design. Studies1 have indicated the free-standing or stacked-washer configurations, and com-
necessity of using film cooling for missions requiring high de- posite carbon-fiber chamber designs, have a temperature
livered performance, repeatability of operation, insensitivity capability far in excess of the refractory metals, with excellent
to duty cycle, and virtually unlimited periods of operation. strength up to 6000° to 6500°F. However, even with film
The use of hydrazine fuels, such as monomethyl hydrazine cooling, which can lower the temperature of the combustion
(MMH), in conjunction with the high-energy earth- and chamber walls, the oxidation of the walls can be a limiting
space-storable oxidizers, has provided the basis for the in- factor in the cases where oxidizing combustion products are
corporation of highly efficient cooling designs in rocket en- encountered. The use of film cooling also forms a chemically
gines used in today's spacecraft. protective gas film which restricts the transport of the com-
The engine design concept results in low equilibrium wall bustion products to the wall, thus reducing the rate of oxida-
temperatures, zero or minimum erosion in the combustor, and tion of the walls.
minimum soakback temperatures to other components during
off periods. The key to this success is mainly due to the de-
sign of the film-cooling injector and the thermal design criteria Analytical Methods
used in the establishment of the over-all design.
This paper describes studies of eight propellant systems A portion of the fuel is injected along the chamber wall to
based on data obtained from the literature. Its accuracy was act as an interface between the main core combustion gases
verified with test data for N204/MMH and F2/MMH. and the combustor walls. In most of the rocket engine sys-
Curves are presented which define the amount of film coolant tems studied, there is a finite heat loss from the wall to the
required to maintain engine combustor temperature levels and surroundings by radiation and conduction. In these studies,
system performance levels. These data methods can be used Taw at any particular film-cooling rate is redefined and is
to provide design criteria for engines that are to be used in called the "effective gas temperature" for nonadiabatic walls
future space missions. and is used in the equation to determine heat transfer due to
convection between the combustion gases and the wall
Typical Film-Cooled Rocket Engine for Precise Control Q/A = ett - Tw) (1)
A typical film-cooled rocket engine for precise control is To determine film-cooling requirements, it was necessary to
shown schematically in Fig. 1. The injector provides a high develop heat-transfer equations coupling the combustion
combustion efficiency gas core through propellant mixing gases to the coolant. The length of the liquid-cooled region
and atomization. High combustion efficiency is attained in is
very short chamber lengths (L* from 10 to 16 in. at low con- r)WLCpL(Ts - Tj) r)WL\
traction ratios). The injector also provides a uniform, high- L = +
Pha(Tr - T.) Pha(Tr - T.)
velocity fluid boundary layer at the combustion chamber wall
with maximum penetration to the chamber throat. where the first term on the right represents the distance from
The favored combustion chamber materials are molyb- the injection point for which the effective gas temperature
denum, columbium, and pyrolytic or composite graphite, varies from its initial injection temperature to its saturated
which have high-temperature physical properties which result liquid temperature, and the second term represents the dis-
in thin-wall, light-weight designs.1 Other designs2 make use
of more highly conductive chamber materials (Be or Cu) with
thicker walls for increased heat transfer from the high heat
flux throat region to the more highly film-cooled region, but
they are heavier.
The propellant valves are close-coupled to the injector to
minimize dribble volume (flow passage volume between the EFFECTIVENESS
valve seat arid the injector face). The dribble volume is
minimized for precise and efficient minimum impulse control.
In addition, the valves are thermally isolated to minimize the
soakback temperature to the valve seat materials. The
chamber seal provides a gas-tight interface between chamber 1000 2000 3000
tance over which the effective gas temperature is constant and have indicated that the method outlined previously provides
equal to the coolant's saturation temperature. good results.
Because of the liquid-film instability, the liquid coolant flow The convective heat-transfer coefficient from the liquid film
is not completely ideal.3 Therefore, the coolant flow was cor- coolant to the chamber walls was derived assuming that there
rected by an efficiency factor that is a function of coolant exists a linear velocity profile in the liquid film coolant.
Reynolds number. Recent work4 indicates a stability ef- Then, the stress is TL = HLUL/&, the flow in the coolant layer-
ficiency factor of the form shown in Fig. 2, where the Reyn- is WL = TrrpLULf>, and the friction coefficient is C/ = 2ra/
olds number of the coolant is R€L = WL/TTD^L- P0ua2.
The equations used to predict the effective gas tempera- The modified Reynolds analogy9 for a turbulent boundary
ture in the gaseous coolant region downstream of the liquid layer on a flat plate is given by
film region are
0ua = Cf/2 (9)
(Tr - Te<t)/(Tr - T.) (3)
Combining the foregoing equations for TL and WL and as-
(4) suming that TO = TL at the liquid-gas interface, then solving
where for UL}
ft = ua/uc (5) uL = (WLuahaPra*'*/TrrpLnLCpoyt* (10)
and The equation for heat transfer in a turbulent liquid flow on a
- (l/fl-W'-V ft < 1.0 flat plate10 is
(6) hL = Q.Q288Rexo*PrLv*kL/X (11)
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gas at the vaporization temperature and the velocity of the
coolant at the original injection point uc. 2
These equations are slight modifications of the equations /IL = 0.0288 • jo-v-
——— \ L (12)
developed by Hatch and Papell5 and were derived by using
the following assumptions: 1) the coolant film exhibits no for the heat-transfer coefficient between the liquid film and
mixing or chemical reaction with the main core gas, 2) the the engine walls. This equation has been found to give best
coolant film temperature profile does not change rapidly as results if the temperature difference in calculating the heat
the coolant moves downstream, 3) the gradients across the flux is taken between the average film temperature Tf and
coolant film are small, and 4) no heat transfer occurs in the the engine wall temperature Tw.
chamber wall. Equations (4-6) were developed by Hatch
and Papell to make their original equation agree with experi- Performance Losses Due to Film Cooling
mental data. The equations were programmed on the IBM
360 computer. When a boundary-layer film of liquid or gas flows through a
rocket exhaust nozzle throat at a temperature different from
Heat-Transfer Coefficients (Convection) the main bulk of the exhaust gases, the net thrust of the
engine will be less than that which would result if the gases
Turbulent heat-transfer coefficients from the combustion had been thoroughly mixed. This gas stratification is es-
gases to the film coolant and from the gaseous coolant to the sentially independent of the chemical combustion efficiency.
wall were calculated using a modification of an equation pre- Studies have been conducted to determine the performance
sented by Bartz.4 Modifications were made in this equation, when film cooling is used in rocket engines . Two models of the
when required, to include the effect of the liquid and the combustion process have been evaluated : complete mixing of
gaseous films and the variations in transport properties be- the flow streams with thermal equilibrium but no reaction ; and
tween the main core gas and the coolant. no mixing of the flow streams, but the thrust of the coolant is
_ considered. These two methods of predicting performance
0.026/u/0-2 / W \° 8 Hr H
were examined, and the second model was chosen for this
h. =
(x study, based on the ease of applicability and the close correla-
tion of this method with the test data. The equation used in
In small rocket engines, it has been shown that laminar flow this study was:
of the combustion gases may occur due to favorable pressure
gradients. Laminarization generally occurs if Re* < 200,000 Jap = (WIsp)g Wc)
(based on throat diameter Z)*). Laminarization may occur
in the range 200,000 < Re* < 400,000, depending upon nozzle This mass-flow averaging is appropriate if the y's are equal
geometry and combustion effects. Laminar heat-transfer for the flow streams. This condition is equivalent to the as-
coefficients were determined using the method of Schoenman sumption that the two flows have equal Mach numbers at
and Block.4 The static/total pressure ratio is determined as each flow station. Although this condition is not strictly
a function of distance upstream from the nozzle throat. From met, no significant inaccuracies are introduced by assuming
these data, the maximum logarithmic pressure gradient is that 7 is constant for all gas portions.11 The performance of
determined and is extrapolated to the point where P/Po = 0, the main core gas and the coolant is based on thermochemical
which determines the point upstream of the throat where the equilibrium with injection conditions as the initial condition.
use of laminar heat-transfer coefficients begins. At this
point, the laminar equation by Back8 Experimental Results
St = Q. (8) Two engine design concepts were tested using N204/MMH
at the 100-lb thrust level and F2/MMH at the 1000-lb thrust
is set equal to the turbulent Bartz equation. Thus, Rex is level. For the former R-4 series, experimental data from two
defined, and the Stanton number can then be calculated fur- series of tests are shown in Fig. 3.
ther downstream. Schoenman and Block have concluded The combustion chambers were made of molybdenum.
that this method provides good results for smooth-walled The injector used consists of a basic set of eight unlike dou-
chambers with significant wall cooling and favorable pressure blets. The R-4D engine incorporates a preigniter for ignition
gradients. Test data at Marquardt on small rocket engines overpressure suppression, and eight film-cooling holes for
• MOLYBDENUM COMBUSTOR • 25% FUEL FILM COOLING measured temperature distributions for this chamber using
• L-6 05 NOZZLE • 0/F = 2.0
the injector shown in Fig. 7. The injector consists of 44
COM BUST! DN G/ S TEI flPERATURE like-on-like doublets, with 16 film-cooling holes. The pre-
dicted performance of this injector concept is shown in Fig. 8,
—-— ^=—
-i !'••
/ ^—d / Film-Cooling Requirements and Study Results
i — \
A R - 4D P/N 228687
TlEST 342
The film-cooling model developed and correlated with
engine test data was used to determine film-cooling require-
ments for, and compare the film-cooling effectiveness of, eight
propellant combinations for the parameters shown in Table 1.
• C-K)3 COMBUSTOR • 27% FUEL FILM COOLI SG In all cases, the fuel was used as the film coolant since the fuel
• L-6 05 NOZZLE 0Q/F = 1.6
5000 /«rtuDi IOTI/MU r«Ac- TCUDCD ATIIDC.
CON BUSTI ON G VS TE MPER/ tTURE 1 was found to have a significant advantage in the area of cool-
AT 'FHE W ALL \ ing properties and would, in most cases, be nonreactive with
4000 the combustor structure. The results of the study are shown
/ in Fig. 9 for the 100-lb-thrust, 100-psia chamber pressure
level. Each plot shows the required amount of coolant
/ANALYTICAL EQUILIBJ*IUM needed to maintain various effective gas temperatures at the
// ^
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N throat as a function of mixture ratio.
"——— - —— -— In all of the studies conducted, it was assumed that the
°A ' - — —•
combustion efficiency was 100% and that the chemical com-
position was in shifting equilibrium to the throat and was
0 ^
U THR OAT P/ N T-12368
frozen thereafter. The effective gas temperature at the
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 (
throat T* e ff was chosen as the characteristic temperature,
DISTANCE FROM COOLANT INJECTION POINT • INCHES since maximum heat transfer to the combustor walls usually
occurs at or near the throat. For engine systems that are
Fig. 3 Temperature characteristics for R-4D (top) and insulated, the wall temperature will be nearly identical to
R-4D (bottom) engines: propellant combination N2/O4-
NMH; PC = 97 psia; vacuum, A/AT = 40; thrust = 100
T* e ff, whereas in radiation- or conduction-cooled engines,
Ib. rapid evaluation of the wall temperature can be made using
conventional heat-transfer methods. These data were
generated using a Fortran IV computer program, which
chamber cooling. The R-4B engine consists of eight unlike rapidly calculates T^eff, heat-transfer coefficients, and flow
main doublets and 8 or 16 cooling holes for chamber cooling. characteristics as a function of distance from the injection
These injectors are shown in Fig. 4. In both cases, approxi- point. The L* (combustor volume/A*) and contraction ratio
mately 25% of the total available fuel was used to cool the were minimized to reduce the total heat load to the system
combustor. while maintaining the highest performance level from a com-
With the refinement of the film-cooling injection tech- bustion efficiency standpoint.
niques, significant reductions in chamber temperatures were As a rule, the higher performance propellant systems have
accomplished while increasing the performance to equal that higher combustion gas temperatures. Probably the most im-
obtained without film cooling. The primary injection core portant aspect of film cooling is the engine mixture ratio
consists of multiple unlike doublets, which have been opti- (oxidizer/fuel, 0/F). A decrease in 0/F (below the opti-
mized in terms of Rupe number and momentum angle to mum) results in a decrease in the flame temperature and an
maximize the performance while maintaining the low mix- increase in the relative amount of film coolant available for
ture ratio stratification zone in contact with the film coolant. cooling. Since the fuel density usually is lower than the
The fuel film coolant flows from circumferential fuel-cooling oxidizer density, this decrease also results in an increase in
holes, which are directed at various chamber impingement system weight due to the loss in propellant bulk density.
angles in order to insure that a complete coverage of the walls The most desirable condition for film cooling is to minimize
is maintained and the cooling efficiency is maximized. The the total heat transfer to the coolant by essentially minimiz-
performance obtained from this series of engines is shown in ing L*. In most cases, however, there is a limit to this de-
Fig. 5. An increase in performance was obtained by optimiz- crease, since the combustion efficiency is a function of L*. In
ing the main core while maintaining essentially an identical addition, the chamber-pressure level will significantly affect
film-cooling rate. The method for predicting the performance the film-cooling requirements since the surface area, i.e., heat-
of this engine, based on the methods described in the previous
section on Analytical Methods, has proven adequate. CONFIGURATION
The applicability of film cooling using the F2/MMH pro- • FROZEN EQUILIBRIUM FROM THROAT O R-4D (PREIGNITOR MODEL) (25% FUEL FILM)
pellant combination has been demonstrated with complete • THRUST = 100 LBS A R-4B (OPTIMIZED) (27% FUEL FILM)
success using a thin-walled, radiation-cooled, pyrolytic 320 r
graphite chamber. Figure 6 compares the predicted and (BASED ON \ • CHAMB ER PRESSUR E - 97 PSIA
100% »)c) >-^ .-.•-VACUU h A/AT = 4 o
"XJ r— 1
/^° /-• PREDI CTED
/ (BASE > ON 95% i) c*>
1.5 2.0 3.0
Fig. 4 100-lb thrust earth-storable propellant injectors. Fig. 5 100-lb thrust engine performance.
Some of the results of the studies conducted to determine temperatures less than 3000°-4000°F, except at high thrust/
the film-cooling requirements of eight propellant combina- chamber-pressure ratios '(F/PC > 10); however, the sensi-
tions are presented in Fig. 9. The N 2 0 4 /MMH system tivity of deliverable 78p to the percentage of fuel used for film
exhibits excellent adaptability to film cooling at all thrust cooling is not as great as that experienced with the F2/H2
levels and chamber pressures investigated. The wall tem- and 02/H2 combinations, because the decomposition of the
peratures were easily controlled to values low enough to MMH contributes to the system performance. The F2/
allow the use of conventional chamber materials (molyb- MMH combination is almost identical in characteristics to
denum, tantalum-tungsten, stainless steel, columbium, etc.). the OF2/MMH combination, except that wall temperature
Only slight performance degradation was experienced from are slightly higher for similar operating conditions.
the film cooling allowing the engine to operate at the optimum The OF2/B2H6 and OF2/CH4 combinations are not suited to
or near-optimum mixture ratio. The C1F5/MMH system, film cooling over the ranges of F and Pc examined. Film
even though operating at higher gas temperatures than cooling flows up to 50% of total flow, and fuel-rich operation
N 2 O 4 /MMH, also permits film cooling to temperatures low do not seem to alleviate the severe wall temperatures
enough to use conventional chamber materials, while operat- (>4000°F in almost all cases).
ing at nearly optimum 0/F.
The F2/H2 combination displays high wall temperatures at Concluding Remarks
almost all conditions investigated (>4000°F). It also ex-
hibits appreciable performance losses with increasing amount Propellant combinations using one of the hydrazine-type
of film cooling and/or variations from the optimum 0/F for fuels are well suited to film cooling. These fuels have large
performance. These conditions strongly suggest the neces- heats of vaporization, so that they remain in the more ef-
sity for using advanced chamber materials for this propellant ficient liquid state for a longer time. In addition, the opti-*
system if the high performance inherent to this combination mum mixture ratios for systems using these fuels is low com-
is to be used advantageously. Special consideration also pared with systems using hydrogen, LPG's, and diborane.
should be given to the necessity of running F2/H2 at high This advantage is offset to some degree by the lower /sp of a
enough mixture ratios to minimize the system weight degrada- systems using one of the hydrazine fuels. Hydrogen and
tion which would result from carrying large amounts of hydro- methane (and similar LPG's) do not have very large heats of
gen, further suggesting the need for high-temperature chamber vaporization. They do have high specific heats in the
materials. gaseous phase, which result in fairly good cooling, but in most
The 02/H2 system shows excellent adaptability to film cases, this favorable characteristic is negated by the high mix-
cooling. Through the use of fuel-rich mixture ratios and the ture ratios at which systems using these fuels must operate.
appropriate amount of film cooling, wall temperatures can be Diborane has fairly large values of heat of vaporization and
kept low enough to allow the use of conventional chamber gaseous specific heat, but high mixture ratios and the high
materials. However, in order to operate at this low wall combustion temperatures associated with use of this fuel, and
temperature, the propellant bulk density and deliverable its reactivity with almost all materials is a drawback.
/Bp decrease, resulting in greater system weight.
Table 1 Design conditions for film cooling studies • AMBIENT PRESS URE - 12.3 PSIA A/A T = 1-6 (40% FILM COOLING)
Chamber Thrust 260 _ BASED CN 100% »?C!
Propellant pressure, level, Chamber ^T~
combinations psia Ib dimensions 250
^^ 10%
N2O4/MMH ' 24
° •• " -.
O 35^^
^^"--* 30%
( 100 L* = 10 in. \ ^ 40%
F2/MMH Ac/At = 4 210
OF2/MMH 10
F2/H2 100 ( 100
02/H2 UOOO? £* = 15 10 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.
OF2/B2H6 500 1000 ) Ac/ At = 2 MIXTURE RATIO
1 OF2/CH4
\ Fig. 8 1000-lb thrust engine performance.
310 - _ — -
1.5 2.0
In general, film cooling is most efficient when the F/PC ratio vestigation of Film Cooling of Rocket Motors," Rept. F 57-3,
is maximized. In addition, a lower Pc means a lower cooling Oct. 1957, Rocket Lab., Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind.
requirement; however, this thermal advantage is offset by a Glenn, L. A. and McFarland, B. L., "Advanced Experimental
Thrust Chamber Program (Phases I and II), Final Report,"
loss in 7Sp. Therefore, each engine/propellant system combi- Rept. RO6857, Dec. 1966, Rocketdyne, Canoga Park, Calif.
nation must be individually analyzed to determine the opti- 5
Hatch, J. E. and Papell, S. R., "Use of a Theoretical Flow
mum operating conditions. Model to Correlate Data for Film Cooling or Heating an Adia-
In general, then, earth-storable propellant combinations batic Wall by Tangential Injection of Gases of Different Fluid
such as N204/MMH and CLF5/MMH, are readily adaptable Properties," TN D-130, Nov. 1959, NASA.
to use in small film-cooled spacecraft engines. The space- Schoenman, L. and Block, P., "Application of Laminar
storable propellant systems such as OF2/MMH, OF2/B2H6, Boundary Layer Heat Transfer Theory to Low Thrust Rocket
OF2/CH4, or F2/MMH, and deep-cryogenic systems such as Nozzles," Paper 67-447, July 1967, AIAA; also Journal of Space-
02/H2 and F2/H2, will require both film cooling and advanced, craft and Rockets, Vol. 5, No. 9, Sept. 1968, pp. 1082-1089.
Back, L. H. and Witte, A. B., "Prediction of Heat Transfer
high-temperature chamber materials if their potentially high from Laminar Boundary Layers, with Emphasis on Large Free-
78pS are to be realized at satisfactory system weight. stream Velocity Gradients and Highly Cooled Walls," Journal of
Heat Transfer, Vol. 88, Ser. C, No. 3, Aug. 1966, pp. 249-256.
References 9
Hill, P. G. and Peterson, C. R., Mechanics and Thermody-
1 namics of Propulsion, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1965,
Campbell, J. G. et al., "Thrust Chamber Cooling Techniques
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2 10
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