Implementing Integrated Performance
Implementing Integrated Performance
Implementing Integrated Performance
This statement was approved for issuance as a Special thanks go to Randolf Holst, CMA, Knowledge
Statement on Management Accounting by the Manager at Arthur Andersen, for his continuing over-
Management Accounting Committee (MAC) of the sight during the development of the Statement. IMA
Institute of Management Accountants (IMA®), IMA also thanks the members of the Management
appreciates the collaborative efforts of the Cost Accounting Committee for their contributions to this
Management Competency Center at Arthur Andersen effort.
LLP and the work of Dr. C. J. McNair, CMA, of Babson
College, who drafted the manuscript.
Published by
Copyright © 1998 in the United States
Institute of Management Accountants
of America by Institute of Management
10 Paragon Drive
Accountants and Arthur Andersen LLP
Montvale, NJ 07645 All rights reserved
IMA Publication Number 98332 ISBN 0-86641-269-7
Statements on Management Accounting
I. Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 VIII. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
II. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 IX. Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
III. Performance Management Overview . . . . .2 Key Performance Indicators Definitions 33
IV. The Role of the Management Accountant .4 Scoreboard Terminology . . . . . . . . . . .33
V. Phases in Implementing Integrated X. Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Performance Management Systems . . . . .5 Exhibits
VI. Tools and Techniques for Implementation 6 Exhibit 1: Integrating Financial and Nonfinancial
Performance Measures . . . . . . . .3
Conceptual Design Phase . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Ensuring Senior Management Support Exhibit 2: GE Performance Measures . . . . .4
and Commitment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Exhibit 3: I-PMS Implementation Phases . . .5
Creating Implementation Teams . . . . . .7 Exhibit 4: The ABO Continuum . . . . . . . . . .7
Understanding the Organization’s Exhibit 5: Division of Responsibility in I-PMS
Goals and Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Implementation Process . . . . . . .9
Developing a Draft Performance Model 14
Exhibit 6: A Generic Business Model . . . . .13
Defining the Critical Success Factors .15
Defining the Key Performance Indicators16 Exhibit 7: Draft Performance Model . . . . . .15
Finalizing the Integrated Business Exhibit 8: Ishikawa Cause-and-Effect Diagram18
Performance Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Exhibit 9: Pareto Analysis of Manufacturing
Planning KPI System Design and Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Exhibit 10: Integrated Business Performance
Detailed Design/Implementation Phase .22 Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Developing Scoreboards . . . . . . . . . . .23 Exhibit 11: Cell or Team Scoreboards . . . . .22
Integrating with Corporate Information
Exhibit 12: Scoreboard Report . . . . . . . . . .23
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Identifying Training and Education Exhibit 13: Graphical Format to Display KPIs 24
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Exhibit 14: Incident Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Developing an Implementation Plan . . .27 Exhibit 15: Training Principles . . . . . . . . . .26
Carrying Out Cost/Benefit Analysis . . .29 Exhibit 16: Individual Action Plan . . . . . . . .27
Establishing the Underlying Technology 29
Exhibit 17: Example of an I-PMS
Converting to the New System . . . . . .30
Communication Plan . . . . . . . .28
Ongoing Support Phase . . . . . . . . . . .31
Ensuring Continuous Improvement . . . . .31 Exhibit 18: The Do’s & Don’ts of I-PMS
Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . .32
VII. Implementation Pitfalls & Key
Success Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
The discussion assumes an organization with management tools. They fail to tell executives
some experience in developing and using perfor- how to improve. Second, traditional methods of
mance measurement practices. It emphasizes performance measurement often do not help
issues of interest to organizations seeking to identify or increase understanding of the core
introduce new performance indicator concepts, as issues driving current performance. Third, in
well as to those aspiring to integrate and improve most cases, these measures tend to be retro-
existing performance management systems. spective rather than proactive. While knowing
the score is undoubtedly important, it would be
The information in this SMA will help manage- better to be able to change a poor outcome.
ment accountants and others: Finally, traditional methods of performance
● comprehend the basic issues in designing and measurement review results instead of causes
implementing effective, customer-driven perfor- for those results.
mance management systems;
● discern the pitfalls and key success factors in These acknowledged weaknesses in traditional
implementation; performance measurement are driving organiza-
● understand the tools and techniques that can tions to implement performance management
be used to implement integrated performance systems. This implementation brings several
management systems; major benefits. First, a performance manage-
● appreciate their roles and responsibilities in ment system helps management deploy and
the new performance management process; institutionalize its strategy. Second, a perfor-
and mance management system provides focus for,
● broaden employee awareness and obtain their and measures the success of, reengineering or
buy-in for the new performance management total quality management (TQM) efforts. Third, a
system. well-designed I-PMS helps coordinate efforts
across other key management processes by pro-
I I I . PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT viding a well-defined set of objectives that are
OVERVIEW cross-functional and process driven. Fourth, a
Performance management provides a systematic performance management system provides a
link between organizational strategy, resources, link between the efforts it measures and the
and processes. It is a comprehensive manage- achievements it rewards. Finally, an effective
ment process framing the continuous improve- integrated performance management system
ment journey, by ensuring that everyone under- helps an organization gain a competitive advan-
stands where the organization is and where it tage by keeping everyone, at any level or in any
needs to go to meet stakeholder needs. job, focused on gaining and maintaining a core
Performance measurement is an integral part of competence.
performance management, but it is not enough
simply to measure. Performance measurement An I-PMS can be envisioned as an enterprise-
in isolation is incomplete. wide management system that links strategic
objectives, core business strategies, critical suc-
Traditional approaches to performance measure- cess factors, and key performance indicators. An
ment fail for several basic reasons. First, tradi- I-PMS is an ongoing process that focuses priori-
tional output measures alone are incomplete as ties on results, integrates measurement,
facilitates analysis and action, encourages con- ment with the leading indicators and timely feed-
tinuous improvement, and defines and reinforces back required to identify opportunities, as well
accountability. Moving beyond traditional finan- as to take corrective action when problems
cial and productivity measures, an I-PMS empha- arise. It also provides an unambiguous commu-
sizes the core dimensions of performance as nication channel within the organization that
defined by strategy requirements. It also assists facilitates effective action at all levels and
financial management by providing cost indica- functions.
tors as reliable estimators of downstream finan-
cial performance. Performance measures should be accessible to
every member of the process or production team,
As suggested in Exhibit 1, integrated perfor- thereby promoting ownership and improving moti-
mance management systems rely on a compre- vation. By providing a balanced mix of measures,
hensive, integrated set of key performance indi- an I-PMS reduces organizational myopia and
cators (KPIs) that manage performance through- gamesmanship. The focus is on promoting an
out and across all levels of an organization. By environment of continuous improvement by
integrating financial and nonfinancial perfor- involving all members of the organization.
mance measures, an I-PMS provides manage-
Individual organizations should develop their own cess. AT&T, BellSouth, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Dun
unique set of performance indicators that reflect & Bradstreet, DuPont, Emerson Electric, General
their strategy, structure, and needs. While no Electric, Hewlett-Packard, Johnson & Johnson,
one right way to measure is applicable in all set- Merck, Motorola, Pepsico, Wal-Mart, and Xerox
tings, for many organizations the core perfor- are just a few of the organizations that are using
mance indicators provide information on environ- an I-PMS to achieve superior
mental indicators, market/customer indicators, performance.
competitor indicators, internal business process
performance indicators, human resource indica- I V. T H E R O L E O F T H E
tors, and financial indicators. M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N TA N T
The implementation of an I-PMS requires the
An I-PMS should be simple in design, containing commitment of senior management as well as
only those measures needed to direct attention the support and involvement of individuals from
and action. For example, at General Electric (GE), all areas of the organization, including account-
performance indicators are linked directly to a ing, marketing, product and process develop-
specific strategic objective as illustrated in Exhibit ment, procurement, operations, distribution,
2. A key shareholder concern, profitability, is sales, service, and information systems. The
measured by residual income. Personnel develop- management accountant should play an active
ment, essential to GE’s long-term growth, is cap- role in the design and implementation of the
tured by the measure “inventory of promotable I-PMS. Specific ways the management account-
people.” Measurement at GE provides the vital ant may be involved in the implementation and
link between current and future performance. downstream maintenance of the I-PMS include:
● identifying the need for an integrated perfor-
An effective I-PMS should “make visible” the pri- mance management system and educating
mary drivers of superior performance. It should others about that need;
focus attention on those critical activities that, if ● working with the I-PMS champion or team in
done well, will lead to a sustainable competitive assessing the performance of the current
advantage and long-term growth. measurement system against the organiza-
tion’s critical success factors;
Some of the best companies in the world cite ● assisting in developing the performance indi-
their I-PMS as one of the key drivers of their suc- cator architecture;
● reviewing and assessing current financial As part of the management team, management
measures and reports for consistency and accountants should bring their unique talents,
compatibility with overall I-PMS design, struc- experience, and perspective to the challenging
ture, and objectives; task of implementing a new performance man-
● analyzing the potential behavioral impact of agement approach.
the performance indicators;
● developing methods for ensuring the integrity V. P H A S E S I N I M P L E M E N T I N G
of the data used by the system; I N T E G R AT E D P E R F O R M A N C E
● supporting the implementation by developing MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS
training and education programs; The design and implementation of an I-PMS typi-
● participating in planning and completing the cally follows a three-phase approach as illustrat-
conversion to the new system; ed in Exhibit 3. Specific steps need to be com-
● participating in reevaluating the performance pleted during each of these phases.
evaluation and the reward system; and
● identifying and implementing methods to The conceptual design phase focuses on under-
ensure continual improvement of performance standing the way the organization currently oper-
and the I-PMS that tracks it. ates, and develops a shared vision of the way it
intends to operate in the future. This phase uses
modeling tools to develop consensus and
assess the gaps between “as is” and “to be”
The detailed design/implementation phase During the bottom-up design efforts, attention
includes efforts to flesh out the details of the shifts to identifying core activities and drivers
I-PMS design, architecture, and technology, as that define operations. Process focused, the
well as the issues surrounding full-scale imple- bottom-up analysis seeks to understand what
mentation. Activities conducted during this factors affect cost and what major problems in
phase should include the implementation of the process or organization may act as barriers
high-visibility, high-return pilot projects, training to meeting performance objectives. The final
and education, change management, and, finally, conceptual design for the I-PMS must combine
system conversion. these two organizational perspectives to ensure
development of a consistent, unambiguous,
The ongoing support phase focuses on realizing strategically oriented set of measures.
the full benefits of implementation by supporting
and fine-tuning the newly changed environment, Specifically, measures need to be developed
as well as facilitating continuous improvement in matching decision-making requirements at the
systems and performance. lowest level of the organization with decision-
making requirements in the corporate board-
VI. TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES room. This ensures the I-PMS addresses needs
F O R I M P L E M E N TAT I O N throughout the organization, aligns all perfor-
The implementation of performance manage- mance measures, and achieves strategic and
ment systems has been formalized by leading operational business objectives.
organizations. These firms use an integrated,
systematic approach reflected in the following The conceptual design phase has eight primary
tools and techniques. steps. They are:
● ensuring senior management support and
Conceptual Design Phase commitment;
The main objective of the conceptual design ● creating implementation teams;
phase is to identify a preliminary set of KPIs for ● understanding the organization’s goals and
each operating unit or organizational subunit strategies;
being included in the performance management ● developing a draft performance model;
effort. To ensure that this effort yields effective ● defining the critical success factors;
measures for all users, the conceptual design ● defining the key performance indicators;
process should take concurrent top-down and ● finalizing the integrated performance model;
bottom-up approaches. and
● planning KPI system design and
During the top-down analysis the focus is on implementation.
becoming thoroughly familiar with the firm and
its marketplace. Based on a review of existing Ensuring Senior Management Support and
documents and reports, as well as interviews Commitment
with key individuals in the various organizational Senior management can often exhibit significant
subunits, the top-down analysis ensures that the reservations about implementing an I-PMS. The
I-PMS addresses the customer perspective and reasons for this resistance include: (1) they may
the strategic issues confronting the organization. be very familiar and comfortable with deeply
entrenched measurement systems; (2) they are gather more information about its implementa-
unsure how new measures will affect the actions tion and potential benefits. During the buy-in
and behavior of subordinates; (3) they know how stage, the executives begin to commit time and
to tie existing measures to overall financial per- resources to the project, using performance
formance to ensure that stakeholder expecta- measurement concepts in daily activities and
tions are met; and (4) existing measures provide actively and visibly supporting the I-PMS effort.
time-tested, understandable signals of problems Finally, when executives take ownership of the
and opportunities within the organization. I-PMS, they take responsibility for the success of
the performance measurement initiative and
A new performance management system cannot become role models in the process.
succeed without senior management support
and commitment. To ensure this vital support, The ABO Continuum operationalizes the fuzzy
organizations can employ a technique known as concept of management commitment by assess-
the Awareness, Buy-in, Ownership (ABO) ing current levels of senior management commit-
Continuum2 to gauge the level of support and ment and by asking, “What steps need to be
commitment among senior managers. taken to move them to ownership?”
officer, and functional area executives. One Tasks that are the direct responsibility of the
steering team member should be selected as design team include:
the leader of the team. ● interviewing key personnel/resources;
● documenting factors that affect an area’s over-
The steering team is responsible for leading and all performance;
coordinating the effort throughout the organiza- ● designing specific performance measures to
tion. Team members must revisit and/or develop meet unit objectives and reflect performance
the organization’s vision and strategy, identify drivers for the area;
performance goals and measures, and create ● performing detailed cost and problem analy-
awareness, buy-in, and ownership of the new per- sis;
formance measurement system among all ● developing business models to help define
employees. KPIs;
● writing user procedures;
The effective design and implementation of the ● developing a communication plan for the
I-PMS also calls for the use of a dedicated implementation;
design team. This team’s objective is to deliver a ● training/educating users; and
company-wide I-PMS in a timely manner. The cri- ● supporting the system after implementation.
teria the design team should use to guide its
efforts include ensuring that the final measure- Soliciting the active involvement of the organiza-
ments meet company objectives and reflect cur- tion’s key process or production teams through
rent strategies and that the measurements each phase of the implementation process will
seamlessly integrate both the top-down and improve the design of the I-PMS. Participation
bottom-up perspectives. will also promote ownership and commitment to
the finished product at all levels and areas. The
The design team should not be overly large, no ideal scenario is to have the process or produc-
more than three to five people. The composition tion teams design and install the performance
of the team should be based on a careful assess- management system for their area with the sup-
ment of where performance information is most port and guidance of the steering team and
needed to ensure performance improvements. design team. Exhibit 5 shows some of the activ-
For instance, at Labatt Breweries of Canada, the ities that need to be performed and who is
design team included a marketing manager, a responsible for each activity in the implementa-
sales manager, a finance manager, and two man- tion process.
ufacturing managers. In a company where prof-
itability was directly driven by market share, The conceptual designs for all levels and areas
ensuring that the right beer was available in the affected by the I-PMS initiative should be devel-
right markets at the right times was critical. oped concurrently. A concurrent approach
Marketing defined the critical success factors for enables the design team to identify the unique
the company; manufacturing ensured effective information needs at each level of the organiza-
execution of the defined plans. The I-PMS had to tion and understand their interrelationships. It
serve both these management groups if compa- also enables personnel at each level to provide
ny objectives for market share and profitability input on the performance indicators for the
improvements were to be achieved.
levels both above and below them, as well as for ment of organizational goals. This approach can
their own operating unit. reduce the uncertainty and risk people feel as
the new system is implemented.
It is imperative that people from all levels of the
organization be actively involved in each phase Understanding the Organization’s Goals
of the process. The personnel who work in each and Strategies
area best understand the factors and problems Before new performance measurements can be
that affect performance in their work cell or area. seriously considered, the design team must thor-
They will determine whether the full benefit of oughly understand the business and the market-
the effort is realized by how completely they place. Both success factors that affect the
adopt the new system. majority of operating units, such as process qual-
ity, and the unique factors that affect only a sin-
Participation and communication help ensure gle unit, such as availability of a key material or
consistency and integration of the measure- downtime of a critical machine, must be consid-
ments throughout the organization. They also aid ered in the analysis.
in increasing the understanding of what the
measurements mean, how they will be used, and Integrating these diverse measures into an effec-
how they link to support the attainment/achieve- tive, elegant I-PMS design can be facilitated by
careful review and analysis of the relationships or value-creation promise that people can visual-
among strategic objectives, core business ize. Second, it must have a sense of noble pur-
strategies, critical success factors, and key per- pose. The vision statement must emphasize
formance indicators. The following elements are something that is worth doing, something that
potential sources of information for identifying can create value for stakeholders, make a
the strategic objectives and critical success fac- defined contribution to achieving stakeholder
tors that are the foundation of an integrated goals, and help the organization win people’s
business performance model: commitment to the attainment of its strategic
● vision and mission statements; goals. Finally, an effective vision statement
● strategic objectives; should have a plausible chance of success. The
● customer requirements; and vision must represent something that people can
● compensation and reward systems. realistically expect to achieve. The following illus-
trates examples of good vision statements:
Ensuring that these deployment mechanisms are ● Starbucks: “to be the premier purveyor of the
consistent across functions and processes, as finest coffee in the world.”
well as from one management level to the next, ● Microsoft: “to create software that empowers
is critical if the I-PMS is to provide the desired the users of personal computers.”
benefits. In the following discussion, these vital
components are developed in more depth. Each of these vision statements is an accurate
reflection of the primary driving force of excel-
Vision Statements lence within these unique organizations. They
A vision statement describes the basic goals, communicate quickly and precisely what the firm
characteristics, and philosophies that will shape is about and how it is seeking to provide value to
the strategic direction of the organization. The its customers. These are effective vision state-
vision guides future improvement actions and ments because they so clearly capture the
aids in isolating opportunities to enhance the essence of the organization in terms all stake-
firm’s competitive advantage. An effective vision holders understand. Achieving the vision,
statement also aligns actions throughout the though, requires a more elaborate definition of
organization by providing a clear signal to guide the how, what, who, where, and why questions
decisions and effort on a daily basis. that create a framework for action. The mission
statement provides these answers.
A vision statement is important because it helps
employees focus their efforts on achieving the Mission Statements
overall goals of the organization. It also improves An effective mission statement includes a clear
coordination and communication with suppliers statement about the specific customers’ needs
and customers, assuring that these stakeholders the organization is attempting to meet—not what
work with the organization. The vision defines products or services are offered. To accomplish
what the organization is about, why it exists, in a this goal, the mission statement has to define
way that all stakeholders can understand. unambiguously who the organization’s primary
customers are as well as how the organization
A well-defined vision statement has three major plans to go about its business (e.g., what its pri-
components. First, it contains a focused concept mary technologies are). The mission statements
There are several criteria for evaluating the effec- Each of these strategic objectives will direct
tiveness of a mission statement. First, the mis- employee attention to different elements of the
sion statement should be a cultural reflection of business and define unique ways for enhancing
the values, beliefs, and philosophy of the orga- performance. Bundled in a consistent way, they
nization. It should reflect who the organization is, can help integrate the diverse activities of the
not what it does. Second, the mission statement organization into a powerful, focused, competi-
needs to be clear, brief, and understandable to tive force.
all employees. If people do not understand the
mission, they cannot use it to guide their activi- The strategic objectives of McDonald’s illustrate
ties and decisions. these linkages. McDonald’s strategic objectives
are defined for the value it delivers to cus-
Next, the mission statement should specify tomers, the definition of quality service, the loca-
clearly what business the organization is in. It tion where this value is delivered, the criteria for
should leave no one in doubt about the organiza- the foods offered, the goals for the customer
tion’s focus relating to its markets, customers, experience, and the focus of the management
and products. Fourth, the mission statement process. Specifically, McDonald’s strategic objec-
should motivate the organization, serving as a tives are:
source of energy as well as a rallying point.
Finally, the mission statement should reflect the ● Low prices and a quality experience;
distinctive competence of the organization. It ● Fast, accurate, friendly, and hassle-free;
must set the organization apart from its competi- ● Wherever customers live, work, shop, or
tors in ways the customer recognizes and val- gather;
ues, if strategic objectives are to be met. When ● Good, hot, and easy to eat;
the overall mission of an organization is well ● Relationships and experiences with McDonald’s
defined along each of these dimensions, the that exceed customer expectations; and
organization can proceed to evaluate perfor-
mance in a meaningful way.
● Ongoing performance improvement through tions should ask, “How do we do that here, and
creative leadership and management what are the important aspects of perfor-
processes. mance?”
Harvard Professor Robert Eccles developed a In addition to the review of the firm’s vision and
framework for assessing the fit between a com- mission statements and strategic objectives, the
pany's vision, mission, and defined strategic design team should conduct a series of inter-
objectives. Driven by a recognition that employee views with key unit and subunit managers, engi-
skills and competence are the primary defining neers, supervisors, and other employees. A per-
and constraining resource, his framework formance measurement questionnaire should be
emphasizes the relationship between the organi- developed and used to understand the impor-
zation's capabilities and its ability to create tance of various areas in the company and the
shareholder value by providing products and ser- applicability of possible performance measures.
vices that meet customer requirements. Using a The questionnaire should be completed by all
generic business model based on this frame- affected employees and the results compiled by
work, as illustrated in Exhibit 6, can help man- the design team. The intent of this tool is to
agers focus on the key elements of the busi- involve managers and functional employees in
ness. For each element in the model, organiza- the design process and to use their input to cre-
ate effective, actionable, and informative perfor- respondents can voice their feelings and opin-
mance measures appropriate to the needs of ions about the process.
I-PMS users.
The questionnaire can be supplemented by facil-
The design of this performance measurement itated group sessions. These sessions can be
questionnaire should include such elements as: used to debrief the survey results, seek clarifica-
● general data—classifies the respondents; tion on specific issues and measures, and judge
● production improvement—focuses on competi- the overall reaction to the survey within the
tive priorities and the current performance organization.
measurement system related to the core activ-
ity of the organization or department (for Customer Requirements
instance, manufacturing); and Addressing the customer perspective is a critical
● personal performance measures—focuses on part of understanding the goals and strategies of
the respondents’ perceptions of the most the organization. To identify customers’ key ser-
important measures for assessing individual vice and product requirements and to gauge cur-
performance. These measures should be rent performance against these needs, customer
judged in each of five time frames: daily, week- interviews should be conducted to identify the
ly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. Space following:
should be included for general comments, so ● performance requirements;
● critical success factors;
● relative weight/importance of various perfor- The company ties 60 percent of its executive
mance criteria; bonuses to their achievement on ambitious tar-
● a performance baseline; and gets for a weighted-average of four financial indi-
● opportunities for improving. cators: return on capital, profitability, cash flow,
and operating cost. It bases the remaining 40
Requirements identified during customer inter- percent on indicators of customer satisfaction,
views typically focus on delivering high-quality dealer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and
products and services on time, and at a compet- environmental responsibility.
itive cost, while maintaining a flexible organiza-
tion responsive to changing customer needs. As attractive and as powerful as such a linkage
is, it nevertheless carries risks. For instance,
For example, during the implementation of the does the company have the right measures?
I-PMS at Edmonton Telephone, their design team Does it have valid and reliable data for the select-
initiated an assessment of stakeholders’ needs, ed measures? Could there be unintended or
focusing specifically on the expectations and unexpected consequences from the way the tar-
requirements of customers. Specific customer gets for the measures are achieved? These are
needs were categorized on three dimensions: important questions the design team should ask.
time, quality, and cost implications. The identi-
fied needs formed the basis for developing the Developing a Draft Performance Model
core entity performance measures used to The results of the questionnaires, interviews,
define the type, number, and focus of measures and document reviews are combined to create a
deployed throughout the organization. draft business performance model. A draft
model makes the performance initiative come to
Compensation and Reward life and become “real” to the persons using it.
Compensation and reward systems should not Effort should be taken to ensure that the identi-
exist in a vacuum but should be related to the fied measures are unambiguous and that the
organization’s strategy and short-term, medium- linkage between measures used at different lev-
term, and long-term goals. els of the organization is clear. An example of a
draft model for the order fulfillment process is
An important factor is the strategic role, in partic- illustrated in Exhibit 7.
ular, the responsibilities of each organizational
unit. Once the responsibilities of these units are Both financial and nonfinancial measures should
determined, performance measures can be devel- be included in a draft performance model.
oped. Performance can be measured for the indi- Reporting and measuring frequencies should be
vidual, a division, or the entire organization. noted as well as who (e.g., what area) is to
receive the reports or use the measures. The
Some companies, believing that tying financial more complete the draft model, the more effec-
compensation to performance is a powerful tive it will be in communicating the focus and
lever, have established such a linkage. For exam- structure of the new performance management
ple, a major American oil company uses its per- system to individuals at all levels of the organi-
formance measurement system as the sole zation. It is a draft model, though. This fact
basis for computing incentive compensation. should be clearly communicated so that people
feel free to challenge it and participate in modi- to reflect the relative importance of the different
fying measures that fail to meet their needs. aspects of performance, as identified by the crit-
ical factors.
Defining the Critical Success Factors
Critical success factors (CSFs) focus attention Typical enterprise-wide CSFs include:
on the key dimensions of performance the firm ● producing products that customers perceive to
must excel at if it is to achieve its goals and be of the highest quality;
meet customer requirements. Limited in number, ● designing new products quickly;
CSFs emphasize the activities and processes ● keeping the cost of the product or service low;
that will have the most impact on total perfor- and
mance and that will drive accomplishment in ● responding quickly and fully to customer
supporting areas. requests.
Defining the Key Performance Indicators to monitor and communicate performance con-
KPIs are the quantifiable performance measures tinuously against desired results. Essential char-
that make the critical success factors actionable acteristics of KPIs and the questions they sug-
and understandable. They allow the organization gest include:
The measured results are controllable. Can results be controlled or significantly influenced under a
specific span of control?
The measures can be acted on. Can action be taken to improve performance on the meas-
ured dimension?
The KPI can be accurately measured. Can the desired performance measures be quantified in a
meaningful, realistic way?
They are simple and few in number. Can the measures be explained easily and clearly by employ-
ees? Do the measures focus employee attention on key areas?
The measures are integrated. Can the measures be cascaded or linked down through the
organization? Are they compatible with related
To be effective in coordinating and directing a lack of balance might play out through an
action within the organization, KPIs must reflect overemphasis on customer service and safety.
a balance between cost, quality, time, or other Only by keeping all three measures clearly in
key strategic categories. Balanced measures sight (visibly linking the interrelationships among
provide insurance against dysfunctional behavior the critical success factors) can an organization
by visibly tracking relationships that could be reduce or eliminate undesirable consequences.
manipulated to reach desired ends. For example,
achieving a cost objective can result in impaired Balance is not the only issue that needs to be
quality or delivery unless cost improvements can addressed in the development of an effective
be compared to their impact on other critical I-PMS. To achieve its strategic objectives, an
strategic imperatives. An airline’s airport opera- organization must focus on identifying the right
tion shows how these issues are played out KPIs as well as on placing the right amount of
through a well-balanced set of KPIs. Key dimen- emphasis on each specific measure. Areas to
sions of performance and related measures for focus on when defining critical success factors
this type of operation might be: and their corresponding KPIs include:
● What are the cost drivers in today’s business
KPI and where are they controlled? If a company
✦ Timeliness does a poor job identifying actual cost drivers,
✦ Quality then it will be very difficult to develop effective
✦ Cost KPIs.
● Which factors have the biggest impact on cost?
for further analysis, the design team should ask Review of Existing Performance
“why” each of the causes is occurring. By asking Measures
“why,” the design team can target recurring prob- Another approach for identifying KPIs is to review
lems with their recommended KPIs. existing performance measures. This review
often reveals key measurables that may not have
Pareto Diagrams/Analysis been identified in the draft model but that play a
Designing an effective, elegant performance man- vital role in tracking some key element of perfor-
agement system builds from a deep understand- mance. The goal is to understand what is meas-
ing of what needs to go right to meet customer ured currently, why, by whom, and where. These
expectations and what things are most likely to measures should be evaluated to determine if
go wrong. Where the Ishikawa fishbone identifies they encourage constructive activity, support
the drivers of performance and performance management strategy, are controllable within the
shortfalls, Pareto analysis, illustrated in Exhibit 9, operating unit, and are easily understood.
details the frequency of specific problems. Measures that are clear, actionable, controllable,
and accepted should be identified and consid-
Specific performance measures should be creat- ered for inclusion in the draft model.
ed to target and eliminate the most common
causes of performance shortfalls and problems. The combination of these tools allows the design
Reflecting Pareto’s principle, namely that 80 per- team to identify and develop KPIs that will move a
cent of the problems can be traced back to 20 unit or process rapidly toward its performance
percent of the variables/causes, Pareto analysis goals. Much of the information needed to develop
aids in the selection of KPIs that will provide the the analysis can come from questionnaires or cur-
greatest improvement against organizational rent operating information (e.g., cost accounting
goals and customer expectations. systems, incident logs, and existing performance
measures). The objective is to identify factors crit-
ical to the success of the organization that may
not have surfaced during the top-down analysis.
Finalizing the Integrated Business ensure that measures supply vital information to
Performance Model track and motivate performance measurable
After reviewing current performance measures against strategic objectives and related critical
and performing the root cause and Pareto analy- success factors.
sis, the design team should review the draft busi-
ness model to identify any issues that may have Having ensured that logical, actionable meas-
been overlooked in the earlier design. It is impor- ures are present for each critical success factor,
tant at this point to develop a systematic review the design team needs to turn its attention to
process, in which critical success factors are integrating the objectives and information gath-
matched against the KPIs in the draft model to ered from the top-down and bottom-up analyses.
identify overlaps, holes, and ambiguities. A KPI The draft model should be revised when neces-
checklist may include details for all critical suc- sary to reflect high-priority factors to be tracked
cess factors, as well as the measures being pro- with focused measures. The integration should
posed to track them within each unit or for the deal specifically with the types of measures
organization as a whole. Care should be taken to used at various levels of the organization (finan-
cial versus nonfinancial), potential performance sequent detail suggests, each core business
baselines (historical average, standards, or best process is fleshed out, resulting in a comprehen-
practice benchmarks), and the aggregation of sive set of measures that define and coordinate
measures both vertically and horizontally to sup- performance across the organization.
port management analysis and control.
The resulting integrated business performance
An integrated business performance model model can be used in a variety of ways, including:
requires a clear definition of the firm’s strategic ● as a starting point to identify areas to focus on
intent. From this intent, the core business during initial interviews;
processes that will be used to gain the desired ● during subsequent interviews to stimulate dis-
performance goals, the objectives they must cussion and identify factors omitted from the
deliver against, and the related critical success draft model;
factors and KPIs must be identified. An integrat- ● as a key input to the definition of KPIs by iden-
ed business performance model for a manufac- tifying the limited number of critical variables
turing firm is illustrated in Exhibit 10. As the sub- that must be monitored and managed to
achieve strategic objectives; and ing. Reconciling the collected data against infor-
● as a framework during the design of the pres- mation on another reporting system can also pro-
entation vehicle for the KPIs and to remind end vide an effective way to catch errors or flaws in
users of the key objectives being addressed as the system. The data collection and manipulation
well as the context in which the measures procedures developed should clearly identify:
should be interpreted. ● what needs to be done;
● who is to perform the task;
Planning KPI System Design and ● when it is to be performed; and
Implementation ● what tools should be used (such as data logs).
After the initial determination of KPIs for each
operating unit is completed, KPIs must be ana- Detailed Design/Implementation Phase
lyzed to define their data requirements. The first After a preliminary set of operational KPIs has
step is to isolate what data elements are need- been identified, the implementation of the I-PMS
ed to do the required calculations and where turns toward the creation of a detailed design.
these data elements may be available. The Focused on identifying the specific KPIs that will
design team should investigate where the be implemented at the firm, this phase yields the
required data already exists on a current system scoreboard, data collection and manipulation
or if it is being gathered from any existing manu- procedures, cost/benefit analysis, key training
ally prepared reports. If the required data does and education needs, and conversion to the new
not exist, routines for collecting it, including system. It is often best to address these issues
responsible individuals and the time interval for at the cell or work team level before moving up
input, need to be developed. to the process, subplant, and organizational lev-
els. This allows for maximum flexibility and learn-
Controls to ensure data integrity, such as period- ing with minimal disruption of the organization.
ic audits, should be added to the design at this The lessons learned and steps undertaken are
point. Examples should be provided illustrating very similar as the scope of the detailed design
key points and potential areas of misunderstand- widens.
A scoreboard serves many useful functions. For grouped, providing for a simultaneous review of
instance, it can act as a source of information their trend lines. These visual comparisons can
for the entire cell team as well as for any visitors. lead to improved diagnostic and core problem
The scoreboard also promotes “management by analysis. While many different methods can be
walking around” by providing a visible, succinct, used to post measures, graphical presentation
up-to-date status report. The scoreboard encour- is the preferred approach. Placing a forecast line
ages participatory management as information on the graph creates a visual trace of effective-
is disseminated to the entire team. Teamwork is ness of improvement efforts.
encouraged as team goals and achievements
are stressed. Finally, a well-designed scoreboard Exhibit 13 illustrates a graphical format used to
broadcasts success stories and provides posi- display cell level “performance to schedule” for
tive reinforcement of behavior through recogni- a machining cell in a manufacturing firm.
tion of outstanding performance.
Although higher-level scoreboards are very simi-
An I-PMS operates these scoreboards at several lar to those designed at the cell or team level,
levels. For example, there may be scorecards for several key differences should be kept in mind:
each product family as well as a senior manage- ● data on subplant and plant scoreboards tends
ment scorecard that summarizes the entire to be updated less often than cell or team
organization. By allowing this change in scope, scoreboards;
this feature helps departments, process teams, ● subplant and plant scoreboards are viewed by
and individuals focus on the measures and more people than their cell or team counter-
actions for which they are accountable. parts;
● they are less interactive than on cell or team
When placing individual KPIs on a scoreboard, scoreboards; and
measures with close relationships should be
● they serve as public relations tools, as well as performance by highlighting the root causes for
performance management tools. It may be ongoing problems.
important to make the board more attractive to
make a positive, professional statement. As the functional and technical designs are being
completed, attention focuses on the integration
Organizations can choose from several scorecard with the organization’s information systems,
approaches. Popular systems currently include developing an implementation plan, cost/benefit
Robert Kaplan and David Norton’s Balanced analysis, and the training/education needs of
Scorecard, the Vital Signs approach from Arthur affected individuals and teams. Specific details
Andersen, and the Baldrige Award criteria. Many about each of these areas follow.
organizations develop their own scoreboard/card
approach that may be based on one of these sys- Integrating with Corporate Information
tems or on their own unique perspective. Systems
The information used by the I-PMS needs to be
A useful tool to be used in conjunction with integrated with the organization’s
scoreboards is an incident log, illustrated in information/operational systems. If the I-PMS is
Exhibit 14. This tool provides a useful way to not directly integrated with the organization’s
record problems that affect cell or team perfor- operational systems, the information in the per-
mance. By recording a description of the problem formance measurement system is likely to be
and its resulting solution on the log, cell or team inaccurate and out-of-date. Moreover, a great
members build a history or knowledge base that deal of time will be spent reconciling perfor-
can help them identify recurring problems and mance numbers with operational numbers, lead-
determine their sources. Going beyond a simple ing to waste and ineffectiveness. The I-PMS
measurement of the problem, incident logs allow should derive its information directly from the
the team members to take actions to improve organization’s operational systems. Enabling
technology should support the ability to integrate hours. Therefore, immediate application is criti-
information across various management areas. cal. Exhibit 15 illustrates these principles.
Identifying Training and Education In the exhibit, the C curve represents traditional
Requirements training (lectures). Awareness is high during the
New performance measurements can significant- training event, but the skills and issues are for-
ly affect the way many jobs are performed. Often gotten right after.
employees need new skills to meet the new
demands (such as statistical process control, The B curve occurs when companies augment
teamwork, communication skills, or data analy- lectures with case studies and practice ses-
sis techniques). These changes also affect the sions. The effectiveness of training increases,
compensation and reward process. Training and as illustrated by the increase in performance.
education efforts can make or break the imple-
mentation because they affect individual and The A curve represents all of the above train-
team ability to complete new activities success- ing—lectures, case studies, and practice—plus
fully. Effective training is based on a set of learn- support after the training to enable people to
ing principles that indicate that people typically use their new skills immediately on the job.
forget 90 percent of what they learn within 72 Obviously the A-type training is most costly to
implement, but the benefits of the extra effort far ery timetable, and level of effort needed to meet
outweigh the cost—and therefore, the client it. An example of an individual action plan is illus-
organization receives greater value. However, in trated in Exhibit 16.
many situations, the most effective training can
be as simple as clearly communicated expecta- Gantt charts3 can be useful visual tools to coor-
tions and timely feedback on performance. dinate the implementation across phases and
areas of the organization. Key completion dates
The design team should estimate the and deliverables should be clearly identified, and
training/education development costs based on responsibility for their achievement assigned to
the number of employees requiring training and key individuals on the team and within the affect-
the number of hours each will need to reach the ed area.
required skill level.
Meeting deadlines is key to keeping the I-PMS
Developing an Implementation Plan implementation on track; missing deadlines can
A detailed work plan needs to be developed to destroy momentum. For this reason, it is impor-
guide the implementation process. This plan tant to ensure deadlines are reasonable and
should identify the tasks, the number of work-
days to complete them, and the skill levels of
participants. The implementation plan provides
the basis for estimating the project costs, deliv- 3 A Gantt chart is an activity chart that lays out tasks of a
project in sequential order and shows when each must take
place. The activities are related to the steps defined in the
implementation plan.
contingency plans are developed for handling key to overcoming potential problems is to make
potential problems as they occur. Finally, commu- sure that everyone is kept apprised of the
nication plays a key role in the effective imple- progress, timetable, objectives, and results of
mentation of an I-PMS. the measurement project. The design team
should ensure that communication takes place,
It is impossible to overstate the importance of assigning responsibility and action as suggested
communication throughout the design and imple- in Exhibit 17.
mentation of an I-PMS. New measurements bring
uncertainty and often meet with resistance. The
Carrying Out Cost/Benefit Analysis Another concern is the span of control or scope
Many organizations require cost/benefit analysis the I-PMS must incorporate. The broader the
for all major projects. While the benefits of an span, the more likely the need for some form of
I-PMS may be difficult to quantify, tangible bene- automated system. In a similar vein, the interac-
fits such as reduction of scrap, increased tive feature requirements, such as integrated
productivity, and reduced lead time and invento- user comments and action plans, influence the
ry levels can be estimated. Intangible benefits, choice of delivery mechanism. Integrated com-
such as improved employee morale, better cus- ments allow the person or team to explain per-
tomer service, and improved information flow formance variations. Action plans provide a way
can be estimated based on the problems (and to develop and communicate improvement
costs) these improvements will avoid (such as approaches. While improving communication
recruitment, severance, training, and grievance and promoting user support of the system, the
costs). The cost/benefit analysis that results downside of these features is that they require a
should be summarized in a concise format suit- sophisticated delivery mechanism.
able for management review. In some organiza-
tions, performance measurement is seen simply Finally, graphical requirements impact the choice
as a part of doing business; its cost is justified of technology. If the design team feels manually
as part of the ongoing effort to establish best prepared graphs may not be clear enough to
practices. read and simple enough to prepare, an automat-
ed approach may be chosen. Relatedly, if the
Establishing the Underlying Technology underlying data are so complex that an automat-
Information gathered in the conceptual design ed solution is required to facilitate clear presen-
phase is useful in determining what delivery tation in an effective, efficient manner, manual
mechanism (manual, PC-based, or mainframe- systems are an unlikely alternative.
based) would be most effective for the I-PMS.
Both manual and automated systems are viable A popular underlying technology today is the data
alternatives. The final choice should reflect the warehouse, whereby the relevant information is
requirements as well as the constraints of the extracted from the operational systems and
organization. loaded into a database. This technology makes
data access easier, but the information needs to
Several factors need to be considered when be processed and analyzed to create the
selecting a specific delivery mechanism. For required performance measurement reports and
instance, the breadth and complexity of the KPI analysis.
data, both in terms of data collection and manip-
ulation, can make manual or PC-based deliveries Other organizations purchase a fully integrated,
difficult. Relatedly, the roll-up, drill-down, and vari- enterprise-wide system from a single software
ety of “management by exception” needs the vendor. The functionality of these systems in
system must meet can move the choice away such areas as performance measurement and
from manual and toward more sophisticated knowledge management is generally limited to
delivery approaches. executive information systems and report writ-
ers. Adapting these systems to changes in the
corporate structure or data flows can be complex
and time consuming. These systems can do an ● finalizing functional and technical designs for
excellent job of integrating the organization’s manual or automated solutions;
business processes and supporting financial ● installing the system, including hardware and
and cost accounting methods, but they are not software, for automated systems;
generally designed to support a flexible and ● doing unit testing and system development;
strategically based performance management and
I-PMS approach. ● developing user training and education.
Building an in-house performance measurement Management must be visibly involved and com-
system is a route some organizations take. mitted during the conversion phase. They should
However, these can be expensive and time con- take an active role with the design team to coor-
suming to develop. They usually do not have the dinate the rollout and to define tangible targets
same flexibility and design integrity as systems for each KPI, as well as action plans for achiev-
that have been designed and developed by spe- ing them. The targets should encourage continu-
cialists in the field of performance management. ous improvement and reflect industry best prac-
The ongoing cost of the maintenance and sup- tices where possible. It is also important to
port of these kinds of systems can be very high. ensure that production or process teams be
empowered and given the resources needed to
A detailed cost/benefit analysis may prove use- achieve the identified goals to avoid downstream
ful when determining the best delivery mecha- frustration and discontent.
nism for a specific company or application. It is
relatively easy to analyze the difference in cost Implementing an I-PMS means more than putting
between manual, PC-based, and mainframe- new KPIs in place. Full benefit can be gained
based systems. The related benefits are more from the measurements initiative only if the new
difficult to quantify but may be captured through measures become part of everyday life and if
estimates of the time required to develop, com- they support team and individual continuous
plete, and interpret information from a manual improvement efforts. The true value of KPIs is
versus automated system. Relatedly, the cost unleashed by ensuring a culture that is proactive
savings from avoiding waste and reducing and encourages a participatory environment.
nonvalue-added activities can be used to esti-
mate the benefits of one alternative over anoth- A key task to be performed during the conversion
er. Once a choice is made, attention shifts to to the new system is user training/education. All
conversion to the new system. members of the production teams (including
management) need to thoroughly understand
Converting to the New System each KPI and the critical success factors it
Conversion to a new I-PMS involves a variety of addresses.
tasks that span the organization and that, if mis-
handled, can impair the effectiveness of the The cell or team manager must have sound com-
measurement initiative. Conversion requires the munication skills and a thorough understanding
development of documentation and tools to help of proactive and participatory management prin-
institutionalize the new system. Tasks making up ciples. Other team members may require
the conversion phase are: training/education in areas such as:
Measures that don’t add value or that confuse The “do’s” of implementing an I-PMS have been
users are worse than no measures at all. A bad detailed in the preceding pages. Linking perfor-
measure is one that is uncontrollable at the level mance evaluation and rewards to the KPIs is one
held responsible for its achievement. When peo- of the fastest and most reliable ways to ensure
ple are held accountable for things they cannot the system is implemented and used. Aligning
change, they become demotivated, often reject- individual goals, incentives, and rewards with
ing the whole measurement process as they KPIs the employees can control is critical.
rationalize their ongoing performance problems. Finally, the design of the I-PMS and the meas-
Implementing a new or improved I-PMS requires ures it uses must foster and reflect continuous
active attention to change management issues, improvement. Learning, not control, is the ulti-
including providing solid attention to the risks mate goal.
and resistance change represents.