List of Paraphilias
List of Paraphilias
List of Paraphilias
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List of Paraphilias
Table of Contents
Emotional Problems
A paraphilia is a sexual problems where the
sexual arousal is in response to objects or stimuli
not associated with normal sexual behavior Depression
patterns and that may interfere with the
establishment of normal sexual relationships. Frustration
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
List of Paraphilias Guilt
Lack of Confidence
The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the Self-Esteem
prevailing resource for diagnostic criteria of
paraphilias, describes the essential feature of Stress
paraphilias as recurrent, intense, sexual urges and
sexually arousing fantasies generally involving Eating Disorders
nonhuman objects, the suffering or humiliation of
oneself or partner, or children or other non Anorexia
consenting persons. The DSM-IV-TR describes the
more commonly observed paraphilias and makes Bulimia
reference to several other examples. People who
experience one paraphilia may also experience Binge Eating
other paraphilias. Commonly, people who manifest
paraphilias also exhibit personality disorders, drug Eating and Weight
abuse, alcohol abuse, and other substance abuse
Emotional Eating
problems, or affective disorders.
Excess Weight
The DSM-IV-TR lists the following paraphilias:
Weight Control
Exhibitionism: the recurrent urge or behavior to
expose one's genitals to an unsuspecting person.
Fetishism: the use of non-sexual or nonliving
objects or part of a person's body to gain sexual Co-dependency
excitement. Partialism refers to fetishes
specifically involving non-sexual parts of the body.
Loved Ones
Frotteurism: the recurrent urges or behavior of
touching or rubbing against a non-consenting Rejection
Separation / Divorce
Masochism: the recurrent urge or behavior of
wanting to be humiliated, beaten, bound, or Addictions
otherwise made to suffer.
Drug and Alcohol
Sadism: the recurrent urge or behavior involving
acts in which the pain or humiliation of the victim is Food
sexually exciting.
Voyeurism: the recurrent urge or behavior to
observe an unsuspecting person who is naked, Internet
disrobing or engaging in sexual activities, or may
not be sexual in nature at all. Sex / Pornography
Spending / Shopping
Transvestite fetishism: a sexual attraction towards
the clothing of the opposite gender. Work
Freud, Sigmund
Would You Like Personal
Assistance? Fromm, Erich
Glasser, William
If you really want help dealing with your feelings
and emotions, changing your behavior, and Harlow, Harry
improving your life and the approach and office
hours of typical therapists and counselors do not Jung, Carl
fit your life style or personal needs, I may have a
solution. Kinsey, Alfred
Feel free to contact me now for your free initial Maslow, Abraham
consultation. Once you become an existing client,
you will be given a pager number where you can May, Rollo
reach me whenever you need.
Piaget, Jean
Pavlov, Ivan
Rogers, Carl
Satir, Virginia
Skinner, B. F.
Wolpe, Joseph
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