Approaching Kinksters in Muggle Spaces
Approaching Kinksters in Muggle Spaces
Approaching Kinksters in Muggle Spaces
So once again I was in a non-kinky space, and was approached by a kinky person I didn’t know.
Who proceeded to “out” me to the non-kinky people we were with. #angryface
I’m pretty “out there” in the kink space – I host events, I teach workshops, I attend munches…
and I post my real face as my avatar. If someone is spending a bit of time online they’ve
probably ‘seen’ me even if they haven’t met me. I’m ok with that.
I’m ok with that because I expect kinksters to have a reasonable amount of discretion and
understand that my sex life, personal relationships, and what I do in the bedroom/dungeon are
not public fodder. I expect that we will both respect the social contract.
I was originally going to write this as “how to approach people” but I recognise that this is a
“how to approach ME” and that what I’m comfortable with might not work for everyone else.
1. Please don’t assume that all the people I’m with know I’m kinky. Am I making out with
someone? (yay me!) – please don’t assume THEY know I’m kinky. Please don’t assume
they are kinky too. Don’t assume because I’m a top/dominant that the person I’m with is
a bottom/submissive.
2. If you KNOW the people I’m with are kinky – this is NOT the right occasion to talk
about the last party you and I were both at. Unless everyone else there was at that party
too, you’re violating the discretion of the event in speaking about it. Likewise, at a non-
kinky event, we have a lot of other things to talk about (all those muggle things we’re
actually at the event for) rather than talking about kink. We’re well-rounded people. We
have multiple interests.
3. Please don’t assume I actually know you. I meet a LOT of people through a lot of
different avenues in my life. PLEASE don’t do that “don’t you remember me?” thing. It’s
just awkward for both of us. See “If we don’t know one another” below.
4. Do the “eye contact” thing. Make eye contact. If I look away, don’t come over. If I smile
and wave, come on over. I’ll do the same with you.
5. What would you like to chat about? If we have some non-kink interest in common, that’s
cool. We could talk about that. If you’re coming over to say “hey, I know who you are”
that’s gross. I know who I am. I know what I look like naked, I know that I like kink, I
know what I did at the last play party. None of these are things you need to tell me you
also know. Just no.
If we don’t know one another
Nothing says ‘dangerous stalker’ like some complete stranger approaching you with “I know
who you are but you don’t know me”. This is why I’m a huge proponent of using a face photo in
your profile. We might have talked online a hundred times, but if I don’t recognise you – you’re
a stranger.
In this case, if you recognise me from Fetlife and see me at a non-kink space (grocery store,
museum, walking my dog) and want to approach me… just don’t. Really… just don’t. There’s
nothing you could say that isn’t going to be creepy a.f.
If you want to talk to me – instead come on out to a munch… chat with me at a party… attend a
workshop I’m teaching… come to an event I’m hosting… Move yourself out of this “If we don’t
know one another” category and into the other.
...& I'll do the same for you. So - how would YOU like to be approached in
muggle space?
On mentorship
Recently someone I know slightly contacted me about mentorship – he was looking for a mentor
and wanted to know if I’d be interested and available.
“If I mentor you, I won’t play with you. I won’t fuck you.”
My reply was unexpected.
His previous ‘mentor’ had been his dominant in all but name. She had given him instructions,
controlled his actions to an extent they had agreed upon, she played with him, fucked him, and
restricted him from playing with others. She requested a commitment from him, but as his
mentor and not his dominant, was unable (unwilling?) to offer any commitment to him. He
thought that this was a fine way of gaining the experience he wanted and needed, with the hope
that once he passed ‘the test’, and proved himself a willing and obedient student, that she would
take him as her submissive.
Now, there are lots of people who of course like this arrangement quite a bit, (more power to ya)
but it doesn’t really work for me.
For me, the mentor/protégéé relationship is still a consensual power-exchange relationship… but
a mentorship isn’t a proving grounds towards a collar… My own belief is that tops and
dominants aren’t always the best mentors for bottoms/submissives either.
His inquiry, and a few discussions with him and others made me think about putting some of
these thoughts down…
Of course, as with everything, this is negotiable. We can only enter into a power-exchange
relationship as two equals… and as my equal, a potential protégéé has the ability to negotiate
some of these terms… but here they are as a starting ground…
As your mentor, I will make recommendations about who you do, and do not play with.
Generally this will be broad, but there will be people I will steer you away from. There will be
people I will encourage you to spend time with. I will not pimp you out to my friends, I will not
pimp my friends out to you. I will be a supportive friend when you go out to munches and other
things to meet new people. If our perspectives on who is awesome vs. awful is TOO different,
we will not have a good mentor/protégéé relationship.