IEI News August 2022

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August 2022

Marine Pollution: Reports of World Reports World Telecommunication News in Brief IEI Diary
Imperatives for Sustainable Environment Day 2022 and Information Society
Marine Operations Day 2022

3 4 8 12 20
Volume 29 Number 5

Report of 30th FEIAP GA and 6th From the

FEIAP International Convention President’s Desk.....
The 30th FEIAP General
Assembly and the 6th FEIAP As one of the leading agricultural producers
International Convention on the globally and with one of the largest arable
theme ‘Engineering Education, lands worldwide, agriculture is the mainstay
Accreditation and Mobility Geared of Indian economy and employs nearly half
Towards Industry 5.0’, was held of the nation’s population. But in light of a
at Cebu Island, Philippines during burgeoning population and looming food
27-29 July 2022 hosted by the security crisis, it is imperative for India to
Philippines Technological Council increase its crop production by leveraging
(PTC) which is the national sustainable, high-tech and smart farming
member of the World Federation of practices. Moreover, in the wake of climate change, depletion of
Engineering Organizations (WFEO) natural resources and an imminent food crisis, India must move
for the Philippines. beyond labour intensive farming towards capital intensive farming,
from traditional farming towards precision farming, which essentially
The Institution of Engineers involves application of advanced technologies to minimize production
(India), a member organization of costs and maximize farm productivity, profitability, and sustainability.
FEIAP, had participated in the event. The delegation comprised of Dr Hemant O Precision agriculture focuses on deploying the right inputs at the
Thakare, President, IEI (who is also the Chairman of FEIAP Standing Committee on right time and right place in the right manner and undertakes a
Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Er Narendra Singh, Immediate comprehensive approach to maintaining field and soil well being in
Past President, IEI and Mr Navinchandra B Vasoya, Past President, IEI and Member, a way that elevates the quality and quantity of yield while minimizing
FEIAP-ICT. The IEI delegation headed by President, IEI played a crucial role in the environmental harm. The philosophy of smart and precision farming
Contd. on page 2 involves use of modern technology to reduce waste and enhance
the quality and quantity of agricultural products. It offers the best
Eighteenth Safety Convention under the Aegis of
solution to increase agricultural productivity, national revenue and
Safety and Quality Forum, IEI also improves the quality of working life of farmers. The software
Safety for Sustainable Development managed and sensor-monitored technology provides advanced
information regarding tracking, monitoring, automating and analyzing
farming operations in commercial agricultural sectors.
The Safety and Quality Forum of The Institution of Engineers (India) organized the
Eighteenth Safety Convention on the theme Safety for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India has embarked upon
jointly with Delhi number of smart agriculture initiatives, which include, introduction of
State Centre, IEI on AI based crop yield prediction model, AI based sensor and drones for
March 10, 2022 at monitoring land, soil and crop health, automated irrigation practices,
Hotel Le Meridien, temperature, moisture etc. Further, to integrate digital and physical
New Delhi. Prof infrastructure in a cost effective manner, agro-based tech driven start
(Dr) D P Agrawal, ups have taken the centre stage to provide the necessary technical
Former Chairman, support to the farmers regarding different smart farming techniques.
Union Public Service
Commission graced IEI is celebrating the 55th Engineers Day on 15 September 2022 on
the function as the theme, ‘Smart Engineering for a Better World’ to take a stock of
Chief Guest. Dr H O different capacity building initiatives undertaken in crucial sectors,
Thakare, President IEI presided over the function. At the beginning, Mr Dinesh Kumar, including agriculture to achieve Sustainable Development Goals in a
Chairman, Safety and Quality Forum, IEI welcomed the Guests, Speakers, dignitaries phased manner.
and delegates and mentioned that Safety & Quality Forum decided to organize the The benefits of smart farming and precision agriculture should
Eighteenth Safety Convention on the said theme acknowledging the fact that the percolate to the farming community to bring in transformation in
emerging challenges in the global competitive society are linked to future sustainable farming practices to increase yields, through enhanced productivity,
development perspectives. Mr Kumar further mentioned that reversing the use of improved resilience and minimum environmental impact.
Contd. on page 2

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 August 2022
Safety for Sustainable Development
Contd. from page 1 During the Plenary Session on the theme, ‘Safety for Sustainable Development’,
Dr R K Bhandari, Former Senior Advisor, CSIR presented his lecture on the
natural resources, the degradation of ecosystems and the disruption of the topic 'Safety and Sustainability in Reuse of Treated Sewage'; Prof (Dr) Atul
environmental systems that support human life, are critical for the benefit of K Mittal, President, Sustainability Professionals deliberated on 'Safety and
current and future generations. Sustainability in Reuse of Treated Sewage'; Mr Purushottam Uttarwar, Former
Adviser and Additional Commissioner (Planning) Delhi Development Authority
Dr S K Singh, Chairman, Delhi State Centre, IEI in his address stated that delivered his presentation on 'Safety & Sustainability in Urban Settlements'; Mr
the objective of Safety Convention is to provide excellent opportunities for Amit Kumar Das, Council Member & Chairman CPDB, IEI and AGM (IT), Air
the stakeholders to deliberate and clarify the pertinent issues of critical India delivered lecture on 'Safety Practices for Digital World'. Mr J C Singhal,
importance and to build a Global Environment, Health and safety Standard in Council Member and Chairman, Environmental Engineering Division Board,
all organizations in order to achieve comprehensive sustainable development. IEI chaired the Session and Mr Ambrish Saurikhia, Senior Principal Scientist,
Mr R N Rajpoot, Immediate Past Chairman, Safety and Quality Forum, IEI, while CSIR coordinated the session.
speaking on the theme, emphasized on increased focus on environmental
sustainability as the key factor for the future health of Mother Earth. Dr H O During the Technical Session on the theme, 'Achieving Excellence for Safe
Thakare, President, IEI in his address congratulated Safety & Quality Forum Industrial Operating Practices', Mr Vinod Kumar, Additional Vice President,
for taking initiative in propagating the agenda of Safety & Sustainability Quality Assurance Department, BSES, Rajdhani Power Limited and Mr
through this platform. He mentioned that the key focus behind safety & Raman Kumar Sharma, Technical Officer, Pressure, Vacuum and Ultrasonic
sustainability is the safety to conserve human resources and sustainability Metrology Section, CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi delivered
for conserving environmental resources. Stressing on the integration of lecture on 'Introduction to the Various Safety Measures Associated in
safety and sustainability, Dr Thakare mentioned that it is only possible by Pressure Laboratory at CSIR-NPL'; Mr Ajaya Kumar Harit, Director, Aayka
developing organizational culture wherein importance are equally given to Waterproofers Private Limited spoke on 'Entrapped Dampness - the CANCER
safety and sustainability. Chief Guest of the function, Prof D P Agrawal, in of RCC Structures: It's Reasons, Impact, Significance and Solutions'. The
his address mentioned that India has set Sustainable Development Goals session was chaired by Pradeep Chaturvedi, Founder Chairman, Safety &
to achieve sustainability in major domains and accordingly, different course Quality Forum, IEI and Former Council Member, IEI and co-chaired by Dr HRP
of actions have been implemented, which include shifting from coal based Yadav, Former Secretary & Director General, IEI, & Mr G P Kumawat, Former
power plant to the alternate source of energy; shifting from labour intensive Executive Director, Safety & HR, Pragati Power Limited, New Delhi.
technology to advanced technology etc. Prof Agrawal expressed his concern During the valedictory function, Vice Admiral (Retd) K O Thakare, AVSM,
about least focus on safety measures and growing number of road accidents Past President, IEI was the Chief Guest. Mr R R Tanwar, Council Member
in India. He opined that IEI should take the lead in creating safety awareness and Member, BOG-SQF, IEI; Mr Pradeep Chaturvedi and Mr R N Rajpoot were
in the country. He stressed on introducing subjects on Safety in education present on the occasion and addressed the august audience. Earlier, Mr
curriculum to propagate the culture of Safety. The inaugural session ended Dinesh Kumar, Chairman, Safety and Quality Forum delivered the welcome
with a vote of thanks presented by Mr Praveen Kumar Singh, Director, Safety address. Maj Gen MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General, IEI
& Quality Forum, IEI. proposed the vote of thanks.

Report of 30th FEIAP GA and 6th FEIAP

Contd. from page 1
International Convention
Venues and facilities available with respective Member Economies needs,
conduct of the 10th FEIAP-ICT Meeting held on 29 July, 2022 and provided
(3) Charges for the training based on duration and (4) Modalities for sharing
decisive inputs towards implemention of various plans envisaged by the
of training fees between the Federation and the host. During the deliberation,
FEIAP-ICT as well as the activities contemplated by the Committee.
the members of IEI delegation brought out that it can facilitate hosting of
The three-day General Assembly and the Convention commenced with the training in India at its Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI) located at
opening remarks, keynotes and plenary talks that centered on Engineering Hyderabad which has world class infrastructure and training facilities. The
Education, Accreditation & Mobility, Engineering Sustainability and Circular Chairman invited suggestion from the Member economies for revenue
Economy. In keeping with and highlighting the core topics of this Convention, generation for FEIAP. The Committee brought out that the homepage of
PTC organized four (04) technical sessions comprising of international and FEIAP website can be made open to advertisement from interested parties.
local speakers who are authorities in these fields with significant exposure The FEIAP-ICT Standing Committee, in course of the Meeting, identified the
and experience in these fields. Oral and poster presentations were organized project ‘Artificial Intelligence and how to improve global help’ and decided to
on the second day of the Convention. Focussed Group Discussions were carry out technical activities on the identified topic.
facilitated by the FEIAP Standing Committees.
The 30th FEIAP General Assembly was hosted successfully on 29 July
The 10th FEIAP-ICT Meeting was also organized concurrently with the 30th 2022 amidst lively discussions among professional engineers regarding
FEIAP General Assembly which was chaired by Dr Hemant O Thakare, technological advances and issues relevant to the practice and advancement
President, IEI. In course of the Meeting, while deliberating on the conduct of the engineering professions in and around Asia and the Pacific regions
of free webinars under the aegis of FEIAP-ICT, President, IEI suggested that in ways that are mutually beneficial in support of the member countries’
a list of thrust and emerging areas be identified by the Committee based on sustainable socio-economic development objectives. Members of the
which webinars can be conducted by the member economies periodically. IEI delegation brought out that the Disaster Awareness and Management
The Committee also discussed on the modalities for conducting of webinars/ Forum of The Institution of Engineers (India) can collaborate with the FEIAP
training sessions on chargeable basis. The Chairman, FEIAP-ICT requested Standing Committee on Natural Disaster and Preparedness towards hosting
inputs of the member economies on the aspects like (1) Finalizing the training of various activities on areas of common interest and thereby strengthening
modules, and the respective target groups, (2) taking stock of the Training our association with the Federation.

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2 August 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
IEI Technical Webinar under the aegis of Marine Engineering Division Board

Marine Pollution: Imperatives for Sustainable Marine Operations

Marine Engineering Division Board, IEI organized Technical Webinar on the ocean pollution, various internal and external
theme Marine Pollution: Imperatives for Sustainable Marine Operations factors responsible for marine pollution, silting in
on 11 June 2022. Mr Rajendrakumar V Saraf, Chairman, Viraj Envirozing harbours, different mitigation measures to reduce
India Private Limited, Pune graced the function as Chief Guest and Cmde marine pollution and so on. He explained the
Uday Talwelkar (Retd), Technical Advisor, Bharat Forge Limited as Guest of effect of plastic pollution, stressed on disposing
Honour. Mr P Mukundan, Course in Charge, Institute of Marine Engineers plastic in a systematic manner and its commercial
(India), Kochi Chapter moderated the session. Mr C E Krishnankutty, utilization through recycling. He strongly advocated
Chairman, Institute of Marine Engineers (India), Kochi Chapter briefed on for discouraging plastic product manufacturing and
the theme. The programme started with welcome emphasized on more use of eco-friendly materials
address delivered by Mr P A Salahudheen, onshore and offshore and appealed for its inclusion as a part of CSR
Chairman, Kochi Local Centre, IEI. Cdr Dr Bhaskar M agenda. He also explained the importance of ship maintenance and system
Bhandarkar, Chairman, Marine Engineering Division design modification to reduce marine pollution. He thereafter concluded his
Board, IEI in his address opined that technology and lecture with more focus on generic mitigation measure, effective training
sustainability should run simultaneously. He appealed and workup, effective regulation and strict implementation, good ship and
to the marine engineering fraternity to come forward equipment maintenance etc to reduce marine pollution.
and formulate suitable strategy to reduce marine
Prof Rajendrakumar V Saraf started his lecture with the effect of consumption
pollution and emphasized on more awareness and
of resources and subsequent generation of waste and the adverse impact
training of marine engineering workforce to meet the challenges to reduce
of water transportation on environment. He opined
marine pollution. Dr G Ranganath, Chairman, CATE, IEI in his address stated
that economic growth results from the consumption
that healthy oceans and marine ecosystem services underpin the ocean
pattern of resources, which leads to more
economy, and provide critical support functions upon which human health
consumption of energy and generation of more waste
and well-being depend. Multiple benefits are derived
foot print. He stated that coastal and inland mode of
from marine and coastal ecosystems at local,
transport are very much fuel efficient, environment
regional and global scales, ranging from pollution
friendly and more economic compared to rail and
control, storm protection, shoreline stabilization and
roads in terms of carbon footprint generation. He
habitats for species, to climate mitigation and food
explained the direct, indirect, induced and cumulative
provisioning, he added. Dr H O Thakare, President,
environmental impact, effect of change in micro environment and also
IEI opined that the integrity of the ocean ecosystem
discussed at a length light and sound pollution in sea, oil spill, generation
is under threat; The effects of climate change, such
of solid waste and its impact on sea and marine habitat. He anticipated that
as ocean warming, acidification and oxygen loss;
marine tourism industry will be soon a major waste generator. He further
pollution from plastic, chemicals and other human waste; and the impact of
explained the working principle of battery powered ships and its’ impact on
overfishing are just a few of them. While global drives such as the reduction
environment and went on to explain life cycle assessment of ships, effect of
in single-use plastics and greenhouse gas emissions are critical for the
circular economy on ports and maritime shipping and so on. Moderator of
future of the ocean, there is also an urgent need for action at all levels and
the session, Mr P Mukundan summed up the Proceedings of deliberation.
for new solutions to break the downward cycle, he added.
An interactive session followed the Technical Session. Mr N Rajan, Honorary
Cmde Uday Talwelkar (Retd) spoke on the metamorphic transformation Secretary, Institute of Marine Engineers (India), Kochi Branch proposed the
in the harbours. He discussed in detail on contamination of water bodies, Vote of Thanks.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 August 2022
IEI Celebrates

World Environment Day 2022

Theme : Only One Earth
World Environment Day was celebrated by the Centres of the Institution all over the country on 5 June 2022.
Brief accounts of the celebration as received from various Centres are reported hereunder.

STATE CENTRES live examples how the ecological changes occurred. Earlier, Prof (Dr) B
Radjaram, Chairman, Puducherry State Centre delivered the welcome
Andaman & Nicobar address. Mr S Thirougnaname, Honorary Secretary, Puducherry State
Andaman & Nicobar State Centre, IEI observed World Environmental Day Centre proposed the vote of thanks.
on 07 June 2022 in online mode. Speaker of the event, Dr L Anburajan, Punjab & Chandigarh
Scientist-D, National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) spoke on
the topic ‘NIOT-Enterococcus Faecl is Multiplex PCR Detection Kit – A Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre, IEI in association with Department of
Process for Detecting Virulent Genes in E Faecalis’. Mr Rajee George, ACF, Life Sciences & Institutions’ Innovation Council, B A M Khalsa College,
Department of Environment and Forest, emphasized on more plantation Garshankar observed World Environment Day on 06 June 2022 through
of trees. Earlier, Mr M Sivaramasubramanian, Chairman, Andaman and online mode. Chief Guest of the event, Prof (Dr) T S Kamal, Former Vice
Nicobar State Centre, IEI welcomed all and at the end, Mr Shajan Thomas, President, IEI addressed the audience and shared his views. Keynote
Honorary Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar State Centre, IEI, proposed the Speaker of the event, Dr Subhrata Mishra, Hindi Science Writer of India
vote of thanks. discussed on the environmental resources, sustainable life with genetic
diversity and biodiversity. Earlier, Mr Sukhvir Singh Mundi, Chairman,
Haryana Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre, IEI welcomed the Keynote speaker
Haryana State Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 05 June 2022 and the guests. At the end, Dr Baljit Singh, Honorary Secretary, Punjab &
through online mode. Keynote speaker of the event was Prof Omvir Singh, Chandigarh State Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
Chairman, Department of Geography, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. Telangana
Ar Amrita Kaur Slatch, DAAD Scholar, Institute of Landscape Architecture,
RWTH Aachen University, Germany presented a technical paper on the Telangana State Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 05 June
theme. Earlier, Dr (Ms) Vrinda Krishanlal Gupta, Chairperson, Haryana State 2022 through online mode. Chief Guest of the event, Dr P G Sastry, Director
Centre, IEI welcomed the Chief Guest and the participants. Mr Ashwani and Head, Learning and Development, Ramky Group, Hyderabad in his
Kumar Sharma, Council Member, IEI was present on the occasion. Mr K C address mentioned that due to pollution and over exploitation, resources
Sethi, Former Vice-President, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. are in alarming condition, which have to be safeguarded to develop green
economy for sustainable livelihood. Earlier, Mr B Brahma Reddy, Chairman,
Jammu & Kashmir Telangana State Centre, IEI welcomed the gathering and at the end, Dr
Jammu & Kashmir State G Venkata Subbaiah, Honorary Secretary, Telangana State Centre, IEI
Centre, IEI, in association proposed the vote of thanks.
with Government College of Uttar Pradesh
Engineering & Technology,
Safapora Ganderbal Uttar Pradesh State
(GCET) & SSM College of Centre, IEI observed World
Engineering, Parihaspora Environment Day on 05
Pattan observed World June 2022 at Lucknow.
Environment Day on 05 June 2022 at Srinagar. Chief Guest of the event Chief Guest of the function,
was Prof Shakil Ahmad Romshoo, Vice Chancellor, Islamic University of Prof (Dr) Devendra Swaroop
Science and Technology (IUST), Awantipora and Guest of Honour was Prof Bhargava, Former Professor
M F Wani, Dean, Research & Consultancy, NIT Srinagar. Earlier, Dr Raof of IIT Kanpur, IIT Roorkee,
Ahmad Khan, Chairman, Jammu & Kashmir State Centre, IEI welcomed MNNIT, Allahabad, AIT
the dignitaries, guests and participants. Mr Ferdous Ahad Bhat, Honorary Bangkok and Environmental
Secretary, Jammu & Kashmir State Centre, IEI, presented the vote of thanks. Advisor to Central Pollution Board, Delhi and Government of Uttar Pradesh
for Ardh-Kumbh stressed on permanent living in harmony with nature.
Puducherry Mr Durga Shankar Mishra, Chief Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh
Puducherry State Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 22 June advised to save of environment, not to use plastic wrappers, plastic water
2022 at Puducherry. A technical seminar was organized on the occasion bottles, etc. Mr V B Singh, Vice President, IEI and Mr R K Trivedi, Past
on the topic ‘Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature’. Guest Speaker Chairman, UP State Centre, IEI were present in the function. Earlier, Mr
of the event was Dr M P Ramanujam, State Higher Education Council Masarrat Noor Khan, Chairman, Uttar Pradesh State Centre, IEI welcomed
(SHEC), Government of Puducherry. The Seminar was conducted to create all the guests. At the end, Dr Jaswant Singh, Honorary Secretary, Uttar
awareness amongst the students on environmental pollution and gave Pradesh State Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.

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4 August 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
Uttarakhand Amravati
Uttarakhand State Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 05 June Amravati Local Centre, IEI in association with Government College of
2022 at Dehradun. A Seminar was organised on the topic 'Living Sustainability Engineering, Amravati and Indian Water Works Association, Amravati
in Harmony with Nature'. Mr Mukesh Mohan, Engineer-in-Chief, Uttarakhand Centre observed World Environmental Day on 09 June 2022 at Amravati.
Irrigation Department graced the function as Chief Guest. Dr Amit Srivastav, A lecture was organized
HoD, Civil Engineering Department, Graphic Era University and Mr Naveen on ‘Environment and
Singhal, Chief Proctor, DIT University were the Guests of Honour. Mr Mohan Society: Critical Role of
in his address focussed on rapid depletion of ground water level and Environmental Sciences in
stressed to monitor the recharging source of ground water. He mentioned Sustainable Development’
that due to deforestation, on this occasion. Dr
number of ground water Sangeeta Pradeep Ingole,
resources are getting Associate Professor &
dried. Dr Amit Srivastav, Head, Department of Environmental Science, Shri Shivaji Science College,
deliberated on solid waste Amravati delivered guest Lecture on the theme and highlighted principal
management policies and aspects of earth science. She also mentioned that earth and environmental
framework for developing sciences are critical for sustainable development. Earlier, Mr Pradip Ramraoji
nations. Dr Naveen Singhal Khawale, Chairman, Amravati Local Centre, IEI delivered the welcome
in his address mentioned address. Dr Samir Jaiwantrao Deshmukh, Honorary Secretary, Amravati
that due to rapid industrialization and urbanization, demand of electricity Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
and petroleum products are increasing rapidly and the natural resources are
decreasing day by day. He focussed on more plantations of trees on urgent
basis. Earlier, Mr Dharm Chandra, Chairman, Uttarakhand State Centre, IEI Belagavi Local Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 05 June
welcomed the guests and audience. 2022 through online mode. Keynote Speaker of the event, Prof Vithal H
Jadhav, KLE Technological University, Hubballi and Retd Technical Advisor,
West Bengal
HDBRTS Co Ltd (AEE, KPW, P & IWT GoK) explained on global warming and
West Bengal State Centre, IEI in association with Rural Development Forum, its effects on human beings and nature. He advocated the need to maintain
IEI observed World Environment Day on 05 June 2022 at Kolkata. Eminent ecological balance and protection of the earth from pollution for survival of
Speakers of the event were Prof (Dr) Sudipta De, Professor, Mechanical human beings. Earlier, Mr R T Jangal, Chairman, Belagavi Local Centre, IEI
Engineering Department, welcomed the participants. At the end, Dr Devendrappa Kenchakkanavar
Jadavpur University, Kolkata Veeranna, Honorary Secretary, Belagavi Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote
and Prof (Dr) Anirban Gupta, of thanks.
Professor, Civil Engineering
Department, Indian Institute
of Engineering Science and Chandrapur Local Centre, IEI observed World Environmental Day on 05
Technology Shibpur. Prof De delivered his lecture on the topic ‘Meeting Local June 2022 through online mode. Speakers of the event were, Dr Rajkumar
Demand of Energy Utilities with Locally Available Renewable Resources: Khapekar, Associate Professor & Head, D R B Sindhu Mahavidyalaya,
Case Studies for Remote Indian Villages’. Prof Gupta pointed out the Nagpur; Dr Z J Khan, Principal, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering,
menaces of consumerization and accounting of the energy consumption in Research and Technology (RCERT), Chandrapur and Prof M K Shende,
digitalization. Mr Sandip Kumar Deb, Vice President, IEI and Mr Debananda Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, RCERT, Chandrapur.
Basak, Chairman, BOG-RDF, IEI also addressed the gathering. Prof (Dr) Earlier, Mr Madhukar Krushnaji Shende, Chairman, Chandrapur Local
Sadhan Chandra Ray, Council Member and Chairman, Textile Engineering Centre, IEI welcomed the guests, other dignitaries and participants. Mr
Division Board, IEI spoke on the importance of World Environment Day. Yogendrasingh D Parihar, Honorary Secretary, Chandrapur Local Centre
Earlier, Dr Nirmal Das, Chairman, West Bengal State Centre, IEI welcomed proposed the vote of thanks.
the speakers and audience. Mr Ram Chandra Chakraborty, Joint Honorary
Secretary, West Bengal State Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
Dharwad Local Centre,
LOCAL CENTRES IEI observed World
Alwar Environmental Day on 07
June 2022 at Dharwad.
Alwar Local Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 05 June 2022 Chief Guest of the event
at Alwar. Chief Guest of the function, Dr M P S Chandrawat, Environmentalist was Dr M R Patil, Professor
and Social Activist spoke on the theme. Mr G P Agarwal, Former AGM, Ashok of Civil and Environmental
Leyland expressed his Engineering, KLE Technological University, Hubballi. Mr Vijaykumar
views on different sources Hanamantappa Totiger, Chairman, Dharwad Local Centre, IEI delivered the
of pollution, their effects welcome address and Mr Sidlingappa Sangappa Kerur, Honorary Secretary,
and suggested methods to Dharward Local Centre proposed the vote of thanks.
reduce pollution. Earlier, Mr
Subhash Chandra Joshi, Jodhpur
Chairman, Alwar Local Jodhpur Local Centre,
Centre, IEI welcomed the IEI observed World
dignitaries and mentioned Environment Day on 05
the importance of measures June 2022 at Jodhpur. Chief
for pollution control to save the planet. Mr Raj Deep Sharma, Honorary Guest of the event was
Secretary, Alwar Local Centre, IEI coordinated the session and at the end, Prof Ajay Kumar Sharma,
proposed vote of thanks. Vice Chancellor, M B M

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 August 2022
University, Jodhpur. Guest of Honour and Keynote Speaker of the event was environmental action for transformative environmental change on a global
Prof S K Singh, Head of Department, Civil Engineering, M B M University, scale. Earlier, Mr Chinmoy Ghosh, Honorary Secretary, North Bengal Local
Jodhpur. Special Guest and Keynote Speaker of the event was Mr Geetshwar Centre, IEI delivered the welcome address and at the end of the session,
Varshney, Assistant Director, Technical Education, Rajasthan. Earlier, Dr Akhil proposed the vote of thanks.
Ranjan Garg, Chairman, Jodhpur Local Centre, IEI welcomed the guests and
audience. At the end, Dr Ghanshyam Prasad Vaishnaw, Honorary Secretary,
Jodhpur Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. Palghat Local Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 05 June
2022 at Palakkad. Chief Guest of the event, Mr Krishnan M N, Environmental
Engineer, Kerala State Pollution Control Board, Palakkad stressed on the
Mangalore Local Centre, IEI observed World Environment day on 7 June need to prevent pollution for preserving earth’s bio-diversity and the
2022 at Mangalore. Speaker of the event, Dr G Srinikathan, Director sustainability of living things. He strongly advocated for rejection of single
(Technical Research), use and disposable plastic products. He further discussed about the health
NITTE Education Trust problems due to micro-plastic elements getting included in human food-
Mangalore called upon chair. Earlier, Mr Madhana
to achieve the net zero/ Mohan K, Chairman,
carbon neutral with Palghat Local Centre, IEI
application of energy welcomed the dignitaries
efficient appliances, and members and spoke on
avoidance of disposable climatic change, emission
plastic, switching off electrical appliances etc. Earlier, Dr Sunil B Malegole, of GHG gases from industry
Chairman, Mangalore Local Centre, IEI welcomed all. At the end of the and transportation sectors
function, Dr Manu B, Honorary Secretary, Mangalore Local Centre, IEI causing global warming and depletion of ozone layer. He further added
proposed the vote of thanks. that our planet is under threat from man made disasters and suggested
preventive measures to be taken to save the Earth. Mr A Ramesh, Immediate
Past Honorary Secretary, Palghat Local Centre proposed the vote of thanks.
Meerut Local Centre,
IEI observed World
Environment Day on 05 Ranipet Local Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 18 June 2022
June 2022 at Meerut. Chief in virtual platform. Speaker of the event, Dr S Shanthakumar, Professor &
Guest of the event was Dr Head, Centre for Clean Environment, VIT Vellore spoke on the reasons of
Y S Negi, Former Dean, climatic change such as deforestation, over fishing, illegal wildlife trade,
Saharanpur Campus, IIT air pollution, soil erosion, plastic waste, etc. He advocated for major
Roorkee. Speakers of the campaigns/agreements towards earth and environment protection and to
event were Dr Abhijit Maiti and Dr Kirtiraj K Gaikwad, IIT Roorkee. Dr Maiti put sustainable development on global agenda and establishment of UN
deliberated briefly on water demand, water crisis and water pollution. He Environment Program and World Environment Day; He mentioned global
further stated that we are withdrawing excessive ground water for the temperature rising with greenhouse gas emission as the major cause of
use of industry, agriculture, domestic purpose, resulting in acute ground climatic change and opined for preventive measures to be taken by reducing
water crisis. Dr Gaikwad discussed the problems associated with plastic emission, conserve and restore, nature based solutions, and so on. Mr M
packaging. He further spoke on the application of cellulose which can be Salai Manalan, Chairman, Ranipet Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of
extracted from biomass, i.e. agricultural waste. Earlier, Mr Mohan Lal Jain, thanks at the end of the session.
Chairman, Meerut Local Centre welcomed the dignitaries and at the end, Mr
Raj Pal Agarwal, Honorary Secretary, Meerut Local Centre, IEI proposed the
vote of thanks. Roorkee Local Centre, IEI in association with Indian Water Resources Society
(IWRS) observed World Environment Day on 13 June 2022 at Roorkee.
Keynote Speaker of the session, Dr Anand Sharma, Former Additional DG
Munirabad Local Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 06 June (SG), India Meteorological Department, New Delhi delivered lecture on
2022 in association with Rao Bahadur Y Mahabaleswrappa Engineering ‘Global Earth Issues: Climate
College, Ballari at Munirabad. Speaker of the event, Dr T Hanumantha Hazards, Sustainability and
Reddy, Principal, Rao Bahadur Y Mahabaleshwarappa Engineering College, Development’ and explained
Ballari, at Munirabad delivered lecture on the theme. Prof (Dr) Kuppagal about cloud formation and
Veeresh, Chairman, Munirabad Local Centre stated that UNEP, FAO of the its role in climate change. He
United Nations with the support of another partners will prevent the loss also briefed on the functions
and degradation of ecosystems worldwide and the aims to revive hectares of weather forecasting
of land covering terrestrial as well as aquatic ecosystems will be achieved. website Mausam Vibhag.
Earlier, Dr Ashish Pandey, Chairman, Roorkee Local Centre, IEI welcomed
North Bengal
the guests and deliberated the importance of World Environment Day. At the
North Bengal Local Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 11 June end, Mr Vineet Kumar Saini, Honorary Secretary, Roorkee Local Centre, IEI
2022 at Jalpaiguri. Speaker proposed the vote of thanks.
of the event, Mr Tapan
Kumar Roy, Lecturer in Civil
Engineering Department, Rourkela Local Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 05 June
Siliguri Government 2022 through virtual mode. Speaker of the event, Prof Bhishma Tyagi,
Polytechnic College, Siliguri Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, NIT
stressed on only one earth Rourkela deliberated on climatic change, global warming, catastrophic
campaign through collective damages to the society and loss of lives. Mr Tyagi also spoke on air pollution

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6 August 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
which directly impacts on health and quality of life. Earlier, Mr Ajay Kumar Conservator of Forests, Government of Rajasthan appeal to all to inspire
Goswami, Chairman, Rourkela Local Centre, IEI welcomed the members conservation, and stressed to keep water, air clean, conserve water, reduce
and guests. Dr Anil Kumar Barik, Joint Honorary Secretary, Rourkela Local waste, conserve biodiversity and save energy for future generations. He
Centre proposed the vote of thanks. emphasized on increased use of solar energy, water recycling and recharge,
waste minimization to save nature. Earlier, Mr Yawanti Kumar Bolia,
Saurashtra Chairman, Udaipur Local Centre, IEI welcomed the Chief Guest and Guest of
Honour. At the end, Mr Chandra Prakash Jain, Honorary Secretary, Udaipur
Saurashtra Local Centre, IEI in association with Government Engineering
Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
College, Rajkot observed World Environment Day on 06 June 2022 at Rajkot.
An expert talk was organized on the occasion. Speaker of the event, Dr Upper Assam
Debleena Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental
Science & Engineering, Marwadi University, Rajkot addressed the audience Upper Assam Local Centre,
about Earth, human and environment, ways to save our planet etc. Earlier, IEI in association with
Mr Deepak V Suchde, on behalf of Saurashtra Local Centre, IEI welcomed Assam Gas Based Power
all. At the end, Mr B V Harsoda, Honorary Secretary, Saurashtra Local Station, NEEPCO observed
Centre proposed the vote of thanks. World Environment Day on
05 June 2022 at Bokuloni.
Tirunelveli Chief Guest of the event was
Mr B Goswami, CGM, & Head of Project, AGBPS, NEEPCO, Bokulni. Mr B
Tirunelveli Local Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 17 June
P Bakshi, Chairman, Assam Productivity Council, Tinsukia and Mr Dibakar
2022 through online mode. Speaker of the event, Dr J Glory Selvamano,
Bhattacharjee, Past Chairman, UALC and Former DGM, (IOCL), Digboi
Associate Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Einstein
delivered speech as Guests of Honour. Guest Speaker of the event was
College of Engineering, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu deliberated on the concept
Mr Bhairab Bhuyan, CGM (IT) Oil India Limited, Duliajan. During Technical
of green building and portrayed important measures to protect the
Session, four papers were presented. Earlier, Mr Sasanka Pratim Deka,
environment during building construction also and spoke on renewable
Chairman, Upper Assam Local Centre, IEI welcomed the participants.
energy sources. Earlier, Prof (Dr) R Velayutham, Chairman, Tirunelveli Local
Centre, IEI deliberated welcome address and at the end, Mr Sivaganesh, Vadodara
Joint Secretary, Tirunelveli Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
Vadodara Local Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 05 June 2022
Trichur at Vadodara. Speakers of the event were Mr Sushil Kumar Sharma, Founder
and CEO, Sustaineco and Prof (Dr) Upendra D Patel, Civil Engineering
Trichur Local Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day held on 05 June
Department, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. Earlier, Mr Ambikesh
2022 through virtual mode. Speaker of the event, Dr B Jayaraman Chillayill,
Natvarlal Padhya, Chairman,
Co-founder and MD, EQUINOCT, Kochi expressed his concern over the
Vadodara Local Centre,
failure to address climate change. He opined that due to global warming,
IEI delivered the welcome
the chances of cyclonic disturbances would be in the sea in the form of
address. At the end of the
low pressure zones, which results more floods, landslides, heavy rainfall
session, Mr Keyurkant
and droughts. Earlier, Prof Sunil Kumar C P, Chairman, Trichur Local Centre,
Manibhai Thakkar, Honorary
IEI welcomed all the dignitaries and participants. At the end, Dr Kurien E K,
Secretary, Vadodara Local
Honorary, Trichur Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
Centre, IEI proposed the
Tumakuru vote of thanks.

Tumakuru Local Centre, Visakhapatnam

IEI observed World
Visakhapatnam Local Centre, IEI in association with Raghu Engineering
Environment Day on 15
College, Visakhapatnam observed World Environment Day on 05 June
July 2022 at Tumakuru.
2022 at Visakhapatnam. A technical webinar was organized on the topic
Chief Guest and Keynote
‘Environmental Protection – Individual’s Responsibility’. Guests of Honour
speaker of the event, Dr
of the event, Dr B Venkataramana, Chairman, Visakhapatnam Local Centre,
Suresh Kumar K S, Former
IEI briefed about the theme. Keynote Speaker of the event, Mr Shashidhar
Professor and Freelance Educational Consultant discussed on development
Bairapu, Senior Environmental Officer, Dubai Municipality spoke on the
of smokeless oven. Prof (Dr) Ms Shantala C P, Chairman, Tumakuru Local
duties and responsibilities of the people for prevention and control of
Centre, IEI chaired the session. Mr Giridhar S Kulkarni, Honorary Secretary,
environmental pollution.
Tumakuru Local Centre, IEI welcomed all and at the end of the session,
proposed the vote of thanks. Warangal
Udaipur Warangal Local Centre,
IEI observed World
Udaipur Local Centre, IEI observed World Environment Day on 05 June
Environment Day on 05
2022 at Udaipur. The Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker of the event, Dr
June 2022 at Warangal.
Karunesh Saxena, Vice Chancellor, Sangam University, Bhilwara deliberated
Chief Guest of the event was
on UN – Sustainable
Dr K V Jayakumar, Professor
Development Goals. He also
of Civil Engineering, NIT
spoke on net zero goal, zero
Warangal and Guest of
balancing, carbon sink and
Honour of the event was Dr A Kiran Mayee, Principal, Talla Padmavathi
so on. Guest of Honour of
College of Engineering, Kazipet. Earlier, Mr M Sambaiah, Chairman,
the event, Dr Nihal Chand
Warangal Local Centre, IEI delivered the welcome address.
Jain, Former Principal, Chief

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 August 2022
IEI Celebrates
World Telecommunication and
Information Society Day 2022
Theme: Digital Technologies for Older Persons and Healthy Ageing
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day was celebrated by the Centres of the Institution all over the
country on 17 May 2022. Brief Accounts of celebrations as received from various Centres are given hereunder.

STATE CENTRES of the event, Mr Ajay Chhabra, DGM, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited,
Yamunanagar spoke on the derived benefits of digital technologies by the
Andaman and Nicobar senior citizens. Dr (Ms) Vrinda Krishanlal Gupta, Chairperson, Haryana
Andaman and Nicobar State Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication State Centre, and Council Member, IEI; Mr K C Sethi, Former Vice President,
and Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Port Blair. Speaker of the IEI and Mr A K Sharma, Council Member, IEI were present on the function.
event, Dr E Muthu Kumaran, Assistant Professor Department of Electronics Dr (Ms) Vrinda Krishanlal Gupta, delivered the welcome address. At the end,
and Communication Engineering, Dr B R Ambedkar Institute of Technology Mr K C Sethi, Former Vice President, IEI presented vote of thanks.
(DBRAIT), Port Blair spoke on the prevention of illness and boosting health Jharkhand
in all ages via devices and apps such as sensors, monitors, wristwatches
and mobiles for continuous health monitoring and feedback. Earlier, Mr M Jharkhand State Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and
Sivaramasubramanian, Chairman, Andaman and Nicobar State Centre, IEI Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Ranchi. Dr Sanjay Kumar,
welcomed the Speaker and the participants. Mr Shajan Thomas, Honorary Associate Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering
Secretary, Andaman & Nicobar State Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. Department, Birla Institute
of Technology Mesra was
Assam the Chief Guest of the
Assam State Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and Information event.Keynote Speaker, Mr
Society Day on 17 May Vishal H Shah, Assistant
2022 at Guwahati. Mr A K Professor, Electronics and
Pahi, CGMT, Assam Circle, Communication Engineering
BSNL was the Chief Guest, Department, Birla Institute
and Smt A Siddiqui, GM, of Technology Mesra briefed about Energy Orientation, Remote Patient
BSNL and Mr B C Nayak, Monitoring and so on.At the end, Mr Manoj Kumar, Honorary Secretary,
CTO, Reliance Jio were the Jharkhand State Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
Guest of honours. Mr R Dutta Choudhury, CTO (Retd) Reliance Jio was Kerala
the Keynote Speaker. Earlier, Mr Pulak Samrah, Honorary Secretary, Assam
State Centre, IEI welcomed all. Mr Nripendra Nath Patwari, Chairman, Kerala State Centre,
Assam State Centre, IEI chaired over the session. IEI observed World
Telecommunication and
Gujarat Information Society
Gujarat State Centre IEI in Day on 17 May 2022 at
association with Computer Thiruvananthapuram.
Society of India, Ahmedabad Speaker of the event, Dr S
Chapter observed World Jyothi Sankar, ITS, Former
Telecommunication and Principal General Manager,
Information Society Day on BSNL Kerala Telecom Circle, Trivandrum spoke on the theme. Earlier,
17 May 2022 at Ahmedabad. Mr N Rajkumar, Past Chairman, Kerala State Centre, IEI welcomed the
Chief Guest of the event, participants. At the end, Mr Roy Mathew, Honorary Secretary, Kerala State
Prof (Dr) Ami Upadhyay, Vice Chancellor, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Open Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
University, Ahmedabad spoke on the theme of the day. Theme Speaker of Mizoram
the event was Dr Narottam Sahoo, Advisor, Gujarat Council of Science and
Technology, Government of Gujarat. Earlier, Mr Pravinkumar Mohanbhai Mizoram State Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and Information
Chaudhari, Chairman, Gujarat State Centre, IEI delivered welcome address Society Day on 10 June 2022 through Online Mode. Chief Guest of the event
and explained the objective and background of the day. was Dr Gaurav Trivedi, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and
Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. Speaker of
Haryana the event, Dr Ashok Ray, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, North
Haryana State Centre, Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST) deliberated
IEI observed World on the theme and mentioned the advancement of technologies for the
Telecommunication and aged people. Dr Chinmayee Hazarika, Associate Project Engineer, E&ICT
Information Society Day Academy, IIT Guwahati suggested the need for care and monitoring of older
on 17 May 2022 at Damla, persons. Earlier, Mr K Lalsawmvela, Chairman, Mizoram State Centre, IEI
Yamunanagar. Chief Guest welcomed the Chief Guest and the participants. At the end, Dr (Ms) Chaitali

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8 August 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
Koley, Honorary Secretary, Mizoram State Centre, IEI proposed the vote of with treatment protocol, comorbidity factors, organ degeneration, etc. and
thanks. described the instruments
required for carrying out
daily routine activities and
Puducherry State Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and digital technology devices
Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 through online mode. Dr A for healthy ageing. Prof (Dr)
Rajesh, SMIEEE, INSPIRE Fellow, Associate Professor, School of Electrical Madhurima Chattopadhyay,
and Electronics Engineering, SASTRA Deemed University Thanjavur was Head, Department of
the Chief Guest of the event. Dr T Chithralekha, Professor and Dean, School Applied Electronics &
of Engineering and Technology, Pondicherry University also delivered Instrumentation, Heritage
an address on this occasion. Earlier, Prof (Dr) B Radjaram, Chairman, Institute of Technology, Kolkata stressed on the need of digital technology
Puducherry State Centre, IEI and Mr S Thirougnaname, Honorary Secretary, with microprocessors and MEMS-based devices for health monitoring
Puducherry State Centre, IEI welcomed the audience. of elderly people. She explained the application of sensors in healthcare
Punjab & Chandigarh and elaborated the benefits of low-cost Smart CPAP devices. Dr Nabarun
Bhattacharyya, Senior Director & Head, CDAC Kolkata mentioned the
Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre, IEI in association with Department importance of adoption of IoT and biosensors for the detection of diseases
of Life Sciences & Institutions’ Innovation Council B A M Khalsa College, and on the use of nonotechnology-based solution, AI ML-based solutions
Garhshankar observed World Telecommunication and Information Society coupled with AR/VR and 5G, CDAC for senior citizens. Mr Sandip Kumar
Day 2022 on 17 May 2022 through online mode. Chief Guest of the event, Deb, Vice President, IEI graced the occasion with his august presence.
Prof (Dr) T S Kamal, Former Vice President, IEI addressed the audience and Prof (Dr) Raju Basak, Honorary Secretary, West Bengal State Centre, IEI
shared his thoughts. Keynote Speakers of the event, Mr Bhupinder Singh proposed the vote of thanks.
Mavi, Principal Software Architect, WithMe Health, USA deliberated on
the theme. Prof Jagmohan Kaur, Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering LOCAL CENTRES
College (BBSBEC),Fatehgarh Sahib and Research Scholar, I K Gujral Angul
Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU), Jalandhar explained that digitization
of technologies has made life easier. Earlier, Mr Sukhvir Singh Mundi, Angul Local Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and Information
Chairman, Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre, IEI welcomed the Guests and Society Day on 18 May 2022
Keynote Speakers of the webinar. Prof (Dr) Baljit Singh, Honorary Secretary, at Angul. Mr K B Swain,
Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. Group General Manager
(Smelter), Nalco, Angul
Tamilnadu graced the occasion as Chief
Tamilnadu State Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and Guest. Dr SrinivasSethi,
Information Society Day on 23 May 2022 through online mode. Chief Professor, IGIT, Sarang
Guest of the event, Mr R Ganesan ITS, Former Principal General Manager, delivered lecture on the
BSNL, Chennai stated the application of ICT and IoT in smart health care theme as the Chief Speaker. Mr S Mishra, General Manager, .Operation
and added that the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has launched (CPP) and Mr A K Satpathy, General Manager, Contract Cell, Smelter
lot of digital health monitoring application for aged people. Earlier, Mr S were attended the programme. Earlier, Mr Sangram Keshari Samantaray,
Kannan, Chairman, Tamilnadu State Centre welcomed the gathering. Dr J Chairman, Angul Local Centre, IEI welcomed the guests & delegates. At
Balamurugan, Honorary Secretary, Tiruvallur Local Centre, IEI introduced the end, Mr Siba Ram Panda, Honorary Secretary, Angul Local Centre, IEI
the Chief Guest. At the end, Mr K N Sivaraju, Honorary Secretary, Tamil proposed the vote of thanks.
Nadu State Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. Belagavi
Uttar Pradesh Belagavi Local Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and
Uttar Pradesh State Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Belagavi. Keynote Speaker of the
Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Lucknow. Chief Guest of event, Prof (Dr) Uday Wali, S G Balekundry Institute of Technology, Belagavi
the event, Prof Neelam Srivastava, Head, Department of Electronics and spoke on the theme. Earlier, Mr R T Jangal, Chairman, Belagavi Local
Communication Engineering, Institution of Engineering & Technology, Centre, IEI welcomed the participants. At the end, Prof (Dr) Devendrappa
Lucknow highlighted the role Kenchakkanavar Veeranna, Honorary Secretary, Belagavi Local Centre, IEI
of ICT in the care of senior proposed the vote of thanks.
citizens and added that Dharwad
doctors are able to support
the patients staying at home. Dharwad Local Centre,
On this occasion, Mr V B IEI observed World
Singh, Vice President IEI; Mr Telecommunication and
R K Trivedi, Past Chairman Information Society
and other distinguished Day on 17 May 2022 at
personnel were present. Earlier, Mr Masarrat Noor Khan, Chairman, Uttar Dharwad. Dr Rajeshwari
Pradesh State Centre, IEI welcomed all the guests. M Banakar, Professor,
School of Electronics
West Bengal and Communication
West Bengal State Centre, IEI in association with Centre for Development Engineering, KLE Technological University, Hubballi was the Chief Guest
of Advanced Computing (CDAC), RAIL, TEL observed World of the event.. Earlier, Mr Vijaykumar Hanamantappa Totiger, Chairman,
Telecommunication and Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Kolkata. Dharwad Local Centre, IEI welcomed all. Dr Sidlingappa Sangappa Kerur,
Speakers of the event, Dr Aniruddha De, Geriatrician and Diabetologist Honorary Secretary, Dharwad Local Centre, IEI highlighted the importance
categorized the problems of the old peoples in terms of the ageing process of the day and at the end of the session, proposed the vote of thanks.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 August 2022
Faridabad Kalpakkam
Faridabad Local Centre, IEI in association with Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Kalpakkam Local Centre IEI observed World Telecommunication and
UP(West), Meerut observed World Telecommunication and Information Information Society Day
Society Day on 21 May 2022 through online mode. Speakers of the event on 14 June 2022 at
were Dr Charu Virmani, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Kalpakkam. Chief Guest of
Engineering, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies the event, Mr Karthikeyan,
(MRIIRS), Faridabad and Dr Manoj Wadhwa, HOD CSE Ex.AITM, Palwal. Scientific Officer/E, TS-
Mr Pradeep Malha, CEO, Technopan Industries, Faridabad moderated the ESG, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
session. Earlier, Mr Sandeep Handa, Chairman, Faridabad Local Centre, delivered lecture on the
IEI welcomed the audience, speakers and briefed about the theme. At the topic ‘Development of IP-
end, Mr Kuldip Raj Gupta, Honorary Secretary, Faridabad Local Centre, IEI PABX Voice Communication
proposed the vote of thanks. Network at DAE, Kalpakkam’. He explained Omni PCX experience – crystal
technology, upgrading IP server, application communication server,
up gradation of CPU8 of IPPABX system, etc. Earlier, Mr M Shanmuga
Gwalior Local Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and Sundaram, Chairman, Kalpakkam Local Centre, IEI welcomed the gathering
Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Gwalior. Speakers of the event and deliberated on the theme.
were Mr Ashok Singh Bais,
Col (Retd), Indian Army
and Mr Ranvir Singh Tomar, Kanchepuram Local
Retired Additional Chief Centre, IEI observed
Engineer, MPEB. Earlier, Mr World Telecommunication
Prabhat Kumar Bhargava, and Information Society
Chairman, Gwalior Local Day on 17 May 2022 at
Centre, IEI welcomed all the Kanchepuram. Speaker of
dignitaries and at the end, Mr P Y Khanwilkar, Honorary Secretary, Gwalior the event, Mr Koteswaran
Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. Srinivasan, Technology Director, HCL Technologies Limited ERS Technology
Office deliberated the importance of communication and digital technologies
in our daily life.
Jabalpur Local Centre, IEI observed the World Telecommunication
Information Society Day on 19 May 2022 through online mode. Chief
Guest of the event, Mr Swapan Kumar Bose, Chief General Manager (Retd), Kollam Local Centre, IEI, in association with Bishop Jerome Institute,
Bharat Ratna Bhim Rao Ambedkar Institute of Telecom Training, BSNL, Kollam observed World
Jabalpur mentioned that digital health platforms like e-health, telemedicine Telecommunication and
platforms etc. can facilitate healthy ageing. Dr Gurdeep S Hura, Department Information Society Day on
of Computer Science, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, 26 May 2022 at Kollam.
MD, USA was the Guest of Honour. Earlier, Mr Prakash Chandra Dubey, Keynote Speaker of the
Chairman, Jabalpur Local Centre, IEI welcomed the guests, dignitaries, event, Dr M Padmadas,
speakers and the audience. At the end, Mr Sanjay Kumar Mehta, Honorary AGM, BSNL, Kollam
Secretary, Jabalpur Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. delivered lecture on ‘Unveiling the Innovations in Communication and IT’.
Dr D Roshen Kumar, Principal, BJI also addressed the audience. Dr (Prof)
Ms Sheeba R, Honorary Secretary, Kollam Local Centre, IEI delivered the
Jamshedpur Local Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and welcome address.
Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Jamshedpur. Speaker of
the event, Dr Raja Bose, Head, Customer Experience, Bihar & Jharkhand
Telecom Circle in his address stated that digital technologies are developed Kozhikode Local Centre,
with several domains including healthcare to make the life of elderly people IEI observed World
more comfortable. Earlier, Mr Probal Ghosh, Chairman, Jamshedpur Local Telecommunication and
Centre, IEI delivered welcome address and at the end, Mr Shanti Das Information Society Day on
Bhattacharjee, Honorary Secretary, Jamshedpur Local Centre, IEI proposed 17 May 2022 at Kozhikode.
the vote of thanks. Speaker of the event, Mr
Praveen Chandran, Sub-
Divisional Engineer, Enterprise Business, BSNL, Kozhikode delivered lecture
Kalaburagi Local Centre observed World Telecommunication and on recent trends in telecommunication technology’. Earlier, Mr K Shaju,
Information Society Day on 30 May 2022 at Kalaburagi. Dr Virupakshappa Honorary Secretary, Kozhikode Local Centre, IEI welcomed the audience.
Patil, Associate Professor,
Sharnabasva University
Kalaburagi was the Speaker Mangalore Local Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and
on the occasion. Mr Information Society Day on 24 May 2022 at Mangalore. Guest Speaker
Hanmayya Belure, Honorary of the event, Dr Annappa
Secretary, Kalaburagi Local B, Professor, Department
Centre, IEI welcomed the of Computer Science
speaker, dignitaries and the and Engineering, NITK,
attendees. Mr Subhash Sugoor, Chairman, Kalaburagi Local Centre, IEI Surathkal deliberated on the
presided over the function. theme and added that digital
technologies are helpful for

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

10 August 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
the senior citizens to meet up their specific abilities and needs. Earlier, Dr end, Mr M Salai Manalan, Chairman, Ranipet Local Centre, IEI proposed the
Manu B, Honorary Secretary, Mangalore Local Centre, IEI welcomed all the vote of thanks.
participants and the Guest Speaker and Dr Sunil B Malegole, Chairman,
Mangalore Local Centre, IEI chaired the session.
Saurashtra Local Centre, IEI, in association with A V Parekh Technical
Institute, Rajkot observed World Telecommunication and Information
Meerut Local Centre, IEI in association with Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Rajkot. Speaker of the event, Dr Chetan
UP (West) observed World J Shingadiya, Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Department, R K
Telecommunication and University, Rajkot briefly explained the role of digital technologies for elderly
Information Society Day on people regarding their health; demographic global trends; key demographic
17 May 2022 at Meerut. facts; digital transformation and powerful socio economic opportunities,
Chief Guest of the event was challenges of decentralized data and advice. Earlier, Mr Deepak V Suchde,
Mr Surya Kant, ITS, CGM, Chairman of Technical Activity Committee, Saurashtra Local Centre, IEI
BSNL UP (W) Telecom delivered the welcome address and explained the host Centre’s activity. At
Circle and Guest of Honour the end, Mr B V Harsoda, Honorary Secretary, Saurashtra Local Centre, IEI
of the event was Mr Rajeev proposed the vote of thanks.
Singh, ITS, PGM (Finance),
BSNL, UP(W) Telecom
Circle, Meerut. Speaker of the event Mr Manish Nirala, JTO, BSNL, Meerut Silchar Local Centre IEI observed World Telecommunication and Information
spoke on the need of digital technologies for older peoples for their physical, Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Silchar. Mr Jitesh Choudhary, Director, Centre
mental health as well as their social lives. Mr Amit Kumar Bansal, ADT for Development of Advance Computing (C-DAC), Government of India, and
(IT), BSNL, Meerut stated that equitable access to digital technologies is Prof Fazal Ahmed Talukdar,
essential for global prosperity and sustainability. Mr Pradeep Sharma, DE Department of Electronics
(MSC), BSNL, Meerut briefed about the awareness about the importance & Communication, NIT,
of information and communication technologies for the betterment of Silchar were the Guests of
older people. Mr Manish Rajpal, AGM (P&M), BSNL, Meerut suggested Honour. Earlier, Mr Gautam
few solutions for the betterment of older people in their daily life. Earlier, Dutta Choudhury, Chairman,
Mr Mohan Lal Jain, Meerut Local Centre, IEI welcomed the dignitaries. At Silchar Local Centre, IEI
the end, Mr Raj Pal Agarwal, Honorary Secretary, Meerut Local Centre, IEI delivered welcome address.
proposed the vote of thanks. Dr Biswajit Purkayastha, Honorary Secretary, Silchar Local Centre, IEI
proposed the vote of thanks.
Palghat Local Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and
Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Palghat. Guest Speaker of the Tirunelveli Local Centre,
event, Dr Keerthi Krishnan, IEI observed World
Assistant Professor, Telecommunication and
Department of Electronics Information Society
& Communication Day on 26 May 2022 at
Engineering, NSS College Tirunelveli. Speaker of the
of Engineering, Palakkad event, Mr M Gopinathan,
deliberated on the theme Project Staff, IITM Chennai
and mentioned that older deliberated on recent
people experienced a gap developments in information and communication technologies. Earlier, Prof
between adopting digital technology and their needs for independent living. (Dr) R Velayutham, Chairman, Tirunelveli Local Centre, IEI welcomed the
He suggested some electronic devices like alarms for doors and windows; participants. At the end, Mr E Sivaganesh, Joint Secretary, Tirunelveli Local
smart alert bands; medication dispensers and reminder; wander guard; Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
physiological parameters monitoring systems and smart home monitoring
systems. Earlier, Mr K Madhana Mohan, Chairman, Palghat Local Centre,
IEI, delivered the welcome address and emphasized on creating awareness Tiruvallur Local Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and
among the older people about the latest technological advancement. At Information Society Day on 19 May 2022 through online mode. A Technical
the end, Prof (Dr) C Pradip, Honorary Secretary, Palghat Local Centre, IEI Lecture was organized on the topic ‘5G and Edge Computing’. Chief
proposed the vote of thanks. Guest and Speaker of the event, Mr V Pramod, Chief Technical Officer,
INQ explained briefly about distributed edge overview, edge technologies,
edge infrastructure, edge security, edge applications and prevention attack
Ranipet Local Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and on edge. Earlier, Prof (Dr) Ramesh L, Chairman, Tiruvallur Local Centre,
Information Society Day on 27 May 2022 through online mode. Speaker IEI delivered welcome address. At the end, Dr J Balamurugan, Honorary
of the event, Mr A Mohammed Mian, Associate Professor, Electronics & Secretary, Tiruvallur Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
Communications Department, C Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and
Technology, Melvosharam, Arcot deliberated that development in information
and technology and new IT Gadgets for making the life of older people. He Trichur Local Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and
further added that the goal of the event was by using ICTs, the older people Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 through online mode. Speaker
will be staying healthy, connected and independent at a physical, emotional of the event, Dr B Jayanand, Professor & HOD, Electrical and Electronics
and financial level. He emphasized that the benefit for older people in Engineering Department, SCMS School of Engineering & Technology,
adopting digital technologies like wireless ECG monitoring, GPS trackers, Angamali focussed on the problems encountered by the elderly people and
insulin pumps, heart rate monitoring, remote patient monitoring, etc. At the Contd. on page 18

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 August 2022
The following are the brief account of Technical Activities
organised by various Centres

STATE CENTRES to industries in Hyderabad and insisted on the strict implementation of this
action plan by the industrial management. On this occasion, Dr S K Gupta,
Madhya Pradesh
MD, Envirotech Instruments Private Limited spoke on the development of
Organized webinar on the topic ‘Energy Transition through Green Hydrogen: indigenous air quality monitoring instruments and suggested to produce
Business Opportunities and Technical Challenges’ on 19 February 2022. sensor based monitors in our country. Mr Ayyan Karmakar, Chief of Staff,
Guest Speaker of the event was Dr Mohan Lal Kolhe, Professor, Smart Grid OIZOM Instruments Private Limited presented their latest air quality monitors
& Renewable Energy, Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of with several applications in various fields like industries, smart cities,
Agder (Norway). university campuses etc. He also mentioned the affordability compared to
Puducherry present instruments being used by Pollution Control Board.

Organized webinar on the topic ‘Alternate Dispute Resolution in Civil Organized Dr Narla Tata Rao 20th Endowment Lecture on the topic
Construction Projects’ on 29 March 2022. Speaker of the event, Dr Colonel ‘Cogeneration’ on 04 September 2021 through online mode. Chief Guest
P Nallathambi, M/s Sakthi Consultancy Private Limited, Chennai explained of the event, Prof S M Zafarullah, Former Professor & HOD, Vidya Jyothi
about the Arbitration procedures to be followed in Civil Engineering projects. Institute of Technology (VJIT), Hyderabad mentioned that cogeneration
stands as a reliable and continuous energy conservation tool. He further
Punjab & Chandigarh explained that it is concurrent generation of process steam and electricity
Organized Webinar on the topic ‘Business Intelligence with Intelligent in the same integrated unit than they are produced separately without
Computing’ in association with Department of Computer Applications and consideration of each other. He further mentioned that cogeneration means
Science and Department of Commerce and Economics of B A M Khalsa utilization of less fuel and as a result less emission of CO2 therefore it is
College, Garhshankar on 04-05 March 2022. Prof (Dr) Tara Singh Kamal, clean green and cheap power. Non-conventional materials can be use
Former Vice President, IEI graced the function as Chief Guest and Dr for this purpose. Cogeneration will increase the efficiency of the system
Ravinder Singh Zandu, as the Guest of Honour. Dr A S Balgir, IOFS (Retd) for both utility and industry sector. He spoke that all the industries are
and Dr Jagtar Singh, Professor and Head, Punjabi University delivered the utilizing cogeneration and is being encouraged by government of India as it
Keynote addresses. On the second day, Prof (Dr) Amar Pratap Singh, SLITE eliminates line losses and reduces power cuts.
Longowal; Dr Labh Singh, Former Central Government Officer and Prof (Dr) Tripura
Satwinder Singh, HOD, Department of Computer Science and Technology,
Central University of Punjab, Bathinda delivering the Keynote speeches. Organized Second C R Bhattacharjee Memorial Lecture, in memory of Late
During the valedictory function, Prof (Dr) Arvind Kalia, Dean of Studies, Mr C R Bhattacharjee, former Chief Engineer, Power Department, Tripura, in
Himachal Pradesh University was the Chief Guest and Dr Gaurav Kumar, association with Tripura State Electricity Corporation Limited on 17 March
Founder Director, MAGMA Research & Consultancy Services, Ambala was 2022 at Agartala. A Seminar was organized on the topic ‘Electric Vehicle
the Guest of Honour. –A Smart Option for Clean Environment’ and ‘New Initiative in TSECL’. Mr
D Radhakrishnan, Chairman, Tripura Electricity Regulatory Commission,
Agartala graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Mr Debasish Sarkar,
Organized technical webinar in association with INDUS University, Managing Director, Tripura State Electricity Corporation Limited and Mr
Ahmedabad and Water Management Forum of IEI on the topic ‘Rain Water Subhash Chowdhury, Former Director & CEO, Tripura Renewable Energy
for Sustainable Global Industries’ on 27 January 2022. Dr Samir Patel, Development Agency graced the function as Special Guests. Speakers of
Head, Civil Engineering Department, IITE, INDUS University mentioned the the event, MrKanakLal Das, Additional General Manager, DP & C, Tripura
objective and background of the theme of the event. He also explained that State Electricity Corporation Limited delivered lecture on ‘New initiative
strategic management of rain water can reduce disaster risk for communities in TSECL’. Dr Subhadeep Bhattacharjee, Associate Professor and Former
faced with water scarcity, droughts or flood risks depending on geographic Head of Department, Electrical Engineering, NIT Agartala spoke on ‘Electric
context and local water demands. Chief Guest of the event, Mr M P Raval, Vehicle - A Smart Option for Clean Environment’ and highlighted the policy
Former Special Secretary, Water Resources Department, Government of framework challenges and benefits towards adoption of electric vehicles in
Gujarat & Past Chairman, Water Management Forum, IEI addressed the India.
gathering and informed the importance of rain water. He opined that water
Observed National Science Day on 09 March 2022 in association with
scarcity is due to massive industrialization, large amount of water used
Tripura State Council of Science & Technology, Government of Tripura and
in agriculture sector and increase in population, urbanization etc. Keynote
Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) Polytechnic
Speaker of the event, Mr Amit Doshi, Director, Vardhman Envirotech Experts
Institute at Agartala. A Seminar was organized on the topic ‘Integrated
in Rain Water Harvesting Technologies gave detailed presentation on the
Approach in Science & Technology for a Sustainable Future’. Special
theme of the webinar and explained rain water harvesting methodology,
Guests of the event, Mr Babul Chakrabarti, Director-in-Charge, Department
involvements of common man for this simple task. He explained in details
of Science, Technology & Environment, Government of Tripura and Mr
about the roof top rain water harvesting in comparison to existing bore well
Tamajoy Deb, Principal, Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council
with illustration.
(TTAADC) Polytechnic Institute, Khumulwng graced the occasion as
Telangana Special Guests. Special Speakers of the event, Dr Bijoy Kumar Upadhyaya,
Organised webinar in association with Hyderabad Clean Air Network on Dean (Academic) & Associate Professor, Electronics & Telecommunication
the theme ‘Affordable Technologies for Air Quality Monitoring – Issues and Engineering Department, Tripura Institute of Technology, Narsingarh and Mr
Challenges’ on 29 August 2021. Mr Ravinder, Chief Scientist, ERTRI in his Subhraneel Roy, Scientist, Tripura State Council for Science & Technology
Keynote address, explained the action plan for reducing air pollution related shared their thoughts and views with the audience.

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12 August 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
Observed National Science Day in association with Tripura State Council use of supplementary cementitious material and low water to binder ratio.
of Science & Technology, Government of Tripura on 28 February 2022. A Ms Sheetal Thapa, Civil Engineering Department, NIT Agartala delivered
seminar on the topic ‘Integrated Approach in Science & Technology for a presentation on the topic ‘Structural Health Monitoring using the Common
Sustainable Future’ was organized on this occasion. Prof Ganga Prasad and Latest Non-destructive Testing Methods for Concrete Structures’.
Prasain, Vice Chancellor, Tripura University graced the function as Chief
Guest and Mr Babul Chakrabarti, Director-in-Charge, Department of LOCAL CENTRES
Science, Technology & Environment, Government of Tripura graced the Angul
occasion as Guest of Honour. Special Speakers of the event were Dr Bijoy
Kumar Upadhyaya, Dean (Academic) & Associate Professor, Electronics & Observed Royal Charter Day on the topic ‘New Education Policy & Industry’
Telecommunication Engineering Department, Tripura Institute of Technology, on 09 September 2021 through online mode. A technical webinar was
Narsingarh and Prof Ramkrishna Das, Associate Professor, Department of organized on the occasion. Chief Guest of the event was Mr Ambika Prasad
Astrophysics & Cosmology, S N Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Panda, Executive Director, S&P Complex, NALCO. Chief Speaker of the
Kolkata. event, Prof (Dr) Ranjan Kumar Swain, Principal, Parala Maharaja Engineering
College, Berhampur, Odisha spoke in detail about the new education policy
Organized webinar of Computer Science and Electronics &
and its impacts on the industry.
Telecommunication Engineering Divisions on 06 February 2022. Special
Speakers of the event, Mr Sumit Dhar, Solution Architect, Information Observed 54th Engineers Day on the theme ‘Engineers for Skill Development
Technology, National Informatics Centre, Agartala delivered lecture on the and Employment in Combating COVID’’ on 15 September 2021 and a
topic ‘To Align Professional Curriculum with World IT Road Map’ and Mr technical webinar was organized on this occasion. Chief Guest of the event
Rapti Chowdhury, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, NIT was Mr Ambika Prasad Panda, Executive Director, S&P, NALCO. Speakers
Agartala delivered presentation on the topic ‘AI Specialization’. of the event were Dr Madhuri Dubey, Founder, National Skill Network,
Organized webinar of Mechanical & Production Engineering Divisions on Hyderabad and Dr P C Panda, Management Consultant and the founder
02 January 2022. Dr Elansezhian Rasu, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Honorary Secretary, Angul Local Centre, IEI.
Department and Placement Officer, Puducherry Technological University Aurangabad
delivered lecture on the topic ‘Intelligent Manufacturing’ and explained
on enhanced industrial flexibility, mass customization, higher quality and Organized Webinar on ‘Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Socio
productivity. This helps organizations to meet the needs of generating Economy of India with Reference to Solar System and Energy Conservation’
increasingly personalized products in a timely and flexible manner on 15 January 2022. Panelist of the event, Mr Dhananjay Joshi, Head (Asset
while maintaining the quality. The presentation also covers intelligent Management QHSE), Continuum Green Energy Private Limited, Mumbai
manufacturing, cloud manufacturing and Internet of Things (IoT) in context explained technical know how, economics in solar system, Government
of Industry 4.0, Cloud Computing,Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning policies regarding solar system and energy conservation, International
(ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Md Piyar Uddin, Mechanical Engineering treaty in global community regarding solar system and global community.
Department, NIT Agartala presented lecture on the topic ‘Multi-Objective He further focused on climate change and solar system utilization. Panelist
Optimization of CNC End Milling of AI5083-B4C Using Grey Relational of the event, Mr Mukund Kulkarni, Director, Expert Global Solution Private
Analysis’, which highlighted about multi-objective functions based on Grey Limited, Aurangabad explained regarding significance of solar system and
Relational Analysis to determine the best combination of input processes scope of energy conservation in Aurangabad jurisdiction. He mentioned that
parameters. awareness to the common people be required for the utilization of new solar
energy in place of traditional old electricity in daily life.
Organized webinar of Electrical Engineering Division on 15 January 2022.
Special Speaker of the event, Dr Rita Banik, Assistant Professor, Department Observed World Water Day 2022 in association with MGM University,
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ICFAI University Tripura delivered Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad through hybrid mode
lecture on the topic ‘Sustainable Renewable Integration: ML Approach’, on the topic ‘Water Resources Development of the Country and Climate
and highlighted the solar and wind as the most widely used sources of Change’ on 29 March 2022. Speaker of the event, Dr Avinash S Garudkar,
renewable energy because of their rich distribution and reserves. She Professor & Head (Engineering), Water and Land Management Institute
further stated that accurate forecast of weather is essential for obtaining (WALMI), Aurangabad explained the importance of water and weather,
energy from renewable sources through long-term planning for futuristic balance between evaporation and precipitation and the primary cycle
production and transmission infrastructures. Ms Dipradidhiti Roy Barman, through which climatic change can be witnessed. He also mentioned the
Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Agartala presented on the topic determination of magnitude of climate change by anthropogenic CO2
‘Biogas based Power Generation’ as Special speaker and discussed on emission.
prospects of biogas based power generation and its various application.
Organized webinar of Chemical Engineering Division (in/c Textile &
Metallurgical & Material Science Engineering) on 19 February 2022. Special Organised National Conference in association with Rajshree Institute
Speakers of the occasion were Dr Prasanta Kumar Rout, Assistant Professor, of Management and Technology (RIMT), Bareilly on the theme
Department of Material Science and Engineering, Tripura University also ‘Multidisciplinary Research in Engineering, Management & Medical Sciences
spoke on the topic ‘Green Technology for Construction Industries’ and Mr (ICNREMMS-2022)’ during 25-26 March 2022 at Bareilly. Chief Guest of
Soumyajeet Majumder, Department of Material Science and Engineering, the event was Mr Chandra Mohan Garg, IAS, CDO, Bareilly. Prof Piyush
Tripura University spoke on the topic ‘Electrochemical behaviour study of Kulshreshtha, delivered lecture on the topic ‘Multidisciplinary Research
Aluminium Alloy’. in Engineering’. Dr Mohammad Azam delivered lecture on the topic ‘2D
Material: An Emerging Technology’. Prof Vijayant Agarwal, Netaji Subhas
Organized webinar of Civil Engineering Division (in/c Environmental, University of Technology, New Delhi deliberated on ‘Heuristic Algorithm for
Architectural & Agricultural Engineering) on 26 February 2022. Special Routing and Planning of Jobs and Tolls in Flexible Manufacturing System’,
Speakers of the event, Dr Gopi Nandan Dey, Assistant Professor, Civil Ms Anushri Soni, Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi made
Engineering Department, NIT Agartala spoke on the topic ‘Quality Control presentation on ‘A Multidisciplinary Perspective of Big Data in Management
for Building Construction’. He highlighted that quality of concrete is the Research’ and explained that Big Data has emerged as one of the prominent
key determinant for good construction, therefore emphasis to be given for buzzwords in business and management.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 August 2022
Chandrapur of the event, Mr A Sivaraman, Assistant Executive Engineer/Electrical,
TNEB/TANGEDCO, Namakkal Electricity Distribution Circle, Namakkal in
Organized webinar in association with Department of Mechanical
his presentation emphasized on the need to create awareness of energy
Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research & Technology,
conservation and shared his knowledge about proposed installed capacity
Chandrapur on the topic ‘Industrial Applications of Bamboo’ on 24 February
by 2022 as per Draft National Electricity Plan, Electricity generation capacity
2022 with the objective to explore, how natural resources be used as
and growth etc.
construction material. Guest Speaker of the event, Dr V N Srivastava,
Director, OD Skill Development Academy, spoke on proper utilization of Observed Energy Conservation Day on 14 December 2021 and organized
bamboo and how it is helpful to poor people of India. Dr Z J Khan, Principal, Awareness Programme in energy Conservation in association with Velalar
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research & Technology, Chandrapur College of Engineering and Technology. Speaker of the event, Dr M
emphasized various aspects related to bamboo, especially in Chandrapur Jayaraman, Principal, Velalar College of Engineering & Technology, Erode
where baboo is easily available. Prof M K Shende, Associate Professor, shared his views about energy conservation and its need.
Department of Civil Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering,
Organized webinar in association with Kongu Engineering College,
Research & Technology, Chandrapur emphasized on the use of bamboo
Perundurai, Erode on the topic ‘Patenting of Chemical, Food and Bio-
especially in Civil Engineering and also explained the engineering properties
processes: Aspects and Opportunities’ on 29 January 2022. Speaker of the
of bamboo for low cost housing.
event was Mr N Prabhu, Expert-Intellectual Property Rights, Chennai. The
Erode key points discussed in the programme were: process involved in filing a
patent; patent filing scenario in India for the past 25 years; practical aspects
Organized Lecture Meeting on ‘Durability Tests on Concrete Structures’
and time taken in filing a patent; laws beyond patent granting; royalty and
on 30 November 2021 in association with Kongu Engineering College,
technology transfer aspects, specific aspects involved in patenting micro-
Perundurai in virtual mode. Speaker of the session,Dr G S Ramprdheep,
organisms, etc.
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Kongu Engineering
College, Perundurai explained concrete as the most important element in Faridabad
the structure which predominantly takes compression forces. He added that
Organized technical webinar on ‘Critical Thinking: Way to Think for
long term performance of the structures is more significant and depends
Sustainability’ on 07 January 2022. Speaker of the event, Dr Sudhanshu
on the ambient condition of the environment considered during the design
Joshi, Professor, Department of Management Studies, Doon University
of the structures. He focussed on the durability of structure and opined that
stated that critical thinking has ranked as the most desirable skill while hiring
most of the long term examination of concrete is based on ASTM standards
new employees and has been recognized for making justified decision than
with respect to the practical application and the material properties.
technical knowledge. Speaker of the event, Dr Meghna Chhabra, Associate
Organized Seminar on the topic ‘Role of Electrical Engineers in Software Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, Manav Rachna International
Industry’ on 04 December 2021 through online mode. The speaker of the Institute of Research Studies stated that critical thinking and sustainable
event, Mr N Vaneeswaran, Senior Software Engineer, Dell Technologies, development are the right approach for social, economic, political problem,
Bangalore briefed about the job roles and opportunities of electrical and solving for current and future generations through active mental and
electronics engineers in software industry. emotional inquiry for the transformation of individuals, communities and
Organized webinar on the topic ‘Recent Trends in Embedded System
for Industrial Applications’ on 08 December 2021 in association with Organized webinar on the topic ‘Battery Technology and Application in
Nandha Engineering College, Perundurai. Speaker of the event, Ms Electric Vehicles’ on 09 October 2021 through online mode. Mr R R Tanwar,
Rekha Sadhasivam, Junior Engineer, Signalling and Telecommunications Council Member IEI was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Mr Sandeep Handa,
Department, Indian Railways delivered briefly about the embedded system Chairman, Faridabad Local Centre, IEI in his opening remarks briefed that
in industrial applications, which is an application-specific system, designed in near future, the urban population will require mobility and energy solution
in combination of hardware and software to meet real-time constraints. that are sustainable, affordable, secure and integrated with customer-centric
The future of embedded system industry is based on improved security infrastructure and service. Moderator of the event, Mr Pradeep Mallah,
for embedded devices, cloud connectivity and mesh networking, reduced CEO, Technopan Industries, Faridabad, apprised about the ever-increasing
energy consumption, visualization tools with real time data and deep growth of electric vehicle market in India. Panellist of the session, Dr
learning applications, the speaker added. Richa Adlakha, Assistant Professor, Manav Rachna International Institute
of Research and Studies (MRIIRS), said that India should develop strong
Organized Technical Seminar on ‘Scientific Approach in Python Programming’
R&D leading to commercialization of Electric Vehicle (EV). She insisted on
on 10 December 2021 in association with Nandha Engineering College,
developing sufficient infrastructure for charging the vehicle and opined that
Perundurai through virtual mode. Dr N Rengarajan, Principal, Nandha
start-ups will play the pivotal role in the evolving electric mobility space
Engineering College introduced the Speaker, Prof S S Nandhini, Professor &
around the world. Mr R P Deshpande, Adjunct Faculty, M I T Aurangabad
Head, Department of Information Science and Engineering, Bannari Amman
and Consultant for Capacitors and Energy Management enlightened about
Institute of Technology, Erode who shared the ethical concepts of Python
various benefits of Electric Vehicle such as zero tailpipe emission, energy
along with some special library functions that are used in Python. She also
efficiency, low carbon footprint, and many more, which leads to cleaner
mentioned briefly how to get reference of use cases through Git Hub.
energy. He also touched upon National Hydrogen Mission (NHM) to
Organized webinar on ‘NexGen Innovative Applications – Drone Technology’ generate hydrogen from green power sources and explained hydrogen as a
on 11 December 2021 in association with Builders Engineering College in decarbonizing agent for chemical, steel, fertilizer industries. Ms Sonakshi,
virtual mode. Mr Hari Janarthanan, the speaker, Manager – UAV Technology, Director, Technopan Industries, Faridabad explained the benefits of electric
Birdscale Technologies, Coimbatore shared his views about the application vehicles over conventional IC engine vehicles as economical, environment-
of this technology across different industries. He further spoke about the friendly and very convenient alternative.
usefulness of this technology in Data Communication and Land Surveying.
Further, the speaker discussed application of Artificial Intelligence for
developing Drone Technology. Observed World Habitat Day on 16 October 2021 at Indore with a technical
presentation on the theme ‘Accelerating Urban Action for a Carbon-free
Organized webinar on the topic ‘Awareness on Energy Conservation’ on 16
World’. Guest Speaker of the event, Ms Tashmeer Khan, Senior Executive
December 2021 in association with Builders Engineering College. Speaker
– Compliance Management, EHS Consultants and PEAL, Indore, in her

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14 August 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
presentation spoke about Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement 2022 at Nagpur. Dr V M Nanoti, Director, Engineering, Lokmanya Tilak
COP 21, sustainable urbanism etc. Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha; Dr S A Dhale, Principal, Priyadarshini College
Kalpakkam of Engineering, Nagpur and Dr G M Asutkar, Vice Principal, Priyadarshini
College of Engineering, Nagpur were present on this programme. Prof
Observed National Science Day in association with IEI Student Chapters of (Mrs) V B Bagde, Coordinator, Short Term Training Programme gave a
SSN College of Engineering & Hindustan University, Chennai on 28 February brief overview of the program and Dr (Mrs) A P Rathkanthiwar, Convener
2022 through online mode. Speaker of the event, Prof Nisha M S, Professor, and Head, E&C Engineering, addressed the gathering and enlightened the
School of Aeronautical Engineering, Hindustan College of Engineering and participants. Dr G M Asutkar guided the participants and discussed about
Technology, Chennai delivered lecture on ‘Role and Need of Avionics’ various latest trends and research areas associated with these branches
and mentioned the importance of Avionics to science and Aeronautical of Engineering. Dr S A Dhale addressed the gathering and told why such
Engineering. She also briefly explained flight controls and helicopters programs are required for enhancing the learning perspective and guiding
avionics. students in selecting the research area. Dr V M Nanoti talked about how
Observed National Science Day in association with Prince Dr K Vasudevan to bridge the digital divide in the classroom. Mr Milind Anant Pathak
College of Engineering & Technology, Mambakkam, Ponmar, Chennai, Tamil presented the keynote address and talked about innovations and Industry 5
Nadu on 28 February 2022 at Kalpakkam. Mr M Shanmuga Sundaram, concepts. The program witnessed the presence of Deans, Heads of various
Chairman, Kalpakkam Local Centre, IEI elaborated on ‘Basics of Nuclear Departments and Faculty members of the college.
Engineering and Level Measurements in Fast Breeder Reactor’ and explained
Celebrated Irrigation Day in association with Sinchan Sahayog, Nagpur
different types of reactors, including pressurized heavy water reactors, fast
on 26 February 2022 at Nagpur. The day is celebrated in memory of Late
breeder reactors with Block Diagram and also different types of coolant
Shankarrao Chavan, Former Chief Minister of Maharashtra. Chief Guest
used in fast breeder reactor.
of the event was Mr Ashish Deogade, Chief Engineer, Gosikhurd Project,
Kanyakumari Water Resources Department, Nagpur talked about the initiative taken by
Organized webinar on ‘3D Printing, Process, Applications and Technical Late Shankarrao Chavan in irrigation development of Maharashtra and
Challenges’ on 09 May 2022 through online mode. Keynote Speaker of Jayakwadi project on Godavari River and Gosikhurd project on Wainganga
the event, Mr K Rajan, Research Scholar, University Malaysia Pahang, River. Mr Shrikant Doifode, President, Sinchan Sahayog gave introductory
Malaysia, in his lecture discussed that 3D printing or additive manufacturing remarks and also mentioned the contribution of Late Shankarrao Chavan for
is the process of making three dimensional solid objects from digital file. the development of irrigation works in Maharashtra.
He further spoke on Rapid Prototyping and its application during 3D Organised Lecture Program in association with RTM Nagpur University Alumni
Printing technologies. He added that 3D printing is most widely used in Association on Consumer Rights on 24 February 2022 at Nagpur. Chief
manufacturing, healthcare, socio cultural sectors etc to create successful Guest of the event, Dr Santosh Kakade, In Charge President, Maharashtra
commercial technology. State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, Mumbai delivered lecture
Kharagpur on ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: Protection of Consumer Rights’. Mr Sudhir
Paliwal, General Secretary, RTM Nagpur University Alumni Association,
Organized webinar on the topic ‘Challenges for Future Electrical Propulsion
while delivering his address mentioned that The Consumer Protection
Based Aircraft’ on 25 February 2022. Speaker of the event, Dr Chetan S
Act was enacted to protect the interests of consumers in India and was
Mistry, Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian
made for the establishment of consumer councils and other authorities for
Institute of Technology Kharagpur briefed on Aerospace Propulsion and
the settlement of consumer's grievances and matters connected with it.
setting up turbomachinery research facilities which include low speed low
Prominent persons present during the talk included Hon’ble A Z Khwaja,
turbulence wind tunnel, low turbulence probe calibration wind tunnel, etc.
Judicial Member, State Consumer Commission Nagpur Bench, Hon’ble
He further discussed reduced CO2 emission from commercial aviation,
Sanjay Patil, President, District Consumer Commission Nagpur, Hon’ble Ms
electrical propulsion in commercial aircraft etc.
Smita Chandekar and Hon’ble Avinash Prabhune, Members of Additional
Kollam District Commission, Nagpur.
Organized webinar on ‘Future of Computer Science’ on 19 January 2022 Neyveli
in association with Department of Computer Science & Engineering, TKM
College of Engineering, Kollam. Speaker of the event, Ms Farha Kareem, Organized technical lecture on the topic ‘Safe Digital Banking’ on 09
Cofounder, Meet Resume, briefed about her journey from a Computer December 2021 at Neyveli. The speaker, Smt R R Gayathiri, Chief Manager,
Science Student to her present positions and achievements. She mentioned State Bank of India, Neyveli Branch explained the basic understanding and
to become successful it is necessary to identify self passion and set a Goal. safety guidelines for practitioners/customers for safe digital banking and
different security tips of internet banking. She also enlightened the audience
about computer security processes like antivirus, updated OS, Anti spyware
Organized Lecture Meeting on the topic ‘Friction Stir Processing’ on 01 etc.
February 2022 at Meerut. Speaker of the event, Dr K L A Khan, Dean
IEC and Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, KIET Ghaziabad Observed Energy Conservation Day on the topic ‘Energy Conservation -
deliberated in detail on Friction Stir Processing (FSP) and mentioned that Human’ on 08 February 2022 through hybrid mode. Chief Guest of the
FSP is a solid state metal processing technique,which was developed from event, Mr N Ramesh, Chief Manager (Mechanical), SME-MRR/Mines-II,
the Friction Stir Welding (FSW) process. He explained that in FSW, two NLC India Limited said that human energy can be conserved by establishing
pieces of metals are jointed through mechanically stirring them and at the SOP, resource planning, training, effective communication etc.
place of the joint that leads to transforming the metal into a softened state Observed National Science Day in association with Engineers & Scientist
and two connecting pieces join through mechanical mixing, diffusion, and Association on the topic ‘Integrated Approach in Science & Technology
re-crystallization under mechanical pressure but in FSP there is no joining for Sustainable Future’ through hybrid mode on 28 February 2022
involved. at Neyveli. Chief Guest and Speaker of this event, Dr M Kalaiselvam,
Nagpur Professor & Director (CAS in Marine Biology), Faculty of Marine Sciences,
Annamalai University spoke about Sustainable Future and beauty of Marine
Organized Short Term Training Program on ‘Recent Trends and Research
Environment. He also mentioned about the total global salt water, fresh
Areas in Electronics, Electrical and Computer Engineering’ on 17-22 January

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 August 2022
water and India’s water crisis which is a man-made problem. He mentioned South Gujarat
the impact of water pollution to humans, animals. The speaker stressed
Organized International Conference, in collaboration with Auro University,
the importance of solution to water pollution which is harmful to humans,
GMNA University, Punjab and Meerut Institute of Technology on the topic
animals, etc or causes significant deviation from the pure condition. He
‘Emerging Technologies in Information Technology’ (IECET 2022) during 24
also mentioned the source of water pollution like parasitic contamination;
& 25 February 2022. The Keynote speakers were from Australia, Vietnam,
chemicals such lead, nitrates, arsenic, etc; chlorine react with decaying
NIT Agartala and Indian Army. Dr V K Ratan, Honourable Vice Chancellor,
organic matter, carcinogenic chemical by-products. In conclusion, he told
GNA Universisty, Punjab welcomed all the delegates. Keynote Speaker of the
future generation should be taught from now onwards and the best way is
event, Dr Rajkumar Buyya, The University of Melbourne, Australia delivered
to create awareness of environment.
on vision of computing utilities, innovative architecture for creating elastic
North Bengal clouds, Aneka 5G, a cloud application platform, etc. Keynote speaker, Dr
Suman Deb, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and
Organized Lecture Meeting on ‘Multi Factor Based Authentication System for Engineering, NIT Agartala shared his views on Artificial Intelligence (AI).
User Verification' on 11 January 2022 through online mode. Theme speaker Dr Alex Khang, Data Scientist, USA & Vietnam delivered talk on ‘Cloud
of the event, Mr Subhas Barman, Head of the Department, Department of Computing Framework’ where he discussed the set of development tools,
Computer Science and Engineering, Jalpaiguri Government Engineering middleware technologies and event database management software. Col
College delivered his presentation on Multifactor based authentication as a Dr J P Singh, Indian Army explained the advantage of application of Cloud
security technology,which requires multiple methods of authentication from Computing in disaster management.
independent categories of credentials to verify user's identity for login or
other transaction. He further explained types of common authentication, Organized Expert Talk in association with Civil Engineering Department,
namely password based authentication, multi-factor authentication, Dr S & S S Ghandhy Government Engineering College, Surat on the topic
certificate based authentication, biometric authentication and token based ‘Climate Change Awareness Campaign’ on 24 February 2022 at Surat.
authentication. Eminent Speaker of the event, Mr E H Pathan, Deputy General Manager, Surat
Smart City Development Limited discussed that climate change awareness
Palghat is imperative to achieve sustainability in developing countries. He said that
climate change has emerged as one of the most devastating environmental
Organized webinar on ‘Innovation, Creativity Leading to Patents’ on 22 threats and suggested to introduce climate change education and awareness
January 2022. Keynote Speaker of the event, Dr Vinod V, Dean, Faculty in schools, ordinary citizens, farming communities, Government Ministries,
of Engineering, University of Calicut, Professor, Department of Mechanical policymakers. He opined climate change will cause in rising maximum
Engineering, NSS College of Engineering Palakkad explained that the key temperatures, rising sea levels, higher ocean temperatures, increase in
requirement for entrepreneurial success is the ability to convert creativity heavy precipitation, shrinking glaciers, etc.
into invention and the develop something unique for the benefit of the
society. He also added that patents plays a prominent role in the entire Thanjavur
technology life cycle, from initial RD & D to market. He also cleared about Observed National Science Day on 28 February 2022 at Thanjavur and
India’s rank in Global Innovation Index 2021 as given by World Intellectual a seminar was organized on the topic ‘Missing Elements in Today’s
property Organization. Higher Education’. Dr S Senthamil Kumar, Professor, Department of Civil
Ranipet Engineering, Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology,
Vallam, Thanjavur made presentation on the topic and mentioned that
Organised online Lecture Programme on the topic ‘Water Management in India is facing shortage of skilled manpower in industries and stressed on
Tamil Nadu’ on 29 January 2022. Speaker of the event, Mr D Kumaran, effective implementation of educational system.
Assistant Engineer, Ground Water Division, Water Resources Department, Tirunelveli
Tamil Nadu explained ‘Water Map’ depicting the cycles, phases & processes
undergone by water in our environment. He mentioned about distribution of Organized technical seminar on ‘Computational Thinking – Problem Solving
earth’s water – limited availability of freshwater for usage; water availability Approaches’ on 07 January 2022 through online mode. Mr Premkumar M,
& storage in India’s perspective. The speaker also mentioned about the Assistant Professor (Sr.G), KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology,
applications and advantages of Artificial Recharge Structures (ARS) for Coimbatore explained about the process of identifying a problem,
natural replenishment of ground water storage by spreading of water or developing an algorithm for the identified problem and finally implementing
changing natural conditions. the algorithm to develop a computer program and explained the concept,
how Computational Thinking allows us to take complex problems,
Organised Lecture on the theme ‘Vaastu for Individual’s Development’ understand what the problem is, and to develop solutions. He further
on 28 February 2022 through online mode. Speaker of the event was Dr explained four computational thinking techniques,namely decomposition,
P Porchelvan, Senior Professor, Department of Environmental & Water pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms.
Resources Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Vellore Institute of
Technology University, Vellore. Organized Technical Seminar on the topic ‘Big Data using Apache Hadoop
& Spark’ on 11 January 2022 through online mode. Dr K Saravanan,
Solapur HOD, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Anna University
Regional Campus, Tirunelveli explained big data, Hadoop, distributed
Organized webinar on the topic ‘3D Printing and Indian Industries’ on 20 systems environment etc.
February 2022 at Solapur in association with Government Polytechnic
Solapur. Mr Shekhar A Jeurkar, Proprietor, Saj Consultancy Services, Solapur Tiruchirappalli
and Mr Suhas Londhe, Operations Head, Oriental Tech Solutions, Pune were Organised webinar on the theme ‘Bio-Energy’ on 22 February 2022.
the speakers of the event. Mr Jeukar briefed about Additive Manufacturing Chief Guest and speaker of the event was Dr N Anatharaman, Former
and Business Cycles. Mr Londhe mentioned the basic principle on which Professor (HAG), Chemical Engineering Department, National Institute of
3D printing technology works. He demonstrated the functioning of the Technology, Tiruchirappalli. In his speech, Dr Anatharaman mentioned that
machine systems. Mr Suman Gowda, Marketing Head, Philips Corporation, the renewable energy sources, bio-energy & bio-mass are the important
Bangalore mentioned the business and job opportunities with 3D printing ones and biomass can be used in different forms such as solid, liquid and
technology. gaseous fuel which are similar to fossil fuels. Various types of biomass

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

16 August 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
gasifiers are used to produce gaseous fuels by gasification. He also added might face while emerging as a successful entrepreneur. He spoke about
that there is huge scope of bio-diesel. The oil is converted through catalyzed contribution made by Legend Technologies in developing PSLV, Gaganyan
transesterification process using preferably methanol. With a high level of Mission, Lakshya missile and other prestigious projects of ISRO and DRDO
unsaturation, the biodiesel is more like to oxidize whereas with a higher level and also mentioned about his company’s latest project two Seater Ultra-
of saturation gelling is a problem with bio-diesel. Further in the discussion light Helicopter. Dr D S Suresh, Founder Chairman IEI-TLC, Director, CIT
it was highlighted that ethanol blending with petrol helps in minimizing the Group of Institutions and Chairman, ISTE (Karnataka) emphasized that ‘to
dependence on petrol. Use of bio-ethanol, is a way to reduce greenhouse be a successful entrepreneur one must always respect and nurture the
gas emissions from the transport sector. ideas he gets and must be on the constant look-out for sources that inspire
Organised webinar on the topic ‘Mining- Past, Present, Future’ on 01 March
2022. Chief Guest and the speaker of the event was Mr S Laxminarayanan, Udaipur
Former General Manager, M/s Dalmia Cement Bharat Limited, Tamil Nadu.
Organized Seminar on ‘Emerging Trends in Sustainable Manufacturing and
The speaker described the journey of Mining Industry from ancient times and
Energy Systems’ & Mr Y S Sardalia Memorial Lecture on 19 December
explained the development of mining industry pre and post independence.
2021 at Udaipur. Chief Guest of the session, Mr P S Talesara, Managing
He also added the present scenario and various development in mining
Director, Pyrotech Electronic Private Limited Udaipur addressed the
industry. Lastly, the presentation covered the future prospects beyond
gathering on the occasion. Keynote Speaker of the event, Dr Sudhakar
2030 and mentioned various govt policies, nature and human conflicts
Jindal, Former Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
in the mining activities, labour policies, child labour, disposal of wastes,
College of Technology And Engineering,(CTAE) Udaipur, presently Director,
enrichment of low grade minerals.
Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur, deliberated on the topic
Organised webinar in association with Computer Society of India, 'Alternative Energy Systems' and opined that in the coming decades, due
Tiruchirappalli Chapter on the topic ‘Significance of Millimeter Wave’ on 08 to rapid shift to low carbon forms of energy, the renewable energy will
March 2022. Speaker of the event, Dr G Kalpanadevi, Professor and Head, play an important role in de-carbonization of energy systems and to reduce
Department of Information Technology, Department of Computer Science carbon emissions and air pollution. Keynote Speaker of the event, Dr B L
Engineering, MAM College of Engineering, Siruganur, Tiruchirappalli. Salvi, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, CTAE,
briefed that the Millimeter Waves are electromagnetic radio waves within Udaipur, deliberated on the topic 'Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing'
the frequency range 30-300 GHz and have a wavelength range of 10 mm and explained the application of this technology in manufacturing, health
at 30 GHz, which is extremely high frequency well suited for 5G networks. care and continuous rapid development of complex designs in electronics
In future high-speed communication networks based on millimetre-wave applications. Keynote Speaker of the event, Mr Krishna Kant Sharma,
(30-300 GHz) technology will be more efficient, delivering extremely high- Former Scientific Officer/Scientist, Rajasthan Atomic Station, Nuclear Power
speed, high-quality video, multimedia content and services she mentioned. Corporation of India Limited, deliberated on the topic 'Advance Heavy Water
She also explained the difference between microwave and millimetre wave, Reactors' and explained significant aspects of power generation by means
advantages, disadvantages and its application in detail. of indigenously pressurized heavy water reactors based on reprocessed
Organised webinar on the theme ‘Cr-Mo Steel Developments for Boiler
Applications’ on 15 March 2022. Chief Guest of the event, Mr S Singaravelu, Organized workshop on ‘Tech Talk with Technocrats’ in association with
Consultant, M/s Kobleco Welding India Private Limited& Former Additional Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), Mohanlal Sukhadia University,
General Manager, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Tiruchirappalli informed Udaipur on 22 January 2022 at Udaipur with an objective to motivate
that the creep and high temperature resistant Cr-Mo steels have found use engineering student and make them aware of the industry.
with great success for applications in the manufacture of high-pressure
Organized International Conference in association with S S College
boilers. Power sector realised the need to improve creep strength of steel
of Engineering, Udaipur on ‘Creativity and Innovation in Technology
to improve the thermal efficiency of steam power plant by raising the steam
Development’ (ICCITD-22) on 25-26 February 2022 through online
temperature and pressure. The creep resistance of a CrMo steel is based
mode. The objective of this programme is to explore researched-based
on the formation of stable precipitation such as alloy carbides in a ferritic,
innovations in the field of Engineering and Technology. Dr (Prof) N S
bainitic and/or martensitic microstructure. The precipitation formed will
Rathore, Vice Chancellor, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and
block the grain boundaries and prevent sliding of the slip-planes to give
Technology, Udaipur graced the inaugural function as Chief Guest and Mr
desired creep resistance properties.
Miq Torrente, Vice President, M.K. Luxury Group, New York, USA and Prof
Trichur (Dr) D P Kothari, Former Director, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi were
the Guests of Honour. Keynote Speaker of the event, Mr K K Sharma, Ex-
Organized webinar on ‘New Developments in Project Implementation
Scientist, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Rajasthan Atomic
Strategy in Post Covid Scenario’ on 11 January 2022. Speaker of the event,
Power Station, Rawatbhata, Chittogarh spoke on the development of
Mr AJith Kumar, Executive Director, BPCL-Kochi Refinery, Ambalamughal,
Indian Neuclear Power reactors. Dr Dipankar Deb, Professor, Electrical
Kochi explained the challenges during pandemic faced in manufacturing,
Engineering, Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Photo Research and
delivery and construction & commissioning sectors. He explained working
Management (IITRAM) spoke about innovations, disruptions and explained
principle of remote commissioning with the help of AR wearable computer,
patents as the right way to introduce new technologies in the market. Dr Lata
digital inspection and virtual meetings.
Gidwani, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, Rajasthan
Tumakuru Technical University, Kota spoke about artificial intelligent systems. Dr S
K Sinha, Professor Electrical Engineering Department, Amity University,
Organized Lecture meeting on the topic ‘Entrepreneurship and Start-Up
Noida, spoke on electrical vehicles.
India’, in association with Channa Basaeshwara Institute of Technology,
Gubbi on 30 December 2021 at Tumakuru. Chief Guest and Keynote speaker Vadodara
of the event, Dr Enti Ranga Reddy, Chairman and Managing Director and
Organized webinar on ‘Harmonics – The Real Concern with Increasing
Council Member, IEI, Legend Technologies (India) Private Limited shared
Share of Renewable Energy Sources’ on 26 February 2022 at Vadodara.
his personal experience right from his first job as an engineer at HAL to
Speaker of the event, Dr Jignesh Patel, Technical Consultant (Power &
a successful entrepreneur as of now. He further enlightened students on
Energy) explained briefly that harmonics plays the vital role in integration
evolution of startups and unicorns in India and a few insightful thoughts on
what are the opportunities available for the new startups and challenges one Contd. on page 18

Th e e-editio n is av a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg 17

Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 August 2022
IEI Celebrates
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2022
Contd. from page 11
Vadodara Local Centre, IEI in association with Computer Society of India,
opined that technologies that can help them to solve some of the problems, Vadodara and IETE, Vadodara Centre observed World Telecommunication
which include Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. and Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Vadodara. Speaker
Digital technologies. Prof Sunil Kumar C P, Chairman, Trichur Local Centre, of the event, Dr Tushar Choksi, Consultant Anesthesiogist and Critical
IEI in his welcome speech, stressed on the importance of advanced Care Physician spoke on the use of digital technologies for better health
technologies, digital advancements, etc for betterment of old peoples. Dr management for elderly peoples. Mr Ashok Patel, CEO, AB Industries,
Kurien E K, Honorary Secretary, Trichur Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote Vadodara mentioned the challenges encountered by the elderly people and
of thanks. how various devices and mechanism can help them. Earlier, Mr Ambikesh
Udaipur Natvarlal Padhya, Chairman, Vadodara Local Centre, IEI delivered the
welcome address and at the end, Mr Keyurkant Manibhai Thakkar, Honorary
Udaipur Local Centre, IEI, observed World Telecommunication and Secretary, Vadodara Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Udaipur. Keynote Speakers
of the event were Mr Kaustubh Patil, Principal Technical Architect, Secure Varanasi
Meters Limited, Udaipur and Varanasi Local Centre, IEI observed World Telecommunication and
Mr Rajesh Nimare, Chief Information Society Day on 17 May 2022 at Varanasi. Speaker of the
Technology Officer, Secure event, Dr Ravi Panwar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and
Meters Limited, Udaipur. Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology,
Mr Patil in his address DM Jabalpur spoke on the topic ‘Advanced EMI Shielding Techniques for
focused on more application Communication Applications’ and explained recent developments in the field
of Artificial Intelligence in of metamaterial-inspired advanced microwave absorbing structures (MASs)
telecommunication sector to and Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) based metamaterial structures for
accelerate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Mr Nimare application as broadband microwave absorber. Mr Mahesh Seth, ITS, Chief
discussed the use of latest digital technologies for advanced diagnosis of General Manager, BSNL, ALTTC, Ghaziabad focused on technology driven
diseases in elderly people and ensure treatment well in advance. Earlier, health care services to improve the requirements of older people. Earlier, Mr
Mr Y K Bolia, Chairman, Udaipur Local Centre, IEI welcomed the Keynote Ramashanker Prasad Gupta, Chairman, Varanasi Local Centre welcomed
Speakers. Mr Purushottam Paliwal, on behalf of Udaipur Local Centre the speaker and others presented in the event. Dr Saurabh Pratap, Honorary
proposed the vote of thanks. Secretary, Varanasi Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.

Contd. from page 17 explained about evolution of electricity sector in India, legal framework,
major amendments to the Act, National Grid – development & evolution,
of inverter-based resources to grid. He further added that the design reforms in Gujarat Electricity Sector and development and overview of
and location of harmonic filters have predominant effect on harmonic Gujarat Power Sector etc. Mr K P Jangid, General Manager (Commerce),
resonance. He spoke about the sensitivity analysis of modes to identify the Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd (GUVNL) spoke on the topic ‘Gujarat Power
root cause of harmonic resonance. He also added that the key advantage of Sector – Impact of Reforms’ covering impact of reforms on generation,
modal analysis is the easy formulation, where other methods are lacking. open access, tariff, trading of power, financial restructuring & distribution
Speaker Dr Vijay Shah, Vice President & Senior Principal Engineer – ABB sector, present scenario of power sector, etc. Mr Prasanna Kumar, Managing
India Limited briefed about the network configuration and converter type Director, Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited (GSESCL) spoke on
needs to be examined prior to connection of WTG. He mentioned that for ‘Gujarat Power Sector Development after Power Sector Reforms related to
some converters the network modification are required prior connecting the Power Generation’ covering objectives of reforms/unbundling, outcome
particular type of wind turbine generator (WTG) to the network. of reforms, generation – issues & challenges, future of Energy Transition,
achievements of GSECL, etc. Mr Ashwin Khambhatta, Former ACE, Gujarat
Organized webinar in association with The Society of Power Engineers on the
Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL) presented lecture on ‘Power Sector
topic ‘Power Reforms and Its Effects on Development’ on 12 March 2022.
Reform and its Impact in State of Gujarat’ covering Structural overview
Mr P H Rana, Independent Director, Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Limited
of Power Sector, Indian Electricity Act 1910, Electricity Supply Act -1948,
(MGVCL) spoke on evolution of the institutional framework, problems of
Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act – 1998, Electricity Act – 2003, etc.
Power Sector, Energy Conservation Act, distribution of electricity, role of
Regulatory Bodies, Electricity Act -2003, Regulations notified by Gujarat Organized webinar on ‘Road Safety Scenario & Audit’ on 13 March 2022.
Electricity Regulatory Commission (GERC) and Central Electricity Authority While addressing the audience, Mr Sudhir Patel, Superintending Engineer
(CEA), etc. Mr S M Takalkar, Managing Director, M/s Takalkar Power (R&B), Vadodara spoke about importance of road safety, road safety Audit,
Engineers & Consultants Private Limited made presentation on the topic etc. Mr Akash Saxena, Highway Engineer, Geo Design & Research Private
‘Power Reforms – Bonanza to the Service Sector’, and covered scenario Limited discussed on road safety scenario in India and overseas; and
before reforms, change in scenario after reforms, bonanza to service sector highlighted about Ministry’s initiative on road safety; guiding principles and
and shared his experience. Mr Upendra Pande, Managing Director, GETCO different stages of Road Safety Audit etc.

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

18 August 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
Theme: Smart Engineering for a Better World
September 15 is celebrated every year in the country since the year nature as well as creation of newer job openings. The theme ‘Smart
1967 as “Engineers’ Day” to commemorate the birthday of the legendary Engineering for a Better Future’ also encompasses issue of environmental
engineer Sir Mokshagundam sustainability. There is no well established roadmap towards building a
Visvesvaraya. Sir Visvesvaraya, smart infrastructure and trying to replicate a generic global template might
an eminent Indian engineer and not work. Such developments are extremely contextual and should reflect
statesman was born in a remote challenges, priorities and aspirations at the regional level. The solutions
village of Karnataka, the State would require synergy between industry, academia and government and
that is incidentally now the Hi- should foster an ecosystem where different players can participate and
tech State of the country. Due share best practices and develop action plans for switching to a smart
to his outstanding contribution infrastructure for a sustainable and prosperous future.
to the society, Government of The engineers need to understand that there is tremendous pressure
India conferred “Bharat Ratna” on the existing service infrastructures which are inadequate and not
on this legend in the year designed to sustain challenges like air pollution, waste management,
1955. He was also called the traffic congestions, effective healthcare and housing for all etc. This will
precursor of economic planning require finding sustainable and inclusive solutions to provide affordable
in India. His learned discourse housing, healthcare, nutrition, mass rapid transportation and drinking
on Economic Planning in India, water especially to the urban populace which may later be replicated in
Planned Economy for India and other areas in a phase wise manner.
Reconstructing India, was the first available document on the planning
An interesting commonality in the nature of these challenges is dealing
effort of the country and it is still held as the parent source matter for
with massive levels of digitization and generation of data. These perceived
economic planners. A theme of national importance is chosen every year
challenges are veiled opportunities to leverage data science and
by the Council of the Institution and deliberated at its various State/Local
analytics and thereby induct smart engineering to deal with major global
Centres to educate the engineering fraternity in general and the society in
challenges, such as adverse effects of climate change, water scarcity,
particular. This year the 55th Engineers’ Day will be celebrated all over the
mixed energy usage, reducing the digital divide among others. The
country on the theme “Smart Engineering for a Better World".
engineering profession is undergoing a paradigm shift with the induction
The 55th Engineers Day celebration on the theme ‘Smart Engineering for of digitization and emphasis on man-machine interface with induction
a Better World’ will be observed by The Institution of Engineers (India) at of logical thinking in machines. Automation and analytics has proved to
its various State & Local Centres to take a stock of various capability and be decisive and has brought about changes in conceptualization of all
capacity building initiatives undertaken in crucial sectors like road and rail major verticals of engineering. Investing in capacity building of smart
connectivity, drinking water, agriculture, healthcare and nutrition, affordable infrastructure ensuring smart delivery of civic services will serve the
housing and better governance through induction of smart technologies to broad societal interest with ramifications leading to establishment of
achieve Sustainable Development Goals in a phased manner. The societal effective and accountable governance system congruent to our needs.
engineering aspect will also be delved into as it is a deciding parameter in
As engineers it is important that we adopt smart engineering to leapfrog
ascertaining the extent of for developing a smart infrastructure of inclusive
into new realms in this era of smart engineering for a better tomorrow.


Chennai, December 16-18, 2022 (Tentative)

Role of Engineers for Creating a Sustainable & Self Reliant India
Organized by
The Institution of Engineers (India)
Hosted by: Tamilnadu State Centre

Th e e-editio n is av a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg 19

Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 August 2022
IEI DIARY Electronics and Telecom. Engineering Division
All India Seminar on “Mechatronics an
Emerging Technology and Future Trends"
Agricultural Engineering Division Centre, Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Bareilly, September 06-07, 2022
Thirty-fifth National Convention of Agricultural Campus, PO : Doranda, Ranchi 834002 The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bareilly Local
Engineers on "Utilization of Modern [(: 0651-2491344, Mobile: 9431382798, Centre, 44, Camphor State Colony, Near
Technologies in Agricultural Engineering for E-mail :, Website: Camphor Estate Colony, Rampur Road, C B
Sustainable Agriculture Production"] Ganj, Bareilly 243502, Uttar Pradesh [Mobile:
Hosur, September 16-17, 2022 9634953691, E-mail:]
Chemical Engineering Division
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Hosur Local All India Seminar on “Recent Trends and
Centre, No.69, Kamaraj Nagar, Kumudepall, Thirty-seventh National Convention of Chemical
Research Issues in Image Processing"
Near Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur Engineers on "Battery Energy Storage System",
Coimbatore, October 19-20, 2022
635109, Tamilnadu [Email:] Chennai, September 09-10, 2022
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Tamilnadu State
Aerospace Engineering Division Local Centre, PSG Tech Campus, Peelamedu,
Centre, No. 19, Swami Sivananda Salai,
Coimbatore 641004, Tamilnadu, [(: 0422-
Thirty-fifth National Convention of Aerospace Chepauk, Chennai 600005 [(: 044-25360614
2580733, E-mail:]
Engineers on "Smart Materials and their /9962950333, E-mail:,
Applications in Aerospace Structures" Website :] Thirty-seventh National Convention of
Chandigarh, November 25-26, 2022 Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers on
Computer Engineering Division
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Punjab and "The Impact of 5G: Creating New Value across
Chandigarh State Centre, Plot No.1-A, Engineers All India Seminar on "Role of AI, Machine Industries and Society"
Bhawan, Madhya Marg, Sector 19-A, Chandigarh Learning & Data Science in Modern Era" Hyderabad, November 18-19, 2022
160019 [(: 0172-2775418, E-mail: pcsc@ Bareilly, September 27-28, 2022 The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State, Website:] The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bareilly Local Centre, IEI, 6-2-910, “Visvesvaraya Bhavan”,
Centre, 44, Camphor State Colony, Near Khairatabad, Hyderabad 500004 [(: 040-
Civil Engineering Division Camphor Estate Colony, Rampur Road, C B 23314969/23373087/23370779, E-mail:
All India Seminar on "IoT in Civil Engineering" Ganj, Bareilly 243502, Uttar Pradesh [Mobile:, Website: www.ieitsc.
Chennai, September 01-02, 2022 9634953691, E-mail:]]
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Tamilnadu State All India Seminar on "Fullstack Developer Skills All India Seminar on “Importance of Calibration
Centre, No. 19, Swami Sivananda Salai, Breakdown along with AWS and Kubernetes" and Concepts of Uncertainty Measurements
Chepauk, Chennai 600005 [(: 044-25360614 Kattankulathur, September 27-28, 2022 as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standards"
/9962950333, E-mail:, Website The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kattankularthur Coimbatore, December 01-02, 2022
:] Local Centre, SRM Institute of Science and The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore
All India Workshop on "Design Competition of Techology, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Potheri, Local Centre, PSG Tech Campus, Peelamedu,
Domestic Incinerator for Semi-wet Waste" SRM Nagar, Dist Chengalpattu, Kattankulathur, Coimbatore 641004, Tamilnadu, [(: 0422-
Kollam, September 17-18, 2022 Tamilnadu 603203, [(: 044-2745 2270] 2580733, E-mail:]
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kollam Local Centre, Thirty-fifth National Convention of Computer One Day Seminar on “Industrial Automation"
Department of Chemical Engineering Building, Engineers on "Cyber Security/Privacy" Kanchepuram, December 13, 2022
TKM College of Engineering, Kollam 691005, Bareilly, February 18-19, 2023 The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kanchepuram
Kerala [(: 0474-2716699, Fax: 0474-2712023, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bareilly Local Local Centre, Jerusalem College of
E-mail:, Website: www. Centre, 44, Camphor State Colony, Near Engineering Campus, Velachery Main Road,] Camphor Estate Colony, Rampur Road, C B Narayanapuram, Pallikaranai, Chennai 600100
Thirty-seventh National Convention of Civil Ganj, Bareilly 243502, Uttar Pradesh [Mobile: [Mobile: 9789924739]
Engineers on "Emerging Technologies and 9634953691, E-mail:]
Seismic Concerns" One Day Seminar on “IEmerging Signal
Electrical Engineering Division Processing Applications"
Indore, October 16-17, 2022
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Indore Local Centre, Thirty-seventh National Convention of Electrical Hyderabad, February 11, 2022
SGSITS Campus, 23, Sir M Visvesvaraya Marg Engineers on "Green Energy and Clean Energy The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State
(Park Road), Indore 452003 [(: 0731-2434057, for New India" Centre, 6-2-910, “Visvesvaraya Bhavan”,
E-mail:, Website: www. Jabalpur, November 12-13, 2022 Khairatabad, Hyderabad 500004, Telangana,] The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jabalpur Local [(: 040-23314969/23373087/23370779,
Centre, Vishvesvaraya Marg, South Civil Lines, E-mail:, Website:
All India Seminar on "Air Quality Monitoring and]
Analysis: Challenges and Research Gap" In front of Old RTO Office, Jabalpur 482001
Coimbatore, November 03-04, 2022 [(: 0761-2678929, E-mail: jabalpurlc@ Environmental Engineering Division
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore]
All India Seminar on "Recycle and Reuse of
Local Centre, PSG Tech Campus, Peelamedu, All India Seminar on "National Electrical Coding Wastewater"
Coimbatore 641004, Tamilnadu, [(: 0422- and Its Industrial Implementation" Bareilly, October 16-17, 2022
2580733, E-mail: Kolkata, November 18-19, 2022 The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bareilly Local
All India Seminar on "Use of Green Technology The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal State Centre, 44, Camphor State Colony, Near
in Road Construction" Centre, 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020, [(: Camphor Estate Colony, Rampur Road, C B
Ranchi, November 12-13, 2022 033-22238914, Fax: 033-22233140, E-mail: Ganj, Bareilly 243502, Uttar Pradesh [Mobile:
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State] 9634953691, E-mail:]

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

20 August 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
Marine Engineering Division The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local
Centre, IEI, 6-2-910, “Visvesvaraya Bhavan”, Centre, Nehru Avenue, B-Zone, Durgapur 713205
Thirty-sixth National Convention of Marine Khairatabad, Hyderabad 500004 [(: 040- [(: 0343-2564770, E-mail: durgapurlc@
Engineers on "Contemporary Developments in 23314969/23373087/23370779, E-mail:; Website:]
Maritime Technologies", Website: www.ieitsc.
Visakhapatnam, October 15-16, 2022] Textile Engineering Division
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Visakhapatnam
Local Centre, 43-18-22, “Visvesvaraya Bhavan”, All India Seminar on "An Application and
Thirty-fourth National Convention of Textile
Venkatarajunagar, Railway Station Road, Performance Analysis of Refractories in the
Engineers on "Innovative Textile Materials"
Visakhapatnam 530016 [(: 0891-2947460; Thermal Power Plant"
Kanpur, September 10-11, 2022
E-mail:] Bokaro Steel City, December 17-18, 2022
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kanpur Local Centre,
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bokaro Steel City
Engineers Bhawan, HBTU Campus, Nawabganj,
All India Seminar on "Smart and Sustainable Local Centre, Abhiyanta Bhawan, Sector V-A,
Kanpur 208002 [(: 0512-2560034, Mobile:
Marine Operations: Emerging Paradigm" Bokaro Steel City 827006, [(: 06542-267227,
9140018277, E-mail:,
Ranchi, January 07-08, 2023 E-mail :, Web: www.
Website :]
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State]
Centre, Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, PO
: Doranda, Ranchi 834002 [(: 0651-2491344, All India Workshop on "Smart Manufacturing All India Seminar on 'Sustainability in Apparel
Mobile: 9431382798, E-mail : jharkhandsc@ and Automation using Advanced Robotics" and Textile - 2022', Website:] Kanchepuram, 04-05 January, 2023 Coimbatore, November 25-26, 2022
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kattankulathur Local The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore
Mechanical Engineering Division Centre, SRM Institute of Science and Techology, Local Centre, PSG Tech Campus, Peelamedu,
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Potheri, SRM Nagar, Dist Coimbatore 641004, Tamilnadu, [(: 0422-
All India Seminar on ''Digital Image Processing 2580733, E-mail:]
Chengalpattu, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu 603203,
and Image Correlation Techniques for Defect
[(: 044-2745 2270] Thirty-fifth National Convention of Textile
and Deformation Measurement"
Kattankulathur, October 24-25, 2022 Engineers on "Resource Efficient Technologies
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kattankulathur Local Thirty-eighth National Convention of in Textile Manufacturing"
Centre, SRM Institute of Science and Techology, Mechanical Engineers on "Emerging Trends Kolkata, February 11-12, 2023
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Potheri, SRM Nagar, Dist and Developments in Smart Manufacturing , The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal State
Chengalpattu, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu 603203, Renewable Energy and Mechanical Systems Centre, 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020, [(:
[(: 044-2745 2270] Diagnostics/Design" 033-22238914, Fax: 033-22233140, E-mail:
Nagpur, September 08-09, 2023
All India Seminar on 'Sustainable Development The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Nagpur Local Centre,
of Industries through Industry 4.0 Application' North Ambazari Road, Nagpur 440010, [(: Interdisciplinary Coordination Committee
Belagavi, October 28-29, 2022 0712-2525617, E-mail :]
The Honorary Secretary, IEI Belagavi Local All India Seminar on "National Education Policy
Centre, Er S G Balekundry Marg, Shivabasava Metallurgical & Materials Engg. Division 2020: Synergies for Technical Education"
Nagar, Belagavi 590010 [(: 0831-2470258, Lucknow, September 24-25, 2022
Mobile: 9141384358, E-mail : belagavilc@ All India Seminar on "Latest Developments in The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Uttar Pradesh State, Web:] Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Centre, Engineers' Bhawan, River Bank Colony,
Processes" Lucknow 226018, [(: 0522-2625322,E-mail :
All India Seminar on "Logistics and Supply Jaipur, September 17-18, 2022, Website:]
Chain" The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Rajasthan State
Bareilly, November 11-12, 2022 Centre, Gandhi Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015 All India Seminar on "Pipe Distribution Systems
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bareilly Local [(: (0141) 2706327, E-mail: rajasthansc@ in Irrigation Project for Improving Water Use
Centre, 44, Camphor State Colony, Near Camphor] Efficiency"
Estate Colony, Rampur Road, C B Ganj, Bareilly Hyderabad, October 21-22, 2022
243502, Uttar Pradesh [Mobile: 9634953691, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State
Thirty-fifth National Convention of Metallurgical Centre, IEI, 6-2-910, “Visvesvaraya Bhavan”,
& Materials Engineers "Low-grade Ore and Khairatabad, Hyderabad 500004 [(: 040-
All India Workshop on "Solar Energy for Waste: Challenges and Remedies" 23314969/23373087/23370779, E-mail:
Residential Application" Durgapur, January 21-22, 2023, Website: www.ieitsc.
Kanchepuram, November 10-11, 2022 The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local]
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kanchepuram Centre, Nehru Avenue, B-Zone, Durgapur 713205
Local Centre, Jerusalem College of Engineering [(: 0343-2564770, E-mail: durgapurlc@; Website:] All India Seminar on "Data Analytics: End-to-End
Campus, Velachery Main Road, Narayanapuram, AI Solutions and Augmented Analytics",
Pallikaranai, Chennai 600100 [Mobile: Ranchi, December 10-11, 2022
9789924739] Mining Engineering Division
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State
Centre, Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, PO
Thirty-seventh National Convention of Thirty-second National Convention of Mining : Doranda, Ranchi 834002 [(: 0651-2491344,
Mechanical Engineers on "Advances in Battery Engineers on "Occupational Health Problem Mobile: 9431382798, E-mail : jharkhandsc@
Technologies for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles" and Remedial Measures in Mining Operation", Website:]
Hyderabad, December 09-10, 2022 Durgapur, 03-04 December, 2022

Th e e-editio n is av a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg 21

Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 August 2022

Established in 1920, with its Headquarters at 8 Gokhale Road,

Kolkata-700020, The Institution of Engineers (India) was incorporated
by Royal Charter on September 09, 1935 and remains the only
professional body in India to be accorded this honour.
As decided by the Council, on September 09 of every year, this day is
observed by all Centres of IEI as Royal Charter Day. On this auspicious
day, Royal Charter of Incorporation was granted to IEI by His Majesty,
The King and Emperor George V at the Court at Buckingham Palace,

The Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) had instituted two Awards, namely, SAIL AWARD and DR M VISVESVARAYA AWARD to be given away every
year during the Indian Engineering Congress to author/s of the articles adjudged best on selected topics.
The topics for the year 2022 are given hereunder.


Countering Cyclic Downtrends in Steel Industry Contribution of Indian Steel Sector towards Net
Zero Emission by 2070

The articles preferably restricting to 3000 words along with good quality photographs may be
submitted along with a Declaration Form to within October 15, 2022. The
template of the paper and the Declaration Form are enclosed, which are also available under
the following link:
Intending contributors are requested to send the soft copy of the paper by email to award@ (with subject heading Paper for SAIL/Dr M Visvesvaraya Award) and submit four
nos. printed copies of their articles to :
Director (Technical)
The Institution of Engineers (India)
8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020.

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

22 August 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
Project Management Associates
Weekend Programme
International Project Management Association
IPMA is a federation of about 72 Member Associations (MAs) who develop project management competences in their geographic
areas of influence. Through IPMA, project management practitioners from all parts of the world can network, share ideas through
effective collaboration and cooperation.
Who / Why to Attend
Professionals across all levels who want to understand the intricacies of Project Management and want to excel in managing
projects to advance their career.
Discounted Program Registration Fee for IEI Members (15% discount from the published fee)
Participation Fee for Level C: Rs. 47,090 per person plus GST @ 18%
Participation Fee for Level D: Rs. 24,650/- per person plus GST @ 18%
• Registration fee is non refundable. However, alternate persons can be nominated.
• Cheque / draft or NEFT is payable to “Project Management Associates” at Delhi.
• The registration fee does not include travel and hotel accommodation.
Next batch of on-line learning sessions on Project Management Competence Building (PMCB) based on ICB Version 4, knowledge
base for IPMA Level C and Level D by our Learning partner PMA is from September 9th, 10th and 16th, 17th 2022. The relevant
material is available in the link
Exam Dates for Level C: 24th, 30th September 2022 and 1st October, 2022 (0930 – 1730 hrs)
Exam Dates for Level D: 24th September 2022 (0930 – 1730 hrs)
Exam Venue: Secure and Seamless Online Exam & Assessment
For more details, please contact:
Arvind Agarwal, Head, PMA Cert (Certification Body)
Project Management Associates
FC-33, Plot No. 1 & 2, Periyar Centre, 3rd Floor, Institutional Area, Jasola, New Delhi – 110025
Tel: 011 41421511 Mob: +91 9711631534-35/39, 9840432229, Website:, Email: /

Be proud to be a Certified
Professional Engineers (PE) and International Professional Engineers (IntPE)
Professional Engineers (PE) International Professional Engineers (IntPE)
Certification by IEI Certification by IEI
• BE/ BTech or equivalent recognised by Statutory Authority or
• BE/ BTech or equivalent recognised by Statutory Authority or
Government of India
Government of India
• Seven years or more professional experiences
• Five years or more professional experiences
• Minimum two years professional experience in significant engineering
• Membership of recognised professional engineering institution / activity
association • Membership of recognised professional engineering institution /
• Maintained Continued Professional Development (CPD) at a association
satisfactory level • Maintained Continued Professional Development (CPD) at a
satisfactory level
For details, please visit the following link :
For details, please visit the following link :

The eligible candidate can submit application in the prescribed format to:
The PE Cell, The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020
For any query and assistance, please send email to:

Th e e-editio n is av a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg 23

Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 August 2022
Registration No. 64282/1994 with The Registrar of Newspapers for India, New Delhi

Celebration of ‘fib Days 2022’ at Kolkata on 12 September 2022
IMC-fib will observe “fib Days 2022” on 12 September 2022 at Kolkata in hybrid mode, for facilitating international
participation, with the objective of sharing the outcome of the fib Congress 2022, held in Oslo, Norway, with the
engineering community of our country.
Dr Akio Kasuga, President, fib, and Dr David Fernandez Ordonez, Secretary General, fib have kindly consented to be
the Chief Guest and Guest of Honor respectively in the inaugural session of the program. Eminent officials/engineers/
professionals/ researchers from abroad/country having expertise in the field of Structural concrete would join the program.
The ‘fib Days 2022’ intend to bring to the participant the latest developments in Concrete Construction and Technology,
as reflected in the projects across the world during the last four years, as was presented during the 6th fib International
Congress held at Oslo, Norway in June 2022. The IMC-fib committee of The Institution of Engineers (India), together
with fib (International) invites you to participate in the ‘fib Days 2022’ event.
The details of the event along with the information brochure and the registration form are available on our website under
‘IEI Highlights’

2022 WFEO C.C.C H.J. Sabbagh Prize for Excellence in

Engineering Construction
Call for Nominations
The WFEO Executive Board has agreed to extend the nominations period of the 2022 WFEO C.C.C H.J. Sabbagh
Prize for Excellence in Engineering Construction.
The theme of this year's award has been revised and extended in order to better reflect the extraordinary context of
Covid-19, and the diversity of contributions of civil engineers to building more sustainable infrastructures.
The details of the Award and the Nomination form are available on the homepage of IEI website under Bulletin.
The access link is as follows:
This nominations are to be sent via email to by 16 September 2022.

IEI Industry Excellence Award 2022

Request for Participation
The IEI Industry Excellence Award has been instituted to recognize industry leaders for their innovation, excellence in engineering operations and
thereby, to lead their industry in competitive manner. The benchmarks created by the industries in India have included productivity, quality, safety and
performance assurance thereby giving India the rightful place in the global markets. Realizing that such industries can provide the leadership to a large
number of other industries in the country, it has been considered appropriate by the IEI Council to institute the IEI Industry Excellence Awards in the
year 2008.
Applications in specified format (visit link: are invited from
prospective applicants for IEI Industry Excellence Award 2022. The last date of receipt of application for the Award 2022 is 30 September 2022.
Interested applicants are requested to send their applications (Two hard copies & One soft copy in Pendrive/CD) to the below mentioned address.
The Director [Technical]
The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020

Owner : The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 President : Dr Hemant Omkarrao Thakare
Printer : Maj Gen MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General
Publisher : Maj Gen MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General Editor : Maj Gen MJS Syali, VSM (Retd)
Published from : 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 Associate Editor: Dr Jitendra Saxena
Printed from : M/s Florence Offset Process Pvt. Ltd.
6A S N Banerjee Road, Kolkata 700013 Special Contributors: Mr S Chakraverty, Mr K Sen
ISSN 0971-3352 Editor : Maj Gen MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General Mr P Chakraborty, Mr A Das, Ms H Roy, Mr S Bagchi

The Institution of Engineers (India) as a body accepts no responsibility for the statements made by individuals. Reprints of any portion of the
publication may be made provided reference thereto is quoted.
Telephones: 91-33-40106299/248/228/215; Web:; E-mail:
Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg
24 August
2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2

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