Design of RCC Gravity Dam and FEM Modelling in GeoStudio
Design of RCC Gravity Dam and FEM Modelling in GeoStudio
Design of RCC Gravity Dam and FEM Modelling in GeoStudio
TVVR 20/5001
Eugenia Correa Saracco
Patrick Lucas Bochnak
Master Thesis
Lund 2020
Master Thesis
Division of Water Resources Engineering
Department of Building & Environmental Technology
Lund University
This master’s degree project was carried out at the Division of Water
Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University.
This work was performed in collaboration with Vattenfall, Energiforsk and
Hohai University in Nanjing, China during the spring of 2019.
China’s rapid economic development has led to a continuously increasing
energy demand and the country is the world’s biggest energy user as of today.
The country accounts for around 23% of the global energy production, but 70%
of the Chinese energy is generated with coal power and China is the biggest
emitter of CO2 in the world. The Chinese government has set a couple of goals
to reduce the country’s carbon emissions and to increase the share of renewable
energy. Hydropower is a renewable energy source and the construction of large
dams will likely be one of the strategies to meet the rising energy demand in a
more sustainable way. The failure of dams can be devastating, and it is
therefore important that they are designed with proper safety measures. In this
report, the Longtan dam has been used as a reference to conduct a preliminary
design of a large gravity dam and to evaluate its safety. The preliminary design
was based on dam site data provided by the College of Water Conservancy and
Hydropower Engineering at Hohai University in Nanjing, China. The
structural analysis of the dam was conducted with both analytical and
numerical methods. The analytical calculations showed that the dam is safe
against overturning, but that there is risk for a sliding failure. The analytical
stress analysis showed that the stresses in the dam do not exceed the material
capacity. The numerical analysis was done in the commercial FEM software
suite GeoStudio. The results from the seepage analysis showed that the peak
seepage velocities in the foundation are 4,5-5,0·10-7 m/s, and that it is unlikely
that the seepage will compromise the structural integrity of the dam. The
numerical stress analysis revealed that the stresses are 0-2 MPa in most of the
dam body, but that the dam toe is subjected up to 12 MPa compression and that
the dam heel is subjected up to 16 MPa tension. This indicates that a tensile
failure will occur in the dam heel, which will lead to cracks in the concrete and
a redistribution of the stresses. It is therefore advised that the dam heel is
reinforced to avoid potential problems with seepage.
Table of contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Background ........................................................................................... 1
1.1.1. Hydropower in China ..................................................................... 1
1.1.2. Construction of dams in China ....................................................... 2
1.1.3. Consequences of dam construction ................................................ 5
1.2. Aim and objectives ................................................................................ 6
1.3. Scope and limitations ............................................................................ 6
1.4. Outline ................................................................................................... 7
2. Project description ........................................................................................ 9
2.1. Case of study: Longtan dam .................................................................. 9
2.2. Dam site data ....................................................................................... 13
2.2.1. Site description ............................................................................. 13
2.2.2. Strat lithology ............................................................................... 13
2.2.3. Climate ......................................................................................... 14
2.2.4. Runoff, flood and sediment .......................................................... 14
2.2.5. Design water levels ...................................................................... 14
2.3. Methodology ....................................................................................... 15
3. Theoretical background .............................................................................. 17
3.1. Different types of dams ....................................................................... 17
3.1.1. Embankment dams ....................................................................... 17
3.1.2. Concrete dams .............................................................................. 18
3.1.3. Roller-compacted concrete gravity dams ..................................... 20
3.2. Spillways and outlets ........................................................................... 22
3.2.1. Overflow spillways ...................................................................... 22
3.2.2. Energy dissipation arrangements ................................................. 22
3.2.3. Bottom flow energy dissipation ................................................... 25
3.2.4. Outlet works ................................................................................. 25
3.2.5. Gates ............................................................................................. 25
3.3. Design principles ................................................................................. 26
3.4. Design flow – flood routing ................................................................ 26
3.5. FE-modelling in GeoStudio ................................................................ 27
4. Feasibility study ......................................................................................... 29
4.1. Purpose of dam construction ............................................................... 29
4.2. Selection of dam type .......................................................................... 29
4.3. Site selection ....................................................................................... 31
5. Flood routing .............................................................................................. 33
5.1. Inputs to the storage indication method .............................................. 33
5.2. Flood routing calculation .................................................................... 35
6. Design of non-overflow section ................................................................. 41
7. Design of overflow section ........................................................................ 45
8. Loads acting on the dam............................................................................. 51
8.1. Self-weight of the dam ........................................................................ 52
8.2. Hydrostatic pressure ............................................................................ 54
8.3. Uplift force .......................................................................................... 55
8.4. Silt pressure ......................................................................................... 56
8.5. Dynamic water pressure ...................................................................... 56
8.6. Earthquake action ................................................................................ 57
9. Load combination cases ............................................................................. 61
9.1. Partial coefficient method ................................................................... 61
9.2. Combination situations ........................................................................ 62
9.2.1. Scenario 1: CWL .......................................................................... 62
9.2.2. Scenario 2: NWL .......................................................................... 64
9.2.3. Scenario 3: NWL and earthquake ................................................ 65
10. Stability analysis ...................................................................................... 67
10.1. Overturning ....................................................................................... 68
10.2. Sliding ............................................................................................... 69
10.3. Compressive strength ........................................................................ 71
10.3.1. Middle third rule......................................................................... 73
10.4. Seepage analysis with GeoStudio ..................................................... 73
10.4.1. Results ........................................................................................ 76
10.4.2. Discussion .................................................................................. 81
11. Stress analysis .......................................................................................... 83
11.1. Gravity method .................................................................................. 83
11.2. Shear stresses ..................................................................................... 83
11.3. Principal stresses ............................................................................... 85
11.4. Permissible stresses ........................................................................... 87
11.5. Stress analysis with GeoStudio ......................................................... 87
11.5.1. Results ........................................................................................ 89
11.5.2. Discussion ................................................................................ 100
12. Conclusions ............................................................................................ 103
References .................................................................................................... 105
1. Introduction
Description of the background, aim and objectives of the project, as well as its
scope and limitations. An outline of the report is provided at the end of the
present chapter.
1.1. Background
1.1.1. Hydropower in China
China is the country that generates the most hydropower in the world, and there
are around 88 000 dams of various sizes in China (Liu et al., 2013). The country
had an installed hydropower capacity of 352 GW as of 2018, which is equal to
a quarter of the world’s total hydropower capacity and 18,5% of China’s total
electric power capacity (International Hydropower Association, 2019).
But China needs to utilize more renewable energy resources if the country
wants to meet its continuously growing energy demand in a more sustainable
way. In 2014, China stood for 23% of the global energy production while it
also became the largest energy consumer in the world. Around 70% of the
country’s energy is produced with coal power, and China is the largest CO2
emitter in the world since 2015.
The Chinese government has set a couple of goals to tackle this problem. The
government wants non-fossil fuel to account for 15% of the energy supply by
2020, and to reduce the country’s CO2 emissions with 40-45% in 2020 as
compared to the 2005 levels (Zhang et al., 2017). Another goal is to make
renewable energy resources cover 35% of the country’s energy consumption
by 2030 (Shen, 2018).
However, the first modern and advanced dams in China were constructed with
foreign technology during the first half of the 20th century. Before 1949, there
were 22 large dams that had been constructed in the country (Zhang, 1999).
The first hydropower station that was built in China is the Shilong dam near
Kunming, Yunnan province. It was finished in 1910 and it is still in service
today (Li et al., 2018).
Between 1950 and 1957 large dams in China were mainly constructed with the
purpose of controlling large floods in rivers like the Huai, Han and Huang. The
dams that were built during this time period usually have a height of 50-150
meters. One of the dams from this era is the 106-meter-high Sanmenxia dam
in Hunan province (Wang et al., 2014). The establishment of the Sanmenxia
hydropower station is historically important because the project is regarded as
the starting point of China’s continuous and scientific development of
hydropower in the country (Li et al., 2018). The Sanmenxia hydropower
station can be seen in figure 2.
Between 1967 and 1986 the quality of the dams and the construction
technology in China was greatly improved. During this time a smaller number
of large dams were constructed compared to the years prior, but important
projects like the Gezhouba dam on the Yangtze River in Hubei province were
launched during this period (Wang et al., 2014). The Gezhouba power station
was the first major project on the Yangtze River and it is the forerunner to the
Three Gorges dam (Li et al., 2018), (Wang et al., 2014).
Since 1987, China’s rapid economic development has both stimulated the
development and construction of large dams as well as it has created a huge
demand for electricity in the country (Wang et al., 2014). Some examples of
the dams that have been built in China in the past 30 years are the Longtan
dam, the Three Gorges dam and the Xiaowan dam. The Three Gorges dam is
able to generate up to 22 500 MW and it is the world’s largest dam in terms of
capacity (Cleveland and Morris 2014). The Three Gorges dam can be seen in
figure 3.
1.1.3. Consequences of dam construction
The construction of dams comes at the cost of altered and damaged
ecosystems. The temperature and the quality of the water is different in a
reservoir than in a natural free-flowing river (International Rivers, n.d.). Dams
also trap sediment and organic materials in the reservoir (Scientific American,
2018). Furthermore, the water level in a reservoir and the outflow from it is
controlled by humans and not by nature. These changes harm the ecosystems
both at the dam site and downstream of it. And when upstream areas are being
dammed up, species lose their habitats and risk going extinct. Dams are also
barriers that prevent migration of fish and the transportation of seeds along the
But further construction of large dams can be expected in China and other parts
of the world, since the energy demand is growing and hydropower is a
renewable energy source. The failure of large dams can have disastrous
consequences. It is therefore of interest to study the design process behind
these structures and the safety of them.
1.2. Aim and objectives
The main aim of this project is to conduct a preliminary design of a roller
compacted gravity dam located in southern China, while increasing the
knowledge of large dam structures like the Longtan dam. Furthermore, it must
be ensured that the calculated structure complies with the safety regulations
and that its performance does not negatively affect the downstream area.
1.4. Outline
The project is divided into 12 chapters with the following content:
Chapter 1 describes the background, aim and objectives of the report as well
as its scope and limitations (Written by ECS and PLB).
Chapter 2 provides the project description including information about the
Longtan dam and its site location, the methodology followed throughout the
project and the software used (Written by PLB).
Chapter 3 includes a brief theoretical background of dams, dam safety,
spillways and outlets. It also gives an overview of the flood routing
calculations, analytical calculations and FEM modelling (Written by PLB).
Chapter 4 summarizes the feasibility studies required prior to a dam project
(Written by ECS and PLB).
Chapter 5 contains flood routing calculations and the resulting design flow
(Written by ECS).
Chapter 6 presents the design of the non-overflow section of the dam
(Written by ECS).
Chapter 7 presents the design of the overflow section of the dam (Written
by PLB).
Chapter 8 describes the loads considered in the calculations (Written by
Chapter 9 describes and presents the application of the partial coefficient
method used to obtain the load combination cases (Written by ECS).
Chapter 10 contains the analysis of the stability of the structure against
overturning, sliding and compression (Written by ECS). It also includes a
FE-analysis of the seepage conducted in GeoStudio (Written by PLB).
Chapter 11 presents how the gravity method is applied to analyse the
stresses in the structure, and assesses the permissible stresses (Written by
ECS). It also includes a FE-analysis of the stresses conducted in GeoStudio
(Written by PLB).
Chapter 12 summarizes the results obtained and offers some final
conclusions regarding the preliminary design of the dam obtained and the
followed methodology.
2. Project description
General information about the Longtan dam and its site location, the
methodology followed throughout the project and the software used.
The planning of the Longtan dam took circa 40 years. A preliminary design
was approved in 1989, but several years were spent to optimize the design with
the aim of shortening the construction time and reducing the cost (Qingchung
and Feng, n.d.). The construction of the dam began in 2001 and it was officially
finished in 2009 (Malcolm Dunstan and Associates, n.da).
Figure 4. The Longtan dam during operation (Malcolm Dunstan and Associates, n.da)
The purpose of the dam is power generation, flood control, and navigation. It
is equipped with a ship-lift, nine generators, seven surface spillways, two
bottom outlets and a trajectory bucket energy dissipation arrangement
(Chinese National Committee on Large Dams, n.d.), (Shurong and Feng,
n.d.). Some of the technical specifications of the Longtan dam can be seen in
table 1.
Table 1. Technical specifications of Longtan dam (source: Chinese National Committee on Large
The non-overflow cross section of the dam can be seen in figure 5, and the
overflow cross section of the dam can be seen in figure 6. Water from the
reservoir can flow over the structure at the overflow section, while not over
the non-overflow section.
Figure 5. Non-overflow section of the Longtan dam (Chinese National Committee on Large Dams, n.d.)
Figure 6. Overflow section of the Longtan dam (Chinese National Committee on Large Dams, n.d.)
2.2. Dam site data
The following section contains data from the site of the Longtan dam provided
by the College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering at Hohai
University in Nanjing, China.
The fetch in the reservoir is 2 km. The annual average wind speed is 0,7 m/s
and the maximum annual average wind speed is 13,7 m/s.
Floods in the basin of the Hongshui River are formed by rainstorms. The
magnitude of the rainstorm precipitation during the flood season is not large,
but the rainstorms have a high occurrence and therefore often cause flooding.
The sediment in the Hongshui River consists mainly of suspended load, and
the suspended sediment is fine. The average annual sediment transport rate at
the dam site is 1 660 kg/s with an annual average sediment concentration of
1,05 kg/m3, which equals to an annual average sediment transport of 52,4
million tons. The height of the sediment accumulating in front of the dam is 92
meters. The unit weight of the sediment is 𝛾𝑠 = 12 kN/m3 and the internal
friction angle of the sediment is 𝜙𝑠 = 24°.
The elevation of the dam site is +195 m as mentioned before. The elevation of
the design water levels can be seen in table 2.
Table 2. Elevations of the design water levels
Water levels Elevation (m)
NWL 376,6
CWL 381,7
TWL 225,5
CTWL 260,2
2.3. Methodology
The project is divided into three main parts. A first theoretical part that sets the
reader in the present situation of hydropower in China, as well as a brief
introduction to the theory behind dam structures. The second and third parts
handle the calculations and the actual design of the dam.
The second part presents an initial design process behind key aspects of the
structure to ensure that the preliminary dimensions of the structure fall within
the safety region. Firstly, a flood routing is performed according to the flood
control requirements, to obtain the design flow and preliminary dimensions of
the dam: height, gate size and spillway length. The preliminary design of the
standard overflow and non-overflow sections is then later used for the
analytical calculations. These calculations are performed to analyse the dam-
foundation interface of the largest non-overflow section of the dam, studying
the stability and stress capacity of the structure.
The third and final part presents a more detailed analysis of a FE-model of the
dam by using the commercial software suite GeoStudio. This numerical
analysis includes a more detailed study of the seepage through the foundation,
as well as a more detailed stress analysis of the whole non-overflow section.
These results are later compared with the analytical calculations. Finally,
conclusions and a summary of the results is presented.
3. Theoretical background
Brief theoretical background of gravity dams, dam safety, spillways and outlets.
Also gives an overview of the flood routing calculations, analytical
calculations and FEM modelling.
Embankment dams make up around 83% of the world’s large dams (Hamill,
3.1.2. Concrete dams
Dams that are constructed with concrete are called concrete dams. However,
some older dams that are built with masonry can also be included in this
category (Novak et al., 2007). Gravity, buttress and arch dams are most
commonly made in concrete (Linsley et al., 1992). Concrete dams require
sound and stable rock foundations as opposed to embankment dams. They also
require more excavation work in order to reach solid rock foundations.
However, concrete dams are not sensitive to overtopping and they can
incorporate an overflow spillway in the dam structure (Novak et al., 2007).
Gravity Dams
Gravity dams use their self-weight to resist the horizontal hydrostatic pressure
from the reservoir that tries to overturn the dam. They can be made of concrete,
masonry or rock or earth embankments. Concrete gravity dams make up
around 11% of the world’s dams.
Concrete gravity dams are usually around 50-150 meters high. When they are
over 20 meters high they require a sound rock foundation to deal with the
compressive stresses created by the weight of the dam
(Hamill, 2011). They are preferably constructed in wide valleys where the
bedrock is located no deeper than five meters underneath the ground surface,
but they can also be used in narrow valleys (Novak et al., 2007).
Buttress dams
There are different types of buttress dams. One of them is the flat slab type,
where either a vertical or angled upstream face slab is supported with
downstream buttresses. An angled upstream face slab can give increased
stability (Hamill, 2011). Another type is the multiple arch type that consists of
a series of arches that allow wider spacing of the buttresses (Linsley et al.,
1992). The multiple arch type is used when a valley is too wide for a single
arch dam (Hamill, 2011).
Buttress dams usually only use 33-50% of the concrete required for a gravity
dam of a similar height. But this doesn’t always mean that buttress dams are
cheaper than gravity dams because they require more reinforcing steel and
formwork (Linsley et al., 1992). Moreover, buttress dams require stronger
foundations than gravity dams because of higher contact stresses (Novak et al.,
Arch dams
Arch dams transmit most of the water load to the abutments with arch action,
but some of the load is also retained by cantilever action. Arch dams are
structurally more efficient than gravity and buttress dams (Novak et al., 2007).
They use around 20% of the concrete required for gravity dams and are almost
always constructed with reinforced concrete.
Arch dams are only suitable in narrow and steep valleys or gorges. They have
high structural requirements on the abutments because of a failure of them can
be devastating (Hamill, 2011). The rock foundation needs to be of high strength
and uniform quality, especially in the abutments where the loads are higher.
Only limited deformation is allowed in the foundation and abutments (Novak
et al., 2007). Furthermore, the abutments need to be excavated at the right
angles to the thrust to prevent sliding (Linsley et al., 1992).
The crest length of an arch dam is commonly limited to around 10 times of its
height. The typical height for a large arch dam is 70-250 meters (Hamill, 2011).
Double curvature (cupola) dams are curved in both the vertical and horizontal
section. They are regarded as the most complex of the different concrete dam
structures (Novak et al., 2007).
Relatively few arch dams have failed in comparison to other dam types
(Linsley et al., 1992).
3.1.3. Roller-compacted concrete gravity dams
Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is mixed with a low cement content, fly ash
and fine and coarse gravel which creates a dry and no-slump type of concrete
(Linsley et al., 1992). The name of the concrete comes from the construction
method that is used when the RCC is placed (Portland Cement Association,
n.d.). The RCC is compacted with rollers after it has been spread out in layers
that are usually 23 to 45 centimetres thick (Linsley et al., 1992).
Figure 7. The Shapai dam during construction (Malcolm Dunstand and Associates, n.db)
The first RCC dam that was constructed is the Willow Creek dam in Oregon,
USA that was finished in 1982 (Linsley et al., 1992). The Willow Creek dam
can be seen in figure 8.
Figure 8. The Willow Creek dam (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2009)
3.2. Spillways and outlets
The purpose of a spillway is to safely discharge floods from the upstream side
to the downstream of the dam without causing damage (Hamill, 2011). The
spillway can be equipped with crest gates to control the water level in the
reservoir and the outflow from the dam, but there are also uncontrolled
spillways (Linsley et al., 1992). The spillway design is of high importance
since around 30% of all dam failures are caused by deficient spillways and
operational problems.
There are several types of spillways: overflow, chute, side-overflow, shaft and
syphon. The selection of the spillway design depends on the dam type and size,
the terrain at the dam location and the requirements on the dam’s operation.
Only the overflow spillway will be treated in this report since it is commonly
used in concrete dams (Hamill, 2011).
An overflow spillway is ideally designed so that the water can flow smoothly
over the crest with minimum turbulence (Linsley et al., 1992). The spillway
profile should preferably follow the underside of the aerated nappe, because
cavitation might occur if the overflowing water loses contact with the spillway
surface (Hamill, 2011). The cavitation and vibration that is caused by a water
flow that bounces on and off the overflow spillway can cause severe damage
to the dam (Linsley et al., 1992).
There are mainly two types of methods to dissipate energy from a spillway
discharge. One way is to reduce the energy through a hydraulic jump, the other
way to dissipate energy is by aeration of a jet and the impact of water on the
river bed (Garg, 2006). The energy dissipation can also be divided into five
different types that can be combined:
- Dissipation at the spillway surface
- Dissipation in a free-falling jet
- Dissipation at impact to the downstream water
- Dissipation in the stilling basin
- Dissipation at the outflow to the river
The free-falling jets usually land into plunge pools that are excavated during
the construction of the dam or created by only the scour from the impacting
jets. To avoid problems with erosion near the dam, the spillway must be
designed so that the point of impact occurs as far as possible from the bucket.
The free-falling jets can also plunge into a stilling basin.
Stilling basins are the most widely used energy dissipation arrangement. There
are different kinds of stilling basins, but the most common one is the hydraulic
jump type. The hydraulic jump is the simplest and often the best way to
transform super-critical flow into sub-critical flow (that is suitable for the
downstream riverbed) in a stilling basin (Novak et al., 2007). However,
different designs for the energy dissipator should be considered depending on
the relation between the post-jump depth (𝑦2 ) and the tailwater level (TWL)
for different discharges (Garg, 2006). Another important aspect to take into
consideration is that the turbulent flow that occurs during a hydraulic jump can
create large differences in pressure which can lead to cavitation in the basin
(Novak et al., 2007).
If the pre-jump depth and the post-jump depth is equal for all discharges the
hydraulic jump will always happen at the end of the toe of the spillway. For
these circumstances a basin with a concrete horizontal apron is advised to
provide protection where the jump takes place.
When the TWL is greater than the post-jump depth for all discharges, the
hydraulic jump at the toe is reduced by the higher tail water and the energy
dissipation is not very efficient. To deal with this problem a sloping apron
above the river bed can be used which will allow for a proper jump to happen
at a point on the apron where 𝑦2 is equal to the TWL. Another solution is a
roller bucket arrangement, where the energy is dissipated by internal
turbulence that will occur in two rollers.
For the case when the post-jump depth is always greater than the TWD a
sloping apron below the riverbed can be used to obtain the hydraulic jump,
because at some point on the apron 𝑦2 will be equal to the TWL. Another
option is to construct a so-called subsidiary dam downstream of the main dam.
The idea is to raise the TWL downstream of the main dam so that a hydraulic
jump can occur at the toe of the main dam. It is also useful to use to use a ski-
jump or a flip-bucket arrangement when the TWL is low.
If the relation between the post-jump depth and the TWL varies with the
discharge, a sloping apron that is going both above and below the riverbed can
be used. By this, there are proper conditions for a hydraulic jump to form both
when the TWL is greater than the post-jump depth and vice versa. It is also
necessary to construct a horizontal apron and an end sill for this type of
configuration (Garg, 2006).
All the energy in the discharge is not reduced in the stilling basin and a
consequence of this is that there is always some erosion downstream of the
dam. It is practically very difficult and very costly to dissipate all the energy.
The main task of the stilling basin is to keep the dam safe by controlling and
decreasing, but not to completely reducing, the scour (Novak et al., 2007).
There are also so called ‘’sudden expansion energy dissipators’’ which work
by the principle that the energy level in the discharge is reduced when the flow
enters larger spaces (Novak et al., 2007).
3.2.5. Gates
Gates can be classified after their position in the dam, their function, mode of
operation, pressure transmission, types of motion and the type of mechanism.
However, the key parameter behind the structural design of a gate is the way
that the gate is supposed to transfer the pressure from the water load. There are
three main methods to distribute the pressure (Novak et al., 2007):
- Plain vertical lift gates and stop-logs, radial gates and roller gates
distribute the stress to the piers and abutments
- Drum gates, bear-trap gates, flap gates, roll-out gates and inflatable
gates are transferring the pressure to the sill
- Some types of flap-gates and pontoon gates are transmitting the
pressure to both piers and the sill
3.3. Design principles
The numerical analysis is conducted with a commercial software suite that is
called GeoStudio. GeoStudio is developed by GEOSLOPE International
Limited which is a company that was founded in 1977 and is based in Calgary,
Canada (GEOSLOPE, n.da). The programs in GeoStudio can be used for finite
element analysis of seepage, stress and deformation, earthquake and dynamic
loading, heat and mass transfer as well as slope stability analysis (GEOSLOPE,
n.db). This can be utilized in the design and analysis of projects like dams,
embankments, walls, slopes, excavations, open pit mines, roads, bridges and
more (GEOSLOPE, n.db).
In this project the SEEP/W and the SIGMA/W softwares in GeoStudio have
been used to conduct a seepage analysis and stress analysis respectively.
SEEP/W is a finite element software that is used for groundwater flow analysis
and pore-water pressure analysis. SIGMA/W is a finite element software that
is used for stress and deformation analysis of soils and structural materials
(Otte, 2018).
Flood routing is used to calculate the maximum height the water reaches in the
reservoir during the design flood. This is done taking into consideration the
maximum discharge over the spillways and the storage capacity of the
reservoir, in order to obtain the complete outflow hydrograph during a flood
event. One method that can be used to perform flood routing is the storage
indication method. This method applies the continuity equation, equation 1, to
establish a relationship between the inflow, the storage of the reservoir and the
outflow capacity of the spillway (NRCS, 2004).
𝑑𝑉 (1)
𝑄𝑖𝑛 − 𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡 =
where Qin and Qout are respectively the water flowing in and out of the
reservoir, both in cubic meters per second, and V is the reservoir storage
volume in cubic meters. Equation 1 can be rewritten to a finite differential form
or as:
All the variables on the right-hand side of equation 2b are known, while the
time increment (∆𝑡) is set and the remaining variables on the left-hand side are
unknown. The unknowns can be easily determined based on the assumption
that the storage volume and the outflow depend only on to the water level (it
is assumed that the water surface is always level in the reservoir). The outflow
differs depending on the reservoir area and the spillway type and size, making
flood routing an iterative process, since the spillway in turn, is designed after
the outflow (Novak et al., 2007).
The method is based on that the body or region of interest is divided into
smaller pieces (finite elements) which creates a discrete system with a finite
number of unknowns as opposed to a continuous system with an infinite
number of unknowns. The differential equations are then solved numerically
for each element independently and the solutions are then combined to make
an approximation of the physical behaviour of the entire body (Ottosen and
Petersson, 1992).
4. Feasibility study
Summary of the feasibility studies required prior a dam project.
The projected structure shall serve its intended purpose adequately. The
services performed and the benefits obtained by the existence of the dam, shall
justify its construction cost and the impact on the surrounding environment
(USBR, 1987).
In this project, the purposes that drive the construction of the dam are:
navigation, flood control downstream, water supply, energy generation and
fishery industry enhancement.
The first two aspects, the hydraulic gradient and the nominal stresses, can vary
by one order of magnitude depending on the type of dam. Although
embankment dams have less requirements regarding foundation quality
compared to concrete dams, the softer and more erodible foundations present
limited ability to safely resist high hydraulic gradients.
Regarding the third aspect, certain types of dams cope better with cracking and
stress redistribution as a result of non-uniform foundation deformation and/or
settlement. An embankment dam provides higher structural flexibility,
opposed to concrete dams. Among the different concrete dam types, gravity
dams are more adaptable to any type of foundation. Arch dams are not
appropriate for faulty geology since they are sensitive to differential
settlements that can cause cracks carrying to the collapse of the structure. This
is due to the way the arch dam transmits the loads. In arch dams, the pressure
from the water body is transmitted to the bedrock mainly horizontally through
the abutments; while in gravity dams, they are transmitted vertically
downwards through the foundation. The fourth aspect shows a preference for
embankment dams over concrete dams, because of the excessive excavation
volumes required to reach deep rock-solid foundations needed for the latter
type. However, as stated previously, the selected type of dam must be concrete,
due to the hydropower requirement, making this last aspect less relevant. Even
though excavations will be required, the selection of the site for the location of
the dam, shall be such that minimises the volume of excavation needed.
When designing buttress dams the same aspects are of importance as for
gravity dams. However, since there will be higher contact stresses in buttress
dams there are higher requirements on the structural capacity of the bedrock
for these types of dams.
Rockfill dams are also favourably constructed on rock foundations but the rock
can be of varying quality. On the other hand, special measures against seepage
must be taken when designing rockfill dams.
Arch dams are suitable in narrow gorges. It is important that the rock
foundation is of high strength and of uniform quality because arch dams’
sensitivity to settlements, especially in the abutments where the loads are
The selected structure type for the present project is a hydropower roller-
compacted concrete gravity dam. It can be concluded that this type of dam
presents several advantages over the other concrete dam alternatives. Gravity
dams do not have a strict requirement on the quality of the rock foundation,
being more flexible to settlements and deformations. They can adequately cope
with high hydraulic gradients. What is more, the construction process is more
straightforward and less complex than the other alternatives.
Some local factors involving the general feasibility of the construction of the
project must be added to the evaluation of the selection of the site. Some of
these factors are: availability of nearby construction material, access to the
remote location, enough space for adjacent facilities such as concrete plant,
safe means of river diversion during construction to ensure a low risk working
5. Flood routing
Application of the storage indication method to route the 500- and 10.000-
year floods through the reservoir. Definition of the preliminary dimensions of
the structure.
The inflow hydrographs for the 500-year and 10 000-year return period floods
are given and can be seen in figure 9 and figure 10 respectively.
Figure 10. Hydrograph for the 10 000-year flood (p=0,01%).
Figure 11 includes the plot of the relation between the water elevation or stage
against the storage volume in the reservoir.
Figure 11. The volume in the reservoir plotted against the water level.
5.2. Flood routing calculation
The flood routing calculations are performed using the excel sheet in table 4.
The inputs needed to execute a flood routing are: the flood hydrographs (figure
9 and 10), the stage-storage curve of the reservoir (figure 11), the stage-
discharge relationship (equation 3) and the starting elevation.
The discharge through the gate is defined by equation 3:
𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝐾𝐵𝐻 2 (3)
where Qout is the outflow through an orifice or gate in cubic meters per second,
B is the orifice or gate width in meters, H is the water head from the centreline
of the orifice or gate to the free water surface upstream measured in meters,
and K is a constant that includes the discharge, submerge and shrinkage
coefficients. Values for the outflow coefficient K are obtained from Hydraulic
structures by Sheng-Hong Chen (2015) and are included in table 3:
The starting elevation is the top of the joint use capacity for flood control and
normal service conditions. The flood capacity level (FCL) and the normal
water level (NWL) are equal to 376,6 m. The NWL is established based on the
flow requirements downstream for diverse economical purposes, mainly
irrigation. The time-step is set to 6 hours, which is also the time step used in
the hydrographs. The flood routing starts when the inflow surpasses the
discharge capacity of the spillway (with the gates fully opened) and water starts
accumulating in the reservoir, rising the water surface elevation.
Columns 2 and 3 indicate the water coming into the reservoir that is obtained
from the hydrograph for the 500-year flood (figure 9). Column 5 is the water
going out of the reservoir through the gated spillway, computed with equation
3 and an estimated water head in column 11. The average inflow and average
outflow are calculated in columns 4 and 6 respectively. These values are used
to calculate the water storage increment in column 7, by applying the
continuity equation (equation 2a). The final water storage volume is obtained
by adding the water storage increment to the existing volume of water in the
reservoir in column 8. The water elevation in the reservoir in column 9 is
obtained by linear interpolation of the value in column 8 with the stage-storage
curve of the reservoir (figure 11), included in columns 13 and 14. This last
value is compared to the previously estimated water head in column 11, both
values should not differ in more than 10 cm. Column 12 is the distance between
the water surface at a certain time step and the NWL.
Table 4. Excel sheet used for the flood routing calculations
As shown in figure 12, the capacity of the reservoir temporarily increases
during the flood event, since the opening of the gates allows a higher water
level. This volume cannot be retained in the reservoir and will flow out until
the flood control level is reached again.
Several spillway lengths and weir crest elevations are modelled to finally
obtain the optimum spillway length of 130,0 m and the weir crest elevation of
360,0 m.
The maximum outflow occurs when the discharge equals the inflow, marked
by the intersection point of both curves shown in figure 13 and figure 14 for
the 500- and 10 000-year flood respectively. The maximum discharge of
21 983 m3/s occurs 54 hours after the routing start. The surcharge, maximum
water height above the NWL reached during the flood event, is 2,6 m. When
routing the 10 000-year flood through the reservoir, the maximum discharge
of 26 808 m3/s occurs 66 hours after the routing starts and the maximum
reached height is 5,1 m above CWL.
Following the requirements downstream and the capacity of the river, the
maximum allowable discharge is 250 m3/s/m. Thus, for a 130 meter-long
opening the maximum discharge is 32 500 m3/s, which is higher than the peaks
during both flood events.
30 000
25 000
Flow (m3/s)
20 000
15 000
10 000
5 000
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Inflow Time (hours)
Figure 13. Plot of the 500-year flood hydrograph against the discharge hydrograph during the flood
40 000
35 000
30 000
Flow (m3/s)
25 000
20 000
15 000
10 000
5 000
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Inflow Time (hours)
Figure 14. Plot of the 10 000-year flood hydrograph against the discharge hydrograph during the flood
6. Design of non-overflow section
Design of the non-overflow section and determination of the freeboard and
parapet height. Equations to calculate the freeboard and standard values for
NOF profile design are extracted from “Hydraulic Structures” by Sheng Hong
Chen (2015) and the Chinese Standard (SL319-2005) “Design Specification
for Concrete Gravity Dams”.
The design of the non-overflow (NOF) section is mainly the design of the
freeboard that is the vertical distance between the highest point of the dam (top
of the parapet or wave-wall) and the full supply level in the reservoir (Novak
et al., 2007).
∆ℎ = ℎ1% + ℎ𝑧 + ℎ𝑐 (4)
The wave height h1% is computed with table 5 from the wave height associated
to a cumulative frequency of 2% which is calculated with equation 5:
𝑔ℎ2% 1/6
𝑔𝐷 1/3 (5)
= 0,00625𝑣0 ( 2 )
𝑣0 2 𝑣0
where v0 is the wind speed in meters per second, D is the wind zone length or
fetch in kilometres and g is the gravitational acceleration in meters per square
second. The wind speed has different values regarding the design scenario,
being equal to the maximum calculated wind speed vmax under CWL conditions
and 1,5 times this value under NWL conditions. The multi-year average of
maximum wind speed vmax for the designed structure is 14 m/s2, so v0 is 21 m/s2
for CWL and 14 m/s2 for NWL. The wind fetch is 2 km. Therefore, h2% is equal
to 0,09 m for CWL and 0,17 m for NWL conditions.
h1% is determined by the ratio between the wave height for a certain cumulative
frequency and the average wave height which is listed in table 5, where hm is
the average wave height and Hm is the average water depth.
Table 5. Ratio between the wave height for different cumulative frequencies and the average wave
height. Obtained from Chinese Standard (SL319-2005)
ℎ𝑚 p%
𝐻𝑚 0,1 1 2 3 4 5 10 13 20 50
0 2,97 2,42 2,23 2,11 2,02 1,95 1,71 1,61 1,43 0,94
0,1 2,70 2,26 2,09 2,00 1,92 1,87 1,65 1,56 1,41 0,96
0,2 2,46 2,09 1,96 1,88 1,81 1,76 1,59 1,51 1,37 0,98
0,3 2,23 1,93 1,82 1,76 1,70 1,66 1,52 1,45 1,34 1,00
0,4 2,01 1,78 1,68 1,64 1,60 1,56 1,44 1,39 1,30 1,01
0,5 1,80 1,63 1,56 1,52 1,49 1,46 1,37 1,33 1,25 1,01
Given that hm is several orders of magnitude smaller than Hm, it can be safely
assumed that the ratio between both of them is less than 0,1. Entering table 5
with hm/Hm=0,1 and p=2%, it is obtained h2%/hm=2,09. Given the calculated
values of h2%, hm is equal to 0,04 m for CWL and 0,08 m for NWL conditions.
Entering table 5 again but with p=1%, it is obtained h1%/hm=2,26. Thus, h1% is
equal to 0,10 m for CWL and to 0,18 m for NWL conditions.
The height of wave induced surge or the distance between the wave centreline
and the NWL or the CWL (depending on the design scenario) is calculated
with equation 6:
where v0 is the wind speed, D is the wind zone length or fetch in kilometres
and g is the gravitational acceleration in meters per square second. Using the
values of D and v0 previously calculated Lm is equal to 0,24 m for CWL and
0,37 m for NWL conditions. Applying equation 6, hz is equal to 0,12 m for
CWL and equal to 0,27 m for NWL conditions.
Applying equation 4, the freeboard is 0,7 m for CWL conditions and 1,2 m for
NWL conditions.
The total height of the dam is the maximum value between the height at NWL,
equation 8a, and the height at CWL, equation 8b.
𝐻𝑛 = ℎ𝑛 + ∆ℎ𝑛 (8a)
𝐻𝑐 = ℎ𝑐 + ∆ℎ𝑐 (8b)
CWL. Considering this last condition and knowing that the CWL is 186,7 m,
the total height of the dam is 188,0 m.
The possible profiles of the NOF section may be divided into three basic types
depending on the shape of the upstream face: vertical, partially inclined
(battered), inclined. The second type is the chosen one in this design, due to its
increased sliding resistance thanks to the extra weight provided by the water.
Following standard values, the upstream wall has a slope of 0,15 and the
downstream wall has a slope of 0,75. As previously calculated, the height of
the dam is 188,0 meters. It is recommended that the width of the crest falls
between 8-10% of the total height of the dam and always thicker than 2 meters.
Complying with these requirements, the main dimensions of the NOF section
are presented in table 6 and figure 15.
7. Design of overflow section
Design of the overflow section following the provisions from the US Army
Waterways Experimental Station.
The overflow section requires the capacity to safely discharge floods and to
dissipate the large amount of energy from the outflow. Longtan dam uses an
overflow spillway with a trajectory bucket as the energy dissipation
arrangement, which is why the same configuration has been designed in this
The crest profile of the spillway was designed with the provisions from the
U.S. Army Waterways Experimental Station according to figure 16 and
equation 9:
𝑦1,85 = 2,0 ∙ 𝐻ℎ,𝑑 𝑧 (9)
where 𝐻ℎ,𝑑 is the design head value, which is 75%-95% of the maximum head,
𝐻ℎ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 (Novak et al., 2007).
Figure 16. Crest profile of an ogee spillway (U.S. Army Waterways Experimental Station, 1959)
After 27,97 meters in the y-direction and 20,98 meters in the z-direction in
reference to figure 16, the spillway takes on the slope of 1:0,75. This was
determined with the following operations:
𝑦1,85 = 2,0 ∙ 𝐻ℎ,𝑑 𝑧
𝑦 1,85
→𝑧= 0,85
2,0 ∙ 𝐻ℎ,𝑑
𝑦 0,85
→ 𝑧′ = 0,85
2,0 ∙ 𝐻ℎ,𝑑
The maximum head value was assumed to be the difference between the CWL
and the spillway crest level, which gives the following design head value:
To determine when the curve takes on the slope of 1:0,75, the y-value for
z’=1:0,75 had to be determined:
1 0,85
𝑦 = (( ) ∙ 2 ∙ 17,360,85 ) = 27,97 𝑚
It is recommended that the flip angle of the flip-bucket is between 20° to 40°
and that the tailwater elevation should be well below the bucket (Rajan and
Shivanshankara Rao, 1980). Furthermore, the minimum bucket radius should
be three to five times the approach flow depth in the bucket (Mason, 1993).
Since the downstream check water level is 260,2 meters, the elevation of the
flip bucket was set to 262,2 meters. The bucket angle was set to 35° and the
bucket radius was chosen as 12,4𝑑0 , where 𝑑0 is the water depth at the lowest
point of the arc when the gates are fully opened during the 500-year flood. 𝑑0
was determined with equation 10:
𝑄500 (10)
𝑑0 = 𝐵∙𝑣
where B is the spillway length and 𝑄500 is the discharge during the 500-year
flood. The velocity, 𝑣, is determined according to equation 11 taken from the
Chinese Standard DL5108-1999:
𝑣 = 𝜑 ∙ √2 ∙ 𝑔 ∙ 𝐻0 (11)
where 𝐻0 is the difference between bucket elevation and the reservoir level.
𝐻0 was assumed to be the difference between the bucket elevation and the peak
reservoir level during the 500-year flood, which can be found in the flood
routing chapter. 𝜑 is a reduction factor that is set to 95% to account for the
energy losses on the spillway surface. The following velocity was obtained:
Since the spillway length is 130 meters, the following value for 𝑑0 was
determined during the peak discharge during the 500-year flood:
𝑑0 = = 3,7 𝑚
130 ∙ 45,5
𝑦2 (12)
𝑧 = 𝑦𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃0 − 4𝑘 2
𝑡𝑟 ℎ𝑣 cos 𝜃0
where the trajectory coefficient, 𝑘𝑡𝑟 , is equal to 1. 𝜃0 is the angle of the jet
discharging from the flip-bucket and ℎ𝑣 is the velocity head at the bucket
brink. The reference point for the y- and z-coordinates is the brink of the flip-
ℎ𝑣 is determined with equation 13:
where 𝑣𝑏 is the brink velocity that for concrete dams is determined with
equation 14:
0,5 (14)
𝑣𝑏 = 0,808 ∙ (2𝑔𝐻ℎ,𝑡𝑜𝑡 )
The results below describe the trajectory of the free-falling jet when the total
head, 𝐻ℎ,𝑡𝑜𝑡 , is set as the spillway crest level. The discharge angle, 𝜃0 , is equal
to the bucket angle of 35°.
→ ℎ𝑣 = = 108 𝑚
2 ∙ 9,81
With these values, the jet plunges into the downstream when y = 245 meters
and z = -36,7 meters under conditions where the tailwater elevation is 225,5
meters (i.e. when the tailwater level is 30,5 meters). The peak of the jet is
located at y=101 meters and z=35,4 meters (i.e. the peak of the nappe is
elevated 35,4 meters above the brink of the bucket).
The scour depth from the free-falling jet can be estimated with equation 15
taken from the Indian Standard IS 7365:2010:
The scour depth was computed by using the peak discharge during the 500-
year flood and assuming that the tailwater level is 30,5 meters, which gave the
following result:
21983 0,54
𝑑𝑠 = 1,9 ∙ (165 − 30,5)0,225 ∙ ( ) = 91,4 𝑚
The height of the spillway sidewalls was determined with equation 16 taken
from Garg (2006):
ℎ𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 0,61 + 0,04𝑣 ∙ 𝑑03
The velocity and the depth of the water that had been determined previously
gave the following result:
ℎ𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 0,61 + 0,04 ∙ 45,5 ∙ 3,73 = 3,42 𝑚
It is important to keep in mind that the cross-section in figure 17 is only an
initial design of the overflow section that was obtained with several
assumptions and simplifications. The final design of the flip-bucket should be
investigated and developed with the help of scale-models. Another important
aspect is that the estimated scour is 91,4 meters deep when the tailwater level
is only 30,5 meters. Therefore, to protect the riverbed downstream of the dam
from uncontrolled scour, either a plunge pool has to be excavated or a stilling
basin needs to be constructed where the impact occurs. Furthermore, the point
of impact should be studied more extensively as the trajectory of the free-
falling jet depends on the total head. It must be ensured that the plunge pool or
stilling basin is constructed at the right distance from the dam.
8. Loads acting on the dam
Introduction to the forces present in the analysis of a gravity dam. Description
of the magnitude and place of action of each load. Equations for the loads are
taken from the text “Hydraulic Structures” by Sheng Hong Chen (2015). The
standard values of specific weight of concrete, sediments and water given by
the Eurocode are used.
The present report follows the sign convention shown in figure 18.
However, given the location of the dam and the nature of calculations being a
preliminary design, the ice pressure, the seismic dynamic water pressure and
the thermal loads are regarded as negligible. The loads included in the
calculations are as follows:
- Self-weight
- Hydrostatic pressure
- Uplift force
- Dynamic water pressure
- Silt pressure
- Earthquake action
The action of these loads is calculated for the non-overflow section (NOF)
located in the central area of the dam, where the height is largest. The
momentum at M, located in the mid-point of the bottom of the dam, created by
each load is calculated as well.
𝐺 = 𝐴 ∙ 𝛾𝑐 (17)
where, A is the area of the NOF cross-section in square meters and the specific
weight of concrete is 𝛾𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 = 24,0 kN/m3.
The area is determined by dividing the cross-section into three parts (figure
20): the heel, the mid-section and the toe. The area of each part as well as the
total area for the whole cross section can be seen in table 7.
Table 7. Cross-sectional area of NOF section
𝑀𝑖 = 𝐺𝑖 ∙ 𝑥𝑖 (18)
8.2. Hydrostatic pressure
The horizontal hydrostatic pressure (figure 21) on the dam is determined with
equation 19a:
1 (19a)
𝑃ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 2 ∙ 𝛾𝑤 ∙ 𝐻 2
where the unit weight of water is 𝛾𝑤 = 10 kN/m3 and 𝐻 is the water depth in
𝑃𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 = 𝐴𝑤 ∙ 𝛾𝑤 (19b)
8.3. Uplift force
In order to reduce the uplift pressure, two curtains are located seven meters
away from the heel and the toe of the dam. The pressure attenuation at those
points is described by the coefficient 𝛼, chosen according to Chinese Standards
(table B.3.1 in Design Specification for Concrete Gravity Dams (SL319-2005
)), equal to:
The uplift pressure (figure 22) is computed with the following equation 20:
𝑝𝑢𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑡 = 𝛼 ∙ 𝛾𝑤 ∙ 𝐻 (20)
8.4. Silt pressure
The sediments that accumulate in front of the dam will create pressure (figure
23) that can be determined with the following equations 21a and 21b:
1 𝜙𝑠 (21a)
𝑃𝑠𝑘,ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 2 ∙ 𝛾𝑠 ∙ ℎ𝑠2 ∙ tan2 (45° − )
1 (21b)
𝑃𝑠𝑘,𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 = 2 ∙ ℎ𝑠2 ∙ 𝑛 ∙ 𝛾𝑠
where 𝛾𝑤 is the unit weight of water, 𝐿𝑚 is the wave length, ℎ1% is the wave
height with a cumulative frequency of 1% and ℎ𝑧 is the height difference
between the central line of the wave during NWL and CWL.
Figure 24. Dynamic water pressure
Figure 25. Earthquake inertia force and seismic dynamic water pressure
In order to calculate the earthquake inertia force, the dam is subdivided into
ten parts of equal height, see figure 26. Then, the inertia force and the
momentum produced by each part is calculated separately as shown in table 8.
The horizontal seismic inertia force of part i can be calculated with equation
Fi = ah··Gei·i/g (23)
The dynamic distribution coefficient for each part is calculated with equation
24 as:
where, hi is the height of part i, H is the total height of the dam, Gei is the self-
weight of the part i, Ge is the self-weight of the dam and n is the number of
Table 8. Calculation of earthquake inertia force and momentum produced by each subdivision or part
The resultant total horizontal force is equal to 11 445,78 kN/m and the
momentum produced is 728 038,06 kNm/m.
The action of the waves produced by the earthquake is quantified with equation
The action point of this force is located 0,54H below the water surface. The
value of the seismic dynamic pressure acting on the dam is equal to
5 257,19 kN/m and the momentum produced is 439 165,02 kNm/m.
9. Load combination cases
Application of the partial coefficient method to combine the action of the forces
on the dam under two flood conditions: NWL and CWL.
1 𝑓 (26a)
𝛾0 𝜓𝑆(𝛾𝐺 𝐺𝑘 , 𝛾𝑄 𝑄𝑘 , 𝛼𝑘 ) ≤ 𝛾 𝑅(𝛾 𝑘 , 𝛼𝑘 )
𝑑1 𝑚
1 𝑓 (26b)
𝛾0 𝜓𝑆(𝛾𝐺 𝐺𝑘 , 𝛾𝑄 𝑄𝑘 , 𝐴𝑘 , 𝛼𝑘 ) ≤ 𝛾 𝑅(𝛾 𝑘 , 𝛼𝑘 )
𝑑2 𝑚
Three possible scenarios of load combinations are considered:
Scenario 1: The water level in the reservoir is the CWL. No seismic
action is taken into account in this case, since the probability of both
accidental events happening at the same time is minimal.
Scenario 2: The water level in the reservoir is the NWL.
Scenario 3: The water level in the reservoir is the NWL during an
The resulting values for the load combination under scenarios 1, 2 and 3 can
be seen in tables 9, 10 and 11 respectively. The values for the coefficients as
well as equations 26a and 26b are taken from the Chinese Standard Unified
Standard for Reliability Design of Hydraulic Engineering Structures
Table 9. Load combination for scenario 1 and load effects on NOF section
9.2.2. Scenario 2: NWL
Equation 26a is applied to calculate the effects of the loads during the
permanent design situation under normal working conditions. Table 10 shows
the characteristic and design values of the loads and their effects on the NOF
section during scenario 2.
Table 10. Load combination for scenario 2 and load effects on NOF section
9.2.3. Scenario 3: NWL and earthquake
The second possible accidental situation studied is the effect of an earthquake
during NWL in the reservoir. Results after applying equation 26b are shown in
table 11.
Table 11. Load combination for scenario 3 and load effects on NOF section
10. Stability analysis
Study of overturning, sliding, seepage and compressive capacity at the body-
foundation interface under NWL and CWL conditions. The texts “Hydraulic
Structures” by Novak et al. (2007) and “Design of Small Dams” by USBR
(1987) are followed to perform the stability analysis.
The stability of the dam is studied in the most vulnerable section of the dam.
The central section of the dam, marked as S1 in figure 27, is the largest section
of the structure, thus the one withstanding the largest forces. The NOF section
S1 is located 371,74 meters from the left abutment. This section is analysed
under the load combination cases defined in chapter 8.
It is assumed that the dam is formed by vertical elements that individually carry
their load to the rock foundation without any load transfer from or to adjacent
elements. It is also assumed that the vertical stresses follow a linear variation
from upstream to downstream on all horizontal sections. Having these
assumptions in consideration, in order for the dam to be stable, it shall be safe
against sliding, overturning and the safe unit stresses in the concrete shall not
be exceeded (Novak et al., 2007).
10.1. Overturning
Scenario 3 is excluded from the overturning analyses, due to the transient and
oscillatory nature of the seismic loads. To estimate the probability of
overturning, the moments produced at the toe by all the loads acting on the
dam are computed and contrasted. Following the sign convention diagram in
figure 18, are considered restoring moments those that produce a positive
moment at the toe, and overturning moments, those that produce a negative
moment. The safety factor against overturning fO, is the proportion of restoring
moments against overturning ones. This factor should be over 1,5 though a
value up to 1,25 is still considered acceptable. There is risk of failure due to
overturning with safety factors lower than 1,25 (Novak et al., 2007).
Table 13. Study of overturning risk under NWL conditions in section S1
Studying section S1 the safety factor is 2,2 under CWL conditions, and 2,4
under NWL. As seen in tables 12 and 13, there is no overturning hazard present
in neither NWL nor CWL situation.
10.2. Sliding
Generally, the condition of safety against sliding has to be met in three areas
of the dam: in the dam body, especially horizontal construction joints, in the
dam-foundation interface, and in the foundation, especially in geological
discontinuities and fractures. Only the second one is studied in this preliminary
design. The influence of joints and the of the fractures and discontinuities in
the foundation would require a more in detailed study that exceeds the scope
of the present report.
The stability of the dam against sliding is measured with the homonymous
factor, that in this case is estimated as the shear friction factor FSF shown in
equation 27a (Novak et al., 2007).
𝑆 (27a)
𝐹𝑆𝐹 = ∑𝐻
𝑆 = 𝑐 · 𝐴ℎ + ∑𝑉 · 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜙 (27a)
where c is the cohesion in meganewton per square meter, Ah is the area of plane
of contact or thickness in 2D in square meter, V is the total vertical load in
kilonewton and is the angle of shearing resistance.
Recommended values for c and tan at the concrete-rock interface for sound
rock are 1,0-3,0 MNm-2 and 1,0-1,8 respectively (USBR, 1987). Tables 14, 15
and 16 include the selected values for the present design, these being selected
as 1,5 MNm-2 and 1,1 respectively.
The USBR (1987) recommends that the minimum FSF at the concrete-rock
interface should be 3,0 for scenario 2 and greater than 1,0 for scenarios 1 and
3. Following this, the present design is at risk of sliding in scenario 2 (tables
15a and 15b). This does not come as a surprise since the condition of safety
against sliding is usually the most critical of all the conditions that need to be
met by the design (Novak et al., 2007). As the resultant vertical load V is
several orders of magnitude larger than the thickness of the dam, this value is
most influential on the shear resistance. Consequently, the selection of a larger
or smaller tan strongly affects the resistance capacity against sliding (tables
15a and 15b). Measures that shall be taken to ensure safety against sliding are:
Table 14. Study of sliding risk under CWL conditions in section S1
Table 15b. Study of sliding risk under NWL conditions in section S1 with larger tan
Table 16. Study of sliding risk under NWL and earthquake conditions in section S1
∑𝑉 6𝑒 (28)
𝜎𝑧 = (1 ± )
where T is the dam thickness, V is the resultant vertical load on the horizontal
plane and e is the eccentricity of the resultant vertical load.
Table 17. Vertical normal stresses under CWL conditions in section S1 at concrete-rock interface
Table 18. Vertical normal stresses under NWL conditions in section S1 at concrete-rock interface
10.3.1. Middle third rule
In order for the structure to be stable and no tensions to be developed between
the dam and the foundation, the resultant of the vertical load shall fall within
the middle third area of the total surface as shown in figure 29.
The thickness of the dam is 149,4 meters at the body-foundation interface. This
means that the resultant vertical load shall be within the central 49,8 meters.
Dividing the moment produced at M by the value of the resultant load, the
eccentricity of the resultant load is 9,4 meters. Therefore, no tensions are
developed at the base of the dam.
The following points were studied in the seepage analysis with GeoStudio:
- Velocity field
- Pore-water pressure
- Pressure head
- Flow net
- Seepage velocity (Y- and Z-direction)
The analysis was performed for the S1 cross-section, where the dam has the
largest dimensions, see figure 27. The structure was analysed under both NWL
and CWL conditions. The material properties used for the seepage analysis can
be seen in table 19.
Table 19. List of material properties used in the seepage analysis
The foundation at the dam site consists of a thick layer of limestone, which is
why the hydraulic conductivity for limestone found in Linsley et al. (1992) was
set as the hydraulic conductivity for the base material. The hydraulic
conductivity for the upstream face concrete wall and the RCC was based on
experimental results found in Mesic et al. (1994). Test results of the hydraulic
conductivity for a mix incorporating standard Portland cement was used for
the concrete, and test results from a mixture with standard Portland cement and
fly ash was used as the value for the RCC. The hydraulic conductivity for a
cement-based grout mix found in Allan and Philippacopoulos (1999) was used
as the value for the grout curtain. It was assumed that all materials are isotropic.
The model that was used for the seepage analysis can be seen in figure 30.
Figure 30. FE-model of the dam that was used in the seepage analysis
Table 20. Boundary conditions applied to the FE-model in the seepage analysis
10.4.1. Results
Seepage – Velocity field – NWL conditions
In figure 31 the seepage velocity field during NWL conditions can be seen.
The black arrows represent the seepage velocity, where the longer arrows
correspond to a higher seepage velocity. The highest flow of water occurs
under the curtains and at the heel and toe of the dam, while the seepage directly
under the dam is lower.
Figure 33. Pressure head and flow net (green lines) during NWL conditions
Seepage in Z-direction – NWL conditions
Figure 35 shows that the seepage velocity in the Z-direction during NWL
conditions. The colour scale on the left side in figure 35 shows the velocity that
each colour in the figure represents. The peak value is 4,5∙10-7 m/s which
occurs next to the dam heel, curtains and the dam toe.
Seepage – Pore-water pressure – CWL conditions
The pore-water pressure during CWL conditions can be seen in figure 37. The
colour scale on the left side in figure 37 shows the pressure that each colour in
the figure represents. The pore-water pressure has a value of 1 000-1 500 kPa
between the curtains underneath the base of the dam.
Figure 38. Pressure head with flow net (green lines) during CWL conditions
Seepage in Y-direction – CWL conditions
Figure 39 shows that the seepage velocity in the Y-direction during CWL
conditions. The colour scale on the left side in figure 39 shows the velocity that
each colour in the figure represents. The peak value is 5,0∙10-7 m/s which
occurs underneath the grout curtains.
10.4.2. Discussion
The seepage results from SEEP/W during both NWL conditions and CWL
conditions are very similar and no significant difference can be observed
between the two cases.
The velocity fields in figure 31 and figure 36 show that the highest velocities
occur underneath the dam heel, grout curtains and the dam toe while the
seepage underneath the dam base is smaller. The flow nets in figure 33 and
figure 38 reveal that the seepage flow underneath the base of the dam is
reduced by the grouting curtains. This can also be seen in figure 39 and figure
40 where the seepage velocity in the area between the grout curtains is lower
than in the surrounding area. There is also a significant drop in the pore-water
pressure that can be observed at the curtains in figure 32 and figure 37. The
pore-water pressure is reduced from 2 000 kPa to 1 500 kPa at the upstream
curtain and from 1 500 kPa to 1 000 kPa at the downstream curtain. This
implies that the grout curtains work as intended.
The highest seepage velocity in the Y-direction is 5,0∙10-7 m/s and 4,5∙10-7 m/s
in the Z-direction (figure 39 and figure 40). These are small values, which
shouldn’t lead to any complications even though some of the highest seepage
velocities occur next to sensitive regions like the heel and toe. The limit for
seepage velocities that might induce harmful scour and erosion in loose earth
and rocks is 0,6-1,0 m/s (Linsley et al., 1992).
11. Stress analysis
Stress analysis at the horizontal plane defined by the concrete-rock interface
during NWL, CWL and earthquake conditions. Study of shear and principal
stresses applying the gravity method. Results are compared to permissible
stresses of concrete. The texts “Hydraulic Structures” by Novak et al. (2007)
and “Design of Small Dams” by USBR (1987) are followed to perform the
stress analysis.
where pw is the hydrostatic pressure in kilonewton per meter, tan is the slope
of the upstream and downstream walls and z is the vertical normal stress at
the upstream and downstream walls. The computed values of the shear stresses
for scenarios 1, 2 and 3 are presented in tables 21, 22 and 23 respectively.
Figure 41. Shear stresses on horizontal planes, 𝜏zy
Table 21. Shear stresses under CWL conditions in section S1 at concrete-rock interface
Table 22. Shear stresses under NWL conditions in section S1 at concrete-rock interface
Table 23. Shear stresses under NWL + earthquake conditions in section S1 at concrete-rock interface
11.3. Principal stresses
Equations 30a and 30b are used to calculate the maximum and minimum
principal stress respectively, illustrated in figure 42.
𝜎𝑧 +𝜎𝑦
𝜎1 = + 𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 (30a)
𝜎𝑧 +𝜎𝑦
𝜎3 = − 𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 (30b)
where z is the vertical normal stress, y is the horizontal normal stress and
max is the maximum shear stress that can be computed with equation 31:
1/2 (31)
𝜎𝑧 −𝜎𝑦 2
𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = (( ) + 𝜏2)
The maximum and minimum principal stresses occur at the upstream and
downstream dam faces, since they are both planes of zero shear stresses. The
boundary values 1 and 3 are calculated with equations 32a and 32b for the
upstream face and 32c and 32d for the downstream face.
𝜎3,𝑢𝑝 = 𝑝𝑤 (32b)
𝜎1,𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛 = 𝜎𝑧,𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛 (1 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 𝜙𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛 ) (32c)
𝜎3,𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛 = 0 (32d)
where z,up and z,down are the vertical normal stress on the upstream and
downstream faces, pw is the hydrostatic pressure upstream and tan is the slope
of the upstream and downstream faces.
The resulted values of the principal stresses for CWL and NWL conditions are
shown in tables 24 and 25.
11.4. Permissible stresses
As stated by Novak et al. (2007) the compressive stresses generated in gravity
dams are generally very low, seldom exceeding 2,0–3,0 MN/m2, which is
congruent with the results obtained for the present design. Either a safety factor
or a maximum allowable compressive stress is defined. The USBR (1987) sets
this maximum value as 10 MN/m2 for NWL condition and as 15 MN/m2 for
CWL condition.
All of the computed stresses are far from these allowable values, making the
designed dam qualify as safe. It must be remembered that all normal stresses
shall be larger or equal to zero, to prevent the development of tensile stresses.
The analysis was performed on the S1 cross-section, where the dam has the
largest dimensions, see figure 27. The structure was analysed under both
NWL- and CWL conditions.
The material properties for the stress and displacement analysis were set
according to table 26.
Table 26. List of material properties used in the stress- and displacement analysis
The material properties for the base were selected based on the fact that the
foundation consists of a thick layer of limestone. The Young’s modulus for the
limestone was found in Graham (1997), the unit weight was found in Fine
(n.d.) and the Poisson ratio for limestone was found in Engineering ToolBox
(2008a). The material parameters for the grout curtain were selected based on
experimental results for a cement-based grout mix found in Allan and
Philippacopoulos (1999). A simplification was made, in the sense that is
assumed that the whole dam body is constructed with the same concrete
material. The unit weight of concrete was assumed to be 24 kN/m3, while the
values for the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio for concrete were retrieved
from Engineering ToolBox (2008b).
The model that was used in the analysis can be seen in figure 43. The base is
constrained from moving in the Y- and Z-direction at the bottom and the sides
of the base are restrained from moving in the Y-direction (see orange colour).
The loads applied in the model are upstream hydrostatic pressure (pink),
downstream hydrostatic pressure (light blue), uplift (red) and self-weight. The
uplift was applied according to section 8.3.
Figure 43. FE-model of the dam that used in the stress- and displacement analysis
11.5.1. Results
Displacements – Deformed grid – NWL conditions
The deformed grid during NWL conditions can be seen in red in figure 44,
where the displacements have been magnified with a factor of 350 to make the
deformation noticeable. The dam seems to get tilted towards the downstream
side and pressured down towards the foundation.
Figure 44. The deformed grid of the dam (magnified with a factor of 350) during NWL conditions
Displacements – Displacement vectors - NWL conditions
The displacement vectors during NWL conditions can be seen in red in figure
45. The vectors show towards which direction each point is going to be
displaced. The displacement vectors at the top of the dam body are directed
towards the dam toe while the vectors at the dam base are more vertical
directed towards the foundation. This should imply that the top of the dam
body wants to tilt to the downstream side while the base is pressured to the
Minimal stresses - NWL conditions
The minimal stresses during NWL conditions can be seen in figure 53. The
minimal stress in the dam toe is -2 MPa tension. The minimal stress in the dam
heel is around -14 MPa tension and the minimal stress in the foundation
underneath the dam heel is around -10 MPa tension.
Figure 54. The deformed grid of the dam (magnified with a factor of 350) during CWL conditions
Displacements – Displacement vectors - CWL conditions
The displacement vectors during CWL conditions can be seen in red in figure
55. The vectors show towards which direction each point is going to be
displaced. The displacement vectors at the top of the dam body are directed
towards the dam toe while the vectors at the dam base are more vertical
directed towards the foundation. This should imply that the top of the dam
body wants to tilt to the downstream side while the base is pressured to the
to the downstream side. The foundation underneath the base of the dam is
displaced around 1,0 centimetres to the downstream side.
Displacements in YZ-direction - CWL conditions
The displacement in the YZ-direction during CWL conditions can be seen in
figure 58. The colour scale on the left side in figure 58 shows what
displacement each colour in the figure represents. The displacement is around
6,0 centimetres in the YZ-direction at the top of the dam. At the foundation
underneath the base of the dam the displacement in the YZ-direction is around
4,0 centimetres.
11.5.2. Discussion
Displacement analysis
The results from the displacement analysis in SIGMA/W show that the dam is
going to tilt slightly towards the downstream side and that there will be some
settlement of the structure. This behaviour seems reasonable when considering
the loads that are acting on the structure. The horizontal hydrostatic pressure
will try to overturn the dam while the self-weight of the dam will push the
structure down towards the foundation.
The distribution of stresses is very similar during both NWL conditions and
CWL conditions. The only significant difference is that the stresses during
CWL conditions are around 2 MPa higher than during NWL conditions in the
areas with peak values (the dam heel and dam toe). This is reasonable as the
hydrostatic loading is higher during CWL conditions than during NWL
The shear stress is 0 MPa in most of the dam body (figure 49 and figure 59).
The shear stress in the heel reaches up to 8 MPa during NWL conditions and
10 MPa during CWL conditions. The toe is subjected to 6 MPa shear stress
during both NWL and CWL conditions. The compressive stress in the dam is
in general around 0-4 MPa in most of the dam structure during both cases
(figure 52 and figure 62). The peak compressive stress values can be observed
in the dam toe where the compression is 10 MPa during NWL conditions and
12 MPa during CWL conditions. The tensile stress is 0 MPa in most of the dam
body in both cases, except in the dam heel where the tension is -14 MPa during
NWL conditions and -16 MPa during CWL conditions (figure 53 and figure
63). The highest compressive stress in the foundation is 10 MPa (figure 62)
and occurs under the toe. The highest tensile stress in the foundation is
-10 MPa and it can be observed underneath the dam heel (figure 63).
The high stress values in the heel and toe of the dam are most likely caused by
stress singularities. Stress singularities occur in sharp corners of a FE-model
and result in unreasonably high stress values that grow to infinity unless a
stress limit is defined for the materials in the FE-model (Sönnerlind, 2015).
Further investigations are necessary to determine how the peak stresses will
affect the materials. The limestone can resist the peak stresses if the foundation
is of sufficient strength. The concrete can endure the peak compressive stresses
in the dam toe, but the high tensile stresses in the dam heel will lead to a tensile
failure. In reality this will lead to cracks in the concrete in the sharp corner of
the dam heel, and the stresses will be redistributed. The effect of this can be
comparable to changing the fillet radius of the sharp corners and it will not lead
to problems to the rest of the structure, unless the loadings are cyclic which
can cause fatigue (Sönnerlind, 2015).
12. Conclusions
Even though the design mainly follows values and expressions from Chinese
Standards, these are in turn based on international regulations like the
Eurocodes and the work produced by the USBR.
The results obtained in this preliminary design ensure that the non-overflow
section is safe against compressive stress and overturning. However, it is
recommended that the self-weight of the dam is slightly increased so that the
structure is sufficiently safe against sliding. Moreover, even though the
analytical calculations did not show it, the FEM modelling indicates the risk
for tensile failure is high in the dam heel. Therefore, reinforcements in the dam
heel should be considered to avoid seepage problems. Furthermore, a stilling
basing must be added to the design to prevent erosion downstream.
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