Literature Review On Sources of Water

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Crafting a comprehensive literature review on the sources of water can be an arduous task, often

requiring extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing scholarly works. Delving into
the vast realm of water sources entails navigating through a multitude of academic papers, reports,
studies, and other relevant sources to gather valuable insights and information.

The process of conducting a literature review demands meticulous attention to detail and a deep
understanding of the subject matter. It involves identifying key themes, theories, methodologies, and
findings across various sources, while also critically evaluating the credibility and reliability of the

One of the greatest challenges in writing a literature review on sources of water lies in the sheer
volume and diversity of available literature. Sorting through numerous publications, ranging from
scientific journals to government reports, can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Moreover,
synthesizing disparate sources to construct a coherent narrative that addresses research questions or
objectives requires skillful analysis and interpretation.

In addition to the complexity of the task itself, individuals may encounter obstacles such as limited
access to certain academic databases or difficulty in obtaining relevant literature. Furthermore,
ensuring the accuracy and relevance of the information gathered amidst the ever-evolving landscape
of water-related research poses another significant challenge.

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Surface water is considered as a public property in most communities in Ghana; for others, the onus
lies on the king or chief and his kinsmen. Oregon, and other states interested in this issue, would
have to determine if these relationships reflect what is experienced in local communities. The
dynamic nature of the search strategy required the authors to change the search terms and strategy,
for example, if digital databases did not yield the expected search items the study would manually
search for information sources. Single cases, while not investigated, contribute to the background
rate of infection from waterborne disease. Author Contributions This study has been developed with
the contribution of all its authors. Stage 2: In the search process, files with poor relevance to the
topic will inevitably be retrieved. IWRM is a means of achieving three thematic objectives of
efficiency, equity and sustainability. The study provides the first systematic identification of
communities on the fringes of towns in Wake County, North Carolina, lacking access to municipal
water service. We further conducted a complete bibliometric, statistical and meta-analysis of the 271
records. The WAWRP objectives can potentially set up the region on an effective IWRM trajectory
which can be mimicked and upscaled in other regions. Section3 provides details of the major
application of ML in water resources management, along A Review on Water Resources
Management Modeling (PDF) A Review on Water Resources Management Modeling DOI: Authors:
Zahidul Islam Government of Alberta Abstract and Figures General objectives of water resources
management models are to. The density map of WRCC keywords co-occurrence in this study is
shown in Figure 9. FIGURE 9. Hotspot analysis. In Figure 9, apart from water resources carrying
capacity, there is also carrying capacity, water resources, management, sustainable development,
model, China, system dynamics, and other hot spots in the field of WRCC research. Elevation of
source of supply: The source of water must be on high contour, so as to flow water by gravity. Lake
Victoria, the source of the Nile River is shared by the three East African states of Kenya, Uganda
and Tanzania. According to Mantey ( 2017 ) fresh water bodies in the following regions of Ghana
have been polluted due to illegal mining activities. Occurrence of groundwater in the basement
complex is linked to the development of secondary porosity hence causing the fracturing, jointing,
shearing and weathering. Total water storage trends have varied across regions over the past century.
You get the consciously decide what has meaning and what doesn’t. To capture groundwater-level
data and climatic and seasonal impacts on aquifers, OWRD continues to develop observation wells
throughout the state and in basin study sites. About 1,000,000,000 people in the world do not have
clean drinking water. Ghana is drained by the South-Western, Volta, and Coastal River Systems.
Also, freshwater resources usage can be put into two main categories, namely ex situ (withdrawal
use) and in situ or in-stream use and could also be referred to as the consumptive and non-
consumptive use, respectively. Proper protection of the site of spring from defecation and drainage
is. Challenges that emerge from these management mechanisms include: weak enforcement of Acts,
mechanisms to reconcile customary law and practices with statutory laws in the constitutional
discourse were not provided, top-down approach to decision making that has sideline the
community members, lack of regulations for surface water, climate variability and others. The main
water quality characteristics of streams, rivers and lakes include the physical, chemical and biological
features which are of prime importance to water engineers (Owusu et al. 2016 ). Physical variables
Physical properties of groundwater. The annual runoff contribution from Volta is 64.70%, 29.20%
from South-Western and 6.10% from Coastal system in Ghana (Ghana National Water Policy 2007;
Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing 2012 ). Two of the five articles were published in
2008, and one each in 2009, 2011 and 2014. Taylor Jones Dr. Joanna Castner Post Intro to College
Writing What is your research question. Lastly, the paper presents the conclusion. 2 Methodology 2.1
conceptual framework and methodology. The problem extends to the new Juaben communities and
Koforidua where fresh water bodies around those communities have been polluted due to fishing
activities. Political shenanigans created an imbalance that resulted in two forms of water i.e., water as
an economic good vs.
The water resources will be able to support current generations in quality and quantity as well as
future generations. Taylor Water Cycle Innovation Ltd, Johannesburg, Gauten, South Africa Karen
G. In 1990s, the concept of WRCC was clearly put forward by Shi Yafeng, an Academician of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences ( Shi and Qu, 1992 ). However, related resources such as fisheries,
forestry and land were establishment of Fisheries, Minerals and Lands Commissions tasked to
manage and coordinate policy in connection with these resources. Sanctions for rules violation are by
slaughtering of sheep to sanctify the gods or ancestors, payment of fines to community elders or the
provision of schnapps, local chief or the priests or priestesses (Sarpong 1993 -1995; Mensah 1999;
Opoku-Agyeman 2001 ). Due to colonisation and the advent of dynamism in culture as well as the
proliferation of western religions, the venom of customary rule has significantly diminished and
ineffective for water usage rules enforcement. Stage 3: We analyzed all the topic-related records by
using both statistical analysis and bibliometric analysis at the same time. Thereafter, sub-section 3.4
presents the prospect of IWRM in the East, West and Southern Africa regions. Over the past 6 years
and counting, Ghana’s per capita availability of water resources is reducing daily. You get the
consciously decide what has meaning and what doesn’t. Traditional approach to water resources
management Water is the most treasured natural resource in the Ghana culture. The study controlled
for a possible confounder (SES) by comparing a non-interactive regression model (race and ethnicity
and SDWA compliance) to an interactive model (race and ethnicity and SDWA with SES as a
confounding variable). Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article. Scanlon, B.R.,
Fakhreddine, S., Rateb, A. et al. Global water resources and the role of groundwater in a resilient
water future. Two of the five articles were published in 2008, and one each in 2009, 2011 and 2014.
We grouped all results meeting criteria for inclusion into three categories which include policy,
surveillance and indicators. The guiding significance of the deployment, is that the research scale of
WRCC has begun to gradually shift to the basin scale (regions C and D in Figure 10 ). 3.4
Comprehensive analysis of WRCC development The overall situation of the number of papers
retrieved in the core database of Web of Science is shown in Figure 11. FIGURE 11. Analysis of
publication on WRCC studies. The menace has been evident through the loss of live through
collapse of pits that ended up killing some of their members and even the security as we recently
witness in the loud cry of Captain Mahama’s death. Recommendations for Oregon include
characterizing communities experiencing water insecurity, assessing community needs, tracking
regional water scarcity and recognizing the human right to water in Oregon. 1. Introduction Despite
the common belief that Oregon is water-rich, population- and climate-driven pressures on water
insecurity are a real concern for all people in Oregon. The local authorities outline specific rules to
manage water resources usually engineered by fetish priestesses and priests though these may
slightly vary depending on the location. The survey included 32 interview questions about water
insecurity (for example, socio-demography, water quality, quantity, accessibility, reliability and utility,
food insecurity, perceived stress and infant feeding). According to Mantey ( 2017 ), the Enu River
which serves residents at Konogo in the Ashanti Region is polluted due to illegal mining activities. In
2017, both the number of articles and the number of proceeding papers decreased significantly.
Therefore, we concluded that the content after first 500 files does not contain relevant literature
related to WRCC. 3) The third step of screening was to manually check the contents of the first 500
records one after the other. Based upon initial search results, key informant interviews and an
internet search of “university water initiatives,” we searched gray literature finding 15 separate
agency and university water initiatives, their publication lists and research projects. The impact factor
is one of the many elements that determine the quality of a journal. Section3 provides details of the
major application of ML in water resources management, along A Review on Water Resources
Management Modeling (PDF) A Review on Water Resources Management Modeling DOI: Authors:
Zahidul Islam Government of Alberta Abstract and Figures General objectives of water resources
management models are to. Management of water resources concerns is cross cutting in order to
achieve the outcomes of the plan will necessitate a collective effort to influence some other sectors.
Water management can be sectioned into three, namely managing water services, then managing the
resource and managing the trade-offs needed to equipoise demand and supply (United Nations 2014
). Top 14 Earth Science Essay Topics You Can Choose From. The founding legal basis resonates with
the Dublin principles.
Two of the five articles were published in 2008, and one each in 2009, 2011 and 2014. These river
systems make up 70, 22 and 8%, respectively, of the total land area of about 240,000 km 2. We used
The George Washington University Himmel Health Sciences Library and the State Library of Oregon
to obtain access to full-length articles. The quantity of water from such sources depends on
catchment area. Donor aid cannot be downplayed in pushing for IWRM diffusion in low-income aid-
dependent countries of West Africa. The country has what it takes to harness this, as there is
abundance of sun particularly in northern Ghana, the only challenge could probably be finance (cost).
To capture groundwater-level data and climatic and seasonal impacts on aquifers, OWRD continues
to develop observation wells throughout the state and in basin study sites. Subsurface water sources
are springs, infiltration wells, and tube wells. This however decreased slightly in 2011 compared
with 2010, and maintained a steady upward trend from 2011 to 2016. Understanding water quality
and quantity needs and inequities in access to safe water in Oregon is a prerequisite to developing
community-specific and culturally-relevant water security policy solutions to help communities build
adaptive capacity, strengthen resiliency and protect the health of all people in Oregon. It is important
to note that of all the water on earth only 2.5% is made up of fresh water and it is distributed all
around the world leaving less than one (1%) per cent of fresh water accessible in lakes, river channels
and underground (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2003; WRC 2005 ).
Qualitative research mostly elaborates its theoretical basis and important significance. While the
study aimed to reveal large-scale impact, researchers can use remote sensing to assess water scarcity
regionally. The efforts made to improve water quality and public health are by improving WASH
(water, sanitation, and hygiene) facilities and infrastructure and also WASH education. High nutrient
loads were observed in the basin and the study attributed it to agricultural, domestic and industrial
activities. Many nodes are directly connected to “water resources carrying capacity”, and other nodes
are connected to this node through intermediate nodes. He acknowledges he is not perfect and has
gathered the information he is about to present from his past personal experiences, mistakes, and
thoughts. High levels of collaboration among stakeholders and agencies have already been developed
by WRC; this will be maintained and further strengthened. While the project offers a comprehensive
guidebook and rationale for conducting a HWISE study, the project is still underway with no results
to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. Water resource management denotes the skilful,
efficient and effective planning of the fresh water resources that are scarce for efficient use by all
living organisms. These resources are made up of all groundwater and surface water that can be
treated for purpose of human use. Citation: Dirwai TL, Kanda EK, Senzanje A, Busari TI (2021)
Water resource management: IWRM strategies for improved water management. Then SciSpace
would allow you to download your references in Water Research Endnote style according to Elsevier
guidelines. It may have qualities similar to the deep wells or of the characteristics of Surface. In
addition, the WEF nexus approach can potentially facilitate a shift to a circular approach that
decouples over dependence on one finte resource for development. Although they are, like all plants,
meant to be grown outside, it is possible to grow radishes inside with similar results. The judgment
made by these tribunals was abided by due to the fear for the fetish priestesses and priests. For
example, despite having significant water resources, the lack of a collective effort by the
governments to train water experts at national level presents a challenge for adoption. Since we
hand-searched state-and university-based water initiatives, it was difficult to determine if we found
all existing initiatives and risk of search bias exists. However, conflicts that emanate from water
resources use were squarely handled by traditional authorities. This period belongs to the research
and development stage of WRCC study.
Affum AO, Dede Osae S, Nyarko BJB, Afful S, Fianko JK, Akiti TT, Adomako D, Acquaah SO,
Dorleku M, Antoh E, Barnes F, Affum EA (2015) Total coliforms, arsenic and cadmium exposure
through drinking water in the Western Region of Ghana: application of multivariate statistical
technique to groundwater quality. Therefore, time sequence analysis of keywords helps to clarify the
development context and knowledge base of the concept. Therefore, we could feasibly produce
neither an aggregate measure of effect nor a critical appraisal of studies. 2.1. Search Strategy and
Screening Criteria We looked for sources discussing water insecurity at the individual, household,
community, state and national level with a public health focus. Net trends in total water storage data
from the GRACE satellite mission range from ?310?km 3 to 260?km 3 total over a 19-year record in
different regions globally, caused by climate and human intervention. However, with the availability
of these sources of water supplies there is entirely no institution or office mandated or tasked under
the customary regime to provide water for indigenes (Mensah 1999 ). However, water as a resource
is increasingly becoming scares and low in quality as a result of rapid population growth,
urbanisation and diversified use such as fisheries, irrigation, industrial processes, hydropower
generation and ecosystem support services (Ghana National Water Policy 2007 ). For surface water
resources alone, it is projected that consumptive water demand would reach 5 billion m 3 by 2020,
that is equivalent to 12% of the total surface water resources (WRC 2005 ) (Fig. 2 ). Distribution of
consumptive or ex situ use of freshwater resources Non-consumptive or in situ use Unlike
consumptive water use, non-consumptive water or in situ use is linked to activities that require no
withdrawal of water from its main source. The literature that qualified for inclusion was thoroughly
analysed and discussed. At the concept proposition stage as well as the early exploration stage, the
number of articles published was relatively few and almost all were written in Chinese. Our goal is
to inform public health agencies, water resources management agencies and policymakers about
water insecurity inequities and interventions to make the most informed decisions to mitigate risk.
4.4.1. Characterize Populations Experiencing Inequities in Access to Water Prior to identifying water
insecurity needs, state agencies must recognize which communities are experiencing water access
disparities. These communities recognized inequities in access to safe drinking water. Carrying
capacity assessment with a pilot study of Kenya: A resource accounting methodology for sustainable
development. Quality: The available water must not be toxic or other injurious to health. The
selected lieterature was subjected to qualitative analysis to capture recurring themes amongst the
selected regions (East, West and Southern Africa). The annual runoff of 56.4 billion m 3 is
contributed from all rivers with Volta River contributing a massive 41.6 billion m 3. The mean annual
runoff of 38.7 billion m 3 is from the Volta basin in Ghana thus about 64.70% of the total annual
runoff. The survey included 32 interview questions about water insecurity (for example, socio-
demography, water quality, quantity, accessibility, reliability and utility, food insecurity, perceived
stress and infant feeding). The country has what it takes to harness this, as there is abundance of sun
particularly in northern Ghana, the only challenge could probably be finance (cost). Retrieved
December 2017, from Download references Author information Authors and affiliations.
Unavailability of trained water experts (who in any case are diffusion media) results in a lack of
diffusion channels that facilitate policy interpretation, translation and its subsequent implementation.
The tool uses available data to identify the water system number and name, the regulating agency, the
county, the service connections, city, zip code, compliance status and the violation details (type of
contamination). 3.1.3. Indicators Water poverty index studies. In addressing this, the minimal usage
of charcoal is encouraged and replaced with liquefied petroleum gas by former President John
Mahama of Ghana (in his administration) tried to achieve by giving out some cylinders to some rural
people since, they rely a lot on wood for cooking. I hope my presentation isn't going to take too long
and that you will find it interesting. Political shenanigans created an imbalance that resulted in two
forms of water i.e., water as an economic good vs. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services. Endowed with a significant number of
water bodies, Africa must adopt a blend of IWRM strategy and the water energy food nexus (WEF)
for maximising regional cooperation and subsequent economic gains. Two of the 42 waterborne
disease outbreaks occurred in Oregon, affecting individuals served by community water systems. In
June 2013, Oregon reported 119 cases of Cryptosporidium from a lake or reservoir resulting in two
hospitalizations. According to Mantey ( 2017 ) fresh water bodies in the following regions of Ghana
have been polluted due to illegal mining activities. We assessed 2323 articles and gray literature
items for relevance. From the keywords co-occurrence density map, we can clearly find research
hotspots in the field. Afterwards, other concepts such as Land Carrying Capacity ( Shi et al., 2013 ),
Environmental Carrying Capacity ( Li et al., 2019 ), and Resource Carrying Capacity ( Wang et al.,
2020 ) emerged, peaking research on carrying capacity.
Land use impacts on water resources: A literature review. Various initiatives were put in place to aid
the adoption of IWRM in sub-Sahara Africa. At the same time, the model node and the system
dynamics node are also the most closely connected nodes to each other. It was realized that water
standing condition is at alarming stage. Positives drawn from the region are the deliberate
institutional collaborations. Social determinants that affect access to clean and safe water such as
socioeconomic conditions (for example, concentrated poverty), population distribution and
community engagement. The search strategy used a combination of keywords including “water
security,” “water insecurity,” “water scarcity,” “water access” “water stress,” “public health” and
“surveillance.” Appendix A, Table A1 describes the complete strategy for the Water Security Journal
in the ScienceDirect database. Taylor Water Cycle Innovation Ltd, Johannesburg, Gauten, South
Africa Karen G. Delivered through a father’s perspective, the poem “For Julia, in Deep Water”
resembles a father’s serious and candid conversation with his daughter. From early 1970, population
and economic expansion, which sustained for 30 years, created a contradiction between social
development and environmental sustainability and this triggered a worldwide exploration of the
issue of Resources and Environmental Carrying Capacity (RECC). Fifty-two years ago, this
indicator attained a supreme value of 4 276 in 1962 as at 2014. Total water storage trends have
varied across regions over the past century. The number of citations of the 5 articles are in the order
109, 91, 76, 73, 70. Like for surface water and shallow wells BOD, Chlorine demand and ammonia
test is. In 1964, Akosombo was the first reservoir constructed for hydroelectric power; it was about
100 km from the flowing together of the Sea and the Volta. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The retrieval
time is August 15, 2020. 2.2.2 Records screening During the search process, some files irrelevant to
the topic will inevitably be retrieved. A lack of political will and pragmatism amplified the poor
adoption and operationalisation of IWRM, a poorly performing economy and fleeing donor agencies
resulted in less funding for water-related project. Impoundments or reservoirs Reservoirs or dams
and impoundments have been created for the purpose of water supply, irrigation, hydroelectric power
generation and ecosystem support. From 2000 to 2010, the number of articles published increased.
The Act is the main instrument that directs water use and its management in Ghana. It can also be
seen from Figure 9 that model and system dynamics are the commonest vocabularies, meaning that a
lot of research is carried out by building models or using system dynamics methods to study WRCC.
Among them, Feng, Lihua, Lei, Kun, Meng, Lihong published 4 articles each while the remaining 7
authors published 3 articles each. Management of water resources concerns is cross cutting in order
to achieve the outcomes of the plan will necessitate a collective effort to influence some other
sectors. In terms of freshwater resources usage, the two main categories are ex situ (withdrawal use)
and in situ or in-stream use and could also be referred to as the consumptive and non-consumptive
use, respectively. The selection of the countries of interest was based on the authors geo-locations
and their expert experiences with the IWRM strategy in their respective localities. From the
perspective of research objects, previous studies have focused more on some provinces and cities.
The universal transboundary nature of water creates dynamics that warrant cooperation for improved
water use. Top 14 Earth Science Essay Topics You Can Choose From. We also hand-searched the
Water Security Journal from the ScienceDirect database and reference lists of relevant articles.

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