Customer Brand Engagement in Relationship Quality and Brand Loyalty During Pandemis in The Field of Communication Technology and Communication
Customer Brand Engagement in Relationship Quality and Brand Loyalty During Pandemis in The Field of Communication Technology and Communication
Customer Brand Engagement in Relationship Quality and Brand Loyalty During Pandemis in The Field of Communication Technology and Communication
ABSTRACT : This study aims to explore the relationship between the variables of customer engagement, self
brand image congruity, brand familiarity, customer brand engagement, relationship quality, and brand loyalty.
This study focuses on customer brand engagement, such as customer engagement, brand self-image congruence,
and brand recognition. This study wants to see customer behavior generated by customer brand involvement
through relationship quality and brand loyalty. This research was conducted on users of mobile phone brands
that have a good reputation in Indonesia, such as the iPhone and Samsung, using a purposive sampling method.
using SPSS as a method to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. In testing the hypothesis using
the Lisrel SEM analysis method, the results obtained indicate that customer involvement, self-brand image
alignment, and brand familiarity are proven to play a role in increasing customer brand engagement. Customer
brand involvement can mediate the relationship between customer engagement, self-brand image alignment,
and brand familiarity with relationship quality and brand loyalty. Relationship quality affects brand loyalty
among mobile phone users in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research can be used as a
consideration by brands and market strategists to design strategies to develop long-term relationships and build
customer loyalty.
KEYWORDS -Customer involvement, self brand image congruity, brand familiarity, customer brand
engagement, relationship quality, brand loyalty.
Customer Brand Engagement (CBE) is important in the world of marketing because when customers
feel a connection to a product or brand, they are more likely to be loyal and continue to use that brand on a
regular basis (Martnek, 2021).Similar to this statement, Such, Tehseen, Parrey, & Hussain (2018) also explain
that customer involvement in the community is one of the main factors that influence the world of marketing.
Carvalho & Fernandes (2018) argue that only a small number of brands are able to intensely improve
relationships with their customers. Furthermore, Syah (2014) suggests developing customer brand engagement
(CBE) in order to maintain the relationship in the long term. In addition, customer brand engagement (CBE) is
also useful in developing a brand experience through unique and creative interactions created by customer
involvement with the brand (Iglesias, Markovic, Rialp, & Josep, 2019; Sadek, Mehelmi, & Heba, 2020).
Previous studies have discussed several factors that play a role in influencing customer brand
engagement (CBE), such as brand interactivity, consumer involvement, and self-brand image congruity (e.g.,
Adhikari & Panda, 2019), brand familiarity (e.g., Acharya, 2021), and customer involvement, customer
interactivity, customer participation, and customer flow experience (e.g., Carvalho & Fernandes, 2018).
Research by Leckie et al. (2016) shows that customer involvement, customer participation, and self-expressive
brand are factors that influence customer brand engagement (CBE). However, these studies were only
conducted in the fields of technology, automotive, and electronic commerce (e.g., Leckie et al., 2016; Carvalho
& Fernandes, 2018; Adhikari & Panda, 2019; Acharya, 2021). In addition, some empirical evidence shows that
customer brand engagement (CBE) has the potential to increase relationship quality and brand loyalty (e.g.,
Leckie et al., 2016; Harrigan et al., 2017; Carvalho & Fernandes, 2018; Adhikari & Panda, 2019). Meanwhile, it
is still rare to find studies that empirically support the direct contribution of customer involvement, self-brand
image congruity, and brand familiarity to relationship quality and brand loyalty. Therefore, a mediating role of
customer brand engagement (CBE) is needed in the relationship between these variables. especially in the field
of communication technology during the pandemic.
In this study, we make a new attempt to confirm the effect of customer brand engagement (CBE) on
relationship quality and brand loyalty for well-known mobile phone brands (iPhone and Samsung) in Indonesia.
In addition, this study also examines whether customer involvement, self-brand image congruity, and brand
familiarity can play an active role in positively influencing customer brand engagement as well as the mediating
role of CBE on these variables for iPhone and Samsung mobile phone users in Indonesia. Based on this
explanation, the goal we want to achieve is to prove that there is a relationship between all the variables that are
assumed to be applicable to communication technology, especially mobile phone brand users in Indonesia
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
are (1) the brand makes me feel positive and happy, (2) the brand makes me think about it, (3) the brand makes
me feel proud, and (4) the brand makes me have fun when dealing with it (Adhikari & Pandas, 2019).
2.5 Relationship Quality (RQ)
Relationship quality is the quality of the relationship that is obtained through the experience
experienced by consumers with a brand (Fernandes & Moreira, 2019). According to Crosby et al. (1990),
relationship quality is the quality of relationships that are assessed by customers based on their satisfaction with
and trust in a brand. Similarly, Palmatier et al. (2006) also explain that relationship quality is a multi-
dimensional construct that includes an overall assessment of a relationship (Palmatier et al., 2006). Smit,
Bronner, & Tolboom (2007) argue that relationship quality is an indicator to measure the extent of the
relationship between customers and certain brands. Previously, Fournier (1998) had classified relationship
quality into three different categories: affective and socio-emotive attachment (love, passion, and self-
connection), cognitive beliefs (intimacy and quality of brand partners), and behavioral bonds (interdependence,
trustworthiness, and commitment). Meanwhile, Adhikari & Panda (2019) prove in their research that there are
seven statements that can measure relationship quality, one of which is that the brand treats me in a special way
compared to other customers..
2.6 Brand Loyalty (BL)
According to Belaid & Behi (2012), brand loyalty can be viewed as systematic repeated purchases by
customers of the same brand. Brand loyalty can form an emotional attachment and build customer commitment
to a particular brand (Liu et al., 2012). According to Liu & Syah (2017), brand loyalty is defined as a user's
behavior in buying or using products or services repeatedly and showing attitudes towards products or services
that they receive from a brand. In brand loyalty, customers are considered relatively less interested in moving to
competitors despite price increases (Shinta Syah & Negoro, 2020). Based on several previous statements,
Adhikari & Panda (2019) concluded that brand loyalty is a consequence related to the purchase of the
relationship between the customer and the brand. In addition, brand loyalty is included in consumer behavior
that includes positive aspects of customer loyalty to using certain brands (Le, 2021). Adhikari & Panda (2019)
suggest four statements that can be used to measure brand loyalty, such as: (1) I will definitely recommend the
brand to family and friends; (2) I am willing to continue using the brand in the future; (3) I will keep using the
brand even if I get a better offer from another brand; and (4) I will spread good things about the brand while
talking to my friends.
Hypotheses Development
Based on previous exposure the author developed several hypotheses in this study as follows:
H1: Customer involvement (CIT) has a positive effect on customer brand engagement (CBE).
H2: Self-brand image congruity (SBIC) has a positive effect on customer brand engagement (CBE).
H3: Brand familiarity (BF) has a positive effect on customer brand engagement (CBE).
H4: Customer brand engagement (CBE) has a positive effect on relationship quality (RQ).
H5: Customer brand engagement (CBE) has a positive effect on brand loyalty (BL).
H6: Relationship quality (RQ) has a positive effect on brand loyalty (BL).
H7a: Customer Brand Engagement (CBE) mediates the relationship between customer involvement (CIT) and
relationship quality (RQ).
H7b: Customer Brand Engagement (CBE) mediates the relationship of self brand image congruity (SBIC) to
relationship quality (RQ).
H7c: Customer Brand Engagement (CBE) mediates the relationship between brand familiarity (BF) and
relationship quality (RQ).
H8a: Customer Brand Engagement (CBE) mediates the relationship between customer involvement (CIT) and
brand loyalty (BL).
H8b: Customer Brand Engagement (CBE) mediates the relationship of self brand image congruity (SBIC), and
brand familiarity (BF) to brand loyalty (BL).
H8c: Customer Brand Engagement (CBE) mediates the relationship between brand familiarity (BF) and brand
loyalty (BL).
Figure 1
Research Conceptual Framework
The results shown in the reliability test table above are quite satisfactory. The value in the table has All of
these were above the predetermined standard Cronbach's Alpha value, which is above 0.60, so that all of
thesevariables are reliable.
Based on the distribution of questionnaires conducted online through Google Forms, 125 respondents
were collected according to the established criteria. From the data obtained, the number of female respondents
was 55% and male respondents was 45%. Furthermore, based on the mobile phones used, 29% of respondents
who use iPhones and 71% of Samsung phones use.
H1 Customer involvement (CIT) has a positive effect 2,38 The data supports up the
on customer brand engagement (CBE). hypothesis.
H2 Self-brand image congruity (SBIC) has a positive 2,68 The data supports up the
effect on customer brand engagement (CBE). hypothesis.
H3 Brand familiarity (BF) has a positive effect on 2,04 The data supports up the
customer brand engagement (CBE). hypothesis.
H4 Customer brand engagement (CBE) has a positive 5,43 The data supports up the
effect on relationship quality (RQ). hypothesis.
H5 Customer brand engagement (CBE) has a positive 2,31 The data supports up the
effect on brand loyalty (BL hypothesis.
H6 Relationship quality (RQ) has a positive effect on 2,34 The data supports up the
brand loyalty (BL). hypothesis.
H7a Customer Brand Engagement (CBE) mediates the 2,38 The data supports up the
relationship between customer involvement (CIT) hypothesis.
and relationship quality (RQ).
H7b Customer Brand Engagement (CBE) mediates the 2.68 The data supports up the
relationship of self brand image congruity (SBIC) hypothesis.
to relationship quality (RQ).
H7c Customer Brand Engagement (CBE) mediates the 2,04 The data supports up the
relationship between brand familiarity (BF) and hypothesis.
relationship quality (RQ)
H8a Customer Brand Engagement (CBE) mediates the 2,38 The data supports up the
This research was successful in confirming that customer brand engagement (CBE) managed to
become a mediation variable that connects customer involvement (CIT), self brand image congruity (SBIC), and
brand familiarity (BF) to relationship quality (RQ) and brand loyalty (BL). In addition, this study shows that
customer involvement (CIT), self brand image congruity (SBIC), and brand familiarity (BF) can increase
customer brand engagement (CBE) in mobile phone users (iPhone and SAMSUNG) in Indonesia. Users of
mobile phone brands that are reputable or high, usually have a high level of engagement because they trust the
brand to improve their quality of life and even their reputation in the public eye. This research shows the results
of customer brand engagement (CBE) in mobile phone users (iPhone and SAMSUNG) which is the
establishment of good relationships between brands and users that will later lead to loyalty to the mobile phone
This study has several limitations in it, including first, data collection is done online, so it is possible
that if there is a meaning from the statement in this study, respondents cannot ask and answer according to their
perceptions. In future research, it is recommended to distribute the questionnaire directly, so that it is easier to
know the difference in perception. Second, this research was conducted during a pandemic, so it was difficult to
find respondents who filled out the right statements because, at the time, it was generally difficult for people to
communicate with each other regarding research-related matters. Subsequent research is recommended to be
carried out in times other than the pandemic. Third, this study only focuses on users of 2 mobile phone brands,
so it cannot describe the entire brand of mobile phone users in Indonesia, because Indonesia has many types of
branded cellphones that are also well-reputed and popular with people today. For further research, it is
recommended to add other brands or replace products with some of the biggest brands that are most in demand
by the public so that the results obtained can represent the relationship between the variables proposed. In future
research, it is recommended to add the purchase intention variable because it has a continuous relationship with
customer brand involvement, then the emergence of brand familiarity, and the creation of relationship quality
and brand loyalty, where the ultimate goal is purchase intention, which will be beneficial for a brand.
This research has several managerial implications that can be applied to the marketing field. The results
of this study may provide new insights and contribute to the limited knowledge regarding consumer brand
engagement. The tight competition in the mobile phone business today makes it very necessary for players in
this sector to maintain their market share by creating a sense of satisfaction for their customers so that they do
not switch to other brands. In other words, the main focus for mobile phone brands is to create loyalty by
increasing relationship quality with consumers. In addition, the findings can help mobile phone brand managers
and market strategists design strategies for developing long-term consumer relationships. To build customer
loyalty, manufacturers are advised to be able to make products with a good reputation, attractive, easy to
recognize and have more value compared to similar products. For marketers, the findings of this study have
implications regarding brand building strategies, forming satisfaction, trust, and commitment to brand loyalty in
the short and long term through the dissemination of information on social media.
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