Consumer Loyalty
(in the case study of Wardah in the Bengkulu City community)
This research is intended to identify how influencer marketing strategies and brand image form
Wardah consumer loyalty in the people of Bengkulu City. This research method is quantitative
by taking a sample of 80 respondents and distributing this questionnaire is assisted by Google
form. The sample consisted of respondents who had used wardah. The data used in this research
are primary data and secondary data. The analysis technique used in this research is SPSS with
validity testing, reliability testing and hypothesis testing. From the research results, it was found
that the marketing influencer and brand image variables had a positive and significant effect on
the consumer loyalty variable.
Advances in the field of information and communication technology have led to changes
in lifestyle culture such as consumer behavior that keeps up with the times. The existence of
different attitudes and values in generations raised in the era of internet technology is important
to understand further considering the market potential is quite large. Apart from being profitable
for internet users, this progress is also considered beneficial for business people to advance their
business using increasingly sophisticated technology in order to compete in the business world.
This convenience is the main factor in the development of e-commerce and e-commerce is
becoming increasingly important with advances in telecommunications and computer networks
(Robby Aditya & R Yuniardi Rusdianto, 2023) .
Technological developments are driving changes in marketing, one strategy that is quite
popular now is Influencer Marketing. Influencers are people who promote a product and brand
Please cite this article as: First author et al., Article title, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (2017),
(Fiisabilillah et al., 2023) . Beauty vlogger is a term for influencers who create beauty videos or
content and upload theAuthor name /Computer Vision and Image Understanding 000 (2017) 000–000
content they create via YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. Vlogging from
Beauty vloggers has been an effective form of communication for the past few years, nowadays
vlogs are often uploaded on social media platforms such as Tik Tok. Tiktok can be used as an
effective promotional media (Dewi DK 2023)
According to Kotler and Keller in (Pasaribu, 2022) brand image is the perception and
belief held by consumers, as reflected in the associations that occur in consumers' memories.
Brand image is based on consumer memories about a product, as a result of what someone feels
about the brand. Pleasant or unpleasant feelings towards a brand will form the image and will be
stored in consumer memory. Beauty vlogger and brand image have a positive influence on buyer
decisions and consumer loyalty. One of Wardah's cosmetic products.
Wardah is produced by PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation was founded on
February 28 1985 with the initial name PT. Mother's Tradition Heirloom. This company recently
changed its name to PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation in 2011. In order to meet the needs
of its customers, Wardah always updates its products by creating new products and always
improving its quality towards a better one, so that it can become a favorite and high-quality
cosmetic brand. Based on the description above, researchers are interested in conducting
research on “ Analysis Influencer marketing strategy and brand image on consumer loyalty (in
the case study of Wardah in the people of Bengkulu city) ".
2.1 Marketing
Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes used to create, consume
and deliver value to customers, to manage customer relationships in a way that is profitable for
the organization. (Kotler and Keller, 2010) which is quoted in research (Ushuluddin, 2022)
From the definition above, it can be concluded that marketing is a social and management
process where individuals or groups obtain what they need and want by buying or selling goods.
a. Marketing Management
Marketing management is the analysis, planning and monitoring of plans aims to
establish communication with target market. To achieve goals company (Basu Swastha and Hani
Handoko, 1997).
b. Marketing Concept
The marketingAuthor name / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 000 (2017) 000–000
concept 3
is a company philosophy, namely that buyers' needs are the main
requirement for the company's survival, and the goal of marketing is to meet consumer needs.
Basu Swastha defines the marketing concept (Basu Swastha, 2000).
2.2 Influencer Marketing
One of the marketing communication tactics, Bonvie Hair Care also applies influencer
marketing. Influencer marketing is defined as a form of marketing that focuses more on certain
individuals, compared to the target market as a whole (Jayasinghe, 2021). Furthermore,
influencer marketing focuses on the use of influencers on social media with the aim of pushing a
brand's message and reaching certain targets (Jarrar, Awobamise, & Aderibigbe, 2020).
Jayasinghe again added that influencers are referred to as third parties or third parties who are
well known by their thousands of followers on social media. In this case, these parties build the
trust and confidence of their followers through recommendations or their experiences
(Jayasinghe, 2021) which are quoted in research (Winata & Alvin, 2022) . The influencer
marketing indicators in this research are 1. Repeat purchase 2. Customer satisfaction 3. Wome of
2.3 Brand Image
Brand Image is an idea that leads to the assessment of a product brand by consumers.
Which can be in the form of a good assessment of the brand or even a bad assessment of a
particular brand. (Sari et al., 2022)
According to Keler 2000 (in RACHMAWATI, 2020) "Brand image is a perception about
a brand which is a reflection of consumers' memories of their associations with that brand."
Where this concerns how a consumer describes what they feel about the brand when they think
about it. The brand image indicators used in this research are 1. Brand identity 2. Brand
personality 3. Brand excellence
2.4 Framework of thinking
Based on the description above, there are two variables that influence consumer loyalty.
It can be indicated that it has a direct influence on consumer loyalty.
Marketing Influencer H1
4 Author name /Computer Vision and Image Understanding 000 (2017) 000–000
(X1) Loyalitas Konsumen
H2 (Y)
Brand Image
Independent variables (Independent variables) are variables that influence or are the
cause of changes or emergence of the dependent (dependent) variable. Independent variables
(X1) Marketing Influencer and (X2) Brand Image. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is a
variable that is influenced or is the result of the independent variable. The dependent variable
(Y) in this research is Consumer Loyalty. So the research that will be carried out will explain
whether free (X1) Influencer Marketing and (X2) Brand Image can form Consumer Loyalty (Y).
2.5 Hypothesis
H1: It is suspected that Marketing Influencer (X1) has a significant influence in forming
Consumer Loyalty (Y)
H2: It is suspected that Brand Image (X2) has a significant influence in forming Consumer
Loyalty (Y)
The type of research used in writing this article is using a quantitative research method
with a comparative causal research type, namely a type of research that characterizes problems
related to cause and effect between two or more variables. In comparative causal research, this
research examines the influence of the independent variables marketing influencer and brand
image on the dependent variable consumer loyalty . The object of this research is the Bengkulu
community. The population in this study are consumers who have purchased Wardah products.
The data source used in this research is primary data which was directly obtained from
respondents on the questionnaire that was distributed and briefly explained the purpose of filling
out the questionnaire. A questionnaire is a data collection technique that can be carried out by
asking several questions written (Sugiyono, 2016:142). Questions that will be given to
respondents in the questionnaire in the form of a Google form link that will be distributed.
According to Sanusi (2011:137), the sample is part of the number and characteristics of the
The variable measurement instrument used in this research is a Likert scale, to measure
attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a person or group regarding social events or phenomena
Author name / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 000 (2017) 000–000 5
(Singarimbun and Effendi, 2006). In this study, the weight is 1 to 5. Answer choices:
Table 1
Likert Scale
Code Information Mark
SS Strongly agree 5
S Agree 4
N Neutral 3
T.S Don't agree 2
STS Strongly Disagree 1
Calculations in this research use the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS)
computer program for Windows 10 to analyze validity tests, reliability tests , regression tests.
Quoted from (Dewi et al., 2023)
4.1 Validity Test
The research instrument can be said to be valid if the value of the Sig.(2-tailed) of each
research variable on the total variable is less than the research significance level (Sig.(2-tailed) <
α = 0.05). Based on the results of the validity test, it states that all items that measure research
variables have an R-count that is greater than the R-table, as well as the Sig. (2-tailed) value of
the person correlation to the total variable for each item with a value of 0.000 < 0.05
(significance level or α). So it is stated that the research instrument, namely the questionnaire
used to measure influencer marketing and brand image in forming wardah consumer loyalty in
the Bengkulu city community, is valid or legitimate.
Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .946a .895 .892 .642
a. Predictors: (Constant), TOT_2, TOT_1
Based on the table above, it shows that the R-Square value is 0.895. Shows that 89.5% of
consumer loyalty to Wardah among the people of Bengkulu city is explained by marketing
influencers and brand image. Meanwhile, the remaining 100% -89.5% = 10.5% is explained by
other variables not considered in this research.
Influencer Marketing Strategy in forming consumer loyalty
Based on the results of data processing, it was found that influencer marketing had a
positive influence in forming consumer loyalty. Influencer Marketing in marketing strategy is
seen as an effective and efficient strategy seen from the data results that the most influential
indicator is Repeat purchase or interpreted as how often consumers buy the brand or product
Author name / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 000 (2017) 000–000 7
promoted by the influencer.
Brand Image Analysis in forming consumer loyalty
Based on the results of data processing, it was found that brand image has a positive
influence in forming consumer loyalty. This shows that the better the image of a brand, the
higher consumer loyalty. Before deciding to be loyal, consumers look and pay attention to the
product they will use based on the image known to consumers. Judging from the most influential
indicator, namely brand personality, this condition shows that consumers tend to be more
interested in products that are already well known.
5. Conclusion
Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that
influencer marketing as an effective and efficient marketing strategy influences consumer loyalty
and a good brand image can influence Wardah consumer loyalty among the people of Bengkulu
city. From the results of this research, suggestions can be given that can be considered or used as
material for loyal decision making, including that Wardah is expected to increase marketing
through social media influencers and look for influencers who can influence and encourage
consumers to use the product. Wardah is expected to improve and maintain the brand image that
has been built and enhance the brand personality so that it is known and recognized by
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