SPG Constitution and by Laws

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Davao del Sur
Kiblawan South District
Dapok Kiblawan Davao del Sur


S.Y 2021-2022
Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2014

a. To help students develop passionate love of country, values and competencies that will enable them to
realize their full potential and to contribute meaningfully in building the nation;
b. To help develop a student – friendly, safe and motivating learning environment;
c. To nurture an inclusive service – oriented, gender – sensitive and environment conscious community;
d. To help students to develop self – confidence, critical thinking, problem – solving, decision – making, and to
utilize these skills in contributing towards nation building;
e. To empower the students to strive for excellence in the academics, leadership and social responsibility
towards being proactive members of the society;
f. Standardize the By – Laws and Constitution in the Supreme Pupil Governments and Supreme Student
g. Standardize election code for the Supreme Pupil Governments and Supreme Student Governments to ensure
fair, honest, orderly and properly coordinated elections;
h. Provide reference in monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Supreme Pupil Governments and
Supreme Student Governments;
i. Harness the Supreme Pupil Governments and Supreme Student Governments as partners in achieving quality
education and academic excellence in school; and
j. To make available real exposure, experience and learning in responsible and participative democracy and

We, the learners of Rizal Elementary School, with the help of Almighty God, believing in the need for a
better organized Supreme Pupil Government and in the development of the youth as future leaders of the
nation, do hereby promulgate and adopt this Constitution and By – Laws of the Supreme Pupil Government that
shall advance, implement and maintain our goals and aspiration, embody the ideas and principles of freedom,
equality, justice and democracy, and promote the welfare of all students and academic standards of our Alma


SECTION 1. This Constitution and By-Laws shall be known as the Constitution and By – Laws of the Supreme
Pupil Government of Emilio Jose Sr. Elementary Schoolwhich shall be hereinafter be referred to as the SPG.

SECTION 2. For purposes of this Constitution and By Laws, SPG refers to Supreme Pupil Government.


SECTION 1. The name of this Supreme Pupil Government shall be known as the Emilio Jose Sr. Elementary
SchoolSupreme Pupil Government which shall hereinafter be referred to as the SPG.

SECTION 2. The seat or office of the SPG shall be located inside the premises of the school.


SECTION 1. The SPG shall have the power which emanates from the student body. It shall be autonomous,
unified and the highest democratic representative of the student body.
SECTION 2. The SPG shall uphold and adhere with the Mission Statement of the Department of Education “to
protect and to promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture – based and complete basic
education” where “students learn in a child –friendly, gender – sensitive, safe and motivating environment”.

2.1 The Mission Statement of the Department of Education shall serve as the guide of the SPG / SSG in
working to serve the best interest of the student body.

SECTION 3. The SPG is founded on the principles of participatory democracy, responsible servant – leadership,
collaboration, unity, accountability and efficiency in serving the student body.

SECTION 4. The SPG shall be committed in putting these values, principles and ideals into action through
academic, socio – civic, leadership programs and activities.


SECTION 5. The SPG shall be the forefront of the students’ rights and welfare, and shall be the model of the
students’ excellence, grounded on good character, and deep sense of moral values.

SECTION 6 . The SPG shall have the following objectives:

6.1. to help learners develop passionate love of country, values and competencies that will enable them
to realize their full potential and to contribute meaningfully in building the nation;
6.2. to represent the students in the policy – making body of the school concerning the students’ rights
and welfare;
6.3. to help develop a student – friendly, safe and motivating environment
6.4. to nurture an inclusive, service – oriented, gender – sensitive, and environment conscious
6.5. to help develop self – confidence, critical thinking, problem – solving, decision – making and
learning among the student body and to utilize these skills in contributing towards nation building.
6.6. to empower the students to strive for excellence in the academics, leadership, and social
responsibility, to encourage the students to be proactive members of the society;
6.7. to uphold the values, principles and ideals of the Department of Education;
6.8. to serve, to protect and to promote the rights and welfare of every student.


SECTION 7. The SPG shall be the highest governing body of the learners.

SECTION 8. The SPG shall pursue at all times, the values of honesty and integrity in service, renouncing all forms
of corruption and acts which are contrary to the rules and regulations of the school and the Department of

SECTION 9. The SPG shall encourage an open communication and dialogue with other student organizations,
movements, and other sectors of society not inconsistent with its principles and purposes.

SECTION 10. The SPG shall remain at all times, accountable and transparent with all its transactions involving the
interest of its constituents who they must serve with outmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, efficiency and

SECTION 11. The SPG shall strive to pursue an independent stand, not dictated by any other sector, other than
the students, as long as these are not contrary to the Mission – Vision Statement and Core Values of the
Department of Education.

SECTION 1. All bona fide learners of Emilio Jose Sr. Elementary School are members of the student body to
whom the SPG shall be committed to serve and to be accountable at all times.


SECTION 1. Every learner has the right to learn in an inclusive, child – friendly, gender – sensitive, safe and
motivating environment.

SECTION 2. Every learner has the right to enjoy responsible freedom of speech and expression.

SECTION 3. Every learner has the right to avail of all the services offered by the SPG which includes but not
limited to organizing, joining and actively participating in clubs, organizations, groups and other associations for
purposes not contrary to existing policies.

SECTION 4. Every learner has the right to conduct and to actively participate in all school activities and

SECTION 5. Every learner has the right to information of the programs, rules, policies, regulations and other
matters concerning them.

SECTION 6. Every learner has the right to suffrage, to apply for a position, to nominate, and to be elected into
office, and to exercise electoral practices.

SECTION 7. Every learner has the right to responsible and independent operation of the student elections ans
student publication.

SECTION 8. Every learner has the right to proper representation and participation in different meetings and
assemblies of the school on issues affecting the welfare of the student body.

SECTION 9. Every learner has the right to recall their SPG representatives.

SECTION 10. Every learner has the right to due process.

SECTION 11. Every learner has the right to professional competence from the teachers and school

SECTION 12. Every learner has the right to be academically evaluated based on equal and objective criteria.

SECTION 13. Every learner has the right to an open and regular student – teacher and student – school
administration dialogue.

SECTION 14. Every learner has the right to freely and responsibly express their concerns, views and grievances.

SECTION 15. Every learner has the right to equal, legitimate and responsible use of adequate, safe, clean and
efficient school facilities.

SECTION 16. All the rights as specified in DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012 entitled DepEd Child Protection Policy but
are not specified herein are included as rights of the students.


SECTION 1. Every learner has the responsibility to observe and to uphold the laws of the Republic of the
Philippines, the rules and regulations of the School, and this Constitution at all times.

SECTION 2. Every learner shall exercise his / her rights responsibly and in good faith.
SECTION 3. Every learner shall support and promote the ideals, principles, thrusts and objectives of the SPG, the
School and the Department of Education.
SECTION 4. Every learner shall uphold the values of honesty and integrity.

SECTION 5. Every learner shall endeavor to achieve academic excellence and shall abide by the rules and
regulations governing his / her academic responsibilities.

SECTION 6. Every learner shall pursue to nurture an inclusive, service – oriented, gender – sensitive, and
environment conscious community.

SECTION 7. Every learner shall abide by the Supreme Pupil Government Constitution and By – Laws.

SECTION 8. Every learner shall support the activities and programs of the SPG and the Department of Education
as approved by the appropriate DepEd issuances.

SECTION 9. Every learner shall strive to become a better proactive member of the society and to contribute in
the development of his / her community.


SECTION 1. The SPG shall be the highest governing body of the entire studentry.

SECTION 2. The shall have the following functions and responsibilities:

2.1. To uphold and enforce the provisions of the Supreme Pupil Government By – Laws and Constitution;
2.2. To support and to promote the ideals, principles, thrusts, and objectives of the SPG, the School and
the Department of Education;
2.3. To ensure fair, efficient, and effective delivery of services to student body;
2.4. To formulate and to recommend programs that will address relevant issues and concerns of the
2.5. To plan, to implement, and to inforce policies designed to protect and promote the students’ rights
and welfare;
2.6. To monitor and to evaluate the students’ activities in the school and in the community;
2.7. To create committees as may be necessary to address the needs of the students;
2.8. To make recommendations to school authorities regarding student matters, affairs and activities;
2.9. To serve as a representative of the students in voicing their opinions, suggestions and grievances;
2.10. To participate in the crafting and formulation of School Improvement Plan (SIP)
2.11. To act as a Coordinating Council of all co – curricular organizations in the School;
2.12. To have such powers and duties as the school authorities and the student body may, from time to
time, grant or delegate, consistent with stated principles, objectives and school policies;
2.13. To spearhead all DepEd driven thrusts, projects, programs and activities of the SPG;
2.14. To monitor and to coordinate with the Supreme Pupil Government Commission on Elections every
election period;
2.15. To monitor and to coordinate elections of other recognized campus co – curricular organizations;
2.16. To recommend to the School Head granting, renewal or revocation of accreditations of campus
student organizations;
2.17. To turn over financial assets, papers, documents, properties and other responsibilities to the
incoming SPG Officers; and,
2.18. To submit financial and accomplishment reports to the school authorities on a monthly basis. A
terminal report must be submitted to the school authorities and the incoming SPG Officers during the
turn – over of responsibilities.


SECTION 1. The officers of the SPG are the duty elected President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor,
Public Information Officer, Peace Officer and Grade Level Representatives.

SECTION 2. The Grade Level Councilor / Grade Level Representative who shall get the highest number of votes
among the elected Grade Level Councilor / Grade Level Representative in their respective grade level shall serve
as the Grade Level Chairperson of the grade level concerned.

SECTION 3. All SPG elections shall be conducted school - wide annually.

SECTION 4. The campaign procedures and elections shall be in accordance with the SPG COMELEC Standard
Election Code.

SECTION 5. Candidates for all the SPG elective positions shall:

6.1. Be bona fide students;

6.2. Be of good academic standing with a general average of 85 and above without any failing grade
during the 1st to 3rd grading period of the current school year;
6.3. Be of good moral character;
6.4. Have not been subjected to any disciplinary sanction;
6.5. Have submitted the SPG Election Application Packet to be approved by a representative of the SPG
Commission on Elections;

SECTION 7. Once elected, all SPG Officers, excerpt the Grade Level Chairpersons, Councilors and
Representatives, shall be considered resigned and ineligible from all major elective or appointive positions in
other clubs and organizations. Major appointive positions shall refer to the positions of President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Information Officer, Peace Officer or equivalent positions,
including Editor – in – Chief, Managing Editor and Associate Editor of the School Paper or Publication.

SECTION 8. No residency shall be required of the candidates for all the SPG elective positions.

SECTION 9. The officers of the SPG / SSG shall hold office for one (1) school year.


The SPG President shall be the chief executive officer of the SPG. He / She shall have the following
1.1. Officially represent the student body at any function on off the campus;
1.2. Preside over all meetings and / or may designate another officer to preside a specific meeting;
1.3. Serve as ex-officio member of all executive committees;
1.4. Enforce this Constitution, By – Laws and other regulations that may be promulgated;
1.5. Sign all the official minutes, project proposals, resolutions, correspondences, and other official
papers of the SPG;
1.6. Represent the SPG or designate his / her representative for any external or internal affairs
1.7. Head the Coordinating Council of School Co – Curricular Organizations;
1.8. Implement SPG programs and projects;
1.9. Create Ad Hoc Committees, as the need arises. The Chairperson shall be appointed by the SPG
President; and,
1.10. Perform other functions inherent and incidental to his / her office.


The Vice President shall have the following duties:
2.1. Assist the President in all matters where his / her assistance is necessary;
2.2. Assume the Office of the President should the position become vacant;
2.3. Supervise members in planning and arranging meetings or programs ofactivities;
2.4. Head the Internal Affairs Committee, conceptualize programs and projects and plan
activities with the Grade Level Councilors / Representatives; and,
2.5. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.

The Secretary shall have the following duties:
3.1. Keep accurate records of the minutes and document proceedings of every meeting;
3.2. Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the SPG and make them accessible to
the student body;
3.3. Provide immediate documentations and reports for every implemented project;
3.4. Call and prepare all notices of SPG meetings;
3.5. Head of SPG Secretariat; and,
3.6. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.
The Treasurer shall have the following duties:
4.1. Keep all financial records of the SPG and be one responsible for any information related to
the student activity fund;
4.2. Serve as the disbursing officer of all the SPG funds;
4.3. Prepare the annual budget of the SPG;
4.4. Prepare accurate and transparent financial reports every month, after every activity, and at
the end of term;
4.5. Formulate pertinent financial guidelines for the organization;
4.6. Serve as an ex – officio member of any and all Financial Committee for the purpose of
considering budgetary, and / or financial matters of the SPG;
4.7. Conduct an inventory of all SPG property and submit a report, in writing, of it condition and
state; and,
4.8. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.

The Auditor shall have the following duties:
5.1. Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement of funds;
5.2. Audit all expenditures of the SPG funds;
5.3. Assist the Treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports;
5.4. Keep and update inventory of all the SPG’s property;
5.5. Act as the assistant head of the Finance Committee; and,
5.6. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.


The Public Information Officer shall have the following duties:
6.1. Disseminate and promote the thrusts and objectives of the SPG;
6.2. Build and maintain a credible image of the SPG;
6.3. Take charge in the promotion of SPG projects and activities;
6.4. Head the Publicity Committee; and,
6.5. Perform other duties assigned by the.


The Peace Officer shall have the following duties:
7.1. Help the presiding officer to maintain peace and order during meetings;
7.2. Act as disciplinary officer, if necessary;
7.3. Maintain peace and order within the premises of the school;
7.4. Act as chief peace officer and over all Sergeant-at-Arms of subordinate organization
and classes;
7.5. Chair the Students’ Welfare Committee and appoint its members; and,
7.6. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.


The Grade Level Representatives shall have the following duties:
8.1. Represent his/her grade level in all of the meetings of the SPG;
8.2. Serve as the grievance desk for their respective grade level;
8.3. Conceptualize and implement programs and projects for their respective grade level;
8.4. Assist in the effective implementation of the SPG programs and projects; and,
8.5. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.


SECTION 1. There shall be seven (7) permanent committees in the SPG; namely, the Executive
Committee, Internal Affairs Committee, Secretariat Committee, Finance Committee, Publicity
Committee, Students’ Welfare Committee and Special Projects Committees. Members of each
committee in the SPG shall be appointed by the President from among the officers of the homeroom
organizations upon which the recommendation of the chairperson of the committee.
SECTION 2. The Executive Committee shall be headed by the President and shall act as the
administrative arm of the.

SECTION 3. The Internal Affairs Committee shall be headed by the Vice President and shall take charge
of all the matters regarding the members of the SPG and their functions.

SECTION 4. The Secretariat shall be headed by the Secretary shall be the official SPG work group.

SECTION 5. The Finance Committee shall be headed by the Treasurer and shall be assisted by the
Auditor. This committee shall take charge of all monetary matters and properties of the SPG.

SECTION 6. The Publicity Committee shall be headed by the Public Information Officer and shall be
responsible for disseminating information on matters concerning the SPG.

SECTION 7. The Students’ Welfare Committee shall be headed by the Peace Officer and shall look after
the rights of the students and act upon their complaints.

SECTION 8. The Special Projects Committee shall be headed by a person appointed by the President
and shall implement special programs and projects of the Department of Education.

SECTION 9. Other committees, permanent or ad hoc and in nature, may be created by the SPG as the
need arises.


SECTION 1. There shall be a homeroom class organization in every section composed of officers
parallel to the organizational structure of the SPG.

SECTION 2. The homeroom class organization shall be responsible in implementing programs and
projects of each class.

SECTION 3. The homeroom class organization shall assist the SPG in implementing its programs and

SECTION 4. The homeroom class organization shall be guided by the designated class adviser who must
be part of the teaching staff of the school.


SECTION 1. The Coordinating Council shall be headed by the President of the SPG as the

SECTION 2. The Coordinating Council shall be composed of the different Presidents of all recognize
legitimate campus co-curricular organizations.

SECTION 3. The Coordinating Council shall have the following functions:

3.1. Coordinate school – wide activities, which need the participation and involvement of the
whole student body.
3.2. Provide and support a consultative mechanism and support for the implementation of the
various programs and projects of all co-curricular organizations.
3.3. Plan programs and synchronize student activities in the campus.
3.4. Serve as a venue to present accomplishment report, financial reports and such other
reports of the SPG and other organization as are necessary or required; and,
3.5. Set rules and standards for the collection of membership fees or contributions by
recognized campus co – curricular clubs or organizations for the approval of the School Head.
SECTION 4. The Coordinating Council shall meet at least once a month or upon notice of the
Chairperson or upon the request of any of its members as often as the council may deem necessary.

SECTION 5. The School Head shall serve as the Adviser of the Coordinating Council. As such, all
resolutions and agreements arrived at by the Coordinating Council shall be the noted by the School


SECTION 1. The SPG Adviser shall be endorsed to the School Head from among the three (3) teacher –
nominees submitted by the newly – elected SPG officers through a resolution.

SECTION 2. The SPG Adviser shall have the following qualifications:

2.1. Have experience organizational management;

2.2. With good character and reputation in the school and community;
2.3. Competent, able and willing to work with the student leaders from planning to
implementation of projects, programs and activities.

SECTION 3. The SPG Adviser shall monitor all programs, projects, activities and meetings of the SPG at
all times.

SECTION 4. The Advisorship in the SPG Adviser shall be equivalent to one teaching load as per Republic
Act No. 4670.

SECTION 5. The SPG COMELEC Adviser shall be endorsed to the School Head from among the three (3)
teacher – nominees submitted by the COMELEC Chair through a resolution.

SECTION 6. The COMELEC Adviser shall have the following qualifications:

6.1. Have experience organizational management;
6.2. With good character and reputation in the school and community;
6.3. Must be non – partisan and experienced in handling student government elections.

SECTION 7. The SPG COMELEC Adviser shall monitor all activities and meetings of the SPG COMELEC at all times.


SECTION 1. The Commission on Elections, herein referred to as the SPG COMELEC, shall be established
within twenty one (21) days before the day of election.

SECTION 2. The COMELEC shall be the only agency that will manage the electoral process, including the

SECTION 3. The SPG COMELEC members shall have the following qualifications:

3.1. Must be non – partisan;

3.2. Do not have a vested interest in the election; and
3.3. Not in any way related to any of the candidates.

SECTION 4. The composition of the members in the SPG COMELEC shall be three (3) from Grade 4 and
Grade 5 and four (4) from Grade 6.

SECTION 5. The members of the SPG COMELEC shall select a Chairperson among its members.

SECTION 6. The SPG COMELEC shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
6.1. Conduct fair, honest and systematic elections;
6.2. Adhere to the Standard SPG Election Code;
6.3. Validate the electoral proceedings and results;
6.4. Accept or revoke candidacy;
6.5. Proclaim the new set of officers;
6.6. Keep all pertinent election papers/documents;
6.7. Decide on protest relative to the conduct and result of the elections
6.8. Prepare and distribute the necessary election paraphernalia, certificate of candidacy forms
and other election related materials before, during, and after the election; and,
6.9. Disqualify candidates who have violated any of the guidelines, which have been


SECTION 1. The General Assembly of the SPG shall be composed of all elected Homeroom Class
Organization Presidents of the school.

SECTION 2. The General Assembly shall be a forum for information and consultations, which decisions
shall be significantly considered.

SECTION 3. The General Assembly shall be convened by the SPG President once every two months and
as the need arises.


SECTION 1. The SPG, shall be, and shall remain to be, an automatic member of the Division, Regional
and National Federation of Supreme Student Governments.

SECTION 2. As such, this SSG shall abide by the rules and regulations issued by the proper federation
consistent with the policies and guidelines of the Department of Education.


SECTION 1. The SPG shall conduct regular meetings every first week of the month or as agreed upon by
the officers of the SPG.

SECTION 2. Special meetings of the SPG may be called upon by the President or by a majority of the
SPG officers.

SECTION 3. Majority of the officers of the SSG (50% + 1) shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 4. Each member of the SPG is entitled to only one vote.

SECTION 5. If the votes end in draw, the SPG / SSG President or the Acting Chair of the meetings shall
cast the vote to break the tie.

SECTION 6. No proxy shall be allowed when voting.


SECTION 1. All receipts of moneys from all sources shall be evidenced by acknowledgement receipts.
SECTION 2. A monthly report on the receipts and / or collections made by signed Treasurer and the
President, and noted by the SPG Adviser shall be posted on the SPG Bulletin Board and be submitted to
the School Head.

SECTION 3. The SPG / SSG shall deposit all funds received collected and shall maintain banking
connection for the regular and savings account of the SPG.

SECTION 4. The organization may accept cash donations from any member or any public or private
person or institution, for as long as it will not affect or compromise the integrity of the SPG.

SECTION 5. The SPG / SSG may undertake fund – raising activities to subsidize its projects and
activities for as long as it will not affect or compromise the integrity of the SPG.

SECTION 6. The SPG / SSG shall enjoy the freedom to determine its priorities in the disbursement of its
funds, provided that it shall be actually, directly and exclusively used to support and / or finance SPG
programs, projects and activities.

SECTION 7. All disbursement and bank withdrawals shall be made in accordance with the programs,
projects and activities of the SPG embodied in the yearly action plan endorsed by the SPG Adviser and
duly approved by the School Head.

SECTION 8. The SPGPresident and the Treasurer shall be the signatory of all fund disbursements and
bank withdrawals of the SPG. All fund disbursements and bank withdrawals must be accompanied with
an SPG resolution duty noted by the SPG / SSG Adviser. All expenses must be supported by official
receipts. The School Head shall be provided a copy of all these resolutions relative the disbursement

SECTION 9. The SPG, through the Treasurer and the Auditor, shall promulgate financial guidelines for
proper financial management.

SECTION 10. At the end of every activity, the SPG shall liquidate expenses before another
disbursement. Without this, the succeeding bank withdrawals shall not be authorized. Funds of the
SPG shall be audited at the end of the term of the SPG and at the end of every activity.
SECTION 11. Financial statements shall be posted in the SPG / SSG Bulletin Board every month, printed
in every issue of the school paper and the School Head must be furnished with a copy.


SECTION 1. The officers of the SPG may be impeached on the following grounds:

1.1. Culpable violations of the Constitution and By-Laws;

1.2. Gross misconduct, violence to person in authority, negligence, and disloyalty to the cause
of the SPG and the school;
1.3. Non – attendance in both regular and special meetings for three (3) times without valid
cause; and,
1.4. Abuse or misuse of power and authority.

SECTION 2. Two-third (2/3) vote of the General Assembly shall be necessary to decide after hearing a
case of impeachment.

SECTION 3. The decision of the General Assembly shall be final. However, the officer charged shall be
informed twenty (20) days prior to his/her impeachment case proceedings, of the charge/charges
and against him/her, to afford him/her the opportunity to heard with or without a counsel in his/her
SECTION 4. Resignation of an elected officer shall be in writing and shall take effect five (5) days after
the approval of the majority of the SPG officers.

SECTION 5. Resignation of an elected officer shall be in writing and shall take immediately after the
approval of the appointing authority.

SECTION 6. Any vacancy in any of the position for the reason of death, resignation, impeachment, shall
be filled, subject to the recommendation of the SPG.

SECTION 7. Any vacancy in the SPG, except the position of the President, shall be filled within ten (10)
school days from the day the position is rendered or considered vacant, by appointment of the
President from among the officers of the SSG. Immediately upon the appointment, the officer
appointed shall servethe remaining period.

SECTION 8. The SPG COMELEC shall certify as the vacancy occurring in the SPG and the SPG Adviser
shall certify the fact of appointment of the officer to the vacant position.


SECTION 1. This Constitution and By- Laws may be amended or modified in full or in part once
every three (3) years from its official issuance through a DepEd Order or Memorandum.

SECTION 2. The school SPG, the Division and/or Regional Federations of Student Governments may
propose amendments. Such proposal shall be carried through a resolution duly signed and concurred
in by a majority vote of the School SPG officers, the Division or Regional Federation officers concerned
voting separately.

SECTION 3. Proposed amendments shall be transmitted to the Office of the Undersecretary for
Regional Operations at least one (1) month before the holding any national conference or events
organized for the purpose, where the same shall be submitted for consultation, discussion and

SECTION 4. Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately upon its
ratification, and approval of the Secretary of the Department of Education.


The SPG President shall be the chief executive officer of the SPG. He / She shall have the following
1.1. Officially represent the student body at any function on off the campus;
1.2. Preside over all meetings and / or may designate another officer to preside a specific meeting;
1.3. Serve as ex-officio member of all executive committees;
1.4. Enforce this Constitution, By – Laws and other regulations that may be promulgated;
1.5. Sign all the official minutes, project proposals, resolutions, correspondences, and other official
papers of the SPG;
1.6. Represent the SPG or designate his / her representative for any external or internal affairs
1.7. Head the Coordinating Council of School Co – Curricular Organizations;
1.8. Implement SPG programs and projects;
1.9. Create Ad Hoc Committees, as the need arises. The Chairperson shall be appointed by the SPG
President; and,
1.10. Perform other functions inherent and incidental to his / her office.
The Vice President shall have the following duties
2.1. Assist the President in all matters where his / her assistance is necessary;
2.2. Assume the Office of the President should the position become vacant;
2.3. Supervise members in planning and arranging meetings or programs of activities;
2.4. Head the Internal Affairs Committee, conceptualize programs and projects and plan activities with
the Grade Level Councilors / Representatives; and,
2.5. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.

The Secretary shall have the following duties:
3.1. Keep accurate records of the minutes and document proceedings of every meeting;
3.2. Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the SPG and make them accessible to the
student body;
3.3. Provide immediate documentations and reports for every implemented project;
3.4. Call and prepare all notices of SPG meetings;
3.5. Head of SPG Secretariat; and,
3.6. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.

The Treasurer shall have the following duties:
4.1. Keep all financial records of the SPG and be one responsible for any information related to the
student activity fund;
4.2. Serve as the disbursing officer of all the SPG funds;
4.3. Prepare the annual budget of the SPG;
4.4. Prepare accurate and transparent financial reports every month, after every activity, and at the
end of term;
4.5. Formulate pertinent financial guidelines for the organization;
4.6. Serve as an ex – officio member of any and all Financial Committee for the purpose of considering
budgetary, and / or financial matters of the SPG;
4.7. Conduct an inventory of all SPG property and submit a report, in writing, of it condition and state;
4.8. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.

The Auditor shall have the following duties:
5.1. Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement of funds;
5.2. Audit all expenditures of the SPG funds;
5.3. Assist the Treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports;
5.4. Keep and update inventory of all the SPG’s property;
5.5. Act as the assistant head of the Finance Committee; and,
5.6. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.


The Public Information Officer shall have the following duties:
6.1. Disseminate and promote the thrusts and objectives of the SPG;
6.2. Build and maintain a credible image of the SPG;
6.3. Take charge in the promotion of SPG projects and activities;
6.4. Head the Publicity Committee; and,
6.5. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.

The Peace Officer shall have the following duties:
7.1. Help the presiding officer to maintain peace and order during meetings;
7.2. Act as disciplinary officer, if necessary;
7.3. Maintain peace and order within the premises of the school;
7.4. Act as chief peace officer and over all Sergeant-at-Arms of subordinate organization
and classes;
7.5. Chair the Students’ Welfare Committee and appoint its members; and,
7.6. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.


The Grade Level Representatives shall have the following duties:
8.1. Represent his/her grade level in all of the meetings of the SPG;
8.2. Serve as the grievance desk for their respective grade level;
8.3. Conceptualize and implement programs and projects for their respective grade level;
8.4. Assist in the effective implementation of the SPG programs and projects; and,
8.5. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG.

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