Activity 2 UCSP
Activity 2 UCSP
Activity 2 UCSP
15. For the historicism’s perspective as one theory of culture, that each
culture is unique and must be studied in its own context. Are you
amenable into it? Why?
This module aids to explain the important of anthropology in the study and
What’s In
Imagine our society in this present situation. In the midst of this
pandemic, do you notice some of the cultural change in your area?
Example, mothers in the morning are in one place talking another person
in the barangay but now, we can’t see that happen frequently or in the
celebrations, we love to have mass gathering but now, we can’t able to do
Directions: List down your observations about the given picture below.
Write your observations in your activity notebook.
Guide Questions:
Great! Your answers symbolized that you have already know some of
the parts/concepts of the lesson. In this juncture, you may be also
thinking of your part in the study of society. For the preparation of the
next lesson, concentrate first on the next activity to test your
What’s New
Activity 2. Fill up what is missing
Direction: Copy the figure below and fill up the blank images regarding
Guide Questions:
y ou r u n d er s ta n d in g a b ou t th e w or d in th e c en ter / top .
A . A n th r op olog y C u ltu re
A n th ropology
B . C u ltu r e
1. From your answers, what are the things you notice?
2. Do you think anthropology and culture are connected to each other?
3. Are you now ready for the lesson?
What is It
After accomplishing the first activities, you are in the point
of elaborating the topic from the first module to this module by means of
discussion as stated below:
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You have always heard the word culture being used in
conversations. At times, it refers to some ethnic; some people think of it as
an allencompassing term that separates humans from the rest of the
animal kingdom. In addition, you also learned the concept of anthropology.
Human study humans as the general meaning. After this lesson, you can
answer the question; What is the connection of anthropology to culture?
Or vice versa.
What’s In
In the previous module, culture and anthropology are already
defined. By this time, the discussion gives more impasses in there
connections. Do you want to continue the lesson? If so, you must do this
activity first to summarize the first lesson and connects to the next one.
This is also an initial step in the analyzation of the concept, aspects, and
changes in/of culture and society; and explain the importance of cultural
relativism in attaining cultural understanding.
_ _____________________________________________________________.
No written work 0
Great Job! You can now go to the next lesson because you already
done the first activity to the lesson of the module. Now, prepare yourself
with the question: am I really aware the concept of culture? Then read the
next part.
What’s New
Activity 5. Your song!
Direction: Read the statements below and compose a song which the
lyrics are literally, discussing what you understand.
What is It
Your initial understanding about the topic is already trace up. At this
point of time, you are already facing the next level of the module.
Cultural anthropology (as you might expect) deals with culture in all
of its myriad and delightful forms. It attempts to define what culture is, to
work out how it interacts with both people and the other cultures around
it, and how it changes over time.
Direction: Write what you learned from the discussion about the connection of
a n th ropology an d cu ltu re.
clearly visible
Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding regarding the topic. 6
Grammar and spelling, as well as cleanliness of work are visible
Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding regarding the topic. 4
Grammar and spelling, as well as cleanliness of work are not so
No written work 0
Guide Questions:
Direction: Using the alternating flow chart, write your opinion on the
concept, aspects and changes of culture and society on a separate sheet of
Processed Questions:
1. What are your findings/ opinions based on facts?
2. What are the positive effects of globalization?
3. How can you make the negative effects of globalization into positive one?
Topic 3. Understanding Society
Before you start the topic, please look at your community. Imagine
how this community compose by many societies and the society that
compose by many communities.
Guide Questions:
1. What are the words, phrases and sentences that come into your mind
if you heard or read the word society?
2. Do you think this information can already give the whole concept of
society? Why or why not?
Note: The common terms that surfaced in these definitions are the following:
1. Social 4. Structure 7. Symbols 10. Exchange
2. Function 5. Complex 8. Behavior 11. Institutions
3. Collective 6. Relationship 9. System
Activity 9. Essay Writing
Directions: Use separate sheet of paper to explain in writing your understanding
regarding the concept, aspects and changes of culture and society. Use the rubric
assessment of activity 6 as guide to this activity.
_ __________________________________________________________________________.
Hi! Welcome to the last part of this module (but this lesson is for
week 3). The first and second lesson as well as the first module,
introduced you to the world of culture and society. It guides you
in tracing the roots of culture and society, and it provides you
some detailed account on their contributions to this fast-
changing world. Are you ready to learn more? Great!
What’s In
From the last lesson, you studied the connection of anthropology to
culture and analyze the concept, aspects and changes of culture and
society. In this lesson, it will give you the discussion about the importance
of cultural relativism in attaining cultural understanding.
Upon, finishing this lesson, you are expected to define cultural relativism,
and explain the importance of cultural relativism in
attaining cultural understanding.
What’s New
Activity 10. Complete Me!
Directions: Complete the diagram by supplying the importance of cultural
relativism in attaining cultural understanding. Write your answer on
separate sheet.
1. What is the importance of cultural relativism?
2. How do you relate each of its importance? 3. Why do you think it is
important to know cultural relativism?
What is It
Was it hard to complete the diagram? To give you an idea of what it
is, read and understand the following concepts:
D ir ec tion : U s e th e g iv en p ic tu r e to c on c ep tu a li z e th e
im p or ta n c e of c u ltu r a l r ela tiv is m in a tta in in g c u ltu r a l
u n d er s ta n d in g .
Guide questions:
2. How do the given words from the picture help you conceptualize the
importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural understanding?
What I Can Do
In this point of time, you have already developed the concepts and
knowledge about cultural relativism in attaining cultural understanding.
Do you remember it all? It’s okay if not at all, at least majority of it is.
No work submitted 0
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
10. It is used to analyse and explain objects of social study and facilitate
organizing sociological knowledge.
a. Theoretical perspective c. Cultural perspective
b. Conflict perspective d. Functionalist perspective
14. The best statement for the general understanding of the word
a. cultural understanding is base from facts that never been
b. cultural application is base from theory of knowledge that
c. cultural beliefs that can change because of the needs of the
d. cultural beliefs that can’t change because of the society’s needs.
_ ______________________________________________________.