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The chapter discusses various methods for analyzing resistive circuits including node voltage analysis, mesh current analysis, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, and nonlinear analysis using load lines.

The chapter presents methods for analyzing resistive circuits including node voltage analysis, mesh current analysis, equivalent circuits, and their applications.

The chapter discusses node voltage analysis and mesh current analysis as two methods for solving circuit problems.


G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Resistive Network Analysis – Instructor Notes

Chapter 3 presents the principal topics in the analysis of resistive (DC) circuits. The presentation of node
voltage and mesh current analysis is supported by several solved examples and drill exercises, with emphasis placed
on developing consistent solution methods, and on reinforcing the use of a systematic approach. The aim of this
style of presentation, which is perhaps more detailed than usual in a textbook written for a non-majors audience, is
to develop good habits early on, with the hope that the orderly approach presented in Chapter 3 may facilitate the
discussion of AC and transient analysis in Chapters 4 and 5. Make The Connection sidebars (pp. 83-85) introduce
analogies between electrical and thermal circuit elements. These analogies are to be encountered again in Chapter 5.
A brief discussion of the principle of superposition precedes the discussion of Thèvenin and Norton equivalent
circuits. Again, the presentation is rich in examples and drill exercises, because the concept of equivalent circuits
will be heavily exploited in the analysis of AC and transient circuits in later chapters. The Focus on Methodology
boxes (p. 84 – Node Analysis; p. 94 – Mesh Analysis; pp. 111, 115, 119 – Equivalent Circuits) provide the student
with a systematic approach to the solution of all basic network analysis problems.
Following a brief discussion of maximum power transfer, the chapter closes with a section on nonlinear circuit
elements and load-line analysis. This section can be easily skipped in a survey course, and may be picked up later,
in conjunction with Chapter 9, if the instructor wishes to devote some attention to load-line analysis of diode circuits.
Finally, those instructors who are used to introducing the op-amp as a circuit element, will find that sections
8.1 and 8.2 can be covered together with Chapter 3, and that a good complement of homework problems and
exercises devoted to the analysis of the op-amp as a circuit element is provided in Chapter 8. Modularity is a
recurrent feature of this book, and we shall draw attention to it throughout these Instructor Notes.
The homework problems present a graded variety of circuit problems. Since the aim of this chapter is to teach
solution techniques, there are relatively few problems devoted to applications. We should call the instructor's
attention to the following end-of-chapter problems: 3.30 on the Wheatstone bridge; 3.33 and 3.34 on fuses; 3.35-
3.37 on electrical power distribution systems; 3.76-83 on various nonlinear resistance devices. The 5th Edition of this
book includes 19 new problems; some of the 4th Edition problems were removed, increasing the end-of-chapter
problem count from 66 to 83.

Learning Objectives for Chapter 3

1. Compute the solution of circuits containing linear resistors and independent and dependent sources
using node analysis.
2. Compute the solution of circuits containing linear resistors and independent and dependent sources
using mesh analysis.
3. Apply the principle of superposition to linear circuits containing independent sources.
4. Compute Thévenin and Norton equivalent circuits for networks containing linear resistors and
independent and dependent sources.
5. Use equivalent circuits ideas to compute the maximum power transfer between a source and a load.
6. Use the concept of equivalent circuit to determine voltage, current and power for nonlinear loads using
load-line analysis and analytical methods.

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4: Nodal and Mesh Analysis

Focus on Methodology: Node Voltage Analysis Method

1. Select a reference node(usually ground). This node usually has most elements tied to it.
All other nodes will be referenced to this node.
2. Define the remaining n–1 node voltages as the independent or dependent variables.
Each of the m voltage sources in the circuit will be associated with a dependent
variable. If a node is not connected to a voltage source, then its voltage is treated as an
independent variable.
3. Apply KCL at each node labeled as an independent variable, expressing each current in
terms of the adjacent node voltages.
4. Solve the linear system of n–1–m unknowns.

Focus on Methodology: Mesh Current Analysis Method

1. Define each mesh current consistently. Unknown mesh currents will be always defined
in the clockwise direction; known mesh currents (i.e., when a current source is present)
will always be defined in the direction of the current source.
2. In a circuit with n meshes and m current sources, n–m independent equations will result.
The unknown mesh currents are the n–m independent variables.
3. Apply KVL to each mesh containing an unknown mesh current, expressing each
voltage in terms of one or more mesh currents..
4. Solve the linear system of n–m unknowns.
Problem 3.1 through 3.41 are proofed in the other file.

Problem 3.41
Refer to Figure P3.10 and use the Principle of
Superposition to find the voltages at nodes A, B, and
C. Assume V1 = 12 V, V2 = 10 V, R1 = 2ohm, R2 = 8ohm,
R3 = 12ohm, R4 = 8ohm.

Known quantities:
The voltage source value and the resistance values for the circuit shown in
Figure P3.10.
The three node voltages indicated in Figure P3.10 using superposition
Keep V1 and short V2:
V A′ = 12V
12 || 8
VB′ = VC′ = ⋅ V A = 9V
(2 || 8) + (12 || 8)

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Keep V2 and short V1:

V A′′ = 0

⋅ (− V2 ) = −3V
2 || 12
VB′′ =
(8 || 8) + (2 || 12)
8 || 8
VC′′ = ⋅ V2 = 7 V
(2 || 12) + (8 || 8)
V A = V A′ + V A′′ = 12V
VB = VB′ + VB′′ = 6V
VC = VC′ + VC′′ = 16V

Problem 3.42
Use the Principle of Superposition to determine the
voltage v across R2 in Figure P3.42.
VS1 = VS2 = 12 V
R1 = R2 = R3 = 1 kohm

Known quantities:
The values of the voltage sources and of the resistors in the
circuit of Figure P3.42:
VS1 = VS2 = 12 V
R1 = R2 = R3 = 1 kΩ
The voltage across R2 using superposition.
Specify the polarity of the voltage across R2 . Suppress the voltage source VS 1 by replacing it with a short circuit.

Redraw the circuit.

Req = R1 R3 = 1 kΩ = 0.5 kΩ

VR 2 − 2 =
⋅ VS 2 =
(12)(1000) = 8V
R2 + Req 1000 + 500
Suppress the voltage source VS 2 by replacing it with a short circuit. Redraw the

Req = R2 R3 = 1 kΩ = 0.5 kΩ
VR 2−1 = −VS1
(12 V)(0.5 kΩ) = −4 V
R1 + Req 1 kΩ + 0.5 kΩ

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

VR 2 = VR 2−1 + VR 2−2 = −4 V + 8 V = 4 V
Note: Although superposition is necessary to solve some circuits, it is a very inefficient and very cumbersome way
to solve a circuit. The Node Voltage and Mesh Current methods are generally more efficient. However,
superposition must be used when the sources in a circuit are AC sources with different frequencies, or where some
sources are DC and others are AC.

Problem 3.43
Refer to Figure P3.43 and use the Principle of
Superposition to determine the component of the
current i through R3 that is due to VS2.
VS1 = VS2 = 450 V
R1 = 7ohm R2 = 5ohm
R3 = 10ohm R4 = R5 = 1ohm

Known quantities:
The values of the voltage sources and of the resistors in the
circuit of Figure P3.43:

VS1 = VS2 = 450 V

R1 = 7 Ω R2 = 5Ω R3 = 10Ω R4 = R5 = 1Ω
The component of the current through R3 that is due to VS2, using superposition.
Suppress VS1 by replacing it with a short circuit. Redraw the circuit. A solution using equivalent resistances looks
reasonable. R1 and R4 are in parallel:
R14 = 1 4 =
(7)(1) = 0.875Ω
R1 + R4 7 +1
R14 is in series with R3 :

R143 = R14 + R3 = 0.875+ 10 = 10.875 Ω

Req = R5 + (R2 R143) = R5 +

R2 R143
= 1+
(5)(10.875) = 4.425 Ω
R2 + R143 5+ 10.875
VS 2 450
OL: IS = = = 101.69 A
Req 4.425

CD: I R 3−2 =
I S R2
(101.69)(5) = 32.03A
R2 + R143 5 + 10.875

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Problem 3.45
Refer to Figure P3.44 and use the Principle of
Superposition to determine the current i through R4
due to the voltage source vS . Assume: R1 = 12ohm,
R2 = 8ohm, R3 = 5ohm,R4 = 3ohm, vS = 3V, and iS = 2 A.

Known quantities:
The values of the resistors, of the voltage source and of the
current source in the circuit of Figure P3.45.
Determine the current, i,. through R4 due only to the voltage source.

Keep the voltage source and remove (open) the current source.
Req ,V = ( R1 + R2 ) || R3 + R4 = 7Ω
vS 3
i=− = − A = −429mA
Req ,V 7

Problem 3.47
Use the Principle of Superposition to determine the
current i through R3 in Figure P3.47. Let R1 = 10ohm,
R2 = 4ohm, R3 = 2ohm,R4 = 2ohm, R5 = 2ohm, vS= 10 V,
IS = 2A.

Known quantities:
The voltage source value, the current source value and the
five resistance values, indicated in Figure P3.47.
Using superposition, determine the current through R3.

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Case 1: Keep the voltage source and remove

(open) the current source.

Req = R3 + ( R4 || R5 ) + ( R1 || R2 ) = Ω
i′ = = 1.707 V

The entire current passes through R3.

Case 2: Keep the current source and remove

(short) the voltage source.Using the divider
current rule:

I ⋅ ( R1 || R2 )
i′′ = = 1.177 A
( R1 || R2 ) + (R3 + (R4 R5 ))
Using the principle of superposition,
i = i ′ + i ′′ = 2.884 A

Problem 3.48
Figure P3.23 represents a temperature
measurement system, where temperature T is linearly
related to the voltage source VS2 by a transduction
constant k. Use the Principle of Superposition to determine the temperature.
VS2 = kT k = 10 V/◦C
VS1 = 24V Rs = R1 = 12 kohm
R2 = 3 kohm R3 = 10 kohm
R4 = 24 kohm Vab = −2.524 V
In practice, the voltage across R3 is used as the measure of temperature, which is introduced to the
circuit through a temperature sensor modeled by the voltage source VS2 in series with Rs .

Known quantities:
Circuit in Figure P3.23:
VS 2 = kT k = 10 V/ °C
VS 1 = 24 V RS = R1 = 12 kΩ
R2 = 3kΩ R3 = 10 kΩ
R4 = 24 kΩ Vab = −2.524 V
The voltage across R3, which is given, indicates the temperature.
The temperature, T using superposition.
(1) Keep VS1 and remove (short) VS 2 . Redraw the circuit.
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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Convert the delta (pi) configuration a-b-ground to wye configuration.

Rx = = 2.61kΩ
RS + R3 + R4
R3 R4
Ry = = 5.22kΩ
RS + R3 + R4
Rz = = 6.26kΩ
RS + R3 + R4
The transformed circuit is shown to the right.
′ = Rz + (R1 + Rx ) (R2 + R y ) = 11.52kΩ
VS 1
′ =
itotal = 2.08mA

R2 + R y
CD : ia′ = ′ = 749 µA
⋅ itotal
R1 + Rx + R2 + R y
′ − ia′ = 1.33mA
KCL : ib′ = itotal
Va′ = VS 1 − ia′ R1 = 15.01V
Vb′ = VS 1 − ib′ R2 = 20.01
Vab′ = Va′ − Vb′ = −5V
′ = ab = −500 µA

(2) Keep VS2 and remove (short) VS 1 . Redraw the circuit.

′′ = R3 + R2 R4 = 12.67 kΩ
′′ = R1 R234
R1234 ′′ = 6.16kΩ
′′ = RS + R1234
Req ′′ = 18.16kΩ
VS 2
′′ =
itotal = 550.6TµA
′′ =
CD : iab ′′ = 268TµA
⋅ itotal
R1 + R234
iab = ′ + iab
= −252.4 µA = iab ′′ = −500 µA + 267.81TµA
T = 0.925°C

Problem 3.49
Use the Principle of Superposition to determine the
power P supplied by vS in Figure P3.49. Let
R1 = 12ohm, R2 = 10ohm, R3 = 5ohm,R4 = 5ohm, vS = 10V, iS = 5A.
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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Known quantities:
The values of the resistors and of the voltage and current sources as shown in
the circuit in Figure P3.49.
The power supplied byvS.
Keep the voltage source and remove (open) the
current source.
Redraw the circuit.

Req' = R4 + ( R1 || R2 || R3 ) = 7.61Ω
PvS = = 13.14 W


Problem 3.50
Use the Principle of Superposition to determine the
current io through R1 in Figure P3.50. Let R1 = 8ohm,
R2 = 2ohm, R3 = 3ohm R4 = 4ohm, R5 = 2ohm, V1 = 15V,
I1 = 2A, I2 = 3A.

Known quantities:
The values of the resistors, of the voltage source and of the current sources shown in Figure P3.50.
Determine the current through R1 using superposition.

Using the superposition principle:

Case 1: Keep V1 and remove (open) the current sources. Redraw

the circuit.
i0' = = 1.557 A
R1 + [R2 || (R3 + R4 + R5 )]

Case 2: Keep I1 and remove (short) the voltage source and (open)
the other current source. Redraw the circuit.

i x = I1 ⋅ = 0.566A
R3 + R4 + R5 + ( R1 || R2 )
i0′′ = −i x ⋅ = −0.113A
R1 + R2

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Case 3: Keep I2 and remove (short) the voltage source and (open) the othe
current source. Redraw the circuit.

Using divider current:

iy = I 2 ⋅ = 0.566A
R4 + R5 + R3 + ( R1 || R2 )
i0′′′ = −i y ⋅ = −0.113 A
R2 + R1

Finally i0 = i0' + i0'' + i0''' = 1.33A

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Problem 3.51
Find the Thévenin equivalent of the network seen by the 3-ohm resistor in Figure P3.51.

Known quantities:
Circuit shown in Figure P3.51.
Thevenin equivalent circuit
Remove the 3Ω resistor.
For the Thévenin resistance, remove (short) the voltage source
and calculate the equivalent resistance..
RTH = 1Ω + 4Ω 5Ω = 3.22Ω
1 20 29
RTH = 1 + = 1+ = Ω = 3.222 Ω
1 1 9 9
5 4
For the Thévenin voltage, use the divider
 4 
VTH =  36 = 16 V
 4+5

Problem 3.52
Find the Thévenin equivalent of the network seen
by the 3-ohm resistor in Figure P3.52. Use it and voltage
division to find the voltage v across the 3-ohm resistor.

Known quantities:
Circuit shown in Figure P3.52.
Thevenin equivalent circuit and the voltage across resistance 3Ω
KVL: v3 = 3 + v2 ,

Find νoc (3 Ω disconnected)

ν1 − ν2 ν1 − v3
KCL Node 1: 2+ + =0
2 2
KCL at the supernode composed of Nodes 2 & 3:
ν2 − ν1 ν2 v3 − ν1
+ + =0
2 4 2
Solving the three equations for v3 = VTH

v1 = −8.5V; v2 = −8V;
v3 = −5V = VTH

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Set all independent sources to zero (i.e. short the voltage source and open the current source.
We see that the series combination of the two 2Ω resistors is in parallel with a
short circuit.
RTH = 4Ω

(− 5) = − 15 V=-2.14 V
4+3 7

Problem 3.53
Find the Norton equivalent of the network seen by
R2 in Figure P3.53. Use it and current division to
compute the current i through R2. Assume I1 = 10 A, I2 = 2A, V1 = 6V, R1 = 3ohm, and R2 = 4ohm.

Known quantities:
Circuit shown in Figure P3.53, resistances, voltage and current sources.
The current i.
Zero all the sources (short the voltage sources and open the current sources).
The equivalent resistance, RTH, is equal to R1 RTH = 3Ω.

Short R3. The current through this short circuit is the Norton equivalent current.

Using the superposition method to find IN

Keep i1, short v1 and open i2:

′ = 10A

Keep i2, short v1 and open i1:

′′ = −2A

Keep v1, open both i1 and i2:

′′′ = − A = −2A

′ + iSC
Finally: iSC = iSC ′′ + iSC
′′′ = 6A = I N

Using current division :

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

i = 6⋅ = 2.6A
3+ 4

Problem 3.54
Find the Norton equivalent of the network between
nodes a and b in Figure P3.54.

Known quantities:
Circuit shown in Figure P3.54.
Norton equivalent circuit
Analysis: 5Ω
To find the Norton resistance, zero (short circuit) the voltage source as
shown then find the equivalent resistance. 1Ω 3Ω
RN = Req = 5Ω (3Ω + 2Ω 1Ω ) = 2.12Ω

To find the Norton current, short circuit from node a to node b then use
mesh analysis to find the short circuit current,
8 − 1(i1 − i2 ) − 2(i1 − iSC ) = 0 b

−1(i2 − i1 ) − 5i2 − 3(i2 − iSC ) = 0

−2(iSC − i1 ) − 3(iSC − i2 ) = 0
Solving, iSC = 3.05A = I N .
1Ω i2 3Ω a

8V i1 isc

Problem 3.55
Find the Thévenin equivalent of the network seen
by R in Figure P3.55 and use the result to compute the
current iR. Assume Vo = 10V, Io = 5A, R1 = 2ohm,
R2 = 2ohm, R3 = 4ohm, and R = 3ohm.

Known quantities:
Circuit shown in Figure P3.55, V0 , I 0 , R1 , R2 , R3 , R .
Thévenin equivalent circuit and iR .
Remove R (open the circuit between a and b).

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Zero the sources (short v0 and open I0). Find the Thévenin equivalent resistance.
Req ,ab = R3 + R1 || R2 = 5Ω = RTH
Using the superposition principle, we compute Vab .
Keep v0 and open I 0 :
Vab′ = ⋅ v0 = 5V
R1 + R2

Keep I0 and short v0:

Vab′′ = −5 ⋅ 4V = −20V
Combining Vab = Vab ′ + Vab′′ = −15V = VTH

iR = = −1.875A

Problem 3.56
Find the Thévenin equivalent resistance seen by the
load R0 in Figure P3.56.

Known quantities:
Circuit shown in Figure P3.56.
Thévenin equivalent resistance.
For Thevenin analysis, open (remove) R9.
To find RT, we need to make the current source an open circuit and the
voltage sources short circuits, as follows:

Note that this circuit has only three nodes. Thus, we can re-draw the circuit
as shown:

combine the two parallel resistors to obtain:

Thus, RTH = 50 || (50 + 33.3) || 100 = 23.81 Ω

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Problem 3.57
Find the Thévenin equivalent of the network seen
by the load R0 in Figure P3.57.

Known quantities:
Circuit shown in Figure P3.57.
Thévenin equivalent circuit
Remove (open) the connection from a to b.

To find RTH, zero (short) the voltage source and find

the equivalent resistance between a and b,

RTH = {[(8 || 8) + 2] || 3} + 8 = 10 Ω

To find VTH = vOC, nodal analysis can be applied. Note that the 8 Ω resistor
next to node a may be omitted because no current flows through it, and it
therefore does not affect vOC.

v1 − 12 v1 v1 − vOC
+ + =0
8 8 2
vOC − v1 vOC
+ =0
2 3
v1 = 3.33V; vOC = 2V
Therefore, vTH = 2 V

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Problem 3.58
Find the Thévenin equivalent network seen by the
load R0 in Figure P3.58, where R1 = 10ohm,
R2 = 20ohm, Rg = 0.1ohm, and Rp = 1ohm.

Known quantities:
Circuit shown in Figure P3.58.
Thévenin equivalent circuit
Remove (open) the connection from a to b.

To find RT, we short circuit the source

Starting from the left side,
(1 + 0.1) || 10 = 0.99 Ω ,
(1 + 0.99 + 0.1) || 20 = 1.89 Ω

Therefore, we have
RTH = 1 + 1.89 + 0.1 = 2.99 Ω .
To find voc , we apply mesh analysis:
Two resistors are omitted because no current flows through them and they,
therefore, do not affect vOC. Name the left hand mesh i1 and the right hand mesh i2. All
mesh currents are clockwise in direction.

1i1 + 10(i1 − i2 ) + 0.1i1 = 15

10(i2 − i1 ) + 1i2 + 20i2 + 0.1i2 = 0
Solving i1 = 1.9V, i2 = 0.612 A

we obtain,
vTH = vOC = 20 i2 = 12.24 V

Problem 3.59
A Wheatstone bridge such as that shown in Figure
P3.59 is used in numerous practical applications. One
use is in determining the value of an unknown resistor
R X.
Determine Vab = Va − Vb in terms of R, RX, and VS .
If R = 1 kohm, VS = 12 V and Vab = 12mV, what is the
value of RX?

Known quantities:
Circuit shown in Figure P3.59, resistances and voltage source values
and the voltage between nodes a and b..

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Value of resistance Rx
R Rx
a) We have Vab = Va − Vb = VS - VS
R+R R+Rx
1 Rx
Vab = VS - VS
2 R + Rx
b) For R = 1 kW , Vs = 12 V , Vab = 12 mV ,
0.012 = 6 − 12 Rx = 996Ω

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Problem 3.60
Thévenin’s theorem can be useful when dealing
with a Wheatstone bridge. For the circuit of Figure
a. Express the Thévenin equivalent resistance seen by
the load resistor R0 in terms of R1, R2, R3, and RX.
b. Determine the Thévenin equivalent network seen
by R0 and use it to compute the power dissipated
by R0. Assume R0 = 500ohm, VS = 12 V,
R1 = R2 = R3 = 1 kohm, and RX = 996ohm.
c. Find the power dissipated by the Thévenin
equivalent resistance seen by R0.
d. Find the power dissipated by the entire bridge when
R0 is replaced by an open-circuit.

Known quantities:
Circuit shown in Figure P3.60, resistances and voltage source values.
a) Thévenin equivalent resistance
b) Power dissipated by R0
c) Power dissipated by RTH with R0 in the circuit
d) Power dissipated by the bridge without the load resistor
Open (remove) the load resistor, R0.
To find RTH, short circuit vs. Thus,
RTH = (R1 || R2 ) + (R3 || R x ) = 999 Ω
VTH = 12 v S - v S = 12mV
v R0 = ⋅ VTH = 4mV
RTH + R0
b) Using the circuit shown:
v R20
PR0 = = 32 nW
c) Using the previous circuit,
v RTH = R + R ⋅ VTH = 8mV
 TH 0

v = V − v = 8mV
v R2TH
PRTH = = 64 nW

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12 2 12 2
d) With no load resistor, Pdissipated = + = 144.1 mW
2000 1996

Problem 3.61
The circuit shown in Figure P3.61 is one form of a
differential amplifier. Find an expression for vba in
terms of v1 and v2 using either the Thévenin or Norton
theorem. Notice that the figure implies zero current
through sources v1 and v2.

Known quantities:
Circuit shown in Figure P3.61.
vab as an expression of v1 and v2 .
Use node voltage.
Take the bottom node as the reference (ground),
at node a :
+ i1 , = 0 or v1 = −4i1
at node b :
+ i2 = 0 or v2 = −4i2
Then, vba = vb − va = −4i2 + 4i1 = 4(i1 − i2 )

The current through the 5Ω resistor is i1 + i2. The voltage at the top of this resistor is thus 5(i1+i2).
v1 − 5(i1 + i2 ) v − 5(i1 + i2 )
Therefore, i1 = and i2 = 2
2 2
So, vba = 2(v1 − v2 )
Note: v1 and v2 do not source any current.

Problem 3.62
Find the Thévenin equivalent resistance seen by
resistor R3 in the circuit of Figure P3.5. Compute the
Thévenin (open-circuit) voltage and the Norton
(short-circuit) current, from node A to node B, when
R3 is the load.

Known quantities:
The schematic of the circuit (see Figure P3.5).
The Thévenin equivalent resistance seen by resistor R3 , the Thévenin (open-

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circuit) voltage and the Norton (short-circuit) current when R3 is the load.
(1) Remove the load, leaving the load terminals open circuited, and zero (short circuit) the voltage sources. Redraw
the circuit.
R1R4 R R
RT = R1 || R4 + R2 || R5 = + 2 5
R1 + R4 R2 + R5
(2) Remove the load, leaving the load terminals open circuited. Redraw the circuit.
v1 v1 − VS1
For node #1: + =0
R1 R4
v 2 v 2 + VS2
For node #2: + =0
R2 R5
Solving the system,
v1 = VS1
R1 + R4
v2 = − VS2
R2 + R5
R1 R2
vT = v1 − v2 = VS 1 + VS 2
R1 + R4 R2 + R5
(3) Replace the load with a short circuit. Redraw the circuit.

For mesh (a): VS 1 − R4 ia − R1 (ia − ic ) = 0

For mesh (b): VS 2 − R2 (ib − ic ) − R5ib = 0
For mesh (c): R1 (ic − ia ) + R2 (ic − ib ) = 0
Solving the system,

ia =
(R1R2 + R1R5 + R2 R5 )VS1 + R1R2VS2
R1R4 (R2 + R5 ) + R2 R5 (R1 + R4 )
R R V + (R1R2 + R1R4 + R2 R4 )VS2
i b = 1 2 S1
R1R4 (R2 + R5 ) + R2 R5 (R1 + R4 )
R (R + R5 )VS1 + R2 (R1 + R4 )VS 2
ic = 1 2
R1R4 (R2 + R5 ) + R2 R5 (R1 + R4 )
R1 (R2 + R5 )VS 1 + R2 (R1 + R4 )VS 2
i N = ic =
R1 R4 (R2 + R5 ) + R2 R5 (R1 + R4 )

Problem 3.63
Find the Thévenin equivalent resistance seen by
resistor R4 in the circuit of Figure P3.10. Compute the
Thévenin (open-circuit) voltage and the Norton
(short-circuit) current, from node C to the reference
node, when R4 is the load.

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Known quantities:
The schematic of the circuit (see Figure P3.10).
The Thévenin equivalent resistance seen by resistor R4 , the Thévenin
(open-circuit) voltage and the Norton (short-circuit) current when R4 is the
Analysis: 200



(1) Remove the load, leaving the load terminals open circuited, and zero
(short circuit) the voltage sources. Redraw the circuit.

RTH = R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 R3
R1 R2 + R1 R3 + R2 R3

(2) Return the voltage sources, leaving the load terminals open circuited. V1 75

+ +

Define i as the current through V2 from node B to node C. Redraw the circuit.
0.2 A 200 25

For node B:
v B − V1 v B
+ +i = 0
R1 R3
For node C:
vC − V1
−i + =0
The third equation is
vC = v B + V2

VTH = vc =
(R1 R3 + R2 R3 )V1 + (R1 R2 + R2 R3 )V2
R1 R2 + R1 R3 + R2 R3
(3) Replace the load with a short circuit. Redraw the circuit.

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Define Ia as the upper mesh current, Ib as the lower left mesh current, and Ic as the lower right mesh current. All
mesh currents are in a clockwise direction.
The mesh equations are:
R2 ia + V2 + R1 (ia − ib ) = 0
V1 = R1 (ib − ia ) + R3 (ib − ic )
V2 = R3 (ic − ib )

I N = ic =
(R1 R3 + R2 R3 )V1 + (R1 R2 + R2 R3 )V2
R1 R2 R3

Problem 3.64
Find the Thévenin equivalent network seen from
node a to b in Figure P3.64. Let R1 = 10ohm, R2 = 8ohm,
R3 = 5ohm, R4 = 4ohm, R5 = 1ohm, vS = 10 V, iS = 2A.

Known quantities:
The voltage and current sources, resistances in the circuit 3.64.

Find the Thévenin equivalent circuit seen by clamps a and b.

Zero the power sources (short circuit the voltage source and open
circuit the current source).
Ra ,b = ((R1 + R2 + R4 ) || R3 ) + R5 = 5.074Ω

Transform the current source to a voltage source:

Veq = I ⋅ R4 = 8V
Req = R4 = 4Ω

Vab = (vS − Veq ) ⋅ = 0.37 V
R1 + R2 + R3 + Req

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Problem 3.65
Find the Thévenin equivalent resistance seen by R3
in Figure P3.23. Compute the Thévenin (open-circuit)
voltage VT and the Norton (short-circuit) current IN ,
from node a to node b, when R3 is the load.

Known quantities:
The schematic of the circuit (see Figure P3.23).
The Thévenin equivalent resistance seen by resistor R3 , the Thévenin (open-
circuit) voltage and the Norton (short-circuit) current when R3 is the load.
(1) Remove the load, leaving the load terminals open circuited, and zero
(short circuit) the voltage sources. Redraw the circuit.
R1 R2 RS + R1 R4 RS + R1 R2 R4 + R2 R4 RS
RT = R1 || RS + R2 || R4 =
R1 R2 + R1 R4 + R2 RS + R4 RS
(2) Leave the load open circuited. Replace the voltage sources. Redraw the
circuit and use nodal analysis.
For node a:
v a − VS 1 v a − VS 2
+ =0
For node b:
vb − V S 1 vb
+ =0
R2 R4
Solving the system,
R1VS 2 + RSVS 1 R4VS 1
va = and vb = .
R1 + RS R2 + R4

R1 R2VS 2 + R1 R4 (VS 2 − VS 1 ) + R2 RSVS 1

VTH = vab = va − vb =
R1 R2 + R1 R4 + R2 RS + R4 RS

(3) Leave the voltage source in and short circuit the load. Redraw the
circuit and use mesh current analysis. Name the left hand mesh
current I1, the upper right mesh current I2, and the lower right mesh
current I3. All mesh currents are clockwise.
For mesh 1:
− VS 1 + R1 (I1 − I 2 ) + RS (I1 − I 3 ) + VS 2 = 0

For mesh 2:
R1 (I 2 − I1 ) + R2 I 2 = 0

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For mesh 3:
− VS 2 + RS (I 3 − I1 ) + R4 I 3 = 0
Solving the system,

I1 =
(R1 + R2 )(R4 (VS1 − VS 2 ) + RSVS1 )
R1 (R2 (R4 + RS ) + R4 RS ) + R2 R4 RS

I2 =
(R1 R4 + R1 RS )VS1 − R1 R4VS 2 , .
R1 (R2 (R4 + RS ) + R4 RS ) + R2 R4 RS

I3 =
(R1 RS + R2 RS )VS1 + R1 R2VS 2
R1 (R2 (R4 + RS ) + R4 RS ) + R2 R4 RS

I N = I3 − I2 =
(R2 RS − R1 R4 )VS1 + R1 (R2 + R4 )VS 2
R1 R2 R4 + R1 R2 RS + R1 R4 RS + R2 R4 RS

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Problem 3.66
Find the Norton equivalent of the network seen by
R5 in Figure P3.66. Use it and current division to
compute the current through R5. Assume R1 = 15ohm,
R2 = 8ohm, R3 = 4ohm, R4 = 4ohm, R5 = 2ohm, I1 = 2A,
I2 = 3A.

Known quantities:
Resistances and current sources values for the circuit in
Figure P3.66.


Determine the current through R5 using the Thévenin theorem.

Remove (open) the load. Zero the sources (open circuit the current
sources). Redraw the circuit.
Req = ( R1 + R2 ) || R3 + R4 = 7.41Ω

Replace the current sources and short circuit the load. Redraw the
circuit. Use mesh current analysis.
Assign the mesh currents Ia, Ib, Ic, and Id to the meshes from left to
right. All mesh currents are clockwise in direction.
R1 I a + R2 I a + R3 (I b − I c ) = 0
R3 (I c − I b ) + R4 (I c − I d ) = 0
I d = −I 2
I b − I a = I1
I a = −400mA, I b = 1.6A
I c = −700mA, I d = −3A

I N = I c = −700mA
Draw the Norton equivalent circuit.
I5 = ⋅ I N = −551mA
RN + R5

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Problem 3.67
Find the Norton equivalent of the network seen by
R3 in Figure P3.67. Use it to determine the power
dissipated by R3. Assume R1 = 10ohm, R2 = 9ohm,
R3 = 4ohm, R4 = 4ohm, IS = 2 A.

Known quantities:

The resistances and current source values for the circuit in Figure


Using the Norton theorem, determine the power dissipated through


Remove (open) the load (R3). Zero the source (open
the current source). Redraw the circuit.
Req = R1 || R2 + R3 = 8.737Ω

Return the current source and short circuit across the load.
Redraw the circuit. Solve using mesh current analysis.
Assign the mesh currents I1, I2. and I3 to the meshes from left
to right. All mesh currents are clockwise in direction.

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R1 I1 + R2 (I 2 − I 3 ) = 0
R2 (I 3 − I 2 ) + R4 I 3 = 0
I 2 − I1 = I S


I1 = −434mA
I 2 = 1.566A
I 3 = I N = 1.084A

The Norton resistance is in parallel with the load. Using current division:

I R3 = ⋅ I N = 744mA
RN + R3

Now, using Watt’s Law:

PR3 = I R23 R3 = 2.214 W Problem 3.68

Find the Thévenin equivalent resistance seen by R
in Figure P3.68. Compute the Thévenin (open-circuit)
voltage VT and the Norton (short-circuit) current IN ,
from node a to node b, when R is the load. Assume:
IB = 12A RB = 1ohm
VG = 12 V RG = 0.3ohm
R = 0.23ohm

Known quantities:
The schematic of Figure 3.68 along with the resistances and source values.
The Thévenin equivalent resistance seen by resistor R , the Thévenin (open-
circuit) voltage and the Norton (short-circuit) current when R is the load.
(1) Remove the load, leaving the load terminals open circuited. Zero the sources (short
circuit the voltage source and open circuit the current source). Redraw the circuit.
RT = 1 Ω || 0.3 Ω = 0.23 Ω
(2) Leave the load disconnected but reconnect the sources. Redraw
the circuit. Solve for the open circuit voltage using Nodal Analysis.

v1 v1 − 12
For node #1: + = 12
1 0.3
VTH = v1 = 12 V .
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(3) Leave the sources connected. Replace the load with a short circuit. Redraw the circuit. Solve for the short circuit
current using mesh current analysis.

Assign the meh currents as i0, ia, and ib to the meshes from left to right. All mesh currents are clockwise.
i0 = 12
1(ia − i0 ) + 0.3(ia − ib ) + 12 = 0
− 12 + 0.3(ib − ia ) = 9
Solving the system,
i a = 12 A and i b = 52 A .
i N = ib = 52 A .

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Problem 3.69
Find the Norton equivalent network between
terminals a and b in Figure P3.69. Let R1 = 6ohm,
R2 = 3ohm, R3 = 2ohm, R4 = 2ohm, VS = 10V, IS = 3A.

Known quantities:
The resistances and the voltage and current source values for the
circuit shown in Figure 3.69

Find the Norton equivalent circuit seen by clamps a and b.

Zero the sources (open circuit the current source and short circuit
the voltage source). Redraw the circuit.
[ ]
Req = R4 || R3 || (R1 + R2 ) = 0.9Ω .

Replace the sources and short circuit betwwe terminals a and b.

Redraw the circuit. Use the mesh current method. Assing mesh
currents I1, I2, I3, and I4 to the meshes from left to right. All mesh
currents are clockwise.
6 I1 + 3I 2 + 2(I 2 − I 3 ) = 0
2(I 3 − I 2 ) + 2(I 3 − I 4 ) + 10 = 0
2(I 4 − I 3 ) = 0
I 2 − I1 = 3
I1 = −2.111A
I 2 = 889mA
I 3 = −4.111A
I N = I 4 = −4.111A

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Problem 3.70
Find the Norton equivalent of the network seen by
R4 in Figure P3.70. Use it to determine the current
through R4. Assume R1 = 8ohm, R2 = 5ohm, R3 = 4ohm,
R4 = 3ohm, V0 = 10 V, and I0 = 2A.

Known quantities:
The resistances and the voltage, current source values for the circuit
shown in Figure P3.70.


The Norton equivalent, Determine the current through R4.

Remove (open) the load (R4). Zero the sources (short
circuit the voltage source and open circuit the current
source). Redraw the circuit.
RN = R1 || R2 + R3 = 7.077Ω
Replace the sources. Short circuit across the load.
Redraw the circuit. Use mesh current analysis.
Assign the mesh currents I1, I2, and I3 to the
meshes from left to right. All mesh currents are
− V0 + R1 I1 + R2 (I1 − I 2 ) = 0
R2 (I 2 − I1 ) + R3 (I 2 − I 3 ) = 0
I3 = −I0
I1 = 690mA
I 2 = −207 mA
I N = − I 2 = 207 mA
I 3 = −2A
Now, using current division
I R4 = ⋅ I N = 145mA
RN + R4

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Problem 3.71
Find the Norton and Thévenin equivalent networks
seen from node a to b in Figure P3.71. Assume
R1 = 12ohm, R2 = 10ohm, R3 = 5ohm, R4 = 2ohm, IS = 3A.

Known quantities:
The values of the current source, I , and the values of the 4 resistors in the circuit of
Figure P3.71.

Find the Norton and Thévenin equivalent circuits seen by clamps a and b
Zero the source (open circuit the current source). Redraw the
circuit. RTH = RN = ( R1 + R3 ) || ( R2 + R4 ) = 7.03Ω

Restore the current source. Use Nodal Analysis. Set the reference node at
the bottom of the circuit and call the top of the circuit node c.
Va − Vc Va
+ =0
R1 R2
Vb − Vc Vb
+ =0
R3 R4
Vc − Va Vc − Vb
+ = IS
R1 R3
Va = 8.82V, Vb = 5.55V, Vc = 19.41V
VTH = Va − Vb = 3.27 V

For the Norton Current, short circuit across a,b. Redraw the circuit. Use mesh current analysis. Assign the mesh
currents I1, I2, and I3 to the left mesh, the upper right mesh, and the lower right mesh, respectively. All mesh
currents are clockwise.

I1 = I S
R1 (I 2 − I1 ) + R3 I 2 = 0
R2 (I 3 − I1 ) + R4 I 3 = 0
I1 = 3A
I 2 = 2.12A
I 3 = 2.5A
I N = I 3 − I 2 = 0.38A
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Problem 3.72
A real voltage source is modeled in Figure P3.72 as
an ideal source VS in series with a resistance RS . This
model accounts for internal power losses found in a
real voltage source. The following data characterizes
the real (non-ideal) source:
When R → ∞ VR = 20 V
When R = 2.7 kohm VR = 18 V
Determine the internal resistance RS and the ideal voltage VS.

Known quantities:
The circuit shown in Figure P3.72, the values of the terminal voltage, VR , before and after the application of the
load, respectively VR = 20 V and VR = 18 V , and the value of the load resistor RL = 2.7 kΩ .
The internal resistance and the voltage of the ideal source for the
circuit shown in Figure 3.72.
The open load (R = ∞) voltage is identically VS = 20V

Using voltage division:

VR = ⋅ VS
R + RS
2.7 kΩ
18 = ⋅ 20
2.7kΩ + RS

RS = 300Ω
Note that RS is an equivalent resistance, representing the various
internal losses of the source and is not physically a separate component. VS is the voltage generated by some internal
process. The source voltage can be measured directly by reducing the current supplied by the source to zero, i.e., no-
load or open-circuit conditions. The source resistance cannot be directly measured; however, it can be determined,
as was done above, using the interaction of the source with an external load.

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Section 3.7: Maximum power transfer

Problem 3.73
The Thévenin equivalent network seen by a load
R0 is depicted in Figure P3.73. Assume VT = 10 V,
RT = 2ohm, and that the value of R0 is such that
maximum power is transferred to it. Determine:
a. The value of R0.
b. The power P0 dissipated by R0.
c. The efficiency (P0/PVT ) of the circuit.

Known quantities:
The values of the voltage and of the resistor in the equivalent circuit of Figure P3.73: VT = 10 V; RT = 2Ω
Assume the conditions for maximum power transfer exist.
a. The value of R0 .
b. The power developed in R0 .
c. The efficiency of the circuit, that is the ratio of power absorbed by the load to power supplied by the source.
a. For maximum power transfer: R0 = RT = 2Ω

b. VD: VR0 =
(10)(2) = 5V
RT + R0 2+2

PR0 =
= 12.5 W
R0 2
PVT = T =
(10) = 25 2

Rtotal 4
η= = 0.5 = 50%

Problem 3.74
The Thévenin equivalent network seen by a load
R0 is depicted in Figure P3.73. Assume VT = 25V,
RT = 100ohm, and that the value of R0 is such that
maximum power is transferred to it. Determine:
a. The value of R0.
b. The power P0 dissipated by R0.
c. The efficiency (P0/PVT ) of the circuit.

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Known quantities:
The values of the voltage and of the resistor in the equivalent circuit of Figure P3.73: VT = 25V; RT = 100 Ω
Assume the conditions for maximum power transfer exist.
a. The value of R0 .
b. The power developed in R0 .
c. The efficiency of the circuit, that is the ratio of power absorbed by the load to power supplied by the source.
a. For maximum power transfer: R0 = RT = 100Ω

b. VD: VR0 =
(25)(100) = 12.5V
RT + R0 100 + 100

PR0 =
(12.5)2 = 1.563W
R0 100

(25) = 3.125W

Rtotal 200
η= = 0.5 = 50%

Problem 3.75
A real voltage source is modeled in Figure P3.72 as
an ideal source VS in series with a resistance RS . This
model accounts for internal power losses found in a
real voltage source. A load R is connected across the
terminals of the model. Assume:
VS = 12 V RS = 0.3ohm
a. Plot the power dissipated in the load as a function
of the load resistance. What can you conclude from
your plot?
b. Prove, analytically, that your conclusion is valid in
all cases.

Known quantities:
The values of the voltage source, VS = 12 V , and of the
resistance representing the internal losses of the source,
RS = 0.3 Ω , in the circuit of Figure P3.72.
a. Plot the power dissipated in the load as a function of the load resistance. What can you conclude from your

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b. Prove, analytically, that your conclusion is valid in

Power dissipated in the load
all cases. 120

−VS = IRS + IR = 0 100

a. KVL: VS
I= PR = I 2 R 80

RS + R

Power [W]
R [Ω] I [A] PR [W] 60

0 40 0.0 40
0.1 30 90.0
0.3 20 120.0 20

0.9 10 90.0
2.1 5 52.5 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
The maximum power to the load occurs when the load Load Resistance [Ohm]

resistance is equal to the internal resistance.

VS2 R −2
b. PR = I 2 R = = VS2 R(R + RS )
(R + RS ) 2

dPR −2 −3
= VS2 (1)(R + RS ) + VS2 (R)(−2)(R + RS ) (1) = 0
(R + RS )1 − 2R = 0 ⇒ R = RS

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Section 3.8: Nonlinear circuit elements

Problem 3.76
Apply nodal analysis to find two equations in terms
of the node voltages v1 and v2 shown in Figure P3.76.
The two non-linear resistors Ra and Rb are
characterized by:
ia = 2va3
ib = vb3 + 10vb
The resulting non-linear (but not transcendental) equations
cannot be solved by the methods used for simultaneous
linear equations. While the equations can be solved
analytically, consult your instructor before attempting to
solve these equations.

Known quantities:
The two nonlinear resistors, in the circuit of Figure P3.76, are characterized by:
i a = 2v a3 i b = v b3 + 10v b
The node voltage equations in terms of v1 and v2.
At node 1, + i a = 1 ⇒ v1 + 2v a3 = 1
At node 2, i b − i a = 26 ⇒ v b3 + 10v b − 2v a3 = 26
But va = v1 − v2 and vb = v2 . Therefore, the node

equations are
v1 + 2(v1 − v 2 ) = 1 v 23 + 10v 2 − 2(v1 − v 2 ) = 26
3 3

v1 = 1.34V, v2 = 1.89V

Problem 3.77
Many practical circuit elements are non-linear;
however, it is usually possible to linearize the V -I
relationship near any specific point on the non-linear
V -I curve. Such a point is often referred to as an
operating point. In other words, in the vicinity of an
operating point [V0, I0] the V -I relationship can be
linearly approximated by:
I = mV + b where m = slope b = intercept
The inverse of the slope m at the operating point is defined
as incremental resistance Rinc :

a. Refer to Figure P3.77 and find the operating point

of the non-linear element.
b. Find the incremental resistance of the non-linear
element at the operating point.
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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

c. If VT is increased to 20 V, what is the new operating

point and the new incremental resistance?

Known quantities:
The characteristic I-V curve, I = 0.06V 2 , shown in Figure P3.77, and the values of the voltage, VT = 10V , and of
the resistance, RT = 100Ω , in the circuit of Figure P3.77.
a. The operating point of the element that has the characteristic curve shown in Figure P3.61.
b. The incremental resistance of the nonlinear element at the operating point of part a.
c. If VT were increased to 20 V, find the new operating point and the new incremental resistance.
− 10 + 100 I + V = 0
( )
a. KVL:
− 10 + 100 0.06V 2 + V = 0
Solving for V:
V = 1.21V
But I = 0.06V = 87.85mA

dV d  I   2.04 
b. Rinc = =   =  = 6.88Ω
dI I =0.088 dI  0.06 
  I  I =0.088
I =0.088

c. V = 1.74V, I = 182mA, Rinc = 4.78Ω

Problem 3.78
The device D in the circuit in Figure P3.78 is an
induction motor with a non-linear i-v characteristic.
Determine the current through and the voltage across
the motor.
VS = 450 VR = 9ohm

Known quantities:
The characteristic I-V curve shown in Figure P3.78, and the values of the
voltage, VS = 450 V, and of the resistance, R = 9Ω , in the circuit of Figure P3.78.
The current through and the voltage across the nonlinear device.
The I-V characteristic for the nonlinear device is given. Plot the circuit I-V characteristic, i.e., the
DC load line.
KVL: −VS + I D R + VD = 0

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

VS − VD 450 − VD
ID = = =
R 9
=0 A if VD = 450 V
= 50 A if VD = 0
The DC load line [circuit characteristic] is linear. Plotting the two intercepts above and connecting them with a
straight line gives the DC load line. The solution for V and I is at the intersection of the device and circuit
Reading from the graph:
I DQ ≈ 26 A VDQ ≈ 210 V .

Problem 3.79
The non-linear diode in Figure P3.79 has the
following i-v characteristic:
VS = VTH = 1.5V R = Req = 60ohm
Determine the voltage across and the current through
the diode

Known quantities:
The I-V characteristic shown in Figure P3.79, and the values of the
voltage, VS = VT = 1.5 V, and of the resistance, R = Req = 60 Ω , in the
circuit of Figure P3.63.
The current through and the voltage across the nonlinear device.
The solution is at the intersection of the device and circuit characteristics. The device I-V characteristic is given.
Determine and plot the circuit I-V characteristic.
KVL: −VS + I D R + VD = 0
VS − VD 1.5 V − VD
ID = = =
R 60 Ω
=0 A if VD = 1.5 V
= 25 mA if VD = 0
The DC load line [circuit characteristic] is linear. Plotting the two intercepts above
and connecting them with a straight line gives the DC load line. The solution is at
the intersection of the device and circuit characteristics, or "Quiescent", or "Q", or
"DC operating" point.
Reading from the graph:
I DQ ≈ 12 mA VDQ ≈ 0.77 V.

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Problem 3.80
The resistance of the device D in Figure P3.80 is a
non-linear function of pressure P. The i-v
characteristics of D are shown as a family of curves for
various pressures. Assume:
VS = 2.5V R = 125ohm
a. Plot the DC load line.
b. Plot the voltage across D as a function of pressure.
c. Determine the current through D when P = 30 psig.

Known quantities:
The I-V characteristic shown in Figure P3.80 as a function of pressure.
VS = 2.5 V R = 125Ω
The DC load line, the voltage across the device as a function of pressure, and the
current through the nonlinear device when P = 30 psig.
Circuit characteristic [DC load line]:
KVL: −VS + I D R + VD = 0

VS − VD 2.5 V − VD 0 A if VD = 2.5 V
ID = = =
R 125Ω 20 mA if VD = 0

The circuit characteristic is a linear relation. Plot the two intercepts and connect with a straight line to plot the DC
load line. Solutions are at the intersections of the circuit with the device characteristics, i.e.:

p [psig] VD [V]
10 2.14
20 1.43
25 1.18
30 0.91
40 0.60

The function is nonlinear. Reading from where the load line crosses theP = 30 psig:
VD ≅ 0.91V I D ≅ 12.5mA .

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Problem 3.81
The non-linear device D in Figure P3.81 has the
following transcendental i-v characteristic:
iD = I0eV /V D termal

I0 = 10 10A and Vthermal = 25mV

Assume that VS = 2V and R = 40ohm. Determine an

expression for the DC load line. Then use an iterative
technique to determine the voltage across and current
through D.

Known quantities:
The I-V characteristic of the nonlinear device in the circuit shown in Figure P3.81:
I D = I 0 e vd / Vthermal
I 0 = 10 −10 A
Vthermal = 25mV
VS = 2 V
R = 40 Ω
An expression for the DC load line. The voltage across and current through the nonlinear device.
Circuit characteristic [DC load line]:
KVL: −VS + I D R + VD = 0

[1]I D = VS − VD 2 − VD
R 40
I   I 
[2]VD = Vthermal ln D  = 0.025 ⋅ ln D−10 
 I0   10 
Iterative procedure:
Initially guess VD = 750 mV . Note this voltage must be between zero and the value of the source voltage.
a. Use Equation [1] to compute a new ID.
b. Use Equation [2] to compute a new VD.
c. Iterate, i.e., go step a. and repeat.
VD [mV] ID [mA]
750 31.25
489. 37.78
494 37.65
494 37.65
… …

I DQ ≈ 37.65mA VDQ ≈ 494 mV .

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Problem 3.82
The resistance of the device D in Figure P3.80 is a
non-linear function of pressure P. The i-v
characteristics of D are shown as a family of curves for
various pressures. Assume:
VS = 3.0 V R = 100฀
Construct the DC load line and determine the current
through D when P = 40 psig.

Known quantities:
The I-V characteristic shown in Figure P3.80 as a function of pressure.
VS = 3.0V R = 100Ω
The DC load line, and the current through the nonlinear device when P = 40 psig.
Circuit characteristic [DC load line]:
KVL: −VS + I D R + VD = 0
VS − VD 3.0V − VD 0 A if VD = 3.0V
ID = = =
R 100Ω 30 mA if VD = 0
The circuit characteristic is a linear relation that can be plotted by plotting the
two intercepts and connecting them with a straight line. Solutions are at the
intersections of the circuit and device characteristics.
Reading from where the load line crosses the P = 40 psig:
VD ≅ 0.75V I D ≅ 120 mA

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

Problem 3.83
The so-called forward-bias i-v relationship for a
silicon diode is:

where ISAT and Vthermal are known as the saturation

and thermal voltage, respectively. At room
ISAT = 10−12
A and Vthermal =kT/q= 25.3mV

where k is Boltzmann’s constant, T is absolute

in kelvins, and q is the charge of an electron.
Consider the circuit shown in Figure P3.83. KVL
around the loop results in a transcendental equation for
loop current i = iD. Such equations cannot be solved in
terms of a closed-form expression i = . . .. Instead,
graphical or iterative procedures must be used.
a. Use graphical analysis to estimate the current
through and the voltage across the diode. Assume
RT = 22Ω and VT = 12V.
b. Use the iterative algorithm depicted in the
flowchart of Figure P3.83 to construct a computer
program that solves for V and i. The algorithm
relies upon the fact that 0 < V < VT to make an
initial guess VD1 = VT /2 for the voltage across the
diode. The algorithm then determines whether the
current iD1 through RT is greater than, less than, or
equal to the diode current iD2 for the guessed diode
voltage. In the first case, a new guess for VD1 is set
equal to the average value of VD1 and VD2, which
stores the most recent value of VD1 that resulted in
iD2 > iD1. The initial value VD2 = VT guarantees
that iD1 = 0 and, thus, iD2 > iD1 for the first pass
through the iterative algorithm. The result is that
VD1 and VD2 bracket the actual value of V . Each
pass through the algorithm narrows the bracket
until the difference |iD1 − iD2| < ε, where ε is
some sufficiently small error term.

Known quantities:
Circuit shown in Figure P3.83 and the program flowchart
a) Graphical analysis of diode current and diode voltage.
b) Write a computer program to implement the algorithm shown.

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G. Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 6th Edition Problem solutions, Chapter 3

a) For every voltage value for the diode, we can calculate the
corresponding current. Therefore we can calculate the voltage in
the whole circuit. The intersection of voltage circuit and the
Thévenin equivalent voltage shows the answer.
v D ≈ 0.65
iD ≈ 0.51
b) Run the attached Matlab code, we can have the following
answer. They are close to the answer we got above.
v D ≈ 0.6389
iD ≈ 0.5164
clc;clear;close all;
while flag
if iD1>iD2
if abs(VD2-VD1)<10E-6;

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educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

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