PCL Non-Op Rehab
PCL Non-Op Rehab
PCL Non-Op Rehab
Sports Medicine
27 South Bryn Mawr Ave
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-3470
Phone: (610) 527-2727
Fax: (610) 527-1588
0 - 1 weeks Progress to weight- Locked in full extension Within limits of Isometric quad sets, ankle pumps, SLR,
bearing as tolerated when not in PT pain, in prone hip ab/adduction, hamstring/calf stretch,
with crutches position No open chain hamstrings
2 - 3 weeks WBAT, Brace unlocked for flexion Increase ROM, Add open chain knee extension
can discontinue 15 degree extension stop in prone position
crutches for ambulation
3 - 4 weeks WBAT Fit for PCL brace, 15 Full, begin Add closed chain exercises
degree extension stop active ROM stationary bike with light
resistance (to begin) and seat higher
than normal, closed chain terminal knee
extensions, Stairmaster, balance and
propriception activities, leg press (limiting
knee flexion to 90 ), open chain quad
ranging from 0 - 60 degrees
No open chain hamstrings
5 - 6 weeks Full, without use PCL brace for remainder Gain full and Advance closed chain strengthening,
of crutches and of season, extension stop pain-free progress proprioception and balance
with a normalized at zero activities, maintain flexibility
gait pattern May add hamstring strengthening