PCP Practicals 2021 - 22
PCP Practicals 2021 - 22
PCP Practicals 2021 - 22
All Regional Director,
NIOS Regional Centre's
Sub: Schedule of Five (o5) PCP Practicals of Stream-1, BlockI for Academie Year
As you are aware that, as per NIOS norms PCP session for stream-1 (Block) starts
from November every year. Due to Covid-19 Pandemic there was delay in starting PCP
session for Academic Ycar 2021-22 Stream-1 (Block-1). However, the same has been started
and many Als have uploaded their PCP schedule.
With regard to five (05) PCP practicals they have to be conducted in February every
year for Stream-1, Block-1. As evaluation department have announced the dates for
practical cxaminations it has now become essential on our part to complete the PCP
practicals (also called as formative assessment) well in time and upload the marks of
Formative assessment before the start of summative assessment.
3. In this regard, enclosed please find herewith schedule of five (05) PCP practicals with
instructions. You are requested to disseminate this schedule to al Als under your
jurisdiction so that they can plan the PCP practicals accordingly and inform all learners well
in time by the Als.
You are also requested to keep a close monitoring of conduct of PCP practicals which
is compulsory and to ensure that al Als are uploading the schedule. Suitable and timely
action is also to be taken by the Regional Centre if any Al fails to upload the schedule of
PCP practicals with in stipulated time and copy of action taken be sent to this department
and SA/P for necessary action.
Yours faithfully,
s iaya Kumar
Encl As Above
Director (Evaluation) - for information only (w.r.t Notification 21/2014 of
Evaluation Department).
(2) SA/P- for information only.
4. A weightage of 50% of the marks be awarded for formative (o5 Practical classes) and 50%
marks for the Summative Assessment.
5. The link for uploading the marks of Formative Assessment will be open from 7" March to
11th March.