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District Disaster Management Plan (West)




NEW DELHI-110027

Disaster Helpline

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter Name Page No.
1 Introduction 20-26
1.1 Aims & Objectives of the District Disaster Management Plan 20
1.2 Authority for the DDMP, DM Act 2005. 21
1.3 Evolution of the Plan in brief 22
1.4 Stakeholders and their Responsibilities 23
1.5 How to Use the Plan 24
1.6 Approval Mechanism of the Plan: Authority for Implementation 25
1.7 Plan Review & Updation 26
1.8 Disability Data 26
2.1 Socio-economic Profile of District West 27
2.2 Matrix of Past Disasters 28
2.3 Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment 28
2.3.1 Authority/ Agency that carried out HVCRA 30
2.4 Hazard Analysis 30
2.5 Vulnerability Analysis 39
2.5.1 Vulnerability due to heavy industrial and unauthorized 39
residential area.
2.5.2 Forewarning and speed of Disaster Onset. 39
2.5.3 Collapse of Weak Structures 39
2.6 Risk 40
2.6.1 Risk Analysis: Methodology adopted for Measurement 40
2.6.2 Risk Assessment for the District 48 Physical Setup 48 Socio-economic Aspects 48 Housing Related Aspects 50 Preparedness and Response Aspects 50
2.8 Capacity and Resource Analysis 51
2.9 Conclusion 52
3 Institutional Arrangements for DM 55-66

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

3.1 Introduction 55
3.2 Institutional arrangement at National Level 55
3.2.1 National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) 55
3.2.2 Contingency Action Plan 56
3.3 Institutional Structure at State Level 56

3.3.1 Delhi Disaster Management Authority 57

3.3.2 State Emergency Operation Center 58
3.4 District level Organization Structure 58
3.4.1 District Level Mechanism in West District 58
3.4.2 District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) 58
3.4.3 Crisis Management Group 63
3.4.4 District Crisis management Group 64
3.4.5 District Emergency Operation Centre 64 Sub Divisional Level- Special Response Team 64 Partnership with Social Organizations 65
3.5 Conclusion 66
4 Prevention and Mitigation measures 67-75
4.1 Introduction 67
4.2 Disaster Mitigation Measures 67
4.2.1 Structural Mitigation Measures 68
- Retrofitting of Building 68
- Need of Systematic study to evaluate construction typology in the 69
- Construction Control 69
4.2.2 Non- Structural Measures 70
- Land use Planning 70
- Capacity Building and awareness generation 70
- Insurance 70
Summary of prevention and mitigation methods implemented by DDMA 72
4.3 Conclusion 75


District Disaster Management Plan (West)

5.1 Introduction 76
5.2 Measuring Community Preparedness 76
5.3 Components of Preparedness Plan 77
5.3.1 Components of Community Preparedness Plan 77
5.3.2 Components of Administrative Preparedness Plan 78
5.4 Preparedness Plan 79
5.4.1 Establishment of Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) 79
- Activities of EOC 79
- Facilities with EOC 79
- Transport Facility 80
- EOC Staffing 80
- Desk Arrangement 80
5.4.2 Reliable Communication Systems 81
5.4.3 Preparation of a Response Plan 81
5.4.4 Surprise Checking of Equipments 82
5.4.5 Resource Inventory of Man and Material on IDRN 82
5.4.6 Media Management 82
5.4.7 Medical Preparedness and Mass Casualty Management 82
6.1 Training and Capacity Building 83
6.2 Community Awareness and Community Preparedness Planning 84
6.3 Capacity Building of Community Task Force 84
6.4 Capacity Building of Persons with disabilities 85
6.5 Simulation Exercises 85
Relief Centres in District West 91
Staging area in District West and IRT 92-94
7.1 Introduction 95
7.2 Methodology Response Plan 95
7.3 Various Response Levels 96
7.4 Important Terminologies used in Plan 96
7.4.1 Response Plan 96

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

7.4.2 Incident Response System (IRS) 97

7.4.3 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) 97
7.4.4 Primary and Secondary Agencies 98
7.4.5 Situation Reports 98
7.4.6 Quick Response Team (QRT) 98
7.4.7 Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) 98
7.5 Operation-Coordination Structure 99
7.5.1 Trigger Mechanism 99
7.5.2 Activation of Incident Response System 100
7.5.3 Responsibilities under Incident Response System 103 Incident Commander: DM (West) 103 Operation Chief: Additional District 105
- Emergency Support Functions 105 Planning Section Chief 106
- Resource Unit Leader 106

- Check-in/Status Recorder 107

- Situation Unit Leader 107

- Display Processor (Draftsman-Computer 107

- Field Observers 108

- Demobilization Leader 108

- Documentation Leader 108

- Technical Coordinators 109

- Formulation of response objectives and 109

- Identification of Hazard Zone 109

- Establishment of Hazard Control Zones at 110

Incident Site -
- Suppression of Hazardous Gas or Vapour 110
- Selection of Personal Protective 110
Equipments(PPEs) Logistic Section Chief 110

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

- Communication Unit Leader 111

- Medical Unit Leader 112

- Food Unit Leader 112

- Supply Unit Leader 112

- Ordering Manager 113

- Receiving & Distribution Manager 113

- Facilities unit leader 113

- Ground support unit leader 113 Finance and Administration Section Chief 114
- Time Unit Leader 114

- Procurement Leader 114

- Cost Unit Leader 114

7.5.4 Desk Arrangements 114
7.5.5 Emergency Support Functions 114
- Organisation Setup of the ESFs at District 115
7.5.6 Action Plan for Emergency Support Function 118
- Communication 118

- Evacuation 119

- Search and Rescue, Fire Fighting 121

- Law and Order 123

- Medical Response and Trauma Counselling 125

- Water Supply 126

- Relief (Food and Shelter) Supply 127

- Equipment Support, Debris and Road 129

Clearance, Sanitation
- Help Lines 130

- Electricity 131

- Transport 132
7.5.7 Incident Commandant Post 133
7.6 Overall Role of District Magistrate (West District) 134
7.6.1 Duties at the time of disaster 134

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

7.6.2 Duties at Post-Disaster Scenario 135

7.7 Relief Measures 135
7.8 District Road Safety Committee 144
7.9 School Safety Advisory Committee (West) 145
7.10 National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) 146-149
8.1 Introduction 150
8.2 Post Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation 151
8.3 Administrative Relief 152
8.4 Reconstruction of houses damaged /destroyed 152
8.5 Military Assistance 152
8.6 Medical Care 152
8.7 Epidemics 153
8.8 Corpse Disposal 153
8.9 Salvage 153
8.10 Outside Assistance 153
8.11 Special Relief 153
8.12 Information 153
8.13 Social Rehabilitation 153
8.14 Recovery 155
9.1 The Indian Context 156
9.2 Recommendation by 13th Finance commission 156
9.3 District Calamity Relief fund 156
9.4 State Allocation 157
9.5 District Allocation 157
9.6 Risk Pooling and Insurance 158
10.1 Preparation and Updation of DDMP 159
10.2 Regular Updation of DDMP 159
10.3 Post Disaster Evaluation Mechanism 160

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

10.4 Disaster Mock Drills 160

11.1 Introduction 162
11.2 Department wise SOPs for Primary and Secondary agencies 162
11.2.1 SDMC 162
11.2.2 DDA 162
11.2.3 Fire Service 162
11.2.4 PWD 163
11.2.5 Civil Defence 163
11.2.6 Home Guards 163
11.2.7 Department of Health 163
11.2.8 Irrigation and Flood Control 163
11.2.9 MTNL 163
11.2.10 Delhi Jal Board 163
11.2.11 Delhi Transport Corporation 164
11.2.12 BSES 164
11.2.13 CATs 164
11.2.14 Red Cross 164
11.2.15 St. John Ambulance 164
11.2.16I & PR Dept. 165
11.2.17 Army and NCC 165
11.2.18 Air Force 165
11.2.19 NGOs/ RWAs and NYKs 165
11.2.20 Media Management 166
12.1. Introduction 166
12.2 ESF Response Actions, Organizational Setup and Inter- relationship 170
12.2.1 ESF-1 Communication 172
12.2.2 ESF-2 Evacuation 174

12.2.3 ESF-3 Search and Rescue 175

12.2.4 ESF-4 Law & order 175

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

12.2.5 ESF-5 Medical Response and Trauma Counselling 176

12.2.6 ESF-6 Water Supply 178

12.2.7 ESF 7 Reliefs (Food and Shelter) 179

12.2.7 ESF – 9 Helpline warning and Dissemination. 179

12.2.8 ESF-8 Equipment Support 180

12.2.8 ESF 10 Debris and Road Clearance 180
12.2.9 ESF 11 Electricity 181
12.2.10 ESF-12 Transport 182

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

List of Tables

Table No. List of table Page No.

2.1 Matrix of Past Disaster in the District 28

2.2 Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Assessment 28

2.3 Parameters studied for Risk Assessment for District West 41

2.4 Composite status of various risk elements for District 47

2.5 SWOT Analysis for Risk Assessment in the West District 52

4.1 Categorization of housing typology in the District 68

4.2 Important Mitigation Measures 71

5.1 List of ESF and desk officers 81

6.1 Simulation Exercises conducted in District West 86

6.2 Community Preparedness Strategies 89

6.3 Details of SDMC Disaster Management 93

7.1 Rank for District level Incident Command Team 102

7.2 ESFs Teams 117

9.1 The budgetary details of DDMA(W) for the year 2019-20. 157

12.1 ESFs Activated at the time of Disaster 170

12.2 SOPs for the Community Task Force 183

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

List of Diagrams

Diagram No. List of Table Page No.

1.1 Socio-Economic Aspects 49

3.1 Institutional Arrangements for Disaster Management 56

3.2 Disaster Management Hierarchical In Delhi 58

3.3 Layout of Disaster Management Authority at District Level 59

(District West)

3.4 Institutional Arrangements at District Level 60

5.1 Components of Community Preparedness 78

7.1 Various Response Levels for Disaster Management 96

7.2 Trigger Mechanism for District EOC 100

7.3 Structure of Incident Response Team 100

7.4 Incident Response System in District West 101

7.6 Emergency Support Functions 115

7.7 Emergency Support Functions in Response Mechanism 116

7.11.1 Organizational Chart of NDRF Bn 146

7.11.2 Composition of NDRF Company 147

7.11.3 Structure of Search & Rescue Team (Non-CBRN) 148

7.11.4 Structure of Search & Rescue Team (CBRN) 148

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

List of Maps

Map No. List of Map Page No.

1. Political Map of West Delhi 01
2. Earthquake hazards prone areas in District West, Delhi 33
3. Fire Prone Areas of West Delhi 33
4. Emergency Support Functionaries of West Delhi 34
5. Relief Centres of West Delhi 34
6. Resource Map of West Delhi 35
7. Road Accidents prone areas in District West, Delhi 35
8. Slum Areas of West Delhi 36
9. Staging Areas of West Delhi 36
10. Stampede prone areas in District West, Delhi 37
11. Water logging areas of District West 37
12. Rail Accidents prone areas in District West, Delhi 38
13. Vulnerability prone areas in District West, Delhi 39
14. Resource Map of West Delhi 51
15. Risk Prone Areas 54
16. Relief Center in District West, Delhi 91
17. ESFs Structure in West Delhi 168
18. Schools in District West 210
19. List of Urban and Rural Villages in District West 233

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


Annexure Page No.

I List of Police Stations and Fire Stations 185
II Directory District West, Disaster Management 186
III List of Schools 208
IV List of Hospitals 229
V List of Urban and Ruralvillages in West Delhi 233
VI List of RWAs 234
VII List of Unauthorized Colonies in each Sub-division of District West 247
VIII List of Colleges 250
IX List of Community Halls 251
X Vulnerability Assessment and Severity Mapping- Scoring Scheme 252
XI Requisitioning Defence Forces for Disaster Relief 256
XII Organizational Structure of Search and Rescue Team of NDRF 257
XIII Requisitioning form of NDRF for Disaster Relief 258
XIV List of Nodal Officers of various Departments for Disaster Management 259
XV List of Equipments with DDMA, EOC (West) 262
XVI List of Equipments with Civil Defence in District West 263
XVII Directory of Civil Defence Personnel in District West 265
XVIII Resource Inventory DJB 272
XIX QRT of CATS 273-277
XX NDMC Karol Bagh Zone; Emergency Resource Inventory 278
XXI Inventory of Delhi Fire Service 279
XXII DHS Emergency Support Information 282
XXIII List of Medical inventory under CDMO (West) 286
XXIV Disaster Plan of CDMO Office, District West, Delhi 294
XXV Stock of Buses inWest District 298
XXVI Details of vehicles and strength with Delhi Police 299
XXVII List of Night Shelters in District West 302
XXVIII List of Voter’s Centers in District West 303
XXIX List of Banquet’ Hall in District West 305
XXX List of Cinema Hall in District West 310
XXXI List of Hotel’s in District West 311
XXXII List of Mall in District West 316
XXXIII List of Chhath Ghats. 317
XXXIV List of Waterlogging Areas of West Delhi 323

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Abbreviations and Acronyms

ADC Additional Deputy Commissioner

BDO Block Development Officer
CBDM Community Based Disaster Management
CBO Community Based Organizations
CBDP Community Based Disaster Preparedness
CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear
CD & HG Civil Defence and Home
CDMO Chief District Medical Officer
CGWC Central Ground Water Commission
CTF Community Task Forces
CWC Central Water Commission
DDMP District Disaster Management Plan
DEOC District Emergency Operation Centre
DIO District Information Office
DM Disaster Management
DMC Disaster Management Committee
DOCL Documentation Unit Leader
DRMP Disaster Risk Management Programme
DRSC District Road Safety Committee
ESF Emergency Support Functions
F&CS Food and Civil Supplies
FRT Field Response Teams
IAP Incident Action Plan
IC Incident Commander
ICP Incident Command Post
ICT Incident Management Teams
IDRN India Disaster Resource Network
IEC Information, Education and Communication
I&FC Irrigation and Flood Control
IRS Incident Response System
MHA Ministry of Home Affairs
MLA Member of Legislative Assembly
MLO Motor Licensing Officer
NCC National Cadet Corps
NCMC National Crisis Management Committee
NDMA National Disaster Management Authority
NEOC National Emergency Operation Centre
NGO Non Governmental Organizations
NIC National Informatics Centre
NO Nodal Officer

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

NRP National Response Plan

NSS National Service Scheme
NYK Nehru Yuva Kendra
OEOC Onsite Emergency Operation Centre
PCR Police Control Room
PDMA Punjab Disaster Management Authority
PLA Participatory Learning Appraisal
PRI Panchayati Raj Institutions
PWD Public Works Department
QRT Quick Response Teams
RCC Reinforced Concrete Cement
RUL Resources Unit Leader
SDM Sub Divisional Magistrate
SDMA State Disaster Management Authority
SEOC State Emergency Operation Centre
SUL Situation Unit Leader
SOPs Standard Operation Procedures
TL Team Leader
ULBs Urban Local Bodies
I & PR Information & Public Relation

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


Acceptable Risk- The level of potential losses that a society or community considers acceptable gave existing
social, economic, political, cultural, technical and environmental conditions.
Adaptation- The adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or
their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.
Biological Hazard- Process or phenomenon of organic origin or conveyed by biological vectors, including
exposure to pathogenic micro-organisms, toxins and bioactive substances that may cause loss of life, injury,
illness or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic
disruption, or environmental damage.
Building Code- A set of ordinances or regulations and associated standards intended to control aspects of the
design, construction, materials, alteration and occupancy of structures that are necessary to ensure human safety
and welfare, including resistance to collapse and damage.
Capacity- The combination of all the strengths, attributes and resources available within a community, society
or organization that can be used to achieve agreed goals.
Capacity Development- The process by which people, organizations and society systematically stimulate and
develop their capacities over time to achieve social and economic goals, including through improvement of
knowledge, skills, systems, and institutions.
Contingency Planning- A management process that analyses specific potential events or emerging situations
that might threaten society or the environment and establishes arrangements in advance to enable timely,
effective and appropriate responses to such events and situations.
Coping Capacity- The ability of people, organizations and systems, using available skills and resources, to face
and manage adverse conditions, emergencies or disasters.
Corrective Disaster Risk Management- Management activities that address and seek to correct or reduce
disaster risks which are already present.
Critical Facilities- The primary physical structures, technical facilities and systems which are socially,
economically or operationally essential to the functioning of a society or community, both in routine
circumstances and in the extreme circumstances of an emergency.
Disaster- A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human,
material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community
or society to cope using its own resources.
Disaster Risk- The potential disaster losses, in lives, health status, livelihoods, assets and services, which could
occur to a particular community or a society over some specified future time period.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Disaster Risk Management- The systematic process of using administrative directives, organizations, and
operational skills and capacities to implement strategies, policies and improved coping capacities in order to
lessen the adverse impacts of hazards and the possibility of disaster.
Disaster Risk Reduction- The concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to
analyse and manage the causal factors of disasters, including through reduced exposure to hazards, lessened
vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the environment, and improved
preparedness for adverse events.
Early Warning System- The set of capacities needed to generate and disseminate timely and meaningful
warning information to enable individuals, communities and organizations threatened by a hazard to prepare
and to act appropriately and in sufficient time to reduce the possibility of harm or loss.
Emergency Management- The organization and management of resources and responsibilities for addressing
all aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and initial recovery steps.
Emergency Services- The set of specialized agencies that have specific responsibilities and objectives in
serving and protecting people and property in emergency situations.
Environmental Degradation- The reduction of the capacity of the environment to meet social and ecological
objectives and needs.
Environmental Impact Assessment- Process by which the environmental consequences of a proposed project
or programme are evaluated, undertaken as an integral part of planning and decision-making processes with a
view to limiting or reducing the adverse impacts of the project or programme.
Exposure- People, property, systems, or other elements present in hazard zones that are thereby subject to
potential losses.
Extensive Risk - The widespread risk associated with the exposure of dispersed populations to repeated or
persistent hazard conditions of low or moderate intensity, often of a highly localized nature, which can lead to
debilitating cumulative disaster impacts.
Forecast- Definite statement or statistical estimate of the likely occurrence of a future event or conditions for a
specific area.
Geological Hazard- Geological process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other health
impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental
Hazard- A dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of life, injury or
other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or
environmental damage.
Human vulnerabilityis the relative lack of capacity of a person or community to anticipate, cope with, resist
and recover from the impact of a hazard. Factors that increase human vulnerability to disasters include rapid
urbanization, population growth, and lack of knowledge about how to effectively resist the effects of disasters
and poverty.
Hydrometeorological Hazard- Process or phenomenon of atmospheric, hydrological or oceanographic nature
that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services,
social and economic disruption, or environmental damage.
Intensive Risk - The risk associated with the exposure of large concentrations of people and economic
activities to intense hazard events, which can lead to potentially catastrophic disaster impacts involving high
mortality and asset loss.
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Land-use Planning- The process undertaken by public authorities to identify, evaluate and decide on different
options for the use of land, including consideration of long term economic, social and environmental objectives
and the implications for different communities and interest groups, and the subsequent formulation and
promulgation of plans that describe the permitted or acceptable uses.
Mitigation- The lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters.
Preparedness- The knowledge and capacities developed by governments, professional response and recovery
organizations, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from, the impacts
of likely, imminent or current hazard events or conditions.
Prevention- The outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters.
Prospective Disaster Risk Management - Management activities that address and seek to avoid the
development of new or increased disaster risks.
Public Awareness- The extent of common knowledge about disaster risks, the factors that lead to disasters and
the actions that can be taken individually and collectively to reduce exposure and vulnerability to hazards.
Recovery- The restoration, and improvement where appropriate, of facilities, livelihoods and living conditions
of disaster-affected communities, including efforts to reduce disaster risk factors.
Residual Risk- The risk that remains in unmanaged form, even when effective disaster risk reduction measures
are in place, and for which emergency response and recovery capacities must be maintained.
Resilience- The ability of a system, community or society exposed to hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate to
and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner, including through the preservation
and restoration of its essential basic structures and functions.
Response- The provision of emergency services and public assistance during or immediately after a disaster in
order to save lives, reduce health impacts, ensure public safety and meet the basic subsistence needs of the
people affected.
Retrofitting- Reinforcement or upgrading of existing structures to become more resistant and resilient to the
damaging effects of hazards.
Risk- The combination of the probability of an event and its negative consequences.
Risk Assessment- A methodology to determine the nature and extent of risk by analysing potential hazards and
evaluating existing conditions of vulnerability that together could potentially harm exposed people, property,
services, livelihoods and the environment on which they depend.
Risk Management- The systematic approach and practice of managing uncertainty to minimize potential harm
and loss.
Risk Transfer- The process of formally or informally shifting the financial consequences of particular risks
from one party to another whereby a household, community, enterprise or state authority will obtain resources
from the other party after a disaster occurs, in exchange for ongoing or compensatory social or financial benefits
provided to that other party.
Socio-natural Hazard - The phenomenon of increased occurrence of certain geophysical and hydro
meteorological hazard events, such as flooding, land subsidence and drought that arise from the interaction of
natural hazards with overexploited or degraded land and environmental resources.
Structural Measures- Any physical construction to reduce or avoid possible impacts of hazards, or application
of engineering techniques to achieve hazard-resistance and resilience in structures or systems;

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Structural or physical vulnerabilityis the extent to which a structure is likely to be damaged or disrupted by a
hazard event.
Non-structural Measures- Any measure not involving physical construction that uses knowledge, practice or
agreement to reduce risks and impacts, in particular through policies and laws, public awareness raising,
training and education.
Sustainable Development- Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs.
Technological Hazard- A hazard originating from technological or industrial conditions, including accidents,
dangerous procedures, infrastructure failures or specific human activities, that may cause loss of life, injury,
illness or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic
disruption, or environmental damage.
Vulnerability- The characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it susceptible
to the damaging effects of a hazard.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter I

Disaster Management has undergone a paradigm shift in recent years from the earlier approach
of responseto disasters to the current holistic approach of disaster mitigation and preparedness, which
yields long term benefits while minimizing damage due to disasters. Among other natural calamities to
which Delhi is prone, the state is most vulnerable to earthquakes. As per the Seismic Map of India the
National Capital Region of Delhi falls in Zone IV which is the second most severe seismic zone.

1.1 Aims& Objectives of the District Disaster Management Plan:

Response to disasters, in the absence of a defined plan, would be ad-hoc and tentative leading
to over emphasis on some actions and absence of other critical actions. The objective of any disaster
management plan should be to identify the various hazards and hazard prone areas in the State. It also
aims to evolve strategies for preparedness and mitigation so that risk involved in vulnerable
communities can be reduced. A formal plan for managing disasters is therefore necessary.

The basic aim for formulating a Plan is as under:

The aim of this plan is to establish processes for a comprehensive disaster risk assessment. It further
seeks to identify and clarify the roles and responsibilities of the internal and external stakeholders
throughout the entire cycle of disaster management, i.e.: pre-disaster, during disaster and post disaster
phases. It again identifies and establishes consultative mechanisms for specific priority risk reduction
projects aimed at promoting resilient communities within the District.

This plan is a multi response plan and outlines the institutional framework required for managing
disaster situations. The front-end or local level, response of any disaster response organization may
differ depending upon the type of disaster, but the back-end i.e. the controlling level at the District will
remain almost the same for all types of disasters. This plan provides an insight into Hazard,
Vulnerability, Capacity & Risk Assessment, Institutional Arrangements, Prevention, Mitigation &
Preparedness Measures, Capacity Building & Training Measures, Response & Relief Measures,
Reconstruction, Rehabilitation & Recovery Measures and Financial Resources for implementation of
DDMP, procedure & methodology for monitoring, evaluation, updation & maintenance of DDMP,
Coordination Mechanism & Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of various Departments.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

The basic objectives for formulating a Plan are as under:

The basic objective of the District Disaster Management Plan is to protect all the residents of the
District and all property from all sorts of untoward incidents through the following objectives:

• Institutionalization of Disaster Management in District Administration.

• Encouraging a culture of Disaster Preparedness in the District.
• Vulnerability Reduction and disaster mitigation through better planning process.
• Creation of the best government mechanism to handle any unprecedented events.
• Instant response and effective decision making in disasters.
• Better coordination of relief and rehabilitation after a disaster.
• Better coordination of all line departments in Disaster Management.
• Encouraging and empowering the local community to own Disaster Management.
• Regular updation of resources available in and around the District.

Essentially, communities draw their support from the existing social institutions, the
administrative structures, and their values and aspirations they cherish. Disasters may temporarily
disorganize these institutions and the administrative system and disrupt their lives built around these
values and aspirations. A systematic effort to put back the social life on its normal footing, with
necessary technology support and resources, will contribute significantly to the resilience of the
community and nation. In pursuance of this policy, the District Disaster Management Plan addresses
itself to strengthening the pre-disaster and post-disaster responses of Emergency Support functionaries
and stakeholders including the “victims” of the disaster.

1.2 Authority for the DDMP: DM Act 2005

As per Section 31 of the DM Act 2005, there shall be a plan for disaster management for every
District of the State. The District Plan shall be prepared by the District Authority, after consultation
with the local authorities and having regard to the National Plan and the State Plan, to be approved by
the State Authority.

The District Plan shall include-

(a) The areas in the District vulnerable to different forms of Disasters.

(b) The measures to be taken, for prevention and mitigation of disaster, by the Departments of the
Government at the District level and local authorities in the District;

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

(c) The capacity-building and preparedness measures required to be taken by the Departments of the
Government at the District level and the local authorities in the District to respond to any
threatening disaster situation or disaster;

(d) The response plans and procedures, in the event of a disaster, providing for-

• Allocation of responsibilities to the Departments of the Government at the District level

and the local authorities in the District;
• Prompt response to disaster and relief thereof;
• Procurement of essential resources;
• Establishment of communication links; and
• The dissemination of information to the public;

(e) Such other matters as may be required by the State Authority.

The District Plan shall be reviewed and updated annually. The copies of the District Plan referred to in
sub-sections (2) and shall be made available to the Departments of the Government in the District. The
District Authority shall send a copy of the District Plan to the State Authority which shall forward it to
the State Government. The District Authority shall, review from time to time, the implementation of
the Plan and issue such instructions to different departments of the Government in the District as it
may deem necessary for the implementation thereof.

1.3 Evolution of the Plan in brief:

Preparation of the District Disaster Management Plan is the responsibility of the District Disaster
Management Committee of the District. The first draft plan is to be discussed in the DDMA/DDMC
and later the Chairperson of the DDMA/DDMC shall improve on it.

The main steps involved in the development of this plan are:

• Data collection from all line departments

• Data analysis
• Discussion with experts
• Reference of national and international literature
• Preparation of action plans for all line departments
• Preparation of draft plan document
• Mock drill to check the viability and feasibility of the implementation methodology
• Wide circulation for public and departmental comments
• Preparation of the final plan document

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

1.4 Stakeholders& their responsibilities:

At the District level, District Disaster Management Authority, with the District Magistrate designated
as Response Officer (RO), and other line departments at District HQ are responsible to deal with all
phases of disaster management within District.

The role of the stakeholders has been prepared with the sole objective of making the concerned
organizations understand their duties and responsibilities regarding disaster management at all levels
and accomplishing them.

The District Magistrate has the following duties:

i. To facilitate and coordinate with local Government bodies to ensure that pre and post disaster
management activities in the District are carried out.

ii. To assist community training, awareness programmes and the installation of emergency facilities
with the support of local administration, non-governmental organizations and the private sector.

iii. To function as a leader of the team and take appropriate actions to smoothen the response and relief
activities to minimize the adverse impact of disaster.

iv. To recommend the Commissioner of Relief (CoR) and State Government for declaration of

Local Authorities have the following duties:

i. To provide assistance to the District Magistrate in disaster management activities.

ii. To ensure training of its officers and employees and maintenance of resources so as to be readily
available for use, in the event of a disaster.

iii. To undertake capacity building measures and awareness and sensitization of the community

iv. To ensure that all construction projects under it conform to the standards and specifications laid

v. Each department of the Government in a District shall prepare a disaster management plan for the
District. The local authorities need to ensure that relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities in
the affected area, within the Districtshould be carried out.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Private Sector:
i. The private sector should be encouraged to ensure their active participation in the pre-disaster
activities in alignment with the overall plan developed by the DDMA or the Collector.
ii. They should adhere to the relevant rules regarding prevention of disasters, as may be stipulated by
relevant local authorities.
iii. As a part of CSR, undertake DRR projects in consultation with District collector for enhancing
District‘s resilience.

Community Groups and Volunteer Agencies:

i. Local community groups and voluntary agencies including NGOs normally help in prevention and
mitigation activities under the overall direction and supervision of the DDMA or the Collector.

ii. They should be encouraged to participate in all training activities as may be organized and should
familiarise themselves with their role in disaster management.

It is the duty of every citizen to assist the District Collector or such other person entrusted with or
engaged in disaster management whenever demanded generally for the purpose of disaster

1.5 How to use the DDMP Framework:

• Section 31 of DM Act 2005 makes it mandatory for every District to prepare a disaster
management plan, for the protection of life and property from the effects of hazardous events
within the District.
• In significant emergencies or disasters, District Magistrate or the chairperson of DDMA will
have the powers of overall supervision direction and control as may be specified under State
Government Rules / State Disaster Management Plan guidelines.
• The District EOC will be staffed and operated as the situation dictates. When activated,
operations will be supported by senior officers from line departments and central government
agencies; private sector and volunteer organizations may be used to provide information, data
and resources to cope with the situation.
• The DDMA may recommend for action under Sec 30 of DM Act.
• Facilities that have been identified as vital to operation of the District government functions
have been identified.
• The DM or his designee will coordinate and control resources of the District.
• Emergency public information will be disseminated by all available media outlets through the
designated media and information officer.
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

• Prior planning and training of personnel are prerequisites to effective emergency operations
and must be considered as integral parts of disaster preparations.
• Coordination with surrounding Districts is essential, when an event occurs, that impacts
beyond District boundaries. Procedure should be established and exercised for inter District
• Departments, agencies and organizations assigned either primary or supporting responsibilities
in this document must develop implementation documents in order to support this plan.
• When local resources prove to be inadequate during emergency operations, request for
assistance will be made to the State or higher levels of government and other agencies in
accordance with set rules and procedures.
• District authority will use normal channel for requesting assistance and/or resources, i.e.,
through the District Emergency Operations Center (DEOC) to the State EOC. If state resources
have been exhausted, the state will arrange to provide the needed resources through central
• The District EOC will coordinate with the State EOC, Agencies of the Govt. of India like IMD
/ CWC to maintain upto-date information concerning potential flooding, cyclones etc. As
appropriate, such information will be provided to the citizens of the affected areas in the
• Upon receipt of potential problems in these areas, DEOC / designated officials will
appropriately issue alert and notify action to be taken by the residents.
• Disaster occurrence could result in disruption of government functions and, therefore, all levels
of local government and their departments should develop and maintain procedures to ensure
continuity of Government action.

1.6 Approval Mechanism of the Plan: Authority for implementation (State

Level/ District Level orders):

As per Section 31(1) of the Disaster Management Act 2005, there shall be a plan for disaster
management for every District of the State. The District Plan shall be prepared by the District
Authority, after consultation with the local authorities and having regard to the National Plan and the
State Plan, to be approved by the State Authority.

Also, as per Section 31(6) of the Disaster Management Act 2005, the District Authority shall send a
copy of the District Plan to the State Authority which shall forward it to the State Government.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

1.7 Plan Review & Updation: Periodicity

As per Section 31(4) The District Plan shall be reviewed and updated annually.

Also, As per Section 31(7) The District Authority shall, review from time to time, the implementation
of the Plan and issue such instructions to different departments of the Government in the District as it
may deem necessary for the implementation thereof.

1.8 Disability Data:-

There are total 36184 persons with visual, speech and hearing impairments and other physical
disabilities. There are 20978 males and 15206 females in the District who are having special needs.

Disability Data:-

Total number of Persons 36184

disabled persons
Males 20978

Females 15206

(Source: - Census of India, 2011)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter 2

2.1 Profile of District West:

The West District spreads over an area of 110.56 sq. km., which is fourth largest in Delhi. This means
that the West District covers 8.81% area of the total Delhi.

Boundaries: The District has common boundaries with the Northwest, Central and the South West
District. It shares its West Boundary with the Jhajjar District of state Haryana. Rohtak Road and the
Northern Railway Line marks the Northern Boundary, Najafgarh Drain being the South Western edge
of the District. The Northern Railway Line also marks the Eastern boundary of the District.

The District is mainly divided into three sub-divisions/ tehsils named as Rajouri Garden, Patel Nagar
and Punjabi Bagh. Punjabi Bagh is the largest Sub division of the District. It has a number of rural
settlements – Mundka, Ranhola, Baprola, Tikri Kalan, etc; urban settlements like Punjabi Bagh,
Paschim Vihar, etc. Patel Nagar subdivision has only one rural settlement – Khampur Raya. The
overall character of the subdivision is urban with areas like Patel Nagar, Tilak Nagar and Moti Nagar
etc. Rajouri Garden subdivision has no rural settlements. It has areas like Rajouri Garden, Subhash
Nagar, Hari Nagar, and Mansarover Garden.

The total population of the District is 25, 43,243 lakhs (According to census 2011),with an overall
density of 19,563 persons per In comparison to the other Districts, District west has moderate
to high density. Sub-Division Wise Population Distribution: Maximum population resides in the Patel
Nagar sub – division, which has population of 12, 63,010 with the density of 28,094 persons per sq.
km. The Rajouri Garden sub division has the population 4, 80,970. The overall population of Punjabi
Bagh is around 7, 87,603.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

2.1.2Matrix of Past Disasters in the District

Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) working under the aegis of District Disaster Management
Authority (West) has successfully handled a large number of incidents of various kinds and
magnitudes occurring in West District. The table given below shows the information pertaining to the
incidents occurred in West District from 2009 to 2018:

Table 2.2

S. Incident 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
No. Till
1 Fire 12 31 22 54 190 268 282 334 330 323 315 131
2 Building 05 - 03 04 02 - 02 01 01 03 02 01
3 Balcony 01 04 - 01 - - 07 07 02 03 04 04
4 Roof 04 05 - - 12 10 06 09 07 04 03 01
5 Wall 07 07 03 08 21 19 13 14 09 09 03 03
6 Road - - - - 03 18 11 14 07 22 04 01
7 Mock Drill - - - 02 03 12 18 48 38 48 55 04
8 Earthquake - - - - 01 - 01 01 02 - 04 02
9 Others - - - 11 31 30 56 99 51 55 59 61

2.1.3 Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment

The District has been traditionally vulnerable to different natural disasters on account of its unique
geo-climatic condition. Like other Districts of Delhi, West District is highly prone to Earthquakes, Fire
incidents, Building Collapse, Bomb Blasts and Terrorist Attacks. Some parts of West District are
vulnerable to flood as well.

Table 2.1

S. No Hazard Risk Hazards Who/ What is at risk Vulnerability

Human Life,
High Risk Earthquake House and property,
1. Hazards Slums, High
Community Infrastructure

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Fire Human Life High

Houses and Property

Terrorist Human Life, Monuments, High

Attack Religious Places

Building Human Life High

Collapse House and Property
Community Infrastructure
2. Moderate Risk Chemical, Human Life,
Hazards Biological, Environment& Eco-
Radiological, system and Economy
nuclear Moderate

Epidemics Human Life, Animals, Moderate

Vulnerable sections

Road Human Life, Road Side Moderate


Rail Human Life, Rails, Moderate

Accidents DMRC Infrastructure,

3. Low Risk Transport, Houses,

Hazard Constructions, Drinking
Flood Water, Equipments,
Educational Institutions , Low
Slum dwellers, Vulnerable

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Drowning Human Life, Low

Slum Dwellers

Religious Human Life, Community

riots Infrastructure, Low Authority/Agency carried out HVCRA

District Disaster Management Authority, West carried out the Hazard, Vulnerability Capacity and
Risk Assessment in District West. DDMA officials collected the primary and secondary data of hazard
and vulnerability profile, made inventory of resources in District West and then evaluated the area and
people at the risk.

Tools techniques and Methodology used for HVCRA:

2.2.1Hazard Analysis:


A Hazard is a rare or extreme event in the natural or man-made environment that adversely affects
human life, property or activity to the extent of causing a disaster.

As per the definition of UNO: “hazard is a potentially damaging physical event, phenomenon or
human activity that may cause the loss of life or injury, property damage, social and economic
disruptions or environmental degradation”.


1. Interactive Concept: This concept view hazard as an outcome of interaction between hazard
prone areas and human activities.
2. Dynamic Concept: This concept views hazard in terms of time as the interaction in between
man and nature increases with passage of time and so vulnerability increases.
3. Functional Concept: This concept emphasizes on duration and intensity of human interaction
with environment.
District Disaster Management Plan (West)


o Hazards are natural or human induced extreme events.

o Hazards have potential for damaging different forms of life mainly human life.
o Hazard represents latent conditions for future threats to all types of biota.
o Hazards are of varying origins; of natural origin or of anthropogenic origin.
o Hazards may or may not become disasters; they become disaster when they occur in an
inhabitable area.

List of Hazards in District West:

S. No. Probability Of Hazards in District West

1. Earthquake

2. Fire

3. Building Collapse

4. Terrorist Attack

5 Epidemics

6. Flood

7. Epidemics

8. CBRN Disaster

9. Road Accidents

10. Rail Accidents

11. Stampede

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Areas of District West Prone to Hazards

S.NO. Type of Hazard Exposed Area to Hazards

1. Earthquake District West

2. Building Collapse Raghubir Nagar, Nangloi, Nihal Vihar,

Baljeet Nagar (Patel Nagar), Chander Vihar.
3. Fire Peeragarhi, Mundka, Timber Market of Kirti
Nagar, Vishnuwada, PVC Market Tikri
Kalan, Udyog Nagar.
4. Terrorist Attack Malls, HPCL, IOCL, Water Treatment Plant,
Cinema Halls, All Metro Stations, Rajouri
Garden Market, Tilak Nagar Market, Tilak
5. Stampede All 34 Metro stations, Cinema Theaters (7),
6. Flood Area adjoining to Najafgarh Drain, Nangloi.
7. Rail Accidents Rohtak Railway Line, Metro Line.

8. Road Accidents Rohtak Road, Ring Road, Najafgarh Road,

Mayapuri Road.
9. CBRN Disaster Punjabi Bagh oil Depot, Tikri Kalan Oil and
CNG depots, Khyala industrial area, Mundka
industrial area, Udyog Nagar, Delhi Jal
Board Water Treatment Plant in Kamruddin
10. Communal Riots Tilak Nagar, Khyala, Tihar Village, Nangloi
JJ Colony.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Maps of District West, Delhi



District Disaster Management Plan (West)



District Disaster Management Plan (West)



District Disaster Management Plan (West)



District Disaster Management Plan (West)



District Disaster Management Plan (West)


District Disaster Management Plan (West)

2.2.2Vulnerability Analysis

2.5.1 Vulnerability Due to Heavy Industrial and unauthorized residential areas

This is a major concern in the District. A large number of fire accidents take place in District West due
to lack of precautions while construction of unauthorized factories and houses. District west has a
large number of unauthorized areas. Unfortunately they neither seek permission from the
administration nor take any precautions to prevent calamity. There are a large number of fire accidents
in such areas where electricity has been taken illegally from the electric poles directly.

2.5.2 Forewarning and Speed of Disaster Onset

In the present scenario, there is no scope of forewarning for any disaster in the District unless it is in
the main land of the District. Although warning has been issued for a case like fire accident, the fire
fighting teams cannot reach the spot in time due to congested traffic and narrow road. The fruit and
vegetable vendors and other small business units occupy most of the roads as well. The fire fighting
teams located in three strategic spots in the District are still far away from disaster prone sites like
Nangloi, Baljeet Nagar and Mundka etc. Besides the poor infra structure facility and heavy traffic in
the main roads of District prevent fire fighters entering to the District.

2.5.3 Collapse of Weak Structures

In the recent years large number of cases of building collapse has been visible in District west. These
collapses happen due to illegal construction weak structures. To manage such incidents become more
difficult due to less accessibility of the area and illegal parking of vehicles on the roads.


District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Vulnerability analysis regarding disabilities:-


Types of Impairments/Disabilities Warning System

Visual Impairment • Auditory Signal System/ Alarms

• Announcements
• Posters written with large characters
and colour contrast
Hearing Impairment • Visual Signal Systems- Red Flag,
• Pictures
• Turn lights off-on frequently
Intellectual Impairment • Special Signals- Red flag, Symbols
• Clear and brief announcements by
rescue workers
Physical Impairment • Auditory Signal System/Alarms
• Announcements

2.6 Risk
Risk can be defined as the product of the probability of a defined circumstance occurring and the
consequence of the occurrence of said circumstance. From this definition it can be seen that assuming
risk may well lead to both positive and negative outcomes. Risk cannot be avoided as long as we do
not know what the future holds. Risks also continuously evolve and change. Assuming and managing
risk is the essence of any decision-making process. The proper management of risks is one of the
biggest challenges that co-operation has to face today (Dr. Stephan Bieri, UNDP, 2004).

2.6.1 Risk Analysis: Methodology Adopted for Measurement

Examination of disaster risk is a comprehensive and multi-dimensional approach, which is largely
depending upon the development related indicators. In this approach it has been argued that the scale
of risk in any particular region will largely depend upon its physical setup, socio-economic setup,
housing conditions with preparedness and response aspect. Therefore database related to the above-
said aspects have been collected at the sub-divisional level of the District. These aspects are further
bifurcated in various relevant criteria’s to evaluate the overall impact of the particular aspect on the

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

District. Within criteria’s there are number of Means of Verifications (MoVs) 1 which are being
calculated for every criterion at sub-divisional and District level. Table 2.3 is a schematic
representation of the methodology adopted for the risk assessment.

Database has been gathered from the primary and secondary sources such as reconnaissance, focus
discussions, census data and various research studies. Many of the disaster risk aspects related to soil
profile, hydrogeology, fire suppression capabilities and medical capabilities etc. requires a special set
of database but in lieu of the absence of readily available database within the departments some of the
qualitative information has been obtained through the discussions with the various government and
research institutions.

Table 2.3: Parameters studied for Risk Assessment for District West

Levels Elements Criteria Means of West

Patel Rajouri Punjabi Average
Nagar Garden Bagh

District Topography Terrain Refer Appendix 2 2 2 3

Level X
Geology Rocks Refer Appendix 2 2 2 2
Soils Refer Appendix 2 2 2 2
Hydrogeology Depth of Ground Refer Appendix 3 3 3 3
water X
Social and Population Refer Appendix 1 2 3 2
economic Density X
Literacy rate Refer Appendix 4 4 4 4
Slums/JJ Refer Appendix 1 1 2 1
lusters/Unauthori X
sed colonies
Industrial density Refer Appendix 1 1 2 1
Type of Refer Appendix 1 1 1 1
Employment X

Means of verification are the parameters under various categories used for the evaluation of the
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Local Dwelling Residential+ Refer Appendix 2 2 2 2

Level Condition X
Occupancy Rate Refer Appendix 2 2 2 2
Quality of Refer Appendix 2 3 3 3
Design X
Quality of Refer Appendix 2 2 2 2
Construction X
Quality of Refer Appendix 2 2 2 2
Materials X
District Disaster Preparedness Refer Appendix 2 5 2 3
Level Management X
Search & Rescue Is there a 1 1 1 1
Capabilities detailed
Response Plan
available in
written format
for the city?
Does the plan 1 1 1 1
include inputs
from a
Has the plan 1 1 1 1
been revised and
updated timely?
Are 2 2 2 2
involve various
agencies and
within all
Is there any 2 2 2 2
control room?
Does adequate 1 1 1 1
manpower and
equipments are

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Does the plan 1 1 1 1

allow adequate
and decision-
making (i.e., can
low-and mid
level officials
make decisions
if higher officials
are unavailable?
Is there any 1 1 1 1
standard building

Does the city 3 3 3 3

(periodically) to
ensure its
at the time of
Measure Fire Refer Appendix 2 2 2 2
Suppression table 1
Institutional Are fire stations 1 1 1 1
Capacity (Fire constructed to
Fighting) resist earthquake
Are fire stations 2 2 2 2
well distributed
throughout the
city area?
Are there more 2 2 2 2
than 2 fire
fighters per
100,000 people?
Are there more 1 1 1 1
than 10 fire
fighters per
100,000 people?

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Are fire fighters 2 2 2 2

trained in
fighting fire
throughout their
Are fire fighters 2 2 2 2
trained to
specifically after
Emergency Are there more 1 1 1 1
Medical than 100
Capability available
(special hospitals beds
reference to per 100,000
earthquakes) people (available
means not

Are hospitals 2 2 2 2
and other
emergency care
centers well
throughout the
city or are they
clustered in one
part of the city?
Is there 2 2 2 2
between all
hospitals in the
city to manage
large numbers of
patients during
an emergency?
Is there an 1 1 1 1
system that
hospitals can

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Are hospitals 1 1 1 1
staffs trained in
procedures such
as triage,
Is there a system 2 2 2 2
to provide
medical care to
wound before
they reach
Is there an 1 1 1 1
system with
atleast 5
ambulances per
100,000 people?

Are hospitals 1 1 1 1
structures built
to withstand
Have hospitals 1 1 1 1
taken into
account non-
structural safety
Do hospitals 1 1 1 1
have an
power source?
Do hospitals 1 1 1 1
practice mass
causality and
evacuation drill?
Do hospitals 1 1 1 1
have adequate
amounts of

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Transportation Do all the 2 2 2 2

and areas(urban and
communication rural) are well
facilities connected
through roads,
trains and
Do roads and 2 2 2 2
railway system is
in good
Are all the 2 2 2 2
t vehicles and
rails and in good
condition and
available in an
Do 2 2 2 2
authority is well
connected to the
states in case of
fulfilling the
incase of
Do all the areas 2 2 2 2
in the region is
well connected
to the tele-
Do the tele- 1 1 1 1
ensures its
condition in case
of low to
medium level of
Is responsible 1 1 1 1
department for
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

department can
immediately (if
Is there well- 1 1 1 1
through satellite
are available
incase of
* Data has been collected from various primary and secondary sources. In some parameters
approximate inference has been used due to lack of data.

Table 2.4: Composite status of various risk elements for District

Aspects Measuring Scale Mean Values Obtained

Physical Aspects
Terrain 3 3
Rocks 8 2
Soils 4 2
Depth of Ground Water 3 3

Socio-Economic Aspects
Pop. Density 5 2
Literacy Rate 4 4
Slums 4 1
Industrial Density 4 1
Type of Emp. Activity 2 1

Housing Aspects
Residential Condition 3 1
Occupancy Rate 5 1
Quality of Design 4 2

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Quality of Construction 4 1
Quality of Materials 2 1

Disaster Preparedness and Response at Various Levels

Community Preparedness 8 4
Search & Rescue Capabilities 20 16
Fire Suppression Capabilities 4 2
Institutional Capacity of DFS 13 10
Medical Capabilities 26 15
Note: The mean values have been obtained by calculating all the criteria’s at sub-divisional level and
this composite status has been derived. The scoring scheme has been given in the Annexure X.

2.6.2 Risk Assessment for the District

Four broad aspects namely physical, socio-economic, housing and response are being studied
according to their MoVs. Each MoVs add to the risk levels and the present risk assessment provides
the breakup of how the mix of factors contributes towards District’s vulnerability. PHYSICAL Setup

1. Terrain, rocks and depth of groundwater do not significantly contribute towards disaster risks..
West District is largely plain having light texture of soils represented by alluvial plains. The
District is comparatively less exposed to the problem of liquefaction 2 due to its farness from
Yamuna River. Anyhow, as entire region falls under Zone IV exposed to a moderate to high level
of earthquake.

2. A composite mean value of 2 (on a 4 point scale) reveals the fact that this region have largely soft
soil except the extensions of the Alwar Quartzite from the south to north of Delhi. This belt of rock
formations provides a protection from liquefaction because in rocky areas compaction ability for
the building foundations is far greater than in normal soils SOCIO-Economic Aspect

1. The population density is far greater concern during disasters. The composite value of 2.5 (on a
scale of 5) reveals overall moderate to high concentrations in the District. The sub-divisional

During ground shaking sometimes cracks are developed or filled and the traveling seismic waves transfer
materials (also groundwater largely in case of soft alluvium) resulting in loosening of foundations that causes
complete collapse of structure.
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

analysis reveals that the Patel Nagar is more densely populated and consists of almost 50% of the
population. Punjabi Bagh consists of agricultural land and village clusters therefore hold least
population density in comparison to the other sub-divisions of the District.

Relative Aspects:
Figure Socio-Economic
2.1: Socio-Economic Aspects Aspects

Type of Emp. Activit y

Indust rial Densit y


Literacy Rat e

Pop. Densit y

0 1 2 3 4 5

Scale Mean Values

2. Resisidential density is also very high in Patel Nagar Sub-division. It consists of a large number of
squatters, RWAs, slums and unauthorized colonies (119 out of 147) in comparison to other sub-
divisions. Data obtained for Rajouri Garden illustrates 100% urban population therefore this division
is also characterized by densely built poor housing structures. These sub-divisions have very small
circulations that restrict the entry of many emergency services to enter inside.

3. West District also has a high industrial density. Most of the people are engaged in service and
industrial sector. Census data also reveals that almost 50% of working population of Patel Nagar sub-
division is engaged in household industries. Many squatters and J.J. Clusters are also widespread
around the industrial areas due to job opportunities and these characteristics make the area more
vulnerable to fire hazards. Some of these industries are also engaged in hazardous activities like oil

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Depots, electroplating and other chemical related industries (Economic Census, 2008). Indian Oil
Corp. Indane Bottling Plant, Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd., Tikri Kalan and Delhi Jal Board, Water
treatment Plant, Kamruddin Nagar are three major hazardous installations. HOUSING Related Aspects

1. The analysis typically comes out with housing concerns, as the housing conditions are bad to
worse when it comes to its disaster resistance

2. The occupancy rate (persons per room) on an average is very high in the District. A mean value of
1 (on a 5 point scale) reveals alarmingly high concentrations in general. This is largely attributed to
the shortage of housing and speculation on the housing sector. West District lies in the area of
small-scale industries. There are 08 authorized industrial areas and many other non-conforming
areas. Due to large-scale potential of job-opportunities for labour class a sprawl of jhuggies, slums
and densely built housing clusters are very common.

3. As a city-state with the highest per capita income in India it is understood that here purchasing
power is good and the analysis supports while proving that in some areas like Raja Garden,
Punjabi Bagh, Peera Garhi, Paschim Vihar, Moti Nagar etc quality of materials used for
construction is quite fair but designing and construction part is largely ignored. In addition to that
migrants who have settled in the District in search of job opportunities have not used good
construction quality and design. There are examples of areas like Nangloi, Vishnu Garden, some
areas of Kirti Nagar, Moti Nagar, Jwala puri, Anand Parbat and village clusters etc where such
practices can easily observed. The mean value of 2 (on a 4 point scale) suggests divergence from
the practice of safe designing and construction. PREPAREDNESS and Response Aspects

1. Preparedness and response measures build capacity of local authority in taking appropriate
decisions in case of emergency. Generally local authorities need to take up decisions for
conducting search and rescue, communication, transportation, fire fighting, evacuation, and relief
and rehabilitation etc.

2. The local administration’s effort in creating public awareness is taking place at large scale.The
physical, social, economic, housing and response factors vary significantly across the Districtbut
the administration does not have any prioritized initial interventions. The present risk assessment
framework provides a firm basis of delineating the focus areas of intervention in a short time
because there the need of know-how is very crucial.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

3. Medical capacities to manage disasters are another concern area. Although there are 220 beds per
lakh population in the city hospitals but all the time occupancy rates remains high. The hospitals
do practice large causality management and smooth run of medical resources remains a concern
even during the normal operations. They are relatively safe from fire hazards because the fire
department is particularly vigilant incase of an institutional building.

2.8.Capacities and Resources Analysis

Considering the backwardness of the District it is analyzed that sufficient resources are not available
within the District. Material resources, monitory resources and human power are not sufficient to
manage any larger calamities.

District west has decentralized its administration by increasing people’s participation in various levels.
To take part in this effort it has a large number of Resident’s Welfare Associations (RWA) in the
District. The Entire Community Based Disaster Management planning process has been designed in
such a way that each RWA territory has to prepare their own plans and sensitize its residents on
disaster management. At present altogether there are more than 300 RWAs (registered) in the District.
Apart from this numerous non-registered RWAs are also working in the field of development.

Resource Map of West Delhi

The Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working in District West plays a significant role
in educating the public on various social issues and their rights. Disaster Management is one of the
major subjects for them and the District Administration has already started collaboration with such
organization for community level disaster management planning.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

2.9 Conclusions

To sum-up the overall risk assessment of the District a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and
Threats) analysis has been attempted.

Table 2.5: SWOT Analysis for Risk Assessment in the West District

Parameters Means of Verification Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats

Soil *
Terrain *
Geology *
Water depth *
Population Density * *
Literacy rate *
Slums/JJ clusters/
Socio- *
Unauthorized colonies
Industrial density *
Type of Employment
* *
Residential Conditions *
Occupancy Rate *
Quality of Design * *
Quality of
* *
Quality of Materials * * *
Public awareness
about basic disasters in *
local area
Local level Disaster
management planning
Vulnerability and
Community *
resource mapping done
Local people trained in
Disaster management
Local People active in
disaster management *
Identification of *
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Disasters by local
Disaster Management
Communication * *
Transportation * *
Response planning *
Fire fighting
Medical Facilities *
Search & rescue

The SWOT analysis (Table 2.5) clearly shows a fragile condition of District. Some of the inferences
are mentioned below:

1. A high population, high residential and industrial density, scattered slums and JJ clusters,
living in poor housing conditions along with poor preparedness aggravates the risk and may
lead to colossal losses to lives and property during emergencies.

2. Local administration has started paying an adequate attention towards disaster response
mechanisms through implementing incident command system and conducting awareness and
training programme and mock-drills.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Risk Prone areas of District West

3. District is also full of strengths, which may become opportunity in case of any disaster and a
systematic approach may also help to overcome from above-mentioned weaknesses. For
example, District is highly urbanized and enjoying a good communication and transportation
facilities therefore response time of any disaster can be reduced with the help of systematic
institutional approach and proper decision-making. Similarly, the literacy rate in Delhi is
86.21% withsecond highest per capita income in Nation. Therefore an approach towards
community preparedness for disaster management which has started at massive level by
District administration will help in reducing risk at the local level.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter 3

3.1. Introduction
Most of the disaster situation is to be managed at State and District levels. The centre plays a
supporting role and provides assistance when the consequences of disaster exceed District and State
capacities. The centre mobilizes support in terms of providing emergency teams, support personnel,
specialized equipments and operating facilities depending on the scale of the disaster and the need of
the State and District. Active assistance to an affected State/District would be provided only after the
declaration of a national level disaster, the national response mechanism has to be prepared and any
impending State or District disaster has to be impending State or District disaster has to be monitored
in order to provide immediate assistance whenever required.

The Disaster Management Act, 2005 (DM Act, 2005) lays down institutional and coordination
mechanisms for effective disaster management (DM) at the national, state, and District levels. As
mandated by this Act, the Government of India (GoI) created a multi-tiered institutional system
consisting of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), headed by the Prime Minister,
the State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs) by the Chief Ministers and the District Disaster
Management Authorities (DDMAs) by the District Collectors and co-chaired by elected
representatives of the local authorities of the respective Districts. These bodies have been set up to
facilitate the paradigm shift from the hitherto relief-centric approach to a more proactive, holistic and
integrated approach of strengthening disaster preparedness, mitigation and emergency response.
(Source:- NDMA guidelines)

3.2. Institutional Arrangements at National Level

3.2.1 National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)

At the national level, the Ministry of Home Affairs is the nodal Ministry for all matters concerning
disaster management. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has been constituted for
better coordination of disaster management at national level under the Disaster Management Act,
2005. The Prime Minister of India is the Chairperson of National Authority. This is a multi
disciplinary body with nodal officers from all concerned Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations.
Apart from these developments, the Government of India has its National Contingency Action Plan
prepared by the nodal ministry of Disaster Management. A National Emergency Operations Center
(NEOC) has been started functioning in the Ministry of Home Affairs with all sophisticated
equipments with most modern technology for disaster management. (See fig 4.1).

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Figure 3.1: Institutional Arrangements for Disaster Management


Central Nodal
National Level Ministry of Home Agency, National
Affairs Steering Committee

State Level Divisional State Nodal Agency,

Commissioner Office State Steering

District Level District

Collector/Deputy District Nodal Agency,
Commissioner Office District Disaster

3.2.2 Contingency Action Plan:

The Government of India has formulated A National Contingency Action Plan (CAP) for dealing with
contingencies arising in the wake of natural disasters and it had been periodically updated. It facilitates
the launching of relief operations without delay.

3.3. Institutional Structure at State Level

Similar to the mechanism in national level, disaster management has been institutionalized at state
level also. In Delhi numbers of initiatives have taken up to make disaster management
institutionalized. In the state of Delhi, the Lieutenant Governor is the Chairman of Disaster
Management Authority and the Chief Minster and the concerned ministries are members.

At state level office of Divisional Commissioner is the nodal office for management of various
disasters. Divisional Commissioner, Delhi, Dept. of Revenue is the nodal authority to monitor and
implement disaster management activities in the state. Divisional Commissioner is responsible to
identify and nominate various nodal departments in case of emergency.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

3.3.1 Delhi Disaster Management Authority

It is an apex body headed by the Lt. Governor of Delhi and the Chief Minister and the concerned
departments are members. The authority is governed under the chairmanship of Lieutenant Governor
of Delhi and under coordination of Divisional Commissioner. The list of the members is given under:

(i) Lt. Governor of NCT of Delhi - Chairperson, ex-officio.

(ii) Chief Minister, Govt. of NCT of Delhi - Vice Chairperson, ex-officio.

(iii) Minister-in-Charge (Revenue), Govt. of NCT of Delhi - Member, ex-officio.

(iv) Chief Secretary, Govt.of NCT of Delhi/Chairperson of the State Executive Committee.-Member,

(v) General Officer Commanding (HQ.) Delhi Area - Member ex-officio.

(vi) Principal Secretary (Home), Govt. of NCT of Delhi - Member, ex-officio.

(vii) Commissioner of Police, Delhi - Member, ex-officio.

(viii) Director of Local Bodies, GNCTD, - Member, ex-officio.

(ix) Joint Secretary, (Disaster Management) Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India - Member, ex-

(x) Principal Secretary (Revenue)-cum-Divisional Commissioner - Convenor/Member

The vision of the authority is:

a) To create a dedicated body that will assess, plan and implement the vital aspects of disaster
management (Prevention, mitigation, preparedness and response) for Delhi.

b) To ensure smooth coordination between Central and State Governments in the event of a disaster.

c) To create a unified command, control and co-ordination structure for disaster management in Delhi,
integrating the various wings and agencies of government that are necessary for emergency
response, as well as for preparedness, mitigation and prevention activities.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Figure 3.2: Disaster Management Hierarchy in Delhi

Lieutenant Governor, Delhi

Chief Minister, Delhi

Constituents of DDMA

Chief Secretary, Delhi

Pr. Secretary Revenue, District Magistrate

D D M A Officials Emergency Support

3.3.2 State Emergency Operation Centre:

State EOC has started running 24x7 from 24th June 2008 at O/o Divisional Commissioner, Delhi.
Emergency toll free number (1077) for Disasters has also been activated by that time Hon’ble Chief
Minister of Delhi.

3.4. Disaster Management Organizational Structure at District Level:

3.4.1 District Level Mechanism in West District:

At District level, District Disaster Management Authority has been constituted under the notification
of The Disaster Management Act 2005. The power of sanction of relief is also vested with the officials
of revenue department at different level depending upon the need. The District Magistrate ensures
participation of District and state government in the response and recovery phase.

3.4.2 District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA)

As per The Disaster Management Act 2005, each District has established a District Disaster
Management Authority. The District Authority shall consist of the Chairperson and such number of
other members, not exceeding seven, as may be prescribed by the State Government, and unless the
rules otherwise provide, it shall consist of the following, namely:-

a) The Dy. Commissioner as the case may be, of the District who shall be Chairperson, ex officio;

b) The elected representative of the local authority who shall be the co-Chairperson, ex officio;

c) The Chief Executive Officer of the District Authority, ex officio;

d) The Superintendent of Police, ex officio;

e) The Chief Medical Officer of the District, ex officio;

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

f) Not exceeding two other District level officers, to be appointed by the State Government.

Fig. 3.3 Layout of District Disaster Management Authority (District West)


Ph: 9868972534 Ms. Neha Bansal (IAS), District Magistrate
Chairperson, DDMA (West)

Shri. Shiv Charan Goyal MLA, AC-25, Moti Nagar (West)/

Co-Chairperson, DDMA (West)
Ph: 9312539499

Sh. Dharmendra Kumar

Addl.Distt. Magistrate (West)
Chief Executive Officer, DDMA (West)

Mr Deepak Purohit
Deputy Commissioner-Police(Member)

Mr. Sirish Sharan

Dy.Commissioner (SDMC- West Zone)
Ph: 25934789,8929143254

Dr. Sunita Prasad, CDMO (West)


Sh. Neeraj Kumar Meena, S.E.(PWD)

Ph: 25100543-45, 9899208081

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Fig 3.4: Institutional Arrangements at District Level

District Emergency Operation Centre

District Magistrate–Chairman and

District Disaster Management line departments are members

Sub Division level Quick SDM’s as chairperson with officers

Response Team of line department as members

Team leaders of primary

Emergency Support Functions departments i.e. Health, Police,
fire, MCD, DDA, and PWD etc.

The District Authority shall act as the Districtplanning; coordinating and implementing body for
disaster management and take all measures for the purposes of disaster management in the District in
accordance with the guidelines laid down by the National Authority and the State Authority.

As per the DM Act, 2005, the District Disaster Management Authority may:

Prepare a disaster management plan including District response plan for the District;

Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the National Policy, State Policy, National Plan,
State Plan and District Plan;

Ensure that the areas in the District vulnerable to disasters are identified and measures for the
prevention of disasters and the mitigation of its effects are undertaken by the departments of
the Government at the District level as well as by the local authorities;

Ensure that the guidelines for prevention of disasters, mitigation of its effects, preparedness
and response measures as laid down by the National Authority and the State Authority are
followed by all departments of the Government at the District level and the local authorities in
the District;

Give directions to different authorities at the District level and local authorities to take such
other measures for the prevention or mitigation of disasters as may be necessary;

Lay down guidelines for prevention of disaster management plans by the department of the
Government at the Districts level and local authorities in the District;

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Monitor the implementation of disaster management plans prepared by the departments of the
Government at District level;

Lay down guidelines to be followed by the Departments of the Government at the District level
for purposes of integration of measures for prevention of disasters and mitigation in their
development plans and projects and provide necessary technical assistance therefore;

Monitor the implementation of measures referred to in clause 8;

Review the state of capabilities for responding to any disaster or threatening disaster situation
in the District and give directions to the relevant departments or authorities at the District level
for their up gradation as may be necessary;

Review the preparedness measures and give directions to the concerned departments at the
District level or other concerned authorities where necessary for bringing the preparedness
measures to the levels required for responding effectively to any disaster or threatening disaster

Organize and coordinate specialized training programmes for different levels of officers,
employees and voluntary rescue workers in the Districts;

Facilitate community training and awareness programmes for prevention of disaster or

mitigation with the support of local authorities, government and non-governmental

Set up, maintain, review and upgrade the mechanism for early warnings and dissemination of
proper information to public;

Prepare, review and update District level response plan and guidelines;

Coordinate response to any threatening disaster situation or disaster;

Ensure that the Departments of the Government at the District level and the local authorities
prepare their response plans in accordance with the District response plan;

Lay down guidelines for, or give direction to, the concerned Departments of the Government
at the District level or any other authorities within the local limits of the District to take
measures to respond effectively to any threatening disaster situation or disaster;

Advise, assist and coordinate the activities of the Departments of the Government at the
District level, statutory bodies and other governmental and non-governmental organizations in
the District engaged in the disaster management;

Coordinate with, and give guidelines to, local authorities in the District to ensure that measures
for the prevention or mitigation of threatening disaster situation or disaster in the District are
carried out promptly and effectively;

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Provide necessary technical assistance or give advise to the local authorities in the District for
carrying out their functions;

Review development plans prepared by the Departments of the Government at the District
level, statutory authorities or local authorities with a view to make necessary provisions therein
for prevention of disaster or mitigation;

Examine the construction in any area in the District and, if it is of the opinion that the standards
for the prevention of disaster or mitigation laid down for such construction is not being or has
not been followed, may direct the concerned authority to take such action as may be necessary
to secure compliance of such standards;

Identify buildings and places which could, in the event of any threatening disaster situation or
disaster be used as relief centers or camps and make arrangements of necessary items;

Establish stockpiles of relief and rescue materials or ensure preparedness to make such
materials available at a short notice;

Provide information to the State Authority relating to different aspects of disaster


Encourage the involvement of non-governmental organizations and voluntary social-welfare

institutions working at the grassroots level in the District for disaster management ;

Ensure communication systems are in order, and disaster management drills are carried out

Perform such other functions as the State Government or State Authority may assign to it or as
it deems necessary for disaster management in the District

After constitution of District Disaster Management Authority, District Disaster Management

Committee has been got dissolved as per Act but Emergency Support Functionaries/ Agencies (ESFs)
are regularly meeting under the chairmanship of DM (West). These departments play a major role in
preparedness and mitigation. Each nodal officer will be accountable to his own department in terms of
the Disaster Management. District Project Officer and Project Coordinators have been appointed in the
District to look after the day-to-day affairs of Disaster Management in the District.

The objective of ESFs is to provide necessary guidance and inputs in preparedness, mitigation and
management in planning through a participatory approach. It is responsible for all disaster
management activities (prevention, mitigation, preparedness, relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction) at
the District level, including formation and training of Disaster Management Teams in specific areas
such as warning dissemination, damage assessment, first aid & medical relief, search & rescue, trauma
counseling, shelter management, water & sanitation, carcass disposal, relief & coordination etc.
Capacity building and training activities at all levels, awareness generation; preparing District Disaster

Management Plan; replication of activities at the sub-divisional and community levels, periodic
organization of mock drills and disaster preparedness exercises at various levels involving co-
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

ordination of the various agencies, are contributing significantly in attaining the ultimate goal of
disaster management.

3.4.3 Crisis Management Group:

The Central Relief Commissioner in the Ministry of Home Affairs is the Chairman of the CMG,
consisting of senior officers (called nodal officers) from various concerned Ministries. The CMG’s
functions are to review every year contingency plans formulated by various
Ministries/Departments/Organizations in their respective sectors, measures required for dealing with
natural disasters, coordinate the activities of the Central Ministries and the State Governments in
relation to disaster preparedness and relief and to obtain information from the nodal officers on
measures relating to above. The CMG, in the event of a natural disaster, meets frequently to review the
relief operations and extend all possible assistance required by the affected States to overcome the
situation effectively. The Resident Commissioner of the affected State is also associated with such

District Crisis Management Group:-

District Crisis Management Group has been constituted under The Chemical Accidents (Emergency
Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules 1996, which has following function:

1. The District Crisis Group shall be the apex body in the District to deal with major chemical
accidents and to provide expert guidance for handling chemical accidents;

2. The District Crisis Group shall-

assist in the preparation of the District off-site emergency plan;

review all the on-site emergency plans prepared by the occupier of Major Accident
Hazards installation for the preparation of the District off-site emergency plan;

assist the District administration in the management of chemical; continuously monitor

every chemical accident;

ensure continuous information flow from the District to the Central and State Crisis
Group regarding accident situation and mitigation efforts;

forward a report of the chemical accident within fifteen days to the State Crisis Group;

conduct at least one full scale mock-drill of a chemical accident at a site each year

and forward a report of the strength and the weakness of the plan to the State Crisis

As of now four meetings of District Crisis Group has been chaired by District Magistrate (W).
321 godowns and warehouses (251 in Mundka and 70 in Ranholla) falling in sub-division, Punjabi

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Bagh has been surveyed by team of officials from DFS, DP, SDMC Licensing on parameters of
various fire safety norms.

3.4.4 District Crisis Management Group/Incident Command System

Crises Management Plan (CMP) – 2013 Framework of Ministry of Home Affairs addressesfollowing
crises situations:- Public Disorder, Terrorist outrages, Mutiny, Migration/exodus/infiltration. CMP-
2013 calls for constitution of District Crises ManagementGroup headed by District Magistrate/
Commissioner of Police having following members
i) Superintendent of Police.
ii) A representative of IB.
iii) Dy. Development Commissioner/ Additional District Magistrate
Any other District officer whose inclusion is considered necessary in the light of the emerging
situation may be co-opted as a member. This group will be responsible for on – scene managemnt of
the incident/emergency.

CMP- 2013 envisages that District Emergency Center have GIS based maps indicating the
roads/railways/hospitals and other essential infrastructure. They will have online access to India
Disaster Resource Network (IDRN).

DDMA (HQ) is in the process of constituting the District Crisis Management Group for all the

3.4.5 District Emergency Operation Centre

Building structure of DM office is temporary and there is a proposal to transfer the office at new site.
Therefore till that time office has identified a space for temporary EOC. The centre is well-equipped
with various Information Technology (IT) based equipments such as Computer with internet facilities.
24x7 Control Room is manned by trained Civil Defence volunteers and is equipped with Emergency
Rescue Kits, TETRA wireless, Power Generator etc. Further it may be strengthened with HAM
equipments, Early Warning Systems, etc. EOC (West) operates under the supervision of ADM (West). Sub Divisional level – Special Response Team:

In pursuance of the minutes of the review meeting taken by Hon’ble Lt. Governor on 12th July, 2007
and with a view to strengthening the Disaster Preparedness of the District, Special Response Team
(SRT) at Sub division level has been constituted for medical response, search and rescue including
heliborne medical evacuation and heliborne fire services. The above Special Response Teams (SRT)
shall be responsible for:

Development of response plan and procedure at the respective Sub Division level and Updation
of the same.
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Immediate provision of search, rescue and medical response in the event of any disaster.

Ensuring resource availability relating to management of disaster.

Coordination and mobilization of equipment during disaster.

Reporting about the situation to the higher authorities.

Any other activity that may be assigned by District Disaster Management Authority.

The Chairman of the Special Rescue Team shall send quarterly progress report to the District for the
placement of the same before DDMA.

Sub divisional, Special Task Force:

As per direction Hon’ble Lt. Governor of Delhi recently Sub-division level Special Task Force has
been constituted on 30th May 2011 under the chairmanship of respective SDMs in all the 33 Sub-
divisions of Delhi for following purpose:-

To monitor the unauthorized constructions taking place in their respective area of jurisdiction
and to take action against owner/builder/contractor.

Demolishing those structures which are found vulnerable from safety point of view to mitigate
the ill effect of disaster like wall/roof/building collapse happening very frequently in the

To monitor the illegal encroachment of Government land and take punitive action against the
encroacher in favor of public interest. Public-PrivatePartnership

West District has been able to achieve partnership with various social organizations. Civil Defence,
NCC, NYKS, St. John Ambulance, Residential Welfare Associations, C.A.T.S , Dera Sacha Sauda etc
are the important organizations who are working dedicatedly in front of providing their services for
disaster management to the mankind. Civil Defence and NYKS are playing instrumental role in
generating awareness and facilitating community planning in the District. The District Magistrate
(West) Office is taking special initiatives to encourage NGOs to participate in various awareness
generation activities and community planning exercises. The list of NGOs associated with DDMA (W)
is attached in Directory at Annexure – II.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

3.5 Conclusion
At national level-NDMA has been constituted. An emergency control room along with crises
management committee and groups has been constituted. At state level, Office of Divisional
Commissioner has been identified as focal point for disaster management. DDMA, State EOC, State
steering committees are some of the important organizations lay down to regulate disaster
management activities in the state.

West District has played a vital role in institutionalizing disaster management within various
government and non-government agencies. District has been able to develop a separate control room at
Office of District Magistrate (W), GNCTD, 3, Shivaji Place, Raja Garden, New Delhi-27 from where
all the disaster management related activities are getting regulated.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter 4

4.1 Introduction

Disaster Mitigation contributes to lasting improvement in safety and is essential to integrate disaster
management in mainstream planning. Broadly mitigation ways can be divided into two parts i.e.
structural measure and non-structural measures. Structural measures undertake to strengthen buildings,
lifelines and infrastructure to withstand any hazard. Non-structural measures emphasis on land-use
planning, programmes for sustaining awareness, dissemination of information materials on do’s and
don’ts at the time of disaster. Once the area has been identified as hazard prone, it becomes important
that the government and the community should practice these above-said measures. Based on this
ideology, mitigation plan may vary according to hazards. The West District is being considered prone
to earthquake and fire related hazards, incidences of building collapse are also very frequent in District
West, Delhi.

4.2 Disaster Mitigation Measures

As it has been discussed in the previous chapters that District West lies in Zone IV. Risk gets
compounded when hazard meets with Vulnerabilities as high dense population, weak physical
structures and conventional construction technologies. Similarly, District is also vulnerable to high
degree of fire and chemical explosions. Although, District has not faced any high intensity
earthquake but studies envisages that Delhi can receive an earthquake of 6 to 7.5 ricter scale band.

Earthquakes can destroy buildings and infrastructure with secondary effects i.e. fires, embankments
failures, release of poisonous gases, release of nuclear radiations etc. Therefore it is important to
consider both primary and secondary effects into earthquake disaster mitigation planning. So, an
effective mitigation planning is necessary to reduce the risk involved in the District. For efficient
disaster mitigation, the pre-disaster phase needs to be utilized for planning and implementing
preventive measures on the one hand and working on preparedness activities on the other. Disaster is
caused due to failure of manmade structures, lack of preparedness and awareness. So far, disaster
mitigation efforts are mostly reactive. (HPC, 2001)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

4.2.1 Structural Mitigation Measures

a. Retrofitting of Buildings: Generally buildings of the District can be characterized in three parts
i.e. Slums and JJ clusters, non-engineered and engineered buildings (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1: Categorization of housing typology in the District

S.No Categories Construction Resistance

1 Slums and J. J. Clusters Weak constructions May get damaged due
/unauthorized colonies etc moderate intensity o
2 Non-engineered buildings Brick construction Masonry May damage due to
buildings moderate to high intensity
of earthquake
3 Engineered Buildings R.C.C constructions with May damage due to high
good designs but not intensity of earthquake.
necessarily earthquake
* Note: Above table is based on reconnaissance survey and general observations

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has developed its first code on a seismic design in 1962
(IS:1893-1962). However, till date there is lack of efficient legal framework to implement seismic
code provisions in Delhi. As a result most of the buildings in Delhi do not meet codal requirements on
seismic resistance. Even if new constructions may fulfill the requirement of seismic code provisions in
their buildings, still a very large inventory of old buildings will remain deficient for seismic safety.
Therefore we need to develop a rational seismic retrofitting plan for the government owned buildings
and private constructions on priority bases. Generally public buildings are given first priority because
they are lesser in number and at the time of disaster people can take shelter in these public buildings.
Some of the important public buildings are schools, hospitals, government officers, community halls,
fire and police stations, cultural buildings, communication buildings, cinema halls, meetings halls,
historical monuments and important installations etc. The proposal for certification of such critical
buildings from the point of view of disaster resilience is under consideration.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

b.Need of systematic study to evaluate construction typology in the District:

As per Vulnerability Atlas of India (2007), out of 33.8 Lakh buildings in Delhi, over 31 Lakh are at
medium risk of being affected by an earthquake, while 1.46 Lakh are at high risk. Out of 5, 33,221
houses in West District, only 32,381 are concrete (Census of India, 2011). Systematic studies are
needed on vulnerability of different types of constructions in the area. This will require experimental
studies to evaluate strength, stiffness and ductility of different types of constructions as well as
analytical studies such as the Push over Analysis. Experiences of past earthquakes both in India and
abroad have clearly outlined the vulnerability of multistory reinforced concrete buildings if not
designed and constructed correctly. Huge number of multistory reinforced concrete buildings in Delhi,
particularly those with open ground storey to accommodate vehicle parking, could also pose a major
challenge in the event of a strong earthquake.

c. Construction Control

The best mitigation measure is to build strong built-in environment in the District. The District must
ensure the implementation of building codes. The quality of buildings measured by their seismic
resistance has its fundamental importance. Minimum designs and construction standards for
earthquake resistant structures legislated nationally are an important step in establishing future
minimum level of protection for important structure. India has building codes and regulations for
seismic resistant design which needs to be enforced by municipal bodies. Some of the policy measures
taken at state level are:Municipality Corporation has been asked to bring a circular shortly to make
submission of actual structural drawings, besides the structural safety certificates mandatory for all
buildings while seeking building plan approval. The Urban Shelter Board, GNCTD has been asked to
urgently carry out structural audit of buildings in Delhi with the assistance of experts from NDMA,
using RVSA (Rapid Visual Screening Assessment) and DVA (Detailed Vulnerability Assessment)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

4.2.2 Non-Structural Measures

a. Land Use Planning

Damage of buildings depends primarily upon the soil conditions and topology of the area which are
moderately favorable in the District. Anyhow, to analyze risk within District microzonation planning
should take place. It will help to guide modify landuse planning in the District accordingly.

b. Capacity Building and awareness generation

Country has a very few experts in mitigation planning. We must focus our attention to the institutional
and manpower development at all levels. There is a need to train architects, engineers, planners and
masons in developing safe housing and infrastructure facilities. District has already arranged two
trainings for engineers, masons and architects of public and private sectors where 100 such
participants got trained. Manuals have also been developed outlining methodologies for new
constructions and retrofitting of old ones. A strong legal and enforcement framework with appropriate
incentives and punitive measures is required together with awareness programmes for general public.
All these components must be taken up simultaneously; ignoring one aspect for the other could be

c. Insurance

Insurance brings quality consciousness in the infrastructure and a culture of safety by insisting to
follow building codes, norms, guidelines, quality materials in construction. It would enforce safety
standards by bringing accountability. Hazardous area should be announced, notified and publicly
displayed so that people would be motivated not to settle in those areas and insurance be mandatory in
insurance prone areas. Premiums can be changed on the basis of risk proneness. Urban Development
Department, GNCTD has been asked to draft a scheme to incentivize house owners to take up
retrofitting of their houses.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Table 4.2: Important Mitigation Measures

Sl. Strategies Actions involved Suggested

No. Institutions
1 Retrofitting Prioritization of buildings according to their South Delhi
of buildings importance during emergency. Municipal
First priority buildings are: Corporation
1. District administration office building, all (SDMC)/PWD
police and fire stations engineers
2. Nodal
3. All Schools (Government, SDMC and Public )
4. Residences of District Magistrate (Revenue),
District Magistrate of Police
Second priority buildings are:
1. Hospitals and clinics
2. Community centres
3. Residences of other key officials
4. Office buildings of SDMC, PWD, CD & HG
and DDA
Third Priority buildings are
1. Remaining Government Buildings and colonies
2. Enforcement Review and updation of building codes BIS
of Building Implementation of codes in new engineered and non- SDMC
codes engineered constructions
3. Community Large-scale information dissemination about basics of SDMC, PWD,
Awareness new constructions and retrofitting of existing buildings District
and encouraging fire-fighting arrangements in the Administration
Information dissemination about dos’ and don’ts at the District
time of earthquake event and fire-outbreak administration,
Fire and police
4. Capacity Priority-wise training to the engineers, architects, and District
Building masons for disaster-resistance. These people may administration,
further utilized for providing assistance in retrofitting SDMC, PWD and
and reconstruction exercises. DDA

5. Insurance Identification of hazardous areas in the District DC Office,

Provisions of insurance according to building bye laws, Insurance
codes and hazard proneness companies,SDMC

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Summary of Prevention and Mitigation Measures (2015-2019):

S. Activity Authority for Starting Date Date of Funding Source

No. implementation Completion
1. Awareness programmes DDMA (West) May, 2016 May, 2016 DDMA Fund
in 22 Major Crowded 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)
Metro Stations and
2. Training of Industrial DDMA (West) June, 2016 September, DDMA Fund
Workers in Udyog 2016 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)
3. Trainingof students and DDMA (West) April, 2016 August,2016 DDMA Fund
teachers of MCD 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)

4. Drawing Competition in DDMA (West) July, 2016 July, 2016 DDMA Fund
10 Govt. and 10 Private 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)
5. Deepawali Awareness DDMA (West) October, October, 2016 DDMA Fund
on Fire Safety 2016 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)
6. Training in Major DDMA (West) September, October, 2016 DDMA Fund
Installation 2016 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)
7. One day training DDMA (West) May, 2016 May, 2016 DDMA Fund
programme in Govt. 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)
8. 10 Mock Drills at DDMA (West) March, March, 2017 DDMA Fund
different locations of 2016 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)
Ditrict West on different
9. Obtained updated DDMA (West) March, January, 2017 DDMA Fund
Disaster Management 2016 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)
Plans of various
stakeholders like
Schools, Mall, Cinema
Theatres, MAHUs,
Hospitals, Hotels, ESFs
10 Drawing Competition DDMA (West) October, October, DDMA Fund
with the collaboration of with NIDM 2016 2016 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)
11 On Deepawali occasion DDMA (West) October, October, 2016 DDMA Fund
Fire awareness 2016 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42
12 AWARE SCHOOLS – DDMA (West) 30th 04th February, DDMA Fund
SAFE SCHOOLS a January, 2017 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)
specialized training 2016
programme on Disaster
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Management under the

National School Safety
13 Dengue Awareness DDMA (West) Sepetember, September, DDMA Fund
campaign in District 2016 2016 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)
14 Drawing competition DDMA (West) July 2017 July 2017 DDMA Fund
for school students, (10 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42
Govt. + 10 Pvt.)
19 02 Training cum DDMA (West) May, 2017 -
Awareness programmes
on Road Safety with
Delhi Traffic Police
20 02 Training cum DDMA (West) June, 2017 -
awareness programme
on Road Safety with
Delhi Traffic Police
21 20 Nukkad Nataks on DDMA (West) August, 2017 DDMA Fund
Dengue/Chkungunya/M 2245-
(80)(102)(96)(00) (42)
alaria awareness in
22 08 days awareness DDMA (West) August, -
programme for RWA by 2017
short movie display and
pamphlet distribution.
23 Awareness programme DDMA (West) September, DDMA Fund
through Drawing 2017 2245-
Competition in 10 Govt.
and 10 Private Schools.
27 Fire Safety Awareness DDMA (West) October, DDMA Fund
Campaign of Diwali at 2017 2245-
different locations of
District West
30 Road Safety Awareness DDMA (West) January, DDMA Fund
through Nukkad Nataks 2018 2245-
31 Training programme in DDMA (West) January, February, DDMA Fund
33 Govt. Schools, 2018 2018 2245-
including 33 Nukkad
37 Training in 33 Govt. DDMA (West) October, November, DDMA Fund
Schools of District 2018 2018 2245-
West, Delhi
38 FAMEX programme DDMA (West) September, September, DDMA Fund
thorugh with 2018 2018 2245-
coordination of NDRF
39 Dengue awareness DDMA (West) November, November, DDMA Fund
programme in district 2018 2018 2245-
west through Nukkad

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

40 Fire Safety Awareness DDMA (West) November, November, DDMA Fund
programme on the 2018 2018 2245-
occasion of Diwali
41 Training Programme on DDMA (West) December, December, DDMA Fund
Disaster Management in 2018 2018 2245-
Central Tihar Jail
Complex, Hari Nagar
42 Drawing Competition in DDMA (West) March, 2019 April, 2019 DDMA Fund
20 Schools (20 Govt. 2245-
+10 Pvt. Schools) of
District West, Delhi
42 Training in Udyog DDMA (West) March, 2019 May, 2019 DDMA Fund
Nagar Industrial area 2245-
43 Training in Hospitals DDMA (West) June, 2019 Nov, 2019 DDMA Fund
(Govt. +Pvt.) of District 2245-
44 Training in Traffic DDMA (West) June, 2019 June, 2019 DDMA Fund
Training Park, Punjabi 2245-
Bagh of District West
45 Heatwave Nukkad DDMA (West) July, 2019 July, 2019 DDMA Fund
Nataks 22 Awareness 2245-
Programme of District
46 Training in 03 Ram DDMA (West) Oct, 2019 Oct, 2019 DDMA Fund
Leela Grounds of 2245-
District West
47 04 Awareness DDMA (West) Oct, 2019 Oct, 2019 DDMA Fund
Programmes on DRR in 2245-
District West
48 04 Nukkad Nataks DDMA (West) Oct, 2019 Oct, 2019 DDMA Fund
Awareness Programmes 2245-
on DRR in District West
49 Training Programme on DDMA (West) Nov, 2019 Nov, 2019 DDMA Fund
Disaster Management in 2245-
Ramjas Sport Complex,
Patel Nagar of District
50 Awareness Programme DDMA (West) Jan, 2020 Jan,2020 DDMA Fund
on Road Safety 2245-
51 Pamplet Distribution DDMA (West) March, March,2020 DDMA Fund
regarding Awareness on 2020 2245-
52 Distribution of Masks DDMA (West) July, 2020 July, 2020 DDMA Fund
and Sanitizers. 2245-

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

4.3 Conclusion

District consists of weak and illegal constructions which compounds its vulnerability to
earthquake and fires.
Buildings constructed through good design are not necessarily built with earthquake safe
There is a need of an urgent mitigation planning under which new constructions should come
up as per building-byelaws and standard codes.
Retrofitting techniques are very much important to re-strengthen old and weak constructions
which needs to be taken up by SDMC and District administration
Fire safety assessments and fire-fighting arrangements shall be promoted in multistoried
buildings and residential communities.
Insurance of buildings according to their hazard proneness is important to promote in the
District under the supervision of local administration.
Life-line buildings like Major hospitals, Deputy-commissioner office, residences of key
officials, schools, community spaces, police and fire stations etc. shall be retrofit on priority

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter 5

5.1 Introduction
Disaster causes sudden disruption to the normal life of society and causes damage to the properties and
lives to such an extent that normal social and economic mechanism available to the society get
disturbed. Those who are unaware and unprepared generally get affected more due to their lack of
knowledge and physiological pressure. Hitherto, the approach towards copeing the effects of disasters
has been post-disaster management, involving many problems related to law and order, evacuation,
communications, search and rescue, fire-fighting, medical and psychiatric assistance, provisions of
relief and shelters etc. After initial trauma next phase starts with long-term reconstruction planning
which takes about 5 to 6 years to normalize the life-style in a particular area.

In view of these problems the District administration, has prepared a comprehensive plan. The plan
basically detailed out preparedness strategy under which communities and District authorities would
be prepared so that level of destruction and unnecessarily delay in relief and response can be reduced.
The preparedness measures include setting up disaster relief machinery, formulation of community
preparedness plans, training to the specific groups and earmarking funds for relief operations
(UNDRO, 2004).

5.2 Measuring Community Preparedness

Generally community preparedness depends upon following four major components (Cottrelletal-

- Population characteristics (number of children, squatter settlement etc )

- Building and critical infrastructure such as road, drinking water, communication network,
health and sanitation

- Physical environment

- Social environment (social groups)

In view of these components, risk assessment study has been conducted and identified that West
District is densely built and consists of a high number of urban population. Any major earthquake or
fire/chemical explosion can affect District very badly. Although many steps have been taken by the
District but still a high degree of awareness and training is required to lay down an organization
system within communities. However, a good number of awareness programmes, Training

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

programmes, mock drills, various sensitization programmes are being conducting by DDMA (W) for
the community on regular interval.

5.3 Components of Preparedness Plan

Looking at the complexity of repose mechanism during disasters two sets of components have been
studied to prepare this plan.

5.3.1 Components of Community Preparedness Plan

Several previous attempts have been made by researchers to measure community preparedness within
various indicators. Some of the important components of measuring preparedness are given below
(refer fig. 5.1)

1. Physical Safety: i.e. how safe community members are in view of the physical danger from
these hazards? The parameters essentially tries to measure how effective structural mitigation
measures are e.g. resistance of building structures for earthquakes, availability of safe shelters
and its capacity etc.

2. Hazard awareness i.e. awareness level about hazards which have a reasonably higher
probability of occurrence

3. Organization preparedness i.e. how far the community is organized to face disaster i.e.
existence of committee at community level, task forces, volunteers of civil defence and other
local volunteers , trained disaster management teams and community disaster management
plan etc

4. Infrastructure and services which tries to measure current state of these services and how
well restoring critical services as and when disruptions occur

5. Recovery ability i.e. ability of the community members to recover from the impact of the

6. Physical environment i.e. state of environment to face hazards e.g. Condition of sub-surface
aquifers and vegetation etc

7. Social capital i.e. degree to which social networking and cooperation exists among community

8. Psychological preparedness i.e. how safe and prepared do community members feel in view
of these hazards.

9. Cultural capital i.e. cultural richness such as existence, recognition and use of traditional
mechanism to cope with such disasters

10. Household preparedness i.e. preparedness at a house hold members

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Fig 5.1: Components of Community Preparedness

Physical safety

Hazard Awareness Physical Environment

Psychological PREPAREDNESS Capital

Social Capital
and services

5.3.2 Components of Administrative Preparedness

Administrative preparedness is another very important issue which helps in reducing relief and
response time in a disaster situation. Preparedness plan is based on below-given components

1. Operation readiness of facilities, equipments and stores in advance

2. Maintaining response inventory of equipments and materials required for response

3. Assignment of responsibilities to agencies and organizations

4. Management training of crisis group members, desk officers and officers of respective
departments likely to be assigned management duties

5. Specialized trainings of District disaster committee members, officials, community

organizations through seminars and workshop

6. Training of taskforces

7. Raising community awareness

8. Improving response mechanism through conducting practice drills etc

9. Annual updating of District and community level plans

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

5.4 Preparedness Plan

Base on above-mentioned components following arrangements needs to be maintained at District level
preparedness plan.

5.4.1 Establishment of Emergency Operation Centre (EOC):

To ensure coordination at District headquarter among community organizations, District level

organizations and State government during preparedness and response phase, EOC has to play an
important role. Directing the operations at the affected site, the need for coordination at the District
headquarter and the need for interaction with the state government to meet the conflicting demand at
the time of disaster is the responsibility of the District Magistrate and his team. District EOC helps
District Magistrate and his team to meet these conflicting demands. Keeping this in view, District
Magistrate has established an EOC at District level. The building of District Magistrate Office is a
temporary one and will shift to another place in future; therefore a temporary EOC has been
established in the office. The EOC would be responsible to facilitate following activities.

(a)Activities of EOC

• To ensure that warning and communication systems are in working conditions

• Collection and compilation of District level information related to hazards, resources, trained
manpower etc.

• Conducting District, Sub-Division and community level mock drills

• Networking and coordination with community, District and State level departments

• Monitoring and evaluation of community and inter-intra organization level disaster

management plans

• Develop a status report of preparedness and mitigation activities under the plan

• Allocation of tasks to the different resource organizations and decisions making related to
resource management

• Reviewing and updating response strategy

• Supply of information to the state government

(b)Facilities with EOC

Presently, the emergency operation centre is operating in 24 7 mode well-equipped with computer,
wireless and telephone facilities. In future EOC would include a well-designed control room with
workstation, hotlines and intercoms.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Following other facilities shall be made available within the EOC:

• A database of resources, action plans, District Disaster Management Plan, community

preparedness plan would be maintained at EOC.

• Maps indicating vulnerable areas, identified shelters, communication link system with state
government and inter and intra District departments would strengthened.

• Inventory of manpower resources with address, telephone numbers of key contact persons is

• EOC have to do desk arrangements during disaster situations.

• Frequently required important phone numbers would be displayed on the walls so that they can
be referred whole other phones and addresses would be kept under an easy-retrieval and cross-
referring system.

• EOC shall be operational 24X7 hours with the help of police, fire and home guard department.

(c)Transport Facility

A Quick Response Vehicle (QRV) euipped with all necessary equipments and 03 staff (01 driver & 02
rescuers) is assigned to DDMA (West) for prompt response at incident site. The location of QRV is
O/o- District Magistrate (West), 3, Shivaji Place, Raja Garden, New Delhi- 27 which is operational at
round the clock.

(d) EOC Staffing

To make EOC operational during and post disaster situation there would be a need of keeping
adequate staff. There is a need of regular staff, staff-on requirement and staff-on disaster duty.
Therefore, trained Civil Defence volunteers are working 24 hours on shift basis for managing the
communication and transportation of rescue equipments in EOC during any disaster. More volunteers
are also hired for supporting in rescue and relief operation during emergencies. Staff on disaster duty
can be appointed by District Magistrate. This staff can be drawn from the various government

(e) Desk arrangement/ Identified stakeholders to be involved in disaster response.

In case of emergency, District Magistrate and other team members would be present round the clock in
the EOC. Therefore senior officers have been appointed in the capacity of desk officers for the
coordination of following emergency response functions:

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Table 5.1 List of ESF and desk officers

Nos. ESFs Function Nodal Officers/Department

1 Communication MTNL

2 Evacuation Delhi Police

3 Search and Rescue Delhi Fire Service

4 Law & Order Delhi Police

5 Medical Response and Trauma Counseling Directorate of Health-CDMO

6 Water Supply Delhi Jal Board

7 Relief (Food and Shelter) Department of Food and Civil Supplies

8 Equipment Support, SDMC, PWD, MCD

9 Debris and Road clearance SDMC, PWD, MCD

10 Help lines, warning dissemination Department of Revenue

11 Electricity B.S.E.S./NDPL

12 Transport Transport Department

5.4.2 Reliable Communication Systems

During emergency communication plays a very important role. Although Delhi being a capital city has
already registered a phenomenal growth but yet incase of disaster like earthquakes witnessed collapse
of general communication system which delays flow of information from the disaster site and
consequently resulting delays in relief operations. Therefore a reliable communication is also one of a
very important action. Till now TETRA wireless communication system has been found most suitable
to rely upon. Butthis plan also seeks for installation of satellite phones and HAM equipments in the
EOC for strengthened communication system in the District. Plan also advocates training some
volunteers of home guards etc in HAM operations.

5.4.3 Preparation of a Response Plan

One of the important tasks during preparedness phase is formulation of a response plan. It basically
helps in quick mobilization of manpower, resources and in performing various duties. The response
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

plan explains a hierarchal system of emergency response functions in-term of tasks and assigned
responsibilities to different agencies. It also lay down an Incident Response System under the
directions of District Magistrate of the District. This whole exercise may help in prevent confusions
during the response phase and result in prompt and coordinated response. Activation of trigger
mechanism, functioning of EOC and Response of Emergency Support Functionaries can be tested
every year to resolve perplexity occurring during actual scenario. Broad details of response plan have
been included in the Chapter 7.

5.4.4 Surprise Checking Of Equipments

The equipment available with EOC(W) and QRT(W) are being checked regularly on monthly basis. A
proper inventory of available resources/ equipments is also maintained after the surprise inspection.
DDMA (W) also conducts regular surprise inspection of the equipment available disaster management
centre of MCD located at Raghubir Nagar. The report of the same is also sent to DDMA (HQ)
preodically.Besides that, the training programme is also organised for the staff that operates these
kinds of equipments.

5.4.5 Resource Inventory of Man and Material on IDRN

India Disater Resource Network (IDRN)is a nation- wide electronic inventory of resources that enlists
equipments and human resources, collated from District level Government line departments and
agencies. It is website whereby all the disaster relief necessary information and resources pertaining to
various emergency support functions such as Fire Fighting, Health Services, Search and Rescue,
Shelter, Transportation etc are monthly updated for smooth access to responders during emergency

District West has updated the data of manpower and material of all line department such as MCD,
PWD, Delhi Fire Service, Delhi Police, St. John Ambulance, CATs, Delhi Jal Board, BSES, NDPL,
Civil Defence etc. on the database of IDRN.

5.4.6 Media Management

District Magistrate and Addl. District Magistrateare identified official spokespersons on the behalf of
DDMA (W). Interaction strategies with media will be developed later.

5.4.7 Medical Preparedness and Mas Casualty Management

• For the real time emergency situation, disaster wards are identified in the major
hospitals of District West.
• The hospitals, which are able to arrange make shift hospitals are also identified.
• EOC (W) has contact details of all major hospitals falling under District West and
major hospitals of neighbouring Ditricts such as South West and North West as well.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter 6

6.1 Trainings and Capacity Building

To enhance organizational and capability skills to deal with emergency situations requires trainings
and capacity building exercises of the various linked government and non-government officers. Since
disaster management is a multi-organizations effort, it emphasizes on trainings in execution and
coordination as well. Therefore wide ranges of trainings related to management skills are highly
required for potential officers in order to equip them for specialized disaster-related tasks. They
require orientation of various aspects of crises management such as

• Skill training,

• Planning,

• Trainings on Emergency Response Functions such as first-aid, search and resuce, emergency
operation centre, emergency feeding and welfare, communication and damage assessment etc.

• Trainings for coordinated disaster management activities and response operations are highly
required especially for the persons engaged in emergency services, government –line
departments, non-government organizations and important private sector groups

Training requirements are likely to comprise of core activities of emergency management such as
Incident Response System, Emergency Response Functions and basic management skills. Persons to
be trained shall be:

 Government Officers at par with the rank requirement under Incident Response System

 Team leaders and members under Emergency Support functions

 Quick Response Teams at headquarter and field level

 Community level taskforces including Volunteers, NGOs and home guard volunteers, school
and college students, NCC and NSS scouts and NYKS etc

 General category citizens

District Administration can organize seminars and workshops with the help of State Disaster
Management Authority, Civil Defence and Home Guard, Fire fighting department, Health departments
etc. A record of trained manpower shall be maintained by each department and their representation
shall be noticed during mock-drill.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

6.2 Community Awareness and Community Preparedness Planning

The hazard analysis of the District indicates that there is a high need of community awareness through
public awareness programmes on the following themes of disaster:

- Types of disasters and basic do’s and don’ts related to those disasters

- Post disaster epidemic problems

- Construction and retrofitting techniques for disaster resistant buildings

- Communication of possible risk based vulnerable areas in the District

- Evacuation related schemes and community preparedness problems

Volunteers and social organizations also play a vital role in spreading mass scale community
awareness. Media can also play an important role in raising awareness and educating people.

Community Disaster Management Planning is one of the vital components of community

preparedness. It involves all important parameters related to hazard awareness, evacuation planning,
resource inventory, community level taskforces and committees etc which helps community members
in organizing themselves to combat disaster in a pre-planned manner. Preparation of community plans
encourages promotes preparedness planning at community level. District administration is also
imparting trainings on regular basis to the volunteers of Civil Defence and Home Guards, Nehru Yuva
Kendra Sangthan, Residential Welfare Associations, Market Trade Associations, Self Help Group,
GRCs and NGOs etc to involve them into community planning.

6.3 Capacity Building of Community Task forces

Community taskforces and community committees has been constituted and trained in all types of
communities by government and non-government agencies. District administration, Medical officers,
Trained volunteers, Delhi fire Services, Civil Defence and Home Guard volunteers, NYKS etc. are
playing important role in building capacities of community task forces in building their capacities in
search and rescue, fire-fighting, warning dissemination, first-aid and damage assessment etc.

Medical Officer has organized seminars to train taskforces and volunteers in basic first-aid. CD &
Home Guard, St. John Ambulance and CATS are helping Medical Officer in providing trainings and
lectures. Similarly Delhi Fire Service along with CD & HG gives trainings on search and rescue and
fire fighting. Delhi Police provides trainings on warning dissemination, traffic norms, communication
and damage assessment (also see table 6.1).

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

6.4 Capacity Building of persons with disabilities

It is important to consider the special/specific needs of persons with disabilities in every phase of
disaster management and risk reduction.

Disaster Management/ Risk Reduction Phases: Addressing Specific/Special Needs of PWDs:

• Preparedness • Medical treatment/ therapy/medications

• Immediate Response/ Recovery • Assistive/mobility aids
• Mitigation/ Rehabilitation • Infrastructure/relief accessibility
• Development • Community attitudes towards PWDs

Awareness and Training

Not all organizations can focus on disability issues to the same extent; every organization has to
choose its level of involvement and accordingly obtains the appropriate education/training/ skilled
personnel. Options for different organizations are outlined below:

Mainstreaming disability within the organization ensure that disability is included as a in all
activities/ projects.
Sensitizing staff, volunteers, and managers towards disability through exposure is the first step
in understanding difficulties encountered by PWDs (e.g. contact disabled peoples’
organizations, visit organizations already involved in disability)
Training and sensitization campaign for community level disaster management committees and
community volutes on disability issues.

6.5 Simulation Exercises

To encourage participation in a coordinated manner simulation exercises on various disasters are very
important. These exercises help in institutional building at various levels. Mock-exercises have been
promoted at District and community level. These exercises help in improving response time and also
test reliability. These mock-drill arranged by involving all required agencies. These drills also help in
updating the response plans. District Disaster Management Authority is playing an important role in
conducting mock-drills and to update plan. Details of various mock drills conducted in West Delhi are
given below:

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Table 6.1: Simulation Exercises Conducted in District West.

S.No. Date Level Brief Scenario

Leakage of LPG gas in Food Court of Moments Mall, Kirti

1 08/01/2013 District Level

Massive Fire at Action Balaji Cancer Hospital, Paschim

2 18/02/2013 District Level

3 07/03/2013 District Level Building Collapse at Baljeet Nagar

4 Peshawar Terrorist Attack scenario at GTB-IIIrd Centenary

22/12/2014 District Level

5 25/02/2014 District Level Multiple Scenario, Mock Drill at 3 different places.

Multiple mock drill at 5 places on the scenario of Bomb

6 09/07/2014 District Level

7 Mock Drill at G.T.B. 3rd Cenetary Public School on the

22/12/2014 District Level scenario of terrorist attack in District West

8 29/07/2015 District Level Mock drill at vikas puri police lines on the scenario of
building collapse and blast in cng due to earthquake.

9 12/06/2015 District Level Mock Drill at o/o of district magistrate, old middle school
building complex, rampura, on the scenario of a massive fire
broke in the record room.

10 15/01/2016 District Level Mock Drill at Miraj Cinema, Subhash Nagar on the Scenario
of fire due to electric panel failure.

11 23/01/2016 District Level Mock Drill at Signature Grand hotel on the scenario of
Terrorist Attack.

12 10/02/2016 District Level Mock Drill at Kalindi College on the scenario of Stampede
due to Earthquake.

13 07/03/2016 District Level Mock Drill at HPCL Botteling plant on the scenario of Fire
due to Gas pipeline leakage.

14 23/09/2016 District Level Mock Drill at Moments Mall, Kirti Nagar on the scenario of
Fire due to short circuit.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

15 21/11/2016 District Level Mock Drill at Maharaja Agrasen Hospital, Punjabi Bagh on
Fire due to short circuit in electric panel.

16 21/12/2016 District Level Mock Drill at Holy Child Sr. Sec. School, Tagore Garden on
the scenario of Building Collapse.

17 06/03/2017 District Level Mock Drill at Hotel Clark Heights, Patel Nagar on the
scenario of Fire.

18 27/4/2017 District Level Mock Drill at Movie Time Cinema, Raja Garden, on the
scenario of Stampede due to Bomb threat.

19 15/5/2017 District Level Mock Drill at Lavanya Dreams & the Knot Banquet Hall,
Peeragarhi on the scenario of Fire due to short circuit.

20 30/06/2017 State Level Mega Mock Exercise at major disaster prone 05 locations ,
given below:-

• Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, Paschim Vihar

• Railway Colony, Punjabi Bagh.
• Punjabi Bagh Metro Station.
• MCD Office, Rajouri Garden.
• Moments Mall, Kirti Nagar.

21 28/07/2017 District Level Mock Drill at Radission Blu Hotel, Paschim Vihar on the
scenario of Terrorist attack.

22 26/09/2017 District Level Mock Drill at Keshavpur Mandi, Khyala on the scenario of
Stampede due to bomb threat.

23 31/10/2017 District Level Mock Drill at Rajdhani College, Raja Garden on the scenario
of Building Collapse due to earthquake

24 29/11/2017 District Level Mock Drill at GGSSS Patel Nagar, on the scenario of
building collapse due to earthquake.

25 16/01/2018 District Level Mock Drill at Pacific Mall, Subhash Nagar on the scenario of

26 21/06/2018 District Level Mock Drill at Moments Mall, Kirti Nagar on the scenario of
Stampede due bomb threat.

27 27/06/2018 District Level Mock Drill at HPCL, Tikri Kalan, on the scenario of fire due
to gas leakage.

28 31/07/2018 District Level Mock Drill at Udyog Nagar, Industrial Area on the scenario
of Fire due to Short Circuit.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

29 31/08/2018 District Level Mock Drill at Raghubir Nagar Slum area on the scenario of
building collapse due to earthquake

30 09/09/2018 District Level Mock Drill at Tower-G, DLF Capital, Green Building, Moti
Nagar on the scenario of Earthquake.

31 District Level Mock Drill at IOCL, Tikari Kalan.

32 11/01/2019 District Level Mock Drill at DTC Shadipur Bus Depot on the scenario of
fire in CNG Cylinder.

33 20/02/2019 District Level Mock Drill at Ambedkar University, Karampura on the

Scenario of Earthquake.

34 25/03/2019 District Level Mock Drill at Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital, Hari Nagar
on the scenario of Fire and Stampede.

35 28/06/2019 State Level Mock Drill at 05 locations of District West:-

• Pacific Mall, Subhash Nagar.

• Guru Gobind Singh Hospital, Raghubir Nagar.
• Deputy Commissioner(MCD), Plot No.2, Raja
• Rajouri Garden Metro Station (Pink Line).
• Krishi Niketan Apartment, Paschim Vihar.

36 26-07-2019 District Level SKV School, Moti Nagar on the Scenario of Earthquake and
37 31-07-2019 District Level Radisson Blu Hotel, Paschim Vihar on the Scenario of Short-
Circuit in Electric Wire

38 09-08-2019 District Level Shah International School, Ambika Vihar on the Scenario of
Earthquake and Stampede

39 21-08-2019 District Level TDI Mall, Rajouri Gadren on the Scenario of Earthquake and

40 26-09-2019 District Level IOCL, Rajiv Ratna Awas Baprolla on the Scenario of Gas
Pipe Line Damaged

41 30-09-2019 District Level Shivaji College, Raja Garden on the Scenario of Earthquake
and Stampede

42 01-10-2019 District Level S.P.M. College, Punjabi Bagh on the Scenario of Earthquake
and Stampede

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

43 24-10-2019 District Level Milan Cinema, Moti Nagar on the Scenario of Short-Circuit
in Projection Room

44 30-10-2019 District Level IOCL Plant, Ghevra Mor on the Scenario of Cylinder
Storage Area Gas Leakage

45 19-11-2019 District Level Guru Gobind Singh Hospital, Raghubir Nagar on the
Scenario of Short-Circuit in Electric Wire

46 26-11-2019 District Level Patel Nagar Railway Station on the Scenario of Stamped Due
to Bomb Rumor

47 26-06-2020 District Level ARSS Mall, Opp Jwalaheri Market, Paschim Vihar on the
scenario of Tourist Attack.

48 27-08-2020 District Level HPCL, Tikri Kalan on the scenario of Fire due to leakage of
Tank Trunk.

Table 6.2: Community Preparedness Strategies

S.No Tasks Mode of Nodal Supporting

conduct Agencies Agencies

1 Priority-wise information Through Nukaad District Civil Defence and

dissemination of various hazards Nataks, Film Administratio Home guards
and their do’s and don’ts. Also Shows, Rallies, n volunteers(CD &
preparation of community based Media, HG), Nehru Yuva
disaster management plans shall Newspaper Kendra
be promoted in these areas. Media, Posters Sangthan(NYKS),
and Pamphlets, Residential
First priority shall be given to the Group Welfare
schools, industrial clusters, Market discussions and Associations(RWA
Trade Associations and workshops etc s), Market trade
Residential areas, slums and Unions(MTAs),
resettlement colonies etc located in Rotary Clubs, Non
Kirti Nagar, Raja Garden, Vishnu Government
Garden, Moti Nagar, Punjabi organizations(NG
Bagh etc Os), Schools and
Second Priority shall be given to colleges
the communities living in the outer volunteers, NSS,
part of the District especially NCC etc.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

2. Constitution of Community Based Through District RWAs and MTAs

Disaster Management Committees community level Administratio Members, Local
and Taskforces meetings n Volunteers etc.

3. Capacity Building of Community Through mock- District CD & HG, Local

Members drills, administration NGOs, NYKS, St.
preparation of John Ambulance,
community C.A.T.S etc.
plans, trainings
and workshops
on disaster
specific topics

4. Trainings to the taskforces and Trainings and Revenue CD & HG, St.
committee members workshops Department John Ambulance
along with and CATS and
- First-Aid and Trauma Health, Police NGOs
Counseling and Fire
- Search and rescue and Departments

- Warning Dissemination

5. Post disaster epidemic problems Seminars and Health Local health

community department departments, and
meetings NGOs

6 Trainings for construction of Showing Films, Revenue SDMC, PWD,

seismic resistant buildings and videos, department Private contractors
retrofitting of the buildings. distributing and NGOs etc
posters and
Target groups are contractors, brochures,
masons, engineers, architects and reading
local communities (especially materials, etc in
those who are taking loans for trainings and
building constructions and workshops or
provided assistance under Indira any other
Awas Yojana and other community
developmental programmes) gathering

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Identified site for Disaster Management Center:

DDA has identified a site measuring 1Ha.(Approx.) on Rohtak Road opposite Shivaji Park in Planning
Zone “G” for Disaster Management Center as per Master Plan 2021. Another site near Tikri Kalan in
Planning zone “L” has also been identified for the same purpose.

Relief centers in District West Delhi:

District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), West Delhi has selected some of the colleges and
schools premises located in District West as relief centers for undertaking holistic coordinated and
prompt response and relief work in any disaster situation happening in the District. However, DDMA
(West) is in the process of identifying more relief centers as the population of District West is over 12
lacs. List of relief centers identified are as follows:

S.No. Name of Relief Center Capacity of Relief Center

1. Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School Punjabi Bagh
2. SPM College
3. District Park, Peeragarhi
4. Ambedkar University, Karampura Patel Nagar
5. Shivaji College, Raja Garden
6. Govt. Boys Sr. Sec. School Rajouri Garden
7. Govt. Sarvodaya Vidyalaya

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Relief Centres of West Delhi

Staging areas in District West, Delhi

Punjabi Bagh Sub division

• SKV Mundka.
• Surajmal Stadium.
• Janmashtmi Park, Punjabi Bagh.

Patel Nagar Sub Division

• S. R. Office Parking Basai Darapur.

• Commercial Complex field infront of DM Office.
• Kalindi College, Patel Nagar

Rajouri Garden Sub Division

• Bhagat Singh Park.
• Khatu Shyam Sports Complex, Hari Nagar.

Rescue equipment with District Disaster Management authority:

Delhi Disaster Management Authority has purchased heavy rescue and debris clearance equipments
and following equipments have been provided to District Disaster Management Authority West for
effectively and efficiently responding to any disaster. The list of equipments available in EOC (West)
is given in Annexure XV.

SDMC Disaster Management Center: It is located at Road No.-29, Baba Ramdev Marg, near
MCD Cement Godown, Raghubir Nagar, NewDelhi-58. The details of the centre are given under.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Table 6.3: Details of SDMC - DM Centre

Nodal Officer and contact Type Of Equipment Qty.

Sh.Vikas Jain Excavators with Rock Breaker Nil
(SE-E&M) 8588889113, 3D Excavators-Cum-Loader-Cum Rock Breaker Expire
Sh. H.R. Singhal Crow Bars (5' Long ) 12
(JE) 8527598643, BD-65 Bull Dozers Nil
Torzen Power Pack Unit with Gas Cutter 01
Sh. Rajpal Meena
Skid Steer Loader (Bob Cat ) 04(Expire)
Gas Cutter 10
Sh. P.S. Khurana Sledge Hammer 20 Lbs 17
(EE)-9717787789 Sladge Hammer 12 Lbs 25
Highly Inflatable Emergency Light 02(Running),
(Updated : 21/08/2020) 01(Service)
Safety Helmet 90
Ear Muff 01
Safety goggles 140
(life expired)
Gas Respirator Nil
Fire extinguisher (1 kg, 5 kg) 6 kg, (Empty)
6 kg (EMPTY)
Safety Hand Gloves 89
Safety Dress 60
Safety gum Boots 185
Rotary Rescue Saw 10
Gas Cylinder O2 09(Empty)
Acetylene Empty
Trolly 02
Barricading Tape 13
Manilla Rope 04
Al. Ladder 4 m(1), 6m(1)
Bundle expired
P.A. System 22
Replectine Jacket 12
Safety Belts 53
Heavy Duty Multiple Cone 150
Gas Cylinder DA 01(Empty)
Body Protection 120

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Manpower:- Identification of trained Civil Defence Volunteers (IRT):

S. No. Type of Manpower/Designation Number

1. Driver 04, out of whom 01 getting retired in February, 2019.
2. Auto Cleaner 03
3. Watchman 05
4. Mechanic 01
5. Beldar 01

For immediate response in case of any disaster which is necessary for evacuation and mitigation of ill-
effects of such disaster. DDMA (W) has developed police- station wise a task force of trained Civil
Defence volunteers in each area, who can respond within the shortest possible time to incident/disaster
site. In this regard, DDMA (West) creating IRT (Incident Response Team) in each Ward of every Sub-
division i.e. Rajouri Garden, Patel Nagar, Punjabi Bagh for enhacing the response mechanism by
providing specialized training to 40 civil defense volunteers of each ward on First-Aid, Search &
Rescue by NDRF(National Disaster Response Force).

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter 7

7.1 Introduction

The need for an effective disaster management strategy is to lessen disaster impact which can be
achieved through strengthening and reorienting existing organizational and administrative structure
from District – state to national level. The emergency response plan is a first attempt to follow a multi-
hazard approach to bring out all the disasters on a single platform and incorporates the ‘culture of
quick response’. Under the plan, common elements responsible for quick response have been
identified and a set of responsible activities has been articulated. It provides a framework to the
primary and secondary agencies and departments, which can outline their own activities for disaster
response. The plan will also include specific disaster action plans along with modal scenarios in detail
to conduct practice drills at District administration level.

7.2 Methodology of Response Plan

• Identification of disasters in the District depending on:

o Past records
o Micro-zonation according to the geological settings
o Vulnerability associated in context to the disaster
o Risk assessment according to the socio-economic conditions
• Identification of emergency response functions in consultation with the guidelines provided by
state nodal agency
• Identification of responsible government and non-government agencies according to the
response functions
• Identification of responsible officers, manpower and resources according to the activities of the
identified agencies
• Identification of primary and secondary agencies and demarcation of roles and responsibilities
according to their functions
• Conducting regular trainings, meetings and mock drills

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

7.3 Various Response Levels

Most of the disasters are to be managed at the state and District level. The centre plays a supporting
role in providing resources and assistance. It will mobilize support in terms of various emergency
teams, support personnel, specialized equipments and operating facilities depending upon the scale of
the disaster. Active assistance would be provided only after the declaration of national emergency
level. (National Disaster Response Plan, 2001)

Incase disaster will be managed at the District level, District emergency operation system would be
activated where state and national level authorities will be on guard in case of assistance needed.
Incident commander (IC) of the District would activate the emergency operation centre by which all
ESFs will be informed.

If disaster will not be managed with District level and requires the active participation of state
resources, State EOC would activate and Divisional Commissioner would take over the IC system.

Fig 7.1 Various Response Levels for Disaster Management

State Sub-Division


State EOC District EOC OnsiteEOC




7.4 Important Terminologies Used in the Plan

7.4.1 Response Plan

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

The Response plan establishes an organized setup to conduct ESF’s operations for any of the Natural
and Manmade Disasters. It outlines an implementing framework of sharing resources as per the
requirement during an emergency situation. The Response Plan has structured the response of
concerned departments i.e. primary and supporting departments to be organized and function together
with grouping capabilities, skills, resources, and authorities across the State and District Government
with the ESF plan. The plan unifies the efforts of State Departments and supporting agencies to be
involved in emergency management for a comprehensive effort to reduce the effects of any emergency
or disaster within the state.

7.4.2 Incident Response System (IRS)

The Incident Response System (IRS) is an effective mechanism for reducing the scope for ad-hoc
measures in response. It incorporates all the tasks that may be performed during DM irrespective of
their level of complexity. It envisages a composite team with various Sections to attend to all the
possible response requirements. The IRS identifies and designates officers to perform various duties
and get them trained in their respective roles. If IRS is put in place and stakeholders trained and made
aware of their roles, it will greatly help in reducing chaos and confusion during the response phase.
Everyone will know what needs to be done, who will do it and who is in command, etc. IRS is a
flexible system and all the Sections, Branches and Units need not be activated at the same time.
Various Sections, Branches and Units need to be activated only as and when they are required.

The IRS organization functions through Incident Response Teams (IRTs) in the field. In line with our
administrative structure and DM Act 2005, Responsible Officers (ROs) have been designated at the
State and District level as overall in charge of the incident response management. The RO may
however delegate responsibilities to the Incident Commander (IC), who in turn will manage the
incident through IRTs. The IRTs will be pre-designated at all levels; State, District, Sub-Division and
Tehsil/Block. On receipt of Early Warning, the RO will activate them. In case a disaster occurs
without any warning, the local IRT will respond and contact RO for further support, if required. A
Nodal Officer (N.O.) has to be designated for proper coordination between the District, State and
National level in activating air support for response.

7.4.3 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs)

The ESF activates under the guidance of Responsible Officer (DM) who is also a head of Incident
Response System (IRS). Under the IRS, a team of 12 ESFs nodal officers works together also called as
Disaster Management Team (DMT). DMT would also be constituted at District level with District
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

level nodal officers. The members of Disaster Management team would also heads primary agency
and simultaneously coordinate with the secondary agencies. Each of the primary and secondary
agencies would also comprise of quick response team trained to carry out their functions at the
response site. The success of ESF will be of critical importance and would reflect in the lives saved in
the first few hours.

7.4.4 Primary and Secondary Agencies

The designated primary agency action as a central agency would be assisted by one or more
supporting agencies (secondary agencies) and will be responsible to manage activities of the ESFs and
ensuring the mission accomplished. The primary and secondary agencies have the authority to execute
response operations to directly support the state needs.

7.4.5 Situation Reports

Situation reports provide an update of relief operation at regular intervals. These reports are crucial for
planning out response actions to be undertaken in affected areas. The situation reports provide
information about the disaster status, casualties, status of flow of relief materials, arrival/departure of
teams etc.

7.4.6 Quick Response Teams (QRTs)

The QRTs at District level should leave for the affected site within 3 to 6 hours of the event after the
declaration of emergency. They have to be adequately briefed by their respective departments. Team
should be self-sufficient in terms of resources, equipments, survival kits and response work.

7.4.7 Emergency Operation Centre (EOC)

EOC is a nodal point for the overall coordination and control of relief work in case of any disaster
situation. In case of any disaster Districtlevel EOC has to be activated. The primary function of EOC is
to facilitate smooth inflow and outflow of relief and other disaster related activities. These EOCs act as
bridges between State and Centre government.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

7.5 Operational –Coordination Structure

Each organization generally has a framework for direction of its operation and coordination between
its different units. Disaster Management generally requires partnership between organizations and
stakeholders. An effective and early response requires mobilization of manpower, equipments and
materials belonging to different organisations which may not be working together during normal
times. Therefore a framework needs to be prescribed as a part of emergency planning for operational
directions and coordination during response phase. This plan recognizes role of Deputy
Commissioner in providing overall operational direction and coordination for all the response
functions. With the help of District Disaster Management Committee and District Emergency
Operation Centre Deputy Commissioner has formulated following coordination structure for response

7.5.1 Trigger Mechanism

As soon as Emergency Operation centre would get the information about any emergency, the staff on
duty in EOC will pass the information to the District Magistrate and seek for his/her instruction for
further actions. If the information pertains to the occurrence of a disaster in any part of the District, the
staff on duty will also try to inform DDMA members, Emergency Support Functions-team leaders,
major hospitals and State Disaster Management Authority etc. The staff on duty will also be
responsible to reclaim information related to type, magnitude and location of the disaster and also
inform it to responsible authorities. The EOC in-charge will also inform all the details to Divisional
Commissioner and State EOC. All the desk officers/team leaders and Incident Response Team
members will also be informed to immediately report at District EOC. Incident Response team and
Desk officials would respond as per their standard operating procedures and directions of Incident

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Fig 7.2: Trigger Mechanism for District EOC

District Emergency Operation Centre

Designated EOC in-charge

Desk Arrangements: ESF Commanders Sections of Incident

Command Teams
- Communication DDMA
- Health - Logistics
- Electricity - Planning
- Search and Rescue - Operation
- Law and Order - Finance and
- Relief and Shelter
- Water Supply
- Debris Clearance and Sanitation
- Help Lines

7.5.2 Activation of Incident Response System

The emphasis in Disaster Management has shifted from relief centric approach to proactive regime,
and as such a well coordinated response with clockwork precision becomes one of the most important
goals. Incident Response System has been developed in this regard.

Fig. 7.3. Structure of Incident Response Team

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

During emergency period DM-West would be designated as Responsible Officer/Incident

Commander(IC) and shall take up following immediate actions

1. IC will designate IRS members according to the rank requirement and assign responsibilities
under four sections of logistics, planning, finance and administration.
2. IC will also direct to the EOC in-charge to inform all the DDMA members about the incident
and ICP (Incident Command Post).
3. IC will direct ADM-W to coordinate with the team leader of Emergency Support Functions
4. EOC/PCR will also pass the information to the DDMA members about the location of ICP.
5. Direct EOC in-charge to pass the information to the State apex body/Unified commander.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Table 7.1: Rank for District level Incident Response Team

S.No IRS Position Suggested rank and position for District level
1. Responsible Officer District Magistrate-West

2. Incident Commander District Magistrate-West

3. Liaison Officer District Information Officer

4. Information and Media Officer District Information Officer

5. Safety Officer Specialist from DDMA/NDMA

6. Operations Section Chief Additional District Magistrate-West

7. Staging Area Manager Area Tehsildar
8. Response Branch Director Divisional Fire Officer
9. Transportation Branch Director Motor Licensing Officer (West)
10. Planning Section Chief Divisional Fire Officer (West)

11. Situation Unit Leader Respective Tehsildar and

SHO of Police Station concerned

12. Resource Unit Leader Area Tehsildar

13. Documentation Unit Leader DPO (West)
14. Demobilization Unit Leader Area Tehsildar
15. Technical Specialist Specialist from NDMA/DDMA
16. Logistic Section Chief Area SDM
17. Service Branch Director SDM(Election)
18. Support Branch Director Tehsildar (Patel Nagar)
19. Communication Unit Leader SDM (Election)
20. Food Unit Leader Tehsildar (Rajouri Garden)
21. Facilities Unit Leader Tehsildar (Patel Nagar)
22. Ground Support Unit Leader Tehsildar (Punjabi Bagh)
23. Medical Unit Leader CDMO, Distt. West
24. Finance Branch Director Account Officer (West)
25. Time Unit Leader SDM(Election)
26. Cost Unit Leader Accounts Officer, O/o-District Magistrate (West)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

7.5.3 Responsibilities under Incident Response System

(i) Incident Commander: DM (West)/ADM (West)

• Incident Commander (IC) shall rush to the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) where
technical experts and section chiefs shall join him. He shall remain in the contact of EOC to
know the updated status of incident.
• In consultation to technical experts Incident Command Post (ICP) shall be selected near
incident site. Site selection shall be on the basis of the wind prevailing directions and
probability of secondary hazards etc.
• Obtain updates of the incident situation from ICP and establish a link for continuous
communication through dedicated telephone lines with speaker phones, set of walkie-talkies,
computer link etc. with the help of coordinator
• Supervise the overall management of each function through respective members of DDMA and
expediting response whenever required
• Identify the hazardous and threatened areas based on map and information received ICP
• Take a decisions on requirement and priorities of evacuation and organize the resources to
execute the same
• Based on the inputs from the first responders, and experts available at ICP, identify the
additional resources requirement and initiate mobilization with the help of section chiefs.
• Coordinate with the other District authorities and state authority
• After making required arrangement, IC shall visit incident site to supervise the situation
• He shall also take decisions in demobilizing the resources after the incident

Following three officers will support Incident Commander along with Operation, logistic, planning
and finance section chiefs.

Safety Officer:-

1. Recommend measures for assuring safety of responders and to assess or anticipate hazardous
and unsafe situations and review it regularly;
2. Ask for assistants and assign responsibilities as required;
3. Participate in planning meetings for preparation of IAP (Incident Action Plan);
4. Review the IAP for safety implications;
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

5. Obtain details of accidents that have occurred within the incident area if required or as directed
by IC and inform the appropriate authorities;
6. Review and approve the Site Safety Plan, as and when required;

Liaison Officer:-

1. Maintain a list of concerned line departments, agencies (CBOs, NGOs) and their representatives at
various locations.
2. Carry liaison with all concerned agencies including NDRF and Armed forces and line department
of Government.
3. Monitor Operations to identify current and potential inter-agency problems.
4. Participate in planning meetings and provide information on response by participating agencies.
5. Ask for personnel support if required.
6. Keep IC informed about arrival of all Government and Non – Government agencies and their
7. Help in organizing briefing sessions of all Government and Non-Governmental agencies with IC.

Information Officer:-

1. Prepare and release information about the incident to the media agencies and others with the
approval of IC.
2. Jot down decision taken and directions issued in case of sudden disaters when Incident
Response Team has not been fully activated.
3. Ask for additional personal support depending on the scale of incident and workload.
4. Monitor and review various media reports regarding the incident that may be useful for
incident planning.
5. Organise Incident Action Plan meeting as directed by the Incident Commander.
6. Coordinate with IMD to collect weather information and disseminate it to all concerned.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

(ii) Operation Chief: Additional District Magistrate-West

Most preferred rank for the operation chief is Additional District Magistrate. Following are the duties
designated for Operation Chief:

Responsible for the management of all operations directly applicable to the primary mission.
He will activate the emergency support functions and will coordinate with the team leaders of
Activates and supervises organization elements in accordance with the Incident Action Plan
(IAP) and directs its execution
Determine need and request additional resources
Review suggested list of resources to be rebased and initiate recommendation for release of
Make expedient changes to IAP as necessary
Report Information about special activities, events or occurrences to Incident Commander
Maintain Unit / Activity details

(d) Emergency Support Functions

ESFs shall be activated under Operation Chief. On the receipt of information Team Leaders (TLs)
would take up following actions

a. On the receipt of information about the off-site emergency Team Leaders (TLs) will activate
their own Emergency Support Functions (ESFs)
b. TLs will join IC and Operation Chief (ADM-W) in EOC to ensure coordination and to provide
c. TLs would also move to the site for better operational control
d. TLs will call the nodal officers of supporting agencies and immediately deploy the quick
response teams (QRTs) from the location of nearest to the incident site
e. They further reinforce their teams by deploying additional resources from surrounding areas so
the effective first respond can be rendered at site
f. A high alert would be notified to move additional resources and manpower to the incident site
g. According to the feedback report additional TLs will take decision of movement of more team
and manpower. In some of cases TLs may need to mobilize resources from nearby Districts or
states. In such cases chiefs will organize this through respective head quarters
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

(iii) Planning Section Chief

Planning section chief shall be responsible for performing following duties:

• Collection, evaluation, dissemination and use of information about the development of incident
and status of resources. Information is required to understand the current situation and to
prepare alternative strategies and control operations
• Supervise preparation of Incident Action Plan (IAP)
• Provide input to Incident Commander and Operation Chief in preparation of IAP
• Reassign out of service personnel already on site to other positions as appropriate
• Determine need for any specialized resources in support of the incident
• Establish information requirements and reporting schedules for Planning Section Unit (e.g.
Resources, Situation Unit).
• Compile and display incident status information
• Facilitate the preparation and implementation of Incident Demobilization Plan.
• Incorporate Plans (e.g. Traffic, Medical, Site Safety, and Communication) into IAP.
• Maintain Unit / Activity details.

a. Resource Unit Leader

Responsible for maintaining the status of assigned resources (Primary and support) at an incident.
This is achieved by overseeing the check-in of all resources, maintaining a status keeping system
indicating current location and status of all resources and maintenance of a master list of all resources
e.g. by key supervisory personnel, primary land support resources etc.

• Establish check-in function at incident locations.

• Prepare Organization Assignment List & Organization chart.
• Maintain & post the current status and location of all resources
• Maintain master list of all resources checked in at the incident.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

(b)Check-in/Status Recorder:
Needed at each check-in location to ensure that all resources assigned to an incident are accounted for:

• Prepare check-in form, resource status boards and status display board.
• Establish communications with the communications Centre and Ground Support unit.
• Post signs so that arriving resources can easily find the check in locations
• Record check-in information on check-in lists
• Transmit check-in information to Resources Unit on regular pre-arranged schedule/ as per
• Receive, record and maintain status information for single resources, strike teams, task forces,
overhead personnel
• Maintain file of check-in lists.

(c) Situation Unit Leader

• Begin collection and analysis of incident data as soon as possible.
• Prepare post or disseminate resource and situation status information as required, including
special requests.
• Prepare incident status summary
• Provide photographic services and maps if required.

(d)Display Processor (Draftsman-Computer trained):Responsible for display of incident status

information obtained for field observers, resource status reports, aerial photographs, etc.

• Determine:-
1. Location of work assignment
2. Numbers, types and locations of displays required
3. Priorities
4. Map requirements for incident
5. Time limits for completion
6. Field observer assignments & communication means
• Obtain necessary equipment and supplies
• Obtain copy of LIAP for each period
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

• Assist SITL in analyzing and evaluating field report

• Develop required displays in accordance with time limits for completion.

(e) Field Observers

Responsible to collect situation’s information by personal observations at the incident site & give
it to situation team leader.

• Determine:-
o Location of assignment
o Type of information required
o Priorities
o Time limit for completion
o Method of communication
o Method of transportation
• Obtain copy of IAP for the operation period
• Obtain necessary equipment & supplies for his use.
• Collect data like
o Perimeter of location of hot spots etc.
o Be prepared to identify all facilities location (e.g. division boundaries)
o Report information to SITL
(f) Demobilization Leader
• Responsible for developing incident DMOB Plan
• Review incident resource records to determine the likely size and extent of DMOB effort
addl. Personnel, work space and supplies needed
• Coordination DMOB with agency representatives
• Monitor ongoing operation section resource needs
• Identify surplus resources and probable release time
• Develop incident check out for all units

(g) Documentation Leader: Dy. Chief Inspector of factories and Tehsildar

• Arranging for complete documentation of proceedings at the incident site

• Maintaining record of what happened and what actions were taken

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

i. Recovering response costs and damages

ii. Setting the record straight where there are charges of negligence or mismanagement
resulting form the incident
iii. Reviewing the efficiency and effectiveness of response actions
iv. Preparing for future incident response
v. Videotaping of the entire combat the rescue operations.

(h) Technical Coordinators

Two to Four experts in geo-sciences, fire safety, industrial safety and health shall be nominated as
technical experts. Major issues shall be addressed by them are:
a. Formulation of response objectives and strategy

TC shall assess the incident before taking actions and formulate realistic response objectives. The
assessment shall be based upon following points:

• Pre-incident plans
• Information related to material involved, container involved, vehicle and structure involved and
atmospheric conditions affecting the incident
• Environmental monitoring and sampling data (if available)
• Public protective actions to be initiated
• Resource requirements (trained manpower, specialized protective gear and other equipments)
• Hazards posed to the nearby areas

On the basis of above-mentioned points they will formulate a defensive strategy to protect the public

and environment from the immediate spill or discharge area.

b. Identification of Hazard Zone

Technical experts shall be able to determine real time contaminant concentrations at various distances

downwind. They shall be responsible to estimate downwind concentrations and feeding the

information to the Team leaders of various ESFs for further response. To estimate the hazard zone in a

particular emergency scenario, the technical coordinator shall place the transparency of the

vulnerability template with its x-axis along the prevalent wind direction and start point on the source

of release on the scaled map.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

c. Establishment of Hazard Control Zones at Incident Site

Technical expert should determine the zones varying according to the severity of hazard. For example,

Hot Zone, Warm Zone and Cold Zone. According to the zones local commandant post and rescue

operations should take place.

d. Suppression of Hazardous Gas or Vapour Releases

Technical experts should also identify response measures to any other probability of outburst due

hazardous gas and vapour release directly in the atmosphere from the ruptured and punctured

containers or from the evaporating and boiling pools of liquid that have been formed due to chemical


e. Selection of Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs)

Technical persons should be able to guide the QRTs entering the hot zone on the correct type of PPEs
as it is necessary to ensure that the materials from which clothing is fabricated will not be penetrating
by the spill substance.

(iv) Logistic Section Chief

Responsible to provide facilities, services and materials for effective management of disaster.
Participates in development and implementation of Incident Action Plan (IAP) and activates &
supervise Logistic section.

• Assign work locations & tasks to section personnel

• Participate in preparation of IAP
• Identify service and support requirements for planned and expected operations
• Coordinate and process requests for additional resources
• Provide input to / review communication plan, Traffic plan, medical plan etc
• Prepare service and support elements of IAP
• Recommend release of unit resources as per DMOD plan
• Maintain Unit/Activity details.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Following are the team members who will assist him in the process under service and support branch.

(a) Communication Unit Leader:

• Prepare & implement incident wireless communication plan

• Ensure that incident communication centre & Message centre are established
• Establish appropriate communication distribution/ maintenance locations within base/ camps
• Ensure communication systems are installed and tested
• Ensure equipment accountability system is established
• Ensure personal portable wireless sets from cache is distributed as for incident wireless
communication plan
• Provide technical information required on
• Adequacy of communication system currently in operation
• Geographic limitation on communication system
• Equipment capabilities / limitations
• Number and types of equipments available
• Anticipated problems in the use of communication equipments
• Ensure equipments are tested and repaired
• Recover equipments from released units.
• Responsible to receive and transmit wireless and telephone messages among to between
personnel to provide dispatch services at the incident
• Set up message centre location as required
• Receive and transmit messages within and external to incident
• Maintain files of general messages
• Maintain a record of unusual incident occurrences.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

(b) Medical Unit Leader:

Responsible for

• Development of medical response plan

• Respond to requests for medical side and transportation for injured & ill incident personnel
medical supplies.
(c) Food Unit Leader:

Responsible for supply needs for the entire incident including camps, staging areas.

• Determine food & water requirements

• Determine method of feeding to best fit each facility or situation
• Obtain necessary equipment & supplies and establish working facilities
• Order sufficient food & potable water from the supply unit
• Maintain an inventory of food, water
• Maintain food service areas & ensure that all appropriate health & safety measures are being
• Supervise caterers, cooks and other food unit personnel.
(d) Supply Unit Leader:

Primarily responsible for ordering personnel, equipment & supplies receiving and storing all supplies
for the incident maintaining an inventory of supplies servicing non-expendable supplies to equipment.

• Determine the type & amount of supplies en route

• Order, receive, distribute and store supplies & equipment
• Receive and respond to requests for personnel, supplies and equipment
• Maintain inventory of supplies & equipment.
• Service reusable equipment

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

(e) Ordering Manager:

• Obtain necessary order forms

• Establish ordering procedure
• Establish name and telephone number of personnel receiving orders
• Get names of incident personnel who leave ordering authority
• Check on what has been already ordered
• Orders when possible
• Place orders in a timely manner
• Keep time and location for delivery of supplies
• Keep receiving and distribution manager informed of orders placed

(f) Receiving & Distribution Manager:

• Organize physical layout of supply area

• Establish procedures for operating supply area
• Set up a system for receiving and distribution of supplies and equipment
• Develop security requirement of supply area

(g) Facilities unit leader:

• Primarily responsible for the layout and activation of incident facilities e.g. base, camps, ICP.
• Provides rest and sanitation facilities for incident personnel
• Manage base and camp operations (to provide security and general maintenance)
(h) Ground support unit leader:

• Support out of service resources.

• Transportation of personnel, supplies, food & equipment.
• Fueling, service, maintenance and repair of vehicles and other ground support equipment.
• Implementing traffic plan for the incident

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

(v) Finance and Administration Section Chief

Responsible to take decisions related to financial and cost related matters under given time frame.
(Fig. 7.3)

Following positions would be helping him in conducting his duties:

(a) Time Unit Leader: Responsible for status recording and equipments time taken recording

(b) Procurement Leader: Responsible for administering all financial matters pertaining to vendor

(c) Cost Unit Leader: Responsible for collecting all cost data, performing cost effectiveness analysis
& providing cost estimates & cost saving recommendations for the incident

7.5.4 Desk Arrangements

District EOC will expand to include desk arrangements with responsibilities for specific tasks. The
desk arrangement may continue to operate from EOC till the time long term plan for rehabilitation are
finalized. The desk arrangements provide for divisions of tasks, information gathering and record
keeping and accountability of the desk officer to the District Magistrate. The Team leaders of
emergency support functions shall be the desk officer and work under the coordination of Operation
Chief. The desk officers shall be responsible to prepare, update and process reports according to the
formats. Below emergency support functions of each desk officer/team leader has been discussed in

7.5.5 Emergency Support Functions

Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) are the essentials of Emergency Management comprising of
various coordinating agencies, which manage and coordinate specific kinds of assistance common to
all disasters types. The plan establishes an organized set-up to conduct ESF operations for any of the
Natural and Manmade Disasters. It outlines an implementing framework of sharing resources and co-
coordinating, preparedness, Mitigation, response and recovery as per the requirement. The Plan has
structured the activities of concerned agencies i.e. primary/nodal and support agencies into an
organized manner according to their capabilities, skills, resources and authorities across the state and
District government. It also attempts to unify efforts of state departments so that they are involved in

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

emergency management comprehensively to reduce the effects of any emergency or disaster within the
state. Refer table 6.2 for the list of ESFs and primary and secondary agencies involved.

(i) Organizational Setup of the ESF at District Level

The Revenue Department of the District, which may be renamed as ‘Department of Revenue and
Disaster Management’, as directed by the Ministry of Home Affairs, is the prime co-coordinating
agency for disaster risk management efforts. However there will be other agencies involved in-charge
of different ESFs. Each ESF is headed by a lead organization and assisted by supporting organizations
for coordinating the delivery of resources and services to the disaster-affected area.

Incident Response System District Magistrate

Heads of Primary Agencies of all ESFs

Incident Management Team Quick Response Teams
(Desk Officers)

- Delhi Fire Services

- Department of Revenue Field workers at the time
- Delhi Police Service of any emergency and
Primary Agencies - District Health Department works according to their
- Delhi Jal Board ESF functions
- Department of food and civil
- Municipal Corporation of Delhi
- Power/ Electricity Department They are members of
- Transport Department

Secondary Agencies These are the agencies coordinates under

various ESFs as per their secondary functions
and abilities

Fig 7.6:

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Emergency Support Functions in Response Mechanism

These ESFs form an integral part of the EOC and each ESF should coordinate its activities form the
allocated EOC. Extension teams and quick response teams (QRTs) would be required to follow their
response procedures at the affected site. Nodal officers of all the ESFs would constitute Incident
Management Team. Nodal officer would also nominate names for the QRT members who will
accomplish disaster management related work at the field level. Similarly supporting agencies would
also nominate their nodal officers and QRT members who will assist to the primary officers during
response phase. Additional names should also be proposed to backstop the requisite positions.

Nodal and Supporting agencies comprising of QRTs shall be trained to carry out their functions at the
response site. The success of ESF will be of critical importance and would reflect in the lives saved in
the golden hour. All ESFs have to assist the Incident Commander i.e. Deputy Commissioner at State
level as per their assigned duties described in the SOP’s and to be followed during emergency within
the District/State.

A detailed organizational setup of all ESFs and team leaders has been given below:
In any case of any disaster Police, Fire, Medical and revenue department have been identified as first


Incident Commander Deputer

Commisssioner (ADM (West))

Emergency Support Functions

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

A set of clearly defined responsibilities for all the ESFs have been mentioned below:

Table 7.2 ESFs Teams

ESF Function Coordinator Members

ESF1 Communication MTNL NIC, Police, Revenue Wireless,

Private Telecom
ESF2 Evacuation Delhi Police Army,Health Dept, Civil Defence,
Department Delhi fire Service, NCC
ESF3 Search and Rescue Secy. Home Fire Deptt, Police, Civil Defence,
ESF4 Medical Health/Trauma Secy. Health Major Hospitals, CATS, St. John
Ambulance, Civil Defence
ESF5 Equipment Support Secy. Urban MCD, PWD, NDMC,
Development Cantt.Board, DDA, JAL Board
ESF6 Helplines, Warning Pr. Secretary All Emergency Support
Dissemination & (Revenue/Disaster Functionaries (ESFs), Media
coordination Media Management) Agencies
ESF7 Drinking Water CEO, Jal Board DJB
ESF8 Electricity Secy. Power Transco, Power Companies
ESF9 Relief (Food and Shelter) Pr. Secretary Civil Supplies Corporation, Civil
(Revenue/Disaster Defence, Volunteer Organizations
ESF10 Debris and Road Commissioner, PWD, NDMC, Cantt. Board,
Clearance MCD DDA, MES, CPWD
ESF11 Law and Order Commissioner, Civil Defence, Home Guards
ESF12 Transport Secy. Transport DTC,DMRC

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

7.5.6Action plan for Emergency Support Function

1. Communication

Situation Assumption:

Due to extreme fire explosions or a high intensity earthquake telephone wires might get damaged so
communication from the site is not possible. There is a need to inform to various departments and to
establish a temporary communication system
Primary Agencies : Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL)

Supporting Agencies: NIC, Private telecommunication and Mobile phone operators

Immediate Actions :

1. Team Leader (TL) will activate ESFs immediately and intimate to his supporting officers
2. He will establish a contact with District EOC for First Information Report
3. He will decide upon the extent of damage to telecom services and network and will provide
possible arrangements to establish reliable networks
4. In such kind of large explosion, the communication systems of the affected installation may get
severely damaged and be rendered useless. In such case communication coordinator would be
responsible to provide emergency communication system to the incident site. It shall comprise
through wireless (available within the Delhi Administration), mobile phones and land lines
available with the industries.

5. Coordinator will establish an all call system on telephonic network for notification of
emergency in the areas likely to be affected.
6. Prepare a standard message format (in Hindi and English) for use in radio/television broadcast
or outdoor notification through megaphone to facilitate and reduce time necessary to alert the
public of a problem and inform them of the protective actions to be taken.
7. Establish a warning system for different levels of emergency
8. TL should send Quick Response Team(QRT) at the incident site with required equipments and
9. TL will inform to IC about the restoration of telecom services and will communicate new
phone numbers

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

10. HAM radio operators would be informed about the current requirement and coordination
11. TL monitors the situation and arranges staff required to operate established systemsaction to be
undertaken by Quick Response Teams (QRTs)
12. QRT members will reach to the incident site as soon as they get instructions
13. QRT will take stock of the situation from the IC and also from the members of the other QRTs
14. QRT will assess the ground situation and send reports to state ESF agencies. The report would
contain assessment of overall damage listing, overhead route damage(mts/kms), cable
damaged( in yards/mts) and specific equipment damage
15. Establish a temporary communication facility for the use of public
16. Identify requirement of manpower, resources and equipments
17. Begin restoration by removing and salvaging wires and poles
18. Reporting to the head office

Coordinating ESFs: Help lines, Relief, Medical response, Law and order, Search and rescue, etc

2. Evacuation
Situation Assumption:
People who are residing in vulnerable location may get affected due to the chemical
explosions/fire/earthquake. These areas may be nearby installation, industries, railways and other
institutions. Under such circumstances TL should take up decision either to evacuate the places or not.

Primary Agency : Police department

Supporting Agencies : Police department, Fire department, SDMC-West Zone, Karol Bagh Zone
and Najafgarh Zone, Civil Defence and Home Guard department, NCC,

Task Involved :

The Team Leader (TL) with the Help of QRTs shall perform following duties:

a.Identification of people to be evacuated

The decision of the area under dangerous location will largely depend upon the wind speed, direction
and rate of explosion.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

b. Evacuation of general public

• On the directions of Incident Commander(IC), the ESF Team Leader will perform evacuation.
He will instruct the team to initiate evacuation of the areas expected to be exposed and
threatened by the explosions
• The QRT shall move along with adequate material and resources to carry out evacuation.
People will be directed to move towards safer areas identified by technical experts
• The team leader will designate in-charge of relief centers and keep in touch with them for
regular head count and care of evacuees
• Police, Fire, Civil Defence & Home Guard (CD & HG) and other government employees may
have to go door to door to ensure that residents have been alerted about the emergency

c. Evacuation routes and assembly points

1. In planning process routes shall be defined well in advance. These routes should be clearly
spelt out in warning signals as also the location of the shelters to where people with
automobiles should proceed and people without automobile should gather
2. Designated evacuation routes should be major roads preferably but according to the wind speed
and directions
3. As evacuation would be declared police and fire should be prepared to control roads and traffic
on evacuation route
4. Apart from above mentioned duties TL should also dispatch following notifications:-
5. The Team Leader will ensure that notification has been communicated to the nearby
institutions such as schools, hospitals, residential colonies and similar facilities having large
group of people
6. The team leader will also ensure that nearby water users (industries, farm irrigations, drinking
supplies) and water treatment plants are informed to get water at the incident sites
7. On getting instructions from the Incident Commander(IC), the team leader of the ESF will
ensure notification to the general population for evacuation immediately and rush to safer sites
8. It is important to note that next kin are promptly notified of fatalities or severe injuries
carefully in a supportive fashion. This activity can be discussed with Police, Red Cross society,
voluntary organizations and NGOs
Coordinating ESFs : Law and Order, Search and Rescue, Food and Shelter

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

3. Search and Rescue, Fire Fighting

Situation Assumption:

There may be a massive destruction, aggressive fire explosions, there may be a need of repairing
leakages to reduce fire explosions, situation can aggravate due to mishandling or carelessness

Primary Agency : Delhi Fire Service

Supporting Agencies:

Trained fire fighting/search and rescue team of incident site and nearby installations (IOCL, BPCL,
HPCL), Civil Defence and Home Guard, Police department

Immediate Tasks :
1. TL will activate the ESF and give instructions to the QRTs to reach at incident site to person
rescue operations
2. TL will coordinate with LCP and EOC to judge the situation
3. TL will coordinate in deputing rescue team to enter in hazardous areas
4. TL will coordinate with technical experts, safety coordinators and material coordinator for
quick response in case of any requirement in conducing rescue operations

Immediate Tasks of QRTs:

Fire fighting teams will undertake these services in case of extreme fire explosions and chemical

On-scene Assessment

1. First fire vehicle to reach at incident site will contact the site controller and collect the
necessary information regarding chemical leak, action taken, current status and type of
equipment required
2. Driver will park their vehicle in a manner to prevent exposure to air-borne chemical
contaminants and fire explosions
3. Each crewmember will wear the necessary PPEs (Personnel Protective Equipments) before
entering in the “hot zone”. They will work in pairs and coordination

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

4. The situation will be communicated to the FCR to provide the update of additional resource
and manpower requirement

Plugging/Stopping of Leaks

Few crewmembers having good knowledge of basic tools and knowledge to limit the losses from

punctured or leaking tanks will work for plugging holes. Plugs of varying sizes and shapes (conical,

cylindrical, square or wedge shaped wood pieces, rubber or metal sheets) can be jammed in the wholes

to reduce the leaking.

Suppression of Hazardous Gas or Vapour Releases

Based on the guidance of technical coordinators, the response team shall take rapid measures to reduce

the rate of amount of hazardous vapors or gases entering in the atmosphere using one or combination

of the following measures

• Physical restriction of liquid pool surface areas, transfer to an alternate or standby container if
• Use of fire-fighting or specialized hazardous material foams, dilute or coverage of liquid pools
with water or other compatible liquids.
• Use of water sprays or fogs, neutralization of spilled liquids, cooling of spilled liquids or
venting tanks.

Search and Rescue Operations

1. According to the instructions of rescue coordinators QRTs should enter into the hazardous
areas and rescue injured and trapped people
2. For common safety practice, QRTs should work in pairs
3. QRT should initiate search and rescue operations of trapped people under the guidance of
technical experts
4. QRT of rescue operations should carry a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to carry
out their mission without falling victim. They should also carry a spare SCBA unit which will
help them to escape people trapped in the hazardous areas and also sometimes rescue workers
require extra air supplies to accomplish prolonged rescue.
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Coordinating ESFs : Law and Order, Relief, Evacuation, Water Supply

4. Law and Order

Situation Assumption:

There may be a chaos in the affected area. People may rush without proper following proper
instructions which may increase the expected loss. Traffic may become out of control and lead to

Primary Agency :Police Department (Police and Traffic Police)

Supporting Agencies : Civil Defence and Home Guard

Immediate Actions of Police:

1. Deploying quick response teams (QRTs) to maintain law and order at the incident site
2. QRTs deployed at the site will be equipped and will coordinate with following activities
3. Quick Assessment of law and order situation in affected areas
4. Cordon off the site to restrict movement of curious onlookers, vehicles and pedestrians
5. Control and monitor traffic movements
6. Support and coordinate with local administration
7. Prepare updates on the law and order situation in every 2 hours and brief the authorities
8. Ensure law and order at assembly points and evacuation points
9. Control situation of rioting and looting and cordon off affected areas
10. Provide traffic diversions so a to ease movement of response vehicles to incident site
11. Gather and disseminate information about the traffic flow on alternate routes for decongestion
12. Ensuring law and order in rehabilitation centers
13. Communicate with PCR on regular basis regarding field activities including deployment of
manpower and resources
14. To advice home-guards and civil defence to remain alert for responding to call from Police
15. To contact nearby hospitals for making emergency arrangements for receiving injured persons

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Immediate actions of Traffic Police:

1. To coordinate and communicate with concerned functionaries

2. To detail traffic staff to reach the place of occurrence
3. To give directions whenever necessary to ensure free passage for fire brigade ambulance,
police vehicles and vehicles of other respondents
4. DCP (traffic) to coordinate with the DTC and other private transporters for additional vehicles

Coordinating ESFs :
Communication, Search and Rescue, Transport, Help lines and Warning dissemination and Relief
Supply etc.

5.Medical Response and Trauma Counseling

Situation Assumption:
Expect large number of casualties There may be a requirement of more trained professionals and
specialists in various fields There may be a requirement to maintain a close contact with the other
major hospitals in case of more severe conditions

Primary Agency : Directorate of Health Service

Secondary Agencies: CATS, DDU Hospital, GGS Hospital, SDMC-Health department(WZ, NZ,

KBZ),CGHS, Indian Red Cross Society, St. John Ambulance, Installations (IOCL, BPCL, HPCL),

CD & HG, IMA representatives, NCC, NSS, NYKS and NGOs

Immediate Actions :

1. Ensure the adequate number of medical professional to reach at the site including specialist in
chemical exposure handling
2. DDHS in consultation with the respective medical superintendents of major hospitals should
also responsible to prepare a mass casualty plan
3. Ensure high sanitation standards at resettlement site to reduce epidemic outbreak
4. Providing adequate treatments to the victims of explosions
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

5. Trained profession should be mobilized by psychological support

6. Ensure setting up of temporary information center at hospitals with the help of communication
7. Send vehicle and additional equipments

Immediate Actions of QRTs:

Establishment of Triage Station

a. Mass casualty situation will require establishment of field hospitals to take care for the injured
and to identify stabilize and transport more serious cases to the hospitals
b. Codes should be used to recognize serious and stable cases such as red –critical, yellow-stable
and green-wounded
c. Treatment should be provided according to the casualty of the victims
d. Medical coordinators should propose rehabilitation centers as per the type of casualties
e. Field hospitals shall maintain a record of all the patients so as to enable accounting of
personnel and their destinations after triage

Medical Support for Response Personnel

Properly equipped medical personnel and ambulances should be made available to check and treat

injured or contaminated response personnel

Medical support at temporary shelters

a. A team will take care of the people who become ill during evacuation or later.
b. Team should be aware of the signs and symptoms of exposure to toxic materials so that they can
easily identify victims and provide them treatment and care
c. Contaminated individuals should be segregated from the unexposed people until they are
adequately decontaminated
d. Special facility should be given for care of the handicapped and elderly

Coordinating ESFs: Search and Rescue, Evacuation, Communication

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

6. Water Supply

Situation Assumptions:

There may be a need of supplying water for fighting operation there may be a need for drinking
purpose rehabilitation site might be requiring temporary/mobile toilets, there may be need to ensure
clean environment

Primary Agency : Delhi Jal Board (DJB)

Supporting Agencies: Irrigation and Flood Control Department, SDMC, Railways

Immediate Tasks :

a. The team leader will ensure that Quick Response Teams are on the site along with the required
b. He shall be ensuring uninterrupted supply of water for fire-fighting to all the brigades in operation.
c. He shall coordinate with the transport coordinator for replenishing the depleted stick of fire water
at the incident site through water tanks
d. Carry out the task of repairing all damages to water supply system
e. Arranging alternate storage of potable water at temporary shelters
f. Ensure restoration of potable water as per standards and procedures laid down under ‘Standards for
Potable Water ‘
g. Plan for emergency accommodation of water supply in or near temporary shelters
h. Establish temporary sanitation facilities at the shelters
i. Ensure cleanliness of sanitation facilities, relief shelters and local commandant post

Coordinating ESFs: Shelter, Relief, Evacuation, Medical, Search and Rescue

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

7. Relief (Food and Shelter) Supply

A. Food Supply
Situation Assumption:
There may be a need to distribute food packets and drinking water to the victims
Action to be taken by: Food and Civil Supplies Department

Supporting Agencies:

Indian Red Cross Society, NGOs, NYKS, NCC, NSS and Education department

Immediate Tasks :
1. The team leader(TL) will activate ESF on receiving the information about the incident and
will also inform to the supporting agencies
2. Food coordinator would gather information about the locations of shelters and number of
persons housed in each of these shelters.
3. The TL will guide QRTs to reach at rehabilitation centers to provide food packages
4. The TL will keep on coordinating about the distribution of food items to the evacuees and will
give appraisal to the IC
5. In case of shortage of food items the TL will arrange more food packages and will ensure
continuous supply
Tasks for QRTs :
1. Management and distribution of relief items to affected victims
2. Report the progress on action to the TL
3. Inform the TL about more requirements of staff members, additional materials and food
4. Initiate procurement of food items available at nearby markets
5. Prepare take-home food packets for the families
6. Ensuring equal distribution of relief material including children, aged groups, women and poor

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Coordinating ESFs: Evacuation, Shelter, Water and Sanitation and Medical response

B. Shelter Arrangements
Situation Assumption:
There may be a situation of transferring victims to the safer temporary shelter, there may also be a
need to establish triage station for medical treatments
Primary Agency : Revenue Department
Supporting Agencies: Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangthan, ARADHYA-NGO, Education Dept, NSS,

a. Immediate Actions :
b. The team leader (TL) would be the in-charge of rehabilitation centers who will ensure number of
people evacuated , care of evacuees and availability of essential supplies
c. Those who will reach to the relief centers would also like to know about their missing members.
TL will response to their queries and also pass on the message to the evacuation and rescue related
d. The Quick Response Team(QRT) will help them in arranging temporary shelters, food and
sanitary facilities
e. Medical facilities will also be provided to the victims and injured people

Coordinating ESFs: Search and Rescue, Evacuation, Medical Response, Law and Order, Relief
Supply and Water and Sanitation

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

8. Equipment Support, Debris and Road Clearance, Sanitation

Situation Assumptions:

There may be a requirement of arranging equipments to perform fire fighting and search and
rescueRoads may get blocked due to debris

Primary Agency : SDMC (West Zone, Narela Zone, Karol Bagh Zone)

Supporting Agencies : PWD, DJB, DMRC, DDA, Installations (BPCL, IOCL, HPCL),

Task Involved :
a. The team leader (TL) will inform Quick Response Teams(QRTs) and Supporting agencies about
the incident
b. Coordinate with supporting agencies to mobilize equipment form warehouse
c. Assessing road blockage and building damage through QRTs
In addition to the above, coordinator would also coordinate with following activities

a. Availability of respiratory protective devices

In case of large scale explosion, sometimes there may be a shortage of protective devices. Therefore,
coordinator would judge the requirement of personal protective equipments and clothing for members
of emergency teams.

b. Availability of Special Protective Clothing

In the crises situation sometimes there may be requirement of more complete protection of the body by
clothing that is resistant to the damaging effects of the spilled substance. Such situation may require
clothing such as boots, gloves and disposable suits, air-tight fully encapsulating ‘astronaut’ suits made
of chemical resistant materials.

c. Ensuring availability of support services for response teams

Field response teams would be working day and night at incident site. These personnel will require
rest areas, food and sanitation facilities etc. Therefore material coordinator along with the NGOs and
coordinators of food and shelter will arrange rest areas, food, shelter and other facilities.
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

d. Maintenance of Apparatus and Equipments

There would be few equipments requiring refueling and minor maintenance for uninterrupted
operation. Therefore on-scene services should be arranged so that operation can be continued without
any problem.

Tasks for Quick Response Teams :

d. Conduct damage assessment including location, number of structure damaged and severity of
e. Enlisting type of equipments required for conducting debris clearance
f. Report the situation and progress report to EOC and TL
g. Undertake construction of temporary roads to serve as access to the site by other response
Coordinating ESFs: Search and Rescue, Medical, Evacuation, Helplines and warning dissemination,
Food and Shelter.

9. Help Lines

Situation Assumptions:

A large number of reporters are arriving at the scene to get the correct information. There is a need to
spread cautions to the local people about their movement towards safer areas. There may be rumors
about the information.

Primary Agency : Revenue Department

Supporting Agencies: NIC, MTNL, Publicity and Information department, Press trust of India,
Important Media channels and newspapers, AIR, Doordarshan and Press Information Bureau

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Tasks Involved :

a. Coordinator will transfer an adequate information to the large number of reporters arriving on
scene and attempting to interview response teams and officers so that unwanted rumors can be
b. Designate one specific individual and an alternate press officer to join the team of press officers
c. Coordinator should try to communicate the timely and right information so that confusions and
rumors can be reduced
d. Compile the list of telephone numbers of local radio, televisions and other related personnel who
can help in air announcements
e. Provide the desired support to the press officers with secretariat support, photocopy machines, and
means of communications with overall command of the response operations
f. Establish a firm policy among all local officials and response personnel as to who should speak or
should not speak to media personnel
g. Ensure that key emergency response personnel understand the need to relay up-to-date “status
report” to press on a regular basis
Coordinating ESFs: Search and Rescue, Evacuation, Relief and Shelter, Transport, law and Order
and Medical Response etc.

10. Electricity

Situation Assumptions:

Expect electric short circuits in the affected area which may aggravate the fire explosions.
Electric fitting of the affected areas may get damaged and may need to be repaired, there may be a
requirement of temporary lightening arrangements in the relief shelters and local commandant post.

Primary Agency: BSES-Rajdhani Limited/Reliance Energy

Supporting Agencies: NDPL, SDMC (WZ, KBZ, NZ), TRANSCO

Task Involved :

h. Team leader will activate the Emergency Support Function(ESF) by informing his headquarter
team and field team

i. Informing nodal and supporting agencies about the incident

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

a.Notification and shutdown of electricity utilities

Major explosions may be caused by breaking of power supply line and electrocution hazard to
those who might contact with any downed lines. To avoid such cases, it is desired to shutdown
electric power system rapidly in the area and near by areas. As per the instruction given by IC,
coordinator should instruct to concerned officers of BSES/NDPL to shut down the power supply

b. Provisioning Backup Power during Emergency

Once power system is closed down, but power would still be required for response teams, LCP,
EOC, water supply stations, temporary houses and temporary hospitals. Therefore electricity
coordinator will be responsible for providing back-up or alternate source of uninterrupted power
supply for smooth operations
In addition to the above, QRTs should also undertake following responsibilities:

j. Take stock of situation immediately on reaching the incident site

k. Coordinate with other team leaders and provide essential help expected form the electricity
l. Conduct repairing work of dismantled connections
m. Provide temporary electricity supply to EOC, LCP and relief centers
n. Report to the team leader about the situation appraisal

Coordinating ESFs: Road and Debris Clearance, Incident Command Post, Relief and Shelter,
Medical response etc

11. Transport
Situation Assumptions: There may be a need of diverting transport immediately or there may be a
need to transport affected population to the safer places
Primary Agency : Department of Transport

Supporting Agencies : Delhi Transport Corporation, SDMC (WZ, KBZ, NZ)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Immediate Tasks :
1. Direct the local transport coordinator to direct the fleet(drivers)and
coordinate the following transport activities during emergency
2. Closely liaison with the communication and evacuation coordinators
3. On the basis of instructions delivers by IC, he will effect the warning/
Instructions/ notification /operation
4. Arrange for the fleet of vehicles at a pre-designated location so that they
can transport the affected population of safer areas(relief centre)
5. Transporting people from vulnerable areas to safer areas
6. Also transporting required equipments, materials and personnel etc.

Coordinating ESFs: Medical Response, Law and Order, Debris and Clearance, Evacuation, Search
and Rescue.

7.5.7 Incident Command Post

In case of emergency IC should propose an incident command post as a complimentary unit to EOC,
which will operate close to the disaster site and shall be linked directly with the District Emergency
Operations Centre. Concerned SDM shall be the nodal officer from District administration responsible
of coordinating with emergency response teams at field level. The Incident Commander shall also
appoint an administrative officer to monitor and co-ordinate the activities of Incident Command Post.
All information shall be conveyed to the Collector from the SDM and administrative officer appointed
at SOC. The QRT unit of the respective vital departments would be responsible to execute activities at
disaster site, however the tasks would be controlled and coordinated from EOC through nodal desk
officers/ESF team leaders.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

7.6 Overall Role of District Magistrate (West District)

The District Magistrate (W) will be the focal point at the District level for directing, supervising and
monitoring rescue and relief measures for disasters and for preparation of District level plans. He will
exercise coordinating and supervisory powers over functionaries of all the departments at the District
level. During actual operations for disaster mitigation or relief, the powers of all DCs are considerably
enhanced, generally, by standing instructions or orders on the subject, or by specific Governments
order, if so required. Sometimes, the administrative culture of the concerned state permits, although
informally, the DM to exercise higher powers in emergency situations and the decisions are later
ratified by the competent authority.

The District Magistrate (W) will maintain the close liaison with the central government authorities in
the Districts, namely army, air force and ministry of water resources etc, who supplement the effort of
the District administration in the rescue and the relief operations. The District Magistrate(W) will also
coordinate all voluntary efforts by mobilizing the non-government organizations capable of working in
such situations.

In the event of a serious disaster, the District Magistrate (W) will have sole right to appoint senior
officers of any State Government Department, posted in the District as ‘Field Relief Managers’ for
monitoring and coordinating the relief operations in the affected area.

7.6.1 Duties at the time of disaster

• Maintenance of law and order; prevention of trespassing, looting, keeping roads clear from
sightseeing persons so that free movement of rescue vehicles is assured, etc.
• Evacuation of people
• Recovery of dead bodies and their disposal
• Medical care for the injured
• Supply of food and water and restoration of water supply lines.
• Temporary shelters like tents, metal sheds
• Restoring lines of communications and information
• Restoring transport routes
• Quick assessment of damage and demarcation of damaged areas according to grade of damage
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

• Cordoning off of severely damaged structures that are liable to collapse during aftershocks
• Temporary shoring of certain precariously standing building to avoid collapse and damage to
other adjoining buildings.

7.6.2 Duties at post-disaster scenario

• Particular attention is paid to women’s views in the assessment stage.

• Women’s actual responsibility in domestic (in terms of household subsistence, health, and
child care) and production and economic activity beyond the subsistence level are taken into
account in determining the consultation process.
• Women representatives are included at all level of planning, decision-making, implementation,
and evaluation.
• The particular constraints faced by households maintained by women are taken explicitly into
account in designing and implementing relief programmes.
• Special attention is provided to unaccompanied women, lone parents and widows. Issue of
legal, sexual and physical protection are properly identified and addressed.

7.7 Relief Measures

Once the rescue phase is over, the District administration shall provide immediate relief assistance
either in cash or in kind to the victims of the disaster. The DDMA(W)/ESFs West shall enter in to pre-
contract well in advance and procure materials required for life saving. The office of Deputy
Commissioner is responsible for providing relief to the victims of natural & manmade disasters like
fire, flood, drought, earthquakes, riots, terrorist attacks, accidents etc. The scales for grant of ex-gratia
relief in various eventualities after Cabinet decisions No. 1005 of 31.10.2005 and No. 912 of
11.09.2004 are as per details given below:

(i) Fire & Other Accidents (caused by individual or natural calamities):

a) Death (Major) : Rs. 2,00,000/- in each case
b) Death (Minor) : Rs. 1,00,000/- in each case
c) Serious Injury : Rs. 50,000/- in each case
d) Minor Injury : Rs. 10,000/- in each case
e) Orphaned children : Rs. 1,00,000/- in each case

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

(ii) Bomb Blasts, Communal Riots & Other Riots, Terrorist Attacks:
a) Death (Major) : Rs. 3,00,000/- in each case
b) Death (Minor) : Rs. 1,50,000/- in each case
c) Permanent Incapacitation : Rs. 1,50,000/- in each case
d) Serious Injury : Rs. 1,00,000/- in each case
e) Minor Injury : Rs. 10,000/- in each case
f) Orphaned children : Rs. 1,00,000/- in each case

(iii) Loss of Moveable Property (in riots):

a) Animals (Source of Income / livelihood) : Rs. 2,000/- each
i) Farm Animals : Cows, Buffaloes, Sheeps
ii) Cart Animals : Hoses, Oxen, Camel
b) Rickshaw : Rs. 1,500/- each

(iv) Damage to residential unit (In riots / fire / natural calamities [other than jhuggies]):

a) Total Damage : Rs. 50,000/-

b) Substantial Damage : Rs. 25,000/-

c) Minor Damage : Rs. 5,000/-

(v) Damage to uninsured commercial property / commercial articles (In riots / fire / natural
calamities etc.):
50% of the loss up to a maximum of Rs. 1, 00,000/-.
(vi) Damage to Jhuggies (In case of fire / riots etc.):
Total damage of Jhuggies : Rs. 5,000/- in each case.
(Rupees Five thousand only)

The Divisional Commissioner’s Office, Delhi and District Offices each have been allotted
budget under their respective heads of Accounts - Major Head 2245 Relief on account of Natural
Calamities to meet the expenditure on payments of gratuitous relief, Tentage, food etc. in cases of
natural calamities like fire, bomb blasts, flood, earthquake, etc.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Further, powers to sanction of relief to the victims have already been delegated to all the District
Magistrate, being Head of Department in all cases, in accordance with the scale approved in the order
dated 04.01.2012 to ensure timely disbursal of relief.

In terms of section 19 of Disaster Management Act, 2005, the State Authority is required to lay
down detailed guidelines for providing standards of relief to persons affected by disaster in the State,
provided that such standards shall, in no case, be less than the minimum standards as prescribed in the
guidelines laid down by the National Authority in this regard.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (DM Division) Govt. of India conveyed the list of items and
norms of assistance to be provided to persons affected by a disaster vide letter no.32-7/2014/NDM-I
dated 8th Apr,2015 and subsequently the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) vide letter
No. NDMA/R&R/621/(FTS:7315)/2015 dated 25th Feb, 2016, informed the guidelines on Minimum
Standards of Relief for Food, Water, Sanitation, Medical Cover and Shelter to be provided to persons
affected by a disaster and also special provisions to be made for widows and Orphans have been
formulated and also placed it on NDMA website.

In the meeting of Delhi Disaster Management Authority held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble
Lt. Governer on 30/5/2017, the proposal for laying down the minimum standards of relief and items
and norms of assistance from State Disaster Response Fund(SDRF) to the persons affected in Delhi, in
the event of any disaster has been approved.

Accordingly, the approved minimum standards of relief and list of items and norms for
assistance from SDRF in the event of identified disasters in GNCT of Delhi are enclosed. The fund i.e.
SDRF for this purpose shall be available to the State Executive Committee (SEC).

This shall come into effect from the date of creation of GNCT (UT) Disaster Response Fund.

S. No. Items Norms of Assistance

a) Ex-Gratia payments to families of deceased Rs. 4.00 lakh per deceased person including
persons those involved in relief operations or
associated in preparedness activities, subject
to certification regarding cause of death from
appropriate authority.
b) Ex-Gratia payment for loss of a limb or eye(s) Rs. 60,000/- per person, when the disability
is between 40% and 60%.

Rs. 2.00 lakh per person, when the disability

is more than 60%.

Subject to certification by a doctor from a

hospital or dispensary of Government,
regarding extent and cause of disability.
c) Grievous injury requiring hospitalization Rs. 13,000/- per person requiring
hospitalization for more than a week.

Rs. 5,000/- per person requiring

hospitalization for less than a week.

d) Clothing and utensils/house-hold goods for Rs. 2,000/- per family, for loss of clothing.
families whose house have been washed
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

away/fully damaged/severely inundated for Rs. 2,000/- per family, for loss of
more than two days due to a natural calamity. utensils/household goods.
e) Gratuitous relief for families whose livelihood Rs. 60/- per audit and Rs. 45/- per child, not
is seriously affected. housed in relief camps. State Govt. will
certify that identified beneficiaries are not
housed in relief camps. Further, State
Government will provide the basis and
process for arriving at such beneficiaries

Period for providing gratuitous relief will be

as per assessment of the State Executive
Committee (SEC) and the Central Team (in
case of NDRF). The default period of
assistance will be up to 30 days, which may
be extended up to 60 days in the first
instance, if required, and subsequently up to
90 days, in case of drought/pest attack.
Depending on the ground situation, the State
Executive Committee can extend the time
period beyond the prescribed limit subject to
that expenditure on this account should not
exceed 25% of SDRF allocation for the year.


a) Cost of Search and Rescue As per actual cost incurred, assessed by SEC
measures/evacuation of people affected/likely and recommended by the Central Team (in
to be affected. case of NDRF)
By the time the Central Team visits the
affected area, these activities are already
over. Therefore, the State Level Committee
and the Central Team can recommend
actual/near-actual costs.

b) Hiring of boats for carrying immediate relief As per actual cost incurred, assessed by SEC
and saving lives. and recommended by the Central Team (in
case of NDRF).
The quantum of assistance will be limited to
the actual expenditure incurred on hiring
boats and essential equipment required for
rescuing stranded people and thereby saving
human lives during a notified natural
a) Provision for temporary accommodation, foods, As per assessment of need by SEC and
clothing, medical care, etc. for people recommended of the Central Team (in case of
affected/evacuated and sheltered in relief NRF), for a period up to 30 days. The SEC
camps. would need to specify the number of camps,
their duration and the number of persons in
camps. In case of continuation of a calamity
like drought, or widespread devastation
caused by earthquake or flood etc., this
period may be extended to 60 days, and up to
90 days in cases of severe drought.
Depending on the ground situation, the State
Executive Committee can extend the time
period beyond the prescribed limit subject to
that expenditure on this account should not
exceed 25% of SDRF allocation for the year.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Medical care may be provided from National

Rural Health Mission (NHRM).
b) Air dropping of essential supplies As per actual, based on assessment of need
by SEC and recommendation of the Central
Team (in case of NDRF).
- The quantum of assistance will be
limited to actual amount raised in
the bills by the ministry of Defence
for airdropping of essential
supplies and rescue operations
c) Provision of emergency supply of drinking As per actual cost, based on assessment of
water in rural areas and urban areas need by SEC and recommended by the
Central Team (in case of NDRF), up to 30
days and may be extended up to 90 days in
case of drought. Depending on the ground
situation, the State Executive Committee
can extend the time period beyond the
prescribed limit subject to that expenditure
on this account should not exceed 25% of
SDRF allocation for the year.
d) Clearance of debris in public areas. As per actual cost within 30 days from the
date of start of the work based on
assessment of need by SEC for the
assistance to be provided under SDRF and
as per assessment of the Central team (in
case of NDRF).

e) Draining off flood water in affected areas As per actual cost within 30 days from the
date of start of the work based on
assessment of need by SEC for the
assistance to be provided under SDRF and
as per assessment of the Central team (in
case of NDRF).
f) Disposal of dead bodies/Carcasses As per actual, based on assessment of need
by SEC and recommendation of the Central
Team (in case of NDRF).

i) Assistance to farmers having landholding up to 2 hectare
Assistance for land and other loss
a) De-silting of agricultural land (where Rs. 13,000/- per hectare for each item.
thickness of sand/silt deposit is more that
3”, to be certified by the competent (Subject to be condition that no other
authority of the state Government.) assistance/subsidy has been availed of by/is
b) Removal of debris on agricultural land in eligible to the beneficiary under any other
hilly areas Government scheme)
g) De-silting/Restoration/Repair of fish farms.
h) Loss of substantial portion of land caused Rs. 38,000/- per hectare to only those small
by landslide, avalanche, change of course of marginal farmers whose ownership of the land is
rivers. legitimate as per the revenue records.
Input subsidy (where crop loss is 33% and above)
a) For agriculture crops, horticulture crops and Rs. 7,000/- per ha. In rainfed areas and restricted
annual plantation crops to sown areas.
Rs. 14,000/- per ha. In assured irrigated areas,
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

subject to minimum assistance not less than Rs.

1000 and restricted to sown areas.
i) Perennial crops Rs. 18,000/- ha. For all types of perennial crops
subject to minimum assistance not less than
Rs. 2,000/- and restricted to sown areas.
j) Sericulture Rs. 5000/- per ha. For Eri, Mulberry, Tussar
Rs. 6,000/- per ha. for muga.
(ii) Input subsidy to farmers having more than 2 Ha of Rs. 7,000/- per ha. In rainfed areas and
landholding restricted to sown areas.

Rs. 14,000/- per ha. For areas under assured

irrigation and restricted to sown areas.

Rs. 18,000/- per hectare for all types of

perennial crops and restricted to sown areas.

Assistance may be provided where crop loss is

33% and above, subject to a ceiling of 2 ha. per
i) Replacement of milk animals, drought Milk animals:-
animals or animals used for haulage. Rs. 30,000/- Buffalo/Cow/Camel/yak/Mithun

Rs. 3,000/- Sheep/Goat/Pig

Draught animals:-
Rs. 25,000/- Came/horse/bullock, etc.
Rs. 16,000/- Calf/Donkey/Pony/Mule
- The assistance may be restricted for the actual
loss of ceiling of 3 large milk animals or 30
small milk animals or 3 large drought animals
or 6 small drought animals per household
irrespective of whether a household has lost a
largest number of animal. (The loss is to be
certified by the Competent Authority
designated by the State Government).

Poultry @ Rs. 50/- per bird subject to a ceiling
of assistance of Rs. 5,000/- per beneficiary
household. The death of the poultry birds
should be on account of a natural calamity.

Note: - Relief under these norms is not eligible

if the assistance is available from any other
Government Scheme, e.g. loss of birds due to
Avian influenza or any other diseases for which
the Department of Animal Husbandry has a
separate scheme for compensating the poultry

ii) Provision of fodder/feed concentrate Large animals-Rs. 70/- per day

including water supply and medicines Small animals-Rs. 35/- per day
in cattle camps. Period for providing relief will be as per
assessment of the State Executive Committee
(SEC) and the Central Team (in case of NDRF).
The default period for assistance will be up to 30
days, which may be extended up to 60 days in

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

the first instance and tin case of severe drought

up to 90 days. Depending on the ground
situation, the State Executive Committee can
extend the time period beyond the prescribed
limit, subject to the stipulation that expenditure
on this account should not exceed 25% of SDRF
allocation for the year.
Based on assessment of need by SEC and
recommendation of the Central Team, (in case of
NDRF) consistent with estimates of cattle as per
livestock Census and subject to the certificate by
the competent authority on the requirement of
medicine and vaccine being calamity related.
iii) Transport of fodder to cattle outside As per actual cost of transport, based on
cattle camps. assessment of need by SEC and recommendation
of Central Team (in case of NDRF) consistent
with estimates of cattle as per Livestock Census.
i) Assistance to Fisherman for Rs. 5,000/- for repair of partially damaged boats
repair/replacement of boats, nets- only.
damaged or lost.
--Boat Rs. 3,000/- for repair of partially damaged net
--Catamaran Rs. 10,000/- for replacement of fully damaged
--net boats.
(This assistance will not be provide if the
beneficiary is eligible or has availed of any Rs. 3,000/- replacement of fully damaged net
subsidy/assistance, for the instant calamity,
under any other Government Scheme)
ii) Input subsidy for fish seed farm Rs. 9,000/- per hectare

(This assistance will not be provided if the

beneficiary is eligible or his availed of any
subsidy/assistance, for the instant calamity,
under any other Government Scheme, except the
one time subsidy provided under the Scheme of
Department of Animal, Husbandry, Dairying and
Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture.)
i) For replacement of damaged Rs. 5,000/- per artisan for equipments.
tools/equipment - Subject to certification by the
competent authority designated by the
Government about damage and its
iv) Rs. 5,000/- per artisan for raw material.
- Subject to certification by the
competent authority designated by the
State Government about loss and its
a) Fully damaged/destroyed houses
i) Pucca house Rs. 96,000/- per house, in plain areas.
ii) Kutcha house Rs. 1, 02,000/- per house, in hilly areas
b) Severely damaged houses including integrated Action Plan (IAP) districts.
i) Pucca house
ii) Kutcha house
c) Partially damaged houses
i) Pucca (other than huts) where Rs. 6,000/- per house.
the damage is at least 15%)
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

ii) Kutcha house (other than huts) Rs. 4,000/- per house.
where the damage is at least
d) Damaged /destroyed huts: Rs. 5000/- per hut.
(Hut means temporary, make shift unit, inferior
to Kutcha house, made of thatch, mud, plastic
sheets etc. traditionally recognized as hut by the
State/District authorities)

Note: - The damaged house should be an

authorized construction duly certified by the
Competent Authority of the State Government.
e) Cattle shed attached with house Rs. 3000/- per shed
Repair/restoration (of immediate nature) of damaged Activities of immediate nature:-
infrastructure:- (1) Roads & Bridge (2) Drinking
Water Supply Works. (3) Irrigation (4) Power (only Illustrate of lists of activities which may be
limited to immediate restoration of electricity supply considered as works of an immediate nature are
in the affected areas). (5) Schools, (6) Primary given in the enclosed Appendix.
Health Centers. (7) Community assests owned by
Panchayat. Assessment of requirements:-
Based on assessment of need, as per States
Sector such as Telecommunication and power costs/rates/schedules for repair, by SEC and
(except immediate restoration of power supply), recommendation of Central Team(in case of
which generate their own revenues, and also NDRF)
undertake immediate repair/restoration works from - As regards repair of roads, due consideration
their own funds/resources, are excluded. shall be given to norms for Maintenance of
Roads in India, 2001, as amended from time to
time, for repairs of roads affected by heavy
rains/floods, cyclone, landslide, sand dunes, etc.
to restore traffic. For reference these norms are
o Normal and urban areas:- up to 15 % of
the total or Ordinary Repair(OR) and
Periodical repair(PR)
o Hills:- up to 20% of total of OR and PR
o In case of repair of roads, assistance
will be given based on the notified
Ordinary Repair (OR) and Periodical
Renewal (PR) of the State. In case OR
&PR rate is not available, then
assistance will be provided @ Rs. 1
lakh/Km for State Highway and Major
District Road and @ Rs. 0.60 lakh/km
for rural roads. The condition of State
shall first use its provision under the
budget for regular maintenance and
repair” will no longer be required, in
view of the difficulties in monitoring
such stipulation, though it is a desirable
goal for all the States.
o In case of repairs of Bridges and
Irrigation works, assistance will be
given as per the schedule of rates
notified by the concerned States.
Assistance for micro irrigation scheme
will be provided @ Rs. 1.5 lakh per
damaged scheme. Assistance for
restoration of damaged medium and
large irrigation projects will also be

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

given for embankment portions, on par

with the case of similar rural roads,
subject to the stipulation that no
duplication would be done with any
ongoing schemes.
o Regarding repairs of damaged drinking
water schemes, the eligible damaged
drinking water structure will be eligible
for assistance @ Rs. 1.5 lakh/damaged
o Regarding repairs of damaged primary
and secondary schools, primary health
centers. Anaganwadi and community
assets owned by the Panchayats,
assistance will be given @ Rs. 2 lakh
/damaged structure.
o Regarding repair of damaged power
sector, assistance will be given to
damaged conductors, poles and
transformers up to the level of 11 KV.
The rate of assistance will be @ Rs.
4000/ poles, Rs. 0.50 lakh per km of
damaged conductor and Rs. 1.00 lakh
per damaged distribution transformer.

11. Procurement of essential search, rescue and o Expenditure is to be incurred from

evacuation equipments including communication SDRF only (and not from NDRF), as
equipments, etc. for response to disaster. assessed by the State Executive
Committee (SEC)).
o The total expenditure on this item
should not exceed 10% of the annual
allocation of the SDRF.
12 Capacity Building o Expenditure is to be incurred from
SDRF only (and not from NDRF), as
assessed by the State Executive
o The total expenditure on this item
should not exceed 5% of the annual
allocation of the SDRF.
13 State specific disasters within the local context in the o Expenditure is to be incurred from
State, which are not included in the notified list of SDRF only (and not from NDRF), as
disasters eligible for assistance form SDRF/NDRF, assessed by the State Executive
can be met from SDRF within the limit of 10% of the Committee (SEC).
annual funds allocation of the SDRF. o The norm for various items will be the
same as applicable to other notified
natural disasters, as listed above. Or
o In these cases, the scale of relief
assistance against each item for ‘local
disaster’ should not exceed the norms
of SDRF.
o The flexibility is to be applicable only
after the State has formally listed the
disasters for inclusion and notified
transparent norms and guidelines with a
clear procedure for identification of the
beneficiaries for disaster relief for such
local disasters’, with the approval of

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

7.8. District Road Safety Committee

The lieutenant Governor of Delhi constituted the District Road Safety Committee in each
Revenue District in exercise of powers conferred by vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988) in the National
Capital Territory of Delhi with the following Composition namely:-

1. Hon’ble Member of Parliament(Lok Sabha) -Chairman

2. District Magistrate (West) -Member
3. Superintendent of Police (West) -Member
4. Chief Executive Officer, Zila Parishad(West) -Member
5. Chairman of the Municipal Corporation or Development Authority(West) -Member
6. All Members of Legislative Assembly (MLA) of District West -Member
7. All Sub Divisional Magistrates of District West. -Member
8. 03 Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) as nominated by Chairman -Member
9. District Level Officer (DLO) of Stake Holder Department. -Member
10. Representative of Trade Association. -Member
11. District Civil Surgeon -Member
12. District Education Officer -Member
13. Senior most officer of Public Works Department (PWD) in the district. -Member
14. Officer in-Charge of National Highways Division of PWD for the district. -Member
15. Regional Transport Officer (RTO)/Assistant Regional Transport Officer
(ARTO) from the Transport Department from
District Head Quarter-Member Secretary -Member

The terms of reference of the District Road Safety Committeee (West) shall be as under:-

1. Monitoring of road safety activities in district.

2. Monitoring of road safety accidents data.
3. Identification and study of causes of road accidents
4. To provide suggestions to the National/State Road Safety Council.
5. Reviewing and monitoring of the work relating to identification and rectification of black spots
as per protocol and all road engineering measures.
6. Ensuring implementation of road safety standards.
7. Create and implement road safety action plan for the district with specific targets for
accident/fatality reduction.
8. To discuss and strengthen the implementation of 4 E’s Programme i.e. Education, Enforcement,
Emergency care and Engineering.
9. Review of the speed limits and traffic calming measures.
10. Formulation of strategies to motivate Good Samaritans in the district.
11. Establishment of traffic par-cum-training centre at town/city and Gram Panchayat in a district.
12. Promoting road safety campaign in the district.
13. To discuss any other issue related to road safety.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

7.10 School Safety Advisory Committee (West)

A District Advisory Committee to monitor the School Safety Activities at District level is constituted
comprising of following members in compliance with the letter F. No. Div. Com./2016/School Safety/51
dated on 11/6/2018 of Special Secretary cum C.E.O. (DM), Office of Divisional Commissioner, GNCT of

i) Deputy commissioner of Police/Addl. DCP

ii) Addl. District Magistrate.
iii) Sub Divisional Magistrate.
iv) Dy. Director of Education.
v) Dy. Chief Fire Officer.
vi) District Education Officer, MCD.
vii) Superintendent Engineers/Executive Engineers, PWD.
viii) Two Principals of schools performing well in school safety (by rotation if necessary)
ix) Two prominent District level NGOs involved in Disaster Management activities
(by rotation if so necessary)

The terms of reference of the School Safety Advisory Committee (West) shall be as under:-

1. This committee will establish a mechanism for monitoring safety parameters in all schools
on regular basis.
2. District Disaster Management Authority may direct the concerned DDE to implement the
monitoring mechanism of school safety programme.
3. Co-opt senior officials of the Department of Education at the district level as part of
4. Ensure District Disaster Management Plan (DDMP) include a focus on educational
infrastructure and supporting action thereof, within the district and update the DDMP
5. District Disaster Management Authority should prepare block-wise inventory of school to
be made safe (including physical conditions of schools assessed through rapid visual
screening or any methodology for all hazards relevant to the area.)
6. Identify School Safety focal point teacher in all schools to look after implementation at
school level (action by DDMA with support of DDE.)
7. Training of teachers (two in each school) on psycho-social support for children affected by
8. Review the status of existing IEC material on School Safety at District Disaster
Management Authority and send the requirement for further printing.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

7.11 National Disaster Response Force(NDRF)

Organizational Chart of NDRF Bn




(6x25=150) 18X47=846 MEDICAL-17

MT Dett -15
7.11.1 Team Structure of NDRF:

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Composition of NDRF Company

Commander COY HQR-25
TEAM 3x47-141


Fig: 7.11.2 DC/AC-01

Team No.01 Team No.02 Team No.03





Composition of NDRF Company.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Structure of Search &Rescue Team (Non-CBRN)

Team Commander
(Inspector )

Team 2 IC/ Ops Officer

( Sub- Inspector)

SAR SAR SAR SAR Dog Medical Tech

Sub Team Sub Team Sub Team Sub Team Squad Sup Team Support
A B C D (3) (2) (6)
(6) (6) (6) (6)
Adm. 2- Comn.
1- SI 1- HC 1 -SI 1- HC 3 -Const 2- Para (SI+HC)
5- Const 5 -Const 5 -Const 5 -Const
Team (Handlers) medics 2 - Struc. Engr.
(7) 2- Dogs (SI)
Team str:44 +(03
drivers) 1- HC
Total :- 47 2 -Support Staff ( 1 follower/ 1
4 -Security ( 1 HC/ 3 Const )

Fig. 7.11.3 Structure of Search & Rescue Team (Non-CBRN)

Structure of Search & Rescue Team (CBRN)

Team Commander
Team Str- 47

Dy Team Comdr

Tech. Rescue & Adm. Support
Support & Rescue Medial
SI Comn: Assessment &Evacuat Evacuation Team
01 cum ion Team Unit HC. SEC. : 01
Evacuation Team
HC Decon CT. SEC. :04
: 01 HC:02 HC:02 HC/Nurse:02
Comn:01 HC/DVR :01
SI ENGG: Ct : 05 Ct :05 CT/DVR :02
Total-06 Ct : 05 Team Total-02
02 HC CH/ADM:01
Total-07 SI :01
Tech. :01 Total07 CT/FOL:01
Ct :05
HC Elec.: TOTAL- 11
. Total-
Total - 06
7.11.4Structure of Search & Rescue Team (CBRN)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

7.11.5 NDRF Battalion Strength

S.N. Ranks Auth

1 Commandant 1
2 2 I/C 1
3 DC/Exe 4
4 AC/Exe 6
5 Insp/Exe 25
6 SI/Exe 64
7 ASI/Exe 0
8 HC/GD 148
9 Const/GD 453
10 Const/Dog Handler 55
11 AC(Engr/AE) 1
12 AC(Commn) 1
14 AC(MO Vet) 1
15 Insp(JE/Overseer) 1
16 Insp (Pharm) 1
17 Insp (MT) 1
18 Insp (RO) 1
19 Insp(RM/JET) 1
20 SI(Pharm) 4
21 SI(MT) 1
22 SI(MM) 1
23 SI(Vet) 1
24 SI(JE/Overseer- Civil/Structural) 18
25 SI(JE/Overseer/ Elect) 18
26 SI(RO) 20
27 SI(RM/JET/TT) 2
28 HC/Carptr. 1
29 HC/Welder 1
30 HC/Plumber 1
31 HC/Masson 1
32 HC/Armr 1
33 HC/RO 31
34 HC/Crypto 1
35 HC/RF 1

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter 8

8.1. Introduction

Rehabilitation relates to the work undertaken in the following weeks and months, for the restoration of
basic services to enable the population to return to normalcy.Actions taken during the period following
the emergency phase is often defined as the recovery phase, which encompasses both rehabilitation
and reconstruction.

Rehabilitation refers to the actions taken in the aftermath of a disaster to enable basic services to
resume functioning, assist victims’ self-help efforts to repair physical damage and community
facilities, revive economic activities and provide support for the psychological and social well being of
the survivors. It focuses on enabling the affected population to resume more-or-less normal (pre-
disaster) patterns of life. It may be considered as transitional phase between immediate relief and more
major, long-term development.

Reconstruction refers to the full restoration of all services, and local infrastructure, replacement of
damaged physical structures, the revitalization of economy and the restoration of social and cultural
life.Reconstruction must be fully integrated into long-term development plans, taking into account
future disaster risks and possibilities to reduce such risks by incorporating appropriate measures.
Damaged structures and services may not necessarily be restored in their previous form or location. It
may include the replacement of any temporary arrangements established as part of emergency
response or rehabilitation.

The following sectors can be vulnerable to disaster impact, and which, therefore, will require
rehabilitation and reconstruction inputs.

Economic assets (including formal and formal commercial sectors, industrial and
agricultural activities etc.)
Administrative and political

“The disaster scenario offers a range of opportunities for affected communities to respond to the crisis,
how community responds to a disaster and post disaster aid sets the tone for the transition from
disaster to development”. After earthquake in Latur, people of that area started to monitor construction
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

works, retrofitting of houses and behaved like “community construction watch dogs” (IDR, Oxford,

As discussed earlier rehabilitation and reconstruction comes under recovery phase immediately after
relief and rescue operation of the disaster. This post disaster phase continues until the life of the
affected people comes to normal. This phase mainly covers damage assessment, disposal of debris,
disbursement of assistance for houses, formulation of assistance packages, monitoring and review,
cases of non-starters, rejected cases, non-occupancy of houses, relocation, town planning and
development plans, awareness and capacity building, housing insurance, grievance redressal and social
rehabilitation etc.

8.2 Post Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation

Post disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation should pay attention to the following activities for
speedy recovery in disaster hit areas. The contribution of both government as well as affected people is
significant to deal with all the issues properly.

o Damage assessment

o Disposal of debris

o Disbursement of assistance for houses

o Formulation of assistance packages

o Monitoring and review

o Cases of non-starters, rejected cases, non-occupancy of houses

o Relocation

o Town planning and development plans

o Reconstruction as Housing Replacement Policy

o Awareness and capacity building

o Housing insurance

o Grievance redressa

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

8.3 Administrative Relief

The District is the primary level with requisite resources to respond to any natural calamity,
through the issue of essential commodities, group assistance to the affected people, damage
assessment and administrating appropriate rehabilitation and restoration measures. The District level
relief committee consisting of official and non-official members including the local legislators and the
members of parliament review the relief measures.West District is divided into 3 sub-division i.e. Patel
Nagar, Rajouri Garden and Punjabi Bagh. The head of a subdivision is called the Sub-District
Magistrate (SDM) while the head of a Tehsil is known as a Tehsildar/Executive Magistrate. When a
disaster is apprehended, the entire machinery of the District, including the officers of technical and
other departments, swings into action and maintains almost continuous contact with each village in the
disaster threatened area.

8.4 Reconstruction of Houses Damaged / Destroyed

Houses should be reconstructed in the disaster hit areas according to the following Instructions:

Owner Driven Reconstruction

Public Private Partnership Program (PPPP)

Under the PPPP the houses are reconstructed by the NGOs for the beneficiaries to be registered
in the joint names of the husband and wife.

All the houses should be insured.

Owner Driven Reconstruction

Financial, technical and material assistance provided by the government.

The designs for seismic reconstruction of houses provided by the government.

The material assistance provided through material banks at subsidized rates.

Design of 20 model houses provided to the public to choose from with an option to have one’s
own design.

8.5 Military Assistance

If the District administration feels that the situation is beyond its control then immediate military
assistance could be sought for carrying out the relief operations.

8.6 Medical Care

Specialized Medical Care may be required to help the affected population. Preventive medicine may
have to be taken to prevent outbreak of diseases.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

8.7 Epidemics

In the relief camps set up for the affected population, there is a likelihood of epidemics from a number
of sources. The strategy should be to subdue such sources and immunize the population against them.
The public health centers, health departments can practice vaccination drives, public awareness to
drink boiled water, use chlorine tablets to purify the water sources.

8.8 Corpse Disposal

Disposal of dead bodies is to be carried out as a part of the operation to prevent outbreak of epidemics.
Minimum official requirements should be maintained as it is a very sensitive issue. The following
points may be considered by the concerned authorities at the time of corpse disposal:-

1. Mass photographs of corpses,

2. Consent of the relatives or hand over to them

3. Make a panchnama of concerned dead Bodies.

8.9 Salvage
A major effort is needed to salvage destroyed structure and property. Essential services like
communications, roads, bridges, electricity would have to be repaired and restored for normalization
of activities.

8.10 Outside Assistance

During disaster situations, considerable relief flows in from outside, thus there is an immediate need to
co-ordinate the relief flows so that the maximum coverage is achieved and there is no duplication of
work in the same area.

8.11 Special Relief

Along with compensation packages, essential items may have to be distributed to the affected
population to provide for temporary sustenance.

8.12 Information
Information flow and review is essential part of the relief exercises. Constant monitoring is required to
assess the extent of damage, which forms the basis of further relief to the affected areas.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

8.13 Social Rehabilitation

Disabled persons

Artificial limbs fitted to affected persons.

Modern wheelchairs, supportive devices provided.


Orphaned children are fostered.

Day centers set up

Orphanages established.

Child help lines established.


Pension scheme introduced for paraplegics.

Physiotherapy under continuous supervision of doctors.

Old Persons

Aged persons given pensions.

Old Age Homes established.


Pension sanctioned.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

8.14 Recovery
The long-term response plans are related with Recovery and Reconstruction activities on one side
and institutionalizing disaster management in District administration on the other side. There are
Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) for the Emergency Support Functions. In long term measures
the following actions shall be undertaken duly:

1. Constitution of Emergency Support Functions, Disaster Management Teams, Quick Response

Teams, Field Response Teams
2. Refresher trainings for all such teams in a regular interval of time and exercise of Mock Drills
3. Continuous awareness/sensitization programmes for the stakeholders and the general Public.
4. Getting pre-contract with vendors and merchant establishments to procure relief materials in times
of disaster
Most of the Line Departments in the District, Autonomous Bodies and Organizations are part of the
Emergency Support Functions. The action plans for ESFs for disaster management are discussed in
other chapter of the plan. The DDMA (W)/ESFs shall ensure that these actions plans are updated bi
annually and practiced through mock drills and other activities in the District.

Recovery and rehabilitation is the final step. The incident Command System shall be deactivated as
the rehabilitation phase is over. Thereafter the normal administration shall take up the remaining
reconstruction works in the disaster-affected areas. These activities shall be performed by the Working
Group for relief and rehabilitation under the direction of the DDMA (W)/ESFs.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter 9

9.1 The Indian Context

In most countries where relief activity is primarily the responsibility of State/Provincial
Governments, assistance from the Federal/Central Government to the lower levels of government is
mostly in the form of case-specific grants/ reimbursement. These are more in the nature of the NCCF
scheme of our country and, in that sense, the CRF scheme that provides for a structured fiscal
transfer from the Central to State Governments for the purpose of financing relief expenditure is
unique. Through the CRF scheme, successive Finance Commissions have built in the requirement of
relief expenditure financing in the overall scheme of fiscal transfers. In the case of the NCT of Delhi.
Fortunately, the concept is developing such a way that the Planning Commission has conceptually
agreed to have an exclusive mechanism to fund and to monitor the financial arrangements of disaster

9.2 Recommendation by 13th finance commission

The Thirteenth Finance Commission (2010-2015) has responded very positively to the long pending
request for greater allocation of fund for disaster management. The finance commissioner suggested
various recommendations to solve the issue in state and District level.

Every state has a State Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) for immediate action after math of a disaster.
But in the case of the state of NCT of Delhi, there is no CRF. There is police modernization fund,
which is utilized mostly to modernize the police department to fight against disaster.

An alternative mechanism is to be constituted in all the Districts of Delhi to tackle the disasters. As
the 13th Finance Commission recommends it, District West shall set apart 10% of its development
fund for disaster preparedness and mitigation measures. Every year, the annual allocation of 10 per
cent will be a relief to the administration to organize various disaster preparedness activities in the
District. Similarly each line department in the District shall allocate minimum 2 per cent to 10 per
cent of its developmental fund with the same purpose.

9.3 District Calamity Relief Fund

Besides, the DDMA (W)/ ESFs West Delhi shall constitute a District Calamity Relief Fund (DCRF).
This amount shall be raised purely from the General Public through donations. There can be a
committee under the leadership of the District Magistrate (West), to operate the fund. Once the fund
is created, every year the DDMA (W)/ ESFs shall prepare reports on the utilization of fund, disasters
faced in the previous financial year as well as potential programme planning for utilization of this

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

9.4 State Allocations

As an alternative option, the DDMA (W)/ ESFs shall forward a request to the Government of NCT
of Delhi to grant 50 per cent of the targeted DCRF as one time grant and a matching amount shall be
collected from the general public through donations.

Section 46 to section 49 of Disaster Management Act, 2005 seeks to provide for the constitution of
the following funds:

1. Section 46, Constitution of National Disaster Response Fund

2. Section 47, Constitution of National Disaster Mitigation Fund

3. Section 48, Seeks to provide for the establishment of State & District Disaster Response Fund
and Disaster Mitigation Funds.

4. Section 49, Seeks to enjoin upon every ministry or department of Government of India to make
provision of funds in its annual budget for the purposes of carrying out the activities or
programmes set out in its Disaster Management Plan.

9.5 District Allocations

The District authority gets 100% financial assistance from Govt. of NCT of Delhi for carrying out
various activities such as sensitization programmes, trainings, street plays, mock drills etc.

Table 9.1: The budgetary details of DDMA (W) for the year 2020-21 are as under:

Budget allocated Rs. 75, 00,000/-

Budeget used Rs. 25,34,516/-

(Till Aug 2020)

For the year 2020-21 an amount of Rs. 75, 00,000/- has been allocated to DDMA (West) and Rs. 25,
34,516/- utilized upto Aug, 2020.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

9.6 Risk Pooling and Insurance

As regards risk pooling and insurance, we are inclined to agree with the views expressed by the earlier
Finance Commissions on this subject, that the pooling of disaster risk at the individual level poses
huge administrative challenges in a country like India where the majority impacted by disasters are
primarily the poor who have, consequently, very little capacity to pay the risk premia involved. Apart
from the fact that payment of risk premia towards insurance against natural disasters could be a highly
unpopular step, the administrative cost of collection of such premia from a large number of potential
beneficiaries spread over a wide geographical area would, indeed, be daunting. Disaster relief has long
come to be viewed as a public good, to be delivered gratis by the state, and in the very likely event that
no (or an insignificantly small) insurance premia can be levied, the very concept of risk pooling would
become infructous. In our view, for high-frequency-low intensity disaster events, it would indeed be
cheaper for the State Governments to directly provide disaster relief, as is being done presently,
instead of going through an insurance intermediary. For low frequency-high impact disasters,
financing through insurance mechanisms is certainly a feasible option. However, given the low level
of insurance penetration in India, insurance products covering disaster events may only materialize
sometime in the future.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter 10

10.1Preparation and Updation of DDMP

District Disaster Management Plan for the West Delhi is a public document. It is neither a confidential
document nor restricted to any particular section or department of administration. The underlying
principal of disaster management is that it has to be part of all departments and none can fold fingers
against it.

The District Disaster Management Plan is the sum and substance of the Horizontal and the Vertical
disaster management plans in the District. Horizontal plans included plans prepared by line
departments such as Delhi Police, Delhi Fire Service, MCD, Irrigation and Flood Control, Delhi Civil
Defence, Department of Food and Civil Supplies, Public Works Departments etc where as the Vertical
plan includes Sub Divisional Plans, Community Plans, School/Hospital plans and all other logical
units’ plan at the lower level and State disaster management plans and National disaster management
plans at the higher level.

Preparation of plan is the ultimate responsibility of the District Disaster Management

Committee (DDMA (W)/ESFs) or the person / sub committee appointed by the DDMA
(W)/ESFs in the District. The first draft plan is to be discussed in the DDMA (W)/ESFs and
later the Chairman of the DDMA (W)/ESFs shall ratify it.

The same procedure is to be followed in updating of the plan document. The District plan is to
be updated biannually by the District Disaster Management Committee or the sub committee
appointed by the DDMA (W)/ESFs. In order to update the document, all Vertical and
Horizontal plans shall be collected and incorporated to the District Plan.

After each biannual updation of the DDMP, version number shall be given serially. A copy of
the updated document shall be circulated to each stakeholder of disaster management in
District North East.

10.2 Regular Updation of DDMP

Besides the above said procedure of updation of the DDMP, a regular data collection system shall be
set up at District EOC. This is just to be ready to face any situation, though the Plan Document has not
been updated since last few couple of months. The EOC in-charge, under the supervision of the
DDMA (W)/ESFs Chairman shall enter the collected data to an online system or shall be documented

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

10.3 Post Disaster Evaluation Mechanism

Disasters are always unexpected. Each disaster causes huge loss of human lives, live stocks and
property as well. It is said that, every disaster repeats after a particular interval. Also lessons learnt
from a particular disaster will help to plan for another potential hazard.

The DDMA (W)/ESFs Chairman shall make special arrangements to collect data on a particular
disaster irrespective of size and vulnerability. This post disaster evaluation mechanism shall be set up
with qualified professionals and researchers and the collected data shall be thoroughly crosschecked
and documented in the EOC for further reference.

10.4Disaster Mock Drills

The ultimate objective of the Training programme on preparedness and mitigation is to conduct mock
drill, which is an artificial scenario of a disaster. The objectives encompassed in the mock drill are to
validate the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and ascertain the capabilities created by District
Disaster Management Committee (DDMA (W)/ESFs) in managing and responding to natural

A sample note, which describes a likely scenario of earthquake in DistrictWest, has been given below.
It also lays down the sequence of actions to be taken by different agencies in response to the scenario.

Model Scenario for Mock Drill in West

The objectives encompassed in the mock drill are to validate the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
and ascertain the capabilities created by District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA (W)/ESFs -
W) in managing and responding to natural disasters.


1. This document describes a likely scenario of earthquake in West Delhi. It also lays down the
sequence of actions to be taken by different agencies in response.

2. The emergency response to the scenario is to be evaluated at four phases of activity levels, as
given below:

• Notification Phase: During this phase the incident will be identified and relevant agencies
will be notified and their responses ascertained.

• Response Phase: In this phase the capabilities available with the government at various
levels will be put into effect for controlling the situation.

• Recovery Phase: the setbacks suffered as a result of the earthquake will be restored.

• Restoration Phase: the site clearance and resumption of normal activity will be ensured.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Specific assumptions

• Certain aspects of damage assessment system are purported to be in place.

• Restricted avenues of reaching the incident site.

• Certain fire tenders/rescue vehicles are declared off-road due to mechanical faults and routine


1. The following control rooms to be activated:

a. Delhi Disaster Management Authority

b. Delhi Police

c. Delhi Fire Service

d. Municipal Corporation of Delhi

e. Department of Irrigation and Flood Control

f. Delhi Jal Board

g. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation

h. Delhi Transco

i. Public Works Department

j. Ministry of Home Affairs

k. Indian Army

l. Other critical departments/agencies

m. Medical agencies

n. Delhi Transportation Corporation.

2. Wherever the control room does not exist, a nominated officer will be the duty officer. He will
receive messages and disseminate information as per the Standard Operating Procedures.

3. Traffic rules will not be violated while responding

4. Wherever a road is declared out of use, detours will be taken to reach the site of incident.

5. A report pertaining to this exercise should be submitted within next two working days to the
Divisional Commissioner of Delhi.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter- 11

11.1 Introduction

There are a number of participants in a typical disaster relief operation. Participants may include;
national government, local government, national and international humanitarian organizations, expert
and volunteer rescue teams, third-party logistics providers, suppliers of goods used for disaster relief,
and the affected people.

11.2 Department Wise Role Of Primary And Secondary Agencies

11.2.1 SDMC
SDMC will be involved in the following activities:
Search and Rescue operations
Providing Temporary Shelters
Public Information
Relief Distribution
Construction materials
Restoration of infrastructure
11.2.2 DDA
DDA will be involved in the following activities:
Providing Temporary Shelters
Construction materials
Restoration of infrastructure
11.2.3 Fire Services
Fire will be involved in the following activities:
Search and Rescue operations
Disposal of Dead (as per customs)
Public Information

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

11.2.4 PWD
PWD will be involved in the following activities:
Construction materials
Restoration of infrastructure
Providing temporary shelters
11.2.5 Civil Defence
Civil Defence and Home Guards will be involved in the following activities:
Cordoning of area
Search and Rescue operations
First Aid operations
11.2.6 Home Guards
Providing Temporary Shelters
Relief Distribution
Reception/ Information Centres
11.2.7 Department of Health
Department of Health will be involved in the following activities:
Medical aid (Treatment of injuries and surgical operations)
Health and sanitation
Disposal of Dead ( as per customs)
11.2.8 Irrigation and Flood Control
Irrigation and Flood Control Department will be involved in the following activities:
Construction materials
Restoration of infrastructure
11.2.9 MTNL
MTNL will be involved in the following activities:
Reception/ Information Centres
Restoration of infrastructure
11.2.10 Delhi Jal Board
Delhi Jal Board will be involved in the following activities:
Drinking Water arrangements
Restoration of infrastructure

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

11.2.11 Delhi Transport Corporation

Delhi Transport Corporation will be involved in the following activities:
Provision of vehicles
Transportation of materials, manpower etc
11.2.12. BSES/NDPL
BSES will be involved in the following activities:
Restoration of infrastructure
Provision of power
11.2.13 CATs
CATs will be involved in the following activities:
Emergency ambulance services round the clock through trained paramedics who will be
mainly performing following functions:
Assessing the patients
Stabilizing that includes clearing airway, control of bleeding and circulation, splintage etc
Rushing the patient to the suitable hospital
Paramedic services in case of disasters
Training of the public, students and others in emergency first aid
Maintaining round the clock control room, wireless connectivity with CATS control room
numbers: 102/1099/23861102/23860160
11.2.14 Red Cross
Red Cross will be involved in the following activities:
Providing Temporary Shelters
Medical aid (Treatment of injuries and surgical operations)
Health and sanitation
Relief Distribution
11.2.15 St. John Ambulance
St. John Ambulance will be involved in the following activities:
Providing first aid training
Ambulance services
Relief Distribution

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

11.2.16 I& PR Deptt.

I & PR will be involved in the following activities:
Public Information
Reception/ Information Centres
11.2.17 Army and NCC
Army will be involved in the following activities:
Search and Rescue operations
Traffic Management and Security of properties
Temporary Shelters
Disposal of Dead
Relief Distribution
Relief Supplies
11.2.18 Air Force
Air Force will be involved in the following activities:
Search and Rescue operations
Aerial Reconnaissance
Disposal of Dead
Relief Distribution
Relief Supplies
Restoration of infrastructure
11.2.19 NGOs/ RWAs and NYKS
Emerging trends in managing natural disasters have highlighted the role of non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) as one of the most effective alternative means of achieving an efficient
communications link between the disaster management agencies and the effected community. In
typical disaster situation, they can be of help in preparedness, relief and rescue, rehabilitation and
reconstruction and also in monitoring and feedback. The role of NGOs is a potential key element in
disaster management. The NGOs operating at grassroots level can provide a suitable alternative as
they have an edge over governmental agencies for invoking community involvement. This is chiefly

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

because; the NGO sector has strong linkages with the community base and can exhibit great flexibility
in procedural matters vis-à-vis the government.

11.2.20 Media Management

Media Management is one of the core issues related to disaster management. Usually, in case of
disaster, hundreds of media crew reaches the site even before the outside disaster management
agencies and they assess the situation. The report they release on air is contradicting and creates panic.
In order to control the situation certain arrangements shall be made by the District. As a disaster is
noticed the Incident Commander shall do the following measures to control the media:

1. Along with information dissemination to the vertical and horizontal agencies, press people
also shall be called and given preliminary data based on assessment. This shall reduce the
guesswork of the media people.

2. Only the state owned electronic, print media should be taken to the site. More people mean
more confusion and hazard in disaster management.

3. In every one hour or so the Incident commander shall give press release in order to control
false information to the outside world.

4. No media shall be allowed to air or print pictures of dead bodies with worst condition.
There is a tendency to do so by the media to make sensitivity.

In a disaster situation, only the incident commander or his assignee in District level will
communicate with the media and provide brief, No other parallel agency or ESF or voluntary agency
involved in the disaster management shall give any sort of press briefings.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Chapter 12

12.1 Introduction
Disasters lead to loss of human lives on a large scale. If a formalized and timely response does not
take place, the death toll can increase immensely. Therefore each District in coordination with the
State formulates a District Response Plan consisting of 12 Emergency Support Functionaries (ESFs)
related to Communication, Search and Rescue, evacuation, law and order, medical response and
Trauma Counseling, water supply, electricity, warning and transport etc. All of these emergency
functions consist of emergency plans that would be activated at the time of emergency.
The ESFs document outlines the purpose, scope, organization setup and Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) for each function of operation that is to be followed by the respective ESF agencies
when the Incident commander activates the response plan. Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs)
provides a basic concept of the operations and responsibilities of Disaster Management Team, Nodal
and Secondary agencies.
Standard Operating Procedure for various types of Disasters

Immediate actions to be taken by major ESFs during building collapse

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

ESF # Function Nodal Support Agency Immediate actions to be taken by

Agency ESFs

ESF 1 Law & Order Delhi Delhi Civil Defence • Cordon off the affected area
Police and Home Guards, to facilitate the Search and
Volunteers. Rescue Operations.
• Mob management.
• Traffic management for
facilitating the free
movement of vehicles to the
affected area. (Especially
Emergency Vehicles).
• Maintenance of law and
order in the site.
• Important warning
• The Volunteers will also
assist the Delhi Police in
maintenance of law and order
at the site.

ESF 2 Search & Rescue Delhi Fire Police, Civil Defence, • Evacuate the persons from
Services NCC, NDRF, local the debris.
representative, • The Civil Defence
Volunteers will assist the
Delhi Fire Service Personnel
in Search and Rescue
ESF 3 Medical Delhi NDMC, SDMC, • Set up a emergency first aid
Response/Trauma Health CATS, Civil Defence, & triage centre on the site
Services St. John Ambulance • Transport the casualties to
the hospitals.
Brigade, Hospitals,
• Hospital management as per
NGO representatives
the SOP of hospital.
• Medical support to Response
• Medical Support at
temporary shelters
• C.D. assist the Medical team
in providing first aid and
transportation of casualties

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

ESF 4 Equipment Support SDMC PWD, DJB, DDA, • Provide immediate

& Debris NDMC, DMRC, equipments support for
Clearance Private builders debris Clearances
• Manpower for debris
• Coordinate with supporting
agencies for required
ESF 5 Electricity BSES NDPL, DERC • Disconnect the power supply
from the local station.
• Restore supply after
complete operation/
necessary instruction.
• Will establish temporary
power supply to the incident

ESF 6 Relief & Revenue NGO Representatives, • The incident command post
Rehabilitation, Department Community will be set up at the incident
Help Lines, representatives site.
• Accommodation
arrangements will be made
for the various ESF
• If required temporary shelter
arrangements will be made.
• Damage assessment will be
conducted along with the
officials & local
• Coordination of food relief
activities as per need.
• Overall coordination with all
the ESF and update report to
state level officers.
• Media management

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

12.2 ESF Response Actions, Organizational Setup and Inter-relationships

The Response plan establishes an organized setup to conduct ESF operations for any of the Natural
and Manmade Disasters. It outlines an implementing framework of sharing resources as per the
requirement within National and State level department will be engaged to support during an
emergency situation. The Response Plan has structured the response of all line department i.e. primary
and supporting departments to be organized and function together with grouping capabilities, skills,
resources, and authorities across the State and District Government with the ESF plan. The plan
unifies the efforts of State Departments and supporting agencies to be involved in emergency
management for a comprehensive effort to reduce the effects of any emergency or disaster within the
The ESF activates under the guidance of Incident Commander (District Magistrate/ Additional District
Magistrate) who is also a head of Incident Response System (IRS). Under the IRS a team of 12 ESFs
nodal officers works together also called as Disaster Management Team (DMT). DMT would also be
constituted at District level with District level nodal officers. The members of Disaster Management
team would also heads primary agency and simultaneously coordinate with the secondary agencies.
Each of the primary and secondary agencies would also comprise of quick response team trained to
carry out their functions at the response site. The success of ESF will be of critical importance and
would reflect in the lives saved in the golden hour. Below a list of ESFs has been given which will
activate at District level during emergency situation.

Table 12.1: ESFs Activated at the Time of a Disaster

Nodal Agency/
ESF Function Supporting Agencies

ESF1 Communication MTNL private telecom service operators, mobile

phone services operators

ESF2 Evacuation Department of Delhi Police, Delhi fire Service, Directorate

Revenue of Health Service and Civil Defence etc

ESF3 Search and Rescue Delhi Fire Service Department of Revenue,Delhi Police, Civil
Defence and Directorate of Health Services,

ESF4 Law & order Delhi Police Home guards, central paramilitary forces,
Traffic Police.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

ESF5 Medical Response State Health CATS, MCD, DGHS (Central Govt), Indian
and Trauma Department Red Cross, Civil Defence, Delhi Fire Service,
Counseling Directorate of Health Service.

ESF6 Water Supply Delhi Jal Board NDMC, CGWC, CWC, Irrigation and Flood

ESF7 Relief (Food and Department of Food Department of Revenue, Urban Development,
Shelter) and Civil Supplies MCD, PWD/CPWD, MES, HUDCO, DDA

ESF8 Equipment support MCD NDMC, PWD, CPWD, Cant Board, Military
Engineering Services and Traffic Police.

ESF9 Help lines, Department of Department of Information and Publicity,

warning Revenue MTNL, AIR, Doordarshan, UNI, Press
dissemination Information Bureau, Press Trust of India, PTI

ESF10 Debris and Road MCD NDMC, PWD, CPWD, Cant Board, Military
clearance Engineering Services and Traffic Police.

ESF11 Electricity Secy. Power TRANSCO, BSES, NDPL, DERC

ESF12 Transport Secy. Transport DTC, DMRC, Northern Railways, Civil

Aviation, PWD, MCD and Civil Defence,
Delhi Traffic Police.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Emergency Support Functionaries of West Delhi

All ESFs have to assist the Incident Commander i.e. District Magistrate at District level as per their
assigned duties described in the SOP’s. A detailed organizational setup of all ESFs and team leaders
has been given below.

12.2.1 ESF - 1 Communications

The communication ESF is primarily responsible for restoration of communication facilities. The ESF
on Communication should ensure the smooth flow of information that can cater to the outreach in a
time-sensitive manner at state level in response efforts.

Situation Assumptions
• There would be a congestion in the network because of increased calls to control rooms due to
panic created in the community.
• The initial reports on damage may not give a clear picture of the extent of damage to
communication network.
• The affected site may cut off from the state control rooms and the officials on site and find
difficulty in communicating to the District/State EOC.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Nodal agency at state level:Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. (MTNL)

Suggested supporting agencies: NIC, Revenue wireless, Ham Operators, Private tele-communication
service operators and mobile phone services operators

SOPs for Nodal Agency:

• Team leader (TL) of Communication ESF will activate the ESF on receiving the intimation of
occurrence of the disaster from the State EOC.
• TL would inform Nodal Officers (NOs) of support agencies about the event and ESF activation.
• TL would establishes contact with the District EOC for First Information Report
• TL requests for reports from local ESF contact persons (this would be the local office of ESF
Nodal Agency) to understand the current situation and action taken
• Based on information given by the supporting agencies, TL decides on the need to launch an
assessment mission to estimate the extent of damage to telecom services and network as well as to
come up with possible arrangements to establishing reliable and appropriate network.
• TL communicates situation to supporting agencies and also requests to provide details on the status
of equipment and infrastructure in the affected area(s).
• TL informs the Incident Commander on the status of telecom services.
• TL works out a plan of action for private telecom companies and convenes a meeting of all ESF
members to discuss and finalise the modalities.
• TL issues orders to establish systems and reports to State and District EOCs on the action taken.
New phone numbers and details of contact persons would also be communicated. If required
mobile exchanges would be deployed.
• TL gets the temporary telephone facilities established for the public. Prior information on this
would be announced through media
• HAM radio operators would be informed about the current requirements and coordination
mechanisms shared.
• TL monitors the situation and arranges emergency staff required to operate established systems.
• TL sends the District Quick Response (SQR) team at the affected site with the required equipments
and other resources.

SOPs for Quick Response Team on Communication

• The QRT (Quick Response Team) members will reach to the nodal office as soon as they will get
instructions from the TL.
• Once the QRTs receive any intimation from the nodal officer to reach at the site they would rush to
the site.
• At the emergency site QRT members will take stock of the situation from the IC and would also
know about their counter parts.
• QRTs would assess the ground situation and would send sectoral report to the State ESF agency. A
sectoral report would contain following contents:

• An assessment of overall damage, listing specifically:

• Overhead route damage (in miles/kilometers).
• Cable damage (in yards/meters).
• Specific equipment damaged.
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

• Establish a temporary communication facility for use by the public

• Identify requirements of manpower, vehicles and other materials and equipments Give priority and
concentrate on repairs and normalization of communication system at disaster affected areas.
• Begin restoration by removing and salvaging wires and poles from the roadways with
the help of casual labourers.
• Carry out temporary building repairs to establish a secured storage area for the s
equipments and salvaged materials.
• Report all activities to head office
• Begin restoration by removing and salvaging wires and poles from the roadways
through recruited casual labourers.
• Establish a secure storage area for incoming equipments and salvaged materials.

12.2.2 ESF - 2 Evacuations

The ESF on evacuation is primarily responsible forestablishing evacuation plans, identification of
fastest evacuation routes and alternate routes and coordinating evacuation logistics during field

Situation Assumptions
• Most of the buildings would be damaged and would not remain serviceable.
• Many structures would be damaged and there would be an urgent need to evacuate.

Nodal agency at state level:Department of Revenue

Suggested supporting agencies: Delhi Police, Delhi fire Service, Directorate of Health Service and
Civil Defence, NCC, Army etc

SOPs for Nodal Agency:

• Team leader (TL) of Evacuation ESF would activate the ESF on receiving the warning of the
disaster from State EOC.
• TL would inform Nodal Officers (NOs) of supporting agencies about the event and ESF activation.
• TL will direct the QRTs to be deployed at the affected site.
• TL will gather information on availability of predefined evacuation routes.
• Where the predefined evacuation routes are not available, the nodal officer would coordinate
through State EOC with other ESFs nodal officers and the support agencies about clearing of
routes and identifying alternate routes.

SOPs for Quick Response Team on Evacuation

• The QRT members will reach the nodal office as soon as they get instructions to do so from the
• Once the quick response teams receive an order from the nodal officer for reaching the site they
would rush to the site.
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

• On reaching at the site the QRT members will take stock of the situation from the Incident
Management Team at the site and their counter parts.
• The quick response teams with the help of local task forces will start evacuating peoples to safe
shelters or open areas.
• The QRT members should concentrate more on evacuation in areas that have been worst affected
by the disasters.
• Reporting about all the activities to head office

12.2.3 ESF - 3 Search and Rescue

Background: Search and Rescue operations are one of the primary activities taken up in a post
disaster situation. The promptness in these operations can make a remarkable difference in the amount
of loss of life and property.

Situation Assumptions
• Local community task forces will initiate search and rescue at residential level
• Spontaneous volunteers will require coordination
• Access to affected areas will be limited.
• Some sites may be accessible only through air routes only

Suggested Nodal Agency:Delhi Fire Service

Support agency:Department of Revenue,Delhi Police, Army, Civil Defence and Directorate of Health

SOPs for Nodal Agency

• IC will call the TL of Primary Agency and get the ESF activated.
• TL of primary agency will call nodal officers of supporting agencies.
• TL would activate the State Quick Response Team.
• Quick Assessment of the S& R operations through Aerial surveys
• Assessments of the specific skill sets and the other equipments required.
• Using IDRN network to check and map the availability of resources in and round the disaster site.

SOP for Quick Response Team on Search & Rescue

• Assessment of damage (locations, number. of structures damaged, severity of damage)
• The QRTs will be deployed at the affected site.
• Enlisting the types of equipment required for conducting the S&R
• QRTs will report the situation and the progress in response activities to the respective EOCs.

12.2.4 ESF - 4 Law and Order


The ESF on Law and Order maintains the law and protects the property and valuable commodities. It
is mainly responsible to control crowd and avoid riots situations.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Situation Assumptions
• There would be panic and people will gather at a place.
• The crowds may go out of control.
• Riots may also take place.

State Nodal Agency:Delhi Police Service

Suggested Support Agencies: Civil Defence and Home guards, Central Paramilitary Forces, Army etc.

SOPs for Nodal Agency

• IC will call the TL of Primary Agency and get the ESF activated.
• TL of primary agency will call nodal officers of supporting agencies.
• TL would activate the State Quick Response Team.
• The QRTs will be deployed at the affected site.
• Cordoning of area to restrict movement of onlookers, vehicular and pedestrian traffic should be
• Any additional requirements at site to be taken care of.

SOP for Quick Response Team on Law and order

• Quick assessment of law and order situation in affected areas
• Support and coordinate with Local Administration
• Prepare updates on the law and order situation every 4-6 hours and brief the authorities
• Controlling situations like rioting and looting, and cordon off sensitive areas
• QRTs will guide property and valuables in affected areas.
• Control and monitor traffic movement.
• QRTs will provide diversion of traffic on alternate routes as and when it is necessary.
• The QRTs will also provide information about traffic flow along various corridors, especially
heavy traffic or congested roads.
• QRTs will communicate to police control rooms, details on the field activities including
deployment and reinforcement of staff and resources and communicate nature of additional

12.2.5ESF -5 Medical Responses and Trauma Counseling


The ESF on Medical Response and Trauma Counseling will look after emergency treatment for the
injured people immediate after the disaster take place.

Situation Assumptions
• Emergency Medical services will be required by affected population
• Likely outbreaks of epidemic diseases after the disaster.
• Hospital services would be affected

Suggested Nodal Agency: State Health Department

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Suggested Support Agencies:CATS, MCD, DGHS (Central Govt), Indian Red Cross, Civil Defence,
Delhi Fire Service

SOPs for Nodal Agency

• IC will call the TL of Primary Agency and get the ESF activated.
• Team leader (TL) of primary agency will call nodal officers of supporting agencies.
• In coordination with the transportation ESF, it will ensure a critical number of medical
professionals to be reached at the site including specialists from other states.
• If temporary housing arrangements are being made for the affected population, the ESF must
ensure high standards of sanitation in settlements in order to reduce epidemic outbreak.
• Ensuring the provision and continuous supply of medical facilities (medicines, equipments,
ambulances, doctors and manpower etc) required at the disaster affected site and the hospital
health centers catering to disaster victims.
• In case of orthopedic care required in disasters like earthquakes the immediate response would
have to be complimented by a follow up treatment schedule for a majority of the patients in/ near
their place of residence.
• Trained professionals should be mobilized by psychosocial support.
• Ensuring setting up of temporary information centers at hospitals with the help of ESF through
help lines and warning dissemination system.
• TL will coordinate, direct, and integrate state level response to provide medical and sanitation
health assistances.
• On the recommendations of the EOC, the TL also responsible to :
• Send required medicines, vaccines, drugs, plasters, syringes, etc.
• Arrange for additional blood supply. Send additional medical personnel equipped with food,
bedding and tents etc.
• Send vehicles and any additional medical equipment.

SOP for Quick Response Team (QRT) on Medical Response and Trauma Counselling
• QRTs will provide situation and progress report s on the action taken by the team to the respective
• QRT’s will assess type of injuries, number of people affected and possible medical assistance
• QRTs will ensure timely response to the needs of the affected victims such as:
• Establishing health facility and treatment centers at disaster sites.
• Providing medical services as reported by the District Civil Surgeon with District Control
• Procedures should be clarified in between:
o Peripheral hospitals
o Private hospitals
o Blood banks
o General hospitals and
o Health services established at transit camps, relief camps and affected villages.
• QRTs should maintain check posts and surveillance at each railway junction, ST (full form) depots
and all entry and exit points from the affected area, especially during the threat or existence of an

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

12.2.6ESF- 6 Water Supply


The ESF on drinking water and water supply will ensure provision of basic quantity of clean drinking
water and water for other purposes in a manner that does not allow the spread of diseases through the
contamination of water.

Situation Assumptions
• Existing water storage bodies will be damaged and unusable.
• There would be an urgent need of water to assist victims in rescue operation.
• Break down of sanitation system.
• Contamination of water due to outflow from sewers or due to breakage of water pipelines.

State Nodal agency:Delhi Jal Board

Support Agency:MCD, Irrigation and Flood Control

SOPs for Nodal Agency

• Team leader (TL) of ESF on Water Supply will activate the ESF on receiving the intimation of the
disaster from State EOC.
• TL would inform Nodal Officers (NOs) of support agencies about the event and ESF activation.
• TL will ensure special care for women with infants and pregnant women.
• Provide for sending additional support along with food, bedding, tents
• Send vehicles and any additional tools and equipments needed.

SOP for Quick Response Team (QRT) on Water Supply

• QRTs will ensure that supply of drinking water is made available at the affected site and relief
• QRT’s will ensure the temporary sewerage lines and drainage lines are kept separate.
• QRTs will report the situation and the progress on action taken by the team to the EOC.
• QRTs will intimate their TL of the additional resources needed.
• Carry out emergency repairs of all damages to water supply systems.
• Assist health authorities to identify appropriate sources of potable water.
• Identify unacceptable water sources and take necessary precautions to ensure that no water is
accessed from such sources, either by sealing such arrangements or by posting the department
• Arrange for alternate water supply and storage in all transit camps, feeding centres, relief camps,
cattle camps, and also the affected areas, till normal water supply is restored.
• Ensure that potable water supply is restored as per the standards and procedures laid down in
“Standards for Potable Water”.
• Plan for emergency accommodations for staff from outside the area.
• QRTs will ensure timely response to the needs of the affected victims.
• QRTs will set up temporary sanitation facilities at the relief camps.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

12.2.7ESF – 7& 9 Reliefs (Food and Shelter)/ Helpline warning and Dissemination

Back Ground
In the event of a disaster there would be a need of disbursing relief materials due to massive
destruction of life and property taken place. The ESF on Relief should ensure coordination of activities
involving with the emergency provisions of temporary shelters, emergency mass feeding and bulk
distribution of relief supplies to the disaster victims as also the disaster managers and relief workers.
Situation Assumptions
• Probability of shortage of a critical resources
• Immediate assistance to the community at the time of resource shortage particularly when
affected area is larger.

State Nodal Agency: Department of Food and Civil Supplies

Support Agency:Department of Revenue, Urban Development, Municipal Corporation of Delhi,

PWD, Delhi Development Authority.

SOPs for nodal agency

• TL will activate the ESF on receiving the information of the disaster from State EOC.
• TL would inform Nodal Officers (NOs) of support agencies about the event and ESF activation.
• TL will coordinate with all state and District level suppliers as identified with under IDRN.
• TL with coordinate with other ESFs related to transportation, debris and road clearance to ensure
quality supply chain management of relief materials.
• Ensuring composite relief with availability of complimentary relief material.

SOP for Quick Response Team (QRT) on Relief

• QRTs will report to site of the relief camps
• QRTs will be responsible to manage and distribute relief items to the affected victims
• QRT’s will be responsible for reporting the progress on action taken by the team to the EOC.
• QRTs will provide information to their TL about the need of additional resources.
• Clearing of the areas to establish relief camps
• Setting up relief camps and tents using innovative methods that can save time
• Assist local authorities to set up important telecom and other service related facilities
• Initiate, direct and market procurement of food available from different inventories and reassuring
food supplies to the affected population
• Preparing take-home food packets for the families
• Ensuring distribution of relief material to the all the people including vulnerable groups of the
target area such as women with infants, pregnant women, children, aged people and handicapped.
• Ensuring support to Local Administration
• Locating adequate relief camps based on damage survey
• Develop alternative arrangements for population living in structures that might be affected even
after the disaster.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

12.2.8ESF- 8 & 10 Equipment support, Debris and Road clearance

The importance of this ESF emanates from the fact that most large scale hazards such as earthquakes,
cyclones, floods primarily affect the building structures.
Situation Assumptions
• Access to disaster-affected area would depend upon the re-establishment of ground and water
• Early damage assessment may be incomplete, inaccurate and general. A rapid assessment may be
required to determine response time.
• Engineers and masons may be required in large scale for the inspection of present buildings

State nodal agency:Municipal Corporation of Delhi

Support Agencies:PWD, DDA, DMRC, DTC,

SOPs for Nodal Agency:

• Team leader (TL) will activate the ESF on receiving the information of the disaster from State
• TL would inform Nodal Officers (NOs) of support agencies about the event and ESF activation.
• TL will coordinate with the supporting agency to mobilize equipments from the ware houses
through IDRN database
• The respective supporting agencies will contact their respective personal to move the equipments
to central warehouse
• The equipments like JCB, concrete cutters identified as per the need will be transported to the site.
• As per the information the nodal officer of Debris road clearance will make an assessment on of
the damages of roads and built structures at the site and surrounding areas
• The nodal officers of Supporting Agencies will immediately start debris clearance operation to
enable movement to the affected site.
• Review of the current situation is taken up by the nodal agency to update the support agencies and
to delegate their respective personnel to take precautionary measure to plan de-routes for the
transportation ESF’s to be operational
• All supporting agencies will inspect the road and rail network and structures within the disaster site
and surrounding.
• TL will also ensure proper corpse disposal and post mortem by coordinating with ESF on medical

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

12.2.9ESF – 11 Electricity


The ESF on electricity will facilitate restoration of electricity distribution systems after a disaster. In
the event of a disaster there would be major electricity failure and many power stations damaged.

Situation assumptions

• Prolonged electricity failure.

• The affected victims may be panicked
• Halt of all activities specially jamming communication networking systems in the affected site.

State nodal agency:State Department of Power

Support Agencies: BSES, NDPL

SOPs for Nodal Agency:

• IC will call the TL of Primary Agency and get the ESF activated.
• TL of primary agency will call nodal officers of supporting agencies.
• TL would activate the State Quick response Team.
• The QRTs will be deployed at the affected site.
• TL will dispatch emergency repair teams equipped with tools, tents and food.

SOP for Quick Response Team on Electricity

• The QRT members will reach the nodal office as soon as they get instructions to do so from the
• QRT members would reach to the site immediately after receiving instructions from the nodal
• On the site QRT members will take stock of the situation from the IC at the site and their counter
• The QRTs will coordinate, collect, process, report and display essential elements of information
and facilitate support for planning efforts in response operations.
• Begin repairing and reconstruction work
• Assisting hospitals in establishing an emergency supply by assembling generators and other
emergency equipments, if necessary.
• The members of QRTs will establish temporary electricity supplies for other key public and
private water systems
• The members of QRTs will establish temporary electricity supplies for transit camps, feeding
centers, relief camps and SOC, District Control Room and on access roads to the same.
• The members of QRTs will establish temporary electricity supplies for relief material godowns.
• Compile an itemized assessment of damage, from reports made by various electrical receiving
centers and sub-centers.
• Report about all the activities to the head office.
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

12.2.10ESF -12 Transport


The ESF on Transport should ensure smooth transportation links at state and District level. Within the
disaster context, quick and safe movement of material and humans are a priority. It should coordinate
the use of transportation resources to support the needs of emergency support forces requiring
transport capacity to perform their emergency response, recovery and assistance missions.

Situation assumptions
• The state civil transportation infrastructure will sustain damage, limiting access to the disaster area.
• Access will improve as routes are cleared and repaired.
• The movement of relief supplies will create congestion in the transportation services.

State nodal agency: State Department of Transport

Support Agencies:DTC, DMRC, Northern Railways, Civil Aviation, PWD, MCD and Civil Defence

SOPs for Nodal Agency:

• TL of Transportation ESF will activate the ESF on receiving the intimation of the disaster from
State EOC.
• TL would inform Nodal Officers (NOs) of support agencies about the event and ESF activation.
• TL establishes contact with the District EOC for FIR
• TL requests for reports from local Transportation ESF contact person
• TL communicates situation to support agencies and requests for detailed information on the status
of transportation infrastructure in the affected area(s).

SOP for Quick Response Team on Transport

• The QRT members will reach to the nodal office as soon as they will get instructions to do so from
the TL.
• As quick response teams will receive instructions from the nodal officer they would reach to the
site immediately.
• QRTs would report the situation and the progress on action taken by the team to the respective
• QRT will send a requirement schedule for the different modes of transportation eg. trucks, boats,
helicopters to be put on stand-by.
• QRTs will ensure timely re-establishment of the critical transportation links.
• The members of QRTs will establish temporary electricity supplies for relief material go-downs.
• Compile an itemized assessment of damage, from reports made by various electrical receiving
centers and sub-centers.
• Reporting about all activities to the head office.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Table 12.2: SOPs for Community Task Forces

Task Force Group Primary Secondary

Search and Rescue To trace and locate people who are Administering primary health care to
physically trapped and distressed, rescued victims
people in the buildings and houses
etc. Assisting the sanitation group in carcass
disposal and the cremation of dead bodies
To move out these people to the
safe locations identified in advance
and to organize further care Coordination with the evacuation team to
shift rescued persons to safe shelters in
case of recurring heavy rains

First Aid and Health To provide primary health care to Assisting the sanitation team to inoculate
the ill or injured until more against water borne and other diseases
advanced care is provided and the
patient is transported to a hospital Assisting the communication team to
disseminate precautionary information on
post-disaster health hazards and remedies

Water Restoring and maintaining the Assisting the sanitation team in ensure
water supply and minimum quality that there is enough water stored in
and quantity parameters buckets at latrines and for bathing

Assisting the sanitation team in deciding

the location for the construction of
latrines away from ground water sources

Assisting the shelter group to ensure that

there is sufficient water stored in the
water tank in the safe shelter

Sanitation To ensure that the minimum basic Assisting the shelter team to ensure that
facilities such as temporary toilets water spouts and water harvesting tanks
and common bathing units are at the safe shelter are clean and functional
constructed near the relief camp,
that these facilities and the
surroundings are kept clean, Assisting the relief group to ensure that
garbage disposed, dead bodies containers for storing water are clean,
cremated and that normal drainage narrow necked and covered
systems function smoothly

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Relief Coordination To establishing contact with the Coordinating with the shelter group in the
District Control Room and distribution of material for the
organizing the distribution of construction of temporary shelters
assistance in terms of food, water,
medicines and so on, in a fair and
equitable manner Assisting the shelter group to ensure that
the safe shelter is well stocked in terms of
dry food, water and so on in order to cater
for the needs of evacuees after a cyclone
or flood warning has been issued

Warning and To ensure that: (a) the warning of Assisting the relief group in
communication the impending disaster reaches disseminating information about the
every single household, thereby quantity and type of ration to be
allowing people to take timely distributed for each distribution cycle
action to protect their lives and
property (b) accurate information
is provided regularly as events Assisting the sanitation group in raising
unfold (c) information flows awareness about water borne diseases and
quickly and reliably upwards to vaccination programs
District level and downwards from
District level to
Village level.

Evacuation and To construct/identify maintain and Assisting the communities in accessing

make repairs to the flood shelter, to compensation
Temporary Shelter evacuate people on receipt of a
Management warning and to make all the
necessary arrangements to Assisting the relief group in stocking up
accommodate evacuees during a dry food, medicines, water and temporary
flood. shelter materials

Assisting the sanitation group in the

construction of latrines, soak pits and
drainage channels

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - I


List of Police Stations and Fire Service Stations

1. Police Stations

S. No. Name Of Police Station Name of Fire Stations

1. Police Station, Tilak Nagar Moti Nagar
2. Police Station,Rajouri Garden Jwalapuri
3. Police Station, Hari Nagar Tikri Kalan
4. Police Station, Kirti Nagar Paschim Vihar
5. Police Station, Punjabi Bagh Hari Nagar
6. Police Station, Pachim Prasad Nagar
7. Police Station, Ranhaula Kirti Nagar
8. Police Station,Nangloi Rajender Nagar
9. Police Station,Patel Nagar Jwala Heri
10. Police Station, Moti Nagar Udyog Nagar
11. Police Station,Anand Parbat
12. Police Station, Nihal Vihar
13. Police Station, Khyala
14. Police Station, Paschim Vihar
15. Police Station, Mundka
16. Police Station, Ranjeet Nagar

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure – II
Directory- District West – Disaster Management:


S. Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax Mobile No.

No No.
1. Ms. Neha Bansal District DM Office, GNCTD (O)25107118 9476002916
(IAS) Magistrate , 3, Shivaji Place,
Raja Garden, New
2. Sh. Dharmendra Additional DM Office, GNCTD (O)25107117 7834848514
Kumar District , 3, Shivaji Place, 7503137001
Magistrate Raja Garden, New
3. Sh. Nishant Bodh SDM SDM Office (PB), (O)25947588 9599896607
(Punjabi Bagh) Main Rohtak Road, (O)25967590
Nangloi, Delhi-41. (F)25947588

4. Sh. Ranjeet Kumar SDM DM Office, GNCTD (O)25170146 9650986709

Singh (Rajouri Garden) , 3, Shivaji Place,
Raja Garden, New
5. Sh. Neeraj Dhawan SDM DM Office, GNCTD (O)25170141 9811242824
(Patel Nagar) , 3, Shivaji Place,
Raja Garden, New
6. Sh. V.K. Tyagi SDM (Election) DM Office, GNCTD 9818644882
, 3, Shivaji Place,
Raja Garden, New
7. Sh. Inder Raj Gera Account Officer DM Office, GNCTD 9899448307
, 3, Shivaji Place,
Raja Garden, New
8. Sh. Dharmender S.R.(Janakpuri) Room No. 21, DDA (O)25554687 9013163244
Building Janakpuri,
9. Sh. Mithlesh Kumar S.R. S R office, Opp. (O) 25938222 9968416968
(Basai Dara Pur) Rajdhani College
Park, Main Road
Raja Garden Basai
10. Sh. Manjeet Rathi S.R. IIA ESR IIA, Main (O)25966312 8708678194
Rohtak Road, Near
Nangloi Metro
Station Nangloi,
12. Sh. Brijesh Kumar Tehsildar DM Office, GNCTD 9953917492
(Patel Nagar) , 3, Shivaji Place,
Raja Garden, New
13. Sh. Kuldeep Kumar Tehsildar DM Office, GNCTD 9813326775
(Punjabi Bagh) , 3, Shivaji Place,

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Raja Garden, New


14. Sh. Rajender Minz Tehsildar DM Office, GNCTD 9818700843

(Rajouri Garden) , 3, Shivaji Place,
Raja Garden, New
15. Sh. Ankur Mandovra D.I.O. NIC 7982298142

16. Mrs. Anita Rahul System Analyst NIC/Computer 9871049161

Branch 9312478013

17. Mrs. Neeru Superintendent DM Office, GNCTD 8527687530

Election , 3, Shivaji Place,
Raja Garden, New
18. Post Vacant (link BDO (West) Nangloi, near 9818007183
officer/Addl. Charge SDM(PB) office.
Sh. Sadanand Jha)
19. Sh. Mohit Sharma District Project DM Office, GNCTD (O)25170142 9958135477
Officer (West) , 3, Shivaji Place, (O)25195529 9910737908
Raja Garden, New
20. Sh. Nishant Project DM Office, GNCTD (O)25170142 7982680492
Bodhwani Coordinator(I) , 3, Shivaji Place, (O)25195529 7838836907
Raja Garden, New
21. Vacant Project DM Office, GNCTD (O)25170142
Coordinator(II) , 3, Shivaji Place, (O)25195529
Raja Garden, New
22. Ms. Sushma Data Entry DM Office, Plot No. (O)25170142 9654758728
Operator 3, Shivaji Place, Raja (O) 25195529
Garden, New Delhi

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax No. Mobile No.
1. Sh. Atul Garg (Delhi) Director Delhi Fire Service, Near (O)23414000 9818023583
Super Bazar, GNCTD, (F)23412593
C.P., Delhi
2. Sh. Rajeev Kumar Deputy Chief Fire Delhi Fire Service, Near (O)23412450 9810705870
Officer (West) Super Bazar, GNCTD, (O)23412235
C.P., Delhi
3. Sh. Dharam Pal Deputy Chief Fire Delhi Fire Service, Moti (O)25104544 9899130700
Bhardwaj Officer (West) Nagar, Moti Nagar Work
Deputy Chief Fire Shop.
Sh. Virender Singh Officer (West) 9891010690

4. Sh. Mukesh Verma Div. Fire Officer Fire Station, Moti Nagar, 25101151 9810445332
(Moti Nagar, Paschim
Vihar, Kirti Nagar)
5. Sh. M. K. Div. Fire Officer Fire Station, Shankar 28742222 9911303380
Chattopadhayay Road, Rajender Nagar,
Sub Station Delhi
Sh. Mohit Kumar Officer Rajender Nagar 8586860894
6. Sh. Aman Kumar Station Officer, Fire Station, Moti Nagar, 25101151 9810719750
Moti Nagar Delhi
Asst. Div. Fire
Sh. A. K. Jaiswal Officer 9868812990
7. Sh. Sandeep Duggal (ADO)Hari Fire Station, hari Nagar 25141433 8800253474
Nagar, Station
8. Sh. Ashok Kumar Station Officer, Fire Station, 25934846 9868038436
Sharma Kirti Nagar Kirti Nagar, Delhi

9. Sh. Sunder Sehrawat Station Officer, Fire Station, Jwala Puri, 25286717 9810642498
Jwala Puri Delhi
Sh. A. K. Jaiswal (Jwala Heri, Jwala Puri,
(ADO) Jwala Puri PVC Mkt, Tikari Kalan) 9868812990
10. Sh. Satyawan Station Officer, Fire Station, Jwala Heri, 25277201 9013894122
Jwala Heri Delhi
11. Sh. Prakash Veer Station Officer, Fire Station, Paschim 25262095 9911146869
Rathi Paschim Vihar Vihar,Delhi

12. Sh. Bhupender Station Officer Fire Station, Hari Nagar, 25141433 9968924748
Parkash Hari Nagar Delhi
Station Officer
13. S.T. O. Mahender Station Officer, Fire Station, Prasad 25751999 9871436068
Singh Prasad Nagar Nagar, Delhi
S.O. Lokesh Sub. Fire officer
14. Sh. Satyawan Rathi Station Officer, Fire Station, Tikri Kalan, 9813449875
Tikri Kalan , PVC Mkt., Delhi-41
Sh. Dev Prakash 9911185261
15. Sh. Govind Station Officer, Fire Station Udyog 25962986 9868737960
Udyog Nagar Nagar

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. Name Designation Official Address Phone No. Mobile No.

Sh. Deepak Deputy Commissioner of Vishal Enclave 25453992 , 9818099049
Purohit Police-West Police Station 25166508,
Rajouri Garden 25166508
Deputy Commissioner of 25166509 9818099069
Sh. Sameer Police West-(I) 25458369
Sharma 8750871103
Deputy Commissioner of
Police West-(II) PoliceLine, 27034874
Pitampura, near 27034873
Sh. Sobodh Bhagwan Mahavir 9818099050
Kumar Goswami Hospital, Delhi-34

2. Dr. A.Koan Deputy Commissioner of Police Police Line, 27034874 9818099050

– Outer District Pushpanjali 27034877
3. Sh. Sanjay Bhatia DCP Central 23274717 9818099044

Sh Rohit Meena Addl. DCP Central 9818099064

4. Sh. Shankar Deputy Commissioner of Police DCP(West) office 25513451 8130099060
Chaudhary (Traffic) Complex, C-Block
5. Sh. Piyush Jain ACP Patel PS Patel Nagar P.S. Patel Nagar 25873400 8750870408
Nagar PS Anand Parbat
PS Ranjeet Nagar
6. Sh. Rajender ACP Tilak PS Khyla P. S. Tilak Nagar 25407901 8750871107
Bhatia Nagar PS Vikas puri
(West) PS Tilak Nagar
7. Sh. Ram Singh ACP, PS Hari Nagar P. S. Rajouri 25446901 8750871106
Rajouri PS Janak Puri Garden
Garden PS Rajouri
8. Sh Kumar ACP PS Punjabi Bagh ACP Office 25225615 8750871105
Abhishek Punjabi PS Moti Nagar Shivaji Park
Bagh PS Kirti Nagar Punjabi Bagh
9. Sh. Anand Sagar ACP PS Nangloi P.S. Nangloi 25946800 7065036106
Nangloi PS Ranhaula 25946810
PS Mundka
10. Sh. Vinay Mathur ACP PS Nihal Vihar P.S. Paschim Vihar 7065036107
Paschim PS Miyanwali/ 25257041
Vihar Paschim Vihar
PS Paschim Vihar
PS Kanjhawla
11. Sh. Satish ACP T.I. Punjabi Bagh Near MIG Chowki 25917400 8750871415
Traffic Rajouri Garden
T.I. Nangloi
12. Sh. Dharamveer Traffic Ashok Park Main - 25211924 8750871464
Inspector, Metro Station to
Punjabi Peeragarhi Chowk

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

13. Sh. Sudhir Kumar Traffic Peeragarhi Chowk Traffic Control 28342018 8750871465
Gulia Inspector , to Tikari Border Room Nangloi
Nangloi and Nangloi to
14. Sh. Bhanu Pratap T. I. Tilak Nagar - 25540450 8750871470

15. Sh. Narender T. I. Rajouri Garden - 25913187 8750871463

16. Sh. Rajendra T. I. Patel Nagar - 25876079 8750871462
17. Sh. Sunil Kumar SHO, Tilak Nagar P.S. Tilak Nagar 25409290 8750871130
18. Sh.Anil Kumar SHO, PS Rajouri Garden Vishal Enclave 25448885, 8750871127
Sharma P.S. Rajouri 25453990
19. Sh. Ajay Partap SHO, PS Hari Nagar P.S. Hari Nagar D 28123677 8750871128
Singh Blk. 28125719
20. Sh. Devinder SHO, PS Kirti Nagar P.S. 25438719, 8750871126
Yadav Kirti Nagar Timar 25190462
21. Sh. Inder Lal SHO, PS Punjabi Bagh P.S. 25225616, 8750871124
Punjabi Bagh 25225614(
Shivaji Park F)
22. Sh. Krishan SHO, PS Paschim Vihar-East P.S. Paschim 25267286, 7065036131
Ballav Jha Vihar A-2 25263471
23. Sh. SHO, PS Nangloi P.S. Nangloi 25947225, 7065036127
Vishuddhanand 25949470
24. Sh. Ramesh SHO, PS Patel Nagar P.S. Patel Nagar 25874034, 8750870434
Chander Shadi Pur 25872637
25. Sh. Sandeep Arya SHO, PS Moti Nagar P.S. Moti Nagar 25101150 8750871125

26. Sh. Mukesh SHO, PS Anand Parbat P.S. 28764807 8750870435

Kumar Anand Parbat 28762468
27. Sh. Mahavir SHO, PS, Nihal Vihar P.S. 25946710, 7065036129
Singh Nihal Vihar F Blk. 25946700
28. Sh. Kumar SHO, Khayala P.S. 28335686 8750871132
Kundan Khayla 28335696
29. Sh. Narender SHO, Ranjeet Nagar P.S. 25704009, 8750870436
Kumar Tyagi Ranjeet Nagar 25704008
30. Sh. Surender SHO Mundka P.S. 28352011- 7065036126
Sandu Mundka Main 10
Rohtak Road
31. Sh. Manmohan SHO, Ranhaula P.S. 28363001, 7065036128
Singh Ranhola Main 28363002,
Nazafragh Road 28363003
32. Sh. Tej Pal Singh SHO, Paschim Vihar (West) P.S. 25268394 7065036130
Paschim Vihar 25280979

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax No. Mobile No.

1. Dr. Sunita Prasad CDMO Dispensary Building, A-2, 25255021(O) 8745011323

Paschim Vihar 25057016(R)
2. Dr. Sudha Addl. CDMO Dispensary Building, A-2, 25281388 9811632127
Sachdewa Nodal officer Paschim Vihar 25287217
(DM) Extn:-18
3. Dr. S.C. Chetal Medical Guru Gobind Singh 25986409 9718701002
Superintendent Hospital, Raghubir Nagar 25984549

Dr. Vandana Bagga Nodal Officer 9718383942


Dr. Parminder Kaur Addl. Nodal 9718503823

4. Dr. Rajesh Kohli Nodal Officer DDU Hospital, Hari Nagar 25494336 9718990202
Sh. Atul Verma
Addl. Nodal Casualty extension 25494402 9811801102
5. Dr. Irshad Nodal Officer Acharya Shri Bhikshu 25423514 7503323168
Disaster Govt. Hospital, Moti Nagar
Dr. Ashutosh
UNK Nodal 9717478785

6. Dr. Deepak Singhal Medical Director Maharaja Agarsen Hospital, 25226645-54 9810079484
Punjabi Bagh 04777777
Dr S.S. Srivastav Ext No-6726
Nodal Officer 9958841119
7. Dr. Arpit Tiwari CMO ESI Hospital, Basai 25440741 9999801474
Darapur 25100664

8. Dr. Rajeev Khanna Nodal Officer MGS Hospital, Punjabi 45111444 9958235333
(D.M.S.) Disaster Bagh
Dr. Mausami
Sharma Medical 9810725501
9. Dr. Sunil Sumbali Medical Action Balaji Hospital, 42888888 9311507226
Superintendent Paschim Vihar
Dr. Reeta Varshane
Nodal Officer 9910098105
10. Dr. Shiny Suman Nodal Officer Patel Hospital, East Patel 25885991 9718361020
Disaster Nagar 25885944
Management 25885993
Dr. Nitin Bhagat
(link officer) Addl. Nodal Casualty 9015819142
Dr. Rajiv Kapoor

Dr. Abhinay Pandey 9811384484


District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Addl. Nodal 8585909102


11. Dr. Surender Berwa CMO MCD School 60 Block 25136678 9911386840
RMS Ashok Nagar , Tilak Nagar
12. Sh. Sandeep Kumar Administrative Bela Road Near Vijay 23860525(O) 9811593128
Sharma Officer Ghatt Yamuna Pushta 23860524(HQ)
AO (Operations) Delhi-6. 1099, 102
Ms. Sarita
Sh. Ajit Singh AO. Operations

13. Sh. Dinesh Kumar Deputy St. John Ambulance (F)23720143(O)23322237 9810501586
Sharma Commissioner Accharya Bikshu Hospital
Moti Nagar 9999068014
14. Sh. S.C. Goyal Additional St. John Ambulance 23720143 9312249957
Commissioner Accharya Bikshu Hospital 23322237
Moti Nagar
15. Sh. Ojas S. Walia Asst. St. John Ambulance 25109597 9818372354
(District level) Commissioner/ Accharya Bikshu Hospital
Additional Moti Nagar
Sh. Avtaar Singh
(Addl. Nodal Core Cordinator-
Officer) CATS
Ambulance 9811621568
Ms Devender Kaur

(Nursing Unit)
16. Vacant DMO Red Cross, Society Jt. Secretary 9810446260
Red Cross Bhawan Golf 24645155
Link, New Delhi. 24618916

Sh. N. K. Jain
Seema Puri 24618915 9811560136
Treasurer Khan Market , Golf Link 43508544
Red Cross Bhawan
17. Dr. A.K. Mehta M.D DDU Hospital, Hari Nagar 25494337 9718990182

18. Sh. R.K. Sharma SR. Master DDMA Incharge Red Cross 9953514466

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Mobile No. Email ID

No Fax No.
1. Sh. Vinay Director of Old Secretariat , 23890172,36 9811005657
Bhushan Education Near Vidhan 3
Sabha, Civil Lines,
New Delhi, Delhi
2. Sh. Harsh DDE, West Govt. Co. Ed. 25101797 9540056547 Ddewesta.delhi@rediffmail.
Arya A SSS, Industrial 25932423 com
Area, Karampura,
Moti Nagar, Delhi-
3. Dr. Reeta DDE, West B Deputy Directorate 28541734 9650798761
Sharma of Education, Dist. 28541373,
West-B, G-Block, Fax
Vikaspuri. 28546785
Smt. Alka DDE Zone 9999338974
Sehrawat (17)
4. Sh. Anil DDE 8700079418
Kumar Zone(18)

5. Sh. Rishipal DDE, MCD DC Office, SDMC, 25933047 9560595960

Rana (WZ) 5th Floor, Sahib
Singh Nigam
Bhawan, Raja
Garden, N.D.-27
Email IDs : - (West- A) (West- B) DDE (MCD) West Zone
Sh. Rishipal Rana (Addl. DDE)- 9560595960

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax No. Mobile No.
1. Sh. Trishna JSO (Civil 01 Kripa Narayan (O)23937202 9868151802
Chattopadhyay Defence) Marg, Delhi/05 Sham
Sh. Rakam Singh JSO (HG) Nath Marg, Delhi-54
2. Sh. Suresh J S O (HG) Directorate of Home (O)25106841 9868777300
Kumar Shokeen Commandant Guard, CTI Complex, (DSO/HQ)
(HQ) Raja Garden, Delhi-27 01125106847 (HQ)

3. Sh. Bupinder Sr. Chief B-135, Tagore Garden - 9910117603

Singh Warden (West) 8447019934
4. Smt. Sandhya Lady Chief Vishram Kutir, E-51, 9910711996
Gautam Warden (W) Lane No.-21, C1-
Janakpuri, Delhi
5. Sh. Suresh Sr. I. C.D. West O/o DM(West), Shivaji 25170147 9868371609
Kumar Malik Place, Raja Garden, 25170148
6. Sh. Virender IPS/D.G.H.S. Directorate of Home 25440069 9811230067
Singh (IPS) Guard, CTI Complex, 01125420336
Raja Garden, Delhi
7. Sh.Vipin Bihari Commandant Directorate of Home 25455069 9958897885
Chowdhary (H. G.) Guard, CTI Complex, 25420049 (PA)
Raja Garden, Delhi
8. Sh. Dharmender Commandant Directorate of Home 25100481 9958897884
Singh Rawat (CTI) Guard, CTI Complex, 01125100569
Raja Garden, Delhi
9. Control Directorate of 25440472,25150526
Room(Home Home Guard 25420338, 25448148
Guard) CTI Complex,
Raja Garden,

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax Mobile No.

1. Sh. Gyanesh Bharti Commissioner- 9th Floor, Dr, S.P.M. Civic 23225902 9868884001
South Zone Centre, Jawahar Lal Nehru 23225906,
Marg, New Delhi-02 PS to DC

2. Sh. Sirish Sharan Dy. Municipal SDMC Office, 2, Shivaji 25934789 8929143254
Commissioner Place, Raja Garden, Delhi- 25462486 7046302111
(West) 27
PA, S.S. Chauhan (West Zone) 9810372090
3. Sh. Abhinanu Assistant SDMC Office, 2, Shivaji 9350364694
Kumar Commissioner Place, Raja Garden, Delhi-
(West Zone)
4. Sh. Satnaam Dy. Municipal MCD Office 27283262 9868911800
(Danis) Commissioner Opp. Narela Police Station,
(Narela) Narela, Delhi-40
5. Sh. Kapil Rastogi Dy. Municipal MCD Office 25729723 8588889585
Commissioner Nigam Bhawan D.B. Gupta 25751293
(Karol Bagh) Road Karol Bagh 25740035 8800696860
Sh. Mahaveer PA to DC

6. Sh. Gopi Krishna Dy. Municipal Ist Floor, Nigam Bhawan, 23913740 8368450057
Commissioner Old Hindu College,
Kashmiri Gate, N.D
Sh. Ashok Kumar PA to DC Sadar Paharganj Zone 8130548066
(SP Zone)
7. Sh. Ajay Aggarwal Dy. Municipal MCD Building, Dhansa 011-28014302 9958297760
Commissioner Stand , Najafgarh
8. Ms. Ira Singhal Dy. Municipal A-1 Block, KPZ, School 27183138 9810932985
Commissioner Building, North DMC, N.
(Keshavpuram) D.-35 8800696643

Sh. Jagdish PA to
9. Sh. Vivek Prakash Dy. Municipal NDMC, Room No.102, 27052101 9711353866
Commissioner Rohini Zone, Sector-5,
(Rohini Zone) Delhi-85

Sh. Jagdish PA to DC(RZ)

10. Sh. Rajeev Kumar S. E. – I(B& SDMC Office, 2, Shivaji 25155382 9717788500
Jain M) Place, Raja Garden, Delhi-
(West Zone)
11. Sh. S.K. Mittal S. E.- II (B & SDMC Office, 2, Shivaji 25450035 9717788566
M0 Place, Raja Garden, Delhi- 9868698001
27 8588888012
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

(West Zone)
12. Sh. Krishan Mohan S.E.-I MCD Office 27783182 9717788021
Opp. Narela Police Station,
Sh. Rajesh Khanna S. E.- II
13. Sh. M. P. Gupta S.E.Karol MCD Office 9717788605
Bagh Zone Nigam Bhawan D.B. Gupta
Road Karol Bagh
14. Sh. B. B. Aggarwal E.E.-(M)-I, MCD Office EE(M-I), Opp. 25104172 9717788121
West Zone Madhav Park, Rajouri

15. Sh. Ashok Kr. E.E.-(M)-II MCD Office 49849508 8588888879

Meena Vishal Enclave (office)
Community Hall Rajouri
Garden (WZ)
16. Sh. Sheo charan E.E. (M)-III MCD Office 25190274 9868698656
Yadav E.E. M-III, C-Block,
Vishal Enclave, Behind
Kukreja Hospital,Tagore
17. Sh. R.C. Meena E.E. (M)-IV MCD Office, Moti Nagar 25417094
Primary School B
Block.(West Zone)
18. Sh. Bhupendra E.E. , Building MCD Offic e 9717787944
Singh Opp Narela Police
19. Sh. Inderjeet E.E. (M)-I MCD Office 9717788006
Opp Narela Police
Sh. A. K. Singh E.E. (M)-II Station,Narela 7838834065
20. Sh. Tejveer E.E. (M)- I MCD Office 25781350 8588887788
Nigam Bhawan D.B. Gupta
Road Karol Bagh
21. Sh. J.P. Verma E. E. (M)-II MCD Office 9717788322
Nigam Bhawan D.B. Gupta
Road Karol Bagh
22. Sh. Raj Anand Disaster MCD, West Zone Gate No- 9717787679
Management 4, Ambedkar Stadium,
Center Delhi Gate
Sh. Sandeep Raghubir 9717787986
Sharma (Nodal Nagar, S.E.
Officer) (E&M)
Sh. H. R. Singal-J.E 9717750048
Sh. Rajpal Meena
23. Control Narela Zone: 27283783 25422700(WZ) 25812700 (KBZ)
Room(MCD) Rohini Zone:27050132, 270427002 25191016 25754339
Najafgarh Road:28011235, 28013283 25191014 25754341
Karol Bagh Zone:-25812700,25754339 25754341
West Zone:- 25422700,25191016 25754339
MCD HQ-1266, 23220006, 23220016-10
Civil Line-23942700 25321235(NZ)
S.P. Zone:-23913773 25322818
Keshavpuram Zone:-27183149
District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Mobile No.

Fax No.
1. Sh. Rakesh Chief Engineer MU Block Pitam Pura 27344701 9650291200
West, DJB Near City Park Hotel
2. Sh. Mukesh Jindal S. E. (North- MU Block Pitam Pura 27344701 9650291130
West) Near City Park Hotel

3. Sh. Dalbir Singh S.E. (West) OEE, Water Head Tank, 25257776 9650290773
Outer Ring Road,
Paschim Vihar
4. Sh. L.K. Sharma E.E. (W)-I Beriwala Bagh, Hari 25125273 9650291390
Civil Nagar

5. Sh. Trilok Chand E.E. (W)-II O/o AE, D, Block, Moti 25913870 9650291212
Nagar, Near ABG
6. Sh. S. K. Mandal Z.E. (W)-III O/o AE, D. Block, Moti 25913870 9650291472
Nagar, Near ABG 25913870
7. Sh. Ashok E.E. (W) Phase-III, Nangloi, 25471004 8800094950
Chaudhary Near barat Ghar, Delhi-
8. Mr. Naresh E.E. (W) Project Water-9, 011-27303265 9650290803
Kumar Dargan Project Water- Overhead Tank , Ashok 27641386
IX Vihar, Delhi-52
9. Control Room Punjabi Bagh West 1 – 25193140
DJB(HQ) West II Rajouri Garden
01123641386, 25174140
Paschim Vihar

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax Mobile No.

1. Ms. Ankit Mishra Commissioner K-Block, Vikas 23378759 9868656125
Bundela (IAS) Bhawan, IP Estate,
New Delhi-02
2. Sh. Mukesh Spl. K-Block, Vikas 23379311 7838206754
Kumar Dwiwedi Commissioner Bhawan, IP Estate,
New Delhi-02
3. Sh. Hukam Chand Asst. C-1/52, Community 23379836 9899324130
Commissioner Centre, Janakpuri,
4. Mahabir Singh FSO Circle 11 Nihal Vihar, Nangloi 25942400 9968231294
(Addl.)(Nangloi) Jaat, Circle 11
5. Dinesh Kumar FSO Circle 12 Food and Supply 27923273 9811482751
Ahlawat (Mangolpuri) Office, O-block,
Mangol Puri, near
water tank
6. Sh. Deepak FSO Circle 26 F&S Office, circle-26, 25219933 9911501572
Bhardwaj (Madipur) DDA Market, Paschim
Puri, pkt-2, near
community centre
7. Sh. P.L. Meena FSO Circle 27 J-40, Vishnu Garden, 25982256 9818701099
(Rajouri Near Sheetla Mata
Garden) Mandir.
8. Sh. Sudhir Kumar Hari Nagar 14-B, LIG Flats, Hari 28123182 8800744753
Yadav FSO Circle -28 Nagar, New Delhi
9. Sh. Ashok Kumar FSO Circle 29 12 Block, Community 25990839 8826640889
(Tilak Nagar) Centre, Tilak Nagar
10. Sh. Satyaveer FSO, Moti 7838311292
(FSO Circle-25)
Deepak Sareen 9990941099
11. Ms. Saroj Kumari FSO Janakpuri 9868151178
Shah (FSO Circle-30)
12. Sh. Anand Singh FSO Vikas Puri 9717738000
(FSO Circle-31)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Mobile No.

No Fax No.
1. Sh. O.P. Chief Engineer (Zone- O/o DM East, L.M. 21210877 9899260883
Shrivastva I) Bandh , Office Complex, 21210875
Shastri Nagar, Delhi-31
2. Sh. Sanjay Chief Engineer (Zone- O/o DM East, L.M. 21210873 9868261111
Saxena II) Bandh , Office Complex,
Shastri Nagar, Delhi-31
3. Sh. T.K Prijith Senior Engineer (FC- Circle II, Sec-15, Rohini 27293230 9540652918
Zone II
4. Sh. Puneet Executive Engineer Opp.ESI Hospital Basai 25172699 9958890112
Dudeja (West) Darapur, New Delhi-27
5. Sh. R.H. Assistant Engineer Opp.ESI Hospital Basai 25172699 9818087674
Meena Divison-XII Darapur, New Delhi-27

Assistant Engineer 9911376290

Sh. T.R. Goyal
6. Sh. Sudhir EE West Civil O/o EE Civil Division-2, 28313170 9958890102
Arya Divison-2 Mahender Park, East
Punjabi Bagh
7. Sh. Pradeep EE West Civil O/o EE Office CD-1, 9958890101
Nayak Divison-2 Basai Darapur Opposite
ESI Hospital
8. Sh.Anil SE O/o EE Office CD-1, 9958889507
Aggarwal Basai Darapur Opposite
ESI Hospital
9. Flood Control Email_IDs IV th Floor, ISBT 22428773 Building, Kashmiri Gate, 22428774 Delhi-06. 23868775 (F) 22424989

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax Mobile No.

1. Sh. R.N. Commissioner A-Block, Vikas Sadan, 25055204 9868851732
Sharma of Land INA, DDA 24699479
2. Sh. Arun S.E.-Circle-2 DDA Office Complex, 25055204 9811518779
Kumar Mangla Puri, New Delhi-45

3. Sh. Sidhant E. E. (Civil) Western Division -7 , 25261929 9958852246

Kashyap Paschim Vihar, Near RBI
Colony, Delhi-8
Sh. Chander A.E. (Civil) 9811291847
Bhan Singla
4. Sh. Brijesh E.E. (Civil) B-2B, Janak Puri, New 25594369 9953404043
Gupta Division-8 Delhi
5. Sh. Ganga Deputy Deputy Director West zone 25971689 7838397028
Sahay Director, Land DDA Subhash Nagar
Management Crossing New Delhi
6. Sh. Shalender E.E. (Raja B-2B, Janak Puri 9650238333
Kumar Garden)


S. Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Mobile No.

No Fax No.
1. Sh. Ashok General Administration Block m 25416050 9868138111
Kumar Singh Manager (West) 5th Floor, Room No.510,
Rajouri Garden, New
Delhi 110027
2. Sh. Ram Villas Area Manager R.No.418, 4th Floor, RG 25939300 9868138389
Shah (Rajouri Telephone Exchange Building,
Garden) New Delhi – 110027 25936776 9868138180

Sh. R.B.
Aggarwal AGM(West)
3. Sh. R.K. Tiwari Area Manager Telephone Exchange Building, 25147500 9013135301
(Hari Nagar) 4th Floor, Hari Nagar,
New Delhi 110064
4. Sh. J. D. Bansal Area Manager Room No.110, Janakpuri 25550909 9013138899
(Janakpuri) Telephone Exchange Building,
New Delhi 110058

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax No. Mobile No.
1. Sh. Neeraj S.E.(West Circle M-13 25100543-45 9899208081
Kumar Meena Circle) ,Hemwati Nandan
Maintenance Bahuguna Marg
Near Milan
2. Sh. Gyan Chief Project Brar Square, Inter 25686601 9818199786
Prakash Bansal Manager(F- Section Ring Road,
4)/C. E. Delhi Cantt, Delhi-
3. Sh. Rajendra A.E. (Health) DDU Hospital, 9971155090
Prasad Biarwa Hari Nagar
4. Sh. Raj Singh PWD (E.E.) M-112,West Road 011-27023897 7291992022
Vihar, Pitampura
5. Sh. Ashish Junior Engineer Div Officer 9818990594


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Mobile No.

Fax No.
1. Sh. Harish DGM(O&M) A-6, Paschim Vihar, Near 9313581845
Saini Punjabi Bagh DDA Market, Delhi
Division, BSES
2. Sh. O.P. DGM (O & M) A-6, Paschim Vihar, Near 7827918557
Taneja Mundka DDA Market, Delhi
3. Sh. S. P. DGM (O & M) 7428994909
Singh Janakpuri
4. Sh. Anand DGM (O & M) 7827989422
Tripathi Mundka
5. Sh. Sumit DGM (O&M) 8010781246
Arora Tagore Garden
6. Sh. Vikrant DGM, Business BSES, Road no 22, East 39999194 9312714836
Narula Punjabi Bagh Punjabi Bagh
7. Sh. Sunil H.O.D. O&M 33KVA Grid Sudsesan 66319269
Singh (NDPL) Building, Inderpuri, Opp.
Pusa Gate
8. Sh. Sunil CH (NDPL) 33KV Gred Sudsesan 66138000
Kumar Building, Inderpuri, Opp.
Pusa Gate
9. Sh. Anil Junior Clerk- 8368334138
Singh BSES
BSES:- 39999707, BYPL:- 39999808
District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax Mobile No.

1. Sh. Ashok Director Delhi Metro Rail 23418304 9810878305
Kumar Garg (Operations) Corporation Ltd., Metro
Bhawan, Fire Brigade
Lane, Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi - 110001
2. Sh. Vikas Kumar Ex. Director Delhi Metro Rail 23415833 9810598157
Operations Corporation Ltd., Metro
Bhawan, Fire Brigade
Lane, Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi - 110001
3. Sh. Prem Singh DGM Metro Train Depot 9818700478
Rathore (Operations) Shastri Park
West Zone
4. Sh. Virender Line Manager Madipur Metro Station to 9910376087
Kumar (Green Line) Bahadurgarh City Metro
5. Sh. Digamber Line Manager Kirti Nagar, Metro 8130859111
Tomer (Blue Line) Station
6. Sh. Shefali SM Satguru Ram Singh 9958196858
Marg, Ashok Park Main,
Punjabi Bagh
7. Sh. R. K. Porav In charge Punjabi Bagh West metro 9818817982
ESI Hospital, Metro
8. SM Madipur Metro Station, 8010366295
Sh. Bhupender
Paschim Vihar East,
Shivaji Park
9. Sh. Anju Vadhva SM Paschim Vihar (West), 9910995857
Peera Garhi ,Udyug
Nagar Metro Stations
10. Sh. Jitender SM Suraj Mal Stadium, 64642185-186 9871999373
Kumar Nangloi,Nangloi Railway
11. Sh. Suraj Kumar SM Rajdhani Park, 8800793216 9650069985
Singh Mundka Metro Station
12. Sh. Vinod Gour SM Tilak Nagar, Subhash 9818846878 8800793182
Nagar, Tagore Garden 8800793181
Metro Station
13. Sh. Amit SM Moti Nagar, Ramesh 65956879-80 9650198120
Sachdeva Nagar
14. Sh. A.K. Jha SM Shadi Pur, Patel Nagar, 9717691081
Metro Station
15. Sh. Pawan SM Blue & Pink line Garden, 8448088763 8130666911
Avasthi Rajouri Garden Metro 9650120096 8800793180
Station 8800793179
16. Sh. Kavita SM Kirti Nagar 8527444355 8800793176

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

17. Sh Pavan In charge Rajouri Garden Metro 8448088763
Station (pink line)
18. Sh. Praveen Kr. In charge Mayapuri Metro Station 8448078764 9560214455
Azwal (pink)
19. Sh. Sunil Kumar SM Tikari Kalan, Ghevra 8448788984 9910086246
Mod, Tikari Border
Metro Station
20. Sh Raj Kumar SM Punjabi Bagh West (Pink 8448088762 9818817982
Sourav line)
ESI Hospital (Pink Line)
21. Delhi Metro DCP Metro 23963310, 23992944
ACP Metro Sh. Rajkumar Bhardwaj 8800294693 23992977
North 23925500
Sh. Ranjit Kumar 8750871108
ACP Metro
South Sh. Mohinder Singh 8750871322 26501321

SHO, PS Metro, 26501321

Shastri Park Sh. Narendra Khari 9958097236

SHO, PS Metro, 22173623

Rithala Sh. Devendra Singh 8750871323
SHO, PS Metro,
Kashmere Gate Sh. Bega Ram 8750871327
SHO, PS Metro,
Rajouri Garden
Security Control
Room/ CISF,
OCC 22185555

Line 22561231

Control Room 22185556

DMRC Chief 22564349

Control 22186728

DMRC Helpline
No. 155370
Crime Branch 22562010
Sh. Raghubir Lal CISF 9958234358

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax No. Mobile No.
1. Sh. Manoj Kumar Chairman cum Delhi Transport 23379075 9811971177
Managing Corporation, I.P.
Director HQ, New Delhi-
2. Smt. Durgesh Regional Maya Puri Depot 28113525 8744073028
Nandani Manager
3. Sh.Ravi Kasana Depot Maya Puri Depot 28115458 8744073152
Manager Maya Puri Chowk
4. Sh. Sandeep Depot Naraina Depot 25704694, 8744073153
Kumar Manager Nearst Pandav 25895850
Nagar Patel Nagar
5. Sh. S. S. Mishra Depot Shadi Pur Depot 25871711, 8744073056
Manager Shadi Pur Patel 25877694
6. Sh. Sushil Kumar Depot Hari Nagar Depot – (O)25573308 8744073189
Manager I
Jail Road Hari
7. Sh. Parveen Depot Hari Nagar Depot – 25573308, 8744073140
Banjara Manager 1I 25528068
Jail Road Hari
Deputy nagar
8. Sh. Sushil Kumar Depot Hari Nagar Depot – 25573301 8744073189
Manager 11I
Jail Road Hari
9. Sh. Rakesh Depot Peera Garhi Depot 25256533 8744073116
Sharma Manager Peera gari Chowk 25267599
Outer Ring Road
10. Sh. Dinkar Saini Depot Keso Pur Depot 28335901 8744073015
Manager Keso Pur Outer
Ring Road,
11. Sh. Chander Depot Nangloi Depot 25472543 8744073235
Shekhar Batra Manager Udyog Nagar Main 25480086
Rohtak Road

12. DTC Control 25576531 25871250

Room 25871253

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax Mobile No.

1. Sh. Ajay Youth Near Maharishi 25945244 9868273568
Sharma Coordinator DayaNand Public
Smt.Soni NYKS School 215-Arvind 8373997163
Chauhan (Nangloi , Enclave Rajdhani Park
Rohini) Nangloi Delhi-41
2. Sh. Ashok Chariman E-97 DDA 9212008543
Vidyarthi Colony,Khayla
Sh. Umesh Secretary, 9213429305
3. Sh. Mukesh Project Officer Children Hop Prays 27631522 9968774450
Kumar PRAYAS Patria Kendra Katputli
Colony Pandav Nagar 9999219102
Sh. Vishal Team Member Shadipur
Kumar PRAYAS Children 8588881361
Sh Kashi Home for Boys
Jahagir Puri

EE-Block, Police
Station Road ND-33
4. Sh. Captain Director WZ-33-A Dayal Sir 25337449 9810077875
Deepak Raj ,URIDA Marg Uttam Nagar 25333206(F)
5. Sh. Anil President, WZ-525, Moti Nagar, 9910332176
Kumar Mission Delhi 9810077875
6. Sh. Rustam Secretary, Plot No. 13 Block- 25354225 9810562507
Ali ALAMB A,Om Vihar Phase-5
Behind Holly
7. Sh. Kamal Member-45, Dera Sacha Sauda, 9910169596
Kumar Delhi State Sirsa
8. Sh. Ravi Member-45, Dera Sacha Sauda, 9350839052
Delhi State Sirsa

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax No. Mobile No.
1. Sh. P.K. Commandant 8th Batalian, (O) 0120-2766013 9968610014
Srivastav NDRF, Sector 19, 0120-2766012
Kamla Nehru 2766618
Nagar, Ghaziabad,
2. Sh. Parveen Asst. 8th Batalian, (O) 0120-2766012 9437821825
Kumar Commandant NDRF, Sector 19, (F) 0120-2766618
Kamla Nehru
Nagar, Ghaziabad,
3. Sh. Vegraj Incident 8th Batalian, (O) 0120-2766012 9412221042
Meena Commandant NDRF, Sector 19, 9412221031
Kamla Nehru
Dy. Nagar, Ghaziabad,
Sh. Aditya Commandant U.P 9412221034
Sh. R. K. Malik Commandant
4. NDRF Delhi (O) 24363260-61,
(Headquarter) 01123438136,
5. Control Room 0120-2766618, 0120-2766012, 9412221035


S. Name Designation Official Address Phone No./ Fax Mobile No.

No No.
1. Sh. Amardeep Deputy F-Block, Karampura, New 25100467 9968182501
Singh Commissioner- Delhi. 25412680
2. Sh. S.C. Joint Labour F-Block, Karampura, New 25100467 9811165128
Yadav Commissioner Delhi 25412680
3. Sh. Pandyan Chief Inspector of D –Block 2nd Flour 23973756 9999065955
Rajan Factory 5- Shamnath Marg
4. Sh. S.P.Rana Asst. Director or D –Block 2nd Flour 23973965 9717295551
Deputy Chief Insp. 5- Shamnath Marg
of Factory Delhi-54
5. Sh. Kaushik Asst. Director of 8860195384
Sadho Khan Factory
6. Sh. Joginder Electrical Inspector 9990062800
Singh Lathey (Licensing matters)

Sh. Abbas Ji.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No Name Designation Official Address Phone No. Mobile No.

1. Sh. Arun Chief Engineer O/o S.E., Raja Garden 011-25417494 9717999112
Sharma (Electrical) (DUSIB), Near Raja Garden
Bus Terminal
2. Sh. Shalender Chief Engineer O/o Opp. DCP West Officer, 9717999290
(Civil) Raja Garden
3. Sh. Anil Bhan Superintendent O/o S.E. Kilokri, Jeewan 9717999347
Engineer Nagar, Sunlight Colony,
(Electrical-I) Delhi-24
4. Sh. Rajiv Kr. Executive O/o S.E., Raja Garden 9717999120
Elhabadi Engineer (DUSIB), near Raja Garden
(Electrical-2) Bus Terminal
5. Vacant S.E. (Civil)-1 O/o S.E., Raja Garden
se1.dusib@gmai (DUSIB), near Raja Garden Bus Terminal
6. Sh. T.S. Grover, S.E. (Civil-2) O/o S.E. ,Maharani Bagh, 8826393775
(SE-II) Ring Road, Delhi

8. Sh. Rajiv Kr. E.E.-2 O/o S.E., Raja Garden 971799120

Elhabadi (Electrical) (DUSIB), near Raja Garden
Bus Terminal
9. Sh. V.S. Executive O/o S.E., 2nd Floor Raja Area covered 9560596062
Fhoniya Engineer (C-3) Garden (DUSIB), near Raja :-Nangloi
Garden Bus Terminal
10. Sh. Raman Junior Executive O/o S.E., Raja Garden 9717999304
Bhatt (DUSIB), near Raja Garden
Bus Terminal
11. Sh. Virender Horticulture, Deputy Director 9717999254
Kumar DUSIB Horticulture, Community
Hall, Ist Floor, C-Block,
Raghubir Nagar
12. Sh. Anil EE C-4, DUSIB O/o Executive Engineer, C- 9717999150
Aggarwal 4, Ist Floor, DDA Shopping
Complex Centre, Raghubir

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure – III

List of Schools

MCD Schools (West Zone, Narela Zone, Keshavpuram Zone, KBZ):-

S. No. Name & Address

1. Basai Dara Pur 50. Hari Nagar Ghanta Ghar
2. J. J. N0—2 Raghubir Nagar 51. Maya Puri Press Colony
3. MCD School, Shivaji Enclave 52. Subash Nagar Mkt.
4. MCD School, Vishal Enclave 53. Tihar Village
5. B--2 Raghubir Nagar--I 54. Tihar No--1,Block--1
6. B--2 Raghubir Nagar--II 55. Tihar No--1,Block--6
7. B--3 Raghubir Nagar--I 56. New Kirshana Park
8. B--3 Raghubir Nagar--II 57. Ganesh Nagar--I
9. M--Block Raghubir Nagar-I 58. Ganesh Nagar--II
10. M--Block Raghubir Nagar--II 59. Tilak Nagar No.1--I
11. Punjabi Bagh Road No--66--I 60. Tilak Nagar No,1--II
12. Punjabi Bagh Road No--66--II 61. Tilak Nagar No--2
13. Shivaji Park 62. Tilak Nagar No--3
14. Punjabi Bagh VISTAR 63. Tilak Nagar No-4--I
15. 1212 Pachim Puri--I 64. Tilak Nagar No--4--II
16. 1212 Pachim Puri--II 65. Tihar No--2
17. J. J. Madi Puri 66. Chand Nagar D--I
18. Madi Pur Village No--1--I 67. ChandNagar D--II
19. Madi Pur Village No--1--II 68. Prithvi Park--I
20. Madi Pur Village No--2--I 69. Prithvi Park --II
21. Madi Pur Village No--2--II 70. Tilak Vihar
22. Janta Quarter Pachim Puri 71. Kesho Pur
23. Rajouri Main 72. New Jail Tihar
24. Rajouri South 73. Ranholla-I
25. Rajouri Vistar 74. Ranholla--II
26. Tatar Pur 75. Bakkar wala(Boys)
27. EA. Tagore garden--I 76. Bakkar Wala (Girls)
28. EA.Tagore garden--II 77. J. J. Bakkar Wala B--Block
29. J. J. No--1 Tagore Garden--I 78. J. J. Bakkar Wala G--Block
30. J. J. No--1 Tagore Garden---II 79. Sudarshan park-1 (1556069)
31. Transit Camp. Raghubir Nagar 80. Sudarshan park –II (1556070)
32. Mukerjee Park 81. G-Block Karam Pura (1556145)
33. Vishnu Garden--I 82. H.I- Block Karam Pura (1556146)
34. Vishnu Garden--II 83. Karam Pura No-3 (1556148)
35. Chaukhandi New 84. Moti Nagar East (1556149)
36. Chaukhandi Old--I 85. Moti Nagar West (1556150)
37. Chaukhandi Old---II 86. Moti Nagar South (1556151)
38. Chand Nagar B--I 87. Ashoka Park extn (1556152)
39. Chand Nagar B--II 88. Ramesh Nagar No.-1 Boys (1556153)
40. Khyala Old--I 89. Ramesh Nagar No.-1 Girls (1556154)
41. Khyala Old---II 90. Ramesh Nagar No.-2 (1556155)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

42. Khyala New--I 91. Ramesh Nagar No.-3 (1556156)

43. Khyala New --II 92. Jwala Puri A-I (1556374)
44. Guru Nanak Pura 93. Jwala Puri A-II (1556375)
45. Hari Nagar L--Block 94. Jwala Puri B-I (1556376)
46. DMS Hari Nagar 95. Jwala Puri B-II (1556377)
47. Partap Nagar 96. Jwala puri Camp No-5-II (1556378)
48. B.E-Block Hari Nagar 97. Jwala puri Camp No-5-I (1556379)
49. B.E.Block Hari Nagar--II 98. Peera Garhi-I (1556380)
99. Peera Garhi-II (1556381)
100. Nangloi Saidan-I (1556382)
101. Nangloi Saidan-II (1556383)
102. Nangloi Village inner-I
103. Nangloi Village inner-II
104. J.J Nangloi No-2-I (1556386)
105 J.J Nangloi No-2-II (1556387)
.106. J.J Nangloi No-3-I (1556388)
107. J.J Nangloi No-3-II (1556389)
108. Kavita Colony-I (1556390)
109. Kavita Colony-II (1556391)
110. Multan Nagar (1556392)
111. Peera Garhi Comp. (1556393)
112. Chuna Bhatti-I (1556157)
113. Chuna Bhatti-II (1556158)
114. Kirti Nagar Ind. Area (1556159)
115. Sarswati Garden (1556161)
116. Mansarovar Garden (1556162)
117. J.J.Nangloi I/I
118. J.J.Nangloi I/Ii
119. J.J.Nangloi E/I
120. J.J.Nangloi E/Ii
121. Nangloi Main-I
122. Nangloi Main-Ii
123. Nilothi-I
124. Nilothi-Ii
125. Kammrudin Nagar-I
126. Kammrudin Nagar-Ii
127. Swarn Park-I
128. Swarn Park-Ii
129. Mundka (B)
130. Mundka (G)
131. Mundka (New)
132. Hirankudna
133. Neelwal
134. Tikari Kalan(G)
135. Tikri Kalan Boys
136. A-5 Paschim Vihar
137. A-4 Paschim Vihar
138. Peeragarhi Camp
139. New Multan Nagar(1556392)
140. Jawala Heri
District Disaster Management Plan (West)



S.N Zon School Address Address Shift Type Telephone

o e ID
1 West 151400 Khyala, J.J. J. J. Evening Sr.Secondary Boys 25983185
A 3 Colony, Colony,
No.1- Khayala
2 West 151400 Khyala, Khayala Evening Sr.Secondary Boys 25980579
A 4 No.2-
3 West 151400 Tilak Tilak General Sarvodaya Boys 25992707
A 5 Nagar, Nagar Sr.Secondary
4 West 151400 Tilak Tilak General Sarvodaya Boys 25998541
A 6 Nagar, Nagar Sr.Secondary
6 West 151401 Chand Chand Morning Sarvodaya Girls 25469194
A 1 Nagar, Nagar Sr.Secondary
7 West 151401 Khyala, Khayala Morning Sr.Secondary Girls 25988492
A 2 No.1-
8 West 151401 Khyala, Khayala Morning Sarvodaya Girls 25983621
A 3 No.2-SKV Sr.Secondary
9 West 151401 Tilak Tilak General Sr.Secondary Girls 25994464
A 4 Nagar, Nagar
10 West 151401 Tilak Tilak General Sarvodaya Girls 25992708
A 6 Nagar, Nagar Sr.Secondary
11 West 151411 Chand Chand Evening Sarvodaya Boys 25984396
A 0 Nagar-SBV Nagar Sr.Secondary
12 West 151601 Moti Nagar Block- General Sarvodaya Boys 25100165
A 0 SBV 18, Moti Sr.Secondary
13 West 151601 Shadi Shadi General Sr.Secondary Boys 25707156
A 1 Khampur- Khampu
14 West 151601 Prem Prem Evening Sr.Secondary Boys 25875525
A 3 Nagar- Nagar
15 West 151601 Moti Nagar Moti General Sarvodaya Girls 25929181
A 8 SKV Nagar Sr.Secondary
16 West 151601 Basai Basai General Sarvodaya Girls 25448064
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

A 9 Darapur- Darapur Sr.Secondary

17 West 151602 Ranjit Ranjit General Sarvodaya Girls 25705243
A 1 Nagar- Nagar Sr.Secondary
18 West 151602 Shadi Shadi General Sarvodaya Girls 25703177
A 2 Khampur- Khampu Sr.Secondary
19 West 151603 Prem Prem Morning Sr.Secondary Girls 25875524
A 0 Nagar- Nagar
20 West 151606 Karampura Industrial General Sr.Secondary Co-ed 25455229
A 8 , Industrial Area,
Area- Karampu
G(Co- ra
21 West 151610 Karampura Block-H, General Sarvodaya Co-ed 25100677
A 4 , Block H- Karampu Sr.Secondary
G(Co-ed) ra
22 West 151614 West Patel West General Sr.Secondary Boys 25884137
A 0 Nagar- Patel
GBSSS Nagar,
e 28
23 West 151614 West Patel West General Sr.Secondary Girls 25888532
A 1 Nagar- Patel
24 West 151614 West Patel West General Sarvodaya Girls 25880620
A 2 Nagar- Patel Sr.Secondary
SKV Nagar,
N. D.-
25 West 151614 West Patel West General Sarvodaya Boys 25881358
A 3 Nagar-SBV Patel Sr.Secondary
27 West 151501 Raghubir J. J. Evening Secondary Boys 25912966
A 7 Nagar, J.J. Colony,
Colony- Raghubi
GBSS r Nagar
28 West 151501 Raghubir Raghubi General Sr.Secondary Co-ed 25925990
A 9 Nagar, J.J. r Nagar
29 West 151503 Raghubir J. J. Morning Sr.Secondary Girls 25939868
A 0 Nagar, J.J. Colony,
Colony- Raghubi

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

GGSSS r Nagar

30 West 151603 Prem Prem Morning Sr.Secondary Girls 25875524

A 0 Nagar- Nagar,


S.No Zone School Address Addres Shift Type Telephone

ID s
1 West 151401 Ashok Ashok General Sr.Secondary Girls 28125915
A 8 Nagar- Nagar
2 West 151402 Hari Nagar, Hari General Sarvodaya Girls 25494390
A 1 Clock Nagar, Sr.Secondary
Tower- Clock
SKV Tower
3 West 151402 Hari Nagar, Block-l, General Sarvodaya Co-ed 25121602
A 2 Block-L Hari Sr.Secondary
S(Co-ed) Nagar
4 West 151402 Hari Nagar, Block- General RPVV(Sr.Seconda Co-ed 25122670
A 3 Block BE- B-E, ry)
ri Road
5 West 151411 Chand Chand Evening Sarvodaya Boys 25984396
A 0 Nagar-SBV Nagar Sr.Secondary
6 West 151411 Hari Hari General Sr.Secondary Boys 25146700
A 2 Nagar,Cloc Nagar,C
k lock
Tower,Site Tower,S
-2-GBSSS ite-2
7 West 151500 SV Jaidev Jaidev
A 1 Park Park
8 West 151500 Ashok Ashok General Sarvodaya Boys 25122671
A 2 Nagar-SBV Nagar Sr.Secondary
9 West 151500 Subhash Block-3, General Sarvodaya Boys 25143331
A 3 Nagar-SBV Subhash Sr.Secondary
West 151500 SV East Punjabi General
A 4 Punjabi Bagh
10 West 151500 Rajouri Rajouri Evening Sr.Secondary Boys 25164226
A 5 Garden Garden
11 West 151500 Rajouri Rajouri Evening Sr.Secondary Boys 25193279
A 6 Garden Garden
Extn.- Extn.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


12 West 151501 Rajouri Rajouri General Sr.Secondary Boys 25412161

A 8 Garden Garden
Extn., Extn.
13 West 151502 Rajouri Rajouri Morning Sarvodaya Girls 25466663
A 1 Garden Garden Sr.Secondary
Extn.-SKV Extn.
14 West 151502 Rajouri Block- Morning Sarvodaya Girls 25104464
A 2 Garden F, Near Sr.Secondary
Main-SKV Main
15 West 151502 Tagore Tagore General Sarvodaya Girls 25446197
A 5 Garden, Garden Sr.Secondary
16 West 151502 Tagore Tagore General Sr.Secondary Girls 25926723
A 6 Garden, Garden
17 West 151502 Subhash Subhash General Sr.Secondary Girls 25136808
A 9 Nagar, Nagar
18 West 151513 Tagore Tagore General Sr.Secondary Boys 25194072
A 9 Garden- Garden
19 West 151600 Ramesh Ramesh General Sarvodaya Boys 25936945
A 2 Nagar-SBV Nagar Sr.Secondary
20 West 151600 Mansarova Mansarov General Sarvodaya Co-ed 25428776
A 3 r Garden- ar Garden Sr.Secondary
21 West 151601 Saraswati Block- General Secondary Co-ed 25194359
A 7 Garden- IB,
G(Co- Ramesh
ed)SS Nagar
22 West 151602 Kirti Kirti General Sr.Secondary Girls 25934115
A 5 Nagar- Nagar
23 West 151602 Ramesh Ramesh General Sarvodaya Girls 25934704
A 7 Nagar- Nagar Sr.Secondary

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S.No Zone School Address Address Shift Type Telephone

1. West 151500 Madipur, Opposit Evening Sarvodaya Boys 25214971
A 7 No.1-SBV e Sr.Secondary
2. West 151501 Punjabi Road General Sr.Secondary Boys 25224429
A 0 Bagh, No. 57,
No.1- Near
3. West 151502 Punjabi Punjabi General Sarvodaya Girls 25225321
A 3 Bagh, Bagh Sr.Secondary
4. West 151502 Madipur, Madipur General Sarvodaya Girls 25215980
A 4 No.2-SKV Sr.Secondary
5. West 151502 Madipur, Madipur Morning Sr.Secondary Girls 25218019
A 8 No.1-
6. West 161700 Tikri Tikri General Sr.Secondary Boys 28351070
B 1 Kalan- Kalan
7. West 161700 Nangloi- Nangloi Evening Sarvodaya Boys 25485023
B 2 SBV, near Sr.Secondary
8. West 161700 Paschim Paschim General Sarvodaya Co-ed 25258779
B 3 Vihar, A 2- Vihar Sr.Secondary
9. West 161700 Nangloi, Kavita Morning Sr.Secondary Co-ed 25484483
B 4 Kavita Colony,
Colony- Nangloi
10 West 161700 Ranhaula- Main Morning Sarvodaya Girls 28362007
. B 5 SKV Najafgar Sr.Secondary
h Road,
11 West 161700 Hiran V & P. General Sarvodaya Co-ed 28351506
. B 6 Kudna- O. Hiran Sr.Secondary
SV(Co-ed) Kunda

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

12 West 161700 New New General Sarvodaya Co-ed 25291108

. B 7 Multan Multan Sr.Secondary
Nagar- Nagar
13 West 161700 Paschim B-4, General Sarvodaya Co-ed 25252203
. B 8 Vihar, B 4- Paschim Sr.Secondary
SV(Co-ed) Vihar
14 West 161700 Paschim A-6, General RPVV(Sr.Seconda Co-ed 25275905
. B 9 Vihar, A 6- Paschim ry)
RPVV Vihar
15 West 161701 Nangloi- Nangloi Morning Sarvodaya Girls 25475088
. B 0 SKV Sr.Secondary
16 West 161701 Paschim B-3, General Sarvodaya Girls 25252094
. B 1 Vihar, B 3- Paschim Sr.Secondary
SKV Vihar
17 West 161701 Tikri Tikri General Sarvodaya Girls 28352032
. B 2 Kalan-SKV Kalan Sr.Secondary
18 West 161701 Nangloi, Sultanp Morning Sarvodaya Girls 25477140
. B 3 Sultanpuri uri Sr.Secondary
Road-SKV Road,
19 West 161701 Mundka Mundka Morning Sarvodaya Girls 28342449
. B 4 Village- Village Sr.Secondary
20 West 161701 Amalwas, B- General Sr.Secondary Boys 25272624
. B 5 Jawalapuri- Block,
GBSSS Amalwa
21 West 161701 Nangloi, S. P. Evening Sr.Secondary Boys 25483649
. B 7 Sultanpuri Road,
Road- Nangloi
22 West 161701 Mundka Mundka Evening Sr.Secondary Boys 28342361
. B 8 Village-
23 West 161701 Ambika Ambika Evening Secondary Boys 25274030
. B 9 Vihar- Vihar
24 West 161702 Nangloi- Nangloi General Sr.Secondary Girls 25476850
25 West 161702 Nangloi, Phase- Evening Sr.Secondary Boys 25185005
. B 4 Phase II- II,
GBSSS Nangloi
26 West 161702 Nangloi, Nangloi Evening Sr.Secondary Boys 25479521
. B 5 Phase I- Phase I ,
GBSSS Punjabi
27 West 161702 Nilothi- Nilothi, Morning Sarvodaya Girls 28365329
. B 6 GSKV Pradhan Sr.Secondary

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

28 West 161702 Punjabi Punjabi Morning Sr.Secondary Co-ed 25962573

. B 7 Basti- Basti,
G(Co- Nangloi,
ed)SSS Behind
29 West 161702 Peera Peera General Sarvodaya Girls 25279163
. B 8 Garhi Garhi Sr.Secondary
Village- Village,
SKV Near
30 West 161702 Bakkarwal Bakkarw General Sr.Secondary Co-ed 28341985
. B 9 a-G(Co- ala
31 West 161703 Baprola- Nangloi, General Sr.Secondary Girls 25325763
. B 0 GGSSS- Najafgar
1617030 h Road,
32 West 161703 Paschim A-6, General Sr.Secondary Co-ed 25251044
. B 2 Vihar, A 6- Paschim
G(Co- Vihar
33 West 161703 Ambika Ambika Morning Sr.Secondary Girls 25271685
. B 3 Vihar- Vihar
34 West 161703 Nangloi, J. J. Morning Sr.Secondary Girls 25485694
. B 5 J.J. Colony,
Colony- Nangloi,
35 West 161703 Amalwas, Amalwa General Sarvodaya Girls 25274527
. B 6 Jawalapuri- s, Sr.Secondary
SKV Jawalap
No. 4
36 West 161703 Nangloi, J. J. Evening Sr.Secondary Boys 25485682
. B 7 J.J. Colony,
Colony- Nangloi,
37 West 161713 Paschim B-3, General Sr.Secondary Co-ed 25279683
. B 7 Vihar, B 3- Paschim
G(Co- Vihar
38 West 161721 Baprola Baprola Morning Secondary Girls
. B 1 Vihar- Vihar,

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

39 West 161721 Kunwar Kunwar General Sr.Secondary Co-ed 28363007

. B 4 Singh Singh
Nagar,Ran Nagar,
haula- Ranhaul
G(Co- a,Delhi -
ed)SSS 41
40 West 161721 Nilothi- Nilothi, Evening Sarvodaya Boys 28364011
. B 9 SBV Near Sr.Secondary
41 West 161722 Govt. Siv Ram General Sarvodaya Girls 28364442
. B 2 Sarvodaya Park Sr.Secondary
Kanya Nangloi
Shiv Ram
42 West 161722 Govt. Nihal General Sarvodaya Boys 25995505
. B 3 Sarvodaya Vihar, Sr.Secondary
Bal Nangloi
43 West 161722 Ranhaula- SBV, Evening Sarvodaya Boys 28364688
. B 7 SBV Ranhaul Sr.Secondary
44 West 161725 Peera SBV, Morning Sarvodaya Boys 25280162
. B 4 Garhi Peera Sr.Secondary
Village- Garhi
SBV Village,
45 West 161725 Baprola Govt. Evening Secondary Boys Nil
. B 5 Vihar- Boys
GBSS Seconda
46 West 161725 Baprola- Baprola General Sr.Secondary Boys
47 West 161713 Govt. Co- Paschim Co-ed Sr. Secondary Co-ed 25279683
B 7 Ed, SSS Vihar

District Disaster Management Plan (West)



S. School ID Name of School Address Name of Principal Contact No

No. & Vice Principal
1 1617224 Margshree School 383, Najafgarh-Nangloi Anita Yadav 1125943522
Rd, Block 2C, Nangloi 9873133656
Extension, Nangloi Block
2C, Nangloi Extension,
2 1617196 B.R International Public Rz/E 250, Nihal Vihar, Beena 9818517357
School Nangloi, New Delhi
3 1618256 Bhardwaj Model School RZ Q -88, Gurdwara Sanjay Bhardwaj 9350431787
Road, Nihal Vihar,
Neeru Sharma 9582268547

4 1617176 Bosco Public School Kashi Ram Shah Marg, Raju Duggal 0112584343
Near Telephone 9891900997
Exchange, Sunder Vihar,
Paschim Vihar
5 1617149 C.R Saini Sr.Sec.Public E-Block Saini Vihar, Sanjeev Kumar 9911916160
School Lakshmi Park, Block E,
6 1617141 Dharam Deep Sec. Public J-BLOCK, ADHYAPAK 011-25945989
7 1617204 Gurusharan Convent GH-9, India, Near Rachana Anand 9999551117
School Telephone Exchange,
GH-9 Block, Paschim
Vihar, Delhi
8 1617151 Modern Child Public Sr. Punjabi Basti Nangloi, Sudha Dutta 011-25473035
Sec. School Delhi 9891095760

9 1617142 New India Public School 23, Rajdhani Park, Pritam 981802077
10 1617167 R.S Sec. Public School RZ/D-66, Nihal Vihar, Vanita 9213221173
11 1617143 Rajindra Public School Nihal Vihar Nangloi Manisha 9891581307
12 1617162 Richmond Global School N.S. Road Opp. Inder T. Srivashtava 011-25276588
Enclave, Mianwali
Nagar, Paschim Vihar
13 1617178 Saha Internation School Next to Kendriya Sajilekha Pillai 011-25251529
Vidyalaya, Kanshi Ram 9899700083
Shah Marg, Paschim
Marg, Ambica Vihar,
Paschim Vihar
14 1617198 Shiv Shakti Public Rz - B/204, Nihal Vihar,
School Nangloi, New Delhi

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

15 1617114 Shivani Public Sr. Sec. Plot No 20, Najafgarh Sumit Sharma 9811323908
School Road, Near water tank,
Kamruddin Nagar,
16 1617217 R.G Public School Aman Puri, C-79, Alka Rani 011-65150063
Amanpuri, Naresh Park, 9899006664
17 1617216 New Rana Public School 479,Near Shishuwala Sushil Lakra 9821482810
18 1617240 G.R.M. Model School Laxmi Park Rd, Block C, - -
Lakshmi Park, Nangloi
19 1617148 H.S. Public School Mandir Marg, Ashok Raj Rani 9811449604
Maholla, Near Shiv
mandir, Nangloi
20 1617200 Raja Public Schoool Chandan Vihar, Nangloi, - -
21 1617172 St. Mary's Sr. Sec. School Ambica Vihar, Paschim Sylvia Paul 9650012589
22 1617186 S.S. Mota Singh Model Guru Harkrishan Nagar, Ashu Mehta 9910074645
School Delhi
23 1617229 Bhatnagar Internation A-1/74, A1 Block Vina Sharma 9810168886
School Paschim Vihar, Krishna
Apartment, Paschim
24 1617203 Bal Vidiya Model School B247, Laxmi Park Rd, Savita 9811230325
Lakshmi Park, Nangloi
25 1617199 Jyoti Paro Public School Kavita Colony, Nangloi Deepak Bora 9810976330

Govind Singh 9818152851

26 1617177 DAV Centenary Public Peera Garhi, Peeragarhi Manju Mallik 9818754972
School Village, Paschim
Enclave, Paschim Vihar,
New Delhi,
27 1617225 Bharti Vidiya Niketan Sr. A-Blk, Ranjit Vihar, Jyoti Kiran 9899577077
Sec. Public School Chander Vihar, New
28 1617192 St. Mark's Sr. Sec. School Block A, Meera Bagh, Anjali Aggarwal 9810159659
Paschim Vihar, New
29 1617210 St. Mark's Girls Sr. Sec. Block A, Meera Bagh, Seema Kalinga 011 2527 9040
School Paschim Vihar, New
30 1617213 James Convent School Nihal Vihar, Nikhil Sangeeta 8588829316
Vihar, Kamruddin Nagar,

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

31 1617201 St. B.S Public School E2/111, Street Number 7 Pushplata 9210105328
Block E-2, Adhyapak
Nagar, Sihvram Park,
Nangloi, Street Number
1, Block E-2, Adhyapak
Nagar, Sihvram Park,
32 1617147 Surya Public School 593, Bhooton Wali Gali, Seema 9899366649
Nangloi Jat, Nangloi,
34 1617165 St. Kabir Modern School Uday Vihar, NilothI, Lalita Rani 9873400455
35 1617160 New Saraswati Public Extn. II, Nangloi, Delhi Sunita Parashar 9868900728
Sec. School
36 1617202 New Bal Vikas Public Saini Mohalla, Tikri Tapsya Munjal 98733899545
School Kalan, Delhi
37 1617161 B.R Public School Ext 2 C Nangloi New Nirmal Yadav 011-2547062 ,
Delhi 110041 040-66881672
38 1617215 M.R Bharti Sr. Sec. Khasra No. 53/15, Anisha 9811952890
School Friends Colony, Mundka,
39 1617166 Shri Daulat Ram Public Kamardin Nagar, C.B Yadav 9811276993
Sr. Sec. School Nangloi, New Delhi 01125946875
40 1617145 Parag Bharti Model Railway Rd, JJ Colony Renu Lakra 9711719451
School No 2, Nangloi
41 1617152 Ganga International Vpo, Hiran Kudna, New gangainternationalsch 9654292929
School Delhi ool@gmail. com 8588865011
42 1617193 D.S Momorial Public Sr. No. 2-C, Block C, Rekha Yadav 9910756500
Sec. School Nangloi Extension 2,
43 1617195 Shri Vishwakarma Model Shiv Vihar, Sihv Ram Indu Panchal 9868820654
Sec. School Park, Nangloi, New
44 1617164 Maharaja Agersen Rohtak Road, Mundka, Ranju Makhija 9811937576
Vidiyapeeth Delhi
45 1617159 Blooming Dales Public Rajendra Park Near Urmila Devi 9212819067
School Lokesh Cinema Nangloi
46 1617191 D.S Sainik Model Sr. Swarn Park, Mundka, Asha Rani Dabas 9871531653
Sec. School Delhi
47 1617146 S.D.M. Model School Chander Vihar, Nilothi sdmschooldelhi@yahoo. 011-28364922
Extn., (Near to GH-8, 011-32000500
Paschim Vihar) Delhi 9716513000
48 1617158 Arya Public Sec. School Default, 031-Nangloi Jat, Sadhana Sharma 9899023105
West Delhi
49 1617194 Maharishi Dayanand NH 10, Amar Colony, Neema Sharma 9818220137
Model Sec. School Nangloi Extension, Delhi

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

50 1617155 Jiya Memorial Public Sunday Bazar Chander Gyanwati 9990006675

School Vihar Ext Delhi- WEST
Delhi, Nilothi,
51 1617163 Deepanshu Public Sr. Nangloi, Delhi - 110041, Anil Kumar 9873333933
Sec. School Near Kamruddin Naga
52 1617156 Rajender Lakra Model Village near bharat gas Prem Prakash 9999360968
School agency, bakkarwala Batt
choke, Mundka,
53 1618257 U.S.M Public Sec. School Veena Eclave Nangloi Smt. Rajesh 9810403790
Delhi Choudhary
54 1618259 Shiv Modern Sr. Sec. A3, Chaudhary Balbir Maninder Pal 9899002722
School Singh Marg, Opp. Kaur 011-25279955
Jwalaheri Petrol Pump,
Paschim Vihar
55 1617171 Jhabban Lal DAV Public J-Block, R.B. Enclave, , Anupama Bindra 9810325838
School Paschim Vihar, New
56 1617179 G.D Goenka School District Park, A2, Dr Gurvinder Sohi 8588822643
Major Ashwini Kanwa
Marg Opp, Paschim
Vihar, New Delhi
57 1617187 DAV Public School Pira Garhi, Paschim Seema Datta 9868706294
Enclave, Near, Chowk,
New Delhi
58 1617173 St. Sophia Sr. Sec. School A-2, Paschim Vihar, Reeta Choudhary 9899648944
New Delhi
59 1617185 Doon Public School Block B, B 2 Block, Maalini Panikkar 9810146505
Paschim Vihar, New
60 1617180 Lt. Col. Meher Little B-5 Block, Paschim Manisha Sengar 99713333362
Angels Sr. Sec. School Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi

61 1617140 Neo Convent Sr. Sec. G-17 Area, Paschim Kushahal Deep 9818770363
School Vihar, Kaur
62 1617183 Sant Nirankri Public Avtar Enclave, Paschim Meenakashi 9212672333
School Vihar, New Delhi Chaugh
63 1617181 Saraswati Bal Mandir A-2/134,, A-2/134, Street Mamta Chouhan 9350910228
School Number 2, A 2 Block,
Paschim Vihar
64 1617175 Inderrasth Wold School A-2 Block, Balbeer Singh Shikha Arora 1125258210
Marg, Paschim Vihar,
65 1617207 St. Mathew's Public A-6, A 6 Block, Paschim Anita Sethi 9873259345
School Vihar,
66 1617190 Vishal Bharti Public A-1 Block, Paschim Amita Saxena 9971091750
School Vihar,
67 1617221 Jesus Mary Joseph G-17, Site-10, Oppsite, Sister Divya 1145538692
School Pocket GH2, Paschim
68 1617184 St. Froebel Sr. Sec. A-3 Block, Paschim Ragani Kaul 011-25251261
School Vihar,
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

69 1617170 Divine Happy Sr. Sec. A-2B, A 2B Block, Neelam Bhairo 011-25265200
School Paschim Vihar 9868311199
70 1617182 Bal Vikas Public School Block A-3, Janta Flats, Veena Goyal 9811041546
Block A 3, Shakshar
Apartment, Paschim
71 1617072 Mahavir Vishav Chowdhary Balbir Singh Sumitra Sharma 9868813544
Vidiyapeth Marg,, Paschim Vihar,
72 1617231 Dhaka Public School F-169, Adhyapak Nagar, Pawan Kumar 9811315190
73 1617233 Drone Internation School Tilangpur Kotla,Nangloi- Gourav Mallik 9212970921
Najafgarh Main Road
74 1617234 Galaxy Public School B-109 Rajdhani Park Naveen Guleriya 9654656007
75 1617235 Shiv Public School Nangli Vihar Ext Rd, 7503356415
Harphool Vihar, Nangli
Vihar Extension,
76 1617236 H.D Sehrawat Public Nangloi Extension,, Neelam 9958634100
School Chanchal Park, Laxmi
Park, Ranhola Extesion
77 1617238 M.S Momorial Public Nagloi New Delhi, Laxmi Mamta Rani 9250024002
School Park, Nangloi, Delhi,
78 1617242 St. Rose Public School RZU-100, Nihal Vihar,, Not Richeble 8882402233
Nangloi, New Delhi,
79 1617243 Emmanuel Mission H1, 50 Feet Rd, Nihal R.C Jeyakahmi 9891213101
School Vihar, Vandana Vihar,
80 1617244 Great India Public School Guru Hargobind Singh - 093102 44529
Marg, Chander Vihar, 01125945244
Sihvram Park, Nilothi,
Delhi, 110041
81 1617245 Diviyansh Public School Amar Colony, Block N, Seema Bhatti 9873439664
Nangloi Extension,
82 1617246 Shri F.M.S. Public F-1/63, F-1/63, Nangloi Seema Deshwal 9718363514
School Rd, F 2 Block, Jai Vihar,
Najafgarh, Delhi
83 1617247 R.B.M. School Near Main Road, Poonam 9868510004
Bakkarwala 9811883691

84 1617248 Pearal Public School RZ H/94, Street Number Sunita Sharma 9315137659
10, Nihal Vihar, Nikhil
Vihar, Nangloi
85 1617250 Guru Hari Kishan Public Rd Number 73, West S. Bhagwanat 9971671681
School Punjabi Bagh, Punjabi Singh

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

86 1617251 Nav Shiv Shakti Public 25,26 Satayam Vihar Kanchan 9773715536
School Chanchal Park, Delhi
87 1617252 M.D. Public School Bada Hari Dass Colony, Jyoti Dhahiya 9416810318
Tikri Border, New Delhi
88 1617256 S.D. Momorial Public No. 2-C, Block C, Mohita Mallik 8750990490
School Nangloi Extension 2,
89 1515110 Guru Nanak Public West Punjabi Bagh REEMA PUNJ 9811392163
School 011 2522 0650
90 1515111 S.M. Arya Public School, Punjabi Bagh (West) SWATI 011 2522 1604
Road No.45 SHARMA

91 1515112 S.D.Public School Road No-10 East Punjabi SMIRITI 9811725353

Bagh MALHOTRA 011 2831 1317
92 1515113 Guru Har Krishan Public Road No-73 Punjabi TEJINDER PAL 9654924805
School Bagh New 011 2522 0794

93 1515115 Hans Raj Model School Road No-73 Punjabi HIMAL H 9999044329
Bagh New BHAT 011 4591 1500
94 1515116 Shri Sanatan Dharam Road No-70 West REENA VERMA 01125224260-
Saraswati Bal Mandir Punjabi Bagh 25223255
95 1515117 N.C. Jindal Public Road No-73 West D.K. PANDAY 9873160602
School Punjabi Bagh 011 2522 8288

96 1515120 Jaswant Lal Public 13/77 Punjabi Bagh JAI SHRI 9650027389
School KANWAR 011 2522 0914

97 1517205 S.G.N Public School H-243 KUNWAR - 011 2836 2813

NANGLOI, Laxmi Park
Colony, Nangloi
98 1617197 Vivekanand Model Mandir Marg Nangloi
School Ms. Rosy Ahuja 011-25475892
99 1917195 Shri Vishwakarma Model Shiv Vihar, Sihv Ram -
School Park, Nangloi, New 011-28365966
Delhi, Delhi 11004 090131 66062
100 1617153 G.R Memorial Sr. Sec Nilothi Mod, Shiv Ram -
Public School Park 011-25475989
101 1515127 Sh Shiv Mandir Jaidev Park Bhagwan -
Saraswati Bal Vidyalaya Dass Nagar, East Punjabi
Bagh, Delhi 110026 011 2831 4978

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. No. School ID Name of School Address Name of Principal & Contact No.
Vice Principal
1. Primary Viveka Summit 2/13 Patel Road East - 011-
School Patel Nagar 47350503
2. (1st-7th) DAV Public School Metro Pillar No-198 011-
West Patel Nagar West Patel Nagar 25881101
3. Pre-School Shemrock Sprouts Shemrock Sprouts Sh. Rakesh 011-
10/14 East Patel Nagar 65026386
4. (01st to Giri Internantional 1-15 Main Patel Road, Ms. Bhawna Dugga 011-
08th) School Block-1East Patel 25888803
5. Pre School Shri Ram Global 2/10 Main Patel Road- Harpreet Kaur 8375061212
School Patel Nagar Block-2 East Patel
6. 1516109 Ramjas Public School Anand Parbat Sarika Arora 011-
Day Boarding 28765314
7. 1516115 Dayanand Model Arya Samjh Mandir Anjana Luthra 011-
School Marg, Block-12 West 25886403
Patel Nagar 9540524179
8. 1514071 Guru Harkrishan Tilak Vihar Tilak Kulvinder Kaur 011 2599
Public Nagar 4364
9. 1514072 Guru Nanak Convent 97-98 Sham Nagar - 011 2598
School Extn. New Delhi 3259
10. 1514074 Mata Balwant Kaur 33/30 Old Mahavir - 1155455934
Public School Nagar
New Delhi=-110018
11. 1514075 Nav Jeewan Model Wz-Iii-A/116 Vishnu ANJANA DIXIT 954000777
School Garden 011 2598
12. 1514076 Vandna Model School Wz-31b, P No-26 -
Navyug Block Vishnu
13. 1514077 Shiv Modern School WZ-68 Sant Garh, - 1125410623
M.B.S. Nagar
14. 1514079 Guru Gobind Singh 11-12 Block Tilak - 011 2599
Public School Nagar 1982
15. 1514080 Guru Amar Dass 20 Block Tilak Nagar GAJINDER KAUR 8459344565
Public New 1125994340
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

16. 1514081 Dayanand Adarsh Arya Samaj Tilak - 096500

Vidyalaya Nagar New 23978
17. 1514082 S.Jassa Singh Gurdwara Road Chand - 1125113486
Ramgarhia Public Nagar
18. 1514083 M.R.Vivekananda Krishna Park Extn. - 011-
Public School 25993692

19. 1514084 Mukand Lal Katyal Ashok Nagar New - 011-

S.D.Sec.School Delhi- 25490130
20. 1514111 Shri Geeta Bhawan Tilak Nagar, Delhi - - 011-
Model School 110018 25998783
21. 1514092 Capital Model School 36 Mukherjee Park - 84476
New Delhi- 93384
22. 1514093 M.R.Vivekananda Wz-79c Mukhram Park - 011-
Model School Extn Tilak Nagar 25437399
23. 1515106 Adarsh Model Sec. F-75-76 Bali Nagar - 011-
School New 25152500
24. 1516106 Blooming Buds B-Block New Moti RASHMI GANDHI 9891419933
Public Nagar New Delhi- 011-2510
School 110015 3017
25. 1516112 Guru Nanak Public Moti Nagar New Delhi- ARVINDER KAUR 9810375109
School 110015 011-
26. 1516115 Dayanand Model Patel Nagar, New Delhi REKHA 7838807504
School, Arya Samaj 011-
Premises 25886402
27. 1516116 S.D. Public School Lal Mandir, East Patel MEENKASHI 9811858030
Nagar GUPTA 011-
28. 1516117 Bajaj Public School Street No-4, Prem GEETA VERMA 9810243928
New Delhi-8
29. 1516118 Shri Nijatam Prem 17/52 Anand Parbat MANJEET KAUR 9899496466
Vidyalaya N.Delhi 011-
30. 1516120 Kalawati Vidya 2151/Pe-1 New Patel MEENA CHOUHAN 9910126715
Bharti Nagar New 25705991
Public School

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


S. School ID Name of School Address Name of Principal Contact No.

No. & Vice Principal
1 1514073 Adarsh Model School 172, Pratap Nagar, Maya P.R Sehgal 011 2812 4563
Enclave, Hari Nagar, 9310622441
New Delhi, Delhi
2 1514078 Guru Harkrishan Public M.S. -Block Hari Nagar - 01125132070-
School New 71
3 1514085 Tagore Sr. Sec. School 18 Mayapuri Marg MOHIT KUMAR 9811137932
Mayapuri AHUJA 011 2512 5679
4 1514086 New Era Public School Plot No-17 G.B.Rajouri - 011 2549 4439
Garden Mayapuri
5 1514090 Guru Harkrishan Public D-101 Fateh Nagar New - 25402533,25143
School. Delhi 073 25552224
6 1514091 Mahashai Chunilal L-Block Hari Nagar KULDEEP SINGH 1128121540
Saraswati Bal Mandir New CHOUHAN
7 1515105 Shadley Public School Press Colony, G-8 Area, RASHMI 9211799111
Rajouri Garden SACHDEVA 011 2514 3484
1515108 Holy Child Senior Tagore Garden New SHERINE 9990307607
Secondary School Delhi-110027 011 2545 7879
9 1515109 Guru Nanak Public G-8 Area Rajouri S.S. MINHAS 9810677877
School Garden Opp Hari Ngr 1125140586
Sports Complex New
10 1515114 Cambridge Foundation Rajouri Garden Dr. ANITA PURI 011 4100 1114
School Extension New
11 1515118 Saraswati Bal Mandir J-8 Block Rajouri VEENA GOYAL 011 2545 8225
Garden New
12 1515119 Sri Guru Har Krishan D-Block Gurdwara JAI PRAKASH 9868273565
Model School Jagan Garden 011 2543 1833
13 1515122 Adarsh Vidyalaya A-97 Tagore Garden H.R RAWAR 9899170992
(Regd) Extension 1125430032
14 1515125 Deema Public School Rajouri Garden New - 1125429752

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

15 1515126 Guru Ram Dass Public Tagore Garden ARCHANA 8368961634

Middle School Gurdwara Building New SHARMA 1125437804
16 1515140 Maharishi Dayanand J-3/206-207 Rajouri PRIYA NISHI 9213228034
Public School Garden DUGGAL 011 2513 3382

17 1516108 Guru Tegh Bahadur 3rd C-Block Mansarover JASPITAMA 9871620111

Centenary Public Garden New Delhi- KAUR 01125440845-
School 110015 25933485

18 1516111 S.D.Public School Guru Ram Dass Road ANJALI MAGGO 9811526516
Kirti 1125930153
Nagar New Delhi-
19 1516113 The Adarsh School Kirti Nagar, New Delhi VEENE SHEGAL 9810021741
011 2541 6913
20 1516114 Khalsa National Public L.89-90 Kirti Nagar - 1125118374
School New
21 1516119 Shaheed Bishan Singh F-213, Mansarover POOJA SINGHAL 7055525222
Memorial Sr. Sec. Garden, New Delhi, 011 2545 5010
School Delhi 110015
22 1516121 Happy Senior School C-63 Kirti Nagar New GEETA GHAI 9999634666
Delhi- 011 4142 4681

Govt. Aided Private Schools

S. School ID Address Contact

Name of School
1. 1516073 Ramjas senior sec. School no. 2 Anand parbat
2. 1516074 Bhai biba singh khalsa sr. Sec. School New moti nagar 25110732
3. 1516075 S. B. Mills senior secondary school Shivaji marg 25101237
4. 1516076 S. D. Public school (gujrati) Kirti nagar 65484729
5. 1516077 Pgdav senior secondary school 14/6, west patel nagar, block 6,
east patel nagar, patel nagar,
new delhi, delhi 110008
6. 1516078 Bhai joga singh khalsa girls sr. Sec.
West patel nagar 25883297
7. 1516116 S. D. Sr. Sec. Public school East patel nagar 25930153
8. 1516080 Maharaja ranjit singh middle (co-ed) Ranjit nagar, new delhi
school 110008
9. 1516081 Shri guru arjun dev secondary school Shaadipur 25704186
10. 1516082 Shri moti nath sanskrit mahavidyalaya
Ramesh nagar 25439249
(sr. Sec.)
11. 1514045 Sukho khalsa sr. Sec. School Janakpuri
12. 1515081 Kalgidhar khalsa sr. Sec. School Subhash nagar 25132483
13. 1515082 Swami shivanand memorial secondary
East punjabi bagh 28314693
14. 1515083 Sh. Hanuman sanskrit mahavidyalaya Rajendra nagar
15. 1618527 Sh. Mahrishi vishwa vidyapeeth

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Schools in District West

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - IV

List of Hospitals: - (Name & Address)

Govt. Hospitals:

Medical Superintendent/
S.No. Name of Hospital & Address Contact No.
Nodal Officer
Acharya Shree Bikhshu Govt.Hospital Moti
1. Dr. Irshad 7503323168
2. Guru Gobind Singh Hospital, Raghubir Nagar Dr. Prem Kumar 9718830556
3. ESI hospital, Basai Darapur Dr.Arpit 9999801474
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel hospital, Patel
4. Dr. Rajiv Kapoor 9811384484
Nagar- West
5. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital Dr. Rajesh Kohil 9718990202

Private Hospitals

S. No. Name of Hospital & Address Contact No.

1. Aarandhati Hospital,RZ/F,15,Nihal Vihar,Nangloi,New Delhi-41 9810542991
2. Ahuja Nursing Home,16/1,East Patel Nagar,Delhi-08 Dr Ramesh Ahuja
3. Amardeep Nursing Home,A-250/1,Hari Nagar,Delhi-64 011-25494000
4. Amit Nursing Home,A3,Manak Vihar Extn.Tihar,New Delhi- 25407520
5. Anand Hospital,B-52,Dholi Piao,Tilak Nagar,Delhi-18 25541527
6. Anand Nursing Home,34/5A,West Patel Nagar,New Delhi 45733366
7. A-One Hospital Pvt.Ltd.,A-1/7,Paschim Vihar,Main Rohtak 9312218094
Road,Delhi-63 9810301850
8. Arjun Hospital,17/91,Subhash Nagar,New Delhi 25138664
9. Ashray Medical Center,WHS-2/24,Tumber Mkt.Kirti Nagar,New 25411359
Delhi 20539246
10. Attam Nursing Home,19,Bhera Enclave,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-41 25266646
11. Bagga Nursing Home & Maternity Hospital,A-332,Meera Bagh,Delhi- 40036732
12. Balaji Action Hospital, Paschim Vihar 45666666
13. Batra Nursing Home,A-6/13,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-58 25261318
14. Bhalla Hospital,2-B/47,Ramesh Nagar,Delhi-15 9810895382
15. Bhatia Global Hospital & Indo Surgery Indo Surgery Inst. 9810008507
16. Bimal Hospital (p) Ltd.,New Rohtak Road,Nangloi,Delhi-41 25471809
17. Central Hospital,A-142/1,Ganesh Nagar,Delhi18 25994660
18. Chadha Children Hospital & Nursing Home Pvt.Ltd,121,Guru 25260504
Harkishan Nagar,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-18
19. Chawla Nursing Home,J-150-A,Rajouri Garden,Delhi-27 9811426185
20. Daya Hosopital,C-141,Shiv Nagar Extn.Jail Road,New Delhi-58 25612328
21. Dr.Aham Nursing Home,19,Behra Enclave Paschim Vihar,N.Delhi-87 25266646, 25261328
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

22. Dr.Arora’s Eye Care Center,B-1/9,Paschim Vihar,GF,,Delhi-18 9818267689
23. Dr.Bharti’s Nursing Home,B-30,Hari Nagar,Delhi-64 7838539722
24. Dr.kaul’s Clinic & Maternity,B-4 Block,Ground Floor,Plot
No.24,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-63
25. Dr.Shah Surgical Center,Najafgarh Road Nangloi,New Delhi,41 9811108110
26. Drishti Eye laser Center,B-1/18,Mainwali Nagar,Rohtak Road,Delhi- 9999767795
27. Family Hospital (Unit of Family Hospital p Ltd.)WZ-264,New Sahib 28331885
Pura,Tilak Nagar,Delhi-18
28. Flex Medical Center,B-1/4,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-63 25288801
29. Gambhir Hospital, H/K-74,Rajouri Garden,Delhi-27 25437415
30. Girgla Clinic,WZ-65A,Pratap Nagar,Jail Road,Delhi-64 9811198303
31. Goyal Eye Institute,1/10,East Patel Nagar,New Delhi-08 46450000
32. Gupta Medical Center,B-5/7,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-63 25252487
33. Gupta Ultrasound & Heart care Centre, BG-2/4A-5A Paschim 45452222
Vihar,New Delhi-63
34. Handa Nursing Home,57,Raja Garden,New Delhi-15 25415726
35. Harjas Nursing Home,W-18,Rajouri Garden,New Delhi-27 25110348
36. Hope Medical Center,2/10,West Patel Nagar,New Delhi 9953967585
37. Jainar Hospital,A-328,Meera Bagh,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-58 25267056
38. Jasrotia Hospital,A-252,Hari Nagar,Delhi-64
39. Jawa Nursing Home,A-3/313,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-63 42322110
40. Jeewan Moti Khera Hospital,Near PNB,Nangloi,Delhi-41 7290096211
41. Joy Nursing Home,J-5/49F,Rajouri Garden,Delhi-27 45637777
42. Kailash Nursing Home,49,South Patel Nagar,Delhi-08 25847411
43. Kalawati Kasturba Hospital Pvt.Ltd.,2,Inder Enclave,Peeragarhi,New 25257540
Delhi-87 9868120675
44. Kalra Hospital p.Ltd.,A-5-6,Kirti Nagar,Delhi-15 45005600
45. Kamlesh Medical Center,423,Behra Enclave,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-87 9810317641
46. Kantoor Maternity & Medical Center,11/396,Sunder Vihar,Delhi-87 28258055
47. Karishma Medical Center & Nursing Home,18-Guru Harkishan 25586454
Nagar,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-87
48. Karuna Sindhu Charitable Hospital,Bakkarwala Marg,Najafgarh 958286008
49. Kathuria Nursing Home,F-131,Rajouri Garden,Delhi-27 9811550390
50. Khetrapal Hospital,F-95,Bali Nagar,Delhi-15
51. Khetrapal Nursing Home,GN-5, 45600000
F&G,Sector,Shivaji Enclave,Delhi-27
52. Krishna Surgical & Maternity Home,140-D,Main Najafgarh 9810673855
53. Kukreja Hospital & Heart Center,C1,Vishal Enclave,Rajouri 25416681, 25117646
Garden,New Delhi-27
54. Lotus Hospital,WZ-409,A,Janak Park,Hari Nagar,New Delhi-64 45467700
55. Luthra Medical Center,55A-GH-2,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-41 25252147
56. M.R.Nursing Home,A-16,Kirti Nagar,Delhi-15 25932228
57. MGS Hospital,Rohtak Rd.West Punjabi Bagh,New Delhi.( Dr. R. K.
45111444, 9810456777
58. Maharaja Aggrasen Hospital,Road No-35,Punjabi Bagh,Delhi-26 (
Dr. Shalini)
59. Mahavir Nursing Home,49/41,Punjabi Bagh,Delhi-26 40036735

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

60. Mai Kamli Wali Charitable Hosp., Plot No-12, J-Block, Community 45609999
Center, Rajouri Garden, Delhi-27
61. Malik Hospital, 6, Avtar Enclave, Paschim Vihar, Delhi-18 45576282
62. Mangla Agarwal Medical Center Pvt.Ltd.,C-127,Ganesh Nagar,Delhi- 25999393,25994674
63. Mansa Ram Hospital,B-5,Aman puriExtn,Main Najafgarh 8285853737
64. Mehra Medical & Maternity Center,1/19,Tilak Nagar,Delhi-18 9910714740
65. Narang Clinic & Maternity Center,E-27,Camp No.2,Nangloi,New 25189887
66. National Society for Prevention of Blindness,E-33,Moti Nagar, New 26588812
67. Navjivan Hospital,J-1,RB Enclave,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-63 25261489, 25286115
68. New Medical Center,B-2,Moti Nagar,Delhi-15 25416879, 25458334
69. Nijhara Hospital,2972/3,Ranjeet Nagar,Patel Nagar,Delhi-08 25843628
70. Param Tej Sehra Medical Research Center,29,North West 41017293
Avenue,Punjabi Bagh,Delhi-26 41021937
71. Paras Maternity & Medical Center,1/17,Subhash Nagar,New Delhi-27 25145173
72. Park Hospital ,12,Chaukhandi Near Keshopur Depot,Outer,Ring road, 25912442
73. Park Nursing Home,2251/3,New Ranjeet Nagar,New Delh-08 25701421
74. Paschimi Hospital,B-17,New Multan Nagar,Main Rohtak 25291624
Road,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-36
75. Paul’s Nursing Home,235,Avatar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-63 25264754
76. R.Nayyar Hospital,3,Amar Enclave,Village Nawada,Main, 25353155
Najafgarh Road,Delhi-59 25351658
77. Ram Chand Memorial Nursing Home,House No-38,Road No- 25416519
61,Punjabi Bagh,Delhi-26 25223594
78. Rao Raghubir Hospital & Maternity Center,Kamruddin 25471485
Nagar,Najafgarh Road,Nangloi,New Delhi-41 25181018
79. RN Khetrapal Memorial Hospital,WE-283/4,Vishnu Garden,Delhi-18 25432010
80. RP Memorial Hospital,Main Najafgarh Road,Near Krishna 25485858
Mandir,Nangloi,Delhi-41 9811604832
81. Sach Nursing Home,2/12,East Patel Nagar,Delhi-08 40036732
82. Sachdeva Nursing Home & ENT Hospital,2/8,Tilak Nagar,Delhi-18 25991900
83. Sadhbhawana Nursing Home,79,Behra Enclave,Paschim Vihar,Delhi- 25266166
84. Sanchet Hospital,436,Behra Enclave,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi-87 25260683
85. Sankalp Hospital,121,Najafgarh Rd,Nangloi,New Delhi-41 25945570
86. Sant kirandas Hospital, RZ-B-149, Nihal Vihar, Nangloi, Delhi 25942777
87. Sat Manjila Shri Sanatan Dharm Chat.Hospital, Sanatan Dharm 25160981
Mandir, Nangloi-41 25438163
88. Satija Nursing Home,A-5/7,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi 9811050035

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

89. Satya Bhama Hospital,126/105,Najafgarh Road,Nangloi,Delhi-41 25182490

90. Satya Bhama Hospital,128/105,Najafgarh road,Nangloi 25182490
91. Satyanand Medical Center,AE-8,Tagore Garden,New Delhi-27 25416178
92. Sehgal Nursing Home,B-364,Meera Bagh,Outer Ring Road,Delhi-63 25267090
93. Sh.Gurmukh singh ji Cha.Hospital.,Road no.35,West Punjabi 25226100
94. Sh.Jiya lal Hosp. & Maternity Center,6,Inder Enclave,New Rohtak 25252420
Road,Peera Garhi,Delhi-87 25275374
95. Shankar Hospital,B-6,Shankar Garden,Tilak Nagar,Delhi-18 25500003
96. Shantam Nursing Home,1/18,Sunder Vihar,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-87 9811672752
97. Shanti Hospital,8/10,Tilak Nagar,New Delhi 30966641
98. Sharad Nursing Home,Ganesh Market,Najafgarh Road,Nangloi,Delhi- 25186939
41 25961386
99. Shishu Sadan Children Clinic & Hospital,25/21,Tilak Nagar,Delhi-18 25433494
100. Shivaji Hospital,Medical& Maternity Center,FC-69,Shivaji 25532140
Enclave,New Delhi-27
101. Shri Guru Ram Dass Ch.Hospital,2/294-95,Subhash Nagar,New 25143280
102. Sodhi Nursing Home,455,Behra Enclave,Paschim Vihar,Delhi-87 25266166
103. Sonia Hospital Pvt.Ltd.Gulshan Park,Main Rohtak Road,Delhi-41
104. Sparsh Hospital,RR-3,Main Wali Nagar,Rohtak Road,Delhi-41 25261316
105. SR Hospital Pvt.Ltd.F-7,Karampura,Delhi-15 9899406095
106. SR Hospital Pvt.Ltd.I-154,Karampura,Delhi-15 9899406095-96
107. Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute(Unit of lala Muni Lal Mange Ram 11-42888888
Chat.Trust,FC-34-A-4,Paschim Vihar,New Delhi
108. Sumitra Hospital,142,Arihant Nagar,Shiv Mandir Road,Punjabi 32599179
109. Sushruta Maternity & Surgical Centre,A-311,Meera Bagh,Paschim 25268631
Vihar,Delhi-87 25287736
110. Swastik Hospital,FC-Block,Tagore Garden,Delhi-27 25497222
111. Tagore Hospital,FC-Block,Tagore Garden,Delhi-27 45656297
112. Tagore Nursing Home,66/4,Ashok Nagar,Jail Road,New Delhi-18 25406933
113. Verma Nursing Home,F-58,Bali Nagar,Delhi-15 25439425
114. Vision Eye Center,12/27,West Patel Nagar,Delhi-08 25882129
115. Westend Hospital,11/72,Tilak Nagar,Delhi-18 25911339
116. Westend Nursing Home,WA-632-633,Shiv Nagar Extn,Near Jail 40036723

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - V

List of Urban and Rural Villages in West District, Delhi

Sub Division Sub Division Rajouri

S.No. S. No. Sub Division Punjabi Bagh S.No.
Patel Nagar Garden
Basai Darapur Bakkarwala ( Rural)
1. 1. 1. Tatarpur

Baprola ( Rural)
2. Choukhandi 2. 2. Tihar

Hiran Kudna ( Rural)

3. Khampur Raya (Rural) 3.
Keshopur Jwala Heri
4. 4.
5. Khyala 5.
6. 6. Mundka ( Rural)
Tilangpur Kotla ( Rural)
Nangloi Sayeed
Neelwal ( Rural)
Nilothi ( Rural)
Peera Garhi
Qammaruddin Nagar
( Rural)
Ranhaula ( Rural)
Tikri Kalan ( Rural)

01 is rural out of 06 10 are rural out of 14 Both are urban

Total 22 11 (Rural) 11 (Urban)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - VI

List of RWAs

RWAs in Sub-Division Rajouri Garden:-

S. No. Name Of RWAs Address

1 Senior Citizens Welfare Association. FD-36, Tagore Garden , New Delhi-110027
2 Vikrant Enclave Agency No.83 - RWA Flat No. 168-B, Vikrant Enclave, Mayapuri, New
3 Janak Park Plot Holder Welfare Society Plot No. 67, Street No. 5, Janak Park, Hari Nagar
Clock Tower, New Delhi-110064
6 Social Welfare Sabha Sudershan Park A-67, Sudershan Park, New Delhi-110015
7 Virender Nagar Sudhar Sabha WZ-244/B, Gali No. 1, Virender Nagar, Jail Road,
NewDelhi -110058
8 Hari Nagar Industrial Welfare Association BE-191, Hari Nagar, New Delhi - 110064.
9 Rajouri Garden Welfare Association A-68, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027
10 Ashok Nagar Central Govt. Employees RWA 33/15, First Floor, Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-18
11 Vishal Enclave Welfare Association A-120, Vishal Enclave, Najafgarh Road, New
12 Residents Welfare Agency No. 73, G-8 Area, Rajouri B-8E, Dda Mig Flats, Mayapuri,G-8 Area Rajouri
Garden Dda Mig Flats Garden, New Delhi-64
13 Asha Park RWA A-57, Asha Park, Jail Road, New Delhi-110058
14 EC-Pocket Maya Enclave RWA EC-380, Maya Enclave, New Delhi
15 D-Block, Kirti Nagar RWA D-17, Kirti Nagar New Delhi – 15
16 Kirti Nagar E,C & G Block RWA C-122, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi – 15
17 DB Block Dda Flats Hari Nagar RWA DB-83-B , D.B. Block Dda Flats, Hari Nagar, New
18 Association Of Residents Of K-Block, Kirti Nagar K-19, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi – 1
19 E-A, E-C & E-D Block, Tagore Garden RWA ED-143/1, Tagore Garden, New Delhi – 110027
20 Delhi State Resident Welfare Council A-179, Fateh Nagar, New Delhi-110018
21 Ashok Nagar RWA 13/5 Ahok Nagar, New Delhi 110018
22 Tihar Employees Welfare Assocaition Kiran Suvidha Ghar, Near Jail No. 2, Central Jail
Complex, Tihar, New Delhi-64
23 B-Block Rajouri Garden Brotherhood Society B-1/4, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027
24 Rajouri Garden Mig Green Flats RWA 242-H, DDA Mig Flats, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-27
25 Federation Of Welfare Associations, Tagore Garden & BA-336, Tagore Garden, New Delhi-110027
Titar Pur
26 G-Block Hari Nagar, RWA WZ-203, G-Block, Hari Nagar, Lane No. 16, Jail
Road, New Delhi-110058
27 Jagrook 13 Block (13/38 To 13/101) Subhash Nagar 13/77, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi-27
28 Block J-7-8-9 Rajouri Garden RWA J-7/88, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027
29 Ajay Enclave Resident Welfare Association E-III, Ajay Enclave, Subhash Nagar More, Delhi
30 Maya Enclave RWA EA-298, Maya Enclave, New Delhi-110064
31 F-1 Awasiya Kalyan Samiti Hari Nagar Pocket-F-1/9-A, Mig Flats, Hari Nagar, New Delhi-64
33 Rajouri Garden Mig Flats (512) Progressive 211-B, Dda Flats (Mig), Rajouri Garden, New
Association (Regd.)
34 Ramesh Nagar Double Storey Resident's Welfare 45/5, Double Storey, Ramesh Nagar, New
35 EA Pocket Residents Welfare Association Maya Gate No.8, EA Pocket, Maya Enclave, New
36 Jan Kalyan Committee Raghubir Nagar A-689, Raghubir Nagar Near Gaon Wala Chowk,
Shivaji College Road No.28, New Delhi-110027
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

37 C-Block Hari Nagar RWA C-123a, Hari Nagar, New Delhi-110064

41 Shivaji Enclave Residents Association FD-18, Shivaji Enclave, New Delhi-110027
42 A/C Block Welfare Association AC-27, Tagore Garden, New Delhi-110027
43 The Residents Unity Welfare Association G-29, Gali No.19, G-Block, Hari Nagar, New
44 Welfare Association-West Rajouri Garden J-11/71-A, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-27
45 Tagore Garden RWA AE-21, Tagore Garden, New Delhi-110027
46 Four Storey Flats Welfare Association 77, SFS Flats, Vishal Market, Tagore Garden Extn.
New Delhi-110027
47 Subhash Nagar Block-1 Residents Welfare Society 1/68, Front Portion, Subhash Nagar, New
48 RWA Cd Block Lig Flats Hari Nagar CD 22f Lig Flats Hari Nagar
49 Saraswati Garden Welfare Association A-41, Saraswati Garden, P.O. Ramesh Nagar,
New Delhi – 27
50 Vatika Residents Welfare Associaton RWA – 73 Vatika Apartments, Dda Mig Flats Mayapuri,
New Delhi 64
51 A & C Vishal Enclave Welfare Association Vishal Enclave
52 Association Of Residents Of K-Block, Kirti Nagar K-19, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi – 15
53 B-Block Rajouri Garden Brotherhood Society B-1/4, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027
54 Block J-7-8-9 Rajouri Garden RWA J-7/88, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027
55 Brotherhood Society, B-Blk Rajouri Garden B-Blk Rajouri Garden
56 D-Block, Kirti Nagar RWA D-17, Kirti Nagar New Delhi - 15
57 DB Block Dda Flats Hari Nagar RWA DB-101-E, DB Block Dda Flats, Hari Nagar, New
58 E-A, E-C & E-D Block, Tagore Garden RWA E-143/1, Tagore Garden, New Delhi – 110027
59 Ec-Pocket Maya Enclave RWA Ec-380, Maya Enclave, New Delhi
60 F-1 Awasiya Kalyan Samiti Hari Nagar Pocket-F-1/9-A, Mig Flats, Hari Nagar, New Delhi-64
61 Federation Of Welfare Associations, Tagore Garden & Ba-336, Tagore Garden, New Delhi-110027
Titar Pur
62 G-Block Hari Nagar, RWA Wz-203, G-Block, Hari Nagar, Lane No. 16, Jail Road,
New Delhi-110058
63 Hari Nagar Industrial Welfare Association B.E.-191, Hari Nagar, New Delhi - 110064.
64 Hari Nagar RWA Hari Nagar
65 Jagrook 13 Block (13/38 To 13/101) Subhash Nagar, 13/77, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi-27
66 Janak Park Plot Holder Welfare Society Plot No. 67, Janak Park, Hari Nagar Clock Tower, New
67 Kirti Nagar Dsidc Complex Association C-36, Dsisc Packaging Complex, Kirti Nagar, New
68 Kirti Nagar E,C & G Block RWA C-122, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi - 15
69 Kirti Nagar J-Block RWA J-89, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi-15
70 Maya Enclav3e RWA Ea-298, Maya Enclave, New Delhi-110064
71 Raja Garden RWA 129, Raja Garden, New Delhi-110015
72 Raja Garden Welfare Association 198, Raja Garden, New Delhi-110015
73 Rajouri Garden B-Block Rajouri Garden, B- Block,RWA
74 Rajouri Garden Mig Flats (512) Progressive 211-B, Dda Flats (Mig), Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-
Association (Regd.) 110027.
75 Rajouri Garden Mig Green Flats RWA 242-H, Dda Mig Flats, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-27
76 Rajouri Garden Welfare Association A-68, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027
77 Ramesh Nagar Double Storey Resident's Welfare 45/5, Double Storey, Ramesh Nagar, New Delhi-
Association 110015
78 Rederation Of RWA Of West Delhi Meenakshi Garden
79 Residents Welfare Agency No. 73, G-8 Area, Rajouri B-8e, Dda Mig Flats, Mayapuri,G-8 Area Rajouri

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Garden Dda Mig Flats Garden, New Delhi-64

80 RWA A/E Block, Tagore Garden Extn. Tagore Garden Extn. Ae 21
81 RWA Four Storey Flats, Tagore Garden Ext Tagore Garden Ext.
82 Saraswati Garden RWA Saraswati Garden
83 Tagore Garden Tagore Garden, Behind Railsay Station
84 Vishal Enclave Vishal Enclave
85 A-131, Vishal Enclave, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-
Vishal Enclave RWA
86 A-120, Vishal Enclave, Najafgarh Road, New Delhi-
Vishal Enclave Welfare Association
87 Rajouri Garden Welfare Association A-68, Rajouri Garden New Delhi-110027
88 Paschimi Delhi RWA D-67A, Fateh Nagar New Delhi
89 RWA CB-Block, Hari Nagar
90 Star Welfare Association 12/2, Subhash Nagar
91 Pocket A, RWA Jail Road ,Hari Nagar
92 Sakit Corporation House building Socity D-12, Subhash Enclave Paschim Vihar New Delhi
93 B-Block Hari Nagar Residents Welfare Associaton B-95, Hari Nagar New Delhi-110064
94 Raja Garden Ext. Welfare Association WZ-96R, Raja Garden Ext. New Delhi-110015
95 G&H Block Residents Welfare Association Rajouri Garden
96 Residents Welfare Associtaion G,J& Z Block) Z-5A (FF) Rajouri Garden New Delhi-110027
Rajouri Garden
97 Kirti Nagar DSIDC Complex Association C-36, DSIDC Complex, Kirti Nagar New Delhi-
98 CB Block Hari Nagar RWA CB Block, DDA Flats, Hari Nagar
99 CC Block, Hari Nagar RWA CC Block, DDA Flats, Hari Nagar
100 CD Block Hari Nagar RWA CD Block, DDA Flats, Hari Nagar
101 Usha Park Hari Nagar RWA Usha Park Hari Nagar
102 L Block Hari Nagar RWA L Block Hari Nagar
103 CA Block RWA CA Block, DDA Flats, Hari Nagar
104 Partap Nagar RWA Flat No 45,Partap Nagar
105 Rajouri Garden RWA 101, Rajouri Garden
106 E 30 To E 35 RWA E 30 To E 35 Rajouri Garden
107 J 5/61 RWA J 5/61 Rajouri Garden
108 B2/16 RWA B2/16 Rajouri Garden
109 J7/142 RWA J7/142 Rajouri Garden
110 Four Story RWA Four Story
111 F B 124 RWA FA & FB 124 Tagore Garden
112 B A 293 RWA B A 293 Tagore Garden
113 ED/142 RWA ED/143 Tagore Garden
114 A,B block RWA Shardapuri A,B Block
115 RWA- Shopping Centre Block-F Mansarovar Garden

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

116 RWA 8-Block, Ramesh Nagar

117 RWA 4- Block Ramesh Nagar
118 RWA A-Block,Sarswati Garden
119 G-29-46 RWA G- Block Kirti Nagar
120 RWA F-93 Top Floor, Kirti Nagar
123 RWA A,B BLOCK A,B Block Double Story Ramesh Nagar New Delhi-
124 RWA B-BLOCK B-Block Kirti Nagar New Delhi-110015
125 RWA K BLOCK K Block Kirti Nagar
126 Welfare Association RWA G-BLOCK G-71 MANSAROVER GARDEN NEW DELHI-110015

RWAs in Sub-Division Patel Nagar:-

S .No. RWA Address

22-Block Residents Welfare Assocaition, 22/71-72, Ground Floor, (Back Entrance) West Patel Nagar,
W.P. Nagar New Delhi-110008.
2 Ajay Enclave Resident Welfare Association E-III, Ajay Enclave, Subhash Nagar More, Delhi
3 Ajay Enclave Welfare Association Ajay Enclave
4 Alishan Welfare Association (Regd.) C-89, Baba Farid Puri, Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008.
6 Asha Park RWA A-57, Asha Park, Jail Road, New Delhi-110058
7 Ashok Nagar Central Govt. Employees RWA 26/13, First Floor, Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-18
8 Ashok Nagar RWA 13/5 Ashok Nagar, New Delhi 110018
11 Baljeet Nagar Samajik Uthan Samiti T-419/1, Baljeet Nagar, New Delhi-8
12 Basai Darapur RWA WZ-508/1, Basai Darapur, New Delhi-110015
Bharat Ratan Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Welfare
13 C-169,New Moti Nagar, New Delhi - 110015
14 Chand Nagar RWA 173, Chand Nagar, New Delhi-110018
DDA Flats New Ranjeet Nagar, New Delhi- 3, DDA Flats New Ranjeet Nagar Opposite Satyam Cinema,
110008. New Delhi-110008.
18 DDA Welfare Association 96, DDA Flats, Jaidev Park, New Delhi-110026
19 Delhi Ekta Jagriti Vikas Manch (Regd.) 125/1, Shadi Khanpur, Mandir Wali Gali, New Delhi-110008.
20 Delhi State Resident Welfare Council A-179, Fateh Nagari, New Delhi-110018
21 Dtc Residents Welfare Association (Regd.) E-76, DTC Colony, Shadipur, New Delhi-08
22 E-Block New Ranjit Nagar RWA E-129, DDA Flats, New Ranjeet Nagar, New Delhi – 110000
23 East Patel Nagar Block-16 RWA 49/12, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi-8
26 East Patel Nagar Citizen Forum 18/42, GF, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi
27 F-Block Vishnu Garden RWA Linking Navyug Block, F-129, Vishnu Garden, New Delhi
Jaidev Park House Owners Welfare 10/7, Jaidev Park, New Delhi-110026
29 Jan Dardi SRWA Samiti 2087/3a/4, -Prem Nagar, New Delhi-110008
40 Jan Jagran Evam Samaj Kalyan Samiti B-639, Sudarshan Park, New Delhi-110015
41 Jan Kalyan Sangathan (Regd) T 186/2 Prem Nagar Road, Baljeet Nagar, New Delhi
43 Jan Samaj Seva Samiti Baljeet Nagar
44 Mahavir Nagar Extension 'O' Block RWA O-32,Gali No.22, Mahavir Nagar Ext., New Delhi-18

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Major Bhupinder Singh Nagar Awas Kalyan Wz-22/2, Sahibpura, New Delhi-110018
46 Nagrik Parishad Baljeet Nagar T-147/F-2, Baljit Nagar, New Delhi-110008
Nai Basti (Anand Parbat) RWA 52/14-Ab, Gali No. 17, Nai Basti Anand Parbat, New Delhi-
Nai Basti (Anand Parbat) RWA 52/77-F, Gali No.-21, Nai Basti, Anand Parbat, New Delhi -
49 Paschimi Delhi RWA D-67a, Fateh Nagar, New Delhi
50 Rajasthan Colony Navyuvak RWA Rc- 215/1, 26-Block, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008
Resident Welfare Association Karam Pura AC-43 Karam Pura, New Delhi-110015
52 RWA Ranjit Nagar Ranjit Nagar
54 Sadar Zila Welfare Association I-223, Karam Pura, New Delhi-110015.
55 Sant Nagar Extn. RWA WZ/G-46, Sant Nagar Extn., New Delhi-110018
56 Shiv Gali (Baljeet Nagar) RWA T-634-6a, Shiv Gali, Baljeet Nagar, New Delhi - 110008.
Wz-125. Shadipur Mandir Wali Gali West Patel Nagar, New
57 Shri Har Education Seva Society (Regd.)
58 Social Welfare Sabha Sudershan Park A-67, Sudershan Park, New Delhi-110015
59 Sudershan Park RWA A-Block Sudershan Park
Super Market & Commercial Complex G-6, Magnum House-I, Karampura, New Delhi-15
Welfare Association
319/3, Gali No-2, Than Singh Nagar, Anand Parbat, New
61 Than Singh Nagar (Anand Parbat) RWA
Tihar Employees Welfare Assocaition Kiran Suvidha Ghar, Near Jail No. 2, Central Jail Complex,
Tihar, New Delhi-64
63 Tilak Nagar East RWA 7/38, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110018
Tilak Nagar Welfare & Vigilance Association 12/46a, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110018
Varishat Nagrik Jan Kalyan Samiti, Tilak A-25, Sham Nagar, Khyala Road, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-
Nagar 110018
Virender Nagar Sudhar Sabha Wz-244/B, Gali No. 1, Virender Nagar, Jail Road, New Delhi -
67 West Patel Nagar RWA 35/35, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi-8
68 West Patel Nagar RWA E-221, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi - 110008
Residents Welfare Association Harijan
69 WZ-243B, (80, Yard), Tilak Nagar New Delhi-110018
Colony Tilak Nagar
70 Ranjit Nagar Avas Vikas Association 3013/2, Street No-19, Ranjit Nagar, New Delhi-110008
71 Sarvodaya Vikas Avam Jan Kalyan Smiti 2114/B, Gali No-8, Prem Nagar New Delhi-110008
72 Jan Sewa Prayas West Patel Nagar Balraj Niwas P-58, West Patel Nagar New Delhi-110008
73 C-Block West Patel Nagar C-146, West Patel Nagar New Delhi-110008
74 Block-29, West Patel Nagar RWA 29/41, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008
75 Karampura Awasiya Vikas Smiti I-257, Karampura New Delhi-110015
Anand Parbat Residents Welfare
76 B-9, Upper Anand Prabat, New Delhi-110008
77 Jan Sanskar Sewa Smiti Delhi A-81, Pandav Nagar New Delhi-110008
Residents Welfare Association Block No-
78 17/57-A, Tilak Nagar New Delhi-110018
17, Tilak Nagar
79 Jan Kalyan Committee Raghubir Nagar A-689, Raghubir Nagar Near Gaon Wala Chowk Shivaji
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

College Road NO-28, Delhi-110027

80 Baba Farid Puri RWA 217, Baba Farid Puri, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008
Khampur Village Residents Welfare WZ-150A, Khampur. Opp. West Patel Nagar. New Delhi-
Associtaion 110008
Residents Social Welfare Association (B&C
82 C-150A Moti Nagar New Delhi-110015
Block) Moti Nagar
Khyala Residents Block-A, Welfare
83 A-555, DDA Colony, Khyala New Delhi-110018
Ramgarh Colony Residents Welfare
84 WZ-24/A, Gali No-3, Ram Garh Colony, New Delhi-110015
Residents Welfare Association C-Block, Tilak C-23B C-Block, Tilak Vihar Tilak Nagar New Delhi-110018
F&G Block Punjabi Basti, Baljeet Nagar G-147/20, Block-F, Nepali Mandir, Punjabi Basti, Baljeet
Resident Welfare Association Nagar, New Delhi-110008
2105/2, D-2, Gali No-11, Main Road Prem Nagar New Delhi-
87 RWA Association
88 Nehru Nagar Resident Welfare Association 211, Main Road Nehru Nagar New Delhi-110008
90 Baljeet Nagar Resident Welfare Association Baljeet Nagar
Residents Social Welfare Association (B&C
91 C-142 Moti Nagar New Delhi-110015
Block) Moti Nagar

RWAs in Sub-Division Punjabi Bagh:-

S.No. Name of RWAs Address

Janta Co-Operative House Building Socity
1 A/251, Meera Bagh, Delhi 41
2 Resident Welfare Sanstha (BlockB-3) B-3/178, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-110063
Unnati Apartment Gh-12/196, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-
3 GH-12 Resident Welfare Association
4 GH-13 Paschim Vihar RWA GH-13/875, SFS, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-110087
The Rabinder Co-Operative Group Housing Block A-6, Supriya Apartment, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-
Society LTD. 110063
6 Guru Harkishan Nagar RWA M-251, Guruharkishan Nagar, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-87
The Adarsh Bhawan Co–Operative Building
7 24/2, Punjabi Bagh Ext. New Delhi
The Punjabi Bagh Co-operative Housing Crossing Road No-7 & 24, East Punjabi Bagh New Delhi
C.A. Apartment Resident Welfare
9 A-13, Ch. Balbir Singh Marg, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-
The Puschim Vihar (Pocket BG-1Block-B)
10 Flat No. BG-1 /108, Paschim Vihar New Delhi
Resident Welfare Association
11 Guru Harkishan Nagar Niwas Kalyan Society M-274, Guruharkishan Nagar, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-87
12 A-4 Block Kothi Association RWA A-4/244, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi
Pragati Apartment Resident Welfare GateNo.-1 Pragati Apartment, SFA/Pkt. III, Madi Pur New
Association Delhi
14 Sunder Apartment Rwa Pkt. GH-10, Outer Ring Road, Paschim Vuhar, New Delhi
Federation OF Paschim Vihar Welfare
15 A-3/255, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi
16 Paschim Vihar Vikas Samiti GH-13/630 Paschim Vihar New Delhi

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

LIG Govt. servants Co-Operative Housing

17 Sunder Vihar New Delhi
Society LTD.
18 Senior Citizen Welfare Association Flat No.633, GH-13, Paschim Vihar New Delhi
19 GH-12 Unnati Appt Paschim Vihar RWA GH-12/196Unnati Appt., Paschim Vihar, New Delhi
20 Paschim Vihar A-2 RWA A-2/54, Paschim Viahr New Delhi-110063
Defence Ministry Employees Co-Operative
21 Raksha Kunj, Paschim Vihar New Delhi
Group Housing Society
B-47-B, Block-E, Paschim Vihar(opp. BG-1 Flat), Paschim
22 Shivangi Kunj RWA
Vihar, New Delhi
23 Paschim Vihar GH-9RWA Community Hall, Paschim Vihar New Delhi
84, Arihant Nagar Jain Colony, New Punjabi Bagh (West),
24 Arihant Nagar RWA
Rohtak Road , New Delhi-110026
25 Meera Bagh B-Block RWA B-411, Meera Bagh New Delhi-110063
GH- 5 & 7, Flat No. 751 Meera Bagh Paschim Vihar, New
26 Meera Bagh GH-5 & 7RWA
Resident Welfare Association B-4 Block
27 B-4/84, Paschim Vihar New Delhi
Paschim Vihar
28 GH-4 Pocket Meera Appt. RWA Community Centre, Meera Appt.Paschim Vihar New Delhi
29 Federation OF Paschim Vihar CGHS Sunshine Apartment , A-3 Paschim Vihar New Delhi
New Delhi Bengalee Co-Operative Housing
30 Nivedita Enclave Paschim Vihar
Society LTD.
Federation OF Paschim Vihar Welfare
31 B-4/105, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi
Community Hall Rohtak Road, Near Madi Pur Village New
32 Punjabi Bagh Apartment RWA
33 DDA Flats Jaidev Park RWA 127, DDA Flats Jaidev Park East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi
34 Samaj Kalyan Samiti Village Ranhola Near MCD Primary School, Ranhola, Nangloi, New Delhi
35 B-5, Block Paschim VIhar RWA B-5/1, Block Paschim VIhar, New Delhi
36 B-3, Block Paschim VIhar RWA B-3/223, Block Paschim VIhar New Delhi-
37 Mianwali Nagar Resident Welfare Association AB-18 Mianwali Nagar, New Delhi
B-2, Block Paschim VIhar Resident Welfare
38 B-2/238 Paschim VIhar New Delhi
39 GH-1RWA Paschim Vihar GH-1/231 DDA MIG Flats, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi
40 BG- 3 Paschim Vihar RWA BG-3/16C, LIG Flat, Paschim Vihar , New Delhi
41 Shivangi Kunj Paschim Vihar RWA A-12 D, Shivangi Kunj, Paschim Vihar , New Delhi
Ratan Park Veena Enclave Welfare
42 2/38, Veena Enclave(Ratan Park) Nangloi New Delhi
43 Vikas Samiti Kotla Vihar, PH-II Nangloi 210 Kotla Vihar, PH-II Tilan Pur , Kotla Nangloi, New Delhi
Federation Of Resident Welfare Association/ 81, Venus Apartment, Rohtak Road, Paswchim Vihar, New
Coop Group Housing Society Delhi
45 Jan Sewa Samiti Nangloi Ext. West H.No. 51 Nangloi Ext.-2 B Gali No. 3 New Delhi
46 Nangloi Ext.1 C Resident Welfare Association 41-B Nangloi Ext. 1C Nangloi New Delhi
47 Nangloi Ext.4 Resident Welfare Association H.No.-4 Nangloi Ext.4 New Delhi-
48 Jan Kalyan Sewa Samiti 45 Ext. West II-C Nangloi New Delhi-
49 Welfare Association Of Nangloi Extn.No. 1 H.No. 27, Extn 1-B, Bihind Lokesh Cinema Nangloi Delhi
50 Jan Kalyan Samiti Nangloi D-298, Extn.II Nangloi Delhi-41
Yadav Park Extn.Najafgarh Road Nangloi
51 54, Yadav Park Extn.Najafgarh Road Nangloi, New Delhi
Resident Welfare Association
State Bank Nagar Resident Welfare
52 203 State Bank Nagar, Paschim Vihar New Delhi
53 Jan Sewa Samiti Rajendra Park Extn.
54 Manogya Yuva Samitee Village Hiran Kudna
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

55 A-4 Block Kothi Association RWA A-4/244, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-63 New Delhi
84,Arihant Nagar Jain Colony, Near Punjabi Bagh (West)
56. Arihant Nagar RWA
Rohtak Road, New Delhi – 110026
57 B-5 Block Paschim Vihar RWA B-5, Paschim Vihar, RWA B-5/1, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi
Jeevan Park RWA, Fzc-30, Jeevan Park, Jeevan Park, New
58 Bhartiya Bhil Kalyan Kari Parishad
Block-B-2, Paschim Vihar Residents Welfare
59 B-2/238, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063
60 Block-Bg-3, Paschim Vihar RWA Bg-3/16-C, LIG Flat, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-63
C.A. Apartments Resident Welfare A-13, Ch. Balbir Singh Marg, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-
Association 110063
62 DDA Flats Jaidev Park RWA 127, Dda Flats Jaidev Park, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi
Defence Ministry Employees Co-op. Group Raksha Kunj, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063
Housing Society
64 Federation Of Paschim Vihar Cghs Sunshine Apartment, A-3 Paschim Vihar, New Delhi – 110063
Federation Of Paschim Vihar Welfare Assn. A-3, Block Paschim Vihar Welfare Association A-3/331,
Paschim Vihar, News Delhi
Federation Of Paschim Vihar Welfare A-5/345, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi – 110063
Federation Of Paschim Vihar Welfare A-3/255, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063.
Associations (Regd.)
Federation Of Rersidents Welfare Defence Apartment, Plot No. 9, Paschim Vihar, Rohtak Road,
68 Association/Coop Group Housing Societies, New Delhi-87
Rohtak Road Area
Gh-1/188, Dda Mig Flats, Archana Apartment, Paschim Vihar,
69 Gh-1 RWA Paschim Vihar
New Delhi- 63
Unnati Apartments, Gh-12/196, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-
70 Gh-12 Residents Welfare Association
71 Gh-12 Unnati Appt Paschim Vihar RWA Gh-12/196, Unnati Appt., Paschim Vihar, New Delhi
72 Gh-13 Paschim Vihar RWA Gh-13/875, Sfs, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi- 110087
Community Centre, Meera Appt. Paschim Vihar, New Delhi –
73 Gh-4 Pocket Meera Appt. RWA
74 Gram Sudhar Samiti (Vill. Baprola) Village Baprola, P.O. Najafgarh, New Delhi.
75 Guru Harkishan Nagar Niwas Kalyan Society M-274, Guru Harkishan Nagar, New Delhi
Guru Harkishan Nagar RWA M-251, Guru Harmishan Nagar, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-
77 Hindustan Coop House Building Society Ltd. 455, Guru Harkrishan Nagar, New Delhi-110087
Janta Co-Operative House Building Society A/251, Meera Bagh, Delhi-110041
79 Laxmi Park Resident Welfare Association C-214, Laxmi Park, Nangloi, Delhi-110041
Lig Govt. Servants Co-Op. House Building Sunder Vihar, New Delhi
Society Ltd.
81 Meera Bagh B-Block RWA B-449, Meera Bagh, New Delhi – 110063
Meera Bagh Gh-5&7 RWA Gh-5 & 7, Fat No - 751/Gh-5&7, Meera Bagh, Paschim Vihar,
New Delhi – 110087
Mianwali Nagar Residents Welfare Ab-18, Mianwali Nagar, New Delhi-110087
84 Paschim Vihar B-4 Block RWA B-4/37, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi – 110063
85 Paschim Vihar Gh-9 RWA Community Hall, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi
86 Paschim Vihar Vikas Samiti Gh-13/630, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi - 110063.
Pragati Apartments RWA Gate No. 1 ,Pragati Apartments, Sfa/Pkt-Iii/Madipur, New
Delhi 110063

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Punjabi Bagh Apartment RWA Residents Welfare Associations, Punjabi Bagh Apartments,
88 Community Hall, Rohtak Road, Near Madipur Village, Delhi
Ratan Park Veena Enclave Welfare 2/38, Veena Enclave (Ratan Park) Near Prag Bharti School
Association Nangloi, Delhi
90 Rattan Park Sudhar Sabha G-3, Ratan Park, Najafgarh Road, New Delhi
91 Resident Welfare Sanstha (Block B-3) B-3/178, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063.
92 Residents & Market Welfare Association Gh-4/265, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-63
93 Senior Citizen Welfare Association Flat No-633, Gh-13, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi – 110087
94 Shivangi Kunj Paschim Vihar RWA A-12 D, Shivangi Kunj, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063
Shivangi Kunj RWA B-47-B, Block-E, Pasvhim Puri, (Opp. Bg-1 Flats), New Delhi-
Sunder Apartments RWA Pkt. Gh-10, Outer Ring Road, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-
The Adarsh Bhawan Co-Operative Building 24/2, Punjabi Bagh Extn., New Delhi-25
The Paschim Vihar (Pocket Bg-1 Block-B) Flat No. Bg-I/196, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063
Residents Welfare Association
99 The Punjabi Bagh House Bldg. Society Ltd. Road No. 7 & 24, 16/60, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-25
The Rabindra Co-Operative Group Housing Block A-6, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi – 110063
Society Ltd.
Transport Operators & Labour Welfare Priyadarshini Apartment, A-4, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-63
Association Of Delhi
F-2, Udyog Nagar Industrial Complex, Rohtak Road, Delhi-
102 Udyog Nagar Factory Owners Association
Vikas Samiti Kotla Vihar, Ph-Ii, Nangloi 210, Kotla Vihar, Ph-Ii, Tilanpur, Kotla, Najafgarh Road,
Nangloi, Delhi-43
104 Vill. BakkaRWAla BakkaRWAl Village, V. & P. O. Bakkarwala, Delhi.
105 Vill. Kamruddin Nagar Kamruddin Nagar, Village & P.O.Kamruddin Nagar Delhi.
106 Vill. Mundka Mundka Village, V. & P. O. Mundka, Delhi -110041.
107 Vill. Neelwal Neelwal Village V & P.O Neelwal, Delhi.
108 Vill. Nilothi Nilothi Village V & P.O. Nilothi, Delhi-110041
109 Vill. Tikri Kalan 263, V. & P. O. Tikri Kalan, Delhi-110041.
Vill. Tilangpur Kotla Tilangpur Kotla, V. & P. O.Tilangpur Kotla, New Delhi-
111 Vill.Ranhoula, V & P. O. Ranhoula, Delhi Vill.Ranhoula, V & P. O. Ranhoula, New Delhi
112 Village Ranhola RWA Ranhola
113 Punjabi Bagh Nagrik Welfare Association Nabha Cottage 39-D/77, Punjabi Bagh West

114 A-Block RWA Meera Bagh A-71, Meera Bagh, New Delhi-110087

RWA Ranhaual Ext. Ph-I 198A, Laxmi Park, Ranhaula Ext. Ph-I, Nangloi New Delji-
115 110041

Residents Welfare Association GH-14 Gh-14, Paschim Vihar New Delhi

116 Paschim

Shiv Ram Park Vikas Samitee ( I-Block), I-147, Gali No-7, Shiv Ram Park, Nangloi, New Delhi-110041
117 Nangloi

Shantikunj S.F.S. DDA Flats Residents A-5B, Security Room, Gate No-1, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-
118 Welfare Association 110063

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Rajdhani Park Nangloi P&T Block Vikas F-48/10, Rajdhani Park P&T Block, Nangloi Delhi-110041
119 Smiti

Residents Welfare Association GH-9, Paschim Gh-9/371, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-110087
120 Vihar

121 Golden Park Area Avas Vikas Smiti 9A, Golden Park, Rohtak Road, Delhi-110035

122 Amritpuri Residents Welfare Association A-10, Amritpuri Ranhola Nilothi Road, Nangloi Delhi-110041

H-3, Block Kanwar Singh Nagar Residents House No-3/5, Kh. No-23/10/2, Kunwar Singh Nagar, Nangloi
123 Welfare Association Delhi-110041

Transport Operators & Labour Welfare 3, Priyadarshini Apartment, A-4, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-
124 Association 110063

125 Senior Citizens Samaj A-1/335, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-110063

A-3, Block Paschim Vihar Welfare A-3/153, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063
126 Associatiaon

Guru Harkishan Nagar RWA M-475, Guru Harkishan Nagar, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-
127 110063

The Paschim Vihar Pocket BG-1, Block-B Flat No-BG-1/108, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-110063
128 Residents Welfare Associtaion

Rattan Park Sudhar Sabha G-3 Gali No-1, Rattan Park Najafgarh Road, New Delhi-
129 110041

RWA Ashok Mohalla, Nangloi 3/10, Ashok Mohalla, Arya Mohalla Bhuton Wali Gali,
130 Nangloi Jat Delhi-110041

Kunwar Singh Nagar Purvanchal Chhhat Gali No-05, Kunwar Singh Nagar Nangloi Delhi-110041
Dayanand Tyagi Society Kunwar Singh Nagar H-1, Kunwar Singh Nagar, Delhi-110041
Kunwar Singh Nagar Association Welfare C-40,Kunwar Singh Nagar, Nangloi Delhi-41
Sankat Mochan Chhatt Mandir G-Block Gali No-34, Kunwar Singh Nagar, Nangloi, Delhi-41
Yadav Park Ext. Najafgarh Road Nangloi 68, Yadav Park Ext. Nangloi, Delhi-41
RWA, Nihal Vihar RZC-60,Nihal Vihar, Nangloi, Delhi-41

137 Guru Nanak Vihar A-11, Guru Nanak Vihar

138 Uday Vihar B-130, Uday Vihar

139 RWA Uday Vihar A-59, Chander Vihar

RWA Chander Vihar A-Block Chander Vihar

Tikri Kalan Ext. Residencial Welfar H.No-5, Near Kabir Parakh Dham, Delhi-41
Tikri Kalan Ext. Residencial Welfare Near Moholla Clinic Fhirni Road Plot No-902 West New

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


Lekhram Park, Shudhar Shamiti Lekhram Park,Gali No-03, Tikri Kalan Ext.
Baba Haridass Regi. Welfare Society 135, Baba Haridass Nagar, Tikri Kalan, New Delhi-41
Gulshan Park, Shudhar Shamiti G-54, Rohtak Road, Nangloi, New Delhi-41
Amar Colony Welfar Association B-34, Amar Colony, Nangloi, Delhi-41
Nangloi Extension Welfare Sanatan Dharm Mandir Dharamshala, Nangloi, Delhi-41
Jay Vihar Reg. Welfare Association RZ-A-135, Jay Vihar, Nangloi Road, Najafgarh
Resident Welfare Association 127, DDA Flats, Jai Dev Park, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-
149 110026

New Friends Resident Welfare Association Manohar Park, Madan Park, Channamal Park, Ashoka Park
Bhagwan Dass Nagar Residents Welfare Office NO-D-7, Bhagwan Dass Nagar, New Delhi-110026
Jai Dev Park Housing Honars Welfare Park Lane Road No-5, Jai Dev Park, New Delhi-110026
Ashoka Park Extension house Owner’s Ashoka Park Extension, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-110026
Welfare Association
Bhagwan Das Nagar Extension Residents WZ-11, Bhagwan Das Nagar Extension, New Rohtak Road,
154 Welfare Associtation New Delhi-110026

Purvanchal Chhatt Puja Smiti A-14 Camp No-01 Bhim Nagar Kisan Sabji Mandi
Jahaj Appartment RWA 9- Jahaj Appartment Behind Inder Enclave, Miyanwali Nagar

157 Defence Appartment RWA Miyanwali Nagar

158 Vindhyachal Appartment RWA Miyanwali Nagar

159 Venus Appartment RWA Miyanwali Nagar

Lord Budha Apparmtent RWA Miyanwali Nagar

Vidya Appartment RWA Miyanwali Nagar
Madhur Appartment RWA Miyanwali Nagar
Parkview Appartment RWA Miyanwali Nagar
Peeragarhi Gaon Miyanwali Nagar
Nagin Lek Appartment Miyanwali Nagar
Sunder Vihar RWA Miyanwali Nagar

167 LIC Colony Sunder Vihar Miyanwali Nagar

168 GH-9, RWA Miyanwali Nagar

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

169 Prachin Appartment GH-6 Miyanwali Nagar

GH-14 RWA Miyanwali Nagar

Kailash Chhatt Pooja Smiti Jwala Puri, Miyanwali Nagar
Jwala Puri RWA R-Block, Jwala Puri
Jwala Puri RWA ABC- Block Jwala Puri
New Slum-B & A Block RWA B & A Block Paschim Puri
Madipur village RWA Madipur Village
RWA Arihant Nagar Arihant Nagar, West Punjabi Bagh

177 RWA Lal Quarter 129-D,Lal Quarter, West Punjabi Bagh

178 RWA Swayan Sidda Colony

RWA Shivaji Paerk Residents Action Shivaji Park West Punjabi Bagh
RWA DDA LIG Flats DDA LIG Flats-Madhuvan Enclave Near Madipur Metro
180 Station

RWA Jhuggi Deen Dayal Camp

181 Rajeev Gandhi Camp

Mahatma Gandhi Camp

RWA Road No -24 Punjabi Bagh Extension

RWA MIG Flat Gate
17 DDA MIG Flat Gate NO-1, Madipur

RWA New Slum Palli


185 RWA Nav Chetna New Slum C-Block ,Paschim Puri

186 RWA Awas Seva Samiti Pocket-3 Paschim puri

187 RWA Pocket-2 Paschim Puri Vikas samiti

RWA Awas kalyan Samiti LIG Flat Pocket-3

Paschim Puri

189 RWA MadiPur F- Block

190 RWA Mohalla Sudhar Samiti B- Block Madipur

RWA Vyapar Mandal Madipur Main Market Association

RWA 31C, Madan Park Near East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-110026
193 Mohalla Sudhar And Kalyan Samiti (Regd.) WZ-28/1, Manohar Park, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-
District Disaster Management Plan (West)


Cement Siding shakur Basti Juggi Cement Siding shakur basti

Jhuggi Rampura Golden Park
Bhagwan Dass Nagar RWA D-7 Bhagwan dass nagar New delhi—110026
Indira Colony Vikas Smiti A-275, Indra Colony, Near Haryana Power House, Delhi-
197 110035

Jhuggi Shivanand Colony, Behind Shivanand School

New Friends Residents RWA D-18, Manohar Park, Madan Park, East Punjabi bagh,
199 Chhannamal Park, Ashok Park Ext.

200 Madipur Samaj Madipur

RWA Executive Committee RWA B-4 Block Paschim Vihar, New

201 Delhi-110063

BG-5 RWA 43-B, Paschim Vihar New Delhi

BG-6 RWA BG-6/250 B, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063
Rihayshi walfare Association BG-7 Block Paschim Vihar New Delhi-110063
RWA Block A-1 A-1/8, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063

206 RWA, Jankalyan Punjabi Bagh Extn.

207 RWA Gh-8 Paschim Vihar

208 RWA Gh-18, Paschim Vihar

209 Jankalyan Samiti Rishal Garden 119 A Rishsal Garden Nangloi-110041

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - VII

List of Unauthorised Colonies in each Sub-Division of West District

Unauthorised Colony in Sub-division Rajouri Garden:-

S.No. Name of Colony Address

1. Manak Vihar Extension Rajouri Garden
2. Rajouri Garden Extension Rajouri Garden

Unauthorised Colony in Sub-division Patel Nagar:-

S. No. Name of Colony Village

1. Baljeet Nagar And Punjabi Basti, New Delhi-8 Khampur Raya
2. Prem Nagar, Karol Bagh ( Zone ) New Delhi-8 Basai Darapur
3. Village Basai Dara Pur Extn. Delhi Basai Darapur
4. Baljeet Nagar & Punjabi Bast Extn, Near Nepali Mandir, Delhi-
5. Ranjeet Nagar, New Delhi-8 Khampur Khurd

Unauthorised Colony in Sub-division Punjabi Bagh:-

S. No. Name of Unauthorized Colony Address

1 Shri Ram Colony Nilothi Ext., Nangloi
2 Shiv Vihar Colony ABCDE -Bolck Nilothi Ext., Nangloi
3 Vijay Laxmi Park Nilothi Ext., Nangloi
4 Tek Chand Colony, Main Road Nilothi , Nangloi
5 Uday Vihar Part-1,2,3,4 Nilothi Ext., Nangloi
6 Kanhiya Nagar Block -A & B Nilothi Ext., Nangloi
8 Himgiri Enclave Nilothi Ext., Nangloi
9 Kotla Vihar Phase-2 Tillangpur
10 Kotla Vihar Phase -1 Najafgarh Road, Nangloi
11 Swaran Park Extn. Mundka, Nangloi Delhi-41
12 Rajdhani Park P & B --Block Mundka, Nangloi Delhi-41
13 Amar Colony C&I - Bolck Mundka, Nangloi, Delhi-41
14 Friends Enclave West Block Mundka, Nangloi Delhi-41
15 Swarn Park, Extn. -2 Mundka, Nangloi Delhi-41
Rohtak Road , Mundka, Nangloi
16 Amar Colony ABC Block
17 Swarn Park & Swarn Park, Extn. Part – 1 & 2 Mundka, Nangloi Delhi-41
Rohtak Road , Mundka, Nangloi
18 Gulshan Park
19 Amar Colony ABC -Block Mundka, Nangloi Delhi-41
20 Rajdhani Park Mundka, Nangloi Delhi-41
Rohtak Road , Mundka, Nangloi
21 Rajdhani Park S-Block
22 Friends Enclave Extn.- West Block Mundka, Nangloi Delhi-41
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Rohtak Road , Mundka, Nangloi

23 Amar Colony CDE & K -Block
24 Arvind Enclave Mundka, Nangloi Delhi-41
25 Adhyapak Nagar Mundka, Delhi-21
Rohtak Road , Mundka,
26 Amar Colony Phase -2&3
28 Ranhaula Vihar Nangloi ,Delihi-41
29 Kunwar Singh Colony H-2-Block, Nangloi Extn, Ranhaula
H-1-Block, Nangloi
30 Kunwar Singh Nagar Colony
31 Shiv Ram Park Extn. Najafgarh Road, Nangloi
33 Rishi Garden Najafgarh Road, Nangloi
34 I.G. ColonyKunwar Singh Nagar-II Ranhaula Delhi-41
35 Akash Vihar Colony Najafgarh Road, Delhi-41
36 Amrita Puri Colony Nilothi Road , Delhi-41
Nangloi Najafgarh Road, Safipur,
37 Bharm Puri Colony
Ranhaula Delhi
38 Kunwar Singh Nagar Laxmi Park Najafgarh Nangloi Delhi
Safipur Ranhaula
39 Partap Vihar
Najafgarh Road Nangloi
40 Nathan Vihar Village Rahanula, Delhi-41
Block - H-3, Najafgarh Road
41 Kunwar Singh Nagar Extn.
Ranhaula, Delhi
42 Meera Enclave Ranhaula Village Delhi-41
43 Ganga Ram Park Ranhaula Village, Nangloi, Delhi-41
44 Ranhaula Vihar Nangloi Delhi -41
45 Laxmi Park Extn. Phase-1 Ranhaula, Nangloi Delhi-41
46 P.P. ColonyExtn. Bapraula, Delhi-43
Near Bapraula Village
47 Prashant Enclave
Najafgarh Road, Delhi-43
Near Bapraulla Village
48 Satyam Viha Phase-II
NajafgarhRoad, Nangloi, Delhi-43
49 Baprolla Extn. Bapraulla Village Delhi-43
50 Baprolla Vihar Nangloi ,Delhi
51 Jal Vihar Nangloi Road, Najafgarh New Delhi
52 Jal Vihar Extn. Bapraulla Village, Delhi
53 Nangli Vihar Extn. Bapraulla , Delhi
54 Harphool Vihar Bapraulla Nangloi, Delhi
55 Padhan Enclave Bapraulla Vihar Hastsal, Delhi
56 Nangloi Vihar Extn.Phase-III Pt-I Delhi-43
Akash Vihar, Bapraula, Bakkarwala More
ChanchalPark, New Delhi-43
58 Aman Puri Najafgarh Nangloi, Delhi-41
59 Shiv Ram Park GH-Block New Delhi-41
60 Shiv Ram Park Block-1 Najafgarh Road ,Nangloi
61 Shiv Ram Park Block-E1, E2 Nangloi, Delhi 41
62 Shiv Ram Park Block-E3 Nangloi, Delhi 41
63 Amar Colony Phase –II Mundka Nangloi, Delhi 41
64 Kunwar Singh Nagar Najafgarh Road Opp.Nilothi More ,

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

65 Shiv Ram Park B-1Block Nangloi, Najafgarh Road, Delhi-41
66 Shiv Ram Park Extn. Nangloi, Najafgarh Road, Delhi-41
67 Shiv Ram Park D.E.F.-Block Nangloi, Delhi
Chajju Ram Colony Kamruddin NagarExt Nangloi Delhi-
69 Shiv Ram Park J-Block Nangloi, Delhii
70 Adhyapak Nagar D.E.F.-Block Najafgarh Road, Delhi
71 Adhyapak Nagar Block-ABC Nangloi
72 Yadav Park Rohtak Road,, Nangloi , Delhi-41
73 Nangloi Extn. 1-C Delhi-41
74 Rajender Park Extn. No.5 &6 Nangloi, Delhi-41
75 Rao Vihar Nangloi, Delhi-41
76 Veena Enclave Nangloi, Delhi-41
77 Tyahi Vihar Nangloi Extn.Rohtak Road, Delhi-41
78 Shiv Park, Jwala Puri Road. Nangloi, Delhi-41
79 Laxmi Park Nangloi, Delhi-41
80 Ruchi Vihar Nangloi, Delhi-41
81 Rattan SinghVeena Enclave Extn. Nangloi, Delhi-41
82 Nihal Vihar Phase -III Nangloi, Delhi-41
83 Ashok Mohalla Phase-II Nangloi, Delhi-41
84 Hanuman Enclave Nangloi, Delhi-41
85 Prem Nagar Kirari More, Nangloi Delhi-41
86 Tikri Kalan Extn. Tikri Kalan , Delhi-41
87 Subhash Colony Tikri Kalan , Delhi-41

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - VIII

List of Colleges

S.No. College Name College Address Phone & Fax No.

Shivaji Marg, Karampura, New Phone No. 25458173
1 Ambedkar University Delhi
Delhi Fax No. 25173400
Phone No. 25787604
2 Kalindi College (W) East Patel Nagar, New Delhi
Fax No. 25782505

Ring Road, Raja Garden, New Phone No. 25930752

3 Rajdhani College
Delhi Fax No. 25116988

Ring Road, Raja Garden, New Phone No. 25109078

4 Shivaji College
Delhi Fax No. 25155551

Shyama Prasad Mukherji Collage Punjabi Bagh (West) Road No. 57, Phone No. 25224499
(W) New Delhi Fax No. 2522167

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - IX

List of Community Halls

S. No. Sub-Division Sub-Division Sub-Division

Patel Nagar Rajouri Garden Punjabi Bagh
1. Moti Nagar Ramesh Nagar Paschim Puri, Pocket-II
2. Ajay Enclave Tihar Village A-Block, Madipur
3. Tilak Nagar Subhash Nagar E-Block, Madipur
4. H-Block, Karampura Chowkhandi B-Block DDA,Pocket-03,
Paschim Puri, Near other
5. Chand Nagar, Chaukhandi Tagore Garden A-Block, Near Mother
(Rain Basera) Dairy, Madipur
6. Bali Nagar L-Block, Hari Nagar B-Block, Community
7. Behind Ranjeet Nagar Police Raja Garden M-Block, Community
Station Hall, Nangloi
8. Gali N0.-10, Ranjeet Nagar I-Block, Vishnu Garden Chop Julhaa Gram
Sudhar Samitti,
Kamarudin Nagar
9. Behind Ranjeet Nagar Police C-Block, Khyala SDMC, Pocket-2, Near
Station (Dharamshala) Shiv Mandir Mother
Dairy, Paschim Puri
10. Block-26, West Patel Nagar Deen Dayal Hari Nagar NDMC, A-Block,
Jawalpuri Main Rohtak
11. Gali No-16, New Basti Raghubir Nagar Ward No-42, Camp No-
Anand Parwat 04, A-Block, Jawala
Rajouri Garden
DA Block, Hari Nagar
Total 11 13 11

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - X

Vulnerability Assessment and Severity Mapping – Scoring Scheme

Vulnerability Criteria’s Means of Verification (MOV) Scoring Scale

Topography Terrain Plain 3 3 Point Scale
Plateau 2
Hilly 1
Geology Rocks Igneous rocks- Alwar Quartzite 8 8 Point Scale
Sandstone - Alwar Quartzite 7
Gravels- Alwar Quartzite 6
Soils with >20% gravel 5
Loose to very dense sands 4
Silt loams 3
Sand clays 2
Medium silt to hard clay 1
Soils Very soft to soft clay 4 4 Point Scale
Liquefiable soils 3
Quick and Highly sensitive clays 2
Highly organic clays 1
Hydrogeology Depth of Ground <25M 1 3 Point Scale
water 25-50 M 2
>50 M 3
Dwelling Residential Good 3 3 Point Scale
Condition Livable 2
Dilapidated 1
Resi cum Other Good 3
Livable 2
Dilapidated 1
No. of person per 1 5 5 Point Scale
room 2 4
(occupancy Rate) 3 3
4 2
5 1
Quality of Design Engineered with seismic design 4 4 Point Scale
Engineered without seismic 3
Non –engineered, but good 2
proportions (short, wide,
Non engineered , poor 1
proportions ( tall, narrow, or non
Quality of Excellent – seismic construction 4 4 Point Scale

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Construction Good Quality – some supervision 3

on seismic resistance
Moderate Quality – no 2
supervision on seismic element
Poor quality - no supervision on 1
seismic element
Quality Materials Good quality materials 2 2 Point Scale
Poor quality materials or poor 1
maintenance of building
Disaster Preparedness No intervention done 1 8 Point Scale
Management Only sensitization done 2
Response CBDP initiated 3
Aspects Vulnerability and resource 4
mapping done
DMC formed 5
DMC trained 6
Task forces active – aware about 7
all SOPs in pre & post disaster
Internalization of disaster 8
management initiatives by
Search & Rescue Is there a detailed Emergency Yes =2 No 2 Point Scale
Capabilities Response Plan in written form =1
that covers the locality?
Does the plan include inputs Yes =2 No 2 Point Scale
from a multidisciplinary group? =1
Has the plan revised to Yes =2 2 Point Scale
incorporate actual city No =1
experience or experience of
nearby cities?
Are responsibilities of different Yes=3 3 Point Scale
agencies clear and well defined Partially=2
including how local- District- No =1
state and national agencies
Is there an round the clock EOC? Yes =2 2 Point Scale
No =1
Does the EOC have required Yes =2 2 Point Scale
equipment? No =1
Does the plan allow adequate Yes =2 2 Point Scale
“horizontal” communication and No =1
decision-making (i.e., can low-
and mid level official make
decisions if official are
Is there and standard building Yes =2 2 Point Scale
damage assessment procedure? No =1
Does the city conduct Yes = 3 3 Point Scale
Emergency Response Drills Yes but
annually?? less than
annually or
without all
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

No =3
Measuring fire The city has no reliable source of 1 4 Point Scale
Suppression water to fight fires
Capabilities The city has adequate supply of 2
water for fire fighting, but this
system has not designed to
withstand earthquakes shaking
The city has water reliability and 3
designed is quake resistant
The city has multiple water 4
sources and all designed to
withstand quakes
Institutional Are the fire stations constructed Yes 3 Point Scale
capacity (fire to resist earthquake shaking? always=3
Fighting) yes, but
tly =2
Are the fire station well Yes =2 2 Point Scale
distributed throughout the city No =1
Are there more than 2 fire Yes =2 2 Point Scale
fighting per 100,000 people? No =1
Are there more than 10 fire Yes =2 2 Point Scale
fighting per 100,000 people? No =1
Are fire fighting adequately Yes =2 2 Point Scale
trained in fighting fire No =1
throughout their career?
Are fire fighting trained to Yes =2 2 Point Scale
respond specifically after No =1
earthquakes also?
Emergency Are there more than 100 Yes =2 2 Point Scale
Medical capability available hospitals beds per No =1
100,000 people ( available means
not occupied)
Are Hospitals and other Well 2 Point Scale
emergency care centers well distributed
distributed throughout the city or =2
are they clustered in one part of Clustered
the city? =1
Is there coordination between all Yes =3 3 Point Scale
hospitals in the city to manage yes, but
large numbers of patients during need
an emergency? improveme
nt =2
No =1
Is there an earthquake resistant Yes =2 2 Point Scale
communications system that No =1
hospital can use?
Are hospitals staffs trained in Yes =2 2 Point Scale
emergencies procedures such as No =1
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

triage, management, etc.?

Is there a system to provide Yes =2 2 Point Scale
medical care to wound before No =1
they reach hospital?
Is there ambulance system with Yes =2 2 Point Scale
at least 5 ambulances per No =1
100,000 people?
Are hospital structures built to Yes =2 2 Point Scale
withstand earthquakes? No =1
Have hospital taken into account Yes =2 2 Point Scale
non structural safety measures? No =1
Do hospital have earthquake Yes =2 2 Point Scale
resistant, independent power No =1
Do hospitals regularly practice Yes =3 3 Point Scale
mass causality and evacuation yes but not
drill? regularly
or by all
hospital =2
No =1
Do hospital have adequate Yes =2 2 Point Scale
amount of emergency supplies No =1

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - XI

Requisitioning Defence Forces for Disaster Relief

1. Divisional HQ of Affected Area

with name of Divisional Commissioner
Tele and Fax Nos. With STD Code
2. District HQ of Affected Areas with
Name of DC/DM, Tele and Fax nos.
With STD code
3. Details of Affected Area
(a) District (s)
(b) Town (s)
(c) Blocks
(d) Villages
(e) Extent of Areas under Floods (Kms x Kms)
4. Resources already deployed
(a) No. Of NDRF teams
(b) No. of Country Boats with Civil Administration/
Hired (in flood cases )
(c) No. of Motor Boats with Civil Admn./hired (in flood cases)
(d) Wireless Sets with Frequency and /Range
5. Assistance Expected from Defence Forces
(a) Approximate Number of Persons to be evacuated
(b) Approximate ton of Relief ;Material to be distributed
(c) Approximate water distances to be traversed
By boats per trip ( in flood cases)
(d) Relief Material and Labor to handle those likely
to be in post by (date/time)
(e) Any other help envisaged
6. Coordination with Civil Administration
(a) Exact Location for reporting of the teams/contingent
(b) Name and teltphone/mobile no. of Coordinator from District Administration
(c) Name and telephone/mobile no. of Liaison Officer form District Administration for Liaison and
(d) Name of Local Guides to accompany boats with knowledge of ground, bunds and pipeline under
water, HT Wires, snapped live Electrical cables etc.

District Magistrate

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - XII

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - XIII

Requisition Form for NDRF Disaster Relief

From Date of Report:


a. Nature of calamity.
b. Date & Time of occurrence.
c. Affected area (number and names of affected Districts).
d. Population affected (Approx.).
e. Nearest Railhead
f. Nearest Airport.
g. Relief measures undertaken in brief.
h. Immediate response & relief assistance required.
i. Forecast of possible future developments including new risks.
j. Any other relevant information.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - XIV

List of Nodal Officers and Alternate Nodal Officers of Various Departments

Name Designation Department Office Address Contact No.
1. Sh. Abhishek ACP (PB) Delhi Police Vishal Enclave Police
Kumar Station 8750871105
Rajouri Garden
2. Sh. Satish Kumar Asst. Delhi Traffic Near MIG Chowki 8750871415
Commissioner of Police Rajouri Garden
Police 8750871463

Sh. Narender Singh Traffic Inspector

3. Sh. Mukesh Verma Div. Fire Officer Delhi Fire Fire Station, Moti Nagar,
Services Delhi 9810445332
Sh. Uday Vir Singh Asst. Div. Fire
Officer 9968206848
4. Sh. M. K. Fire Officer Delhi Fire Fire Station, Rajendra 9911303380
Chattopadhyay Services Place
5. Dr. Sudha Astt. CDMO Delhi Health Dispensary Building, A- 9811632127
Sachdeva Services 2, Paschim Vihar
Astt. Nodal 9891370796
Dr. Santosh Kumar Officer
6. Sh. Pardeep Kumar Asst. Abulance CATS Zonal office, West 9911514647
Rana Officer District, Acharya Shree
Bhikshu Hospital, Moti 9456656641
Sh. Prashant Nagar
7. Smt. Harsh Arya DDE Education G Coed SSS, Industrial 9540056457
Department Area, Karampura, Moti
Dr. Y. Marka (West-A) Nagar, Delhi-15 9899318097

Dr . Rakesh Rahi 9868902260

8. Dr. Reeta Sharma DDE Education Deputy Directorate of 9650798761

Smt. Alka DDE Zone-17 Department Education, Dist. West-B, 9999338974
Sehrawat (West-B) G-Block, Vikaspuri 9873220640
Smt. Sadhna

9. Smt. Nira Deputy Director Deputy SDMC office, Dr. Sahib 9650798776
Education Education Singh Nigam Bhawan,
Officer (MCD) GNCTD, Shivaji Place,
Sh. Pragilal School Insp. Raja Garden 8588880380

Sushma Bhandari 9810152263

10. Sh. Suresh Kr. I/C C.D Civil Defence 4th flr, O/o DM (West) 9868371609
Malik West-II

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Sh. Hem Dutt Dixit (NW-link officer)
11. Sh. Vikas Jain Civic centre, IInd SDMC MCD, West Zone 9717787986
Floor, Jawahar Gate No-4 Amedkar
Lal Nehru Marg Stadium Delhi Gate

Sh. P.S. Khurana E.E. MCD, West Zone, Gate 8588889113

No-4, Ambedkar
Stadium, Delhi Gate

12. Sh.Gurvinder Pal EE (W) –I Delhi Jal Board O/o E.E., Beri wala Bagh, 9650290783
Singh Hari Nagar

Sh. Trilok Chand E.E. (W)-II 9650291212

13. Sh. Hukum Chand A.C. West Food and Civil Consumer Department, 9899324130
Supply Hall No. 152, community
Center,Janak Cinema,
Janakpuri, N. D. 59
14. Sh. Pradeep Nayak Executive Irrigation and Opp.ESI Hospital 9958890101
Engineer Flood Control Basaidarapur, New Delhi-
27 9958890112
Sh. Puneet Dudja Executive
Engineer Div-XII
15. Sh. Ajeet Kumar S.E./West DDA WZ-7, Opposite 9811957040
Radission Blu Hotel,
Sh. Amit Singh E.E./West Paschim Vihar 8860894225

Sh. Shident E.E./West 9958852246

16. Sh. R.B. Area Manager MTNL Administration Block M 9868138180
Aggarwal(AGM) 5th Floor, Room No.510,
Sh. Vijay Lagwar Rajouri Garden, New 011-25432293
Sh. Omprakash Delhi 110 027
SDO 9013132545
17. Sh. Rajanand E. E. MCD Ambedkar Stadium, 9717787679
(West Zone) Room No. 2 Delhi Gate,
Sh. Rajpal Meena A.E. New Delhi-02 9717750048
Sh. Hansraj Singhal J.E. 8527598643
18. Sh. Mahendra E. E.(B) MCD MCD Office 25753184
Kumar (Karol Bagh Nigam Bhawan D.B. 9717788517
Sh. P.K. Raja E.E.(M) Zone) Gupta Road Karol
19. Sh. Neeraj Kumar S. E. PWD Circle M-13 ,Hemwati 9899208081
Meena Nandan Bahuguna Marg
Near Milan
Sh. D.V.S. Kansal EE (B) Cinema,Karampura 9873601920
20. Sh. Gajender Singh Manager(O&M) BSES A-6, Paschim Vihar, Near 9313581845
Division(PB) DDA Market, Delhi
Sh. Nitesh 9350261910
21. Sh. Ashish HOD O&M NDPL 33KV Gred Sudsesan 9810668319
(NDPL) Building, Inderpuri, Opp.
Sh. Virender Kr. Pusa Gate 9818100489
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

22. Sh. Sanjay Narula MLO(West Motor Vehicle Transport Department, 9891072086
Zone) licensing West Zone-2, Raja
department Garden, DTC Terminal,
New Delhi- 110027.
23. Sh. Aditya Pratap Commandant NDRF 8th Batalian, NDRF,
Sector 19, Kamla 9968610014
Deputy Nehru Nagar,
Commandant Ghaziabad, U.P 9466123222
24. Smt. Durgesh R. M (West) DTC Mayapuri Bus Depot 8744073028

Sh. Sandeep Kumar Depot Manager Naraina Bus Depot 8744073153

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - XV

List of Equipments with DDMA, EOC (West)

S. Name of equipment/item Quantity Damaged Good

No. (damaged + good condition) condition
1. Mega Phone 09 02 07
2. Search Light Nil Nil Nil
3. Emergency Light (LED) 16 - 16
4. Torch Imp. With battery & Charger Nil Nil Nil
5. Helmet Nil Nil Nil
6. Petro-Max (2 kg capacity) Nil Nil Nil
7. Rope ladder (30 feet) Nil Nil Nil
8. Life jacket Nil Nil Nil
9. Latex Gloves (12”) Nil Nil Nil
10. Dust Mask (3”) Nil Nil Nil
11. Safety Gloves Nil Nil Nil
12. Safety vest (Florescent) Nil Nil Nil
13. Sleeping Bags 07 01 06
14. Rain Coat Nil Nil Nil
15. Room Heater 01 01 -
16. Fuel Container-20 ltr capacity 01 01 -
17. Folding stretcher 01 Nil 01
18. Aluminum collapsible ladder (30 feet) Nil Nil Nil
19. Face Shield/Visor Nil Nil Nil
20. Heavy duty work gloves (Cotten) 07 pairs 02 05
21. First Aid Box (complete with accessories) 04 (Empty) Nil Nil
22. Computer System with monitor, keyboard & mouse. 04 01 03
23. Laser Printer Nil - -
24. External modem 01 - -
25. Laptop & projector 01 each - -
26. Screen 01 - -
27. Handy cam Nil - -
28. Photocopy machine Nil - -
29. Portable inflatable emergency lighting system (ASKA) 02 02 -
30. Stone cutter Nil Nil Nil
31. Gum boots 05 pairs - 05
32. Television Nil - -
33. Life Detector Machine Nil Nil Nil
34. Electric Gloves 01 pairs - 01
35. Lamp (kerocin Oil) 05 - -
36. Head light 02 - -

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure - XVI

List of Equipments with Civil Defence in District West

S. Name of Machine Total Location with Complete Address

No. /Equipments number of
1. Bucket’s 59 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
2. Blanket Red 05 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
3. Shovels 156 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
4. Stirrup Pump 20 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
5. Whistle 1184 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
6. Line Yard 1300 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
7. Flag Sector Warden (Red) 10 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
8. Flag Sector Warden(Green) 10 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
9. Strecher Wooden 15 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
10. Helmet (White) 40 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
11. Torch (janta Local) 45 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
12. Heavy Axe 02 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
13. Manila rope 1½”X40’ 10 Nos CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
14. Manila rope 3” 1590 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
15. Snatch Pully signal sheve 02 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
16. Snatch pully double sheve 02 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
17. Snatch pully three sheve 02 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
18. Hammer mise 02 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
19. Hammer 4 Lbs 01
20. Ladder 35’ Extension 04 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
21. Ladder 24’ Extension 01 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
22. Rack Steel (E-Type) 01 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
23. Rack Skelton (S-Type) 06 CD Depot West, MCD Primary School Moti Nagar
24. Tally Board NIL CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
25. Siren Hand Operated 12 CD Depot West, MCD Primary School Moti Nagar
26. Stool Steel 01 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
27. Almirah Steel (Big) 01 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
Chairs Steel (Without CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
28. 02
29. Darri 6’X3’ 18 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
30. Laltern/Harrican Lamp 26 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
31. Wooden Saw Hand 02 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
32. Trollies 80 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
33. Streeto Sloted Angle 02 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
34. Paroumax Lamp 07 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
35. Light Axe 07 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
36. Table S.m Top 3’X2’ 01 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
37. Banch Steel 02 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
38. LockPlaza 60 mm 02 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
39. Helmet Green 40 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

40. Crow Bar 10 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
41. Angle Strecto Iron 8’ 04 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
42. Angle Stercto Iron 6’ 02 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
43. Water Bottle with Sling 10 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
44. Helmet Blue 30 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
45. Jumping Sheet 02 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
46. Kit Box Steel Small 01
47. Spade (Phawara) 02 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
48. Tasla Iron 05 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
49. Charpay folding Iron 01 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
50. Flag I.C.O 02 CD Depot West, MCD Primary School Moti Nagar
51. Hammer 10 Lbs 01 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
52. Fire Axe 10 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
53. Breathing Appartus Set 10 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
54. Fire Extinguisher D.C.P. 01 CD Depot West, MCD Primary School Moti Nagar
Fire Extinguisher Water 01 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
56. Stand Iron from fire point 01 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
57. Yellow Jacket (Ordinary) 200 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
58. Yellow Jacket (Radium) 225 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
59. Wireless Set Complete. 01 CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
Public addressing system CD Depot West Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya Moti Nagar
60. 01
with accessories.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Annexure – XVII

Directory of Civil Defence personnel in District West

Name Post Area Address Contact No.

S. No.

O/o DM (West)
Sh. Deena Nath Yadav Sr. I. C.D West Civil Defence 9868209754
1 , Raja Garden

O/o DM (West)
Sh. Jitender Kumar Jr.Instructor Civil Defence
2 , Raja Garden

Name Post Area Address Contact No.

S. No.

Sh. Bhupender Singh Sr. Chief Warden Civil Defence 8447019934


Sh. Sunil Tyagi Addl. C. W Civil Defence 704213344


Mrs. Sandhya
Addl. C. W (L) Civil Defence 9910711996
3 Gautam

Sh.Laxman Singh Dy. Chief

Civil Defence 9810267919
4 Chandela Warden(HQ)

Dy. Chief Warden

Sh. Santram Kaushik Civil Defence 8920703339
5 (Punjabi Bagh)

Sh. Jasvir Singh Dy. Chief Warden

Civil Defence 981006653
6 Bhatia (Rajouri Garden)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)




1. 136/HQ-2 7836831313 DDW
2. 136/HQ-2 SH. SARABJEET SINGH 9013155050 DDW
3. 136/1383 SH.RAJIV BHAGAT 9810767595 PW
4. 136/304 MANJU BALA 9811012863 GL
5. 90760000039904 SAIF ALI 9871954381 SW
6. 90760000054034 DEEPAK KUMAR 8826229438 SW
7. 90760000032757 HARISH 9560122231 SW
8. 90760000014515 OM PRAKASH 9871155910 SW
9. 90760000010633 RAJESH KUMAR 9811856205 SW
10. 90760000053717 ANUP KUMAR 9625866822 SW
11. 136/2069 PAWAN KUMAR 9873281616 SW
12. 136/1988 SH.DINESH KUMAR 9871041790 SW
13. 136/2024 SH. PHOOL CHAND 9899205143 SW



1 132/HQ-1 SH. BALVINDER SINGH 9810188521 DW

2 132/LW MRS. SANGEETA MALIK 9868916310 LW
3 132/HQ-2 SH. BALVINDER SINGH 8588038804 DDW
4 132/HQ-2 SH. SATVINDER SINGH 9811309255 DDW
5 132/31 SH.VIJENDER SINGH 9868242062 PW
6 132/321 SH.SUNIL KUMAR 9212207467 PW
7 132/2270 SH.RAMESH CHAND 9289004008 PW
8 132/2271 SH.KULBIR SINGH ANAND 9818137700 PW
9 90760000015918 SH. SANKLAP GROVER 9999021132 PW
10 132/2291 SH. JAGDISH ARORA 8470003523 PW
11 90760000011929 MS. MANJEET KAUR 9650512349 GL
12 90760000010072 SH. PRAVEEN VASHIST 9717229069 DPW
13 132/2199 SH. RAJA SINGH 9868486723 DPW
14 90760000010888 SH. GURSIMRAN SINGH 9250230336 DPW
15 132/2371 SH. DYAL SINGH 9716819814 SW

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

16 90760000038558 SH. VISHAL MAHAJAN 8860581309 SW

17 90760000043163 SH. SUNEET KUMAR SINGH 7217794818 SW
18 90760000010905 SH. HEMANT VASHISHT 9899808100 SW
19 90760000039638 SH. SUKHVINDER SINGH 9717236510 SW
20 90760000020468 SH. SURENDER YADAV 9312108156 SW
21 132/2342 SH. RAMAN VERMA SW



1 138/HQ-2 SH. ANIL KUMAR 8700598575 DW

2 138/726 SH.AVINASH NANDA 9211096145 DDW
3 138/406 SH. NARESH KUMAR 9810755201 DDW
4 138/794 SH.MUNISH KUMAR 9899801485 PW
5 138/1484 SH. VINOD KUMAR LEKHI 9818447210 PW
6 138/1785 SH. RATTAN CHAND SAINI 8860048606 PW
7 138/195 JYOTI 8700482685 GL
8 138/988 SH. DHARAM RAJ 9873448054 DPW
9 138/1486 SH. SUBHASH CHANDER 9868844607 DPW
10 138/1188 SH. HARI NARAYAN 9958384180 DPW



1 157/HQ-2 SH. JITENDER MAINI 9818986570 DDW

2 157/359 PUSHPA SAXENA 9582639131 GL
3 157/361 REKHA 9213299281 GL
6 90760000054271 RAHUL GODIWAL 9717281618 SW
7 90760000017528 ALI HAIDER 8076824506 SW

District Disaster Management Plan (West)



1 237/HQ-1 SH.SHADUTT ALI 9213737885 DW

2 237/HQ-2 SH. AMARJEET SINGH 9811747088 DDW
3 237/27 SH.GURINDER SINGH 8860577262 DDW
4 237/1038 SH.SHASHI KAPOOR 9643858969 PW
5 237/876 MANOJ KUMAR 9278061400 PW
6 237/905 NITIN VERMA 7838829301 SW
7 237/359 SH. JITENDER KUMAR 9210042604 SW
8 237/798 TAJ 8802274130 SW
9 237/887 VIENESH .T SW




1 139/HQ-1 SH. JOGINDER SINGH 9968209520 DW

2 139/932 SH. ANIL KUMAR 9312895128 PW
3 139/505 SH. AMIT KUMAR DHINGRA 9871559369 DPW
4 90760000020180 SUKHDEEP DPW
5 139/346 SH.PARMOD KUMAR 8523030569 SW
6 139/1143 SH. SUKHDEV SAINI 9811020839 SW



1 140/HQ-1 SH. SATVINDER PURI 9312401727 DW

2 140/171 9810716281 PW
3 140/382 SH.ONKAR NATH 9999467289 PW
4 140/416 SH.DALJEET SINGH 9953278195 DPW

District Disaster Management Plan (West)



1 141/4 SH.NARENDER BEHL 9871273292 PW
2 141/40 SH.BALVINDER SINGH 9212664788 PW
3 141/444 RAVI SINGH 8860703845 SW




1 142/HQ-1 SH. PRITAM SINGH GULATI 9811022347 DW

2 142/HQ-2 SH. BAL KISHAN 9211645477 DDW
3 142/1698 9311041936 DPW
5 142/1661 SH. RAMESH CHAUHAN 9350396972 SW



1 143/HQ-1 SH. OM PRAKASH SHARMA 9953339903 DW

2 143/HQ-2 SH. LEELA DHAR JOSHI 9540822009 DDW
3 143/1230 JYOTI RANA 7042647978 DY.LW
4 143/1162 ASHOK KUMAR DHIGRA 9868632205 9873874805 PW
5 90760000006030 JAGDISH KUMAR 9210755361 DPW
6 9076000038755 SHASHI PAL ARORA 9968376123 SW



1 144/HQ-1 9212702095 DW

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

2 144/1512 SH.RAJESH KUMAR SAINI 9213077337 PW

3 144/2161 MD SALMAN 8285229196 PW
4 90760000022523 RAHUL SHARMA 9555561059 PW
5 90760000018230 AMAR LATA 7982042628 GL
6 90760000030429 KARMA YADAV 9210723595 SW
7 144/2038 SH.BRIJESH KUMAR VATS 9212570856 SW
8 144/2946 SH.RAVINDER JAIN 9213194903 SW



1 222/HQ-1 SH. RAGHUBIR SINGH 9212200559 DW

2 222/305 AKHIL JOSHI 9868224574 PW
3 222/264 MUKESH KUSHWAHA 9716823235 PW
4 222/147 SH.KAMAL KUMAR 9250956653 DPW
5 90760000038575 PARVESH MEHRA 9811434437 SW
6 90760000038572 RAHUL PARKASH 9891420509 SW
7 90760000021158 RAM AVTAR 8802523593 SW
8 90760000049394 JIYA LAL 8750663571 SW



1 223/703 9068245314 PW
2 223/1270 SH.PRATAP SINGH 8920343388 DPW
3 223/1524 SH. YOGESH KAUSHIK 9990065555 DPW
4 223/1312 SH.SOMVEER SINGH 9953404018 SW
5 223/1523 SH.UMA SHANKER 9013782877 SW
7 90760000020898 RAJ KUMAR SINGH 9899534560 SW
8 90760000020901 SUBHASH SAINI 9213968619 SW
9 223/1734 SUKHBIR SINGH 9911032570 SW
10 223/1261 KOMAL PRASAD 9311614484 SW

District Disaster Management Plan (West)



1 236/HQ-1 SH. ANOOP BHANDARI 9210488812 DW

2 236/922 SH. SUMIT 9999761815 PW
3 90760000047373 TEJ TEJASVINI RAJPUT 8826337838 GL
4 90760000019244 ANCHAL 9015148915 GL
5 90760000041974 KIRAN DEVI 8368491240 GL
6 90760000060510 HEMANT KAUR 9999705533 GL
7 236/785 ARUN SHARMA 9899547030 DPW
8 236/1158 RAJENDER KUMAR 9958091017 DPW
9 236/894 VIKRAM 8802079566 DPW
10 236/1271 AJAY DPW
11 90760000012662 SHYAM KUMAR 9999444698 DPW
12 236/1411 HEMANT SETHI 7503379166 DPW
13 90760000033947 BAL KISHAN SHARMA 9210100698 SW
14 90760000008548 KRISHAN 9899231017 SW
15 236/1168 SUNNY KUMAR 8285581241 SW
16 90760000036874 RAHUL ATRI 7503157225 SW
17 90760000035832 NISHAD 8383961711 SW
18 90760000038063 SACHIN 9213060721 SW
19 90760000034165 BACHAN LAL 9717239100 SW
20 90760000042132 DEVENDER 8826445025 SW
21 90760000049492 RAHUL PAWAR 9318477068 SW
22 236/936 SH. AVDESH KUMAR YADAV 8750288825 SW
23 236/1051 VIKRAMJEET SINGH 7011308853 SW
24 236/1014 SH.ROSHAN LAL 9015651337 SW



2 255/L/48 SUMAN 8745800515 GL
3 255/459 LALIT KUMAR 9711030122 DY.PW
4 90760000042800 DEEPAK 9643949528 SW
5 90760000042476 SALMAN 9555203583 SW

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


Resource Inventory (DJB)


Material Description Manhole Frame & Covers - 50 Nos.

Equipment Description Jetting Machines (4000 Ltr.) - 02 Nos.
Manpower Drivers - 07 Nos.
Services Mounted Tankers - 07 Nos.


Material Description Manholes Frames & Covers- 10

Equipment Description Jetting Machines (8000 Ltr.)- 1 No.
Jetting Machines (4000 Ltr.)- 6 Nos.
Manpower Drivers - 14 Nos.
Services Mounted Tankers - 10 Nos.


Material Description Manhole Frame & Covers - 60 Nos.

Equipment Description Jetting Machines (4000 Ltr.) - 02 Nos.,
Jetting Machines (8000 Ltr.)- 01 No.
Manpower Drivers - 12 Nos.
Services Mounted Tankers - 11 Nos.

List of Designated Officer of Field/ Regional Officers (DJB)

S.No. Field Office address Name /Designation/ Phones with STD Code
Residential e-mail
1. Twin over head tank, Outer Sh.V. P. Sharma (Mob)9650291617
Ring Road, Paschim Vihar, Zonal Engineer-III(West) III 011-25281197
New Delhi.63 011-25275260
2. Beri wala Saubhash Nagar , Sh. GPS Saroya, (E E I) 9650290783
New Delhi-64
3. Twin over head tank, Outer Sh.Sanjeev Bharti 9650299866
Ring Road, Paschim Vihar, Junior Engineer
New Delhi.63
4. Road No-41, West Punjabi Sh. Rakesh (Ex. Eng. office)
Bagh, New Delhi-63 Zonal Engineer-II ( West) (o) 011-45078478
(Mob) 9650291386
5. Road No-41, West Punjabi Sh. Sunil Yadav (o) 011-25221181
Bagh, New Delhi-63 Junior Engineer-II(West) (Mob)9650590013
6. Shivaji Enclave, Behind Shivaji Sh. Gurvinder Pal Singh (o)011-25193140
College, Raja Garden, New Sarvya (o)011-25174140
Delhi(Raja Garden, Tagore Zonal Engineer- I (West) (Mob)9650290783
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Sh. Manoj Malik 9650291216

7. Shivaji Enclave, Behind Shivaji Sh. Mukesh Chaudhary (o)011-25193140
College, Raja Garden, New Junior Engineer (o)011-25174140
Delhi (Water Emergency S (Mob)-09560376610
Sh. Prem Nath Mishra 8800995545

Quick Response Team (QRT) OF CATS at the Field Level

Name/Designation/ Office Address/ Residential Address Phones with STD/ Code e-

Team Leader
Sh. GPS Saroya (o)011-25125273
E.E.-I ( West) (Mob) 9650290783
O/o Beriwala Bagh, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi
Sh. Trilok Chand (o)011-25913870
Zonal Engineer, O/o EE ( West)II (Mob) 9650291212
D- Block Moti Nagar, Near Acharya Bikshu Hospital New Delhi.

Sh. S. K. Mandal (o)011-25913870
Zonal Engineer, O/o EE ( West)II (Mob)9650291472
D- Block Moti Nagar, Near Acharya Bikshu Hospital, New Delhi.
R/o SD-109, Pitam Pura, Delhi-34
Sh. Rakesh Kumar, ZE- I (West) II 011-25223658 (Office)
Water Emergency Punjabi Bagh, Delhi Jal Board , Road No-41 West Punjabi 9650291386 (Mobile)
Bagh, New Delhi-110026

Sh. Sunil Yadav,JE (W/E) West II 011-25223658 (Office)
Water Emergency Punjabi Bagh, Delhi Jal Board , Road No-41 West Punjabi 9650590013 (Mobile)
Bagh, New Delhi-110026
Sh. Mathew George (o)011-25471004
Zonal Engineer (Project Warter IX), O/o EE ( West)-III (o)011-28539907 (
Office Add:- Overheads tank ashok vihar new (Mob)09650291581
R/o B-11, Nightangle apartment vikaspuri N. D.-19

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Emergency Resource Inventory of Delhi Jal Board West-I

Name of Machine / Total No. Of Location with complete address

Equipment Functional
Manhole Frame & Covers 50 Subhash Nagar Sewer Store
Jetting Machine (4000 Ltr.) 01 Khyala Sewer Store
Jetting Machine (4000 Ltr.) 01 Chowkhandi sewer Store
Drivers 07 Shivaji Enclave, Water Emergency
Water Mounted Tankers 07 Shivaji Enclave, Water Emergency

Emergency Resource Inventory of Delhi Jal Board West-II

Name of Machine / Total No. Of Location with complete address

Equipment Functional
Manhole Frame & Covers 05 Nos. Rajinder Nagar Sewer Store
05 Nos Karam Pura Sewer Store
Jetting Machine (8000 Ltr.) 01 Nos. Ramesh Nagar Sewer Store
Jetting Machine (4000 Ltr.) 06 Nos. Karam Pura Sewer Store
Rajinder Nagar Sewer Store
Pandav Nagar Sewer Store
Raghubir Nagar Sewer Store
Punjabi Bagh Sewer Store
Inder Puri Sewer Store
Drivers 14 Nos. Punjabi Bagh Water Emergency
Water Mounted Tankers 10 Nos. Punjabi Bagh Water Emergency

Emergency Resource Inventory of Delhi Jal Board West-III

Name of Machine / Total No. Of Location with complete address

Equipment Functional
20 Nos. Bindapur Sewer Store, Uttam Nagar
Manhole Frame & Covers 20 Nos Peeragarhi Udyog Nagar Sewer Store, opposite Metro
pillar no. 297
20 Nos. Nangloi camp no. 2 Sewer store
Jetting Machine (8000 Ltr.) 01 Nos. Peeragarhi Udyog Nagar Sewer Store, opposite Metro
pillar no. 297
Jetting Machine (4000 Ltr.) 01 Nos. Nangloi camp no. 2 Sewer store
Jetting Machine (4000 Ltr.) 01 Nos. Fish Market Store, Uttam Nagar
Drivers 12 Nos. Shivaji Enclave, Water Emergency
Water Mounted Tankers 11 Nos. Shivaji Enclave, Water Emergency

District Disaster Management Plan (West)



Total of 15 no. of Ambulances are available in District West.



Team Leader:- Pardeep Rana 9911514647
Alternate Team Leader:-Prashant 9456656641
Sh. Riahana (EMT), Ambulance Pramedic Mob. 93155668192

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree

Bhikshu Hospital, Moti Nagar
Sh. Shubham Upadhyay, Amubulance Paramedic Mob. 7982631312

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree

Bhikshu Hospital, Moti Nagar
Sh. Nitin Khooba (Pilot), Ambulance Paramedic Mob. 9911019535

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree

Bhikshu Hospital, Moti Nagar
Sh. Monika (EMT), Ambulance Paramedic Mob. 8860120664

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree

Bhikshu Hospital, Moti Nagar
Sh. Pawan (EMT), Ambulance Paramedic Mob.7503169613

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree

Bhikshu Hospital, Moti Nagar
Sh. Sandeep Vats (Pilot), Ambulance Paramedic Mob.9599334466

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree

Bhikshu Hospital, Moti Nagar

District Disaster Management Plan (West)



Sh. Pushpendra (EMT), Ambulance Pramedic Mob. 99710405284

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree Bhikshu Hospital,
Moti Nagar
Sh.Raghunath Jha (EMT0, Ambulance Paramedic Mob. 7011761233

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree Bhikshu Hospital,
Moti Nagar
Sh. Gopal Bairwa (EMT), Ambulance Paramedic Mob.9649100018

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree Bhikshu Hospital,
Moti Nagar
Sh. Rahul Rajput (EMT), Ambulance Paramedic Mob.9999621862

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree Bhikshu Hospital,
Moti Nagar

District Disaster Management Plan (West)



Sh. Riahan (EMT), Ambulance Pramedic Mob. 93155668192

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree

Bhikshu Hospital, Moti Nagar
Sh. Shubham Upadhyay, Amubulance Paramedic Mob. 7982631312

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree

Bhikshu Hospital, Moti Nagar
Sh. Hunny Gupta (Pilot), Ambulance Paramedic Mob. 8802132677

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree

Bhikshu Hospital, Moti Nagar
Sh. Monika (EMT), Ambulance Paramedic Mob. 8860120664

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree

Bhikshu Hospital, Moti Nagar
Sh. Pawan (EMT), Ambulance Paramedic Mob.7503169613

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree

Bhikshu Hospital, Moti Nagar
Sh. Sumit (Pilot), Ambulance Paramedic Mob.9910911125

Off. Add- Zonal Office, West District, Acharya Shree

Bhikshu Hospital, Moti Nagar

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


NDMC (Karol Bagh Zone) Emergency Resource Inventory

S. No. Name of Equipment Total no. of Functional Location and

1. Hammer 20 LB 05
2. Hammer 12 LB 05
3. Crow Bar/ Iron Rod 10 Disaster
4. Gas Cylinder Nil Management
5. Gas Cylinder Troly Nil Centre near Sat
6. Grease Gun 01 Nagar
7. Emergency light Nil Cremation
8. Safety Helmet 48 Ground, Ward
9. Goggles 50 No. 149, Block
10. Safety Belt Nil No. 52, Old
11. Ear Defender 06 Rajinder Nagar
12. Body Protector 50
13. Gum Boot 50
14. Reflective Jacket 30
15. Hand Gloves Nil
16. Portable power pack Nil
17. Mega Phone Nil
18. Siren Nil
19. Micro Phone 01
20. Disc Cutter Nil

(A. E.) Sh. Ashok

Contact No. 9717788141

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


Inventory of Delhi Fire Service

S. No. Name of Item Item Description Item quantity Location

1 Electric Drill Drilling Tool 01 No. Moti Nagar Fire Station
2 Bolt Cutter Used for cutting 35 Nos. Each Fire Station
Lock/Bolt Approx.
3 Circular Saw Cutting Tool Nil West Division
4 Chain Saw Cutting Tool Nil West Division
5 Chain Saw Bullet Cutting Tool Nil West Division
6 Cutter Hydraulic Cutting tool Nil West Division
7 Steel Cutter Cutting Tool Nil West Division
8 Spreader- Rescue Tool 01 sets PaschimVihar Fire Station
9 Air Lifting Bags Various capacity 08 Nos. Moti Nagar Fire Station
lifting bags
10 Jack Rescue Tool 08+1Nos. Moti Nagar &Jwp Fire Station
11 Sledge Hammer Rescue Tool 09+2+5 Nos. Moti Nagar, WazirPur, JwalaPuri
Fire Staion
12 Two Handled Rescue Tool Nil West Division
Cross Cut Saw
13 Chain Tackle Rescue Tool 01 set Moti Nagar Fire Station
14 Smoke Blower & Rescue Tool Nil West Division
15 Rubber Gloves Rescue Tool 35 Nos. Each Fire Station
(tested up to Approx.
25000 volt)
16 StreacherHarnes Rescue Tool 05 nos. Moti Nagar Fire Station
17 Rescue rams Rascue Tools Nil West Division
18 Blankets Rescue Tools Nil West Division
19 Shovel Rescue Tools 35 Nos. Each Fire Station
20 Spade Rescue Tools 65 Nos. Each Fire Station
21 Crow Bar Rescue Tools 37 Nos. Each Fire Station
22 Helmet Protective gear 2 Nos. Moti Nagar Fire Stations
23 Pick Axe Rescue Tool 50 Nos. Each Fire Station
24 Axe Rescue Tool 08 Nos. Each Fire Station
25 Door Breaker Rescue Tool 16 Nos. Each Fire Station
26 Hack Saw Rescue Tools 06 Nos. Each Fire Station

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

27 Ceiling Hook Rescue tool 45 Nos. Each Fire Station
28 Pump Fire Fighting Nil West Division
29 Hand Tool Set Rescue Tool 02 No. JwPuri, Udyog Nagar Firetation
30 B.A. Set PPE 100 Nos. Each Fire Station
31 Rope Rescue tool 10 Nos. Each Fire Station
32 Hose/Hose Fitting Fire Fighting 250 Nos. Each Fire Station
Equipment Approx.
33 Inflatable Light Lightning Nil West Division
Tower equipment
34 Must Light Tower Lightning 01 No. JwalaPuri Fire Station
35 Search Light Lightning 1+2+1 Nos. Moti Nagar, WazirPur,
equipment JwalHeriFire Stations
36 Electric Genrator Generator 1+1 Nos. MotiNagar,WazirPuriFire Station
37 Telescopic Lightning 01 Nos. Moti Nagar Fire Station
pnumetic must Equipment
38 Diving Suit Diving Suit Nil West Division
39 Lifebuoy Rescue tool 4+1 Nos. Moti Nagar, WazirPuriFire
40 Life jacket Rescue tool 06 Nos. Moti Nagar, WazirPuri Fire Sta.
41 BaseketStratcher Rescue tool 03 Nos. WazirPur Fire Station
42 Clothing- PPE- Chemical Nil West Division
Chemical suit
43 Breathing PPE 55 Nos. Each Fire Station
Apparats- self Approx.
44 Breathing PPE 01 Nos. Moti Nagar Fire Station
45 Pump- High Fire Fighting 01 Nos. Moti Nagar Fire Station
Pressure Portable Equipment
46 Extension Ladder Rescue Tool 20 Nos. Each Fire Station
47 Rope Ladder Rescue Tool 5+1+1+1+2 Jwp,WP, K N, PV,M N, Fire
Nos. Station
48 Aluminium Rescue Tool 05 Nos. JwalaPuriFire Station
49 Fire Extinguisher- Extinguishers Nil West Division
50 Fire Extinguisher- Extinguishers 13+7+10 Nos. JWP, WP, MN Fire Stations
51 Fire Proxiemate 01 Nos. Moti Nagar Fire Station
52 Fire Proof Sheet Aspects Blanket Nil West Division
53 Fire Tender Fire Fighting / 17 Nos. Each Fire Station
Rescue Vehicle Approx.
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

54 Foam Tender Fire Fighting / 01 Nos. Moti Nagar Fire Station

Rescue Vehicle
55 Rescue Tender Fire Fighting / Nil West Division
Rescue Vehicle
56 Hydraulic Fire Fighting / Nil West Division
Platform Rescue Vehicle
57 DCP Tender Fire Fighting / 01 Nos. JwalaPuri Fire Station
Rescue Vehicle
58 Hazmat Van Fire Fighting / Nil West Division
Rescue Vehicle
59 Fire Fighting AFFF Foam 6000 liters Fire Stations on West District
Foam concentrate
60 Dry Chemical Nil West Division
61 Office Building 09 Fire Stations Fire Stations on West District
62 VHF set Static Communication 10 Nos. Fire Stations on West District
63 VHF set Mobile Communication 11 Nos. Each Fire Station
device Approx.
64 Walkie-Talkie Set Communication 12 nos. approx. Fire Stations on West District
65 Cointaner of Foam Concentrate 100 liters Moti Nagar Fire Station
66 De-contaimination De-contaimination Nil West Division
gears shower in Hazmat
67 First Aid Kit as 01 set WazirPur Fire Station
per MFR
68 Flame Ionization Rescue Tool Nil West Division
69 Leak Storage Mechanical Seal Nil West Division
70 Multi Gas Rescue Tool Nil West Division
71 Non-sparking Rescue Tool Nil West Division
72 Traffic Cones Rescue Tool 1+2 Nos. JwalaPuri, WazirPur Fire Stations

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


DHS Emergency Support Information


S. Name of the Hospital Nodal Officer Contact No. Alternate Nodal Contact No.
No Officer
1 SVBPHospital Dr. Rajiv Kapoor (MS) 25885991(O) 9015819142
25881201(MSO) Dr. Nitin Bhagat (link
25885993 officer)

2 G.G.S. Govt.Hospital Dr. Prem Kumar 25984549-335(O) Smt. Parminder Kaur 25984549(MSO) 25988532(F) 9718503823

3. D.D.U. Hospital Dr. Atul Verma O-011-25494336, Dr. Rajesh Kohli 25494336(O) O- 011-25494402 9718990202
® 28543906
(SRon duty)
4. A.S.B.Moti Nagar Dr. Ashutosh 25423514 Dr. Irshad 25423514
Hospital (casualty) (casualty)
M-79717478785 7503323168

6 Maharaja Agrasen Dr. Deepak Singhal (MD) M-9810079484 Dr. Vikalp (AMS) O-25226645-54
Hospital Off:-25226645-54 R-9958841119,
R-25220049 9718373010

7 Balaji Action Medical Dr. Sunil Sumbhali,Medical O-42888888 Ex. Dr. Reeta Varshney (O)42888888
Institute Superi.ntendent 4168 9910098105 M-9311507226
(Fx) 25270725
® 28312642

8 M.G.S Hospital Dr. Mausami (M.S.) M-9810725501 Sh. Rajeev Khanna O-42464685
Punjabi Bagh 9958235333
O- 45111444 O-45111444,
Extn. 106 extn. 124

9 ESI Hospital Dr. Arpit (CMO) O-25440741-0699 Dr. Girish Arora O-25440741 O-25100664 O-25440699
(M)-9999801474 (M)9868178718

10. Sanjay Gandhi Hospital Dr. P. S. Nayyar (MS) 01127921117, Dr. Gurmeet Singh 8373916054

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

S. Name of the Hospital Nodal Officer Contact No. Alternate Nodal Contact No.
No Officer
11 Satyabhama Hospital Dr. Manisha Sharma (MS) 9312252349 Anita Sharma 8506008019
(P) Ltd. 011-25943107
12. Sehgal Neo Hospital, Dr. Narin Sehgal 9871291660, Dr. Himashika 9599137898
Meera Bagh 011-45565656 011-45565656
13. MKW Hospital, Rajouri Sh. Anil Sharma 9891331789
Garden hospitalmkw@gmail
14. Park Hospital Dr. Rekha Gupta 9871322933 Dr. Santosh 9899241482 011-45323232 Extn-212
15. Kukreja Hospital & Dr. Ram Aggarwal 9810748258 Mr. Chandan 7974360406
Heart Center Pvt. Ltd. 011-4567500 Pokhriyal 011-45675000

16. Jawa Nurshing Home, Dr. Gurcharan Jawa 9811079566 Dr. S. K. Jawa 9871440778
Paschim Vihar
17. Neeru Maternity Centre Dr. Nisheet Aggarwal 9810778516 Dr. Neeru Aggarwal 9811024950
Mundka 9811040465

18. Handa Nursing Home, Dr. A.K. Handa (Chairman) 011-25433342, Sandeep Uniyal 8826715254
Raja Garden 011-25415726
19. St. Johns Ambulance Mr. Ojas S. Walia 25109597(O) Sh. Avtar Singh 25109597
Brigade(WD) (Asst. Commissioner) 25842117(O) (Moti Nagar) 25842862(O) 20026756
,9818372354(M) 9811621568
20. CATS Mr. Ajit Singh 01123860525 Sh. Sandeep Kumas 9811593128
9911570125 Sharma (AO)
21. CDMO(WD) Dr. Sunita Prasad (O)011-25057016, Dr. Sudha Sachdewa (O)011-
25255021 (A.CDMO) 25281388
8745011323 M-9811632127

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

District Disaster Management Plan (West) For Burn Casualties

S.No. Name of the Nodal Officer Contact No. Alternate Nodal Contact No.
Hospital Officer
1 Dr. RML Hospital Dr.Nuton Mehtra 9250022929 Dr. Rana A.K. Singh 9868101325
23404040 01123404308
2 LNJP Hospital Dr. Ritu Saxsena 9873617557 Dr. Sapna Paul 9873617576
3 SJH (26194874) Dr. Prem Kumar 011- 26707564 Dr.Neeraj Gupta 011-26730244
9212577407 9350859929

Emergency Resource Inventory of Major Hospitals in District West

S. Name of Hospital Ambulanc QRT Stretche F. Aid Kit Beds Ambu Disaster Bed
No. e r Availabl Bag Ward availab
e Availabili ility
ty for
1 DDU Hospital 0 0 15 16 35 15 3 140
2 GGS Hospital 1 1 40 2 09 17 1 07
3 ABG Hospital 1 1 8 1 20 4 0 24
4 SVBP Hospital 0 2 2 1 8 2+2+1 1 5
5 ESI Hospital 3 2 12 1 Availabl 6 Available Availab
e in in le in
sufficient sufficient sufficie
quantity quantity nt
6 MCD Hospital 1 1 1 1
Tilak Nagar
7 CATS 27 03 27 –(01in 27 –(01 in - 01 set - -
in each each Adult &
each ambulance ambulance) Child in
shfit ) each
8 St. John's NIL 3 5 5 NIL 5 NIL NIL
9 Maharaja Agrasen 2 2 15 2 15 2 7 11
10 Sri Action Balaji 5 1 5 5 2 1 0 10
Medical Institute
12 Altius Sonia 1 1 1 1 - - - -
13 A-One Hospital 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 2
14 Handa Nursing 1 1 1 1 - - - -
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

15 Kukreja Hospital 2 1 16 13 - 19 - 25
16 Swasthik Hospital 1 1 1 1 - - - -
18 Park Hospital 3 2 10 10 - 10 - 5
19 Family Hospital 1 1 1 1 - - - -
20 Sewa Ambulance 1 0 - - - - - -
21 Satya Bhama 2 1 4 2 6 12 - 20
24 Hemraj Jain 1 2 1 1 - 3 - 3
25 Kalra Hospital 1 1 1 1 15 - 1 -
26 MKW Jan Kalyan 02 1 4 3 - 3 - 3
27 MGS Hospital 1 1 3 2 10 02 - 10
Total 36 32 113 69 12 266 1 298

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


List of Medical inventory under CDMO (West)

S. No. Name of Item Item Quantity

1. Spine Board 51 Hosp.+4 Disp.
2. Normal stretcher 211 Hosp.+10 Disp.
3. Stretcher Medical Evacuation 69 Hosp.+2 Disp.
4. Adult & Children Incubators 66 Hosp.
5. First Aid Kit 152 Hosp.+35 Disp.
6. CT Scan Hosp. 6
7. MRI Hosp. 10
8. Ambu Bags 190 Hosp.+11 Disp.
9. No. of Emergency Beds 162 Hosp.
10. Scoop Stretcher 15 Hosp.+1 Disp.
11. Basic Life Sport Mask 82 Hosp.
12. Portable O2 Cylinders 286 Hosp.+47 Disp.
13. Portable Ventilators 32 Hosp.
14. Portable X-Rays 37 Hosp.
15. Portable Ultrasound Machines 22 Hosp.
16. Portable ECG Machine 81 Hosp.
17. Portable Suction Units 120 Hosp.+9 Disp.
18. Mechanical ventilators 77 Hosp
19. Defibrillator/ AED 116 Hosp.
20. Mobile Blood Bank 01 Hosp.
21. Mobile Medical Van 03 Hosp.
22. Water Filter 62 Hosp.
23. Water Tank 169 Hosp.
24. Reservoirs 32 Hosp.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Details of (CATS) Ambulance on Field in District West, Delhi

S. Vehicle No. Call Type Base Station Location Point

No. Sign
1. DL1A2976 A-31 ALS A.S.B.H., Moti Nagar A.S.B.H., Moti Nagar
2. DL1A2878 B-61 BLS Dispensary Tilak Nagar Dispensary Tilak Nagar
3. DL1A2909 B-63 BLS Acharya Bhikshu Hospital Acharya Bhikshu Hospital
4. DL1A2969 B-79 BLS Dispensary, Kanjhawla Dispensary, Kanjhawla
5. DL1A2988 B-80 BLS JPSS Hospital JPSS Hospital
6. DL1A3002 B-81 BLS Dispensary, Jwala Puri Dispensary, Jwala Puri
7. DL1A3005 B-82 BLS Nirmal Chhaya Orphange Nirmal Chhaya Orphange
House, Hari Nagar House, Hari Nagar
8. DL1A2944 B-108 BLS DDU Hospital, Hari Nagar DDU Hospital, Hari Nagar
9. DL1A2424 W-01 PTA Nirmal Chhaya Orphange Nirmal Chhaya Orphange
House, Hari Nagar House, Hari Nagar
10. DL1A2423 W-02 PTA Dispensary, Nangloi Dispensary, Nangloi
11. DL1A2455 W-03 PTA DDU Hospital, Hari Nagar DDU Hospital, Hari Nagar
12. DL1A2456 W-04 PTA Old Age Home Bindapur Old Age Home Bindapur
13. DL1A2459 W-07 PTA Dispensary, Nangloi Dispensary, Nangloi
14. DL1A2463 W-11 PTA Maternity Home, Mundka Maternity Home, Mundka
15. DL1A2466 W-14 PTA JPSS. Hospital JPSS. Hospital
16. DL1A2467 W-15 PTA JPSS. Hospital JPSS. Hospital
17. DL1A2403 W-20 PTA Maternity Home Vishnu Maternity Home Vishnu
Garden Garden
18. DL1A2554 W-21 PTA Dispensary, Nangloi Dispensary, Nangloi
19. DL1A2555 W-22 PTA ESI, Hospital BasaiDarapur ESI, Hospital BasaiDarapur
20. DL1A2556 W-23 PTA DDU Hospital, Hari Nagar DDU Hospital, Hari Nagar
21. DL1A2557 W-24 PTA Jwala Puri Dispnesary Jwala Puri Dispnesary
22. DL1A2559 W-26 PTA Dispensary, Kanjhawala Dispensary, Kanjhawala
23. UP32MN6904 B-113 BLS Acharya Bhikshu Hosopital Acharya Bhikshu Hosopital
24. Kl22M6313 B-114 BLS Acharya Bhikshu Hosopital Acharya Bhikshu Hosopital
25. KL22M6263 B-138 BLS Acharya Bhikshu Hosopital Acharya Bhikshu Hosopital
26. UP32MN6743 B-35 BLS Maternity HM Vishnu Garden Maternity HM Vishnu Garden
27. UP32MN6749 B-5 BLS Bakkarwala Bakkarwala
28. UP32MN6756 B-23 BLS Nangloi Metro Station Nangloi Metro Station
29. UP32MN7399 B-34 BLS DDU Hospital DDU Hospital
30. KL22M6097 B-51 BLS Acharya Bhikshu Hospital Acharya Bhikshu Hospital
31. KL22M6127 B-52 BLS DDU Hospital DDU Hospital

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Quick Response Teams in Disaster Management CDMO-West

(From Dispensary)

S.No. Name of Officer/ Designation Address Contact No.

Official Office/Resi./

1. Dr.Neeraj Roy WD/ Doctor Aam Admi Poly Clinic Tilak M-9971572990

Sh. Devi Prasad Pharmacist Aam Admi Poly Clinic Tilak M. 9718867888
Sh. Mahender Dresser Aam Admi Poly Clinic Tilak M. 9999612328

2. Dr. Arvind Doctor DGD Hiran Kudna M-9990684464

Sh. Devman Yadav Pharmacist DGD Hiran Kudna M-9868280905

Sh. Ajit Singh Dresser DGD Hiran Kudna M-9868506098

3 Dr. Sanjay Doctor DGD Prem Nagar M.9650084806

Sh. Dheeraj Pharmacist DGD Prem Nagar M. 9958128518

Sh. Vinod SCC DGD Prem Nagar M-

4 Dr. Kundan Doctor DGD Nawada M-9868770793

Sh. Sandeep Bhalla Pharmacist DGD Nawada M-9871957764

Sh. Anita Dresser DGD Nawada M-9868550741

5. Dr.Mritunjay Doctor DGD Khyala M. 9717860326,

Ms. Balvinder Pharmacist DGD Khyala M-8527445757

Sh. Kamla Kour N.O. DGD Khyala

6. Dr. Alok Doctor Aam Admi Poly Clinic Madipur M. 9871933861

Ms. Vandana Pharmacist Aam Admi Poly Clinic Madipur M. 9958834868

Ram Kumar Dresser Aam Admi Poly Clinic Madipur M. 9891172459,

09812274550 (HR)
7. Dr. Neelesh Doctor DGD Nangloi M.09582670852

Mr. Kishan Pharmacist DGD Nangloi M.9953961884

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Mr. Rakesh Dresser DGD Nangloi M. 9891572897

8. Dr. Vikas Meena Doctor DGD Mundka M. 8709468401

Mr. Sandeep Pharmacist DGD Mundka M. 9818243251

Mr. Dharmender NO DGD Mundka M. 7503678323

9. Dr. Harpreet Doctor Aam Admi Poly Clinic Paschim M. 9891708688

Mr. Pawan Pharmacist Aam Admi Poly Clinic Paschim M. 9891967676
Mr. Tapesh Dresser Aam Admi Poly Clinic Paschim M. 9821976209
10. Dr. Manish Doctor DGD Tikri Kalan M. 9910969961

Mr. Rajbeer Pharmacist DGD Tikri Kalan M. 7988022587,

Mr. Jyaluddin N.O. DGD Tikri Kalan M. 9136229598

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

List of Blood Bank in District West, Delhi

Mission Jan Jagriti Blood Bank

A1, Altius Sonia Hospital, Basement, Rohtak Road, Nangloi, Delhi - 110041, Gulshan Park
+(91)-8510888929, 9891799879,

Sri Balaji Action Blood Bank

A-4, Paschim Vihar, Delhi - 110063, Institutional Area

Maharaja Agrasen Blood Bank

C/o, Maharaja Agrasen Hospital, Punjabi Bagh, Delhi - 110026, Near Police Station
+(91)-9910041934+(91)-11-40777777, 40777555,


Sarthak Prayas NGO

38, Backside Basement, Rd No-52, Punjabi Bagh, Delhi - 110026, Behind Gurunanak Public
School,Punjabi Bagh West +(91)-9811311354, 9310311354


Pitampura Blood Bank

Building Number B 294, Saraswati Vihar, Outer Ring Road, Pitampura, Delhi - 110034, Near
Pitampura Metro Station And Above Yamaha Showroom+ (91)-11-33089059

Lions Blood Bank

AK-100, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi - 110088 View Map
+(91)-11-42258080, 42258494 +(91)-11-27484100

Brahm Shakti Blood Bank

U -1/78, Budh Vihar, Delhi - 110086, Near Pooth Kalan Village

Jay Clinic & Maternity Home

RZ 68, Old Roshanpura, Chawla Bus Stand Road, Najafgarh, Delhi - 110043, Behind Mother
Dairy, +(91)-11-33745615

Bajaj Blood Bank

C/3, Guru Gobind Singh Mg, Karol Bagh, Delhi - 110005, Nr Batra Hospital & Medical Research
Centre +(91)-11-28712849, 28714184, 28712473

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Sunder Lal Jain Blood Bank

C/O Sunder LAL Jain Hospital, Main Road, Ashok Vihar I-Ashok Vihar, Delhi - 110052,
Opposite Mata Jain Kaur School

Bensups Blood Bank

C/O Bensups Hospital, Dwarka Sector 12, Delhi - 110078, Near Dwarka Sec-12 Metro
Station View Map

Rakt Sewa Samiti (Regd.)

65-A, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi - 110088, Br-Block

Smile for All

RU-15,3rd Floor, Pitampura, Delhi - 110034, Near Power House
+(91)-9266666666, 9212131416+(91)-11-27346714

Blood Bank Organisation

11/6b, Shanti Chamber, Pusa Road, Delhi - 110005, Opposite Telephone Exchange

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Contact details of Private Hospials and major Nursing homes participating in Disaster situation:
1 Bhatia Global Hospital Ambika Vihar Dr. Parveen Bhatia 25270500
2 Swastik Hospital Tilak Nagar Dr. Vivek gupta M.9810297576
3 A- One Hospital A-1/7 Paschim Vihar Dr. Harmesh 011-25271177
4 Altius Sonia Hospital Gulshan Park Nangloi Dr. Hemant 30777777 M.
5 Family Hospital Opp. Crpf camp tilak Dr. Manjeet 28331885
nagar M9315200334
6 Handa Nursing home Ring Road, Raja Garden Dr. A. K. Handa 25415726
New Delhi-110015 (Chairman) 25433342
7 Park Hospital 2, Outer Ring Road, Dr. Rekha Gupta 011-45323232
Chaukhandi, Keshopur M- 9871322933
Subzi Mandi, New Delhi ext-212
8 Kalra Hospital A-526 Kirti Nagar Raja Dutta 45005600
9 Kukreja Hospital& Heart C-1 Vishal Enclave Dr. Ram Aggarwal 9810748258
Center Pvt. Ltd. 011-4567500 Sh. Chandan 7974360406
10 M.K.W Jan Kalyan Hospital J-Block Rajouri Garden Sh.Anil Sharma 9891331789 011-45609999
Sh. Neeru Prakash 9250751490
11 Gambhir Hospital H-74 Rajouri Garden Dr. P.k. gambhir 2541420
12 SatyaBhama Hospital 126/105Najafgarh Dr.Manisha Sharma 9312252349 Road,Nangloi
Dr.Anita Sharma 8506008019
(Administration) 011-25943107
13 Sanchet Hospital 436 Bhera Enclave, Dr. Mukesh M 9811115497
Paschim Vihar Aggarwal 25260683
14 Paul Nursing Home 235 Avtar Enclave Dr. Manish Paul 25264754
Paschim Vihar 25252314
15 New Medical Centre B-39, Moti Nagar Mr. Deepak 25416879
16 Khetarpal Hospital F-95, Bali Nagar, Near Ms. Sunita 9899237100
Ramesh Nagar Metro Khetrapal 25442292
Station, N.D.-15 45515100

17 Nijhara Hospital Pvt. Ltd 7/10, Chaudhary Deep Dr. Guarav Nijhara 9811075034
Chand Marg, South Patel drgauravnijhara@g 25848720
Nagar, Delhi 9810125573
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Dr. Anjili Nijahara

18 Sehgal Neo Hospital B-362-363-364, Meera Dr. Alok Mishra 9868162512
Bagh, Outer Ring Road, 01145565656
Paschim Vihar Dr. Himshikha 9599137898
Dr. Narin 9871291660
19 Amit Nursing Home A-3, Manak Vihar Ext. Dr. Anil Aggarwal 9811049769
Near Tihar Village, 28126894
Subhash Nagar, N.D.-18 Dr. Sudha Aggarwal 9810038170
20 Mansa Ram Hospital Pvt. B-5,Aman Puri, Nangloi - Dr. Rajnish Singh 011-66265887
Ltd. Najafgarh Rd, Amanpuri, Dr. Ravinder Singh 9811761676
Naresh Park, Najafgarh,
Nangloi, Delhi 110041
21 Sodhi Nursing Home 455 bhera enclave,paschim Dr. Kanwal Sodhi 9818051320
vihar, Delhi, 110087
Dr. Nitin Sodhi 9818275865
22 Mangla Aggarwal Medical C-127, Ganesh Nagar, Dr. S. K. Mangla 9811527174
Center Pvt. Ltd. Tilak Nagar, West, Delhi drskmangla@gmail. 011-25999393
23 Rao Raghubir Hospital Najafgarh Road, Ishwar
Colony, Nangloi
Extension, Nangloi, Delhi, Dr. Gourav Yadav 8130945500
24 Jawa nursing home A-3/313, Opposite Indian Dr. G. G. Jawa 9811079566
Oil Petrol Pump, 9871440778
Chaudhary Balbir Singh
Marg, Block A 3, Paschim Dr. S. K. Jawa
Vihar, Delhi, 63
25 R. P. Memorial Hospital 496, Near Krishan Mandir, Dr. Akash 9911955048
Najafgarh Road, Nangloi
Jat, Nangloi, Delhi, Dr. Rajesh Handa 9313021487
26 K. K. Hospital 2-Inder Dr. A. K. Singh 9654451104
Enclave,Peeragarhi,Metro 011-25257540
Pillar 316,New Delhi
Peeragarhi, Delhi-15 Dr. Renu Singh 9711183413

Dr Muneder 9654441102
27 Neeru Maternity Center Main Bus Stand, Mundka, Dr. Nisheet 9810778516
Delhi - 110041 Aggarwal
nisheetaggarwal@ya 9811024950
Dr. Neeru Aggarwal
28 Kathuria Nursing Home D-33, Back Portion, Dr. K. Kathuria 9811550390
Rajouri Garden, Delhi-27 drkittykathuria@gm 9810524589
Dr. Sachin Kathuria
29 Shri Daya Dutt Vashist J-34, Chaukhandi, Near Dr. Sanjeev Vashist 9811161234
Hospital Raj Cinema, Tilak Nagar, 011-25986298
N.D.-18 Dr. Dilshad 9818628978
District Disaster Management Plan (West)




ESF – Medical Response and Trauma Counseling

ESF Coordinator- CDMO-WD- Dr. Sunita Prasad,

Team Leader / Nodal Officer (DM) Specifications - Dr. Sudha Sachdewa

Alternate Nodal Officer- Dr. Santosh Kumar

Primary Functions- Provide Medical care to the Disaster victims

Primary Agencies Nodal Department- DHS.

Nodal Division- West District.

Primary Purpose/ Function- 1. Triage
2. First Aid Services
3. Shifting of casualties to nearby hospitals.
4. Critical care at Hospital

Emergency Support Function (ESF)- Medical Response & Trauma Counseling

ESF Provides the following- 1. Manpower – Doctor & Paramedics.

2. Ambulances from Supporting agencies.
3. First AID Kits.

Planning of work- On receipt of information of Disaster situation-

Activation of all supporting agencies for site management &

Hospital care of Disaster Casualties.

Role of ESF Coordinator - Coordination with QRTs of all Agencies .

- Coordination with other ESFs.

Role of ESF Team Leader- 1. Setup of First Aid Post at Site.

2. Distribution of patient according to Triage.
3. First Aid and Stabilization of casualties.
4. Transportation of causalities to nearest hospital.
5. Coordination with ESFs at site.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Information Management System at CDMO Office Level

Disaster Help Line


Information of disaster/mock drill to all supporting agencies for timely Activation

(from DC office, public & PCR )

CDMO office

Activation of all supporting agencies for sending QRTs.

Ambulances and keep hospital ready for casualties

Rush to disaster site along with QRT from CDMO Office


DM, West, DDMA-Chairman ADM ESF for Medical Response and Trauma Counseling

↓ ↓ ↓
CDMO & Mission Director ACDMO
(IDHS, West) (TEAM LEADER) CATS, ST. John Ambulance
Govt. & Private Hospitals
Blood Banks


Preparedness Phase-- Sensitization Training of QRT Members and supporting agencies through
Regular meetings. Conduction of Mock Drills to know the efficiency level of QRT and upporting
agencies. Updating of contact details of QRT.

Response Phase-. Mobilization of QRT, Ambulances & Equipments

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

First Aid and Stabilization of casualties.

Transportation of causalities to nearest hospital.
Coordination with other ESFs at site.

Recovery Phase- Rehabilitation & Trauma Counseling

Analysis of Short comings.

SITREPS - Situation report prepared with the interval of 15-30 minutes according to magnitude of
disaster and conveyed to the incident commander for further necessary action.

Quick Response Team at CDMO (Office)

Team Name of Officer/ Designation Resi. Address Contact No. Place of

No. Official Office/Resi./ posting

1 Dr. Sudha ACDMO/ O/O CDMO, West Distt M. 9811632127 CDMO
Sachdewa Doctor Office

2. Mr .Pawan Pharmacist O/O CDMO, West Distt M-9891967676 CDMO

Kumar Office

3. Mr. Ravinder SCC O/O CDMO, West Distt M 9811834277 CDMO

Kumar Office

4. Mr. Kaptan N.O. O/O CDMO, West Distt M. 8059368720 CDMO


District Disaster Management Plan (West)

SOP for Quick Response Team (QRT) on Medical Response and Trauma Counselling

*QRTs will provide situation and progress report s on the action taken by the team to the
respective EOCs at the level of IC.
*QRT’s will assess type of injuries, number of people affected and possible medical assistance
*QRTs will ensure timely response to the needs of the affected victims such as:
-- Conduct Triage of causalities.
-- Providing First Aid services.
-- Establishing health facility and treatment centers at disaster sites in case of need.
-- Prioritizing the causalities as per their seriousness to shift to nearby Hospitals for critical care.
-- Keeping the proper record of causalities category wise, and the casualties shifted to different
*QRTs should maintain check posts and surveillance at each railway junction, ST (full form)
depots and all entry and exit points from the affected area, especially during the threat or
existence of an epidemic.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


Details of stock of buses in West District, Delhi (Transport Department)

S.No. Depot Name Location of Depot Number of Buses

1. Hari Nagar Depot-1 Jail Road 110064 100
2. Hari Nagar Depot-2 Jail Road 110064 110
3. Hari Nagar Depot-3 Jail Road 110064 34
4. Maya puri Depot Mayapuri Road-64 100
5. Shadipur Depot Patel Road 110028 101
6. Keshopur Depot K. P. Mandi 110063 129
7. Ghumman Hera Depot Daurala Road 110043 33
8. Dhichaon Kalan Depot D.K. Road 110043 33
9. Peeragarhi Depot Near CNG Pump Peeragarhi 110063 90
Total 730

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


Availability of vehicles in Police Station of District West:-

(Data Received :26/08/2020)

S. No. Police Station PS Under Gypsy M/Cyl QRT Pvt.

1. Moti Nagar West 02 18 01
2. Rajouri Garden West 02 09 01
3. Kirti Nagar West 02 08 01
4. Hari Nagar West 02 10 01
5. Tilak Nagar West 02 16 01
6. Punjabi Bagh West 02 11 01
7. MayaPuri West 02 10 01
8. Khyala West 02 10 01
9. Narayana West 02 12 01
10. Inder Puri West 02 07 01
11. Anand Parbat Central 02 06 01
12. Ranjeet Nagar Central 02 06 01
13. Patel Nagar Central 02 08 01
14. Paschim Vihar East Outer 02 08 01
15. Paschim Vihar West Outer 02 08 01
16. Ranhola Outer 02 14 01
17. Nangloi Outer 02 09 01
18. Nihal Vihar Outer 02 10 01
19. Mundka Outer 02 15 01

Total Strength of West District

S.No Type of Post Male Female DCP’s Total

1 ACP 03 07
2 Inspector 27 27
3 Sub Inspector 76 14 West 90
4 Assitant Sub Inspector 192 10 202
5 Head Consatble 311 20 331
6 Constable 414 145 559

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Total Strength of Central District

S.No Type of Post Male Female DCP’s Total

1 ACP 01 01
2 Inspector 06 06
3 Sub Inspector 18 05 Central 23
4 Assitant Sub 57 01 58
5 Head Consatble 69 02 71
6 Constable 116 38 154

Total Strength of Outer District

S.No Type of Post Male Female DCP’s Total

1 ACP 03 03
2 Inspector 17 17
3 Sub Inspector 48 07 Central 55
4 Assitant Sub 126 09 135
5 Head Consatble 176 14 190
6 Constable 330 101 431

Total Strength of Traffic Police

S.No Traffic Type of Male Female M. Gypse DCP’s Total

Circle Post Cycle
ACP 01 01
Traffic 01 01
1 Rajouri Sub 03 NIL 08 01 West 03
Garden Inspector
Assistant 10 03 13
Head 16 04 20
Constable 30 14 44
Inspector 01 01
Sub 01 NIL 01
2 Tilak Inspector 06 01 West
Nagar Assistant 12 01 13
Head 23 01 24
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Constable 46 04 50
Inspector 01 01
Sub 01 NIL 01
3 Punjabi Inspector 06 01 West
Bagh Assistant 09 NIL 09
Head 13 03 16
Constable 43 04 47
Inspector 01 01
Sub 04 NIL 04
4 Nangloi Inspector 01 01 West
Assistant 09 01 10
Head 22 01 23
Constable 46 01 47
Inspector 01 01
Sub 05 NIL 05
5 Mayapuri Inspector 08 01 West
Assistant 08 04 12
Head 12 01 13
Constable 04 01 05
Inspector 01 01
Sub 01 NIL 01
6 Patel Nagar Inspector 07 01 West
Assitant Sub 14 NIL 14
Head 15 01 16
Constable 35 03 38

Communication Devices Details

(I) Wireless Set on Disaster NET (VHF L/B) installed at W/D.C.R/

(II) 10 No. Telephone lines regarding Disaster already installed in Control room.
(III) Fire Disaster Net is also installed in Cntrol room.

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


List of Night Shelters in District West

1 Banjara Community Hall at Rcc building 60 C04 General SPYM
Chaukhandi, Near Sbi Bank
2 Site & Services Plots at HMP Rcc building 50 C04 General Rachna Women’s
Khayala, Near AC-27, Election Development
Office Society
3 BVK (Ist Floor) Water Tank No.2 Rcc building 90 C03 Children Prayas
Udyog Nagar, Peeragarhi
4 Sabzi Mandi Tilak Nagar TNS 1, Porta cabin 50 C01 General Mahilayen Pragati
Near 7 Floor temple. Ki Aur
5 Raja Garden-119, under flyover Porta cabin 50 C04 Women SPYM
6 Sabzi Mandi Tilak Nagar TNS-2, Porta cabin 70 C01 General Mahilayen Pragati
near 7 Floor temple Ki Aur
7 BVK Raghubir Nagar (F Block Rcc building 70 C04 General Rachna Women’s
Extn Khayala near Guru Gobind Development
Singh Hospital ) Society
8 Sabzi Mandi Tilak Nagar TNS-3, Porta cabin 50 C01 General Mahilayen Pragati
near 7 floor temple Ki Aur
9 Tilak Nagar, Subzi Mandi (Tent-1) Tent 50 C01 General Mahilayen Pragati
near 7th floor temple Ki Aur
10 Subhash Nagar Mor, Beri wala bagh Tent 50 C01 General Mahilayen Pragati
Ki Aur
11 Tilak Nagar, Subzi Mandi (Tent-2), Tent 50 C01 General Mahilayen Pragati
near 7 fllor Ki Aur

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


List of Voter’s Centres, RO’s and AERO’s in District West


11, Nangloi Jat Ms. Akriti Sagar ERO/SDM Punjabi Office of the SDM
Mob: 7503743418 Bagh Punjabi Bagh, Main
Off:011-25947588 Rohtak Road
Nangloi Delhi-
25, Moti Nagar Mr.Sameer Minj ERO/SREO West Employment
SREO West Exchange Building,
Mob: 98113 85045 Pusa Road New
26, Madipur Mr. D.P. Arora ERO/VATO (W-56) Office of the Trade
Mob: 09416323991 T&T & Taxes Vyapar
Bhawan, IP Estate,
New Delhi, Delhi
27, Rajouri Mr.Amit Kumar ERO/SDM Rajouri Room No. 7 Office
Garden Mob:9205920120 Garden of the District
Off:011-27395675 Election Officer
(West) Old Middle
School Building
Rampura Delhi-
28, Hari Nagar Mr. S. C. Meena ERO/ADM West Room No. 2 Office
Mob: 7503137001 of the District
Off:011-27394541 Election Officer
(West) Old Middle
School Building
Rampura Delhi-
29, Tilak Mr. Jatin Goyal ERO/SDM Patel Room No. 4 Office
Nagar Mob: 8547199569 Nagar of the District
Off: 011-27391613 Election Officer
(West) Old Middle
School Building
Rampura Delhi-
30, Janak Puri Mr. S. D. Sharma ERO/VATO (W-60) Office of the Trade
Mob: 9818052656 T&T & Taxes Vyapar
Bhawan, IP Estate,
New Delhi, Delhi

District Disaster Management Plan (West)


& NO.
11, Nangloi Jat Mr. Virender Kumar Suptd./Gr-I Dass Patwar
Addl. AERO Ghar,
Mob: 9891648614 Najafgarh
Off: 011-25945435 Road
25, Moti Nagar Mr. Sachinder Suptd./Gr-I Dass Room
Singh, Link Officer No.14 &15,
Mob:9810269333 F Block,
Off: 011-25107488 Labour
Karam Pura,
Delhi -
26, Madipur Mr. Tej Ram, Link Suptd./Gr-I Dass Community
Officer Center, old
Mob: 9911680852 Slum Qtrs.
Off: 011-25218441 Madipur
New Delhi-
27, Rajouri Garden Mr. Sachinder Suptd./Gr-I Dass Basti Vikas
Singh, Kendra,
Mob:9810269333 Baba
Offi: 011 - Ramdev
25984849 Road, No-
29, HMP
Nagar New
28, Hari Nagar Mr. L. P. Singh Suptd./Gr-I Dass Flat No-
Mob:9811034722, 14A, DA-
Off: 011-25491833 Block Hari
Nagar New
29, Tilak Nagar Smt. Savita Bisht, Suptd./Gr-I Dass Multi
Mob: 9891911095, Purpose
Off:011-25990441 Community

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Tilak Nagar
New Delhi-
30, Janak Puri Mr. Tej Ram, Suptd./Gr-I Dass Truss MCD
Mob: 9911680852 Works
Off:011-25514048 Store, C-2B
Janak Puri
New Delhi-



List of Rajouri Garden (Banquet Hall)


1. D Grand Banquet Hall J-13/18, Patel Market, Rajouri Garden 9818596393

Near Pizza Hut 9811362166
2. Sam Surya Hotel Cum Banquet Hall j-14 Community Centre Rajouri 9999489170
3. Kohli Tent House Shivaji College Road, Rajouri Garden 9811154364
Opposite Khetrapal Nursing Home 9540640000
4. RC Events And Tent House S-3 Janta Market Rajouri Garden 8527886546
5. The Venetian Ring Road, Block- A, Below Flyover 9599611781
Raja Garden
6. Kawatra Tent 5/107-108, Subash Nagar, Near Samaj 011-25141171
Mandir, Block-05, Rajouri Garden
7. Golden Paris Kawatra Tent And Shivaji Enclave Raja Garden 011-25141171
8. Florence by Kholi Adjacent West Gate Mall Rajouri Garden 9999565657
9. Kawatra Tent Rajwada 5/107-108, Subash Nagar, Rajouri 011-25141171
10. The Velvet Road No. 28 Shivaji College Road Vishal 9811154364
11. Richi Rich 1/10, W.H.S. Kirti Nagar, Mayapuri 098186 90707
Flyover Branch, Ring Road, WHS Block
2,New Delhi, West Delhi, Delhi 110015
12. Shubham Banquet & Restaurant WZ-197, Jail Rd, Pocket G, Hari Nagar, 011 2552 9650
Delhi, 110064
13. Grand Empire 1, Mahakavi Goswami Tulsidas Marg,
Pocket J-A, Hari Enclave, Hari Nagar,
New Delhi, Delhi 110064
14. Gola Banquet Hall 8/39, Kirti Nagar 9560313133
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

15. Raintree Banquet Hall A-7-8, Kailash Park, Metor Pillar 9711098899
No.326, Kirti Nagar
16. The Plazzo Banquet Hall 78/1, W.H.S, Kirti Nagar 7838579269
17. S.K.D Grand Capana Banquet Hall 7/25, Kirti Nagar,Ind. Area Near, Kirti 8800796683
Nagar Metro Station
18. Wed Lock Banquet Hall 1/5 industrial area, Kirti Nagar 9891333383
19. CP 65 Banquet Hall Industrial Area Kirti Nagar 9654476662
20. Grand Dreams Affairs 33/33A, Rama Road kirti nagar 9810150833
21. RK. Banquet Hall 7/16 Kirti Nagar Industrial Area 09212989999

List of Patel Nagar (Banquet Hall)


1. Tiffany Banquet Hall Plot No.14, Najafgarh Road 09599084400
Opposite DLF Building
2. Chanson Banquet Hall Moti Nagar 8860606268

3. Coral Bells Banquet Hall 25/1,Najafgarh Road, Moti Nagar 8802412746

4. Magistric Crown Banquet 24, Najafgarh Road, Moti Nagar 85102064160

5. The Ritz Banquet Hall 27A, Shivaji Marg, Moti Nagar 9811878743

6. Western King Banquet Plot NO.19, Meera Enclave, 9136191591

Hall Keshopur Mandi
7. Diamonds Banquet Hall Plot Number 6, Vishnu Garden, 9990888825
Delhi - 110018, Meera Enclave
Near Park Hospital
8. Kainoosh Banquet Hall 16, Shivaji Marg 9899477777

9. Sawan Banquet Hall 54/A1 Rama Road 09821491704

10. Pearl Banquet Hall 21,Najafgargh Road Moti Nagar

11. Radha Palace Banquet 36,Rama Road 9999637333

12. La Stella Banquet Hall 20,shivaji marg Najafgargh Road 8882301111
moti nagar
13. Lavanya Orchid Banquet 15,Najafgargh Road Moti Nagar 9811628263

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

14. 24 Platinum Banquet Hall 71/1 Shivaji Marg 7290890219

15. Invitee Banquets A-9, Kirti Nagar, Main Najafgarh 072900 21473
Road, New Delhi, Delhi 110015
16. Chandelier by Sandoz 33, Near, 33A, Rama Road, Kirti 070650 06581
Banquet Nagar Industrial Area, Moti Nagar,
New Delhi, Delhi 110015
17. Golden Crown Banquet 36 Rama Road, Near, Moti Nagar
Orchid Chowk, Block C, Najafgarh Road
Industrial Area, New Delhi, Delhi
18. The Imperial Banquet 36, Rama Road, Block C, 099538 28434
Najafgarh Road Industrial Area,
New Delhi, Delhi 110008
19 VIMAL BANQUET Baba Farid Puri, Patel Nagar, New 011 2588 3804
HALL Delhi, Delhi 110008
20 The Gran Dreams Shivaji Plot No. 16, Shivaji Marg, Near 081306 96969
Marg Moti Sagar, Block C, Najafgarh
Road Industrial Area, New Delhi,
Delhi 110015

List of Punjabi Bagh (Banquet Hall)


1. Lavanya Dream Banquet Opposite Pillar No.314, D-13, 9250400615
Hall Udyog Nagar
2. Raj kamal Banquet Hall F-13, Udyog Nagar 9868306176

3. The Knots Banquet Hall D-12, Udyog Nagar 8800093400

4. Chain idh Express 25, Paschim Vihar

Banquet Hall
5. Mehak unit of Amar 43/35 West Punjabi Bagh 8743000094
Banquet Hall
6. Moments Banquet Hall 20, Paschim Vihar Ext. 9312224889

7. The Maiden Crown B-1, Udyog Nagar 9250330000

Banquet Hall
8. LE Grand Banquet Hall E-2, Udyog Nagar 9210230000

9. Palace of Dreams E-1,Peeragarhi Chowk 9210230000

Banquet Hall
10. Cherish Forever Banquet E-1, Peeragarhi Chowk 8447762902
11. Apsara Banquet Hall A-1/20B, Paschim Vihar 9350070000

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

12. Le Pacific Banquet Hall 31/35, Main Rohtak Road West 9999940807
Punjbai Bagh`
13. Maharaja Palace and Jain Muni Guru Ramkrishan Marg, 9899617570
Banquet Arihant Nagar, Punjabi Bagh, New 011-47820090
Delhi, Delhi 110026
14. Maharaja Banquet A1/20A, Paschim Vihar 981193945
Monarch Residency
15. The Jalsa Banquet Hall A-1/6, Paschim Vihar Opp. Pillar 9910085406
No264, Main Rohtak Road ND63
16. Le Paradise Banquet Hall Opp. Pillar No.511, Rohtak Road 9811125501
Mundka ND-41
17. Forever Banquet Hall 20, Paschim Vihar Ext. Paschim 9212971000,
Vihar-63 9811130109
18. OYO Flagship G1 Block G, Pushkar Enclave, 070650 67403
Paschim Vihar, Delhi, 110063
19. Neptune Residency 18, Bhera Enclave, Main Outer Ring 011-64716471,
Road, Paschim Vihar, Delhi - 9971557700
110063, Near Radisson Blue
20. Symphony Banquet D - 11, Rohtak Rd, Peera Garhi, 098112 47351
Udyog Nagar, Mangolpuri S Block,
Delhi, 110041
21. Euphoria Banquet F-3 Udyog Nagar Industrial Area 072900 57034
Peeragarhi Opposite Metro Pillar No
310, Delhi 110041
22. CHANSON 4 km from metro station mundka, 088262 25533
BANQUETS Rohtak Rd, Mundka, Delhi, 110041
23. The Host Party Lawn Udyog nagar peeragarhi, New Delhi, 098114 23825
Delhi 110041
24. Kanishka Garden Opposite Metro Pillar No. 440, 093128 72161
Rohtak Rd, Block A, Nangloi
Extension, Nangloi, New Delhi,
Delhi 110041
25. Royal Pepper Banquets E-1, Delhi - Rohtak Rd, near
Peeragarhi metro, Peeragarhi,
Udyog Nagar, industrial area, New
Delhi, Delhi 110041
26. Satyam Banquet & Hotel Dr KB Hegdewar Marg, Bhera 09911107742
Enclave, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi,
Delhi 110087

27. Orabella Banquet E-2 Udhyog nagar Main Rohtak 09899716455

road near Peeragarhi chowk, New
Delhi, Delhi 110041
28. Chanson Banquet Rohtak Rd, Peera Garhi, Peeragarhi 098185 77317
Village, Paschim Vihar, Near
Surajmal Metro Station Delhi,

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

29. Rose Garden 86/23, Rohtak Rd, Ghevra More 088262 25533
near ghevra metro station , Mundka,
New Delhi, Delhi 110081
30. Aariana Green Radhe Krishna Marg, Netaji 097165 28555
Subhash Vihar, Mundka, New
Delhi, Delhi 110041
31. Dream heritage banquet Metro Pillar Number 511, Rohtak 099531 82969
Rd, West Cabin Block, Mundka,
Delhi, 110041
32. Srishti Vatika Hiran Kudna Road, Rohtak Rd, New 098111 98132
Delhi, Delhi 110041
33. Perrows Banquet hall West Cabin Block, Mundka, New 098114 24470
Delhi, Delhi 110041
34. Silver Oak Resort Hotel Main Rohtak Road, Mundka, New 093107 56580
Delhi, Delhi 110041
35. Shalimar Banquet Hall 86/23, Rohtak Rd, Mundka Udyog 087934 29545
Nagar, Mundka Industrial Area,
Mundka, Delhi, 110041
36. C-Pearls Hotel And Main Rohtak Road Oyo. Metro 084480 85930
Banquet Pillar No. 511 Above Vishal Mega
Mart, Mundka, New Delhi, Delhi
37. Royal Gardens Mundka Industrial Area, Hiran 088262 25533
Kudna Road Delhi, 110041
38. Abhinandan Vatika National Highway 10, Mundka 088262 25533
Industrial Area, Mundka, New
Delhi, Delhi 110041
39. Ocean The Grand Hiran Kudna Road, Delhi-110041

40. Shiva Garden Plot No 562, Swarn Park, Udyog 070650 67403
Nagar, Main Rohtak Road, Mundka,
New Delhi, Delhi 110041
41. Sanskriti banquet hall Plot no. 888, Opp. Metro Pillar no. 070650 67403
497 Swarn Park, Indl. Area,
Mundka, Delhi, 110041
42. City Park Resort Metro Pillar Number 461, Rohtak 098113 38833
Road Opp, No 631, Netaji Subhash
Vihar, Ghevra, New Delhi, Delhi
43. The Pharaohs Resort NH 10, Netaji Subhash Vihar 098100 11444
Industrial Area, Netaji Subhash
Vihar, Delhi, 110041
44. I P MOTEL Banquet Metro Piller No 655 metro station 098185 77317
Hall Rohtak Road Adjecent to, Ghevra,
Delhi 110041
45. Metro Club NH-10, Mundka Industrial Area, 088262 25533
Hiran Kudna, Delhi, 110041

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

46. Casa royal banquet D-12, Udyog Nagar, Rohtak Rd, 072900 27486
Peera Garhi, New Delhi, Delhi
47. Ashiana Garden Opposite bharat dharma kaanta, 098110 19166
Hiran Kudna, New Delhi, Delhi-

48. Bulbul Resort and Hotel 58/57, Main Rohtak Road, National 011 2834 3291
Highway 10, Mundka, New Delhi,
Delhi 110081
49. Green Lounge Banquets Metro Pillar Number 311, F-4 073032 49317
Udyog Nagar, Peeragarhi, Rohtak
Road Opposite, Delhi, 110041



NAME OF CINEMA E-mail Id Name & Contact No

1 Miraj Cinema Sh.Shankar Lal
Sh. Anoop Kumar
Sh. Sanjeev 9599510171
2 Cinepolis/Fun Sh. Shashank Rastogi
Cinema 9721555509
3 Milan Cinema Sh.Sobh Raj 9818467778
Sh.Parminder Singh
4 Satyam/Innox Sh. Pankaj 7217852186
Cinema Sh. Vinay Koushik
5 PVR Pacific Mall Sh. Santosh 9873922256
Sh. Mayank 8285054023
Sh. Mukesh 9711207105
6 Wave Cinema Sh. Razi Hasan
7 Movie Time abhishekkapoor@moviestimecinem Sh. Shahid 9643736541 Sh. Rakesh Kumar

District Disaster Management Plan (West)




S. Name of Address Contact No. E-Mail Id/Website
No. Hotels/Restaurants
1. Almondz Hotel 4/3, East Patel Nagar, (011) 45580000 reservation@almondzhote
Pankaj Kumar(MN) Near Metro Pillar No.- 8800557793
8800557793 171,
New Delhi-110008 almondzhotel77@gmail.c
2. Hotel Aura de Asia 1/12, West Patel Nagar, (011) 45141122
Opp. Metro Pillar No.- 9152439301
201, New Delhi-110008
3. Hotel Balsons 8/1, East Patel Nagar, (011) 45147000 hotel-balons-continental-
Continental New Delhi-110008 7303251118 patel-nagar-
4. Hotel Kingston 9/12, East Patel Nagar, (011) 45085526
Sachin Opp. Hotel Siddharth, 45095526 hotelkingstonindia@gmail
(8800688318) New Delhi-110008 .com
5. Hotel La Suite E-2/14, East Patel Nagar, (011) 45880000
Diljeet Opp. Metro Pillar No.- 9910989898
(9910989898) 162, New Delhi-110008
6. Hotel Regent Grand 2/6, East Patel Nagar, (011) 46011111
Nitu Kataria Opp. Metro Pillar No.- 9810902122 m
(9810902122) 167, New Delhi-110008

7.. Hotel Relax Inn Plot Number 35, South (011) 42604200
Sanju Singh Patel Nagar, Opposite 9990794029
(9891048918) Pillar No.- 162 & 163, 9891048918
New Delhi-110008
8. Hotel Shanti Palace Cottage 4-A, Opp. (011)
Anil Verma Shadipur Metro Station, 45357400-01 reservation@shantipalace.
(9971499358, West Patel Nagar, New 25877701-02- com
8920741208) Delhi-110008 03-05

9. Hotel Golden Grand W-1/10,Main Patel Road, (011) 47481234

Sachin Kr Mishra Opp. Metro Pillar No.- 42471144 m
(9811721122) 202-203, New Delhi- 47050123 sales.goldengrand@gmail.
110008 47040123 com
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

10. Hotel Sunrise Grand BP-15, West Patel (011) 42455466 info@hotelsunrisegrand.c
agar Opp. Metro Pillar 9871335701 om
No.-218, New Delhi- 9910133422 sunrisegrandbooking@gm

11. Hotel Clark Heights 1/1, West Patel Nagar, (011) 45671414
Rajat Opp. Metro Pillar No.- 9152469170
(8826044700) 209, New Delhi-110008
12. Hotel Metro View 9/8, East Patel Nagar, (011) 45733300
Inn Balraj Khanna Marg, 45059292
Sandeep Jain Opp. Hotel Jaypee 9868159327
(9958745150) Siddharth, New Delhi- 9910130325
110008 7042821667
13. Hotel Royal Heights 29/11, East Patel Nagar, (011) 45261414 hotelroyalheights@gmail.
Rajender Singh Near Mother Dairy, New 9891721414 com
(9910376695) Delhi-110008
14. Nagpal Palace Plot No.-9/29, East Patel (011) 43465002
Jagdish Nagar, Opp. Hotel 25789017
(9818103006) Siddharth In Gate, New 9971065317 m
15. President Inn 19 Meera Enclave, 01246201319 sushant.shukla@oyoroom
Nodel Officer Vishnu Garden, Near 9654247699
(9654247699) Park Hospital, New Delhi
16. Hotel Park View 23/7, East Patel Nagar, 9810318215
Delhi-110008 9811564131
17. Hotel Swiss 13/15, East Patel Nagar, (011) 25751382
International Opposite Hotel J P 9891626637 http://www.hotelswissinte
Sagar(9999050605) Siddartha Entry Gate, 9818767627
New Delhi-110008 9871835913
18. Hotel East Inn 30/26, East Patel Nagar, (011)
Ansul Bhatia Main Market, New 9891086161
9873786812 Delhi-110008 9999086161
19. Hotel Surya Plaza 1/20,Najafgarh Road, 011-25990872 hotelsuryaplaza@yahoo.c
Mukesh Kumar Opp.metro Pillar No-532, om
(9312047599) Tilak Nagar, Delhi-

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Sub Division :- Rajouri Garden

S. Name of Address Contact No. E-Mail Id/Website
No Hotels/Restaurants
1. ACG Hospitality 1A, Sub District Center, (011) info@hotelsignaturegrand.
Pvt. Ltd (Hotel Hari Nagar, 49394939 com
Signature Grand) New Delhi-110064 7838505032 sales@hotelsignaturegran
2. Country Holidays Shop No.-23, Ground (011) www.countryholidaysinns
Inn & Suites, Floor, TDI Mall, Rajouri 49120200
Rajouri Garden Garden, New Delhi-
(Not Found)
3. Hotel Aman Deluxe A-30/31, Vishal Enclave, (011) 25934555 hotelamandeluxe@gmail.c
Honey Opp. Vishal Cinema, 25421555 om
(9311045777) Rajouri Garden, 45702658 hotelamandeluxe@gmail.c
New Delhi-110027 9311045777 om
4. Hotel Jageer Palace C-6/1, Mansarovar (011)
Garden, Ring Road, New 45536991/92 m
Harjinder Singh Delhi-110015 8285300709
(9891197777) 9891197777
5. SK Premium Park Plot No.-1-B, Sub (011)
District Centre, Hari 46100000
Sanjay Sharma Nagar, New Delhi- 7838394082 reservation@skpremiump
(8178914881) 110064
6. The Manali Inn J-13/52, 1st Floor, (011) 27231333
Rajouri Garden, New 27135171
Gutam Delhi-110027 1800113939
(9805092551) 9811118694
7. Tulip INN Plot No.-1C, Sub District (011) 40833333 res.westdelhi@goldentulip
Centre, 7503010000
Puneet Near Deen Dayal
(9582405453) Upadhyay Hospital, Hari
Nagar, New Delhi-
8.. Hotel Aman Palace A-40,Vishal Enclave, (011) 25921555 hotelamanpalace1@gmail.
Rajouri Garden, Opp.TDI 9310152555 com
Honey Mall, New Delhi-110027
9. Wood Castle Grand EA/190, Near Tagore (011) woodcastlegrand@gmail.c
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Garden Community 25932510-11 om

Rajesh Shegal Centre, New Delhi- 45022932
(9810253521) 110027
10. Hotel Surya J-14, Community Centre, 011-25467800 www.hotelsuryacontinent
Continental Near MKW Hospital, al
Rajouri Garden, New
Himanshu Delhi-110027
(8929229006) m
11. Glory Villa AL/8B, AL Block, Jail 9152522306
Road, Near Om Sweets,
Niraj Narang Hari Nagar, New Delhi - 011-46062014
(9971068483) 110064 011-42851525 m
12. Hotel Eternity B-40, Vishal Enclave, (011) 43104040 eternity@brighthospitality
Rajouri Garden, New 45201012-13 .in
Mahesh Johshi Delhi-110027 9971108802
13. Lavish In Hotel J-12/36, Major Sudesh 011-25454000 Hardeep.lavishinn@gmail
Kumar Marg, Rajouri .com
Hardeep Garden
14. Shubham Villa Plot No-A42, Vishal 011-25190289 delhi@bed.bughostels@c
Enclave Opp. TDI Mall, 011-25190290 om
Shiv Rajouri Garden 9711999888
(9717538911) 9811277555

15 Hotel Surya Grand J-14 Community 011-25467800

Centre Rajouri Garden m
Sanjeev Mishra Livesanjeevmishra@gmai

Sub Division :- Punjabi Bagh

S. Name of Address Contact No. E-Mail Id/Website
No Hotels/Restaurants
1. Radisson Blu Hotel, Plot No.-D, District (011) 46399999 DelhiReservationsCentre
Paschim Vihar Centre, Outer Ring Road, 18001080333
Paschim Vihar, New 9717999088 chapsales@radissonhotels.
Sanjay Mishra Delhi-110063 com
2. Hotel Water Fall A-3, Outer Ring Road, 9152463360
Shubham Enclave, 9971053669
Manpreet Paschim Vihar, New 9971432967
(9971432967) Delhi-110063
3. Chanson Hotel A-354, Meera Bagh, (011) 45531312
District Disaster Management Plan (West)

Outer Ring Road, New 28546242

Achin Delhi -110087 45612222
(9599846793) 9560420284
4. Hotel RK Grand Inn 9, Paschim Enclave, NH- (011) 47002656
10, Main Rohtak Road, 7065067403
Ritesh Near Peera Garhi Metro
(9810077763) Station, New Delhi - 9810077763)
5. Hotel Picasso B-374, Meera Bagh, (011) 45153330 hotelpicassodelhi@gmail.
Outer Ring Road, 9999930895 com
Sourav Suman Jha Paschim Vihar, New 9152929522 hotelpicassodelhi@hotmai
(8375044679) Delhi- 110063 8375044679

6. Hotel Mango Tree 26, 2nd Floor, Opp. 9152488209

BNB Metro Pillar No.-195,
Paschim Vihar mangotreebnbdelhi@gmai
Yash New Delhi- 110063
7. Hotel Mango Tree 2 407,Bhera Enclave, 9213092192
Paschim Vihar, Opp.
Soni Radisson Blu Hotel, New
(9213092192) Delhi-110063
8. Manav Residence 2/80, Club Road, West (011) 65451804
Punjabi Bagh, New 9899824545
Karam Chawla Delhi-110026
9. Hotel Beau Fort Inn RR-09, Mian Wali Naar, 011-47741138
Opp. Pillar No-299, New 011-47741139
Ajay Delhi-110087

District Disaster Management Plan (West)



S.No Name of mall Address Contact

1. West Gate Mall 4-5-6, Shivaji Place 09871575601
Rajouri Garden Near KIshor 9910954158
Rajouri Garden metro
station, New Delhi,
Delhi 110027
2. City Square Mall Shivaji Place, Dist. ASHOK (PENTRY
Center, Main, Ring HOLDER)011-42225556 m
Road, Shivaji Place, Vashishth
Vishal Enclave, Raja 9811669578
Garden, New Delhi,
Delhi 110027
3. TDI Mall Vishal Cinema Rd, 011-45578637
Shivaji Place, Vishal Satish Sharma 9899423584 Gurvinder.singh@cannesin
Enclave, Rajouri Sh. Gurvinder Singh
Garden, New Delhi, 9810135031
Delhi 110027
4. Shoppers Stop Block J, Rajouri 098108 28533
Garden Extension,
Rajouri Garden, New
Delhi, Delhi 110027
5. RCUBE Monad Rajouri Garden 088510 60706
Extension, Rajouri JItender
Garden, New Delhi, 7838996633
Delhi 110027
6. Moment mall Patel Road Next to 01141531117 khemchand@momentmall.
Kirti Nagar Metro Prateet com
Station, New Delhi, Vothue(MANAGER)
Delhi 110015 9970901666
Inder Singh (security
7. TDI PARAGON Rajouri Garden, Delhi Manoj kumar Sumit.kumar@cannesindia
- 110027, Near 011-47543128 .net
Shivaji Place (Map) Satish Sharma 9899423584 Gurvinder.singh@cannesin
Sh. Gurvinder Singh

8. Pacific mall Subhash Nagar Delhi 011 4090 3000 Operation1.ppg@pacificin

NCR 110018 VipinJaiswal (Incharge)
9999393230 Operation2.ppg@pacificin
Ajay Kapoor (9650097015)
9 ARSS Mall Friends Tower, A 2B Sh. Anil Nandal (Manager)
Block, Paschim 8826794444
Vihar, New Delhi, Sh. Yogesh Sharma
Delhi 110063 (Security Incharge)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)



S. Chhath Ghat Allotted for inspection Name of Chhath Contact No. of Sub-
no. Pooja Samiti concerned Division
1. 12 Block, Indira Colony Chhatt Pooja Not mentioned Not mentioned
Samiti, Near DDA Market, Indira Colony,
12 Block, Tilak Nagar
2. G-Block Tilak Nagar Jai Bharat Jai Sh. Umesh Singh,
Purvanchl Dharmik 9716423333
Chhath Pooja Samiti
3. Indira Camp No. 4, New Krishna Park, Indira Camp No. 4, Sh. Kishan Sharma,,
Tilak Nagar, New Delhi Chhath Pooja Samiti 8800184995
4. Kamla Nehru Camp near UGR, Moti Chhath Pooja Ghat Not mentioned Patel
Nagar Nagar
5. Chhath at D-58, Rama Road Chhath Pooja Ghat Not mentioned
6 Chuna Bhatti Park, NDPL, Moti Nagar Chhath Pooja Ghat Not mentioned
7. Desi Sharab Thekha behind Kala Nehru Chhath Pooja Ghat Not mentioned
Camp near Rilway line, Moti Nagar
8. Prem Nagar, Patel Nagar Not mentioned Not mentioned
9. Chhath Ghat at Karampura Complex Chhath Pooja Ghat Not mentioned
10. Choukhandi, Rajouri Garden Chhath Pooja Ghat Not mentioned
11. R-Block, Raghubir Nagar, Not mentioned Sh. Manoj Tayer,
12. 12.5 Gaj, R-Block, Raghubir Nagar Not mentioned Sh. Manoj Tayer,
13. N.N-143B, Vishnu Garden Surya Narain Chhath Parshuram Prasad
Pooja Purvanchal (9911324297)
14 Purvanchal Samay Samaj Chhat Pooja Not mentioned Ramesh Chaudhary
Smithi Delhi, (9810493450)
15. Shree-108, Purvanchal Mithila Pooja Not mentioned Shambhu kumar
Smithi chowkhandi chowk, tilak nagar, (9873031517)
behind chowkhandi gurudwara
16. E-Block, Vishnu Garden, Khyala, Bihari Not mentioned Sh. Dhananjay
Mandir (8882403246)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

S. Chhath Ghat Allotted for inspection Name of Chhath Contact No. of Sub-
no. Pooja Samiti concerned member Division
1. 10/67, Kirti Nagar, Moti Nagar Chhath Pooja Ghat Not mentioned
2. Jheel Wala Park, Fateh Nagar Not mentioned Hon’ble MLA, Sh.
Jagdeep Singh,
3. Pili Kothi, Hari Nagar Chhath Pooja Ghat Hon’ble MLA Sh.
Jagdeep Singh, Rajouri
9810247071 Garden
4. DMS Colony, Hari Nagar Chhath Pooja Ghat Hon’ble MLA Sh.
Jagdeep Singh,
5. Press Colony, Hari Nagar Chhath Pooja Ghat Hon’ble MLA Sh.
Jagdeep Singh,
6. Furniture Block Park,Kirti Nagar Chhath Pooja Ghat Sh. Mukesh & Sh.
Devesh ,
7. Chunna Bhatii Kirti Nagar Chhath Pooja Sh. Prem,

8. Jawahar Camp A-1/37 Chhath Pooja Sh. Prem,


9. 5135, DDA Land Kirti Nagar Chhath Pooja Sh. Gauri Shanker,
10. Purvanchal Madali Chhat Pooja Smithi F- Not mentioned Kailash
102,Park Mayapuri-II (8468960467)

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

S. Chhath Ghat Allotted for inspection Name of Chhath Pooja Contact No. of Sub-
no. Samiti concerned member Divisio
1. F-6, Block Laxmi Park, Nangloi Not mentioned Not mentioned
2. Talab Park Budh Bazar Kunwar Singh Nagar Sh. Arjun Kumar
Purvanchal Chhath Pooja Singh, Mob-
Samiti 9811658260
3. H-2,Block Kunwar Singh Nagar Kunwar Singh Nagar, RWA Sh. Shiv Shankar Singh
Chhath Pooja Samiti (Number N/A)
4. Agriculture Nala, Chanchal Park RWA Chanchal Park, Sh. N. M. Jha, Mob-
Chhath Pooja Samiti 9811188981
5. Brahampuri Colony, Ranhola Jai Kalyan Chhath Pooja Sh. Chanchal Kumar,
Samiit 9918803656
6. RWA Brahmpuri Ranhola Vihar Brahampur Ranhaula Vihar Sh. Dinesh Rai
RWA Chhath Pooja Samiti (number not
mentioned) Punjab
7. Laxmi Park, Ranhaula Extn. Phase-I, Swabhiman Jan Kalyan Sh. Ketanf Singh, i Bagh
Nangloi Samiti 9910576736
8. H. No. 50, Ranhaula Extnsion, Main Ranhula Extension Chhath Sh. Chitrsen,
Najafgarh Road, New Delhi-41 (near Pooja Samiti 8470070038
Hanuman mandir)
9. 42-A, Gali No.1, Near Water Plant , IG Sadbhawna Jankalyaan Sh. Ram Saran Yadav,
Colony, Kunwar Singh Nagar Extension, Chhath Pooja Samiti RWA 9810681265
10. RZ-23A, Laxmi Park, Saini Colony, Shri Chhath Pooja Jansewa Sh. Anil Jha ,
Nangloi Trust 9811785849
11. Bhim Nagar, Subzi Market, Near Not mentioned Sh. Surjeet Mishra,
Nangloi Bus Depot 9958080967
12. DDA Land Near, F-Block Not mentioned Sh. Vinod Poswal,
Transformer,Nihal Vihar 8851261359
13. Bhagwati Vihar Sarovar Park, Madipur Not mentioned Not mentioned

14. K Block, Nihal Vihar Not mentioned Not mentioned

15. C-Block, Rajender Vatika , Nihal Vihar Not mentioned Not mentioned
16. RWA IG Colony Kunwar Singh Rana Sh. Ashok Kumar
17. A-2, Block, Jai Vihar Chhath Pooja Asheervad Sh. Vijay Kumar,
Samiti 9891208817
18. Kotla Vihar Ph-2 Poorvanchai 44.Dharmik Sh. Vidya Bhushan
Chhath Pooja Samiti Singh, 9811709531
19. Chanchal Park Colony, Gaon Sabha Chhath Pooja Samiti Sh. Pawan Yadav,
Land 9899064253
20. 6 Gali No.09, D-Block Harphool Singh, Purvanchal Chhath Pooja Sh. Vishwkarma,
Jai Vihar Samiti Harphool Vihar 9898026842
21. Jai Vihar Fouji Farm House F-2/229, Jai Ashirwad Chhath Pooja Sh. Uma Shanker
Vihar Phase-I, Nangloi, New Delhi- Sewa Samiti Sharma,
110063 9873747303
22. Plot No.338, Jai Vihar Phase-03, Parshuram Chhath Pooja Sh. D.R. Pal,

District Disaster Management Plan (West)
Harphool Vihar Baprola, New Delhi- Samiti 9711038030
23. Nihal Vihar Pul Fire Station Chhath Pooja, Kalyan Vihar Sh. Lallan Mishra,
24. Kotla Vihar Ph-I, Vill. Tilangpur, Kotla Kotla Vihar residents Sh. Rajesh Kumar
Nangloi welfare association Mishra, 9811759688
25. C-11, Suvidha Enclave Baprola Surya Dev Chhath Pooja Sh. Rama Shankar,
Samiti 8750569187
26. Jai Vihar Shiv Shakti Chhath Pooja Sh. Sudhir,
Samiti 8700673881
27. Kotla Vihar Ph-I,Near Pump House Vill. Not mentioned Not mentioned
Tilangpur, Kotla Nangloi
28. C-Block, Jai Vihar Not mentioned Not mentioned
29. Chanchal Park, Part-I Not mentioned Not mentioned
30. A-Block Bakkarwala Not mentioned Not mentioned
31. Ram Leela Ground, Rishal Garden, Jan Kalyan Samiti Sh. Hari Shankar
Safipurranhaula, Najafgarh Road, Sharma, 9311668091
32. Plot No.-50, Ranholla Ext. Main Not mentioned Not mentioned
Najafgarh Road
33. Dusshera Ground, PVC Market, RZ-23- Not mentioned Not mentioned
A, Laxmi Park, Saini colony, Nangloi
34. Gali No.-17, Baprola Vihar Not mentioned Not mentioned
35. B-Block, Gali No.17, Solanki Enclave, Not mentioned Not mentioned
Baprola Vihar, New Delhi
36. H.No.29A, Bhrampur Ranholla Ext. Not mentioned Not mentioned
Nangloi, New Delhi-110041
37. Chhath Ghat at Shiv Ram Park Behind Not mentioned Not mentioned
Lucky Garden
38. Chhath Ghat at Left Bank of Not mentioned Not mentioned
Supplementary Drain At RD-3277, Om
Near Tilang Pur Kotla(Phase-II)
39. 1.Sonia Camp BG 6, Paschim Vihar Not mentioned Not mentioned
40. Rajeev Gandhi Camp BG-6, Paschim Not mentioned Not mentioned
41. Bhagat Singh Camp, Paschim Puri pkt.1 Not mentioned Not mentioned
42. Krishi Niketan, A-6, Paschim Vihar Not mentioned Not mentioned
43. A-495, Jwala Puri, Sunder Vihar Kailash Chhath Pooja and Sh. Kailash Prasad
Ramlila Samiti ,Mob-9871855454

District Disaster Management Plan (West)
44. J-Block, Adhyapak Nagar,Nangloi Chhath Pooja Samiti Santan Sh. Suresh Kumar
Dharam Mandir Singh, Mob-

45. A-19, Sukkar Road, Chanchal Park Part- Not mentioned Not mentioned
I, Main Bakkarwala Road

46. RWA Chanchal Park Not mentioned Not mentioned

47. Meerabagh Cluster Not mentioned Not mentioned

48. Gram Sabha Land Amar colony, Phase-3 Not Mentioned Not Mentioned
Neaqr W.T.P of Delhi Sukhi Nahar

49. PVC Market behind GH-12 Jwala Puri Not Mentioned Not mentioned

District Disaster Management Plan (West)
50. Police Enclave Chanchal Park Chhat Pooja Smithi Tribhuvan Jha

51. B-25 IG Colony, Kunwar Not mentioned Not mentioned

Singh Nagar Ext. Part-2 Nangloi

52. Near Kali Mata Mandir, A- Block, Gali Not mentioned Not mentioned
No-8 Baprola

53. Jheel Park Madipur

Surya Brat Chhath Pooja Sh. Ashok Kumar

Samiti, Madipur Colony Shah, 9266773745

54. G-Block Jai Vihar

Chhath Pooja Samiti, G- Sh. Haresh Sharma,

Block 9810571732

District Disaster Management Plan (West)



S.No. Location
1. Park Hospital Junction (Patel Chowk to Subhash Nagar Drain)
2. Zakhira under Pass
3. Zakhira Red Light, Anand Parbat
4. Near Nangloi Railway Metro Station
5. Rajdhani Park Metro Station to Swarn Park
6. Mundka Phirni Road (Pillar no 497 to 548)
7. Hari Nagar Clock Tower to Mayapuri
8. Road No 32, Near Beriwala Bagh
9. Rajouri Garden Main Market
10. Near Tagore Garden Metro Station
11. Mayapuri Chowk
12. Service Road, Rajouri Garden, Near Decode Bar
13. Rajouri Apartments, Press Colony
14. Near Shadipur Metro Station
15. Near Ghodewala Mnadir
16. Raja Garden Chowk
17. Tilak Nagar
18. Subhash Nagar metro Station to Ganesh Nagar, Najafgarh Road
19. Vedic Marg Road
20. Nangloi Najafgarh Road
21. NH-10 (Delhi Rohtak road) Nangloi
22. NH-10 (Delhi Rohtak road) Punjabi Bagh
23. Rajdhani Park, Rohtak Road
24. Mundka, Rohtak Road
25. Ghevra Kanjhawala
26. Rajouri Apartment Road
27. Shakti Mandir Marg
28. Tilak Nagar
29. P.S. Tilak Nagar
30. Guru Harikrishan Nagar
31. Zakhira
32. Najafgarh Road
33. Mangal Pandey Marg
34. Shaheed Mangal Pandey Marg
35. Goswami Tulsidas Marg Road No.32

District Disaster Management Plan (West)

District West with Neighbour Villages

CALL 1077 / 25170142, 25195529


A Prepared Community is a Safe Community


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