Sources of Law Notes
Sources of Law Notes
Sources of Law Notes
Holy Quran:
It is the primary source of Islamic Law and is independent of all other sources.
It is the Divine, eternal and complete word of Allah which is a source of guidance,
for all Muslims.
The Quranic Law deals with beliefs, morality, worship, civil transactions,
punishment for injury to human body, property and honour e.t.c.
“This is the book in it is guidance sure without doubt to those who fear Allah”
The injunctions of the Quran are the basis of the Islamic Shariah and the sacred
laws of islam.
This law is perfect and comprehensive. It governs all the actions of a Muslim. It is
eternal, everlasting and unchangeable.
Laws given in the Quran are humanistic in nature, in that they provide for a
margin of error due to the weakness of human nature.
“For other vices Allah says: “You who believe strong drink and
games of chances and idols and divining arrows are only an
infamy of satan’s hand work. Leave it aside in order that you may
“Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans eat up the fire
into their own bodies”
“We ordained there in for them life for life, eye for eye, nose for
nose , ear for ear, tooth for tooth, wound for wound , equal for
It is the second and primary source of Islamic Law.
Sunnah means the sayings, actions or silent approvals of the Prophet (P.b.u.h).
Sunnah of the Prophet is not only an elaboration of the meaning of the Quran, but
also addresses issues upon which Quran is silent. As the Muslim community
grew, need was felt to supplement the Quran with Sunnah.
The Quran itself mentioned the need to resort to Sunnah in particular situations
by saying:
This was explained by the Prophet as he himself said: “Pray as you have seen me
Similarly Quran enjoins the Muslims to pay Zakat but it doesn’t explain the rate of
the Zakat or how many times in a year a person should pay Zakat, all this was
explained by the Prophet as he said:
It is the third and secondary source of Islamic Law. Its meaning is unanimous
“O you who believe, obey Allah, and Obey His messenger and
those charged with duty amongst you”
However it must be noted that to perform Ijma, the legal experts must have
complete knowledge of Quran and Sunnah, because Ijma of modern experts cant
go against the teachings of Quran and Sunnah.
They should also have in depth knowlwdge about the previously performed Ijmas
and also of the new problemundr consideration.
Battle Of Trench: He had the trench dug around Madina on the suggestions of
Sulman Al Farsi.
He once said ”My companions are like stars those who follow them get guidance”
During Hazrat Usman’s Caliphate it was decided by the experts to have two calls
for prayers on Fridays.
Trawih Prayer:
The Prophet prayed trawih only 3 or 4 times in congregation in his life time. It was
later during the caliphate of Hazrat Umer that the system of congregation of
Trawih was added after Isha prayer during Ramazan.
It is the fourth source of Islamic Law.It is the legal method of deducing one
principle from another by comparing them together.
It can only be performed when both Quran and Sunnah are silent on a particular
issue and even no Ijma is performed earlier.The purpose of Qiyas is to fascilitate
Muslims to fashion their lives according to Islam in the modern world.
Permission of its use is found in the famous dialogue between the Prophet
(P.b.u.h) and Muadh bin Jabal when he was appointed governer of Yemen. The
Holy Prophet allowed him to exercise his own opinion if he had failed in finding a
solution, to some problem in Quran and Sunnah.
“Marry women of your choice, two or three or four, but if you fear
you shall not be able to do justice then only one”
Here the second clause (but if you fear..) allows for humans to apply their own
reasoning and choose for what suits them best but within the limits defined by
Components Of Qiyas:
Asl: The actual injunction in Quran and Sunnah.
The Quran forbids sales transactions after the call of prayer on Friday (Asl). By
analogy /Qiyas all kinds of transactions (Far) have been forbidden (hukm)
because like sales they also distract Muslims from the Friday Prayers (Illa).
The Holy Quran forbids the use of Khamr (an alcohol of grapes) (Asl). By Qiyas
(analogy, heroin and other intoxiacnts (Far) are also because like Khamr they also
cause intoxication. However, since it involves a lot of individual effort, it is
sometimes not encouraged by some scholars.
“O ye who believe! Put not your selves forward before God and his
Thus some scholars claim that Qiyas means” putting yourself forward”
Analogy leads to discord among the Muslims, because it doesn’t lead to exactly
the same opinions where different jurists are exercising it and what leads to
differences should be stopped. Thus due to the varying and conflicting answers
that can be given it is rejected by some scholars.